#this is his boss babe verse
anticapitalistclown · 2 months
reader having the scary dog privilege with the big boys 🤤
I think in the lookism verse, reader could have the scary dog privilege with every character lol, lookism men are built different.
Since the characters aren't requested, I'll choose the big boys myself
Scary dog privilege headcanons
reader x Taesoo, Jake, Jerry and Vin Jin
Scary dog privilege? more like scary bear privilege
He really is scary, his face straight up says "don't talk to me", yet since you started to know each other that he asked you daily how your day was, he loves to hear you talk.
He hates everyone, everyone except you and maybe his successor
Since you started dating that you didn't have to get worried about your surroundings anymore, you have a boyfriend that will do it for you.
You can walk everywhere with the confidence that Taesoo can break anyone's ribs with a single punch, although his aura is scary enough for anyone to dare approach you
And there's no need for him to be always stuck with you! just for you being known as Taesoo's partner makes people shiver in fear
It's cute to see a sunshine walking around Ansan happy and without a worry with a muscular and enormous boyfriend behind them (who spoils his partner to the brims)
He's so cute omg, he's that boyfriend that looks like he has doberman vibes, yet he's a golden retriever.
You're walking on the streets with an enormous, muscular, tattooed and scarred-face man who asks you for cuddles every night
He's big and scary, yet he loves cute things (you)
He's also won a name, Big Deal is quite known and respected for, so people think twice as to approach you
Even though he might not always be around you, a big deal member for sure is to make sure the boss's darling is safe
He loves to walk next to you, pick you up from work or classes, he gets to spend time with you and make sure you're protected <3
Sometimes he doesn't give scary vibes bc he just can't stop smiling at you, yet he is always aware of your surroundings
Same as with Jake, he's a big and scarred-face scary man, who people try to avoid looking directly at him, yet he turns into a blushing and stuttering mess when asking you to hold hands.
It's great to walk next to him, people only look at you in fear or admiration
He's so tall and big that he protects you from the sun, also you will never lose him in crowds
He's the best helper, you're tired? he will carry you without any effort, you have to carry heavy stuff? no way, he will do it for you <3
You are boss Jerry's darling, so you also have all the protection from the big deal underlings
More than scary, he's just an asshole
People be looking at you, and he will put his disgusted bitch face and tell them "tf you looking at?"
He's the type to tell you "babe, dress as you want, I can fight"
Yet he prefers to see his partner to stood up for themselves, if things get more uncomfortable tho, he will step in, he always has your back.
It's true that he is more muscular, and it makes him look more intimidant, and he knows it, so when walking with you, he kinda likes to show off.
Will bitch-slap any guy that looks at you the wrong way <3
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jo-harrington · 5 months
Disaster Preparedness (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Maybe it's time to put a name to whatever it is you and Eddie are...but not without some misunderstandings first.
Previous Part: Peak Sales Hours
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Angst, Jealousy, Fluff, and a series of unfortunate misunderstandings with a sweet ending.
Note: A day late, but what can you do. This was sort of always a pre-planned part of the Store Manager Verse (and actually set at Christmas Time at StarCourt) but a very special prompt made me switch it up. So without further ado @allthingsjoeq and @bettyfrommars please consider this collection of Holiday shenanigans inspired by I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus my take on Prompt 14 from your Holiday Prompt Party:
You can tell that the mall Santa is a babe under that beard, and you decide to get closer to investigate.
With a little twist...
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
The holiday season wasn't Eddie's favorite, per se.
Just like Thanksgiving, it was a time to make do. Couldn't really celebrate when you were reminded of the things you'd lost or didn't have in the first place.
Still it had its high points. Cookies were great, having a little extra cash between Wayne's holiday pay and bonus and the handful of parties he'd be able to deal at, and let it be known that...Eddie Munson was a sucker for snow and always wished for a White Christmas.
And for his friends? Eddie would always muster up the Holiday Spirit and Christmas Cheer. A special one-off campaign for Hellfire, a potluck dinner with Corroded Coffin, and handmade gifts that he spent way too much time on.
This year...working at StarCourt brought its own spin on Holiday cheer and it was a little annoying.
If he hadn't worked the closing shift on the 30th, and seen all of the overnight workers and maintenance vehicles that rolled out of the service corridors as he walked out, Eddie would have thought that it was magic that transformed StarCourt Mall into a true Winter Wonderland come December 1st.
Because it was night and day.
Lights were strung around every store entrance, wreaths and garland hung every 50 feet from the ceiling, soap snow fell down from special blowers in the vents onto the food court, and the space in front of Montgomery Ward suddenly contained a special gift-wrapping destination.
And suddenly the mall muzak had a festive flair to it.
It was honestly kind of sickening.
He wasn't a scrooge or anything, it was just overwhelming and appeared all at once. And after how overwhelming Black Friday had been, how was anyone supposed to cope with the bright lights, large crowds, and repetitive music? He intentionally started turning the shop radio to a higher volume to drown out the bells jingling and carols mingling for the next few shifts after the decorations appeared.
"It's Holidazzle," you told him as he leaned against the entryway to your store--"the conversion Eddie, for God's sake!"--and watched you hang a special banner in the window, featuring the Gift of Piercing and cartoon bears ice skating around a tree.
"It's overkill," he argued.
"It's Mall Life." You climbed down from your ladder and surveyed your work with a critical eye. "You get used to the big everything that is Christmas and just deal with it, and then, come January, it all dies. We're decorating today, and next week we start wearing reindeer antlers on the sales floor. It just is what it is. Gotta get the customers into the festive spirit so they buy more before it all tapers out.
"Surprised Kyle isn't already wearing like...a Santa hat and a cheesy sweater with ornaments hanging off it or something."
And Eddie wasn't sure if you were somehow clairvoyant or just knew his boss well enough, but that's exactly what Kyle wore to his next shift and, indeed, every shift for the remainder of December.
Santa hats in every color--and he'd bought hats for everyone else in the store--and if there wasn't a Santa hat, there was tinsel in his hair. A piece of glittery garland strung around his neck and a mug full of cocoa constantly present in his hand, even when he was on the sales floor. And, somehow, a different cheesy holiday sweater on every single shift he had.
Where did he even get them?
"Listen," he clapped a hand on Eddie's shoulder and shoved a candy cane in his hand. "I know you're Mr. Non-Conformity, but in this instance, you just gotta go with the flow. No one wants to give their money to the Grinch. But Jolly Old Saint Kyle? He's who they're trusting for their Christmas Gifts. You catch me?"
So Eddie tried.
He did. He tried.
For all of 3 days.
He wore the hat, he played the game, he did his spiel about gift certificates and BOGO, and he didn't even get a treat at the end of his shifts because you worked the opposite schedule from him. With school and all it was hard...
He just wanted to kiss you. Was that too much to ask for? It wouldn't be the most romantic place but he figured that he could set out some mistletoe by the baler and trick you into a festive smooch when you took the cardboard out. He could do that now, except he couldn't.
...but Wednesday night you'd both be closing. You'd swapped shifts with Mindy two weeks in a row so you could go to his show last week and she could go to her kids' Christmas Recital at the elementary school this week.
He definitely planned to make his move and get his reward. And give you a little reward of your own, seeing how hard you'd been working too. He wondered if this might be the chance to officially ask you to be his girl. Everyone had already made the assumption the two of you had been dating for months...why not put a name to it? And then he could take you out on a real date.
What could possibly go wrong?
Famous last words.
With a few minutes until his fifteen, anticipation building...Mike and Dustin ran into Tape World, looking out of breath and nervous.
Eddie was finishing up a special order for a customer when he saw them out of the corner of his eye. Little assholes, lurking by the door. Mitch had tried to walk up to them and give them the spiel but they waved him off.
"We're here for Eddie."
Great. This better not be about one of them missing Hellfire on Friday.
"What do you want?" he huffed, trying to be a little patient with them since it was the holidays after all. He picked on them enough at school. "It’s busy tonight."
"Well," Dustin shifted. "We were coming to see the new Ewoks movie--" Eddie snorted and grinned at them fondly. "--and we were just killing some time, when we passed by Mom's store."
Eddie couldn't help the bark of laughter he let out with that one. He told the guys to cut it out, this...continuation of calling you Mom since Halloween.
"You guys gotta stop calling her that," he scoffed. "Steve Harrington's your Mom. Get that straight."
"Well then Mom is upstairs right now flirting with not Mom," Mike sassed, hands on his hips.
Now that gave Eddie pause. Harrington? Upstairs with you?
"What?" Eddie's voice broke a little as he reacted. He chuckled to try and alleviate some of his own nerves. "Isn't Harrington dating someone? Pretty sure I've seen him running around with that cashier from KB Toys."
"Well it was Wicks'n'Sticks."
"But we think they broke up!" Mike piped up. "Because Steve quit Scoops last week."
"Which means we need to pay full price for movie tickets again," Dustin nodded.
"But Nancy said that Robin told her…that he got a job at Santa's Workshop," Mike thumbed over his shoulder. "And we just saw Santa upstairs with Mom and she was wiping strawberry lipgloss out of his beard."
The first thought in Eddie’s head was that you didn’t wear strawberry lipgloss.
The next was that you didn’t wear strawberry lipgloss when you kissed him. What if you wore it for Steve?
No, that was ridiculous.
But unless Santa’s Workshop was operating as a functioning kissing booth and Harrington was looking for a quick and easy fix for a bunch of housewives smooching him after their kids asked for a new bike or Hot Wheels racetrack or Tina the Talking Tabby doll…there was no explanation.
Which, alright, Eddie wouldn’t normally consider himself a jealous person. An envious person. Yeah, he might have seen a little green at the edges of his vision when the kids fawned over Steve Harrington time and again, but ever since he was brought down a few pegs—humbled—he didn’t seem like the same old douchebag from Hawkins High that he used to be.
Eddie might even say Steve was kind of alright.
But you were his girlfriend…or something…
And the jealousy and possessiveness he often mocked others for over the years, as he watched meathead jocks tighten their arms around their girlfriends shoulders as he simply walked past, suddenly overcame him.
“Mitch I’m taking my fifteen!” He called towards the back of the store and strutted out of Tape World, all while Mike and Dustin called after him, fully intending to get to the bottom of this obvious misunderstanding.
He planned to ask you about Harrington the moment you opened the door to the loading dock, hauling the dolly of cardboard boxes behind you.
A simple "hey sweetheart, how was your day, anyone named Kris Kringle come to bother you?" and he would have had his answer and all of his doubt would have been alleviated once and for all.
Except that as soon as you appeared--with your disheveled hair and makeup, your slumped shoulders, and your groan of weariness--your eyes got brighter and you melted at the sight of him. So happy to see him, so relieved.
Then he melted.
"God, what a night," you groaned and let the dock door slam behind you. You abandoned your cardboard and walked right into his arms where he was standing by the baler; your arms wrapped around his waist and your face nuzzled into his flannel, just the way he constantly craved. "Some lady wanted an individual gift receipt for every single item she bought. Then Chrissy almost messed up this kid's piercing. Thank God I stopped her as soon as I saw."
"Oh yeah?"
"And then I swear I'm like...I just have one of those faces where everyone comes and complains to me as they're shopping. I have to hear about everyone's life story or their relationship issues, especially this one guy..."
Eddie's ears practically perked up at that.
"This one guy?" he urged you to continue, on the edge of his proverbial seat.
"I dunno," you sighed tiredly. "Not the first time he's come to me for advice. He's a nice guy and he means well, but it just seems I'm always the one. And I'm happy to help just...not during Q4, you know? He needs to figure out how to talk to his ex on his own. And not just...come in looking for extra glossy strawberry lip gloss thinking he's gonna kiss his way back into their good graces."
Extra glossy strawberry lip gloss.
Eddie wondered if he was pushing his luck if he were to ask if this nice guy was dressed in a Santa suit.
Still his heart soared nonetheless. He should have known that it was nothing to worry about, that those little shits just put two and two together to make five, and that mom wasn't actually kissing Santa Claus.
It was just a misunderstanding.
"How was your night?" you backed away from him slightly to look into his eyes. "I feel like I haven't seen you in days."
It was like a weight on his chest had been lifted, as he stared into your sparkling eyes.
"Same old, same old," he chuckled away the doubt. "Probably worse because no one knows what they want to give as gifts for Christmas and they're not listening to me."
"How dare they not take the advice of the great God of Music!" you feigned outrage.
"Gonna give me an inflated ego, sweetheart."
"You mean you don't already have one?" you teased.
Whatever fleeting bits of doubt remained disappeared as his fingers found your sides and he tickled you as punishment for the jab. Even more so as you grabbed his face and kissed him to get him to stop.
You'd spent the remainder of your break on Wednesday night softly kissing on the loading dock. You held hands as he walked you back to your store. Then once the mall was closed, you continued the kissing against the side of his van in the employee lot as the rest of the cars disappeared one by one.
With one last kiss goodbye, you agreed to Christmas movies and cocoa at his place on Sunday.
But as he sauntered into the mall on Sunday morning, twirling his lanyard on his finger as he headed to Tape World, Eddie swore that the universe was mocking him--
Or it was just that trademark Munson Bad Luck.
--because with a quick glance up towards your store, he saw you, holding the gate up with one arm, talking and laughing with someone conspicuously dressed in a Santa suit.
Well, he couldn't really see the holly jolly bastard that was up there making you smile, but just a quick glimpse of red velvet and white fur and all of his doubt was back.
The two of you still hadn't put a label on your relationship yet. He'd wondered the other night as he drove home if it was a little juvenile to want to call you his girlfriend. Was it too high school? What did a real life, grown up boyfriend do? He only had TV shows to go by and he figured you'd laugh if he tried to give you his '84 class ring that was stashed in his sock drawer. In fact, he was sure of it.
But how was he supposed to get past the visceral need to be your boyfriend when you were up there being wooed into potentially becoming the new Mrs. Claus yourself?
By Santa Harrington no less.
The doubt was back with a vengeance.
Kyle--decked in red onesie pajamas, butt flap and all--clocked his woes as soon as he walked into the store.
"Don't tell me she broke up with you," he guessed as he counted up the registers for the day. "I know it's not the end of the world, but you guys barely got started. What the hell did you do?"
"I didn't do anything!" Eddie answered honestly as he restocked the front display.
"Hmmm, actually come to think of it, that might be exactly the point."
"I don't think we were ever together, if I'm being honest."
"Dumbass," Kyle chuckled under his breath. Eddie, exasperated and just needing someone to commiserate with, explained the whole thing to his boss, who simply ate it up like a gossiping housewife and then laughed louder. "No seriously, you're a dumbass. This is the Mall at Christmas, dude. You're gonna start going cross eyed if you're looking around every corner for a suspicious Santa Claus flirting with your girl.
"Why don't you save yourself some heartache and just talk to her. You know, like you should have been doing this whole time? So, one time only because you're my buddy, I'm letting you take an extra break so you can go up there and talk to her."
And Eddie knew Kyle was right: it was all about communication.
Communication, or the lack thereof, was how the two of you had gotten this far, right? You'd known each other since May? June? And had only figured out that there was some mutual attraction in...what? September if Eddie was going to be honest with himself. Two weeks ago if he wasn't.
Lack of communication, caused by self doubt and fear, cost him...months...of getting to kiss you and hold your hand. And while he cherished the time spent being your friend, he was always gonna wish he had all that time being more.
So no, he shouldn't let it draw out much longer.
Unfortunately, he really was a dumbass.
So instead of taking advantage of it being so early in the day that there were practically no customers in the mall to go upstairs and clear things up with you and maybe ask you out on a real date...
Eddie booked it across the mall to Santa's Workshop.
There he stood, wasting his extra break in line with the handful of proactive parents coming in early to get their family pictures with the Big Man himself.
"What's on your wish list this year?" A little boy in a tiny navy suit tugged on the leg of his jeans and asked him.
"Uh..." He was at a loss when it came to kids and his hands wrung around his lanyard. But he couldn't just leave the little guy hanging. "A new amp...and maybe a Skeletor action figure."
The boy's eyes got wide and blabbered on about his desired Castle Greyskull while his mom ran a comb through his hair.
Eddie froze and his attention shifted from the kid, up and up green velvet clad legs then torso, to a familiar cherubic face and tousled curls covered by a pointy hat.
"Gareth?" he chuckled, staring incredulously at his friend dressed as one of Santa's Helpers. "...what is this? I didn't know you..." his eyes slid down to the little boy, then back to his friend. "...were an elf."
"I was trying to keep it under the radar," he shrugged and gestured down to his costume. "Especially since they have me dressed like this. Uh....anyway, why are you in line for Santa?"
"Uhh..." Eddie scratched the back of his neck then folded his arms across his chest. "Gotta get my wishlist in before all the good gifts are taken."
Gareth narrowed his eyes in suspicion and Eddie hoped that he would just chalk it up as another one of the million things he'd seen Eddie do over the years of their friendship.
"Can I keep the picture?" Gareth finally asked mischievously. "Or was Wayne planning on sending out a special card this year?"
"Nah man," Eddie nodded, grateful not to have to answer any more...invasive questions. "It's all yours."
"Nice." Gareth held his fist out for Eddie to bump and then let the family ahead of Eddie in to see Santa.
Which meant he was next.
Now, Eddie wasn't big on confrontation, so unless he was actively thwarting bullies and deterring them from picking on his friends, he wasn't the type to pick a fight. He also wasn't the type to have a calm and rational discussion and get to the bottom of a problem either.
So this was new territory for him.
What would he say?
What could he say?
"Now listen here Harrington," he muttered. "You...she...I..."
He ran a hand over his face and shook his head.
"I heard you're having some relationship issues," he tried again. "But you can't keep sniffing around my girl. My girl? Ugh...but what if she isn't."
There were a few flashes of a camera and by that time, Gareth was back to lead him to his execution.
"Alright, young man," he snickered. "Are you ready to meet Santa?"
"Shut up," Eddie shoved him and stalked along the carpet into the little photo area.
He was too preoccupied with the task at hand, too consumed with thoughts of you laughing with Steve Harrington and exactly what he was gonna say, that he didn't notice that it wasn't Steve under the beard and hat until he plopped himself directly on Santa's lap.
Santa groaned as Eddie settled himself and threw an arm over his shoulders.
"Aren't you a little too old for this Munson?" Santa deadpanned. "Or is this one of your little Hellfire pranks."
Eddie froze at the familiar voice, as years of hearing that grumbling gritty tone at Benny's and the police station and around town flashed through his memory.
"Hop?" he whispered in horror.
"Who were you expecting?" Hopper grunted.
"Why are you Santa?"
"...don't tell me you thought Santa Claus was real, kid?"
"No, I just--" Eddie stammered, looking for the right words. "I...Why?"
"I'm doing this to surprise Jane," he explained in exasperation. "Buddy of mine runs Santa's workshop and Joyce said she'd bring the kids to the mall today, maybe get a picture. So I pulled some strings. I don't know what to get her for Christmas; she's keeping her wish list under wraps."
It all started making sense for Eddie. Jane was friends with Dustin and the others so he'd seen her around Hawkins High, even though she wasn't interested in DnD. She was a good kid, if a little shy. Of course Hop was doing this for his adopted daughter, wanting to give her a perfect Christmas.
"But you...were up at Claire's earlier?" Eddie narrowed his eyes, the reason for him being there still eluding explanation.
"Because that's Jane's favorite store. I swear I'm single handedly keeping them in business with the number of earrings and scrunchies I buy every week. The manager promised she'd keep an eye out if Jane and Joyce popped in today, let me know everything Janie was looking at if this ended up being a bust."
Hopper shot Eddie a pointed glare and Eddie, correctly, looked ashamed of himself.
"Alright, less talking," the elf at the camera rolled their eyes and waved for Hop and Eddie to scoot closer. "More smiling. Say jingle!"
There was a flash and a polaroid was shoved into Eddie's hand as Hopper shooed him away.
"What is this?" you pulled away from Eddie's soft, warm lips as your hands felt something foreign in his back pocket.
The Year Without Santa Claus wasn't the most romantic Christmas movie, but Eddie was feeling a certain type of resentment when he had chosen the movies at Family Video, and it was mostly going ignored in favor of cuddling and kissing and sweet words.
Until your hands worked their way downward to pull Eddie's weight further into you, and you found--
"Did you go take a picture with Santa?" you giggled as you inspected the Polaroid. Eddie groaned and rested his head on your shoulder. "Can I keep this?"
"Believe it or not," he sighed, "Gareth already has dibs."
"May I ask why?"
"Because he likes to ruin my life. Pretty sure he's gonna take it to Fox Photos and get it made into t-shirts."
"No, why did you go take a picture with Santa silly," you shoved him. "It's really sweet."
He turned to look up into your eyes, to get the courage to just...tell you how silly he was being...to ask you out for fuck's sake...but the way you looked at him, the softness of your gaze, the way you reached out and pushed his bangs out of his eyes...he didn't want to ruin it all.
"I promised I was getting into the holiday spirit didn't I?" he shrugged pathetically. "Couldn't let the opportunity pass without getting photo evidence."
You stared fondly at the picture for another moment and then pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"It's perfect."
After Eddie had chickened out, you planned your get-togethers for the rest of December.
Or rather, the lack of them.
With finals coming up and the semester coming, and then mall hours getting later and later the closer to Christmas it got, the opportunities to hang out became sparse.
The best the two of you could unfortunately--or fortunately, depending on how you looked at it--come up with was Christmas Eve.
You'd fight off those final last-minute holiday shoppers, and come 6pm when the mall closed, you'd both be off to Benny's for the special pot roast dinner that he put up for anyone who didn't have family to go to, or didn't want to go see the family they had.
With Rick out making the rounds, and Wayne scheduled for that sweet time-and-a-half holiday double most years, Eddie usually ended up at Benny's anyway.
This year, with you, it would be perfect.
He just had to get through the next few weeks without a hiccup.
The universe, once again, decided to test him.
Mock him.
It was almost comedic at this point.
Santa was everywhere.
Of course, he would be, it was Christmastime but...everywhere in relation to you.
Thankfully, it wasn't Harrington he needed to worry about.
However, that meant it wasn't just Santa he needed to worry about.
It was all of the mall Santas.
Hop had shown his face in the red suit and beard once or twice more and scared the life out of him. Especially when Eddie walked smack into him on the way to drop an Orange Julius for you on the night you closed.
The church's community choir had spent one Saturday afternoon caroling by the Sears, all dressed as Santa Claus. As the two of you made your rounds window-shopping and chatting on your break, one of the Santas grabbed you and spun you around in a circle during a jazzy rendition of The 12 Days of Christmas where you, apparently, were the true love bestowing the many gifts.
How Eddie let a bunch of Santas serenade you before he got a chance to, he would never know. Nor would he let himself live it down.
And then one awful day, he found you sitting at your usual table in the food court with a charismatic older man in a Santa suit--sans hat or beard. The man sat in Eddie's usual seat and leaned quite close, making you look entirely uncomfortable; he couldn't help puff up his chest to ward off the intruder by the time he reached the table.
"This is Henry," you introduced as politely as you could. "He's gonna be the manager at the new Spencer's store when it opens in January."
"Figured I would do the neighborly thing and just say hi," he chuckled and looked down at his attire. "Oh? This? Figured that this would be a great way to do something nice for the community in the mean time."
"That's great," Eddie sniffed judgmentally, getting a weird feeling about this Henry. "Nice to meet you. You're in my spot though."
"Eddie!" Your eyes went wide and you bit your lip to stifle your laughter.
"Hey, nope, totally get it," Henry held his hands up and stood from the seat. "Those lunch breaks are short, especially when you want to spend them with friends and not a stranger like me. Nice to meet you guys. See you around."
Eddie dropped into his seat and you waited until Henry was well out of earshot to scold him.
"That was not nice."
"I'm not nice," Eddie grumbled. "He was looking at you weird, like he wanted to steal your soul or something. Did you not get creepy stalker murderer from him?"
"No, I totally did," you nodded. "He was like...dead behind the eyes. I know, that's awful to say. Anyway, are you feeling soft pretzels and cheese because I--"
"Are you a Santa magnet or something?" Eddie interrupted you and you looked like a deer in the headlights.
"What?" you giggled. "What do you mean?"
"I dunno," he shrugged. "Seems like they're just always around."
"It's Christmas, Eddie," you frowned in confusion. "Even I have a little Santa dress that I'm gonna wear to work. Everyone's just in the spirit."
"Yeah well..."
"I thought you were trying to get in the spirit too," you reminded him and then reached over and plucked at the fair isle sweater Kyle had gotten the whole TapeWorld team so they could match for a group picture. "Exhibit A, Mr. Grinch."
"I am trying," he whined. "It's just hard to be extra jolly when someone's always sniffing around your girl."
"Am I your girl?" you asked. You were obviously teasing him, but still...Eddie froze. "You haven't asked me if I want to be yet."
Everything inside of him was on red alert at that moment.
Evasive maneuvers? No, that was a bad idea. All power to the forward shields, which were holding but weakened. He didn't have enough firepower for this.
"No..." he replied awkwardly. "I haven't."
The way your expression dropped broke him, and he knew he had fucked up.
"I'm disowning you," Kyle shook his head in disappointment by the time Eddie got back from lunch. "In fact. We all are."
"Jesus Christ," Eddie groaned.
"Mitch! Paulie! Eddie's disowned."
"You can't fire him, he's closing tonight," Paulie argued.
"Not fired," Kyle pointed across the store with authority. "Disowned. And such a shame; Edward Tapeworldington, first of his name...you shall never be king."
Eddie stewed in the laughter of his coworkers.
"Why don't you ever listen to me?" Kyle threw an arm around his shoulder. "You could have asked her out right then and there. Been like 'hey you wanna be my girlfriend?' And it would have been like...the happiest day of your life. Hell, happiest day of my life. Cuz then I wouldn't have to hear you bitch about it all the time."
"Didn't know I complained that much," Eddie muttered self-consciously.
"All the time," one of the other guys chuckled.
"It's not complaining," Kyle corrected. "It's just that...we want you to be happy. As cliche as this sounds, we're like a family right? Hey, psst, all of you? Savor it, you're only gonna hear me say it once.
"If one of us is miserable, we're all miserable," he continued. "And you've been kind of a miserable piece of shit for a while, Ed. I'm sure your buddies would tell you the same thing. Lovesick puppy act's only gonna get you so much sympathy until you're the one getting in your own way."
Eddie felt his stomach turn because getting in his own way really did hit the nail on the head.
He thought about it for an eternity--really only 30 seconds--went about asking himself what had held him up for all this time. Fear of rejection obviously but even he started to think that some of the things that had gotten him so caught up were just...excuses.
Even now that he knew you liked him just the way he liked you, they were just excuses.
"So why can't I just...say something?" he finally asked.
Kyle clapped his hand down on Eddie's shoulder twice and then turned so he could head out for his own break.
"Only you can answer that question kid."
"Hey do you wanna go out sometime? Ugh."
So he practiced.
"So remember how we're supposed to go to Benny's for Christmas Eve? No."
For days he practiced.
"You know how the first time we went out for pizza I mentioned it wasn't a date? Well this one is. No god, you're an idiot."
Through the rest of the semester, during band practice, he even almost flubbed the lyrics at the gig at the Hideout on the Tuesday before Christmas. There were only so many days left until your dinner together at Benny's and he really wanted it to be your first official date.
But if Eddie was gonna fix this, if he was gonna ask you out, he needed to get it right.
"Hey sweetheart." He muttered as he counted down Paulie's register at the start of his closing shift. "I know I really flubbed it last time we talked but I really like you and I want to know if you'd be my girlfriend.
"We've already kissed enough for it," he added at the end and then winced.
"How about you just lose that last bit," Paulie offered beside him and signed a few receipts. "And then it's perfect."
"Yeah?" Eddie asked hopefully. "Alright. Cool. Great."
He would do it after work tonight.
"Edddiiiiieeee!!!" a screeching voice called from inside the mall and Eddie and Paulie both watched as a Santa with flailing arms ran into TapeWorld. "Eddie man, I really need a favor. I need to use your bathroom."
"What the f--Gareth?" Eddie looked around the store to make sure he wasn't just hallucinating. Gareth was already shedding the hat and the fake beard and unbuckling the wide belt from around his waist. "What the hell are you doing here? Why are you Santa? I thought you were an elf?"
"There's no time to explain," Gareth panted. "But there's a line through the food court to use the bathroom and I couldn't wait, so you either need to let me into your back room or I'm gonna exorcise a demon right here on your sales floor man. Please."
"Ugh," Eddie wrinkled his nose and pointed towards the stockroom. "Yeah, sure whatever. Gross."
"I owe you one," Gareth tossed the fluffy jacket of his costume over the counter at Eddie and then ran into the stockroom. Hopefully just in time.
"So glad I'm cleaning the bathrooms tomorrow night," Paulie scrunched his nose in disgust. "Alright, you and Mitch need anything before I go?"
Eddie was about to say no, was about to send Paulie on his way.
But then he looked down at the coat and got an idea.
An awful idea.
Eddie Munson got a wonderful, awful idea.
"Actually, now that you mention it," Eddie grinned and shrugged the coat on, then the belt, and as he glanced up at Paulie, his coworker groaned, clearly able to read Eddie's mind.
"I thought we agreed no more gimmicks," Paulie exclaimed. "You're just gonna go up and talk to her."
"Yeah," Eddie nodded. "I, Santa Claus, am gonna go up and talk to her. I'm not even gonna take my full break, just five minutes, and then you can leave."
"This isn't gonna work man."
"None of my plans ever do," Eddie shrugged and pulled Paulie into a big hug. "But if it does, I owe you my whole life."
And off he went, across the mall, and up the escalator. He adjusted the coat and the hat and then remembered that he forgot the beard on the counter.
No matter, of course; he really didn't want to get fake beard in his mouth when he planted one on you.
There was practically a line out the door by the time he got to your store. He was able to see you through the window, on the register checking one customer out after another.
You were in the zone, but you didn't look stressed. You smiled a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes, but every so often Mindy would crack a joke beside you and it did.
"This actually might be the worst idea," he muttered to himself.
But it was too late.
It was now or never.
You were gonna kill him.
Some of the younger kids in the store started muttering in excitement when they spotted him, only for their parents to say "that's not the real Santa" and "Santa doesn't wear ripped jeans" but you were oblivious until he was standing right beside you at the counter.
"Excuse me," he took a breath and lowered his voice like he would during Hellfire. "I heard there was something special on your wish list this year, young lady."
"Sorry sir," you answered without a thought. "I'll be with you in a second."
"You can't even take a second to help jolly old Saint Nicholas?"
You turned your head, obviously about to tell him off as you schooled your features into something plastic and robotic and customer friendly, until you realized it was him. Then something visibly short-circuited in your brain and he smiled brightly.
"I'd like to apologize to all the boys and girls shopping tonight," he announced to the customers theatrically. "But I have very important Christmas business with our dear Store Manager here. It'll only take a minute."
He was surprised when a few of them started laughing and clapping.
"Alright Santa," you finally composed yourself to answer, arms crossing over your chest in annoyance. "What official Christmas business can I help you with?"
"Well, I was reading over the wishlist that you sent up to the North Pole," he explained. "I don't have it with me, you see. Had to leave it down in the workshop so the rest of the elves could work on the scrunchies and the lipgloss you wanted."
"Uh huh."
"And the new windshield wipers that you refuse to let Santa replace."
You rolled your eyes and waved your hand to get him to go on.
"But there was one thing on the list that...maybe it's these tired old eyes--"
"Old?" you giggled and reached out to tug on his curls. "Your hair isn't even white Santa."
A bunch of nearby kids boo'd.
"Clock's ticking," you whispered. "Get on with it, or I'm gonna have to kick you out Ed."
"--maybe these tired old eyes weren't able to read. See I thought it just said friend. But my trusty elves Kyle and Paulie and Mitch assure me it says boyfriend."
Mindy cooed an awww from beside you and Eddie felt his confidence grow.
"So, Miss Store Manager," Eddie held his hand out to you. "Which one is it? Because I happen to have some high quality...boyfriend material that I can use to make your wish come true. Is that what you'd truly like this Christmas?"
Mindy immediately slammed a hand onto your shoulder and squealed, and although your lips were clamped shut and nose was scrunched, Eddie was sure that you were holding back a smile.
It was the longest 30 seconds of his life.
"Yes, actually," you finally responded. "That's exactly what I want for Christmas Santa."
Eddie's heart surely grew 3 sizes in that very moment as a bunch of customers clapped. And he was eagerly about to jump forward and plant a kiss right on your lips when your hand slammed against his chest to hold him back.
You laughed and your eyes sparkled with promise as you pointed to the door, a silent understanding that you'd continue this conversation later. But for now?
"Get out of my store!"
Eddie found you leaning against the side of his van when he clocked out. Your car was parked beside his, running idle, as you waited. The radio softly played the Nutcracker Suite and you hummed along to it.
"Alright," he began when he got close enough. "I know that what I did was a big no-no, but I think everyone was in good spirits about it."
"You're lucky they were," you glared at him in--what he hoped was-- fake annoyance. "I really would hate it if my DM got a call complaining about that. Then I'd have to break up with you before we were actually even together."
"I wouldn't blame you," he winced and then looked down at his feet. "So...do you wanna go out sometime?"
"Like a date?"
"Yeah," he glanced up at you and then back down at his feet. He shuffled them back and forth. "Dinner at Benny's on the 24th? How does that sound."
"Ugh, I dunno," you sing-songed and took a few steps to close the distance between you. You grabbed the lapels of his jacket and shook him a few times.
"Wh-what are you doing?" he questioned as you lifted his hair and turned his head back and forth.
"I'm looking to see if this was the quality boyfriend material that Santa just promised me a few hours ago."
"Hey now," he grabbed your hands in his. "I most certainly am. We've just...been friends for so long. I didn't know if..."
"I do," you answered before he could finish.
"But what if I..."
"You aren't."
"I was gonna say 'what if I fart under the blankets while we're cuddling.'" He deadpanned. "See, this is why it's important not to make assumptions."
"Alright, Fartmeister," you challenged him. "If you want to Dutch Oven your girlfriend, I guess I can't fight you. But don't be shocked when I do the same thing to you eventually."
"That's all I want from a girlfriend," he said. "A strong sense of retaliation and justice."
"Alright then."
"Alright." He shook your hand like you were making some kind of deal. "Christmas Eve at Benny's for our first date."
"Sounds perfect," you agreed.
You launched yourself in his arms and pressed your lips to his and he swore, probably for the first time in his life, he believed in the spirit of Christmas.
Next Chapter: Standard Operating Procedures 1.06
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peachesofteal · 11 months
ok i have a question- for the dead disco fics, if there was a situation where ghost had to choose between reader and soap, who would he choose? idk why im thinking abt this LOL
Hey babe, what is wrong with you? (I love this so much it scratches my angst brain just right) Why do you want to feel this pain? (I too, want to feel this pain...let’s indulge)
Ghost x Soap x female reader Dead Disco - verse AU - not canon to the actual story. Warnings-tags: Angst. Inferred character death. Darling's usual (eating issues, depression, anxiety, despair, self destructive behaviors)
The bed is too big, as it always has been. As it always was before, and during. And as it always will be for now on, too. Your legs spread across it, kicking and swishing across pristine sheets like you're swimming in them, like you're drowning. Drowning, is more apt. Drowning is more akin to these feelings that swimming, certainly. Drowning is how you feel right now, smothered in your loss, lungs full of water, burning from the salt of your own tears. You're at the bottom of the ocean, lost beneath where the sunlight doesn't reach, far beyond the swell of the waves. Drowning is what it feels like, when your heart clenches in your chest and your stomach heaves it's bile free. Drowning is how you would describe this black, bottomless hole that's developed soul, the one that pulls you deeper and deeper with every breath. Drowning. You've drowned. And no one was there to pull you to shore. To safety. No one was there to save you.
"I'm home!" Your bag falls to the floor with a thud as you toss your keys on the island, loosening your jacket and heading towards the dining area of the flat. "Holy shit, wait until I tell you about my day. My boss was on one today, she was being a crazy a-" the words die on your tongue when you finally look up and see the expression on Johnny's face. At first glance, one might call it grim, but for those who know him, who know to look closer, you see the red ting to his eye lids, the rub of drier skin around his nose. He's been crying. "What's going on?" you ask, looking from him to where Simon sits, stone faced. Immobile. Neither of them answer you at first. "Hello?" The knot that's been loosely tied in your stomach tightens. Simon nods at the free chair next to him. "Sit, darling."
There are two boxes, in your bathroom. They sit, full of things, clothing, items, trinkets, pieces of memories, pieces of love. They idle next to your bathtub, waiting, watching you, every time you drag yourself towards the toilet to vomit, or whenever you muster up the strength to look at your toothbrush. The boxes have sharpie scrawled across them, big loopy letters that almost look like mouths, almost look like they could grow teeth and talk to you, or eat you alive with what's inside of them. You supposed, they could. If you were to open them, and actually look at the things inside, they would consume you. Chew you up. Spit you out.
"I- I don't understand." You take a half step towards Johnny, who visibly flinches, face torn fractured with despair, while Simon's lips press into a hard line before he speaks. "We will make sure you're taken care of, we-" His voice is cold. So, so cold it scratches at your heart, pin pricks of icicles working their way beneath your ribs. "Stop." you shake your head, willing yourself to focus. What is he saying? What does he mean? "Simon, what... wh-what does that mean?" "Darling we're so, so sorry." Johnny's voice, is the opposite of cold. It's molten. Hot, and burning red with orange, thick with something you think is sadness. "You are sorry." You repeat it, numbly. You're not crying, which is a surprise to yourself and probably the two of them too. Your brain is really working now, hard. It's compartmentalizing and organizing and shoving little things away, burying others beneath mountains of sand and locking memories into boxes that you'll never be able to open. "You can't. You can't just leave me... you... you promised." Simon stands completely still, while Johnny shifts his weight nervously, fingers tangling with one another as he watches you like a hawk. Like a solider. "This will be better... for everyone." He tries to soothe you, tries to calm you, even from where he lurks, five feet away. Simon offers you nothing. "I don't understand, everything was fine. I thought... we were okay." Simon finally moves, shaking his head with a no while you watch, mouth ajar.
The boxes have been ripped into tatters now. They lay in shreds across the things in the bathtub, covering two t shirts of Johnny's, a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie of Simon's. Your silk bathrobe, and giant fleece blanket from the couch. There's also a book, a collection of photographs, a few pieces of jewelry. Worn index cards with recipes on them, Johnny's mum's, and a comic book, that Simon used to keep in his drawer of the bedside table. The final touch is the secret pack of cigarettes, the ones Simon used to keep in the closet, sans the one in your mouth. You inhale it slowly, breathing in the tobacco and the nicotine and the fumes of the lighter fluid, the entire contained dumped onto of the collection of things in the tub, waiting for your final flick. When it comes, you stay perched on the edge on the bath, barely interested, unmoving, as the fire rages. As it consumes.
"You fucking promised!" You scream. You scream it over and over until your throat is hoarse and Johnny looks panicked. Simon grips him roughly, sliding him half behind his body, as if to protect him from you. As if he thinks you'd hurt him. They both watch you with stricken faces, hunters tracking a wounded animal, and your breaths come in short bursts as tears track down your face. "You said you love me." It's barely a whisper, mournful and slow, and they both hear it. "We do." Johnny croaks. "We did." Simon counters, and you flinch. "But this is what's best, for all of us. It was always going to be him, darling. You've known this." It was always going to be him. It was always... going to be Johnny and Simon, over you. It was always going to be them, and not you. The truth stings, burns, bites. It twists it's wicked claws around your heart and tugs and tears until there's nothing left. You've known this. You idiot. How could you possibly believe, in the end, you'd still be in this equation? You'd still be a part of this? How could you possibly believe, that after everything, they'd still love you? Still want you? Simon's mouth moves, but you hear no sound. You hear nothing, as you turn on your heel and barricade yourself in the bedroom. You hear nothing, as they knock, and knock, you hear nothing, until the wood stops vibrating, and the front door open and closes with a final thud. It was always going to be them. You've known this.
"Bloody hell." Gaz whistles, eyes locked on the screen. Johnny wipes a towel across the back of his neck, mopping up the sheen of sweat that lingers there while Simon saunters through the rec room doors. "Christ. Didn't ya two live near there?" "Live where?" Johnny frowns, looking up. There's a heli eye view of a burning building on the news, it's entire structure engulfed in flames, firemen barely making a dent. The camera switches to a ground reporter, a pretty woman with a serious face, who's explaining that arson investigators believe the fire started on the ninth floor, where there's still a single person trapped, unable to be rescued so far by exhaustive efforts. Something glitches in Johnny's brain, something short circuiting while he blinks, and breathes, and blinks, trying to wrap his mind around what he's seeing. The ninth floor. Someone trapped. Didn't ya two live near there? The ninth- It's almost unrecognizable, but he knows. Of course he knows. The ninth floor, the ninth floor- His heart stops in his chest, and he turns frantically to Simon, who stands like a statue in the doorway, eyes wide and frozen. "No. Nonononono-" Johnny whispers. He stumbles, away from Simon, away from Gaz, eyes not leaving the television while he drops to his knees. "She- Simon." Simon doesn't answer, just stands, broken. Empty. Like a ghost. He has no words. He has nothing. And neither does Johnny.
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b00tyliciousbabe · 7 months
my baby daddies - ep. 2
wyatt cushman x male reader
summary: the scoop on how wide i buss it open for mr cushman xx
notes: hi beautiful ppl, back again! once he go black, he'll be back again. tell them hoes that it's crunch time, abdomen. yes i cop mad chanel and mad given. she did it again, imagine them!!! sorry nicki ate that verse tf UPPP. bout to make these bum bitches mad again, okay lemme stop. I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT I WAS DOING W THAT BLACK VERSE XOXO. hope you guys are all doing well <3 i will be releasing 2 other series ("the DILFs' and a surprise one which will become coming soon ) so stay tuned! any requests? ENJOYYYY…
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you and wyatt met at one of your first shoots. you were the stylist’s assistant and your boss had tasked you with making sure all the models had their hair, outfits, and makeup all ready for the editorials. you were admired by so many in the industry, icons and the public alike, and even though you didn’t have your own company, it was clear that you were on your way to becoming one of the biggest names in fashion history. you enjoyed getting to know all the models personally, and it made the whole process of getting ready much easier. but one person that always had you flustered was wyatt cushman, who you had become really good friends over the years. you definitely found him attractive, but he was so distracting; the agency called him ‘the menace’ with all the harmless trouble he got the two of you into. years had passed, the two of you remained really close, but it wasn’t until the balenciaga show, that the two of you vocalised the unspoken tension between you two.
you were responsible for all of the outfits for the fashion week at balenciaga, a huge role that olivier rousteing himself appointed you to do. it was a huge success and the press had a field day documenting your achievements. your biggest supporter, wyatt, was there to give you the biggest hug on the runway, garnering an even greater cheer from the crowd. “Y/N, you’re amazing” he said staring intensely in love as he placed his hands on your lower back. the distance between your lips decreased as the two of you shared your first kiss…in front of the entire world. you pulled away; being brought back to reality and how 4.5 million people had witnessed the two of you together, you couldn’t help but laugh, as everyone applauded and jeered at your love. the rest was history.
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one thing about wyatt, he is the goofiest mf ever and you love it. he’s always cracking jokes and the life of the party. You feel so safe around him, don’t get it twisted, he’d beat the shit out of anyone who even looked at you the wrong way, but you could handle yourself. flashback to the time where y’all were celebrating your collaboration with vogue: you were dancing the night away with your friends when some guy decided to get a lil too close. the creep groped your ass to which he was served a fat slap across the face. he fell to the ground and the crowd started cheering. wyatt smiled proud that you were able to defend yourself - so proud, that on the way home you took a detour where you guys had the best make out session in the history of rom coms.
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the golfer’s wife and the holiday maker:
this man is always travelling and he loves to share those memories with you. other than being his personal photographer, the two of you are able to explore so many different ways of living on your journeys and you dream together of living abroad one day.
On one of your holidays, you had decided to take your boyfriend stargazing “come on wyatt, i don’t wanna miss it” you say gripping his arm as you led him to a quiet space overlooking the ocean. “babe, I’m pretty sure the stars aren’t going anywhere,” he chuckled “and besides, the sky isn’t as pretty as the star right in front of me” he stops and turns to face you. he strokes your cheek, looking down at you with a smile that rivalled romeo’s love for juliet. y’all sat down watching how nature looked so peaceful. he started kissing on your neck, leaving light hickeys to mark you as his. straddling your bf, you deepened the kiss as you felt him grow uncomfortably large in his jeans. you undid his trousers as 8 thick inches of uncut hairy cock made contact with the chill of the night. “you don’t know how much this turns me on, y/n”
you continued sucking on his tip, swirling and drooling all over him as a pool of your spit congealed in his pubes. all the while his hands gripped your roots urging you to take more and more of his cock. you gargled and took him like a champ.
“babe, ughh, I’m bout to, uuhhh shit shit” he came deep down your throat, cleaning your chin with his finger and then poking it in your mouth as he made sure to feed you with every last drop.
you laid down, proud of your efforts to calm him down and your head tucked into cushman’s shoulder, as you began to feel sleepy. your bf noticed this and chuckled to himself, using the blanket he brought to make sure you wouldn’t get cold. “mkay, y/n kinda had a point, this is pretty cool,” he whispered, still riding the high you gave him “but it’s got nothing on him tho, my cute ass bf” wyatt embraced you tighter. the wedding bells were already ringing in his head.
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• he deffo has a spit kink. not saying that he’d treat you as worthless scum but, he’d would make sure to slut you out. and you fucking loved it. “you’re a dirty little whore, aren’t you” he’d grunt raw dogging your ass as he spat in your face.
• as dominant as he is, he likes to give you your time to shine, always enjoying it when you spell coconut with your hips as you ride his pole. as I’ve mentioned already his smile drives you crazy, and this position has him cheesing the MOST. wyatt just loves to see how much you’re enjoying the experience, and nothing turns him on more than when he can see the pleasure on your face. “fuck babe, you look so sexy riding my dick.”
• this leads on to missionary, nobody fucks harder in this position than this man. he definitely compensates for his soft strokes in doggy and prone bone because of how hard he hits your hole in missionary. He turns primal as well, feeling your chest bounce up every time he’s balls deep, but all in all he’s crazy for how your bodies are so in sync.
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silkjade · 2 years
hello!!! i really enjoy reading ur writing~ like, from the wedding dates post it was love at first read hehe pls keep it up!!
n e wayz, i just got back from a medical operation (it was successful!!) and would it be alright to request some hcs of how diluc, childe, itto, thoma, and al-haitham (separately) would take care of an s/o who’s recovering post-op??? no pressure ofco ^-^
glad your op was successful, anon! ^^ wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery!
genshin men taking care of you after a medical operation
⤀ Featuring— diluc, childe, itto, thoma, al-haitham
⤀ gn!reader, modern au, mentions of medication, use of pet names (babe)
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he’s taking as much time off as he possibly can to spend with you. if he really can’t be home atm, he’s got his whole team of staff behind him so you’re never alone
the first few days might be rough because of the pain so he tries his best to keep your mind off of it by telling you embarrassing stories of himself, kaeya, and jean from when they were kids
if you need to just vent, diluc’s a great listener; he listens to all your complaints without offering any solutions so go off!
he changes your bandages with the tenderest of touches and places a feather light kiss on top when he’s finished
he isn't really one for television, but will watch with you if you are; who knows he might even get just a teeny tiny bit invested in the reality show you're watching. he doesn't mean to but he'd make the funniest comments (underrated comedian)
but.... he would enjoy doing puzzles with you like a 500 piece puzzle because the 1,000 piece ones can get kind of messy
his driver takes you to all your follow-up appointments so that he can stay with you in the back himself
when you’re well enough, he takes you on short strolls through his vineyard, with your arm linked through his and your head resting on his shoulder. it’s ok you can lean on him, he’s strong
this man has a big family, he is well versed in the art of caretaking. and yet they still show up with a ton of homemade food, remedies, supplies, etc because you’re basically already one of them
he’s actually really strict on making sure you follow discharge instructions, like anything that strays off, it’s:
“sorry y/n, not until we get the doctor’s approval at your next appointment”
childe keeps you up-to-date with all the new tech stuff, so you guys basically have a smart room. ‘alexa dim the lights’ ; ‘alexa turn on the tv’ etc. and he definitely has all the streaming services so you never run out of things to watch
if you’d rather play video games, he’ll let you win without making it super obvious
some oral medications can be a pain to swallow so he makes sure to give you lots of little kisses as a reward
on the more difficult nights, he’ll lay in bed next to you, propped on an elbow with his other hand playing with your hair. it’s very calming especially when he hums and softly sings you snezhnayan lullabies
100% will cook and clean and do the dishes, but doesn’t really want to leave you alone while he goes to the store, so he’s been instacarting almost all your groceries. don’t worry about the expenses though, it’s on him he says as he pulls out his work credit card (it’s actually on pantalone; he texts you that he’ll turn a blind eye to these charges so consider it your ‘get well soon’ gift)
itto is very eager to take care of you since it’s usually the other way around; he’s so grateful you trust him in such a vulnerable state, he just wants to do his best and show you how much he loves and appreciates you
....so he definitely wrote to ms. hina for advice the moment you scheduled your operation
before he goes in to pick you up, he’s in the hospital parking lot giving his boys a speech like
“be extra careful around them and mind what you say alright?” you know this because shinobu recorded it and sent it to you
of course they volunteered to help out with daily errands so that their boss can focus on taking care of you
he brings you flowers when picking you up and a silly little ‘get well soon’ card that makes you laugh because it has a dumb pun
to show solidarity, if you're on a strict dietary plan... he's on a strict dietary plan
your comfort is super important to him so it is a no judgment zone here; maybe you feel weird about things like going to the bathroom or taking sponge baths, but itto is sure to completely reassure you there’s nothing to be embarrassed about
“nothing to be worried about babe, it’s all part of the process. I know what I signed up for”
he decorates your home as a surprise! just a little something to brighten it up since you’re going to be stuck indoors for awhile
pampers you and treats you like royalty. once you arrive home, all the house chores are already done, your pillows are fluffed, need anything? he’s at your beck and call
makes the best homemade meals— delicious, nutritious, and follows any dietary guidelines
also has some ready in the fridge to heat up just incase you get hungry while he’s out running errands
definitely bought those little pill boxes that have the days of the week on them so you have all your meds organized already. he refills them for you weekly too
he's good at reading your moods, so he can easily tell whether you want his company or whether you want some space; he doesn't mind either way, whatever you need
thoma is an overall very upbeat person and keeps a positive mindset, however... sometimes it can get a little...too much? a little overwhelming? but! he understands how frustrating the recovery process can be so he takes it like a champ when you get a little snappy with him
he’s a nerd and a perfectionist, he read up on everything; your procedure, any medications, side effects, recovery, etc and still bombards the doctors and nurses with questions
honestly he is a little nervous since you’re in a delicate state and he doesn’t have a lot of experience as a caretaker
makes you take your medications at the exact hour you’re supposed to; every 12 hours? he’s hounding you at 8am and 8pm sharp
shhh he doesn’t know this but you accidentally caught him on the phone with an old acquaintance from liyue, scribbling down the recipe for an herbal nourishing soup
on your better days, he pampers you by not letting you skip your nightly skincare routine and even applies it for you
can be a bit of a mother hen which is a pretty stark contrast to his usual, more aloof personality. it’s a mental game you’re playing with yourself, counting the amount of times he peeps in to check on you
finally you call him over and he does the thing where he kneels by your bedside to hear what you have to say
“can you just…lay here with me for a bit…?”
and so he does and tells you about his research and projects until he realizes you’ve fallen asleep
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© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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wangxianficfinder · 11 months
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In the mood for a fic...
1. I'm kind of in the mood for jiang free wangxian fics, where the the extent of jiangs involvement in the plot are just brief mentions / For ITMF, a longer canonverse wangxian fic that doesn't heavily feature Jiang Cheng on page. Canon divergence is very welcome but not mandatory.
2. hi! do you have any fics where lwj struggles with his sadism? canonverse please and bonus points if they are E rated ;) @chellsky
still waters by piggybo (E, 3k, WangXian, Consensual Kink, Light Sadism, Light Masochism, Outdoor Sex, Painful Sex, Spit As Lube, Kink Discovery, Light Bondage, Internal Conflict, CQL!verse, Post-Canon, not as explicit as the tags make it sound, but still pretty explicit)
bb!Sadist by Betty (T, 3k, WangXian, Non-Sexual Kink, Sadism, Modern AU) not canon but a good read cause it's abt the Struggle
💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons series by starandrea (M, 1M, WIP, wangxian, ongoing, animal transformations, weddings) in the Magical Marriage Ribbons series, Teen!Wangxian continuously need to discuss around LWJ's reluctance to admit what he wants sexually in earlier parts that's very lovely!
3. Hii!!! Im back for another ITMF! I've been seeing a lot of art of spider-man aus for wangxian and I was wondering if you knew of any fics with either one or both of them having spider-man powers? Thanks so much! @loveshinesbrightly
4. hiiiii it's me again for the next ITMF I was reading a fiction and lqr said that : "He could definitely picture an alternate reality wherein he didn’t overhear their conversation, and Wangji ended up impulsively withdrawing his entire trust fund to elope cross-country with Wei Wuxian and start a new life together - all to avoid having to face the disapproval of their families." do you know any story where it actually happens ????? thanks✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ @ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan
keep your electric eye on me, babe by ilip13 (M, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fluff, Falling In Love) is mostly a meet-cute fic but does involve lwj running off with wwx at the end
5. Hey, I'm looking for some Daemon AU fics. @the-dolphin-queen
🧡 like speaking to my heart by SnowshadowAO3 (T, 613k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Daemons, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canonical Character Death, Some people live!, additional warnings in specific chapters, if you don't know what daemons are that's ok because I explain it in the author's note, also by slow burn I VERY much mean slow burn)
Daemons and Sentient Swords Comp
6. hi! i was wondering if you knew of any mafia au fics? 💖
🧡 Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O, Criminal underworld AU, Fluff and angst, Crime boss LWJ, Rouge criminal genius WWX, Explicit Sex)
Miscalculated Misreckoning by LadyVamp (E, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Organized Crime, Attempted Kidnapping, Murder Husbands, Blood and Violence, Violent Sex, Married WangXian, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX, YLLZ WWX, Hair-pulling, Office Sex, Desk Sex, Dark LWJ, Protective LWJ, Dark WWX, Partners in Crime, Gun Violence, Gun Kink, Crime Syndicate Qíshān Wēn Sect, Arranged Marriage, Crime Lord LWJ, Crime Lord WWX)
of demons and the good they bring by mimi123meg (M, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mob, Crime Boss LWJ, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JC, Slight Violence, not too graphic, but definitely there, Established Relationship)
Take Some Advice Paesano by FeelsForBreakfast (M, 8k, wangxian, modern, mob au, mafia the 🤡 version, humor, mistaken identity, getting together)
You & Me Baby, We'll Eclipse The Sun Series by 2501987 (M/E, 130k, WangXian, XiCheng, MIND THE TAGS, Modern AU, Mafia, Murder husbands, Torture, Possessive Behavior, Blood and Violence, Older JC, Younger WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Dark)
The Damage You Do by stiricide (E, 87k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Dom/Sub, Dark LWJ, Mobster LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Sex Worker WWX, Sugar Baby WWX, WWX adopts LSZ, Dubious Consent, each chapter has sex tag notes on it, BDSM, Sounding, Panic Attacks, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Due Process by Kytrin, Mslead (E, 279k, WangXian, XiSangCheng, ZhuiLingZhen, Modern AU, Canon-Typical Violence, Foxxian, dragonji, Genderfluid WWX, Wwx identifies as male, Organized Crime, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, mentions of child abuse, Angst with a Happy Ending, Found Family, Reincarnation)
Naughty Kitty Go Meow Meow: An Urban Romance From The City of Dragons by Hinu (E, 160k, WangXian, NieLan, RuoXian, Modern AU, Mafia, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Dragon LWJ, Cat Hybrid WWX, Porn with Plot, Organized Crime, Pole dancing, Possessive LWJ, WWX has a Vulva, Omegas have a vagina, GNC WWX, Good Person WZL, Dark LWJ, Sexual harassment, Non-Consensual Bondage, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Eventual Fluff)
Beautiful Nightmare (Sweet Dreams) by Cy_an_Blue (E, 79k, WangXian, Modern AU, explicit depictions of torture, explicit depictions of violence, Dark LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Crime Boss LWJ, Mafia AU, Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, (Kinda but not really), Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Harassment, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Not by WangXian, Dubious Consent, Age Difference, Kid Fic, Heavy/Dark Themes, Cheating, not wangxian, 365 days (2020) inspired, Angst with a Happy Ending, Falling In Love, Past QingXian, Minor LWJ/Other(s), Homophobic Language, Derogatory Language)
To Protect My Family I'll Give You Anything by stiricide (E, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Bottom LWJ, Gangsters, Gangbang, Fisting, Public Sex, Public Humiliation, Knotting, Mating Bites, Happy Ending, Dark LWJ, Dark WWX, Spanking, Dubious Consent, Top WWX, Threats of Violence, but not between wangxian)
there is a mafia au comp !!
7. A) In the mood for wen Ning and Wei Ying being close
B) Is there any wangxian book which is like omniscient reader's viewpoint? Fusion or similar. I just plain and simple love it to the end of the world. @whateverweilanlovechild​
Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! by KizuKatana (E, 63k, wangxian, WN & WWX & WQ, graphic depictions of violence, modern cultivation, canon divergence, YZY abuses WWX , caught on camera, partial core removal, WWX kicked out of Jiang sect, livestreamer WWX, meet ugly, dual cultivation, smut, no war, WIP) 
All Things Belong by kuroi_atropos (M, 65k, WRH & WWX, wangxian, WN & WWX, Wen WWX, abuse, whipping, manipulations, smart WWX, possessive behavior, implied/Referenced rape/non-con, past rape/non-con, WIP)
8. ITMF superhero wangxian!! i’m not too particular on the context, be it only one of them, or both of them, or hero/villain. the more explicit the better, though 🌝
mission report by bosbie (T, 13k, WangXian, Modern AU, Superheroes/Superpowers, Fluff, Humor, First Meetings, Falling In Love, Getting Together)
a wild heart to tame mine by theroyalsavage (G, 10k, WangXian, Superheroes/Superpowers, Strangers to Lovers, bookshop owner lwj/superhero wwx, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Wangxian-typical tenderness)
Tired of the Sunset by julomaiboulomai (M, 55k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Superheroes/Superpowers, Identity Porn, Secret Identity, Parent-Child Relationship, Grief/Mourning, Canonical Character Death, Also Canonical 'He Gets Better', Unreliable Narrator, superhero fights, Major Character Injury, Major Character Undeath, Slow Burn, But also somehow, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Injury Recovery, JC-LWJ Mutual Hate Society, Domestic Fluff, Co-Parenting, Making Out, well slowish burn, Fade to Black, Brief mentions of suicide, Angst with a Happy Ending, Art Embedded)
🧡 Of Ghosts and Heroes by The Silverfish (ZephyrAndTheSilverfish) (T, 51k, AS & WWX, AS/YH, WangXian, BNHA/MHA Crossover, Dimension Travel, POV Outsider, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Angst) Sort of? It's a crossover with bnha and I think a few mdzs characters become heroes in it
Free Wifi for Heroes by JJSparrow (E, 50k, WangXian, XuanLi, Modern AU, Pro Heroes (MHA), Switching, Engineer!WWX, Hero!LWJ, CEO!WWX, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Inventor!WWX, Top/Bottom Switch WangXian, Explicit Sexual Content, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fluff and Smut, First Kiss, First Time)
9. Hi, thanks for doing these recs!
For the next itmf, I'd like wangxian in the Cloud Recesses Study Arc, kinda like Stunted, Starving Juvenility. Preferably long, like 50k+, but any length is fine!
Thank you! @moonlightflora-101​
Silenced With A Kiss by NinjaKK (E, 88k, wangxian, cloud recesses study arc, flirting, fluff, teen romance, happy ending, secret relationship, falling in love, first kiss, first dates, inventor WWX, genius WWX, protective WWX; protective LWJ, happy ending, ripple effect, first time, fluff & smut, supportive LWJ, BAMF WWX, WIP)
The initial parts of 💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons series by starandrea (M, 1M, WIP, wangxian, ongoing, animal transformations, weddings, link in #2) also fits for 9, I think
O, What Learning Is! by Comfect (T, 60k, WangXian, XiCheng, Canon Divergence, No Fall of Lotus Pier, No Golden Core Transfer, Fix-It, Butterfly Effect, Fluff, Cultivation Theory, Cultivation Sect Politics, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, WWX-Typical Obliviousness, Unreliable Narrator WWX, The Undeniable Romance of Quests, Good Student WWX (for a given value of good student), Canon-typical treatment of children, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, Good Uncle LQR)
Three changes. by orange_crushed (M, 18k, WangXian, Fluff, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Comedy, Fade to Black, Mild Sexual Content, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot No War AU, Falling In Love, Non-Graphic Violence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Sparring, Harm to Animals, Don't Worry The Animal is Fine Wangji Makes Sure of That, Developing Friendships, teenagers in love, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Blood, First Time)
Unstoppable by Netrixie (T, 149k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Eventual Happy Ending, Unreliable Narrator, Slow Burn, Minor OC's, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Wolf-shifter WWX, Resolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Romantic Tension, Fix-It, Shapeshifters, Sunshot Campaign)
In Walls of Glass by Comfect (T, 43k, WangXian, XiCheng, Good Uncle LQR, Teacher LQR, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Yet Another Butterfly Effect Fix-It, JC friendly, Family Feels, Demonic Cultivation, Cultivation Theory, Tagged CQL not MDZS, POV LQR)
10. Hello! ITMF where WWX is super duper Mary Sue. I just read “The Darkness Before Dawn” by PsycheStellata707, and I loved how WWX was just the most beautiful, the most powerful, the most smart, the most loved, the richest, the super bamf. It was indulgent and fun. Any other fics like this?
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the   asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation) (link in #14)
🧡 Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O, Criminal underworld AU, Fluff and angst, Crime boss LWJ, Rouge criminal genius WWX, Explicit Sex) (link in #6)
Whatever you do by apathyinreverie (T, 8k, WangXian, somewhat darker cultivation world, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, BAMF LXC, not Jiang friendly, YZY Bashing, wwx is appreciated, genius wwx, everyone is a little darker in this, except for wwx, Fluff, Possessive LWJ, Fix-It)
11. Hi hi, hope everything is going well :) Sorry if this has been asked before, but for either ITMF or Fic Finder are there any good fics with Yunmeng trio shenanigans/slice of life?
12. hello! sorry to bother you, but theres any new wangxian fic with mpreg? especially (only) pregnant wei wuxian, please and thanks! 💖🙏🏽
Hello, can you suggest any fluffy wangxian fic where wei Wuxian is pregnant. Would love it if it is long. Thank you 😊😊 @mayavsworld​
In which Lan Qiren eavesdrops and gets a new nephew (and grandnephew) out of it by h0peless_oblivion (M, 64k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, High School, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Mpreg, Teen Pregnancy, Shotgun Wedding, Good Uncle LQR, Madam Yu's A+ Parenting, Fluff and Angst, Family Feels, Unspecified Setting, Probably ooc, WWX Has ADHD, A-Yuan is Wangxian's son, Pregnant WWX, Humor, non-graphic birth, Family Drama, The Lans love wwx, Male Lactation, Mild Smut in later chapters, wangxian's canonical breeding kink, Tooth-Rotting Fluff) it's marked as a WIP but the main story is over the rest are sides stories
My Heart is a Cavern of Longing, Please come home? by LadyVamp (E, 28k, WangXian, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, Bitch WWX, Forced Marriage, Accidental Baby Acquisition, YLLZ WWX, Oblivious WWX, Módào Zǔshī & The Untamed Combination, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Forced Bonding, Forced Pregnancy, Depressed WWX, Sex In A Cave, Uncontrolled heats, JZX Lives, Arranged Marriage, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Pining LWJ, Pining WWX, Child LJY, LJY is WangXian's son, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnant WWX, Mpreg)
Bonded Fate by Missty0foxx (E, 19k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Canon Divergence, Dubious Consent, Mating, Mating Bites, Knotting, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Lubrication, LWJ Has a Big Dick, Teenage WangXian, Time Skips, Mpreg, Caring LWJ, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Pregnant Sex, Pregnant WWX, Mating Cycles/In Heat, WangXian Have a Breeding Kink, LWJ Has a Biting Kink)
The Beautiful and the Damned by Anonymous (M, 15k, WangXian, Wingfic, Immortal LWJ, Demon WWX, Mpreg, Pregnant WWX, Wing Kink, Human JC, mmortal LXC, Immortal LSZ, Immortal LJY, Crow WWX, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, WangXian Are LSZ's Parents, Gambling, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Spanking, CNC and Dubcon elements, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Unplanned Pregnancy)
Pregxian & Pregji Comp
13. Hey guys hope all is well , I’m in the mood for a fix with bodyguard Lan Zhan just out here protecting wei ying idk if anything like this exists but I’m intrigued.
Thank you for all your hard work x @red-spacekitten
Bodyguard king by 74243 (E, 8k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, Idol WWX, Bodyguard LWJ, Female NHS, Platonic D/s, Loss of Virginity)
lightning in a bottle by nighimpossible (E, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, Bodyguard LWJ, Scientist WWX, Mutual Pining, Blow Jobs, (light) Rope Bondage, Kitchen Sex, Anal Fingering)
14. Itmf for fics where LWJ has friends!! Who teases him!! And are there for him!! I've often seen Mianmian with him and I've enjoyed those fics alot!! Preferably canonverse but modern au's are fun too!!
❤️ save a sword, ride a socialist by sysrae (E, 33k, wangxian, modern w magic, college/university au, fake/pretend relationship, single parent WWX, homophobia, light angst w/ happy ending, idiots to lovers, fluff) is really good
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the   asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation) Scarlett storm does a great job of showing lan zhan with actual friends and a support system , however this one in particular is great !
mating rituals by detectorist (E, 16k, WangXian, XuanLi, JZX & LWJ, Modern AU, College/University, Humour, Pining, Getting Together, Idiots in Love)
correspondence of two fools madly in love by serenedebeautea (G, 2k, WangXian, XuanLi, LWJ & JZX)
forget-me-not by mellowflicker (E, 31k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Sugar Daddy WWX, Sugar Baby LWJ, Professor WWX, Student LWJ, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Secret Relationship, Age Difference, Hurt/Comfort, Chronic Pain, JZX & LWJ Friendship, Family Issues, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs)
Orchids in Lotus Pier by Vamillepudding (G, 21k, WangXian, JC & LWJ, Canon Divergence, Romantic Comedy, Mutual Pining, Protective JC, Friends to Lovers, Misunderstandings)
15. Hi there! Hope you day is going good!!! I need your help to find me a(lot) fan fiction with dragon lan wangji/human wei wuxian please 🙇‍♀️🥺 @mahamhere
Coil Tightly by Thunderstruck (Blueyed_Impala) (T, 50k, WangXian, Dragon LWJ, Shifters, Modern with Magic, WWX is oblivious to magic, Slow Burn, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, References to Animal Abuse but the animal is LWJ, Hurt/Comfort, WWX Has Self-Esteem Issues, WWX has abandonment issues, Possessive LWJ, Clueless Flirting, OC Lan disciples for plot reasons)
These Mortal Treasures by ChilianXianzi (T, 9k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fantasy, Dragon LWJ, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Possessive LWJ, Domestic Fluff, implied eggpreg, The Cultivation World's canonical fuckery, eggyuan!, Gift Giving)
Love at first bite by luckymoonly (M, 14k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern setting with dragons, Falling In Love, NMJ and JYL own a bakery together, Interspecies Romance, Crossdressing, Everyone lives in the same building, First Time, Fluff and Humor, Mpreg, LWJ's canonical big dick, Horny lwj, Smut, LXC and LWJ are dragon princes, Lingerie, Dating, Medium Burn, Possessive LWJ)
wind and rain by hauntedotamatone (E, 15k, WangXian, Dragon LWJ, Porn With Plot, Size Difference, Mildly Dubious Consent, Spit As Lube, Fairy Tale Elements, Double Penetration in One Hole, Rough Sex, Biting, Curse Breaking, Teratophilia, Fuck Or Die, but not for who you'd think, Meet-Ugly, Rimming, Past physical abuse, consensual and sane but not 100 percent safe, Non-Human Genitalia, Come as Lube, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Copious Amounts of Come)
Jaws of the Dragon by celerydragon (Not Rated, 7k, WangXian, dubcon, Exhibitionism, Nonconsensual Exhibitionism, Bestiality, Belly Bulge, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Breeding Kink, dragonji, LWJHas a Big Dick, lwj can transform into a human)
other earths and skies by binghecarer (T, 53k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, (but not in the typical way?), Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Scars and Injuries, Curses, Hurt/Comfort)
fell by you by Vrishchika (E, 44k, Dragon LWJ, Fantasy, Explicit Smut in Last Chapter, Pining, POV LWJ, Canon Divergence, Immortals, Deities, Canon-Typical Violence, Dragon WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending)
this river runs to you Series by aubreyli, sundiscus (T/E, 66k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mutual Pining, Dragons, Literal Sleeping Together, Tender wound tending, First Time, Oral Sex, Coming Untouched, Porn with Feelings, Established Relationship) 
Making Mouths at Dragons by athena_crikey (E, 10k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Mpreg, baby fever, near PWP, Dragon sex, also human sex, Rimming, Size Kink, Egg Laying, Family, Feel-good, hints of self-worth issues, Dragon LWJ)
16. hello!! for the next itmf, any fanfics where they elaborate on wei changze and/or cangse sanren? secret families, they survive, even pre canon, just some wei family feels. thank youu <33
I Will Call You By Name by DisasterMages (T, 73k, WangXian, WWX raised by XXC, Canon Divergence, Family Feels) does ´I will call you by name’ by DisasterMages count they’re a few flashbacks about them
tall as the mountains that sheltered us by thelastdboy (M, 4k, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR & WWX & WCZ, wangxian, canon divergence, CSSR & WCZ live, crack treated seriously, childhood friends to lovers, genius WWX, inventor WWX, bg character death, happy ending, WCZ pov) wcz & cssr are saved by the lan.
The Long Winding Road Home by Admiranda (T, 12k, CSSR/WCZ, wangxian, time travel, post-canon, not JC friendly, fluff, family reunion, mocking LQR to his face, mocking JC to his face, wild rumours) wcz & cssr return after 30 years trapped.
Silver (Bloodshot) Eyes by GeminiWillow (T, 15k, WangXian, WCZ & WWX, WCZ & JL, Not Jiāng Chéng Friendly, JC Bashing, YZY Bashing, Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect Bashing, BAMF WCZ, Ghost WCZ, JC Canon Characteristics, Mentions of WWX's Canonical Child Abuse, Child JL, JL Needs a Hug, Revenge) vengeful ghost wcz torments jc during the timeskip. jiang bashing.
The Wei of family by HikariNoHimeWriter (E, 46k, WangXian, WCZ/CSSR, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, CSSR and WCZ Live, Rogue Cultivator WWX, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Male omega with vagina, Vaginal Fingering, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Vaginal Sex, First Time, Falling In Love, some violence, Genius WWX, WWX Has ADHD, CSSR Has ADHD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Eventual Smut, Love Confessions, Mating Bond, WangXian Elope, Kinda, Not JC Friendly, not yzy friendly, Mpreg) omega wwx grows up with his family and finds love
a burden of figs by spookykingdomstarlight (T, 16k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot Campaign, CSSR and WCZ Live, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Breaking Up & Making Up, Getting Back Together, Hurt/Comfort, Injured WWX, caretaker LWJ, Mutual Pining) rogue cultivator wwx dating to breakup to makeup.
somehow, someway, we all get to someday by Stratisphyre (T, 75k, WangXian, CSSR/LQR/WCZ, MDM Lan/OFC, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Canon-Typical Violence, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Parenthood, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Threesome - F/M/M, Family Feels, Not JFM Friendly, Not Lan Sect Friendly, past emotional abuse, Demisexual Character, Inclusive discussions of reproductive rights) jfm & yzy die on a nighthunt and wcz & cssr run the jiang as regents for jc.
17. Hi!! ITMF for submissive LWJ with a praise kink. Whether he's top or bottom doesn't matter.
Shatter All Barriers by YunmengLotus (E, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Painplay, Light Dom/sub, very brief subdrop, Praise Kink, Wax Play, Temperature Play, Sex Toys, Communication, light blood play (really light but there is blood), BDSM, Intercrural Sex, thigh fucking, Non-Penetrative Sex, Coming Untouched, Piercings, Needles, Sub LWJ, dom WWX, kind of, Getting Together, piercer wwx)
Maybe You're the Reason by Clearpearls (E, 67k, WangXian, College/University, Phone Sex, slight D/s, Secret Identity, Praise Kink, Phone Sex Operator WWX, slight internalized sexual repression, Fluff, Light Angst, Dirty Talk, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Slow Burn, Sub LWJ, Bottom LWJ, Vibrators, Aftercare, Introspection)
old wounds by BloodRedCarnation (E, 23k, WangXianYu, Established WangXian, PWP, Kink Negotiation, Switch WangXian, Age Difference, Power Dynamics, Threesome, healing through sex, Breathplay, Light exhibitionism kink, Praise Kink, Dom/sub, Virgin MXY, Post-Canon, Fix-It of Sorts, Double Penetration)
Caffeine, Small Talk by mistergoblin (E, 144k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends With Benefits, Enemies to Lovers, or more accurately: frenemies to fuck, buddies to lovers, Angst and Fluff and Smut, touch-starved lwj, Slow Burn, high levels of sexual tension, Misunderstandings, Getting to Know Each Other, Switching, Bottom LWJ, bottom WWX, slight D/s, Happy Ending, side yanqing, lwj's patented horny grip, Sub LWJ)
Here Comes The Heat (Before We Meet) by mistergoblin (E, 15k, WangXian, Fluff and Smut, Getting Together, D/s elements, Sub LWJ, Bottom LWJ, but they switch wbk, Collars, Praise Kink, Rough Sex, Spanking, Explicit Consent)
a new kind of silence by deliciousblizzardshark (E, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Autistic LWJ, Communication Disorder, Trans LWJ, Protective WWX, Pregnant LWJ, Panic Attacks, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, Getting Together, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Soft WangXian, POV WWX)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
157 notes · View notes
ladytauria · 3 months
writing patterns
tagged by @generatorcat; @waffleinator-inator; & @ragnarokhound! thank you <333
rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
the sweetness of honey: Jason hasn’t stood on a street corner in over a year. (E, JayTim AOB Underage Dubcon)
model patients: “If you’re going to boss me around like this, you could at least wear a nurse’s uniform,” Tim grouses. (T, JayTim)
tequila sunrise and copper: “I told you not to go, babe,” Steph says unsympathetically, even as she dabs a cloth to Tim’s cheek. (T, StephTim w/ Caroline!Tim)
touch me slow, feel my heart bleed: Jason doesn’t know how he let Tim talk him into going dancing. (E, JayTim dom!omega ‘verse)
six little deaths: “Fuck, little wing, you’re killing me here.” Dick’s hoarse whisper makes Jason smirk. (E, JayDick Underage + Trans!Jason)
i know you (you don’t know me): Hood plants his hands on the desk, leaning against it, looking up at the monitors. (E, Jaycest)
let go: Jason swears under his breath. (M, JayTim + Omo)
private lessons: Jason smooths sweaty palms over his skirt, spreading the pleats over his thighs. (E, JayTim, 2 Endings; one with Roleplay & one with Underage)
sharing is caring: Tim and Cass (and to a lesser extent, Steph) share everything. (E, JayTimCass)
like a fever: They’re kissing again. (E, JaySteph)
clearly i like to jump right into the middle of things xD
no pressure tagging: @zeroducks-2 ; @kieran-granola ; @thesandsofelsweyr ; @lollilollipop99 ; & @cummandercold <3
11 notes · View notes
thegeeksideofsr · 1 year
My Hero
Part of my Ford!Reader Verse
Warning, I know nothing about how restaurants work, or how chef-ing works, so I'm sorry. I am winging it.
Tumblr media
As the waiter's and waitress's, and rest the kitchen staff were getting ready for the dinner rush to start, my partner, and co-head chef called in with a family emergency. Which is understandable, but leaves me in a difficult spot. So I do the logical thing, call in the big guns.
I pull out my phone and call Eliot's number I have memorized because of the amount of times I've seen it in my contacts.
It rings once, then twice, then it clicks, and his gruff voice answers.
"Hey, darlin'. What's up? Thought you were workin' tonight?"
"I am. But I need your help. Kate had a family emergency, and couldn't make it tonight. The dinner rush is gonna start soon, and I'm short staffed as it is and now Kate's not here and I really need your help."
"Babe, take a breath. I'm on my way."
I heave a heavy sigh as relief floods my body.
"Thank you, Eliot. I owe you one."
"I'm sure I can think of a few things you can do to repay me."
"I'm sure you can. See you when you get here."
I hang up and head to the kitchen to bring the rest of the staff up to speed on the incoming reinforcement.
We start getting the kitchen prepped, making sure everything is in it's place, heated up if needed, and ready to use.
Soon enough, Eliot arrives in his red chef's shirt, bandana holding his hair back, and looking handsome and ever.
He walks into the kitchen, saying hello to people as he passes. It's not the first times he's jumped in to help, and it won't be the last.
He makes his way over to me, greeting me with a kiss.
"Hey, sweetheart." He grumbles.
"Hello, my hero," I smile back at him.
The moment is cut short with a waitress coming in to announce the first few dinners had arrived, and the rush was starting.
The night went off with out a hitch. Eliot fit right in with the rest of the crew, he was joking and laughing with everyone through out the night.
I had hoped to be able to end the night on a good note. Once the doors are locked, everything cleaned, ready for the day tomorrow, take Eliot back home and thank him thoroughly for him helping out tonight. But, it would seam that the world doesn't always work how we'd hoped.
The last table was being cleared of dishes, the rest already were washed and putt away, most of the staff had already gone home. It was just one of the waitress's, Cassie, the dish washer, Matt, Eliot and I.
Matt finished the last of the dirty dishes, while I tucked the clean ones into their spots. Eliot was cleaning up his spot by the stove. Cassie was by the kitchen doors watching the last party finish up.
"Finally," She sighs, then walks out.
She comes back a minute later, dishes stacked precariously. She walks over to Matt at the sink, hanging them off to him
"So, boss, one of the guys wants to talk to you."
"Who is it? Did he give you his name?"
"Jacob Grey. He and his friends already paid and tipped well. They look like a villains from a Bond movie."
I huff out a laugh.
"Does that make me a Bond girl?"
"If it so, does that make Eliot James Bond?" Matt asks from the sink.
Cassie and I look at Eliot, then share a look, before answering at the same time.
Eliot huffs a laugh then turns away. I know him well enough to know when he's flustered.
I turn back to Cassie, gesturing for her to lead the way.
We walk through the double doors into the main dinning room, Cassie leading the way to the last occupied table.
There are three men at the table, plus another standing it the door, hands clutched in front of his body. The four of them together gave of an eerie feeling.
I stand next to the table, hands crossed in front of me.
"Gentleman." I great with a nod and polite smile.
One of the men stood to great me, buttoning his suit coat, before offering his hand towards me.
"Jacob Grey. It's a pleasure to meet such an excellent chef." His European accent makes him off putting.
I shake his hand as I introduce myself.
"I appreciate the compliment, but I can't take all the credit. I'm part of an amazing team here."
"So modest. An excellent quality." He smiles at me in a way I would imagine a predator would smile at their prey.
"Can I ask what you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Of course. I want to offer you a job of head chef at my estate."
His creepy factor just went up.
"Sir. I am flattered by your offer, but -"
"Excellent." He claps his hands together. " I'll have my assistant bring over all the documents necessary for you to start as soon as possible-"
" Mr. Grey! I did not accept your offer." I keep my voice low and even. "As I was saying, I am flattered by your offer, but I am happy here, therefore I will not be accepting your job offer. Thank you for dining here tonight. Good night gentlemen."
I turn and walk back to the kitchen, Cassie right behind me, finding Eliot on the other side. He has a look I've seen before. He's in hitter mode now.
"What? What is it?" I ask him.
"The man by the door. He's ex military. All four of 'em are armed too."
A chill runs down my spine. I turn to Matt and Cassie, who have matching anxious looks.
"Get your stuff and head out the back. We can handle this." I tell them.
" You sure?" Matt asks.
I nod.
"We'll be fine. Get outta here. It's late." Keeping my tone light.
They both nod, then head to get their stuff.
Once they are gone I turn back to Eliot, who's still discreetly watching through the window.
"Are they still there?"
"Yeah. Grey doesn't look to happy though. What ever you said he doesn't seem to like. What happened out there?"
"The prick offered me a job on his estate. I tried to tell him I was flattered, but didn't want the job. He interrupted, and said he'd send over his assistant to sign me on. I interrupted him, and told him I would not be working for him. Then came back here."
"I don't think he's used to being told 'no'." He responds with a smile. " And the other two men at the table with him are pretty heavy hitters as well. I recognize all of 'em from some jobs a while back."
"Before you met my dad?"
He let out a hum of confirmation.
"Grey was just a small fish back then. Clearly somethin' changed-"
He cuts his sentence off, he takes my hand in his, then leads me away from the door towards the back of the kitchen.
"El, what are you-"
My sentence gets interrupted by the kitchen door bursting open, and Mr. Grey walking in like he owns the place, his goon close behind.
He scans the room, his eyes landing on me, then on Eliot, who's placed himself between Grey and I, ready to fight if he has too.
"Eliot Spencer. Now this is a surprise."
"Grey." He acknowledges.
"This doesn't concern you, Spencer. This is between Ms. Ford and I."
"Ya see, it does concern me. Considering she's my wife." His tone is low and dangerous.
"I have some business to discuss with her-"
"She has already given you her answer. You gonna respect it, or we gonna have a problem?"
I watch Eliot's arm move up, as he grips the knife at his hip. The room goes quite.
Grey's eyes watch his movement, as does his goon. Clearly they know what Eliot is capable of, and are weighing the odds of crossing him.
Grey and Eliot stare at each other, Eliot calm as can be, but Grey is try to hide the fact he's scared.
"We're good." Grey growls out, then turns and walks out of the room.
His goon stays behind another moment, gives Eliot and I a nod, then follows his employer.
Eliot follows a few steps behind to make sure they leave.
I go to watch through the window in the door my self. I watch Eliot as he locks the front door and turns out lights on his way back to the kitchen.
When he's back in the kitchen, his entire focus is on me, cupping my face in his hands.
"You ok?" He asks.
"I'm good." He breaths a sigh and rests his forehead against mine.
We stay like that for a few minutes before I break the silence.
"You know, you saved me twice tonight."
He huffs out a laugh.
"I guess I did."
"You also said I was your wife."
He lifts his head and looks me in the eye.
"That I did. You okay with that?"
I nod, then pull him in for a kiss by his collar, his hands wrapping around my waist.
"It be nice if I was official though." I pull away just enough mumble against his lips.
"I'll talk to Nate."
He murmurs.
I let out a snort as I pull away.
"Good luck with that."
He smiles at me, a loving look on his face.
"You ready to head home?" He asks.
I nod, and start to pull away, but Eliot pulls me back for one more brief kiss, the finally lets me go to get my stuff.
We then finish closing up, and walk hand in hand to his truck to head home.
Eliot Spencer Tag list:
@katbratsupernaturalwhore @fictional-hooman
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ontinetine · 3 months
a moment away
a Malachi-verse minific from Ivan's POV, set when Malachi's a cabin boy. Originally posted on twitter.
cw for discussion of birth trauma
While the other cabin boys are oohing and ahhing over the real blade Izzy got Malachi for his birthday, Izzy slips away, down below deck. Ivan follows him.
He's taller than Izzy now, has been for a while. Still, the height difference startles Izzy when Ivan catches up with him in the hold. Izzy's not even pretending to sort through their stores. He's just standing there, breathing hard, eyes overbright.
They don't talk about the day Malachi was born. Never, ever. Doesn't mean Ivan doesn't think about it, though. He'd thought he was so grown, but looking back, he was just a fucking kid at 14. Just a fucking kid with Izzy and Mal's lives in his hands.
Just a kid with Izzy's blood staining his fingers every time he checked to see if the babe was coming. 14 years old, not letting himself cry but begging for his mamī in his head because she would have known how to guide the baby out.
She would have known what to do when Malachi came out grey and limp - Izzy gave Malachi his breath, and somehow, that miracle boy lived. Ivan cried like a child in Fang's arms afterward. Because he was a child.
Ivan realizes this now more than ever as Malachi creeps up on the age Ivan was when he was born. Malachi sprouted recently, is drawing close to Izzy's height. He's gangly and awkward. He still sleeps with his silk lovey.
Malachi would deliver someone's baby if he had to. But Ivan wouldn't want him to.
They never talk about that day, but Ivan knows Izzy's memories of it drove him to hide just now.
"You got Mal a wicked good sword, boss," Ivan says quietly. Izzy nods, throat bobbing. Ivan hesitates. Fang would hug Izzy, but that seems too close to acknowledging bad memories.
The door to the deck creaks open. "Ivan?" Malachi calls. "Is Da down there? He said he'd spar with me."
Izzy holds up a finger. One minute, he mouths.
Ivan nods. "He's gotta finish some shit down here," he yells to Mal. "Said I could do warm-ups with you though."
"Alright," Mal says, delighted.
Just this once, Ivan squeezes Izzy's shoulders. To his surprise, Izzy gently bumps their foreheads together before he lets go.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 3 months
ok I might be getting a little greedy here heheh but I would also love 10 facts about Bellatrix!!
Don’t ever think you’re being greedy asking questions about my babies!! Thank you so much for this!! (And I will also tag the other One Piece babes @auxiliarydetective, @oneirataxia-girl, and @xoteajays for funsies. <3)
In a more modern setting with modern music, I actually think Bellatrix would be a pretty big Swiftie. Her favorite album would likely be Reputation, because of course it would be, but I also think she’d really like folklore.
Bellatrix is a big nickname girl, and though she’ll pretty much give them to everyone she interacts with, getting more than one bestowed upon you by her is a big sign that she likes you. All of the Straw Hats, for example, have a bunch for each of them (most of Zoro’s being related to the color of his hair).
There are only a very select few people in the world allowed to call her Bella, and anyone who tries without permission will find themselves on the business end of her pain-inducing song with a few extra verses added on just for them. Mihawk, of course, is one of the few people who is allowed, but only when they’re alone.
Bellatrix didn’t find out she was adopted until she was actually going through with killing her adoptive parents to escape from them. Her adoptive mother told her the information just as a final taunt before she died, and as a result, Bellatrix might have made the woman’s death a bit more painful than it really had to be.
Her favorite color is assumed by many to be black, given her whole deadly and dangerous reputation, but it’s actually a really nice, elegant dark blue. She thinks black is too depressing a color to have anywhere in large quantities, and in fact teases Mihawk pretty regularly for how much he wears.
While she is the literal only person in the entire universe Mihawk would let beat him in a fight, he never actually does, for the sole reason that he knows Bellatrix would kick his ass if she ever found out that he’d let her win.
She likes to tease Mihawk and Shanks by calling Shanks “Mihawk’s other girlfriend”. It results in a fondly annoyed smile from Shanks and a glare from Mihawk every time she does it. She also will never stop doing it.
(Really, as deadly and dangerous as Bellatrix is feared to be, and as deadly and dangerous as she actually is, most of the time she’s just a little gremlin of a woman who thrives off of chaos.)
While Bellatrix is referred to as “the siren of the East Blue,” most of her crew on the Fatale Pirates are referred to as “harpies” or “furies”. Most of them love these names, but none of them will hesitate to stick it (and by “it” I mean their weapons) to any man who uses them in a derogatory way.
In another idea for a modern setting, I think Bellatrix’s favorite movie would absolutely be 9 to 5 with Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin, and Jane Fonda. I mean, it’s about three women working together to blackmail their misogynistic boss and take over his company - what’s not to love?
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send me an oc and i’ll give you ten facts about them!!
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thezombieprostitute · 3 months
If you had to swap a babe and Reader in the Garbage Men verse, who would you pick and why?
If I'm only allowed to switch up current couples and stories, I think I'd make Nick Fowler the Mob Boss who falls for DC, a witness against one of his enemies. Nick can be cold and calculating, intelligent in a lot of ways. She is incredibly book-smart, but a pushover who just wants to be nice. He doesn't bother keeping her in a safe-house. There's no safer place than his own home. He finds himself drawn to her warmth and kindness.
Mace would take more of a protective-big-brother kind of role. They were close friends and he doesn't want her mixed up in Family business that could get her in trouble.
If I can throw in a different babe that's already part of the stories, I kinda want to pair up Hal Carter and Lady. Nick is overwhelmed with work so he asks Hal to go to the City Clerk's office instead but tells him, "Make sure you ask for Lady. She's the best at helping."
Hal meets her and, of course, starts up his flirty behaviour and she smiles along with it. She never makes him feel bad for being a flirt, needing to ask more questions, or being a bit of a himbo. He appreciates that she's so accepting of his personality and she appreciates that he's genuinely a good guy who makes her feel pretty. He never pokes fun at her age or even glances at the younger girls when he's talking with her.
Hal starts volunteering to go to the City Clerk's office in place of Nick and he doesn't object. It's one less place he has to fit into his itinerary. Hal likes spending as much time with Lady as he can with each visit. She does tell him he needs to be careful because she is at work so he asks her out. She agrees and it ends up being the start of a fun, loving relationship built on mutual respect, trust and care.
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bengiyo · 1 year
A Boss and a Babe Ep 10 Stray Thoughts
Last week we experienced probably our choppiest episode yet. It’s a real bummer, because I continue to root for New Siwaj, but the final act conflicts always cause confusion. Gun and Cher were outed at work, but that was quickly squashed by Gun’s mom. Cher found out that another colleague had planted the evidence about Thyme stealing the game and decided to take the fall for it to protect her job…for reasons that just don’t track for me. Gun and Cher broke up as a result and both were very sad about it. Gun got drunk at a bar and so the bar called Cher who was his most active contact, and the two were able to reconcile for the second time in the episode. Now, Thoop has been arrested. At the very least, we had a Gay Boy Cuddle Pile.
Trigger Warning: rape mention and a rapist showing up on screen, along with mention and discussion of suicide in part [3/4]
Thoop, are you really mad that the police didn’t believe you? Where’s the shut the fuck up video?
Real shit, it is sometimes useful to have a Super Gay like Gun in your queer circle for when we have problems that only money can solve. Sometimes folks like Gun can keep a program running quietly for years.
I completely get Tub and Jack. Three and Zo would get tiresome after a while.
The gamer boys care a lot about each other, and are careful about how they talk to each other. It’s refreshing.
I do still love Gun. This man understands commitment and showing up when it’s important.
Gun pulled out his stern voice when Cher pushed too far with the old jokes. Surprisingly funny to see Cher retreat.
So if Gun has known about Cher taking the blame all this time, what the hell was most of the last episode for? I hate when they do all this testing nonsense and then waive it off.
I like that these two have good apologies. I just hope that we don’t immediately contrive another conflict five minutes from now.
I feel like this one guy plays a cop in every GMMTV show.
I knew this was going to eventually be the reveal about what happened to Tian, but it’s still upsetting and gross.
Gun is solid. Maybe I’m being influenced by how much I’m enjoying Jeng on Step by Step, but I do like having characters who can manage a crisis and don’t overreact to someone’s emotional outbursts at them.
Jack is correct. Thoop being arrested for possession is a big deal.
And of course someone saw them sitting outside of a police station all night. Now the mom is demanding they break up AGAIN.
Was one of them watching Star in My Mind before Cher showed up to tell them the news? Joong is paused on YouTube in the background.
I enjoy the parallel from earlier with Cher showing up at Gun’s place this time.
Oh hell yeah! It’s 2023 and we all verse now!
There’s a lot of threads active in this show. I don’t necessarily dislike them, but the timing isn’t really satisfying. I also feel like the mole plot was kind of a letdown.
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spider-bren · 10 months
Black And Blue, Bloody Red | Clement Mansell x Male OC
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Pairing: Clement Mansell x Male OC
Tags: Public Humiliation, Vibrating toys, Teasing in public, Manipulation, Toxic relationship, Clement Mansell is his own warning
Summary: Clement takes his boyfriend, Ryan, out for lunch
⚠️ spoilers for Justified City Primeval Episode 4 ⚠️
"Ryan will have the salad with chicken. A tall glass of water with ice. No lemon. I'll have a cola soda. The Southern Comfort Steak. Black and blue. With chips on the side. Got it?" Clement told the waitress who quickly wrote down the order. 
"Coming right up, sir." 
Clement turned back to his partner who was squirming in his seat. A mean smile broke out on his face, his eyes intense. He raked his eyes over Ryan's form. Sweat faintly glossing his skin. His neck and cheeks lightly flushed. His hands gripped the table, his knuckles white.  Clement leaned back, grinning from ear to ear. 
"How does it feel, babyboy?" He asked, voice smug. 
Ryan swallowed. "Good." 
"Just good?" Clement clicked his tongue. "I think we can do better than that." He reached inside his pants pocket and fiddled with a tiny remote. He turned up the setting making Ryan whimper softly. "How's that?" 
Ryan pressed his lips together and adjusted in his seat. "Better." 
"I bet you're soaking in your pants. How hard are you?" Clement drawled, his voice deeper. 
"You could check?" Ryan replied. He hoped Clement would relieve some of the pressure. 
"Nah. Save it for afterwards. Want to get you nice and worked up first." 
Not long later, their meals arrived. Ryan shakily picked up his fork and tried not to focus on the pleasure that was currently wracking his body. Clement cut into his steak and took a bite. Ryan watched as Clement sighed. That sigh. It wasn't a good sign. Clement unfolded the napkin and spat out the contents in his mouth. He called the waitress over and Ryan wanted to die from embarrassment. 
"You know what cut this steak is?" 
"Uh. Southern Comfort steak." 
"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ready for Double Jeopardy! Now, I ordered the steak black and blue. Do you know what black and blue means?" 
"It means rare?" the waitress said unsteadily. 
"Oh no, ma'am. It does not mean rare. It means goddamn bloody red."
"Babe?" Ryan interjected. 
"Not now, boy. Daddy is busy trying to teach a lesson." He turned back to the waitress. "So, here's what I want you to do. Take this. I want you to throw it in the trash. Then I want you to get your chef, have another steak, smack that on the fire, sing two verses of 'Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground', flip that sucker, sing the third verse, yank it off, plate it, and bring it back here. Then I'm gonna cut into this big-ass hunk of black and blue meat, and if I don't hear it moo in pain…" He clicked his tongue, still holding the hand of the waitress which he had grabbed when he called her over. "We're just gonna start this all over again." 
Ryan forced himself not to make a comment as the waitress scurried off. Clement faced his boyfriend again. 
"Now where were we?" 
Ryan trembled from the effects of the vibration deep inside him, but kept his voice steady. 
"You didn't have to talk to her like that," he said. 
Clement raised his brow. "I pay for my meal and I don't pay to eat shit. I want to get what I want. Isn't that correct? If I order something, I expect to get what I ordered." 
"But it was how you said it…" 
Clement flipped the switch again on a higher setting and Ryan jolted up out of his seat. Clement leaned in to whisper.
"I can make you cum right here in your pants. You're soil yourself and I'll make you walk out of here in front of me. You'll be moaning like a whore amidst all these nice people. I can be very nice to you. You know that. Or I can be very mean. I will make a spectacle out of you and show you who's boss. You'll be demeaned and shamed right here in front of God and everybody else. Don't upset me, Ryan." 
Clement set it back on its lowest setting. "Now eat your salad." 
To be continued . . .
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helluvaxhazbin · 4 months
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Headcanons for adam and lute cause I love them.
Demon adam getting redeemed and sent back to heaven by sacrificing himself for her.
Demon adam and fallen angel lute becoming a total power couple in hell. Rising as new overlords. Similar energy to vox and val. Similar to carmilla carmine they make their money in weaponry.
Even when they're dating officially what he calls her doesn't change much. The most affectionate term being danger tits of course but also babe and baby. His favorite thing to call her is my girl.
He loves her but due to how his previous relationships blew up in his face he's terrified of admitting any vulnerability. He struggles to admit he loves her and the conversation goes something like this.
Up until the time they're reunited in his demon verse he is lost without her. Won't admit it cause his ego gets in the way but he struggles and fails falling on his ass when he tries getting his revenge on his own.
He's in charge when it comes to their romantic life and partnership but he lets her take charge in bed quite a bit. She's not exactly the boss but he has a kink for her being the more dominate one in bed. He would let her peg him but would never admit it.
Secretly wants them to get married at one point. Post his death and becoming a demon but he hesitates since he think marriage will just fuck up what they have.
As overlords I think their followers/employees would be a mix of imps and hell hounds.
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
Stealing for Spite
Gotta do it for the goofs, sometimes
@mynerdylordship -- i tried! lol
Also over on AO3!
"There a reason you couldn't hire some movers, babe?"
Kerry asked the question as he hefted another box onto the counter before grabbing the tape gun, getting ready to seal it up. V's response was a noncommittal hum from the next room over -- if one could call his little armory a "room" -- and Kerry shook his head, grinning. His input had a bad habit of getting distracted -- efforts to sort and pack were often waylaid by bouts of nostalgia, or the sudden urge to disassemble a gun only to put it back together again. They'd been at it for hours and despite the fact that V's Watson apartment was a studio already pared down to bare essentials (V having moved the bulk of his things to other apartments throughout the city, and now again to the new condo), they weren't even halfway through it all. 
Kerry set the tape gun aside, wandering over to where he'd seen V last and sure enough -- his partner was still seated on the floor, cross-legged, flipping through a comic book. 
V looked up, blinking. 
"Ya can read those later -- when they're all unpacked and on their nice new shelves in your nice new place, yeah?"
V flashed him a sheepish grin, closing the comic and carefully setting it into the box with all the others. 
"Sorry, sorry." 
Still, Kerry couldn't help but smile, wandering closer and giving V a hand up, hauling him to his feet and looking over what progress he'd managed since the last time Kerry had interrupted him. "Uh, you putting all those books in the same boxes?"
"Mmmm let's not -- I know you got reinforcements in those arms of yours, but have a little pity on your rockerboy input, yeah?"
"You make it sound like rockerboys are frail," V pointed out, cocking an eyebrow. 
"Nah, just well-versed in the hard lessons of lifting heavy shit. Didn't always have crew to take care of that shit for us, y'know? Had to load those vans ourselves for a loooong time before we got big enough that people wanted to help us."
"Having a hard time picturing a young Kerry or a young Johnny loading anything," V mused, and when Kerry glanced his way it was clear the younger man was trying not to grin. 
"Excuse you! I did my share!" 
"Okay, maybe we bossed Henry into doing most of it but I still helped!"
"How much help is moral support -- ah!"
V cut off as Kerry looped an arm around him, drawing him close and kissing his neck -- right where the younger man was ticklish. "Kerry!"
"Keep it up, smart-ass, and you'll get a firsthand lesson on how much my 'moral support' can do," he teased, relenting but not letting him go just yet. 
"Like what, lounging on my couch while I do all the work?"
"Even better if you get me a drink first -- preferably something with a tiny umbrella."
"And, y'know, losing the shirt."
V snorted. "Who's giving who moral support in this scenario again?"
Kerry nipped at his earlobe, giving him a squeeze before freeing him. "Smart-ass." He gave V's ass a little smack for emphasis and crossed over to the desk, hefting some of the books out of the boxes to start redistributing them. He saw the other man follow his lead out of the corner of his eye and was about to make another comment when the contents of the box before him grabbed his attention. 
"Oh, holy shit…"
Kerry reached into the box, carefully pulling out a neatly framed tour poster -- Samurai, 2007. Perfect shape, not a hint of warping or fading, the ink as crisp as the day it'd been printed. 
Kerry didn't respond, having caught sight of another poster just below the first, and another, and another. All Samurai, all tour posters from…god, years ago. Decades. Perfectly preserved memories in a place he'd least expected to find them.
"V where… where did you get these? You mug a collector and not tell me or somethin'?"
He felt the warmth of V's body behind his, felt his chin come to rest on his shoulder so he could see what Kerry was talking about.
"Oh. Those. Uh…"
"These are really fucking rare, babe," Kerry went on. "And this! Is this--? Bootlegs of old shows? Even I don't have some of these!" 
"Well, uh…guess you do now?"
"Where did you even find them?"
"Oh, y'know. Around."
Kerry finally tore his gaze away, turning so he could look at his input. If he'd been too distracted to notice the strangeness in V's voice, he didn't miss it on his face. Cheeks flushed, eyes not quite meeting his, shoulders braced in that way they always got when V was actually a little embarrassed about something.
"V…" Kerry cupped his chin, encouraging him to look up. "Where did you get these?"
"You uh, you had -- have, technically, I guess -- a uh… pretty dedicated fan. And I may have…relieved him of his collection."
Kerry stared at him. 
"You stole these?"
"I'm a thief! It's what I do!"
"But how did you even -- what?"
"Someone put in with Padre -- er, Sebastian Ibarra, fixer over in Heywood? -- a request to klep one of your guitars from a…super fan."
"Wait -- that was you? You got my guitar back?"
"You made the request? Why didn't you just ask me?"
"I didn't know you at the time!"
"Ah, that's fair. World's funny that way, huh? Anyway, about these books…"
"Oh, no," Kerry said, planting himself in front of the other man. "There's a story here, and I wanna hear it."
V cleared his throat, rubbing at the back of his neck. "What's there to say? I stole some stuff. Now it's here. S'all there is to it."
"Uh-huh, bullshit. You wouldn't be actin' all weird if there wasn't more to it, V. I know you better than that."
V's cheeks flushed even darker and he chewed on his lower lip. 
"Look, I'm… I'm not…it's not my proudest moment, alright? The guy was like a class-A weirdo, y'know? Had a freaky shrine to you, had all those tour posters, your guitar, Johnny's pants --"
"--his pants?"
"Yeah, stole those too. Johnny insisted."
I'll fuckin' bet he did, Kerry thought, baffled. 
"He was even trying to get some ripper to make him a faceplate to look like you, Ker. I wasn't gonna let that stand."
"I mean, I'm grateful, I just don't see why that's embarrassing?"
"Yeah, no, not embarrassed, just. Y'know."
Kerry narrowed his eyes, cocking his head as he considered the young man before him. 
"V…baby, were you…jealous?"
V made a face, reminding Kerry of the sort he tended to make whenever he made the mistake of drinking from Kerry's coffee cup. 
"Well! Who did that guy think he was! You're my input, not his, and he was clearly some weirdo stalker dude, so yeah, maybe I did steal everything in his apartment that wasn't nailed down! And maybe a few things that were! I can only tolerate so much bullshit from people callin' themselves 'fans,' y'know?"
Kerry fought back the urge to laugh, shaking his head and tugging V into his arms. V resisted a moment, much like a disgruntled cat, before relaxing against him. 
"He's lucky I didn't set his place on fire," he muttered. "That woulda been crazy boyfriend territory."
"I know, baby." 
"And I meant to give this stuff to you, I just…forgot."
"Things were a bit hectic back then; shit happens."
"…you're not annoyed?"
"By what? My boyfriend wanting to defend me?"
"I know you don't need me to protect you like that, Ker."
He pulled back, cupping his cheeks. "I get a deluge of fan shit every single day -- you've seen my inbox. Get hassled on the street, cameras in my face, never knowing if someone getting close is recording me in secret. S'fucking exhausting. But having you around, running interference, without my even really having to ask, just 'cause you know the toll it takes on me? That's… I can't even begin to describe how much better it makes me feel. Ya don't do it 'cause you have to, but 'cause you want to, and I know it's because you care. So maybe you went a bit overboard with kleppin' a buncha shit, but if this is the guy I think it is, well… Pretty sure he stole or bullied his way into getting most of those things in the first place. I really wouldn't worry about it, okay?"
"…you sure?"
He smiled, leaning in and capturing his lips with his own. 
"Very sure." He gave him a squeeze, then gave his ass another smack. "Now lemme show you how to pack properly, ya gonk."
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
📝Raphael uwu [Rise Verse]
| Send Me A 📝And I’ll Give You A Random Amount Of Headcanons/Facts About My Muse! 
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Raph is a huge sports guy Football(American), Soccer, Basketball, Xtreme sports, pretty much anything.
He has a few sports cards that he's found in the trash over the years and keeps in a binder. So when he comes across a new one he gets very excited
He started to take an interest in fashion because of Yvonne, whenever he does get dressed he's trying to be a bit stylish
In that, he takes some things into thought like colors and overall function along with style. He annoys his brothers with this because he takes a long to dress now.
Of course, Raph loves Jupiter Jim and Lou Jitsu movies
Raph still had that angry side his previous variations are known for he just had a better handle compared to them since he stress his need to protect his brothers first.
Raph being the oldest of course took charge because he was the older when they were just turtle tots. But often his brothers got hurt during thier mischief, Splinter often making a point to Raph he needed to watch them is what started planting the seed to his mother hen tendencies
Raph is a big Mother Hen, he is the most likely to worry over his family no matter the reasons from injury to not being home when they would be home. Tend to have the hardest time with letting Mikey have that independence
Raphael has Anxiety clearly, I say is likely Separation anxiety, seeing how his family is all he has known for a good while it's no wonder Raph tends to panic when he is suddenly left alone.
Raph uses social media the least compared to his brothers so he isn't as in the know on things. Like our date meme "Like a Boss."
Because of this he also doesn't always fully understand a short-hand text or what it means and it has confused his brothers. he also makes it up sometimes.
Raph digestive tact is made of steel because he keeps eating stuff he shouldn't u_u Man has a strong bite and can eat pretty much anything seeing how he has a bite force of 209 N
Raph is one of the better swimmers of his brother's thanks to being a Snapping Turtle
(Movie related) Ralph’s eye sight on his right eye is not the best and often gives him issues now
Raphael/Yvonne (Yes I put one up top then decided to add a section on its own.)
Raph is the type to fall in love fast and hard. he fell for her pretty quickly, and couldn't stop himself for loving everything about her.
Raph tends to get a bit flustered around Yvoone simply because he's always trying to impress her in hopes of her liking him back.
Raph isn't one to use terms of endearment as much so he mostly calls her by name or babe, he prefers my girl though the most.
Raph is very quick to lifts Yvonne up to protect her over the smallest things.
He likes to pick her up and spin her around before pulling her into a hug. Sometimes he forgets how strong he is and yeets her into the air though good thing she can fly
When Raph gets her gifts he has a bad habit of over thinking if they are good enough for her and has many times just ate her gifts so to replace it with something better
One exception to this is Raph will make her a Braclete from an old mask of his, he torn this into shreds and learned t braid the Fabio and even found an old bit of metal that fit well with some help with his bothers he goes engrave it for her (I don’t know what with yet but this is post movie angst related uwu)
Yvonne being British has grave Raph a chance to try the snacks and other food there, he has a favorite and sadly it’s Turkish dealight u_u
He is Yvonnes biggest hype man not matter what he generally means it but he’s very out loud with it when he dose hype up her creations and more.
He's the kind of boy friend that buys a hoodie wears it and purposely gives it to his girl so she has a hopdie of his
Big Mama’s boy Au
Raph dosen’t know any Ninja skill but he has picked up how to fight from his mother Battle Nexus
This Raph has the bad temper pervious Ralph’s are more known for.
He has made it point to know everything his mom has control over mostly for the times he alone he can make sure no one is causing trouble when she isn’t there to keep things in order.
He tried to make her a teddy bear as a kid it’s not the best a patch work of fabric and not stuffed the best and has poor stitch work he scarp material around the hotel to make it for her thought
Even after Raph learns he has brothers out there he chooses to stay with Big Mama, She was the one who raised him she is his family
He dose try to connect with them however with his Mom’s blessing
However if put in the position he would pick Big Mama over his brothers and betrayal them if they ever hurt her u-u
Raph refers to Big Mama as either Ma or Mom
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