#impractical jokers self insert fanfic
topperscumslut · 1 year
are u ever gonna post the impractical jokers 90s au
ok ok so i was kinda hesitant to post it just bcuz it’s very… not well written lol. and i wasn’t really sure if anyone would actually want to read it but it seems like there actually is a demand for it so here y’all go ig 🤷🏻‍♀️
so i wrote this when i was 14 when one of my irl best friends introduced me to her online best friend who was also obsessed with impractical jokers and we decided to start a fan account on instagram and write a self insert fic together ab us going to HS in the 90s and meeting the jokers (even tho i ended up doing all of the writing which i was actually kinda happy about lmao). so you can very much tell that a 14 yr old wrote it and a lot of the plot doesn’t make sense lmaooo but im just gonna post it as it is and not try to edit it to make it sound better or anything. for now im just gonna post it chapter by chapter which is something i haven’t done before cuz i usually only write one shots nowadays so yea just lmk if y’all wanna be added to a taglist!!! but yea anyway here y’all go.
masterlist for this fic
chapter 1 word count: 475
The year is 1994. Two best friends are going back to high school after winter break, one of which newly single and sure no one could replace her so-called “Mr. Right” - until the pair meets four boys from Staten Island who just might change their worlds forever. Prepare for something amazing.
Chapter 1 - Stupid Boy
Sarah and Kendall hadn’t seen each other for weeks due to a fun, yet long, Christmas break. Both had been super busy and weren’t able to see each other or any of their other friends since school got out. The two girls hugged and greeted each other at their lockers, before greeting their friend Jasmyn the exact same way.
The three friends stood at Kendall’s locker as she put away her coat and her water bottle, the group of them talking and laughing about everything that they’d done over break.
“Guess what guys?” Jasmyn said, “I have a new crush!”
“That’s great,” Kendall sighed, forcing a smile.
“Oh no, Jasmyn, really?” Sarah said, “K, are you alright?”
“Uh, yeah. I think so. I mean Andy’s a great guy. He never meant to hurt me, so I shouldn’t let it get to me anyway. I mean, isn’t that what we both want?”
“Yeah, true. But we’re here for you.”
Kendall smiled and opened her mouth to thank the girls before hearing an eerily familiar laugh behind her. It was Andy, her ex.
The ex-lovers made eye contact for not even half a second before Kendall looked away, tears in her eyes.
“I, um,” she sniffled, “oh, I really have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” She ran off to the girl’s bathroom at the end of the hall, and didn’t even have time to lock herself in a stall before bursting out into tears like Niagara Falls. How did Andy have this effect on her?
She wiped up her tears with a scratchy paper towel, wishing she had tissues in her backpack. And wishing she had never met that stupid boy that broke up with her over the phone.
“Thank God for waterproof mascara, am I right?’
“Hey, hey, guys, did you hear that?”
Shit! She thought, Someone heard me.
She peeked outside to see a group of four boys, the voice had belonged to the ferret-like one, sandwiched between one with long, dark hair and thick eyebrows - Sarah’s type - and a handsome one with striking green eyes that she could both see and feel the empathy in.
Oh no no no, please don’t see me! Calm down, Kendall. It’s not like they could come in anyways.
“I think it was just your imagination, Murray,” the final boy said.
Thank God, Kendall thought as Sarah burst through the bathroom door, wrapping an arm around her, the four boys now lost from her mind - for the time being.
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kindsummer · 13 days
WIP Game
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(my google docs are hyperoragnized so i'm going by folder. if it seems like there's a theme/sections that's bc there is)
bastogne romp
harry & bubbles bestieism fic (for @cup-noodle that is coming out this month or so help me @ me)
corpse bride
nun priest
the crow
9-1-1 au
natm andyeddie
sledge / chemical warfare
3am visits
anteros & hermaphroditus
polar express
roe murder mystery
still on patrol
webgott ancient spirit possession
90s demigod au
far over the misty mountains
finding home
fnaf self insert
gotg au
palaye / hogwarts
haunted mansion
spidermanz fanfic (but in all caps for some god forsaken reason)
we are really doing this (victorian au)
we put the ass in assassins
adante, adante
chaos reigns baybee
that time the gang robbed the swiss bank
airborne au
matt/evie's no good very bad au
tfa crossover au
warsaw uprising au
bucksquared 3 drabbles
mattrosie drabbles
noah kahan lyric prompts (49)
bucksquared wedding sidequest
gala @ the whitehouse
post war in nuremburg
the gang meets joyce liebling-meir
tolkien side adventure chapter
impractical jokers au
noah kahan diversion
p&p au
shadowhunters au
winx au
1945 reincarnation one-shot death-o-rama
1960s bikerider au -- reincarnation
1975 summer slasher -- reincarnation au
2020 political thriller au
bg3 self insert
devotion v 2.0
may the odds be ever in your favor
overlord bitchez
tank tank brr brr
hbo war plot ideas bitchhhhhhhhh
drabbles (incomplete)
(INC) 2005 action adventure --reincarnation au
(INC) 1990 actor au -- reincarnation
(INC) eviebenny 3 drabbles
(INC) rowing au
(inc) are ones i haven't finished plotting out :P i bolded my most favorite unhinged names.
thanks for the tag @thoughpoppiesblow you have unwittingly unleashed the longest post tumblr has ever seen. sorry @ everyone on the dash may you rest in pieces. im tagging @canofpeaches, @coldarena, @cup-noodle, @fallsirens, @noneedtoamputate !! bc those are the only other people i follow. no pressure y'all im just nosy as shit.
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drblovewrite · 7 years
A Winding Ramble About Damain R. B. K. by Yours Truly ✌
I can remember being younger and telling my family I loved them. Looking back, I believe that I did not feel love for them and that was due to a fear of a lack of my family and all they could provide and their familiarity as well as an acute sense of how they would supposedly feel awful and be hurt if I did not express that sentiment.
It is only now that I know without a doubt that I love them, with a great fondness and regard for their state of being and a wish for them to view me well and believe that they are loved.
A lot of the time I felt disconnected, like there was a distance between my family and I. I wanted to be protected. I said I loved my mom and dad, but at that age what I really would miss was my mom’s cooking and my dad’s financial support. That’s a pretty cold view, but what I had.
What curbed my actions at times was the idea that if I said something, I feared that they would analyse my words and find a meaning that implied a lack of regard- no care or consideration, or hatred. I did not like feeling that way, and so I would apologise if I felt that my words could chase those feelings. I used my feelings and way of thinking as the standard and reference point. That is perhaps why I doubted so much that persons meant what they said. I know I did not mean what I said, subconsciously, and so I attributed that to others.
Looking back, I recognise that I was filled less with genuine care for others.
Now I genuinely care for few, and wish to engender care from others or good regard so I can get them to feel what I want them to feel towards me and put them in a place where they are more likely to do what I want them to do and give me less resistance when I want something done.
I’m very friendly with few friends. However, I also now find that making others happy or less discontent makes me happy. I have found that my name precedes me and my actions pave the way to easier interactions and an easier time overall.
I don’t generally ask for favours, because I prefer to get what I want myself and be responsible for the greatest quality that can be assured. To ask, to me, is ceding power and acknowledging my inability to perform a task. Making the frequency that I ask for favours seldom, I am able to project the idea that I am competent, but am open to aid at times, but not to the point that I am viewed as incompetent or taking advantage of those who would aid me.
I experience more emotions from reading than in daily life. Hence why I read constantly and hundreds of thousands of words are read by me daily. I want to moved to tears. I want to jump for joy. I want to be conflicted and brought to rage and made to feel hurt. I want too feel more than muted emotions and rare bursts of high levels of emotions.
Music is a source of emotions for me as well, which is how I am also able to feel a specific emotion. It frustrates me that I can’t hold onto them and keep them solid to be accessed at all times. When a song is no longer able to move me is when I get annoyed with it and avoid it. It usually comes back.
I have one friend on here who cause me to feel genuine fondness and love and another on my dorm whose a year below me but 4 years older than me who feels like a younger sibling who I count on.
I kinda am disappointed that I am willing to send persons who I have regard for into situations I view as potentially harmful, but…
I am not brave…and I can’t get over the fear that prevents me from leaving the fucking *campus*…so I’m willing to let others do it for me.
A lot of the time I don’t mean what I say, but only because I want to.
I am manipulative, and that is true, so I won’t say I’m not. It’s just who I am and who my parents raised. I will say vague stuff or specific random stuff. But I avoid divulging deep stuff about myself, and I avoid saying anything that is truly potentially harmful in arguments, so that when the tale eventually flies away, I don’t appear in a truly negative and authority figures will have no reason to doubt my character. I will insinuate things, but that is mostly in reference to an individual’s ability to truly understand what I’m putting down and through twisting the other persons words to make them a appear in a negative light. I listen when people talk to me. And the North remembers. So I know what makes makes a person tick and what they have to say about others. If a relationship goes sour, I may pepper my conversations sparsely with vague mentions and inferences and ‘worries’ that this person with whom I’ve shared so much or spent so much time with had turned on me. This usually is resolved through strict avoidance and icy politeness that quickly warms until the relationship is just as it was before. Though I don’t forget.
That’s a positive for me though, my ability to scream at someone one week and then go to talking about our fucking dogs and what we like the next.
The same cannot be said for others however. I have realised that my intervention has caused some relationships to go sour for like, ever, and some to never come about.
I generally expect others to be like me though, so I’m not surprised when others try to do the same to me without actually succeeding.
I can greatly dislike a person and everything they stand for and not express a lik of it to them. Though for those who I don’t care to have in my corner, I am more free with my words. Like my fucking roommate who is a passive aggressive shit who mooches off me like nobodies business and makes efforts to appear benevolent in certain respect that are transparent and who is unable to even properly appear as such due to outbursts that make them obvious. They claim to be the most selfless person ever, when people know that they sabotage them self to ensure they get what they need and can still say that they are the “most giving person in the world. No one gives as much as me”. But…they purposefully waste others time by arriving hours later than promised and they also ensure that others *have* to help them. At first I thought “doormat?” and wanted to help… but really, they shoot them self in the foot.
I know I mislead others and shit, but I give them my best if only because that’s what I’d want.
Movin’ ON.
I weigh like 136 lbs. 5'4" and hoping for at least one more, And my fam and almost every one I know says I’m faaaaaat.
18 years old, going 19 in December.
Single. Never dated, never kissed, never had sex.
Am unable to take of myself in daily life and perform the necessary actions that make humans 'presentable’. (That means unless outwardly prompted, I’m more likely to just…not.) Makes me feel like a piece of shit a lot, but its all good 😆
I avoid reading or watching the same thing more than once. If I read it once, I’m unlikely to revisit unless I forget that I read it and then just power through with determination.
What do I watch? Impractical Jokers and Family Feud and Random Movies. On that note, the representation of religion and LGBTQPIA+ topics often is a miss for me, and so I’m the type to just kind of cover my eyes for fear of what I see. Also, my family regularly watches the shit I watch, so I can’t really watch stuff that is of good fibre without being in a rigid state of severe discomfort and mild fear.
What do I read? Fanfic and original fiction. Sci fi is a hard no go, and supernatural is a hit or miss.
Fanfic preferences? Time travel, fix-it, self insert, reincarnation, mpreg, coming out, outing, dysphoria, fake relationships, social media focus, sports RPF, and the *dark tags* on Ao3. A lot of it is because of morbid curiosity and an irresistible urge to see what can go wrong go horribly wrong- or right as the story would have it. My *issues* are always on my mind, so they appear in my preferred reading. Yes, that is a thing. That I do.
What else? How long can I make this?
I have shit eyes and teeth and skin. My fashion sense is to wear what fits and still is functional. I severely dislike shopping.
I like spicy food! I live in the Caribbean! I…go to a religion based school, as I’ve done my whole life! I study science! I have two bros. I speak English, but my country has a dialect that I am very capable in. I won a silver medal for performance arts once.
I have dark brown kinky hair that I perm and that is now just wavy and loosely curly and sentient at this point. My eyes are very dark brown. I’m of Irish and Scottish descent on my mom’s side and just something something Indian and some African on both sides with a great dash of one of the old local groups from my paternal grandma. My voice is kinda low, but of a scratchy register?(is that a thing) with a kinda smooth and yet stuffy undertone. It resonates and has the capacity to drown out everyone else in the room. I generally speak in a cutesy- yes I really mean it- voice when on the phone with my mom. I almost always have an electronic with me. I follow rules to the tee, so I’m rather rigid in that respect.
I wanna be a psychiatrist…but what I want to do is just raise children. I want kids baaaad. Like, if you are pregnant, I’d take your kid and raise it and expect like, nothing from you, except I’m a college kid dependent on my parents…so.
I have so much more to say, but don’t have the drive to write more and make this long ass post any longer.
If you actually read this tell me something about you! I mean, you know so much of my shit already! 😳
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topperscumslut · 1 year
would y’all be interested in reading the self insert 90s high school au impractical jokers fanfic i wrote when i was 14 with a girl i was friends with online for like a month? just curious lmao
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