#imperium ninjago
the-ninjago-historian · 10 months
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WOAH. I wonder if they have some kind of tracking circuitry in them. Well, if anyone was curious...
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lightning-chicken · 5 months
something i love about the few seconds we got of the new imperium in s2 part 1 is the updated designs for the civilians:
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the markings are gone, and as for the uniform - the uniforms are all different! they’re unique! the imperians took something steeped in their city’s traditions (conformity, rigidity, obedience) and shaped it into something they believe in. the uniforms still have the gold designs, connecting the imperians to their city and to each other, whilst embracing their individualism through the different colours.
and you know what it reminds me of? sora’s unique, whisker-shaped markings.
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toastingpencils37 · 1 year
3 Things I'd Love To See In Dragons Rising Part 2
1.) Imperium finding out Lloyd is a dragon and then trying to extract his energy. This way we get some acknowledgement of his dragon/oni side. Plus it'll fulfill the seasonal Lloyd getting locked up in a cage requirement (even if it truly isn't seasonal).
2.) An interaction between Sora's parents & Lloyd, with Lloyd getting irritated and reprimanding them for being shitty parents. Would be even better if they tell him, or if Sora's in the scene, tell her that she isn't their child, & Lloyd responds with, "You're right, she isn't your child. She's mine." (Honestly, this one is very unlikely, but hey, I can dream)
3.) Just in any scene, don't care when, Lloyd tells Sora he's proud of her. This would be amazing, because as a child, Sora's parents never told they were proud of her. (and the only time they did was when Sora was "serving Imperium". Honestly shitty parent behavior) And when Lloyd tells her this, Sora pauses in whatever she's doing (rethinking her whole existence), because she's not used to a parental figure actually being proud of her at all (or for her, because again, her parents were only proud because she was helping Imperium). And if we want to make the scene more heartwarming, make Lloyd add on that he'll always be proud of her.
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joshuad17 · 3 months
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Day 9 is Beatrix! Fun fact: the original composition was just her in the throne room (what's in the screen) and the hands in front of her. Then I realized that Beatrix would never be in the same room with the masses, and added a layer of separation with the screen.
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Blorko from my shows
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writer-room · 11 months
Ninjago in-universe memes post-Merge part 3 babey
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The people of Ninjago just want their golden boy to have a break for once in his life. Also since Oni are the opposites of dragons, would they like...cause Imperium to go into a blackout?
1, 2, 4
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kindaasrikal · 30 days
“Cole? The hero of Shintaro?”
“Huh? Shintaro?” Vania what have you been saying about Cole post merge this time?? 😭
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nyaskitten · 3 days
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Apprentice Arin outfit idea...
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penofwildfire · 3 months
Why does BTS exist in Ninjago but only the Latin Spanish dub. What the fuck.
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vivilingriphyn · 6 months
The Sham | Lost Memories | Khan
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C!Nadakhan will be referred to as Khan in from now on, especially on Lost Memories but not with Origins especially on writing unless the timeline in Origins is after Jay gave C!Nadakhan the Nickname or after.
Jay was inside his office, bored and held no motivation whatsoever to fill in all the paperwork he had been putting off, desperate for a distraction Jay turned to Khan. “so… if you're a ghost… Does that mean that's what you looked like when you died? Or can you change your appearance like y’know make yourself into all big and scary?”
Khan narrows its hollow eyes at Jay, placing a hand on its hip and sighed. “Again I am not a Ghost. but… yes I can change my appearance just as you described as big and scary”
Jay's eyes widened before they began to sparkle with mischief. “Really?” He asked almost excitedly as if this was a perfect distraction for him to not do his paperwork.
Khan raised a brow as it crossed its arms, “Yes?”
Jay grins, unintentionally baring his fangs. “have you tried changing your appearance other than looking all scary like maybe your clothes? Your hair? Heck you could try looking entirely unrecognizable and become someone entirely new than well…” Jay looks up and down at Khan's armor and general attire with a raised brow. “That. I mean it does the job, but you could try something new for a change.”
“something… new?” Khan blinks as it hums thoughtfully at Jay’s idea. “But… I don't know what to wear? I've never thought of changing my attire since no one can even see me other than you… and well Dan.”
Jay, again held that mischievous and pure sparkle of excitement in his eyes. “Would you be willing to accept my help on picking your wardrobe? Who knows you might like whatever look you might end up in.
Khan doesn't respond, simply floating in front of Jay and looking into his eyes. “Khan?” Jay's demeanor changed instantly to cautious worry when he called out to his friend.
Khan snapped itself back before quickly responding, “I… I’ll give it a shot.”
Jay blinks a bit surprised that his friend agreed but quickly smiles as he jumps up from his office chair with child-like excitement, before taking Khan by the arm and dragging Khan to Jay’s workshop.
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They are like siblings to me (derogatory)
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Bonus doodles of me figuring out how to draw them
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the-ninjago-historian · 5 months
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Huh. So they're not normal tattoos. You can actually remove them. But not without a complicated process. I like to think they're basically circuitry implants or something. Very creepy.
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rainofthetwilight · 2 months
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if I had to see this tweet then so do all of you .
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icy-watch · 5 months
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Beautiful name
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Lloyd, your name is just an anagram
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withdenim · 11 months
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Do you think they know? About the whole. Being gay thing? I don’t know if they know.
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What did Sora mean by this in ep 14? did Imperium declare war on the crossroads or ninjago city? What happened there?
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