#im very nervous about this but i gotta know- and i figured my audience is the best
huffle-dork · 4 years
Hey Trans Friends! I need some fic help! (Swapboys)
If you don’t mind mild Swapboys spoilers for a future fic and wanna help me out continue reading! 
So hello! As y’all may know by now, Alt is officially a transman in Swapboys! And I’d like to have mentions of it in the stories and I’m doing my research about transitioning and the trans experience as best I can as a cis-afab. However, Swapboys isn’t a trans story nor do I want to make it all about Alt being trans because he’s not the only character! I’d love to write some things and I will research them as best as I can since I know Alt is a comfort character to a lot of yall! Here’s the thing though- I have an idea for Alt’s transition.. and I want to make sure its not offensive you know? But, I have no idea cuz I’m not trans! So that’s where you guys come in-  The idea is Alt is still not fully transitioned- he hasn’t had any surgeries yet. He started taking puberty blockers pretty early in his teenaged years after he and Chase moved in with his aunts. But, he got kidnapped before he could get fully transitioned. He mostly stole T for a bit (since I imagined he was just over 18 when he was kidnapped and probably started with his aunts, so he already knew how it felt to take it and what it looked like etc.). then He stayed at some shelters for some help before leaving cuz he always felt like he didn’t deserve the kindness of strangers. But now when he does need T he tries to pay for it, but he still doesn’t have enough money for surgeries. He binds (but I imagine his chest is like a cups at best-) and is usually pretty careful. But, he’s extremely self conscious and is scared to tell the boys in this fic Im working on which is early in the story before Alt and Chase realize they’re brothers- he’s afraid they’ll think he’s a freak and weak (which we all know isn’t true! Alt just has bad self esteem).  Anddd to try to keep spoilers to a minimum- the “reveal” i want to have for Alt being trans since at this point in the story it hasnt been revealed is 1) Alt realizing Chase doesn’t recognize him now because he’s been on T for a couple years now and has been changing (he figures out who Chase is before Chase figures out who Alt is)  2) a scene where Alt is working for Magnificent without being controlled and is stubbornly keeping his binder on- which leads to him being short of breath and hurting himself. Mag goes to see what’s wrong and Alt hesitates before revealing he’s binding. Mag is quiet for a second but eventually comes back with a potion- said to help Alt fully transition once and for all because no apprentice of his is going to hurt himself when there’s an easy solution-  and that’s what im worried about! Is it offensive to have Alt transition fully thanks to a black magic potion from Magnificent? I see it in two ways: its wish fulfillment and maybe yall could be happy seeing Alt transition so easily- orrr it could lead to anger cuz that’s not how real life transition happens and I’m taking that experience away from a loved character, you know? Of course Alt’s problems won’t all go away- he’d still have his bad days with dysphoria even after the potion works- and the potion probably will have some magical side effects... but yeah- i’d like to do it cuz it’d get his transition done and he’d be in the body he belongs in faster! That way in the story we can have trans anecdotes in requests and short stories, you know? But in the main story it’d happen and kinda helps Alt and Mag bond cuz that’s the goal in this story-  any advice you guys have would be much appreciated and id love your feedback. I’m not perfect and I’m not trans so i know there’s a lot I will never understand but I want to learn as much as I can! I know how important Alt is to my readers, and I don’t want to offend anyone if I can help it! So, thank you and thank you for reading my novel oops lol
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carpisuns · 3 years
The way Marinette throws Chat Noir in the trash very angrily in one moment and in the other is like, "omg!! 😍💖💗Adrien😍💖💗 is sad!!! my poor baby CAN'T be sad!!" just..... sends me, lmao. The IRONY.
I find it genuinely funny 😅 It reminds how in the New York Special she was, like, EXTREMELY flustered around Adrien and couldn't even let him touch her without turning into a tomato/making a teapot noise, and then when she sees Chat Noir she's like, "excuse me, bitch?? watcha doing here??" But the best example was in Desperada when Adrien and Chat tell exactly the same joke, and she giggles at Adrien's joke and rolls her eyes at Chat 😭😭
Like. I can't see a sudden reveal going smoothly at all. She'll absolutely FREAK OUT 😂 (To be fair, I think that the difference in treatment it's not only about her crush on Adrien. She sees Adrien as this very sensitive, sweet boy and Chat Noir as this super cocky, confident hero who needs no coddling, if it makes sense...?) Anyway, Chat will have A LOT of fuel to make fun of her........ Wax lips, three suns, buttercup.... Y'know.
haha same! glaciator 2 made me laugh so much, including the trash can bit, and it's always so funny to see how differently she reacts to adrien vs chat noir. i gotta think that she'll be embarrassed about how spazzy she was around adrien when he was really her goofy dork of a partner all along lol.
as much as i appreciate the humor/irony of it though, i totally get why the difference in treatment is frustrating for a lot of fans. i feel that too at times. i am always rooting for marinette to get to the point where she can just speak comfortably with adrien and not be so weird and nervous because that would really make their friendship blossom. like, imagine if she could hang out with adrien the way she did with chat in glaciator 2. aaaa 😭
i'm also really hoping that she learns to see chat noir differently too. i get the sense that as much as she cares about him, she does tend to see him as being a little immature, not taking the job seriously, getting into trouble, etc. i definitely agree that she seems to see chat noir as too cocky to need coddling. i feel like she thinks he's pretty unflappable—like, if he's down for a second, it's okay because he'll bounce right back. "he'll be fine; he's chat noir." but sometimes he isn't fine! and he doesn't let her see that often.
i think glaciator 1 was the first time she really saw how sensitive and genuine and gentle chat noir really is, so she knows that side of him, but not nearly as well as we do, as the audience. there's a lot she doesn't see. she doesn't know how hurt he is by the events going on, and she doesn't see how hard he's trying and how much pressure he puts on himself. like, how long was he out there cataclysming ladynoir posters 😭😭 she had no idea that he was doing that! so yeah, while i do find marinette's adrien/chat noir disconnect super interesting and entertaining, i hope we see some development where marinette starts to naturally merge them a bit in her mind. not necessarily figuring it out (although that would be cool!) but at least just expanding her view of chat noir and seeing/understanding him more clearly on an individual level before she finds out he was adrien all along.
i agree that a sudden reveal would probably not go smoothly at this point, and the shock of it could've been really funny/entertaining in previous seasons, but at this point i feel like a reveal would be more angsty than anything D: im really excited to see whatever is in store for us but i'm hoping we won't get the reveal quite yet bc i would love to see some development first!
hahaha yesssss the post-reveal shenanigans will be AMAZING. i very much enjoy the idea of adrien good-naturedly teasing marinette for all the embarrassing things she did lol
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~KISS AU writings 8~
THIS ONE HAS BEEN A LONG TIME COMING!! There’s apparently been a lot of anticipation for it too so here we go!! 
Featured Pairing: Bruce Kulick/Paul Stanley
Special Guests: Gene Simmons, Eric Carr, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, Vinnie Vincent
Summary: Bruce’s friends take him to a gentleman’s club for his birthday. He falls hard for one of the dancers..and things go off the rails~ (told from Bruce’s POV)
I laugh as I’m showered with confetti as soon as I come through my door. Eric comes up and straps a party hat to my head. This was totally unexpected! I bet they’d been planning this for weeks! They guide me to my kitchen where there’s a huge pizza and a beautiful birthday cake waiting on the table. The living room is decorated with balloons, streamers, colorful plates and napkins. I can’t believe they did all of this for me! I’m not going to cry! 
Ace goes into my fridge and pulls out a big case of beer. “Can’t have a party without the party favors!” he said with his usual maniacal cackle. Gene shakes his head. “Just go easy on those cause we’ve got plans later. And if you get drunk I’m not taking you.” Plans? What’s he got in mind? Ace whines but eventually he agrees. These plans must be pretty damn great if it gets Ace to not drown himself in booze. I worry about him sometimes.. Eric distracts me by patting my back. “Cmon, birthday boy let’s get this party started!” 
We carry everything into the living room and set it all on the coffee table. Peter goes over to my tv to put in a movie. “I brought ‘the Godfather.’ It’s a great movie, you’re gonna love it!” Ohhhh, Peter and his love for gangster movies~ It’s a nice sentiment but I’m pretty sure nobody will pay attention except for me and him..and Eric. Cause he’s a nice guy like that~ Fortunately I was wrong. We all sat with our beers (Gene with his soda), and pizza with our eyes glued to the screen. I’d heard of this movie but I’d never actually seen it before. It was really good! Nothing gave Peter more joy than watching someone else enjoy the movies he enjoyed~ After the movie was over Eric went into the kitchen to grab a knife and candles. “It’s cake time!” After the candles were placed Ace took out his lighter to light them. They sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me loudly and obnoxiously..just like I expected. Bunch of idiots. But they’re my idiots~ I blow out all the candles in one breath and they applaud. Eric hands me the knife. “Birthday boy gets the first piece!” I can’t wait to dig into it. It’s all chocolate. I can smell it..and it’s wonderful~ I cut out five pieces and put them on our plates. We spend the next couple of hours enjoying our cake and joking with each other. This has been the best birthday I’ve had in years~
Gene looks at his watch and grins. “Alright, gentlemen it’s time to go~ We gotta get there before all the good seats are gone.” Ace is already up on his feet and ready to go which startles the hell out of me. “About damn time! Lead the way, Genie!” Gene sighed. “Change first. We brought extra clothes for a reason.” I blink. When he sees my confusion Gene pats my shoulder. “It’s a very nice place..so we have to dress nice. I suggest a suit jacket and slacks.” Sounds fancy. And expensive. Also the fact that Gene is perfectly fine with spending that much money on me is not helping my case for not trying to cry. “O-okay. I’ll find something to change into.” I go to my room while the others take turns changing in the bathroom. Going through my closet I find the gray suit I wore to my brother’s wedding. This is perfect! Hoping it still fits I try it on. To my absolute relief it does. Taking off the jacket I take out a nice white button up shirt. I thought about wearing a tie but I decide against it. I don’t think we need to go that formal. Once we’re all done dressing we gather in the front hall. Gene picks up his keys. “We can all go in my car. I’ve got room for everyone. Birthday boy has shotgun~” I feel so special~ With a smile I let everyone out the door and lock up. Looks like it’s going to be a pretty interesting night~
When we reach our destination I see a long line of people waiting to get into some kind of club. “Is that where we were going? There’s no way we’re getting in there!” Gene parked the car and turned off the engine. “Relax, Bruce. I told you I’ve got it covered. Trust me~” When he says things like that I can’t bring myself to question him. We all get out and head straight for the entrance. Once the bouncers spot us I start getting nervous. They look like they’re ready to beat the hell out of all of us. Calm as ever Gene just takes out his wallet, opens it up and shows it to them. “Good evening. We have a reservation.” One of the bouncers narrows his eyes and looks closer, makes an expression of recognition and pulls the door open. “Good evening, Mr. Simmons.” he says. “Gentlemen, welcome to the Firehouse.” Ace was cracking up and smacking Gene on the back. “They know you by name, Genie? How many times have ya been here~?” Gene just reached back to put his wallet away. “If you really must know I just happen to have a VIP membership to this place. With it I can pretty much get anyone I bring with me in here for free so I figured why not~?” I’m just at a loss for words. Not to mention relieved that he actually didn’t have to spend ridiculous amounts of money to get us in. A high class place like this cannot be cheap. “I..I dunno what to say, Gene..except thank you~” I can tell Peter’s already taking a liking to his surroundings. I’m guessing this is his kind of place~ Eric looked a bit nervous but tried to play it off. I think as long as we stay with him he won’t get too overwhelmed. 
Gene guides us to the main lounge. The stage was lined with neon lights shaped to look like fire. The dance pole was of course made to look like one you’d see at a firehouse. Clever~ When we take our seats a very good-looking man comes over dressed in a skimpy gold fireman’s costume. “Good evening, gentlemen~ I’m Vinnie and I’ll be your server tonight~ Can I get you anything~?”
“How about a tall glass of you, baby~?” Ace said, leaning back in his chair and cackling with Peter joining him. Those two, I swear~ Whenever they get together craziness follows. Vinnie just took it all in stride. I’m sure he’s heard those kinds of comments before. Many times. “I’ve got the time if you’ve got the money, handsome~” Ace’s eyes went wide. He definitely wasn’t expecting that response~ “Why don’t you tell me what you’re worth~?” We all turn to stare at him, except Peter who’s still laughing his ass off. “What? Heeey..Brucie shouldn’t be the only one gettin’ the special treatment~” Vinnie was clearly amused at Ace’s eagerness. “Well..let me at least take your drink orders first before we get down to business~” We all order drinks, except Gene who asks for water. “Be right back~” Vinnie turned on his gold stiletto heels and walked off towards the bar. “Do you actually have the money, Ace?” Gene asked, leaning forward. “The ‘company’ here isn’t cheap you know. Some of these beauties cost up to $10,000 for a night.” My jaw drops. “Seriously?! I wouldn’t mind having some fun either but not if it’s going to bankrupt me!” Ace just waved us off. “Will you relax, Genie? I got it covered! That Vinnie’s lookin’ mighty fine and I want a piece of that tonight~”
A few minutes later Vinnie comes back with our drinks and sets them on our table before going over to Ace. “So what would you like~? It’s $1,000 if you want a private dance and $5,000 if you want my company for the night~” Ace is grinning from ear to ear as he gets up and wraps his arm around Vinnie’s shoulders. “Think I’m gonna go with option B, sweet thing~ Let’s go have some fun, hah~?” I can’t believe he’s doing this! Neither can Eric. We both just gawk at them as they leave. Peter on the other hand is beside himself. “Knock ‘im dead!” he shouts, waving until they’re out of sight. Gene picks up his glass and takes a sip. “I guess he’s finding his own way home tonight.” Before I can even fathom what the hell just happened the lights went out. The flames around the stage glowed brighter and a spotlight shined down on the dance pole. Looked like the show was finally starting! As soon as the music began everybody was clapping and scrambling to get closer to the stage. Apparently this dancer was very popular. I recognize the song right away and I have myself a little laugh. At least now I’m familiar with one other person who actually liked Queen’s Hot Space album~ The dancer sashayed down the dimly lit part of the stage to the song’s intro. Guys were attempting to lean over to get a closer look but the ‘flames’ were a pretty damn sufficient deterrent. 
Body Language
Body Language
Grabbing the pole the dancer pulled himself into the spotlight and hooked his leg around the pole, swaying his hips back and forth to the rhythm. The crowd was going wild and now I could see why. Holy shit, that dancer was sexy! He sparkled from head to toe in a rhinestone studded black bodysuit (with a large majority of those rhinestones covering his crotch) cut incredibly low in the front to reveal his entire torso, complete with a black leather collar and belt, studded with rhinestones that shaped stars. He had thick, curly hair the went down his back and bangs that framed his face just perfectly. A face that was covered in white makeup with a black star over his right eye and bright red lips. Wow..I don’t think I’ve ever seen an exotic dancer go that far with their makeup. But it was fascinating and impossible for me to take my eyes away.
Give me your body
Just give me your body
He slowly spun around the pole a few times, I think just to get a better look at his audience, who were already clamoring for his attention and holding out money in hopes that he’d take it from them. It was quite a spectacle. He ignored them of course, just to tease them further. I could see the smirk on his face as he pulled himself to the pole again and started grinding his pelvis against it. 
Give me your body
Don’t talk
Body Language
He moved up and down the pole with his legs spread apart, gyrating his hips while his hair flew about with every movement of his head. Damn, it was hot. Glancing around at the others I could see that they were just as mesmerized. I never thought anyone could command that much attention on a pole without even removing a single piece of clothing. 
Body Language
Body Language
He threw his head back, and he looked so damn good with his lips parted like that. Like he was giving himself the ultimate pleasure. 
You got red lips
Damn right he did~ He turned his head to look out at the crowd, tracing his upper lip with his tongue.
Snakes in your eyes
He leaned his head forward and threw it back again, making his curls fly everywhere.
Long legs 
Great thighs
He grabbed the pole with both hands and raised his leg high in the air. Only then did I notice he was wearing rhinestone studded platform heeled boots. How is he even doing that while wearing those?! They must weigh a ton!
You’ve got the cutest ass I’ve ever seen
Knock me down for a six any time
He turned his back to the crowd and swayed his hips again, showing off his beautiful ass to that hungry crowd. Oh, they were riled up now. Too bad they could look but they couldn’t touch. 
Look at me, I got a case of Body Language
Look at me, I got a case of Body Language..
The song was nowhere near over, but it began to fade out. What a cruel punishment. Give them a taste of what they want then cut them off and leave them begging for more. An excellent strategy to get them to pay more money. The dancer took the time to collect the money they desperately wanted to give him. They placed bills in his belt, in his boots, and if they were really lucky he’d lean down and they’d place bills inside of his suit. God, I wish I could give him money right now..cause he sure as hell earned it. As he moved off the stage the same way he came in, the entire place erupted in applause, us included. A voice suddenly blasted from the speakers. 
Alright, Firehouse!! Show your love for StarChild!!
So that’s what he’s called. Perfect name~ Since the show was over I figured we would all be leaving so I get up from my chair. Gene grabs my hand to stop me. “Hang on, Bruce..you’re not going anywhere just yet. You have a date with that dancer~” Wait. WHAT? I must’ve been hearing things! “I’m..what..?” Gene smiles and I can hear Peter and Eric snickering behind me. “That’s right~ A special little birthday gift from us to you~” I’m frozen. I can’t think. I can barely breathe. My brain is still trying to process what Gene has just told me. 
I am going to be spending the night with StarChild.
To be Continued!!
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