#in a nancy wheeler mood rn
new-ronantics · 2 years
i care her.
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emmeriex · 2 years
i haven’t spent a lot of time in the ronance tag but y’all are so delusional and confident your ship is gonna be canon and i love you for it
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
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Warnings: Language, self-esteem issues, a whole shit ton of angst, sadness, and so forth!
A/N: Literally have no idea what this is, only able to explain it as a product of my mood right now. I might do a second part? This is unedited, it has no title, is written as a flashback, and might not make sense, but I hope it’s still okay? It’s pretty intense, so I understand if it’s not liked or it’s upsetting. Idk if I’m even making sense rn.
Anyways…Love y’all! ❤️❤️
You thought you’d looked pretty. Robin had assured you a dozen times over—that yes, you had ‘it’ going on. Whatever ‘it’ was. But if you could have predicted that spending nearly two hundred dollars of your work paycheck to be ignored and embarrassed by your own foolish assumptions would be the end result, you would have not bothered and used the money to catch a bus to Chicago and bury your sorrows until you forgot your own useless name, that no one seemed to want to remember. Hawkins High Prom for the class of 86’, an event that you always assumed you would have attended with your best friend Eddie Munson, but instead leaving you to being arm in arm with former graduate Steve Harrington.
And that powerful confidence that you felt when you’d slipped into your gown and checked your hair and makeup, it vanished into voids unavoidable the second you and Steve stepped into the outrageously decorated gymnasium, and you saw regret through his hazel eyes, a nostalgia to missing out on having his former flame be in attendance to his own prom with him, and how he immediately sought out Nancy Wheeler across the gym, dressed in a flowing lavender dress and clinging to Jonathan Byers. You felt as if your guts had been eaten by stomach acid, only worsening once you caught Eddie holding Chrissy Cunningham close enough that there wasn’t any space between them. She looked like an Angel with her strawberry blond curls and pink gown, Eddie’s hair curlier than you’ve ever seen it, all black ensemble and a simple pastel pink rose pinned to his shirt. His rings adorned his hands, which splayed along her waist, swaying her in a suave grace that he must’ve learned beforehand. Or maybe, maybe you had never known him at all…
Steve had taken you to the dance floor not long after he couldn’t bear to watch his ex anymore, and you tried, you really fucking tried to keep that mouth watering burn from your throat, the stings that prickled your vision until it became blurry, but you failed. You wanted to say, “Steve, can’t we just keep dancing? Can you just hold me?”
But that wasn’t your reality. This was. They all wanted each other and nobody wanted you. Steve ended up stealing glances at Nancy and Jonathan, forgetting you were practically clinging to him and struggling to breathe through an oncoming panic attack. And you, you’d tormented yourself by watching Steve look at Nance, then you’d forcefully stared Eddie and Chrissy down, convincing yourself you were okay, only to remember by a physical and mental blow—no, you’re not.
Whoever was managing the music made you sick, because who in their right mind played two slow songs in a damned row, then topped it off with Total Eclipse of the Heart. Did they want to poke fun at those without partners here, or make everyone sad after Hawkins nearly burned to the ground? As the hours dragged on, the entire night fusing together, your one source of happiness being from watching Vickie and Robin together—you had wished for your flask that you didn’t even think to bring, ironically thinking Steve would look at you this time and not see his ex-girlfriend. When you originally propositioned Steve after you’d both discussed your mutual pining pains, it had been your loss of virginity, more great sex, and plenty of welcomed distractions. But you being you, you had gone and developed more than a few strings to that no strings attachment deal.
What does it say for being in love with one person and so deeply connected to another that you can’t decipher if it’s love or something else? You were thankful when those lovey dove ballads end and Steve excuses himself to (probably find a drink someone where that isn’t cafeteria made punch) use the restroom. That was short lived, however, as Eddie and Chrissy, linked hand in hand, invaded your space. Her perfume and his familiar cologne made your stomach roll. She was beaming beneath that rouge blush—happy, content, more like herself than the cheer captain she pretended to be.
You struggled with another emotion through it all—guilt. She had never hurt you, she loved your best friend without judgement, and you would die for Eddie, just as you almost did in the Vecna battle, so his happiness outweighed your wants and needs. He was okay and that’s what had mattered. He was graduating with a beautiful girl, both deserving of futures that were wonderful, whether that be apart or together. Their coupling hadn’t stopped your friendship with Eddie, but it also hadn’t stopped your crying yourself to sleep every night, watching them longingly, wishing Eddie would give you a little more free time like he used to, that his songs at The Hideout, that his ultimate, otherworldly solo had been dedicated to you, that his beautifully wild eyes were just seeing you.
And then came the guilt from being in love with your best friend, with someone else, and fucking Steve Harrington so you would be able to function like a normal human being and not sob uncontrollably everyday. You knew what you had signed up for, so falling for Steve and whatever bond that had grown (apparently, just on your end), bit you in your pathetic ass. Eddie had interrupted your self-loathing, a comment meant to sound genuine, serving to make you irate and avoidant.
“You look nice.” Was what he had said. Chrissy agreed with that beautiful smile.
His statement was like a dagger in your chest, dragging up and down, effectively gutting you. You didn’t mean for it to come out fast, or at all, for that matter, but it slipped off dejected, bitter. “No, I don’t.”
Another dose of irony, you’d thought, as Cinderella’s ‘Don’t Know What You Got’ began to play in echoing speakers.
Eddie hadn’t gotten the chance to say anything else, you halting his word formation, leaving it resting on his tongue’s tip. “Is Rick out of the slammer yet?”
His brow had raised into his hairline, practically. “Think so. Why?”
“Just need some shit.” You’d shrugged a nonchalant shoulder after responding, the strap of your dress too itchy.
You chose to think Eddie’s concerned stares were non-existent, that even Chrissy looking worried for you was your hopeful imagination. It’s not like you hadn’t gotten high before. Granted, it was always from Eddie and it was always just weed. By the time Steve was back and providing conversation between the gaps, your entire dress had started to suffocate you. Divine intervention came in the form of another song—albeit—slow, you’d taken it over standing there any longer.
You didn’t ask Steve where he went, didn’t answer his attempts at asking if you were okay, or if you wanted to ‘go to the bathroom’ with him. You’d simply settled for resting your cheek near the cove of his freckle spattered neck, pretending that he wasn’t seeing Nancy in your eyes, that your waist wasn’t hers beneath his large hands. Steve had felt it before you realized, moisture soaking his shirt collar, slicking his skin. He’d pulled back and thumbed your cheekbone, hazel irises widening in realization.
“Fuck, Y/N, are you okay?”
You couldn’t stomach his pity, your eyes had cast another dart to Eddie and Chrissy, whom were forehead to forehead, together. And then Nancy, her gaze had shifted to Steve and you. It had made you drop his hold like a hot iron, awkward and shrinking back.
“Honey…” Steve had tried gently, tone laced with a gentle coax. “M’ so sorry.”
You’d exited your prom in a hasty retreat, ignoring Eddie’s panicked acknowledgement, Steve’s following footsteps. Trashing your high heels in the garbage on the way outside, you had already began to pull at your dress’ back, the zipper too high for your reach. The asphalt was cool against your stocking clad feet, that stupid pedicure was laughing up at you. Your chest had expanded in size, ribcage being dusted to ash by a vice squeeze, one that threatened to have your entire chest cavity caving in. The way your throat had closed around pleading words that fell into the void, panic settled in and exploding, demolishing you in the process.
People were stumbling all over, kissing, happy, horns were honking, and you stood in the middle of the open double doors where Wham’s ‘Everything She Wants’ was booming in vibrations from inside the gymnasium, invading your anxiety attack as a fucked up soundtrack to your misery. Steve’s hand had clasped over your shoulder when you remembered how your cries had started getting more noticeable, anguished.
“Fucking dress. I’m so stupid! Off, get it off! I hate it! I hate this!”
Steve had not felt more powerless in his life, not since Nancy had broken his heart and fell for Jonathan. He didn’t know what to do to reach you, so he had unzipped your gown halfway to help you try and breathe a little easier. It didn’t work. You had went right for ripping the expensive fabric at every thread you could get your hands on, pawing at it until it became tattered on your body. Your hands had ripped your hair into disarray from its updo, smearing your lipstick and carefully applied shadow into smudges as it mingled with your tears.
You were babbling and what Steve did catch on your fragmented language, it caused tears to fill his eyes, stomach feeling as if he’d been sucker punched, his mouth opening and closing.
“Why doesn’t anyone want me?”
And you’d walked away, arms wrapped tightly around you, holding yourself.
You, nor Steve hadn’t seen Eddie’s rush outside, stopping short and breathless, in angry awe of the entire scene, throat tight and lashes wet. He watched Harrington’s head bow, that coiffed mane in perfect disarray, hand swiping at his nose. Both men were frozen, in disbelief. You were broken and no one had realized just how much…
@littledemondani @prettyboyeddiemunson @ethereal27cereal @thisishellfire @inklore @indouloureux @gothbitchshit @corrodedhawkins @pinkchubbiebunnie @likedovesinthewnd
I’m sorry if some of y’all don’t want tagged. I didn’t know who to tag in this. :/
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caroldantops · 2 years
I had this weird concept of combining the Camp and serial killer thing
Imagine: Nance and Robin become Camp Counselors, the young children leave a day earlier so the adults/helpers stay a extra night and day to clean everything etc. They plan to kill everyone then, to learn the terrain and be hide some traps etc. Enter you!
They meet you and decide to keep you! You are just such a sunshine! A sweet naive thing. Midst the chaos you will be with one of them, trusting them to help you, and always just barley escaping the killer. Of course still getting some small wounds here and there, you look cute with the pain and fear in your eyes.
You would be their own little final girl.
their own little final girl im biting my fist trying not to scream rn okay i got a bit carried away with this but im obsessed!!
tw: DARK nancy and robin, serial killers, murder, blood mention, manipulation, all that jazz. nothing super explicit or gorey just girlbosses murdering billy :) and others but he's the only one mentioned lets just assume the rest of them r pieces of shit too <3
this is so !! oh my god, the manipulation..making it so you think that they're keeping you safe while the other is laying traps and such. nancy's definitely out doing the dirty work while robin stays with you. she wipes your tears from your face as she puts cute patterned bandaids on you and you mumble about how you're just glad that whoever is doing this had the humanity to spare the kids the trauma of it all
robin clutching you close to her when you hear the screams of your co-counselors
"well, billy was a piece of shit anyway, right?" robin says, always the one to diffuse the mood with humor. you can only think about how you're going to tell max.
you keep urging robin that maybe you should just make a break for the work truck by the old storage shed and try to get out of there, but robin keeps reminding you "we can't leave without Nancy."
robin keeps moving you to different locations, closer and closer to the truck so that you can be ready when you finally find Nancy. "how do we know she's okay? should we go look for her?"
"this is nancy wheeler we're talking about. she keeps a revolver under her bunk bed. if anything, the killer should be scared of her."
you get all concerned when nancy comes back to your safe spot with blood on her and she's like "oh it's okay baby, i promise i'm not hurt" and you cling to her and beg her not to leave your sight again
her and robin sharing a look as nancy soothes you by rubbing your back, sobbing into the blood stained material of her counseler shirt. nancy gives robin a curt nod and robin leads you both to the truck.
the camp is very out of the way, and it's started pouring hot summer rain as well ("i wonder if theyr'e even going to be able to find any evidence after this downpour" robin wonders aloud, tracing your hand with her fingers. "i bet they planned it this way.") so the three of you end up holed up in a little shitty motel in the middle of nowhere, nothing but a diner with flickering lights next door.
nancy n robin tell you to go shower first, since you're all muddied up. but you hesitate at the bathroom door, terrified that the second you close your eyes you'll take your last breath.
robin offers to watch the door while nancy sits in the bathroom with you. she can hear you crying and suddenly she's stepped into the shower with you. you watch the little bit of blood that came off of her go down the drain as she washes your hair, humming softly to you.
she tells you to turn so you can rinse off, and you wonder where the blood came from, since she has no signs of even a scrape.
you have trouble sleeping that night, of course, until they curl up on either side of you, robin spooning you from behind, arms around your waist and nose pressed into your neck. and nancy facing you, fingers tracing softly over your face until you finally pass out from exhaustion.
the next morning, they take you to the diner next door right as it opens. there’s no one there except an old lady who serves you warm pancakes. the news flickers on the old tv in the corner. 
“do you think anyone knows yet?” you ask. 
“probably not, honestly,” nancy hums. “we were the last people there. anyone who would’ve come check up on the camp was already there.” 
“should we...i dunno, should we report this? there’s probably a phone we can use here...” 
nancy gives robin (who’s currently stuffing her face with waffles) a pointed glance and robin says with her mouth full, “maybe we should just lay low for a while. who knows if that guy is still out there looking for us.” 
“and we probably don’t even want to go home, what if he tracks us there?” nancy adds. you push away the plate of food, suddenly not hungry anymore. nancy pushes it back and gives you a look until you start eating again. “my family had an old cabin up here. they haven’t visited it for a couple of years now. maybe we should go there.”
and so the they take you there, and slowly the three of you lose track of time (or, you do, rather. nancy knows exactly how long its been) and months pass by. you never forget about everything that happened, you’re constantly a little jumpy and anxious and always ask nancy to triple check all the locks before the three of you settle into bed. 
news reports say the three of you must be dead. there’s not enough evidence to do anything with. a lot of it was destroyed in the rain or messed with by the hungry wildlife in the surrounding area.
robin and nancy muse that maybe it’s best if the three of you stay off the grid for good. you miss your other friends and family, but you’re so dependent on these two that you’ll do whatever they decide is best. 
after all, they kept you safe that night. you wouldn’t be alive without them. 
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sweetronancer · 6 months
im really js in a "i love you, im sorry" kind of mood rn idk how to get out of this funk but nancy wheeler is so bite the hand by boygenius..
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
The "Stranger Things" most especially the Eddie area is insane... Don't mind me if I tell you I never finished the second season and I have to rewatch to finish the show (but I ain't in a mood). Since you came back, you answered so many ask about him. No one is in love with another character?
oh trust me I am in love with so many of the Stranger Things characters, Eddie is just my favourite, and seems to be many other people’s favourite as well!
but yeah he’s certainly not the only character I’m head over heels for! I’m fully a simp for the following characters as well; Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Billy Hargrove, Peter Ballard (001), Jim Hopper, and Joyce Byers!!
they have all been added to my list of characters that I write for, I’m just currently on a bit of a streak for writing Eddie rn!
but I am actually working on some headcanons for a few of the other characters atm as well which I should hopefully be posting soon!
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Need some new partners!
Hey everyone, first of all I wanted to thank you for checking out my advertisement! I know it’s kind of a hassle to look at an entire document, but I promise, it’s worth it! Anyways, I’m super excited/hopeful to find a roleplay partner who has just as much muse as I do! Before I get any further into the ad though, I should introduce myself. So, without further adieu: I’m Tulsa, I’m twenty-one years old, and am a girl (and prefer to play as such). Now, onto the fun stuff…. Kind of. RULES FORMAT;; Since these are characters that we’re playing, I’d prefer us both to use third person POV. I get very invested in my characters, but find it a bit uncomfortable when I, or my partner, is using ‘I’, it makes it too personal for me. As for doubling, that’s something I don’t do, and I know that’s usually a turn-off. I just feel it’s easier, and more fun to focus on one story/couple. Not to mention, usually when someone wants to double they want me to play a male character, which I simply can’t do…. Literally. LENGTH;; As I tend to write stories in my free time, I do prefer longer replies. My starters will usually be anywhere from 3-5 paragraphs, and my replies at least 2, usually more depending on the scene and how much my partner is giving me. I’m not too strict about this, but I do like details, so if you’re a one-line roleplayer, we are not a good fit. LIMITS;; I prefer my plots to be about 70/30 when it comes to story/smut. Limits and things of that nature can be discussed in private if need be! PLOTTING;; As long as we’re both putting forth effort into the plot, I’m down. It’s just hard to come up with a plot by yourself, especially because you don’t know if the other person will like it. Also, if we start a plot and you find yourself bored and/or would like to try something else, don’t hesitate to ask! This whole ad makes me sound so serious, but I swear I’m just a smol girl. REPLY RATE;; Since I am a college student, my replies may be a bit scattered. Right now I’m on Summer Break so I’ll be more active than usual! I will always do my best to send out a reply at least once a day though, but on weekends you can expect quick replies throughout the day. FANDOMS/CHARACTERS These will get added to and/or changed rather frequently, depending on what I’m in the mood for, so if something isn’t here that you want either check back later, or just ask me about it! BOLD=WHO I’D PLAY ****=CRAVING RN THE VAMPIRE DIARIES;; *****Kol Mikaelson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kZthnbN1uGMLaGh_MVjBV2Sgmy_qtY9xYuPU0Q7BUaA/edit?usp=sharing Klaus Mikaelson & Caroline Forbes MARVEL/X-MEN;; *****Loki Laufeyson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/102xmk63dnwe5RMbJegfi-cy4AZtev2IZVafhaejuCvw/edit?usp=sharing Charles Xavier & Raven Darkholme ***Erik Lensherr & Raven Darkholme Stranger Things:: *******Billy Hargrove & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X_Xz7SOiHZpjlLyrqvzRpP-Kt-sy0zRDBDPxpMDBS2w/edit?usp=sharing Jonathan Byers & Nancy Wheeler TEEN WOLF;; Stiles Stilinski & Lydia Martin ****Derek Hale & Paige Krasikeva… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10KtrZRng-j9k4TJ1gZmSJRdqAcqdE2iIM5sfgEe3MLs/edit?usp=sharing ANIME;; Ayato Sakamaki & Yui Komori (Diabolik Lovers) Tomoe & Nanami Momozono (Kamisama Kiss) Zero Kiryu & Yuki Cross (Vampire Knight) Senri Shiki & Rima Toya (Vampire Knight) Inuyasha & Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha) Zack & Rachel (Angels of Death) Kazuya Kujo & Victorique de Blois (Gosick) Raishin Akabane & Yaya (Unbreakable Machine Doll) Soul eater based plot with original characters MISCELLANEOUS/ORIGINALS;; The Mad Hatter & Alice Kingsley (Alice in Wonderland) *****Kevin Wendell Crumb & Casey Cooke (Split/Glass) Something Pokemon related but its our own original characters that we can explore as we please. Detective Partners (I’m on a big ‘Bones’ kick right now, so something along those lines maybe!) Peter Pan & OC (Lyra Estelle; human embodiment of the north star, holds all light/good magic) I don’t have a bio written up yet sorry! Finnick Odair & Annie Cresta (Hunger Games) *******Jack Frost & Elsa (ROTG/Frozen) Something fantasy/supernatural-esque? Like vampires or fairies or demons…. Something like that Hemlock Grove related plots; I watched season one but didn’t enjoy season two so stopped relatively early. If anyone was interested in doing something from season one or just based on it lemme know At the moment, these are all of the ships/characters I can think of! Of course, I’m always down to come up with some original ideas if you’re looking for something like that. If you’d like to see samples of my writing though, feel free to check those out here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRxKbX59YvNCXJejHsUHrfP0mlo_KHt9ivZRUwyrdWI/edit?usp=sharing I hope to hear from you soon, so if you’re interested please email me or message me on discord! [email protected] or gldenskies#5545
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tainted-spiritss · 4 years
Roleplay with me?
I’m excited/hopeful to find a roleplay partner who has just as much muse as I do!  Before I get any further into the ad though, I should introduce myself.  So, without further adieu: I’m Tulsa, I’m twenty-one years old, and am a girl (and prefer to play as such).  Now, onto the fun stuff…. Kind of.  
FORMAT;; Since these are characters that we’re playing, I’d prefer us both to use third person POV.  I get very invested in my characters, but find it a bit uncomfortable when I, or my partner, is using ‘I’, it makes it too personal for me.  As for doubling, that’s something I don’t do, and I know that’s usually a turn-off.  I just feel it’s easier, and more fun to focus on one story/couple.  Not to mention, usually when someone wants to double they want me to play a male character, which I simply can’t do…. Literally.  
LENGTH;;  As I tend to write stories in my free time, I do prefer longer replies.  My starters will usually be anywhere from 3-5 paragraphs, and my replies at least 2, usually more depending on the scene and how much my partner is giving me.  I’m not too strict about this, but I do like details, so if you’re a one-line roleplayer, we are not a good fit.  
LIMITS;;  Considering I am twenty-one, I do like my fair share of smut.  With that being said though, I prefer my plots to be about 70/30 when it comes to story/smut.  Limits and things of that nature can be discussed in private if need be!
PLOTTING;;  As long as we’re both putting forth effort into the plot, I’m down.  It’s just hard to come up with a plot by yourself, especially because you don’t know if the other person will like it.  Also, if we start a plot and you find yourself bored and/or would like to try something else, don’t hesitate to ask!  This whole ad makes me sound so serious, but I swear I’m just a smol girl.  
REPLY RATE;;  Since I am a college student, my replies may be a bit scattered.  Right now I’m on Summer Break so I’ll be more active than usual!  I will always do my best to send out a reply at least once a day though, but on weekends you can expect quick replies throughout the day.  
These will get added to and/or changed rather frequently, depending on what I’m in the mood for, so if something isn’t here that you want either check back later, or just ask me about it!  
*****Kol Mikaelson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kZthnbN1uGMLaGh_MVjBV2Sgmy_qtY9xYuPU0Q7BUaA/edit?usp=sharing 
Klaus Mikaelson & Caroline Forbes
*****Loki Laufeyson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/102xmk63dnwe5RMbJegfi-cy4AZtev2IZVafhaejuCvw/edit?usp=sharing 
Charles Xavier & Raven Darkholme
***Erik Lensherr & Raven Darkholme
Stranger Things::
*******Billy Hargrove & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X_Xz7SOiHZpjlLyrqvzRpP-Kt-sy0zRDBDPxpMDBS2w/edit?usp=sharing 
Jonathan Byers & Nancy Wheeler
Stiles Stilinski & Lydia Martin
****Derek Hale & Paige Krasikeva… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10KtrZRng-j9k4TJ1gZmSJRdqAcqdE2iIM5sfgEe3MLs/edit?usp=sharing 
Ayato Sakamaki & Yui Komori (Diabolik Lovers)
Tomoe & Nanami Momozono (Kamisama Kiss)
Zero Kiryu & Yuki Cross (Vampire Knight)
Senri Shiki & Rima Toya (Vampire Knight)
Inuyasha & Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
Zack & Rachel (Angels of Death)
Kazuya Kujo & Victorique de Blois (Gosick)
Raishin Akabane & Yaya (Unbreakable Machine Doll)
Soul eater based plot with original characters
The Mad Hatter & Alice Kingsley (Alice in Wonderland)
*****Kevin Wendell Crumb & Casey Cooke (Split/Glass)
Something Pokemon related but its our own original characters that we can
explore as we please. 
Detective Partners (I’m on a big ‘Bones’ kick right now, so something along those lines maybe!)
Finnick Odair & Annie Cresta (Hunger Games)
*******Jack Frost & Elsa (ROTG/Frozen)
Something fantasy/supernatural-esque?  Like vampires or fairies or demons…. Something like that 
Hemlock Grove related plots; I watched season one but didn’t enjoy season two so stopped relatively early.  If anyone was interested in doing something from season one or just based on it lemme know
At the moment, these are all of the ships/characters I can think of!  Of course, I’m always down to come up with some original ideas if you’re looking for something like that.  If you’d like to see samples of my writing though, feel free to check those out here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRxKbX59YvNCXJejHsUHrfP0mlo_KHt9ivZRUwyrdWI/edit?usp=sharing 
If at all interested in talking and/or plotting, don’t hesitate to message me either on here or discord ( gldenskies#5545 ) or emailing me [email protected].  Thanks beautiful people :)
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Call me beep me if you wanna reach me !
Hey everyone, first of all I wanted to thank you for checking out my advertisement! I know it’s kind of a hassle to look at an entire document, but I promise, it’s worth it! Anyways, I’m excited/hopeful to find a roleplay partner who has just as much muse as I do! Before I get any further into the ad though, I should introduce myself. So, without further adieu: I’m Tulsa, I’m twenty-one years old, and am a girl (and prefer to play as such). Now, onto the fun stuff…. Kind of. RULES FORMAT;; Since these are characters that we’re playing, I’d prefer us both to use third person POV. I get very invested in my characters, but find it a bit uncomfortable when I, or my partner, is using ‘I’, it makes it too personal for me. As for doubling, that’s something I don’t do, and I know that’s usually a turn-off. I just feel it’s easier, and more fun to focus on one story/couple. Not to mention, usually when someone wants to double they want me to play a male character, which I simply can’t do…. Literally. LENGTH;; As I tend to write stories in my free time, I do prefer longer replies. My starters will usually be anywhere from 3-5 paragraphs, and my replies at least 2, usually more depending on the scene and how much my partner is giving me. I’m not too strict about this, but I do like details, so if you’re a one-line roleplayer, we are not a good fit. LIMITS;; Considering I am twenty-one, I do like my fair share of smut. With that being said though, I prefer my plots to be about 70/30 when it comes to story/smut. If we are doing a plot with an underage character we’ll age them up for the plot of course! As for sexual limitations, it’s just the basics. No pedophilia, toilet play, beastiality, etc. If anything arises that I, or you, are uncomfortable with please don’t be afraid to bring it up! PLOTTING;; As long as we’re both putting forth effort into the plot, I’m down. It’s just hard to come up with a plot by yourself, especially because you don’t know if the other person will like it. Also, if we start a plot and you find yourself bored and/or would like to try something else, don’t hesitate to ask! This whole ad makes me sound so serious, but I swear I’m just a smol girl. REPLY RATE;; Since I am a college student, my replies may be a bit scattered. Right now I’m on Summer Break so I’ll be more active than usual! I will always do my best to send out a reply at least once a day though, but on weekends you can expect quick replies throughout the day. FANDOMS/CHARACTERS These will get added to and/or changed rather frequently, depending on what I’m in the mood for, so if something isn’t here that you want either check back later, or just ask me about it! BOLD=WHO I’D PLAY ****=CRAVING RN THE VAMPIRE DIARIES;; *****Kol Mikaelson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kZthnbN1uGMLaGh_MVjBV2Sgmy_qtY9xYuPU0Q7BUaA/edit?usp=sharing Klaus Mikaelson & Caroline Forbes MARVEL/X-MEN;; *****Loki Laufeyson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/102xmk63dnwe5RMbJegfi-cy4AZtev2IZVafhaejuCvw/edit?usp=sharing Charles Xavier & Raven Darkholme ***Erik Lensherr & Raven Darkholme Stranger Things:: *******Billy Hargrove & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X_Xz7SOiHZpjlLyrqvzRpP-Kt-sy0zRDBDPxpMDBS2w/edit?usp=sharing Jonathan Byers & Nancy Wheeler TEEN WOLF;; Stiles Stilinski & Lydia Martin ****Derek Hale & Paige Krasikeva… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10KtrZRng-j9k4TJ1gZmSJRdqAcqdE2iIM5sfgEe3MLs/edit?usp=sharing ANIME;; Ayato Sakamaki & Yui Komori (Diabolik Lovers) Tomoe & Nanami Momozono (Kamisama Kiss) Zero Kiryu & Yuki Cross (Vampire Knight) Senri Shiki & Rima Toya (Vampire Knight) Inuyasha & Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha) Zack & Rachel (Angels of Death) Kazuya Kujo & Victorique de Blois (Gosick) Raishin Akabane & Yaya (Unbreakable Machine Doll) Soul eater based plot with original characters MISCELLANEOUS/ORIGINALS;; The Mad Hatter & Alice Kingsley (Alice in Wonderland) *****Kevin Wendell Crumb & Casey Cooke (Split/Glass) Kidnapper & Victim (This can be used in a fandom plot as well) Something Pokemon related but its our own original characters that we can explore as we please. Detective Partners (I’m on a big ‘Bones’ kick right now, so something along those lines maybe!) At the moment, these are all of the ships/characters I can think of! Of course, I’m always down to come up with some original ideas if you’re looking for something like that. If you’d like to see samples of my writing though, feel free to check those out here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRxKbX59YvNCXJejHsUHrfP0mlo_KHt9ivZRUwyrdWI/edit?usp=sharing I hope to hear from you soon, so if you’re interested please email or kik me. [email protected] @brittzobrien
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Need a Summer Partner!
Hey everyone, first of all I wanted to thank you for checking out my advertisement!  I know it’s kind of a hassle to look at an entire document, but I promise, it’s worth it!  Anyways, I’m excited/hopeful to find a roleplay partner who has just as much muse as I do! Before I get any further into the ad though, I should introduce myself.  So, without further adieu: I’m Tulsa, I’m twenty years old, and am a girl (and prefer to play as such). Now, onto the fun stuff…. Kind of.
  FORMAT;; Since these are characters that we’re playing, I’d prefer us both to use third person POV.  I get very invested in my characters, but find it a bit uncomfortable when I, or my partner, is using ‘I’, it makes it too personal for me.  As for doubling, that’s something I don’t do, and I know that’s usually a turn-off. I just feel it’s easier, and more fun to focus on one story/couple.  Not to mention, usually when someone wants to double they want me to play a male character, which I simply can’t do…. Literally.
  LENGTH;;  As I tend to write stories in my free time, I do prefer longer replies.  My starters will usually be anywhere from 3-5 paragraphs, and my replies at least 2, usually more depending on the scene and how much my partner is giving me.  I’m not too strict about this, but I do like details, so if you’re a one-line roleplayer, we are not a good fit.
  LIMITS;;  Considering I am twenty, I do like my fair share of smut.  With that being said though, I prefer my plots to be 50/50 when it comes to story/smut.  As for sexual limitations, it’s just the basics. No pedophilia, toilet play, beastiality, etc.  If anything arises that I, or you, are uncomfortable with please don’t be afraid to bring it up!
  PLOTTING;;  As long as we’re both putting forth effort into the plot, I’m down.  It’s just hard to come up with a plot by yourself, especially because you don’t know if the other person will like it.  Also, if we start a plot and you find yourself bored and/or would like to try something else, don’t hesitate to ask! This whole ad makes me sound so serious, but I swear I’m just a smol girl.  
  REPLY RATE;;  Since I am a college student, my replies may be a bit scattered.  I’ve just transferred to a new University so I’m still getting used to my classes and professors.  I will always do my best to send out a reply at least once a day though, but on weekends you can expect quick replies throughout the day.  
  These will get added to and/or changed rather frequently, depending on what I’m in the mood for, so if something isn’t here that you want either check back later, or just ask me about it!  
*****Kol Mikaelson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kZthnbN1uGMLaGh_MVjBV2Sgmy_qtY9xYuPU0Q7BUaA/edit?usp=sharing
Klaus Mikaelson & Caroline Forbes
*****Loki Laufeyson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/102xmk63dnwe5RMbJegfi-cy4AZtev2IZVafhaejuCvw/edit?usp=sharing
Charles Xavier & Raven Darkholme
***Erik Lensherr & Raven Darkholme
**Peter Parker &  OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15ANQ6VZ2xDE66pKUM_FdISvjaoURCjWTZ_ifpKKRv50/edit?usp=sharing
Stranger Things::
*******Billy Hargrove & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/169cyQkQSn5pdWx9XYSF3FNedZ9eoILQ4kQaekpWkVfc/edit?usp=sharing
Jonathan Byers & Nancy Wheeler
Stiles Stilinski & Lydia Martin
****Derek Hale & Paige Krasikeva… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10KtrZRng-j9k4TJ1gZmSJRdqAcqdE2iIM5sfgEe3MLs/edit?usp=sharing
The Mad Hatter & Alice Kingsley (Alice in Wonderland)
*****Kevin Wendell Crumb & Casey Cooke (Split/Glass)
Slightly based on an anime, but A and B wake up in two random rooms, A(you) knows why they’re here. They’re a serial killer and the options for punishment was this place or the death sentence, so they chose here. B(me) has woken up with no memories except for her name. When they come out of their rooms they meet each other for the first time, but the gist of the plot is that A and B are trying to make their way through the ‘nine circles of hell’ in hopes to make it back out in to the real world. I’m hoping for this to be a slow-burn ship!
At the moment, these are all of the ships/characters I can think of!  There’s definitely some animes I’ve gotten back into that aren’t listed here, so if there’s a specific anime you’re looking for, feel free to message me about that too!  If you’d like to see samples of my writing though, feel free to check those out here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRxKbX59YvNCXJejHsUHrfP0mlo_KHt9ivZRUwyrdWI/edit?usp=sharing
I hope to hear from you soon, so if you’re interested please email or kik me.  [email protected]
0 notes
fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
In Need Of A Summer Partner!!
Hey everyone, first of all I wanted to thank you for checking out my advertisement!  I know it’s kind of a hassle to look at an entire document, but I promise, it’s worth it!  Anyways, I’m excited/hopeful to find a roleplay partner who has just as much muse as I do! Before I get any further into the ad though, I should introduce myself.  So, without further adieu: I’m Tulsa, I’m twenty years old, and am a girl (and prefer to play as such). Now, onto the fun stuff…. Kind of.
  FORMAT;; Since these are characters that we’re playing, I’d prefer us both to use third person POV.  I get very invested in my characters, but find it a bit uncomfortable when I, or my partner, is using ‘I’, it makes it too personal for me.  As for doubling, that’s something I don’t do, and I know that’s usually a turn-off. I just feel it’s easier, and more fun to focus on one story/couple.  Not to mention, usually when someone wants to double they want me to play a male character, which I simply can’t do…. Literally.
  LENGTH;;  As I tend to write stories in my free time, I do prefer longer replies.  My starters will usually be anywhere from 3-5 paragraphs, and my replies at least 2, usually more depending on the scene and how much my partner is giving me.  I’m not too strict about this, but I do like details, so if you’re a one-line roleplayer, we are not a good fit.
  LIMITS;;  Considering I am twenty, I do like my fair share of smut.  With that being said though, I prefer my plots to be 50/50 when it comes to story/smut.  As for sexual limitations, it’s just the basics. No pedophilia, toilet play, beastiality, etc.  If anything arises that I, or you, are uncomfortable with please don’t be afraid to bring it up!
  PLOTTING;;  As long as we’re both putting forth effort into the plot, I’m down.  It’s just hard to come up with a plot by yourself, especially because you don’t know if the other person will like it.  Also, if we start a plot and you find yourself bored and/or would like to try something else, don’t hesitate to ask! This whole ad makes me sound so serious, but I swear I’m just a smol girl.  
  REPLY RATE;;  Since I am a college student, my replies may be a bit scattered.  I’ve just transferred to a new University so I’m still getting used to my classes and professors.  I will always do my best to send out a reply at least once a day though, but on weekends you can expect quick replies throughout the day.  
  These will get added to and/or changed rather frequently, depending on what I’m in the mood for, so if something isn’t here that you want either check back later, or just ask me about it!  
*****Kol Mikaelson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kZthnbN1uGMLaGh_MVjBV2Sgmy_qtY9xYuPU0Q7BUaA/edit?usp=sharing
Klaus Mikaelson & Caroline Forbes
*****Loki Laufeyson & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/102xmk63dnwe5RMbJegfi-cy4AZtev2IZVafhaejuCvw/edit?usp=sharing
Charles Xavier & Raven Darkholme
***Erik Lensherr & Raven Darkholme
**Peter Parker &  OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15ANQ6VZ2xDE66pKUM_FdISvjaoURCjWTZ_ifpKKRv50/edit?usp=sharing
Stranger Things::
*******Billy Hargrove & OC… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/169cyQkQSn5pdWx9XYSF3FNedZ9eoILQ4kQaekpWkVfc/edit?usp=sharing
Jonathan Byers & Nancy Wheeler
Stiles Stilinski & Lydia Martin
****Derek Hale & Paige Krasikeva… BIO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10KtrZRng-j9k4TJ1gZmSJRdqAcqdE2iIM5sfgEe3MLs/edit?usp=sharing
The Mad Hatter & Alice Kingsley (Alice in Wonderland)
*****Kevin Wendell Crumb & Casey Cooke (Split/Glass)
Slightly based on an anime, but A and B wake up in two random rooms, A(you) knows why they’re here. They’re a serial killer and the options for punishment was this place or the death sentence, so they chose here. B(me) has woken up with no memories except for her name. When they come out of their rooms they meet each other for the first time, but the gist of the plot is that A and B are trying to make their way through the ‘nine circles of hell’ in hopes to make it back out in to the real world. I’m hoping for this to be a slow-burn ship!
At the moment, these are all of the ships/characters I can think of!  There’s definitely some animes I’ve gotten back into that aren’t listed here, so if there’s a specific anime you’re looking for, feel free to message me about that too!  If you’d like to see samples of my writing though, feel free to check those out here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZRxKbX59YvNCXJejHsUHrfP0mlo_KHt9ivZRUwyrdWI/edit?usp=sharing
I hope to hear from you soon, so if you’re interested please email or kik me.  [email protected]
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