#im uploading them as im taking them cause i dont have the space on my phone
Sinus Surgery tips (?)
찬이의 "방" 🐺 Ep. 208
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meruz · 5 months
i hope this hasn't been asked before. what size do you make your canvas? and do you crop it to fit other socials (like Instagram for example)? i hear that 300 dpi is standard. i never know if it's good to make my canvas big or not.
hi i think this ask is like at least 4 months old but i was scanning my sketchbooks from last year and i abruptly remembered i had gotten this ask because i had made a little chart in my sketchbook trying to figure out how to answer it
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anyways theres pros and cons. and the size of your canvas is really going to depend on personal needs + preference. how good ur computer is, how complicated ur art style, how comfortable drawing feels, how much disk space you have to spare, what youre gonna end up using the art for in the end...300dpi is standard for PRINTING specifically, if you only plan to ever post things online then 72dpi works great and will save you space (fun fact a lot of professional animation files i deal with are 72dpi. and those eventually go on your tv screen). but personally i make everything i draw 300dpi because i am always printing stuff for cons, zines, etc and its nice to have the option even if i dont end up printing.
when I was a teen I used to draw on a rly shitty laptop and i made everything 800x800px 300dpi because big canvases would cause a lot of lag and also the resolution on this laptop was pretty small so 800px was a lot of the screen already. now i have a slightly better laptop with a bigger resolution and i sketch on giant 10000px-40000px canvases with the hard round brush and no shape dynamics or transfer whatsoever to minimize lag. when it comes to making a final illustration when i know ill be using a bunch of layer effects/blending modes/colors/mixing brushes etc etc ill generally crop the canvas down to the 6000px range. most illustrations i try to make sure are comfortably printable on tabloid size paper so thats pretty much anything hovering around or above 3000x5000px w 300dpi (so 11x17in). HOPE THIS HELPS?
EDIT: OH ALSO re: socials. i always ALWAYS size down my art to post on the internet. i think its crazy when other artists dont. because why would i ever let the internet have my hi-res file for free. also in general i think it looks better if you do the resizing yourself because if you don't then many social media sites will compress your file for you! a lot of people will post a hi-res file to twitter and then go "Wow twitter killed the quality of this img!!!" UH YEAH because they have an automatic image compressor. because they need to save space too lol and they dont want your image to take 248263895 years to load. same with instagram and to a lesser extent tumblr. when i post anything on social media i resize it down to 1200px-1600px on the longest side... its a little arbitrary but im kind of basing it on the smallest resolution of widely available screens. mostly because i think it looks stupid when u open up an image file fullsize and u have to scroll to see the whole thing... also iirc instagram only takes images up to 1080px before it resizes them? granted if you upload something smaller than that itll also resize it up which will look worse so I think bumping the numbers just over 1080px is pretty safe.
I should really be bringing the dpi down to 72 too when i post online but often im too lazy to do that. but it will technically help ur image load faster and stuff. and make it less likely for people to yoink it off the web and print it themselves.
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pjsk-headcanons · 24 days
*VERY DEEP INHALE* nIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHTTCORDDDDDD i am so excited im gonna be yapping so hard. prepare yourself aaaAaaAAAAAA
n25-> kanade (unit leader), tsukasa, shiho, akito (great lineup am i right)
n25 -> midnight dream|space
-cue kanade backstory as usual. sorry i think mds is not gonna have any of a better time than canon niigo. oops hehe (drops a ton of angst on them sorry they are my favourites)
-while uploading a melody to some anonymous website, she notices people talking about a different artist in her old uploads. she checks the artist out, listens to a few songs. follows the artist, named SUTA. (all of the nicknames have meaning ;) however, something seems. off.
-this happens again with an artist called nasake. kanade doesnt think much of it.
-a week or two pass when she gets a message in nightcord from SUTA. they want to pair up. kanade agrees reluctantly to call with them to discuss the partnership. during the call, kanade says she wants more people in the group (namely nasake because of the "weird feeling" and because oh my god this guy is kinda loud. its midnight and he so loud my ears)
-yknow what happens. nasake joins the partnership out of curiousity and recommends another artist that they should invite because the music sounds similar.
-kanade listens to their songs. gets the same weird feeling. agrees.
-said artist (called aimai) happily agrees to the partnership and they join a few calls, never talking. they make some demo songs.
-after everyone else logs off, kanade works for a little longer. miku heyyy oh miku wh
-enters sekai. its called house SEKAI. keyword house not home ;)
-insert "i need to save them" stuff i cant think of dialogue
-next day, kanade asks them to meet up because she "needs to get more cup noodles" (actually trying to observe their irl behaviour)
-meetup happens
-kanade resolves to save them. the rest are oblivious to what theyve gotten themselves into
kanade = K
tsukasa = SUTA
shiho = nasake
akito = aimai
all of these have meaning. also i think its funny that akitos nickname is similar to his VAs
okay i did some quick changes to make this work (and because i love bullying my favs)
-okay. remember akitos "good boy" persona? *cranks it up to max* oops so basically its his entire personality because i feel like it doesnt have enough exploration in canon. basically like more than canon mafuyus "good girl" persona.
-also. never went to rad weekend and continued soccer. still does soccer.
-shinonomes and hinomoris live in a very cough tense situation. shiho is like 10x more distrustful than in canon because of the childhood friends thing. also shizuku and ena...uh we dont talk about them
-tsUKASA TENMA. probably a little less loud than in canon and is a lot more serious. still aiming to be a star. is overbearing and worries over saki a lot (much to her dismay)
-tsukasa does the editing and occasionally the composing, shiho does the art(cause akito dont wanna you loser)and sometimes recreates the instrumental, akito does the lyrics (they all need equal amounts of saving this is not gonna be a mafuyu-akito focus)
kanade - tsukasa -> "so loud...so serious?", "hospital encounter" (yk 💀), "prioritizing your health over mine" (please take care of yourself tsucaca and kanade)
shiho - akito -> "distant feelings", "i dont have any siblings" (lying), "dreams long extinguished" (auououuuauu)
tsukasa - shiho -> "my sisters old friend?", "not knowing you felt this way", "aiming for rekindled friendships"
akito - kanade -> "inside, outside", "heat haze rescue!" (reference to my imagined event of when kanade gets heatstroke and the rest of mds has to take care of her), "to relive past memories"
kanade - shiho -> "instrument pros", "family predicament", "burning resolve" (anon try not to bully kanade challenge impossible)
tsukasa - akito -> "orange hair 'buddies'", "troublemaking senior", "the real me?" (koughsghshhgggh)
dONE WITH THE LORE WOOHOO. SEKAIPOSTING NEXT AND PLAYLISTS AFTER...MAYBE SOME MORE CROSS-UNIT TRUST RANKS...also to anyone who reblogs in the tags i see them and you guys are literally the best
have a great day mod 👍 see you next time!!
🌐 anon
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chronicpainhaver · 1 year
i want to kill myself!!!!!
the county keeps asking me to turn in information i have already provided them with! i cant fucking afford food bc my ebt got fucking turned off because theyre so fucking stupid they apparently cant see the specifically labeled documents i uploaded at THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR
got denied for the apartment because we dont make 2.5x the rent
impossible to find literally anywhere in LA we could afford. I'm trying so fucking hard I've applied for low income raffles ive reached out to trans specific resources ive called so many ppl and done so many things i am trying so fucking hard
i dont want to be homeless anymore! i dont want to be in constant pain! i had to go to the other side if town to pick up mail from my ex and stop for stuff and spent too much money and my hip is just completely going out i cant even go down stairs anymore i think im really going to have to get a cane but i cant really afford it i cant afford anything im in thousands of dollars of debt and i dont feel like i have any fucking future
i am so tired i am so tired "this is temporary" yeah! and so is stability! no matter how hard i try i just end up right back here! taking up space on someones couch! im grateful not to be in a shelter or on the streets but this is where i started! this is where my entire life started! im so tired! ive never had a chance! i want to work but my body is quite literally deteriorating and i cant! but nobody will help me get the support i need! people try but there is nothing! im not a youth and im not a senior and im not a veteran so there is just fucking nothing for me! no help! im a lost cause! my existence is pointless and futile! i am just so tired and i am in so much pain and i dont want to do this anymore! i dont know how much longer i can do this! im trying but im almost completely out of fuel i have no energy i have no hope i have no future and i just want to be done!
dying would cause problems and grief though so i have to keep going but i really dont think i have it left in me i really dont think i can keep doing this
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samwritesforyou · 4 years
can the sinner get a happy ending?
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Fandom: Code Geass
Summary: nunnally decides to clear lelouch’s name and lelouch - conveniently - around that time decides to visit his sister in disguise, because he just misses her so much. but what happens when he learns that people for some reason can’t remember him as a bloody emperor?
A/N: this fic is turning out to be longer than 15k already, so i will post only one part here, as of.. a “prologue”, or just a feel for you to what this story might bring with it. the rest i will upload on ao3! im really proud of this work :D enjoy!
also... im finally coming back to my favourite formatting of this “description” part for the fics, finally :D its been a mess last four fics, sorry! also sorry to everyone who doest follow me for code geass content, i will write different things too, dont worry!
Warnings: mention of a panic attack, no serious proof-reading
Wordcount: 4k (Prologue)
“Nunnally, I do not agree with this,” Suzaku said firmly, looking the empress straight in the eye, brows furrowed together.
“Suzaku-kun, I understand why you’re upset, but this will not harm the people in any capacity. I do this for my brother,” she stated just as strongly, not daring to shift her gaze elsewhere from his emerald pearls.
“But that doesn’t matter, using this power is just wrong!” he was almost yelling now, clutching his hand in the fist.
Whenever someone was talking about geass or even thought about using it, he always had severe reaction to that topic, probably due to all the trauma and suffering that it caused.
Kururugi has never had a fight with Nunnally yet, they had a calm relationship full of mutual love and trust. Despite her being Lelouch’s sister, she was never like him in any sense. And Suzaku feared the day once he’ll start to see the similarities. Despite loving his friend beyond any measure, his actions and thinking was oftentimes just.. extreme, to say the least. Extreme and dangerous, he was never supposed to gain the power he got ahold of. That’s what was going through Japanese’s mind as they were arguing with Nunnally.
She looked at him wide eyed and he could almost be able to see how the wall of trust they’d built together cracked ever so lightly, as the young empress lowered her gaze and sighed.
“Zero, this is an order. Tell Lloyd to have it ready by tomorrow,” there was such unfamiliar coldness in her tone that it made Suzaku stop in his tracks as she turned around in the wheelchair and started to drive away from him.
It was unfamiliar from her, yet.. so familiar from Lelouch.
There was hardly a day when he didn’t think of him. Either cursing him or praying to him to come back.
He didn’t wear a mask right now, because they were talking in the empress’ private rooms where no servants had access to, so he could be himself around here, yet.. yet she addressed him as Zero.
Suzaku’s green eyes shifted slowly, now looking at his feet.
He was clothed in the purple costume with gold lines, purple gloves and a white puff scarf tucked into the shirt. He hated it. He hated all of it. Every single fibre. 
He fell to his knees, breath catching in his throat and he felt the familiar dizziness coming into motion.
He was having a panic attack.
It wasn’t anything new to him and Suzaku found out that the best way to fight it is to let it flow. Let it consume him and shiver uncontrollably, salty tears falling from his eyes onto the red carpet as he bowed his head to the floor.
He was alone possibly in the whole floor so there would be no one watching. No one acknowledging how much pain this human being has to endure, when his only wish is to die.. and when he can’t possibly even do that.
When he finally felt the convulsions stop and dizziness drifted away he sat up on the ground, lifting a hand to his face with a sigh that echoed through the richly decorated halls.
“What a fucking day,” man whispered to himself, slowly getting up and taking the mask of Zero, putting it on, feeling the material close surely around his head so no one could possible guess his true identity anymore.
The stare that nobody could see was deprived of any emotion. Now he was just a faceless person with a mission from the empress.
He went straight to Lloyd’s engineering wing, passing the painting of himself in the white suit as the pilot of the Lancelot, a piece of black cloth at the side of the golden frame, meaning that he’s still being mourned by the genius technician.
“Nunnally vi Britannia demands for the device to be ready by tomorrow,” he said sternly, never adjusting his cape as Lelouch always did - a waste of time and a touch that’s soaked with pretentiousness.
“Of course, Zero, your wish is my command! It’s almost ready anyways,” engineer answered, sitting alone by the table where he continued to work on some cables and connections to various pieces of metal.
He was offered to gain at least a dozen of good workers that could help him in his experiments but earl declined, saying that there’s nothing much to invent without his beautiful pilot and no grandiose war going on between Britannia and Japan anymore.
Suzaku just curtly nodded at that, staying watching him for a moment longer than necessary, just wishing he could reveal to him who he really is and that his pilot is still alive and well and could try some of his new knightmares if he ever makes some.
“Lloyd-san, it’s break time!” suddenly rung a high pitched voice through the empty working space as Cecile came closer to both of them with a little tray rattling with silverware and some food on the surface.
“Oh, Zero, I didn’t notice you come in,” she said sheepishly and smiled, pulling the tray towards him a little in an offering.
“Don’t you want to stay and have lunch with us?” she asked in her sweet voice, the one she uses when she wants to make the good impression, but Suzaku just sighed.
These two were the only people who didn’t really judge him. Even when they didn’t know his true identity, it almost seemed like they were friends like they were before. He liked spending time here, but possibly couldn’t keep them company in eating, since.. he couldn’t really take off his helmet.
“Cecile-san, you know that I mustn’t reveal my identity, hence I can’t keep you company at lunch. Only if I sat by the table without taking a single bite,” he said, a soft smile finally breaking to his lips, making the corners of his mouth go up just a little bit.
“Oh!” she exclaimed, finally realising why this offer wouldn’t work out, but then she said “oh” again and quickly made a beeline towards the main doors, locking them.
“But what if! I locked the main entrance so nobody could come in while we’re eating,” she started enthusiastically and then made another small run towards the light switch, looking with hope at her boss and then the masked man, “and we would also eat in pitch darkness, so you could finally enjoy something with acquaintances, like a normal person?” she smiled and then blinked comically, correcting herself and laughing nervously, “I’m not saying that you’re not normal, of course, I’m just. I realise that it must be hard to be wearing a mask all the time, mustn’t it?” she finished carefully, biting her lower lip.
“Cecile-kun, you’re making Zero intrigued, I think!” Lloyd barked a loud laugh, looking over at his ex-subordinate, “What do you say, Zero? I promise you no peeking!” he teased and got closer to him, wiggling his brows.
Suzaku couldn’t help himself but felt his smile growing wider at that suggestion. There really was no risk, right?
Did Cecile want to try it for a while now? Because it seems like a thought of plan, after all.
*If I keep shielding myself from others I might as well go insane sooner or later.. What’s the harm in one, pitch black lunch, right?..*
Suzaku thought to himself and then nodded.
“Okay, why not?” he said, making Cecile excitedly jump in the air and Lloyd lean deeper into his chair with a pleased hum.
“Alright! On the count of three I’ll turn off the lights and then.. hopefully make it to you guys without any problem!” she explained and on the count of three she really turned off the lights.
Suzaku wasn’t rushing in taking off his helmet, at first waiting for Cecile to make it safely to their little table. It.. was really dark. 
“Cecile-san, please be careful,” he said, now being kind of nervous for his friend.
“I’m okayyy!” in the end of the sentence she yelped, because her outstretched arm collided with Zero’s mask, making a low thud, “I.. suppose I made it to the table, right?” she laughed and Suzaku gave out a chuckle as well, carefully putting her hand aside, so she could find the chair to sit on in this ridiculous darkness.
“Okay, so.. I’ll just warn you that I won’t be speaking while we’re eating, because I have a voice modifier inside that distorts my original voice,” Kururugi explained carefully, waiting for their reactions.
“Ahhh, so you can’t be tracked even by voice recognition, that’s very smart!” mused Lloyd, already, what it seemed, with a mouthful of food, “Or you’re someone who we know, so you don’t want to be recognised! But that’s less probable than the first point,” he concluded to himself, now apparently drinking something.
“I won’t comment on that, Lloyd-san,” Suzaku said and then sighed, “Itadakimasu.”
And with that, the only sound in the room despite the munching on the food was the noise of Zero’s mask unzipping and being put near him on the ground.
Japanese inhaled sharply, filling his chest with some fresh air, even though they were inside.
He finally scratched his nose and then rubbed his eyes, using all of the time he has without a mask. Being without it in public was a really rare occasion, so he felt ecstatic, thinking that.. maybe one day his life might get better.
Once he took a big bite of some veggie balls that were on the plate in front of him, he already wanted to say how delicious it is, especially compared to first things she ever cooked for them, but then stopped himself, instead just gulping down the food.
He noticed that the other two were silent as well, probably honouring the fact that one of this trio cannot talk. How nice of them, truly.
During the whole process he was careful of sounds to be able to in time put a mask back on if needed, but nothing really happened. He only heard some clicking, as if someone was taking glasses on and off two times, but other than that, nothing. It was probably Lloyd messing around anyways.
He sighed with relief when he finished, reluctant to put the mask back on. Despite of being in the dark for so long, his eyes didn’t adjust and he still couldn’t see anything, probably because the place was really devoid of all light at the moment.
Then he shook his head to himself, thinking that revealing his identity would be too risky at the current situation, so he put the mack back on, making a clicking sound in the dark.
“I’ll turn the light back on,” Suzaku said and luckily didn’t collide with anything on his way there.
Once the light was back on, the trio grunted in unison, their eyes certainly not being able to absorb this all at once.
He didn’t sit back down to the portable table but just stood next to it, looking at Cecile.
“Thank you for the meal, it was very delicious,” he said, smiling at her.
“I’m glad it was,” when she lifted her dark blue eyes at him, it looked like she’s been crying, so he got instantly worried.
“Are you okay?!” he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“I am, thank you, it’s just the sudden light,” she laughed weakly in response, placing her gentle palm on top of his hand, squeezing a little.
Suzaku then pulled away and nodded, still with a warm aftertaste of being treated like an actual friend or an acquaintance.
“I’ll get going then. See you tomorrow, Lloyd-san,” Zero turned away on his heels and made his way from the engineering lab.
“Cecile-kun, the tears weren’t from the lighting, were they?” once they were alone, Lloyd looked at her with a pleased grin, swiftly putting his hand into her pocket and taking night vision glasses out of there, waving them in the air in front of her, “Who is he?”
“I’m sorry, Lloyd-san, but I’m afraid I can’t tell you,” she said with a warm smile, a single tear falling down her cheek, “but he is a good person. We can definitely trust him.”
Life went at significantly slower pace in the countryside than in the city. Nobody was busy.. there actually was *nobody*. Only him and C.C.
The perfect solitude life for two sinners who wanted to make their wishes come true.
Lelouch was just in the middle of harvesting some plants from their little farm, taking breaks every so often because his physique didn’t improve even in conditions like this.
The strew hat oh his head protected him from the angry sun that was shining though the eternity of summer in these lands.
“C.C., can you please get me a container for these? I think it’s better to grow them inside, they’re dying out there on all this heat,” ex-emperor barged into their house with two plants in his hands, taken out of the ground with the roots, waiting for help from the green haired companion he had by his side.
“Uh-huh, sure,” she put away the knitting equipment and lowered her bare legs from the table she was resting on, getting up to her feet, making a beeline for the back room, where the junk of all sorts was stored. For situations like this.
She looked around the whole room, noticing old Zero suit just hanging by the wall, some markers and scissors peeking out of the pockets. She sighed and lowered her olive eyes, finally finding what her partner has asked her for.
With two brown-ish pots in hands she went back and put them on the floor in from of the skinny man, returning to the back room once again to get some fresh soil for the poor plants.
Then she came back for the second time, plopping next to the bag with terra, tearing it open and pouring the soil into the pots.
Lelouch was looking at her this whole time, as if exploring every millimetre of her pale skin. He did it often now. Paying more attention to the details and that made him even the better deduction master than he’s been before.
Sherlock Holmes was onto something, truly.
He could now finally put the plants into their new home now, patting the ground with his elegant fingers, making sure they’re steady in it. 
Then he placed them next to the dining table and wanted to go out again.
“Lelouch,” simply said C.C., taking her knitting needles in hands alongside the purple yarn which for the most part was being dragged behind her as she followed him outside.
“Hm?” was the only answer she got, as Lelouch continued taking care of the garden, completely immersed in the activity.
Or maybe his mind was thousand miles away..
“I miss you,” she stated, still knitting, kind of furiously, even though her face was unchanging.
“What? I’m right here,” he chuckled, his hands firmly in the ground, making sure that the plants have enough space to grow and expand.
“No. The old you, the one who was always in motion, who didn’t let life stop him, the one who made me feel like life is a game worth winning,” she said, her hands slowing down in the tempo of her activity, “I feel like you’re losing yourself too.”
He didn’t say anything for a long moment after that, working like some gardener, brows furrowed together.
“But we won, C.C. This might not be the life that you nor I want to live, but that’s a small price to pay for the world to stay in peace, don’t you think?” he finally met her eyes, lifting his amethysts from the greenery.
“What about Nunnally? Don’t you wanna see her?” there was no hesitation in her voice as the man got up from his knees and pointed a finger at her in a warning manner.
“I told you to never say her name aloud..” he whispered, no signs of anger on his face, only sadness pooling in his dark, beautiful eyes.
“So you just want to forget her? Or what? What’s your plan?” she stood on her tiptoes now to get closer to his face, talking in the same semi-whispering way, not willing to step down.
This kind of rivalry was the thing that kept these two going in the most dire times when they just wanted to fuck it all and return to the old swing of things.
“I have no plan,” said Lelouch so closely to her lips that at some point of his phrase they touched and he then pulled away, making his way back to the house.
“Hm. What a sore loser,” she mused with a smile on her face, following him and plopping herself on the couch, knitting away.
For the rest of the day they didn’t exchange a single word.
Suzaku was dreading today. The day started already badly from the beginning. 
He woke up with a headache and outside was pouring rain, attacking large windows in his private rooms, sound echoing through the space that lacked furniture.
Despite having amazing athletic skills, the curly haired boy was still very skinny for his height and his depression often made him feel like he doesn’t even need or deserve to eat anything.
He sat on the bed, white shirt loose on his shoulders, shuddering to himself.
It was so dark. And lonely. Everyday was the same. Lonely, lonely, lonely. Alone. Echo drifting through the void of his existence, springing off the rich, gold decorated walls which mean absolutely nothing to him.
He hated to reside in the royal palace but he would hate even more to be somewhere alone.
Here he at least has Nunnally... someone who knows completely and unconditionally who he is.
His first plan of action each morning is to wake her up, let her dress and then go together to the dining hall and have breakfast. Only after that they would proceed to go on official side of the business.
When he came to her room and saw an empty bed his heart sunk uncomfortably fast and Kururugi rushed to it, seeing a note neatly folded on the sheets.
*I’m sorry I didn’t tell you beforehand, but I will be in my office earlier today. Have something to eat and then bring me the finalised Product. We’ll hold the ceremony in the evening.” 
It said and he slowly slid his fingers over the letters, face growing grim. 
The product.. she meant the geass button. His stomach curled up and he started to feel nauseous.
If any doctor would see Suzaku right now, they would probably tell him to take a vacation at least for a month and rest for the eternity of it.
There was no professional to stop him, though, so he just stepped hard on all of his emotions, knitting his brows together, putting the Zero mask on.
He marched from the private empress wing and saw quite a lot of commotion, probably because of the speech that Nunally will be giving later.
A lot of people started coming up to him, saying “Zero please do this and that” and Kururugi just waved them all away, for once without any capacity left to feel guilty that he can’t help with preparations.
Soon enough young man found himself in the technician part of the palace where everything was more silent. Way easier to bear the silence here than in his room, he noticed.
“Ah, Zero, welcome!” mused Lloyd, greeting his with open arms, “Everything is ready! Still don’t understand why would the empress need such a device that never brought nothing good but I guess it is not my business to ask, am I right?” he smirked and looked at the masked person, hands on hips.
“It indeed isn’t,” said Suzaku in the low tone, just being fed up with this day. He’d much rather take off his mask and tell the whole world that his death was a lie instead of even touching the device that can inflict such a power. Power that he despises.
But he can’t do that. He can’t do that because he is a slave. He always will be. Lelouch was right. He just lets people to spit on him over and over, in the end not changing a single thing in the grand scheme of things.
Suzaku wasn’t the greatest politician, despite his dad rooting heavily in politics, and so japanese were actually still being oppressed. He just didn’t know how to solve it. He wasn’t as great of a leader as Lelouch was, as the real Zero was. 
He’s just a mere replacement that can’t even do his job right. 
So he will take the geass button that Nunnally requested from his friend that doesn’t even know who he is, he will ignore Cecile-san as she comes in just seconds before he leaves and waves enthusiastically at him, he will continue in his heavy steps all the way to the palace, he will shrug off every single interviewer that wants to have a discussion with Zero, leader of a nation, he will knock on empress’ office where she is ready for the speech to give to the whole population. And he will bow down before her, getting on one knee, giving her the power he hates. She will just curtly nod at him and then put the device carefully in her lap, just out of reach of the camera. He will stand beside her as Zero, and there will be silence before the broadcast.
He is just a servant. Merely that.
“Nunnally,” he said, devoid of any emotion left, “you still won’t tell me which order are you going to give?” he was looking straight into the tv screen in front of them, as the countdown showed still two minutes left before the beginning of the stream.
“No,” she said seriously, looking at the same direction, tensing up.
“So it will work on me and I won’t even know, huh,” his tone was now softer and quieter, accepting the fact that his most loved person alive is essentially doing what he hated the most.
“No. I got that checked up, Suzaku,” in her voice could be heard a small smile, probably a sad one, as she continued “Apparently the order that my brother gave you was so powerful that you’re immune to any different type of geass,” she said with a deep sigh, “so you’ll hear it and won’t be affected. I wanted it to be a surprise.”
He couldn’t answer her anything on that because the timer was already up and the political duo went live to the millions of people that were watching, all around the globe.
The topic of the speech was supposed to be about more liberation rights for Japan, so that created a lot of so-called “hype” amongst the citizens, britannians as well as japanese. The maximum amount of people were watching and they will all obey the empress. That was the plan.
“Nunnally vi Britannia commands you,” with hearing these words Suzaku got goosebumps, his hands squeezing the handles of her wheelchair as much as he could to prevent himself from doing anything that he might regret later, “please, everyone who is watching this or hearing this, forget about the fact that the 99th Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire was Lelouch vi Britannia. From now on, you will all remember him as just a person without a face, someone who wanted to rule the entire world, but it wasn’t him. It wasn’t Lelouch,” she said, after pressing the button.
Even a normal person could feel a literal surge of some energy coming out of the room they were in and Suzaku widened his eyes as he heard the order.
His mouth hung open as he was trying to make sense of what she just said.
Nunnally cleared Lelouch’s name. 
Nunnally... cleared Lelouch’s name. 
Kururugi couldn’t focus on anything that the empress proceeded to talk about after that, staring blankly at the wall and for the first time he was genuinely glad that he was wearing a mask, so that nobody could see his shocked expression.
A/N: this fic can be now found on ao3! i wont be updating it here on tumblr because that would be just too many chapters and that's just... too much work fdsjfjsf
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p1nkwitch · 3 years
I have plenty of questions about your fanfics I don't even know when to start. Can I just name every one of them and send you star with it?
But please tell me something interesting funfact behind Heart Machinations? Also were you at some point considering bad/different ending?
i think i would never finish writing if you did send me all of them even with the star, i ramble a lot and go on tangents, but if you send them like 3 fics per day i can make it i promise.
Ok to start! Nope! This was the story where i literally envisioned the ending first and had to go backwards to write it. The ending was solid.
But for fun facts!! Oh boy.
This entire story begun with the idea of a one shot, with a slight different plot, it would have ended with Peter as an old man uploading his mind like he promised Elias in the fic and coming back as an Ai, to stay with Elias for as long as they could. I ended up switching things arounf in my head until i ended up with the image.
The thing that started this entire fic.
Peter floating in space with Elias declaring his love.
I was forced by the entire story to find ways to keep them from confessing earlier than intended. God did i regret having to put it so later, because the mental flips i needed to justify them not realizing, were driving me up to a wall.
Another thing that i was not aiming for, but ended up liking was the TimPeter, i didnt aim for it to be a plot point, i didnt even ship them, but i wrote them so well i actually hesitated. Not to the Elias romance with Peter that was a given, but i hesitated to actually make a policule out of everyone.
In the end i decided to go for my original plan, but it had been a posibility.
Most of the relationships surged as the soty progressed, because i realized if it was only them it would get boring so i started to shuffle characters and relationships and it worked far better than i intended.
Now the other interesting tidbit.
Was that originally i was intending for Elias to be the actual big bad, a la Glados in portal. Elias tricks Tim and Peter into thinking Jon went rouge and he got Leitner killed so Peter connects him, Elias pretends things are normal but sends him off to rrepair something outside, once Peter is safe he uses the gas to kill everyone who is not going to be sent to do experiments in the hidden labs.
Martin opens the door for Peter makes him help by trying Elias like the original one did to get himshut down. He realizes and hurt tries to attack him, Martin uses the portal door and Peter still tries to hold unto Elias, but they ended up slipping and going into space.
The Simon plot point was always going to be there, same as the oxygen and confession.They apologize and everything.
In fact Peter was never supposed to realize Elias was killing people until he takes over. I realized it would be impossible to keep him in the dark for so long along with the not confessing so i had to give one up for the story and i was set on my ways.
The more i developed them, the more i started to change the plot to fit better with the new narrative wanting it to be more satisfiying.
Something else that i changed in the story, was that after Leitner dies, Gertrude was supposed to come to check the station, Elias sees her and gets her killed. It did not pan out of course, because i considered it would be too out of nowhere.
When i realize the story was sort of getting shifted i went with the idea to switch the notSasha on its head. Which created lovely Pasha!! Whom i love a lot.
Another thing that i had to develop because i grew very fond of it were Missy and Titania. Particularly Missy, since Titania was a stand in for the vast in some ways. Missy was needed to provide Peter some form of love, since yes, i made the Lukas terrible people, but a child still needs some love to grow and i wanted someone to help with that since Simon couldnt. I love her a lot and honestly wish i could use her in more stories because she is a great character. I know people dont really are in it for the original characters but she is dear to me.
The honest to god most fun i had during the story was writting the chats between the characters and the moments where Elias and Peter where being horny for each other. Peter freaking out silently about the things Elias said, while Elias was being the most horny creature in the station was delightful.
My favourite parts were also writing Elias realizing that he ruined Peter, that he had caused his misery, i wish i could have gone harder on those. Because they are a great part of his motivations. He starst not caring but the more he falls in love, the more he realizes how much of a horrible person he is and how much he is hurting Peter. I love that, i put it before but i like making characters go though bad stuff to get them to the good, to get that catharsis after all the bad.
I wanted to do a bonus. Where Peter does go to Simon’s funeral and everyone has to sit there while Android Simon was just chilling giving his own eulogy.
One thing i sort of chikened out of, but left crumbs around was the plot point that ogElias and Micheal Shelley were dating. Thats why Elias had the picture and writings about him. They split due to Gertrude and Elias defending JON4H. Its why Elias could keep Helen so easily to raise her. She calls him uncle, because they had broken up and he felt he didnt deserve to take that from Micheal.
Currently they made up and since Elias was single they are patching things up, Helen was thrilled.
This is also the story where the cats appear. And im so glad for it.
Captain was an idea based on the au of another fic i love Timeline of Theseus, i just pictured Peter getting the cat and voila. (No, there is no cat in there, but it would had been so funny) They were foils, Elias has a lonely cat and Peter a beholding one. They fall in love. I like that.
Thats all i can remember now. Nikola was always also a plot point, i mean who else would make androids but the puppet herself! Since ideally i intended for Elias to get a body, it was supposed to happen.
I went off, but i really did have a lot of ideas and scrapped ones that i figured no one would see. Im happy i could just leave them out to the world!!
So yes ask away, but as you can see, i sort of go off. Thanks for asking!!!! I hope its what you wanted. Sorry if it goes all over the place.
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rootiebaga · 4 years
im also sorry for uploading this twice-
sorry for not doing much
B U T- i have ideas for abnormality ocs, these are mostly related to nursery rhymes and stories i remember,
these might not be original ideas so,, bear with me
(tiny tw for: murder, death, comas and mass disappearances,)
just a reminder i dont know what these guys risk classes would be, so bear with me on this one
so lets start off with the story one, more specifically, the pied piper
so i read an article of its disturbing truth and its said that the piper is the personification of death, you know what that means?
i make the piper a gentleman with a wife and 2 sons who are twins (isabel and gregory, see? their important) named mori (”i apologize to my sons that i couldn’t control myself, i hope you two are doing well,”)
mori’s life before his death basically played out like the pied piper, but it took a much different turn
he decided to put the rats who were infesting the town into an abandoned clock tower, before they all starved and died, some of the rats, with all the strength they had left, formed 2 rat kings that were both merged together, (fun fact: this is another abnormality i thought of thats well- a clock filled with undead and decomposing mice, you probably know where im going with this)
what happened to the children? (except for his two sons) he murdered them and he went insane and murdered himself aswell, the police found the children and also his body many months later, and he moves on as a restless spirit, if any children have been bad a snake-like spirit with an angler fish’s face will rise up from their bodies, these guys dont do much harm, (theres a 30% chance that a plague (i thought inner demon was kinda cliche so uh) will rise from an employee’s body after they were killed) (tiny little thing i wanna add but i may not, if there are 5 plagues then they’ll merge with mori, making him even more dangerous) (also off topic to the story but mori himself wasn’t diagnosed with anything before he died, he didn’t have any mental trauma, in fact, he was generally a nice person to talk to, but rumour has it the flute might’ve caused this murders to happen)
he was basically locked in the cabin for well- months, until someone (isabel who was training to be a flute player) played the song his father usually plays on his flute every new year
that was.. a bit dark, holy shit-
heres the next one for this post
you know the nursery rhyme hey diddle diddle?
well i thought of 4 different abnormalities for this one, that usually switch randomly from one abnormality to another every day, reset, or if you had them first in one of the departments, every memory repository
the least harmful (dammit, accidentally put harmless instead of harmful) one is the laughing dog (”with every cry the spirit made, the kingdom’s castle broke more and more, until the residents of the kingdom disappeared, even himself.”)
basically its a regular pet dog but its in a jester outfit like its halloween or something, the dog was said to be a reincarnation of a medieval jester
basically, kinda like crumbling armour except with attachment, if you do attatchment, you’ll get a gift that gives you more work success
but, dont get your hopes up! if you do attachment too much the person with the gift will laugh until they cant breathe and eventually die (hi yes i didn’t notice that library of ruina has a jester related abnormality, im not kidding. i really didn’t know that it already existed)
the next one is moon jumper (”who knew the moon orbiting the earth would also have something orbiting it? it would seem pretty crazy to believe!”)
this guy is an astronaut with cow horns that hasn’t succumbed to space even though the glass thats protecting their face from space, has cracked a little, they were found circling the moon for some reason and even trying to jump over it
when they breach, they do it passively, usually, everywhere they go theres an effect that causes the room to have the gravity of the moon, meaning abnormalities (even himself) including employees go very slow (heres a thing i added, sometimes an employee may float upwards, they will soon fall down. the fall causes red damage, because you know- they fell-)
moon jumper can be very helpful when suppressing abnormalities due to this power, and after a few minutes he will slowly walk back to his containment
the next one is the cat’s fiddle (”people have thought the instrument was a curse made for the person wielding it,”) a lady with cat eyes, if you zoom in you can hear the sound of someone playing the fiddle. theres a new special work for this abnormality called “trade” for if the person wants to trade their weapon for the fiddle for a while, if you forget to bring it back by the end of the day, dont worry as the weapon that was traded for the fiddle will return back to the employee the next day, if the person wielding the fiddle ever goes insane, they’re eyes will become cat-like (mostly like the woman’s) and they’ll begin slicing the throats of people.
and the last one from the hey diddle diddle gang is the dish that ran with the spoon, (”wake up! please! its not over yet..”) it is a widower who sees illusions of his wife and the wedding disaster, he usually thinks his wife is still breathing. what this wedding disaster means is unknown.
when he breaches his illusion (aka his wife) will appear from another department, on top of a random department’s room will be a wedding ring, they are harmless at first, but if they finally see each other, and the wedding starts, the wedding will abruptly end with the wife’s neck bleeding, her falling onto the floor and fading out of existence, and the widower quickly snapped back to real life, with the realization that his wife is long gone, madness takes over him and he starts to attack the guests that partook in the wedding
next one! its another nursery rhyme related abnormality,
old man coma! (”whatever they said, whatever they tried to do, they couldn’t save him from eternal rest, I already took his last moments away.”)
basically its an old man, who appears to be sleeping in a bed.
his qliphoth counter is at 2, when its at 1, (either bad result, prudence level 3 and lower or repression work, it’ll also go down if the person was damaged by white damage in any way the day they’re working on old man coma) the containment will start to glitch a bit, likes its slipping back into reality, when its at 0, a flat-line can be heard, the containment will change again and the old man will now be lying in a hospital bed thats right next to a heart monitor,
the actual abnormality is his condition, which takes the form of a shadow with bleeding eyes, although its sort of calm, its violent to those who had previous head injuries, (example: hitting your head on things) since head injuries remind it of the old man
when it escapes from the containment it will search for employees with prudence 3 or lower, after it finds one it will soon go into the employee’s brain and make them pass out by just bumping either an employee or an abnormality, they will stay passed out till the end of the day, they will only go for one person, then they’ll be back in containment, but that doesn’t mean the employee will still live! at the next day the employee will be missing, and a notification will pop up that the employee is dead.
i keep getting alot of ideas so heres the final one: missing persons busride! (its based off of glitch in the matrix stuff,) (”so.. this is the thing that caused the mass disappearances?”)
this is a tool abnormality i thought of. like the name says its a bus with grayscale colors,  when an employee gets onto the bus (aka uses it) it’ll drive to a portal and come back. there is a chance that the employee will get a work speed boost, but theres also a chance that the person will go missing, you’ll know this if the person comes back as a sorta visible glitchy shadow, there will be no notification specifying the person’s death, and if they are gone, they are gone forever, even if you try to reset or memory repository, they will still be gone. you will have to create the employee again if you want them back.
so thats all for now! i hope that this is alright,
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slicksquid · 4 years
hey i hope this isnt too random but i was wondering!! how do you get ur clips from splatoon onto your computer? i wanna make a video of my own stuff but im not sure how to do that aside from like, the upload to twitter thing ;;; also i loved ur recent blaster clips video, it was super cool!!
hi!! it’s not random don’t worry about it!! 
so the way to get clips from your switch onto your computer is through a micro sd card, so first step is to get one of those. Depending on the size you want i don’t think they're too outrageously priced or anything. if you're only gonna use a micro sd card for screenshots and videos you probably dont need a bigger one, but you can use them if you run out of storage space for downloaded games so that’s cool. anyways once you have the micro sd card, you yeet it into the slot which is behind the kickstand (but also make sure your switch is shut down before and after you take it out because apparently not doing that can cause issues??). then go to data management in the settings, to manage screenshots and videos, and then you can copy stuff from your system memory to screenshots and videos. I believe you can also make everything new you save save to your micro sd card too. so then you take the card out, and yeet it into your computer (you might need to buy an adapter or something for that; i’m not sure most computers have built in micro sd card slots), and then find the folder it’ll give you which should just be called “Nintendo” and then you can find your album and copy your stuff to your computer
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dtohl · 5 years
Quakecon vid notes
This got a lil messy cause they reuploaded and cut the video and I'm too tired to retroactively fix things as the video is no longer two and a half hours long so y'all can just watch the 37 minute video if you really want to
I'm not sure if I can make a spoiler cut on mobile so uhhjhh,,,,, long post here we go!
Actual start of presentation 24:30
E3 nuclear winter recap 26:25
NW future plans 35:55
- new map Morgantown
- grafton monster
- larger map?
Vault Raids 37:40
- first one is vault 94
- rewards
-- "some of it might actually help you hide a little bit"
- should be coming out in the next few weeks
- designed for 4 players
- can use less players if wanted
- 3 difficulty levels
- novice is easier but still hard
- next two levels add a timer
- "its very puzzle based"
- can farm legendaries in the vault
- both mid vault and end rewards
- if you get mid reward and die you keep it
- end reward is mossy/fern-covered armor and power armor
(one piece per run?)
- set bonus
- armor is usable in nw
- second vault raid comes out in the "not too distant future"
WASTELANDERS recap 41:00
(overseer sounds,,, tired, let her rest please)
(bow <3)
(panning for gold)
(space station base has captured my heart tbh)
Wastelanders new info 42:00
- settlers and raiders factions
- all throughout the map
- new random encounters
- new points of interest
- tavern with npc bartenders
- can run into hostile raiders
- mothman cult npcs!
- factions arent just good/evil but rather shades of grey
- settlers might have dome shady shit going on too
- reputation system!?
- can play both factions owo
- double crossing uwu
Dialogue trees 47:30
(Gonna scream, they re-uploaded the video after editing breaks out, so uh, my timestamps are wrong now, might fix em in post who knows. Going forwards gonna use the new timestamps tho.)
Some character concept designs at 21:25
I love the lady at 21:44
Dialogue trees 22:50
- affected by your S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s
- diff levels of diff S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s will give you more or different dialogue options
-diff chars will have diff options available to choose
- some choices will appear depending on your reputation with diff factions
- not the fallout 4 dialogue system
- more like fallout 3 dialogue system
- list based (like this poorly formatted mess ur reading)
- "this is just the begining of that, these are the tools we're building to create all future content as well"
- still working on the mechanics
- can bring back to your C.A.M.P.
- they take you on certain quests
- "can do things with them that are very specialized"
(What does that mean holy shit do we,,, uhhh nvm)
- mainly going to stay in your C.A.M.P.
- only join for very specific quests
-- will help/hinder/surprise you with things
- can definitely romance them
- go up and down in favor with them
Other wastelanders stuff 25:36
- 25:52 some weapon concept art
- new gauss weapons
- 25:56 oh god the centaur thing is a wendigo collossus
(However you spell it,,,)
- 26:05 more plasma weapons
-- including the return of the plasma caster
- 26:12 oh no floaters from fallout 1
- 26:35 confirmed bows
- more stealth/hunter perks to support the bows <3
(Skyrim stealth archer build here we go again)
(Im genuinely smiling about this shit y'all )
- maybe dynamite arrows
Wastelanders currently targeting November for release
28:15 changes to the event system
- fast travel to events will be free
- active events will be very visable in the UI
- making the rewards more reliable/predictable
- can see event times/rewards from map
- seperate public events from regular events
Nuclear winter change 29:23
- perk choosing
-- if you get a duplicate perk card in NW you instead get a ticket to buy perks with
More wastelanders 30:07
- some level normalization stuff
(I dont get it too much but ehh)
- this might change
- approx every 50 levels you can "choose a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. to get legendary in and then within that S.P.E.C.I.A.L. you're gonna have an array of Perk Cards you can choose from just for that slot"
- can use these perks on new characters as well as the one that earned the perk
32:25 community questions
- they check the bethesda forums and the reddit for feedback
- working on a public test server or some other thing
- if they nerf something they're gonna try to buff something else
- looking at ways to increase the C.A.M.P. budget
(ran out of room on a single memo thingy)
- looking into private servers <3
-- "coming in the near future"
---"they're coming sooner than you think"
(They uhhh look like they're in trouble for saying ANYTHING about private servers)
(Started talking about faschnaught type events but the official vid got cut off here?)
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drimmolo · 6 years
Journal#1: What’s been happening until now and what’s hopefully gonna happen later
Alright so, I realize there’s been radio silence until now, I’m still getting used to uploading weekly updates on how my process has been going and need to realize that everything i do revolving this project is actually part of the process and not just ...well..drawings. I feel like I’m a little behind, but thinking about it rationally, it’s not that bad (i hope so anyway...have to make it):
September: I basically spent September just tinkering with the concept. I had been sitting on this idea of “a comic about me meeting Scheherazade” for almost three years, but I never really sat down and thought how to turn it into a full start to finish comic...so there were some holes here and there. More on that on another journal. Anyway, by the end of september I had a strong idea of what i wanted my comic to look like, and made some concept art and doodles.
October (right now): So when i first tried to draw the pages ..I got a horrible realization: am I representing the culture correctly? I realized all of a sudden that altough i knew what i wanted my comic to look like, I didn't know how the details had to look like. By “had to look like” i mean that...i mean I’m drawing a comic that’s tying to the Arabian nights am I not? I’m representing god knows how many shades of cultures..I can’t just come up with how Sheherezade looks like or how her clothes look like or show the creatures from the thousand and one nights look like...I had to do some research...I wanna do it properly. At first I tried to do just....you know...quickly search on google some images. But the more I scrolled down the more i felt like it was all from a western perspective....all the images i was looking at were illustrations from western illustrators. I then tried to scrap that and just look up...uh. old Arabian fashion? obviously i only got more unsatisfying results that looked more like outfit themes for tumblr girls. I was spending too much time trying to look for the right pictures....and i was getting frustrated cause I felt like i was cutting off my artistic creativity. I mean the comic might be about the arabian nights..but its taking place in my imaginary world...so my view of it is still important right? so from there I decided  the easiest way to avoid both putting a western perspective and putting in my personal interpretation: spending  A LOT OF TIME getting familiar with ancient eastern art and epic literature and from there get inspiration on how things look like. It took a lot of time and research, using museum archives and also borrowing some books from the library, but it paid off. Sheherezade’s clothes and design are much more representing of  her culture.
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So yeah..october was mostly researching. I’ll share more on that later on another journal with some screenshots. 
Small confession: technically speaking I could have still kept on drawing...but honestly I was experiencing what i suppose one could call cold feet. I was researching and at the same time hiding from actually starting to draw.  This has definitely set me back on the process, but it’s not all for naught, since now i have no doubts about any part of my comic. I still like the thumbnails that i uploaded at the very beginning, and therefore will change the look of them only as I go, instead of just wasting more time on planning instead of actually drawing. In the end of the day I just...gotta start drawing. Which I have, by the way, and luckily for me it’s the research has proven to be useful. I’m not wasting time thinking about designs or how to fill space because I drenched my artistic “mind” with persian and indian miniature art and jewellery books. I’m just ...drawing and thinking about eastern art. I’m not saying im drawing persian art ...but im getting inspired by eastern art instead of a western idea of persian art...which is good enough for me. 
so yeah...not all for naught. Still stressing...but at least im drawing and thats the most imporant part right?
What’s next: I have 12 pages that I have to finish before in around one month and a half, which is not impossible. What I have to think about is how much I want to do in these 12 pages. At first, I wanted to go hard and color plus shade and light, but I have to think realistically now. At the moment, I’m going to stick with that idea. However instead of completely finishing each page, i’ll finishing the inking of all the pages, and from there decide whether I’d rather, in case, either give up colors or light and shade. Reastically speaking, color might have to be the ones to get taken out, simply because they take more time. With light and shadows I can still give a very good feeling of the atmosphere, which can’t be said about colors. Losing colors is gonna take a lot away from the comic, but it won’t take away the most important things. I have done a test on how only light and shadows would look like, and the result is not bad.
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So basically, I have an emergency back up plan, in case I realize the time is short. 
Additional notes: A big part of what eats away the time I put in my comics is lettering. I don’t like writing the dialogue for my comics because it takes AGESS to get them to look right, but it’s my preferred option over having to type dialogue using fonts, because while i dont like writing dialogue...i absolutely ABHOR fonts. Luckily, during class we learned on how to make our own fonts and I think that could be a good solution. We also learned how to make speech bubbles on illustrator...but the process looked quite long and I feel drawing them ismuch  easier. Or at least it is for me, since I always draw speech bubbles first and then write in them the dialogue..which apparently according to my teacher is something not many people do. Personally i find it much easier...and taking into consideration how i wanna go about comic (with the whole inking and then maybe coloring and shading), i think being able to just add dialogue later with illustrator after already having the speech bubbles in the pages sounds easier than having to spend hours on lettering by hand. 
...phew that was a lot of typing. But that hopefully clears up everything that happened until now in regards to the process towards my comic. By the way, i can’t keep calling it simply “comic” can I? I need to start thinking about a name....
anyway more journals to come yaaay 
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bettys-babes · 7 years
Preference Idea: Breaking up :(
Characters: Archie Andrews and Jughead Jones
Written By: Violet
Song List: Coming soon..
Link to masterlist: Coming soon..
AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you for all of the support over the last few days. Its so nice to see my work get appreciated. Myself and the other girls who run the blog are so excited to continue uploading and producing new pieces for you. Dont be shy, send in a request! 
Also, im going to be trying out new ways of writing my preferences. Enjoy! :)
P.S- I was going to include Reggie, but i got carried away and decided to turn it into a longer one shot :)
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Archie: The last few months have been anything but easy. After Jason Blossom was killed, tensions in Riverdale were high. I had noticed that my boyfriend became distant and cold, it was difficult enough already being a junior in high school without all of the added mess. I’ve been waiting. Waiting for a sign to see that my relationship was going to survive. Archie just became increasingly absent. Day by day. 
So i’ve decided that for the sake of my own sanity and heartache, i needed to end the relationship before it ended me.
The football game was over. We had won by a mile, everyone had ear-to-ear smiles, laughter filled the air. For a moment i had forgotten how I felt. Empty.
My eyes glazeover the field and I see him, he was so happy. Full of life. And then we locked eyes. The expression changed almost instantly. The feeling of emptiness was mutual.
I slowly walk over to him, heart beating. I could hear the pounding.
“Hey.” Archie smiles, looking down at the ground.
“Got a minute?” I ask.
“Uh, well I was just about to..” his words stop.
He looks backup at me, making immediate eye contact.
“I have a feeling that you know what im going to say.” My words break the awkward stare.
“Yeah don’t go there.” He warns, suprising me.
“What do you mean don’t go there?” I ask, trying to avoid causing a scene.
He looks up at me, and moves me more to the side. He could see that the people looking at us was bothering me.
“I know things are a little strange right now y/n, but im doing what i need to do to protect you.” he finishes under his breath.
“Protect me from what?” I ask again, getting frustrated. 
 “I can’t say-” 
“Thats it.” I signal, my hands shaking.
“Don’t do this.” he pleads quietly.
“Bye Archie.” I mutter, tears rushing down my face.
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Jughead: “REALLY?” My voice booms down the hall attracting the attention of the nerd in the gang jacket.
He looks at me with a muted expression on his face. Typical Jughead.
“What the fuck are you thinking?” I hiss, slapping the back of his jacket.
“Cool it.” He warns.
“You promised me.You promised me that you would never go this low.” I spit.
Again, the expressionless face. We werethe only two kids in the trailer park who weren’t serpents. This lead to us falling madly in love for one another. He was my first. He was my everything. I can’t loose him.
“I didn’t say yes to them y/n, it was practically forced on me.”
Here come the excuses. The serpents hook you in with that family bullshit, Jughead was the perfect target for recruitment.
“I dont care. You shouldn’t have it on.” I scoff in response.
There was a moment of silence before the bombshell.
“You need to leave.” he speaks up, looking at me.
My heart dropped.
“You need to leave riverdale. Go to your moms.” 
My eyes are filling with tears, my vision blurred.
“GET OUT!” he screams, causing me to jump. 
Naturally I run out of the trailer, sobbing. 
As i run into the small bedroom in my trailer i get my rucksack and fill it with god knows what. I was a mess.
I smash my piggy bank, grabbing the loose change while trying to sling the backpack over my shouder. Was i actually taking his advice?
Now as I exit the trailer I see him again, sitting on his porch.
His beanie is gone, and the jacket is on. 
He is leaning back on the entrance to the trailer, cigarette smoke filling the nearby space.
Strutting past, i give him one last look.
“I did this because i love you.” He mentions before taking another hit.
That was the last time i would see Jughead Jones. Or so i thought...
240 notes · View notes
mischiefruled · 4 years
week #1 - organizing & outlining
So, just got through with my first week at uni. Only two lectures so far, both mostly full of introductions and occasional interruptions by a healthinspection team for corona. Honestly, didn’t learn anything I hadnt already in a levels, but thats ok. Introductory classes after all. I’m just hoping my one edge lasts when I’m in a class fullll of kids from families of law firms and politicians. 
Right now I have a few questions I need to answer.
What do I give priority to here at the start?
How should I divide my studies up? What types of notes should I make? How should I go about this?
What resources do I need to pick and look for?
What is the purpose of this blog?
I have a lot to improve on. But to look at each thing is so overwhelming that it leaves me in a state of paralyis. So for now, Im listing them out in order of importance to me
> Get my shit in order. Collect my books, get my new laptop, and set up a good study space
> Figure out my routine. I hate routine. But without any good transport methods it becomes necessary. Two issues with this, one that my mom is difficult and doesnt give me a lot of control on my own schedule. Second is that the library has the texts, but my home has the laptop. I suppose I’ll start taking my ext hard drive but it’ll still be a tad inconvenient
> Make friends and connections. I really need to set up a study system, I like stuydying with people. I also need people to fall back on in case I miss lectures and the like. As much as I hate interacting with people who I can’t be myself around, it will be a necessity. Tangentially related, I need to figure out how I want to appear to others + buy some new clothes for God’s sake.
> Learn TOUCH TYPING. This will be essential if our exams will be given online. Even now I’m typing with jsut two fingers. god. Need to get a speed of 80wpm by the end of this year. Please.
I’ve got 5 notebooks so far: class notes, personal notes, cases and summaries, general notebook? [not so sure about this one], and I plan on buying a binder with loose paper to organize final notes. Another thing I need to consider is using OneNote, but that’ll be easier when I finally get my own laptop.
I’ll divide by subject, subjects into chapters, then each chapter as a whole into different aspects to study with. 
Primary notes [study guide] + Extra material notes + core concepts and analysis. 
Furthermore, summarize each chapter in my own words in an essay form. A blog post from an old LLB UoL graduate recommedned something similar.
Finally, do the activities and tasks at the end of the module.
Now, further along the road, I should start looking up past papers and examiners reports. I should regularly consult my professors too, ask them on my methods and clear up any confusion I may have in my core concepts. Perhaps I’ll find a purpose for that general notebook after all in this regard lol
I dont quite know why I asked myself that on this blog post... I’m already looking through the study guide for stuff to refer to. Must remind myself to consult professors on what material is most necessary as well.
A few things come to mind. i want this blog to motivate me, first of all.
Collect tips, advice, and resources
Weekly summaries of what I’ve done and how uni went and general areas I need to improve upon
Perhaps I should upload chapter summary essays on here too. If I type out my notes on cases as well I will post them here.
Links and stuff I find interesting
Organize my reading list and how far I am with them. Include them in my weekly updates. Perhaps my weekly updates should also contain my goals for the week
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WELL now that ive managed to spell all that out for myself, I think ill just talk about other stuff now.
the teachers seem nice. the criminal law prof does sound a bit intimidating but the lsm professor was very lax, and the contract law prof was very helpful in explanations and i had a talk with him about materials.
i met three people in class so far, janita, sofia, and zainab. i will try talking to them more, but theyre all rather shy in my opinion. i met an IR student called nawal, she was very sweet and likes makeup and fashion. we talked enthusiastically within moments of meeting one another, i cant even remember how many topics we bounced back and forth between. very easy to talk to, and she doesnt have an instagram so.. well not to be superficial , but that does my raise my opinion of her.
thats all for the personal section
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get laptop 
make fee payment to uol
pester SWQ for study guide. i know he has some copies squirelled away i know it..!!!
ask about student gym + again pester SWQ abt the current library system cause.. wtf!
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In order of importance
LSM UoL study guide [5/7]
Criminal Law UoLstudy guide [3/15]
Public Law UoL study guide [0/20]
Contract Law UoL study guide [0/17]
Learning Legal Rules [0/12]
I made it through 5 chapters with notes within a week. Assuming I can up the pace to about 6, I can manage to get halfway through the rest of these study guides within 3 or 4 weeks.
 I only need to get halfway through, because I need to be slightly ahead of the class, not fully. Then I can focus on learning through textbooks, starting with LSM. It’s the most boring, so Id like it out of the way as soon as possible.
0 notes
thots4daze · 5 years
ohoh, it was animal physiology! and it was a lab actually. we played around with mice, it was cute! 🥰 i also made a friend, so that's something!🥺 oh wow, that's so cool! i always wanted pc that lights up like that! love the shiny😊 hmm, i'd say scrambled eggs or pancakes. i know those are more of a breakfast food, but i like them as dindin more! what about you?👀 -hungry teru anon
whatever idgaf that;s a lie i totally do ... 
ANIMAMMALS!? YOSHHHHHH SO CUUUTE~ they were living mice right? probsbly, most likely ... soz for any typs and me not going back to correct, my cat is sitting on my arms whoile im typing and i dont want him to moooove T^T
ooooh, so are you going to be a vet? is that why you’re taking the animal class? and im totally here for making new frennndos 
is new frenndo as thirsty as you are ‘non? well... maybe not the best intro for a frendship ... lol what do i know
OK OK OK OK OK so i have picture of my PC but it’s not uploading soooooo expect it in a side post or something ... i lied it’s more pink right now also also side note im looking for a jinx funko pop from league of legends to put inside my case cause i have the space for her ... she’s my fave and she would just look so gooooood in there !!! personally i would love to have kindred in there as a funko pop also league of legends - cause that’s my PC’s name - but bc they’re two people and not just one, it might be difficult to make so that’s prob why they aren’t out there 
soooooo here’s the thing with me and eggs - i can’t eat ‘em. or rather, i choose not to eat ‘em ... and there ‘s a story there for that - lemme take you back to when Z was in middle school, iight? spent the night at a friends house and the next mornin’ her mama makes us eggs for breakfast all goes well its at this time that i dont have a problem with ‘em
FF to later in the day and i get sick ... well, the only thing i ate was eggs - so my psycho brain attributes the sickness to the eggs and BOOM bob’s your uncle and now centuries later if i have to eat scrambled eggs i have to do it quickly and with a shiiiiit ton of hot sauce or salsa~ yuuuuummm
thankfully i’ve been getting better about it but still... lol
pancakes are the bomb.com is that still a saying? fuck it im bringing it back i just really like breakfast for dindin but bc of how i am with eggs it’s gotta be like at a restaurant like denny’s or something
my favorite dindin though has GOT to be smothered steak and noodles ( uhhhh it’s also known as beef stroganoff ) that my mama makes bc fight me on this, anything my mama makes tastes a gazillion times better than like anything else and i’m pretty sure that goes for everyone too ... but yrah she doesn’t like to cook but when she does dear lawrd yessssssss i still ask for this to this day and im not at home anymore lol she’s like i’ll give you the recipe and im like NOPE you gotta make this for me, forever!
0 notes
wjsn for newbies here we go
BACKSTORY so cosmic girls/wjsn is made up of four units (wonder, joy, sweet, and natural) and is the baby sister girl group to sistar and monsta x. they are WILDLY gay and chaotic (have been coined the Chaos Family by yours truly). their concept is that they are from space and thats it thats the concept so space is gay. theyve had two comebacks and had a member in ioi and a member who participated in girl spirit
the official lines (dance, vocal, subvocal) dont do them justice so ill divide them up myself
parent line: seola, xuan yi, bona, exy
maknae line: yeoreum, dayoung, yeonjung
gay line: xuan yi, exy, luda, eunseo, yeoreum
trouble line: luda, eunseo, mei qi, dayoung
we’ll start with members by age:
seola (hyunjung):
oldest (94 line, 22), represents sagittarius
sweet unit member, vocal line
grandpa seola, technically part of parent line but is wildly unhelpful
going to marry soobin so that she can annoy her for the rest of her life
loves hip hop
is bad at hip hop
Let Seola Say Fuck
xuan yi:
95 line, 22, aquarius
joy unit member 
oldest member of china line, dance line
parent line, Big Gay, married to bona, mei qi is her favorite child
weirdo, talents include imitating a bunny and fish
1 out of the 2 members that are capable of ridding the dorm of bugs (out of….. 13), doesnt kill them just lets them outside, uses her barehands (???what the fuck xuan yi)
shes the real Mom of wjsn even when the other ¾ of parent line were with half the group they all struggled and she was just paying for food and getting kisses on the cheek in exchange for buying souvenirs for the younger girls
bona (jiyeon): 
95 line, 21, leo
wonder unit, dance line
in the parent line partnered with xuan yi whom she loves, loves attention, luda is her favorite child
quite possibly the most beautiful girl in the world she is jaw dropping gorgeous
not very good at being in parent line, eunseo nags her so its not unlikely that shes pretty irresponsible
exy (sojung): 
called sexy exy…… is very bad at her job
big awkward tired lesbian uncle whos supposed to be the badass and just wants to wear pink and sparkles and ruffles
has a stuffed snake called exy-snake 
shes the main (only) rapper and leader of wjsn
sweet unit, scorpio, 95 line, 21
partnered with seola in parent line, gets no help from her
is so tired
cant cook, cant get control of her members, cant kill bugs, is the gay who buys all the ikea furniture and cant build it 
“we’ve been working for a while lets take a break” “unnie its been ten minutes” *lies down on the ground*
gets kicked out of the kitchen for being annoying while the younger girls are working
favors dayoung and eunseo
and that is parent line
sole member of 96 line, 20, virgo
vocal line, sweet unit
is gonna divorce seola because shes so annoying
second smallest (shes like 5′1″ or something)
tiny angel baby who screams
97 line, 19, pisces
technically vocal line but doesnt get the lines she deserves
THE smallest baby even shorter than soobin
tiny gay demon just loves girls and will probably knock a boy out soon with her tiny hands
talented girl scout (was the only one who could chop wood during their reality show and even that was questionable)
frodo baggins
97 line, 19, aries
natural unit, vocal line, POWER vocal, did pretty well on girl spirit when she was on
referred to as Hot Body Dawon
might have no flaws at all
is pretty sure she raised yeonjung
used to be called the Straightie, resented that, has stepped up her Gay Game
bitchin english speaker and one of the best korean members at recording in chinese
loves luda
eunseo (juyeon): 
98 line, 18, gemini
joy unit, technically just a sub vocal but i consider her a part of dance line
really shes the Head Gay
shes also not a part of parent line bc shes too loud and unpredictable but she cooks and kills bugs and nags bona constantly 
if something is Up its probably bc of her luda and dayoung
fucking weirdo gets crazy with karaoke
wants a girl crush concept or a strong concept, kills it when a boy group song is on
just super fucking gay 
cheng xiao:
98 line, cancer, 18
1/3 china line, wonder unit, dance line
crazy flips and tumbling and shit 
can do the splits so far that her legs go Over her hips??? what the fuck
has gotten really popular lately in both korea and china but really wants to get popular with wjsn
not the Biggest gay but wildly in love with eunseo 
big soft baby
mei qi: 
98 line, libra, 18
last member of china line, natural unit, dance line
has been p much MIA for all of the i wish promotions working in china filming movies and tv shows and such and i MISS HER and her members miss her but shes doing so well and im so proud of her
is a libra so……..
totally loves the fact that xuan yi thinks shes a golden child
got bumped from vocal line where she used to be bc shes a great dancer but that means she doesnt get the lines she deserves and she has a Beautiful voice and its on par with seolas at least
yeoreum (jinsook):
99 line, 18, capricorn
joy unit, i think shes a sub vocalist (?) 
big weird gay baby who learns from eunseo
her talent is an impression of cleaning camera lenses
kind of a sub rapper, has rapped on b-tracks before
keeps calling herself the maknae. is not the maknae
99 line, 17, taurus
wonder unit, vocal line
loudest member by far and just so Much
varitey queen of the group, the funniest member up there with eunseo
second Mom-Not-Mom of the group like eunseo bc she can cook and wakes the other members up but cant be part of the parent line bc shes a literal infant and also has the hyperactivity of a chicken on cocaine
99 line, 17, leo (represents that weird thirteenth sign ophiuchus)
so backstory time she was originally supposed to debut with the girls but got put on produce 101 about the same time they debuted so they just. didnt put her in the group
fast forward and she makes it into ioi cause shes crazy talented
she wants to leave starship and is just Upset in general but the girls b e g her to stay and just join wjsn instead
she does and becomes the new maknae and power vocal along side dawon 
since their concept is astrology they used the convenient thirteenth sign to represent her 
shes in the natural unit and vocal line 
all the girls love and adore her and supported her ioi promotions and concerts 
shes Loud but shes more of a follower as in she laughs at whatever dayoung does and goes along with her shenanigans 
popular ships:
bona/xuan yi: jeongcheol if they were healthy but still played games
eunseo/cheng xiao: just the most pure thing in the whole world and eunseo is so embarrassing 
eunseo/luda: tall gay small gay
eunseo/most of them
soobin/seola: scully mulder couple, seola is going to marry soobin so that she can annoy her for the rest of her life. soobin is going to die
OK SO those are the lovely wonderful members of wjsn so lets go on to videos and such:
they debuted with momomo (and also catch me) in february of 2016
they had an august comeback when yeonjung joined with secret
they had their second comeback with i wish in january of 2017 (performance version)
they havent gotten their first win yet :( BUT theyve promised when they do theyre gonna dance in space suits so lets get them that win
also between momomo and secret half of them did a collab with monsta x for a phone commercial i believe called do better which also has a dance practice
dawon was on girl spirit and performed yanghwa bridge, way to go, music is my life, and youre the best (with yeonjung real love and friendship)
theyve been on weekly idol twice
last summer they had a reality show called would you like girls (i would) and it was wonderful. im rewatchign that with emma soon and since i probably wont cry the whole time bc i love them so much ill chronicle it more closely and they have the uzzu tapes which are sort of a mini reality show for them that theyve had since debut which are super cute
they also have two versions of dance practices for every title track they have, one regular one and one closeup version which is a gift
the momomo dance practice is one of the most queer and iconic things theyve ever done along with its closeup version 
in the secret dance practice they have matching outfits and its really just an Experience (closeup)
i wish has three dance practices bc they shot and uploaded one while mei qi was gone but during one of her trips back they shot a Real one along with a closeup one 
there was also a robot self cam that saved my life
if youre one of those seventeen stans who DOESNT stan wjsn but talks about how synchronized 17 are you need to watch the dance practices right now 
im currently working on lists of best live performances (one list for each title track) and best b-tracks of wjsn so keep an eye out for those 
hit me up for any other questions u have abt my Girls or u can just look up wjsn on my blog and have a grand old time with that 
enjoy your time with the gay witch coven from outer space
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dianaagron · 8 years
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hello darkness my old friend i’ve come back on tumblr once again (after like one month of not uploading anything or reblogging or answering messages for that matter because im a shit person who is actually very busy)
once upon a time this was called the your fave crack edits maker watched the thing earlier review but let’s be honest im not editing a flying fuck lately so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  (here are part 1, part 2 AND part 3 tho)
warnings: i talk like a sailor, i haven’t been in touch with the fandom or with the whole franchise for like months and if you’re not that interested in the actual plot of the thing and you’re just watching out of love for the characters, there’s a 99% chance i’m even more disinterested than you (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧
basically if you’re looking for in-depth analysis and metas yo this ain’t the post for you my friend
good luck reading lmao
it’s a truth universally acknowledged that if a tri movie is coming out, tumblr user dianaagron (clara for friends) won’t know about it until the day after, when she’ll wake up and check twitter after 84 years of not logging in and realize that yesterday was the day. actually, this time i remembered the episodes were out the same day they were released, but still it was because of good ol’ twitter, because with all the mess that’s going on with me (part of the reason why i’m never here) even if i happened to check at the beginning of the week when soushitsu was coming out, i still managed to completely forget about it in the span of a fucking day. also, i’m fucking pissed because i’ve always watched the thing after downloading the various episodes because that way i have all my stuff and i can go back and easily find caps and other stuff like that but nope not this time because i can’t fucking find a single torrent and i’m refusing to download subbed episodes because a) it’s gonna take so long to direct download something and b) what use are subbed episodes when i know i’d be replacing them with unsubbed ones as soon as i can find working dls (this is a cry of help: tell me where i can download the episodes, im dying, thank you)
one thing to take into account: i was extra pissed for various reasons yesterday night when i watched the first two episodes, so i’m not really sure if that’s why, compared to the shit that i had to deal with in real life, the episodes (in the contrary to all expectations) weren’t bad at all. truth is i actually liked this installment? INCREDIBLE, I KNOW. of course it had its nonsense moments and parts that made me roll my eyes (im buying pizza for everyone who can guess which were those moments) and other negative parts, but i really preferred movie 4 to movie 3. i’m guessing this is an unpopular opinion because i remember everyone was so happy with kokuhaku back in the day and i was the only soul going like lmao i didnt even cry but idk, i liked this one, it wasn’t bad. btw, i said i’m guessing mine could be an unpopular opinion because i’m writing this sorry excuse of a review before reading anything else cause i don’t want to be influenced :)))))
(save me ive written 500 words on nothing) (meanwhile i finally found torrent links) (and i had to pause the review because i ended up going out yesterday night so this is me talking one day later from what you’ve read before)
once again, i feel like nothing happened in the course of these four new episodes. now, i know i’m extremely slow when it comes to get plot points and all that (not because i’m that stupid, thank you very much, but because of my attention span varies from 1 second to 2 and a half so it’s hard for me to recall what happened in the previous installments unless i go and rewatch all of them - thing i won’t ever do because this girl right here is lazy as fuuuck) but if you sit down and think about what was revealed, you get close to nothing lmao.
winning points of the movie (for me):
not too many extreme closeups like in the previous installment. it flowed better, the animation quality wasn’t as terrible as it was in the previous four episodes (im saying this just by quickly looking at the caps i took - while in the other i had so many ugly caps here they all look presentable and usable) (i say this from the point of you of someone who makes edits of course, i dont have the knowledge of an animator lmao), the majority of the shots with mimi, which are the ones that i pay the most attention to, are super pretty, but also those with taichi’s!!! his design was super on point, i have many caps im probably gonna insert later of just him looking hella attractive, and sora!!! omg sora was so fucking beautiful in these episodes i was so :)))) yay for nice designs, they make me happy.
the lack of you know who for basically two episodes. it was so good, so nice, so calming. i was loving life and life was loving me.  
HOW THEY HANDLED THE TAIORATO!!!! if you know me or if you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know this already, but i’m saying this in case i have new readers (HI) or, y’know, to swipe some dust off: i’m not the biggest fan of the main three. that comes from the fact that michi is my otp and i love taishiro probably too much for my own sanity, so i tend to be on the taichi/koushiro/mimi & yamato/sora/jyou side of things (which is like, super unpopular because if it’s not taiorato then it’s yamichi, so you get why my life is a constant struggle). anyway, thing is that i actually loved the interactions between the three? it was light and it felt super real, it could easily be relatable. it was also clear to me that taichi’s and yamato’s roles in sora’s life were blatantly different and i also loved to see how the two of them while being in the same situation reacted differently, but i’m gonna touch this topic later. overall tho, good job on the dynamic between those three. im clapping my hands, i wasn’t excited about it when the movie poster came out five months ago but i’m so happy that they made me love the parts with taichi, yamato and sora.
it wasn’t heavy on fight scenes. i know. I KNOW. but as i’ve said, i’m not the average digimon fan so i’m happy with my bonds developing and less fights and all that stuff :))))
meiko exceeding all expectations and NOT CRYING for all four episodes. such sorcery. 
on the other hand tho
y’all, who the fuck is that ygdradude? am i supposed to know? did i miss a focal point? am i that disinterested in the plot to miss a fucking focal point????
also what the fuck was that part with i dont know his name, the teacher, with the white space shit and the talk about libra. what is libra, who is libra, what the hell, what the fuck
pedo gennai dear lord i felt so fucking uncomfortable 
remember when i said meiko didn’t cry? she didn’t cry because they replaced her with her partner and made meicoomon whine for 3/4 of the movie instead 
the opening scene ????????????????  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ artistic choice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the fact that they basically wasted half an episode (the last one) on three evolutions. they really need to cut down the timing of those, for real
i can’t think of anything else rn 
they could’ve kept meiko away for other three episodes if it was me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
then again they could’ve just kept meiko away from tri in general if it was me
warning: i have 98 screenshots ready to use, i’m gonna try to cut some stuff because that’s too many, but here we go 
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they were pulling some hikari shit right here (as well as some charlie chaplin sorcery for the whole sequence)
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that’s what i’m saying
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OKAY LISTEN, that fucking egg with the circular thing under it made me highkey hope for some sort of magic shit happening and bringing the 02 kids back because it looks like a digimental egg or however those things were called. like my hope was so highkey that i fucking ended up dreaming the night between me watching the first two episodes and the latter two that miyako was back. unfair. i hated it. i want my kids back. 
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taichi being handsome: exhibit A
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mimi being beautiful: exhibit A
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sora being incredibly pretty yet sad: exhibit A (i told you guys the design was extra better compared to the last movie) 
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random caps taken merely for the fact that taichi and mimi were next to each other looking aesthetically pleasing to the eye  (also do you ever cry about the skin tone difference between these two because i tend to do that a lot) 
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i can’t stand them hahahahah
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) frankly they could’ve shown yamato in the next scene so that way the foreshadowing would’ve been blunt and people wouldn’t still be bitching. or maybe they would anyway lmao. also look at the girls being all pretty together im so :))))
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just pretty mimi and taichi + koushiro talking i was :)))) i love them all i love my kids, especially kou when he goes on about his tea
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and i also FINALLY appreciated a koumi scene!!!! it happened!!!!! honestly, as i’ve said, i’m not entirely sure if it was because i was facing so much rl shit right before i watched the thing or what, but this time i was just enjoying what tri had to offer me without caring too much about other stuff like “ugh they’re pushing the fanservice with ship baits” and such. this was just plain cute, mimi was terribly in character, koushiro as well, and it was just the kind of interaction that i love. i love my kids pt. 2974521248 like, of course i would’ve loved for mimi to feed one to taichi, but i’m still somehow sane and i know they’ll never show something like that in canon? but still, it’s nice cause i know how differently from koushiro taichi would’ve reacted in a setting like this and i just can use it in my fanon world. goodbye.
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this is why i’m team taichi, yamato
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taichi being handsome: exhibit B
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JUST IMAGINE HIM LOOKING AT MIMI LIKE THAT BEFORE THEY KISS IM SO ??????????? im gonna make a manip just wait for it
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AH YES The Interaction™ also known as one of my fave parts of the movie lmao but it’s so nice whenever mimi talks it’s taichi the first one to answer im happy goodbye
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cutie patootie be looking at his cute patoote
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legit thought palmon was going to transform into sailor palmoon or something
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why so ugly good lord
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AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS!!!! THIS THING RIGHT HERE!!!!  let me put it into context in case you don’t remember: this was taichi asking his LEGIT CANON BEST FRIEND IZUMI KOUSHIRO TO NOT PUSH HIMSELF TOO MUCH AND REST. can anything be as beautiful as this? this made my heart defrost, im alive, y’all need to reevaluate your “taichi and yamato are bffs” business because. of. this. right. here. (im slamming my fist on the table, in case you were wondering) 
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hikari being smug af with takeru tho, that gave me life as well. also jyourato sitting next to each other <33333
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AND THE SISTER IN LAWS <3333333 under a blanket that it’s so mimi’s 
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penis shot
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taichi you fool...
a word on the so called triangle that of a triangle it has nothing but whatever: it was clear to me that yamato and taichi hold two very different spots in sora’s life, while both being important to her. there are multiple times when we see yamato trying to make taichi break the ice and talk to sora, and that’s because he is her best friend, so he should be the one who is supposed to know how to make her feel better at all times. another thing i noticed was how it was yamato to be the most sensitive to sora (unsurprisingly so): you see it especially when taichi is busy with agumon and he’s still monitoring sora, worried
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and of course this whole exchange was beautiful, and i don’t have much else to add. truly iconic. 
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[insert penis joke here]
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can we please take a moment to appreciate sora and mimi? they are so important
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DA BACKHUG DOE guess who also watches kdramas lmao
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minute 18 of episode 2 say goodbye to all your dreams of greatness 
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CRYING HE’S SO PRECIOUS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH imagine him holding a baby 
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i’m too lazy to go back and take another screenshot, but jyou with both palmon and patamon holding onto him was something else
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🙄  🙄  🙄  even here mere expression makes me 🙄  but at least she wasn’t crying
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i wasn’t
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actually, as studies say, mimi is, in fact, a libra
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why you know who tho when we all know it was sora who was supposed to be in the picture
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why you know who pt. 2 
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the fluff tho
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the contrast between hikari being the calm one and having accepted the situation vs taichi still being unsure and lost was nicely done by making her facing the light and him staying in the shadows, good job with the cinematography im clapping my hands
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F U C K I N G  W H Y  no, but seriously, i was already uncomfortable before with him being on top of her but this just just like yikes to a whole new level like i just don’t get it???? was it necessary???? just ew
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i love mimi and the lowkey koukari pass it on
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who the fuck is ygdrasil tho
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ah yes, chosen children be so fit, they be running from huge monsters wanting to kill them off, they be escaping just with their two legs. incredible. 
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digimon au: cruise OR digimon au: titanic (spoiler: meiko is jack) 
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tag urself im jyou speaking the words of wisdom
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takeru was cute here
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weird lighting aka good luck to those who gif these scenes lmao
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teach me this choreography guys don’t keep it to urselves 
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this was some weird shit right here let me tell you
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ah yes again with the superhuman strength, surviving after a fucking huge machine slams you repeatedly against a mountain or smth like that
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ur the one saying it gennai get a fucking grip 
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! MY JYOURA HEART, JYOU BEING DASHINGGGG how can they not believe him when he says he has a girlfriend i mean have you seen the dude? he’s going to be a doctor, he can fucking catch a girl falling from 20 meters up in the sky i meAN 
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THE REAL HIGHLIGHT OF THE MOVIE. GALS BEING PALS. (for real tho, i felt so blessed? it’s in moments like these that i just feel all the love for this anime, im so :)))))) )
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and jyou comforting sora as welllllll~~~~
and that’s it with the pics you guys!!! a couple of further points
if they didn’t waste half an episode on three evolutions, they could’ve just gone further with the plot, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
im not saying meiko grew on me, because i still want her out, but i can deal with her if he doesn’t cry as much as he did in the first three installments 
what’s up with that ygdradude and libra talk is my question
they still need to address the 02 kids mystery and i need my babies back 
the triangle is not, in fact, a triangle
i love my kids 
and the episodes weren’t bad, come on. they went a little further with the plot by showing that the chick whose name i don’t remember had a partner that died and so that was the reason for the reboot, so they did give some answers, and at least the pacing of this movie was faster than in the previous one. 
also, as i’ve said, idk what’s the popular opinion but i loved sora’s arc, it was nicely done and i don’t have anything to bitch about (except for meiko’s unnecessary presence). i felt for her and i wanted to wrap a blanket around her and just give her all the love.
and that’s it i think? 
im blocking out the memories of the scenes with gennai because im feeling super uncomfortable whenever i do
we’re talking first kiss between wang so and hae soo in scarlet heart levels of uncomfortable
the ending sequence was so cute <3333 especially sora and piyomon, they were my faves closely followed by taichi and agumon
and im done
thank you for reading
i’ll probably go back to my hibernation now 
ily all 
if you got to this point i’m truly buying you a pizza 
and let’s not forget the winning screencap, you can use it every day at every hour, every moment in your life
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its-buckysbabe · 8 years
Zelus (3/5)
im so sorry it took so long to get this chapter up - life had different plans for me and i had to deal with that. everything is back under control now, which is good, but at the same time i have a lot of uni work to deal with and since this is my last semester i gotta make sure i do decently good.
the positive that came from all of this is that i have a pretty strict schedule for the next few months which means i have regular times i can write and as such im gonna do my best to upload regularly, every friday. i dont know if there’ll be another chapter this friday but i’ll try my best!
also this sounds really weird but honestly i channeled my inner DJ Khaled while writing this.
Characters: bucky x reader
Summary: Y/N tells Bucky that she isn’t the jealous type and so it turns into a sort of competition to see if he can make her jealous. based on this prompt by @buckyprompts​ 
Warnings: mentions of Stockholm syndrome. 
Word count: 2,250 words
Also read here: AO3
Masterlist Part I, Part II,
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Weeks passed without another incident, so much so that you’d honestly completely forgotten all about Bucky’s little challenge. The entire team was scattered about on the Quinjet, each tending to their injuries, with some even tending to the wounds of the hostages you’d just rescued.
This mission had been a little different to the things you usually dealt with. You had been trailing and apprehending a businessman who was also involved in illegal international arms dealing - and by ‘involved’ you meant that he was singlehandedly responsible for about 80% of all guns and weapons bought on the black market in the entire world. The mission would have normally been something you’d leave to the international community, perhaps the team would offer their assistance to NATO or whoever, and be done with it. But this mission had been particularly personal to Tony, understandably so, and as such the whole team had gotten involved. Even Thor was on standby in Asgard, ready to travel through the realms at a moment’s notice.
Thankfully everything had gone off without a hitch and you were all on your way back to the tower, to return to your relative normalcy. First, though, you had to drop of the hostages at the FBI headquarters. Unannounced. Which would probably cause a shit-tonne of paperwork. Which would probably shave at least two entire movies off the Fassbender marathon you’d been mentally preparing for the duration of the flight.
You were in the middle of making mental calculations, trying to figure out when it would be best to take your designated bathroom breaks when you locked eyes with Bucky across the Quinjet. He was sat with three of the seven hostages, and judging by his body language he was doing his best to ignore them. He was angled away from them, his head turned even more in the opposite direction even though that left him starting at the wall. His shoulders were tense and his hands were balled into fists. You also noticed that he was still wearing all of his weaponry, strung across his frame on strategically placed hooks. You couldn’t help but snort at that. Trust Bucky to be the one to run into open gunfire to rescue complete strangers but then leave an AK-47 strapped across his back so he didn’t have to speak to him.
He heard your snort and broke his scary façade for a second to wink at you, knowing you’d understand why he was doing his best to appear menacing to a few harmless civilians. Though you did belatedly realise that they were all women, which may have also been another factor in Bucky’s unease. Bucky was completely incorrigible, a flirty man who was not ashamed of his sexuality and very in tune with it. He loved to tease, make innuendos and he also had a wicked sense of humour. It did take a while to get to that level of comfort with him, though. You remembered when you first met him, how standoffish and distant he’d been and how that contrasted to the playful and charming man that emerged the longer you knew him.
Regardless, you grinned at him, silently basking in his discomfort. You knew that he wasn’t genuinely uncomfortable. He could hold a friendly, and professional, conversation with these women if he chose to. He could play the part of a hero but he also got incredibly flustered and somewhat frustrated when people he didn’t know would flirt with him. Which was bound to happen judging by the looks on the women’s faces. Not that you could blame them! Bucky was always handsome but there was just something entirely different about his aura when he was in his tactical gear. It was dark and sexy, a thrilling danger surrounding him.
Suddenly Bucky’s eyes lit up, and a cheeky smirk was prominent on his features. He rolled his shoulders back before he shuffled in his seat, turning his body towards the pretty woman to his left. He opened his legs, essentially manspreading on the small bench, and crowding the woman’s space with his very presence. Not that she was complaining. Her eyes lit up and she rearranged herself too, almost straddling the bench in a bid to minimise the remaining space between herself and Bucky.
He started talking, and judging by her reactions he was laying it on thick. She blushed and laughed and giggled. He brushed the hair out of her face and she gently rested her hand on his forearms. You watched with mild interest from your seat, nudging the almost asleep Sam next you. He startled awake, immediately looking for a threat in, still running on his adrenaline. You shook your head before pointedly looking forward until the sleepy Sam followed your gaze to Bucky and his new friend.
“That man does not know what he’s getting himself into, does he?” Sam asked, humour very apparent in his voice. You knew Sam’s relationship with Bucky and you also knew he would immensely enjoy this. Which was precisely the reason you’d decided to wake him up from his well-deserved nap.
“Nope.” You replied, popping the ‘p’.
“How bad do you think she’s going to be?” Sam wondered aloud, his lips quirking up slightly the longer he thought about it.
“She seems really nice but, honestly, I think he’d fucked.” You said in a matter-of-factly.
“And why are you enjoying this so much?” Sam asked you a moment later, seemingly only now realising that you were watching your boyfriend flirting with another woman with rapt attention.
“Because I am not pulling her off of him later on.” You answered as you turned towards him, mischief clear in your voice.
“See. I knew there was a reason you were my favourite for a reason.” Sam grinned at you, slinging his arm across your shoulder and pulling you into him.
“Thanks, birdman.” You laughed back at him, affectionately slapping him in the chest.
“Y/N. Sam.” Steve’s voice broke the silence you had found yourself in. Both you and Sam were just content watching Bucky dig his own grave until Steve showed up.
“Steve.” Sam nodded at him, not taking his eyes off the train wreck that was happening across the jet.
“Dorito.” You said in the same voice as Sam, though you couldn’t help but look at Steve. You loved his reaction whenever you called him that. His eyebrows would always rise in surprise and then his face would turn red. He still got flustered when people made comments about his physique, especially ones that were complimentary even if they were teasing, and you found it absolutely adorable.
“I thought you agreed to stop that?” Steve almost whined. So adorable.
“No.” you shook your head, a grin on your lips.
“Alright.” Steve simply shook his head at you, mocking disappointment though you could see the small smile gracing his lips.
“What bring you over here to the fun side of the jet, Stevie? Shouldn’t you be off somewhere on the phone explaining to the FBI why we’re flying into their facility unannounced?” You asked after a second, partly curious but also partly hoping to move this whole conversation along so that you could continue watching Bucky set himself up for trouble.
“Nah. I figured I’d call a few of them ‘son’ and then sort of wing it.” Steve said as he shrugged.
“He’s really good at that! You should’ve heard the speech he gave at SHIELD with the whole helicarrier thing. I still can’t believe he came up with that off the top of his head…” Sam exclaimed excitedly. He looked up at Steve with something akin to awe in his eyes, to which he replied with a tiny little smirk.
“Actually, I came over here to ask you what’s going on with Buck?” Steve explained though by the end it sounded more like a question.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“He’s over there flirting up a storm with one of the hostages and you’re sat here with Sam…” Steve said slowly, vaguely waving his hand at you.
“Hey! That’s a perfectly logical choice! She’s finally had enough of you senior citizens and also if you go black you never go back. Isn’t that right, Y/N?” Sam said indignantly. He turned to you at the end, mouth cocked in a smirk and eyebrow raised in what he assumed was a suave expression. He just looked silly to be completely honest.
“Sam. Samuel. My friend. My colleague. My teammate. I’m asking you for the sake of humanity to never, ever, ever, say anything like that ever again. And I mean ever.” You said seriously, as you took one of his hands between yours in what was meant to be a comforting gesture but really only caused Steve to barely contain a chuckle at the scene before him.
“Damn… Ain’t you ever heard of letting a brother down gently?…” Sam grumbled as he walked away, probably to go find Natasha somewhere and annoy her for a change. You patted the empty seat and Steve lowered himself into it.
“Anyway, I’m not bothered. I know Bucky wouldn’t genuinely do anything like to me so it’s alright.” You told him simply. It was true. You never thought for a second that Bucky would ever cheat on you. And also he was smarter than that. If he were ever to do something like this he would definitely not be doing it in a crowded space with his friends, and especially not a few metres away from you.
“I realise that but she might not?” Steve questioned. It seemed he was still in ‘Captain America mode’ and was only thinking of the civilian’s wellbeing.
“I’m betting on it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Have you ever heard of Stockholm syndrome, Stevie?”
“Right, well. It’s this thing where you fall in love, or what you think is love, with someone who’s kidnapped you. Which is beside the point here but what I mean is that she’s just come out of an emotionally stressful situation, and your best pal Buckaroo is offering her safety and affection.” You explain
“So?” Steve questions you, apparently not following along.
“Stevie, she’s gonna latch onto him like a magnet.” You deadpan.
“Oh.” Steve replied articulately.
“Yeah. And I am 100% not dealing with that.” You carry on, vaguely gesturing in Bucky’s direction.
“I see.” Steve says, a wicked grin plastered on his face. He leans forward a little, finally as interested as you were in the situation that was unfolding in front of you. You settled into his side, resting your head on his shoulder, content to watch Bucky ruin the rest of his day.
Barely ten minutes passed and Tony was pulling the jet into descend. You still found it difficult to comprehend the speed of the Quinjet. Sometimes you really loved his obsession with technology. Honestly, after being part of the Avengers taking commercial airplanes would never be an option again.
The second the jet touched down and the emergency lights turned off everyone jumped into action. Steve got up and fetched his cowl and shield, Sam checked on Redwing as he strapped himself back in and everyone else made sure they had all their equipment firmly attached to their person. You were currently buckling your tactical suit back up, watching with amusement as Bucky tried to extract himself from the hold the girl had on his arm. He finally managed to shake her off, none too gently, and tried to walk away to safety. Which is when she very promptly burst into tears.
It wasn’t big, ugly crying. She didn’t scream or wail. A few tears streaked down her face, and honest to God you felt bad for her. You momentarily thought about going over there and comforting her yourself when you saw Bucky exhale heavily and close the little distance he had managed to create between himself and her. He gingerly placed his hand on her back, gently running it up and down; trying to console her but the look on his face almost killed you. You genuinely had to place a hand over your mouth to stop your pealing laughter from escaping.
Bucky’s face was scrounged up, expressing his discomfort. His body language screamed that he really didn’t know what to do; he stood a little further from her than was social convention and he held his left hand in mid-air, not really sure what to do with it. At this point Steve had made it back to your side, quickly finding the source of your delight and looking on with an amused smile.
Finally the door opened and the tarmac made itself visible. FBI agents stood by the jet, waiting for the team to descend. You turned to follow Steve out, but turned around at the last minute and walked over to Bucky, a spring in your step. He looked so confused, and just entirely overwhelmed that you almost felt sorry for him but then again he’d brought this on himself.
You took his still suspended metal hand in yours; shaking it firmly while looking him straight into the eyes before you muttered the words you’d been planning to say for the last 45 minutes.
“Congratulations, you played yourself.” You said with a pleasant smile on your face, Bucky looking confused at your words. You strutted off the jet to join Steve, intent on hearing his freestyle speech.
Somewhere in the distance you heard Sam cackle.
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