#im worthy of my url again
musicallygt · 2 years
I never shouldve been allowed to get into musicals bc ive been going through the Ratatousical songs and figuring out which i could make a parody of to work for a musical of the Ratattorney Au like
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aro-aizawa · 2 years
i hate that when i have such a passionate belief of an aro headcanon, i viscerally hate anything that insinuates otherwise. even if i force myself to tolerate it, i’m never going to be 100% okay with whatever contradicts it and it’s so hard to let go of that hate.
#shut up danni#i mean. my url probs speaks volumes lmao but in this case it's not that#im rewatching doctor who bc i need to get caught up again i've p much missed all of 13 except the beginning#so i decided that i'd start from clara to ease into 12 but i forgot that my mortal enemy river song is in that season finale rip#bc i v passionately believe that the doctor is generally aromantic#like there are a few exceptions to the rule like ten was deffo demiro#and i don't think i know anything about classic who to give my opinion on them but i might go back and watch them#i've been meaning to but i'm worried it'd be too different to what i'm used to and i won't like it#which is a shame bc i've grown up w doctor who i don't wanna dislike anything abt it#anyways back to my point - the doctor is deffo aro#and bc of that i hate river song w a passion and i don't like hating characters it makes me sad#maybe its because literally all of the episodes besides her debut episodes focus all on her#and why she's SO important and amazing#and SHE'S the only one worthy of marrying the doctor#urgh#if anything i think that sure she might be 12's wife but none of the others#look they can't have it both ways in that every doctor is the exact same in romantic/sexual orientation#but also say that every doctor is different and every incarnation is different in personality#anyways river song makes me sad and i wish she didn't exist but i hope that she stays forever gone#her last episode was a good ending for her and i hope i never see her again
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wetpapert0wel · 3 months
@ my ex ay yo get ur shit off my calendar lmao
#/j lol#idek if he knows my current url. but if he does: boy shoo. scram. skedaddle. i'm done w/ u. i been done w/ u.#last i checked his friends were dinks who said they wouldnt care if i died. 🥴 (that was 3 yrs ago or smth @ this point but still.)#like ik i was shitty as fuck. but like. i was 18-20 & freshly out of a shitty situation. idk if 3 yrs is gonna fix my bullshit.#yeah i can only imagine how horrifically exhausting i was to be around. but like. lbr. what did u expect.#did u honestly expect me to be perfect & normal as soon as we moved out#ur trauma might have made u soft (which is fine). but mine made me callous and mean. that's just a fact.#i'm not shit talkin his decisions; he had to do what was best for him. and i respect that.#i'm mostly miffed @ his friends LOL#his friends wre basically like: ''once an abuser always an abuser. no exceptions. only fictional abusers are ok.'' like. hello. what.#idgaf if im misinterpreting what they said lmao. they still said. verbatim. ''i wouldn't care if you lived or died.''#the Eldest of his friends said that as well. (i think they were 25 or 27??)#is a scared and injured dog not worthy of life? hello? and what is the difference between a man and a dog?#i've said it before & i'll say it again: i just needed more time to get better. but he didn't have to give me that time. and that's fine.#i didn't have enough time to grow out of my shit. nor did i have the best resources. it took my mom like 5-6 yrs to get better.#but she still fucks up sometimes. and she's still unintentionally mean. and she's in her 50s#gave me a wake-up call like no other tho i'll tell u what lmao#orignaletti
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go-learn-esperanto · 1 year
Hi there! I know that this is really out of the blue but im asking for a favor or some help w/ my cats current medical needs. Please if you have an extra time to boost/share it for us so that we could get some traction or it could reach more people, it would definitely help a ton! I understand if its not okay, Im so sorry for taking some of your time and I wish you to be safe and healthy always, xx.(Please considering answering my ask privately or probably hit me a msg if its fine! 😭🙏
Hi! I will choose to not reblog it and I will give exactly the reason why so in case you are a genuine person you might get the problem and be able to address it and give a reason as to why you just have a blog that is just like any other scam asking for help.
You have posted the post about your cats on February 3rd
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Nothing strange there.
Now your blog is very bare bones. It doesn't even have the custom Tumblr URL showing up. No theme. Just an icon, banner and description.
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Again... Not that strange on it's own. But! You have archive disabled.
Which seemingly stops me from checking when your first post was created. But in the end that's not necessary because scrolling down a bit makes me able to find it easily. Too easily.
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Posted on... February 3rd. The exact same day the post asking for help was created. In fact not even an hour before your asking for help post. And this is not a side blog. You sent me an ask after all.
You know how many scam financial aid stuff I get in my inbox? I reblogged stuff that ended up being a scam before. At this point I only reblog after doing a bit of a check.
Because you know, there are real people in need of help, people I will look and have old Tumblr blogs with posts of their own and clear interests. Not some reblogged posts of what's on the popular tags and suddenly a post asking for help.
Your blog looks like many scam blogs exploiting the kindness of people who want to help. Why would you have a need of making a whole new Tumblr account with a new email, reblogging some random posts before posting a post asking for monetary aid not even 20 minutes later?
And you only want people to answer to your ask privately. You don't want it to be known you asked for it. Because if I just reblogged your post it would seem more trust worthy. I reblogged a post from the source. "Maybe they even know the person" my followers might think. You even followed me because I will be so much more willing to reblog it if it means I get a new follower who's definitely interested on hearing me talk about Minecraft YouTubers on the daily.
And I'm sorry if you're telling the truth and I sound cruel (And I hope your cat gets well soon if that's the case) but... I don't feel well making my followers possibly giving money to a possible scam because I promoted it. You have to prove to be an actual blog, genuine person, for me to actual consider reblogging a post asking for money.
And in part I am answering this because your post seems ok. Believable. But I also know the ability of Tumblr scammers I have fallen for some beforehand. Because even though your cat pictures seem to have originated on your post that doesn't really change much because I could share a photo that I took of a cat last week, that was never on the internet, and do this
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I am so sorry to have to ask for this but my cat, Plinko, had to go to the vet because he was breathing weird.
Now the doctor has said we need to do more tests and with possible medication it can be quite a lot of money.
I am asking for $300 for now but things might get worse. :(
So please if you can help (you don't have to) it would be really appreciated if you helped with the costs. 💜
Ca$happ: xxxxxxx
It's not difficult. The certificate you showed? Not difficult to make in Word. There's not a single signature from a veterinarian (which you could fake anyway), neither a stamp (more difficult to fake)
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This logo is available online in a transparent format.
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So is this one...
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atinystraykid · 2 years
yay, new between us content!! cant wait to get more context for those gifs heheh. also congrats!!!! im proud of u for breaking the bitch that is creative block and writing again 💙 as for me, well, yeah, my url also contains the letter o. I suppose this means that this message, or my next, marks the final entry of blue heart anon, as i will probably no longer be anon to you after this lmao. if this is the end: it's been an honour being your anonymous admirer for the past week or so 💙💙 sincerely, probably-soon-to-be-no-longer blue heart anon 💙💙
I’ll gladly continue to be your supply of Between Us content 💙
Thankyou! Creative block IS a bitch, I’m so happy I won the fight against it once again.
Ah, yay! In that case I can be confident that my guess is right. I know who you are!! I solved the mystery - which is bittersweet because your messages always got me like this:
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(Actual live footage of me)
I almost want to pretend I still don’t know, so you’ll send more! But I guess this means I can message you directly now? (Or well, not now but whenever I think of a way to do so without revealing that I am much less admirer-worthy than you think I am)
It has been a fun week, blue hearts anon 💙
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catboyfurina · 4 years
pspspspses at the person camping on the ****** ********* url
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mekh-moved · 4 years
oh it is lovng killua hours 
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aropride · 3 years
not a question, but rather a command.
Hand over the goddamn c!Ranboo and c!Beeduo headcanons.
ok . ok. ok. *cracks my knuckles* *stretching like im abt to play a Sport Game*
c!ranboo . he/they or no pronouns depending on the Vibes. doesnt label his sexuality. not a fan of using words to describe himself at all actually and uses pronouns just bc he knows it makes things easier for other ppl
c!tubbo he/they exact opposite LOVES labels. demiromantic + gay. (fuck u *arospecs ur characters*)
both of them r neurodivergent bc i say so (im writing (/thinking really hard about writing) a fic rn abt them being nd and learning 2 accept themselves n each other Btw im so excited) here r my ideas for their nd traits
ranboo is autistic. tubbo is also autistic. i think we should have more autistic rep in media
ranboo ocd. u will know about this head canon if u followed me last week bc my url was ocdranboo, which is a banger.
tubbo adhd. tubbo SO adhd. someone help him
tubbo also dyslexic. cc!tubbo is so it would feel wrong for c!tubbo not to be fhsjhdf
c!ranboo repeats words a lot to try to say them "right," can get stuck saying certain words / sentences again and again until it's perfect. he hates eye contact.
hes very texture sensitive n only likes certain foods for that reason, altho he cant always remember which foods he likes n which ones he doesnt. hes also very sensitive to bright light, both due to sensory issues + from being from the end which is darker than the overworld.
he also sees person to person interaction sort of like a video game and relies on trial and error to figure out how to do conversations "right" (right by nt standards).
in terms of ocd he has more intrusive thoughts n repetition n checking compulsions than anything else, no cleanliness ocd im tired of that being the only symptom thats talked abt. he always goes back n checks things n u can often find him doing things in 3s or 7s.
hes very prone to overworking himself and trying too hard to do things the way he sees as correct which exhausts him and he often works far too long at things like mining because he wants to do them right and he wants to get as many resources as possible (to prove himself to be a worthy partner :') )
c!tubbo is about the exact opposite in terms of getting things done in that he Doesnt. he gets overwhelmed very easily n it's only gotten worse as he's gotten older. he frequently has complete shutdowns bc of executive functioning issues n will just Do Nothing and hate himself about it.
however hes also very hyperactive and hyper focuses easily. any topic that is even slightly enjoyable he will spend hours researching, leading to headaches from sitting in the library trying to read and inhaling dust all day.
he masks a lot due to anxiety n tries to appear as "normal" as possible which is often a train right straight to dissociation.
he scripts out conversations with everyone but close friends and will go blank when someone goes off script- like if he goes to buy two lemonades and they say theyre out of lemonade it takes him quite a few seconds to process it, and longer to try to create a new script with the new decision, which leads to very stressful situations when talking to new ppl
he doesnt understand sarcasm at all, but ranboo, who uses sarcasm a lot as a way to blend in more with neurotypicals, is almost always able to explain what's meant when tubbo misses sarcasm
he also hates bright lights. he and ranboo have dim torches in their mansion with the only exception being the library, where there's much more light to make reading easier
he hates asking for help. hates it, he thinks it makes him weak, but it doesn't, and thats something he's still trying to internalize. he sometimes watches tommy for an example of a friend he looks up to ( :') anon u did not say "sprinkle in c!clingyduo" but I Am Anyway) who is trying to get help for his mental health to prove to himself its ok to do so as well
thinking about ranboo crying and tubbo trying to wipe his tears away so they dont burn him. also thinking about tubbo crying and ranboo wiping his tears and not flinching even though it stings.
ranboo listens to lemon demon constantly because he's cool. tubbo grows to love it even tho normally hearing the same few songs on repeat for ages would drive him mad
tubbo n ranboo keep michael inside to keep him safe but sometimes on snowy nights when theres nobody in sight and hasn't been in days theyll go outside and make snow angels and ranboo always makes sure to wear extra layers so he doesn't get hurt by the snow so he can spend as much time as possible with his son and husband
ranboos special interest was boats for YEARS and then it was mining and the probability of getting different types of materials while mining. tubbos special interest is nukes.
michael autistic + nonverbal. not technically a c!beeduo head canon but he is their son so close enough
ranboo favourite food apple pie. this is very important
ok ive been at it for like half an hour i could keep going but i Wont because this is already quite a bit fjhfks
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hajimine · 3 years
I'm sad that you're leaving and also because I've been stalking your acc so much just to read your stories but ik it's for the best and focusing more on yourself is very important bdidbsj what's your other blog please😭😭😭 reading your stories was such a privilege to be able to and IM GONNA FREAKING MUSS YOU😭😭
HAHAH i feel honored that you think my works are binge worthy 😭 ahhh but my other blog isn’t a writing blog tho !! i may write again in the future but i can’t promise anything 😵‍💫 but if you still want the url anyway i’d love to have you there :) <33
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I posted 19,085 times in 2021
115 posts created (1%)
18970 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 165.0 posts.
I added 156 tags in 2021
#personal - 33 posts
#wtfrudoing withurlife - 27 posts
#me - 26 posts
#ipkknd - 25 posts
#iss pyaar ko kya naam doon - 15 posts
#rant - 8 posts
#lmao - 7 posts
#arnav singh raizada - 6 posts
#arnav and khushi - 5 posts
#khushi kumari gupta - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#that aimbition and success as we define it is so inheritors around colonized idea of success and capitalism’s definition of finding power
My Top Posts in 2021
about to go into surgery again last year i texted my ex he has pretty eyes let’s hope this year i don’t pull some bs in post-op
3 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 18:17:13 GMT
Tag Game
Spell out your url with song titles and tag as many people as letters in your url.
thanks @noor1025 for the tag. I am tagging @laad-governess, @paobhaji and @thenainitaldisaster and ofc anyone else who wants to play! :) 
sticking to hindi/urdu songs to keep the same vibes going! :) 
t - tera hone laga hoon
h - hum tum 
a - ankhon mein teri 
t - tere sang yaara
c - chammak challo
o - o saathi
l - laag ja gale
l - lal dupatta
a - aaja nachle
t - tu janne na
e - ek ladki ko dekha toh aisa laga
r - roke na ruke naina
a - ae dil hai mushkil
l - laila mein laila
d - desi girl
a - adha ishq
m - more sayyian
a - ae dil
g - ghar more pardesiya
e - ek shararat hone ko hai
you can make a playlist out of this lol
3 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 22:54:28 GMT
maybe I should take a nap 
4 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 05:56:48 GMT
literally so mad at myself right now. i’ve been rewatching ipkknd and was hoping to post all my old fanfics back in india forums except i just took out my old flash drive to see the documents and finding out that two of the already completed chapter fanfics i had weren’t completely saved at all. what sucks is that i used t be s*icidal and at one point i had every single thing posted on IF deleted including the already finished fanfics so my existence could be wiped away so as of now I can’t find the file where my entire work is preserved and it’s so frustrating to deal with the consequences that manic depressive 16 year old me was making.
i think i might have saved few things to sky drive/one drive but i stopped using hotmail like five years ago and obvs the drive deleted itself as it wasn’t being used so now there are like close to fifteen chapters of three different fanfics that are just gone ugerrgghhhhhh
the worst is the one of the fanfics was first complemented and posted and used to be my most popular work but now there’s no trace of it
5 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 04:48:17 GMT
the promos for Pakistani shows are always so good and then they do something which ends up disappointing. I was looking forward to watching laapata and then ayeza khan’s character in light of femicides was disgusting. parizaad literally has the main lead in a black face in 2021. hum Kaha ke sachay the resorts to two girls over one man troupe although so far the latter seems more promising. now ahsen khan’s new show looks worth a shot but we’ll have to be apprehensive about how to move with it. so far pardees is the only watchable thing on air but im so tired of watching women go through insane miseries and coming out stoic for them to be considered worthy of rewards of a happy life.
6 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 21:30:59 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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gayspock · 3 years
spock for the character ask!
1: sexuality headcanon (taps the url) 2: otp him and kirk. girlie, there simply isnt a question abt it!!!! literally idk what tf is up with my brain, these days.... like idk when it comes to ships im usually more passive tbh (like i’ll be like <3 yaaay good for these gays) but spirk sent me insane for some god damn reason. bless <3 anyways
3: brotp i havent seen aos yet but i rlly do love him and miss nyota being besties... AGAIN i think. hm. like if i ever see aos, my opinion of tht might change? bc i do think they could be compatible IN a romantic sense, if you remixed both their characters but... REALLY dont know if that specific nuance is actually met in aos, and so from my total tos perspective: they BESTIES!
BUT i also rlly like AUs where he’s besties with t’pring&stonn. i think (the latter especialy) that is in part a reactionary thing: i find it funny, but i ultimately dont rlly Care for stonn&t’pring being depicted as one note, antagonistic forces or points of drama in fics... and so seeing the converse of tht is sth i just find nice and refreshing as hell and a far more interesting thing to explore, u kno wht i mean??? yah<3
4: notp hrgrhh. i cant think of..... a specific one. like, there’s deffo shit i’d turn my nose up at: but i see it so rarely, it hardly seems worthy of a remark, u kno wht i mean? i guess spock/pike? i’ve seen that a bit and i dont like that at all. OH WAIT. DOES.... SHIPPING SPOCK PRIME WITH AOS KIRK COUNT?OH BABE I HATE THAT. I DONT LIKE THAT ONE!!!!!!  
5: first headcanon that pops into my head i will be fair and honest with u i am not necessarily a headcanons kinda guy (where do you bitches get thoughts from! what the fuck!)  so im all empty i think. hm. h- hey? WAIT NO, i was thinking of this earlier actually-. i dont think my man likes flowers and this is technically a spirk headcanon but u KNO in the man trap. kirk is like “pick some flowers” and he picks fucking GRASS or some bollocks. yeah i think thats bc spock doesnt necessarily find flowers themselves that pretty but whatever the fuck (grass? is it fucking GRASS?) appeals to him. unsure of specifically why, but... maybe its due to vulcan & what grows more abundantly there (which could very well change what is used and for when). i dont know shite about shit when it comes to lore. maybe using grass or whatever the fucj tht is to actually weave and make shit with is a thing on vulcan. babe dont ask me.... im npt the headcanons man. i just think its funny if everyone looks at kirk like he’s a weirdo for parading around a bouquet of fucking grass and when he presents it to spock he’s just like stoically enchanted.
7: one way in which I relate to this character autism...... mixed.... gay...... gender or whatever... (i cant talk abt specifics im too queasy with embarassment bc like fucks sake spock is one of those where its like. yah the shit i relate to is TOO embarrassing to drag out specifically babe so sit with THIS)
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character SCREAM ive said it before but journey to babel when FUCKING... HIS PARENT SWALK IN AND THEY BLANK HIM. MAYBE ITS NOT SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT PER SE, BUT THAT EVOKES SUCH A VISCERAL REACTION. I CANT. ITS TOO REAL, MISTER SPOCK, ITS TOO REAL! HAVE MY HEAD IN MY HANDS AND SHIT. also ALSO not second hand embarrassment but when my king turns up in tmp in THAT goth getup???? like i AM in awe, i guess- so i guess it worked and  hence why its not embarrassment but i........ really do have to sit there and have a little okay, mister spock. okay. to myself and smirk because he really didd do that. like he REALLY did bring all that drama, get that little makeover just to show up and act like he was unbothered. ALL this effort to appear EFFORTLESS. OKAY spock! however you want to act. im screamin. drama queen.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cant cope with this question. spock has never done anything wrong in his life. he’s a little cunt sometimes but it;s literally always justified and respectable so literally whatever you know.  like he deserves it and stuff <3
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rekikyan · 4 years
Hi, Kait! I'm so sorry if I'm creepy or rude but i cant believe you just followed me omg THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! IM SCREAMING. Your blog seems AMAZING. I just got into Julie and the Phantoms last night and i'm really obsessed with it! Also, your url is WONDERFUL💖💖💖 again, i'm sorry if this ask makes you uncomfortable, I don't mean to do that, but just wanted to thank you for following me! I hope you have a lovely day! 💖
hi there! this is not creepy or rude at all, oh my god!! i just can’t believe you’re so excited i followed you?? i am totally not worthy of this reaction! thank you so much though!! your blog also looks amazing and i think your url is awesome!! i’m glad you into jatp, it’s such a good show and i love seeing more people get into it!! aww, thank you!! i still don’t know how i managed to snag this url lol. you definitely didn’t make me uncomfortable, don’t even worry about it!! this made my day, honestly, and you’re so welcome for the follow!! i hope you have a lovely day or night, as well!! 🥰💕
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When I first started rping on tumblr about a decade ago (give or take a year cyz im too lazy to check when it was again)
I hit 300 followers really quickly.
I was one of the first Maleficents and everyone wanted to rp with her because hey she’s a villain.
After I hit 300, within about a month or two of getting her blog if I remember the timeline right, I decided to move her from a sideblog (which she had been, attached to my personal blog) and make her a mainblog. I remember losing a ton of my followers for whatever reasons they had at the time.
But I considered it a worthy sacrifice. I was sending asks as Maleficent now instead of as me, Mally-mun as I was called back then (and still am called by one group of people I also got to know back then that weren’t RP related)
(the Rumbellers of a decade ago)
It was a great time
I had just started college (ah, so it was nine years ago then, I was 18 and now I distinctly remember worrying that people wouldn’t believe me when I said I was 18 so for my age I had just written 18+ I think is what I did. I did the same when I reached 21, I only started putting my exact age on my mun pages when I was 23)
Everything was crazy back then. All of you young’ins weren’t there for the dashboard arrow memes, declaring one or more blogs were some seemingly random thing. You weren’t there for a lot of stuff that I remember fondly with rose colored glasses but am now old enough to see that some of it was at least a little bit cringey
You weren’t around for how we molded the rp community back then, though you do see some of the remnants of it. Now you’re the ones molding the rp community, good job btw.
I’ve gone through a lot of rp blogs since I first started. I was stubborn and refused to rp more than one fandom at a time. Sometimes I had a dual muse blog. Almost all of those muses I once played are on this blog now. Almost. I never did get back to the Spirited Away fandom (I was a Kaonashi at one point, for a group). And I’ve since reworked my KH muses besides Maleficent, to the point that they aren’t recognizable anymore as their older selves. I once had a OUAT Maleficent for a pokemon AU group (Maleficent and Missy the Misdreavous). I can’t fully remember my muse for a Persona based group, I want to say I took a canon muse and reworked him as an AU version then threw him in persona, I want to say it was Chase Young but I dont remember tbh--IT WAS KEN! It was a Persona AU Ken Ichijouji right, pretty sure I deleted that one
SO! What! Is! The! Point! Of all this rambling of mine when the Header was about 300 followers?
Well you see, when I reached 300 again on Maleficent after making her a main blog (url: ManipulativeInstincts [version1, i rebooted the url some time later]), the next time I managed to hit 300 was when I was playing as Chase Young and Kimiko Tohomiko (url: KimikoAndChase [rebooted to JianhurenHeylin with just Chase some time later]), then after that the next time I hit 300 was as Goro Akechi (url: JvstAPvppet [never rebooted])
And now
Now I’ve reached 300 followers again, after a year and a half (4 months?) on my Multimuse where I get to play all my lovely muses with all you lovely people!
And I just think that’s really neat! Especially since for this blog I decided on a policy to never follow first unless the blog I was following was just another blog under a mun I already knew.
It’s just amazing how far I’ve come since 9 years ago.
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itshyuka · 4 years
oops my bad for not clarifying who im talking about you probably have no idea. serves her right that ps was not working with her, honestly who would ever want to? a word of advice: dont be so friendly and ignorant and listen to what im saying
a word of advice: don’t call someone ignorant, then proceed to not logically educate someone as to why they are ignorant.
biased comments that you have made thus far:
doesn’t have a txt url, thus trying to fit in the wrong crowd : false, she has a dedicated txt blog, next
good for nothing : subjective. what are you basing this off???
untalented : subjective, she’s only just started making gifs, i was in a worse off state then she was when i began. it took me 2 years to reach this point. i guess i’m even less talented. try again.
sensitive : subjective. i am also considered sensitive in numerous aspects, guess i also am a good for nothing too then woooo, go me
not special : one, who are you to be the judge of that?? two, show me where she’s expressed in any form that she thinks she’s special?
doesn’t deserve friends : wack, once again, who are you to declare that? is there a universal code that outlines who is more worthy of the honour, your highness. please bestow upon me this wisdom 😔
i am listening, anon, sweetie. but what i’m listening to is absolutely nothing substantial. don’t bother messaging again, i know who eunhee is to me and that’s a little sister i adore 😘 if that makes me ignorant, well i’ll be damned, she’s been nothing but wonderful to me.
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loveisbraveandwild · 5 years
How did you get so many fans on here. I only have one and that means my posts won’t get reblogged and taylor won’t see them
hi! i’ve gotten this question from a number of anons & dms so im just going to make one long post abt it & hope ppl see it! i honestly have no idea! i made this account almost a year ago to date, with my instagram. I occasionally posted here but was mostly on instagram. my theme on instagram was really unique so i gained pretty fast. i also messaged a lot of people, from small to “big” accounts. i wanted to become friends with as many people as possible, but also understand how this online fandom functions. while not posting here all the time, i was posting a ton on instagram & kept this blog linked in my instagram bio. i was really lucky that i made so many friends so quickly. people reply a lot faster & consistently on instagram imo. i also got my first notice two months after joining which like never happens so im eternally grateful. i don’t know how taylor found it but she did & then thought it worthy enough to put on her insta story. 
about 4 or 5 months ago taylor liked a video on instagram with a bunch of people & we made a group blog based on her comment on said video. two months later she followed it. thats when i started to become really active on here. not only did she follow angels but she likes the blog’s posts which means a lot of people follow them because people tend to follow accounts that taylor follows (a. because they’re more likely to get a reblog from them & b. they just like find the account, ya know). & when i would reblog on angels people would follow me (again, probably because they wanted reblogs but also they were just discovering my blog).
i got into the editing game during this period. most of my tumblr friends i’ve made because of editing. i’m super active on here (its unhealthy). while i messaged a lot of people on instagram, i’ve found the best way to make friends here is by commenting on people’s posts! people love when you reblog their edits or witty text posts & if they (myself included) recognize you from their notifications, their more likely to answer a dm (tumblr doesnt have read receipts like instagram so people are less inclined to respond). I also send a lot of asks (not anons), again so people become familiar with my icon & url. When i left the aforementioned group blog i also gained a lot because the blog is fairly controversial & people saw it as like a selfless act, losing my taylor follow, idek i literally left for mental health reasons. 
& then i was lucky enough to meet taylor & have gained a lot since then. i think she invited me because of the blog, she invited about 20 people from it, & while i wasnt technically apart of it anymore i was still in the bio so i think thats how she found me. 
since leaving the blog i’ve gotten two notices. one from someone i literally did not & still dont really know. & then one from someone who is my mutual but we’ve never talked. i really don’t know how i’ve gained so fast other than the fact that im always on my phone, i try to be nice, & i post what i think to be creative, sometimes funny, & original content. i trust that most people in this fandom are kind & warm & i’m privileged in that i have an extroverted personality & feel comfortable messaging people i don’t know. my biggest pieces of advice, if i could give any would be to 1. stay active 2. step out of your comfort zone & meet new people & 3. post creative, original content. hope this was helpful! 
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cellphonehippie · 5 years
yeah i have like 3 taylor mutuals on here? if i went to a session nobody would know me/nobody would be freaking out if i was quiet during a session. idk ive been excited for everyone meeting taylor but tonight it just feels a bit different bc im seeing people on my dash being excited for their mutuals or whatever and it seems like anyone who doesnt have that kind of following/attention from the fandom isnt worthy of taylor's attention and it sucks bc ive been a fan since 2007 but nobody cares :/
if you give me your url i’ll definitely follow you !! i’m quiet myself on here so like i feel like i don’t make friends that easily. like let me be honest i’ve only recognised one person who’s gone to a session this era so i’m like ???
i’ve never really been popular or have that good of a personality for ppl to like my textposts and be known. i definitely see that the louder you are the more of a chance to get noticed which makes me a bit sad bc i’ve always been quiet. i’m lucky enough that my edits has given me some followers if i didn’t have them i wouldnt have followers at all. so i get how hard it is for u. but again if you feel comfortable enough to give me ur url i’ll definitely support u <3
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