#imagine being a scared little boy left alone after the destruction of your town and family!
xeemaee · 5 months
Kabru just wants to stop the destruction of another dungeon town like his! He just wants to prevent other people from having the same fate as his mother! As himself! He just wants to do anything he can to prevent that! He cares so much about people and the world and humanity and what if I screamed about Kabru!
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its-monster-mash · 3 years
Paul(The Lost Boys) X Michael’s Ex!Fem!Reader Imagine(Part 1)
Content Warnings: Vaguely Love-Triangley? (Reader and Michael are still good friends and broke up a while before Mike moved, but things are a little awkward because they were each other’s first serious relationship; so he’s more protective than he needs to be, and there might be a few hurt feelings, but I wouldn’t quite call it a love triangle), Brief Sexual Harassment
Part 2
This turned out SUPER long so I’m putting it under a readmore; also I think I’m going to make it a series because I want to go a lot further with this but I suspect I’m going to run out of space soon
• Michael Emerson had been your best friend since you were kids, growing up in Phoenix only a ten minute walk from eachother...if you knew the right shortcuts. You knew all of them, thought you knew everything when you were younger, and you got yourself and Mike into a fair amount of trouble because of it...but he had always been a good kid, and was able to temper your more destructive elements.
• It surprised exactly no one when the two of you eventually started dating, nor did it surprise them when you broke up a few years later. You had always been inseparable, and the love had always been there, but over time you just couldn’t help but feel stifled. You had spent your entire teen years with him, and so many people liked to joke that Mike tamed you...at the rate you were going it seemed like sundresses, picket fences, and a couple of kids weren’t far off in your future...and that scared you.
• Mike was heartbroken when you left him, and for the first few weeks he absolutely held it against you, but due to your shared friends and history your friendship survived. Unfortunately, his parents’ divorce separated your iconic duo once again.
• When Mike’s dad showed up on your doorstep a few days after the move, you tore him a new one for basically abandoning his sons. He set a box on your porch, Mike’s Tools...his Grandpa gave them to him when he was just a little kid and they were one of his most treasured possessions...they were forgotten in the chaos of the move...His dad thought you might visit him sometime...
• That’s what led to you hopping in your shitass El Camino and making the drive to Santa Carla. Lucy had given you their new address before they left...you knew she hoped that maybe you and Mike would get back together some day, but that just wasn’t in the cards. At the end of the day he was just too good, too normal, for you.
• Driving through Santa Carla, you can’t help but be drawn to the sheer...strangeness of it all. Looking at the people, you feel like you actually fit in here. You definitely plan on hanging around the town for a while.
• Mike isn’t home when you get to his Grandpa’s house, but his mom could not be happier to see you. It’s a bittersweet reunion for you; she had been more of a mother to you growing up than your own parents, but after breaking her son’s heart you just don’t feel like it‘s right for you to call her “Mom” like you used to. She has a million questions, and she even suggests you stay with them for a while...you politely decline.
• You didn’t tell her that sleeping in your beat-up old car was preferable to her hospitality, but it would just be too weird, with how recent your breakup was. You and Mike are still friends, but you think sleeping under the same roof might be weird for him
• You still want to see him though, so you decide to explore the town on foot for a while; maybe run into him. You’re wandering around when you hear a familiar voice coming from the open door of a comic book store.
• As soon as you walk in you see the unmistakably garish patterns of Sammy Emerson’s signature style and break into a wide smile. “Long time no see, huh kid?” Almost the second he sees you he practically knocks you over with a hug, backing away in embarrassment after a second of thought. You and Mike were already best friends by the time he was born, so Sam was almost as much your little brother as he is Mike’s.
• “Now What was that about Vampires?” You had overheard Sam and the Frog brothers when you walked into the store...Sam rolls his eyes, and the Frogs assail you with some insane story about how the town is overrun with vampires. Some imaginations these kids have.
• You bail out of there pretty quick in favor of wandering the boardwalk, seeing what Santa Carla had to offer...before you know it, the sun is starting to set
• Maybe going out alone in “The Murder Capital of The World” wasn’t your smartest decision, but you weren’t exactly known for your self preservation; that had always been Mike’s job...but he isn’t here now.
• You grimace as you notice a group of surfers take notice of you. You had wandered a bit aways from the main crowd, so you aren’t sure anyone would notice if things went south... “Hey Sweetie.”
• “Get Bent.” You sneer as they close in on you. “Awe well that’s not very polite,” the leader says, giving your ass a firm squeeze. “You should try being a little nicer.”
• You humor him with the sweetest smile you can muster as you stomp as hard as you can on his foot. He calls you a bitch and you flinch as his fist flies toward you.
• You open your eyes when the hit never comes, and are shocked to see that someone had caught the guy’s fist. You look up at him and your cheeks flush; when was the last time you saw a guy this handsome? “This guy bothering you, babe?” He asks as he squeezes the guy’s fist so tight you hear something pop. The guy falls to his knees and gasps in pain as his friends back away nervously. You smile wickedly. “Not anymore.”
• You watch the douchbags storm away with their wounded pride, shouting empty threats, only distracted when your Knight in Shining Tight-Pants tucks your hair affectionately behind your ear. “So what’s a pretty thing like you doing alone in a town like this?”
• You bite your lip, eyeing him appreciatively; now that you could get a good look at him you can tell he is definitely your type...and you hadn’t been with anyone since you broke things off with Michael. “Hoping to run into an old friend, but I haven’t seen him.”
• He grins, clearly appreciating your look. “That’s too bad, wanna make some new friends?” His eyes are fixed on you with a certain hunger, there’s a palpable danger to him; it excites you.
• You shift your stance flirtatiously, leaning into him ever so slightly. “That depends, are they all as cute as you?” He pokes his tongue into his cheek with an amused grin. “Almost.”
• He takes your mischievous smirk as agreement, and throws an arm around you, leading you back to where his friends are gathered by their bikes. “This the chick you ditched us for?” The curly-headed blond asks, humor in his tone.
• “Well I for one am grateful for the timely rescue.” You grin. “How grateful?” The blond on the bike asks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively; making you laugh. Your hero slaps at him playfully, and the favor is returned.
• Seemingly the leader of the group, the spiky-headed blond interrupts the roughhousing. “Paul, Marko, knock it off and let’s go.”
• Paul nods, climbing onto his bike and grinning at you seductively. “You wanna go for a ride, babe?”
• His smile is infectious, and his innuendo isn’t lost on you. Maybe it’s not your safest decision, but you climb on the back of his bike; earning a loud “HELL YES.” From him, and hooting and hollering from Marko.
• “Make sure you hold on tight babe, I’m about to take you on a ride you’ll never forget.” “Shut up and drive,” you tease as you wrap your arms tightly around his midsection.
• They all laugh deviously as they rev their motors to life, and you’re glad you’re holding on tight, nearly falling off when they take off from 0 to 100. “HOLY SHIT!” “What’s the matter sweetheart, can’t handle a little speed?”
• “That all you got?!” You ask, acting tough. It was a mistake though. “That all you got, Paul?” Marko asks, mocking you. “I dunno girl, I think that’s all he’s got.” The big brunette says, first time he’s spoken since you met the boys. “Fuck off, Dwayne!” Paul shouts. The leader gives his engine a rev, egging Paul on. You scream, forced to cling tightly to his back as his bike tears into the night. Marko pulls up next to you, mimicking you with a falsetto squeal.
• “Damn babe, already screaming for me,” Paul teases over the roar of his motor. You’d sass him back if you weren’t too busy burying your face in his back for dear life. You’d ridden on the back of Mike’s bike plenty of times before, but he was never this reckless. You’re as terrified as you are thrilled.
• By the time you start to get used to the speed, the boys are slowing down, and much to your surprise, they pull right up to Michael, who is standing with a girl you haven’t met. His eyes snap to you instantly and go wide with confusion, he hadn’t even been aware you’d come to town. “(Y/N)?”
• “This that friend you were looking for?” Paul asks. “Yeah, (Y/N), care to introduce us to Star’s new friend?” “David please.” You watch the exchange a bit uncomfortably, shifting on the bike, arms still around Paul. “Yeah...Hey Mike, I uh, your old man dropped your tools off at my place so I took them up to your mom.” Your chest feels impossibly tight. You aren’t jealous to see him with a new girl, but you had hoped that maybe he’d be a little happier to see you here...and him, the earring and that jacket...it doesn’t feel like Mike at all. Paul can feel you shrink against him.
• “Hope I’m not stepping on any toes here,” Paul says, giving your thigh an unsubtle squeeze; deliberately antagonizing Michael. You smile a bit awkwardly as Mike scratches the back of his head in discomfort. Star looks between the two of you, avoiding eye contact with David. “No, Mike and I used to date but...” “But it’s over,” Mike says, a bit too shortly, trying to cover the awkwardness with an unconvincing smile.
• David shoots him a not-all together-friendly look. “Well, you seem to be moving on well enough,” he says, gesturing to Star, who shrinks beside him. “So’s (Y/N),” Paul interjects, looking over his shoulder to smile at you. You smile back at him, despite the awkwardness.
• “We should go, Star,” David urges. Star hesitates, but climbs on the back of his bike. Michael looks mortified, and you can’t help but feel awful for him. You’re shocked when David nods his head toward Mike’s bike. “Come with us, Michael.”
• You know the look on Mike’s face; his first instinct is to back out, avoid trouble...but then he looks at you, and he looks at Star; like he’s worried what will happen to you if he doesn’t come along. “Mike,” You don’t have to come, you start to say, feeling Paul tense in your arms. “I’m coming.”
• “This is gonna be so sick,” Marko says with a practically manic grin, before Dwayne swats him upside the head. “Don’t be an ass.”
• “Don’t forget, (Y/N), hold on tight,” Paul says, side eyeing Michael a little less than subtly. Mike rolls his eyes and you shrug apologetically. This is awkward, for sure, but one way or another you want to see this through. Paul and the boys seem cool as hell, and at the very least seem like a good way to get back on the horse after getting over a long relationship.
• You squeeze Paul a little tighter, heart pounding against his back. He revs his engine. “You ready, babe?”
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sacrificim · 4 years
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huge thank you to @asterites for plotting this out with me!! and by which i mean she was the mastermind and i’m so grateful if your heart breaks blame her <3
     once upon a time there was a boy and a girl, two twins who hailed from the nation governed by the eyes of eternity. orphaned and all alone in the world, with not but one another for company. even when hunger stuck, or the winds blew harsh, as long as the children had each other there was hope that all would be okay.
     yet this was no fairy tale, and there was no happily ever after.
     the twins, oh how they loathed the orphanage that was meant to be their home. oh how they fled at the slightest opportunity. it was on one such eve that the duo took off. "we can live in the woods!” the boy thus cried, the more frivolous of the pair. “there will be berries and apples to keep our bellies full, and we can make shelter from sticks!" the girl agreed, and so did they run. far from their village, far into the wilderness. to frolic and play and build their lives anew.
     alas, their dream came crashing down with a scream.
     halua? where had she gone? down, emil discovered. down between a crack in what was the very earth itself. small, easy to miss, and even easier to devour a child small as them.
     halua! he had only meant to reach his hand in, only meant to grab and pull for surely she could not be far. till he, too, slipped between the cracks. the dirt beneath his hands giving way, and plummeting the boy into blinding darkness.
     down, down did they fall. into a world he never knew existed. never could have imagined, even with the eyes of a child. dark, terrifying, thrumming with a primordial power he could not explain yet was alive all around him. but, where was his sister? where did she go? where were they?
     all those and more probed the child's head, but no answer would ever come.
     emil and halua, what unfortunate children. they both fell into the abyss, but halua? she was never found. no one was, the boy all alone for the first time in his short life.
     his time in the abyss is but a faded memory for him, time having become a meaningless construct in the land below. surrounded by beasts the likes of which he'd never seen. how did he survive, and for how long? how did he escape? not even he knows, but the boy that emerged from its depths was not the same one who fell in. not physically. for emil's body? it was corrupted. flesh rendered from bone; one arm now skeletal in nature, as was the entirety of his form from the mid-torso down. tainted in ways he had yet to understand.
     he tried to hide it, tried to ignore his plight ( for despite the grisly sight it was painless, a problem for another day ) in favor of seeking the sister he could never find. but he could not keep it hidden forever, and one day his luck ran out.
     enter the fatui. snezhnaya. a doctor he'd come to know uncomfortably well. out of the frying pan and into the fire, as they say, except he had simply traded one fire for another.
     corrupted by the abyss, he was a fascinating case. despite his protests. despite prayer after prayer to seven gods who never came. what was left of his body became an experiment to study - to test the limits of. a little of this, a little of that. infused with something he learned to be dubbed archon residue, but what precisely it was mattered little compared to how it made him feel.
     geo. cryo. a volatile combination swirled within. he became a walking bomb of unstable energy, ticking on, waiting to self-destruct. not if, but when. who had caused his share of destruction, but was always kept in check.
     that is, until he escaped.
                                                             extra below the cut
in this verse emil is a ten year old that is similar to collei from the manga, injected with archon residue and now a deadly force of raw power. two elements, fused into one unstable source. it is not killing him, as it was her, thanks to his corrupted form. but the two powers are liable to expand, and be set off. corrupted even further by the abyssal thrum within him. he is dangerous, and he fears that. fears his abilities, and will thus refuse to use them if he can help it. and he can't always help it.
though volatile, there is something keeping his power in check. a suit of armor, and a "mask" of stone. the one thing he is grateful for and took with him during his escape. the armor fills out his skeletal limbs, making then appear fuller, human. and, thankfully, are easy enough to hide beneath loose fitting clothes. the mask, on the other hand… the sight of it unsettles him, but he keeps it near. wearing it when away from villages, where the public might see. or when his power flares and craves release.
the premise is also inspired by the image shown below. and, if the opportunity arose, this au does have the possibility of leading emil to take on a fully abyssal form - mostly comparable to the floating, entirely skeletal emil we know from canon. just an extra touch of angst to keep on the backburner for when the time comes.
he has harmed people, unwillingly. accidentally. leaving behind petrified innocents that he wishes he knew how to save, but does not know if they are even still alive inside.
emil travels. on one hand to look for his missing sister, and on the other hand for the safety of himself and others. staying in one place for too long scares him, feeling as if he might put people at risk - or risk himself being found by either fatui or someone who has seen his handiwork. even so, emil can't help venturing into towns every now and then… to continue his search, yes, but he is also a young child who has never been on his own like this before. the life of a recluse not one he knows how to live.
he is still the same optimistic emil of canon, who delights in making others happy, and wishes ever so to not be alone.
and finally, where is halua? well...  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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krreader · 5 years
EXO (Mafia!AU) reacting to you being pregnant.
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pairing: exo x reader fandom: exo warnings: mafia!au ; non idol!au ; language genre: fluff ; angst word count: 1.8k+
a/n: I don’t think I need to put a warning for chen here as this is a mafia au, but if you’re uncomfortable with a chen part where the reader is pregnant, please be aware :) thank you @rhapsody-of-fire​ for the request and I LOVE Your icon hahaha
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kim minseok
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You and Minseok had been trying for a baby for months, ever since you and him had finally gotten married.
The road up to this point had not been easy and it's not just disapproving family members that you had to survive, but attempts on your life for 'forming an allegiance that could overthrow the mafia industry'.
Minseok wanted a child, just as much as you did, but both of you were also very worried about what bringing a child into this dark world would mean.
Nevertheless, when you told him that you were expecting.. it seemed like all of that darkness washed away for a moment and him and you were just two normal people, excited about their newest addition to the family.
“I can't believe it,” he laughed out, hugging you as closely as possible and then gently pushing you away to look at your belly, “We're going to be parents!”
In that moment, if anyone else had seen him, nobody would have suspected what he did for a living. People would have assumed he was a kind and gentle man.. which he was.. but only to you and, now, your child as well.
To the rest of the world? Not so much.
kim junmyeon
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“So boss,” Junmyeon and a few of his goons were in their meeting room, drinking, planing and smoking, when one of his minions said something that not even he had known.. and usually he knew everything, “Heard you finally knocked up your wife, huh? Congrats!”
And then the entire room went quiet, because nobody apparently knew except for this little shit.
Junmyeon would have had a word with him that had ended with a bloody nose at best, but he had gotten up instantly and ran into the bedroom, only to find you look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“What's gotten into you?”
“You're pregnant?!”
“How..- I told them not to tell you yet!”
“You..- How come one of my men knows, but I, the father of the child, don't?!”
“The first few months are always the scariest, because everything can happen during that period,” you sighed and approached him, gently placing your hand on his chest, “I know how much you want to be a father and I didn't want to disappoint you if it didn't work out.”
He let out a sigh, closed his eyes and then let his forehead rest against yours.
He was a ruthless man, truly.
But in that moment, his thoughts weren't consumed by death and destruction, all he could think of in that moment was: “I love you and thank you for looking out for me like you always do.”
zhang yixing
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You had accompanied your husband to a dinner with some other leaders of smaller groups around town.
Yes, your husband had the most weapons and followers, didn't mean that he wanted to start a war with any – let alone all – of these smaller bosses, so he regularly attended these dinners to keep the peace.
“Ma'am,” when Yixing and you had sat down, a man walked up to you with a glass of champagne, but you kindly declined and told him you'd stick with water tonight.
And your husband obviously noticed.
He noticed everything.. except for the most important thing.
“You never pass up on an opportunity to drink champagne. You feeling okay?”
“Yeah, yeah.. just.. not in the mood, I guess.”
Yixing stared at you for a moment longer, then he heard the woman from across chuckle into her glass, “What's so funny?” he asked.
“It's so obvious, yet you're not seeing it. Maybe she should lead your people if you can't even notice something like this.”
And even you couldn't help but chuckle at that, because yes, you had dropped hints for weeks, yet Yixing never noticed.
It was only when the woman pointed at her own rounded belly that Yixing's head whipped back to you, “YOU'RE PREGNANT?!”
byun baekhyun
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You had wanted to tell him today, had waited for the perfect opportunity to do so and were about to do it as he crawled into bed next to you and pulled you close, but then he got a call.
You didn't hear what it was about, but Baekhyun suddenly said with a heavy sigh: “Wait there. I'll get my men and come to you.”
And when he wanted to get up, you quickly grabbed his shirt and shook your head, “No, don't go.”
“Minseok needs help, (Y/N).”
“It's always somebody that needs something from you. Have you considered that maybe I do too?”
“What could you need?” he let out a snort as he got up, “You got everything you ever wanted here.”
You were quiet for a moment, then you said, “Except for the father of my unborn child by my side.”
And with that you got up and left for the bathroom.
Baekhyun stared after you for a moment, wanted to follow you and talk about this, especially because, yes, he was happy about the news, but then he got another call and he.. left.
As hard as that was.
Because he knew he'd leave behind a crying wife and he hated that more than anything.
kim jongdae
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Was this a good idea? Absolutely not.
Were you still going to do it? Yes.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Junmyeon stared at Jongdae with furrowed eyebrows, “You're letting her go inside?!”
“What's your issue? She's always done stuff like this with us, she's one of the best we have. Just because she's my wife now doesn't mean she's any less badass.”
Junmyeon only became more confused and he knew it wasn't his place to tell his friend if you hadn't told him yourself, but you weren't just putting yourself in danger anymore, “Dude. She's pregnant.”
And oh boy, you have never seen Jongdae sprint so fast in his life to get you out of danger.
“No, stop! What are you doing?!”
“You think you can just prevent me sending you home by not telling me that you're pregnant?!”
“I'm pregnant, not dead. I can still fight.”
“I don't care, you go home now. This isn't just about you anymore, this is about our baby. This is stupid.”
You pouted, but didn't have much of a choice, because one of your husband's men pretty much dragged you back to the car. And of course you knew your husband was right but.. you were just a little too stubborn to see it in that moment.
park chanyeol
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He hated himself in that moment more than he had ever hated himself before and that said a lot, because ever since Chanyeol took his father's place, he despised himself for what he did.
“I should have protected you more,” he said in a low and broken voice as he held your cold hand, “None of this would have happened if I had taken better care of you.”
You weren't dead.. not yet, but close to it by the looks of it.
You had called him, but he had been in a meeting so he hadn't answered. Later, he had found out that you had called because somebody had broken into the house and had stabbed you as well as every staff member in the house.
Only a handful survived, those who did just barely.
And you were one of them.
“Mister Park?” the doctor entered the room and waited until Chanyeol turned around before continuing, “I just wanted to inform you that the child is unharmed.”
“The.. child?”
The doctor blinked at him for a second, opening his mouth and then closing it again before he said: “Well.. yes. Your wife is three months pregnant.”
And that was the last straw for him to fully break down.
do kyungsoo
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Kyungsoo shouldn't be home yet. He had told you he'd be out of the city for a few days, so you had felt comfortable enough to invite the doctor to your place.
So imagine your surprise – and his – when he entered the living room and found the doctor doing an ultrasound on you and a heart beat that was definitely too fast to be yours echoing through the room.
“What the hell?”
“Thank you doctor,” you quickly said, signaling him that he could stop now, before wiping away the gel from your belly, “What are you doing here? You said you'd be gone for a while.”
“You're pregnant?!”
“Yes. You just saw it yourself, didn't you?”
“Why didn't you tell me?”
“Because you were too fucking busy, Kyungsoo! Like you always are.”
You were angry with him, because, of course, you had wanted him to be there with you for this moment, but then he had said he'd leave from one second to the next without an explanation and you thought he might be cheating on you or something.
Deep down you obviously knew that he had to leave because of what he did for a living, but you were still angry at him for just leaving like this.
And now he had to make up for it for the next three weeks by buying you ice cream every night because you were craving it.
Payback is sweet.
kim jongin
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“I'm pregnant,” you said over dinner, completely at random, making Jongin almost choke on his food and then say with a full mouth: “What?”
“I found out this morning. Congratulations. You'll be a father.”
Yet you weren't necessarily happy about it.
This marriage wasn't a good one. You had been naive and stupid when you had married him and had thought you could deal with the life he was living.
And now you had brought a baby into all of this and you weren't proud of that. In fact, you were so fucking scared.
Jongin, however, was proud. 
Proud, happy, excited..
He knew you were afraid of what this would mean, but he did his best to prove to you that he would never let anything happen to you or this child. 
He'd rather die before anyone put a hand on either of you.
oh sehun
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“I don't want to leave like this,” Sehun sat down on the bed, your back facing him.
The two of you had fought earlier and now he had to leave for a new mission.
And see, when Sehun had to leave, there was never a guarantee that he'd come back.
“Then stay.”
“You know I can't do that.”
“Then leave. Leave with me. Let’s go somewhere else, somewhere safe,” you suddenly turned around, your eyes full of tears.
That surprised him.
“What's going on, (Y/N)? Talk to me.”
“I'm pregnant,” you cried out, “And I can't stand seeing you leave so much and I never know whether it's going to be the last time or not. And now every time you do, I think: 'What if that's it? What if our child never gets to meet his or her father?'”
Sehun gulped down hard, then pulled you close and gently brushed over your back to calm you doing, you now crying so much that your body was shaking.
“We'll figure this out. I promise.”
Because he understood your fear. Now more than ever.
Every time he left, he kept thinking the same thing.
'What if I never get to see the face of my child?'
And that had to change.
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slasherscream · 5 years
Oh lord that last ask with the horror movie actress was so good, is it possible to ask for a continuation, if not thats all good. Also huge fan of your work!
A/N: thank you!! if it’s a continuation you want it’s a continuation you’ll get (glad you liked it enough to ask tbh cause it’s a fun one to write). here’s a link back to part one if you missed it.
     billy loomis x reader x stu macher ft. fem!reader who is a horror movie star …. part two
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The very first thing Billy and Stu do once they leave school that day is go and do some research on you. How did they not know who you are? They know Randy wasn’t joking because of #1. your intense reaction and #2. they bullied him for a little more information.
Billy’s first assumption since he (the self-proclaimed master of the horror genre) doesn’t know anything about you is to assume you’re either a very shitty actress or been in really shitty movies. He’s mean so he’s leaning more towards you being a really shitty actress.
Stu’s kinda just excited to have met a “super hot babe” who is famous. Although the horror movie part of that is what double peaked his interest. 
They stop by the video store and Randy’s on shift. Sure enough there are a couple of your movies in stock and he obviously hands them over (even though he wanted to binge them all tonight… #Poor Randy).
They get their snacks and head to Stu’s house ready to be judgmental assholes of course. Billy’s probably already imagining killing you because one of the movie covers is super lame and if this is a total waste of his time someone is gonna pay for it. Stu is the type to watch crappy movies on purpose, however, so he’s fucking ready for anything.
They. Are. So. Fucking. Shocked.
Billy eat your fucking heart out. 
The first movie they pick is super shitty. It’s the very first one where you’re not a kid actually (yeah you’re a regular pro and have been in the game that long) but you        you’re a shining fucking star in it. Everything else about it is shit. The aesthetic. The score. The other actors. The villain. But you’re incredible. Its one saving grace.
If it had been anyone else’s debut movie it would’ve ended their career before it began. Instead it made you shine even brighter.
Every movie they watch after that gets better and better. You’re clearly now able to pick and choose your projects and you’re picking the cream of the fucking crop. 
In almost every movie you’re the final girl, the star of the show, and they absolutely think you deserve it. They’ve never been so into a movie marathon in their fucking lives. Excited screams. Cheering! Actually rooting for you and not whatever monster or deranged killer is after you. 
Then they get to the very last movie you made. It’s recent. Came out within the year, actually, and they both realize the reason they missed it coming out (and all its stellar reviews as it’s your most popular one yet) is because they’d just begun plotting the ghostface killings at the time. They were busy okay!
And yes they did have a small, totally pointless argument over whose fault it is that they missed out on all your fucking movies.
stu: how did you not see these, man? i thought you watched cult classics too!billy: shut the fuck up she’s baCK ON SCREEN - 
They lose their fucking minds when they read the summary for this movie. Because this time Hollywood’s favorite “fresh-blood sweetheart of horror” isn’t playing the helpless heroine. This time she’s the fucking killer. 
Stu physically screams out loud because he knows it’s about to go down and Billy is playing it cool even though “I’m the only other person here, Billy who the fuck are you pretending for?”
Stu won’t stop fucking hitting Billy’s shoulder like an excited teenage girl watching Twilight for the first time. You’re his fucking Edward Cullen and Jacob Black combined. He’s going to pass out if he gets any more excited and if Billy has a bruise on his arm he’s gonna “beat the shit out of you, Stu, swear to god-”
The look on your face during the movie sometimes when you’re covered in the blood of your victims from head-to-toe? Billy has fucking chills. He’s never been more in love or turned on in his life. He’s not ever gonna get scared by a horror movie at this point but if he was         yours would be the one to scare him. Holy fUCK he’s in love.
Every-time you get a brutal kill in Stu starts screaming, “That’s our girl! That’s our fucking girl!” He has already made up his mind on this subject, clearly.
There’s popcorn everywhere because Stu keeps spilling the bowl but Billy isn’t making him make anymore because neither of them are fucking eating at this point let’s get real. They’re fucking transfixed. 
When it’s all over           and that includes watching behind the scenes shit and the gag reels for every fucking movie           they turn to each other and they just start grinning.
Killing the horror movie actress that just moved to town? Ugh, that would be so predictable! Cliche, really! Do they look unoriginal to you? 
hONESTLY they and by that I mean Billy can’t even lie to themselves about why they’re not gonna kill or hurt you. This is love at first fucking scream, baby!
If there was a song playing during this fucking moment it’d be “One Way Or Another” because they’re definitely gonna fucking get ya’. 
The next day you walk into school and it’s a fucking circus. Someone heard Randy of course and now everyone wants to get close to the Hollywood Actress among them. You can see your dreams of a little normalcy slipping down the drain and even though everyone is being oooooh so nice to you (including people who before the reveal had been acting like you hadn’t existed or even been mean to you) you feel close to tears with frustration.
Then you’re yanked into an empty classroom by two sets of hands. You’re about to lose your fucking mind honestly and you turn around swinging your heavy ass math book without a second thought. You’re out for blood.
“Whoa! Put down the weapon of mass destruction, babe!” Stu, you recognize him and do stop swinging because you know these two are friends of Tatum and Sidney. 
As soon as you stop swinging the anger fades too and you’re left with nothing but that bitter feeling of disappointment. You start crying right then and there and it’s a special kind of humiliation. At least you can experience the shame of crying at school like a normal girl.
Both the boys are panicking although Billy is better at hiding it. He’s not even putting on a sympathetic face when he puts an arm around you, he’s actually very upset that you’re upset,  “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing! It’s dumb! I’m dumb!” Your attempted brush off does not make them go away like you wanted.
In fact now Stu is pulling your hands away from your face and staring down at you like a kicked puppy. He doesn’t let go of your hands and you don’t pull them away. As much as he’s a stranger you don’t have many friends and you do actually want comfort, “You’re not dumb. Why are you crying? If you’re crying over something it can’t be dumb!”
“I’m gonna sound like such a spoiled brat.”
“Try us.” Goes Billy wearing the most intense stare he’s ever had in his life (and that’s saying something).
“It’s just that …. It’s just that I moved all the way out here to get away from all the bullshit! I just wanted to try being normal for awhile! Go to school! Have normal friends! Be a normal teen! And now because of one dumb kid that’s all gone down the drain!" 
More waterworks are happening even as Stu’s trying frantically to wipe them away while absolutely refusing to let go of your hands.
They both kinda wanna kill Randy now since he’s kinda the reason you’re crying. But if he hadn’t been such a spaz they wouldn’t know how fucking incredible you are so they kinda owe him at the moment. The dork lives to see another day, they guess.
What’s really important to them right now is you, and making you feel better as soon as possible. You’re really breaking their hearts here. 
"Why don’t we get out of here?” Billy suggests smoothly, never one to waste time or a good opportunity. 
“What?” The tears come to a slow and it’s only now you start taking note of just how much these two strange boys are touching you. Billy is behind you, one arm around your waist and the other wrapped around your shoulders. Stu is leaning all the way over you both like some sort of benevolent, concerned giant with his hands still holding onto yours tightly. 
“Why don’t we get out of here! Great idea, Billy!” Stu crows with excitement. 
“Oh I see — lemme guess, the two of you want to spend some ’alone time’ with the big shot Hollywood actress, huh?” Your tone is harsh enough that it’d make weaker men cower. Billy and Stu are the type to rise to a challenge. 
“More like you seem to be good friends of Sidney and Tatum      ” Billy starts,
“      and any friend of theirs is a friend of ours!” Stu finishes, “They’d kill us if they knew we let you run around school crying your pretty, little eyes out.”
“It’s really not because I’m famous     ?” Your voice is so small and insecure it makes them frown. 
“What’s your name again? I forgot it.” Billy jokes and it actually startles a snort out of you even as you slide your way out of their arms.
You take a breath and wipe your face, hoping to make yourself a little bit presentable at least. Finally you turn to them and nod, “You know what? Yeah      yeah then, let’s get the hell out of here.”
You don’t have to tell them twice. They each grab a hand and practically drag you out of the building, you go along easily, laughing your head off all the way. Just the fact that he’s hearing your laughter without it being filtered through a television screen is enough to make Stu laugh too. Billy’s joy is more reserved but the smile on his face is undeniable and much softer than usual. 
This is gonna be the start of something beautiful. They’ll make sure of it.
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 22
Last time: Havoc took a forced retirement, Ed drew Scar out as Goth Bait, and 2/3rds of the Xing Contingent bumped into Gluttony and Wrath. Onwards!
Huh, [Narrator]’s recapping what happened last episode. That’s a first. And like before, Ling freaks out at Lan Fan getting hurt by Bradley. Come on buddy, you’ve been all lazy and goofy up until now, but this is anime. I expect Authority Equals Asskicking to be in full effect here. Ooh, Lan Fan managed to break one of Bradley’s swords, he commends her cleverness. Doesn’t stop him from letting Gluttony get his grub on, though. Gluttony leaps… Oh. Oh boy. Ling ain’t playing around no more. The Prince has some drums starting up as he slices Gluttony’s head in two, eyes open and glaring. Fighty fighty fight time! Never mind, he’s more concerned about getting his injured bodyguard out of harms way right now. Bradley’s not about to let him get away, however, and [clanking swords] ring out as Ling… actually manages to hold his own even with only one sword to Bradley’s two and the injured Lan Fan over his shoulder. The Fuhrer’s impressed, and notes that all of Ling’s hopping around keeps putting him in his eyepatch blind-spot.
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Suddenly Gluttony! Ouch, Ling takes a hard hit to the gut and crashes into the building across the street, struggling back to his feet to [fast paced, tense music]. The Goths catch up. But Bradley just comments about having privacy… and questions, like who the heck they are and how they sensed Gluttony. Ling’s still looking for an escape, but that isn’t happening with Lan Fan still needing to be carried. Lan takes offense to the suggestion that he drop her, calls the Fuhrer out on his callousness. [Prince Ling]: “A ruler’s duty is to his people. Without them, he is no king at all!” Ooh, Lan Fan’s awake! [Prince Ling]: “King Bradley! You’re no true king. Not now or ever!” [Fuhrer Bradley]: “Naive boy! Don’t you understand that there are no true kings in this world!” Aha, flashbang! Later, chumps!... Or not. [Bradley]: “Nice try… But your flash bomb didn’t succeed in blinding this eye!”
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Right, the eyepatch is just to disguise his marked eye, it still works just fine. Whoops. Episode 22: “Backs in the Distance” Flashback? Aw man, Winry’s parents? Well, they clearly don’t realise that they’re in an anime, otherwise Papa Rockbell wouldn’t be talking about how “we won’t be away too long” and asking her to “take care of things while we’re gone”. Modern!Winry wakes up to Gracia? Aw man, looks like she’s going with them to visit the cemetery. Somber music as they lay flowers at Maes’ grave, Winry drawing parallels to the last time she saw him or her parents. But we get some [heart-warming music] as Gracia asks her to stop by and visit every once in a while, and sweet little Elicia grabs her hand with a smile on her face. ...this still doesn’t make up for losing Hughes, but at least his family is doing better. Winry’s walking through the street back to her hotel, when she overhears some NPCs chattering about how the Elric Brothers are causing havoc. Exasperated!Winry gripes about them being in another fight and speeds up. Then speeds up again when she hears that they’re going after Scar. Oh, I get the title now! Winry’s thinking about how the last time she saw Ed was him walking down the hallway away from her. [Winry]: “No… not again. Please…” [Explosions] are going off as Ed throws up barrier upon barrier that Scar just Hand-O’-Dooms his way through- Side note: I gotta comment on how different mediums affect the same event. Because I’m watching Ed panic as the pipe he was climbing slowly falls towards Scar, and I imagine that it was far more humorous in the original manga, different panels showing Ed falling. In animation however, while there’s still some humor I’m getting a much more drama/danger feel, especially with the “Oh crud dangerous fight uh oh” music playing. A very appreciative Ed is saved by Al, who notes that Ling hasn’t fired off the signal flare yet. I’m assuming the plan was Ling would tell them when the Goths showed up? ‘Cause you might be waiting for a while. Al buys some time by calling Scar out on his hypocrisy, using Alchemy to target State Alchemists and victims like Nina. [Scar]: “Interesting… You two saw that abomination as well, did you? Alchemy created that tragic creature. So that’s the science you would spend your lives following?” Hoo boy. Here we go. Scar’s still going on about how That Bastard made the Thing because “a man thought he could create”, saying that creation is the province of God alone. [Ed]: “Maybe you’re right… But why did you have to kill her?! You stole what little life she had left!” [Scar]: “Foolish as you are, you must still have known that chimera could never have returned to her human state.” Ugh. Scar’s talking about how Chimera!Nina would have lived out “its” life as a lab specimen, a mere test subject. The Brothers are immobilized by the knowledge that Scar’s right, she would have just been locked away as an example of a failed Chimera. They didn’t want to think about it, so they just did nothing. Uh, Winry? Winry, could you stay away from the rubble and the groaning cops? You aren’t an Alchemist, it’s not safe for your here. Crap, she’s close enough to hear Ed admitting that Alchemy’s caused some serious harm, but that still doesn’t make his killings right. Like- oh no. Oh no no no. Shut up Ed shut up right now. Ed didn’t shut up, even with me and Al trying to warn him. Winry arrived just in time to hear Ed call Scar out on the murder of her parents. Winry… As Winry’s collapsing in grief, Scar’s silent. Scar? Scar, you’ve done some terrible things. But if my theory is correct, now’s the time to speak up. Wait. Winry, no. Winry, NO. Don’t grab that gun, you’re still a civilian, don’t make yourself a threat to Scar! [Flashback!Elder]: “I know the animosity you feel… but your vengeance will only sow the seeds of further violence. What you’re doing is senseless revenge and it’s feeding a fruitless cycle of death. You must end this cycle once and for all.” Wow. Ok then, that’s a mid-episode name card with a crying Winry pointing a gun at me. Yikes. Yup, called it. We’re getting a Scar flashback where he’s yelling for his brother, finds him pulling an Archimedes and going over notes even as armed forces march into the town.
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We’ve got Scar with his bare arms, and Brother with tattooed arms: Right for Deconstruction, Left for Reconstruction. Seems he’s a student of Alkahestry, added his own touches and found that the alchemy of the land is unusual? Scar’s having none of it, but he’s dragged aside by some other Ishvalans. Said Ishvalans are arguing with Scar, saying that they need Brother to continue his research in order to stand up against the State Alchemists. Scar rants about the destructive nature of the research, that the other Ishvalans don’t see the danger they’re creating by supporting this “pay them back in kind” mentality. Then the artillery starts firing, and the Blue Eyes start marching in. Images of Ishvalans being slaughtered, walls bent up around the town to pen them in as the guns fire. Remnants of Alchemy among corpses, Scar looking on in shock at the evils of Alchemy. Eventually, he meets up with his parents and they prepare to flee, when Brother catches up. And gives his notes to Scar in case something happens to him? What, is he staying? No, he’s just so terrified that his legs won’t stop shaking. “Some big brother.” … Then Mister Smiley shows up. And Brother throws himself in front of Scar. In the aftermath, it’s surprisingly only Brother who’s still up and moving, he stumbles across Scar who’s missing his right arm and bleeding out. Brother cries out for help, but there’s no-one there. Just him, and his arms. Scar comes back to consciousness to the sound of doctors and the injured. Two of them have Blue Eyes. And while he sees Brother’s arm, he doesn’t see Brother. Scar… does not handle this well. So it was Scar. Scared out of his mind, wracked in pain and grief… but it was Scar. [Scar]: “Go on, shoot.” Leto-damn it, Scar! It’s like I said, he’s warning Winry that the moment she pulls that trigger she will be his enemy. He says that he’s fine dying, since until one of them is gone the chain of hatred will continue [Scar]: “But don’t ever forget! Don’t ever forget it was the Amestrians who first pulled the trigger during the civil war! It was your people!” As Winry struggles Scar starts fighting again, Ed yells at Winry to not shoot, Scar lunges forward… and freezes at the sight of Ed throwing himself in front of Winry. Just like his Brother when Mister Smiley murdered his own family. Al takes advantage of Scar’s own hesitation to attack and drive him away, yells at Ed to get Winry somewhere safe. Ed gently asks Winry to let go of the gun, says it’s ok that she couldn’t shoot. She cries about how she couldn’t shoot a murderer, one who was even trying to kill Ed and Al. Because you aren’t that kind of person, Winry. You delivered a baby and saved two lives, and gave Ed his arm and leg back. You’re a creator, not a destroyer. You had every reason to pull that trigger. But you didn’t. Thank you for not continuing the chain of hatred. And that’s where we leave off. Leto, this episode. Ok, let’s… oh my freaking god, it took me thinking back to summarize things to recall that Ling is fighting the Goths. That’s still a thing! For crying out loud this show. Anyways, Ling’s in a bad spot, he can’t get any reinforcements unless Fu can get back from Xing in time for a rescue, although if that happens I’m leaning towards him just passing off Lan Fan. Seriously, Ling got some major points this episode protecting his bodyguard and calling out Bradley as a poor leader. Now the question is how long he can hold out. Scar… I don’t know what to think about Scar. We knew that he’s killed before, mostly arrogant State Alchemists and jerks like That Bastard, maybe Nina as a mercy kill. But confirmation that he killed the Rockbells? Yes it was in grief and pain at his family and town being obliterated, but he’s still responsible for the death of two people who were just trying to help. He needs to answer for that. I don’t want to see him die, but after all that he’s done I don’t see how he can still live. Winry, I’m sorry that you’ve gone through so much pain lately. I’d say I hope things get better for you soon, but we’re three episodes away from the Season 1 finale so I don’t see that happening. Tell you what, I’ll approve of three Wrench-Whacks to Ed’s head next time he messes up, my treat. Next episode title: Girl On The Battlefield Well, there’s no shortage of Awesome Ladies in this show, but I am going to really hope that means May Chang, we’ve seen next to nothing of the little girl since that episode way back even when she’s so prominent in the intro.
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dregstrash · 5 years
gilded crowns (pt. 7)
A/N: Wowzers it’s been a solid minute since the last update of this fic. In this chapter you’ll get a little bit more backstory into Prince Kaz and it was fun exploring how he broke his leg in this one. Thank you for reading!
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 ||
[This story is officially on Ao3! Here is the link to the current chapter and the first chapter]
Description: Prince Kaz of Ketterdam has been subject of much mystery and speculation, but that doesn’t stop his brother, King Jordie, to arrange a marriage to Princess Inej of Suli. Neither party are happy with the arrangement. Kaz has other ideas and if he can drive Inej away, he can get back to the plans that’ll silence the demons that plague his dreams. Of course, what happens when she proves to be as stubborn as he is?
Tagging: @birdsanskullboats @lavehl @hysteriaas @definitely-not-procrastinating @fromferfer @lupine-teddy @ifangirlninja @spell-cleaver @s-artsnstuff @locksandbobbypins @friendo-nintendo @thatonefangirl-mrc @readmeaway @looking-for-wisdom @terrywho-cartoons @mykitchenisonfire151 @ysitsohardtofindaname @timeinhereyes @stormwitch-zoya @spvcexpeachvs @ridiculouslydaintydeath 
Kaz didn’t like to be wrong. Part of the reason is because it happens so rarely, and the other part was because that’s what led him to be the crippled prince of Ketterdam. 
If he had just been more careful, or if that thief had just decided to take his purse and run then maybe his life might have turned out differently. But as it happens, it was one mistake. One baffling moment of following a lone figure with a scar down his cheek down an alley. In that moment, he had only seen the face of his parents murderer and the dark beast that snapped in Kaz’s nightmares roared to life. 
Not knowing exactly what he was going to do when he caught up to the man, Kaz had taken pursuit, leaving the inattentive guard who had been assigned to him while his brother met with some of the commoners. 
He had kept his feet as silent as he could, and just as the man in question had turned a corner, a group of four teenage boys emerged from a hidden spot and cornered him.
At the time they looked like stone giants that had been granted life. Their bodies wiry, dirty, and built to inflict pain. Kaz replayed the memory like it had just happened, everything about that day was seared into his mind. The way the leader of the pack had two of his teeth missing and hair that was cropped close to his head. His hands were rough as they ripped at Kaz’s cloak. 
He could imagine the fear that made his blood run cold as they surrounded him. He remembered how the smaller one with the knife had pointed out the royal seal and his comrades had leapt at that knowledge like the savage beasts they were.
He could feel the way his body had bounced off the hard bricked wall of the alley and the taunts that were thrown at him like stones to a condemned man.
“You’re parents deserved that death.”
“They did nothing but take from boys like us.”
“What did the royal family ever do for us?”
His clothes were ripped apart and it wasn’t until he felt a fist connect with his face that Kaz suddenly felt the bile rip free from his stomach. He threw up right then and there and the group of boys just laughed. 
“The piss-prince has a weak stomach.” 
“Makes sense don’t it. A weak bitch through and through.”
“Can’t even fight back, can ya, Your Highness.”
Kaz had shut his eyes, feeling every bruise forming from every kick to his side. A small part of him wanted to pretend to die-- to give up until they grew tired and left him alone. He was still a young boy at the time. A young boy who woke up in the middle of the night with cold sweat running down his back as he tried to blink away images of his parents. A boy who had started to imagine the press of his father’s bloated flesh against his whenever his brother touched him. He was weak, and scared, and utterly vulnerable. 
But something cold twisted in his mind right then. Something familiar and sharp split his mind and had him curl his fist around a broken bottle within his reach. He recognized the feeling. It was the same feeling he had when he first saw the man standing over his father’s body-- it was the feeling that drove him to not survive, but to take down whoever he could with his own destruction.
Before he had given it anymore thought, Kaz had swiped at the legs of the closest boy to him. The sharp edges of glass tearing through flesh. His screams were a sweet symphony, and gave Kaz enough energy to lift himself off the floor to face his other three attackers.
It was foolish to truly believe that this would be a fight he could win. For a couple of minutes, Kaz had hoped that maybe he could do it. He could defend himself. He could be strong, if not for his family, at least for himself. But he didn’t notice that one of the other boys had grabbed a metal pipe. He didn’t fully register the angle of which the larger boy was swinging. 
The next thing Kaz knew he was flat on the ground his leg in a terrifying angle and the four boys limping far far away from the alley, the leader looking back only to spit in his face. It wouldn’t be long before his brother and their guards would find him. His brother’s face screwed up with worry and anger. His questions demanding the identity of the culprits, and the reason why Kaz had wandered.
It was because I thought I saw our parents’ killers, Jordie. I wanted to find him and make him hurt like he made them hurt. I thought I could catch him. I thought I could defend myself. I made a mistake.
The answers Jordie wanted were trapped in his mind, rattling to be set free, but Kaz kept the lock on his mouth. He just asked for the doctor and tried to tell Jordie that he had wandered too far and had taken a fall. By far the worst lie he’s ever told, but Jordie had no choice but to let Kaz lie to him. Kaz was adamant about keeping his own secret mistake, and it provided an ample enough story to tell the general public. 
The weeks after the incident led to the arduous process of gaining as much strength in his broken leg as he could. He used all the residual pain and the thump of his new cane as reminders of why he can’t afford anymore mistakes. 
Careless mistakes like the one he made by following that man in the alley was going to be his last one. 
Or at least he hoped.
Because as he tore his castle cloak off his body and walked as his leg allowed through the dark passageways that would lead him to town, he could hear his heart in his ears as the last words of Pim’s missive flashed through his mind.
“Some problems by the Kaelish Prince. Sharpshooter is in trouble. Need assistance.”
Kaz littered the dark hall with little bits of royal insignia’s and donned on the role of Dirtyhands. If his crew followed protocol there would be a horse waiting for him right outside the guard gate. That’s if they remembered to bribe the guards. 
He felt his shadow grow heavier as he got closer to the entrance. 
“Jesper’s in trouble, isn’t he?” Inej asked.
Her voice came from somewhere to his right, and although it was too dark to see he nodded.
“We need to move fast.” Kaz rumbled. His mind already jumping to all the things he would find at the Kaelish Prince. “I don’t think Jesper’s identity has been blown yet, but it’s only a matter of time. Priority is to get him out, and hopefully get some information. The less bodies the better.”
Inej suddenly gripped Kaz’s sleeve, stopping him just in front of the door, and gave him a stern look. 
“I’m not killing anyone for you, Brekker. I’m making that clear right now. I’ll help get Jesper out, and I’ll keep to our deal. But I’m not spilling blood just because it suits you.”
A flicker of annoyance went through Kaz, but he had no time to fully argue the point. “I’m not asking you to kill for me, Wraith.” The nickname slipped out of his mouth unbidden. It was a secret name that he had thought of when she snuck up on him for the fifth time in her first week of living in Ketterdam. And he plowed ahead hoping she hadn’t noticed, “I’m asking that when it comes down to it, kill for yourself. The men you’ll find in those parts of the Barrel will not hesitate to grab someone like you. I don’t know what it’s like in Suli, but in Ketterdam you’re either the knife or the dead. And I wouldn’t want to see you being the latter.”
Inej’s jaw tightened, but she let go of his sleeve, “I told you sending Jesper was a mistake.”
That’s when she walked ahead of him and pushed the door open bringing in a cold breeze. 
Kaz barely registered the chill, still focused on the fact that in such a dire situation Inej had the nerve to tell him “I told you so.”
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grangerdang-r · 6 years
The Devil Within || Chapter 2
Prologue | 1
Pairing: Michael x Mallory 
Kind of a filler chapter, more content in chapter 3 xx
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Michael wasn’t used to having friends, let alone one like Mallory. Though their abilities were different, he’d never met anyone so much like him. Michael had always seen himself as a monster, made only for destruction. Everyone he’d ever loved cast him out and were cruel to him, and he didn’t think he deserved any better. Living with Ms. Mead was a much better experience; she loved him unconditionally, and encouraged him to practice his powers, praising him for his accomplishments. She didn’t scream when he lost control and accidentally killed a few rats, or set flames to the furniture. She helped him stay calm, and learn to manage his temper. She treated his gifts as just that: gifts. Michael would still doubt himself when he would slip into periods of darkness. There was a time, at his old home, where he would be filled with such murderous rage and take it out on anyone or anything to cross his path. Ms. Mead taught him how to concentrate this energy as well, and showed him how to pray to their ‘Lord’, Satan, for guidance. At first, he thought this sounded silly, but it did change his perspective. Michael began to see that his gifts had a greater purpose. The way Ms. Mead spoke about it all, being evil was a good thing. It wasn’t something to hide, it was an energy to harness and use for gain. Michael bought it- it was all starting to make sense, and he no longer felt ashamed of who he was and what he could do. That was, until Mallory came along. There was something about her that made him feel so out of place. She was gentle, and kind. She never got angry, and only used her powers to help others. Michael could feel her having an impact on him. When she was around, his powers were both stronger and weaker; he could do things he was never able to do before, and yet what he felt he knew so well was foreign all of a sudden. Mallory made him want to do good, too. If only for her. He felt so protective of her since the day they met, and though it had only been a week, he never wanted to leave her side. It was the first day of the weekend, when Ms. Mead usually took her trips out of town to gather ‘supplies’ for her rituals. Mallory didn’t bother to ask what this meant, and was a little afraid to find out. Michael started a fire in the living room for the two of them with a wave of his hand, and they sat together on the couch, staring at the amber flames in a soothing silence. Mallory felt comfortable here; there was no judgement. She felt more at home with Michael than she had with anyone else. Friends were hard to keep when you had to hide a huge part of yourself from them, but she didn’t need to hide from Michael “So, Mallory,” said Michael, breaking the silence. His voice wavered. “Yes?” Mallory turned her eyes to face him, taking notice of the golden glow from the fire on his skin. He couldn’t have been more beautiful. “When you came here, you said your parents left you. What did you mean?” He seemed hesitant to ask, but she knew he would be curious eventually. “When they finally noticed my powers, they were scared. They called me the Devil.” Michael laughed at this, only for the irony. “I know the Devil. You’re not him. Far from it, actually.” Michael patted her hand gently, allowing her to continue. “They just…left. They sent people from the church after me, and I got out of there before they could come. Who knows what they would have done to me. I felt like such a freak all my life, and even my own parents think so.” A tear rolled down Mallory’s cheek, but she made no move to wipe it away. She bore her gaze into the fire, hoping Michael wouldn’t notice. Michael let this sink in, knowing all too well how she was feeling. “My parents didn’t want me either. No one in my family did. My grandmother…well, she…I was lot for her to handle.” Michael spoke with a lump in his throat, and Mallory could tell that he was near tears himself. “My father…well, step-father, kind of- it’s complicated. He made me think I could be worth something, but I still wasn’t good enough for him. Ms. Mead found me, and here I am.” Michael knew that ‘here’ wasn’t such a bad place to be, but part of his still wished he had his real family. “You’re no Devil, Mallory, I know. As for me, I’m not too sure.” Michael was afraid of himself, though he would never tell her that. He had never seen heard of anyone doing the things he had done, not even from the group of Satanists that Ms. Mead was heavily involved in. They all treated him like some chosen one, but there was so much he didn’t understand. He was desperate to belong somewhere, but it didn’t feel right. The only thing that did was Mallory, curling into his arm and sharing the warmth of the fire. Physically, they had never been this close, but now that they were, Michael felt all of the worry he was holding in leave him. He was where he belonged, here and now, with her. In some way, he knew they were connected. The two of them hadn’t tested their mental communication much since the first time. Mallory had been keeping her guard up, but in his arms, it all fell apart. ‘Michael?’ She concentrated on the thought. When he looked down at her, she knew it had worked. Mallory froze in his gaze- his startling blue eyes were always catching her off guard. Michael’s lips parted slightly inviting her closer. She could see an image of the two of them in his mind, and her neck flushed up to her cheeks. In a quick moment of courage, before she could change her mind, Mallory placed her hand at the back of Michael’s neck and pulled him in, pressing her lips to his. They were somehow softer than she’d imagined. Michael’s eyes fluttered closed as they touched, finally feeling a release of tension throughout his body. Whatever he felt he was missing before was finally in place. “Mallory…” she heard his voice moan her name, whether out loud or in his thoughts she couldn’t tell, but the sound of it was enchanting. When the two of them finally separated, Michael beamed at her, his pupils enlarged from the darkness. “I want to take you somewhere tomorrow, okay? I want to show you where I came from.” Mallory nodded with a smile, excited to get to know more about the boy she had just met but felt so intertwined with. Lying back onto his chest, the two of them slept soundly on the couch, lulled by the sound of the other’s breathing.
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choicestrash · 7 years
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"We are made of all those who have built and broken us.” – Atticus
Rated: T for dark themes.
Word Count: 2023
A/N: This is my entry for Round 18 of Choices Create, hosted by @kittenmusicals and @hollyashton! I kinda deviated from the prompt (and overwrote which is why this is kinda late) but hopefully not too much oops hahaha. Set in the trilogy of The Crown and the Flame and focuses on the dynamic between Hex and Whitlock.
Hex had never seen such a crude prosthetic in her life. Scraps of metals were being held by wires that looked as if they would be snapped by the smallest of strains, pulling the barely hand-like contraption together. Devious handiwork must have been behind the design, since it had survived the labyrinth (perhaps with the aid of prayer).
The fact that it had been put together by a boy no more than fifteen astonished her. It seemed to still be receptive to touch, given the almost indistinguishable flex of pain made after one of the other Technocrats clasped the shoulder of the young boy in pride. Yes, this boy was indeed a wonder, positively brimming with potential that had yet been realised.
Even aside from the raw spectacle of his prosthetic, the boy had proved himself well worthy of citizenship at the Foundry, having managed to survive the dozens of traps laid around the Foundry. Without outside help too, it seemed, assuming from the fact that the boy had nothing on his back aside from his own clothes. And the marvellous prosthetic.
For the entire time Hex had stood there, the boy had made no attempt to move, a lost expression on his face. That confirmed her hypothesis: the boy was indeed truly alone, unaccompanied on the journey he had undertaken. For all the accomplishments the boy had made today, he was still a young boy who had been desperate enough to walk through a deathtrap in search for sanctuary.
What horrors had he faced outside to drive him so?
Hex narrowed her eyes at the gathering crowd, glancing daggers at her fellow Technocrats. “I understand that this boy had done something quite, remarkable, but I will take him from here.”
The boy met her glance, fear creeping in his gaze as Hex marched over to him, parting the crowd that had come to observe. Shrank against her outstretched arm, an attempt at gaining his trust. He was so young.
Hex softened her gaze. “I’m not going to hurt you. What’s your name?”
He paused, as if weighing the options in his mind. Oh, he definitely was bright. “Whitlock,” he said, after a beat.
“Whitlock, that’s an impressive prosthetic who’ve got there. I’ve never seen such spectacular work on the wiring.”
“Really?” a bright smile made its way on Whitlock’s face, who had unconsciously scratched the back of his neck. “I mean, wow! One of the legendary Technocrats actually impressed! It’s just, I never expected it since the wiring is a little faulty on the index finger, and—“
“Slow down, Whitlock, or you’ll trip over your own tongue.”
“Oh! Sorry, uh,”
“Hex, and you don’t have to apologise. What would you say to becoming my apprentice?”
She’d keep her word. She’d take him in, let him flourish in a world even if the outside had let him down, keep him from the evils the world offered. Including her own.
Whitlock had indeed flourished, under her care and guidance. She’d become quite taken with him, and he had returned the same. Hex often found herself filling in the role of a mother, his building block to the glory that she was certain he was heading for.
“I’m home!” said boy called from the front door, lugging some gears for their stash.
Hex smiled and called him over. “Whitlock! Your timing couldn’t have been better, my most astute apprentice. I have something I want to show you.”
He moved forward, dropping the bag in front of the table. “Is that another device for the Labyrinth? What does it do?”
“I’ll show you!” grasping Whitlock’s shoulder, Hex steered him to the opposite end of the table. “Come here, yes, this side of the table. Wouldn’t want you in the line of fire.”
Hex could feel Whitlock’s eyes boring into her, watching her every move with an unbidden curiousity. Sweet boy, never change. Lightning strikes across the room, bathing the room in an electric blue, stopping just short of the opposite end. A mini heatwave, if you may.
“Whoa! How did you get it to store that much charge? What material did you use for the wires? Mine are always overheating!” He bounded over towards the contraption, observing the wires with admiration.
“I’m glad I can still impress you! This will be a fine addition to Labyrinth section 11. Though,” Hex paused, taking in the somewhat singed air, “can you imagine what this would do to a fully-armoured knight? You could strike down armies, easy as swatting flies.”
Whitlock went rigid, his face clouded with conflict.
“Oh dear, I know that look on your face. Speak your mind, Whitlock. You know I value everything you say.”
“It’s just… It’s just that it shouldn’t be so easy to kill.” Whitlock looked at the floor, eyes downcast.
“I, see. So how easy should it be?”
He talked of fairness and equality, of how both lives should be in equal danger. For all the talent he has, the naiveté was ever present. How he still retained it was beyond Hex. Hadn't he learnt that the outside world was cruel and vicious?
He was the walking embodiment of reality, an orphan spat out by the harshness of conquering kingdoms, left less whole than before. He'd seen it with his own two eyes, the destruction curling up from his own town, extinguished as if it were a mere blight in its glory. How could he still carry those wonderful visions of a peaceful utopia?
I wish it could be true, sweet boy.
"Tell me it isn't true, tell me–"
"Are you really trying to explain away evidence because you don't like what it's pointing to? I taught you better than that."
She should've been more careful, should've stashed the plans deeper within the cabinets, should've shredded the notes of praise from the kingdoms. For Whitlock has now seen, seen the monster she had tried in vain to cloak in secrecy.
She didn't want this. All she ever wanted was for him to see the utopia he had so desperately dreamt for, and for that, she was willing to go behind his back to make way for his dream. So as long as he does not see.
But now he's standing in front of her, chin locked as he stares her down, his eyes staring at anything but her.
"Hex, I'm sorry, but by the authority given to me by the people of the Foundry, I hereby revoke your citizenship."
Fitting. The one she raised is the one throwing her out. Survival of the fittest.
Hex doesn't know what she said, in the fit of fury and simple confusion over what had transpired, but Whitlock's now backing away, his prosthetic – the very same she'd help him to make – grazing the walls of the foundry as a metal creature bounded in front of him.
"Oh!" The Mechataur loomed over her, nostrils slightly flaring as it raised an arm between them. He'd thought she was going to hurt him. "Oh, Whitlock, you know I'd never hurt you."
Whitlock, the very same boy who had looked at her with rapt wonder as she demonstrated one of her inventions, the same sweet boy who had stayed up late telling her of all his big dreams for a better world, was scared of her.
"Please, Hex, just go."
He still wasn't looking at her.
She turned around. "I hope you're right, sweet boy, about everything."
The door slammed shut between them.
One more down. King Luther will most definitely be pleased. One more to the peaceful reign.
After this waste area is demolished, there'll be more room for conquest, more room for the people to live in safety, without the oppression of the brutes who simply wanted to rule for power. More space for the utopia.
A safer world, a better world for–
She snapped around, dagger at ready, until she lands on the broken boy.
Crimson stained his clothes, his prosthetic chipped near the wrist. She blinked, once, twice.
"You said he wouldn't be here!"
Feral rage flooded her entire being, fueled by the blood that flowed from Whitlock's one good arm. The guard beside her didn't even have time to blink as she rammed the device into his neck, his body jolting with less pain and anguish that swirled around her.
Whitlock was hurt, on the account of her. He'd seen everything, the pain and the death and the destruction that lay beneath her. The winter before the spring, the dystopia before utopia.
He'd seen it all.
"Whitlock! Wait!"
He'd started running, blood splattering the wreckage-filled ground that was once his home. Their home. Smoke rose between them as she gave chase, never quite reaching him as he shut door after door between them.
He was so far away, metal and cogs barricading them when it had brought them together.
"Whitlock!" her voice was raised, earning her another flinch from his already weakened body. His back was facing her, wrecked fingers scrambling to pull more walls between them.
"You... weren't supposed to see this. They told me you were away, still following that Rys girl around the Five Kingdoms."
He didn't listen, mumbled something that sounded faintly like a threat. The inferno raged on behind them, crackling wood and clattering metal crashing around them.
A door slammed hard in her face, missing her by centimetres. "Whitlock... Whitlock! Come back here! Do you have any idea what I've done for you, for the world?"
He didn't reply. Didn't he know that she valued everything he said?
The howling winds answered her, the empty space that stretched between the two.
"Whitlock..." she tore her nails on the wall, metal unforgiving.
One obstacle brought down for peace. One obstacle brought up between her and her sweet boy.
Whitlock's aiming a crossbow at her, hands wavering with the weight.
Her sweet, precious boy preparing to kill. Everything he's ever been against.
"All I ever... wanted was to protect you from the evils of the world."
She built him up, nurtured him and let him flourish, a young boy who could only comprehend the good in people. Even after he had lost all he held dear.
His aim didn't waver.
"I should n-never have taken you in... but you were so brave, and so bright! I thought– I thought maybe if you never saw who I really was..."
Neither did his expression.
Her actions had driven him to kill. Oh gods, what had she done? Whitlock, who wouldn't even harm a measly fly, begging her to wait for the insect to fly away before testing. And he was now poised to end a human life. With his own hands.
She's not going take that away from him.
Not his last wisp of innocence.
She ripped her dagger out of its hilt, silver flashing in the dim light.
"Hex, stop, I'm warning you! I'll... I'll pull this trigger, I–"
"No. You won't."
The blade felt cool against her skin.
"I won't let my sweet boy become a murderer."
Hundreds upon thousands of Luther's forces killed. On the account of Whitlock's inventions, the wires and circuits he'd put together personally. All because of her.
All the souls that haunted him, made present in his weary eyes that burned with hate and surprise.
She'd do this one thing for him, even when she knew it was not enough.
"Just promise me... promise that you won't follow the same path I did."
Whitlock will succeed where she had failed. Whitlock will rise above the broken pieces of his past, the pieces she herself had unknowingly destroyed, and build the world she had failed to make. He'd be better than her, kindness and empathy the leading force.
The utopia he'd always wanted. Forged from his actions. The right ones.
"Promise me that you'll stay my sweet boy–"
After all that, he's saving her. After he had pointed a crossbow at her.
He still wanted to save the same soul that had broken the very one she built.
Hex had never seen a purer soul.
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swfanficbyjz · 7 years
SW AU - Fate of the Master Chapter 14
<- Previous Chapter
"Why are you taking me back to Tatooine? Don't you want me?" Luke asked Anakin just as the ship fell out of hyperspace.
"Of course I do, son. But your aunt and uncle have cared for you your whole life, and I want to make sure they're okay with you staying with me."
"Why wouldn't they be? You are my father."
Anakin sighed. "Yes Luke, I am. But you need to understand something... for years I've been on a very destructive path. I lost sight of everything good and important. I've been struggling to find my place in this galaxy again. I know what I should do, I know who I should be, but I'm not sure it's who I am. It's not fair to you, or your sister, when you already had loving homes, to have to follow me around while I figure it out."
"We'll help you find it. Fair or not, we should be with you! We're a family!" Luke begged him.
"Are we?" Anakin responded a little colder than he meant to. "I only found out I had kids two weeks ago. I'm not sure I'm ready to be a father. I'm not sure I was ever ready to be one." He regretted the last sentence the moment it left his lips. Luke looked up at him hurt.
He looked as if he was about to say something, but instead turned away. Luke was a good kid. And so was Leia. If he'd had any idea back when Padmé was pregnant, they'd turn out like this, maybe he wouldn't have been so scared. But there were two things that were bothering him about it. The first, was that as soon as he'd started having dreams about Padmé dying in childbirth, he'd stopped caring about the baby. He'd only been afraid to lose her. The second, was that he strongly suspected the reason both his children had turned out alright was because he hadn't been in their life. Padmé would have made an incredible mother, but every good thing she would have done for them, he likely would have ruined. Not intentionally of course, but he knew nothing at all about raising kids, he'd probably scar them for life. No, it would be better for both of them if he wasn't there.
Raising Ahsoka had been hard enough. She turned out just fine, but he didn't credit himself for that one bit. Maybe for her combat skills, but emotionally? Yeah, he had nothing to do with that. Where are you, Snips? Can't you see I need you here?
Returning Luke to Owen and Beru could have gone a lot better. They were understandably shocked that he was alive. Angry that Luke had run off and positively livid that Luke had been given some training in the force. They'd called Anakin irresponsible and told him that father or not, he had no right to come around there filling their nephew with silly dreams. And then they'd slammed the door in his face. He definitely deserved it.
He had felt their fear of course, he understood what they were scared of. They were afraid Luke would turn out like him. He was afraid of that too, honestly. He sat cross legged in front of his mother's grave.
"I failed you, mom." He wept. Where had things gone so wrong? He'd never asked to be some Chosen One. He'd only ever wanted to be more than a slave. "I miss you so much! I wish you were here right now. I wish you could tell me what to do. I'm so lost!"
He let himself cry for awhile. When the tears finally stopped, he got up and walked slowly back to the ship.
It started several days after his father dumped him back on Tatooine. He couldn’t believe after so many years of wishing to know his parents that miraculously one of them appeared in his life still alive. Not only that, his father had been a Jedi! One of the most mysterious and yet legendary fighters in the galaxy. He’d heard dozens of stories about their exploits during the Clone Wars whenever they went to town. He longed to know one, to BE one. How amazing would that be? Running off on an adventure, saving planets from tyranny and oppression and being a famous hero? It would be a far better life than a moisture farmer! Luke kicked the edge of the table out of frustration and then yelped in pain.
“Have you finished your chores?” his aunt yelled from the next room.
“Yes, Aunt Beru.” He replied. “Can I go to Tosche Station now?”
“Go check with your uncle and see if he needs help first.” She should have just told him no; his uncle could always find something for him to do. He mumbled under his breath wishing he was brave enough to just run away. Anything would be better than being stuck here. He wished Leia was with him. At least he wouldn’t be so bored.
Thinking about his twin sister made his heart ache. Ever since he’d met her that day on Alderaan, he’d hardly wanted to leave her side. He should have taken Senator Organa’s offer to stay there with them. But instead he’d foolishly thought that if he’d stayed with his father, he’d get to learn all about the Jedi and how to be one. Then he could go back to Leia and show her everything he’d learned. She’d be impressed. At least he hoped she’d be more impressed than the first time.
As he headed out into the sweltering heat, his eyes fell on the locked metal box in the corner where his uncle had secured his lightsaber. They’d both forbidden him to train further. They had blamed the Jedi for the war. And then they’d remind him what happened to his father and why he was so much better off not messing with the black arts. That’s not how he saw it though. There was nothing bad about the things he’d been taught. Every time he’d reached into the force as Ahsoka had taught him, he felt a sense of peace. He felt strong and calm and brave. He felt powerful. What was so wrong with that?
In spite of his aunt and uncle’s warnings, he still practiced using the force. Every night, he’d wait until they went to bed and then he’d sneak outside and practice moving things around with his mind. It was a freeing experience.
If only it could do my chores for me, he thought to himself as he met up with his uncle.
"Uncle Owen," Luke started, "I finished my chores, can I go to Tosche Station and see my friends?" It was worth a shot.
"Give me a hand with this control panel first, it's acting all funny. Next time the Jawas come by we need to get a repair droid." His uncle didn't look up as he answered. At least he didn't see the flash of frustration that Luke felt in response.
Sometimes he felt like a slave. He rarely ever got to do anything fun. The other boys his age were able to go spend afternoons in Anchorhead, shooting the breeze, pranking old Joe and having a good time. He was the misfit of the group, but they tolerated him when he could actually hang out. A couple of the older boys liked to dare him to pull stunts on some of the shopkeepers, but he was good at that, so they'd let him hang out with them. Just imagine if they could see me use the force or swing a lightsaber!
He was jealous of his sister. She got the far better end of the deal. She got to grow up as a princess. Trouble free- easy life. It just wasn't fair! Wait until the boys hear about her. Maybe then they wouldn't tease him so much.
Several hours passed as his uncle kept finding things for him to do. This was always what happened. Whenever he complained they'd just tell him there was too much to do and they needed his help. After a long day working under the two suns, he got to go inside for dinner.
He didn't speak to them while they ate. They didn't really care to hear what he wanted to do. Uncle Owen just went on about the days drudging work. They didn't pay any attention to him.
That night he waited in bed until his aunt and uncle finally fell asleep and then he went outside to practice the force techniques like Ahsoka had taught him. He wished she was here. Maybe she would have talked his dad into not bringing him back. All he'd told Luke about her sudden disappearance was that she'd had a mission to attend to. But where? What? Why did she have to go alone?
He liked Ahsoka a lot. He didn't really know why. She just had something about her. She was strong, confident, and powerful. But also soft, sweet and understanding. She was very pretty too, for an alien. He hadn't met many Togruta. They didn't come around slum worlds like this very often. It hadn't really been clear how she knew his father, and he'd never really had a chance to ask her. He could tell they were close friends, maybe more.
He stacked a few rocks with the force and then felt rather than heard a disturbance in the distance. He ran quietly back inside to grab his monoculars and his rifle. He could just barely make out a flurry of activity at their neighbors, the Darklighter's homestead. He wasn't exactly sure what was happening but it was something bad. He debated waking his aunt and uncle. If it was a raid led by the sand people, they could head their way next. He wished he had the lightsaber right now instead of the rifle. Maybe it would be enough to scare them off.
He watched through the monoculars for awhile, but couldn't really make out anything distinct. He suddenly realized they'd turned and were heading their way. Stang!
He ran inside and roused his aunt and uncle. They weren't real happy about being woken but they both grabbed their own rifles and ran outside. At least a dozen raiders were on the horizon. His uncle told him to go activate the signal horn while they locked down the farm.
Luke raced across the field to the far moisture tower to sound the siren. Nothing happened. He fiddled with wires for awhile, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. He heard his uncle shouting and abandoned the alarm to help them scare off the Tuskens. By the time he got back to the house, there were three dead raiders near the entry. Two were in a fire fight with his aunt Beru and a group were fighting with his uncle. She yelled at him to help. He knelt down behind a pile of tools and took aim. He hit one of the ones shooting at his aunt, but missed the second one. Having given himself away, several turned to converge on him. He turned to run away from the house to see if he could lose them behind the barn. He could hear them chasing him. Crouching, hidden from their view, he used the force to send rocks flying at them. They started hollering as they got pelted by the stones and ran off into the desert. Then he heard his aunt yell for him. She sounded frantic.
He raced back to the hut. She'd managed to kill the other one that had been shooting at her, but there were still five of them leaning over his uncle. He could just make him out through their legs. He wasn't moving. He ran inside ignoring his aunt's pleas to get to him. He shot the lock on the metal box and grabbed his lightsaber. Then he raced back outside, dropped his rifle and ignited it. All five turned and looked at him. One tried to fire a shot that he deflected back at it, then he slashed his way at them cutting an arm and then the head off one and slicing one of them in half. The other three took off running into the night.
He felt power flowing through him. He was buzzed on adrenaline. He wanted to chase after them and strike them down. But he was able to come back to his senses when he heard his aunt scream next to him. He shut the lightsaber down and stowed it in his shirt. Then he gasped as he finally looked down at his uncle. He was in pretty bad shape. Several blaster wounds in his night shirt, blood gushing out of them and a couple slashes in his left leg. It looked almost as though the sand people had been trying to saw off his leg. His uncle was still alive, but just barely. His aunt went to work on stopping his bleeding and had him go fetch the med kit.
"Why didn't you sound the siren?" His uncle asked angrily when he finally came to.
"I tried! It was broken!" Luke complained.
"It was working just the other day!"
"It looked like some wires had been cut. I didn't have time to look closely."
"What are you doing with that?" Uncle lars demanded. Pointing to Luke's chest where the end of the lightsaber was sticking out of his pocket. "I thought I forbid you to use it!"
"I just saved your life with it! But instead of a thank you, you're yelling at me!" Luke whined, anger rising in his voice. This was just great. He couldn't do anything right! It wasn't his fault the siren was broken. And rather than be grateful that his nephew just used a powerful weapon to scare off the Tuskens, his uncle was acting as though everything was his fault.
"Give it to me, now!" His uncle yelled. "I should've destroyed the damn thing when I had the chance!"
Now it was Luke's turn to yell. "No!" And before either of them could stop him, he jumped into his landspeeder and took off toward Anchorhead, fuming. How dare they? It had been his father's! It was his now! It was his ticket to a better life and they wanted to destroy it! If they really cared about him, they wouldn't try to take it from him.
Anakin entered the unresponsive ship tentatively. He hadn't been able to determine much from the scans. Artoo beeped worriedly behind him. "Don't worry, buddy." He patted the droid. "Stay close to me."
The ship had sent out a distress signal just before going quiet. His awareness tickled like it could be a trap, but he met no resistance as he made his way through the ship. He felt something familiar aboard, but he couldn't make out what it was.
He bumped into a couple disabled security droids, but otherwise came up empty. "Artoo, plug into the ship and see what you can find out." The astromech beeped obediently and was soon slicing the ship's computer for any relevant information. It then turned and projected security footage of someone on the bridge with their head under a panel likely trying to repair it. They appeared to be the only person on board.
Well then, this should be an easy conversation. They made their way to the bridge and could hear music playing from inside. Whoever this was, clearly wasn't afraid of pirates. That put him a little on edge. He nodded to his droid and the door opened. He told Artoo to keep watch and then went inside.
The person repairing the ship didn't notice his entrance. There were a couple more deactivated security droids on the bridge.
"Are you Visago?" Anakin asked loud enough to be heard over the radio.
"Ouch!" Came a familiar voice after a clunking sound. Oh man... seriously? A male Weequay sat up and shut off the radio. "Oh hello! Did you get my message and decide to come rescue me?"
"Hondo Ohnaka..." Anakin replied feeling his lips curl a little with distaste. How did he keep running into this stinking pirate?
"Do I know you?" The pirate asked, "wait, don't tell me I owe you money!" He said reaching for a little device hooked to his belt.
"No, no." Anakin said, figuring that must remotely activate the droids. "Where's Visago? He sent a distress call, this is his ship."
"Oh well..." Hondo chuckled. "It WAS his ship but then he bet it and lost it in a friendly game of holochess. It's mine now, but I can't get the hyperdrive working."
"I'm sure my droid can fix that, but how do I know you're telling the truth?" Anakin didn't trust the Weequay any farther than he could smell him.
"Why would I lie?" The pirate grinned, showing rows of rotting teeth and gold fillings.
"Oh I don't know," Anakin rolled his eyes, "because you're good at that."
"I tell you what," his tone switched to business. "Help me fix my hyperdrive, so I can deliver my goods, and I'll split the reward right down the middle, say... sixty/thirty."
Anakin couldn't help the bemused smile that crossed his lips. But money did sound nice. Maybe then he'd be able to find a place for Luke and Leia to live with him. If they'd want to anyways. "And the other ten percent?"
"Oh, you'll want me to spend that on expenses. Food, fuel, drinks! That kind of thing. "Do we have a deal?" Hondo asked, sticking out his hand for Anakin to shake.
"Deal," Anakin said, shaking his hand. He slipped the remote activator from Hondo's belt into his pocket. Just in case the pirate tried double crossing him.
"Say, I do know you! My old Jedi friend! How are you buddy?"
"All the Jedi are dead." Anakin replied simply.
"Well in that case, welcome! I always wanted a ghost on my crew!" Hondo smiled widely without skipping a beat. "Now have your droid do its thing!"
"Where is the rest of your crew, anyways?" Anakin asked after directing Artoo to get to work and leaned back against the doorframe. Well there's a first time for everything. Once a Jedi, then a Sith and now a pirate. Everyone would be so proud. As long as Hondo behaved himself, it might not be such a bad gig. Who knows?
"Oh they got cold feet. The Empire scared off the ones they didn't kill. Took away everything from me; destroyed my home, all my ships, now I do odd jobs as they come up. It's not so bad, not always as much fun now though." Ohnaka replied casually as if it really didn't make any difference to him where he was. Anakin felt the guilt creep up his throat. How could he feel pity for this pirate after everything he'd put him through? Truth be told, he knew why he felt it. It was the same thing that held him back.
Ever since Ahsoka had pulled him out of the dark side, he'd felt like he had to stand trial a dozen times. Everyone had been nice about it, but the guilt ate away at him. Sometimes he wished they weren't being nice. He'd rather them be angry at him. Then at least he'd feel like he was getting what he deserved. He wanted to make it up to them. All of them, even this trouble of a pirate in front of him. But he couldn't undo what had been done; what he'd let happen.
He'd loved the thrill of war. The thrill of victory, especially in the face of bad odds. It had been like a game to him. Him and Ahsoka keeping a battle droid kill count as if there was some grand prize to be won. He was a man of action, always on the move. Even in the face of death he'd never been able to fully see it as a bad thing. The way it felt to reach into the force, to be hyper aware of every movement and sound around him, to feel these people he loved on all sides. Then to spring into action and strike down the enemy, to wield his lightsaber with deadly accuracy. To hear the grateful cheers from the people they rescued. It only served to fuel his need to go on. Strategy on the battle cruisers and in the ship, were like puzzles to him. He loved the challenge of breaking through blockades and defenses. Of pushing those around him and the ships to their limits. Of seeing how they rose above. But he couldn't ignore the price in blood that had been paid.
He had been known as the hero with no fear. The poster boy of the war. And he had thrived on it. Not because he needed people to cheer for him, but rather because it gave him purpose... meaning. But as it dragged on, he stopped enjoying it as much. He'd found himself missing Padmé more and more. Every mission walked him closer to the edge without quite pushing him in. They stopped being fun, stopped fueling his fire. Everywhere he looked, he saw failure. Failure to succeed, failure to take action, failure to end the conflict.
What was his life now? There was still a need for people to fight. There'd always be a need for that. Even when the empire was overturned and the republic could resume. But he didn't want to fight anymore. He didn't want to rush into another war. He didn't want to put his desires aside for something bigger; or be ordered around. He wanted to make his own choices. For the good of himself, and his family. He didn’t want to think about the entire galaxy anymore. He wanted to be selfish.
He wanted to be what no one really wanted him to be. What no one had ever let him be... except for Ahsoka. He wanted to be himself. I miss you, Snips...
Maybe being a pirate wasn't that far from his dream.
Luke was going to stop at the Anchorhead cantina, but he was still so angry he just kept going. It was late, his aunt and uncle would be furious. He couldn't believe he'd just taken off like that especially after his uncle could have died. But as the fire continued to burn in his blood, he couldn't come up with an apology. He was mad at them for not caring about his own desires and dreams. He was mad at his father for being alive and giving him a taste of a better life and then dropping him back here. He was mad at his mother for dying. He was mad at Leia for having an easier life in a nicer place. And he was mad at Ahsoka for leaving without an explanation. He was mad at everyone.
It was so unfair! He'd always tried to be a good person. He believed in it. He knew it was what his parents would have wanted. But did being a good person mean getting screwed over all the time? Because if it did, maybe he didn't want to be one anymore.
He made it to Mos Eisley in the early hours of the morning. He didn't know what he was hoping to find there. A friend? A job? A ride off this dung heap? The only thing he was certain of now was no matter what, he wasn't going back.
He wandered the streets until the suns rose and the markets started opening. He found a fellow who bought his landspeeder for a small pile of credits. It wasn't enough to buy a ship, but it might be enough to buy a ride on one. He went from cantina to cantina, but all the pilots he talked to quoted prices beyond his budget. He'd tried to make some deals, but he'd never been good at negotiating.
The afternoon was turning into evening and he'd struck out every time.
He saw a junker of a ship land in the space port. Maybe he could get a ride on that thing. He headed that direction hoping to cut off the pilot and make a deal. He watched a boy not that much older than him disembark the vessel, followed by a Wookiee... but before he could get to them, a group of bounty hunters confronted them. He recognized Greedo, the local thug that worked for Jabba.
"He'll get his money," he heard the boy say. "I was on my way there right now."
The Wookiee growled something. And the boy whipped out two blasters and started a fire fight with the bounty hunters. He hit Greedo in the leg, and killed two others. The Wookiee hit another one with an explosive shot from his crossbow. Who were these guys? The boy flipped Greedo's blaster in the air and holstered it. Then walked away leaving the injured bounty hunter yelling after him. Something about the Hutt punishing them for killing his bounty hunters.
The odd duo ignored the threats. Luke didn't think they were the kind of people to strike a deal with, but then again... maybe they were just what he was looking for. They certainly knew a little something about adventure. He decided to follow them.
They stopped in the cantina for a couple drinks, and then they hopped a barge headed to Jabba's palace. Luke followed at a distance trying not to draw attention.
Next Chapter ->
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heartbreakcity · 8 years
Dealing With Allison's Death (Liam Dunbar Imagine)
This was my first imagine guys, I really hoe you like it.
Please share it if you do, I really want this account to be known!
Enjoy xx
Word count: 1732
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It was a hard-hitting wall when Allison died. She didn’t deserve to. She didn’t have to. Allison died protecting her family and friends, but in the end, she didn’t HAVE to die.
Nobody does.
Allison died and Isaac left. Scott hasn’t been himself. Nobody has. Stiles has times where he just doesn’t comprehend what is happening in the world, Lydia locks herself away until the dead of night when she just goes for walks by herself, and Kira is trying her hardest to act normal. She knew Allison and Isaac the shortest amount of time so she is trying to act like everything’s ok. And then there was me. When I first moved to Beacon Hills with my parents 2 years ago, I was a complete stranger to everyone and everything. But there was one day that changed it all.
It was a Tuesday, and after soccer practice I took ages to get changed in the locker room. Everybody left, leaving me alone with just my thoughts. Until a noise so loud it was like an earthquake has taken place sounded from the guy’s locker room. Cautiously and daringly, I stared forwards to see what had happened. After all, practice finished 45 minutes ago, and all students should have left.
That’s not what had happened.
When I opened the door, there stood the famous duo pair: Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall. But something was not right. Scott had his back turned to me, his head down and Stiles look frightened and startled to see me at the doorway.
“Get out, Y/N! Leave!” Stiles yelled with a scared look in his eyes. I didn’t think twice about how he knew my name, I just stood there rooted to the spot, unable to move even if I wanted to. Scott turned slowly, and when his body faced mine, he lifted up his head.
Red eyes.
I opened my mouth to scream, but a different instinct took over. Instead of being the scared little girl I was known to be, I took a chance. ‘It could go two ways’, I thought to myself. ‘I scream and run and leave Beacon Hills, or I stay and make friends’.
Silently taking a deep breath, I made my choice.
“That is cool.”
And that stared it all – I was introduced to the world of werewolves, kanima, kitsune, the nogitsune and were-coyotes. It all happened all so fast, with each day bringing new enemies, new friends and new creatures that we weren’t sure were going to kill us or make us stronger as a pack. Allison Argent moved here about the same time I did. Her family’s past was revealed to us, and she joined the pack willingly. It was one night that we had cornered the kanima that she noticed I was defenceless. So, she trained me. She trained me to fight for myself; how to fire a gun, how to shoot bow and arrows and how to protect myself.
The only problem was that she taught me how to protect myself so well, she forgot herself.
Stiles and I, we were the only humans until he turned into the Nogitsune. He blames himself for Allison, he blames himself for everything. He cries all the time, even though he tries to hide it, and he beats himself up over it constantly. He truly believes that the pack is broken because of him.
And I hate to say it, but sometimes, when I’m felling terrible about it all and there’s tears running down my cheeks, when I I’m sitting in the dark and thinking everything over. When there’s nothing to do, but regrets one’s actions, so do I. I blame him too.
So, that summer, there was no pack meetings. There were no midnight searches for bodies or suspicious cases. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. We were normal teenagers who had just seen their best friend die.
That was until Liam moved to town.  Everything changed. When Scott bit him to save his life that night on the roof, he joined our pack. It was unwillingly of course, but it happened. Scott had called the first pack meeting in 3 months that night. We were to meet at his house in half an hour. I text Lydia to see if she was going to go, but no reply. I didn’t think there would be, I just needed to see. Whilst the clock was ticking away the time, the second hand so loud in my ears I wanted to scream in frustration, I debated mentally whether to go.
This pack brought to much destruction in to my life. My life had been turned around when I found out about Scott, and it would be hard to go back. It would be impossible to forget everything I had witnessed; the pained face of Lydia when Jackson was trying to kill us all, the heart-broken face of Scott and Isaac when Allison was run-through and the sight of her pale hand peacefully landing on the ground. My best friend’s eyes, once full of colour, joy and life, now cold and empty.
But this pack also brought me happiness. Stiles and his stupid remarks about everything serious situation, and how he made everyone see the issue at hand in a different light. Lydia and her powers always made everything easier, and I could count on her for a little bit of normalness in my life, to make everything seem ok again. Scott and his leadership – it always made me feel safe. He knew what he was doing, he knew that we were there for him and we knew that he would do anything to help us. These people were my best friends and nothing was going to change that.
When you’re going through hell…keep going.
I pulled on jeans, a shirt and a leather jacket, combed my hair through and made myself presentable. I hadn’t seen these people in 3 months, I needed to show them that I was getting on ok.
The half an hour was nearly over, so jumping into my car without a word to my parents that I was leaving, I drove as fast as I could to Scott's house. Scott will be there, so will Stiles and Lydia maybe. But then the tears started to form as I realized we were two members down. Pushing my hair back out of my eyes and pulling up outside Scott's house, I wiped the tears away. I would not be weak after all we have been through. I will not let her death ruin my life.
Mustering up the courage, I knocked on Scott's door. Almost instantly, it opened to reveal the alpha himself.
“Hi,” I tried to speak clearly, but it only came out as a whisper. Before I could process what was happening, Scott pulled me into his arms. His warm embrace made me realize how much I had missed this, missed him. Missed them all.
“Hey,” he replied softly.
Pulling back, a familiar voice came from the kitchen.
“Don’t keep her all to yourself buddy,” and Scott moved aside. Walking through the rooms, it felt more like home than anything I had ever felt before. And of course, in the kitchen sat around the table, was Stiles and Lydia.
“Hey,” I spoke softly, giving them a smile. It was gladly returned.
“We have something to show you,” Stiles said with his usual suspicious grin forming on his face.
Leading us all upstairs and into Scott's room, a clatter emerged from the bathroom. Stiles let out a huff of despair.
“PLEASE KEEP STILL!” He yelled through the door. Nothing scared me anymore, but a grunt came from inside the room.
“What is in there?” I questioned, my voice shaking, but I was unsure why.
No reply came, but Scott flung the door open. In the bath, tied up (which was obviously done by Stiles) was a teenage boy.
“Y/N, meet Liam, Scott's new beta.”
That was a year ago. Between now and then, Liam and I had become inseparable. We did everything together, and there were feelings involved. We started dating 8 months ago, when Lydia punched him for not realizing I loved him.
It was almost like everything had gone back to normal in our lives.
The truth is, I was still deeply affected by Allison’s death. And it just so happened that tonight, I could not conceal the tears. They kept coming as I thought of her smile, her eyes and my best friends laugh. She didn’t deserve to die. She didn’t deserve to be punished like that for doing something good. Allison was brought to a terrible end that she did not need.
The tears didn’t stop, not even when my bedroom door opened to reveal my boyfriend Liam. He rushed to my side and pulled me into his arms. His blue eyes met mine and put his hands up to my face and gently swept away the falling tears.
“What’s wrong Y/N/N?” Liam asked quietly, his hands on either side of your face and his face so close to yours you could feel his breathe.
“I,” you stuttered out, unable to think of the words. “I feel so…helpless.” You whispered, closing your eyes but only to be met with an image of Allison. The tears started to form again.
“Y/N,” Liam started in disbelief. “You are the strongest person I have ever known. You keep me aware of everything, you keep me on track and you keep me from becoming the ticking time-bomb I am. You have no idea how much you have changed my life since I met you. That night, when you yelled at Stiles to untie me, I could see that you were tougher than you looked, but when you took the tape of my mouth, you did it so carefully, I could see that you were also so gentle and fragile. I swore to protect you Y/N, and I haven’t broken that promise just yet.”
I was dumbfounded. Speechless.
In love.
“Liam?” I said, almost silently.
“Yeah?” he replied, his beautiful eyes still searching for a sign of me in my own.
“I love you.”
He just smiled slightly, “I know.”
He pulled me into his arms so my back was pressed onto his front and his hands wrapped themselves into mine, “I love you too.”
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thunder0-0sage · 7 years
Summerbolt (manga script) - chapter 16.5
 We see Vega on the cover, playing a videogame, giving it his all and shooting dull green energy streams all around him, gritting his teeth in a wild comical way, veins protruding on his forehead.
‘Vega: ‘-Actually, I have lots of problems! One of my other obsessions besides alcohol is playing videogames!!’
Poor Vega. Is there any hope for him at all?!’
  ‘Sunbird’’s boys’ dorms are seen, the focus going in one of its halls where Hikaru’s walking by in the early morning, his hands in his pockets, looking around.
Hikaru: ‘-Weird. It’s a lot quieter here than it usually is.’
‘What’s the reason behind this calmness and silence?! Hikaru sets out to find the answer!!!’
The teenager hears a strange noise nearby, going to the room from which it’s coming, knocking on the door and then entering. Inside he finds a horrible mess, amidst which is laying none other than Vega, breathing heavily and holding an empty bottle in his hand while a lot more bottles and casks are rolling around, all of them empty as well, leading to the appearance of a comically disgusted expression on Hikaru’s face.
Hikaru: ‘-What the hell is going on here?!!’ (Vega barely manages to raise his head, extremely shocked when he sees his classmate but still unable to get up, falling back on the ground)
Vega: ‘-I need to drink … I really need to … fuckin’ drink, damn it!!!’ (Hikaru leans to his friend and grabs the bottle in his hand when energy sparks explode from the drunken bastard’s eyes and his grip around the glass tightens)
Hikaru: ‘-Man, the bottle is empty. Come on, just give it to me.’ (Vega continues with his attempts to take the bottle for himself)
Vega: ‘-Like hell!!! It’s mine!!!’ (Hikaru continues with the attempts to pull the bottle from his friend’s hands who keeps on pulling it to himself and eventually the mad genius goes on a rampage with a comical angry expression)
Hikaru: ‘-JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN BOTTLE ALREADY, SICK DRUNKEN FREAKAZOID ANIMAL!!!!’ (lightning bolts are shot across the room, the drunken bastard is fried and the bottle is blown to pieces)
Vega is crushed aside as Hikaru lifts him up, dragging him out in the hall, the energetic hero starting to regain his common sense.
Vega: ‘-Suru … is that you … ?’ (Hikaru turns to him with a slightly angry face)
Hikaru: ‘-Who else, V?’ (he takes him to his room, opening the door and throwing him on Seiren’s bed, sitting on his own and looking worriedly at his friend)
Vega: ‘-Ah, shit … (he touches his forehead with a painful expression) … my head’s about to explode any second now.’
Hikaru: ‘-Do tell me now. Why were you in such a state? Where’s King? Why was the room filled with ‘Jack Willshire’?’ (Vega looks aside with a thoughtful expression and then goggles his eyes in shock)
Vega: ‘-Ah! I remembered!! (he manages to sit on the bed as well, sighing) It all started yesterday, after school. (Vega is seen, leaving ‘Sunbird’ when suddenly Aria jumps in front of him with a cute smile, shocking him and making him blush) Aria surprised me. She asked me out. It just came flying out of nowhere!!!’
Hikaru: ‘-Did you accept?’
Vega: ‘-Damn right I did!! I dressed up as neatly as possible and waited for her in the place about which we had spoken earlier. (Vega is seen, getting his hair into a proper shape, then dressing like a real gentleman and finally standing next to a street light with a small bouquet of flowers in his hand) I waited for her for a long time but she never came. (Vega walks around the town afterwards, looking very down) I saw a restaurant on my way home and decided to go inside and eat up. (Vega’s extremely shocked expression is seen then, looking at Aria, sitting on one of the tables nearby with another boy, talking about something and laughing) There I discovered Aria. With another guy that looked a little bit older than us.’ (Hikaru’s brutally shocked, hearing this)
Hikaru: ‘-Damn, son!! I wouldn’t imagine she would do such s thing!!’
Vega: ‘-I was sober then, Suru. There’s no way I’ve mistaken her for someone else. She had lied to me on purpose, just to make fun of me because she knows other girls never invite me out.’ (Hikaru looks aside with a sad face)
Hikaru: ‘-I’m sorry, man. It’s a really shitty situation.’
Vega: ‘-I suppose you can figure out what happened from there on. (Hikaru nods and then Vega is seen in a pub, drinking in higher quantities than ever) I drank a lot and I mean really a lot. Then I went back to the dorms and caused a lot of ruckus there. (Vega enters the dorms, carrying tens of casks and bottles, wrapped around him with energetic chains, and starts shouting and shooting energy shots all over the place) King and Tora came to stop me. (the two battle rams land in front of the drunken bastard and a fight starts between them, leading to lots of destruction, Vega later being thrown in his room along with all the alcohol) When they saw they weren’t going to get the alcohol away from me, they gave up and left me alone.’
Hikaru: ‘-And this morning I came and found you in this horrid state. (Vega nods when Hikaru goggles his eyes and jumps up, picking the energetic hero and dragging him outside of his room, confusing him) Suru, what are you doing now? I need to rest!!’
Hikaru: ‘-We’re going to go and talk to Aria about this right now!!’ (the duo continues walking forward and then Aria is seen in her room, reading a book in bed and alone, the door destroyed and Hikaru jumping in with a most comical angry expression, scaring his schoolmate to death in a comical way)
Aria: ‘-AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Suru!!!! What do you think you’re doing here?!!!!?! (she then sees Vega who’s dragged along with a sad face, shocking her) Vega? You, too?’
Hikaru: ‘-Get your ass over here right now, young lady!! We’re going to sort things out without further delaying!!!’
Later Vega is sitting next to Aria on her bed while Hikaru’s sitting on the floor, the two of them looking down with sadness while the mad genius has folded his arms with considerable anger.
Vega: ‘-Suru, that was a little …’ (Hikaru looks at him destructively, silencing him)
Hikaru: ‘-Go on then, Aria. Explain everything to us. I’m going to be by Vega’s side as you tell us the whole truth!!’
Aria: ‘-Suru, you’ve got everything wrong. So does Vega. (Hikaru and Vega are equally confused and shocked, hearing this) The truth is … I really like you, V. (Vega is still shocked but now blushes as well while Hikaru’s face is more comical than ever) That’s why I asked you out. A few unexpected things happened, though.
 (she looks aside and her memories are seen, where the young lady’s taking a shower when an explosion erupts in her house and all of the sudden the water stops, confusing her) My brother has an explosive deva and he blew up a part of the house while trying to cook dinner. Thanks to that both the power and the water were cut for a long time. (Aria shouts at her brother with a comically angry and ashamed expression as he bows with a comically guilty face) When my parents came back it became even worse and the two of us had to fix it since they don’t have any devas. (Aria and her brother are seen, working on the repairs of the house and afterwards the duo is walking across Deckstoru, stopping by a restaurant) To make up for what had happened, my brother suggested to take me to dinner and he’s the boy with which you’ve seen me in the restaurant. I was so ashamed of myself for what had happened and felt very guilty so I didn’t even notice you were nearby. I decided not to cause you any more trouble from there on. I’m very sorry. I really am.’ (Vega puts his hand on her shoulder and shocks her, the two of them looking at each other)
Vega: ‘-It’s OK, Aria. There’s no need to feel bad about it because it wasn’t your fault, after all. And also you can cause trouble for me all you want because … I like you a lot, too.’ (Aria is mega-shocked, nodding with a shy smile and blushing after that as Hikaru jumps up and starts waving with his hands and an ultra-comical happy face)
Hikaru: ‘-Great then!!! So it was all just a …’ (Aria and Vega both smack him in the face with comical angry expressions, crushing him in the wall)
Vega, Aria: ‘-Would you shut up already!!?!!?!?!!!?!!!!’ (Hikaru falls on the ground with two huge lumps on his head and a comical beaten-up and puzzled expression)
Hikaru: ‘- … huge misunderstanding …’
He falls unconscious and then Aria and Vega look at each other, smiling and moving closer, the action stopping just when they’re about to kiss and transporting us back to Vega’s room, Hikaru standing at the door with great shock. In front of him lies a sea of bottles and casks, amidst which Vega is rolling around, hugging a cask and kissing it with a comical happy expression.
Vega: ‘-Aria, oh, you’re just so cute … definitely the best girl ever …’ (Hikaru steps in and smashes a historical electric kick in the drunken bastard’s jaw with a comical angry expression)
‘Whether it’s real or not, the most important thing is for us to be happy but we should never go too far!! Sometimes things can spin out of control in the most unexpected ways!!’
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