#im sure theres a few other motives like safety
now that we have canon confirmation that izzy wanted blackbeard/‘provoked’ ed into blackbeard because it was the only way he felt needed to ed, it was the closest he felt to ed was when they were a team and he thought that ed would discard him if he didn’t keep blackbeard alive (because he is in love with ed, not blackbeard, but he didn’t think he could have ed.) i will just block you if i see you saying izzy did it because he was power-hungry or to get his own rocks off… lol
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gogomatthew · 1 year
You’re mine
KINKTOBER DAY 2: Mutual masturbation
warnings: stalking • mutual masturbation • semi public sex • humiliation • phone sex • paranoia? • mentions of violence • let me know if I missed any •
A/N: sorry about the KTOBER delay.. this ones a little dark but ill make up with a sweet one next week! reminder english isnt my first language but feel to correct any grammar mistakes
summary: Spencer fears he is being stalked after receiving gifts from a secret admirer only to fall for her • MINORS/AGELESS BLOGS DNI 18+
“Hey whats wrong?” Morgan stops Spencer as he rushes into the BAU frantic with an orange envelope at hand “Gather everyone in the conference room please” he gets out of morgans grip and makes his way there. “Whats this about?” Hotch walks in confused on the whole situation, raising a questioning eyebrow at Spencer “Ive been on edge the past month and yesterday I received this..” he hands the envelope to Hotch. Inside theres a handwritten letter with the words “I know you were thinking about me” and multiple photographs of Spencer jacking off in his room.
Truthfully he didn’t want to show anyone but this was getting out of hand. In the photograph his room was illuminated by warm toned lamp, his mouth hung open and anyone with half a brain could assume he was letting out sounds of pleasure, his head was thrown back and his eyes were shut tightly, while his hand wrapped around his leaking dick as he lazily sat on his desk chair with his trousers hanging around his ankles. Hotch’s eyes go wide for a second as he quickly puts the pictures away only making his subordinates blush grow a burning pink. The team share a few glances and connect the dots in an instant. “Morgan you have experience in obsession crimes.. what do you think this is?” Hotch asks after analyzing the letter he spoke up “Are these the only “gifts” you’ve gotten? any other notes we should know about?” morgan glances up at him making sure to put emphasis on the word “gifts”
“I-I mean theres always a lingering feeling im being watched and I got a bouquet of flowers last monday along with a letter every other day from a “secret admirer” but I didn’t think much of it.. I just assumed some neighborhood boy was playing a prank on me..” he says running his fingers through his silky brunette hair, clearly stressed out “looks like you’ve got a groupie” spencer looks back down to morgan “HUH?” morgan hands the letter back to spencer “The writing is clearly written by a female, its dainty and not aggressive.. almost as if to show her love and devotion to you instead of threatening you. That isnt to say she wont get violent later on.. it may trigger her to see you with another woman around her age maybe something set her off and decided to finally make her move.” hotch lets out a breath “Morgan, Reid, you stay here and find a motive, Prentiss and I will go to the scene and try to get more geographical information on how they even managed to take these photos.. wheels up in 30” and with that everyone’s getting to work.
They made a geographic profile, retraced steps, came up with a profile and even a plan on how to catch the unsub. “We think our unsub is a female in her mid 20s, if you were to cross her path shed blend right in, shes not very confident or careful but she is smart, if you bumped into her she’d apologize even if it wasnt her fault, she has an obsessive personality though she probably doesn’t even realize it odds are if she were to go through a psychotic break she would only go after Spencer or people close to him so we don’t have to worry about civilian safety” after notifying the local PD they develop a plan.. Emily was going to pretend to be Spencers girlfriend, holding hands on the subway, walking him home, spending time in his apartment ect, to get a rise out of the unsub, it was a long shot that youd even buy it if youve been stalking spencer but it was worth a try “you sure you got this?” she looks up at Hotch as he adjust her mic pack and silently nods as Spencer copies her movement.
That afternoon he and Emily walk out of the subway station hand in hand making their way to his apartment, god Spencer wasn’t lying.. Emily could feel eyes on her but couldn’t pin point where they came from but they managed to make goosebumps arise from her. That night there was no love letter at his door. This was either the start of a psychotic break or you backing down. Morgan was stationed at the location they assumed the photographs were taken, assuming you’d come back. Emily spent the night at spencers place and left during the early hours of the morning to make it all the more convincing. After she left Spencer did his morning routine like usual, a shower, setting the coffee pot, changing, grabbing his satchel and heading out but he was stopped by a piece of paper that was stuck between the front door and the frame, falling onto the ground. The note was different, it seemed messy and rushed. It read “Im still here” a shiver ran down his spine. His gut told him to just get on the subway and go to work and develop his highly intelligent team but his brain told him to take matters into his own hands. He stormed out of his building and made his way onto the sidewalk hoping to be able catch you before you got too far. He had the profile now all he needed to do was find you and he knew just how to do that. He stormed into the subway station proceeding to walk a little faster than usual. He felt eyes on him and immediately he turned around and met your eyes by sheer luck. He kept his eyes on you and you stayed frozen in place looking away from his gaze but not moving an inch.. could it be you? He knew morgan always trusted his gut and maybe it was time he did the same. As he started approaching you your eyes went wide and you sped walked away. You fit the profile, the only thing they didn’t mention was how attractive you were. He caught up to you quickly having the advantage of long legs “hey” he puts a hand on your shoulder giving you goosebumps “im meeting my girlfriend for coffee but I dont know which track to take.. do you think you could help me?” he give you a nice smile that you return but he notices your demeanor going cold at the word girlfriend.
“yeah totally! where are you meeting?” your fists are clenched at your sides, this was almost too easy “Virginia coffee house” he says simply “you’re gonna want to take the 53, it should get here in about 10 minutes.. that’s actually where im heading too” he smiles a little wider “I don’t suppose you mind waiting with me then?” you nod “not at all!…” you fidget with your fingers “actually im gonna go to the restroom” you turn to rush off with him hot on your heels, he wont forgive himself if he lets you get away.. he has to trust his gut when it’s screaming right at him he needs to know more. He follows you into the bathroom at the station which is thankfully empty and locks the door behind him “Spencer what are you doing?” you say and quickly realize your mistake as his expression falters “I never said my name was spencer..” your eyes widen as you start to back up into the sink “sorry I- my brains all scattered” you try to play it off with a laugh but hes not laughing. He starts to get closer and closer to you as you continue to step back “heres what I think and feel free to correct me if im wrong, but just know ill know if you’re lying, I study human behavior for living but of course you already knew that” your backed up completely into the sink and have nowhere to run as he continues to get closer until he finally towers over you face inches apart “I think you’re my little groupie.. I think you watched me get off and took pictures to touch yourself too.. I think you leave love letters at my door.. I think you’re jealous of my fake girlfriend and I think..” he whisper the next words right into your ear “you’re desperate for me” he hates to admit it but some animalistic part of him just wants to take you right there in the bathroom and make you scream his name to humiliate you just as you did to him. You’d proudfully admit that his accusations made your panties soaking wet, having to squeeze your thighs together for any friction.
Just then a loud knock at the door interrupts you both breaking away “whys the door locked?” you hear through the door “you’re right” you say before speeding off and disappearing into the crowd as soon as the lady at the door gets it open. Spencer rushes out ignoring the strange looks he gets but ultimately looses you. He lets out an exasperated sigh and with that hes on his way to work.
Coming back to an empty apartment was never fun but he couldn’t shake his head off with what happened just a few hours prior in that bathroom. He starts palming himself through his trousers and groans wishing it was you. He unbuttons his jeans and pull out his dick, stroking it as it fill the room with the wet sounds of his precum smearing all over his shaft “fuck” he sits at his desk and there he sees you. You’re on the balcony of the building across the street. The complex next to the one morgan was previously situated at the day prior. Camara leaning next to you, phone in one hand as your other hand starts to glide down your abdomen between your thighs successfully getting a whimper out of Spencer.. hes never been this exposed. He hears his phone ring and you mouth at him to answer it and he obeys. You let out breathy whines as you start to circle your clit matching the pace of the hand wrapped around his dick. His eyes are open staring straight at you, he dosent want to miss a single second of this. His own morality not even bothering him anymore, not when he feels this good and has this view. “Fuck” He stands up from his seat and walk closer to the window, he starts to glide his hand faster even teasing himself by running his finger through his slit “mmm” he knows you can hear him but he cant hold back his sounds god hes never felt this good under his own touch, he thinks it’s pathetic he has to imagine its your even though you’re only a few feet away. “faster” he demands. His ty is loosened but his shirt is still on and how you wish you could just see all of him, you insert 2 fingers into yourself struggling because theyre not long enough to give you as much pleasure as you need, you lean over the edge and hold on to the railing of the balcony giving spencer a better peek at your tits “you’re fucking c- crazy” he says with heavy pants inbetween every word “me? im not the one stroking my dick to my “stalker” god you hated that word but you heard him refer to you as that before, he lets out a deep growl “yeah well im not the stalker” the call is filled with whines and moans from both ends, you start nearing your climax “im gonna- hah-“ your words are cut off by your loud whimpers “aww cmon baby- you can write someone whos never even seen you heartfelt love letters but cant- ah finish- mm your own sentence” hes teasing but in reality hes in the same position as you “fuck- you” his open mouth turns into a smirk “bet youd like that” thats it, something in you snaps and your practically screaming and writhing in place as Spencer delivers his final pumps to his cock before he’s leaking cum onto his own chest with heavy whines as he tries to catch his breath with his eyes closed.
When he finally opens them to see you shock is evident in his face when you’re already gone and the line is left ringing. He buttons his pants and runs to his front door trying to catch you but instead his eyes land on another envelope. He opens it expecting it to be another love letter and pictures of him jacking it only to be met with photographs of YOU touching yourself, your mouth dropped open, hand on your pussy, only showing the bottom half of your face, the note attached reads “you have my phone number now.. id appreciate going on a date with you before you turn me in - your dearest Y/N” god this was going to be fun.
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sentientgopro · 8 months
My parents are currently trying to figure out a way for me to not have to share a bedroom with my brother, to the extent of considering a room in the garden. I said its probably just not worth it, Ive managed living in the room with him for many years, Im sure I can make do for another year and a half, and she said to me "You can't just put your life on hold like that for a year and a half until you move out". And she has no clue that had an entirely different meaning to me.
Yes, I DO have to put my life on hold until I move out, in a much more severe and damaging way than she realises, because of her transphobic ass.
But regardless of the twat saying it and the irrelevant context, I've been dwelling on those words. Its already getting kinda difficult a month into cracking doing nothing. Ive still got about another 20 to go before I even START transitioning and thats far from an instant problem fix, isn't it.
And I already wanted to think more in detail about how it will go when they inevitably find out, but this has presented a nice opportunity to think about it a bit more. My Dad will be absolutely pissed, plain and simple, to the extent that I'd have to make sure he finds out from a long distance for my own safety. He's gotten very aggressive over alot less. My mother, on the other hand, is a much more complex question.
She's the only one I've really ever talked to about issues (particularly issues relating to Dad, as well as mental issues), shes a psychologist so she kinda has a bit of idea what shes talking about. and she has said, on many occasions, that she thinks I'm very emotionally intelligent. She thinks I know myself very well. So if I told her about something I know she fundamentally disagrees with, will she just forget all that?
The thing is, she's been locked into conservative beliefs, but she can be reasoned with. One example was of a general discussion over the existance of gender dysphoria and validity of trans people, and I convinced her that gender dysphoria is real, there are scientific explanations behind why trans people feel the way they do. And she cannot find an argument against me so she resorts to "Okay, people like that exist, but I think most just do it because they think its trendy" cool, an entirely unmeasurable, impossible to back up claim that I cant even outright disprove so it pretty much ends up as her being right because she just knows better apparently. But, up to outright convincing her to change her beliefs, she can be reasoned with.
And besides, if Im so emotionally intelligent, surely I should belong to the group of people who aren't faking it, by her logic?
Honestly, if she was just outright never going to accept me like him, itd be easier. But the fact that theres a genuine question here makes it so difficult. Like, her helping cover for me and keep it a secret from my Dad and Brother while I start HRT is a genuine, possible outcome. Its also very unlikely.
But, if I could convince her Im not making it up, which should work in theory, and if she holds the belief that I can't just put my life on hold, its a forseeable outcome. And I don't know how I feel about that.
(Short bit of context for the next bit) One of my Sixth Form teachers has gotten extremely ill, we don't know the details but basically, hes disappearing for a while and we dont know if hes ever coming back. He is the ONLY member of staff in the school capable of teaching the subject. So, my mother arranged a meeting with the head to ask what happens next, and raised concerns over my education. In return, the head tried to ignore it by pinning it on me, saying I'm struggling already, and basically turn it around on me as if our only teacher isnt disappearing.
So I tried defending myself in a few ways, one of them being, since the last round of tests, Ive been feeling like, ALOT better, better motivated, to an extent that is affecting me on a day to day basis and making it easier to get work done, so there should be a massive improvement since my last tests. So after the meeting, naturally, my mother wanted to know what it was exactly that changed, and I realised I fucked up. The thing that changed was realising I was trans and realising that, eventually, I could be happy, and I have something to look forward to and work towards. So now shes gonna keep asking and wanting to talk about what it was. She keeps asking to go on a walk and talk about it.
And it keeps making me imagine, far into the walk, after she keeps poking and prodding, just going, "Fuck it, leap of faith". Because the more I dont tell her, the more suspicious shes probably gonna become.
idk, theres no real end point to this. This is more of a vent than figuring out my feelings. Supportive relatives are great, unsupportive relatives suck, but questionable relatives are fucking anxiety provoking. This is nothing new Im discovering here, really, this is a trans experience thats older than time itself. But I've never been a big risk taker, so Ill probably just take the long route and make sure they find out as late as possible.
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axesilly · 6 months
i cant afford therapy so im going to talk about my troubles on here because i dont know what else to do 👍 i dont know if this will reach anyone but it might make me feel better. sorry if its a bit lengthy, ive had these feelings for a while
for the sake of anonymity and my own safety i will not be mentioning any names of people, towns, or schools :]
so im in college, im an art major. im from a small town with nothing to do except go to a mall the next town over and im going to college in another small town 5 hours away from home. this small town also has jack shit to do unless you drive 45 minute to an hour away. im currently in my spring semester of my freshman year and i have gotten so absolutely mentally and physically drained since i got a fast food job. i got a job making pizzas at yknow one of those big chain corporations pizza places, and the store i work at has only been open a few months. its absolutely chaotic and no one knows how to do anything except a few select people. my boss, the general manager, also doesnt know how to do anything because its his first time doing something like this. one of the other managers also only works there because hes friends with the general manager and he is not the greatest person, as he tends to sexually harrass the staff including a friend i made there. now ive already put in my two weeks last saturday, but that doesnt take away from how drained this job has made me.
Since the spring semester started ive been constantly piled with work (one week i was scheduled 6 days in a row when i had a big project to work on, i had a breakdown at work to my general manager), writing assignments, and project after project. (not even kidding my drawing professor gives us a new project the same day we turn one in) in my senior year of high school i loved fine arts and i believed that i wanted to follow in my art teachers footsteps and pursue my love of art and make art for my career. and while i do still love fine arts and making art, i just cannot do this constantly. since just before my spring break i started not going to my classes as consistently and i swore to myself i would start going again after the break. well that break just made it worse it seems because everything has just gone more and more downhill. i have still been missing classes because some days its difficult to get out of bed and i do not have the motivation to go to class just to sit there and not be able to pay attention for an hour/hour and a half. im behind on a project for one of my classes because i havent gone since ive been back from spring break (two weeks). i have an exam for one of my classes soon and im not even close to prepared. i had a 3 page essay due last night i started but havent finished (luckily i can turn it in a little late). it may sound lazy but these are my real struggles with my mental health. i feel trapped here. i do have a license and a car, i do have transportation so i can go places, but its such an old car it has so many problems (one which has arisen recently being if i stop somewhere and turn my car off, it wont crank back up immediately and i have to wait 10-15 minutes, and once it is on i have to revv it to make sure it stays on). so because of car problems and currently living in a small town im frustrated because it feels like i cant go anywhere to do anything fun. i feel trapped in my dorm and in my mind.
now comes the college problem. the college i go to currently is a nice school, i get 8 meals a week on my meal plan included in my tuition. theres several places to choose from the eat at, theres a gym, free health exams i think. but its driving me insane seeing the same old brick buildings every damn day. i currently dont have a roommate so im in a dorm by myself which probably contributes to this feeling of lonliness. i dont really have many friends, i had more last semester but they did not keep in touch. i do have one friend that i appreciate very much and she always worries and wants to help when she sees im upset. shes a real one. but seeing the same things, learning about the same repetitive lessons every single day, has driven me insane. my art history class has been the same topics since the start of the semester, its all been about works of art pertaining to jesus, and mary, and god and the angel telling mary shes pregnant and marys purity and this symbolizing that and i understand why its important to learn about these works of art and how they have shaped art today, but i cannot stand hearing the same things over and over. im not a christian, and i dont believe theres anything wrong with christianity as long as youre not hurting anyone with your beliefs, but these topics are so repetitive ever class i have. the semesters almost over and we havent even gotten to modern art yet, and in my opinion thats what truly matters to learn about because thats what we as artists would need to look at to have a reference for how we should make our art right? art is about expressing yourself and we need to see how others making art in the modern era are expressing themselves as well. and on the topic of expressing ourselves, my drawing class, every single project, my professor has us stick to such strict criteria. one of my projects my professor actually really liked, i liked, but she took points off because i had my girlfriends name written very small where you could barely even see, because we were not supposed to have any text. i feel like i cannot even be creative and truly express myself with these projects. i dont feel like i have any real freedom with them. i love fine arts and i love making art, but not when its like this. i want to be able to make my own art that actually expresses my feelings, not someone elses criteria. because of all of this my grades have been rapidly dropping.
now i have already made the decision weeks ago that i will not be returning to this school in the next fall semester. i discussed this with my mom already as she does the majority of my paperwork and things for this stuff. she wants me to transfer to a college closer to home so i can atleast get a general studies degree. but thats not what i want to do either. she told me not to flunk my classes this semester because that will make it difficult to transfer me to another school, but how do you expect me to get good grades when i constantly feel like im in hell in my mind. i mentioned wanting to maybe take a gap year, she doesnt want me to do that. school is horrible for my mental health like this, i dont understand why society thinks we should just have everything we want to do with the rest of our life figured out immediately out of high school. well i dont. and i dont want to stay in college immediately out of high school. i want to go live my life! me and my girlfriend are long distance (we have met in person several times and shes actually coming to visit me this month, but just seeing each other for a week at a time is not enough) and i really want to go live with her! i want to enjoy living and living with the person i love more than life itself! i currently dont feel like i can do that here or back home. i want to move somewhere else with my girlfriend so we can both be happy and love life. i want to move out of state to a slightly bigger city, nothing crazy like new york or atlanta, but just somewhere bigger than a small town with nothing to do whatsoever. i do have a place in mind but im not going to say where. and when i move, after a year i can qualify for in state tuition and pursue something that makes me happier. ive always loved animals and marine animals so i was thinking i could major in zoology and marine biology and work at an aquarium or something while im working on my degree. and i dont fully know how the paperwork and things work for transferring and such, especially after a break, so i could be in the wrong, but is it really wrong for wanting the best for myself?
and to be honest with myself i know exactly why im in college and its not to get a degree. i was raised constantly being compared to my siblings. my brother is trans (which my parents are very obviously not too fond of) dropped out of college and joined the military. my sister dropped out of college after a semester, got married to a horrible man who she just recently divorced after having two children with him. and being compared to them all my life, especially to my brother, made me want to be better than them. i wanted to be the one, as the youngest, to be the first one to get through college immediately, all four years, no problem. but its just too much for me. and dropping out, moving away, im terrified. im terrified that my parents will be disappointed in me. im terrified of that face my mother makes, that tone of voice, when shes disappointed in me for something. im terrified of getting lectured and told why everything i want is wrong. its irrational. and im terified if i move away i wont have her support anymore. i wont have her to lean on when i need help with something. i was never taught where to go or how to do stuff for applying to colleges and transferring. i barely know how to do my taxes.
now i really dont know what this article-like rant of a tumblr post is gonna do. i know i dont really have a following and i dont really post on here. but i just thought itd make me feel better to collect my thoughts and put them all together like this. so far the only people concerned about me have been my girlfriend and a couple of my friends ive told about these problems. not even my professors are concerned about me, i havent even gotten a single email or question about how im doing. they say theyre all for mental health but when a student stops coming to class as often suddenly and starts failing or not turning in assignments its none of their business and i must just be getting lazy and im a horrible student yknow? anyways i think thats about it for this. again i dont really know what this will do but i hope someone has advice or support or something. im going insane here.
love to anyone else suffering similar struggles <3
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An AU where Steve is Cap and Peggy is in modern day (no shield or anything for her)
They break up after a petty argument where they're both too stubborn right now to see they're both wrong.
They still very clearly harbor feelings for one another.
Steve was just always late and kept trying to hide he was Cap for her safety.
Peggy thought a) he was cheating on her because the excuses for his bruises and broken bones and exhaustion were weak, b) when she found out he was Cap, she took that he hid it because he didnt want her to be in love with Cap or use Cap like others, etc. and c) she was tired of the lies.
It was a petty, nasty argument during a date when he showed up half dead. She wasnt so petty she didnt help him and call help from his phone, no doubt seeing texts from a Natasha Romanoff, etc.
Its been a few months and okay she misses him BAD. After the Battle of New York, she texts him out of the blue:
Glad to see you're not dead. You did good work out there. - PC
Steve texts almost immediately back.
It was touch and go. Stark almost died. Are you...safe? - SR
I saw. I wasnt worried about him. I was worried about you. - PC
And yes I'm safe. I wasnt in town. I was with Micheal and Daniel. My shop? Not so much. There's a hulk-sized hole in my roof and my flowers are ruined. - PC
You worry about me? - SR
You were...out of town? Right. Yeah. I hope you had a lovely time with your boyfriends. Oh shit, Pegs. I'm so sorry. I'll talk to someone, see if we can fix it. Insurance isnt budging? - SR
Natasha is now glaring at Steve after reading over his shoulder. "Jealousy doesnt look good on you. But I'll call in a few favors. That's the only shop that grows purple roses. If Clint can't get those for his poison dipped arrows, he's going to be upset."
Theres another motivate behind it, Steve knows. Because he still likes her. The arrows and roses have nothing to do with it.
I always worried about you. - PC
I'm not doing this, Steven. I can handle it myself. - PC
So colored her surprise (not) when she shows up the next morning to find Steve Rogers still hurt from the battle wearing plaid and a construction belt, working on her roof. She stares up at him, lips pursed before slamming her office door. Not that it does much good, the wall falls right out.
Steve tries not to look disappointed and upset.
"I don't get it," he says after climbing down from the roof and standing in the wall-less doorway. "Why are you pissed? I'm helping! Natasha already bullied Stark into revamping your shop. You get all the say. I was doing a headstart! Why are you pissed?"
"Because you're a bloody fucking idiot!" She screams at him over the desk, the chair flying back as she stands up. The office is ruined, its again her desk is still standing.
"If Im such an idiot why are you here then? Why arent you with your boyfriends? Where's Mikey and Danny to help you?"
Steve swore she was going to slap him as she stalked forward. Instead she jerked him down to kiss him hard. It stunned them both, her hand still gripping the dust-covered shirt tightly as they parted.
"Micheal is my brother and Daniel is his fiance, Steven!"
Steve blinks, eyelashes clumping together. All he can think about is how beautiful she is and how theres a fleck of sawdust on her nose.
"Damn right oh. I worried about you! You didn't...didnt even call me. I always worry about you."
This time its Steve who kisses. Its hungry and needy. He picks her up with one hand and knocks the things off her desk, laying her on it.
They don't notice the construction crew coming in and instantly leaving.
Nor Natashas sly photo of Steve with Peggys legs around his waist and his pants down.
She later sends it to both and says 'Americas Ass.'
Peggy isnt sure if shes mad at herself for getting back with Steve or happy but she knows one thing as she cuddles into bed with him that night.
Steve needs her. Needs someone to remind him hes human and to watch after himself. To take care of himself.
She needs him. More than she knows. And its not because hes Cap or can lift the heavy water barrels.
She needs him because she loves him, because she reminds her that some things are worth fighting for, that you have to let your guard down some times to let people in.
But she definitely needs him to fix that goddamn Hulk-sized hole in her back garden or she's going to be peeved and no Bruce Banner rage will equal to hers if her Tropical Plants are ruined because aliens invaded New York
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dantus-rattus · 6 years
Have been thinking about second citadel and specifically the most recent ep so here are some Thoughts about damien and what happened there:
we're all screaming 'oh fuck damien what are you doing' because from the outside we have so much more context, for example we know the entire thing that happened with rilla and what happened and was said in the court etc so we sympathize a lot with arum and rilla and whats been going on with that particularly part of the story. 
but from damiens POV?? 
sidenote: i saw a post about how damiens anxiety would increase his need of structure and a security in what he knows and how he understands the world (which boy do i relate to that tbh) and that would explain and factor in quite a lot as well.
- like this man literally met a lizard monster, his enemy by nature, the world and everything he holds as truth right.
- then he gets confusing feelings which are obvious to us, but inconvenient at best for damien and i imagine some level of terrifying especially considering hes in love with rilla, a human, genuinely so but also safe and not challenging his beliefs and truths. 
- after that he deals with arguably the love of his life (not trying to discount his feelings for arum but i hope you get what i mean when i say he was very devoted to rilla regardless of what happens with arum) disappearing with no clue about her safety etc, then finding out it was by that same lizard that made everything so complicated in the first place.
- then the whole deal with sir marc and talfryn and SPORTS, all the while still not knowing what we meanwhile found out as we follow rilla's story and eventually how that evolves up until the court events.
- and then damiens entire belief in the world, how it works and how it came to be changes, a person he believed in is now a monster instead of a hero and the tapestry is wrong (a thing he mentions multiple times and gets erratic and anxious about). 
like thats a lot to fucking deal with holy shit, also nevermind adding the general casual life threatening danger and stress along the way of just doing all that.
- he then gets there and sees arum, who he still has feelings for im sure because of how he describes feeling when he looks into his eyes, and also rilla, who as far as he knows was kidnapped by arum and who he came to save from arum.
i actually understand that he kinda lost it in that moment and his brain decided enough was enough, and as for his decision to attack arum??
its only my possible interpretation but to me it can be seen as, it started when arum first showed up (from damiens specific POV) so no wonder his brain in all this chaos might think 'thats the cause, thats where it all went wrong and i will make my world right again by killing him and being sure of who i am.'
especially with the added pressure of all the possible changes to what he thought was the truth about the world and how it works, he could be very desperate for any kind of security in his knowledge and life and do extreme things to stick with the safe truth, aka knight vs monster.
like of course i dont want damien to attack and kill arum and i dont think it’ll happen but god, thinking about it it does make sense why it happened like holy shit this man went through a lot with no justification/context like we know as listeners, and to us its a story but thats his entire life thats being changed right there.
sidenote, i dont mean to say the others havent gone through a lot but this is meant specifically about damiens motivations for his actions since that is what this post is about. 
like its not unfounded or unreasonable, thats a very human reaction to a lot of anxiety and stress which is at the very least a side effect of all this.
i mean i know danger is a part of life, especially in this universe filled with monsters etc. but fuck rilla got kidnapped like holy shit? i think because its a fantasy world and theres monsters we (not to assume but i def do this) might forget how we would react if a loved one, int this case damien with the anxiety/devotion to rilla levels, got kidnapped by one of those monsters.
like i dont mean to make light of IRL happenings by comparing but consider the fact that all monsters are assumed to be dangerous killers, lets be real if rn irl a loved one were to be kidnapped by what we know to be a dangerous viscious killer we would all lose our shit.  i know a lot of horrible and dangerous things happen in the second citadel universe (again, i dont mean to say damien somehow has it worse) but that doesnt make any of it (including rillas kidnapping) any less bad.
and then you find out thats the one youve been having confusing feelings for, and also the killer is not what you thought it was to be, and its place in the world and by association yours is now also suddenly unsure.
and then you meet that assumed vicious murderer and also your loved one is right there like fuck dude.
i can only guess of course but i also wouldnt be suprised if that was how damien would perceive the whole thing and yknow what i think his reaction is understandable. i want arum to be okay but having an emotional unreasonable reaction (and tbh considering damiens POV it would be reasonable, because he doesnt know what we know) to such a huge deal is not unexpected or out of character to me.
i also just realized like, damien and arum obvs had a few moments during their duels to the death, but a LOT of characterization of arum for me personally took place during rillas time there and also a bit in the court house, aka damien missed all of that. so i wouldnt be suprised if that despite damiens realization of 'monsters could be different' he doesnt have the level of....familiarity?? with arum as a person that rilla has.  so no wonder he would still default to the 'monsters are horrible killers and should be destroyed' like i dont think he has a solid idea of monsters being possibly good, just the sense that hes had since the beginning because of arums eyes but it makes sense to me that in this moment after all that happened his brain would override it with 'no the world needs to stay as it is, and he is a monster and you are a knight.'
anyway all of this is speculation and personal interpretation so i could be completely wrong but take these thoughts because it was interesting to think about.
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haonqq · 7 years
30 Day Yinro Challenge: Day 1-9
All of this ended up longer than intended so its 9 days under the cut lmao
1. the basics: introduce us to your watcher!
You enter the walls of Caed Nua, met with the sight of milling guests and locals alike, small market stalls lined up. It almost appears akin to a small village, people going about their business, be it building, shopping, watching the speech in the foyer you can’t quite hear from your distance, or perhaps attending worship in the small, homely church. It certainly wasn’t what you’d expected from all of the ghastly descriptions of the place from merely a year ago. You peel your eyes from the sight and make your way towards the Great Hall, but as you approach, looking like one to proposition the local thayn, a guard stops you. “You won’t be findin’ him in there.” She gestures behind her at the large door, cracked slightly but seemingly empty. “This time a’day he’s usually out by Brighthollow, working in the garden or cookin’. If he hasn’t been stolen off to help out with some other chore.” What she’s saying doesn’t quite make sense, and you aren’t inclined to believe her, but follow her directions back towards this ‘Brighthollow’. Passing through a few groups of gossiping locals, you find the building matching her description and look around. Nobody seems to be in the garden, though it does seem recently tended. The kitchen seems to be your next stop, but as you make your way towards the door, you hear something like a curse above you. Squinting up into the afternoon sky, you manage to spot a shingle as it slides off the edge of the roof, managing to move out of the way just in time to avoid it landing on you. You look up again to see an elf. You blink again, having not believed the rumors of a pale elf being the new thayn and owner of Caed Nua. “Oh, gods, sorry! Did it hit you? I should have been more careful, slipped right between my hands!” He looks as apologetic as he sounds, wiping a wrist along his forehead, thin locks of strawberry dusted pale hair sticking to the sweat on his face and neck. “Here, let me just-” And within a moment he’s down the ladder and in front of you, checking you over carefully before wiping a fleck of dirt off your shoulder, then clapping his hand there. “There we go, good as new!” It was harder to hear from above, but its clear he isn’t from the Dyrwood. Rauatain, if your memory is to be trusted, but he speaks Aedyran clearly enough. He smiles as he looks you over, crow’s feet wrinkling at the corner of his eyes and it’s only now you notice their striking pink color. “Ah, my apologies, Yinro Manaaki, Thayn and Lord of Caed Nua at your service. I take it you’re here to speak with me?” He starts out maintaining eye contact with you, but as he continues on he squats down to pick up the bits of broken shingle from the ground before standing again. You nod your affirmation, though you’re not sure what to make of him. He seems genuine enough, and the name matches. He smiles again, so genuinely you can tell everything he’s telling you is the truth. “You have excellent timing, I was just finishing up fixing the roof.” He disposes of the shingle pieces and wipes his hands on his pants, already dirty from previous wear. Then he gestures forward and takes a step towards the Great Hall, waiting on your before moving along, keeping at your pace. “So, what is it I can do for you?”
2. appearance: what race is your watcher? what do they look like? any scars, tattoos, or markings?
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(photo by @riessene because its just,,, so good im cry)
I touched on a few things in the fancy dancy intro but! He’s a pale elf with strawberry blonde hair(though its on the lighter side) and of the lighter blue skin variety. Naturally, he’s covered in those white freckles because i love them He has two prominent scars, both on his face
The first is the scar on his mouth, which crosses both lips. While in a,, disagreement fight with his older adopted brother Branwen, there was always some shoving and punching and the like, but Branwen got a solid hit on him and Yinro managed to catch his face on something sharp and it just sliced through his lip and its healed but never really gone away,, The other is on his cheek, down to his jaw and he actually got this one when he met Aloth! Unable to talk the drunks down, Yinro assisted Aloth with taking them out for their safety and managed to catch one of the weapons on his cheek since he’s an idiot and doesnt use weapons when he fights and with everything going on with lack of sleep and all its unlikely it healed to full capacity and so it will remain for all his days
(im debating on one over his eyebrow at the beginning of Deadfire but that depends on how That starts exactly also debated on a tattoo but lbr i forget his scars all the time im good lmao)
3. personality & alignment: give us a look into your watcher’s personality! you can use theirmyers briggs type, d&d morality alignment, or just describe their motives and quirks.
As a start, Yinro is bordering the Neutral/Chaotic Good alignment, sticking closer to the Trying to keep lawful, but also following his own moral compass as to whether the Law is truly Good. He is however a supremely good person and tries to remain as honest as possible without putting someone in danger that doesnt need to be. While he is, as Eder put it, the type to “get involved”, in cases where the punishment seems deserved he won’t step in. However, while he does genuinely try to be good and make good decisions, part of it is attempting to make up for past wrongs and trying not to dip back into bad habits. He also has problems, because of that and misunderstanding teachings, avoids his anger. He used to let his anger pretty much control him, back when he was first adopted, and made a lot of trouble for people who didnt deserve it. He was supposed to be learning to control his anger and work with it and not let it control him, but ended up suppressing it in the long run. (which is going to be a primary Personal Conflict in Deadfire cause BOY is he pissed). But ultimately he’s a benevolent person and believes the best of everyone and believes that anyone can make up for their mistakes in the long run if they’re willing to try.
4. sexuality & gender: how does your watcher identify? is this important to them, or have they never given it much thought?
Gender hasn’t really been much of a focus for Yinro and he’s never really given it much thought. He probably thought about it a bit when literally soul searching provided his previous life was a woman, and if he didn’t already view gender as more of a biological thing than a soul bound thing or important at all, he’d probably be more fluid but he’s comfortable identifying as a man in this life.
Yinro is strictly attracted to men, both romantically and sexually, and is pretty important to him. While I dont think Rauatai in particular is against same-sex relationships, I think in his mind considering before being moved there he only lived with his mother and didn’t really interact with much anyone else he probably heard a lot about het relationships moreso thank gay ones and so when he got to a romantically interested age, he had that barrier of ‘but I SHOULD like women’ when realistically he was repulsed at the idea. It was a big part of realizing who he is and is much more important to him than gender.
This being said, he is a very touchy person (touchy being like. Physically touching peple, he enjoys physical contact) and isn’t opposed to being as touchy with female friends as long as they’re aware theres no romantic inclination there.
5. background: what’s your watcher’s culture and background? tell us a bit about their life before traveling to the dyrwood!
Yinro spent the first 20 years of his life in The White That Wends living a nomadic life with his biological mother. His father was still alive, but the relationship with his mother was purely to produce a child for her. She was a hunter, and decided clan life wasn’t for her, and so that was where Yinro grew up. An unfortunate accident after being ambushed by slavers hampered her mobility, and ultimately resulted in her death in an avalanche. This left Yinro travelling alone with no hint as to where a clan may be or really anyone at all. He lasted alright, knowing how to hunt and survive there, but that didn’t prepare him for the slavers catching up, trapping him and ‘escorting’ him to Rauatai for selling. He didn’t spend long in servitude but it was enough to twist his sorrow from losing his mother into an anger that would permeate the next 10 years of his life. Naturally when he managed to escape servitude, he was a scourge of the streets. Petty theft, shakedowns, anything to get by. After he was picked up by a kind dwarven woman with a knack for picking up troubled youth and adopting them named Vianna Manaaki, this behavior continued until he met his mentor. His mentor really kicked him a new one, but became almost like a father figure to him, even if he was temporary. After that, Yinro began to shape up and make amends for his previous wrongs and becoming a role model for his younger siblings and gaining some semblance of a normal siblinghood with Branwen, though the resentment for the trouble Yinro caused his mother was still there. He began making amends to a local tavern owner by washing his dishes, steadily becoming more and more interested in cooking while watching him in the kitchens. Over time, the owner began working with him to the point that Yinro was a full fledged assistant chef. Once the management changed, Yinro decided that was his time to set out and find somewhere he could really call his, always feeling a bit outcast. He set out for the Dyrwood after hearing about cheap land, hoping to find an inexpensive place to live and settle down and make a living off cooking. Then we find him with the caravan and WELL,, chefing didn’t work out.
Due to him spending a majority of his life in Rauatai, I went with the Rauatain Laborer background, though he does still follow some TWTW culturally, he’s more in tune with Rauatain (initially he was a drifter but ultimately didn’t fit with his bg)
6. family: who does your watcher consider family? do they place more importance on blood relatives or found family? do they keep in touch after traveling to the dyrwood?
Yinro always considers his birth mother family, but considers his adopted family (even Branwen) just as much family as she was. (guess who’s got nine fucking adoptive siblings, though two are older than Yinro) And while he does consider his companions family as well, there’s a different context, familial but definitely more on the ‘found family’ variety, whereas adoptive family are basically blood relatives in his his eyes. He was doing well keeping in contact with them on his way and at the beginning of the trip, but as things got more hectic and he got more tired, he didn’t want to worry them so he sent one final letter reassuring them that he was just getting busy and wouldn’t be in contact for a while. He has since resumed regular contact post-game.
7. stats & class: give us a rundown of those sweet, sweet base stats. do they line up with how you envision your watcher from a roleplay standpoint, or are they more gameplay based? do they line up with your watcher’s race and class? how did they begin training in their chosen class? (bonus! will they be multi-classing in deadfire?)
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Not technically the stats i used in game, since these are from one of the replays with the laborer bg and more context to what the stats actually do. I try to stick closer to a roleplaying form rather than gameplay, but try to keep a clooose balance between the two, making it possible to do the things I want Yinro to be able to do as well as keep close to how he actually is. I think he is not nearly as perceptive or smart as the average elf assumedly is, he’s a lil bumpkin with no formal education but he’s not stupid either. I thinkkk its pretty good Monk stats though (okay he DOES have perception but he’s too much of a dingus to do anything about what he sees) I briefly touched on it in the bg question, but! (okay im changing how they met right now because i just came up with a better idea here we go lmao) Yinro was shaking some people down late at night, when his master(monk master/teacher is what i mean by master in this story) walks by. Of course, being in this part of town for a while he’s heard of Yinro, little shits got a rep. He waps Yinro over the back of the head with a his staff, knocking him down and dazing him, letting the two he was shaking down go but turning back to Yinro is able to recognize the pain and and anger behind his actions. Gives him two options: get turned over to the guard(again), or become his pupil and move past this. Yinro, conflicted but also WANTING to change and grow, took him up on the offer. And so for the next couple years he trained him in both combat and discipline, and Yinro stopped being so much of a little shit.
The plan IS for him to multiclass, but I’m not sure if I want him to be a Shadowdancer or a Brawler,,
8. fighting style & gear: what weapons and armor does your watcher use? are there any talents/abilities that they favor in combat? are there any that they refrain from using, for moral reasons or otherwise? (bonus! will they choose a sub-class in deadfire?)
A good portion of the game I had him in medium armor, but realistically he’s more likely to wear light armor(aka basically,, regular clothes,, with maybe a leather vest, MAYBE) He also didn’t use any weapons, depending purely on his little gay hands, though come Deadfire he’s realised that,, maybe he should,, use weapons and right now I have him using a sword/sabre in his main hand and dagger/stiletto in his off hand but thats subject to change depending on subclass and how viable monk is Debating on the Shattered Pillar subclass for monk, but Im not sure about a multiclass subclass (maybe avoid a subclass for one for simplicity’s sake)
9. reputations: what are your watcher’s dispositions? do they line up with how you envision your watcher? what are your watcher’s reputations? do they work to maintain any reputations, either good or bad?
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Remember how i said Yinro was a good boy? When have I EVER lied to you?? I will say I didn’t play with dispositions on so a lot of the stoic options (esp the Hiravias one with the raw meat. Also Yinro would eat raw meat just not That Part) I was playing off for comedic effect which is. Really funny if you consider Yinro just being bad at jokes
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Reputation wise he didn’t explicitly try for anyone to like him besides the Crucible Knights and that was so he could get into the peace talks since they seemed the closest Law without consorting with criminals or,, u know the Dozens,,, neither of which he was a fan of (he had some drawbacks with the knights ofc but less than the others) Which is probably why he ended up with some places only seeing him as a hero rather than a champion And some places,, not liking him much at all
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proteus-no · 7 years
i really really really really wished that in da2 anders and fenris relationship wasnt “youre a mage, mages abused me, so all mages are abusers, and i hate you” “you hate mages, and support the circle of magi, and i am an apostate so i hate you”
like, image if thats how their relationship was in the first act, because it’s hard to get over ones predjudices. but in the second act? its about two men who have had a long history of suffering at the hands of their abusers learning to trust and support each other. fenris learning through experience, not just people saying, that not all mages are evil and selfish, expecially not anders, and that the circle abuses mages just like any slave. and anders respecting the fact that fenris hatred comes from past abuse, and not invalidating his experiences with “not every mage”
maybe a cutscene where if you go to talk to anders with fenris in your party of them walking in, and anders is healing escapes slaves and apostates. the apostates were running away when they came across slavers. they killed them, and risked coming back to kirkwall to make sure they were healed and help find them new lives. anders doesnt judge when one of the slaves had obviously been sexually assaulted. he exhausts all his manna, to the point of  collapsing, just to make sure the slaves didnt hurt, and gives them his food, coins, and clothes, even offering a few of them refuge in his clinic, both for shelter and for safety. fenris doesnt comment on it, but he reluctantly offers protection for the apostates during their journey out of the city.
or alternatively, if you have anders in your party when you talk to fenris, anders comes bearing wine, apologizing for how terribly he acted in the past to fenris. fenris gets all snappy, saying he doesnt want his apologies, that they mean nothing coming from an abomination. he goes as far as accusing anders of doing this because hawke said so/as a joke/or to take advantage of him (depending of what kind of hawke you have). anders, who is just trying to be nice, demands to know why fenris cant just be civil for once in his life. fenris says its because hes a mage, and mages always have ulterior motives. anders loses it, justice almost coming out, saying that the peace offering wasnt coming from a mage, it was coming from a man who had every last shred of who he was and his dignity taken from him by his abusers, and wanted to make ammends with someone who knew what that was like, and leaves in a storm, stating hed rather not add any more members to the corpse party. but leaves behind the bottle of wine
and companion party dialogue of anders and fenris awkwardly trying to get along. like fenris stating that anders didnt smell as much like shit today, or anders saying fenris isnt a beast, but if he was one, he would be a mabari. or the two of them bickering over cheating during wicked grace, or even an awkward one night stand that fenris said “wasnt completely unsatisfactory” and anders thought of as “rather pleasant, compared to what he was expecting”. fenris says, however, it was nice to be able to trust a mage like that. if isabella is in the party, she pesters them about it, to which anders respond that even though it wasnt bad, it was so awkward afterwards that he is never sleeping with fenris ever again, no offense.
and then in act three, fenris tries to keep of their friendly yet awkward banter, but anders has gone so far off the deep end, he takes everything as an insult and gets agressive and rude with fenris. it goes as far as one cutscene, if you have fenris when you go to talk to anders, or vice versa, that anders  accuses fenris of selling him out to meredith, saying he say him talking with them, and he knew he should have never of trusted fenris in the first place. fenris storms out, saying he isnt going to fight anders over this. theres a later cutscene, if hawke figures out what happens, that they make anders talk with fenris, where fenris tells him that he was paying the templars off to continue their search for apostates elsewhere, perhaps the blooming rose. anders reluctantly apologizes, saying he acted terribly and out of turn, and he understands if fenris does not forgive him. fenris says anders will have to earn back his forgiveness, perhaps starting with buying him wine at the hanged man, with a smile on his face. a later talk with fenris  reveals that fenris thinks that anders is losing it, and that hawke needs to do something before his demon kills them all
when anders blows up the chantry, instead of suggesting killing anders, fenris would instead swear and curse the fool for being so idiotic and childing. he says that even though he comitted terrible actions, he is still worth redeeming, as he did what he had to for his people, but if he is beyond all hope of saving, anders might have to be killed
okay so this went on for a lot longer than i wanted to, but im really passionate about two abused men supporting and understanding each other!!!!
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everydayhealthyfan · 6 years
From authoritarian power grabs to Andrew Neils nonsensical eulogy, the reaction to the Paris attacks proves that we havent learned from our past mistakes There were a lot of tributes after the horror in Paris. It has to be said that Trafalgar Square is an odd choice of venue to show solidarity with France; presumably Waterloo was too busy. One of the most appropriate tributes was Adele dedicating Hometown Glory to Paris, just as the raids on St-Denis started. A song about south London where, 10 years ago, armed police decided to hysterically blow the face off a man just because he was a bit beige. In times of crisis, we are made to feel we should scrutinise our governments actions less closely, when surely thats when we should pay closest attention. Theres a feeling that after an atrocity history and context become less relevant, when surely these are actually the worst times for a society to go on psychopathic autopilot. Our attitudes are fostered by a society built on ideas of dominance, where the solution to crises are force and action, rather than reflection and compromise. If that sounds unbearably drippy, just humour me for a second and imagine a country where the response to Paris involved an urgent debate about how to make public spaces safer and marginalised groups less vulnerable to radicalisation. Do you honestly feel safer with a debate centred around when we can turn some desert town 3,000 miles away into a sheet of glass? Of course, its not as if the west hasnt learned any lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan. This time round, no ones said out loud that were going to win. People seem concerned to make sure that Islam gets its full share of the blame, so we get the unedifying circus of neocons invoking God as much as the killers. Well, Isis say theyre motivated by God. Yes, and people who have sex with their pets say theyre motivated by love, but most of us dont really believe them. Not that Im any friend of religion lets blame religion for whatever we can. Lets blame anyone who invokes the name of any deity just because they want to ruin our weekend, starting with TGI Fridays. The ringleader, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, evaded detection by security services by having a name too long to fit into one tweet. How could the most stringent surveillance in the world not have picked up Abdelhamid Abaaoud before? I mean, theyd have got him even if they just went through lists of terrorists alphabetically. Were always dealing with terror in retrospect like stocking up on Imodium rather than reading the cooking instructions on your mini kievs. The truth is that modern governments sit at the head of a well-funded security apparatus. They are told that foreign military adventures put domestic populations at risk and they give them the thumbs up anyway. Charitably, the safety of their populations just arent of great concern to them. Realistically, domestic terrorist attacks play into their agenda: they allow them to grab ever more authoritarian powers with which to police their increasingly unequal and volatile societies. Of course, no one wants to believe that our government isnt interested in our safety, just like everyone really wanted to believe that Jimmy Savile cared about whether kids got to meet Duran Duran. Its not an insult to the dead to wonder why France, a $2tn economy, couldnt make a better offer to its disenfranchised youth than a bunch of sick bullies grooming them on the internet. Its not apologism to try to understand why something happened. When Syrias drought kicked in, 25% of the population became unemployed. The vast majority of the countrys livestock has died over the past decade. A lot of Isis are farmers with nowhere to go, their entire industry destroyed youd think theyd have more sympathy for journalists. Those who think radicalising a youngster has nothing to do with climate have you seen Tatooine? No one is saying climate change causes terrorism. Stop thinking that a global death cult is caused by one thing its a complex situation involving several different countries and ideologies, not a rattling sound in your washing machine. Personally, I think that for all our blaming religion, there will be peace in the Middle East when the oil runs out. But knowing their luck, then somebody will invent a way of making fuel by mixing sand and falafel. Maybe the wests approach is right. After all, if youve got a massive fight in, say, a pub car park, the best way of solving it is clearly standing well back and randomly lobbing in fireworks. You cant get rid of an ideology by destroying its leaders; youd think if theres anything Christian countries should know, its that. Europe has rejected the death penalty on moral grounds, and yet we relax this view when it comes to a group who want to be martyred. You cant bomb ideas. If your kid shits on the carpet, you cant stop them by bombing the person who invented shit though it would tidy up ITVs Saturday night schedule. Andrew Neil went viral with an impassioned eulogy that, like most eulogies, was just inaccurate nonsense in the form of nice memorable words strung together with angry sad words. A speech that would have made those named within it proud, but only because a good few of them were nihilistic absurdists. Listing the great French thinkers in a tribute to nuclear power showcased the worst aspect of historical fame: these were figures Neil could name but appeared to know nothing about. For a list supporting the French governments foray into bombing its former colony he chose Satie, a composer so questioning of state he put a question mark into La Marseillaise; Zola, a man so adamant about the function of a fair and full trial he may have been murdered for his beliefs; Rousseau Those who think themselves masters of others are greater slaves...
The post Frankie Boyle on the fallout from Paris appeared first on AFH.
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