#implied dest
genshin-scenarios · 5 months
A Missing Half - Xiao x Reader
Summary: Corrupted AU with Xiao! After you as the Traveler disappeared from Teyvat, he's the only one who senses the loss of you. For everyone else, your presence is like a patched glitch in the system — no one can tell it's happened at all, memories erased. 
Reader is implied to be the Traveler and was dating Xiao before their disappearance!
Warnings: more possessive and codependent themes, exploring ideas of how corrosion might wear him down! Slight OOC, ‘something bad happened and now they aren’t quite themselves anymore’ kind of AU. They get better over time, probably, but that’s not within this fic.
Wordcount: 2700+
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Day 55
Weeks after your disappearance, Xiao's karmic debt worsened tenfold.
It started with a plague of nightmares every time he fainted from exhaustion, contents of which only remained as dark flashes when he woke up. The remedies used to keep his symptoms down were no longer enough — he’s pulled down, and down, and down, into a darkness that aches worse than his usual corrosion.
He does not suffer directly, stabbed through by chains of red, but instead is drowned in an ocean with the air taken out of his lungs. It’s like he has forgotten how to catch his breath, and suddenly—
The sky. It is night, and he is awake.
Xiao clutches his head, trying to stave the throbbing pain away. It’s accompanied by an overwhelming grief that he cannot trace the source of, ebbing with guilt for weeks in his chest.
Who has he lost, and why can’t he remember?
With a pained sigh, he retrieves a pouch that is hanging from his waist to pick out a crystalfly core. It is not infused with resin, but a different energy that is close to the mystery teasing at his mind. 
After his constitution got worse, Xiao searched across Liyue for clues related to it. There is a figure which appears in his nightmares who he knows he must find, but the closest Xiao got to this was finding discarded crystal cores in remote places. 
When he picked up the first one, the karmic imbalance within him stilled, and as such, Xiao started to collect them as a temporary aid.
They contain an energy that is not like the other elements, but glows with a pure, white color. Morax had advised against pursuing its origins, but Xiao’s obsession to do so intensifies each day he wakes up from an unwanted sleep — heart in his throat as he tries and fails to call out a name, the syllables vanishing into thin air.
Xiao has a feeling that whoever you are to him, he must’ve grown so used to your touch that he can feel your absence even now. And most worryingly of all is that the affection he might’ve held for you has changed — distanced in nature and driven by the urge to quell the anxiety in his chest.
He doesn’t think he can let you roam freely if you’re reunited again, feeling the need to stay at your side to make sure you’re there and real and safe. 
If possession will bring him peace, then you are no longer a safe haven, but a moment in flight which he must catch and preserve.
Day 102
You can’t remember much, other than waking up to a violet lake which stretches on for miles.
You might’ve been stranded in the galaxy, if such a thing had a physical form you could tread upon. You think you must’ve fallen asleep or fainted at some point, and after wandering there for hours… The water finally gives way, opening up to a tunnel beneath your feet as you’re dropped into one of the innermost parts of the Chasm.
The paths open a way for you, leading you through the labyrinth. An uneasy feeling crawls up your throat as you make your way to its upper levels — it feels too easy, and the last time you’d been here you were surrounded by allies and friends. 
Paimon is nowhere to be found. Just how did you get here, and how long has it been?
Your questions are stripped away when a shadow lunges for you. You reach for your weapon, but the sword is flung out of your hands as your back hits the ground. You feel an overwhelming presence, all corrosion and destruction as it cages you within its arms.
No, wait.
His mask is cracked, but you’d recognise that pattern anywhere.
The yaksha doesn’t budge. 
There’s a moment where his aura intensifies, and you worry that this might not be the real Xiao but a corrupted leyline remnant — before the dark anemo energy seeps away, settled back within him, and the mask crumbles away with teal particles.
His eyes are sharper than you remember, and a different color too; muddled amber with a red flame burning behind, rising and ebbing in color.
“It’s you.” Xiao’s voice is rough. 
Has he been looking for you in the Chasm this whole time? 
“Xiao, are you okay? What happened?” Every time his name leaves your lips, you realize Xiao grips his polearm tighter. “I woke up in a domain, then the next thing I knew I was in here.”
“The Chasm led me straight to you.” Xiao’s gaze is too intense to break away from, but not in the same way you’d fallen in love with. He feels a little foreign, and you can’t put a finger on why. “I had to break through its seal again, but it’s easier to pass through now that I can manipulate my corrosion.” A pause. “You still nullify my karmic debt.”
“Yes…? I always have, from the first time we met.” You answer in confusion, trying to reach out and nudge Xiao to let you sit up. He allows it, but catches your wrist along the way. “...You’re not well.” You see it in the way he holds himself. “Xiao, how long have you been down here? When was the last time you took a rest?”
“I should be the one asking you that question.” He pulls you closer — not for an embrace, but to take your other wrist into his grasp. Holding you there, making sure you don’t slip away. “Where have you been? Everyone’s forgotten about you. I searched all over Liyue for your tracks, but all that's left is your energy in crystal cores.” Xiao stops, finally releasing you as you both sit on the ground. You notice the marks on his arms are now a deep scarlet rather than teal. “You’re back. What happened?”
“I should be the one asking you that…” You mutter. “All I remember is going to bed one day in my teapot realm, and the next I was wandering in a domain for hours.”
In comparison to that, Xiao’s side of the story is much more concerning.
“It was like you vanished into thin air.” He lets your hands lay between you, but his touch never leaves, lingering without rest. “I’d lost my memories about you as well, but they never faded completely. I could tell something was wrong, but…” Xiao’s jaw tightens. “It was only this month when I could recall things properly, like your name and appearance. No one else seems to have been able to. Not even Lord Morax.”
“Not even Zhongli…” You mutter, a cold feeling runs down your spine. You had a bad feeling from the start, but assumed you felt weaker only because you hadn’t been able to resonate with a Statue of the Seven since waking up. “Xiao, please hand me back my weapon.”
He does so wordlessly, pushing it back towards you with a gust of anemo. But one look at your attire causes him to freeze.
You have no bruises or injuries, and your personality seems to be the same.
Everything is the same, except for the jeweled parts on your attire that used to glow.
You can no longer wield the elements. Xiao can sense it, even if your resonance had never weakened in the past. He sees the panic you’re trying to hide from your gaze, and pulls you into him. Your eyes widen as he tilts your chin up, but allow him to pull you into a kiss.
It’s fleeting, with a light prick from his canines as he pulls you closer. His hands trail to the place where a star is shaped on your chest, and you gasp as something flows into you, powerful and pressured like a cyclone. 
When Xiao finally parts from your lips, you realize that you feel the hum of anemo in your body, along with his presence; it’s more intense than the usual element, which is light and malleable. Instead, you feel an undertone of destructive energy within, gaze trailing to the red that now paints Xiao’s arm.
“It should last long enough for us to reach the surface.” His voice is close to your ear. “Can you still fight?”
“Yeah.” You mutter, face starting to burn from the proximity. Your actions follow him like a puppet as he helps you stand. 
A part of you feels like you’re in a dream instead of reality, but if that was so, the feeling of dread in your stomach wouldn’t bundle up so strongly.
He’s still Xiao…
Day 108
Over time, you learn that Xiao’s anemo application only lasts if he continues to be a close presence around you. Which of course becomes his regular excuse whenever you wander out of his peripheral vision too long, causing him to teleport to your side.
It’s not that he was trying to trap you anywhere in particular, but it was very obvious that Xiao needed you to stay close. Whether that means he’s following you to the city or bringing you on his patrols might depend on the day, but as such you’ve been more or less staying at Wangshu Inn, where Xiao can stake out at the rooftop to keep watch. 
Without even Verr Goldet knowing who you are, you’re struck with the reality of disappearing from people’s memories. No one remembers that you exist, and every time you meet someone who looks at you with curious eyes, asking if you’re a traveler, the feeling in your chest only grows lonelier. 
Xiao would watch you from a few feet away at first, before he started to linger at your side to take up the conversation. It’s an act of mercy whenever you speak to someone who you used to be close to, shielding the pained look in your eyes from growing just a little bit sadder. 
You notice how sharp Xiao’s gaze is now, too — like a hawk that is always in search, never relaxing enough to truly let himself take a break. And even with you beside him to fend off his nightmares, he is still unable to have a proper rest. Instead, you try your best to remain quiet as Xiao leans against the bedframe from his seat on the floor, having insisted it’s better when he’s still on edge.
You think back to the other time Xiao had woken up to the sound of you getting down from the bed, mistaking you for an enemy and pinning you down.
It’s more heartbreaking than anything else, to see the effects of your incident on his person. Whether it be caused by your disappearance directly or some other related factor, the affection you hold for Xiao still urges you to be by his side, trying your best to preserve the serene expression on his face as he finally sleeps — a rarer sight these days than it should be.
“There has to be a way to fix this.” You sit down on your bed after yet another day of doing commissions together, trying to numb your stress by crossing your arms. “Like my resonance, and everyone’s memories—” You look up at Xiao, who’s standing guard at the balcony of your room. “There’s no way I’ll disappear too, right?”
“...I won’t let that happen.” He says, almost too quick, like the same worry used to cross his mind.
You attempt to smile, but it’s strained and weak in comparison to your anxieties. “Right. We just have to keep searching for clues.” 
Perhaps before, Xiao might’ve placed his hand on yours to reassure you that you weren’t alone. 
Perhaps you might’ve softened at the concern in his eyes, now faded in a hardening of amber, stone, and the dark glow of scarlet along his arms. He remembers most of your past by now, but you can tell that this isn’t your Xiao — or at least, not completely in the way you remembered him.
Yet still, when you find yourself in trouble, you find yourself calling his name. When you’re searching through a ruin that you used to frequent before your disappearance, Abyss Mages ambush you — and the anemo resonance runs out from your fingers quicker than you expect, leaving you cornered with nothing but a weapon against shields of static and ice.
…Only for a deadlier power to appear, tearing through the enemies without a blink of an eye.
Xiao helps you up, but you think it’s not just his resonance that causes a chill to run through your body. You hesitate at first, remembering the indifference he held as he watched the monsters’ remains diminish, before his gaze lightens slightly when they land on you.
“...I’m okay.” You tell him, slowly letting go of his hand to search through the camp you found. You try not to appear too shaken, but you’ve honestly forgotten how helpless it feels when you’re left with only a sword against the elements. “I think I found something.”
It’s a stash of your belongings that you used to keep buried for emergency use. It’s completely untouched, with even commission receipts from months before shoved into a bag of mora. A smile finally reaches your face. “Not everything is gone.”
“Where was the last place you were supposed to go?” Xiao asks, following behind you. He watches silently as you find a few crystal cores, which glow as you make contact with them.
“Sumeru, I think.” You frown. “But I’d only made it as far as the Avidya Forest.”
Since not everything was erased… “Perhaps there is a way to restore your presence.” He says. “There is a world tree in Sumeru, which is supposed to carry all of the memories within Teyvat.”
“So if I continue my journey there, and try to find it…”
“Things could return back to normal.”
You place a hand on the hilt of your sword. “Will you remain in Liyue?” 
A beat of silence. “...No. I will journey with you. That is the least I can do, as the only one who remembers.”
“Thank you.” You face Xiao with genuine relief. “For finding me in the Chasm, and also helping me until now.”
It’s a lot less isolating to have a companion, even if your present states are a twisted echo of what used to be. The more time you spend with Xiao again however, you start to recognise traces of his past self — still there, buried under his corrosion.
“But promise me you won’t push yourself too much?” You ask, taking his hands in yours to show that you’re serious. “I know you’ve found a way to utilize your karmic debt, but the strain on your body—”
“—Is slowly being mended, by you.” Xiao lifts your hand to brush your knuckles across his cheek. It’s a gesture of promise, reminiscent of older times. “But if it makes you feel better, I will try.”
“You say that, but even when I’m up against regular monsters, you appear in a flash.” You frown. “Am I that weak now, in your eyes?”
“...I will attempt not to worry as much.” He averts his gaze. “It’s not your abilities that I lack faith in.”
It’s the fear of losing you once more. Whether it be to the wind or gods above.
“I used to put crystalflies in your hair when you were asleep, wishing on each one for more memories before I finished my journey in Teyvat.” You echo the sentiment, and try to meet Xiao in the middle. “I’ll try to be more careful as well. Since we will be traveling companions, I don’t want to burden you more than needed.”
“You’re not a burden.” The words slip off his tongue by habit. Xiao’s familiar tone makes something in your heart twinge, so instead, you place the crystal cores you found onto his palm. He stores it, always keeping a supply in case you were ever separated when his karmic debt flares up. “We should head back to Wangshu Inn for supplies before departing for Sumeru.”
Right. You’ve found a clue, but that only spelled the beginning of your quest to resolve this mystery, and hope that you can set things back to normal.
To remain in this state of limbo, where you are to remain in one state as the world goes by…
Have the fates turned your wish into a blessing, or a curse?
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dhr-ao3 · 3 months
Ambivalence (Tradução)
Ambivalence (Tradução) https://ift.tt/vFjBZOy by Anurbye08 Num mundo consumido pela escuridão, onde a lealdade é testada e o amor é um jogo perigoso, duas almas improváveis encontram-se atraídas uma pela outra. Draco Malfoy, o general letal de Voldemort, é uma força a ser reconhecida, temida tanto por aliados quanto por inimigos. No entanto, por baixo do seu exterior frio e mortal, existe um coração atormentado pelo seu passado e pelo peso dos seus atos. Hermione Granger, que já foi a mente brilhante de sua geração, é agora a sombria assassina da Ordem, enviada em uma missão que pode muito bem ser a última. Mas ao se infiltrar no covil da serpente, ela descobre que as linhas entre o bem e o mal se confundem e, às vezes, os inimigos mais mortais podem se tornar os aliados mais inebriantes. Draco se aproximou ainda mais dela, sua voz era um sussurro malévolo: "Lembre-se deste momento, Granger. O momento em que você percebeu que não passava de um peão, descartada e considerada uma inútil por aqueles que você chamava de aliados." Tradução AUTORIZADA da fanfic de MoodyCap. Words: 8029, Chapters: 4/?, Language: Português brasileiro Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Dark, Dark Magic, Dark Harry Potter, Dark Hermione Granger, Dark Draco Malfoy, Dark Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Character Death, Death Eater Draco Malfoy, Death Eaters, Smut, Angst, Enemies to Lovers, Toxic Draco Malfoy, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/QaxVLmJ March 18, 2024 at 04:23AM
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kp777 · 4 days
By Miles Mogulescu
Common Dreams
June 5, 2024
So many thanks to the dozen anonymous everyday people in New York who courageously did what the nation's highest court likely will not.
Last Thursday, 12 ordinary citizens unanimously convicted Donald Trump of 34 felonies. As many have commented, in doing so they upheld the rule of law—the fundamental principle that no person is above the law and that even a former president may be convicted for violating it.
Later this month, however, the six right-wing Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court may issue a decision in U.S. v Trump that would significantly undermine the rule of law, finding that presidents are either wholly or partially immune from federal prosecution (although it would not overturn the New York State conviction.)
SCOTUS has already slow walked its decision for so long that even if it decides that Trump is not immune from prosecution for inciting the January 6 insurrection, it will probably be too late to try him before the November 2024 election.
In late 2023, trial court Judge Tanya Chutkin denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the charges on Trump’s claim that he’s immune from prosecution. She set a trial date for March 4, 2024. Last December, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith asked SCOTUS to review that decision without waiting for a D.C. Circuit Appeal Court ruling but SCOTUS refused. On February 6, the D.C. Circuit unanimously rejected Trump’s claim and ruled that the trial could move forward unless SCOTUS intervened.
SCOTUS did intervene on February 28, postponing the trial indefinitely and agreeing to decide whether and, if so, to what extent a former president enjoys presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office. SCOTUS set oral arguments for nearly two months later on April 24, the very last day of the term to hear oral arguments, virtually ensuring that there would be no decision until late June or early July, effectively giving Trump the delay that he most wanted.
The right-wing Justices hardly asked questions about text or original meaning. Instead, they behaved like they were delegates to a Constitutional convention debating whether or not a President should­ have some degree of immunity...
The right-wing SCOTUS majority claims to decide cases based on “originalism” or “textualism,” the theory that cases should be decided based on the text of the Constitution as generally understood at the time it was written. But in oral arguments, the right-wing Justices had little to say about text or original meaning. There is no text in the Constitution that mentions or implies presidential immunity from criminal conduct and there’s nothing in the debate about drafting the Constitution that implies that the founders intended to grant king-like immunity to the president. Quite the opposite. The entire purpose and structure of the Constitution is to protect against anyone having power like England's King George III.
So the right-wing Justices hardly asked questions about text or original meaning. Instead, they behaved like they were delegates to a Constitutional convention debating whether or not a President should­ have some degree of immunity—whether for official or unofficial acts—as a matter of pure policy as if they were writing a new Constitution from scratch.
Justice Samuel Alito (he of the two pro-coup flags over his house) argued “[I]f an incumbent who loses a very close, hotly contested election knows that a real possibility after leaving office is not that the president is going to be able to go off into a peaceful retirement but that the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country as a democracy?” And where does it say this in the text or original meaning of the Constitution?
Gorsuch claimed that “I’m not concerned about this case so much as future ones.” Kavanaugh agreed stating “…like Justice Gorsuch, I’m not focused on the here and now of this case. I’m very concerned about the future.” This is in complete violation of the text of Article III of the Constitution which limits the power of Federal Courts to reviewing actual “cases and controversies” and bars them from issuing advisory opinions which merely advise on the constitutionality or interpretation of a law.
Apparently the right-wing “Justices” only believe in textualism and originalism when these theories can arguably support their policy views. They’re prepared to toss them out when they don’t back up their political views such as Trump should be immune from prosecution for breaking criminal laws by inciting an insurrection.
It’s possible that SCOTUS will forge a “compromise” opinion that Presidents cannot be prosecuted for “official” acts (like ordering Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political opponent) but only for “unofficial” acts and send the case back to the lower court to determine whether Trump’s insurrectionary acts were “official” or “unofficial.” This will accomplish Trump’s goal of delaying a trial until after the election, if ever.
So many thanks to the 12 anonymous jurors in New York who courageously upheld the rule of law. But be ready for the U.S. Supreme Court to undermine the rule of law and effectively declare that the president of the United States is a king.
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cassiesboy · 2 years
hi same anon as the deancassie ask this is the last one i promise (sorry for the mistakes english isn’t my native language and i wrote a lot) i just think it’s insane that they are the only canon het relationship on the show (besides saileen) that was well written lmao i mentioned their love scene in the previous ask and i think i like it so much because they aren’t cringy or uncomfortable to watch partially because their chemistry is really good but also because they seem so hungry for each other (and again you don’t see that happening between dean and his other female interests) like please his grip on her hair, her biting his nipple, the last bit when they are just breathing in each other mouth, the forehead touch. idk if it was in the scrip or if that’s just the way megalyn and jensen decided to acted it but they literally eat other mouth whenever they kiss. i mean i too would kiss my first love like i want to alienate all thoughts from their brain. they’re so hot for each other and not in a gross way but in a i miss you so much way, also the intimacy ?? the fact that he kept caressing hers arms and her back during their pillowtalk and the fact that he admitted her he couldn’t lie to her and that he was afraid of working things out with her, i’m sorry but he can fight monster but he is afraid of being vulnerable and taking about his feelings yet he chooses repeatedly to do so with her cause he is in love (literally dean thesis) and his grip on her waist during their movie kiss and the fact that he kept his eyes close after the kiss yeah that’s peak of romance, the fact that he always steals glance at her and he only ever do that with one other person on the show, and they probably drove in his car, and he blasted his favorite songs and started singing super loud while staring at her with a goofy smile and she probably laughed from the passenger sit, i’m unwell lmao. in my alternative version of the show, cassie is back in season 6 and she is living with dean but cas has to erase her memories etc and the last shot of them is dean seating in his car staring at her (their) house, and after they never mention her again on the show because she is a bit of a taboo subject since she is the only other love dean ever had but when he thinks of her it’s with a lot of fondness…deancassie my beloved :) i’m going to stop my rant here because it’s so long but yeah i just think they are a good premise for any dean’s ship xx
"he can fight monster but he is afraid of being vulnerable and taking about his feelings yet he chooses repeatedly to do so with her cause he is in love" LITERALLY YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!
i have a lot of thoughts about her reappearing on the show... i think for one thing we should've seen a lot more of their stanford era relationship -- the flashbacks like u mentioned would've been a good option for that. but also i think... idk i like the idea of her reappearing but it's so difficult to come up with when to place it, because like in every season OTHER than the first season there's always some insane baggage for him. like not that he'd have to keep his hunting life a secret anymore, but originally, his secrets were, what. his baggage with john, the fact that he's a hunter. after season 2, it's that his dad literally made a deal with a demon to bring him to life and then promptly told him he'd have to kill his own brother someday. after season 3, it's that he made a deal with a demon where he sold his soul to bring his brother back to life. after season 4, it's that he went to hell for forty years, and when he came back, he found out that he started the fucking apocalypse while he was down there. like it never stops. and so at some point it's like, i don't know if they'd be able to work on any real level unless dean was finally given a moment to breathe, and then it's like... what could he possibly tell her? i think there's a seed of tragedy in that went unexplored since we never saw her again
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Edith Barakovich :: German-American actress and author Luli Deste (or D’Este) aka Luli von Hohenberg (born Julie Dorothea von Bodenhausen in 1902), ca. 1928. Published in Die Dame 02-1928. | src Getty images
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kidney9-9 · 2 years
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All my work is fem!reader unless specified. Do not steal my work and post on other platforms. Please read all warnings before reading any of my work. All my work is from Oldest to Newest in order. Requests are open. Thank you! [✓] - Completed, [*] - Mature/Smut, [☀] - Favorite
Fukuzawa Yukichi:
[coming soon]
Yosano Akiko:
[coming soon]
Nakajima Atsushi:
Accidental Email - Atsushi makes a mistake during work because he was distracted by kissing you. [fluff] Dest Partners - Atsushi gets very shy around you and it gets out of control. [fluff] His Always - You comfort Atsushi when he's down. [angst with happy ending] New Normal - Atsushi can't help but think about you during work. [implied smut/fluff]
Moments with Him - Different key parts of your relationship with Atsushi. [fluff]
Kunikida Doppo:
Boring Days - You get bored and decide to mess with Kunikida during work. [fluff]
Just for Him - Kunikida gets upset that you have a date and he stops by to talk to you. [*]
Dazai Osamu:
Dazai gets Jealous - Small blurb of Dazai getting jealous when Chuuya is mentioned. [fluff]
Edogawa Ranpo:
Back to School - Ranpo and Poe help you relax and you tell them you see them as father figures. [fluff/platonic]
Tayama Katai:
[coming soon]
Nakahara Chuuya:
Doorknob Trouble - Chuuya has trouble opening a door during a vacation. [fluff]
Akutagawa Ryunosuke:
Series: Inside Jokes and the Consequences that Follow
Higuchi Ichiyo:
Series: Inside Jokes and the Consequences that Follow
Edgar Allen Poe:
Date Night - Your husband, Poe, surprises you and your other husband, Lovecraft, for a movie night in a project he's been working on. [fluff] [*] Back to School - Ranpo and Poe help you relax and you tell them you see them as father figures. [fluff/platonic]
Howard Lovecraft:
Date Night - Your husband, Poe, surprises you and your other husband, Lovecraft, for a movie night in a project he's been working on. [fluff] [*]
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
Homesick - When Fyodor mentions he misses his hometown, you bake him a dessert to try to cheer him up. [fluff]
Getting trapped in an elevator with BSD characters, featuring Chuuya, Dazai, Atsushi, Kunikida, Akutagawa
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eisforeidolon · 4 years
Genuinely confused at people who think a dest*el kiss is in the cards. Even if Castiel doesn't stay in the empty forever, even if they give Dean his own speech or way of telling the audience where he stands, and even if they made it reciprocal - Corona is a thing. A side-hug with no breathing on each other is the best they can even do. Why is this apparently up for speculation?
Look at it this way, anon, since when have the expectations of the hardcore ‘hellers ever taken reality into account?
These are people writing “meta” for years about how the show is sending them secret signals their ship is going to happen through lighting, wardrobe, pastry, bacon, the use of those so seldomly combined colors green & blue, the negative space where Castiel doesn’t currently exist and we’re supposed to be missing him,  and “parallels” that consist of two things that don’t usually have any particular objective symmetry and may occur a decade apart but are still somehow supposedly significantly connected.  Who repeatedly insisted every season, sometimes on an episode by episode basis that they knew it, this time, this time their ship had to be made canon because [zkldsjal;eiakl;ajdioarfiwa]! 
These are the people who have insisted for years that anything positive Misha “Resident Troll” Collins says about their ship should be taken as gospel.  But not anything he says about other ships.  Or anything Jensen says that contradicts what Misha says.  Or anything else that doesn’t support the canonicity of their ship and their meta about it from Jensen, or Bob Singer, or Kevin Parks, or or or ...
They never let any of that change their expectations before, but especially now?  When the writers just more blatantly pandered to them than ever before with that scene and Misha is egging them on because he’s got junk to sell?  They don’t acknowledge the hurdles that there has been no relationship buildup outside their meta, that Jensen has explicitly said he doesn’t see it or play into it as a thing on multiple occasions, and that the ambiguity of the confession exists and when paired with the following episode’s fanservice highly implies the writers are still happily playing both sides.
They so easily ignore all of that to insist the show is obligated to play out their ship just how they’ve fantasized it, why would a global pandemic be any different?  They’ve been cheated if the actors weren’t willing to risk getting COVID for them, they deserve it!
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dragonswithjetpacks · 4 years
Welcome to another one of my obsessions. Today, I will be explaining why the song Holiest by Glass animals featuring Tei Shi is one of the most perfect songs for Solavellan. Listen to it here. It’s a fairly short song. But the smooth groovy tunes that Glass Animals are known for adds a relaxed feeling that’s easy to vibe to. Just like most of their songs, the beat picks up toward the end. Causing a bit of tension between the two singers.
The song itself describes a one sided relationship where the male is suggested to be narcissistic. All the while, the woman is basically mocking him and describing his godlike behavior. This can also be interrupted as a denial in worshiping him and also the warning of his downfall. All three can be combined for a nice angsty, ambiguous, and ominous feeling.
I’m sorry you didn’t ask for this... But let’s get into it.
[Verse 1: Tei Shi] Climb until you're getting high Be a part of the scene like you're living your dream Walk the room like you're on fire 
I’m already going to stop it here. Midway through the verse. Right here. You can see the mock worship already. She’s talking about his ego. Our main guy Solas attempts to be humble. But there are many times he let’s his arrogance slip. And a bit of Fen’Harel comes out. Truth be told, they’re both very prideful.
Like your chasing the truth, gripping tight to your youth Gripping tight, gripping tight to your you-ou-ou-ou-outh Like you're cha-, like you're chasing the truth
I cannot stress the correlation here enough. Grip on tight to your youth. I am referring this to Fen’Harel and his rebellious acts as the Betrayer. When he awakens, he still holds onto that. And he wants to finish what he started.
[Hook: Tei Shi] But you're the holiest thing I know Yes, you're the holiest thing, holiest thing I know.
This is where I run through so many different meanings.
1. Solas/Fen’Harel is literally the holiest thing she knows. He’s a god of the elven pantheon. To her, he is quite possibly the most powerful person she’s ever met.
2. The mocking. You can almost hear the eye roll. For those Solavellans that want to chase Fen’Harel down and stop him from destroying the world as they know it, this a good stab at his ego. The sarcasm here can be heavily implied.
3. And in contrast, for the Solavellans that worship Fen’Harel and want to help him bring glory back to the elves, this is a statement that places him on a pedestal. It makes him a hero of sorts. Someone she looks up to.
The good thing about this song, the lyrics, and her voice is that all these things can be implied. And depending on how you want to interpret the lyrics will change how you hear the tone.
Here’s where it gets good:
[Verse 2: Tei Shi and Glass Animals] Look at the mess you've made (female) Babe, I'm not what you think (male) Come on, listen to me (male)
I want to slam my face into the keyboard this is so good. Regardless of how you feel about Solavellan, this guy made a huge mess. Of the pantheon. Of the Veil. Of the world. Of his relationship. He lied. You can’t deny that thing. He messed up. He lied. And now he’s going to run away with it. However, he still loves Lavellan. And though it doesn’t matter what she thinks, it still hurts him to know she might hate him. He absolutely wants to convince her he is doing the right thing. Again, though. His hubris and his mind are set. There is no changing it. He truly believes what he is doing is more important than anything.
Now all I do is feel afraid (female) Can't you see that I'm here (male) Can't you see I've been played (male)
 Again, regardless your take on Solavellan, the fear is there. She’s afraid of more lies. She’s afraid of hurting her people. She’s afraid of failing. She’s afraid of... a lot. I don’t care how in love your Lavellan is. Even if she believes in what Fen’Harel wants, she’s scared. There is a fear and excitement when your following a god. And Fen’Harel... he wants to keep you there. He wants you to believe he’s the only one that’s right. Like he’s the only thing that’s going to save you. And he wants you to believe that he is doing it for the right reasons. Narcissists will always blame something “tragic” in their past for their poor actions. And they will use that past as a way to get others to join them. To relate to them and get them on his side. I’m not saying he’s a narcissist, because he didn’t start out that way. But I am saying the power and the need to be right has changed him.
Then I'm dest-, then I'm destined to flame (both)
Ohoho. We’re talking about war, here. We’re talking about destruction and war. The hesitancy here indicated by the repeat shows a bit of pause between both of them. They’re in love. They want a happy ending. But they know they likely will never get it. They’re destined to fail.
The song then goes back into the hook. And here we have the second bit of worship/mockery. I see this as Lavellan looking to Solas, knowing all these things and knowing what will be destroyed, and feeling somewhat helpless. She stares into the face of a god. And whether she’s fighting him or joining him, she’s throwing everything away. Her life is now revolved around him. The holiest thing she knows.
Also a side note, I love Solas. I love his complex character. I love his implied villainy. I love the misunderstood bad guy. I love the tragedy in his romance. I can’t say enough how much I love crying about it. And that’s all.
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stranger-fox · 3 years
Última modificação: 02/02/2021
Por favor, leia isso antes de me contatar para quais quer serviços, é assumido que você concorda com todos os termos de uso e serviço no momento que você efetua o pagamento.Se tiver qualquer questão você pode me contatar por e-mail [email protected] ou via Telegram @StrangerFox.
Antes do serviço
O serviço de commission nem sempre se encontra aberto e nunca será utilizado durante o período que for anunciado como estando fechado.
Informações referentes aos preços estão objetivamente descritas e não são negociáveis a não ser que o artista diga que são, o que depende da vontade do artista e não poderá ser solicitado.
Os preços das artes são diferentes se convertidos dependendo da moeda utilizada para o pagamento, visto as taxas de conversão e a oferta X demanda daqueles que estarão utilizando a moeda para efetuar o pagamento.Qualquer um pode escolher qual moeda utilizará.
O valor pode variar dependendo da complexidade do desenho ou da falta de referências para ele, você também pode descrever seu pedido, mas qualquer problema relacionado a não entendimento é atribuído ao cliente e o artista tem o direito de desistir do pedido podendo estornar o pagamento.
O artista tem o total direito de estornar o valor pago ou negar o pagamento por qualquer motivo, caso o reembolso não seja aceito e aconteça um pagamento forçado o artista se reserva o direito tanto suspender o pedido quanto não estornar valor algum.
Os pedidos são feitos pela ordem que foram solicitados e qualquer valor oferecido para pedir que ele seja entregado antes deve ser acordado por ambas as partes.O cliente pode pedir o reembolso total a qualquer momento antes do início do serviço.
O pagamento só poderá ser reembolsado totalmente antes do início da produção ou com apenas metade do valor quando a produção está em andamento.Desenhos no estado de finalizado ou após a aprovação do rascunho final não poderão ser estornados.
A arte não poderá ser utilizada para fins lucrativos sem antes ser feito um acordo com o artista para divisão dos lucros, mesmo com qualquer alteração posterior, a qual será atribuída ao cliente, o direito do artista sobre a arte permanece.
O valor acordado por ambas as partes deve ser pago em valor total antes do primeiro sckech/rascunho ou depois do mesmo ser aprovado, pagamentos depois disso não serão aceitos e o serviço não será efetuado.
Durante o serviço
Após o rascunho final ser aprovado pelo cliente para que possa ser trabalhado, apenas mudanças pequenas poderão ser feitas e qualquer alteração brusca que faça perder um tempo considerável de trabalho será negado ou cobrado como taxa adicional antes do recebimento do produto final.O cliente não poderá pedir reembolso já que tal serviço está finalizado.
Após o serviço
Após o pagamento e o envio da ilustração solicitada, o produto passa a pertencer ao comprador, mas não o crédito como criador, o qual em hipótese alguma poderá ser anulado ou substituído.
Ao receber alguma ilustração ou serviço conosco você autoriza a publicação do mesmo em qualquer lugar que desejarmos, a fim de cooperar com a divulgação de nossos produtos.
O artista não possui direito algum de utilizar qualquer propriedade intelectual de algum cliente posterior para fins lucrativos anão ser o próprio serviço de commission.
As assinaturas e marcas d’agua não poderão ser retiradas, anuladas ou movidas em nenhuma circunstancia.
Aviso Legal
A informação obtida ao usar nossos serviços não é completa e não cobre todas as questões, tópicos ou fatos que possam ser relevantes para seus objetivos.
O Uso Deste Serviço É de Sua Total Responsabilidade.
O Conteúdo é oferecido como está e sem garantias de qualquer tipo, explícitas ou implícitas. O conteúdo deste termo não é palavra final sobre qualquer assunto e podemos fazer melhorias a qualquer momento. Você, e não o artista, assume o custo de qualquer serviço, reparo ou correção nessesários no caso de qualquer perda ou dano consequente do uso deste serviço ou seu conteúdo.
Last modified: 02/02/2021
Please read this before contacting me for any services, it is assumed that you agree to all terms of use and service at the time you make the payment. If you have any questions you can contact me by email yuridaniel.comissions @ outlook.com or via Telegram @StrangerFox.
Before service
The commission service is not always open and will never be used during the period that is announced as being closed.
Information regarding prices are objectively described and are not negotiable unless the artist says they are, which depends on the artist's wishes and cannot be requested.
The prices of the arts are different if converted depending on the currency used for the payment, given the conversion rates and the offer X demand of those who will be using the currency to make the payment. Anyone can choose which currency to use.
The amount may vary depending on the complexity of the design or the lack of references to it, you can also describe your order, but any problem related to misunderstanding is attributed to the client and the artist has the right to withdraw from the order and may reverse the payment.
The artist has the total right to cancel the amount paid or to deny payment for any reason, if the refund is not accepted and there is a forced payment, the artist reserves the right to either suspend the order or to cancel any amount.
Orders are placed in the order they were ordered and any amount offered to request that it be delivered before must be agreed by both parties. The customer can request a full refund at any time before the service begins.
The payment can only be refunded in full before the start of production or with only half the value when production is in progress. Drawings in the finished state or after the approval of the final draft cannot be reversed.
The art cannot be used for profit without first making an agreement with the artist to share the profits, even with any subsequent alteration, which will be attributed to the client, the artist's right over the art remains.
The amount agreed by both parties must be paid in full before the first sckech / draft or after it is approved, payments thereafter will not be accepted and the service will not be made.
During service
After the final draft is approved by the customer so that it can be worked on, only minor changes can be made and any sudden changes that cause considerable time to be lost will be denied or charged as an additional fee before receiving the final product. ask for a refund since that service is finished.
After service
After payment and submission of the requested illustration, the product belongs to the buyer, but not the credit as creator, which in no case can be canceled or replaced.
When you receive an illustration or service with us, you authorize its publication anywhere we wish, in order to cooperate with the promotion of our products.
The artist has no right to use any intellectual property of a later client for profit, other than the commission service itself.
Signatures and watermarks may not be removed, canceled or moved under any circumstances.
Legal Notice
The information obtained when using our services is not complete and does not cover all issues, topics or facts that may be relevant to your purposes.
Use of this Service is at Your Full Responsibility.
The Content is offered as is and without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The content of this term is not a final word on any subject and we can make improvements at any time. You, and not the artist, assume the cost of any service, repair or correction in such case in case of any loss or damage resulting from the use of this service or its content.
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ao3feed-saintseiya · 5 years
A Memory Of My Life
AO3: http://bit.ly/2WzbxZ4
by Winblam
 "– Diga como veio parar aqui.
— Bom ponto. Foi um sequestro. Mataram meus pais na minha frente quando tinha apenas oito anos. Depois me venderam, acho. Talvez nos tenham atacado apenas com esse propósito. E talvez tenham abusado de mim, não sei... Mas sei que me drogaram, por isso não sei como vim parar aqui. Era um lugar estranho e não sabia falar inglês.
'Então fugi. Também não sei como, mas o fiz. Parei em albergues e depois nas ruas e sobrevivi de meus préstimos, por ser bonito. Aprendi inglês bastante rápido nesse meio tempo, ainda que não fizesse ideia de como se escrevia o que quer que fosse. Palavrões e toda a sorte de palavras de baixo, calão aprendi com meus clientes. Era muito requisitado, e doía toda vez. Esse tipo de gente não sabe ser gentil. Mas sempre tinham plástico, e usavam com medo de que eu tivesse alguma doença, talvez por isso nunca tenha contraído nenhuma deste fundo.
— Você era garoto de programa?
— Puto? Sim. Foi a forma que encontrei para sobreviver após um ano e meio fugindo de albergues. Mas, não tenha dó da minha sorte não, viu? A primeira vez que deixei que me comessem, não era cliente. Era outro garoto como eu. Eu quis..."
Words: 1431, Chapters: 1/10, Language: Português brasileiro
Series: Part 1 of A Memory Series
Fandoms: Saint Seiya
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Scorpio Milo, Pisces Aphrodite, Aquarius Camus, Gemini Saga, Taurus Aldebaran
Relationships: Pisces Aphrodite/Scorpio Milo
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Prostitution, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Friendship/Love, Weird relationship, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Implied/Referenced Underage Drinking, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, SS BR Takeover
AO3: http://bit.ly/2WzbxZ4
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USA Football World Cup team leaders motivated by common goal based on shared experience
Back in 1995, Gregg Berhalter was working away in relative lack of definition with Dutch second-level club Zwolle when an exceptional visitor displayed at one of the youthful protector's games. It was Earnie Stewart, who had featured for the United States at the 1994 World Cup and played for first-division.
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"That he required some investment to drive 90 minutes to come watch me play just implied a ton to me," said Berhalter, presently in his third year as mentor of the USA Football World Cup Men's National Team. The USMNT head into their last match of 2021, an agreeable against Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Saturday in Carson, California
Berhalter and Stewart weren't especially close. In spite of both being situated in the Netherlands and having been on the U.S. crew that staggered Argentina in transit to the elimination rounds of the Copa America a couple of months sooner, there was an encounter and status hole between them.
It was diverse with Berhalter and Brian McBride. Gregg and I were around as old as, said. He was all the more a companion rather than a guide. Berhalter, McBride and Stewart proceeded to become key individuals from the 2002 World Cup group that barely lost to Germany in the quarterfinals still the best completion for the Americans since the debut competition in 1930.
Presently the three are attempting to lead the USMNT back to the greatest stage in sports later the inability to qualify four years prior. That fiasco shook U.S. Soccer profoundly. At the point when the residue settled, a cutting-edge administration structure on the brandishing side was instituted.
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Stewart was recruited as the USMNT's first head supervisor in the wake of holding comparable jobs in the Eredivisie and with the Philadelphia Union in MLS. In January 2020, McBride, one of the most enriched players in U.S. history, took over as GM when Stewart was elevated to wearing chief, administering both the people's projects.
With the FIFA World Cup 2022 under a year away, the USA Football World Cup group sit second in the eight-group CONCACAF standings. The best three finishers naturally fit the bill for Qatar World Cup. However, there's little edge for mistake in the six leftover qualifying matches. What's more for all the top-end ability on a crew drove by Chelsea's Christian Pulisic, Juventus' Weston McKennie and Barcelona's Sergiño Dest, the USMNT player pool is generally youthful and unpracticed.
Berhalter, McBride and Stewart are attempting to connect those holes, utilizing the common experience of playing on that Football World Cup 2022 group. That competition was effective for us all in our lives as a whole, Berhalter said. The three men have eight World Cups and 240 covers between them, yet what actually stands apart most around 2002 was the means by which close everybody was off the field.
That gathering was special as in everybody confided in one another, McBride said. You could be transparent. That is the sort of climate the initiative threesome has been attempting to reproduce inside the current group. What's more apparently, it's working up until this point. This gathering is incredibly close, Berhalter said.
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Stewart and McBride both realize firsthand what happens when the storage space culture goes south. They were individuals from the USA Football World Cup group that completed dead toward the end in France in 1998, one cycle before the advanced high-water mark.
It truly makes you ponder that it is so vital to assemble a group, Stewart said. You can disregard every one of the strategic things we're attempting to achieve. Having that in itself is as of now a gigantic in addition to. A group will forever beat 11 people. To know more about FIFA World Cup 2022 Tickets click here.
In their present jobs, some of the time that implies settling on faculty choices that aren't founded exclusively on soccer. With such a great amount in question, everybody must be holding nothing back consistently. Not every person fits in a group, Stewart said. You must be striking and fearless to settle on decisions that occasionally individuals will not comprehend.
McBride and Stewart talk consistently. Same for the mentor and GM. They don't generally agree, yet that is the same old thing. Brian and I played on a similar side of the field, so we needed to battle with Gregg constantly, kidded Stewart, a previous forward like McBride. It isn't diverse at this point.
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Having exceptional viewpoints is justifiable given their experiences. The child of a U.S. military part positioned in the Netherlands, Stewart was conceived, raised and spent nearly his whole expert vocation there. Berhalter experienced childhood in New Jersey yet went through 15 years in Europe in the wake of leaving the University of North Carolina. He completed his vocation as a player/associate mentor with the LA Galaxy prior to helming Swedish club Hammarby and the Columbus Crew.
In the interim, McBride featured for the Crew from MLS' initiation in 1996 until his two-objective exhibition in Korea pulled in the consideration of English groups. The Chicago-region local was at that point 31 when he moved to Fulham, for whom he scored 33 objectives across five Premier League seasons.
Regardless of their changed foundations, there are similitudes among the three too. Assuming you take a gander at our vocations, we were all fighting and attempting to move to come to the levels we made it at, Berhalter said. We come from this large number of various foundations, yet we as a whole get the stuff to be effective, the difficult work and devotion and the measure of time that we want to place in. That is the thing that we share for all intents and purpose. It makes the discussions simpler.
Their common history with the public group likewise helps, regardless of whether, as McBride said, There's not a great deal of thinking back. I can let you know that. Said Stewart: You realize that assuming you leave the room one day, and you're somewhat ticked off at one another, you return the following day and continue ahead with your occupation once more.
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Truly, they must choose the option to look forward. While a crew made up generally of MLS possibilities can set the single-year wins record for the USA Football World Cup Team this end of the week, it won't mean anything if the U.S. passes up a second Football World Cup competition in succession.
Eight of the 26 players in camp this month were brought into the world later 2002. Berhalter, McBride and Stewart have attempted to commute home to this new age that it is so significant to address the U.S. on the worldwide stage by hyping up the group's set of experiences, yet the attention is on now and the short term.
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webscreenscraping · 3 years
How To Scrape Stock Market Data Using Python?
The coronavirus pandemic has proved that the stock market is also volatile like all other business industries as it may crash within seconds and may also skyrocket in no time! Stocks are inexpensive at present because of this crisis and many people are involved in getting stock market data for helping with the informed options.
Unlike normal web scraping, extracting stock market data is much more particular and useful to people, who are interested in stock market investments.
Web Scraping Described
Web scraping includes scraping the maximum data possible from the preset indexes of the targeted websites and other resources. Companies use web scraping for making decisions and planning tactics as it provides viable and accurate data on the topics.
It's normal to know web scraping is mainly associated with marketing and commercial companies, however, they are not the only ones, which benefit from this procedure as everybody stands to benefit from extracting stock market information. Investors stand to take benefits as data advantages them in these ways:
Investment Possibilities
Pricing Changes
Pricing Predictions
Real-Time Data
Stock Markets Trends
Using web scraping for others’ data, stock market data scraping isn’t the coolest job to do but yields important results if done correctly. Investors might be given insights on different parameters, which would be applicable for making the finest and coolest decisions.
Scraping Stock Market and Yahoo Finance Data with Python
Initially, you’ll require installing Python 3 for Mac, Linux, and Windows. After that, install the given packages to allow downloading and parsing HTML data: and pip for the package installation, a Python request package to send requests and download HTML content of the targeted page as well as Python LXML for parsing with the Xpaths.
Python 3 Code for Scraping Data from Yahoo Finance
from lxml import html import requests import json import argparse from collections import OrderedDict def get_headers(): \ return {"accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", \ "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", \ "accept-language": "en-GB,en;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,ml;q=0.7", \ "cache-control": "max-age=0", \ "dnt": "1", \ "sec-fetch-dest": "document", \ "sec-fetch-mode": "navigate", \ "sec-fetch-site": "none", \ "sec-fetch-user": "?1", \ "upgrade-insecure-requests": "1", \ "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.122 Safari/537.36"} def parse(ticker): \ url = "http://finance.yahoo.com/quote/%s?p=%s" % (ticker, ticker) \ response = requests.get( \ url, verify=False, headers=get_headers(), timeout=30) \ print("Parsing %s" % (url)) \ parser = html.fromstring(response.text) \ summary_table = parser.xpath( \ '//div[contains(@data-test,"summary-table")]//tr') \ summary_data = OrderedDict() \ other_details_json_link = "https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v10/finance/quoteSummary/{0}?formatted=true&lang=en-US®ion=US&modules=summaryProfile%2CfinancialData%2CrecommendationTrend%2CupgradeDowngradeHistory%2Cearnings%2CdefaultKeyStatistics%2CcalendarEvents&corsDomain=finance.yahoo.com".format( \ ticker) \ summary_json_response = requests.get(other_details_json_link) \ try: \ json_loaded_summary = json.loads(summary_json_response.text) \ summary = json_loaded_summary["quoteSummary"]["result"][0] \ y_Target_Est = summary["financialData"]["targetMeanPrice"]['raw'] \ earnings_list = summary["calendarEvents"]['earnings'] \ eps = summary["defaultKeyStatistics"]["trailingEps"]['raw'] \ datelist = [] \ for i in earnings_list['earningsDate']: \ datelist.append(i['fmt']) \ earnings_date = ' to '.join(datelist) \ for table_data in summary_table: \ raw_table_key = table_data.xpath( \ './/td[1]//text()') \ raw_table_value = table_data.xpath( \ './/td[2]//text()') \ table_key = ''.join(raw_table_key).strip() \ table_value = ''.join(raw_table_value).strip() \ summary_data.update({table_key: table_value}) \ summary_data.update({'1y Target Est': y_Target_Est, 'EPS (TTM)': eps, \ 'Earnings Date': earnings_date, 'ticker': ticker, \ 'url': url}) \ return summary_data \ except ValueError: \ print("Failed to parse json response") \ return {"error": "Failed to parse json response"} \ except: \ return {"error": "Unhandled Error"} if __name__ == "__main__": \ argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() \ argparser.add_argument('ticker', help='') \ args = argparser.parse_args() \ ticker = args.ticker \ print("Fetching data for %s" % (ticker)) \ scraped_data = parse(ticker) \ print("Writing data to output file") \ with open('%s-summary.json' % (ticker), 'w') as fp: \ json.dump(scraped_data, fp, indent=4)
Real-Time Data Scraping
As the stock market has continuous ups and downs, the best option is to utilize a web scraper, which scrapes data in real-time. All the procedures of data scraping might be performed in real-time using a real-time data scraper so that whatever data you would get is viable then, permitting the best as well as most precise decisions to be done.
Real-time data scrapers are more costly than slower ones however are the finest options for businesses and investment firms, which rely on precise data in the market as impulsive as stocks.
Advantages of Stock Market Data Scraping
All the businesses can take advantage of web scraping in one form particularly for data like user data, economic trends, and the stock market. Before the investment companies go into investment in any particular stocks, they use data scraping tools as well as analyze the scraped data for guiding their decisions.
Investments in the stock market are not considered safe as it is extremely volatile and expected to change. All these volatile variables associated with stock investments play an important role in the values of stocks as well as stock investment is considered safe to the extent while all the volatile variables have been examined and studied.
To collect as maximum data as might be required, you require to do stock markets data scraping. It implies that maximum data might need to be collected from stock markets using stock market data scraping bots.
This software will initially collect the information, which is important for your cause as well as parses that to get studied as well as analyzed for smarter decision making.
Studying Stock Market with Python
Jupyter notebook might be utilized in a course of the tutorial as well as you can have it on GitHub.
Setup Procedure
You will start installing jupyter notebooks because you have installed Anaconda
Along with anaconda, install different Python packages including beautifulsoup4, fastnumbers, and dill.
Add these imports to the Python 3 jupyter notebooks
import numpy as np # linear algebra import pandas as pd # pandas for dataframe based data processing and CSV file I/O import requests # for http requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # for html parsing and scraping import bs4 from fastnumbers import isfloat from fastnumbers import fast_float from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import json from tidylib import tidy_document # for tidying incorrect html sns.set_style('whitegrid') %matplotlib inline from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"
What Will You Require Extract the Necessary Data?
Remove all the excessive spaces between the strings
A few strings from the web pages are available with different spaces between words. You may remove it with following:
def remove_multiple_spaces(string): \ if type(string)==str: \ return ' '.join(string.split()) \ return string
Conversions of Strings that Float
In different web pages, you may get symbols mixed together with numbers. You could either remove symbols before conversions, or you utiize the following functions:
def ffloat_list(string_list): \ return list(map(ffloat,string_list))
Sending HTTP Requests using Python
Before making any HTTP requests, you require to get a URL of a targeted website. Make requests using requests.get, utilize response.status_code for getting HTTP status, as well as utilize response.content for getting a page content.
Scrape and Parse the JSON Content from the Page
Scrape json content from the page with response.json() and double check using response.status_code.
Scraping and Parsing HTML Data
For that, we would use beautifulsoup4 parsing libraries.
Utilize Jupyter Notebook for rendering HTML Strings
Utilize the following functions:
from IPython.core.display import HTML HTML("Rendered HTML")
Find the Content Positions with Chrome Inspector
You’ll initially require to know HTML locations of content that you wish to scrape before proceeding. Inspect a page with Mac or chrome inspector using the functions cmd+option+I as well as inspect for the Linux using a function called Control+Shift+I.
Parse a Content and Show it using BeautifulSoup4
Parse a content with a function BeautifulSoup as well as get content from the header 1 tag as well as render it.
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snflwrelle · 6 years
I don’t wanna get into drama and very rarely do I ever speak up in fandoms, but this is bothering me a lot... I honestly don’t expect change to come after posting this, but I just want people to know what’s really going on.
I’m sure most of you in the Harvest Moon fandom know about the Discord server, The Harvest Cult. I was a part of this server for a while and though I did have fun, some horrible things have come to light about this group. I’ve recently learned that as Natsume released a new character that heavily implied child grooming (in which this character is first seen as a baby and then grows up into a young adult after you show romantic interest in them), there grew some concerns in the server about this new character. However, the administration members of the group actually supported the introduction of this character and saw nothing wrong with the child grooming aspect of it and also didn’t do anything when people were obviously very uncomfortable speaking about this new character. Members even went as far as to making the conversation even worse and extremely triggering for some members. Members left and the admin drove off other mods after shooting them down when they brought up their concerns.
I also follow one of the mods who stayed in the server on Twitter. This particular mod likes and retweets some horrible, racist things. I have plenty of screenshots of the horrible things they have posted or retweeted onto their account. They believe there is no such thing as cultural appropriation and constantly retweets stuff about people being “racist” towards white people. Under the cut I have the receipts.
I’ve been told this post won’t do anything, but if this can bring about maybe a small bit of change, then good. I’m sad to see this once great server become extremely toxic and scary. There are minors in this server. The admins are totally okay with romancing characters that are not of age. The one thing I really worry about is the safety and wellbeing of the minors in this server.
Once again, under the cut is the things I have seen Mod Dest retweet onto their Twitter. These beliefs they hold are extremely toxic and racist and they completely try to undermine the discrimination those of color have had to deal with. Do with this what you will.
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claudinei-de-jesus · 3 years
The death
Death is the separation of the soul from the body by which man is introduced into the invisible world. This experience is described as "sleeping" (John 11:11; Deut. 31:16), the undoing of the terrestrial house of this Tabernacle (2Cor. 5: 1), leaving this tabernacle (2Ped. 1: 4), God asking the soul (Luc. 12:20), follow the path where it will not return (John 16:22), be gathered to his people (Gen. 49:33), descend into silence (Ps. 115: 17), exhale ( Acts 5:10), to become dust (Ge 3:19), to flee like a shadow (John 14: 2), and to depart (Phil. 1:23).
Death is the first external effect or visible manifestation of sin, and it will be the last effect of sin, from which we will be saved. (Rom. 5:12; 1 Cor. 15:26.) The Savior abolished death and brought life and incorruption into the gospel, (1Tim. 1:10.) The word "abolish" means to nullify or make negative. Death is annulled as a condemnatory sentence and life is offered to everyone. However, although physical death continues to manifest, it becomes a door that leads life to those who accept Christ.
What is the connection between death and the doctrine of immortality? There are two terms, "immortality" and "incorruption" that are used in reference to the resurrection of the body, (1Cor. 15: 53,54.) Immortality means not being subject to death, and in Scripture it is used in reference to the body and not to the soul (although the immortality of the soul is implied. Even Christians are subject to death because their bodies are mortal. After the resurrection and the rapture of the church, Christians will enjoy immortality. That is, they will receive glorified bodies that will be subject to death.
The wicked will also be resurrected. But does that mean that they will enjoy that immortality of the body? No; their entire condition is that of death, and separation from God. Although they exist, they do not enjoy communion with God or the glorification of the body, which really constitutes immortality. They will consciously exist in a condition of subjection to death. His resurrection is not the "resurrection of life", but the "resurrection to condemnation" (John 5:29). If the "immortality", to which the Scriptures refer, referred to the body, how would the reference to the immortality of the soul be justified? In both the Old and New Testaments, death is the separation of body and soul; the body dies and returns to dust, the soul or spirit continues to exist consciously in the invisible world of disincarnated spirits.
Thus man is mortal, his body being subject to death, although his soul is immortal, which survives the death of the body.
What is the distinction between immortality and eternal life? Immortality is future (Rom. 2: 7; 1Cor. 15: 53,54), and refers to the glorification of our mortal bodies at the time of the resurrection. Eternal life refers mainly to the spirit of man: it is a possession that is not affected by the death of the body. Eternal life will reach its perfection at the coming of Christ, and will be lived in a glorified body that death can no longer destroy.
All Christians, whether living or deceased, already have eternal life, but only in the resurrection will they have achieved immortality ... A morte
A morte é a separação da alma do corpo pela qual o homem é casado no mundo invisível. Esse teste-se como "dormir" (João 11:11; Deut. 31:16), o desfazer da casa terrestre deste Tabernáculo (2Cor. 5: 1), deixar este tabernáculo (2Ped. 1: 4), Deus esperando a alma (Luc. 12:20), seguir o caminho por onde não tornará (Jo 16:22), ser congregado ao seu povo (Gên. 49:33), descer ao silêncio (Sal. 115: 17), expirar ( Atos 5:10), tornar-se em pó (Gên.3: 19), fugir como a sombra (Jo 14: 2), e partir (Fil. 1:23).
A morte é o primeiro efeito externo ou manifestação visível do pecado, e será o último efeito do pecado, do qual seremos salvos. (Rom. 5:12; 1Cor. 15:26.) O Salvador aboliu a morte e trouxe à luz a vida e a incorrupção pelo evangelho, (1Tim. 1:10.) A palavra "abolir" significa anular ou tornar negativo. A morte fica anulada como sentença condenatória e a vida é oferecida a todos. Entretanto, embora a morte física continue a se manifestar, ela torna-se uma porta que conduz a vida para aquele que aceitam a Cristo.
Qual a conexão entre a morte e a doutrina da imortalidade? Há dois termos, "imortalidade" e "incorrupção" que se usam em referência à ressurreição do corpo, (1Cor. 15: 53,54.) A imortalidade significa não estar sujeito à morte, e nas Escrituras emprega-se em referência ao corpo e não à alma (embora esteja implícita a imortalidade da alma. Mesmo os cristãos estão sujeitos à morte por serem mortais de seus corpos. Depois da ressurreição e do arrebatamento da igreja, os cristãos desfrutarão da imortalidade. Isto é, receberão os corpos glorificados que não falecidos à morte.
Os ímpios também serão ressuscitados. Mas isso quer dizer que desfrutarão dessa imortalidade do corpo? Não; sua inteira condição é a de morte, e separação de Deus. Embora existam existência, não gozam de comunhão com Deus e nem da glorificação do corpo, a qual constitui a imortalidade. Conscientemente existirão numa condição de sujeição à morte. A sua ressurreição não é a "ressurreição da vida", mas a "ressurreição para a condenação" (João 5:29). Se a "imortalidade", à qual se refere como Escrituras, se referisse ao corpo, como se justificaria a referência à imortalidade da alma? Tanto no Antigo como no Novo Testamento, a morte é a separação do corpo e da alma; o corpo morre e volta ao pó, uma alma ou o espírito continua a existir conscientemente no mundo invisível dos espíritos desencarnados.
Assim o homem é mortal, elevado o seu corpo sujeito à morte, embora seja imortal a sua alma, que sobrevive à morte do corpo.
Qual a distinção entre imortalidade e vida eterna? A imortalidade é futura (Rom. 2: 7; 1Cor. 15: 53,54), e referência-se à glorificação dos nossos corpos mortais na ocasião da ressurreição. A vida eterna refere-se principalmente ao espírito do homem: é uma possessão que não é afetada pela morte do corpo. A vida eterna alcançará sua perfeição na vinda de Cristo, e será vivida em um corpo glorificado que a morte não mais poderá destruir.
Todos os cristãos, quer vivos quer falecidos, já possuem uma vida eterna, mas somente na ressurreição alcançada a imortalidade
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diaspora9ja · 3 years
Pedri’s superpower is that he make his Barcelona team-mates better
Pedri is greater than a person expertise.
Once you first watch him play, his talent in tight areas is clear instantly.
You watch some extra, and also you discover his composure on the ball and intelligence in resolution making.
As months have passed by, we’ve seen penetrating passes, silky combos, and intuition to create probabilities for himself in entrance of objective.
This alone doesn’t make him distinctive. What stands out is that he’s doing it at such a younger age, with consistency, and at one of many greatest golf equipment on this planet at a time of turmoil. His grace below fireplace has rapidly made younger Pedri a family title world wide.
Among the best selections Ronald Koeman has made as supervisor was giving Pedri a possibility early on, after which sticking with him. At first, there was no proof that Pedri was a more sensible choice than Philippe Coutinho, who had a superb begin to the season, or Riqui Puig, one other prodigy who was exhibiting nice promise.
Koeman noticed one thing early on, and has been rewarded for following his intestine and going all in.
Now we’re beginning to see why Pedri is thrashing out the competitors, and what it might imply for Barcelona going ahead.
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Photograph by David S. Bustamante/Soccrates/Getty Photographs
Pedri makes his team-mates higher. For a center-midfielder, there is no such thing as a larger reward.
The connection he has with Messi has been growing recreation by recreation. Towards Athletic, it led Barcelona to victory.
Like Xavi, Iniesta, and Sergio Busquets previously, Pedri is on the management station, and dictates the rhythm of the sport.
His subject consciousness makes it seem like he has eyes in each nook of his head, and in consequence he is aware of which route to maneuver in, each with and with out the ball.
He trusts all of his team-mates. It doesn’t matter who’s to his left or proper, if it’s the proper resolution that may produce the most effective final result on the sphere he goes with it.
Over time at Barcelona it’s been apparent when sure gamers had been favored, and the standard of play on the sphere suffered due to it.
With Pedri that’s not the case. Watching him is a factor of magnificence as a result of he understands the sport, and doesn’t let bias get in the way in which.
Messi isn’t the one participant who advantages when Pedri performs.
Ousmane Dembele has been supercharged. Whatever the facet he’s on, the ball is discovering him extra typically in peril areas.
Frenkie de Jong is enjoying higher than we’ve ever seen him. The understanding between him and Pedri within the midfield, instinctively understanding who holds and who goes, has added a potent dynamism to the facet.
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Photograph by David S. Bustamante/Soccrates/Getty Photographs
Up entrance, Martin Braithwaite and Antoine Griezmann look hungry when Pedri performs, understanding at any second a possibility could possibly be served up on a silver platter.
The listing goes on, however one other space to understand is the change of play. Considered one of Barcelona’s weaknesses is the shortage of width. More often than not, when it exists, it comes from Jordi Alba and Sergino Dest. With Pedri on the sphere, each side of the sphere are an possibility at any time, neither is favored. When issues get crowded, he’s in a position to rapidly make a change and discover one of many fullbacks with area to assault into.
How are you going to clarify Pedri? Somebody so younger, but mature and clever. So gifted, and but humble as he creates probabilities for team-mates to shine.
It’s easy. Pedri loves the sport and he understands it. His ardour and data are on the highest stage.
When he steps onto the sphere he’s enjoying to win. He didn’t have to fly right into a goalpost as a way to show it. However he did it anyway when it was required.
In each second, huge or small, he makes the choice that’s in the most effective curiosity of the crew. Mix that with expertise and you’ve got one thing very particular.
This 12 months, at a time of nice uncertainty, he’s one thing Barcelona can imagine in.
Source link
from Diaspora9ja https://diaspora9ja.com/pedris-superpower-is-that-he-make-his-barcelona-team-mates-better/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pedris-superpower-is-that-he-make-his-barcelona-team-mates-better
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koriginaladdict · 7 years
How now that I had a good preview of TW fandom i confirm what i already said, too many “cas fans” completely failed their “fave” for a ship
I’ve been in spn fandom, and now i went back to teen wolf
I’m a castiel and derek hale fan, and while i looked for fics about them i noticed a glaring difference between how the fans support them
most cas fics are dest/el, but you could find like 5% other than that if you dig enough
almost 99% of derek fics are sterek
most cas fics written by dest/el shippers (most not all) tear down the angels, write them as uncaring, horrible to cas while in canon most were shown to care deeply for cas and want what’s best for him, and defended him against how badly the winchesters treat him all to show how “the brothers are HIS REAL family”
most derek fics written by stereks actually explore his backstories more than the show ever cared to do, his family was fleshed out, given flashbacks, laura hale is pretty recurring in those fics, also a lot give his pack (erica, boyd, isaac) a 2nd chance, explore an actual pack dynamic (instead of acting like derek is the worst thing ever when he never had a chance to make it up) they create such amazing stories even a non shipper like me, find myself completely hooked in most of the fics, the relationship is there,but no one is ever brought down to prop it up
what i love most about derek stans is that, they viciously defend him no matter what, scott blatantly said that “maybe his whole family did something to deserve burning alive” something like that and no one acts like scott loves derek or scott is a better friend to derek than anyone else, scott uses derek’s body to give gerard the bite, tricking him into thinking he has accepted being part of his pack and then gloated in his face, the fandom doesn’t act like every one else treats derek horribly and scott is the only one worthy of being with him
well over the dest/el fandom the standards are so fucking low it’s pathetic, while i mentioned two big examples paralleling them with scott/derek  well, let’s just say what dean put cas through would take me hours to list just check cas deserves better tag, and yet people (again not all, but too many) act like dean loves cas and his verbal abuse is a sign that it’s a “cute married couple” and is secretly in love
ok someone might say “you’re biased, derek was pretty agressive back on s1 and you don’t defend stiles”
again i’m not a shipper, but it doesn’t matter unlike dean, derek is always held accountable for anything he does or blamed for things he didn’t, but here’s the thing HE EVOLVED!! he got better, he didn’t spend 6 seasons mistreating anyone (he was mostly the receiving end) there was development and i can accept that, cause no one is perfect
(and stfu about “but john” bitch derek is the living breathing example of how having a shitty life isn’t an excuse to be a shitty person to others no need to make excuses blaming anyone but your fave, he needs to get over himself and be better)
dean rarely changes, while there’s slightly less horrible abuse by s10 but that’s mainly because cas isn’t around as much as he used to, the track record is horrifying, 8 years of endangering cas, rarely saving him, can you believe after all the sacrifices cas made and all the suffering he went through it took the winchesters 8 whole seasons before doing anything that could be considered remotely decent by not leaving him to die in 12x12, while yeah it’s good it shows how horrible the situation was
and the shippers, when dean does something horrible like ? bully a mentally ill cas and yell “nobody cares that you’re broken” or kick him out to starve and freeze while he was human. what would the fans do ? yeah they’ll jump to defend dean against any valid criticism using the old “it’s john’s fault” “he didn’t tell him bedtime stories and trained him to surive being hunted by demons so everything he’ll do as an adult is his fault” “dean probably heard john say that to him”
ok but how about sam, they had the same father? while yes it was dean who suffered most of it i admit but still, sam never ever treated cas the way dean does (with 2 exceptions and one of them was souless) so are you implying that dean is so weak he has no ability to be better?
I almost forgot to mention, while the abuse is always overlooked at best, glorified at worst, there’s another aspect i don’t like : “REDUCING EVERY SINGLE HEROIC THING CASTIEL DOES ABOUT DEAN” cas wants to save sam? it’s not because he’s that good or because sam is his friend, it’s for dean, cas saves the world? it’s all thanks to dean who taught him, cas rebels, nah it’s not about the world ending it’s all for dean
also, i wrote a rant about how the showrunners disrespect the actor playing castiel misha collins, what was some of the shippers’ reaction? to completely dismiss it, saying the show’s mantra that they’re family and love each other and it was his idea when there’s no proof of that, they’d rather defend anyone but the person they act like supporting, we even lost like 15 followers because of it, if i reblog some posts defending castiel losing some followers is guaranteed and it’s just, idk cas deserves better than his “fans” completely ignoring his pain cause acknowledging it would severly harm their ship
my point is, when i joined yet another fandom it’s more and more obvious how spn fandom is pretty messed up, and failed their so called fave just for a ship, a toxic ship that is a huge reason why he’s left with so many mental issues, why with the constant abuse and bringing down he completely stopped believing in himself (also the writers sabotaging him plays a role but nvm)
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