#im sure someone else has already thought of this before bc murder boyfriends is a popular au but the thought hit me and i wanted to share
Murder Boyfriends AU, but Akira's initial intention is to get Akechi out of the situation he's in because he thinks if they're allies Akechi is more likely to listen to him and if he gets to know Akechi's boss and Akechi's world close up he'll have a better chance of strategizing a way out. Instead he ends up slowly being corrupted (learning Akechi's boss is Shido is a huge stepping stone toward that) and he eventually completely loses sight of his original goal and he and Akechi become unstoppable allies. Akira meets Akechi way earlier than in canon and abandons the Phantom Thieves just after Kamoshida, but they continue to target Madarame and everyone else without him, and the Phantom Thieves have to save them both.
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dekuscrybaby · 5 years
Could I request a super shy reader asking out Bakugou ? Scenario or hcs ! Whichever you like ! She’s like super nervous and just ends up going on a rant on why she likes him and asks him out and he just blushes and says yes . I hope that’s not too specific or something >.
y’all be giving me too much freedom, like tell me to choose one format over another and you will end up getting both because that’s just the type of clown that i am! also, i’ll kinda be loosely basing this on me because i’m pretty shy myself, but i’ll keep it as general as possible! also pls my friend, i have none so feel free to privately message me or we can chat through asks i don’t mind 😌 also, i think i went a little overboard with the “scenario” but i’m not all that sorry bc i love my feral bby but also the scenario is kinda booty so sorry about that
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(ps this is literally bakugou as you confess/rant to him)
out of the billions of people you could’ve had a crush on, your heart probably chose the worst person
bakugou katsuki, a very angry gremlin if you please
and i’m not saying that bakugou is ugly or anything
it’s the complete opposite actually, hence why you have a crush on him
bakugou’s physical appearance is far from ugly, he’s hands-down one of prettiest boys in your class
that being said, his personality can be considered an acquired taste
as kaminari once said his personality is comparable to “flaming hot garbage”
but that didn’t stop you from liking blasty boy
your friends know about your crush bc it’s just obvious to them and pretty much everyone else (except bakugou)
you’re always asked “what is there to like about bakugou?”
well, what isn’t there to like?
his ash-blonde hair always looks so soft, you just want to run your fingers through it
his eyes are just so beautiful and you want nothing more than to stare into those ruby orbs for hours and hours
his physique is just so amazing and let’s not get you started on how bad you want his muscular arms to wrap around you
and his thighs? phew, please! is it getting hot in here or what?
answer: it is getting hot and by that i mean your face has lit up all shades of red
confessing to crushes is usually hard regardless of how confident a person is but it’s even harder for you because you’re the shyest person in class a
you’re so shy that you’re just known for your blushy cheeks which turn even redder when you’re in the presence of lord explosion murder
you probably even struggle to get a full sentence in when you’re “talking” to him
you guys know how izuku stutters right? well you’re worse than that
you just have the FATTEST crush on this blonde douchebag
so what do your friends do about this crush?
they do what all friends do for their introverted friends with a huge crush on a huge ass extrovert
put you on the spot
*insert your shy ass mentally screeching*
to be fair, you’ve been crushing on bakugou since like the beginning of the school year
something has to happen before your entire class just decides to scream at bakugou about your very clear crush on him
for the sake of a chaotic confession, i’m gonna say that you’re apart of the bakusquad with mina being your best friend
and mina being mina, she’s SICK of your shit and wants you to tell katsuki how you feel
so what does she do?
she shoves you into the janitor’s closet with bakugou
will not let you out until you spill everything
“hey! raccoon eyes! you better let us out before i fucking explode your ass!” bakugou growled as he pounded on the metal door, obviously he was caught off guard. he was just walking back to class with you and your guys’ friends before mina’s crazy-ass pulled you back and shoved you into a small room.
“not until y/n fesses up!” mina shouted back, pulling on the door handle with all her might. she’s doing this for you, it’ll only help you and bakugou, it’s a mantra mina keeps going over in her head. hopefully, a mantra that will prevent her from being killed by the furious blonde.
“what the hell do you mean fesses up?” the blonde bellows out, still pounding at the door.
as they’re screaming and cursing at each other, you have your face hidden away in the sleeves of your school jacket. your face is the reddest it’s ever been and your mind has never spilled this many thoughts until now. your brain is so overwhelmed that there is practically no filter between your brain and your mouth so at this point you’re babbling on endlessly.
it’s not very loud, probably only loud enough for it to be heard in the small room you’re currently in, but that’s where the problem lies.you’re babbling on and on about your huge crush while he is in the same cramped up room as you are. to make matters worse, you guys are completely alone.
“what do i do now? i’m completely alone with the hottest guy in not just the class but probably even school. is mina really not gonna let us out until i tell him i like him? i mean she can’t keep us in here for too long, right? of course not! class is bound to start soon and she has to go to class. plus she has to let us out before mr. aizawa comes to look for us or something. then again, me confessing can’t go that bad. i mean what’s the worst that can happen? well, if i do end up confessing, then there’s a high chance that bakugou might not even like me back and then everything will be super awkward. he prob-”
you probably would’ve continued to rant on if it weren’t for bakugou’s rough voice pulling you out of your verbal thoughts, “what the hell are you going on about?”
you snapped your head up in the direction of your voice, “huh?”
“you heard me, rosy-cheeks. what are you going on about?” he questioned with a quirked eyebrow.
“r-r-rosy-cheeks?” the new nickname just made even more blood rush onto your already blushed cheeks.
bakugou rolled his eyes a bit, “yes, rosy-cheeks. your cheeks are always red so it suits you.”
“oh! uh, thanks i guess?” you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, not knowing how to respond to the slight compliment you received from your crush.
a quiet snicker could be heard from the opposite side of the door and that ended up provoking bakugou’s short temper.
“fucking let us out, you used tampon!” he began to yell again. (i couldn’t think of any other nicknames)
“i said i wasn’t letting you out until ms. rosy-cheeks confesses!” mina retorts, matching the level of intensity of katsuki’s voice.
“huh? and what should she be confessing?”
“i don’t know, bakugou, maybe you should ask her instead!” now it was bakugou’s turn to snap his head towards you.
“spill, y/l/n.” he said, his voice much softer than it was a few seconds ago.
“w-what?” you stuttered.
“the faster you tell me whatever mina wants you to tell me, the faster we can get out of here,” he grumbled as you began twiddling with your fingers.
“i-i can’t.”
bakugou sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “what do you mean you can’t?”
“i just can’t, bakugou.” you whimpered quietly.
“y/n, class is going to start again in less than ten minutes and i don’t know about you, but i don’t want to be held up after class by aizawa.”
“i’d rather be held up later than tell you,” you wrapped your arms around yourself, fearing that you’d make him upset.
“goddamnit, y/n! just tell me! it can’t be that hard!” he raises his voice and ultimately, this causes something in you to snap.
“okay, okay! i like you, okay? i’ve liked you for so long that it’s actually embarrassing. it’s just that you’re so cute and something about you just has my heart beating out of my chest. i always feel short of breath and lightheaded when i’m around you and i can’t do anything about it. you’re also so so smart and im actually jealous.” you drew in a quick breath before continuing.
“sure, you might not have the best personality ever according to others but i still find your ‘garbage-like’ personality drawing me into you. do you know how many times people come up to me asking why the hell i like you? it’s quite a shocker for them to hear that i basically like everything about you.”
“i like your spiky blonde hair that is probably super soft. i like your eyes that are the most beautiful shade of red and i always find myself lost in them whenever i look into them for even the briefest moments. i like how passionate you are about your goals and i like how you give your all to reach them. you’re just so amazing and i always find myself wanting to confess to you, hoping that you might feel the same way. i would just absolutely love to call you my boyfriend, you know?”
you finally concluded your rant after what felt like an eternity and for some reason, you forgot about the situation at hand. once you realized that you actually said everything out loud, you felt your entire body heat up. this has to be a dream. or maybe someone used their quirk and caused you to say all of that. not missing a single beat, you glanced up at bakugou, only to find him the same position as you. cheeks and even ears, a bright red that could easily rival midoriya’s sneakers.
“i-i-i, uhh…”
“tch,” bakugou interrupted what could’ve started another rant. “you could’ve just said so earlier.”
“what?” you stared at him with a gaped expression as his cheeks heated up even more,
“i’m just saying, you would’ve said this earlier…then maybe i would’ve been your boyfriend already,” bakugou mumbled as one of his sweaty palms, cradled the back of his neck.
“a-are you serious?”
“do i look like a liar to you, rosy-cheeks?”
“well, uh, no?”
“damn right. now let’s get to class, i’m pretty sure raccoon eyes heard the entirety of your rant and if she reacted anything like me, then she should be satisfied.”
you were still too shocked to properly digest what just happened that you for some reason didn’t feel bakugou take your hand to lead you out of the janitor’s closet. after you walked out with him, you turned your head and noticed mina grinning at you, congratulating you on what was your new relationship with the boy you’ve been pining over for ages.
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aaronhart93 · 4 years
text || alison & aaron
Discord text thread featuring: aaron & @alison-haynes
When: december 16
Mentions: @quentindelancret​ @ronnieroy @wtf-eden @lemonkiaiyo
Description: aaron spills his guts about quentin to alison and alison asks aaron for advice about lemon 
TW: -
I know you’re spending the night Christmas Eve, so we can do Christmas morning together. Do you want to stay for Christmas dinner? Or are you heading to your moms?
maybe I’ll ask my mom and Ireland to your place?
by the way. Eden and Ronnie are staying with me for a bit. Just so you know who’s here when Des is here. Ronnie’s apartment was broken into and Eden needs some space from her boyfriend
yes, that’s fine with me! I’d love to have them here.
I love Eden and Ronnie. Thanks for letting me know though. Are they both doing okay?
Ronnie is shaken up and Eden is just stressed. I think it’s good for them to be together though lol they’re something else when they’re together
Well they are lucky to have you helping them out
I have another thing to tell you
like get off my chest
don’t judge me plz
oh boy
go for it
so I um
remember when I told you about Quentin and how I wanted him to meet Des and you told me to figure out how I feel about him
it unfortunately hit me up side the head after the holiday party. I know he’s in love with me and I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him. Thing is...last night I took him out for his birthday at throuple. Some of our friends were there including Roman and I snuck off to get drunk and flirt with Roman AT Q’S BDAY PARTY. And I feel soooo terrible about it
*ugh emoji*
if you’re in love with him, do you want it to turn into something,
hey I told you you couldn’t judge me
I’m not sure.
no I like being single
I’m not judging
How do you love someone and not want to do something about it?
a lot of reasons
I love my freedom and being single
and I don’t want to hurt him. I think it might be better for us to just stay the way we are and not put any restrictive label on it
I don’t know. If I loved someone, i think it’d probably hurt more to not be together.
but it’s a relationship between you guys, you know what’s best for your two
i don’t know. But I haven’t exactly told him how I feel
and at the holiday party...we were getting really intimate. Like. We’ve had sex before obviously but it felt so much more intense this time
and then I pushed him off of me like a dick because I couldn’t handle it
are you going to tell him how you feel?
Yikes...that’s tough. Have you been intimate with him since?
if you count drunk sex as intimacy then yes
and no. i mean...i dont know...if i do things will change with us
I feel like things are going to change either way
with what happened at the holiday party, I feel like that could happen again. If you love him, sex is going to be intense and what if you just can’t have sex with him anymore?  Maybe if your feelings are out there it will make things easier
i cant imagine a world where i can't have sex with him lmao
well it’s happened once before, it could just get more intense
just trying to be honest with you
i know
thats why im coming to you with this
ultimately it’s your decision, I just feel like if your feelings are on the table it might be better.
im afraid of admitting that to him though
are you afraid of it destroying everything? Or afraid of what might come of it?
I think you should think about it. Like truly think about it. Telling him might have a better outcome than you think it will
ugh okay i hear you
doesnt mean im gonan do it though
at least think about it
i hear you, respectfully disagree, but hear you
you were scared to start a relationship with Eden when that started up, and that went well. So just remember, relationships aren’t terrible.
it went well bc we acted more like best friends than lovers
think about it
but you're right it wasn't a terrible relationship
ellie is gonna take Des to piano today btw. am i picking her up or are you
I can pick her up
also can we talk about that weather on Sunday? Did you know it was supposed to snow?
no clue
hope you stayed warm lmfao
I did
I was not expecting to be locked in all day on my birthday though
yeah but im sure you loved an excuse to stay in
im just glad the babysitter was able to keep Des for longer
It was a nice day for sure. Best birthday I’ve had in a while
I thought the same thing about the twins. I was stresssing over the thought of the nanny bringing them home in the storm
im glad they're okay
were you alone....or
no I wasn’t alone
Lemon wanted to walk me home from the party, and when we got back I invited him up for coffee and we just talked.....and talked and talked. Next thing I knew it was morning and we were snowed in together
ya'll had cofffffeeeeeeee after a party at a bar?? lmao
yes yes we did
no judgement Aaron
No judgement
just a questionnnnnn
it was a great cup of coffee
but speaking about lemon, I need your advice on something
hahaha okay hit me!!
1. Do you think I should make a move and ask him to maybe be official? Or should I wait to see if he makes that move?
2. I should keep Christmas gifts for him not too crazy, right? You know I love to spoil people at Christmas
you just met this man like two weeks ago. Less than that. Are you sure you’ve gotten to know him well enough to make it official? What if hes like a murdered or something?
definitely don’t make it crazy. Especially since you’re well off and he’s not. But you could probably buy him some nice things!!
Alison.BOTToday at 3:00 PM
Has it really only been a couple weeks? It feels like it has been longer than that. I can’t explain it Aaron, but something feels right about him. Like, there is something there that I didn’t even feel with the twins father. I know it’s fast, but I just have these feelings that I know I won’t be able to shake anytime soon. Also, he’s too sweet to be a murderer so I’ve ruled that option out. Plus, the world already thinks we’re together, someone shared a photo online of us kissing at the holiday party and paps caught lemon coming into my pent that night
I’m struggling to come up with good ideas for him. I’ve written something for him, and he was telling me about this flower from his native island,  I was thinking about doing research and trying to get him some of those flowers. Is that weird? It’s probably weird.
I don’t want to weird him out
okay well you can't really fairly compare him to the twins' father. he sucks. for like 2345 different reasons. so that not really a great comparison. the pap photos don't surprise me though. have u talked to him about that? like...ngl getting papped for being alison haynes' life takes a lot of getting used to. even for me, and i already had some exposure with rich kids. what did you write for him???? i wanna hear. i think the song and the flower would suffice as a christmas gift, especially considering he might make something for you too ya know?? the flower thing isnt weird, it's really really thoughtful.
but I didn’t think he was a tool when I dated him. I thought he was the person I’d spend my entire life with. We all know the truth behind him now. But there is just something I feel for Lemon that I need to explore. We talked a little bit about it at the holiday party after he kissed me, but I did text him today about all of it. Because we’re trending on Twitter. I told him I’d make a public statement and shut it down if that is what he wants. But I’m waiting to hear back from him. I really hope it doesn’t scare him off, but I do know we need to talk about it because it is a lot. I haven’t recorded it yet, but I’ll play it for you next time I see you. You think so? I just don’t want to seem weird.
i think you need to see how he feels about that honestly...because that could be a big thing for him. especially since he grew up so modestly...hes so not used to that
the flower is probably way more thoughtful of a gift that i would ever think of
I know. Of course I am going to talk to him about it before I do anything crazy. I'm just nervous it's too much, its too much for a lot of people.
it is, yeah. but i really hope it works out
im gonna have to have a stern talking to him though
i do too
oh boy, not the big bad aaron stern talk
tell him to be afraid lmao
i'll warn him
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3norachas · 5 years
wrong send • bang chan (I)
pair: bang chan x reader
genre: college au, friends to lovers, fake dating, fluff, suggestive no smut tho uwu, a little angst, bullet point scenario
warnings: suggestive it’s just making out sjabdka
“In which Y/n was supposed to send her best friend, Lee Minho, a porn link for scientific purposes but accidentally sent it to her neighbor, Bang Chan.”
masterlist     (a/n: sike ya bitch I’m too excited to wait for 6 pm so here you go hnng gotta cut it halfway bc tumblr can’t handle this masterpiece hnnghgn anyway sorry this took too long ive been procrastinating and i still had irremediable and unforeseen to deal with hhnghgn but pls don’t be afraid to request huehuehue and im sorry if my style of writing in bullet point format is similar to some writers hgnfhgng i’ve read some of these types of writing and it stuck with me so im very sorry :((( )
taglist: @cahtastrophie @anxietyishell
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you and minho were close
you grew up together
learned to walk together
bath together when you were babies of course :))
bully and judge people together
basically everything
you studied in the same school and were inseparable since birth
it was like two puzzle together
when you need help with love minho is there to watch over you he scares all of them but u dont need to know that oof
when minho’s in trouble you’re there for him even if it’s bailing him out of jail dont ask why
you even watch porn together  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
but that’s all platonic!!!
the two of you tried dating and were each other’s first kiss
but it didn’t really work out for the both of you
it was too awkward
so you decided that you were better off as friends
but that didn’t stop the two of you to be close huehuehue
y’all still cuddle like kids and personal space never existed between the two of you
that stayed until college
everyone legit thought the two of you were dating but—
“me and minho??”, “me and y/n??”
and you’d both send each other a playful glare
“ew no”
so when minho asked you to send him some link to a gay porn website
you didn’t even bat an eye
so here you are
about to send some porn link for minho’s entertainment and prob for his minho junior ;)))
“here’s the link you bitch”
and there you go
but what weirded u out tho is when minho didn’t reply immediately
he’s always fast when it comes to your texts or calls
but then you thought maybe he couldn’t wait anymore and is busy fucking or whatever
so imagine your shock when u received a text with multiple question marks 
“hello to you too but what is this for?”
it was bang chan
bang motherfucking chan
The Bang Chan™
the one with grades higher than your height
the athlete who joins a lot of sports but eats like he hasn’t for weeks
the one who sits in front of you and asks for pencils every now and then
and has more girls than you have friends
“is this porn?”
“oh wait”
“it is porn”
you threw your phone away from you, burying your face on the pillow to sulk in embarrassment
out of all people it just had to be him ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
your phone rang with the ring tone minho had set for himself let’s all assume it’s a sexy song
“hoe where’s the link”
“i think i did something terrible”
“wouldn’t be your first time lmao but what is it??”
“i accidentally sent it to someone else….”
“how and who the hell did u sent it to?”
“bang chan…”
you whine while he wheezes at your misery
“just tell him it’s not for him and apologize u big baby”
“but that’s just embarrassing” o(╥﹏╥)o
“do you really want him to think that it’s for him and you’re trying to make him hard and seduce him?? what makes it worse is that it’s gay porn”
so that’s how you find yourself standing in front of the door of the apartment across yours
with shaky hands you knock on the door
it opens to reveal bang chan himself in his shirtless glory- Σ(゜ロ゜;)
(╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾) !!!!!!!
suddenly, you don’t know how to breathe don’t we all tho
hngkdb mfucking bitch has defined abs how can you function normally
how is this man comfortable with showing his abs to random people???
it doesn’t help that he still has little droplets of water on his body 
you yelp, literally, and that caused a small chuckle from chan at your cute reaction but!!!
HiS cHuCKle sOuNdED !!!!
you pinch your wrist to wake yourself up and maybe stop yourself from staring at his torso
now is not the time y/n!! ‎(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
“um- I’m- hi….”
“hi there” he smiles his dimpled smile and —*inhales*
your heart went !!!!
it took you a lot to compose yourself before you squish his cheeks in your hands
nO Y/N !!!
cOnTRol YOuRSeLf !!!
“come inside for a bit” he grins at your confused look and opened his door wider
reluctantly, you follow him inside his apartment. you weren’t surprised when u saw the mess inside, it was a small space but it wasn’t too small
what surprised you tho
there were pieces of female clothes on the floor and bed
you were confused for a moment before you finally undersstood the situation and that those clothes where female clothing
“channie who was that?”
your head whip to the bathroom door to stare at the girl is your neck ok y/n?
her eyes were wide
like this O - O
and she looks scared :00
“a-are you chan’s s/o?” she gulps before scurrying to gather her things and run pass you muttering apologies and out the door she went
you didn’t even have time to explain that you weren’t !!!
she just ran pass you !!!!
and wasn’t that mina?!?!
like The Mina™ who gets all boys huehue
“I’m sorry about her”
you hear chan sigh, now wearing a shirt
which was great bc if he stayed shirtless you might not be able to speak normally bold of u to assume that you can speak even if he’s fully clothed hhghghng
“she really think that these hook ups we have has a meaning”
you shook your head, mumbling about how it doesn’t really mind you which is a big fucking lie
if anything she may already have broadcasted it to the whole campus
“sooo why did you came here??”
chan settled on his bed with a cute curious look on his face
just then did you remembered
suddenly you’re back to phase one
you keep opening and shutting your mouth from nervousness lIKE HELLO??? HOW??? ARE YOU??? SUPPOSED TO BE CALM???
DON’T!!! BLAME!!! Y/N!!!
“i-t’s about t-the… link-”
chan chuckles and nods his head ”yeah i saw it”
sAW IT?!?!
aS iN hE wATcHeD tHe vIdEO!?!?!
chan must’ve noticed the look on your face and laughed his beautiful laugh and you felt your heart is being crushed !!!!
“no not like that! i meant that i received it yes”
stupid you
why would chan even watch it if he knows that it’s porn hhnghg maybe he did watched it ;)))
you played with the hem of your shirt. eyes casted down from embarrassment smh how many times are you going to embarrass yourself y/n hhhnghn
“p-please forget about the link”
“oh??” chan tilted his head in confusion still with his mfuckin smile
“i-it wasn’t supposed to be sent for you!!! i’m really sorry for calling you bitch too…”
chan was shookt when you bowed 360 degrees and repeatedly apologizing
so being the kind person he is he took a hold of your shoulders with a cute smile
“it’s alright, i don’t mind but…”
“does your boyfriend know???”
“boyfriend?? i’m sorry but i don’t-”
“isn’t minho your boyfriend? y’know the dance major? i’m pretty sure the link is for him, right?”
he thought you and minho??? are??? dating???
“um n-no we’re not! i mean we’re close but that’s it!”
chan released a relieved sigh and his smile came back
“that’s good, I really thought I was going to have to face him”
he lets out a breathy laugh before letting go you secretly miss his touch and heading for his kitchen
“do you want to eat before going ahead? i mean you’re literally just across my front door so??”
well who are you to say no to that :’)) 
even if it’s possible that he can murder you rn but chan?? hurt someone??
yeah keep telling that to yourself :’))
what you didn’t expect tho was for the two of you to hit it off ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
the two of you have so many things to talk about and it was never awkward and chan was literally listening to whatever bs you were rambling about
and he has such a soft look on his face when he listens to you uwu ɾ⚈▿⚈ɹ
but it wasn’t long before you have to get going bc it’s a school day tomorrow
y’all walk to college together with small talks and he walk you to your first class uwu (▰˘v˘▰)
when lunch arrived you and minho sat at the same table like usual
“soooo how did it went with chan??” minho asked with his mouth stuffed with pasta
minho deadpanned and threw one of his garlic bread at you
“i was asking about chan u dumbo”
from the grin on your face minho knew he was going to hear some good tea and drama although he insulted you for being a coward at first
“he’s hooking up with mina :000″
“is that the only thing you heard from what i just said :’<”
he was about to say something else when your junior best friend jisung came running to your table
“why didn’t you tell me!?!? i thought we were friends!?!?” (▰˘︹˘▰)
“tell you what??”
you can tell jisung was clearly offended but you didn’t know why tho 
“that you and chan are dating you traitor!" 
you and minho shared a look
"i was expecting that”
jisung look confused so you ended up explaining what happened yesterday with chan
“how did you managed to send him the porn link tho” jisung to a sad y/n, 
“and what the hell did you need the porn link for?” jisung to a flustered minho
“that’s not the point!!” (●o≧д≦)
you slump on your seat with a defeated look and just then did u noticed the look that people are sending you
automatically you hid yourself by snuggling into minho uwu u cute y/n
“oi, you can’t just snuggle into me when everyone thinks you have a boyfriend” — “but i don’t”
u look up from minho’s shoulder to see chan
"chan!!!" Σ(゜ロ゜;)
"can we talk for a moment??”
minho nudge you on the elbow, nodding as if to tell you to go ahead so you stood up and followed chan outside the cafeteria
when you’re outside chan faces you with a bothered look
“I’m so sorry for what people are saying about us I’m pretty sure it was mina she usually gossips a lot to her friends but I didn’t expect her to tell them that we’re dating just bc you came yesterday-”
chan was now rambling his apologies just like you did last night he looked cute like that btw
“it’s ok chan!! I’m sure you didn’t mean for that to happen”
chan was relieved when he heard that but he looked like he was still bothered by something
so being the sweetheart you are you asked him what it is ^~^
“can I ask you a favor??” he look uncertain so normally you were concerned
so you nod because !!!!
chan is worried !!!!
so it has to be something big !!!!
“i know this is probably going to be weird bc we just met last night and we’re not that close but-” chan look at your eyes to see if you still want him to continue so you nod at him
“c-can we please date?? but like fake dating and all?? i thought about it and it would really help me avoid those girls who wanted me in their bed and don’t worry i’ll pay you back! i swear-”
you yelped, cheeks burning bright from chan’s offer
and it didn’t help that he said please insert sad uwu :((
"i-it’s ok if you don’t want to though!! I won’t force you!!”
“i-im fine with it but why me tho??” bc you’re cute and awesome y/n (゚ヮ゚)
your cheeks became even more red than possible when chan gave you cute smile
"well, I really want to get to know you since last night and you weren’t like any girl to be honest”
you can feel your heart fluttering from his confession definitely not because he was looking at you with a fond smile and soft caring eyes hnghn
“so, are you in?" 
with your trembling weak heart you nodded, knees weakening when he beamed at you and his mother fucking cute dimples showed
you’re doomed :’))
"great! I’ll see you later then”
later?? o-O??
“um what for??”
he chuckled at your confused lil face and patted your head
“for our first date dummy”
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death-noot · 6 years
1-116 👈👈😎
lez do this 
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? kinda just confused about whether or not im making the right choice moving back home idk 
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? sure do
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? of course not 
4: Do you find it easy to trust others? most of the time yeah 
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? trying to sleep 
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? deffo my pal madi, we’ve done this multiple times
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? i honestly dont know 
8: Are you close with your dad? sure am
9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? the human i kiss is 7 hours away from me so sadly i did not. 
10: What are you listening to? tell me that i’m wrong by future jr. 
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? fk me probably like juice or somethin 
12. Do you like hickeys? yess
13: What time do you go to bed? usually about 10ish
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? nah 
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? god no 
16: Do you always answer your texts? ya 
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? nope i love her quite a bit 
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? earlier today
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? multiple people 
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?i hope we’re okay 
21: Is anyone else in the room with you? nope  
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? definitely 
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? im much happier now 
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? nah 
25: In the past week, have you cried? nope
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? kinda a navy blue 
27: Do people ever call you by your last name? yep 
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? dont think so 
29: Do you have a best friend? ye
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? depends on the context of the kisss 
31: Who was your last call from? my sister 
32: Are you mad at anyone? nope 
33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? lol yes 
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? 25 
35: How many more days until your birthday? fk like just under a year 
36: Do you have any summer plans yet? kinda  
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? not really 
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? nope 
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? nope
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? yuP
41: Do you think age matters in relationships? obviously yes like if someones in their teens but i feel like past that its not so bad 
42: Are you available? depends on what that means 
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? 2
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? nose probs 
45: Do you believe exes can be friends? ye
46: Do you regret anything? REALLY regret leaving school 
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? my girlfriend bc im gay 
48: Did you ever lose a best friend? ye
49: Was your last kiss a mistake? no
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? she’s already mine but i never wanna stop trying to impress her 
51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? nope
52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? yes jesus christ 
53: What was the last thing you ate? a schnitty 
54: Did you get any compliments today? dont think so 
55: Where are you going on your next vacation? goin to see the girly 
56: Do you own anything from other countries? yep 
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? girls 
58: Where have you lived most of your life? always lived in the same small town 
59: When was the last time you took a long drive? today 
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? nope
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? nope
62: Who do you text the most? Rach 
63: What was the last movie you saw? the happytime murders i think 
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? hopefully a lot of things
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2010? none lmfao 
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you? only by a few months 
67: Do you curse around your parents? ye
68: Are you happy with where you live? fuck no 
69. Picture of yourself? i cbf right now i’ll post one tomorrow lmao  
70. Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? monogamous, i get rly possessive lmao 
71. Have you ever been dumped? kinda 
72. What do you most like about making out? all the grabbing and lil noises   73. Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with? mhm
74. When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? the other 
75. What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? eyes 
76. Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed? rach 
77. Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? nope 
78. Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name? nope 
79. What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? rach, jesus im soft 
80. Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? probably not
81. Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? ya 
82. Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? not really 
83. Do you miss your last sweetie? what does this mean 
84. Last time you slow danced with someone? nope 
85. Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? kinda 
86. How can I win your heart? be urself, make me laugh, do nice things for me
87. What is your astrological sign? scorpio 
88. What were you doing last night at 12 AM? sleepin 
89. Do you cook? not often 
90. Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? nope
91. If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? 
92. Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? i feel like i fall into monogamy pretty quick 
93. What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? funny, kind, considerate, 
94. Name four things that you wish you had: money, full licence, money, money
95. Are you a player? nah 
96. Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? nope
97. Are you a tease? I’ve been told i can be lmao 
98. Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? i think so 
99. Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? rn  
100. Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? platonic dates sure 
101. Hugs or Kisses? b o t h 
102. Are you too shy to ask someone out? usually lmao 
103. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? how tall they are or their hair tbh 
104. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? luv it 
105. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it? tbh probably i’m a dick 
106. Do you flirt a lot? not really 
107. Your last kiss? rach 
108. Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2011? how old is this 
109. Have you kissed anyone in the past month? ye 
110. If you could kiss anyone who would it be? r a ch 
111. Do you know who you’ll kiss next? guess 
112. Does someone like you currently? u kno it 
113. Do you currently have feelings for anyone? this is so repetitive 
114. Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? relationships
115. Ever made out with just a friend? no
116. Are you happier single or in a relationship? relationship
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agentdammers · 6 years
Grand Torchwood Rewatch 1x11
content warn: pisstaking, fun having, everyone is terrible, owen harper call me its been 3 weeks and you still havent called me i’ve been home every day
- god, “anti weevil spray” is such a terrible and immensely fucking funny concept. IT’S ALIEN REPELLENT JACK. you’ve acquired Alien Repellent. do they sell that on the aisle next to the ant killer, or,
- i hate how gwen abandoning rhys at the restaurant is still kind of framed as though he’s in the wrong!!! He raises his voice because he’s such a HORRIBLE UNREASONABLE boyfriend, obviously!! “Don’t ever speak to me like that.” what do you want him to do gwen, jump for fucking joy? All you’ve done is run out on him, be totally fucking absent when you Did grace him with your presence bc you’d rather not be there, and LIE to him including bringing a total stranger into your home and claiming to him that she was a relative. And that’s only the stuff he KNOWS about, that doesn’t include fucking uhhhh Cheating On Him with your obnoxious twink coworker? Get a grip!!!!!
- continuing on the topic of gwen, she’s now obviously lost to that Torchwood Stockholm Syndrome that manages to afflict every member of the team and makes them Dumb as all Shit. once you become part of torchwood, your life becomes torchwood, and you forget how to be a reasonable fucking person outside of it and not do stupid shit like keep secret alien technology to fuck around with and seemingly forget that other people have feelings and that your actions can have damaging consequences. ....but thats just my 2p.
- angry bar dude calls owen a dickhead me: ah? i see you’ve met before?
- now, listen, this has been on my mind since 1x01, but who dresses the weevils? and why do they all wear overalls!!! is this ever addressed? in any of the books, or anything? do they ever explain who puts clothes on these animalistic creatures bc they dont seem like it would be something that they would do of their own volition???
- “If you ask me these guys are using weevils to carry out the perfect murder. No fingerprints, no traces of recognisable dna...” jack they fucking beat the dude up before they set a weevil on him. if it was a “”perfect murder”” why do some stupid bullshit like that first that would potentially cover someone in your fucking dna im shitting this Fucking Show, i tell ya
- speaking of Fucking Show: ah ! owen looks absolutely fucking plastered in foundation in the following scene in the van when gwen breaks it off with him
- Mark Lynch Wants Owen’s Butt Whole and THAT is what the kids call......... relatable content
- the “harper’s jellied eels” website bit is genuinely really good and funny it fuckin owns
- “Teeth like a shark.” jack harkness confirmed to have never seen a fucking shark in his life apparently if he thinks weevils teeth are owt like them
- anyone else fucked up that jack just let a weevil loose??? like how could you know that it wouldn’t run into some poor random person walking the streets and bite their face off.... but then again, tbqh, this is an extremely minor thing when you think of the scale of torchwood’s irresponsibility wrt Fucking Everything.
- Weevil tyler durden/mark emits horniness in fucking WAVES guys holy shit!! you could bottle it. sell this dudes aura as a humane alternative to rhino horn. Dude has now got owen home on the first date and immediately whips his shirt off, your boy is UNSTOPPABLE!!!!
- drinking game fans, TAKE A SHOT for another reference to something in the darkness
- though i will always Love jack being called out on terrible behaviour, there’s something about tosh saying “we would never deliberately put a human being through that!” to a weevil being beaten up thats like....... mmmmm i’m pretty sure yall have done Worse to people before though babe.... like, Pretty Sure...
- i can’t decide if the scene where gwen drugs & confesses to rhys is consciously showing that gwen is so fucking corrupted by Torchwood Stockholm Syndrome that she’ll go right ahead and do stupid immoral shit??? tbh i’ve grown so fond of rhys just bc i feel so bad for him, being lied to, cheated on and now, fucking roofied.
- O??? Baby Boy??? Baby???
Tumblr media
- side note: makeup artists Know burn gorman looks good with a split lip, and so they run wth it (see also: pacific rim uprising)
- Ah? Did mark touch owen’s dick before they went to weevil fight club? I Think So !!!
- To be honest the funniest aspect of weevil fight club for me, apart from all of it, is that some dudes found an alien in cardiff and their immediate thought was “woah, wicked. lets punch it”
- another side note but about mark: something about his features are very...... david zayas, like a combination of him and rufus sewell but younger and buffer. h e l l o
- owen and ianto confirmed to form their own club for Nihilistic Sad Boys Ready To Embrace Death
- LMAO WHY DOES JACK LEAVE MARK TO GET MAULED TO DEATH??? HE COULD’VE PULLED HIM OUT? HE COULD’VE SHOT THE WEEVIL AGAIN AND INCAPACITATED IT? HE COULD’VE DONE LITERALLY ANYTHING BUT HE DIDN’T, HE JUST PUT HIS GUN DOWN? god, why is he fucking l i k e  t h a t, u know??? he’s so willing to let other people outside of his own team die.
- owen sexy update: hospital owen............... sexy
- and on a final note, i do like how this episode sets up the bizarre relationship owen will have with the weevils that comes into play in s2. like its not strictly necessary i suppose because it would be explained by them perceiving owen’s unnatural living death state but also, its just kind of cool to think that it was a thing that actually existed anyway even before that.
next rewatch post with probably be a double season finale, and apart from there being time travel & the Real Jack Harkness i don’t remember a fuckin thing about how this series ended so i’m going in blind!!! wish me luck!
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hatchibomitar · 5 years
alright this has been sitting here for like a month and im tipsy so im gonna fkin answer it
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
i have a great relationship with my mom!!
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
my girlfriend 😊😊😊😊❤❤
03: Do you regret anything?
oh sure i do! lots of little things. that’s anxiety babey. but i don’t regret any choices that have got me to where i am today
04: Are you insecure?
it depends on the day, i am some of the time - but it’s a huge improvement from the past omg
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
i do Not like this question ! goodbye thot
07: What did you last eat?
salsa chicken and rice, and zucchini!!!!! and i might annihilate a pint of ice cream later
08: Played any sports?
yes omg i played soccer and lacrosse!!! i love lacrosse sm.
09: Do you bite your nails?
nope i never have! i used to rip them off though lmfao! not the whole thing!!!!! jsust bits
10: When was your last physical fight?
never lmao
11: Do you like someone?
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
no oh my goodness i would literally die
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
sober kaiden might be all dramatic and say yes but white claw kaiden says No :-)
14: Do you miss someone?
yes :( i want to be Kissed!
15: Have any pets?
yA omg i have 2 cats at my mom’s house!!!!! i cannot wait until i can have my own pet
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
i’m actually feeling fgreat, it’s basically my summer break rn and usually i’d feel terrible with no strict plans of what to do, but today was so much fun. i had a great time just fuckin around. im very optimistic
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
HEHEHE oh my gosh, i don’t kiss and tell, but yes i do actually. ok so not a public bathroom but someone else’s bathroom at a party, yes, and my own bathroom, yes, and someone else’s bathroom, yes! i just love bathrooms (wow i sound so cis)
18: Are you scared of spiders?
not especially ! i am Not good at capturing them and also i cannot kill them, but i am sometimes ok with just letting them chill. ok maybe i lied. it depends
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
no 😤
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
the brit Popped Out! the last place was, the airport when i dropped my girlfriend off :(((((
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
omg well it’s still the weeknd rn? it’s sunday night. and my plans were: d&D!!!!!! and it was SO FUN!!! but next weekend, im seeing my bestie graduate college along w my other mt friends, and then on sunday i’m driving home 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
Yes I Do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i ‘m not super sure, maybe 2? 1 would be fine too but also i feel like siblings are great, even tho they’re terrible at the same time. like i’d face my brother in ritual combat but i would also slap a high schooler in the face for being mean to him, yknow
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
i do! i have 2 closed up ear holes. 
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
i was always great great great at english/reading/spelling! now i’m in college so like uhhh . i get to choose my subjects. so my best is photography ahah!! but i’m not bad at writing :-)
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
not desperately. sometimes i feel the urge to reconnect with old friends tho
26: What are you craving right now?
a Kiss!!!!!!
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
wait omg first i have a story. so on facebook they used to have those things where you’d answer questions, like this, in a note. i got tagged to do one so i did. let me set the scene. it was sophonmore year of high schoool. im 16. i’d broken up with my first “real” boyfriend a few months ago. so i was tagged for this shindig right.? it got to this very same question: have you ever broken someone’s heart? and i thought about this kid who i dated for 2.5 months...and i was like....well, clearly, he’s devastated we aren’t together! so i answered “Yes. Unfortunately.” ooohhhhh..... the drama.......the absolute emotion..... riveting.... who was he ? i was probably listening to jonas brothers SOS at the time.
anyway, how am i supposed to actually know ? like does sometone have to say “u broke my heart?” bc if so no one’s said that. but my last gf took the breakup v hard so maybe ? but i don’t wanna plant emotions in to anyone’s skull!
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
one of my exes sexted her friends. jury is still out on whether that counts, please lmk me know ur thots. kaelin, if ur out there, i’m so.................................happy that i haven’t spoken a word to you for 3 years. fuck off !
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
30: What’s irritating you right now?
real quick, an update on the chocolate ice cream situtiaon. i��ve cracked open my pint, as well as another hard seltzer. i’ve also lit a candle. it’s a real production
anyway, no ! oh hahahah. sorry. thought it shaid who’s irritating you. ummm, personal stuff! but im not like mad. just personal drama
31: Does somebody love you?
lors of people do! and lots of people love You Too!!!!! you’re a delight!
32: What is your favourite color?
i LOVE yellow !!!!!!!!!!!! and blue, specifically teal! but not too dark of a teal you km,now ?
33: Do you have trust issues?
depends what im trusting them with !
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
i had a nightmare that i was sabrina the teenage witch and another witch was chasing me on a rooftop trying to kill me :(
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
hmmm idk actually bc it’s hbeen hard for me to cry lately :( probably maya ?
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
to be honest i don’t think i’ve often had the chance to Give a second chance
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
idk man iuhhh it’s kinda hard to just literally completely forget! and mnaybe not as healthy!
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
that’s kinda premature, it’s only april!!! but i suppose may is soon. idk im not sure! maybe every year is the best year of my life :-)
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
20 bb
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
i have ANaughT
51: Favourite food?
i would give up everything for a bgagel. i also LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEE sushi! my fave roll is i think either spicy tuna w the spicy sawce or seared salmon ora spicy tuna hand roll. i fuck sushi
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
this is a hard question for me to answer bc i want to say yes but also i don’t think abuse or murder or bad things or unnecessary death happens for any reason other thna, it just does sometimes and that sucks real bad. so idk. i don’t think everything has a grand purpose. but i blieve in my life, everything that’s happened to me has in fact led me to where i am today and i’m learning and healing and growing. that being said i could do without some of the things that have happend to me!
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
read a storm of swords :00000
54: Is cheating ever okay?
no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the point of cheating is it’s a breach of Trust! and that’s not okay!
55: Are you mean?
i hope not :(
56: How many people have you fist fought?
what is with u brits
57: Do you believe in true love?
depends what u mean by true love...like in fairytales? i think true love is just loving someone so much you’re willing to work on whatever you need to to keep them. not unconditional in the sense of “even if they’re mean i still love them” but unconditional in the sense of “even if u fart in front of me i don’t care, and even if you go through hardship and aren’t yourself for a while i will still love you because im with u for real”
58: Favourite weather?
SUN SUN SUN my favorite is when it’s warm out, but there are clouds to gaze at. it’s kinda humid. there’s a slight breeze. oh gosh i can’t wait for the summer :*( im currently cyring
59: Do you like the snow?
i am so fucking tired of the snow LMFAO it snows 8 months of the year here and i’m here, guess what, 8 months of the year! i fuckin hate it! go shit on someone else, clouds
60: Do you wanna get married?
YES more than anything, so much, i want to, so badly
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
62: What makes you happy?
sunshine, late night drives, laughing so hard my stomach hurts w/ my best frineds, playing d&d, writing poetry,  thinking about how small animals’ feets are, petting my cat and making him purr, talking to my little brother about real stuff, kissing my girlfriend and seeing her smile, warm blankets when it’s cold, eating cookie dough, dancing, singing in the car, holding hands, walking in the summer and listening to my favorite podcast, talking about harry potter with my mom, playing overwatch in the summer with andy, going to council crest
the list could go on forever :-)
63: Would you change your name?
already did PAL!!!!!!!!!!!
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
only hard bc she’s not physically here rn. but no, it would be easy, beacuse she’s so kisssable
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
if you define sex by GENITALS YOU BIG BIBNCH then i don’t Have one
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
stop omg......
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
hmmmmmmmmmm..... idk maybe jamie
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
i don’t necessarily believe that there’s 1 perfect person for everyone out there romatnically, but i believe thaere are people destined to be in your life and i believe there are people that you will click with just absolutely instantly and feel an incredibly deep connection with, whether it be romantic or not
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
kinda morbid :/
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