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L'improviste, il y a ceux que l'on croise, que l'on connait à peine, qui vous disent un mot, une phrase, vous accordent une minute, une demi-heure et changent le cours de votre vie. Victor HUGO
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singasongforyou · 10 months
Wolfgang von Boyen is a mystic, musician and singer, who knows and has made every kind of music from jazz, pop to classical. There is something otherworldly about its own sounds which can only be understood with the heart, for the mind fails at music or the cosmic harmony
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philseatins · 2 years
(Phil Seatins)
Theme of the day,
An instrumental progressive rock track, experimental, alternative
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luveternals · 7 months
paring: 2. simon 'ghost' riley x top male reader warning: 16+, MDNI cw: swearing, mentioned insomnia, mention of night terrors, drinking (you share a bottle with him), really it's all just implied but the story itself has nothing heavy in it, spoilers you get your head shoved into a bucket full of water by your team mates bc they love you lol a/n: way shorter than what I usually write, EDIT: guess who wrote angst double the length of this after just posting this story? yeah, def not me. you're right. ~ ~ ~ You don’t want to make it a bigger problem than you it is, but your team has been fussing all over you for the past three days.
You suppose drastic measures are to be brought into action then.
Night terrors are normal in this field of work, and you know they are simply trying to take care of one of theirs. It’s been a week since you’ve had a good night’s sleep, and it shows on the large dark circles betraying your exhaustion for all the world to see.
The base is dark and still, the quiet only broken by occasional soldiers losing their fight against insomnia. You creep through the shadows, bagpack slung over your shoulder, and watch the corridos for any unwanted witness.
The door is locked. It only slows you for a few seconds. Inside the darkness is softened by the moon rays casting into the room from the window and illuminating the shape hidden under the sheets. The figure is still, too tense for someone asleep. You reach forward anyway and brush your fingers against it, not surprised to find the moonlight reflecting on the sharp blade now inches away from your face.
You stare at the skull mask glaring at you with a raised eyebrow and your head tilted. “Come on, then,” you say after a moment when he doesn’t move, then swat the hand holding the weapon to the side and leave the room before he can so much as frown.
The sky is clear and twinkling with stars, and you don’t question your luck when you find the rooftop free of any of your exhausted peers. You woulnd’t be surprised to find them raiding the fridge though. Or the secret cabinet behind it.
You’re laying on your back, bagpack as a pillow and stolen sheets from your room as improvisted picnic towel, when he finds you. You smirk at him when he moves to loom over you, hiding the moon from your sight. “You were taking too long,” you say, shaking the open bottle in your hand his way before taking a swig.
They find you snuggled together the next morning, with him curled onto his side and you drapped over him with your head shoved into the back of his neck.
You wake with a jolt when someone smacks you on the head and feel Simon roll away with a groan at the sound of laughter.
“That is not,” someone says out of breath and slaps the giggle person next to them, “’get better sleep’ is not the same as ‘go shag the lieutenant’.”
You scramble to your feet when you sleep muddled brain register two of your mates dragging along a a sloshing bucket of water. “Oh, piss off!” you say with a hiss when you find yourself cornered and notice no one had dared to look at the untouchable Ghost the wrong way. “You’re such a traitor,” you tell him when he doen’t do anything other than stretch his neck at your situation, “I will not share my next bottle with you.”
“I can live with that,” he says, and you know he’s smirking under that sodding mask, “cravin' tea right now anyway.” And the bastard, actually, leaves before your own team jumps you and shove your head into the bucket.
~ ~ ~ reblog, comment and/or follow if you like what I write. please and thank you. without feedback I don't have a reason for keeping this blog alive, since I created it so I can practice my writing.
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phdmama · 1 year
10 Song Shuffle Game!!
Okay so the amazing @wolfpants @skeptiquewrites and @kittycargo (why can’t I tag yooooouuuuu??) all tagged me in this! So thanks pals!!!
These are all coming from my liked songs (n=836) on Spotify:
1. Up (Olly Murs feat Demi Lovato) 2. Some Kind of Disaster (All Time Low) 3. A Million Dreams (The Greatest Showman Soundtrack) 4. A Case of You (Joni Mitchell) 5. Pacific (Sleeping at Last) 6. The Great Escape (Boys Like Girls, also this is wtf? Insert *I have no memory of this place* gif) 7. Sign of the Times (Harry Styles) 8. Seoul Improvistion - Bonus: Live (David Lanz) 9. Easier Than Sorry (the Story) 10. Egmont Overture (Beethoven)
I am doing the general tag of PLEASE DO THIS AND TAG ME, for reals. 
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polygond-timeland · 2 years
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mans beautiful so i will take every excuse i need to draw him. anyway, alain improviste
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christophe76460 · 1 month
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Jérémie, 6:24 - Au bruit de leur approche, Nos mains s`affaiblissent, L`angoisse nous saisit, Comme la douleur d`une femme qui accouche.
Jérémie, 6:25 - Ne sortez pas dans les champs, N`allez pas sur les chemins; Car là est le glaive de l`ennemi, Et l`épouvante règne à l`entour!
Jérémie, 6:26 - Fille de mon peuple, couvre-toi d`un sac et roule-toi dans la cendre, Prends le deuil comme pour un fils unique, Verse des larmes, des larmes amères! Car le dévastateur vient sur nous à l`improviste.
Jérémie, 6:27 - Je t`avais établi en observation parmi mon peuple, Comme une forteresse, Pour que tu connusses et sondasses leur voie.
Jérémie, 6:28 - Ils sont tous des rebelles, des calomniateurs, De l`airain et du fer; Ils sont tous corrompus.
Jérémie, 6:29 - Le soufflet est brûlant, Le plomb est consumé par le feu; C`est en vain qu`on épure, Les scories ne se détachent pas.
Jérémie, 6:30 - On les appelle de l`argent méprisable, Car l`Éternel les a rejetés.
Jérémie, 7:1 - La parole qui fut adressée à Jérémie de la part de l`Éternel, en ces mots:
Jérémie, 7:2 - Place-toi à la porte de la maison de l`Éternel, Et là publie cette parole, Et dis: Écoutez la parole de l`Éternel, Vous tous, hommes de Juda, qui entrez par ces portes, Pour vous prosterner devant l`Éternel!
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spaceintruderdetector · 3 months
Circuit bending performance - Improvistation With Electronics (1997)
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ditesdonc · 6 months
Et pour vous, c'est quoi le bonheur?
Dans les pas du numéro 1, encore quelques productions des élèves de Mme Pabiot, école de Trept, Classe de CE1-CE2, année 2022-2023.
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Et des participations libres!
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"Le bonheur pour moi, c'est quand on retrouve quelqu'un et que ça nous rend heureux". Léo
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"Le bonheur pour moi, c'est toute la terre." Camille, 7 ans
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"Le bonheur pour moi, c'est quand on fait des choses bien, comme retrouver nos amis et nos cousins à la place." Robin
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Pour moi le bonheur c'est d'être réuni avec sa famille dans les jours difficiles. Et aussi... beaucoup de choses à la fois! Aloïs, 9 ans.
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Même si j'ai quitté les bancs de l'école il y a longtemps, j'ai mon âme d'enfant qui me dit: pour moi, le bonheur ça peut être, simplement, regarder mon chien dormir. Manue
Mais les chiens n'aiment pas seulement dormir, et le bonheur, ça peut être aussi de monter une chanson drôlement méchante un jour de pluie!Merci à la même Manue et à son compère Adrien pour leur grinçante et pétillante chansonnette "Raoul le Pitbull". Et ça poume, et ça tchaque, ça craque sous la dent et ça frétille à souhait! Ecoutez!
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Pour moi le bonheur, c'est l’œil ouvert à toutes les surprises, au possible et à l'impossible, au trop beau pour être vrai, aux merveilles invisibles, à l'espoir palpitant au cœur des petites trouvailles. Une aiguille dans une botte de foin. Puis une autre. Et s'ouvre, improviste, un tricot d'avenir. Pö
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dustedmagazine · 8 months
Off World — 3 (Constellation)
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This series of uncanny soundscapes is the third in a series of Sandro Perri’s boundary-blurring electro-acoustic experiments. Roughly half of the ensemble, including Perri, is credited with some form of electronic instrument, while the remainder add rougher organic tones—guitar, violin, piano, organ and trumpet. The sound is enveloping, world-building, cinematic. You have the sense of travelling through non-earthly spaces, wondering at the landmarks.
The opening track, “Orientation,” answers the question: where are we? It places you in a half-familiar place where languid sprays of piano notes intersect with friction-y swoops of fiddle (that’s folk and improv violinist Jesse Zubot). It’s almost folk, almost jazz, but also not. A bubbling restlessness of electronics builds subliminally, the primal scrape of violin caroming off of cerebral mechanized pulses. A spaceship parked next to a firelit gathering, a hoedown transmitted by interstellar machinery, you are right here on earth, but also elsewhere.
The best cut, though, comes second in “Impulse Controller,” where a beat that is faintly tribal—more Latin than African but really not either—sets a tempo and a fourth world mood. Eerie flights of trumpet vault up out of this foundation, sparking, sputtering, disappearing into the clouds. That’s jazz/improvist Nicole Rampersaud, who has worked with Anthony Braxton, Joe Morris, Ra-kalam and Bob Moses. Her high notes make a pencil sketch of a melody, with connecting bits rubbed out with erase.   
Perri works on 3 with the Canadian experimental composer Martin Arnold, whose work plays with dislocation and continuity. He plays guitar on ritually-paced “Ludic Loop,” sawing through lush, cushion-y synth motifs with a serrated blues tone. The effect is one of grandeur, ease, stateliness, but with a sharp, rusty edge embedded in it.
This is music that makes its own movie, building unfamiliar shapes and references out of tones you know and tones you don’t. It plays easily in the background but rewards attention. Sink into it and let it take you off world.
Jennifer Kelly
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helastrychowska · 1 year
In this semester the class was introduced to a new topic - improvisation and everting associated with it. We have taken quite a long course of improvisation, performance and group working through the past months and have finished with a final performance. The lessons were quite different from the previous unit and developed a variety of new skills, such as creative thinking, acting and using our bodies on the scene. Moreover, we took part in a lot of different games which played a role of a warmup and integration.
I have learned that improvisation can never be planned and it is based on action, movement and listening to our bodies. Even though at first I was not sure about it I have found out that improvisation helps to break some fears and overcome any connected with performing. My favorite part of this unit was definitely the final play, where I was able to see the performance of the whole MYP2.
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chuyinstheaterib · 1 year
Week 22
Again!! no class on monday only wednesdays class... oh well I hope we get back to 2 classes per week :3
This class was amazinggg and i'll get to that later
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We repeated two activities ¨Puedo ven¨ and ¨ Questions only¨ in their basic forms, in both activities we improved a lot having more fluidity when doing puedo ven, and almost having no afirmations, we added two focus points to puedo ven and did alright, our group is really already at that stage where we can work together as a team :)
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which... comes to our next exercise, where we played alphabet, improvisation utilizing the alphabet to star out sentences. I wnt to talk about my experiences I participated in. First was going as a customer, I was taking the role of someone who had gone before me so not only did I have to act, but I had to step in as a sassy person who didn't want to be there, I worked with Paola I think which wa samazing beacouse our sassy attitude made one say something and the other answer as an arghument which made it easy to follow along with lines, I was happy to work with her as I didn't have to think as much and just acted angry and sassy about everything :3
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However the next scene I did was absolutely amazing and made me grow as an actor to a huge extent. Gerardo Alex Vargas and Alex Cordova and myself ofc we together did a improvisation that I think was oscar worthy to be honest, we decided to go in groups of four and delete the dynamic where one person talks and then the other beacouse some characters required to have little conversations while the others were silent, ofcourse we didn't know this... we had no idea what we would do. It all started when someone said we would do the activity on a graveyard and gera started, beacouse of the way we were standing up he said that us three were tombstealers, we continued the story line with cordova taking the lead and saying that the body was going to cost a lot of money trying to convince the guard, this is where I stepped in to play a type of sidecharacter that followed what everyone else said, whatever cordova said or did I followed, this was present when I saw him going behind gera and iimediatly without communication I was able to find an opportunity to push gera into the chair and continued the scene, there was a lot happening at all times and I was forced to have my attention on everyone as they could talk and change the story dramatically. This stress I think was noted in me when Gera decided to shoot alex V by stealing the gun of alex C, I tried to balance my time betwene the hurt alex and the crazy gera, I did this both in my mind and in the play beacouse the scene of chaos also worked for the acctual scene which I'm glad for, the adaptation process I was forced to do and come up with on the spot was amazing and i'm glad the scene shifted to something I was good working with, I thank my coactors for that. To the end of the scene I decided to kill everyone, simplyfing the actual play and wrapping it up so it didn't get too boring, various types of improvistation we had done I felt got too repetitive quickly as people just repeated and repeated the same type of ideas so I knew I had to quickly change the theme and I enjoyed participaing like you have no ideaaaaaaaaa I learnt so much and I am very very proud of myself as I think I fixed most of my errors of being too loud of repetitive with my improvisatoin, I could finally make a character which wasnt shallow and interesting. Howveer I have much to learn about balancing my attention span between all the cast members and also on the dialoge itself as I don't think it feels natural the way I say things. That will be for another class, for now i'll enjoy the crazy mess this was :3
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Les emmerdes, les joies, tout tombe toujours à l'improviste, dans la vie.
Mian Mian (Les bonbons chinois)
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tuduanda · 5 years
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Doğaçla! 💚 @kucuksalon Emre Tandoğan #benimkomşumtiyatro #kadikoy #tiyatro #tiyatroeğitimi #theatre #theatreturkey #improvistation #expremental #music #circle #circletime #rituel (Küçük Salon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BupO4uKgg1v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15jg898r5w1xt
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christophe76460 · 3 months
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Ésaïe, 47:10 - Tu avais confiance dans ta méchanceté, Tu disais: Personne ne me voit! Ta sagesse et ta science t`ont séduite. Et tu disais en ton coeur: Moi, et rien que moi!
Ésaïe, 47:11 - Le malheur viendra sur toi, Sans que tu en voies l`aurore; La calamité tombera sur toi, Sans que tu puisses la conjurer; Et la ruine fondra sur toi tout à coup, A l`improviste.
Ésaïe, 47:12 - Reste donc au milieu de tes enchantements Et de la multitude de tes sortilèges, Auxquels tu as consacré ton travail dès ta jeunesse; Peut-être pourras-tu en tirer profit, Peut-être deviendras-tu redoutable.
Ésaïe, 47:13 - Tu t`es fatiguée à force de consulter: Qu`ils se lèvent donc et qu`ils te sauvent, Ceux qui connaissent le ciel, Qui observent les astres, Qui annoncent, d`après les nouvelles lunes, Ce qui doit t`arriver!
Ésaïe, 47:14 - Voici, ils sont comme de la paille, le feu les consume, Ils ne sauveront pas leur vie des flammes: Ce ne sera pas du charbon dont on se chauffe, Ni un feu auprès duquel on s`assied.
Ésaïe, 47:15 - Tel sera le sort de ceux que tu te fatiguais à consulter. Et ceux avec qui tu as trafiqué dès ta jeunesse Se disperseront chacun de son côté: Il n`y aura personne qui vienne à ton secours.
Ésaïe, 48:1 - Écoutez ceci, maison de Jacob, Vous qui portez le nom d`Israël, Et qui êtes sortis des eaux de Juda; Vous qui jurez par le nom de l`Éternel, Et qui invoquez le Dieu d`Israël, Mais sans vérité ni droiture!
Ésaïe, 48:2 - Car ils prennent leur nom de la ville sainte, Et ils s`appuient sur le Dieu d`Israël, Dont le nom est l`Éternel des armées.
Ésaïe, 48:3 - Dès longtemps j`ai fait les premières prédictions, Elles sont sorties de ma bouche, et je les ai publiées: Soudain j`ai agi, et elles se sont accomplies.
Ésaïe, 48:4 - Sachant que tu es endurci, Que ton cou est une barre de fer, Et que tu as un front d`airain,
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