#im surely forgetting options but whatever lol I’m curious!
mockingmolly · 2 years
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days-until-burnout · 3 months
etho forgetting double life anniversary (character obviously) and joel being kinda mad about it but they're more like an old married couple that makes up lol
im sorry anon. i forgot what old married couple dynamic was. and instead, i gave you couple about to break up but stopping just on the breaking point. which i could argue could be considered an old married couple. 10000k notes and i will release an essay about it /joke. enjoy either way o7
📧 Day 16 -
Characters - Etho/Joel (plus other life series hermits) Words - 2,266 Time - 65 mins Content - Hermitcraft | hurt/comfort
Etho jerked when someone called his name, startling him from his plans. He looked up in time to see Cleo landing near him, elytra folding behind them as she put her rockets away. He stood from his seat too, walked around the tree to them, curious to see her. 
“Hey,” Cleo greeted back but was too busy looking for something in her pocket to notice Etho’s nod, “ough, I’m kinda busy with the cafe restock. And honestly, I’m very surprised you are all cooped up in your base, but good for me, I guess. Could you please take this to the Post Office, since you work there and all that?”
Cleo finally produced an envelope, a pristine thing with sharp edges, an ombre of green to orange that expanded outwards, and a little drawn stitches on the seal flap that went from one end to the other, a hand with a bone sticking out of it as a seal. He took it from their hand, admiring the craft before looking up with a raised brow. Cleo was already grabbing her rockets when she noticed, and Etho realized how frazzled they were. 
“You know, I’m sure you could pay someone to help you restock.”
She rolled her eyes with a smirk, “Thank for the offer, I’ll keep it in mind if I ever want to burn some diamonds.”
“Lava is good option too.”
“Noted. Oh, thank you for the letter too. It’s to Martyn, ‘kay, gotta go now. I’ll see you later!”
Before Etho could question why she wanted to send Martyn a letter, Cleo was gone, leaving behind a cloud of colorful sparks that soon vanished too. He watched her become a speck in the distance, then looked down at the envelope one more time, shrugging as he put it in his pocket carefully. 
With a sudden change of plans, he put his things away, fishing his elytra and a handful of rockets from his inventory, setting off to the Post Office. It did cross his mind to hold the envelope to the sun, have a peek, not that anyone would know, but if Cleo found out, then he… Well, for his own sake, he shook that idea out of his mind. Instead, he let his mind fill with wonder, what could Cleo possibly want with Martyn? Regardless, he was even more curious to know if they could even send mail out of their current server. 
By the time he reached the Post Office, he heard voices inside, and quickened his leisurely walk to find his coworkers chatting as they scribbled whatever down. They looked up when he made his presence known, the room bursting in loud cheers and greetings. He made his way to them, eyeing the letters in front of them curiously. Was there something special about today that he was no aware of? 
Yet, his questions would only grow as Ren trudged in, beaming as he waved a letter in the air too. Unlike Cleo’s, his was a simple white envelope with a red stamp. 
“Hey guys! Got a reunion going!”
“Hi, Ren,” Pearl giggled, straightening as he got closer, she eyed the envelope then looked up at him with a grin, “what can we help with, today?”
“Oh, you already know!” Ren handed her the envelope, and Pearl took it with utmost care. “Please say I’m on time.”
“You are, you are,” Tango reassured, waving his own letter, “though Pearl and I might not be!”
“Dude,” Ren laughed, shaking his head. “I spent all night thinking about what to write! And then I fell asleep and thought I was late!”
Pearl giggled, “Nope! You’re on time, sir. Plenty left, still.”
“Well, okay, I’m glad then, don’t have to worry about it now. I’ll get back to my business, continue with your meeting!”
They all exchanged waves, then the trio was alone again. Pearl placed the envelope to the side, sitting again as she grabbed her quill. Etho took the moment to get Cleo’s one out too, placing it on top of Ren’s. 
“Cleo’s too. She was busy so she told me to bring it in. To Martyn.”
“Oh, nice! I thought they weren’t going to send anything. Glad she is, though.” Pearl picked up Cleo’s envelope, admired it then put it down. She glanced over at Tango scribbling, then looked at Etho with a smile. “Sucks for us, huh?”
Etho tilted his head, but she waved him off. 
“Oh well, you had last season I suppose. Maybe any of them will join next season.” She and Tango giggled, and it took Etho a second to catch up. Their former soulmates? That was what this was? Then again, it made sense for Cleo, Ren and those two to be writing letters, since Martyn, BigB, Scott and Jimmy were not on Hermitcraft. And as Pearl said, he already had a season to go through without Joel on the same server. Impulse, Bdubs, Grian and Scar were lucky in that regard, he supposed. And he joined them with Joel now being a new member of Hermitcraft. 
“I guess,” he shrugged eventually, though neither seemed to notice. “You two are busy, so I’ll leave you to it. If you need any help, send me a message.”
“Will do,” Tango saluted with two fingers. “Hm, I wonder if Joel wants to send Jimmy something. Hey, Etho, can you ask him for me? We’ve got ‘til midday before we send them over.”
Etho gave him a thumbs ups, then made his way out of the Post Office. He had a weird feeling bubbling through him, and it all seemed to revolve to Double Life, when their souls had been tied to someone else. From his knowledge, they looked back at that season fondly and with laughs, but he never quite… remembered people talking about missing their former soulbounds. Then again, maybe he just had not heard since he had Joel now. Had was an exaggeration, but they were in the same season, he could only partially understand them. 
Did he miss Joel when they were not in the same server? 
It made sense to miss them. Not even in a ally level, but a soulbound level. 
He tried to not think about it. Even when he walked through the Magical Mountain, cherry petals raining down on him. 
He startled again, snapping up towards the voice, seeing Scar waving his arm at him. Beside him, sat Grian who also waved. 
Scar cupped his hands around his mouth, “Are you going to see Joel?”
“On behalf of Tango,” he replied, hearing his voice echo a little. Scar tilted his head, and he could see a funny expression on Grian’s face. He decided to wave it off to imagining things, seeing as they were quite far and his eyes must be tricking him. “Do you know where he is?”
Scar shook his head. Grian leaned back a little, propping himself up with an arm. 
“You don’t know where Joel is? Today?”
That was an odd question. Etho shook his head.
Grian scrunched up his face. Etho saw it. His eyes did not lie. 
“Well, good luck finding him, I guess.” Grian said, and there was a funny tone in his voice on his last two words. Like reluctant acceptance, but Etho spent no more time on it. He walked away, feeling their eyes on his back until he broke line of sight when he stepped into the line of trees. 
Etho walked through Joel’s ever growing base, a feeling of comforting claustrophobia washing over him when he looked up to the tall buildings blocking the sky. He thought about messaging Joel, and he made up his mind to message him, yet his hands remained in his pocket and he was already walking down the steps towards Impulse and Bdubs’ shared base. The torii gate stood tall and inviting, even if he was inside, and the little paradise at the base of the stairs was a welcomed break. 
Until he heard voices and muffled laughs, which he followed. 
Not Joel, though. 
“Oh, Etho!” Bdubs greeted with a familiar smile, Impulse giving him a wave behind him. “What are you doing here? Looking for Joel?”
“Uh, something like that,” he lied, which was not really a lie, but not the truth either. He was looking for Joel, though not in the way everyone else assumed he would be. Like some server wide joke he was not a part of. He wondered if they asked Joel the same thing, willingly ignoring the little voice in his head that knew they did not. “Have you seen him?”
“Yeah, he said something about his honey shop.” Impulse replied, then gave him a raised brow look. “You… didn’t see him at all today?”
“No… Was I supposed?”
Bdubs frowned, like Impulse but a step further. “Yeah! You should have, unless you two fought or something. I would’ve thought you two would be hanging off of each other all day, since you’re obsessed and all that.” Bdubs waved his hand, showing off a point that did not click in Etho’s mind. “It’s the Double Life anniversary!”
Well, that explained everything. 
“You two had a fight?” Impulse asked.
“Not that I know off, no.”
The pair gave each other a look, sharing something beyond expressions and knowing looks. Etho did not stay longer, whatever it was that they thought about saying, their actions conveyed. If Impulse was right, this should be his last trip. 
And his last trip it was. 
Joel was inside his honey shop, from barrel to enderchest to shulker, back and forth much like a bee. He was a tanuki, though, a big, fluffy tail behind him. He watched him from the entrance for a moment before entering and making his presence known. Joel looked up, then looked away like he was not even standing there. 
“Hi, Joel.”
“I’m busy.”
“Even for me?” he joked, which made him freeze for a moment, his back to him, then returned to working. Joel did not look at him, did not joke back, and Etho began to think that they will have a fight. “Aw, are you ignoring me now?”
“You’re the one who didn’t want to see me today.”
“I didn’t know it was the anniversary.”
“It’s whatever.”
Etho knew it was not whatever. He took a quiet step forward, but Joel knew him better, and took a step away. There was a knot in his throat, one he could not swallow, one that made his chest ache. And it was a lie, that he did not know it was the Double Life anniversary. He knew, knew for the longest time, yet… Earlier that day, when Joel had asked him to hang out, he had refused. Had said he was too busy, paid with a coin Joel was now returning. 
Joel walked around him, hitting the button that filled the shop with music, one that would prevent them from talking. Etho sucked a breath in, followed him with his eyes, trying to think of an apology or excuse or… something. Joel knew he was, which is why he put the music on, but he did not leave. 
He moved without thinking, snatching Joel’s wrist to keep him from moving, holding him in place. And without forcing him, Joel faced him with a glare. Anger and hurt, something he could not feel but could see clearly. Sometimes he wished the soulbound was still there, just so Joel would know how he was feeling rather than trying to unravel it all himself. He wished to know about Joel too, have something between them that just made them click, something that would get rid of their need to communicate. Just knowing was simpler, much easier. He could not even admit wanting it back. 
“I don’t need you to see me out of obligation,” Joel spat, a fire in his eyes that was the shade of bloodlust, of betrayal. “Why can’t you see me because you want to see me? Everyone else– Ough. Whatever. It’s whatever. I don’t care. You would, if it was someone else, I bet.”
Joel yanked his wrist free, and prepared to leave, only for Etho to trap him with his coat. He put his hands in his pocket, then hugged him tight. Joel fought, indignant at the action. Joel was stronger, apparently even more than Gem, so Etho really only had one chance. He had Joel’s arms pinned to his side, and he felt his tail flicking around in a frenzy, and he knew there was nothing more dangerous than a scared Joel. 
Etho lifted him off the ground, not saying anything but Joel screamed, demands and profanities and bodily threats. Etho held his ground, Joel continued to fight. His arms encased a body that became smaller, until he was practically holding his coat close, a tanuki circling rampantly. Scratched and bites and sobs. Until Joel tired himself, clinging onto his shirt and sobbing into it. Etho lowered himself to the ground, opening his coat as Joel went back to his human form. He dropped his forehead into his shoulder, shame running through him as Joel broke down in his arms. 
The soulbound would let him know he was sorry. The soulbound would let him know so much, everything. Everything he could not say, everything he could not put words to. If only they had it again, then things would be so much easier. 
He whispered his words, a sob catching in his throat too, Joel only clung harder to his shirt, “I’m sorry.”
i totally did the ask right 🧍‍♂️ also, this was supposed to have a much happier ending, but i went over the 60mins limit already so i rushed it in 5mins... too much worldbuilding is not good kids 🧍‍♂️ joel was going to fight etho, literally make him black and blue but no time 🧍‍♂️ maybe in another universe
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kinkymagnus · 4 years
Hi! Love your stories!! <3
I just wanna start with I am not transphobic (I know it sounds cliche...) but I am just curious about fanfic authors who write Magnus as trans.
Most of the time I shy away from trans!Magnus fics because for me its hard to picture it when he is male and when I try to read a fic I will get thrown off once I read sex scenes. I love your stories of sub!Magnus (let's be real there is no other kind <3).
I am always afraid to ask (hence the anon ask) cause most of the time anyone who loves trans!Magnus will get really defensive and start getting really mean when it's a general question or opinion and I just wanted to get your take on it.
hm ok. well. i really don’t love the wording of this question. but i like to try and take questions like this that i think are more borne of ignorance than malice and like, engage with them. i don’t think i’m morally obligated to, though, and people you may have said something like this to and reacted negatively, well, i don’t blame them at all. i’m not exactly feeling sunshine and roses about it, either. 
under the cut bc this is long
first: starting with “i’m not transphobic, but--” isn’t cliche, it’s a sign of someone knowing they’re about to say something transphobic. or trying to excuse themselves and distance themselves from any blame. and so on. it’s not like “oh everyone says that” it’s “i read that and immediately know i’m about to put up with some bullSHIT.” like, the fact you put that little disclaimer there means you KNOW IT NEEDS ONE. 
second: “it is hard to picture if when he is male” hm. ok. so. right here you’re assuming trans men =/= male. magnus having a vagina = not man. that’s very much being transphobic.
but let’s give the benefit of the doubt. let’s say you didn’t mean it like that. you might be confused just because you’re so used to cis male magnus, it feels off when someone suddenly describes something that doesn’t fit what you’re used to. it’s like when i read a fic and it mentions magnus’s dick or whatever, and i’m always surprised, and find it hard to picture, because at this point, i’m so used to trans magnus that way i write it. or it might be even something like... 
ok, here’s a weirdly specific example. i read the alex rider books as a kid, and there’s a character who is described as white and red-headed. in the recent tv adaptation, she’s a black woman with long dark curls. i’ve never been good at imagining characters in my head when its just books, so the imagery i’ve attached to this character is the tv show version of her. so now, if i go back and reread the books or read fanfiction for alex rider, every time they mention her red hair or something that makes it clear she’s not black, i’m a little startled, before i remember, oh yeah, originally, she was a redheaded white chick.
so let’s say that’s more the feeling you’re getting: you’re so used to cis magnus, seeing trans magnus is a little moment of surprise. 
........so what?
your options here are:
don’t read it and be quiet if it bothers you so much
keep reading and deal with the surprise i mean is it really that bad to have a momentary “oh yeah lol” moment? and you might even stop being surprised eventually if you get used to it lmao
i don’t think it’s a big deal to be a bit thrown off when you remember that this person’s version of magnus doesn’t have a dick or whatever. but that’s kind of something to keep to yourself. read it or don’t, but there’s nothing wrong with it. it’s not weird, it doesn’t make magnus less male, and if you don’t like it, don’t read it.  
also, you say “i’m afraid to ask” but come to think of it, you haven’t actually.... asked a question. just “like your fics. im not transphobic BUT... trans magnus is weird because i can forget he’s supposed to be trans until the sex scenes, and then it throws me off because he’s supposed to be Male. it’s weird. i love sub magnus. i’m afraid to ask because trans magnus fans are mean and defensive when you say lightly transphobic things. what’s your take?” 
i mean, is the question the whole “i’m curious about fic authors wrote magnus as trans”? like, what about us? most of us are trans and we love magnus???? idk what you want to know buddy? why people would EVER headcanon magnus as not cis? like, there are lots of reasons for that one being he literally could not possibly be our definition of the western cis male given that he was born like 4+ centuries ago on an entirely different continent . like, really, if you want to know why we headcanon him as trans i’m sure you could read through our blogs and find a bunch of shit 
and anyway it’s like, ok, 1. trans magnus isn’t just about the sex, but that’s a lesser issue.
2. again, no question being asked here beyond a general “what’s your take on this” (this being....”trans magnus weird”? or “trans magnus fic authors...thots?”?)
3. finally to get tho the last part of hmm yikes wording is the “anyone who loves trans!Magnus will get really defensive and start getting really mean”. the word choice here sure does say a lot. 
“defensive” and “mean”. if you’re going up to them and saying “trans magnus confuses me during sex scenes because he’s male!” then yeah, people might get a little upset. and defensive? either a) implies you’re on the offensive, or b) implies they’re like, guilty somehow, they’re being defensive and cagey. 
like, coming out with some casual transphobia or whatever and then playing the victim when people are offended and react....not cool
and just... look. calling someone out for being transphobic isn’t being mean or a bully. and no one’s saying you have to like trans magnus, no one’s holding a gun to your head and making you read our posts and fics. but if you’re going to read our posts and fics, don’t be a dick about it. 
and genuinely, like, i know i’ve focused on the bad here, but like, thank you, i’m glad you like my stories, and hell yeah sub magnus rights. and i don’t think you’re like a bad person or someone trying to be malicious and hateful or something, but like.... my dude PLEASE think about this shit and how you’re wording things like. jesus 
i think the highlights here are 
yes trans man = man
man with vagina = still a man
trans magnus having sex via a cis man’s penis in his vagina = gay sex between two males
people might get defensive or “mean” if you say things to them that are kinda transphobic and that’s understandable. they aren’t aggressors or your enemies for reacting like this.
no one is forcing you to like or read trans magnus content, it’s okay if you don’t, but if so just don’t, you don’t gotta say anything just don’t read it 
there are lots of reasons someone might headcanon magnus as trans 
and headcanoning him as trans isn’t weird, gross, or wrong in any way
honestly headcanoning him as cis makes less sense but that’s another talk
also saying “im not transphobic but--” doesn’t absolve you of any transphobia following it 
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Hello half valid anon here (i like my nickname 😂). I got through all your fics and they were all great. Right now im just reading a lot of poi fanfics and watch fanvids cause i can't accept that the series is over 😂 --- i know what you mean about fics affecting you negatively. I had this with 13rw (the Show and some fics) everything was so dark and hopeless that i had to stop watching it. I also love to seek out fics where someone is hurt so i can feel my pain through the characters (1)
But i try to read only fics with lots of comfort so it kinda feels like i get comforted as well (dont know if that makes sense). If it makes you uncomfortable or if its unhealthy for you to write about this i completely understand and i dont mean to come of as pushing you to write. I just hope whatever you do will be the right decision for you! As for you feeling suicidal im sorry to hear that. Let me know if there is ever anything i can do to help! I wish i could say sth more comforting but Im not super good with words :( i just hope you have people in your life that support you! 💛
maybe root will grow on you too? Or maybe you can skip her scenes and enjoy John, Harold and most importanly Bear! 😂 Yeah Shaw definately looks really good. She is a bit like Reese minus the caring. At first it seems she doesnt care about anything at all but thats not exactly the Case. There was an episode with Shaw and a little girl (3x5) and i really loved it (have you seen that one?).
I really think Shaw would grow on you (especially since in the beginning she does a lot with John) but then again a lot of her later scenes include Root so im not sure. Yes i love that there were never any romantic undertones with her and John!!
yeah the core four were great. I was so sad when Carter died! :(
i guess everyone sees chemistry different, i think Shoot and Rinch post have great chemistry ☺️
as for John being good with people: YES!! he is always so compassionate and such a great listener as well. I especially like him with children. John and the baby were so cute or John with the boy who offered to pay for him. John + Kids was always a great combination and i wished we would have seen it more often. Also regarding children we did we never got to see a John Taylor scene after Carters death? I needed that!
yes John the badass is also amazing! His character has so many different sides and i love him so much!!
i think Grace Harold was really cute but i dont really see a future for them, i mean he lied to her for so long! but then again they really loved each other so idk maybe they work it out. Im also not into John/Harold/Grace but like you said good for the people who like the ship :)
John and Zoe were great! i wish Zoe would have appeared more often!
I have so many things to say about John and the boring therapist but i think i better not say them :D i wish i could just erase their relationship from my mind!
of course he didnt die! i didnt see a dead body so i refuse to believe he is dead! i also just wanted them to be happy. what kind of an ending is it to let the main character die? i refuse to accept this! -- thank you for the rec i will check it out :) while i do like fluff i mostly read h/c (with the focus on the comfort) cause i just want John to get his much needed comfort :D -- i have no idea where season 1 is supposed to be boring. but idc the people can live with their wrong opinions :D
(today: tumblr user nourann3 discovers the option to indent text after almost 5 years on tumblr...)
Hiii !! It is a very valid nickname 😂 That's nice !! Hmu if you want more recs ! Lol same honestly, I can't believe it's been 4 years since the show ended ! I can give you a link to my poi/Rinch fanvids playlist if you're interested 👀
Oh boi 13rw is so cursed, can't believe I watched all of the 1st season 😬 I remember being afraid of the suicide scene making me uncomfortable but it was so cringe, unrealistic and just bad that I wasn't even that uncomfortable, I cringed when she cut her arms but that's it.
Yeah big mood I project a lot on comfort fics as well. For suicide fics, I think it also depends on how the fics adress the subject. It's something that is complicated to write. If I read a suicide fic with no recovery I'm gonna project but feel like shit. But with recovery, I can project into the recovery as well so it's better ! I read a really good ace attorney fic showing Miles recovering after a suicide attempt, it was thoughtful and didn't fall into the pitfalls of magical super fast recovery/love heals everything, and some lines stuck with me, it was really good and comforting. But yeah if it's just a suicide/suicide attempt then I don't think it's good for me (but sometimes I still read it bc I'm a Dumb Bitch).
Dw you didn't come off as pushing 💜 I'll see how I feel about continuing it or not. I have to figure out if writing about suicide is positive or negative for me 🤔 I mean I'm not portraying John's suicidal crisis as a positive thing, and he reaches out to Harold, and considers he might get better so I don't think it's bad for me ? Another problem is that I have a tendency to drop my wips to write a new shiny idea I get, and then I never finish anything gkgkffjfjf I dropped the suicide fic for the body horror fic which I dropped for the time loop fic, and there's also the hanahaki fic I started last year but I haven't touched in months, plus a bunch of random shit floating around OneDrive lmao someone stop me
What helps the most is venting, just getting that shit out is helping y'know. I appreciate your support ♥️ at least it's not as bad as it used to be
I doubt Root will grow on me, catch me watching her scenes at 1.5 speed lmao, also yes you bet I'll enjoy watching them !!
Yes I remember that ep ! Iirc the little girl tells Shaw she has feelings but the volume is lower than in other people or smth along those lines ?
I hope she'll grow on me bc she seems cool. I remember I was a bit afraid of her just becoming a sort of hollow copy of John, like "look we added another badass to the show". Seems to be more than that though ! Also I'm curious about their mayhem twins dynamic. But yeah if she has a lot of scenes with Root idk how much it'll annoy me
I feel like I wouldn't be able to get the Shoot chemistry bc I'm too biased against Root lol
Ikr the crossing hurt me so much. But thinking about it takes me back to my careese days and my first fics lol. I feel like the death of one of the core four + the abandonment of the library really alienated me from the show (did I already say that before ?). And here I'm gonna shamelessly derail from Carter to the library bc boiii do I have a lot of feelings about the library !! And you're here, talking about poi, so you're the perfect subject to throw these feelings at. This post really says what I feel about it (I'll put the link at the end as well if you wanna read it after you're done with this l o n g reply). It was in a way its own character and its forced abandonment/destruction really hit me (fucked me up when they broke that glass board). It says something that it's one of the few things I remember from S3 along with Carter's death and 4C. I loved it a lot, it was a cornerstone of the show. It was a safe place, a home for Harold and John (and Bear !). I love when they're together in there, I love this cracked glass board, this yellow stained glass in the windows !!! (at least I assume it's stained glass ?), these lights, Bear's cushion, the whole cozy/safe/isolated feelings, just absolutely everything. And yeah later they have the subway, idk when it's introduced I don't remember if it's early enough for me to have watched it. And maybe it's nice, I can't judge rn. But it's like trying to give me a new MC after a MCD, make him as nice as you want I'll be clutching the previous MC until I die. Gkfkfkff I went overboard and off topic but I just love the library ok
Ikr I love how he's badass but also gentle and understanding and nice to people ! I love him !!! Yeah wolf and cub is really good, also I love when John smiles to Darren at the end !! I use this moment as my pfp bc I love it so much. He's just so cute ! I wish he smiled more (did we ever hear him laugh in the entirety of the show ?). Baby blue is so great, Harold and him are such a married couple in this ep ! Yeah same more content with John and children would have been nice.
I never thought about how much we needed a John Taylor scene but yes !! We were robbed :((((
Speaking of John being a cool badass. Here's a badass John vid rec it's super good
Yeah they were cute in the past. I think it's good he went back to her bc it gives closure to both of them. But I don't see their relationship working again. She grieved, probably started to move on after all these years and knowing he lied all this time probably won't make her want to go back with him. I've never been in love so what do I know lol, but were I her I probably wouldn't want to go back with him and I'd just be happy knowing he's alive after all.
Same I need more Zoe (also she's hot)
Lmao let's just forget about that weird relationship shall we
Aren't we all the same, firmly believing he's alive and happy out there ! It was foreshadowed since the first ep and it made sense but do I care ? No, fuck that shit John is very much alive
You're welcome ! John needs all the comfort and the love !!! I think I have a preference for fluff bc he gets hurt enough in the show lol
Indeed they can, veryyy far away from us
Sry if this is shit I have like half a functioning braincell today
The post abt home bases I mentioned
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comicteaparty · 4 years
March 28th-April 3rd, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble   chat that occurred from March 28th, 2020 to April 3rd, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
How many hours do you work on your comic per week, and how do you manager to balance that with other responsibilities?
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
heheh So we are.. cheating a bit Both me and my coworker are unemployed, and is working on hour comic, like was it a full time job. It is our passion project, and dream that we can work and live of makeing comics. In Denmark you can apply for grants from the government, but you need to have releashed a book before that is possible. We are useing the comic, to show potentional clients in the future what we can do. For now we are working on it from 09:00-17:00 ish (with a long lunch break) while applying for other kinds of grants, and also does all the things we are supposed to to get our unemplyment money, and searching for jobs, and freelance gigs, gathering the courage to start our own small company (not right now though) and yeaah time will tell
@Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS that doesn't sound like cheating to me? more like using the tools at your disposal to turn your passion into a viable career
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
hehe it feels a little like cheating! there are some debates about if it is okay or not, but we think that strengthening our skills is a good use of our time
eli [a winged tale]
Haha also not cheating! It’s great you’re using the time to chase the dream I’m curious what’s your breakdown for those time working on the comic? As for me, usually 1-2 hours a day with a bit more on the weekend if time permits. These days with the quarantine it’s about 2-3 h a day
Since I'm unemployed until who knows when I've been working on my comic between 40-50 hours a week about 6 to 7 days a week... most weeks. Some days, like update day or chore day, I hardly work on the comic or don't work on it at all. Admittedly I'm not the best at balancing drawing with other responsibilities, sometimes I get so into it that I forget about daily house chores, other weeks I do the opposite and only do house chores which makes me totally behind of comic stuff. I can't seem to find a good middle ground, it always turns into completely focusing on one or the other.
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah when I get in the zone, time flies and life gets put to the wayside
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
So I have no school or work, so the webcomic has become almost a fulltime project for me
I average about 10 hours per day working on it, not counting on chores and exercise
Another thing I worry about is the possibility of carpal tunnel syndrome, which is why I've been relentless with exercise, too
I guess it's just a combination of relentless reminders and also sheer willpower that gets me to do other responsibilities haha
@eli [a winged tale] also I know that feeling
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
So since my school had to cancel, I have to be more responsible for my online course. Sometimes I give myself 2 days off each week to work more into my upcoming webcomic but I have to switch my mind for school work, online classes. Also extra time for food. I need to get back into exercise or I feel exhausted more easily. I keep a wall schedule so that I make it a routine to write what I'll do every 3 or 5 days, to keep my active brain reminded(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I spent the majority of last year (fun)employed (partially by choice, partially not! my previous job let me go rather unceremoniously... and I needed a hiatus anyway... so it worked out) so I poured a lot more hours into that chapter of Phantomarine than I usually did. I worked on it almost every day - at least for a couple of hours, but sometimes up to a full eight-hour day. That number has dipped tremendously since I’ve gone back to work, but I’m spreading the same amount of time out in a broader way. I’m trying to get a good buffer during my hiatus, so I can work and draw in a healthy balance. I don’t have crazy overtime at my current job like I did at my last one, so that’s already a comfort. I’m confident I’ll be able to hit a good stride once the comic returns in June (edited)
eli [a winged tale]
Can’t wait Lady!!
Feather J. Fern
Two part time jobs, and school killed my comic, but I been working on getting one panel done a day, which is around 30minutes to an hour if possible.
eli [a winged tale]
My routine used to be rendering on the commute but now just once in am and once pm until this limbo time is clarified
That’s awesome Feather! It’s so rewarding when everything comes together after putting effort everyday
Feather J. Fern
Once school is done in two more weeks I will be more free to do things so I hope to get maybe two panels done in a day XD
Online school, stupid quarantine
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Due to the pandemic im mostly off school and my part time job so i spend like 4-5 hours on my comic per day. Still would like try to get a page done per day but lmao digital painting is slowwww
eli [a winged tale]
What’s everyone’s tips for breaks/stretches/balance? I feel like I certainly need to revisit these to avoid burnout and continue feeling motivated!
Feather J. Fern
Actually there was a cool manga artist who's tip was literally he only worked working hours. His mornings are free and since manga was his job, he worked form 12-6, giving him 2 hours to do other work he needs to get done, and takes morning walks and stuff.
Another person I know had "No working weekends" as a thing becuase they are a freelancer.
I personally have try to make sure I ahve a routine, and actually, stretch before drawing.
Streetch before, during a break, and then after, to keep that body nice and warmed up
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Health-wise there's this hing for your : every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. I'm not good at following this, but when I do it, it helps a lot.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Despite the current pandemic, my work-life hasn't changed much (unless you count stress getting in the way). I am currently "unemployed," but I do consider comicking my full-time job. I am also not very good at balancing work and life. Something's always gotta give. Last year, I worked at a job that basically ruined my ability to work on my comic. I worked 30-40 hours typically, ruined my sleep schedule, took work home sometimes, and was constantly exhausted. This is what resulted in my year and a half long hiatus, and it's what drove me to work like hell on my comic when I quit. Now (when I'm in the groove and not suffering from art block), I typically spend 60-70 hours on my comic and get 2-3 pages done: - 30 hours sketching (I know, ridiculous) - 5 hours filling in base colors - 20-25 hours painting - 5 hours adding text, speech bubbles, sfx, and finishing touches - 1-2 hours formatting for Webtoon I also spend some time throughout the week typing up the script, doing concept art for things coming in the future of the comic, and preparing for conventions, but I can't tell you exactly how much time.
eli [a winged tale]
Thanks for the breakdown! I’m always keen to learn from everyone and seeing how the workflow is like for different people
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
oh don't forget to do wrist stretches!
eli [a winged tale]
Ahh formatting time is always so tedious for me!
Yes wrist exercises! Any recommendations?
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
hmmm well the easiest one is literally just shaking it out
like every hour
and I also like to hold my arm out parallel, point my fingers up and using my other hand to pull the fingers back so i'm stretching the wrist
then I point the fingers down and pull on the fingers until my wrist is stretching
eli [a winged tale]
Awesome. Will be adopting those!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I'm pretty fast. 2-6 hours per page, depending on how detailed it is. Average of 3-4. I could probably do 2 pages/ week easily enough, but don't want to do more than that. I'm the kind of person who always needs to be doing a million different things. I need to leave time for my other hobbies and my paintings and my academics and extracurriculars. Otherwise I'd get burnt out doing one thing only
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
@eli [a winged tale] So since it is both me and @Q (Wayfinders: Off Course) working, we start with working on a rough each, our goal is one step (so rough, ink, color) for two pages pr day, pr person. So in a weak the goal is four finished pages a week, and then we upload 3 pages per week. So it is divided that in the morning we start at 09:00 in the morning, maybe checking mail, being practical or whatever. Then we work until 12:00 were we eat lunch, go for a long nice walk and then we go back to work between 13:00 and 14:00 ish and then work until 17:00 when we begin to prepare dinner. Then of course breaks inbetween
Q (Wayfinders: Off Course)
It’s pretty wild to be able to dedicate your entire day to comics like that
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
damn you all work fast
do you guys have any tips on how to work on a webcomic faster?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Lol, I wish!
Still looking for those magical secrets
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) You know the 80-20 rule? You can get 80% of the result with 20% of the effort? My comic is very messy if you zoom in. I don't spend time making sure the linework or the coloring is perfectly clean. Also, I'm pretty fast at drawing figures. I used to practice figure drawing a lot by rushing to draw strangers irl before they moved, or by drawing a bunch of fast figures from the free figure drawing model websites online. I've also taken a figure drawing course (didn't even have to pay because it was part of my university! Even if you don't have that option you can probably find free life drawing sessions on Meetup or similar!) which really helped me streamline my process for drawing people
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Oh I see! Yes, I used to take life drawing classes too! And your response makes me feel a lot better
I tend to be a bit messy with inking, and since i'm a perfectionist a lot of my time is wasted on editing/clean up
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I've seen cronaj draw, and while I think the results look excellent, I think her method is a kind of inefficient. She draws like a printer, nearly finishing one detailed body part before moving on the the next. I think maybe if she drew in a more classical way, going from a gesture drawing to progressively more detailed, it might help her be faster and her poses more cohesive and dynamic. Maybe working on 1 or 5 min figures would help? Practicing things like this?
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah I try to do figure practices for efficiency
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I heard that there are some online life drawing vids you can follow too
but what are your experiences with online life drawing vids versus the real thing
like is there a real difference?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
found some of my old 1 minutes
To me there's not too much difference
I've heard some people say that life drawing is either way easier or way harder though. Because of your depth perception when looking at a real person
But the bruises on my legs can attest to my horrid depth perception haha. That might be why I don't notice a difference
Actually those previous sketches might be 30 seconds? I don't remember
I would recommend you try both but right now we pretty much only have the online option haha
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah I’ve done both and I think irl creates complexity with depth and the interactions with others etc is helpful but online is my go to for flexibility
I think having a process streamlined will make things more efficient. The downside is that it might feel tedious and I do switch it up from time to time for variety
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Might feel uncomfortable but that's how you know you're improving
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
There is a TON of difference for me. I HAVE to look at a physical model in front of me.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Can't get better if you always do the same things
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
This is what my brain does.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I wonder- could drawing yourself in a mirror be a decent substitute?
If youre lucky you might also be able to ask an SO or roommate to model for you. Should probably pay them back by cooking for them or something though
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Brain: sees a real model in front of me Brain: translates 3D to 2D, result: drawing Brain: sees a photo/video of a model Brain: SHIT. That's supposed to be 3D, isn't it? Brain: Translates 2D to 3D (basically re-constructing it in my head, or attempting to re-construct) so that it can translate it back to 2D Brain: BSOD
There's some online resources out there that have "3D" photos... you know, two near-identical images side by side, so if you look at it cross-eyed, it becomes 3D?
But I can't do those because I get a headache X'D
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Just thinking about drawing from that makes me dizzy
eli [a winged tale]
Oh interesting!
Yeah maybe looking out the window to draw people would be the way to go...
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
But maybe figure drawing in VR exists?
eli [a winged tale]
Balcony figure drawings
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I live on the top floor so those are going to be some very small figures
eli [a winged tale]
For ants
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Once this coronavirus thing is over, there's lots of ways you can do gesture drawings from just random people -- bus stops, cafes, museums (I have not done this, but people who have done this report this is really good because others assume you're drawing the artworks. XD)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I've done this a lot
Sometimes I've even shown people drawing of themselves if they've turned out particularly nice
They've always taken it well
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I like drawing my professors because they use hand gestures a lot when they talk
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Airport was REALLY good for finding people stuck in one pose indefinitely
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
they alwayas laugh when I show them
eli [a winged tale]
Shadow omg I do that too
Draws classmates
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
yeah the only issue i have with drawing classmates
is that they're always doing the "i'm using my phone" pose
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Become the master of drawing people on their phones
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Maybe try drawing children on the playground?
This works better if you're a woman
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
oh thank jesus
I also like going to the zoo or the museum
or the aquarium if i'm feeling adventurous
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I am a University student so I also have some pretty interestng drawings of people asleep in weird poses
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I really need to start going to weekly figure drawing sessions once this is over (there's one here... 20 min drive... 8AM Saturdays )
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
ditto or just go to the park and draw
and @Eightfish (Puppeteer) I've had some.....weird poses from all my profs
one guy was incredibly hard to draw; he was VERY enthusiastic about showing us knife skills
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
The parks here are too spacious, to a degree where it's weird to get close enough to people
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Bring binoculars
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Don't worry ma'am I'm an artist
nothing sketchy
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
(except my sketch)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
A+ pun right there
another place to go for figure drawing
I once tried drawing the men dancing in the Newsies musical
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Tried that once, but it took me out of the performance
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
same i was dazzled by dancing men
aaaaand then i abandoned sketching at all when they started throwing newspaper strips into the audience
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
But they were giving you free paper!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
i'll take what i can get
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) While I agree that my method of drawing is "inefficient," I do not draw like a printer. There are videos of people drawing like a printer and it's not what I'm doing. I have done gesture drawing before, but it always looked incredibly abstract, and not quite like people, which is fine, but not what I'm going for. I treat gesture drawing like a warm-up exercise. It doesn't really do anything for my end result, but gets my drawing muscles stretched out.(edited)
eli [a winged tale]
Gesture drawings are definitely a good warmup!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Perhaps it was an inappropriate analogy. What works for me I guess wouldn't work for everyone. I was trying to offer advice because whenever you talk about how much time you spend on art and you work life balance it's commendable but also dismaying. I hope you find something that works for you in the future
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Oh god.. I sometimes work 6 hours a day. I guess thats like 30 hours a week? Crazy to think about, it's like a full job
Oooh you guys are sharing figure drawings... I swant to show some of mine
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My figure drawing usually breaks down into like, medical anatomy study. I feel like I understand body shapes better by including the muscles & bones
ABS the most important figure study
Deo101 [Millennium]
ah figure drawing? I love figure drawing ^^
I do like a lot but this kinda thing is most of it
anyways as for the question at hand, I do a lot of different things for my comics weekly. My millennium pages take me 2-6 hours i would say, but I also have patreon things I need to do so I'd say i spend 10-15 hours on it a week. for my other comic, I spend about 6 hours an update, and it updates every other week. but honestly, all of my free time goes to assorted comics. If i'm not working on school work or chatting with people, I'm working on things for patreon, potential merch, or other comics I want to start sometime.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Oooh nice poses!!’
Deo101 [Millennium]
thanks!! I have a ton of gesture/figure drawings but these ones are my most recent that I have saved to my computer i think
10 minutes im pretty sure. very good for speeding up
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Those look really nice, good values
Deo101 [Millennium]
thanks ^^ I really hate working in charcoal honestly, it kinda always winds up hurting my body somehow, but its very quick sooooooo
My answer for the prompt question has changed a lot since I started quarantine lmao... I used to do about 10 hours of work throughout the week on my comic page (usually after work, I have an office job) but ironically it’s gotten harder while I work from home. I’ve been struggling to find time since I don’t have a separation between work and home now, and putting the boundaries up of “I’m not always available” to coworkers is difficult.
Also on figure studies: they’re a great way to practice speed. I use the concepts of figure drawings all the time.
@kayotics As someone who always works from home doing remote contract work, I have to say I think this is something a lot of people underestimate about work at home life. In that it's sometimes really difficult to establish boundaries with ppl and make them understand you aren't always available and also aren't gonna work billions of hours of overtime. So I'm sorry to hear that's affecting your comic work.
Shadowmark Productions
I work anywhere from 6-8 hours a day on comic stuff. That’s an average though. Sometimes I slack and need to pull all nighters to make up for it. Yes, I am terrible at time management. They say entrepreneurs are the only people willing to work 80 hours a week for themselves so they do not have to work 40 hours a week for someone else. I guess webcomic creators are the only people willing to work 80+ hours a week so that they can... go to work for someone else afterwards
4 days of procrastinating, 1 of procrastinating and hating myself, and 2 of actual comic drawing seems to make up my weekly comic making schedule. :p
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I can only imagine how stressed I would be if I forced myself to update weekly
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
This is a hard question to answer because it varies a lot depending on my energy levels. Ideally I’d spend several hours a day on comics, but realistically I draw as much as possible when I have the energy (5+ hours a day for as many days in a row as I can handle it) and then go weeks or months too tired to do comics. On average, barring any long periods of exhaustion or other interruptions from RL, I spend about 20+ hours a week making pages for my comics.
I prefer to work on my comic for about an hour ever morning and maybe 2-3 hours in the evening, that's the ideal routine for me. Right now I sadly have a lot of schoolwork to do (writing my thesis) so i might get less than 30 minutes in the morning and then feel rlly tired in the evening so I dont get as much time then either. but oh well!
I can still work for 4-5 hours on the weekends so I manage ^^(edited)
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
The whole stay-indoors order's currently completely wrecked my pattern, but before that I did between 3-4 hours a day.
Shadowmark Productions
Can’t imagine the stress of a daily or even weekly posting schedule. Hats off.
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A Very Merry Voltron Valentine’s ft. Pidge
Alternate title: Lance is a little instigating shit and pidge is a huge sappy nerd
A/N this was done with literally no editing or beta so mistakes be damned! Take my trash and do what you will with it lol
~1900 words
“There is no capitalism in space Lance,” Pidge said with a roll of her eyes as she tried to find the perfect ratio of alien ingredients to make the brown sludge in her cup taste like coffee. “And even if we were on Earth I would still try to fight the good fight against corporate schemes that disguise themselves as holidays. Its evil to try and trademark love,” she said pushing herself onto the counter and taking a long sip. Still terrible but if it was giving her at least some sort of buzz so worth it for the time being.
Nothing, however, was worth seeing that horrible ‘I know something you don’t know’ look that Lance wore so proudly. Pidge frowned, tapping her fingers against the ceramic mug trying her hardest to not ask. Asking would mean giving in and admitting she was curious in whatever gossip he had. Even if she was dying to know why he even brought up the subject of Valentine’s Day she didn’t want to feed into his teenage soap opera ways. Lucky for her though he wasn’t very good at keeping things to himself.
“That is very noble. I’m sure you must have been very popular amongst all your tech nerd buddies who also never had dates. But things are different now pidge! You do have a date and maybe they don’t share the same fight the system inclinations you do,” Lance said with what he must have thought was a very casual wave of his hand as he leaned on the counter opposite Pidge “But if you don’t care that s/o got you something well then that’s none of my business,” he continued looking down to pick at his nails.
Pidge’s first thought was that with the right forward momentum she could easily knock Lance to the floor and force him to tell everything he knew about the gift. Of course that’s probably what he wanted judging by his eyebrows lost somewhere in his hairline and toothy smile. So instead she cleared her throat and said “I have to go. Right now. Immediately. And you still can’t pressure me into this …. No matter what may happen in the future know that you had nothing to do with it!” as she ran out of the kitchen.
Pidge’s time off was supposed to be spent working on some personal projects, mostly working on some of her language courses before the castle started beeping at her and projecting holographic reminders in her room. Now she was desperately trying to figure out exactly what romance was even supposed to be. She had visions of hearts and fat babies with bows dancing around her head as she tried to remember what Valentines was like back home. She groaned, pulling at her hair and slumping onto her bed. “Sure Pidge you’re suuuuuuch a genius. Alien tech, no problem. Giant lion weapon system, no problem. Get your date mate a nice present and suddenly I’m as intelligent as a snail. Ugh no … that’s an insult to snails!” she mumbled grabbing a pillow to scream into.
She did nothing but simmer like that for a long time, the wheels turning and turning in her head to the point she was sure there was smoke coming out of her ears. Then suddenly she sat up right, the fire moving from her brain to her eyes. “I’ve been looking at this all wrong. I can’t figure this out the way Lance would. I have to solve it my way. Besides my way is going to end up being much more efficient and not only help myself but all other romantically troubled people to come!” she announced to her audience of scattered tools and crushed energy drink cans before setting to her new task: finding the scientific solution to the perfect Valentine’s Day.
It was at best a show of her dedication to s/o but at its worst, and somewhere a little closer to the truth, it looked like a conspiracy theorist wall. Pictures and words taped to the wall with multicolored string creating a makeshift obstacle course. Several people had tried to come check on her only to look at the mess, decide it wasn't their problem and walk right back out. Even s/o had been warned about Pidge’s strange project and hadn’t been around except to leave snacks and the occasional ‘remember to drink lots of water!’ note. At long, long last though she was certain that she had the key. A fool proof plan she had gotten all of the details perfected at three o’clock in the morning.
Well almost perfect, she had neglected one detail in her pursuit of scientifically backed romance; she had absolutely no idea where to get any of it. They were currently trying to lay low which meant there was no guarantee of the next time they would be going off ship. The only option she had was to work with what was around the castle … it was going to be a long day.
Pidge had looked rough before, forgetting to sleep for a couple days could do that but it was nothing compared to how she looked and felt now. It seemed like it was just disaster after another, she tried to not think of it as a metaphor for her life. First it was the flowers, a classic and what she assumed would be the easiest considering Allura had a greenhouse tucked away in the upper stories of the castle. Pidge had found the most appealing colors and shapes, trying to match those she knew from Earth, to create the ultimate bouquet. It was going great until she broke into a rainbow of rashes in some equally as colorful places on her body. That dream was quickly squashed.
Pidge thought that at least she could have a nice dinner and some chocolates to give to s/o, Hunk was a sap for that mushy kind of stuff. Heck he had been making everything heart shaped for month in preparation for the big day! Yet Pidge had all but been laughed out when she brought her requested menu. “Dude I would love to help you and I can do what I can buuuuut this is not Earth. I don’t have anything that’s even close to, what was it you wanted steak? Really, steak? And truffles? Oh man I wish I had access to some chocolate! It’s a nice thought but the best I can do is like a trio of space goo,” Hunk said before Pidge kicked that damned goo machine and left.
The rest of her tasks when just about the same. The closest thing to a stuffed animal she found was the training robots. The shiniest thing she could find to try and make jewelry was scraps of galra tech which just seemed ominous. She had managed to blow up something resembling a balloon but discovered whatever gas she used was very unstable finally leaving her empty handed and half an eyebrow short.
She trudged back to her room late into the night, worse for the ware and completely down in spirits. “This is what I get for turning my back on my morals, karma apparently works over time in space,” she snorted as she belly flopped onto the bed wondering if she suffocated in the sheets if she would be allowed out of the Valentine’s celebrations that she was sure Lance had planned for later the next day. She was perfectly willing to wallow in her own sadness until she was dragged out to see what amazing thing s/o had gotten her when suddenly there was a knock on the door.
Her heart fluttered, knowing who it had to be but almost hoping that it wasn’t. The soft footsteps could only belong to one person and despite the fact nothing was going right Pidge was happy to hear them. After all the trouble and disappointment they were the only person she could think of that she would want to be around. Even if she had nothing to give in return. “Hey there stranger, I didn’t realize we had someone new living in the castle. I have heard a ghost has been roaming as of late though,” they teased as they sat on the edge of the bed with legs crisscrossed. “I did try ghost hunting but haven’t had much luck …. Ya know I missed you Pidge,” they added with quiet sincerity.
It wasn’t posed as a question or even with the air of sad guilt for which Pidge was eternally grateful. It was something she appreciated with their relationship; there was never any need to explain her weird habits until she was ready to talk. “Im a weirdo who doesn’t deserve your patience but I will selfishly accept it,” Pidge said slumping and twisting around until her head was resting in their lap, her arms hugging their waist. “But good news is ghostbusters have stopped by and eliminated all ghosts. I’m back to being my usual annoying goblin of a person,” she said grinning up at them.
“Mmm you are definitely more of a troll but whatever you decide to be, as long as you’re mine again, I’m happy~” they cooed down at her, rubbing her arm and bending down to kiss the top of her head. Pidge gave a content sigh and wanted to bury herself in this moment, get lost in the warmth and serenity of being reunited with them. “Aaaaaaan because you’re mine I kinda got you something. Lance has been on my case about Valentine’s Day, which I personally think is a sort of emotional cop out but I couldn’t resist a chance at arts and crafts,” they grinned, gently scooching Pidge over to reach for something in their pocket.
Pidge expected to be a nervous wreck, feeling so low that she would want to puke but she instead found herself actually anxious to see what it was. The earlier disdain of not being able to make a perfect gift a shadow in the back of her mind, almost laughable in that moment. She held out her hand to accept what she now saw was a card, pushing herself up to get a better view of what it said. On the front there was a cartoonish picture of a galaxy, stars and planets dotting the shimmery blue paper, and bubble letters that read ‘Are you stuck in space Valentine?’ then opened up to a very crude sketch of what was undeniably a butt surrounded by all capital letters in harsh red print ‘BECAUSE THAT ASS IS OUT OF THIS WORLD.’
There was silence for a minute, while s/o sat biting their lip, opening their mouth stuttering about how they weren’t a great artist and that she didn’t have to like it she just thought the joke was funny but they could totally forget the whole thing. Only shutting up when Pidge crashed her lips against their own, laughing into the kiss so hard they seemed to be vibrating against each other, tears wetting their cheeks before they pulled away gasping for air while the last fit of giggles left their systems.
“This is perfect. You’re perfect,” Pidge said, arms wrapped around s/o’s neck with her forehead resting against theirs. They giggled again and kissed the tip of her nose “Only cause I have someone to be perfect for,” they replied with another smile which Pidge happily returned. Again she didn’t deserve someone this amazing but she wouldn’t want anything else.
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Some 3 am realizations about life, relationships and maybe more?? idk whatever have fun.
Ok before i start on this shit I am going to say it is 3 am and i am just dumping some thoughts like i usually do. Sorry for the shit grammar, disorganized thoughts and all that jazz... In a sense i feel like this is a letter to myself and what i have been trying so damn hard to understand so yeah i am talking to myself and to this website. I think. Idk. i will probably delete this in the morning when i am back on bad bitch mode and go back to posting memes pero por ahora vamos a ver como nos va. Mayb ei will leave it up bc i forget or because i dont care who sees it. sorry for the shitshow of a post you are about to read but you probably already kinda know me so yay! I debated posting this shit because the internet is a wildin place but oh well!!1!!11
ok tumblr it is 3 in the morning and i have 100% regressed into being a 15 years old on this damn website shitposting and reblogging some corny ass posts but it feels right, so here i am attempting to process it through the only form i know how to actually know how to cope with things. I mean memes are cool and all but lets be real, they don’t address the problems. this is the one place i can brain dump all of my thoughts and not really care about where they go because they will eventually disappear in the tumblr algorithm.
My old blog was often the only separation I had between my reality and the life i really wished i had, but now I have that life that I always wanted so why the hell am i back at square one? To be fair, the life that i have right now may not be envied by many but its a pretty darn good life to me. Im safe 99.9% of the time. The other .1% is a story for another day. I have been trying to figure out for months as to why i’m back to being so active on here and now that it’s 3:00am I realize it’s because of self isolation (thanks corona!). 
Let me start off by saying this; my reality is not something I am going to be able to escape. Ever. It has brought me to where i am today, allowed me to meet some really incredible people and i am so so grateful. I have learned so much in the past few years. i am grateful what happened happened. Wild, i know. I escaped it physically but i cannot escape it mentally, at least for now. School, work, writing, dealing with my freshmen’s problems was what kept my brain occupied and away from having to face the part of my life that I really just want to forget. To be fait my trauma response has taken pretty good care of fucking up my memory and all of those fun things but ironically the things i want to forget about so badly are the things i think about every single day without skipping a beat. brains are weird like that.
I am ok now but sometimes i forget and fall back into my new reality. That is ok. People that know my story ask me why i don’t write about it on a public platform because it’s inspiring?? or hopeful?? or whatever cliche people want to use when addressing a topic that makes them uncomfortable and they want to feel better about the life they live. 21 year old latina girl faces adversity and lives the american dream (barely)..i mean, i did run a whole ass magazine and wrote a piece for graduation including some details of my story but that was like the rated g version with only the little sad parts that people are able to handle without feeling like their comfort zone is being violated. MEdia is a wonderful place isnt it???  so i get where they are coming from, but what they dont understand is that an international platform is not where i can share any of these thoughts... Listen, I know this is cryptic and confusing and you are probably really curious about what the hell happened to me but i don’t feel safe to type it out on international platforms with public access. I don’t know if i ever will... Yeah i can talk to people i trust about it because i am in control of the space and the situation and who is obtaining that information but you never really know with the internet. 
maybe in the future i’ll write a book on it. even then i will probably use my alias make it a YA fiction with an added love story that ends in a happy ending. Maybe one day one of the school girl crushes I have will turn into that YA story and i dont have to make any of it up.
If i am honest...this blog is the only safe place i will probably ever have where he wont find me. He can find my school and my address and phone number and work and everything in between because that is just the way things work. Yeah yeah i get it stop posting shit on social media that is how he finds you whatever. What people dont understand is that I cant stop living my life again. I already started so i cant go back to giving him that power. It makes no sense. Also, his family is too confused by all of the ups and downs of the last year that they dont really know where i am going or what i am doing. So anyways, long story short - That’s why i am back on here, because it has become the same written safe haven I had when i was 15 and tried to escape my physical reality. Only difference is that i am trying to manage the mental reality of it all...
I also have so many questions about what to do next. Like i mentioned in another post, i didnt think i would make it to 21 but i did. I didnt think this far ahead so i guess i will just figure it out along the way but hear me out. How do i face a new reality that no one can relate to. At least not the people around me. How do i make friends and know when the “right time” is to tell them hey btw if this happens lmk lol. Even more importantly (because it relates to my future as world famous YA novelist.. lol sure grace...) How do I even date someone??? many questions are tied to that. like... I know theyre going to ask. “what happened?” “who is it?” “how can i help?” “Isnt there something we can do?”. i am more than willing to answer these questions because fuck, if im dating someone i would be curious too.. but do i even answer those questions. How do i know they are ready to handle that kind of information? how can i guarantee theyre not going to leave. How can i know that they arent going to be frightened by what has happened. how do i know they are not going to think differently of me. How do i explain to this person “yeah i have stress nightmares about what happened and when i wake up i think i am back in that situation and not where i live and i have to remind myself i am in a whole different area code but then its fine lol so if we share a bed at any point in time dont be alarmed if i wake up in a panic.” or how do i explain to them when something triggers me and all i can do is freeze because maybe it is him. Maybe he finally found me. but then i am back to reality and move on with my day because that is the only thing left to do. I cant throw myself a shitty pity party thats generic as fuck and i dont have time for it but whatever. moving on. next question. How do i know theyre not gonna walk away because they have the misconception so many people have?? Just because i went through some shit doesnt mean i am unstable or unloveable or whatever bs people think. This isnt going to go away. This shit is a aprt of me but it doesn not define me. it is not who i am.I dont have the option to make it go away but people have the option to pick up their things and go. seems unfair to me sometimes. It seems unfair to generalize people like that. I am always open to a new relationship but people expect me to be sitting at home scared to go out into the world and live my life. I have a life to live and i am so ready to explore it by myself or with someone by my side but quarantine has brought me back on here to deal with the fact that i am back to being stuck inside. Mentally and physically. One sucks less than the other. 
I have so many other questions but i am feeling tired again and its almost 4am so maybe i should go to bed. Y’all dont know how happy i am to have this trash site to vent to in the middle of the night. theres some relly judgy people on here but at least i know my feed wont judge me or try to fix what has happened. it will just listen.
Anyways, i doubt anyone will read this because this post got long as fuck but if you did i give you a high five and a virtual hug for getting through the clusterfuck of sentences. Thanks tumblr. If i ever go viral again on this shitshow of a website i may have to bring back my studyblr and go underground lmfao jk maybe. I cant wait to hug my friends and the people i have met that have become a part of my daily routine (yes even during social isolation, get off my ass I am still socially isolating). All i can do for now is wait for someone who cares about me for me and isn’t scared of my past or the pieces of it that linger in my present. I deserve nothing less. if they cant do that they are not worth my time and i hope they drop their keys every single time they go to open their front door. oh... they also better be ready for the hours i spend typing away my thoughts on my computer. Maybe one day they will be allowed to read them too... lol maybe not. whatever who knows. Peace out kiddos stay healthy xoxo.
0 notes
sadrien · 7 years
goodbyes & hellos
on ao3
im so so so late but hey this is for first day of prompt week for @thinkoutsidethelovesquare​!!!! day one: wrong number
this was a lot of fun tbh and ive been dying to write this ship. alyas texts are italicized, adriens are underlined on ao3, just bold here bc tumblrs a butt. shoutout to @reyxa​ for the title <3
Alya narrows her eyes at the new message that lights up her phone. It’s an unknown number that she doesn’t recognize — not that she’s given her number to anyone recently — and it’s also seven in the morning . Anyone how knows her at all should know that she doesn’t wake up before at least nine on the weekends. (And that has nothing to do with the fact that she doesn’t sleep during the week and tends to go to bed after two in the morning.)
She groans as another message shows up on the screen. She squints and lets the messages flow in, figuring she can tell the person they’ve got the wrong number after they’ve finished whatever they have to say. Or she can decide that it’s unimportant and ignore it and go back to sleep.
She likes her second plan the best.
unknown number: Hi!
unknown number: Just wanted to let you know the start time for today has been moved from 10 to 9:15
unknown number: My father has a meeting at 1300 so he wants to get it all done as soon as possible
unknown number: And I know you mentioned wanting to have him on set yesterday
unknown number: I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience! Your agent should be calling you soon, but I thought I’d give you a heads up
Alya squints at the screen. She doesn’t want to care but she’s curious. And curiousity killed the cat and all that but she’s used to letting her nosiness get the best of her.
unknown number: agents???
unknown number: 1st of all srry u have the wrong number
unknown number: 2nd of all were u talking to a movie star or smth???????
unknown number: book writer??
unknown number: what kinda person needs an agent
unknown number: Oh I’m sorry! I must’ve gotten the wrong number from someone
unknown number: I’m really sorry if I was bothering you
Alya rolls her eyes.
unknown number: u woke me up but its chill cause now im curious
unknown number: Curious? About what?
unknown number: way 2 keep avoiding the question
unknown number: ???
unknown number: u said the person u meant to text has an agent
unknown number: how fancy r they
unknown number: Oh! She’s a model!
Alya’s eyes widen. The most famous person she knows is that thirteen year old that was in her school who has ten thousand subscribers on YouTube because she makes lyric videos. The second is a boy who has a few thousand instagram followers because he has nice abs and lots of white boy clothing and muscle shirts.
unknown number: u kno a model????????
unknown number: Uhh
unknown number: I’m not sure how much personal information I should be giving to a stranger
Alya sighs. So close.
unknown number: its fine dude (dude? u good w that? lmk if u arent) i getchu
unknown number: u can just stop responding if u dont wanna talk
She locks her phone and slides it back under her pillow. She stares at the ceiling for a few more minutes, wondering if she’ll be able to fall back asleep. As much as she’d like to take the train back to dreamville, she can’t. Because now she’s awake and now she’s wondering. And once she stops wondering, she doesn’t stop.
She’ll probably stop thinking about this random wrong number in a few days and in a few months, she’ll forget about them entirely but…
Sleep definitely isn’t an option anymore.
Leaving her phone in her bed, she pads to the kitchen, twisting her hair up into a messy bun as she does so. No one is up yet — of course they aren’t, it’s seven on a Saturday and everyone is taking advantage of every precious minute of sleep they can get — so she has the run of the house to herself.
So she makes herself some coffee and a bowl of cereal and turns to television on. Her initial plan is to just leave it on whatever channel that’s playing when she first turns it on, and luckily the twins were the last ones to use it. Saturday morning cartoons. Score.
Alya stirs sugar in her coffee as Cyber Chase plays in the background. It’s not much more than background noise, it’s the middle of an episode and she doesn’t really know what’s happening, but she does snort at a few of the bad jokes.
“You’re up early,” her mom says before dropping a kiss on the top of Alya’s head.
Alya hums. “Got a few text messages and they woke me up.” She notes how her mom purposefully avoids eye contact as she opens a cabinet. Alya rolls her eyes and eats a spoonful of cereal.
“School friends?” her mom asks carefully.
“Yes,” Alya lies. Better than her mom asking more questions. The biggest one being why were you talking to a complete stranger?
“Are you going to see them before we leave?”
Alya glues her eyes to the TV. “If they’re around.”
Her mom makes an unimpressed sound and Alya resists the urge to roll her eyes. She texted a few of her friends the other week, but the conversation was awkward and stilted. They all had the same sort of idea about cutting ties.  
Alya sighs and puts down her spoon, twisting around in her seat to face her mom. “I promise I’m talking to them.”
Her mom gives her that look— the one where her lips purse and a crease between her eyebrows that’s becoming more and more permanent; the one that says she wants to push for more details, but won’t unless they’re volunteered first. Which Alya is not doing, thank you very much. “If you say so, honey,” her mom says, turning her attention to the breakfast she’s making.
Alya stares down into her cereal bowl.
Time to evacuate to her bedroom.
She finishes her cereal as quickly as she can without choking and dumps her bowl and spoon in the sink as she passes it, taking her coffee with her to her room. New plan: curl up in bed with her laptop and hope her mom just leaves her alone until they move.
Alya’s almost forgotten about her phone by the time she flops onto her bed. It vibrates almost as soon as she opens her laptop. She frowns as she pulls it out from under her pillow.
unknown number: Dude is fine for me
unknown number: He/him pronouns please
unknown number: Thanks for asking I really appreciate it, actually
unknown number: People don’t always ask
Plan trashed. This is a better plan.
unknown number: she/her for me
unknown number: and no prob man
unknown number: i wasnt gonna assume ur gender
unknown number: ok that mightve sounded bad but i didnt mean it in a bad way like the ‘lol dont assume my gender’ way jerks do sometime i meant it in like a genuine
unknown number: if u have smth u wanna say u should say it because i am very tired and i can go on for a while
Alya can’t say she’s known for her stellar first impressions but she usually doesn’t ramble her way into an awkward corner. She mindlessly flips through apps as she waits for a response.
unknown number: Don’t worry about it! I didn’t take it the wrong way or anything
Alya smiles to herself as she responds. He keeps leaving her openings which is nice. Based off his initial reaction, she thought he’d shut this down as fast as possible.
She realizes this is probably a little weird. But it’s the most exciting thing to happen to her since school let out so…
unknown number: so whats up stranger??
unknown number: b4 u ask im just sitting in my room doing nothing but text u so thats my morning
unknown number: I actually have work soon, so that’s fun
Alya raises her eyebrows. She forgot age was something else she didn’t know yet.
unknown number: oo work that sounds fun
unknown number: what do u do???
unknown number: I work for my dad, it isn’t anything special
unknown number: But it gives me something to do with my time so I don’t mind that much
unknown number: If I randomly stop responding without warning, that’s why
unknown number: good 2 kno
unknown number: can i ask what u do 4 ur dad or is that 2 personal
unknown number: I uh… I just do whatever he needs me to do
unknown number: I don’t get paid or anything but
unknown number: ay it still works as a resume builder
unknown number: Yeah exactly!
unknown number: thats cool that ur dad can get u a job!! my mom and dad could never w their jobs so i just suffer
unknown number: not that thats any different from what i would do anyway as a teenager
Alright, perfect. She’s brought up the age question in a really clunky and awkward way. Better than nothing.
unknown number: Oh how old are you?
unknown number: I’m 15
Alya lets out a sigh of relief.
unknown number: ayy same!
unknown number: just ur fav teenage superhero blogger
unknown number: doing nothing with her life
unknown number: You like superheroes?
unknown number: yeah!! i love comic books. you??
unknown number: I don’t have time to read many but yeah! I’ve always loved Spiderman
unknown number: wonder woman is my g i r l
unknown number: superheroes are just so cool
She waits a few minutes before she decides that he must have gone off to work. Bonding over superheroes, that’s good. A shared interest. She scrolls through their conversation, rereading some of the earlier messages before she creates a contact for him. She makes the name ‘stranger’ and leaves it at that.
It’s not like they’re meeting up or anything. Even if he is an ax murderer, can’t kill her if she never sends him her location.
Alya spends the next couple of hours avoiding her mom as much as possible. She takes her sisters to the park and then goes to the library after she brings them home.
She doesn’t want to talk about it.
She’s clicking through a webcomic that she missed a few weeks worth of updates when her phone buzzes. She glances down, expecting it to be a text from her mom asking if she has any plans or to do chores or something, but is pleasantly surprised to see a message from her stranger.
stranger: Sorry about that, work ran long
stranger: Admittedly, I don’t know very much about Wonder Woman, but she looks very awesome
unknown number: !!!!
unknown number: when ive got more time remind me to tell u all abou t her
unknown number: and to rec some comic books even if u dont have time
stranger: Is she your favorite?
Alya sits back in her chair. This conversation is going to be a long one.
Alya finds herself randomly texting her stranger for the next few days. He doesn’t always respond quickly, but he responds eventually, no matter how weird her original message.
That’s more than she can say for most of her friends.
She texts him as she’s sitting on the counter in her kitchen, stirring a pot.
unknown number: hey stranger whats up
stranger: Just reading, you?
unknown number: making box mac n cheese
stranger: Sounds fun
unknown number: yeah im gonna eat it straight from the pot
The three dots bounce on the screen as the stranger takes his time with the next message. Alya snorts and turns off the stove, straining the pasta and moving to the fridge to find butter and cheese. He’s found his words by the time she’s letting the butter melt in the pot.
stranger: Straight from the pot? Why?
unknown number: because i live life on the edge
unknown number: and also because im too lazy to clean the dish later
stranger: You know what? That’s fair
Sometimes, Alya thinks that she probably shouldn’t think about someone who she doesn’t even know the name of as often as she does, let alone text him as much as she does. But sometimes she’ll see something, and she’ll immediately think of him. Or she’ll just be randomly upset and feel the strong urge to pick up the phone and see if he’s available to vent to.
She knows it’s kind of weird, but she can’t help herself.
One night, at around two in the morning, she finds herself messaging him.
unknown number: hey did i ever mention i was moving
She’s almost asleep, slightly more okay than she was before she sent the text, when he responds.
stranger: You haven’t but we also don’t talk about where we live
Alya stares at the screen for a long moment, the bright light in the darkness making everything on the screen blur into nothing. She just feels kind of numb.
unknown number: yeah
unknown number: like 8 hours away from where i live now
stranger: Wow that’s a big move
unknown number: yeah
stranger: I’m guessing you don’t want to go?
unknown number: not really
unknown number: did u know ur my only friend right now
stranger: I am?
unknown number: me and my other friends sort of cut ties
stranger: The internet exists
stranger: Phones exist
stranger: FaceTime and Skype both kind of suck, but they exist
unknown number: yeah i guess
unknown number: i guess its just too hard for any of us to try
stranger: I have no idea how far apart we live
stranger: We’re doing just fine
unknown number: yeah
unknown number: yeah ur right
One of Alya’s small comforts that comes to mind whenever she thinks about moving is the fact that she’ll have her phone on her and a portable charger. Her stranger will be with her every step of the way.
He’d managed to get her to talk to some of her friends. She doesn’t really think it’ll last once she’s in Paris, but the attempt is nice. And it gives her other people to talk to for the rest of the summer.
It’s too early in the morning when they leave for the last time for her to get really emotional about moving. All she has the energy to do is to take a picture of her old apartment, caption it ‘one last goodbye to marseille’, and save it before sending it to her friends over Snapchat. Before she falls asleep against the car window, she texts it to her stranger.
She wakes up to a new text among the goodbyes from her friends.
stranger: Have a nice car ride! I’ll let you know when I get back from work <3
Alya hides her smile from her sisters and screenshots the text for later.
She texts him from the floor of her new bedroom while her dad starts moving boxes. They’ve been in the process of moving for a while now, shipping most of their things to Paris beforehand. Now all that remains is the actual unpacking.
Alya doesn’t have the energy for that. She just lays on the floor and stares at the ceiling for a while. Then she picks up her phone and sends him a text.
It’s been about an hour since they last talked. She’d talked to him for a good majority of the car ride, only stopping when he was busy and ending the conversation when they arrived so she could get her things out of the car and help her sisters with theirs. She’d sent him a picture of her empty bedroom and said ‘let the unpacking begin :P’. He’d responded with a ‘Good luck!!’ and ‘I’ll let you get to work!’
Alya’s thumb hovers over the send button for a few seconds. She’s never really pushed him for any sort of personal information before.
New city, new Alya. Or something.
unknown number: hey just wondering
unknown number: what do u have me in ur phone as??
unknown number: i have u in here as stranger
stranger: Your contact name?
stranger: Uh awkward but you don’t?
stranger: You’re the only one I just have the number for, so I know who you are that way
Alya reads his texts a few times before she responds. She doesn’t know what she expects in return, but she figures she has nothing to lose.
unknown number: im alya
unknown number: in case u were wondering
stranger: Hi Alya
stranger: I’m Adrien
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comicteaparty · 6 years
August 9th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on August 9th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Himawari Share by Harmony Becker.
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Himawari Share by Harmony Becker~! (https://tapas.io/series/Himawari-Share) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
It's really hard to pick, but I'd say the Hyejung-focused parts (chapters 5 & 6) were my favorites. Focusing on her studies, not knowing what she wants to be, tearing out her roots to move to Japan, getting homesick and feeling guilty for it.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
like, emotions and stuff
also hello justin!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah heyjung's backstory is a lot more tense than i was expecting. but i loved how everything was visually framed
although my favorite moment had to be when she went to that counselor and she just flat out couldnt say what she wanted to do with her life
cause man have i been there and that moment so purely relateable
yeah that was a big turning point, and my favorite moment in her backstory
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Thanks for the greeting~
I have to run a quick errand but I'll be back!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i also loved the aftermath though of all the others bringing her stuff for her hangover. like that was just sweet and heartwarming.
sweet and heartwarming seems to be the general theme
for example, the scene where tina brings nao a soda
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. also a great scene. but also that scene made me like tina a whole lot. it had that element of goofiness (since she just picked her favorite) but had that immense kind-hearted underbelly. because i mean really, i dont know anyone who would bring me a soda to congratulate me on my first day of school.
i think my personal fave scene is actually when nao and masaki are walking together and each just having these thoughts about how they should interact and the various scenarios. especially nao imagining the music would bond them as friends while masaki is like "oh no i will be looked down upon for liking lady gaga."
and then they both end up too afraid to talk to each other lol
relatable scene, and i love how it helps build the characters of nao and masaki
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. i also love that it shows a good side to masaki in that hes basically just an average, socially awkward dork who is probably having some language and cultural gap problems. since ya know, our first impression of him was just rudeness otherwise.
i want to say in general i really love this comic's pacing though. like i always feel like the emotions are given time to be showcased but dont drag on too overly much.
the pacing is a real strong suit of the comic, agreed
were we ever told what masaki and shinichi's nationality/native language was?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
no albeit i assume for shinichi its japanese since he doesnt seem able to really do english and speaks quickly. which generally if youre a native, the quicker you speak. at the very least theyve gotta be fluent.
wait, i guess they aren't international students, because the comic description only says there are three
so they're just two japanese brothers who happen to live in the same house as three international students
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. for reasons O_O. although i am curious if anyone else lives there. cause nao asks tina who the curly haired guy was and tina was like "hmm maybe masaki" and then nao had to say rude for tina to be sure
so either this is just a writing goof or its implied more ppl live there?
yeah you'd think if it was only the five of them, "curly haired boy" would narrow it down quite a bit
also i think we ignored @Sa💅
hello Sa!
not really a scene per se, but i really like the way the comic scratches out words that aren't understood
like this page: https://tapas.io/episode/756155
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
ah i just thought it was a reply to the hellos. welcome @Sa💅 if you felt ignored O_O;;;
of all the things that is my fave part
cause i was skeptical on the language thing when i read the description
but man do i think it actually captures the language gap well
since it is what happens
you know lots of words but then theres always those difficult ones where youre like "omg wtf was that"
hamini really delivered in terms of showing how second languages work
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i also selfishly enjoyed that nao and i are decently close in japanese language understanding cause i wound up reading a lot of the japanese she could understand.
but then kanji
always kanji everywhere all the time
i took a semester of japanese four years ago and flunked lol. i can get through "はい " and that's about it.
i'm a bit better with spoken, but not much
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hey its something.
this reminds me, i really liked that scene where tina applied language knowledge to figure out vacuum
that was a really cool moment!
as were the rest of the parts where tina had to figure out the instructions given to her
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes. like man do i give tina all around props for that. i would have left crying cause new jobs are stressful enough without adding a language deficiency to the mix
QUESTION 2. Of those staying in Himawari Share, Shinichi and Masaki are the two we know least about in the current story. Do you think there’s any particular reason the two are staying at Himawari Share, or does it just happen to have a convenient location for them? Like the other characters, do you think they have personal histories or pasts that will come to light? Do you think that it is significant in some way that Shinichi and Masaki are mentioned to be brothers? As time goes on, do you think the others will bond with Masaki, or will the language and culture gap keep interfering? What about Shinichi? Will Nao, at least, become able to understand him better, or will his fast talking still prove too much?
i want to go out on a limb and just say theyre there cause convenient location. but i do think they got some sort of hidden past history. cause at the very least shinichi and masaki dont really look like theyre related. so it makes me wonder if this is maybe a half-sibling relationship going on
oh theory time?
i think they are actually brothers, they just happened to look different. that's how it goes somethimes
i think himawari share is a convenient location for them, but i have no idea what it would be convenient too. like, what are their jobs?
also, my guess - nao is going to start understanding what shinichi is saying, but at first it'll only be, like, she catches every other word.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah im confused at what the share is. cause the girls make it look like its like a special house dorm house for international students who are coming to work and learn in japan. but shinichi and masaki definitely dont appear to be international, so what are they doing there? now its possible they are also going to college in some fashion. but im not entirely sure since it still seems weird to have potentially two natives with three international students.
but to be fair, maybe they own himawari share
cause shinichi and masaki are def both first name
yeah maybe that's just their family home that they rent out
perhaps there are plenty of other people there, and the girls just don't hang out with them because they don't relate as much
international students sticking together and stuff
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah that could also be. although the house seems in a residential area so there cant be too many
theres only one other dude living there and hes a shut in that you see once in a blue moon
and theres gonna be some other festival and suddenly hell come out and nao will be le gasp
that sounds about right, yeah
and it would explain tina not knowing who nao was talking about
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
alternatively alternatively, it is just the 5 of them and tina just happens to know a lot of people who look like masaki and forgets who even lives with her
maybe masaki doesn't live there, he just really likes the bathroom
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
masaki lives never door but his bathroom broke and hes too lazy to fix it. comes over to his brother's place all the time.
i really hope we get to see more of shinichi cause of all the characters he seems the most one note atm. and idk what to make of him. although i do like that hes kind of like their tour guide who take sthem to festivals
i think it's just that the comic isn't particularly long yet and shinichi isn't one of the main characters
the description says romance is in the cards, but it doesn't say between whom
that may be where shinichi gets some development
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
it could be. and to be fair, shinichi's mystery kind of suits the fact that theres the language gap cause he clearly doesnt know english well or at all. so its hard to get to know someone well when theres only so many words shared between
like how that convo between nao and hyejung was really formal and stifled before they realized they both spoke english
well, hopefully shinichi is more open to talking about his interests than his brother
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. although backing up the train for a moment, id like to know why both brothers seemingly dont seem to know any english. cause english is generally required learning in japan and while a lot of ppl arent good at it, theyed probably at least know a few basic phrases. so it strikes me as interesting neither has attempted that much. tho tbf has masaki even said anything?
i think masaki corrected the neighbor lady about his name
but that's it
we don't know if they can speak english or not, i think
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i mean they could. but i could also see them choosing not to since the girls are all there to kind of learn japanese
oh no wait, there is a page where it's shown shinichi doesn't understand english
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. One of the comic’s themes revolves around finding yourself, and this issue has given many characters quite the obstacle. In the case of Nao, do you think she will come to terms with that missing part of herself by being in Japan, or will there forever be a gap no matter how much time she spends there? As Nao spends more time there, do you think she’ll feel the culture gap grow or shrink, and how might that affect her? In the case of Hyejung, do you think she’ll figure out what she wants to do with her life, or do you think that still might remain elusive? Additionally, do you think she’ll be able to reconcile with her family? Lastly, in the case of Tina, do you think her part time job will work out, or will the language gap make things too much of a struggle? If she does lose her job, what do you think she’ll do and how might this affect her reasons for being in Japan?
do we know why tina is in japan?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i dont think so. and if you dont think so, im gonna feel safe in saying we havent been told
although tina seems like the type to just like adventures
although whereas nao and hyejung give me the impression that they might someday go back to their home countries, tina gives me the impression that this is a permanent thing
at least compared to hyejung, tina seems to care the least about reliving her own culture persay
i think it's not going to turn out how any of the girls' plan. maybe hyuejung finds her purpose is back in korea, maybe it's in japan, etc.
nao is here to reconnect to the missing part of herself and re-learn japanese. while she may end up learning japanese, i don't think reconnecting with her past will happen so much.
she'll see a large culture gap, or get distracted with something else
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I'm back!
hi justin!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hey Snuffy!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Ooh, a Japanese festival?!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
there was one in the comic, yes already, yes.
tbh i do think hyejung isnt going to find exactly what she wants. because i feel her desire to go to japan was driven more by a desire to escape her reality versus thinking "yes this is the place where i can find myself"
and shes the one who seems most homesick as well
not ot say i think the journey will be in vain
and i think shell at least learn things about herself
like how to live independently for herself
away from the parents
in nao's case, i think shell...come to terms that she cant have a different past. im actually thinking whats going to happen is shes going to run into something that makes her go "whoa wait america was way better in this aspect" and then shell realize that if she had stayed in japan, she also wouldnt know the american culture she grew up in.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
at some point nao likened it to having a twin that was separated from her at birth. and i think her journey will involve coming to terms with the fact that she can't recover that lost twin. she's gone forever.
lots of great metaphors in this comic btw
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I thought Nao was from Korea.
no you're thinking of hyejung
nao is the one who was born in japan but grew up in america
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh right, my bad I saw this page and I thought wrong because of it https://tapas.io/episode/1021922
yeah that chapter follows hyejung
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
aye, thanks
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah i do think thats the case with nao. shes going to have to realize that she cant have two pasts or that other half. but i do think being in japan will be both good and bad for it. cause on the plus side, she gets to see what she missed out on, but on the otherhand shes also going to feel the sting of that gap cause im sure shes gonna run into a festival where shes plain just like "i dont understand this"
although assuming her mom is still alive(?) then itll be interesting if she can talk to her mom in japanese again or something
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
You know, reading this comic made me remember how much I thought it'd be cool to visit Japan back in high school and planned to go there as a graduation present. How wrong I was.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
this comic gives me the should go to japan itch again. especially to eat the food
which im glad food is involved a lot
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
cause thats a huge facet of the culture
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I wish I loved Japanese food.
more than I do now
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
on a side note
i loved that little moment where hyejung bitched that the kimchi wasnt even spicy
and how it was made by a japanese run restaurant
cause i liked that detail that just how america amercanizes certain foods, other countries do the same
or at least japan does for sure XD
their mcdonalds are crazy
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
lol yeah
This hit home for me, in a way
like it's not "authentic"
I’ve had Korean food in a restaurant owned by Korean people. And yeah, it’s a lot spicier
I don’t blame Hyejung lol
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
nah i dont blame her either. cause regardless if you grow up used to one flavor, you probably arent gonna be a fan of change
QUESTION 4. Given the focus of the comic is on international students and cultural gaps, to a degree, there are lots of interesting potential scenarios. Did you find the comic’s unique method of showcasing language gaps interesting? How did it change how you viewed the characters’ experiences? Are there any cultural experiences that you’re looking forward to seeing the characters experience? If so, why? Do you feel our heroines will continue to be able to wing it, or will they commit some sort of cultural blunder? If the latter, how do you expect that to play out and emotionally affect the culprit? On a more character oriented level, what other struggles do you think the characters might have in their everyday, personal lives? Do you think everyone will continue to get along, or might tension in Himawari Share grow for some reason? Lastly, do you think romance might be in bloom with any characters?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
It's certainly very interesting and it shows up the potential troubles of going out into a whole new world
Everyone gets along so well, I just know someone’s going to mess up
Call me a pessimist lol
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
snuffy, youre a pessimist
but no i agree
they have been getting along real well
and at some point theyre going to fight
cause at the very least living together isnt easy
cause everyone has different habits
and call me biased, but pretty sure if its a living together thing tina is gonna be the cause of it just cause she has the most unreserved personality
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Eventually all that rage and stress will just need to be all let out.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
one thing i didnt mention about the language thing was that i was glad to see there was a difference between nao and tina. cause tina clearly has a better grasp and that shows, both in how much she understands and how she has learned to learn via context clues.
yeah there's a clear difference between everyone's skill level
even just the "yeah it took me a while to get used to shinichi talking" is an example of that
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
It's great seeing everyone talking in all the different languages(edited)
Especially since it's not easy to do Japanese and Korean in comics unless you're overly familiar with the language yourself (or have a translator)(edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes thats also true with the shinichi talking part. i really felt for nao in that moment.
cause its an easier said than done thing
im gonna ship nao and masaki. thats where im putting my shipping chips
perhaps a source of conflict comes from romance coming about with an odd number of people in the house?
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
I made it for the last bit. O.o Though you mentioned a lot of the stuff I liked in the first half hour already, I'm noticing. The bit where Tina brought the soda for Nao and the bit where the two characters were having different music conversations in their minds.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
eey Math
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
I enjoyed those two. The Hyejung at the end, I can see how it's very relatable, and it was emotional, but I guess I just like a bit of funzies in my fave scenes. ^.^(edited)
I'm gonna ship Nao and Tina, because you KNOW me.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hi math~! was even just thinking "aww i guess math isnt coming after all."
plz math
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
mmm, ships
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
clearly tina and hyejung are the ship
they have more history
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
That's just it, they haven't fallen in love yet. Chips go on the new relationship.
Also, related to what SJ was saying before, the author must be very good with languages or know many herself... I have zero clue if it's right or not, but it's a pretty gutsy venture.
yeah either the author knows three plus languages, or has some really good friends
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
the japanese is correct from what i can tell. at least the parts i could read.
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
There's also those little things that can trip one up in translation, like the "Let's Eat" kind of being the Japanese thanks for the food thing. I think the author even pointed it out once, with the part time job, both of them thanking the other for working, not really being an English thing.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yeah, I wouldn't ever think to do a foreign language in something of mine unless I rely on a translator.
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
I didn't totally pick up on the skills of the individual characters either, but since you did, it's cool that it can come across too.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm bilingual for English and French and even I'm not sure I'd want to do it.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
what you mean you dont want to do a strip where all the tans start speaking french? XD
i feel like shinichi would be the one to bring a relationship in from the outside
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
Not so much, no.
Yeah, we haven't seen much of the guys (which I notice you mentioned earlier)... honestly, I'm okay with that. I like the focus on the women (and not just because I ship that way) as they all have sort of a bond.
shinichi seems a bit more outgoing, so i wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to already be in a relationship
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh, and the speed-talking thing was well portrayed.
I also want to say it was neat having that character who lives across the street come back in a later scene, when they were going to the post office. Helps make things extra real, incidentals like that.
i liked how she didn't know masaki's name lol
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
he might not get out much
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
Could be to avoid talking. And just not wanting to talk even to strangers for fear of making a mistake.
Maybe that explains the rudeness too.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
to be fair, i dont know a single one of my neighbors. and if you dont interact with your neighbors, you dont know their names
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
If you start with rudeness, people won't talk to you either, and you won't have to interpret. Yeah, I don't know my neighbours either. ^^;;
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I don't even have any neghibors
MathTans the super Pun 👑Prince👑
Final thought, super impressed by the translation stuff. Including the blurring of just some words, which was also pointed out earlier. I don't think I've seen anything like that.
Also, Nao + Tina.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Harmony Becker, as well, for making Himawari Share and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Harmony Becker’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Raison d'Etre by Cloud Fourteen (Funari and Leigh). As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on August 16th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: http://raisondetrecomic.tumblr.com/
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