#im very fond of the idea of it taking place just before ANG
shummthechumm · 1 year
even though it's not true, i love the mlp timeline theory and it's variations. the idea of every generation being connected is pretty fun to think about!
my personal timeline is g1 > g3 > g2 > g4 > g1.5(?)/mlp tales > g5 . you can even fit gen 0 (my pretty pony) inbetween g2 and g4, maybe even around the g1 point if you really wanted.
g1 is first because humans, g3 is next because while no humans show up there are still holidays like christmas and valentines day, g2 because many important figures in g4's universe are named after ponies from this gen, then g4.
mlp tales is interesting because you have an semi-isolated town of earth ponies who are shocked to see pegasi/unicorns/alicorns--as if they didn't know they existed. if we go by what g5 has shown up so far, this could very well be a generation of ponies who were born waaay after the events of fim. ponies with wings and horns are myths to them.
they have "modern" technology (mostly 80s-90s tech due to the time period this show was created), and the only other mlp media containing anything like that besides equestria girls IS a new generation. this could very well take place 30-ish years before the events of g5. there was also an episode about "settler ponies" founding their town so take from that what you will.
after that its just g5 hehe. we're still learning about the events transpiring in between ANG and FiM so who knows!
fun fact i actually have characters inspired by the "pretty pony" gen that predate the birth of equestria, and who have strange variations of magic that dies out by the time g4 comes around. its a way to explore pre-equestria mlp while also repurposing ponies i like from pre g4 media hehe
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