#immolation // ooc
in-omni-scientia · 10 months
hey you might b busy but can you give us the definition and etymology of the word immolation
IN MEMORIAM — Yes. Unfortunately, the dear mender of books is... currently away. A proper answer cannot be accessed currently as a result, though you may certainly receive an approximation of something suitable until further notice. Should that come.
IN MEMORIAM [Heroic: Success] — Immolation is defined as a beautiful thing... so *enticing*. Such entrancing colours, dancing in front of your eyes, warmth enveloping you completely... it's so different to the coldness you're accustomed to. In tone... in temperature... ⠀⠀Etymology? Well, when the word forms in your mouth, it is derived from others who have ignited you, when a flame jumps from one branch to another in a bushfire... ⠀⠀But, darling, you won't survive this. The sensation of smoke filling your lungs may be oh so pleasant now, but you will suffocate. Taking the place of air... burning up your supply of oxygen completely... you've already got burn scars on your hands, so why do you continue to hold them out, begging for more? ⠀⠀Purple fire burns far hotter than what you're used to... and the hottest flame in oxygen known to man burns blue-white. Everything you know will become ash. Everyone, a charred corpse. And you... you will melt completely. ⠀⠀'Immolation' implies complete destruction. There is no in-between. Will you burn out like a dying star? Or will you allow yourself to live in a freezing universe until it implodes? ⠀⠀What will cause you the most damage?
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burdened-boy · 1 year
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nobully · 1 year
time for weekly updates let's see what we have here...oh, is he..zombifying...? hmm
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one more chapter after this before arc wraps
chapter 89: farewell
his body is dying but he's still so cute
"don't be so nervous i'm fine" "i can chase them out [and then] pewpew"
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tl;dr since the novel plot's coming to an end and the villain still hasn't died yet (qin xian protected him too well) the story took matters into its own hands and had wang yi catch the zombie virus
using his mind control powers WY lures the zombie wave into one place and has them start killing each other while the city starts setting them on fire at the same time
sao ling gets one scene this time just to tell wang yi: bruh u just burned up the last 24hrs of ur lifespan with that stunt wang yi: lmao yeah i know
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and then wang yi asks qin xian for a carton of gasoline + explosives so he can set himself on fire to join them before he gets completely zombified too.
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wang yi: in the next life wang yi: if we can meet again... wang yi: let's stay together.* qin xian: ...! qin xian: are you pitying me, saying vague things like that! wang yi: it's not pity. wang yi: it's a promise. wang yi: i believe we'll meet again in the future. wang yi: does adjutant qin want to try believing in it too? *cue flames, end chapter*
*as a couple
hnngnnhnhnhh u did good wang yi u saved the world...even as a villain ; u ;
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thiefcant · 11 months
in rixians default verse if i try to explain his ravenloft lore to anyone else he sounds completely insane.
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monsteropoliis · 2 years
💖💚 Turbo
💖 Air
Reason to date Turbo:
bro he honest to god has only one thing going for him and i already talked about it asdlgkjhadsflkjah
i GUESS if you like petnames, Turbo will very willingly shower you in them. any petname you want
Reason NOT to date Turbo:
He, and I cannot stress this enough, is a sadist. He will burn people alive and watch them melt and turn to ash, for fun. He will grind someone down against the pavement at high speeds until their skin rubs off entirely or their metal frame is completely exposed because their armor got so warped and scraped up it caved in or fell off. He is genuinely awful.
Reason to date Air:
He's calm and responsible! You can always rely on him if you need anything.
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darkblessed · 2 years
we get to kresk tonight and enebish is ~terrified~.
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floripire · 1 year
you know what's really fun? flori losing her shit. flori yelling and screaming potentially crying and and saying what's really on her mind for once. i feel like the only reason why this would happen would be if someone accidentally or accicdentally on purpose deleted all her research and that person - or the people around - being like: "it was an accident!" but still. flori absolutely losing her shit is a fun thought.
you'd get gems like: "accident?! accident?! why don't you accidentally set yourself on fire, then, and take a nap in the goddamn ashes?!"
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Azura's like a gremlin, except instead of not feeding her after midnight you don't feed her spicy food unless you want a good six city blocks in every direction incinerated by the flames she breaths.
Is other words-
Azura can't handle spicy foods despite being a Vampiric dragon.
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smouldring · 2 years
the mutual larp brainrot that those girls had. and then they killed god.
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nixalegos · 11 months
What is Nixelagos' preferred spec as a warlock from an ooc in-game perspective, but also does he lean towards a certain spec ic?
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Nixalegos is a destruction warlock. This isn't to say he's a slouch when it comes to demonology, his mastery of binding greater summons is commendable, his will hardened to steel, enforcing his commands with an iron grip. His invocation of curses and maledictions is as cutting and cruel as such vile works require, even going so far as to inflict such scathing 'remarks' on himself, just to keep his sadism wound as tight as a coil. His handle of necromancy is well established, even those who's work necessitates the cold embrace of the grave and the rotten have consulted him on such matters in the past, and likely into the future. His blood rituals have pivoted from the San'layn and Mogu practices from which his tutelage have started all those years ago. When it comes to the manipulation of his own vital fluid, he can only count a handful of beings who outstrip him. But when push comes to shove, when his back is to the wall, when oblivion is on the line, Lord Felscythe burns. The intoxication of immolation is as euphoric as the highest high. He has heard the song that is the word of creation sung backwards. He has laid his hands on the fibers of space and time, and gorily pulled at its supple sinew like slow roasted pork and eaten it raw, squirming, and still screaming. He thinks velocity is savory. Everything, even concepts like hope have melting points.
______________________________________________________________ I do actually play destro! And have been a destro lock since vanilla (abit, not on Nix) The playstyle suits me, and the class has never stopped calling me. Thanks for the ask @damien-ward!
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withoutatrace-pkmn · 1 year
(for sidon (@water-pokemon-appreciator mod))
good dream: trace and sidon are battling - a friendly, light-hearted match that trace is almost certainly losing. off to the side, their brothers watch their siblings with exasperated affection.
bad dream: sidon dies. he is strangled, shot, trampled, immolated, poisoned, stabbed, he is killed in endless ways in endless timelines, and the only constant is that in every one he is so, so young. trace can only watch his death play out over and over, powerless to help. far more frightening than the visions themselves, however, is their own growing apathy towards them.
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yo. name’s Edward Elric, though you may know me as the Fullmetal Alchemist. wait- no, you wouldn’t. other world and all that. fuckin hell…
Hello! My name is Alphonse Elric, and I’m Edward’s younger brother! I’m fourteen and my pronouns are he/him!
do I have to show my card? right. here we are.
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current Pokémon:
skullcrusher the rillaboom
riptear the linoone
immolation ‘the good mustang’ arson the growlithe
And my Pokemon!
Mittens the Nickit
Nuzzle the Dreepy
Beanie the Shinx
[ooc under cut]
mod ( @themagnusalchemists ) is 18, characters are both minors
other pkmnirl blog: @withoutatrace-pkmn
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darkblessed · 1 year
welcome to barovia where im fighting assassins that are meant to kill vampires
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Happy Blorbo Blursday, thou skillful punctuation-related strategy (that's the fanciest I can get with the words "square bracket-trick," sorry). Here's some random questions:
Which one of your characters would be most likely to commit arson? (Or any other crime, if arson isn't applicable to any of them).
Which one of your characters is the scariest/most intimidating?
Conversely, which is the least intimidating/friendliest to be around?
Merry Blursday of the Blorbos (belated) to you as well, Pasta of the Cheetos!
Which OC would commit arson? Alex. She has the impulse control of a sprinkler system with too much water pressure, the ability to conduct electrical currents through her body, an intimate knowledge of military grade explosives, and the understandable urge to immolate several top secret government facilities and watch the flames dance in her eyes.
Which OC is the most intimidating? Iliri. Iliri started off as an Azula (Avatar: the Last Airbender) fanfic that became increasingly OOC but kept the intimidation factor. In fact, I think Iliri is scarier than Azula because she is a) mentally stable, b) canonically kills several people just by walking past them and slitting their throats without even looking at her hand, and c) has highly-skilled friends that she does not need to control with fear.
Which OC is least intimidating? hmmm... I don't know. The sweet ones tend to be deceptively scary once you know them well enough to see past the façade. Probably Pétrarque (his parents really liked the poet...). He is just a harmless peasant kid who got a scholarship to an elite private school and he's been out of his depth ever since. It's not that he is the friendliest of my OCs but he is the least intimidating I can think of rn. Though... he is also in a qpr with Iliri so uhhh... he's got balls of some kind or other.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
// don't mind me wondering why I thought drinking a third of eggnog with Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey was a good idea last night....
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xaracosmia · 1 month
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name / alias: Soul age: 23 pronouns: Ze/Zir ooc contact: @sinofodio (twt) other characters in xc: Trafalgar Law
name: Princess Celestia age: +1000 pronouns: She/Her series: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic canon point: Post-Canon app triggers: Minor mention of animal death
personality: There's a very firm divide between the two sides of Princess Celestia. One is the side that usually is shown to the public, mostly out of necessity: a strong, careful ruler with a level head and guidance for everyone around her. She's a figurehead first and foremost, a mentor second, and a pony with a life third. She has a keen eye for the people around her, able to read character and see potential in anyone she meets. Pain comes easy and it comes and goes; responsibility and sanity always comes first over the needs of one. The other side is the real Celestia: a fun-loving, impulsive, excitement-craving daredevil who constantly craves new experiences. She hates the boring and predictable crowds, eager to cause havoc behind the backs of others if it means she can make things more interesting.
something your muse struggles with: Celestia's ultimately still a little alien to regular conventions and how to live a normal life. Being an immortal god-queen creates schisms between one's self and the common folk, and it's all unfamiliar territory for the most part. your muse’s greatest strength: Celestia can see a little bit of something in anyone, be it the youngest children or the most hostile of adversaries. She wants to encourage love and harmony, though she knows when to put her hoof down and step in.
history / background: Princess Celestia has been around for so long that not a lot of people can really remember the mythology of her origins; born in a far away kingdom of Skyros (maybe?) she and her sister, Luna, were trained under a great unicorn mage (who knows) to be the rulers of ponykind, their kingdom formed upon overthrowing the tyrant Discord. Celestia would raise the sun in the morning, and Luna the moon at night. For a while, things were happy. With Luna being the representative of the night, Celestia was the sister who got to bask in the happiness and worship and love of her followers, unfortunately scorning her sister in the process. Luna's feelings of being overshadowed would manifest into Nightmare Moon, a darker alter ego who threatened to cover Equestria in eternal night. With no other choice, Celestia would seal her sister away in the moon with the Elements of Harmony, now ruling Equestria alone for the next thousand years. A lot would happen after those thousands of years were up, to say the least, starting with a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, and Celestia receiving an urgent letter... powers / abilities:
Advanced Magic: Celestia is, at her core, the representative of the sun of her world. Thanks to the teachings of Starswirl, she possesses magic capable of affecting the cosmos and the world around her to a level unachievable by most other alicorns.
inherent abilities: Celestia is an alicorn, giving her the power of flight and untold amounts of magic prowess far beyond regular unicorns.   items / weapons:
Philomena: A phoenix that Celestia has had for untold moons. Every once in a while, she gets very sick, immolates, and is reborn anew.
starting ability: N/A starting item: Philomena extra:
hhh horses hhh
the mlp comics are technically part of her canon but i havent gone through all them yet...
discord id: soleil_regina
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