#imagine you're one of his patients and you're like “oh i heard my doc is an actor i should check out one of his shows” and you see THIS
hotasfahrenheit · 10 months
Me less than an hour ago: wow wardrobe for Last Twilight is doing such a good job, attention to details 👏👏👏👏
Last Twilight wardrobe: you bet we are
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makenoplans · 1 year
all gale banter! (that i am currently aware of)
hiii gale enthusiasts, i just spent the past few hours picking through videos trying to find all of gales party banter and transcribing it! check under the cut for verbose details
copied directly from the doc i transcribed this into so youll have to bear with the initials to denote who is speaking when! generally speaking, initials are a=astarion, g=gale, h=halsin, j=jaheira, k=karlach, l=lae'zel, m=minthara, s=shadowheart, and w=wyll
(except for two minsc quotes that are also m, both where he mentions his name so like... it's obvious)
transcribed with attention paid to particular noises characters make that aren't quite whole words and also words that are emphasized!
please let me know if youre aware of any banter ive missed!
warning: long
G: Karlach! A hypothetical question for you. If someone - not me, of course - detected a hint of romantic interest in them from another… unnamed individual, erm, what might that someone… do about it?
K: Whoever it is, just talk to them, Gale! And leave out the hypotheticals.
G: Talking. Right! I'm good at that!
A: So, Gale, how is your sad, hopeless pining going?
G: [Ach!] I'm hardly pining! Been a year or more since Mystra cast me aside!
A: Oh, my dear wizard, I wasn't talking about Mystra.
W: I used to believe the beauty of first love was unable to be surpassed, but Gale, you are so much more tolerable now that you've found your second.
G: I'll take that comment with the sincerity and good will I assume it was intended.
G: Have you noticed any attachments of the more, er, romantic variety flourishing in our camp, Wyll?
W: I think I'm not the right person to be asking. I can recognize a troll silhouette on a far horizon, but I wouldn't know a flirtation if you whacked me alongside the head with it.
G: I see you waste no time pursuing your quarry, Astarion.
A: Hmph! I rather thought I was a little slow this time. Usually they're begging me to dream them on the first night.
G: Tell me - you always woo your lovers with such patient attention?
A: As the vampire ascendant I can grant my lover immortality and bind them to me forever.
G: Hmm. I trust you speak of the bonds of love, not the shackles of servitude.
G: Am I to understand that you are in love now, Karlach?
K: I sure am. [heh] If there's hope for me, there's hope for anyone.
G: I'm surprised you're permitted to choose a partner outside of your own people.
L: We had to use and misuse each civilization in the stars in every way we know. I do not conquer by blade alone, Gale.
G: I can't imagine Mother Gith would approve. Doesn't she prefer us lesser species enslaved? Or eviscerated?
M: You've been smiling like a fool of late, wizard. Explain yourself.
G: I found love. Surely even you wouldn't begrudge me some happiness?
M: All I can say on the matter is that you were wise to lower your standards from the godly to the ghastly.
G: Tell me, Lae'zel: is it common for githyanki to fall in love?
L: Love? Is that this feeling in me, then? This passion to peel every layer of one's heart to see what light and shadows lurk there? I doubt I am the first githyanki to… to feel this way, but few would ever declare it. Githyanki have playmates, thrill partners but I've never heard anyone profess love, nor read of it in our slates.
L: Gale, I've heard you talking in your sleep. Your mate needs better rest for our journey.
G: And deprive them of the pleasure of hearing my nocturnal postulations? I'd never be so cruel. The mind absorbs much while we believe ourselves dormant. To lie beside Gale of Waterdeep is positively educational.
G: If you're feeling faint after your bout with Cazador, Astarion, I don't mind donating some blood.
A: Aha! Well, you're still full of that Netherese bile, I'll pass, thank you! Besides, I have someone else to nibble on, and they are delicious.
G: I'm glad to know you have a softer side, Minthara. I was beginning to think you rather… heartless.
M: Loving another is not soft, wizard. It is one of the hardest things a person can do.
G: So you admit you found love! Aww. How delightful. I'm happy for you both.
A: So, how was your night with Gale? Did you have a long, hard debate?
G: Ugh. Ignore him. Astarion envies the depth of a bond because he's of a shallower inclination.
G: So Astarion, I hear your relationship has taken on a new aspect recently.
A: My life has taken on "a new aspect." It's only natural that my relationships change as well.
G: Halsin! You must have accumulated considerable wisdom on matters of the heart in your long life. Anything you'd like to pass on to a… strapping, lovestruck wizard such as myself?
H: [hehehe] Dispensing advice on matters of the heart would be like swapping boots. What suits me may be a… poor fit for you.
G: Ah. Well. There's no faulting that logic. At least you didn't tell me to "be myself."
H: Oh no, perish the thought. That can be outright cruel advice to offer in certain cases.
G: Indulge me, Lae'zel, as someone unfettered by Faerunian beauty standards: how would you appraise my appearance?
L: Your beard looks like the hairy tufts upon the [surlon], the largest of wyrmkind that sliver our skies.
G: Hm. I suppose that's… a bad thing? No. Don't answer that.
G: Wild-shaping must sprinkle some spice on your love life, Halsin.
H: Heh. Indeed it does. Did you… never experience such delights with Mystra? I, uh, hear the gods enjoy taking on the forms of swans, horses, eagles and the like when… visiting with mortals?
G: Oh no, quite the opposite, actually! She mostly preferred our interactions to be abstract, and incorporeal. Most invigorating.
G: So, Lae'zel, have you ever been tempted to use psionics in your, uh, romantic endeavors?
L: Only once. Did you know, in low-gravity settings, githyanki can maintain aerial suspension for hours at a time?
G: Fascinating! I think the arch-mage Tasha described a spell with similar affect! I really must look that up.
G: I've always felt flames to be a rather perfect expression of love, Karlach. Passionate! Primal! Capable of bestowing the most life-affirming comfort - or - inflicting the profoundest damage.
L: That's… pretty nice. Never thought about it like that. But… now I will.
G: I've been pondering something, Lae'zel. Why is it that githyanki have bellybuttons, hm? When they hatch from eggs?
L: I did not grant you permission to gaze upon my midriff.
G: I- I wasn't gazing! Merely observing! Though that can hardly be said for a certain someone else.
G: Y'know, Karlach, there are other ways to express love beyond run-of-the-mill physicality.
K: Ugh! Are you going to try and teach me about exceptional uses for a mage hand or what?
G: W-well actually, I was thinking of poetry!
K: Oops. Sorry. But, uh, now that I think of it… is mage hand especially hard to learn?
G: Even shaped by shadow as it is, Sharran architecture has a kind of beauty to it.
K: Beautifully intimidating. This place was meant to scare people into submission.
G: There you go. Cutting right through the ephemera to the heart of the matter. Hm! Your finest quality, I think.
K: Uh. Here I thought I rubbed you the wrong way.
G: Nothing wrong with a bit of friction now and then. You help me keep my mind sharp.
K: Aw, thanks, pal! I think.
G: When we met, Shadowheart, your gaze seemed to linger in the distance on some unseen goal, some insubstantial purpose. But I notice now your gaze settles on something or someone much closer.
S: Is it that obvious?
G: Of course! There's nothing escapes a wizard's powers of observation.
A: I gave my return to Baldur's Gate a lot of thought. I never pictured this, though.
G: Ah, what did you have in mind? A quiet party? Toasting your own return with a few good friends?
A: Less "quiet party with friends", more "days of hedonistic debauchery", but otherwise… yes!
G: Hmm. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. But you know what? I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in.
G: I've heard that in Baldur's Gate, "wizard" is also a term used for one who eschews their more, [hr-hrm] carnal desires. Is that true, Wyll?
W: Where are we going with this, Gale?
G: Oh, nowhere. Just think it's a rather cruel misnomer, not at all reflective of the glamor wizarding life affords.
A: So Gale, you laid with a goddess? You must have some sordid tales to tell.
G: Sordid? I lay with the Mother of Magic herself! What we had was… transcendent. Euphoric. Incandescent. Not sordid!
A: You actually made sleeping with a goddess sound boring. Hm. Incredible.
A: I am enjoying our walks together, aren't you, Gale?
G: Uhh… sure! In silence.
G: When you've loved a goddess as I have, people often think you less experienced in the way of romance.
S: She just lives on another plane! [heh] Only jesting. I'm in no position to judge, especially after what happened with Shar.
G: It's true for a time, I neglected the physical in favor of celestial euphoria. But our relationship was no less real for it.
G: I feel I've been rather hasty to judge you, Astarion. One heartbreak was quite enough for me, but to experience it as many times as you have… must change a person.
A: Thank you, Gale, but let us both hope that broken hearts are a thing of the past.
A: So, do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over?
G: You know what, that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
S: You mean just… waiting? Like a lovesick puppy?
M: Do you have elder siblings, wizard?
G: You're about to say something awful, aren't you?
M: In Menzoberranzan, after a house has two sons, every subsequent male-born child is slaughtered at birth, as it is useless, even for breeding. You have the aura of a third child about you.
G: The architect who built this must have been remarkable. Pity their vision didn't stand the test of time.
K: All's not lost. I mean, just look at this place!
G: You've quite the knack for finding the bright side of things, haven't you?
K: Hope keeps you going.
K: So Gale, got any book recommendations for me?
G: You can read?
K: Hmph. Yes, very funny. I can read. School put me off big, boring tomes. Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing.
G: Ah! Say no more. I'll find the perfect book for you. I might even lend it to you from my library in Waterdeep, ooh.
K: Ooh, something with magic please! And no devils!
G: Do you feel that? The darkness, pulling at the strands of the Weave?
K: Er, you'll still be able to do your wizard thing though, right?
G: Of course. Doesn't make the shadows less dangerous.
K: Joy.
M: Gale. Minsc worries you might send a fireball up his butt with all of this… stringy hair in your face.
G: Is that why you keep your head shaved? I assumed it was a custom of some sort.
M: Oh, no. Most warriors of [Rashinan] wear long battle braids weighed down with stone. Minsc can show you, when next we camp.
G: Thank you, but I'm more wizard than warrior. Not sure my scalp would stand up to such a plaiting.
A: Gods! We're not back, are we?
G: On the Nautiloid, no. This is a different nursery. Similar, but not identical. There's likely one in every colony.
A: I don't care what's in every mind flayer colony, Gale. Nobody does. Except you.
A: Ugh, another ruined temple full of foul-smelling beasts spoiling for a fight.
G: No mere temple. This was a monastery, devoted as much to study as to worship.
A: Oh, how ignorant of me. So it'll be free of foul-smelling beasts then?
G: Quite the opposite. Some monastic orders celebrated their pungency as proof of their devotion. "To think is to stink" was the motto of one ill-fated brotherhood near Arm. Oh! Huh, but you meant beasts of the life-threatening variety. Yes I'm sure it's teeming with those.
A: Moonlanterns to keep the curse back? Burly guards to fight off any monsters? I could get used to this place.
G: Don't get too comfortable. We shouldn't overstay our welcome in such a place.
A: No, of course! Why stay somewhere safe and comfortable when we could be in mortal peril?
H: Ah, Last Light Inn. Half aglow and lanterns lit. Just like a hundred years ago.
G: I imagine the vista was more idyllic back then. As were its patrons' chances of surviving the walk home.
H: [Grunt.] Still though, when you are expecting nothing but desolation, even a small glimmer of hope fills the heart. To think long ago, the druids feared this market down would grow into a city and threaten nature's realm… little did we realize what the true threat was.
G: Divination is a skill few can master. The rest of us must simply muddle along, content to view the past with a clarity the future rarely offers.
H: Perhaps I can yet turn hindsight into foresight, provided the curse is lifted. The better way for all. Whole generations were denied their chance to flourish… I must put this right, for them.
A: That orb seems powerful. What could it do once it's extracted?
G: Nothing good can come of it unless it is contained. Why.
A: It might be useful. Who knows?
G: I must tell you, Shadowheart, the bathing waters here leave much to be desired. The ablutions offered at the Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep were far superior - and, they have the most excellent soaps.
S: Hmm. I was wondering why you always smelled like a wealthy dowager.
A: From sweet woodland to stinking swamp. Can you do tricks like that, Gale?
G: Easiest thing in the world. Though I'd do it the other way around.
H: Brickwork and stonework. This place is far out of balance with nature, but the Oak Father will reclaim this all eventually.
G: Not too soon, I hope! I've a craving for a soft bed, a hot bath, and a large glass of Arabellan Dry. None of which I've ever found hidden under a log.
H: Hah, you may thrive, but what of other life? A city is no place for wild creatures.
G: Cities teem with life! Rats, pigeons, flies… they count no less, for all their more pestilent qualities.
G: The Society of brilliance has quite the reputation. Even Waterdhavian academics refer to their works from time to time.
S: They talk a great deal but do very little. Which may be for the best.
G: I take it you're not inclined to study the wonders of the Underdark?
S: Its inhabitants and cultures, maybe. Its fungi and cave slime, no thank you.
W: Ethel mentioned Netherese magic. What in blazes does that mean?
G: Magic from the fallen empire of Netheril. Ancient. Exceedingly dangerous. And quite unrivalled.
A: Wonderful. I'd hate to be destroyed by any common old magic.
G: Home and hearth, reduced to ruins. The shadow curse stole more than the light from this place.
H: That is why it must be stopped. Imagine a whole century of life and love denied the chance to ever take place.
G: A hidden shrine dedicated to the Moonmaiden herself. Even amidst this darkness, Selunites are stubborn enough to cling on.
K: Pretty beautiful, isn't it?
G: Look around you! Indulge your curiosity! Sorcerous Sundries is the finest purveyor of magical miscellany for miles around.
K: Where's the axes?
G: What they sell is far more precious than mere sword or shield! They sell knowledge! Ingenuity! The wisdom of mages past.
K: [yawns] Ugh, sounds like more your thing than mine.
K: Doing alright, Gale?
G: Oh, you know. Still alive and kicking despite being surrounded on all sides by an endless manifestation of… darkness and decay.
K: I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.
G: It strikes me that, for a mind flayer colony, there are remarkably few mind flayers about the place.
K: Squiddies have gone to war, is my guess.
G: On the Absolute's behalf? Now there's an alliance I'd've been quite happy without.
K: Aw, man, adventuring is thirsty work.
G: There used to be a monastery in this region known for producing a wonderful ale.
K: Ah, that sounds like heaven. Wait. Used to?
G: Oh yes, long ruined, I'm afraid. No chance of a frothing pitcher awaiting us there, but still. At least your thirst for knowledge is quenced!
K: Ugh!
W: It might seem a bit ramshackle, but this place is a boastworthy bar.
G: A bar is only as good as its cellars. Which vintages can we expect on its racks?
W: Here, a bottle is judged more by its ability to crack heads than the quality of its contents.
G: Ah. If that's the main criteria then I shall reset my expectations accordingly. Water it is!
K: We're not taking a boat to Baldur's Gate, right?
G: And give the Absolute free reign to use us as target practice from the banks? I think not!
K: Ugh. My mum always said the Chionthat was unlucky.
G: I don't suppose you've any clue where we are in relation to Waterdeep?
K: From this distance between Elturel and Baldur's Gate, I'd say… a long way away.
G: Ah. That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky. No matter. What she doesn't know can't hurt her. Not at this distance, anyway.
G: Nothing like a brisk stroll through the forest to invigorate the spirit.
K: I was just thinking the same thing! But… poetically.
G: And without so much as a stirring from our tadpoles.
K: A girl could get used to this.
L: These children and their pets lack discipline. Were they githyanki, I'd recommend further training.
G: Not everyone approaches the raising of their young with such militaristic vigor.
L: That is the very purpose of training. To determine which children shall be warriors, and which are suited to other roles. As for the unruly animals, they would make for nutritious marching rations.
G: Mm, that's certainly one way to make them behave.
L: These flowers are quite vivid, not to mention pungent. Not to my liking.
G: Are there no flowers in [tunirath]?
L: In the city of death, the m'lar cultivate the fruiting bodies that sprout from the corpses of the slain.
G: Huh. I'd rather get them from my florist in Waterdeep, if it's all the same to you.
G: That zaith'isk you mentioned intrigues me. Care to tell me a bit more?
L: An intricate device crafted by m'lar, our most gifted artisans. I am sworn to say no more.
S: Why must the Dead Three be so obvious and ugly with their decor? Blood and bones, bones and blood… Pointy nonsense. At least Shar had some panache.
G: As did Mystra's home on Elysium. Her ribbed vaults and buttresses created a magic entirely of their own… not to mention their pleasure domes.
S: Hah! Pleasure dome.
G: It's a perfectly legitimate architectural feature!
G: The road to Baldur's Gate is a long one. Who knows how long it'll take these folks to get there on foot.
S: If they make it. They're slow, vulnerable. Half or more will die long before Basilisk Gate.
G: Doesn't seem to trouble you a jot.
S: What good would it do for me to be troubled? We can't save them all.
S: You seem to know a good deal about our condition, Gale.
G: Everything, really. Not to put too fine a point on it.
S: A humble specimen, aren't you?
G: On occasion.
G: They're not mutually exclusive! The weave is served best with a dash of eloquence.
G: There's magic here, but it's of a rancid, impure form. Nothing like the true Weave at all.
L: This is why I appreciate a sharp blade to a ball of fire or a bolt of lightning. The Weave is inconsistent, unruly.
G: The Weave is constant, but its users - anything but. We must be on our guard.
L: A githyanki warrior hardly needs to be told that.
L: What is this? This place makes me feel sad, melancholy.
G: Ah, so you're susceptible to the tragedy of a broken home. Maybe you've more in common with us weaker beings than you thought.
L: There's no call to be insulting.
G: Not to diminish our efforts, but. Was rather simple getting here in the end, wasn't it?
L: The obstacles ahead prove to be higher still, which will make the pleasure of overcoming them all the more potent. Imagine the glorious din of it all, the streaming banners, the charging knights. The piles of severed limbs and heads.
G: Mm, I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you.
G: Whatever I expected to find lurking in this cursed gloom, it certainly wasn't this. A glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.
S: That's one way of looking at it. You could also say it's a prime target, the one pocket of light in the gloom.
G: Oh pragmatism, thy name is Shadowheart. You're not wrong, though. Best we keep our sojourn here to a minimum.
G: So! Shadowheart. Such a name implies yours is a difficult heart to find.
S: It's not that hard to find. Perhaps any difficulty is more telling of you, Gale.
G: I always wondered what a vampire's lair would look like. Can't say I pictured it being quite this… theatrical.
L: I find it surprisingly similar to Queen Vlaakith's aesthetic.
G: That makes sense. She does have a flair for the dramatic.
G: No day, no night. It's as though time itself has abandoned this place. Similar to the Astral Plane in some ways, wouldn't you say, Lae'zel?
L: Mm, hardly. It is said that the Astral Plane is threaded with light and silver, life-giving and wondrous in all directions. Nothing like this dismal abyss.
G: Tell me, Lae'zel, what is it like on the Astral Plane? Your home realm intrigues me.
L: Githyanki lay their eggs on other planes. They cannot mature in the Astral.
L: A tadpole nursery, as on the Nautiloid.
G: Quite right, so long as the attempt won't leave us similarly dismantled.
L: Caution is commendable. Boldness is extraordinary. In this case, I recommend the latter.
W: You're an impressive fighter, Gale. You should consider a new name.
G: I take it you have some suggestions?
W: The Wizard Wonder. Or, how about… the Master of the Weave?
G: Tempting, but I think we already have the maximum number of theatrical titles.
G: Pigeons, gulls, sparrows. These streets would make a fine hunting ground for a tressym like Tara.
M: In the Underdark, we have packs of winged hounds to deal with vermin like your precious Tara.
G: Flying hounds? Come now, you're pulling my leg. Aren't you?
M: Yes, I am. It is the bats that would make a meal of her.
M: Umberlee. Her clerics possess a nasty streak as wide as her oceans.
G: So their reputation suggests, especially among the good folk of Waterdeep. I'm curious to learn how you fell foul of them.
M: Blasphemy, said the temple priestess, but Minsc says do not give horns to your statues if you do not wish the visitors to try and make them toot.
G: Yes. That would probably do it.
W: I admire your courage, Gale.
G: Thank you! Any particular reason?
W: Between the orb and the bug, you've got more than your fair share of unwelcome passengers.
G: What can I say? Mother always told me to be a gracious host.
G: My, my. Well I'll say this for the bonecloaks: they know their mushrooms.
S: Perhaps they should expand their horizons. Too much time spent obsessing over fungi seems to leave them a bit, well… like them.
G: Oh, a byproduct of their profession. Few can spend a lifetime inhaling fungal spores without turning out a bit… muddled between the years.
W: This is it, Gale. Today, we annihilate the heart of the Absolute's power.
G: Entirely unnecessary. Though, if they are so inclined, I might be convinced to share a stanza or two of my own for inspiration! Whatever outcome of what's just ahead… it will be the stuff of legends.
G: I knew you were a graceful man, Wyll, but I hear you're quite the dancer, too! I've been known to trip the light fantastic myself. Mine was a popular hand at the annual Blackstaff's Ball.
W: I'd have loved to have witnessed it, Gale. I wager you are as elegant on the dance floor as you are on the battlefield.
S: What did you mean before, Gale? "A woman with shadows for eyes", you said.
G: Merely that if the eyes are the mirror to the soul, yours have dark curtains across the mirror. No offense taken, I hope.
S: Not necessarily. I haven't made up my mind about you yet.
A: Ever heard of a vampire called Cazador, Wyll?
W: I don't think so, no. Why? Friend of yours?
G: He's patriarch of the Szarr family. Nasty fellow, if the histories are accurate.
A: I imagine they are.
L: The right of these prisoners to die in mortal combat was stolen from them.
G: Hardly the worst atrocity the Absolute's committed.
L: One of many, but by no means the least. To die properly is a matter of honor.
W: This is no aimless horde. The Absolute's forces are organized. What do you make of it, Gale?
G: All enemies have some chink in their armor, no matter how much they like to believe themselves invulnerable.
W: And if we don't find any clear weakness?
G: Then we hope our mutual strengths are enough to dominate them. Or! We die nobly in the attempt.
G: I was wondering about your queen, Vlaakith. What tales of her reach us are terrifying. I suppose that's not how you would describe her.
L: Vlaakith is unity. Fear and beauty, life and unlife… eyes like onyx, teeth like daggers. There is none more perfect.
S: Sounds vile. I assume the meaning of perfect was lost in translation.
G: Moonrise Towers lies ahead. We're nearing the heart of the Absolute, I'm certain of it.
W: Then let us push forward, head high, weapons in hand, and turn this tower to rubble.
G: Your confidence is encouraging, but a little premature. Let's keep our eyes on the task ahead- or eye, as the case may be.
W: Who's in charge of the mind flayers, Lae'zel? Is there a squid king or something?
L: No. Each ghaik is servant to an elder brain. No king unites elders, only their collective tyranny.
G: A mind flayer monarch! Imagine that. Such a thing could shatter worlds!
K: Ready to enter the belly of the beast?
G: Ugh. It's the stairs I'm dreading.
G: No sign of tentacles so far.
S: The same. Except for a knot of worry in my stomach that's in no rush to go away.
G: That I can relate to.
G: The masons here thought they were building something to last. How wrong they were.
W: Perhaps it's a blessing that none of them survived to see it fall to the shadows.
G: No need for such a grim assumption. Halsin helped many to escape these shadows before the town was consumed.
W: Then some masons were more blessed still, if they could put their talent to use elsewhere. Perhaps some of their work even graces Baldur's Gate.
S: You seemed quite forward with your compliments earlier. We'd only just met.
G: Seize the day, I say. More now than ever.
S: Careful you don't pull a muscle in this place.
S: Isn't it so that every time you speak as you cast a spell, you're endeavoring to call upon Mystra? I'm surprised she still listens to you.
G: She has no choice. She's sworn to hear all magic users. Even me. I'm sure she at least stuffs her fingers in her ears to muffle my invocations.
G: The history of the city itself is captured in the archives here. A fascinating resource.
W: I wonder what those archives will reveal about us a hundred years hence.
G: Only the most excellent and complimentary things. With some encouragement from us, of course.
G: Look at this place. Such horrors defy description.
S: Silence can be best. Give it a try sometime.
S: What if this creche doesn't work out, Lae'zel? What if your kin fail you?
L: If I can reach the creche, my kin will provide. Any failure will be mine alone.
S: If you say so. Just don't expect me to put all my eggs in the same basket.
G: That expression must sound curious to a githyanki ear, given the way they're birthed.
G: Gods. Who knew such a vile abscess lurked in the bedrock of this city? The very stone reeks of misery and despair.
J: Mm. A sad shrine kept by the lunatic and the lost. The last time I was here, I promised myself I would die beneath open sky. I have not changed my mind.
G: Nor should you. Far better to feel a cool breeze on your skin than whatever foul expirations blow through these halls.
A: Eh, can't say I love what they've done with the place.
G: Unsurprising, really. Fanatical cultists tend to care more for ambience then aesthetics.
A: Hrm. Reason enough to put them all to the sword, I say.
A: Heh, what's this? A clever little hideaway. A little too clever, if you ask me. Watch out for traps.
G: Not just clever. Rather ingenious! Somehow its construction keeps the shadow curse away.
S: The end must be near. No regrets, Gale? You may have been better off staying inside this boulder.
G: Unlikely. Had I stayed there much longer, the orb would have reduced it to rubble. Besides, think of all the fun I'd've missed out on.
S: Fun? Well, yes… I suppose we did manage to make the best of things.
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babygirl-diaz · 4 months
Omg omg hear me out, omega tommy who ends up at the hospital after a rescue just to learn he's 5-6 weeks pregnant.
Doctor: Hi mr Kinard. I'm dr [insert last name]. I suppose you are tommy's alpha?
Buck: yeah
Doctor looking back at tommy: Well there's nothing to worry. You are both in good health.
Tommy: what do you mean both?
Doctor: you and your child!
Tommy and Buck at the same time: WHAT?
Okay, this is like super cute! I can totally imagine it. My hand slipped again and I wrote it as a little drabble!
Buck paced the emergency room like a caged animal. He threw Tommy an annoyed look when he heard the omega laughing.
"Baby, you keep doing that and the doctor will never come in here," Tommy told him
"I'm not doing anything," Buck huffed. "What's taking them so long?"
Buck heard Tommy sigh. He then got off the examination table and came over to Buck, taking his face between his hands. "Baby, I know you're worried but I'm fine."
"You're not fine," Buck told him. "You fainted at work, Tommy. What if you were in the middle of a flight? Wh- what would have happened then?" He shuddered at the thought.
"But I didn't!" Tommy replied. "I was safe and sound at the base."
"Then explain why you fainted?" Buck asked in an accusatory tone and pulled away from him.
"I can't explain that but that's why we're here, remember?" Tommy asked him gently. "We're gonna find out soon enough. They've done all the tests. We just need to be patient."
"Well, I can't be," Buck replied. "Not where you are involved. If they don't come here in the next 2 minutes, I'm gonna go full alpha on them!" He said flashing his eyes gold.
Tommy was unphased by that and rolled his eyes instead. "Yes, because that's gonna end well and will definitely not get us kicked out."
As soon as Tommy said that, there was a knock on the door, and soon a young woman dressed in a lab coat entered the room.
"Sorry for the wait," she apologized. "I am Dr. Deshmukh. Which one of you is Tommy?"
"That would be me," Tommy replied and went to sit down on the examination table again.
"And I take it you're Mr. Kinard's alpha?" Dr. Deshmukh asked looking at Buck.
"Yeah, Evan Buckley," Buck replied and went by Tommy's side, taking his hand. "Is he okay? What do the test results say?"
Dr. Deshmukh looked over at Tommy and said, "Well, all your test results came back negative," she added flipping through the chart. "Both of you are perfectly fine. Things like fainting are quite common at times like this-"
"What do you mean at times like these?" Buck asked, taken aback by her statement.
"What do you mean both of you?" Tommy asked and Buck realized he had missed that part.
"Uh... You and your child?" Dr. Deshmukh replied. "You do know you're 6 weeks pregnant, right?"
"WHAT?!" Buck and Tommy yelled at the same time and looked at each other.
"Ohhh... You didn't know that," Dr. Deshmukh suddenly looked very apologetic. "That was probably a horrible way to break the news to you."
Buck wanted to say "No shit" but he was freaking the fuck out and couldn't form any sentences.
"Evan, you okay?" Tommy asked and Buck felt a hand on his arm.
Buck looked over at him horrified and nodded slowly. "Y- yeah."
"Hey doc, do you mind giving us a minute?" Tommy asked Dr. Deshmukh.
"Oh yes, of course. I'll be right outside," Dr. Deshmukh replied and left.
"Evan, now tell me. Are you okay?" Tommy asked him again. "Look, I know you and I we- we never really talked about babies but- but I really want one."
"Only one?" Buck asked with a serious face but then smirked at his omega.
"Wait... You're not upset that we're having a baby?" Tommy asked and looked much more relieved.
"Of course not, silly," Buck replied. "I am ecstatic! We're having a baby!"
Tommy laughed and nodded, "Yes, we are!" He put his hands on Buck's cheeks, pulled him close, and kissed him.
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readyplayerhann · 4 years
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King of the World.
Starring... Bang Chan & Y/N Y/L/N
Mentions... other Stray Kids
Warnings: threats of violence, prostitution, and death. explicit language
Universe: mafia!bang chan, gang!bang chan, mob!bang chan
Word Count: 1.5 K
Last week, you stole from gangster Bang Chan unknowingly. This week, he has came to your house twice, this time coming with a favor to ask.
"Hello, princess." Chan's voice greeted you as soon as you stepped into your dimly lit home. You  remembered that you turned off your lights before going to work so the sight of the lights when you pulled up to your house in your beat up car caused dread to flood your system, stilling the movements of your body.
You could've driven away, chosen to postpone the inevitable, avoid Chan, but you knew the man would just chase after you. Whatever patient feelings he had toward you vanishing and leaving him with a bitter taste in his mouth and a finger on the trigger. You wanted to avoid trigger happy Bang.
You don't say anything for a few moments, just shrugging your bag off, your jacket following suit. As you moved, your brain restricted most of your body's motion, moving slowly during your tasks. You could sense the heat of the gang banger's gaze on your back, but you take your time trying to collect yourself, not wanting him to see you sweat. That decision could prove faulty if the intruder in your outside became impatient. Still, you slowed yourself as you took off the over-garment.
"What? You're not going to greet me?" He taunted in a raspy deep-tone. You caught rustling over your shoulder as he moved him his seat in your dining room. The chair scrapped across the  hardwood of your floor as he shoved the seat into place. You cringed at the sound before tensing up against your command as he sauntered closer.
"And you said I'm the one who doesn't have manners." He goaded before a light scoff drawled from his mouth, his body coming to invade your space from behind. Your body locked immediately, your heart rattling away in your chest as he helped you escape the confines of your jacket. He handed the fabric with such care that the juxtaposition of that and him being a harden criminal you knew him to be was apparent. Rugged, scarred fingers grazed your arm, slowly, gently before stopping on your upper arms before dropping to his side. You straightened, back becoming stiff which only pressed you closer to Chan.
If Chan noticed your reaction he doesn't say anything, he just pulled away taking your jacket along with him and throwing it on top of your tiny dining table. It grazed the table top before falling uselessly to the floor.
You turned completely towards him, no more hiding yourself away.
"Minho," His voice was stern as he spoke to the man unknown to you. You hadn't even noticed him when you walked in. He turned to the other man standing in the corner, silently, his face a mask devoid of any emotions, his eyes black and soulless, "Go take a walk. I want to talk to princess alone for a second."
The man made a grunt of agreement, his dark eyes trailing over your frame as he walked pass you. He flashed you a quick smile, a bloodied and cunning one if you had to describe it. It's only true purpose was to draw out the fear within it's desired victim and it worked, dragging the dead corpse that was once your carefully hidden fear out for them both to see. You breathe caught in your throat and you have to fight to breath again.
The male closest to you leaned forward again, allowing his lips to press against the shell of your ear. You wanted to pull back knowing it was futile, but you tried anyways but Chan caged you in against a nearby counter with his face so close, his breath ghosting over your lips.
Chan had a naturally kind face, soft eyes that might've held the world if he wasn't burned by it and a gentle smile if he allowed himself to do so. The dimples of his cheeks sat there like the perfect imperfection they were. If you both were in a different situation, where you didn't owe him money and he wasn't willing to kill you to get it back, you might've been into his advances. Or, rather his close proximity.
You turned away, thinking your eyes lingered too long on the face of the home invader.
"Look at me." Chan ordered, one his hands coming to grasp at your jaw to force you to meet his eyes. His hands are rough as he forced you to look at him and you jostled in his touch. His eyes pierce yours as you're made to take him in. Twinges of anger swirl in his dark brown, almost black eyes in the night and you shivered at the reach it has on your body.
Even with your head positioned to look at him, your eyes bounced everywhere except for the man before you. Upon your avoidance of the man, you noticed the money stacked high over your table, the one with the fallen jacket beside it. The money that you stole. He had found it or what was left of it. You wouldn't expect anything less from someone who had broken into your house twice.
"Oh," He grinned, following your line of sight to catch a glimpse of the paper bills stacked neatly, "You see the money? You see I counted it, but it's a little short. Like a hundred grand short." Chan turned back to you, dropping his hand from your face and returning to cage you in, "Have you figured out how you're going to get my money back, princess?"
"I-I-" It's the first time you try to speak and you realize immediately how fucking dry your throat his. Chan's lips twitched slightly at your hesitance and offered a mockingly encouraging brow, "I'm t-taking extra shifts at work. I'll get you your money, I just need time."
"Something tells me it'll be a while before you get that hundred grand from your job." He remarked, pulling away from you and walking towards the dining table. He took in your dingy, broken down, one story home, a note of distaste in his eyes as he inspected the place. It was rugged, yes, but it was one of the only places you could afford that was decently away from major crime hot spots. Turns out that didn't matter because crime fucking showed up anyways.
The absence of his presence allowed you to breathe for a moment, before a glint of metal  on Chan's hip caught your eyes.
"You know," Chan drawled quietly, taking his seat at the head of the table like he was the king of the world. He flicked his eyes in your direction as he reached for his hip, revealing a gun dipped in sterling silver and your heart dropped to your stomach, "I usually don't do house calls. I would normally leave that for to the others. Minho for example should've been the one to visit you and your partners maybe along with Hyunjin or Changbin, but when I heard it was a single person who stole half a million bucks from me, I just had to see the fucker who was confident enough - no stupid enough to steal from me."
"Imagine my surprise when I'm told a suburban rat with no priors was bold enough to take from me."
"I needed the money." It was all you can say. It's the truth, but it didn't mean jack shit to the man in front of you. Chan's face remained unimpressed, plump lips thinning into a line as he regarded you.
"Desperation is a funny thing, princess. It can be in response to many events. Heartbreak, finical standing, the need to succeed but the result is always the same. Selling yourself. Whether that be your mind, body or soul. Something has to be exchanged for your errors to right themselves." Chan took his eyes away from you for a moment, brown eyes dragging across the paper in front of him, "Now which one are you willing to sell?" His brow was peaked again, no longer taunting, just plain questioning. It still managed to raise a bit of stress within you.
You spluttered, lips closing and opening as you try to gauge his question with a heavy heart. Your eyebrows furrowed as you stare back at the man eyeing you.
"Y'know, some are lucky enough to end up dead from the their desperate attempts to salvage their lives. Others in prisons and a few manage to come out unscathed only to realizing the mirror will remind them of the scars of their past. But you?" He left out a harsh laugh, dark eyes shining, in the pale moonlight seeping in, embracing your shivering body, "You got the worst fate of all. You're indebted to me."
Chan moved to his feet, swiftly gathering himself and calling for Minho. He stepped forward and you take a step back. His lips curled into a pleasantly cunning smirk at your frighten features.
"There's a shipment coming in at the doc five, downtown. I need you to be there at eleven pm to pick it up and drop it off as this location." He pulled a card with his chicken scratch on it and slide it in front of your face, giving your eyes a break from staring at the hauntingly handsome man in front of you.
Chan shoved the card into your hand, impatient as you just stared at him in disbelief. He turned to leave.
He paused to call your name, "And Y/N?"
"You die the moment you're late. Don't disappointment me , princess."
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letterstoseven · 4 years
i'll be back | ch. 1
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summary: graduate school is hard, but falling in love with your roommate is harder. everything falls apart when he disappears out of nowhere after the night you two had.
warnings: angst, romance, fluff, eventual smut
a/n: it's been a while!
"Hey, Lana. I'm going back to my apartment, this day has been exhausting." You gave out a tiring sigh while fixing your things and bid goodbye to Lana. You currently work in your brother's hospital as part of the general surgery department.
While walking towards the entrance of the hospital you're currently in and thinking of how a cold chocolate drink you're going to have at your apartment, you saw an ambulance rushing in your hospital's emergency room. After a while, you saw Lana calling you.
"I'm really sorry for calling you as soon as you left but we have a patient that needs an emergency surgery. Could you come back?" You made your way back to the hospital and ran towards the emergency room.
As you arrive in the emergency room, Lana and the other nurse gave you the details of the patient that just arrived. The tests and other scans also arrived and you and Lana confirmed that there was an inflammation of the appendicitis.
You thought you saw Jinyoung in the ER, which you think is impossible considering he's a known CEO of a big marketing firm in the country, but when you saw who your patient is, you gasped and saw that it was your former roommate, Mark Tuan.
"Hello, Mr. Park and Mr. Tuan. This is the doctor who's going to perform the emergency operation as discussed awhile ago." Lana introduced you to both gentlemen in front of you. "Is that really you, y/n? Wow, great to see you. I wish we met in a good circumstance. Considering the situation..." Jinyoung held his hand and offered a friendly hand shake.
"Hello to you too, Park. Could you explain what happened? Do you remember some of it, Mark?" You asked while checking his vital signs. "I thought I was just hungry when my stomach started to ache but I felt it only at a specific part. Then I called my secretary to call for an ambulance but she already went home. While waiting, I felt nauseaous and I tried sitting down but it hurts. That's when Jinyoung saw me lying on the floor." He mustered every energy he has. You do feel bad because this is the first time you saw him this weak.
"Mark, you are lucky that someone saw you before things got worse. We will perform an appendectomy to remove the inflammated appendix which will take an hour but will take longer if we see more complications inside. Lana, one of the emergency doctors, will guide you through it. I'll see you in the operating room in 10." You smiled at them before leaving. You asked the nurse to have them sign the necessary documents and called one of the resident doctors under your department to call an anesthesiologist and to book an operating room as soon as possible.
On your way to change to your scrubs, you thought that this is an unexpected situation. You did not imagine seeing your former roommate who left the night after you confessed each other's feelings — which happens to be the person who to be your first — to be one of your patients. Looking back at it and now that you saw him, you thought that it'd be best to let go of your damned feelings and start to move on.
As you entered the operating room, you immediately started the operation. After an hour, you saw Jinyoung and a girl behind her waiting for Mark. "It was a success. We removed the inflammed appendix before it spread out. Mark will stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days for observation."
"Oh, thank God! I don't think I could live if something happened to Mark. Thank you so much for being an amazing doctor!" She hugged you and you smiled at Jinyoung. "We've began transferring Mark to one of the VIP rooms as requested by our dear CEO right here." Jinyoung smiled at you — you missed your friend's smile.
"Would you like to have a coffee? I heard you were about to go home before we came in the ER." You eyed him and thinking he'll get what you think, "Oh, Lia! Please go to the accounting office to check other things that we need to pay for."
"Thanks again, Doc! You're a life saver!" She hugged you once again before she leaves. "That person is Mark's sister." He giggled at you while telling you that, "For the record, I didn't know much about him because he ghosted and left me after that night!" You laughed back at him.
"So how are you, y/n? Your name is everywhere. By everywhere, people wants to get admitted here and be saved by your amazing skills." Jinyoung sat in front of you in the cafe inside the hospital. "Life's good. After he left, I didn't know what to do. I thought something happened to him so I called you after a day or two I think? Then realized that he's fine. It's just that he ghosted me." You took a sip of the chocolate drink you ordered.
Jinyoung looked at you warily and said, "I don't know what goes through his mind but I don't think he ever stopped loving you."
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toldbymae · 4 years
𝐆 𝐑 𝐀 𝐕 𝐈 𝐓 𝐘 ~ 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐀𝐮
Fandom; Choices stories you play
Pairings; Ethan Ramsey x Mc (Lucky-Rae Longford)
Summary; Emotions are the luxury you can’t afford as a Doctor, consider this something Ethan Ramsey learned early. When the sun sets, all hope seems lost. That is, until a wide-eyed young intern tumbles, quite literally, into his life and the sun has never shined brighter. 
Warnings; Swearing, Graphic descriptions of injury, Alcohol consumption, NSFW, Character death, Violence, Mentions of stillbirth, Physical abuse.
Word Count; 1.4k (1,467 including this and the above.)
Author Note; This story is an au and starts at the beginning of open heart book one. The storyline won't entirely be the same, some aspects will change eg; Miss Martinez won't end up dying because of mc...instead it'll be because of someone else. In this story, you’ll hate Landry even more.
𝗚𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗶𝘁𝘆; 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗮 𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗵, 𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘀.
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After a six and a half hour flight, Lucky got off the plane and made her way through security, grabbing her suitcase and making her way through the crowd of loud and rowdy people. Most of them wore a smile, running into the arms of friends and family, while others were crying and watching as they bid goodbye.
Life is something precious.
It's strong and yet, it's so fragile and easy to take away.
The automatic doors opened and, almost instantly, she was hit with golden rays of the sun. Boston, she smiled and began venturing down the street.
Lucky couldn't wipe the irreplaceable smile off her face, nor did she want to. This is going to be the start of something new. Something good. Something...unimaginable.
The sudden vibration of her phone drew the redhead from her thoughts as she hastily grabbed it out of her pocket.
Landlord guy; 27 Ilford terrace, be there at 3 pm and I'll give you your keys. NO LATER.
Lucky; Sure thing
She tucked her phone safely back in her front pocket and called for a taxi, told him the destination she was heading to, and sat comfortably in the back seat, after putting her luggage in the boot, with the much-needed assistance of the driver.
25 minutes.
The car set off and Lucky leaned her head against the window, watching everything pass her by.
A smile crept back onto her face.
It's happening, it's finally happening. All these years of dreaming, believing, and working hard have led her to where she is right now, where she will be in the future.
Edenbrook Hospital, one of, if not the most, prestigious in the country. Widely known for its efficient and dedicated health care and team.
It hadn't always been her dream to work there, nevertheless, Lucky was determined now more than ever, not to allow the past to cloud her judgment or decisions.
All the people she'd save...all the people she'd be able to help...and those who she can't save...
Seconds descended into minutes which soon felt like hours and the taxi pulled up outside her new home. She thanked him, paid, and dragged her suitcase behind her as she walked up the steps and patiently waited for her landlord to arrive. She spotted him making his way down the road, wearing a blue shirt and loose-fitting black trousers.
"It's nice to finally meet you in person Mister...."
"Just call me Farley." He said delving his hand into his over-sized pocket and fishing for the keys.
"Thank you, I promise to take good care of the property...Mister Farley."
He laughed, "I know you lot will."
She paused, you lot. But there's only one of her...
"What did you mean?" She asked.
"Oh..." He laughed again, "Go inside and you'll see, Doc."
And she did. She unlocked the door and trekked up the stairs and wished there was a lift.
Lucky's breath was instantly taken away. The view was simply spectacular, the apartment was spacious, too spacious.
"This isn't all for me, is it?"
"Turns out you really are as smart as you look." He retorted, turning his head and pointing out all the other bedrooms which would be accommodating other people. Lucky shifted uncomfortably.
"Don't worry." He reassured, "I'm sure you'll get along with them just fine." Without another word, Farley departed leaving Lucky alone.
Her momentary peace was interrupted at the sound of voices and the door flying open. Five people walked in, luggage trailing after them, and meek smiles.
"He really wasn't lying..." Someone moaned, a slim and tall man with wild curly, hazel nut-brown hair, with baby blue eyes.
"I got one can't wait!" The voice of a short, brunette squeaked, smiling from ear to ear. Lucky couldn't tell whether or not she was being genuine.
"What are the odds of us all Woking at ED?" Another woman rolls her eyes and makes her way into the kitchen and raids the fridge.
"Well...I guess I should introduce myself?" The uncertainty in her voice caused Lucky to internally cringe.
"Lucky." She extends out her hand and the small girl, no taller than her, shakes it.
"I call dibs on the largest room." Says the girl whose name Lucky is yet to know, who is currently stuffing her face with a chocolate bar, "I'm Jackie, that's Sienna, Elijah, and Landry."
"Pleasure to meet you." Lucky replies. Sienna smiles at her, "I think we're gonna get along just great and I love your voice, are you, Welsh?"
"Irish, from Killarney."
"Well, is anyone hungry might as well order something." Elijah says getting his phone and looking up nearby takeaway restaurants.
Hours of talking and unpacking later, the interns sat at the table eating pizza and watching TV, feeling nothing except mixture exhaustion and relaxation.
"There's this bar down the road called Donahue’s, wanna go?” Jackie suggests, earning the attention of her new fellow roommates.
Landry shrugged, “I mean I don’t mind...but we’ve orientation tomorrow so...let’s not drinking too much.”
“Alright, let's go.”
The bar was still and quiet as the diagnostician drank the last of his whiskey and motioned for the bartender, his long time friend Reggie, to get him another.
"You sure you want another?" Reggie asks, hesitant.
Ethan almost instantly nods and the sound of voices filling the once empty bar drew him from his thoughts.
One in particular caught his eye.
Her laugh sounded like a melody he could listen to every day.
Her eyes, glassy, pure, and ruby green. So beautiful and mesmerizing.
Her hair, long, curly, and auburn shade of red.
Her freckles, as golden as the sun, spread across her face like stars in a midnight sky.
Ethan forced himself to turn away, unable to get the image of her out of his head.
He wouldn't see her again.
Or her dark red lips, so kissable.
He drank the remainder of his drink and decided to call it a night, much to Reggie's relief.
From the corner of his sky blue eyes, he sees her stumbling and about to fall, glass in hand. He catches her just in time and she smiles and drunkenly laughs, before throwing up a river on his green jacket and white top. Ethan sighs and helps her walk over to the nearest booth and sits her down.
“Shit...” She says, “I’m such a lightweight. Sorry, I uh...you know.” Her eyes dart to the ground and her cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll get you some water.” Ethan walks over to the bar and Reggie gives him a bottle of water, he opens the bottle and passes it to her. Lucky smiles gratefully and drinks it.
“You're a lifesaver...sorry again about your-
“It’s fine, really.”
A hesitant silence falls upon them until Lucky speaks, “I’m not usually like this.”
“I’m really, really, really nervous about tomorrow...”
“What’s tomorrow?” He asks.
“My intern orientation at Edenbook Hospital. Have you heard of it?”
“Yeah, I certainly have. I don’t think you have anything to be nervous about. You're going there for a reason, remember that.”
“...You know exactly what to say. I like that.”
He sits down opposite her, properly able to see her golden freckles in the soft and warm glow of the light.
“I haven’t asked.” He began, “What’s your name?”
She laughs, playfully slapping his knee, “My parents named me something, like, super weird...don’t go laughing okay?”
“You have my word.”
“Lucky. Lucky-Rae to be exact.”
The following morning felt like a complete nightmare. Ethan was in the shower and for once, not even lukewarm water could calm him down.
He dreamed about her.
What was wrong with him?
Every time he closed his eyes, he imagined her long red hair tickling his skin as her lips pressed tantalizingly against his flesh, traveling lower and lower...
His eyes darted upwards at the clock and the time was five minutes past six. Ethan didn't bother wrapping a towel around himself and turned the shower head off before getting dressed and making his way to work.
The traffic was even more so annoying than usual.
Cars sped past him and all could hear were the screams of the couple arguing in the car in front and a baby crying in the car behind. Ethan resisted the overwhelming urge to gouge his ears out. Half an hour passed and Ethan was walking in the hallways of Edenbrook, watching the nurses organize patient files.
An hour later the interns arrived and the hospital wasn’t silent anymore. A sudden commotion corrupted, he turns his head and a woman has collapsed and isn’t moving. Without another thought, he rushed over and ushered for space.
Ethan looked around and noticed an intern rushing over, long red hair, dark green eyes...golden freckles. As if this day could get any worse.
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