#important to note this is for only the dw version
simayeeet · 1 year
Word vomiting about an idea that I was letting sit in my head that would make DW Zhang Chunhua more than whatever the canon/fanon thinks of her. None of is this true, just speculating a possibility.
Based on a DW8 convo she has with Sima Yi, she brews medicine for him herself. Sima Yi would rather admit he was faking being sick than drink it, which haha, he's such a little kid. But the other aspect this seems to reveal about her is that she has pretty good knowledge of general medicine. Now it is not confirmed if the medicine she makes works, but they just seem to taste awful. Most Chinese medicine is bitter and awful tasting, but sometimes, the worse tasting means the most effective. (Not scientifically proven, do not come at me for that.)
She also seems to have an understanding of human anatomy based on the anecdote where she killed the family maid that she famously has to her name. She strangled the maid, which is an easy method of killing since it doesn't need that much pressure on the human neck, it just has to be continuous. Obviously, not having blood spill makes a crime easier to hide. But maybe she knew it was a faster way to die.
There is not much information about her family but it can be inferred that she was not poor since her father was a magistrate. Likely she could have had an education or at least can read and write. Being literate would allow her to read medical texts. There is a text that details various plants and their properties called the Shennong Ben Cao Jing that was written during the Han Dynasty. (Sometimes it's said Shennong himself wrote it. And I am going to guess that one is canon in DW China since it seems like he was a real guy in Koeiverse.)
In DW8 Empires, something I thought was strangely neat was that Chunhua exists with good virtue. (It's represented by a smiley face and a 1 or 2. 1 means good, 2 is just very good. It works the same for evil people with an evil devil face. Chunhua had a smiley face 1. Sima Yi has a devil face 1.)
I think as a young girl, Chunhua had wanted to pursue becoming a physician but was discouraged because of being a woman. And then she was also due to get married and all that, so she had to put away those ideas. However, she does ultimately like and want to help people, which she mainly does for Sima Yi. DW mainly shows her when she already has children so there is no idea what she could have been like before so it's free real estate for me.
Her wanting to be a doctor or healer (or acting more into it) would also give her some contrast with Yueying who's main thing is some form of ancient era engineering. (STEM lesbians let's go) Gives her room to interact with Lianshi, who does a breath's version of what I had in mind. (I do not think Lianshi canonically has done any medical healing but she seems to do more mental/spiritual healing with her actions. She has a musou healing rain though so maybe I am wrong.)
Her canon personality is alright, it can stay, but there should be more of an intelligent caring side to counter Sima Yi's.... everything.
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
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edit: i hit the image limit for this post, so any new additions will be included here
the tag is starting to get kinda crowded (great problem, dw). i just thought compiling them all here would make things easier for everyone to find! all of the art displayed below is free to use for the purposes of promoting vetted gfm's here on tumblr. no credit is needed unless specified (marked = ***). if you have any questions regarding how to craft a post using any of the art provided -> please do not hesitate to reach out to me! note: please press follow post as i will most likely need to update this masterlist from time to time.
some info is below the cut on how to best utilize this material. please read it in its entirety before using any artwork. thank you 🖤
learn how to make art for this project here:
this project has gained a lot of momentum and has shown very promising results. the level of engagement once art is attached to a vetted gfm increases significantly. you will see what i mean as i have linked example posts of how to best use these pieces to help families in need.
i currently have a list of over 20+ families that i am spotlighting in my own personal progress tracker (the list has gotten so long that i now need to make a second version to accommodate all the families trying to get in contact with me).
this art campaign boost is truly meant to be utilized by anyone. i would sincerely appreciate it if y'all could take some time and pick maybe 1-2 people from this list and use the art below to create your own signal boost posts on the families' behalf. as someone who is periodically tracking their progress- i know that donation rates have slowed for a number of them. i am one person and can only do so much on my own. the essence of this initiative is to get more people to mobilize as a collective. it will take everyone to get on board in order for these families to be able to reach their goals. that means spotlighting their accounts/campaigns periodically.
you need to keep up the momentum.
the individuals you are helping currently live in areas with minimal internet connection, meaning it is very difficult to spotlight themselves on their own. especially since this site is continuously suppressing/deleting their accounts. they need you to interact with their content. tumblr isn't like other social media sites. it's known for being very 'anti-algorithm' and it's common culture for many of us to not really care about our levels of engagement (i.e. follower count/amount of notes per post). it's very hard for your own content to "break" your inner circle of followers and gain traction if the topic of the post is not "popular" or "trending" these families are not operating on this site the same way you are. you may be using this platform as a means to "just vibe" but they are using it as a desperate attempt to raise essential funding to save their lives. the importance that their posts be elevated cannot be overstated. anyone who has ever created any sort of og content here knows how quickly a post can die out if no one interacts with it. this cannot happen with them.
tips for making your own signal boost post* (*for vetted campaigns):
-> make it easy to read + eye-catching: the problem i am seeing when you search many of these families' accounts is that their "tag" (username of their account) is full of the same types of posts (i.e. a generic response to their initial message to another person on tumblr) <- aka it is very easy for people to tune out which is the opposite of what we want to happen. creating your OWN posts in response to their asks allows the art to appear FIRST when people look up someone's account via tumblr's search bar, which will attract more attention to their accounts. it also forces people who are making these posts to actually sit down and read the stories they are sharing with the rest of their mutuals/lurkers alike -> include verification sources: the main reason people are searching for these accounts is b/c they are trying to see if it is okay to reblog/share their campaign with their own following. if you address this plainly and early on in your post that includes artwork -> people are more likely to interact -> tag the account you are promoting: please include the families' account as one of your #'s so it will appear when you search for their names on tumblr. also try @'ing their account in your post so it'll be easier for these families to find your work. some of them are incredibly new to the platform and may not be aware of all its features. something that you may find intuitive may not be as easily understood for these individuals. your role is to make them as easy as possible to find for others so they can gain more support. --- don't have time to type out a whole post for a family on their behalf? -> interact with one of theirs! attach something nice/helpful to their posts so it is more readily available for others to share. the same rules apply from above. as i said before, some of these accounts are brand spanking new and are not formatted in the same ways as others that may be more well-versed on how tumblr operates in terms of promoting their campaigns. (for example: even if the account has been vetted/verified by multiple trusted individuals- the owners of that account may not know to include that info in their posts about their campaign every single time they post. you can make their lives easier by including that info for them by reblogging one of their og posts and adding the necessary info on their behalf)
you can also find a more comprehensive list of vetted campaigns by el-shab-hussein/nabulsi here <- their list is now over 200+ with several campaigns that are "in the red" (very low in funding). please do not hesitate to try to spotlight anyone from this list as well!
el-shab-hussein also has a masterpost pinned here with additional campaigns (including those for other countries like sudan)
alright i've explained enough- time for the art!
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artist: @rhq274 | @rhq2744 *** free to use, credit required meet raghad (read and share full post here) Hello, I am Raghad Qanou, a medical student from Gaza City. My people and I have been subjected to genocide for more than 230 days. My family and I have lived through various types of torture and inhumane conditions. This link is my only chance for me and my family to escape death and try to start over. This is not easy. But we are trying, and we would be happy to have you help save our lives and our future. instructions to utilize artwork: those who wish to share raghad's art MUST do ALL of the following: -> follow raghad on tumblr @rhq274 | @rhq2744 -> like + reblog one or more of her posts seen on her account that promotes her fundraiser (you may also include additional art shown below to help further boost her campaign; see example) once those actions detailed above are completed, you may use raghad's art to promote her campaign. *if you are utilizing this art for another campaign that is not raghad's -> you must also mention + link her fundraiser as well /// for those able: please consider donating to raghad's campaign here (vetted; no 221 on el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's sheet)
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artist: me lol free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @lampyri free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @aria-ashryver free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @monmonp0k free to use, credit not required- but if given, is appreciated example
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artist: @juudaimes-true-form free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @gaiuskamilah free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @marnota free to use on all social media platforms (i.e. tumblr, insta, twitter, etc), no credit required example
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artist: @marquainequeen free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @palms-upturned free to use, no credit required example
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artisit: @inkyswampbones free to use, no credit required example
99 notes · View notes
strulovic · 2 months
[dw] theme code
for @fractalkiss's anon who asked about ren's dreamwidth theme - i'm the creator and here's how to install it :) feel free to message me if you run into problems setting it up or if there's something you need help with etc. this theme is free for everyone to use btw
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Go to your theme customization page, and search for the "Tabula Rasa" theme. Apply the Plain version, and "2 Column (sidebar on the left)" for the Page Setup.
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Go to the modules page, and uncheck all the modules except for the following:
[1] Profile
[2] Custom Text
Make sure the numbers match as well so everything displays in the correct order.
[5] Link List
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The most important part: adding the actual custom layout to modify Tabula Rasa.
Go to the Custom CSS section, and paste the code below into the Custom Stylesheet URL box.
Make sure Use layout stylesheet(s) is checked.
In the Use embedded CSS box, copy and paste the entire code HERE.
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If you check your theme, you'll notice some glaring errors. Go to the text section, and input anything you want in the Text for the 'Custom Text' box for it to be displayed on your blog sidebar.
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To fix the icons, make sure the settings under the Entry section match the image below.
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In order to add the navigation links to your sidebar, go to Link List and fill out the link details like so: (recommended to have max 4)
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In the theme code, under :root, you can change the hex code for the folllowing variables:
-- entry
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that's pretty much it! again, if there's something you need help with when setting this up, do send me a message. note that this theme is for dreamwidth and dreamwidth only, and will not work on livejournal. enjoy anons and friends!
19 notes · View notes
reikunrei · 4 months
It's Always the Dad
Yes, we have another installment of comparing Stranger Things and Doctor Who! Today we'll be going through:
Season 1, Episode 8: Father's Day
The general premise of this episode is Rose and the Doctor going back in time to the day her dad, Pete, was killed in a hit-and-run accident. Initially, she just wanted to be there for him during his passing, since he died alone with no one around. However, in a split-second decision, Rose runs out and pushes him out of the way, thus saving him. This causes a "wound" in time, as the Doctor puts it, which summons creatures called Reapers that start killing and "consuming" everything in the vicinity. It even makes the Tardis unusable, leaving them stranded with no way out and no clear method to fix things.
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Immediately getting hit with the name Peter is soooo... even getting an Alan in there?? Anyway.
We open on a flashback of Rose as a young child talking to her mother, Jackie, about Pete. Jackie mentions that how, when he died, "I only wish there'd been someone there for him." Now Rose, in the present day, talks to the Doctor about how she wishes she could be that someone, and asks if he could take her to him. He agrees, but when the moment comes, Rose freezes up and Pete dies before she can go comfort him.
She asks if she can try again, but the Doctor warns her that they have to be very careful this time. He says it's dangerous having two sets of them there at the same time, though he doesn't elaborate further than that, instead simply warning her that, while she doesn't "have to do anything [she] [doesn't] want to," this is the last chance they'll have, as they won't be able to come back a third time without it getting risky.
However, overcome with the sudden understanding that she could save her dad, Rose runs out before Pete's been hit by the car, exposing herself to the past versions of Rose and the Doctor, and shoves him out of the way as the car peels off around the corner. The past Rose and Doctor disappear and Rose introduces herself to Pete, who notes how it's a "coincidence," seeing as she shares a name with his baby daughter.
Blurting out that she knows of the wedding Pete was on his way to, she goes with the Doctor and Pete back to his apartment to finish getting ready. We then get an overhead shot, shrouded in red, of the city from the eyes of an unseen creature.
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Obviously, what Rose did was bad. Really bad. But we have yet to see the full damage, and first get this exchange between her and the Doctor at Pete's apartment.
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Rose protests, saying that now her dad is alive, that what she did was a good thing, but the Doctor counters with the fact that his entire race of people is dead and "Do you think it never occurred to me to go back and save them?" Rose further argues, saying that it's not like she "changed history" in a meaningful way.
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Obviously this jumps out in conjunction with Vecna's "he was an ordinary, mediocre man" comment about Brenner. The idea of Pete being important because he's ordinary will come up again later in this episode, and it's something I've spoken of before in some of my prior DW posts.
This concept is present in Stranger Things, and, notably, for the most part, it is presented as a very good thing. It's often highlighted that our protagonists are underdogs and outcasts, specifically people who, while on the fringes, are still very ordinary. They're messy, they're imperfect, and characters like El, who are extraordinary, have a desire to become ordinary, or at the very least to just fit in and live as normal a life they can lead. Characters like El and Henry and the other lab kids are put on pedestals for their abilities, but we're shown time and again that it's really not all it's cracked up to be, especially if they want to be able to exist out in the world and be loved for who they are, not for what they can offer.
This does then, however, quite neatly lead me back around to Brenner. Our protagonists are shown to be ordinary, but so are our antagonists. Everyone in Stranger Things is just someone, and that means everyone. No one character is any more "special" than another, and that's a core facet of the entire show. And again, I mean everyone. Even the bad guys. Even Vecna. They are all ordinary.
Thus, our "good guys" and our "bad guys" are put in the same camp. They're equated to one another. Therefore, one can't simply be cast aside, because doing so entirely undermines the other and strips the story of one of its load-bearing columns.
When it comes to Brenner, as I spoke about in this post analyzing another episode, this idea leads me to believe that we're meant to deeply humanize Brenner. Brenner is said to be seeking out greatness in others in order to uplift himself, in order to make himself extraordinary, and while Vecna makes his "...ordinary, mediocre..." statement as a means to knock Brenner out at the knees, I believe it's also meant as a way to ground him in with all the other characters in the show. If our "big bad," the guy who created the Child Torture Basement, is "ordinary," then what does that make the rest of us? Certainly not worse than him, but not better either.
Moving back to the DW episode, the spat between the Doctor and Rose continues, and we get this gem of a back-and-forth that (combined with the last screenshot in the previous collage) reads very much like the byler rain fight scene and thus also the brennry argument in TFS (which you can see side-by-side comparisons of here from @henrysglock).
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Even with the pseudo-"you'll come crawling back" line? Please.
So, the Doctor storms off, leaving Rose with Pete, who tries to comfort her about her "boyfriend" walking out on her.
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Tell me I don't need to get into detail with this. Even the stuff with the loony bin? Come on, now... Even the little comment about the Bermuda Triangle, which is something @aemiron-main has cooking up in a post somewhere/has spoken about it personally with me in the past... wrow.
Then we cut to the church where the aforementioned wedding is taking place, where multiple people comment that so many guests are "missing." In a prior scene, we got more of those red overhead shots followed by people in the city being snatched up by our unseen danger. The groom's father jokes with the groom about how it's not too late for him to back out.
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Of course we combine time being weird with it getting cold and a “turn back the clock” line… sure.
While driving to the wedding, Pete asks Rose how she knows Jackie, and Rose says that Jackie, when talking about Pete, says she "picked the most wonderful man in the world." Pete scoffs at this, saying, "Must be a different Jackie, then. She'd never say that." This is something Rose finds odd, but I'll talk about it more in-depth and my thoughts on it later.
They're interrupted by the radio suddenly changing channels, which begins playing a rap song that Rose recognizes as having not been released yet in 1987. She pulls out her cell phone to check her messages and presumably call the Doctor, but all she gets is a repeated voice saying, "Watson, come here. I need you." Then, the car that almost ran Pete over earlier appears in the rear view mirror before disappearing.
Pete and Rose pull up at the chapel, and, again, the car appears out of nowhere and nearly runs into them.
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Then Jackie comes over and immediately begins a row with Pete while Rose just gawks. The following screenshots are a collection rather than the shot-for-shot, line-by-line progression because... boy she has words.
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Jackie has always been fiery and hot-headed, so this isn't exactly out of character for her, but Rose is shocked by the fact that they're fighting so terribly when all Jackie ever told her growing up was that Pete was wonderful and they were happy. Briefly after this, Rose does see them sort of "make up" and have a firm but more civil conversation about Jackie being upset about their instability and Pete promising things will get better, but even after that, she's still very short with him and insults him repeatedly.
While, obviously, it's not the same situation, it made me think of what 001 partially monologues about in 4.07, wherein he complains that while his family put on this happy, perfect image, it was all a veneer to hide how dysfunctional they really were. In DW, Jackie, after his death, spoke highly of Pete, possibly so Rose wouldn't think poorly of him (though, knowing Jackie, I'd say it was also partially to soothe herself lol). When Rose was at their apartment, she saw all of his awards and accolades on display while, in the modern day, they're all boxed up and tucked away. Rose commented on all of Pete's entrepreneurial goods scattered around the house, and though Jackie spoke exasperatedly of it all, it's framed very much as a fond exasperation. Meanwhile, in this chapel scene, it's clear that Jackie vehemently hates it.
I still need to do some exploring through more episodes of DW, but I have a little hunch that aspects of Rose's character and arcs may have been at least partial inspiration for the Creels and Henry specifically, so seeing this family dysfunction crop up had my radar beeping a little faster.
We then get a brief scene of several children at a nearby playground being snatched up one at a time by our red-tinted villains, and one boy races around to the church shouting about monsters "going to eat us!" and one of the other wedding guests asks, "What sort of monsters, sweetheart? Is it aliens?" and several of the adults laugh. Okay.
At this point, we've also been made aware that the Tardis is out of service. The Doctor, after having left Rose at the apartment, finds that the Tardis is empty, just looking like a normal police call box on the inside. He races back to where Rose is (he goes crawling back!), finding her at the church and yelling for her to get inside as we get a first look at our monsters.
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They're giant bat-like creatures, of course, because what else would they be, that swoop down and consume several guests (including the pastor) on the outer steps of the church while everyone else races inside to safety.
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Rose, babygirl, quit saying Henry words.
The Doctor is also given the groom's father's cell phone, which is also receiving that "Watson, come here. I need you" interference. The Doctor excitedly says that that's "the very first phone call" from Alexander Graham Bell. I'm sure you picked up on it when I mentioned it before, but evidently with this "wound" in time, we're getting a "bleeding" effect where time is sort of overlapping. The area is now unstable because of the way Rose interfered, so we're getting snippets from long before and after 1987.
This makes me think of all the stuff with anachronisms in ST, which has been spoken about heavily by Em and others, specifically in posts like this one irt TFS. This "bleeding" phenomenon is even present on-screen, specifically with the newspapers that Nancy and Robin read at the library, given that they see a newspaper with the name Edward Creel in it, yet they come to only verbally mention Henry. While we're not sure why this is happening in ST yet, as it's used here in DW, it's meant to be a hint toward an overlap/collapse in time and space. Therefore, who's to say it's not something similar, or at least some hint at general instability, in ST?
I also want to briefly highlight the religious undertones we get within this episode, due to the fact that the majority of it takes place inside the church. We already had that one shot I posted earlier of the groom and his father talking, in which we get a prolonged moment on the stained glass window depicting the crucifixion of Jesus followed by the comment of it being "cold." Here, now with everyone hiding inside, we get this shot of the shadow of one of the Reapers through the same window.
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This happens several times through the episode across all the windows of the church, but this one is especially pointed and instantly makes me think of all of the TFS promo that heavily favored religious imagery, as well as the recent ST5 leaks showing that a church will definitely be involved, even with UD vines covering it (Creel exorcism, anyone?). To bring it even closer to the MF, these shots of the Reapers remind me of the MF looking through the gate as El closes it in ST2.
We even get a moment later where the Doctor stands behind the pulpit in order to explain their plan to get the Tardis back. That paired with Brenner's Time Lord imagery, and even Mr. Newby in TFS originally being listed as Father Newby, sure had me raising my eyebrows.
Pete and the Doctor have a brief moment while they're going around making sure all the windows and doors are locked, wherein the Doctor spots the disappearing-reappearing car that almost hit Pete going around the corner. Pete catches a glimpse, but when he asks the Doctor what it was, the Doctor says it was nothing to worry about and moves on.
Then we get one of my favorite moments.
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This had me jumping for joy because of the Fringe of it all. Spoilers ahead, but, in Fringe, after Peter Bishop was wiped from the universe, he was returned only for the universe around him to not shift to accommodate his presence again. While he still had all of his past memories, even ones that he shared with Walter and Olivia, nobody else had any of those shared memories. He wasn't inserted back into their world retroactively, he was just placed in the present as-is. In the original universe, Olivia and Peter were in a romantic relationship, but that ceased to exist when he was wiped, yet she begins acting like they're in a relationship and being affectionate. When Peter asks why she's doing that, she says she doesn't really know why, just that she knows she loves him even if she has none of the memories to go with it.
Earlier in this DW episode, in the screenshots I posted above shortly after the Doctor leaves, Pete admits he feels he knows Rose from somewhere. Deep down, he knows he's her dad, but he just had to see it.
Given that Fringe is a huge inspiration for ST, I was so pleased to see this concept crop up here too. It reminds me a lot of what we see in the NINA arc in ST4, wherein El is dropped in front of 001 and seems to almost instantly trust him with her life. She doesn't remember what happened, but she seems to know that she loves him and he loves her, which feels further aided by her lashing out at him when he appears "off" to her. Hell, even her still trying to break through to Vecna points to the idea that she knows she loves the man (allegedly) in there, and perhaps even knows more about the truth of the situation than she remembers/than what Brenner has led her to believe. She's being presented with the worst possible image of this person, but part of her still hesitates in condemning him.
Now let's return again to our lovely idea of ordinary being best. The Doctor is approached by the bride and groom of the wedding, and the bride asks if he'll save them.
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While these people are deemed "ordinary" and they think themselves "unimportant," the Doctor protests. They have their own individual, unique lives and experiences, ones that he, by virtue of who and what he is, will never get to experience. This is a big reason why the Doctor, across the entire history of the DW series, always comes back to Earth. He's fascinated by humans, which is something I've spoken about before. It's very reminiscent of Gandalf being smitten by Hobbits in LotR.
I've already spoken about how our main characters in ST are deemed "outcasts" and "freaks," and while those monikers feel inherently at odds with the "ordinary" label I slapped on them earlier, the whole point of our main cast is that they're representative of “the everyman,” and they’re meant to be generally sympathetic to everyone in the audience. We're even shown the "ordinary" characters being anything but that (specifically thinking of Karen and how Nancy talks about her in ST1 compared to their conversation in ST3; and Jason being the "perfect boy" before he snaps and loses his head entirely; and, of course, the Creel family seeming picture-perfect before revealing in TFS that Virginia really was Like That with Henry). Point is, there's the "ordinary" we're told, and then the true "ordinary" we're shown.
The "ordinary", or "normal" as it's often dubbed in ST, we're told about it always a facade of some kind, and in fact almost everyone in ST is un-ordinary beneath the surface or due to varying circumstances. In short, this is an extremely long-winded way of, again, saying that there isn't really any "ordinary vs freaks," because everyone is on the same playing field.
So for just one second I want to be That Bitch and talk about how this made me think of the comparisons between Henry and Will, and the common fanon idea of bringing Will "up" to "Henry"'s "level" of supposed greatness by giving him world-altering powers. While I don't doubt that Will has some kind of ability that will aid them, especially given that he can still sense the Shadow when he's back in proximity of it, I find it quite a stretch to believe that he'll be given powers akin or adjacent to what El or Henry have.
While El often falls back on her powers to help/defend herself and others, we also see her crave a "normal" life and claim she "doesn't belong" because she's different (read: has/had powers and lived a wholly different life from her peers because of it). It's something that's heavily emphasized with Henry in TFS as well, with him claiming he's not "normal" and that something is wrong with him because of his affliction with the Shadow and his newfound powers he has yet to understand or control. His entire life has been turned upside down (ha ha), and flashes of medical reports in the play outline that he was a "normal" boy before his flaying in the (alleged) Nevada cave. Overall, the powers are framed as something undesirable that makes life harder than it already is for them.
Obviously everyone knows that Will's homosexuality and El's powers are meant to sort of parallel each other in this sense. And thus, I can kind of see the argument that, if he had powers of his own, this could be a way to tie it together. If he had powers of some kind, they could be another literal representation of his queerness or otherness that needs to be "accepted." However, I find that, to put it bluntly, completely pointless. Him being gay already represents him being gay. It feels demeaning to his arc to give him a proxy to accept himself through rather than just accepting himself... for himself.
Besides, we already have El grappling with the powers aspect on her own in her "am I the monster or the superhero?" struggle. She already has that whole idea covered, so why does Will need to take it from her? Why does he have to accept it first before she does?
Rather, as I've been discussing, I believe it's because Will is "ordinary" (read: doesn't have powers) that he'll be of greater help toward fixing things. He, along with El, very closely parallel Henry's life experiences, with El paralleling his time in the lab and Will paralleling his time outside of it/prior to it (which is something James has spoken of in the past, though I cannot find a post about it !!). However, it's less about them being the same and more about highlighting how they're different.
- Will's family stuck by his side and tried to help him while Henry's tossed him to the dogs. - Will had his life saved and the Shadow removed while Henry was left to fester with it for months, at the very least. - Will had a group of friends willing to give him the benefit of the doubt/help him when he was flayed while Henry never had someone listen to his side of the story, instead choosing to believe he really did everything of his own volition.
Therefore, it feels extremely logical to me to assume that Will would be left without profound powers like the ones Henry gained (which, for the record, we still don't know how he got). They're not meant to match each other beat for beat, but, as people, they're meant to highlight a disparity within society and what circumstances can do to a person. They share experiences, but they don't share outcomes.
I can't say all of this with complete confidence, obviously, as the Duffers haven't given us all the answers yet, but i feel very confident in my agreement with James, as I stated before, that El is meant to closely parallel Henry as a lab-kid and someone with powers, while Will is meant to closely parallel Henry pre-flaying and who he is without powers.
In short: having nothing "special" going on (aka not being a Time Lord or having psychic abilities) is not a detraction and, in fact, just being who you are is what makes someone exceptionally important.
Back to the episode!
The Doctor, in a moment of reprieve while he's trying to think of how to get everyone out of there, is tasked with keeping an eye on baby!Rose. Adult!Rose approaches, but the Doctor physically prevents her from touching her infant self. Doing so would cause a paradox, since they're the same person, and any further disturbance in time might make the Reapers strong enough to break into the church.
At this point, the Doctor is still miffed at Rose for having unintentionally caused all of this, and we get a fun moment where she snaps at him that she's "not stupid" and he responds with "could've fooled me." Hey, Russell T. Davies called, he wants his ST2 El and Hopper arguments back.
Ultimately, Rose apologizes, because she does feel guilty for causing this, and then the Doctor holds her face and hugs her... in the same way Pete just did not long ago but hey we don't need to unpack her love interest acting like her dad right now that's fine-
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At this point, Pete still doesn't know he's supposed to have died, so he asks Rose if he and Jackie are still together in the future and if he's a good dad. Rose spins a tale that he read her a bedtime story every night and they all went out for a picnic every Saturday; that he was always someone she could really rely on. All Pete responds with is "That's not me."
I discussed this earlier, but while this does remind me of the whole "facade" thing we have going on in ST, it reminds me too of the idea of alternate selves and different timelines. Which, in the case of DW, I swear is not a stretch because later in season 2, Rose and the Doctor go to a parallel universe where they meet the Pete from that world, who didn't die, and ultimately becomes a great father figure to Rose.
Eventually, Pete figures out that he's meant to be dead. He sees the disappearing-reappearing car going in its loop around the corner, recognizing it as the one that almost ran him over, and on top of the weird way Rose has been acting with his questions and the cryptic way the Doctor keeps talking about how "the thing [Rose] changed will stay changed" (wow, cool TFS word), he finally puts the pieces together.
At this point, Jackie finally overhears Pete call himself Rose's dad, which they'd since been keeping a secret, and we get... uh
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Sorry, this one really just made me laugh. Don't mention the lab child breeding program, it's fine.
She even balks at him calling her Rose, asking if he "calls them all Rose," because she assumes Rose is an affair partner and is disgusted that he'd give his own daughter a "second-hand name" from his mistress. I can't even get into this, I just have to move on.
Pete, in his attempt to get her to understand that they're the same Rose, makes to hand baby!Rose to adult!Rose. Too late for Rose or the Doctor to stop it, they touch, and the paradox gives one of the Reapers enough strength to make its way into the church. The Doctor puts himself between the Reaper and the rest of the people, saying that he's "the oldest thing in here" and thus just what the Reaper would want most. It consumes him and disappears, and Rose cries that he's dead and the whole world is over because of her.
Pete, however, realizes what he's meant to do. He tells Rose that he's going to sacrifice himself and complete what was meant to be completed. He even convinces Jackie that Rose is their daughter, and the three of them have an incredibly somber moment.
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My leaking tear ducts aside, the "extra hours" reminded me of some weird language that comes up in TFS, specifically something Brenner says to Henry about his "missing hours." Pete gets extra hours outside of "real hours," hours that were never meant to happen, like how Henry may have “lost hours” without actually losing time, if that makes sense. It even makes me think about NINA and how 001 very well be sentient in there, at least to some degree, and therefore would he feel like interacting with El in there was like getting "extra hours" with his daughter?
James has also spoken to me about how time moves strangely in TFS, and not even in the sense that "it's a play and that's just sort of how the transitions within that medium work." Specifically, he's pointed out how the days and scenes bleed into each other in ways like Henry's skipping around hours (which, coincidentally, is similar to a phenomenon that occurs in another DW episode I've spoken about). A really obvious example is Henry in the attic scene in which "he" kills Prancer, wherein it should be at night/before bed. However, when he comes out of it, Virginia is knocking on the attic door telling him it's 9:45 and they need to go to church. Henry even squeaks "in the morning!?", just as shocked as we are to learn an entire night has passed in such a brief sequence of events.
Also I don't have any real commentary on the rest of it other than I would Die if we get a similar exchange between Victor and Henry, or Henry and El, or something. Pretty please. Something something you have to be your dad, but for good. Something something doing everything they can to save their children.
With no other feasible plan, Pete leaves the church and rushes to the street corner, where he steps out in front of the car and allows himself to be hit. This time, Rose does go to him, and holds his hand as he passes. As soon as he dies, the Reapers vanish, time stops going wonky, and everyone who'd been consumed is returned, Doctor included.
Now, we get another flashback like the start of the episode, with Jackie talking to kid Rose, but this time the story of Pete has slightly changed. Jackie says that the guy who hit him was just a kid, it wasn't his fault, because Pete just stepped out into the road. Jackie even mentions a "girl" who stayed with Pete until he died, and then she just... was gone, and they never found out who she was.
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Oh yeah btw peep that date lol lmao.
This I thought was really interesting. Sometimes the trope of “history has to say the same” can become boring and predictable when there’s no way around a specific outcome. However, when it’s done well, it’s done well. I don’t think this is one of the best ever examples of this, but I did find it very intriguing that, while the same outcome occurred (Pete was killed), the situation surrounding it has been slightly recontextualized.
Where Jackie once lied (strong word, but you get the point) that Pete was the most wonderful man in the world, now he really was the most wonderful man in the world because he decided to correct the error that was made and save the world by sacrificing himself. It should be noted that, iirc, no one remembers what actually happened because Pete essentially just reset the timeline to where it’s supposed to be.
It’s something I could very easily see occurring, at least in a symbolic sense, in ST, especially what with the truth of Henry’s situation being so murky. Even if it’s without an attempt to “change” things, simply the act of looking at what happened through a different lens can make everything click into place.
Now I just want to wrap this up with some final odds and ends of what various parts of this episode reminded me of irt ST that I haven’t touched on yet.
At the start of the episode, we learn that Rose’s motive for visiting her dad on the day of his death is so she can simply be someone who’s there for him when he passes; she doesn’t want him to be alone. The concept of loneliness is not unfamiliar to ST, and it’s especially on the nose with Henry and Patty in TFS, and comes up fairly frequently with characters like Will, Mike, and El on-screen. We see it in scripts for ST4 with Brenner, and we get it in ST1 with Joyce berating Jonathan for doing things alone. It all comes back to community and support. Being with someone to curb their loneliness can make all the difference, especially when it’s genuine. Especially especially when someone is going through something scary and otherworldly.
And that’s the whole point, isn’t it? Being there for each other, even in our worst moments?
This isn’t a form of compassion that’s exclusive to “the good guys” either. As I said above, the plague of loneliness even affects Brenner, and even a character like Vecna, who’s been trapped alone in the UD for years, probably just needs a good shoulder to lean on for once.
Henry, as per TFS, didn’t really have anyone. We’re told about a boy (or two) in Nevada who very likely was close to him, but he’s otherwise very reclusive from his family (at least post-flaying). When he meets Patty, he latches on the moment he finds her compatible and, despite her mistreatment of him, he doesn’t let go. He’s finally not alone anymore, and even if it resulted in disaster, he wanted it to work. There were just too many outside forces at play convoluting things. All he needed was someone to be there for him with genuine intentions, and I believe that’s something he will receive, come ST5.
I also want to touch on Rose having to “try again” at the start of the episode. I don’t have too much to say about this, but it did make me think of James’s theories irt Henward possibly having turned back the clock in order to save himself. Something about going into it with neutral-to-good intentions, only for something to go wrong and bring it all crashing down. Not that we know for certain if that’s what’s going on with Henry, but there’s something in the continuous tragedy of his life and the earnest attempt at making things better, only for it to go much, much worse, and having to return to the un-ideal square one.
It doesn’t even have to just be about Henry doing it to himself. Someone else might be sticking themselves in, toying with timelines, in an attempt to help Henry, only for other, unknown forces to muck it all up. But now we’re getting a bit into James’s territory, so you can just chew on that concept a bit. The last thing I’ll say on it is I did find Rose seeking out her dad reminiscent of TFS Brenner seeking out answers to his father’s experience in Dimension X, but alas, I’m running out of steam.
Exploring this DW episode wasn’t much anything new, but I found it very satisfying to see even more concepts confirmed and expanded upon that I’ve spoken about in my other posts, as well as touching on ideas that my friends have talked about before. Overall, I’ve reached the conclusion that I need to explore more of Rose’s episodes and see what’s up lol. There's even more within this episode I could pull on further, but a lot of it is just pointing at the words that are said and going "that's the words!!! the words from the show!!!" so. Sort of an "iykyk" situation atp. But! Lots to chew on, and likely more to come in the future!
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columbiastapshoes · 1 month
hello twin peaks fandom. i just finished the og 2 seasons and for the later half of season 2 i put live reactions in my notes app. here are the highlights <3 (lmk if u want the full version it’s so much longer)
‼️spoiler warning‼️ ALSO if you read me saying ‘evil cooper’ i am talking about windom earle. i did not know there would be a literal evil cooper. at the end of the reactions ‘evil cooper #2’ is referring to cooper’s doppelgänger <3 also also!! the double return means it’s a new collection of notes that i wrote down in the same moment if that makes sense? i wanted to do screenshots instead of the actual text but alas i can only upload ten </3
- "psychological evaluation" he already has an autism diagnosis leave bro alone
- ok hang on. if josie dies and harry couldn't protect her. then. parallels with caroline dying and cooper couldn't protect her. Hm :3 (update! david lynch the man that you are.)
- "what is the greatest gift one human being can give to another?" and bobby and i make the same 🤨 face
- weasel. right. yes. i am following this conversation
- sksksksksk save the weasels
- sorry
- im really sorry
- this is the worst possible person to be helping rn. unfortunately he is incredibly smart.
- earle is dale if he used his autism for evil
- i certainly hate you james fwiw!!
- you guys have started over again like 30473938 times stop it
- "please come home with me" "actually you should go" GUYS
- done with y'all where are the queers
- cooper appears from a bush and goes "you never loved her anywayyyyy"
- christ this is rough where are my boys
- MY BOYS??? oh no it's you :/
- haha you're not gonna tell him right
- ohhhh dear :3
- im going to kms :3
- hello bri ish man would you like a bo'ol of wo'uh
- chess? great! sheriff to fbi agent. they kiss. they both win
- no way they have roblox dress to impress in twin peaks
- i wanna kiss this sad sad man very desperately
- break it with a hammer ??? dumdum
- WOWEEBOB !! !!
- "not all men" ur right pete martell would never
- my boys have not been together as much and it's making me STBERE THEY ARE WITH A HOMOSEXUAL ARM AROUND THE SHOULDER
- oh there's a bomb! ok!
- they touched hands they wanna make out sooooo bad
- the bomb can wait you guys are in love
- cooper so preeeeetttyyyyyy :333
- andy i love you very dearly
- i love how harry is so gentle and kind and patient with lucy and then he's like ANDY SHUT THE FUCK UP
- girls night (cooper interrogating audrey donna and shelly)
- wow thats comforting if i was told this i would burst into tears or flames
- i love it when cooper is in front of a whiteboard
- "for instance?" i KNEW thats how u would approach dirty talk u fancy motherfucker
- why is bro goth what happened
- evil cooper you need to either do normal foundation or all white WHY ARE HIS TEETH BLAAACK
- bro is NOT siouxsie 😭😭😭
- yeah no shit. is this. news. i knew this before u fbi fuckers did
- you could KISS him? okay evil cooper..
- finished my brownie. crave death
- who is bro talking to
- oh leo hi leo
- it hasn't panned to leo yet i think he's like dead and they'll reveal it in a sec
- oh nom worse than dead ow ow ow ow
- dw leo i can take them home. they are my friends
- giggling a lil. about. cooper.
- BY HEAVENS oh my god
- i'm still giggling about cooper but it has turned from "i want him" giggling to "BY HEAVENS!!" giggling
- ok sorry what's the issue i got distracted
- sorry had to rewind two more times BY HEAVENS is taking me out
- i always said this show needed a dance sequence (i never said that)
- jeez u guys suck not u lucy ur eating
- closeup on harry's face pls don't i need GRAND THEFT AUTO.
- sorry pete just said grand theft auto.
- can my cats stop beefing i have a show to watch
- you don't fucking say things got out of hand Michael.
- most useless side plot i do not care
- how is he not crying and screaming in a fetal position that would be my plan
- why is evil cooper #2 kinda.
- why do i lowkey want evil cooper #2
- bobs camera angle looks like a ring doorbell
thank you!
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aroacesigma · 5 months
YIPPEE ok . funni rhythm game . project sekai. its got miku . the only important background lore here is: there's kind of another world called "sekai" that is made from either strong emotions, or the shared will/dreams/desire/etc of a group. there are 5 units/groups/whatever. 2 of the sekais in the game were made by One Person. one's the clown group dw abt that. but Mafuyu !! fuyu made her own sekai. i thiiiiiink out of her desire to "disappear"?
anyway. mafuyu asahina. silly lil girlie. she is so depressed man. her mother sucks and is constantly pushing her to be the perfect straight-A student and train to be a doctor, and in public fuyu DOES put up that facade (in-game she has two very distinct voices - a more upbeat, happy one, and this very quiet, almost mumbley-one. in lives she'll use her Public Voice when talking to anyone that isn't of her unit)
so ! fuyu. she wants to make music. and train to be a nurse not a doctor. but her mother is super manipulative and controlling (and thats a theme you see across her cards too. in her first event she's literally depicted as a marionette for example) and really has no real control of her life. and then she meets Niigo. because kanade savior complex go brr
so. nightcord at 25:00, or niigo as they're called in the jp fandom, is made up of Kanade Yoisaki, Mizuki Akiyama, Ena Shinonome, and Mafuyu Asahina. they originally only know each other online (kanade finds fuyu thru her music which kanade notes is very dark and depressing, and later resolves to create a piece of music that will make mafuyu smile and bring back some joy into her life. tbh idk abt the other two i uh. am bad at reading lmao) but !! they talk on Nightcord (its discord) until they all meet in the Sekai. which is fucken EMPTY. there is NOTHIN THERE. and its Mafuyu's Sekai. so given the Empty Void that has been remarked upon that it's very easy to get lost and never find your way out .......yeah
so . as the events progress you get to see mafuyu come out of her shell more as she hangs out with niigo. her mom is. Not Happy (when is she ever smh) and in one event her mom even throws out her music equipment and laptop (iirc) claiming that it's a "distraction", and tells her to stop hanging out w/ niigo bc they're "bad influences" (or smth). mafuyu, obv, does Nyat do this and continues talking to the others.
a few events later mafuyu finally reaches her breaking point and stands up to her mother . and then promptly flees to live with kanade after everything she had to deal with. so now kanade & mafuyu live together ! but mafuyu rlly is making progress like despite it all, in newer cards/depictions you can even see light in her eyes !!!
but yeah shes . shes my silly. and so like. Gender to me. her and mizuki (canon transfem/nb person btw. go mizuki go!!!!!!!!) got a duet version of the song "Villain" which is literally abt bein fucken. trans. u can't just put the Canon Transgirl in with the Transmasc Vibes Character in a Song About Being Trans, man /j
i lov her tho shes doin her best. she kind of lost all sense of identity due to having to be what her mother wanted her to be, and niigo is slowly helping her figure out who she is, not who her mother wants her to be. its very nice
compared to the other stories niigo's is. way more deep and intense. but ! they all have their Things :3
anyway yeah im insane abt mafuyu asahina this has been my tedtalk i need to go to bed
OHHH she sounds awesome fuck yeah :) very glad that she is happier these days...love that . i really do need to play project sekai honestly i tried one time but i got too used to the enstars format for rhythym games and i sucked absolute balls at it. anyway gn bff <3
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livelaughlovesubs · 27 days
Following up my other ask I send, my mom has been mad at me for the past 4 days, I had the worst response to a serious interview, I accidentally said ‘venti’ while I was ordering at a another coffee shop, I’m on my period, I’m more suicidal, school has been ruined, my phone is going to get checked and looked through by the teachers at my school, I had cheer practice and almost passed out and to top it all off I’am on my period. FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!!
I’ve been so stressed out to the point of changing my typing style…
- 🎀
Warning: long rant
It’s alright, you can vent to me whenever you want and feel like it. And I’ll listen, as long as you need to. When the parents are mad at one it’s the worst feeling ever, and it always hurts so much. Have you tried talking with her? Though, if that’s not a possibility, I’d suggest you take a bath in the bathtub or a long shower to calm yourself. It’s very relaxing to have warm water run down your body or soak in it.
Eat something nice. Chocolate and sweets does help with bad mood, fruits too. I’d suggest you eat bananas or smt, I heard they make good mood. Who cares about weight or calories, the most important thing is that you are happy, and as long as you are happy you are the most beautiful version of yourself.
I used to write a journal when I was having a huge fight with my parents, and it really helped to write down every bad thought I had. Like how I hated everything, how sad I was. Now looking back, despite how often I wrote that, i don’t feel that way anymore.
Or, try out something new. Like a new game, read a new manhwa, a new show, listen to music… whatever it is. I’ve started playing dol and it’s really funny! I like Bailey the most :] dunno if you’ve played it before and know about it, though give it a try if you haven’t. If you don’t know how to install it on iOS I can help (it’s a bit complicated)
It’s alright to make mistakes or get turned down. That only means you have to look for other opportunities and learn from your mistakes. No one is perfect, there will always be hardships. But hey, there’s always an exit, whenever you hit your lowest point and everything feels shitty, just remember one day you can and you’ll climb high.
Being on your period is so shitty as a fellow woman I detest it too. The hormones going wild and making me emotional is driving me insane. But, it’s fine, being vulnerable is totally alright. There’s also nothing embarrassing about crying oneself to sleep, no matter what gender. Be honest with yourself and do what you think helps you to most, it’s alright to be egoistic at times, it’s okay.
I don’t know why you said schools not going very well. If it’s because of your grades, don’t be too harsh on yourself. School has just started, there’s enough time to improve. Making notes and writing them down all prettily turned out to be quite fun, it also helps with studying. Or going over the learned stuff with friends. Even if it’s less effective than learning alone, it’s better than hating it. And if it’s because of other people, we’ll, I gave you an answer a long time ago
I also don’t know why your phone is getting checked, and I know for a fact it is illegal except for special occasions (?) here in Germany. That’s simply outrageous. Your phone is something private to you and you only, that’s really horrible. I’m not sure how to help there, but if it were up to me I’d rebel or try and hide everything. Sorry for not having any advice on that one
Anyhow, about the passing out, dw. I went running today again and I also almost passed out. Cuz I went running even though it’s 31 Celsius- now I’m fine again, and by the looks of it, you are doing better too. I’m glad. If you are worried about it being embarrassing, no need to be. I can share an embarrassing story of me so that you don’t feel alone. One time, I thought a guy liked me and he was pretty cute, so I tried to flirt with him. Getting close to him and being a bit touchy. Then he outright told me, “can you keep some distance?” Guess I was picking up the wrong hints… haha… (I was so fucking delusional)
Oh god that was a ramble. Well, if you want to talk about it without other people knowing, you can always write a message to me. I hope you’ll do better after getting a good rest. In order to be in high spirits, it’s also important to take care of your body. Your soul and body is connected, your mind knows when you aren’t feeling your best and it affects your mood too. So eat and drink enough, also sleep well <3
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burning-academia-if · 11 months
Since I mentioned I'd do a general progress update for NaNoWriMo, here it is!
I've hit 15k in total for chapter one so far. I'm guessing it will be around 25-30k by the time it's done. It's very much a First Draft, but once it's complete I'll go back and fix things. Once the writing is done, I'll start coding. Zoe is also once more proving to be allusive (dw if you missed them in the prologue and chapter one you'll officially meet them next chapter).
Also the most important part of this update is I decided to make a separate doc for route specific triggers. I didn't want to list them in the intro page because it contains some heavy spoilers but I also want them available for anyone who may need them. I was going to do this a little farther into the story, but I decided to do it now, especially with some of the asks I've been getting. Please note this list may change any time as needed. I'll also add the link to the intro page for easy access.
RO specific content warnings (friendship or romance paths)
Finally, have a small preview of chapter 1:
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Text version:
With the question clear on your face, Eloise's smile only grows, "Don't worry. I'm Vice President of the Student Government. I was worried because Rhea is always so stiff and awkward around people she doesn't know."
Rhea snaps back to attention, a faint scowl on her face, "I have not been awkward."
"Oh, so you've just been stiff then." As Rhea's frown grows, Eloise turns back to you, "Don't worry about Rhea. She's a sweetheart once you get to know her. She's just glaring at me because she's embarrassed."
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sayitaliano · 2 years
Hey! 👋 How should someone take/interpret “ti voglio tanto tanto bene”? What are the differences between ti voglio bene, ti amo, e mi piaci?
CIao! I thought I had already written a post but I can't find it (maybe you will, if you want to search on @sayitalianohome). No problem anyway, let's see it all again briefly:
-ti voglio bene = I love you; but we use it more with family members and friends. it's mostly platonic love. Literally means something like: "I want good to you" "I want to give you good" "You are good to me" "You do well to me and I want to do well to you" "you are precious to me" or even "I care a lot about you". So, to stress how much "good you want to give the other", how precious they are for you, you can add one (or more) "tanto" = a lot, much, very. A person who tells you "ti voglio tanto bene" sees you as very valuable, they may be a friend or sb that likes you and cares about you/appreciates you, or even wanted to thank you for something you said/did for them like staying by their said in a difficult moment (still they do really think good of you and have "feelings" but in general, not romantic ones -or they didn't confess yet). Ofc "ti voglio bene" can be said also by romantic partners as you deeply care about your person (e.g. think about after a deep convo, like you would with a friend).
-ti amo = I love you. It's the "I love you" that more often is said between romantic partners. The one about deep love and affection (like in movies and books :)). BUT tbh, it can be used among family members too: e.g. a daughter/son may say "ti amo" to their parents. It stresses how deep is their bond with them. It's ofc not the romantic love, but a deeper level of "ti voglio bene", the next step. A love bond that is not easy to be broken: "ti voglio bene" at times feels a little more superficial or "not enough", despite it doesn't have to be so: many soulful "ti voglio bene" can equal or feel more profound than one "ti amo" said randomly. It depends more on the acception you want to give to your words, how clear you want to be in what you say: if you want to deliver the first "I love you" to your partner and express you have romantic feelings for them, you may opt for a "ti amo" (a "ti voglio bene" may be misinterpreted as with a friendly-type of love). "Ti amo", especially recently, can be heard also among friends/bffs (especially females bffs, but I can be wrong): girls may call each other "amo" (shorten version of "amore"; you can see that as the the English "luv" ig) and tell each other "ti amo", again as for a deeper type of love than "ti voglio bene". Kinda like the "ily" you can share online with people you feel close with. We MAY also say "ti amo" out of a burst of emotions to a friend/sb who told us something nice or shared with us something, or appreciated us or esp. gifted us something cool or that we wanted deeply e.g. "noo ma io ti amo!" = "no way/that's crazy, Ily!". So, it can happen ofc with a romantic partner but also with sb else -again it's about the depth of feelings- (dw the context will let you know that clearly if it has no romantic acception -despite the emotional moment, you generally use it only with people you know and/or understand what you mean e.g. close friends/bff.)
-mi piaci = I like you. As simple as. It can be that this person likes you physically or even a trait about the character, or how you think. They think you're fine, at least. Different from "mi piace": this refers more likely to something you said. E.g. you said something cool or shared an idea on how to spend the afternoon together (even with your friend) and they say "uh, mi piace!" = "uh, I like that!"
-> On a side note, you can "amare" a hobby, and your pet too: Amo fare esercizio = I love working out/exercising. Amo leggere = I love reading. Amo il mio cane = I love my dog. But ofc you can also "just" like your hobbies (it depends how far into them you feel and how much you want to convey their importance to those listening/reading your words. Amare is ofc a deeper experience than just piacere): Mi piace fare esercizio = I like working out/exercising. Mi piace leggere = I like reading. Mi piace uscire col mio cane/coi miei amici = I like going out with my dog/with my friends. Generally you don't use "volere bene" for hobbies or such, but only for people. Cause "volere bene" is a feeling that originates from caring for another soul (ofc, you can use it for your pet though).
Hope it somewhat helps. I know it's not too easy to get the differences between the first two, so if you have questions please send!
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zorilleerrant · 8 months
WIP Game
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
(I'm doing my notes on my phone because I haven't organized my computer yet. I was trying to work on it but I got distracted by Steamboat Willie okay)
(warning: there's a lot. this goes back years)
DW fic ideas
Travelers Carrie - protocol alpha
Yuletide: Midnight Mass
Yuletide: Travelers
Master & Mickey
How to queer an apple
Barbie cinematic parallels
Yuletide: Spirit World
Yuletide: Avenue 5
Yuletide: Khaos Komix
Dream blue goo
Yuletide: Only Murders
Yuletide: Monkey Prince
Red Text
Gain Infinite dramatic irony with this one easy trick! Audiences love to hate him
Yuletide: Stargirl
Yuletide: October Daye
Yuletide: Usher
Yuletide: Song of the Lioness
Yuletide: Harlivy
Yuletide: D'vana/T'Lyn
A poem
Exchampion fixer
Omegaverse Tim
Jaytim pregnancy
Exploding Baby
Carry on
Billy & Theo
Danny Constantine
Jason Swap
Children under ten must be accompanied by monkeys
New Note
Dick time travel
Battiest season
Frederick the Frog
spn charmed
CoBro Ben Glenroy
Dick/Garth identity
Laura & Gerard
That's the way the cookie crumbles
Memory Wipe
Ric & Dami
Psychotic Dick
A Bet's A Bet
Billy and Constantine
Black Adam, Jason Robin rewrite version
Clockwork balcony
Monkey 12
Dream about ghosts
Jasonfam beyond
Monky busy other history
Monky busy Lori convo
Monky busy Dami convo
Snarry time travel
important dc characters
Val Yor
People keep asking me if I've ever met Black Captain America. I have!
All the Company Equipment
Ric & Dami
Kamala and Minhkoa
Smallville Confidant Lex
Batfam beyond
Timber Robin suit
Other Damian
There's this legend, among my people.
The Prince and the Guard
Evil twin
Baby Jason
Pizza guy
Wait, this thing is powered by magic?
Hogwarts trans student union
DC Covenant
Batman Dynasty
Who the hell is oz
Harley and rats
Necromancer Danny
Failure. Retry?
Survey of Doom
Freely given
Monkeyland 2
Family Dinner
no capes billy
deaged Jason
when she smiles
joker junior
In the case of Caroline Hill
Fake dating
Quentin harem
You're drunk Patricia go home
Kate and Katie destroy the world
Monkey crossing
Annabeth medusa
Dark knights of superbat
Kryptonian sex ed
Jon coming out
Graysons live
Gotham soulmates
Dick time travel
MCU Jason
Fetch a pail
Draco mpreg
Sylvester Lance
Green Dye
Sexy werewolves
who you really are
Paige Tico
Lost prince of winter
Love Story
Sparkles Mcvillain
Even More Bones
some of them have more to them than others! I tried to skip the ones I already posted but I think a couple of these are finished things I just never published anywhere
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variousqueerthings · 8 months
It's a movie. You'd like that one too. Everybody dies.
Empress of Mars, let's goooo! I've actually taken notes for this one too, although I did have to watch it over four sittings, due to limited time, so now it's kind of a puzzle of vignettes in my head. very short serial length
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 10/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 4/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 7/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 7/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 4/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 9/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 10/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 10/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 8/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 5/10
FULL RATING: 74/100 (if I can count….)
I think I like this one. I'm always a bit wary about stories in Doctor Who that are about British colonists, and I'd say this one doesn't quite hit the mark on justifying that point of view in this one either, but otherwise there's a fair bit to enjoy. It's solid. dependable. Ice Queen hot. that sort of thing
the pacing is a bit wack, but otherwise...
OBJECTIFICATION: Bill has a great look in this one generally. I mean, she's dressed like the Doctor, so they're both killing it, and then she's also pulled her hair back, it's great, sleek, pro scifi lookin stuff -- also considering this is a very dude-heavy episode, they eschew (this appears to be my favourite word of the day) any creepy leering of the kind I remember all too well from some other stories that featured men from this era (looking at you dinosaurs on a fucking spaceship)
I'd even give it bonus points for its Ice Queen design, which, generally I think DW has been pretty good at making men and women alien designs relatively equal (nothing like like sexy cyberwoman of Torchwood), and in this case I was having a bit of the swoons at the Ice Queen's predator-like dreads and wonderful armour!
PLOT-POINT: Bill isn't really explored in this one. she's present alongside her ideals, although I do think this is one of the ways it's a bit of a flaw to make the other characters Victorian soldiers -- they're the sanitised version of what this might look like, up to and including a black man in the unit who's just some guy along with the rest of them, which is really more about politics than anything else, but the point is it feels kind of strange to have her in this place in a way I think for example thin ice, which was able to be an episode that had black people in it, while still acknowledging that black people walk through the world differently due to racism
which, considering how heavily this episode focused on "empire as concept" in various parts, feels a bit like an oversight to not have Bill at least have more opinions about
I did like her having some Moments with the Ice Queen, mainly because the way Pearl Mackie played it made me think Bill was also kind of attracted to her (alien fucker Bill seems right to me), but I wish they'd amounted to a little more than the lip-service of "men amirite?" because yeah, Victorian-age soldier dudes probably would have been insufferable to deal with on average (#notallvictoria- *gets sniped*) and Bill potentially having to navigate around that in order to find common ground with the Ice Queen idk... coulda been cool as potential
it all comes back to the choice of making this a bit about Queen And Country which is what I'm not so into, and other things fold into that
COMPLEXITY: it's relatively simple once you get past the "Victorians on Mars" part, which is standard DW fare. I do think some of the plot was paced a bit oddly, but that could have been my fractured watching schedule. it just seemed to go quite slowly up until finding the Ice Queen and then very fast to the conclusion
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: the Master is now freeee!!!!!! and the Ice Warriors are more back in nu!who DW lore than previously (they have been in nu!who before, but this feels a little more like the Silurians, a bit more settled AND it ties into stuff they wrote for the third Doctor)
(I know Waters Of Mars was a Very Particular Kind Of Episode, but I always wonder if that's just... lurking underneath there...)
it's on the whole not super overarching plot-driven, which is fine. the Master is in two scenes and she kills both times, honestly Michelle Gomez takes my breath away
COMPANIONS MATTER: Bill, as mentioned, has some heeey Ice Queen moments, and I like how well she and the Doctor work together and how she's able to take lead. I am in a headspace with Bill where I wonder how willing she is to die or whether she thinks she will die. in the last episode she really did think she would, so what does that say for where she is now when she says she's willing to act as a distraction -- it all ends up fine, but I'll probably come back to this thought once we've seen the last episode
also liked that she was savvy enough to guess that the atmosphere was breathable. it's just little things like that which feel like a companion is involve in the story and not just tagging along and waiting for the Doctor to do something impressive
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: yeah, the Doctor is more aware of how to deal with the Ice Warriors, but on the whole is as much taken along for the ride as everyone else, and he's not the one who saves the day either
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: ALPHA CENTAURI!!! I heard the voice and was like "I KNOW THAT VOICE NOW!" (classic!who watch upgrade!) and of course the Ice Warriors! I think this episode ties into the curse of Peladon which is wonderfully involved as callbacks go and honestly I think one could continue along that strand if one wanted to
I cannot remember how I felt about this episode when I didn't have all this context, but it definitely heightens its enjoyment upon watching it this time
“SEXINESS”: none of that nonsense here. the Master has some fantastic moments in her brief appearance of this and it's so delightfully serious, which is a neat turnaround for her depiction of the Master and continues on from last episode
INTERNAL WORLD: Once the Victorians on space is accepted (yep, accepted) they're on Mars, simple-as. Not overcomplicated as is often the case
POLITICS: Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo why Victorians? Why soldiers? (soldiers because of the Ice Warriors connection, which, I note they did in Cold War too, because nobody's allowed to meet Ice Warriors that's just some guy I guess)
it feels like it was under-thought/under-baked as a whole, which leads to a certain lacunae related to these white guys running around trying to colonise Mars for the queen as set dressing for the episode, with their one token Black Victorian soldier guy who's the same as the rest and dies a very gruesome death, which is meant to be the point of Making The Audience Connect To The Poor Victorian Soldiers because he has a sweetheart yousee, he's quite lovely, but it all comes off a biiiit like they didn't think through the Connotations of what they were doing. things like tokenism and colour blind casting and generally the sort of complaints that have been had about Martha's season as well in relation to the historical episodes
and while there is some mention of the Victorians as colonisers, it's a bit haphazard, because in the end it's mostly just this one guy who's bad and the other one who pledges himself to a new queen
it's not the worst of politics on this show by a long mile, but I think nu!who has had a bit of an issue related to British history and romanticising British empire and monarchy (queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth 1st and 10th, Churchill, that guy in dinos on a spaceship, to some extent nightmare in silver and smile)
(not to mention classism and underlying empiristic concepts in things like girl in the fireplace and some of the underlying problems of human nature/family of blood, which while honest about WWI struggles with balancing its depiction of British boarding school's violence against boys with what Martha faces especially, some of my personal qualms with writing UNIT, and the president of the world stuff)
there's more or less of this depending on the series and s10 is better for it mostly (including in the very next episode) but it did mean this episode came out of left-field by making these choices and then not doing anything substantial with them
FULL RATING: 74/100 (if I can count….)
she's quite highly rated this one, and I think it partially comes down to Ice Queen hot and partially the way it ties into some very old lore making a reappearance
I quite like this one, it's a simple solid concept. if it weren't for those Victorians and the pacing being a bit off... but yeah, I had a good time
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so guess who ended up rewatching (well skipped around a bit) the dw s3 finale after looking at & reblogging that gifset just to pay proper attention to fetus daddy satan mr ellis and ended up with unexpected missy feels bc of the final confrontation between sandshoes & simmy?
like literally tho .. every note of missy’s eventual redemption had the roots set up here. i don’t particularly like simm!master (only really in the context of his perverse crush on missy bc that’s what it takes). but despite the whole deal with the doctor declaring he’ll take responsibility for him & him petulantly refusing to be locked up & babysat, therefore choosing death .. is exactly what happens anyway with basil & missy. 
10 says maybe it’s time for him to actually stay in one place & be there/care for someone. simm!master throws a wrench in that idea immediately & then the rest of 10′s era & spilling on into 11′s are defined by his running away from things, but then later on, that’s precisely what 12 is able to do (some a lot of which i will attribute to darillium bc this is me okay). 
missy is imprisoned in the vault, forced to finally contend with her myriad, infinite crimes with nothing else to do. it’s not hard to guess that that’s exactly what simm!master was terrified of, yet missy is the one who has to confront themselves within that mental headspace. she’s the one who has to be brave about it and finally face the drums music. and it’s awful & difficult but she actually does it & 12 notes her progress. it’s a good thing, everything about it leading up to her eventual sacrifice. it really strikes a chord with me that moff took that sliver of a story arc suggestion rtd came up with and actually made it plausible & meaningful & important for both the characters & the viewers
that’s what particularly makes it sting big time once we bump into dhawan!master. i’ll admit that whole business is why i’ve once again stagnated in my watching of 13′s era. but i don’t feel like it’s wrong to point out the really really shitty implications taking the master, having them actually reflect on the trauma they’ve both inflicted & endured and then redeem themselves as a woman only to immediately have them revert to their old ways as soon as they’ve been regenerated back into a man. regardless of the intent, it’s a bad look. 
on the one hand you have 13 figuring out her new identity & something of an attempt to be nuanced about the realities of her being seen as a hero/authority figure on her adventures when for the longest time it was just assumed because to all appearances, they were a man. but it’s immediately fumbled when juxtaposed against an implication that redemption, actually attempting to repent for one’s past immensely harmful actions is relegated to the lady version of the master, only to be completely undone once they’re a man again.
the fact of the matter of dw is that even tho modern fandom has very extensive & nuanced headcanons about time lords & their society’s relationship to gender, much of what is presented to wider audiences in the show proper is still going to heavily draw on most ppl’s perceptions & understanding of gender, specifically within the bounds of gender binary. and the concept of the master as they were initially conceived in the 1970s was steeped in concepts of toxic masculinity. the master denigrates the hell outta women up until the point they finally become one.
i have no beef with sacha dhawan himself, he’s literally an actor who was hired to do an iconic role in a popular tv show. that’s his job, that’s a pretty amazing opportunity, he’s doing what he’s supposed to. i take issue with the casting of a man, even if he is an actor of color (bc hey actresses of color exist), but ultimately even if that couldn’t be avoided, i could’ve done with at least keeping consistency with the characterization.
cause dhawan!master’s immediate return to that unflinching earlier characterization is also a return to that toxic masculinity. if he’d have been given a direction as a version of the master who’s post-redemption & trying to figure out how to exist in the new state of mind they’d obtained, it really could’ve been interesting for me. but none of that matters, all that time spent on missy’s redemption might as well have not even happened. the master’s a man again, meaning he’s got to be an unrepentant aggressor who causes meaningless suffering like destroying gallifrey again, because nothing. fucking. matters.
it’s bleak and rather hopeless, because dw is supposed to be about hope. and chibs, whether he wanted to or not, created a narrative where it doesn’t matter if you try to do good & improve yourself, you’re always destined to be despicable & you will never change because evil is simply just In Your Nature(TM). also regretting your past actions & feeling guilt for it are icky silly girl feelings or something.
i don’t begrudge anyone who enjoys dhawan’s performance, it’s clear he’s just having fun with it and i understand why that’s appealing to others. but these are my frustrations that i’m always gonna have with the direction the character arc was taken in and i don’t know that there’s anything that will make it any different. 
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mmorgsac · 2 years
Excel 2016 query editor manage parameters
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#Excel 2016 query editor manage parameters how to
#Excel 2016 query editor manage parameters update
#Excel 2016 query editor manage parameters code
#Excel 2016 query editor manage parameters series
Get data from SQL Server and connect to Adventure Works DW 2016 CTP3.But, now we can easily implement those sort of scenarios. But, what if we want to filter query results based on the values of a column from a particular table? Previously we couldn’t answer these sort of questions if we want to filter FactInternetSales based on a selected values of EnglishProductName column from DimProductCategories using Query Parameters.
#Excel 2016 query editor manage parameters how to
You also learnt how to use Query Parameters in Filter Rows.
#Excel 2016 query editor manage parameters series
In the first post of these series I explained how to create dynamic data sources using Query Parameters. The latest version of Power BI Desktop (current version is.To be able to follow this post you have to have: In this post as usual I’ll connect to a SQL Server database as a sample. Note: This feature is NOT available in DirectQuery mode at the time of writing this post. In this post I show you how to use a list output in query parameters. This feature is very useful and from now on we are not restricted to proviode a static list of values in “Manage Parameters”. Power BI development team added another cool feature to Power BI Desktop on July 2016 which is the ability to add a List Query output to a query parameter as it’s “Suggested Values” (formerly “Allowed Values”). Now we can easily change any of the parameters and Refresh the query! We can create much more flexible queries with this parameterization method.In the previous posts, here and here, I explained how you can use Power BI Desktop Query Parameters for many different use cases. #"Filtered Rows1" = Table.SelectRows(#"Filtered Rows", each >= #date( 2017, 2, 1) and = #date( Date.Year(fParameters("Parameters",3)), Date.Month(fParameters("Parameters",3)), Date.Day(fParameters("Parameters",3))) and
#Excel 2016 query editor manage parameters code
Copy and paste in the following code then press the Done button. Open the Advanced Editor from either the Home tab or the View tab in the query editor. This will be how you call the values in your parameter table. Select From Other Sources then select Blank Query from the menu. Go to the Data tab in the ribbon and select Get Data in the Get & Transform Data section. Create A Query Function To Reference Your Parameter TableĬreate a blank query. To name a table select it and go to the Design tab and type in a new name under the Table Name: box. Name the table Parameters, this is how we will reference the table in our power query. We need to turn the parameter data into an Excel table by going to the Insert tab and selecting Table or by using the Ctrl + T keyboard shortcut. The Index and Parameter column are for information and are just there to remind me what row number a value is in (the Index) and a description of what the value is used for (the Parameter). The table I created has 3 columns, but it only really needs the Value column where the input value is.
#Excel 2016 query editor manage parameters update
I want to have input parameters so I can easily update the folder path, file name, product, and date range that my query will be based on. For this query, I want to import a CSV from a folder and then filter on a given product and date range. Then we will parameterize the resulting query so we can easily update it. In this example we’re going to import some data in a CSV and do some minor transformations. This allows me to easily update folders, file names and other inputs in my queries. To avoid this, I like to set up a parameter table in my workbooks. If you want to update the folder path or file name to be imported then you need to go into the advanced editor and update the path and file name.
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0 notes
rightsockjin · 3 years
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Summary: Your best friend of your near entire life has been a total asshat to you ever since you started to casually date which didn't seem super fair to you since he did the exact same thing and you were nothing but supportive! It just sucks that you two are growing apart over a coping mechanism that you adopted to distract yourself from your overwhelming crush on said idiot. If only he knew. Wait- did you say that OUT LOUD?
Rating: M (What isn't on this blog?)
Genre: Maybe a little angst? Smut for sure tho.
Word count: 8003
Warnings: Thongs, sex, lewd thoughts, erections, physical pushing, raw dogging, cream pie, mentions of giving head, a looooooottt of swearing, mentions of slut shaming. Oh right- oppa kink and little splashes of korean as well.
yeo-chin= girlfriend
nam-chin= boyfriend
halmoni= grandma
apa=to hurt
aya=expression to express pain equivalent to 'ow'
Author’s note: HI EVERYONE! We are somewhat back!! So sorry for the long wait for content. Things have been insane and we’ve been working on a much- much longer fic for this blog which will involve all of the boys! It’s a long story but this hit me like a truck yesterday and it was initially meant to be a reaction but I couldn’t stop writing… so it’s 7k and the other boys will get their own version of this prompt “best friend is jealous of the attention you give to guys” thing. Starting once again with the one and only Yoongi! Hope y’all enjoy:)
“You know it’s funny, I don’t remember asking,” Yoongi said virulently, his attention centered solely on his phone as he scrolled through instagram... or twitter... or maybe it was tinder. Your heart sank. You had been excited that this guy- Woojin- had given you attention. He was good looking by a lot of standards and it had boosted your confidence significantly. Of course, you wanted to share that excitement with your best friend. Rejecting someone that good looking always made you feel really powerful and attractive but you had barely shown him Woojin’s picture and commented on how attractive he was before your so called best friend had brushed you off and went back to his solitude and avoidance.
You had noticed that something was off for a while now but hadn’t commented on anything to avoid any conflicts but this was ridiculous. You had constantly listened to the stories of how girls would trickle in like water for him. He seemed to be going out with someone new every two weeks.
It wasn’t fair that you had to put up with his annoying descriptions of how beautiful these girls were while you sat and gave him your undivided attention as your heart slowly chipped and broke with each new conquest of his. Especially when each girl was so different from who you were. At first, you thought that maybe you were annoyed by this simply because it was hurtful to think he didn’t at least think you were pretty. It wasn’t long after that that you realized that it hurt you when he went out with women who were your polar opposite because it meant that he would never date you.
This had been shocking in itself. You had known Yoongi for your entire life, or at least a good portion of it, and you had always seen him as a brother. Your oppa in the least sexual or boyfriend-y form possible, but when you looked at him now… he was looking a lot more like well- an oppa.
Your mouth opened and closed like a fish. His words stung more than you would like to admit. Whenever Yoongi got this snippy, you liked to equal him in snip and double him in sass, never showing how vulnerable his disinterest made you feel, but this time, it felt like he had punched you in the chest with all his force and told you you were ugly to boot.
You didn’t want to cry in front of him either. He’d make fun of you. Last time you had cried, he’d awkwardly pat you on the head and quickly changed the very serious topic of your parents' relationship with yours to something totally different and not even a little relevant to helping you feel better. Given, that had been years ago and he’d never been very good at comforting you nor had he so much as expressed his support of you. Not since that one time when you had broken your wrist and he’d promptly pushed the girl who had been the culprit off the swing set thus getting himself suspended for a week and a half when you were both in elementary school.
But this… this was just cruel. It was ugly. It made you look at your “best friend” in a light that was not so shiny and pristine. He’d changed so much since then. He’d pulled away from you since then and you hadn’t even noticed. Or maybe you had and had just ignored it. Maybe you’d hoped if you didn’t mention it, that it would go away and he would come back full force with one of his dumb dances and pretty smiles. Maybe you hoped he’d realize soon what you had realized in your early twenties.
You loved him. And not the brotherly love that you had always had for him, no, you, Y/N, were very much in love with your best friend. Which made this whole situation so much worse.
When you said nothing, Yoongi briefly glanced up at you from his seemingly important phone conversation with most likely another of his soon to be dates only to look back down.
“What? Cat got your tongue? No snippy rebuttal? You’re not gonna chew me out for being mean to you again?”
His face was illuminated by the blue lights of his screen; he had it at the near darkest setting and his eyes were squinted to see it better. Something that had always annoyed you because you knew it was only hurting his vision.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. When that didn’t help, you cleared it, accidentally catching his attention. He clicked his phone off and looked over at you as if ready to argue but something in your face must have given away your inner turmoil because his hard features softened and his lips fell slightly open.
“Are you crying?”
No. Of course you weren’t crying. You never cried. Not ever. But then your cheeks were wet and the onslaught of emotion seemed to burst. How far had you fallen for this indefinitely cold man that his sarcasm made you fall in hysterics? Far it seemed. Too far.
You angrily wiped the tears away from your burning skin and crossed your arms over your chest. The hoodie you had stolen from him earlier that day felt like sandpaper against your skin as opposed to the comfort you’d initially felt when slipping over your head and smelling the fresh scent of his cologne clinging to it.
You felt him shift on the couch to face you fully, out of the corner of your eye, you could see his features had turned worried, alarmed even but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him nor care. Too little too late.
“Hey, Y/N, I’m sorry.”
The words hung in the still air like a wrong note played in a symphony. It made your head spin and ache.
You didn’t dare speak. It would only give away how truly hurt you were by his words and actions. You didn’t want to be around him anymore.
Abruptly, you stood up and yanked the hoodie from your body. The tank you had on pulled up slightly showing the skin of your belly. It was lopsided, you noted when you looked down and saw that one side was pulled over and under your bra and the other was too high on your chest but you didn’t really care.
Yoongi watched you with conflict evident in his eyes, if only you would turn to see. He hadn’t meant to offend you. He’d only been trying to keep you at arms length. You had also been going out with multiple guys, telling him how good looking and tall they all were. Most of these men were also built like rocks and he himself was toned at best. Contrary to what you thought, Yoongi had come to the realization that he’d been in love with you since you were kids. He did not tolerate when anyone made you feel like shit, and, being a very mature kid, he’d told his mother quite early on that he would marry you someday. Of course, she’d only chastised him and told him that he couldn’t possibly know what love was nor could he force you to marry him, but he was adamant.
He’d stopped telling her about it after that though, and instead of telling you how he felt, he’d opted instead to watch over you and make sure nothing happened. So when in high school, you had started to date and it had not been him whom you had chosen, he’d made sure to keep the sorry excuse of a man you had chosen in line. That was… until the incident.
Yoongi would never forgive himself for not being there. For not stopping the bastard who thought he owned you. He’d never forgive the idiot either and if you hadn’t stopped him, he would have killed him with his bare fists then stuffed his own socks in his mouth.
It was then that Yoongi realized that you deserved better than him, and at the same time, no one was worthy of you. It was a strange dynamic. He’d never once approved of your dates, but had decided to start dating other women because, let's face it, he was a guy and he’d like to have children someday but not even in his wildest dreams could he think that you would ever settle for him. Someone who’d failed you as your self imposed protector.
Not that you knew any of that. You didn’t know that Yoongi often teamed up with your other best friend, your girl best friend to scope out your dates once you’d left. You’d almost caught them once as well and it had been by pure luck and the hair of a very out of place clown that both of them had escaped your wrath that night. You also didn’t notice that after you had fully broken up with that first asshole, he’d threatened to beat him to a pulp if he so much as breathed in your direction once more and later, he’d threatened ‘asshole’ two and three with the same things.
But then your dates had gotten taller and stronger and much harder to intimidate. He’d once made the mistake of threatening a casual date that you’d set up who was at least a solid half foot taller than him and he’d been laughed out of the restaurant only to find out later that the jerk had forced a kiss on you.
No, Yoongi’s days as your protector had dwindled and left him feeling half of the man he’d already thought he was and so his only defense, his only way to keep you safe- though now that he was watching tears well in your eyes he wondered what logic he’d used to justify this behavior- was to be the asshole himself and teach you how to deal with them on a first hand basis.
He hated himself for making you cry. He hated that you looked so dejected and hurt and like you never wanted to speak another word to him again. He hated that your shoulders slumped and that your pretty eyelashes were coated in wet tears and it was all on him.
“You know what,” you finally managed to say with some semblance of calm under the storm that was brewing in the irises he’d so loved, “I think we’ve grown apart a little too much. Maybe we should just- cut our losses and,” you heaved a deep breath, trying to keep yourself calm, “stop seeing each other.”
Were you breaking up with him? How were you even going to break up with him if you weren’t even dating? Yoongi’s heart sank into the pit of his stomach. He had tunnel vision. All he could see was you and the way that you seemed to pull yourself up from the ground, rebuilding before his eyes.
“Stop see-what? Are you demented?”
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Was that all he was capable of being? Wrong. Incorrect. Inexact. Erroneous. Mistaken. He was plain stupid for the words he’d let slip but there was no taking them back now.
You let your eyes widen as you wiped more of your furiously falling tears from your skin. You turned to face him, your shirt fixed and covering you exactly how it should and your features set and intentional.
“What’s the point? You clearly don’t want to be around me anymore and I’m tired of being berated every time I mention a guy. You’re the most unsupportive friend I have and that’s because I’ve known you the longest. If you don’t want to be my friend just say so instead of slut shaming me and bullying me every chance you get you asshat.”
“Asshat,” he chuckled, crossing his sleeve-covered arms over his toned chest, “real clever, Y/N. Is that all you got, kid? You never were one for words were you? Why don’t you just sock me instead?”
Oh you were considering it. He seemed so unbothered by the prospect of losing you that you realized maybe you had already lost him and hadn’t realized. You had dealt with your fair share of jerks in your life, but you had always counted on Yoongi to be your hope. He’d shown you that there were men in the world that seemed to care about women. Men who could love you even when you felt unlovable, unworthy, but here he was, proving to you once again that all men were the same evil and vile creatures, incapable of love or kindness if they weren’t getting their dicks wet.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you? Then you could go around saying that I’m a crazy bitch. You know what? Fuck you Min Yoongi. I hope you get well and royally fucked.” You yelled, grabbing the tote bag you’d brought over from your apartment and stomping to the door.
“Fuck you too,” he yelled, following you to the door. He caught you at the landing strip, prying on your chunky sneakers with a bit of difficulty, your house slippers, the ones he’d bought you, lay haphazardly nearby.
“And fuck all of those asshole guys you keep bringing home. Better yet, I hope you don’t fuck them.”
You turned your head up to look at him, confusion and disgust written all over your face.
“What the fuck do my dates had to do with what a fucking jerk you are?”
Choosing to ignore your question, he focused instead on your insult, “A jerk, am I? Well you’re a bitch. How do you like that?”
He didn’t know why he was insulting you. He didn’t think you were actually a bitch, but the anger on your face made him feel better.
It was followed by near instant regret as you drew yourself up to your full height and looked at him with pure venom in your gaze.
“I’m a bitch?”
“Yeah,” he breathed, trying to keep his shoulders square, but you were scary when angry and he’d never fared well in fights with you.
“I’m the bitch?”
“You heard me!”
You balled your fists at your sides, your eyebrows connected in the center and your breathing was heavy. He knew better than to use the B-word.
“You’re a piece of shit.” It was low but your voice carried and hit all of the bones in his body before it hit his heart and burrowed deep in the wounds he’d stitched up but pulled open multiple times over the years that pertain only to you.
“You are a sorry excuse of a man,” you growled, pushing him by the chest. Somewhere in the back of your mind you noted that it felt really firm and stronger than before.
“You’re an ass, Min Yoongi,” you continued, giving him another push so that he stumbled slightly back into the living room of his apartment once again.
“You low life,” another push, closer to the couch, “weak minded,” you shoved him, he sidestepped the glass coffee table where your untouched coffee mugs still rested, probably cold by now, “son of a bitch, fucking baby, involved sorry excuse of a man-” He fell onto the cough. Your vision was red.
“You already used that insult.” Was all he said as you stood over him, your chest heaved with the exertion of trying to keep yourself from slapping the now blank expression from his face.
A slew of incomprehensible noises escaped from your lips as words completely left your brain. Damn him. Damn this idiot of a man that you were in love with. He could go to hell for all you cared and you hoped that the devil himself ripped his testicles off and served them on a platter with some kimchi and fried rice.
“Okay first of all- ow,” The asshole said, pulling you back to reality and not your fictitious rework where Yoongi was now sitting at the end of a long table being force fed his own balls, “And second…”
You held your breath. Fear ran down your spine. You hadn’t meant to say that out loud-
“You-you’re in love with me?”
Well… he got his wish, you were royally fucked. Instantly, you tried to back track. Your mind kept replaying in your head what you had said and tried to correct itself but you couldn’t think of anything that could possibly absolve you.
“Like a brother,” you said finally, your voice shaky and thin.
Yoongi only blinked up at you. What you said was bullshit and he knew it. You knew it too.
“You’re in love with me… like a brother?”
“Oppa,” you clarified as if that would somehow make more sense, and it did kind of, but it didn’t absolve you at all. In fact, this only made a smile tug at his lips, his pearly teeth suddenly on display, blinding. You fought the smile that threatened to pull at yours too. It was always hard because his smile was so contagious.
Yoongi stood. He was less than an inch away from your own body. You felt small, meek. You’d misstepped this big game of chess you seemed to be playing. He was going to make fun of you. He’d never let you live it down. You liked him.
“You like me,” as if he had read your mind, he echoed your thoughts, or maybe you had spoken that out loud as well.
“No I don’t,” you argued, taking a step back just so you could have some space to breathe.
“Oh yeah you do,” Yoongi argued, his smile so wide you were sure it would hurt the muscles in his cheeks
“No,” you said again, not really thinking anything you said at this point would convince him otherwise. The son of a bitch was stubborn.
“Admit it,” he said, closing the distance between you again, his neck craned down to look directly at your face.
“I don’t like you!” You tried to take another step back but the coffee table knocked your feet out from under you. You fell onto it knocking Yoongi’s mug of coffee over. The black decaf liquid seeped into your shorts.
Yoongi’s rusty laugh was pried from his throat as he watched your face contort. He was having the time of his life, it seemed. Good for him.
“Stop laughing at me,” you groaned, your cheeks red. You were practically sweating from how feverish you felt.
It was like you hadn’t spoken. Your shorts were wet and made you feel sticky. In a fit of anger, like a child throwing a tantrum, you unbuttoned the denim and ripped them from your legs. This shut Yoongi up instantly. With the soiled fabric, you cleaned up the liquid before it fell onto the light grey carpet.
Yoongi stilled as his eyes traveled up and down your long legs.The way you were twisting, he could see the back of your left thigh up to where it met your ass- your bare ass. You were wearing a thong.
God help him, he was rapidly getting hard. He forced his eyes away from you, his walls being pulled back up at seeing you naked. Well partially so. He pushed his hands into his oversized hoodie and made sure that it covered his front. The last thing he needed was for you to see.
But then you turned and pulled your legs together, your thighs squishing attractively. What he wouldn’t give to be choked by those thighs.
“Let me wash those for you,” he said tightly, pulling a hand from his hoodie to take the soiled shorts, the hem of the fabric pulled up enough for you to see exactly what he’d been trying to hide.
Yoongi had a hard on. You weren’t sure why exactly you were surprised. You were attractive, that much you knew, but you never really expected for your best friend to see you in that way. In fact, you were pretty sure that you’d been in your underwear in front of him before and he hadn’t even given you a second glance, but there was the evidence. And God was there a lot of evidence.
Slowly, you handed him the shorts. His hand grabbed them tightly, avoiding touching any part of your hand with his. Then, after a slight pause, he turned on his heels and walked towards the kitchen to put the shorts into the washer.
You’d called him oppa. You rarely called him oppa and it had hypersensitized him to the word coming from your lips. Other girls called him oppa sometimes and it had no effect on him but there he was, stiff as a board and it had something to do with you calling him oppa and your state of undress. Fuck. He was fucked. So fucked.
At least he wished he could be… But no. He pushed those thoughts from his head as he threw in some nice scented soaps into the wash and clicked it to life. He shut his eyes, trying to think of anything that would drain the blood from his member- halmeoni maybe?- but your voluptuous ass kept intruding, giving his halmeoni some nice curves that messed with her wrinkled face. He shook his head once more and decided he’d just have to hide his boner until it went away, or go beat one out in the restroom really quick.
He grabbed a pair of his clean sweat pants from the drying rack to give to you, just so you would be comfortable, he told himself, not because the thought of your naked butt in them made him unspeakably horny.
But when he got back to the living room, what he found was not you, covering yourself with a pillow like he’d expected, but you, only in your thong- fuck did it have to be a thong?- and your bra. Your shirt was nowhere to be seen.
“Fuck me,” he groaned, burring his head in his hands and turning away from you.
“I mean, if you ask nicely enough that can be arranged,” you answered rather boldly. There was no way for him to know that you were quaking in fear for his rejection.
Yoongi’s dick twitched in his sweats.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he said under his breath as his heart beat faster. He felt like he was having a whole heart attack. He patted his chest, hoping to calm it down knowing it was useless.
Should he go for it? You had just admitted accidentally that you did have feelings for him and you were clearly propositioning him. Should he just-
He turned around, back to face you, determination paining his expression. Still on the coffee table, your legs were spread open, only covered by the thin sliver of fabric that your thong allotted. You were a little cold, but all of that melted away when you saw the way that Yoongi’s eyes roamed your exposed body, then stopped abruptly to meet your own.
He was in front of you in seconds, his longer legs carried him farther and faster than you had anticipated. Then he was pulling you to stand. You wobbled on your legs but one of his arms found its way around your waist. His free hand came up and held your jaw with two fingers on either side of your face, squishing your lips together slightly. His hot, heavy member pressed against your stomach through his sweats. He was so close that you could smell the coffee on his breath and the fading smell of his cologne you loved so much. All you wanted was to grind against him but you were held too tightly.
“You never know when to shut up do you?” But he didn’t let you answer. He crashed his soft lips onto yours, his hold on your jaw ached but you didn’t care. There was a passion in his kiss that you hadn’t expected, subtly dwindling to something more like tenderness, and the kiss continued. His lips dragged against yours delicately, pinching your top one with both of his. Small breaths came out of his nose, whistling softly against your cheek. You timed your breaths with his, high on the feeling of finally being kissed, coveted by him. Was it real? Was this actually happening?
Your brain suddenly caught up with your body. The rightness that came with the way he was kissing you, like he couldn’t get enough of you, like he needed you to properly breathe, was like nothing you could have imagined.
The hand on your waist was drawing small circles where the elastic of your thong rested, his index finger casually hooked onto and under pulling lightly. You pressed yourself tighter than he had you against his erection. He groaned, his mouth opening and his tongue suddenly darting out to taste. He pulled your jaw open, granting himself entrance and exploring your mouth.
You moaned, a sound so sensuous and wanton that Yoongi felt that he could cum just from those sounds alone. He wanted more. He wanted you to sing his praises as he fucked into you and caressed your chest. He wanted you to drool around his cock and to have your sweet mouth wrapped tight around it. He wanted to feel you gag at his girth and he wanted to pull at your hair. But most of all, he wanted to kiss you, just like how he was at that moment. He wanted to kiss you until he’d taken your soul from your body and replaced it with his own. He wanted to kiss you until he could erase every trace of all of the men who’d hurt you and made you doubt that you were worthy and wanted. Yoongi wanted to kiss his love into you no matter how long he had to do it. If he was locked in a room with you for months, so be it.
But your hand had found its way between your bodies and was slowly coming down to his hips. Suddenly, he realized what he was doing and panicked. He hadn’t gotten your consent. He hadn’t asked you if it was okay for him to kiss you or to hook his fingers on your thong. As stupid as it sounded, even to Yoongi himself, he needed to make sure that you wanted this to happen, even as your hand had found the outline of his cock and you had started to trace the outline of it over the fabric-
“Tell me to stop,” he gasped, ripping himself away from you. The hand around your waist was now on your shoulder to keep you at enough distance so that his brain could function and wasn’t clouded by the horniness he was feeling.
“Wha…?” You slurred, your eyes were glazed over and your body was completely relaxed.
“Tell me to stop,” he repeated, fighting his every instinct to push your mouth open and have you suck on his thumb before he pushed you onto your knees to suck him off, “and I will.”
His eyelids were heavy and he was sweating slightly. He was so hard that it hurt and the circles you were drawing on his penis were not helping at keeping him at bay. He knew if he looked down, there would be a stain of precum on his sweats.
“I don’t want you to stop,” you whispered, leaning in and kissing his jaw before you nibbled and kissed down his taught neck.
“I want you to fuck me.” You licked a thick swipe up his jugular, “I want you.”
“Then admit it,” Yoongi heard himself say. He was just as surprised as you were to hear those words from his lips, “admit that you like me.”
You pulled away then, dropping both your arms in exasperation, “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m in my underwear, stroking your cock and you want me to stroke your ego too? Un-fucking-believeable. You’re a dumb ass.”
You rolled your eyes and flicked his forehead.
“Aya, apa~” he groaned, rubbing his head, the dynamic that you were used to suddenly restored.
“Yeah? Great! I’m glad that it hurt! I hope it hurts really bad you jerk. Then maybe you’ll understand what it was like for me to listen to you go on and on about all the girls you went out with every fucking week. In fact-”
“Aya! What the fuck? Stop flicking me,” he nearly screamed, clutching the tip of his nose.
“Make me.”
Big mistake. Yoongi didn’t take your dare lightly. His eyes darkened then he leaned down and picked you up. You squeaked, wrapping your legs around his waist as he walked you to his room. His hands cupped your butt fairly comfortably, like this was something you did often. He kicked the door open and threw you on the bed.
“You think I wasn’t hurt as well?” He asked, clasping a hand around your neck and lightly pressing his fingers against your skin.
“You think I like knowing that everywhere we go, men are watching you, coveting you the way I do? You think it isn’t torture when you go out and I don’t hear from you until the next day?”
He pushed you up against his pillow. The duvet was already all messed up under your body. He was between your legs, pressing himself into your core. Fuck, you wanted him. You wanted him all the way inside you. He wanted nothing more than to do the same but he had to make sure you knew first.
“You think it was easy being in love with you when you wanted nothing from me but friendship?”
Your eyes softened. Yoongi was in love with you too? When?
“Since we were kids,” he answered. Again you had spoken without meaning to. “I always knew it was you, Y/N. It was only ever you.”
But something wasn’t adding up. You fought your rising feelings of elation. You wanted to understand what he was saying. If he had liked you since you were kids then why had he never asked you out? Why become the serial dater he’d become? But he’d never had a girlfriend, you reminded yourself. He’d only ever “dated” and then dropped these women. You always assumed he was screwing them all.
Yoongi became sheepish then. “I uh… I did have sex with some of them but-” and the hurt in your eyes would be enough to kill him,” it was only at the start. I thought that if i had sex with other people I’d stop chasing after you. But it didn’t work… I haven’t slept with anyone since junior year of college.”
Your eyes widened. “College?”
He nodded, his pale cheeks blushing prettily.
“They just...were never you… and then I thought if I pushed you away that would help but that only made us estranged and-”
You pushed yourself up and shut him up with a kiss. He was over thinking and you could talk about all that later.
“You’re an idiot,” you started and he rolled his eyes, “but if you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to do it myself.”
Yoongi’s eyes rolled into his head and he thrust lightly into your wet center.
“Talk after?”
“As long as you want,” you agreed, already pushing at his sweats. Yoongi sat up and pulled his hoodie and shirt off in one fell swoop, then, at the speed of lightning, pulled off his sweats, leaving him in his boxers.
After a moment of hesitation, he pulled his boxers off as well and then he was naked before you. Your mouth went dry. He was big. You could tell just by looking at him that he would stretch you good and you wanted so badly for him to pin you down and have his way with you.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Really? Cause that would be really helpful on days when I’m home alone-”
You chuckled and lay down on your back, making sure that your legs were spread wide for him to have his fill. Like a moth to a flame, he was between your thighs, his tongue licking at the wet fabric.
He moaned against your covered lips, sucking up the arousal that clung to your underwear.
“Fuck, Yoongi yes,” you said without meaning to say much at all. You unclasped your bra and threw it somewhere in the room. You could look for it later. This caught his attention. He thrust his naked dick into the mattress, needing some sort of stimulation.
“Damn it… fuck, if I wasn’t so desperate to be inside you, I swear I could get you off with just my mouth all day, Y/N.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you waved off, gesturing for him to come up to your face, he did so without question, “Hurry up, I’m dying. Please.”
“Are you begging?” Yoongi’s lips curled lightly, teasingly,
“Do you want to get your dick wet or not?” He kissed the wrinkle between your eyebrows lightly.
“Yeah, can I take these off?” he hooked a finger on the elastic of your thong, pulling it a little higher than he probably should have. It was an old pair. You heard rather than saw the stitching on it pull apart and then the thing was hanging limply from Yoongi’s fingers, his expression shocked.
“What? I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“For fuck’s sake! That was my favorite thong!”
“Well, clearly it was cheap,” he countered, throwing it across the room somewhere too.
You groaned, shifting slightly under him. His dick nuzzled between your wet lips. His mouth dropped open and a pleasured grunt escaped his lips.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he rut against your wetness, hitting your clit lightly, far too lightly, “you are so wet. God, this should be illegal.”
“Y-Yoongi… more,” he reached down between you two and found your sensitive nub without much hassle. It was like he knew your body already. Your body twitched under him and he circled the bundle of nerves for a couple of seconds. The noises falling from your lips were heaven on earth and Yoongi realized you were his new favorite song.
He gave your clit one rough stroke, ripping a small gasp from your throat. He gathered some of your slick with two practiced fingers and brought it up to eye level. It caught the low light of his room from the window, the smell enough to threaten to send him over the edge.
“Jesus Christ that’s hot.” Then he smeared it all over his penis and gave himself two rough pumps.
“Can I-”
“You don’t even know what I’m asking-”
“Don’t care. Just do it. Yes.” You said angrily, pulling him closer and closer, his toned chest flush against yours.
“Have you been working out?” You asked, breaking the intense way he was staring into your eyes, his smile pulled wide over his gums.
He shrugged but clearly was glad that you’d noticed, “Namjoon and Jungkook convinced me to join them in the gym. It’s no big deal.”
“But your arms,” you complimented, squeezing his bicep. He flexed it lightly for you. You blushed when you realized exactly what you were doing.
“It’s just a little muscle,” he commented offhandedly.
The conversation lulled, he smiled down at you, and you up at him. He kissed the tip of your nose.
“So can I put it i-”
“I already said yes.”
“In your ass?”
“Ew no!”
Yoongi laughed loudly, “see this is why you can’t say yes to something without knowing what you’re agreeing to.”
“Shut up and put it in the right hole,” you groaned, then for good measure, “oppa.” It was a joke. You thought it was a joke, but something lit up in his pupils as two measly syllables rolled off your tongue and hit his eardrums. You felt his skin prickle under your touch and his member twitched against your folds.
Like a deer caught in headlights, you looked up at the handsome man. His eyes had narrowed as well as darkened. He looked absolutely ravenous and you wanted him to eat you up.
“Say that again.” He commanded as he pushed the head of his massive, and now that you could properly feel it, you knew that you had been right, cock at the entrance of your lower lips.
“O-oppa?” you questioned, astounded that the simple word that he’d no doubt heard his whole life had this effect on him.
“That’s right yeo-chin,” he growled, his voice gruff and harsh as he pushed lightly into you. His dick opened you painfully, perfectly.
“Yeo-chin?” You ask through the explosion of pleasure between your thighs.
“Is that okay?” He asked, suddenly looking really vulnerable and scared. You reached up, stroking his cheek lightly with your knuckles.
“Oh honey,” you trailed off, bumping his nose against yours before you pulled back abruptly, “If you want me to be your girlfriend, you have to ask me properly.”
Yoongi sighed, his smile telling you he expected as much and wasn’t hurt, “Talk after?” He asked again.
“As much as you want,” you reiterated.
And then he was pushing into you once again, surprising you because you could have sworn you had been full before but inch after inch, he pushed into your awaiting hole, filling all the emptiness you’d felt your whole life until his balls tapped your ass softly.
His face was contorted in pure ecstasy. At least from your perspective. Yoongi, in all truth, was trying his hardest not to blow his load into you already. He couldn’t believe his luck. He was inside you. He’d waited his whole life for this and he was finally inside you.
You wiped a bead of sweat from his temple and playfully licked his lips. He grunted against you, holding himself up by the forearms. Suddenly, he was really grateful that he had started to work out and that Jungkook had him doing three minute planks for fun. He’d have to thank him later, even if he did complain a whole lot.
“Can-can I move?” Yoongi gasped. Your walls fluttered around his member as if welcoming it home with soft caresses. You were so warm, maybe hot, he wasn’t sure, but you were tight and wet and all the good things in the world.
You only breathed, feeling so unbelievably full. It felt like he had pushed in all the way to your throat. You were no size queen, really, you weren’t, but if this is what they were going on about, you understood.
“Y/N,” he panted, his body begging him to move, “please.”
“Are-are you begging?” You giggled mirroring what he’d asked you before.
“Yes.” Without hesitation, he admitted, “Please… please…”
Well fuck. How could you say no? You nodded fervently, all mirth erased from your expression as he pulled out slowly, your juices squelched as your lower muscles tried to keep him in.
“Gah- ash-Y/N… you’re so tight.”
You only moaned in response, the head of his cock was still in you, stretching you to the point you didn’t think anyone could fully make you feel this way again.
“You’re so big,” you complimented scratching at his back. His muscles rippled under your touch.
He pushed back in, still torturously slow. It felt like you were being split in half. You felt like Olaf in the first frozen movie after he got stabbed by an icicle.
“Yoongi,” you gasped as he pulled out again at the same speed, his face screwed up in concentration.
“Oppa,” he growled into your ear, kissing roughly at your skin.
“Oppa,” you agreed, though it wasn’t your favorite word, he seemed to be getting of fairly
well so you let it slide, “move faster.”
“You sure?” He asked.
You nodded, knowing it was probably going to hurt but you wanted to feel him and you wanted him to cum.
He didn’t need to be told again; he drew back, once again leaving only the mushroom tip inside you once again, and then he thrust. Hard. You nearly choked as he pumped himself over and over again hitting the nerves in your vagina. The slap of skin against yours was loud in the empty room, only accompanied by your moans and his pants and grunts. Your names mixed in every once in a while, your lips kissing any and all the skin that you could possibly reach. He licked at your lips and sucked bruises onto your neck, your chest. He wanted to mark all of you. He wanted to make sure you knew who you belonged to… as soon as he asked you right after he finished up.
This idea itself spurred him on, to thrust faster, deeper. He wanted to finish and make sure that you finished too, not quickly but soon. He wanted to talk. He wanted to make sure that you were in the same place.
So he reached between you both again, his fingers blindly found your clitoris and began to rub abstract shapes into it. Your back arched off the bed, your hair and boobs bounced with each thrust, his balls slapping against your ass. You were seeing white, your mouth wide open in a silent ‘o’. You were so close. So so close.
“Come, Yeo-chin,” he whispered against your temple, and though you weren’t technically his, the title sent you over the edge along with his fingers and the deep thrusts that hit your cervix.
“Oppa,” you groaned, your face screwed up.
That did it for Yoongi. His fingers on your clit stuttered along with his hips. His thrusts became erratic and he hit the sides of your walls. You squeezed around him as he over stimulated you through your orgasm.
“One more time… say it one more time,” he begged.
You complied, whispering it into his ear, it was cut slightly by a particularly pleasurable thrust. Yoongi felt pure euphoria fill his blood as his hips paused, then buried deep into your hole. Ropes of hot cum shot into you, filling you.
Yoongi panted heavily over you, his head resting on your shoulder as he struggled to keep himself up. You were breathing heavily as well, your nipples brushed against his chest. You were sensitive. You hissed.
“You can lay down,” the words had barely left your lips before he had let his weight settle on top of you. A smile crossed your face as his hands tangled in your hair and stroked it lightly. You wrapped him up in a hug, wanting him to stay like this for a while. It was nice to feel him so close.
After a couple of minutes of both of you just recovering and your breathing getting much harder, like a wrestler, you tapped Yoongi twice.
“I’m out,” you joked, “can’t breathe.”
With what looked like a lot of effort, he pushed himself up and off you, pulling out of your suddenly. The cum inside of your vagina gushed out.
You made a face as you felt it drip onto his sheets. Yoongi watched it ooze out of you, not really caring where it was going. He looked mesmerized. He reached out as if to swipe at the cum on your lower lips but you grabbed his wrist before he could.
“We talk now,” you sighed, a bit calmer than before but still a bit worried.
“Now?” He looked so vulnerable again, like he was a scared child. He lay on his side, resting his head on his elbow. He looked down at you, waiting for you to take the reins, the way you always did but this time, you didn’t know where to begin.
Yoongi cleared his throat looking around uncomfortably. When you said nothing, his mind had started to race.
“So… do you… want to be my girlfriend, or are we friends with benefits level right now? Ow!”
You’d smacked his shoulder, not hard at all but he was dramatic and you knew that. He frowned at you, his lips tempting you into another kiss that could lead to something more once again. You were already feeling a little turned on again just looking at the results of his recent gym trips.
“So no to yeo-chin then?”
“Don’t you mean Oppa?”
You smiled up at him, a teasing glint in your gaze, “I didn’t know you had an oppa kink. This whole time, I was right to refuse to call you oppa. I knew you looked way too happy whenever I called you that!”
Yoongi scrunched his nose and looked away, “I don’t! It’s just… when you say it.” He admitted waving a hand as if to bat away your inquisitive and teasing stare.
Not really knowing how to answer that, you chose instead to answer his previous question.
“Nam-chin,” you ran a finger down the center of his pecks, tracing all the light visible muscles that made you want to get off on just riding his chest. Yoongi tensed under your touch. He seemed frozen.
“Did you just call me nam-chin?” You, for once, were not embarrassed. You smiled brightly, happy that the title finally had a head to sit on.
“Is that okay?”
Yoongi pulled you close, his arms wrapped tightly around you, his heart beat erratically in his chest, singing to yours. To its credit, your heart synced and harmonized almost instantly. He smelled like pure sex and fresh water. He buried your face into his bare skin, listening to his song. After all these years, after all the tiptoeing and fear, you were finally where you belonged.
“Of course it is,” he paused, kissing the top of your head a couple of times, “yeo-chin.” This time, the word made a shiver roll down your spine. Arousal began to pool between your sticky thighs once more and if the third leg on your stomach was anything to go by, he was as well.
“Can- can we take a shower?” you asked him, biting your lips and pushing your chest against his suggestively.
He smirked, his mouth watered at the thought of taking you in the shower. He could almost hear your moans echoing in his wet room as he sat you down and ate you out until the water ran cold. Easy clean up even.
“Yes.” he breathed, connecting his lips to yours. You kissed for a while, your lips meshing together lovingly. Yoongi was a good kisser, you realized. He was a good lay as well. And he was cute to boot. Suddenly, he pulled away and picked you up bridal style and walked you to his restroom. He once again kicked the door open to avoid using his hands and walked you through, but this time instead of throwing you down, he set you on the toilet, him on his knees between your pushed open legs.
“I hope you don’t have any plans,” he said, kissing up your thighs and pulling you close to the edge, “because I have all the time in the world and I’m really, really thirsty.”
He ran two fingers over your abused center, collecting his cum and your new arousal. Sure, there were still a lot of things to talk about between you two. Yoongi still wasn’t sure if you fully understood the depth of his feelings nor was he sure if you simply liked him and the slip of the L-word was nothing more than that. A slip. But like he’d said, he had all the time in the world to ask and all the time to make sure he earned you and your trust. He would do anything he could to prove it and some day he would be.
But for now, he was royally fucked by the sinful sounds that escaped your pretty lips and he wanted nothing more than to just enjoy.
Masterlist -in case you want to read more....
I hope yall enjoyed it and that this is a good come back after our roast session from permission to dance:)
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theskylarkin · 2 years
KH OC Week Bonus - Trinity
While I scramble to finish my Day 7 entry, here are some of the changes that Brandr, Sophia, and Virdandi (aka the Fractured Trio) have undergone during the five-year time skip:
Update: All character art and bios moved to DW
Author's Notes
The original concept of these three characters was them as a sort of dark mirror version of the Wayfinder Trio. Brandr with his fire theme is meant to be a foil to Aqua not only in terms of their elements but their personalities, priorities, and their actions when this worldline’s version of BBS happens. Although complete opposites in appearance and personality, Virdandi is Terra’s foil through their struggles with darkness and later against their respective mentor figures. That leaves Sophia as Ventus’ foil as they’re both outsiders and latecomers to their respective trios, despite Sophia being the closest thing to a normal person in this setting in contrast to Ven’s long and important role.
Ferrum was only supposed to be the traumatic catalyst in everyone’s backstory, so it was nice to get to develop him as an actual character over the course of this event before I stuff him into the fridge.
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tbyfandoms · 4 years
Love Story | Dream x Reader
Tumblr media
Pairing: cc!dream x gn!reader
Word Count: 2k
Summary: when taylor swift drops her rerecorded song ‘love story’, y/n and dream are excited and decide to stay up for the release. y/n thinks it’s just an ordinary night full of one of their favorite songs, yet dream has other plans in store for them
Warnings: none
Masterlist | Ask/Tell/Request
A/N: hi everyone! i just wanted to start off and say thank you so much for all the notes on my first dream x reader! I had never posted any fanfic related stuff on here before so it was so nice to see that people enjoyed it! If you’d like to read that one you can find it here. (I’m going to work on a master list soon dw!) I hope you enjoy this post as well, ever since taylor dropped the rerecording and i saw dream listened to it during release i couldn’t get this scenario out of my head, it’s so cheesy and maybe not the best but i love it. anyways, happy valentine’s day, enjoy, and let me know what you think! :)
Excitement coursed through your veins as you looked at the time and realized there was only about fifteen minutes left until midnight. Only fifteen minutes until Taylor Swift released her re-recorded version of her iconic song ‘Love Story’. 
Ever since you were young that song has held such a special place in your heart. You used to sing and dance along with it all the time, and still do to this day. The fact you would get to hear present Taylor sing this song from so many years ago was insane. You could already feel your emotions running wild at the thought of this re-record and all the ones to follow.
Dream had understood your love for Taylor and her music, he too was a fan and he was so excited to spend this special moment with you. Things had been super crazy lately and any moment he got to spend with you was important to him. 
You sway from side to side in Dream’s desk chair as you wait for him to come into his office. You wanted to listen to the song in here because Dream’s computer has good audio and you guys want to get the best experience when you listen to the song. Dream said he had to go get something before the release but he had been gone for a while now. You figured he had just stopped to talk to Sapnap before coming into his office.
The door cracks open and you turn around to see your boyfriend poke his head in, smiling.
“Hi, baby,” He says as he makes his way in. “How much longer until the song drops?” 
Dreams walks towards you and you smile as you stand up, meeting him halfway and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“About ten minutes now! I’m so excited,” You say as Dream pulls you closer to him, nuzzling his head into the side of your neck. 
“Me too, I can’t wait to live through this historical moment with you,” Dream lets out a small laugh and you roll your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever” you reply as you let out a small giggle in return. “Should we ask Sapnap if he wants to join us during this historical moment?”
Dream pulls away from you and you notice a small flicker of some emotion cross his face, unsure of what exactly it was.
“Oh-uh, no it’s fine. Sapnap doesn’t really listen to Taylor that much. I’m sure he doesn’t even know she’s coming out with something tonight.”
“Oh, okay,” you say, a little confused. You know Sap doesn’t listen to Taylor like you do, but you were positive he didn’t dislike her. He’d sing along sometimes when you guys would hang out and listen to music together. Besides, Sapnap always loved to mess around with you and Dream, you guys were two of his best friends, so the fact Dream didn’t even want to ask him was a little weird but so be it.
“Besides, he’s probably listening to Roadtrip on repeat again,” Dream says while shaking his head and smiling. You laugh and nod your head.
“You’re probably right.” You sit down in the chair again and open up the Spotify application, wanting to check your assumption and get ready for when the song comes out. You look over to the right side of the screen for your friends activity and let out a big laugh as you see Sapnap is in fact listening to Dream’s song.
“Sapnap the biggest Dream stan, confirmed!” You exclaim, watching Dream as he looks and notices Sapnap’s song choice. He lets out a big wheeze and you can’t help but smile at the sound. You would seriously never get tired of that tea kettle laugh.
You and Dream had been dating for around four years now and they had been some of the best years of your life. Of course there had been ups and downs but at the end of every day you were both always there for each other. Dream had shown you a love no other guy had before and you were so grateful to have him, just like he’s grateful to have you.
“Hey, look! There’s only two minutes left until midnight,” Dream points out. You look at the time on the monitor and notice he’s right. You quickly search up Taylor’s name in the search bar and click on her Spotify profile, the song would be dropping any minute now.
Dream reaches over and adjusts the volume, making sure to turn it up loud enough for you guys to feel fully immersed in the music, but also not loud enough to receive a noise complaint from the neighbors.
The screen lights up on your phone and you grab it, letting out an excited shriek as you see it’s a notification from Taylor’s twitter. The song was officially out!
The Spotify screen refreshes and the single pops up in front of you and Dream. “You ready?” Dream asks while looking over at you. You nod your head eagerly and he smiles before reaching out and grabing the mouse, clicking on the song, and pressing play.
The familiar opening chords start playing through the speakers and you swear you can feel something inside of you light up.
“Shall we, my love?” Dream asks as he reaches out his hand towards you while slightly bowing. You giggle and instantly accept his hand.
“we were both young when I first saw you”
Dream holds you close and sways you both from side to side. You press your cheek into his chest, smiling at the warmth and familiar scent of his cologne.
You can feel the vibrations through Dream’s chest as he starts to hum along with the song. He pulls back and spins you around under his arm. The beat of the song begins to pick up pace and you start to sing along, fully feeling yourself getting into the music.
“I’ll be waiting all there’s left to do is run”
You bop your head from left to right, laughing as Dream constantly pulls you in and out.
“You’ll be the prince,” you sing as you point at Dream with the hand that isn’t holding onto his. “and I’ll be the princess.”
Your stomach flutters with butterflies as you take in everything that’s happening. The sound of Dream’s sweet light singing filling your ears and the smile that is unable to leave your face because of it. The music feels as if it’s pulsing through you and you can’t imagine wanting to be anywhere else but here right now.
The two of you were practically yelling the lyrics now, not caring at all what you looked like as you jumped around and danced with each other. Both laughing at the state you guys were in. You wouldn’t doubt it if Sapnap could hear the both of you going nuts over a thirteen year old Taylor Swift song, but oh well.
The song slows down again, right before the big ending and once again Dream pulls you a little closer to him. You stare up at him and practically melt as you look into his big green eyes. You honestly could get lost in them for hours.
You reach up and push a piece of Dream’s wavy hair away from his face, tucking it behind his ear. You let your hand linger on his cheek for a moment, feeling him relax into it. He turns his head and places a soft kiss on your palm before reaching up and grabbing that same hand.
Dream steps back and begins to lift your hand up in the air, allowing you to spin circles underneath his arm as the final chorus plays in the background.
“I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress.”
You feel Dream let go of your hand but you continue to spin around, laughing as you imagine yourself in the music video, dancing around a big ballroom, wearing a gorgeous outfit that you could only dream of.
“cause we were both young when I first saw...”
You take a final spin, tilting your head back and laughing as the song comes to a close. You stand still facing Dream as Taylor sings out the final word of the song, “you.”
What you didn’t expect to find was your boyfriend kneeling on the floor, hand out with a black velvet box placed in it.
Although the room was still settling from your spinning around, there was no chance to mistake the sight in front of you. A gasp left your lips as your hands flew to cover your mouth in surprise.
“Clay?” You whisper, feeling your eyes start to tear up.
“Y/N, I don’t even know where to begin if i’m honest with you,” Dream starts off, letting out a small laugh. “These past four years with you have been the best years of my life. You have loved me and have been there for me through everything and I truly cannot imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else by my side. You are the love of my life and I am so grateful to be able to call you mine. I could talk about everything I adore about you for hours, from your smile, your laugh, your passions, your intelligence, to the way you love so fiercely. You are my favorite person in the entire world, and I love you so much,” Dream opens up the box and reveals a gorgeous engagement ring. “It’s a love story, baby, just say yes.”
Both you and Dream laugh at his reference and you can’t help the tears that start to fall down your face. The man in front of you was the epitome of love. There was no one else you could picture yourself growing old with. Clay was everything you could hope for in a man and the fact he did this and incorporated a song that means so much to you in his proposal made you melt.
“Yes, Clay! Yes I will marry you!” You rush forward and envelop Dream into a big hug. He wraps his arms around you and lifts you up, spinning you both around. “I love you so much, oh my god.”
“I love you too, Y/N, I love you so much,” Clay pulls back and takes the ring out of the box. You hold out your hand and he places the ring on your ring finger. “Thank you for saying yes,” he smiles.
You let out a laugh and wrap your arms around Dream’s neck.
“Thank you for picking me,” You whisper as you lean up and capture Dream’s lips in a passionate kiss. The absolute love you felt was indescribable. You could not believe this was actually happening to you.
“Wait,” You say after you and Dream pulled apart. “Is this why you didn’t want to ask Sapnap to come listen to the song with us?” Dream laughs and nods his head in response.
“Yeah, I mean he knows I was doing this tonight, but obviously I wasn’t gonna have him in here when I proposed. Could you imagine how much he’d be third wheeling right now?” Dream wheezes and you can’t help but join in. This man was truly something else.
“Yeah I guess you’re right,” You reply. “We’re still making him listen to the song though.”
Dream smiles and nods his head.
“Definitely, but for now.” he says moving towards the computer, “let’s listen together again.”
“I’d like that very much,” You smile and tilt your head up, nudging your nose against Dream’s.
The song starts to play again and Dream takes your hands, wrapping them around his neck before placing his on your waist.
The both of you sway along to the music, feeling nothing but happiness at the thought of your future together.
You started the night off listening to one of your favorite songs, and ended it by getting engaged to your Romeo. It truly was a Love Story.
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