murderasscience · 6 years
Yule & Mistletoe
Meme || Accepting
Yule: tag someone who seems to always have a positive attitude
Tagging: @imthelcstprincess
LISTEN. This little ray of sunshine is so bright and uplifting that she RPs an actual disney princess. She’s sweet. Positive. And any time I see her on my dash, it is in the effort of lifting other’s spirits.
Mistletoe: tag your shipping partners
Uh. Fuck. Tagging: @imperialtactician, @thatchergreene, @tragedium, @dollfacerage, @shallowsurvived. And those are just for this blog. I also wanna tag @corelliaforged
I’m gonna go backward. Because awoesijf. Listen. If you guys like Star Wars at all, Claire has the best Han Solo on this freaking site. And the ship with Mara and Han is developing and wonderful and has made my angry little dottir kind of melt and that’s all Claire’s fault.
The rest of these fuckers. If I’ve screamed about a ship, there is about a 98% chance it was with one of them. They’re all amazing. Their writing is beautiful. And I’m legit lucky to have all damn six of them in my life.
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rbeljedi · 6 years
STARTER || @corelliaforged
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“It’s not what you think, but you’re still not going to like it.” Luke pointed out, leaning up against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest, one ankle crossed over the other, eyes briefly downcast.  “He’s not here on the offensive,” For once, Grand Admiral Thrawn seemed to be willing to negotiate rather that obliterate-- and a good thing too.  He’d had the New Republic over the proverbial barrel enough times that they’d all rather avoid a repeat.  “He wants to negotiate a ceasefire-- maybe some kind of peace treaty.”  Not a full surrender but with the Empire in tatters, it would still be a victory for the New Republic.
“But,” And here was the part Han wasn’t going to like-- Luke didn’t much like it either, and he couldn’t blame him, “He wants me to come aboard the Chimaera as a consultant to help with the transition.”  Not a politician, not Leia - one of the most talented and senior representatives of the New Republic- but Luke, the lat person to see the Emperor and Darth Vader alive, the young man wanted across the galaxy for destroying the first Death Star...
The Jedi. 
Before Han could get too worked up on the logistics, Luke threw out the kicker, 
“I said I’d do it.” 
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predictableisnotbad · 5 years
imperialtactician replied to your post: Does Alice have any fantasies about Hotch that she...
awww! she IS so cute! ghfsjgds
She definitely loves Sam, and wants to make sure he’s okay with everything. But also Hotch can be so damn attractive sometimes, and she’s just like yes pleaaase.
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theemperorshand · 6 years
"I happen to enjoy smutty trash," Talon said, and flicked his newly (four thousand credit) manicured nails at her. "Do you always ignore your poor cuticles?"
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“My what? Oh. Yes. I’m often too busy doing other things like watching your ass.” She sighed when she realized exactly how he would take it. “What I mean is... I’m too busy worrying about other things to think about my cuticles. Did you enjoy your day?”
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alaricsaltxman · 6 years
My Darling-- thank you for handling the Ripper as tactfully as you did. I miss you and love you. -Elijah
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“Come home.”
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prlman · 6 years
😍 from Montparnasse, Nik, and tbh probably anyone else who meets that precious little shit
Send me 😍 if your muse finds mine attractive. | @imperialtactician
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Fair assessment. Elio’s a cute little shit and needs the .. cough. Love.
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musesatyourservice · 5 years
While Sean is sleeping, Ethan sneaks in and download a very special song to Sean's phone, then puts it to play quietly on repeat: Roll On, Columbia, performed on the xylophone. "Nighty night, jerk," he whispers, and slips out.
Sean was very confused when he woke up in the morning as to why his phone was playing a very strange song, so he shook his head as he walked into the kitchen. Little did he know he had been listening to the song all night and he would never get it out of his head. He was making pancakes in the kitchen when Ethan walked in, and he was lightly humming the tune without even realizing it. It was so pervasive. He would never get it out of his head.
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Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why? (for whatever fandom of yours you're feeling the most today)
Questions left unanswered
For Marvel?  Spiderman.  I don’t dislike him, don’t get me wrong, in any way.  And I would like to point out that Tom Holland is definitely making him grow on me and now that I’m seeing him more in the MCU I’m starting to enjoy him (and there’s a few Peter rpers who I enjoy seeing around and reading their threads), but for the longest time I just...  Idk.  Very indifferent.
For Dragon Age, hands down Cullen Rutherford.  For me, he’s little more than just another pretty Chantry boy in the games.  I understand his character development, and I can appreciate that, but he just...  Again, I’m really indifferent to him and I have trouble seeing the appeal.  Again though, that said, there’s some fantastic Cullens I follow and have written with who bring a lot more to the table than what we’re given in game and I appreciate those muns so much for it.
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Go to sleeeeeep
I aaaaaam. Literally just took my vitamins and brushed my teeeeeth. You go to sleep, don’t drink so much caffeine ya silly
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fairytalefantasia · 6 years
imperialtactician replied to your post: imperialtactician replied to your post “Look, I...
Word, it’s just so weird and rude. Like, who goes out of their way to insult the stuff their friend loves?
assholes. Like, I’m fine if a person has a lack of imagination, but I know this dude doesn’t. He’s just trying to be seen ironically watching a Disney film, but critiquing it over minute details so that his friends know he’s not super srs.
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murderasscience · 6 years
imperialtactician replied to your post “imperialtactician replied to your post “•uh. now wtf am i supposed to...”
want me to publish all the drafts i've got for ya? :D
•you do whatever makes you happy, bae. ♥•
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rbeljedi · 6 years
  also it never ceases to amaze me that the 501st is...
plot armor is the strongest of all and sadly, the 501st was still on imperial issue armor
also it never ceases to amaze me that the 501st is...
I thought that was something just in some holodrama but ti was real. Which is why I took great stride in reorganizing Stormtrooper protocols in my empire
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theemperorshand · 6 years
Dear Mara Jade: You have red hair. Red is a nice color. I happen to wear a lot of it. You like to kill people. I like to kill people. Want to join forces and save the galaxy together with lots of ammunition? XOXO, Deadpool
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“Save the galaxy by killing people? Ammunition? Your name’s Deadpool? I’m… not often considered to work well with others. But I could be persuaded to team up for a mission, I suppose.”
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crimsonprawn · 6 years
Personal Property | closed
@theveritasi  ♡ ‘d for a starter (well in spirit):
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The doors slid open, and Vos grinned. He had considered going to meet the man himself, having this conversation in-- a glance over the man’s clothes afforded him a guess. A bar? A club? But that wasn’t really his scene, was it. 
He rose, extending one hand to Calrissian, an amiable smile hanging around his lips. “I’m so glad you could come to meet me,” one hand coming out to touch the man’s elbow as they shook, then to his shoulder. “Come in, have a seat. Will you have something to drink?” A glance to an attendant, waiting at the window. 
He had rather grandiose plans, he always did. And naturally, he had a healthy amount of suspicion. But furthermore-- he was charmed. Calrissian was precisely as he had expected-- better even. And if he played his cards right, he’d be his.
“We have so much to talk about,” He was all smiles, and he would stay that way as long as he could. 
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fullrangeofemotions · 6 years
@imperialtactician    replied to your post: Watched Ocean’s 8 and I’m just like, ya’ll know...
Right? Am I right or am I right? i have to take some time to sit down and better flesh things out but i have no self control so its happening
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imperialtactician replied to your post: imperialtactician replied to your post: ...
also i am highkey tempted to write you a starter with Deadpool managing to dump Cable in his lap XD but if i do that, please don’t feel obligated to reply, i know it’s pure crack
listen buddy I responded 100% seriously to my friend sending SpongeBob onto flint’s crew, I HONESTLY HAVE NO LIMITS HERE
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