#im uhhh not proof-reading this. maybe . maybe later .
dokoni-mo · 1 year
I’ve arrived with more horny william brain rot!
There is little doubt in my mind that our favorite afton to slut up likes to read. He’d probably love to share that with his darling bunny. And you absolutely know that man is making the polaroids he took into bookmarks. He just loves to see his bunny everywhere!
Bunny is in fact a college student, and sometimes certain classes end up requiring/give the option for a field trip. And that trip happens to fall on a weekend. They’re a little bummed, Willy is like actually depressed (lol), so bunny decided to hide a little something for him. As a ✨treat✨
So when afton wakes up Saturday, he reaches over for his book to read a little (because what else is there to do when his little rabbit is gone), and his usually bookmark feels a lot more lumpy than usual. So he opens it and what does he find? Polaroids of his precious, lovely bunny in nothing but his shirt, and a pair of her panties 💜
YEAH i uhhh,,
warnings: age-gap relationship (reader is 20 will is almost 40 yall know the drill), swearing, smoking, drinking, dom/sub undertones, sir kink, not proof read AGAIN IM SRY
"What? What do you mean the whole weekend?"
It had been an especially hard week for the brit at his diner. For one reason or another, it seemed as if nearly every single damn brat in that town just had to have a birthday that week. The diner was booked from start to finish every day of the week. William was frustrated. But every day drew him closer to the weekend. Closer to when he'd be able to see you again. And god did he fucking miss you. He missed his little bunny next to him; kissing them, holding them. Coming up with so many fun activities to show you.
But, it was in the past now. It was Friday. You'd be over tomorrow, and help relieve him of his pent-up stress like the good bunny you were.
"I knowwww, I'm sorry!" You pleaded with him at the other end of the phone, the older man taking a long, drawn out puff of his cigarette, "I just totally forgot about it until today!"
William sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, leaning against the wall, "And you're certain you have to go, love?"
"Yeah..." you sighed back, "It's required for my major. And I already rescheduled it last month, too. I can't do it again or I fail."
"Bunny, the weekends are our time together. You know this."
"I knoww, and I'm sorry! I'd stay behind if I could but I just can't. I'm sorry, Will. I'll be back for next weekend though!"
William took another puff of his cigarette, "Are you certain you can't come over even for a little? I... I miss you, bunny. It's been a tough week, and... I want you."
You let out a sympathetic hum, "I miss you too. But I have to go. I'm sorry."
"Alright." William sighed, "Fine. But don't expect to get off the hook next time I see you, little one. You need to tell me these things sooner rather than later."
The brit heard you giggle over the phone, "It'll be fine, Will. Surely you can survive two weeks without me."
"Getting smart with me now, hm?"
"No, sir."
William let out a pleased hum, "Good bunny. I'll miss you, okay? Have fun for me, alright? I'll be here waiting for you."
"I will, I will... Hey, before I forget; you remember that book you gave me, right? The old, thick and dusty one?"
"It's not old, love. It's classic."
You giggled again, "Classic, sure. Well, I finished it. I'll leave it in your mailbox before I go. Maybe that'll keep you occupied until I get back."
"Nothing could replace your company, little one. But, thank you. That's very kind."
"It's no problem. I gotta go pack now, Will. I'm sorry again. I'll see you next saturday, okay?"
"...Alright, bunny. Have fun. I love you."
"Love you too."
It was odd to have an empty house on the weekends. While William was used to Michael being away at his mother's, the house felt more depressing than usual without you in it. Dull. Grey. No life whatsoever.
William didn't drink often, not at all. He never found it to be that classy, and he wasn't about to throw his charm to the wind over alcohol. But god fucking damn it. He missed you so fucking much that Saturday afternoon. His cigarettes weren't having their usual kick to them. He needed something stronger to fill the void where you should be.
Pouring his second glass of whiskey for the evening, he couldn't help but wonder how you were. Your college was taking you an entire state away from him. Those fucking bastards. How dare they drag you so far away from him. What if you got hurt? Or in trouble? And he wasn't there to save his precious bunny? You knew his number, sure, but you were still so fucking far away from him. And a lot can happen so many miles away.
William took a large swig of the alcohol.
Fucking hell. He missed you so damn much.
He knew you didn't mean to tell him about the trip so late. You were a good bunny. Hell, he was the entire reason you didn't go when you were supposed to. He vaguely remembered convincing you to stay in town the first time you told him about it. You had just forgotten this time, surely. He couldn't stay mad at you for that. It was hard for him to stay mad at you in general. You were just too cute.
But William was miserable. He didn't want this shit to happen again. You would need to learn your lesson. And he'd make you learn it next time you were over.
But would he? Thinking of it now, it was hard for him to imagine giving you any sort of punishment. He just wanted you close to him. To pull you in his lap and kiss those sweet lips of yours. Hold you close to him. Lie down on his chest while he read his books before bed.
Oh, yes. That's right. The book he leant you. You said you'd give it back before you left.
Maybe he should take your advice. Use it to get his mind off you.
Finishing up his glass, William finished up his glass before he walked to the front door, opening and shutting it behind him as he made his way to the mailbox. The cool breeze of the sunset blew his neatly-combed hair out of place, washing over his pale skin. Upon opening up his mailbox, sure enough. The book he leant you was in there. But, it was... strange. Looked a lot fatter than normal.
The older man reached in and took the book out, brow furrowing in slight confusion. Leaning against the mailbox to shut it, the brit opened up the pages to see inside.
William could feel the heat creep down his neck and cheeks.
Oh, bunny. Sweet bunny.
Strewn about the pages was a handful of polaroid pictures. Pictures of you. In so many different positions... so many. He could see the plushness of your thighs. Your sweet little smile. Those big, gorgeous doe eyes. Your cute little pair of underwear...
You even still had some of the marks he'd given you last time you were over. And was that his dress shirt? It certainly was. How long have you had that, little one? Why, sir barely noticed that it was gone. Stealing his things now, are we? Naughty bunny.
You've been so bad recently, haven't you? William didn't much appreciate that. You had earned yourself a punishment, bunny. You probably know that just as sir does though, don't you? Was this your attempt at getting out of it?
William calmly shut the book, but quickly walked back into his house.
It worked, bunny.
For now.
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cuyanir · 3 years
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VERSE NOTES: twin twilight ( aka the book of bobos )
naturally all of this is speculation that i’m happy to abandon the second i learn anything about the upcoming show. but i also see no reason not to embrace the cool imagery of boba taking over the hutt empire. if it’s real, that’s cool (tho i wouldnt want it to be boba’s endgame), if it’s not, that’s also cool. so yes, speculation. but fun speculation !!!
fun fact -- ‘twin twilight’ is a placeholder name, ill wait for the show to actually settle on a proper verse name but i picked this one to as a sort of reference to tatooine and the naming conventions of other criminal syndicates of sw, such as crimson dawn or black sun. uwu.
after jabba’s death, there was a lot internal squabbling between the hutt lords as to who should take over jabba’s operation on tatooine. this meant that bib fortuna could simply declare himself the new king sort of by default. he simply took the throne and kept his head low, hoping the hutts will continue their in-fighting and won’t actually check whether the throne is empty or not.
because bib couldn’t attract attention of the hutts, he couldn’t do much with jabba’s resources. there weren’t that many of them to begin with. after the dune sea execution the palace was looted, the staff and hired forces scattered and bib was left with scraps of what used to be an impressive criminal empire. but he had enough to live comfortably and he still had the palace. during his reign, the remains of jabba’s power stagnated but that’s how bib managed to stay alive, by not attracting the attention of hutt lords.
after boba and fennec take over, they free the slaves and focus on getting the palace operational. boba has no need for the entire building so there are sections of it that get permanently locked, but the most important rooms get restored, restocked and have their security measures upgraded. people doing the refurbishing are the tatooine locals who then spread the news about the new king in the middle of the desert. people start coming back to the court because they know things are about to get busy and work is guaranteed.
once the palace is under control, boba’s attention turns to the rest of the planet. he respects the tusken territory so he leaves that alone, but he slowly takes over the trade routes cutting through the dune sea. if traders wish to use them and be under his protection, they have to pay. it’s not exorbitant and the safety is always guaranteed, so it’s not an awful deal. there are also several tusken and jawa camps along the way for additional trading between the tatooine cities. 
protecting trade routes requires forces which know how to handle a blaster and can fend off raiders and/or wild animals. mercenaries and hunters from all over the galaxy come to the palace, looking for a steady employment. boba also offers contracts for the more skillful visitors. he still prefers to stay hands on, so the most important jobs are done by him or fennec or both. but he will hire someone to clear out some dangerous den or a raider camp from time to time. 
hunters/mercs that have proven their worth will be eventually send off-planet. as boba’s influence on tatooine grows and he restarts the outer rim trade, the hutt clan can’t afford to ignore him. even if they wanted to leave him alone, they can’t because letting boba rule over jabba’s domain sends a message of weakness to other crime syndicates in the galaxy. and the hutt clan’s position is already very wobbly, compared to black sun and crimson dawn. the hutts will attempt to reclaim jabba’s domain but boba knows exactly where to hit them because he spent years working for them. the tactic he utilizes at first, very relentlessly, is siccing the new republic on the hutts. he does so by contacting the rangers through a third party and tipping them off where hutts’ bases of operations are hidden. 
some threats are taken head on and a lot of high ranking hutt families are eliminated either by him or fennec. once hutt clan gets the message and leaves tatooine alone, other crime syndicates begin to take interest in boba’s little operation. but he is not entertaining any coalitions, mostly because he’s boba and boba works alone yadda yadda yadda, but part of it is also boba’s previous working experience for almost every crime organization in the galaxy. he knows that sooner or later they turn on each other, hence his lack of interest in any long-term alliance. 
as boba’s kingdom grows, the previously quiet palace gets lively again. boba resumes some of the duties jabba had, such as resolving disputes or settling debts for people of tatooine. because fennec is his equal, she is often found on the throne as well. she’s also responsible for making the palace fun again because boba is tragically ignorant of how important having a good music band in the palace at all time is. they compliment each other well when it comes to running the palace and are equally involved in seeing their operation flourish. 
but eventually, boba will reach the peak and he will lose interest in running this operation. he proved a point, he didn’t let this planet defeat him, he returned and conquered it in return. once he’s satisfied with the conquest, he will move on. give the palace away to fennec or anyone else, return to hunting for a brief while. and this is the place where i’d link my mand’alor verse if i had it written out so UHH watch this space but yes, the next logical conclusion is him returning to mandalore.
to sum up, they have fun on tatooine!! boba’s a great businessman who can and will fuck up other crime syndicates and new republic alike. if we have any threads happening in this verse, it’s likely boba will offer some sort of job for them and thats fun !!!! or they can just hang , the vibes at the palace are immaculate now. theres a cool bar and a lot of gays , lets chill lets have fun !!!!!!
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dearest-kibble · 4 years
yan kenma who has you locked up in his apartment- it’s been some time and you’ve given up escaping but you know he live-streams so you kind of start living small clues that you’re there in hope someone will figure it out? but instead of a viewer kenma finds out; and instead of stopping you he just decides to taunt you and play along to the point his viewers make it an inside joke- the emotional rollercoaster that would be? he wouldn’t have to punish you- the crushing despair is enough alone
This is so deliciously fucked up I love it,,, thank you anon, Kenma hits so different. I love him thank you so so so much. i am working on so much,,, thank you for being patient with all my uhhh lateness? this kinda became something a little different than the prompt but hopefully thats good?
Kenma Kozume x Fem reader
tw: Typical yandere-ness, humiliation? Sexism? Mentioned stalking, (If im missing anything please let me know my brain isn’t functioning rn)
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You’re sitting on his lap, camera angled so that no one’s view is obstructed by your body, but so that all his views can clearly see you. You’ve been here so long, any hope of leaving, ironically, has left you. But, the thought crept slowly, surely, deeply into your brain and hasn’t left. You turn around on Kenma’s lap, straddling him and you’re sure the live chat is going a little crazy at the thought of Kodzuken having someone in his lap while he streams and he’s probably going to tell you to get off soon, but you’ve got the chat’s attention, and you are going to work with it. You tap Kenma’s cheeks, slight squish on them and you know he hates that it’s on camera all the same, you drum three fingers on his cheek, smiling at him for the camera as your fingertips meet his clammy skin. He doesn’t tell you to stop so across his cheek you swipe your thumb three times as tenderly as possible. As you stand from his lap, you pat his cheeks, three times delicately. You look into his eyes, still as calculating as when you met him, a deceptively warm amber with the tiniest hint of frustration (and somewhere inside, you know it’s probably with you but you can’t care.)
“I’m gonna sit on the couch, ‘kay?” You call softly, hoping you were subtle enough with your plea.
“Oh, okay,” And you think you’re free before he calls a “Wait! Come back for a little.” You’re even halfway to the couch before the words rope you back in. He beckons you to lean down, and whispers into your ear. “I noticed you trying to sign to get out. Morse code isn’t as subtle as you think, you might as well just ask them to get you out,” You chance a quick look towards chat.
“Was that morse code?”
“Holy shit! Yeah, I think that was SOS.”
“You think they actually need to get out or it’s one of those ‘my bfs terrible’ jokes?”
“You see the way they were straddling? Def not a hate my bf sorta thing.”
“See?” He’s still whispering into your ear, game forgotten in lieu of what might be called humiliation.  “They won’t believe you because you want to be here. Regardless of what you say, you would’ve left already if you didn’t.” He smiles at you and affectionately pats your head. Like he’d pet a cat. The idea is still in your mind, though perhaps a little shallower. You glance at the chat once more, someone is still talking about it, but Kenma pushes you away with a “I’ll get you when I’m done, okay?” You end your night on the couch with Kenma. He smiles at you and puts your legs on his lap.
The next livestream is two days after the last one. You have something planned once more, hopefully more effective.
“I’m playing minecraft today, I could set up your computer, and we could play together?” His small smile is back. And though a kind gesture, all you can think about is how easily you could make a point.
“Okay!” The earlier plan is immediately forgotten, and thoughts of what you could do in a game, fills your mind. “Will I have a mic?”
“No, I can’t have you telling them can I?” And it clicks, because of course he’d taunt you. But it’s like your brain grew claws that cannot lose their hold.
“Will I have a camera?” And you know the answer, but Kenma might still surprise you. You’ve already had one shock tonight, maybe you’ll get another.
“No. Sorry. You have chat though.” He pats your head again, ruffling your hair. “I’ve already got you set up, c’mon.” He tugs at your hand, pulling gently.
“Thanks Kenma.” He’s put another computer across from his desk on a much smaller table made for playing cards.
“You’re all set up.”
“Yeah.” He clicks the mouse a few times, waves at the camera to his right. “Can everybody hear me?” He waits a few seconds for chat’s response. “Chat is saying yes, so let’s get right in?” He smiles sheepishly to his camera.
“Hi everyone, I’ m Kodzuken and today we are,” He pauses to look at you with honeyed amber eyes. “Playing Minecraft with my partner.” He nods in your direction. You just open the minecraft tab, the only shortcut that seems to be on the computer.
“It’s a LAN server, click that, okay?” So you click it and say nothing. You start to go through the motions of chopping a tree, making sticks, making a crafting table. Kennma is narrating what he does, and you’re not even sure where he is in game until you're knocked back and turn your mouse to look at him.
“Yeah, I know - she should be relying on me.” He’s responding to something in chat, he’s gotta be. You type a quick,
“What’re they saying?”
“Oh, that my girlfriend shouldn’t be so independent, you rely on me - I'm your boyfriend.” Kenma says it so casually, so acerbically that you immediately take off sprinting from the forest in game.  
“She has these bouts - you saw them last stream - where she likes to try and ‘get away’.” Kenma laughs softly; little glockenspiel notes falling from his mouth. “It’s a really cute joke honestly! Anyway, I’ll put my minecraft bed next to hers later, right now...” You stop paying attention and start planning how you’d try to get your point across more clearly. You could make signs, say “Get me out!” Like Kenma suggested.
“Hey! He looks over the screen at you, piercing eyes staring right through you. “Don’t go off on your own, we’re staying together alright?”
“No.” He’ll have to deal with chatting, possibly hearing you by himself. And you continue through the coded forest. It goes pretty smoothly, though you’re sure Kenma is trying to find you, you’ve already created a mine for yourself, and made a little sign with instructions that reads: “Get me out!”
“Her voice is quite cute, isn’t it? I’ll get to hear it for the rest of my life.” He continues humming out yes’s and no’s to his audience that sit captivated in a land of blocks and pixels.
“Hey, I’m going to use the restroom, is it alright if my girlfriend takes over for me?” He stands, and waves you over into his chair that’s been made for gaming and padded with red accents. He watches you with his cat-like eyes as you sit down and pats your head. “I’ll be right back Kitty, behave.” And you hear his soft footsteps get farther away and the creak of the door twice before you finally look at chat.
Woa, Kudzu got lucky huh?
“Please,” You don’t sound nearly as someone might think you would. You’ve been here too long. “Get me out of here?”
Sure sweetheart, just come over to my place first.
“Just - get me away from him please!”
Girls are so whiny huh?
Hey man, its funny at least amiright?
“It’s not a joke -”
She’s really committed to this bit huh
Damn iim staartin to feel bad for ken
Me to :(
“I’ve been here for year and I don’t want to-”
Wow. what an ungrateful bitch.
Ikr? She’s got a bf and everything and she wants to get out?
“No- it’s not like that - he stalked me for months I-” And the familiar desperation you thought hoped beyond all hope that you had lost bleeds back into your voice all repression surfaces like the tide in your eyes.
Oh fuxxx we made her cry.
relax bet she’s just on her period or smth
“I am not!” A bubble of snot pops from your nose and mucus drips uncomfortably to your lips. “I just-”
What could you want that you don’t have.
“My house! My job! My friends!” And your voice breaks
She wants to go back to a job?
Crazy lady huh.
She wants friends when all she really needs is a man? smh.
“Kitten, what-”
“Leave me the fuck alone!” It’s an outburst that you’ll regret later, for one reason or another. But for now it’s a small comfort to speak your mind. With your voice wavering and congested, you choke out a “Let me go home.” Kenma’s eyebrows furrow but his eyes are still the calculating, cold amber they always are.
“Shh shh, it’s okay.” Instead of the quick pats he’s so fond of, he strokes your hair and massages the nape of your neck like he’s picking up a kitten who's gotten into a fight. “I’m going to cut the stream, okay?”
Who’d want to leave Ken, he’s cutting the stream short to help his gf.
I feel bad.
“You should. Please don’t make her cry.” A few clicks later and the stream cuts. “Do you want me to upload that one?” To get your message out? You’d do anything.
“Yes please…” Someone will have to see it. How miserable you are.
“Then it’ll go up, okay?” He pats your back twice, and he stands again to sit at the computer. Out of the blue he speaks again. “They’re right.” No no no no no. “I’m lucky, i’m so glad you're here with me and that you won’t leave.”
“I will get out!” The proof of your white hot anger is breaking the dam built in your throat.
“Where will you go? Your friends don’t know where you’ve gone, they won’t be happy with you coming back unannounced.”
“My parents-”
“You can rely on me, you don’t need anyone else.”
“But I-”
“Shhh kitty, you’re overreacting let’s get you to bed, you’ve had a stressful day.” And so he walks you back to the room you share that's covered in pictures, and he tucks you under the covers and dries your tears with a blanket. He whispers words to you, faint little nothings about games he’s going to play that you’ll enjoy watching and little bits of trivia about what “Kuroo” is up to. Eventually you fall asleep, with his hand in your hair and a chair pulled up close so he can stare. You both know it but no one will admit, some part of him will always enjoy how you lose hope so quickly.
once again! This should not’ve taken so long,,,, and it kinda deviates from request but! there we are! also,,,, you can’t tell me that like,,,,,,, kenma hasn’t been at least exposed to incels and or like,,,, really sexist guys he streams on twitch or youtube or something so- also thank you anon,,, i really like this one
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macklives · 5 years
homestuck recap
i hated this so fucking much bc my 2 am bitch-ass didnt want to read a recap thats probably longer than any slowburn out there
anyways here it is
also, uhhH sorry im using this as a end of session discussion bc that shit gets explained in her as well. and im not writing up more recaps of a recap so this is where im done for the day. (by done for the day i mean last nights session, im still doing a liveblog soon. i just wrote this yesterday)
also that this is long
you dont have to read it, theres nothing of importance
ive been coping with humor to get me through it
have fun with what i suffered through:
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why was “beta” the only thing unhighlighted?
like did i miss a page???
OH its the beta version of HS thats why
damn its like 5 pages and thats it
well youll all be happy to know im clicking every single one of these links again bc i like looking back like ahh i remember that. good times. also in case i forgot some shit existed.
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do you think andrew had fun writing this? or was he like “fuck”
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thats a lot of fucking package talk. good thing im not confused as of now and remember it pretty clearly. of else, this early on in the recap, id be screwed.
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god remember when i did an analysis on each item and what it did
i feel as if i have the technology engrained inside my head right now
cruxite, alchemeter, all that jazz
flashbacks are starting up already
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yeah, that was the good part in homestuck where i knew 100% that i probably would continue on this liveblog in its entirety, ngl
that one explosion scene. bc it kept me going.
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i just realized how the intermission spades probably fucking foreshadowed the whole jack revolts thing and gains the ring, which was also technically JOHNS fault considering he slashed up the doll in the first place
my god, i guess thats the only good aspect of the recap. looking back at things and realizing the missing pieces.
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oh that makes sense for the whole “this prototyping had no effect on the enemies, since he was already in the medium” i didnt actually think about that
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little did rose know where that would get her right now
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oh yeah
there’s still the whole entire lab terminal thing and how mom basically knows the place exists. i guess we’re still venturing onto that and itll come up later when we find out how mom knows SO MUCH about the game.
still think shes some weird spy or secret agent
i kinda love her ngl
anyways, theres literally no reason for skaia to produce a cloning machine. so technically, they only sent the meteors in, right? so who put the cloning machine in if not mom?
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oh yeah that impact was nerve wrecking asf
and still at this point in the comic i called dave fuckboy red
huh, how times change
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i hated reading that whole paragraph ngl, the frustration just kicked me in the boobs again
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yeah nobody else got tornadoes, huh?
OH that makes also much more sense
bc she did prototyped them before she entered the medium.
i gotcha
man one of my favorite edits i made, rose hitting that meteor with a bat
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are you
telling me
the exiles structures they arrived on were in the form of the items the kids used to enter the medium?
of course it was 413 years ago. that was never explained. simply vague “many years in the future....” but i expected no less from this
man serenity is the most wholesome character in hs no doubt
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damn thought andy here was really gonna spoil us jade’s planet
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okay cool, im glad i now have the layout to the whole “their stations went to the coordinates of the home button” shindig
man i honestly dont know what else to say besides “yeah cool recap” when i already pretty much know what went down? ofc im looking into each link and shit and adding in things when i see fit, but otherwise its just me going “ah good times” yknow
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the whole meteor thing kinda makes sense now?
we’re still missing a few pieces of info but we’re getting there, folks
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oh yeah that reveal
god jade and dave have it in the shits for parents huh
bro isnt the best and jade has a fucking dog
who lowkey
is doing better than bro
who knew a fucking dog is a better guardian than bro lmfao
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dreambot = terminator. im telling you.
sorry im still on that idea and it will never leave unless i have the actual proof in front of me that its not going to become a thing. meaning, ive finished hs and theres still no terminator dreambot or either andrew himself gives me a canon letter with “the robot is not arnold, mackenzie, pls just let it be”
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why is the entire game session highlighted
i swear to god if this is like to a second recap or smth of the whole game session i may fucking CRY
okay thank god its just a design of the skaia layout
which is honestly cool
idk why its blurry tho but i can at least see the layout now. which is honestly how i pictured it anyways.
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yeah, john did make a huge impact in his friends’ life and i find that so fucking touching
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yep. got that. everything loops around. cool.
especially when the trolls come in. god we havent even gotten to that recap portion yet, we havent even gotten to the INTERMISSION
pls can this be the halfway point to the recap
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so they were exiled after the whole jack: ascend thing, right? considering theyre way in the future. man no fucking wonder.
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speaking of jack
man that whole dad and jack interaction was gold, ngl
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and wow, andrew’s really giving us the best female content huh. andrew is the true god of equality and diversity.
also hey, i didnt realize that wow. so PM tricked the queen in showing the parking ticket to be able to take the present from jack. she’s a smart cookie, that one..
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she and PM basically snitched on jack and it was the best thing that has happened to me so far
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oh yeah okay
but why did AR panic over bec? bc thats something we havent learned yet, right?
exile town, the only town which should exist. facts. i dont make the rules.
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i love PM being queen. like.. thats canon now. shes an actual queen.
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yeah that was a fun game and the consorts were cute
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fuck yeah the dick head
hate them even more now that i know john was killed because of them
anyways, i wonder what dick move dave’s denizen did? maybe thats why its filled with lava bc the denizen was like “fuck it. make the land red. kill them all”
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so i still dont know what they mean but i can gather it has something to do with the game giving them abilities. considering dave is the “knight of time” and he can go back in time. whack.
which means john can either control someones breathing or simply wind. and rose is... like that one girl in the winx club who does the sun shit. bc whenever i think of light powers, i think of stella.
and jade is space. witch of space.
i have no idea what that means ngl
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okay finally
we’re at the trolls
maybe this recap will end soon
i remember when i thought they were internet bullies
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someone asked if i basically knew the trolls were on a different veil than the kids, so not presently with them, and i know lol. i was making a joke before btw. jsyk. dont think im incompetent to forget these things when sometimes i choose to forget it so i can add in a joke
it be like that, i annoy many
then again, pls dont assume im trying to say im not incompetent bc im also a fucking dumbass and DO forget shit and i have no excuse
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imagine being so bored on the meteor, your last resort is speaking to aliens
ngl me if i was ever trapped on a meteor and could potentially do that
nah ik its bc its their only hope at helping with their session or whatever tf CG said to john. but there was BOUND to be a conference meeting between them like “okay guys. humans. that needs to be sorted out” and you just hear CG screaming in the background
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i cant wait to meet them honestly bc im growing on all 4 of the ones we’ve seen already. and on top of that, i know what they look like and i know theyre not THAT bad, just a little on the crayy zee side sometimes
but theyre trying
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i didnt expect that. but maybe the signs were there and i was just willingly choosing to ignore it or smth bc “haha couldnt be, right”
flashbacks to how i thought the trolls were humans
anyways, i guess he got his revenge on the kids version of “snowman” ie the black queen. but really
he did not have to do that. he could have cut off the finger and fled. but he decided “nah, lets implode her” so the loml is dead and all i got was a catchy song
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i knew they were different types of “bullies” but now i just have to replace bullies with uhh
trolling strategies
anyways, this is cute. i love how they’ve come to be friends through mutual frustration. good part in the comic.
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i wonder why it explodes
more importantly
terminator time?
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this was my favourite sequences of dialogues in the whole entirety of homestuck. that is to say the back and forth thing that the kids went through to become a sort of wingman for the other.
absolutely gold.
all except AT’s rap.
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GC was the only smart one with the linear shit
anyways fuck he still has to kill the denizen now but apparently its hard to beat for a sleeping dick head so
that will be fun for the future
john will probably need to kill A LOT of imps to get there
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yeah rose is a badass bc she slayed that thing with needles of all things
OH and the white queen was the cursive
damn did AR ever do the whole guide process to a kid yet? maybe he will with dave, idk
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i fucking SEE
thats why he said DNA
to use it and replace all the life forms in the ocean
fucking neat wow
man that sounded sarcastic but im genuinely impressed bc all i got was bullshit as i read jaspersprites log
so thats the secret. it was “meow” bc that somehow translates to the genetic code she needs then. and that code apparently took fucking years to write as well. sick. whack. oh man.
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derse is very pretty, ngl
and wow shit
“dave had already been awake in his tower all along without realizing it” how tf does someone just
do that, awake in both places at once
i didnt even fucking realize that fact as i read that pesterlog wow
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ah yes, around the time things got confusing
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okay so the capsule makes sense bc at first i didnt know it was a fucking time capsule so i got confused as to how it just apparated the game lmfao
the more you know i guess *twinkle*
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i find that a neat concept tho
like the whole whatever you prototype affects the imps and shit
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yeah so that whole “he had no advice” basically impacted his future
no shit dave wanted to reset things bc he probably thought he caused some sort of bad butterfly effect and killed his best friend
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fuck calsprite thats all im gonna say
i read that first sentence and i think i got an aneurysm
and then everything else just made me sad again
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i mean good thing he fucking did amirite?
we got pain at first but now we got cool shit like idk
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damn idk how that works
will rose have like two minds now? or will this be some steven universe fusion shit?
“and understood their meaning” course well i fucking didnt so could you pls elaborate, rose?
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okay but then what the fuck did he use that was inside the fucking box
bc i thought he used his knife?
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im only every going to refer him as that now, thank you andrew
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alright okay..
god that was a lot
i dont know what will happen once i click on those links but i am going to see that for myself bc i refuse to add ANYTHING ELSE
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i didn’t die
also spoilers. like. major spoilers. im serious.
dont click that read more unless you’re totally okay with spoilers cause i talk about some endgame stuff too <3
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alright LOOK
each planet (Eden-6, Promethea, Pandora) they’re all circled and when their lines cross it leads to SOMETHING
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and looking at the grid that’s obviously what looks to be a wormhole
so we’ve also got the lines
“elpis - not what it seems. is elpis a lens? or a conduit. or both?”
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this is DEFINITELY on pandora (you see elpis up there) so it’s possible something is going to hit elpis and it’s going to beam to this vault-thing and open up a gateway to the Eridian Rift??? OR
we open this Vault and it beams something up to elpis and elpis helps open up part of the Eridian rift
i’d guess we’d need all 3 (?) active to open it?? Eden-6, Pandora, and Promethea
so something SEEMS to be getting beamed either from elpis to pandora or from pandora to elpis
but im going to get elpis to pandora given the way it’s being thrown out? like it hits elpis straight on and then defracts over pandora like a prism
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im guessing it’s such a broad spread bc it’s trying to hit the vault-temple-thing we see above (still... not quite convinced those are vaults like we’ve been seeing them in the past games (with lots of big loot inside). again something like teleporters makes way more sense to me)
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they also bring this up, that athenas and promethea have a draw to one another, which makes sense since part of the promethean vault key is on Athenas
“Although Athenas is not in the Promethean System, there is a strong pull detectable through use of [eridian resonator (customized) which I have discovered here (seen in purple)]” i have no idea if any of the bracketed stuff is right“
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more importantly it looks like one piece of Promethea’s asteroid belt is ‘highlighted’ which i imagine is that giant space laser
which ngl surprises me because
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this doesn’t really look eridian to me at all. like, okay, the laser part IS purple but... the actual tech doesn’t look Eridian at all. it looks VERY human. maybe maliwan/atlas discovered it and changed it somehow? that’s pretty much the only reason i can give. like they made it so it would only hit a certain area (concentrated) instead of the entire planet (like we see Elpis doing)
also if we look at Eden-6
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eden-6 seems to be 1 of 6 (or more) planets surrounding the gas giant (?) named Eden (which is such a cool fucking detail). or maybe that’s just a solar system named eden. either way. AWESOME.
my question is:
is Eden going to act similarly to Elpis? to the Asteroid Belt of Promethea?? because if that’s the case OH MAN MORE GIANT SPACE LASERS. maybe this is why ships keep on crashing to Eden-6. We know the planet is basically a ship graveyard, maybe there’s some Eridian interference that’s causing this to happen???
Also, when they say “Vaults lead to other Vaults” do y’all think this is tied into in any way the “Vault of Vaults” or whatever “It” is???
because THE VAULT OF VAULTS??? APPARENTLY WE WERE NAUGHTY AS FUCK FOR OPENING IT (the overseer says so when you accept the quest for the proving grounds)
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(also we now can guess this takes place after Athenas..?)
‘Vault... Key?’ i mean... think about it. we know the symbol for Vault is the circle with the arch. but this is different. this is diamond with, yes, with a vault shape in it. but... there’s obviously more to it than just the vault symbol
plus tannis is using it on pedestals dedicated to Vault Keys so i mean. you know.
and if this IS the symbol for Vault Key than oh man oh me oh my
that would mean opening up the ‘mini vaults’ on Pandora/Promethea/Eden-6 would lead to that big Eridian rift opening, whatever it is
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which could explain this line: “the Vaults lead to other Vaults” “Smart, Leda!”
looks like Typhon met someone who writes in blue. who’s name is Leda.
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calling it now typhon totally banged a Siren named Leda and had 2 twin kids (it runs in the family) the twins take after their parents: one red, one blue. possibly inherit the Cloth Map and learn about the purpose of the Vaults through it. i got nothing on the cage thing but tbh i wouldn’t be surprised if Typhon or Leda ended up going crazy at some point and/or having kids inside of a Vault for some ungodly reason. spewing random shit about ‘bandits this, bandits that’ to keep them from leaving. maybe they knew their adventures were going to (eventually) lead to the destruction of the universe so they wanted to keep their kids safe without having to admit they’ve doomed everyone outside this has no proof at all, im just spitballing lol i mean look at these love-sick FOOLS lmao
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look they both left messages (that i can’t read) with hearts at the end of them
“Genius! [gibberish i can’t make out] <3″ “you know it! <3″
we don’t know what the Vaults really are for, huh Tyreen?? NOW WE DO. NOW. WE DO.
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“by overlaying various found glyphs patterns emerge which are then...” ASDFGSHJ i CANT READ THIS “What is the machine?” “We’ll figure it out together!” MACHINE????????
i NEED it
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“Mapping in progress: the key-glyph [something] is an Eridian cypher hiding coordinates to some kind of cyber (????) structure” this perhaps???
also the proving grounds. let’s talk about those. we know they’re eridian, we know there’s 6 of them, we know there’s 1 at least on both Athenas and Eden-6.
we know those Eridian Ruins/Cyphers lead to the proving grounds. we know this much. so is it definitely confirmed the proving grounds hold a higher place in the story than they’re saying? i mean let me pull up my other draft talking about these in-depth and copy paste because there’s only 36 minutes until the NEXT endgame content stream
“Later in the campaign, you may be worthy of taking part in the Proving Grounds: themed gauntlets watched over by a Guardian known as the Overseer who wishes to test your mettle on behalf of the mysterious ‘Masters’.”
so it sounds like at least one is going to take place during the main campaign of the game.
as for uhh who the Masters are... I don’t know. I imagine they’re Eridian in some way/shape/form. to be honest, considering the Overseer is a Guardian (confirmed), I imagine these ‘Masters’ are just literally Eridians. some sort of council, perhaps. i mean “the masters will determine who is at fault” for “naughty humans opened the vault of vaults”. so i imagine they’re like a council.
Let’s start listing stuff we know about the Proving Grounds:
1. you get them by translating (we apparently get a translator later on in the story) Eridian texts (ciphers) left behind, which tell us where (?) these proving grounds are. why we’re not just using tannis... i dunno. something better not have happened to Tannis, gearbox
We’ve seen these texts in the Eden-6 gameplay, so it looks like maybe we won’t need the eridian doritos stabby thing to break any crystals. damn youuu
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“Ohhh good. Nonsense.”
i make jokes with my friend that soon i’ll be able to read Eridian given how much i stare at these tablets. it’s only a matter of time...
2. there’s apparently 6 of them, and at least 1 on each planet. We’ve seen the Athenas (Survival) and Eden-6 (Instinct) versions, which does make me wonder if there’s any tie between 6 of these trials and the 6 Sirens...
Also, given there’s supposedly 6 trials and only 5 planets (as the community has gotten devs to tell us), it makes me wonder a) if there’s actually 6 planets or b) why there’s only 1 planet with 2 per planet. i guess if that’s the eridian homeworld then it’d make sense if they have 2.
(Also Varnell did originally say 7 trials at first, but he gets a pass because he was live on stage and i would’ve made that mistake too knowing my dumb brain lol)
3. Apparently during the narrative of the game, at some point, we will unlock at least 1 trial.
“[proving grounds are] encased in the narrative of the game. a combat challenge the Eridians have left for the player to kinda prove themselves worthy for... things i won’t completely spoil right now, but uhhh prove themselves worthy to the ancient, lost, Eridians.”
so... YEAH. big news, gamers.
does this take place at the end of the game? its possible. its likely considering this is considered endgame content. it might not. it could be both, like sort of a repeatable thing. im not really certain. 
What I am certain about tho, is that this takes place after a huge story event.
So, maybe the BL3 story ends on a cliffhanger. Tbh i would upset if that happened, but THAT SAID, if the game does end on such a huge cliffhanger that this is AWFUL and the end of the universe is coming, I don’t think we’d be getting 4 story DLCs that completely ignore this problem.
The devs had said the entire story will be contained within bl3 (no splitting it up between dlcs), and it seems the games like to keep the timeline intact in the real world, so if imminent death is on its way, we can’t exactly wait 5 years irl and in-universe for borderlands 4.
So, if this is a cliffhanger ending, I don’t think whatever happens is... that big of a deal. Sort of the level of finding the Vault Map at the end of BL2. It’s big news! but it’s not going to end the universe. The story marches on. We figure out the new goalposts of this universe and keep doing stuff outside it.
Now that we know that, let’s take note of what the Overseer says at the start and end of this mission:
“Vault Hunter... I thought you might show up sooner or later. So naughty your species, so curious. The Vault of Vaults has been opened and it has been released. Prove your worth and I will reveal why the Masters made me wait for you”.
“Naughty humans opened the Vault of Vaults, but the Masters will determine who is at fault. Until next time, Warrior.”
so that’s some pretty fucking loaded dialogue, isn’t it?
im vvvvvvvvvv curious about who this ‘it’ character is... something the Eridians didn’t want out- well, that’s bad, because we (or the twins, or maliwan, or both I guess) just let it free. and the fact the Overseer won’t even reference the thing by name... that’s probably bad. If this is an actual entity, then that is mostly why I believe this particular Proving Ground takes place during the main story.
that said, ‘it’ could literally be anything. Knowledge, hope, whatever. the potion you brew to become a Siren. you know. anything. She called whatever was released ‘it’ and it doesn’t seem like we’re in a RUSH or anything. Just hanging out doing proving grounds. and apparently this is because we’ve been naughty humans. not evil, just naughty. like she’s giving us (or the cult) a slap on the wrist.
The Overseer doesn’t seem too affected by us opening the Vault of Vaults herself. The Masters apparently are trying to determine ‘who’s at fault here’, like it isn’t exactly clear. was it the humans for opening it? was it the eridians for making them openable?
it would be interesting if this isn’t even talking about something that happens in game, but instead like... she’s referencing Typhon and Leda. the Vault of Vaults had been opened (by Typhon and Leda) and IT has been released... whatever it is... maybe the reason Typhon and Leda locked their kids in a vault? ... i mean if we’re going by the eridium/slag causes psychos, then maybe that? we definitely find eridium on planets other than pandora...
also speaking of stuff taking place during the game, lets remember what was discussed in that interview: “[proving grounds are] encased in the narrative of the game... a combat challenge the Eridians have left for the player to kinda prove themselves worthy for... things i won’t completely spoil right now, but uhhh prove themselves worthy to the ancient, lost, Eridians.”
worthy of what, exactly?
I’m still of the belief that it’s for the title of Vault Guardian (and, yes, by proxy, i want to say Siren, but y’all won’t take me too seriously if i keep advocating for this crack theory lol... implying you took me seriously in the first place 🤡) because of the Guardian Rank
the fact we’re killing Fallen Guardians means, technically, a position HAS opened up... plus I don’t think the Watcher would have come in contact with Lilith if she didn’t think the Eridians needed us
that said, if this isn’t for just becoming Vault Guardians, then... idk. If this is strictly endgame stuff, i don’t even know what we’re trying to prove our worth for.
I guess worthy of not being thrown into alien prison is probably a good one. magic space prison is probably hard to get out of. like, ‘200 years an opening’ hard to get out of. and ur roommate is the destroyer 😨
i mean... maybe worthy of entering the Eridian Rift? i mean... it’s possible this rift leads to the eridian homeworld... there would have to be one HELL of huge Vault Monster to keep people from getting through :o
anyway, we’ve got 20 minutes until the new endgame content, i’ll be sure to add onto here if we learn anything new and/or i think of anything else. im vibrating over this shit, it’s awesome. i LOVE this map. might have to pick one up on ebay or smth.
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ethereal-lix · 5 years
You have sweaty hands
A/N: so this will have two parts because the requester wants BTS And Got7.
Warnings: none unless you count terrible writing lol Also this will be my first time writing in soooo long so im so sorry if its terrible. i need to get back into writing so imma be a little rusty. Also please ignore any grammar mistakes, i have no one to proof read for me lol
Also i wasnt sure how to keep to the request with everyone so i kinda changed it a little bit. i hope thats okay, and if it isnt let me know and ill rewrite it. And some are shorter than others. i just wasnt sure how to write this and do 7 different scenarios. so this will be bad im so sorry
Request:Hi, can I request a got7 and bts reaction (it can be separated or in the same post idc.) about their shy gf and her hand gets sweaty when he’s holding her hand for to long? I have this problem so I need help.😣😣😭😭😖😳
Here is part two with BTS
Mark: You and Mark have held hands before, but you’ve always found an excuse as to why you had to let go. Today though, today was different because Mark decided to take you on a walk through the park to see if you would try and retract you hand. As expected, you pulled your hand away, or well tried, but Mark wouldnt let you. Mark sighs and looks down at your intertwined hands, “Do you not want to hold hands? Every time we hold hands you always find an excuse as to why you have to let go. Do you not want to be with me?” You and Mark had only been together for a little over two months and he still made you super nervous. Anytime you saw him he always brought butterflies to your
 tummy and you thought that after about a month you would grow used to being around Mark and not get so nervous, but here you are.. “No its not that Mark, its just, you make me really nervous and you know im shy so it doesnt really help the situation, especially because i really like you and when i get nervous my palms start to sweat and then i get even more nervous which causes me to overthink and then i get even more nervous and its just a never ending cycle that i cant break and i wanna hold your hand, but i dont want you to think im weird to something because my hands are sweaty and i cant really stop it because.. well you know..” you trail off looking at the ground. Since you were looking down you didnt see that Mark had left out a small sigh of relief before smiling. “Y/N, its okay, you make me nervous to. And since we’re being totally honest, i thought you didnt want to hold my hand because well one, i thought you didnt like me as much as i liked you and two, because my hands would get sweaty form how nervous you make me as well. So its nice to know that you didnt want to hold hands because yours was sweaty.” Mark leaned down and kissed your forehead gently. “Shall we?” Mark questioned, holding out his hand for you to hold. “Yes, we shall.” you smiled grabbing his hand.
Jackson: “AHHHH!!!!!” You and Jackson had screamed in unison. you and Jackson had some how gotten suckered into going to a haunted maze with the rest of the boys. Youre not too sure how you ended up in this situation. All you know is that there was a game of ‘rock, paper, scissors’ involved and thats all Jackson would tell you. You’re pretty sure that BamBam had said, “lets play a game of rock paper scissors and whoever loses has to go through the haunted maze tonight”. Unfortunately, if it wasnt obvious Jackson lost. You wanted to let go of Jacksons’ hand because your palms were sweating like crazy, but at the same time you didnt want to let go because you were terrified of letting go. Now heres the thing, since your hands are sweating uncontrollably from the frights your hand keeps slipping from Jacksons’ tight grasp, which honestly is a shock since he has a pretty tight grip on your hand. “Yah! Y/N stop trying to . let my hand go! Cant you see that im scared?!” You gasped in shock, “Excuse me? You’re scared?! You’re scared?!” You questioned. “You’re the one who got us into this mess in the first place Jackson! you cant get mad at me because youre scared! That’s one. Two, im just as scared as you and you know that when we hold hands for too long my palms get sweaty, so im not intentionally trying to not hold your hand, my hand just keeps slipping.” You didnt notice that you had stopped walking until Yugyeom walks passed you guys laughing. “How can you two be bickering while in a haunted maze? i mean honestly, you guys will bicker anywhere if given the chance. But i think you should finish this argument outside where you can stand around all you want” You and Jackson looked at each other before giggling and continuing through the maze.
JB: You and Jaebeom were standing outside the dorm. “Y/N, you okay? Your hand is sweating real bad.” You gulp and look down shyly removing your hand from his to wipe it on your pants. “Uhhh yeah, im sorry, im just super nervous.” Jaebeom smiles and kisses the top of your head. “No need to be nervous. They’re going to love you i promise.” You give him a small smile as he grabs your hand again opening the door. “Hey guys,” He shouts as soon as he steps through the door with you following. “Were here!” When you walked into the living room you saw all the boys lounging around before they all got up to proper introduce themselves to you. “Guys this is Y/N,” Jaebeom said while slightly nodding your way before he looks at you and lists everyone off pointing to each one so yo can place a name with their face. “Y/N this is Jackson, Mark, Bambam, Yugyeom, Jinyoung, and Youngjae.” “Hi guys.” You said giving them a small smile and a wave. After the introduction you and Jaebeom made your way to sit on the floor, Jaebeoms back resting on the couch and you sitting in between his legs. “What are you guys watching?” You asked trying to make small talk. “Nothing really, we were just trying to bypass the time waiting on you and Jaebeom to show up, but now that you guys are here we can eat and play some games.” Jinyoung answered. As the night went on eventually all the boys split into smaller groups and ultimately left you and Jaebeom alone. “Told you you had nothing to worry about” He whispered in your ear. 
Jinyoung: “Jinyoung, what if they dont like me?” you asked as you and Jinyoung walked up to the restaurant door. “My parents will love you, let me ask you this. Whats there to not like about you? You’re a very lovely person with a great personality. You’re nice, kind, funny, amazing. Theres absolutely no reason they wont like you.” “But-” Jinyoung cut you off with a chaste kiss to your lips. “But nothing. Everything will be fine and things will go great.” Jinyoung opens the door for you so you can walk through, with him following closely behind grabbing your hand. “Just maybe dont shake their hands?” Jinyoung laughed while you slapped his arm with your other hand. “Babe! I’m shy and you know that i get sweaty palms when im nervous! dont laugh at me” you tried to have some authority in your voice but you couldnt help but giggle as the hostess walked you to a table so you can wait for Jinyoungs parents to show up.
Youngjae: You and Youngjae were currently backstage getting the finishing touches done on your make up. “You nervous?” He questioned you. “What gave me away? My trembling body or my nervous giggles?” you sarcastically asked with a playful smile. “actually it was the fact that you cant stop wiping your sweaty--or should i say leaking hands-- on that very expensive dress i bought you.” He retorted instantly. “ha-ha, very funny. i think im going to die of laughter.” you reply dryly. You and Youngjae were presenting an award to your favourite idol group and you were so nervous because one, you’re going to be on stage in front of thousands of people, and two you’re giving an award to you favourite idol group. They were the reason that you were going to be on this stage. They inspired you to follow your dreams of becoming an idol and here you are a long and hard 4 years later presenting them with one of the best awards that the industry has to offer. “once Youngjae was done with his finishing touches he walked up to you and lightly kissed your temple so he wont mess up your hair or make-up. “You’ll be fine. Dont worry.” He smiled at you as the make-up artist gave you an approving nod and thumbs up before walking off to finish someone else. “Just think of it as performing. You’ve been on a stage just as big as this before and youve done amazing.” He states as he moves to stand in front of you with his hands finding a place on your shoulders. “Yeah, but this time its different. Im not performing. Im not singing or dancing. Im talking. I have a speech that i have to recite to thousands and thousands of people. And this is being broadcasted live where millions will see at home.” You sighed as you rested a hand on his forearm. “Y/N, Youngjae, are you ready? You’re up in 2!” a stage producer yelled. “Alright sweaty palms, are you ready?” He asks as he looks down at your grabbing your hand. “As ready as i’ll ever be.” You smile and lightly chuckle, before walking out on the stage taking a deep breath. 
Bambam: “You nervous Y/N?” Jackson asked you. “What?” you questioned not really hearing what Jackson just said. “That’s a yes” Yugyeom stated. You looked around slightly confused as to what was going on before your yes landed on your boyfriend who was sitting right next to you. Bam leaned down and lightly brushed his lips on your temple before muttering, “when you get nervous not only do your hands get sweaty, you have a tendency to rubs your hands up and down on your legs.” You looked down intrigued by the news and saw that you were in fact rubbing your hands up and down your dress. “Ohh..” you whispered before you thought back on all the times that you were nervous and also saw the pattern. “Hey,” you began going to defend yourself, before Jaebeom cut you off. “Its okay Y/N we know you’re shy and when you get nervous your hands start to sweat. Not only did Bam tell us, but we also caught on to your other nervous habits, such as rubbing your hands on your legs.” He gave you a small smile as Mark piped up. “You shouldve seen when BamBam used to get nervous when he was younger, he would-” Alright!! Thats enough!” Bambam would yell over Mark so he wouldnt have to relive any of his embarrassing moments that he’s tried so hard to forget. 
Yugyeom: “So, wait, you mean to tell me you’ve never been to a school dance before?!?!” Jackson practically yelled. “Jackson!! SHHHH!” You whispered shouted hoping that Yugyeom didnt hear. “Yes, thats exactly what im saying and if you could please keep your voice down so people in LA wont hear you that would be great!” You huffed after crossing your arms over your chest relaxign back into the couch. “What? How? And why doesnt Yugyeom know this?” Jackson questioned you with genuine concern and shock. “You’re very pretty and funny and awesome, and kind, and sweet, and youre the whole package. How have you never been to a school dance?” “Well, i guess the other boys back home didnt agree with you thats why.” you sighed as you started playing with a sleeping yugyeoms hair. “But can we please drop it? i dont wanna talk about it anymore and you cant tell Yugyeom, you promised.” you reminded him before changing the subject. Later on that night you were in the studio with Yugyeom keeping him company while he as working on some music. After about an hour yugyeom got up off his chair and walked over to you and held his hand out for yo to grab. You looked up at him quizzically before taking his out stretched hand. He helped you stand and led you to the middle of the room before he left you to walk back to his computer playing “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran. As soon as the song started to play you started to blush and your palms became sweaty as you tried to wipe the sweat off by rubbing your palms on your thighs. ‘Oh no’ you thought. He must’ve heard the conversation that you had with Jackson earlier in the day. He looks at you with a slight blush rising on his cheeks. “So i may or may not have heard what you and Jackson were talking about today and i figured what better way to experience your first slow dance than with someone in a studio listening to one of the best love songs created?” He said, barely above a whisper as he grabbed your hand. “No need to be nervous Y/N. Its just me and you, no one else.” He stated as he started to sway you side to side noticing your nervous habit. “Its just me and you.” He whispered in your ear as he pulled you closer.   
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kevuvu · 6 years
The April Fool is my writing
HEY SO that Dragon AU I had? This is the drabble I wrote for it! Near the end you’ll see uh.. where I lost motivation ... there’s some notes and shit.. i don’t plan on continuing it! :’) anyways uhh
Royai, 1974 words, babies first attempt at a fic... enjoy
On the rare occasion, Roy Mustang could be quite a fool.
It was a strange happenstance for sure, as most have reason to believe otherwise. At a young age stupidity was wrung out of him as if he were a towel, anyone who knew Madam Christmas considered it inevitable. Under her guidance he learned typical boyish things like reading body language and how to swindle somebody. Instead of befriending kids his age he talked to wise customers, instead of playing with sticks he played with minds. Roy took to the life like breathing, it was natural for him. To be a fool was unheard of, but alas Roy was still human. Try as Madam might there was only so much she could do to wisen up the boy, and the most human part of him was what she lacked the heart to squash out - something his new tutor encouraged in fact. General Grumman, a frequent at the tavern and the boy’s new teacher - loved Roy’s youthful idealism, and consistently sent him on errands to challenge that faith. What Grumman intended was to temper his ideology, to strengthen it into a powerful mindset that could confront the world.
Instead, he created a travelling heart throb, a very very lost travelling heart throb.
It was safe to say he was in a bind. Roy was used to old ladies fawning over him - cooing something about grandsons and youth - but today it was particularly bad. It seemed that word spread of a young man with a passion to learn - with the money to afford it! and it was as if the entire village had a particular infatuation with the idea. Who knew a coast town could be known for its gold mine? It was in a desperate attempt for some peace of mind he declined his escort to the next town, choosing to rely on flimsy directions down a long and confusing road into the thick forest, to reach a secluded farming town before nightfall. It certainly wasn’t his brightest choice, and it was as he was kicking himself for the blunder when he noticed something odd.
Blood interrupted his path, creating a trail deeper into the woods. The sight encouraged Roy to be careful, taking note of his surroundings as he followed it. If getting lost made him a fool, then he had no idea what this was. It was eerily quiet, and he suspected it was due to the gashes in the trees. Strange, contorted claw marks that seethed with power, the sight had him ghosting the dagger at his side. Something in the area was dangerous, whatever caused the damage could spell out their anger in just a swipe alone. He had a faint suspicion his foster mother’s cat wasn’t the cause. No animal came to mind except one, but he squashed the theory in favour of being pragmatic. Burn marks? Broken trees? Roy tried to justify the charred earth he found, making up an excuse about the summer heat and fire. It was playing dumb and he knew it, but he refused to believe in his boyish dreams until he thought of everything. In the corner of his eye he spotted a body, heaving an unfitting sigh as he walked over to the logical explanation. Whether it was a sigh of relief or disappointment he wouldn’t say, but when he spotted something golden in the clearing Roy’s breathing stopped. He was now staring at a dream, and there was no one around to pinch him.
You see, Roy Mustang found a dragon. While it was half dead, caught in a steel net, and the reason for the bodies, the fabled beast looked as stunning as the legends told. Finding a rare creature would make anyone happy, but to Roy it was exceptional. In the time he learned about the world, he found himself drawn to the legends, listening to tales whenever he had the chance. Now he was seeing a tale with his own two eyes. The creature looked more akin to a bird, but there was no question about its blood. If not for the whipping tail or the menacing talons, it was for the fire that burned in its eyes. Eyes currently staring at him, eyes that told him he would be a 4th body if they weren't already compromised.
This was the reason Roy was uncharacteristically a fool - it wasn’t getting lost, it wasn’t following blood into the dark woods, but it was finding an angry dragon and vowing to help. General Grumman sent him on these errands to test his ideology, and there was no better exam than this. Roy Mustang was an idealistic moron, but a damn good one at that, and he knew he had to play his cards right if he was going to help them.
"Hey there," he whispered, crouching low as he approached the beast. He was met with a hiss in response, a sign he knew all too well that meant he was overstepping boundaries. It was a shame Roy didn’t have a knack for animals, though it was rather unfair to compare the two. A dragon’s intelligence was presumed equal to that of a human's - something that created heavy controversy over history. He held on to the theory of intelligence, continuing forward with a goal to prove his innocence. Maybe if he was careful enough the dragon would forego the prejudice for just this moment, and allow him to help. Though, with the beasts huffing, his chances were looking a little grim. "Easy now, I got some bandages in my bag, I’m gonna patch you up alright?" It did not need to speak, the unwavering glare was clear with the death threats. Instincts were screaming at him to run, but he persevered knowing the situation was too grave to back down from. The boy knew better, and he paused to shuffle off his bag and search for his medkit.
After gently rifling through his items, Roy continued to crawl over to the dragon with his medkit in tow. He hoped to be as clear with his intentions as possible, but the dragon still bristled at his advancements. A flame was spit out in defense - if you could call it a flame that is. It looked more like lit sludge and hot tar than a flame, with a smell so foul that Roy could only credit it to be blood. Roy winced, partially due to his hastiness, and paused for a moment to reassure them. "It’s okay, I want to help you.” He tried to sound as sincere as possible, holding out the bandages to prove it was all he was holding. "Will you let me?” The creature continued to stare, and Roy took a moment to wonder if they could even understand him.
What a stubborn creature, knowing full well what they are and reminding him of their two different worlds.
Determination is what kept Roy’s frustration in check. Stubbornness to a dragon was like fish to water, he was banking on logic to win out. The beast’s wound wouldn’t clot in time without his assistance, and if they truly were smarter than the average bear then it should have realized this by now.
As if on cue, Roy heard a huff of indignation. The dragon rolled onto their side and exposed the most serious wound to him, a lengthy gash on the wing, wrapping around the side of its body. Inappropriately Roy was reveling in this moment, being quick to remove the net before the dragon changed its mind. His skills in first aid were minimal, but he attempted to clean the wound to the best of his knowledge. Applying antiseptic, Roy looked at the dragon for any sign of irritation - knowing one wrong move could cost a hand. The dragon appeared calm, but the long tail that extruded from its lower back gave away its irritation. Not unlike a cat, it was thumping against the earth - flame on the end roaring with the rush of air. It was fairly amusing, but it sometimes came a little too close to his hair. He suspects it does that on purpose. Roy diligently applied the bandages for the next few minutes, recalling the process vaguely out loud as a confidence boost and as a one sided conversation to ease the tension.
The student, as amateur as he was, finished the last bandage with pride. “It’s not perfect but it works - maybe I should take up Dragon Medical Care as a side study?” Roy continued to talk, noting the the beast was significantly more calm. His plan to ease tension seemed to work, now the dragon stared at him with calculating eyes instead of eyes of fury. He also noticed the dragon was surprisingly good humoured, allowing themselves to be layered in bandages that were more of a nuisance than help. Maybe his charm really does work on more than old ladies.
Roy stood up and stretched, taking a look at the sky to judge the time. The real problem was what to do now. The dragon needed rest to heal, but people were likely going to look for the poachers. They needed to move somewhere out of sight, but there was no guarantee that the dragon wouldn't scamper off the moment it could. It wasn’t like he could stop it either. Roy wasn’t an optimist, but he hoped it could rely on him until it was healed. He pondered on his choices, but it wasn’t until he exchanged eye contact with the beast that he decided on the next course of action.
“I’m going to go look for a safe place to make a camp, I’ll come back to get you alright?”
If the dragon took the risk to trust him, he should trust the dragon in turn, and as the dragon stared at his eyes he took in the sight of the myth in front of him - just incase it was his last time.
Was Roy ever not a fool? Was he blind to this all along, and only now became aware of it? He was having an identity crisis while attempting his last chore for the day - starting a fire. Simple enough he thought, he managed to convince a dragon to follow him to a new location, to fall asleep while he set up a camp, and even caught a fish to eat! how hard was a measly fire? very hard apparently.
without any matches roy pulled up his sleeves, grabbing some rocks he Thought were flint and started wacking for a spark.
Time skip to him at the camp
Uhhh more later im toired
Paragraphs I took out to add in later - but never did bc I stopped! enjoy the uh... nonsense bc i haven’t proofed em
a dragon willingly showed weakness to him. Whether it was because they had run out of options did not matter, the creature chose to risk death by his hand over their pride. He wasn’t arrogant as to assume it was out of trust. No amount of effort could ever hope to persuade the mind against history. The dragon must have a strong reason to live, something far stronger than dying to an underhanded trick. Roy wanted to honour their choice, approaching the wound with this in mind.
Roy tried his best not to stare at the peak of red markings exposed under the feathers. If memory serves right, it was the very reason its kind was hunted. Intricate script that was theorized to be magic embodiment, as the winding text described the source of their power. Staring at it would be suicidal, they would rightfully assume ill intentions. Still, his insatiable urge to learn was nagging him in his mind.
Even if he were to succumb to the desire, it was a fruitless ambition. Roy could never hope to understand the language, the language itself would have to accept him.
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