#in all honesty i was so abysmal at dealing with her and i did genuinely go to school just to get away from her…
treecakes · 8 months
youtube loves showing me. like. videos on how to deal with dementia patients (? 😭 i don’t know why…) and this one was like how to deal w them when they’re insulting you and stuff and the person in the video seems to have infinite patience when my grandmother got like that i was far from patient…
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molemanninethousand · 4 years
Casting this one was a tricky yet fun process, as this is in fact my first battle since early Season 1 to be recorded entirely through online contacts, albeit only by technical virtue of a certain one-line cameo in Universe Vs. Bates being recorded in-person. I was planning on having David Ohlsen as Gordon Freeman, but he refused to meet with me at this time due to ongoing apocalyptic circumstances, and while I could have feasibly directed him through a remote means of real-time communication to obtain the same results as meeting him in-person, I decided to fall back on finding someone on Reddit for the sake of vocal variety and establishing new contacts. Huge thanks to one Matt Barr in that regard.
Duke Nukem was an incredibly daunting part to cast due to how distinct his voice is, and my dealings with one Robert Zaleski nearly fell through based on his abysmal initial set of recordings for the role, whose unworkable quality was due to poor initial communication on my end regarding how he would need to go about the recording process. Mr. Zaleski is apparently a “real” rapper, so it makes sense in hindsight that he would have underestimated the sheer degree to which the vocals in my tracks are edited timing-wise; once I explained to him that he didn’t have to worry about real-time rapping flow at all, things went smoothly from there.
Rounding out the cast are Patrick Maddox as the G-Man, who in all honesty probably did the best job of an impression out of anyone here, the ever-reliable Stacey Patrone as Alyx, and Elise Golgowski, A.K.A. Mothra within my series, cameoing as GLaDOS. When approaching her for the bit part, I seriously considered planning a third version of GLaDOS Vs. SHODAN starring her, but I ultimately don’t plan on moving forward with that; I feel that I kind of missed my chance for that by making a revision with only one role re-recorded instead of improving the whole thing, both of whose titular roles do indeed sound quite shitty to this day.
Regarding the structure and scripted events of this battle, the original plan was for Duke Nukem to finish the song with a terrible verse following Freeman’s disappearance, and I was looking forward to the challenge of intelligently writing a verse designed to be bad on purpose; there easily could have been quite a few inside jokes referencing my own genuinely terrible early lyrics there. Then Half-Life Alyx happened; I must again stress that the ideas for my battles are often formulated years in advance of me actually coming around to their realization, and this one had been floating around in my head for a particularly long time.
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midnight-circus · 5 years
another fucking meme bitch
literally nobody can stop me 
this is the 3rd one of these ive answered for logan i really should give someone else a look-in
w e l p
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Morgan’s three years younger than him, so close enough to the same age group. They didn’t get on very well at all growing up – Logan was jealous and Morgan was spoilt, which resulted in friction a little beyond regular sibling rivalry – but their relationship has improved with age. They’re not close and there’s still some definite tension, but it’s generally healthy as long as they don’t start talking about their parents. Or anything too personal.
Morgan’s never done anything wrong, that’s the thing. That’s probably what irritates Logan the most. He has no genuine reason to resent his brother and he knows it’s unfair, but he struggles to find a way to redirect the feeling because he’s already embittered towards their parents so like … where the fuck else can it go? He still struggles with it, and tries extremely hard to temper his feelings towards his younger brother mainly out of guilt. It’s not Morgan’s fault. Nonetheless, it is undeniably disheartening to watch his parents dote upon someone who, at the end of the day, is really not all that different to him in the long run.
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
Distant. Logan is an eternal disappointment to his mother, who had big dreams for her eldest son – indeed, he was meant to be her only son, before a little mistake came along three years later. From the beginning Morgan was an easier baby than Logan, and Madeleine subsequently funnelled her energy into the happy, bouncy infant rather than the rather aloof, introspective toddler. Logan was quiet, anxious and didn’t smile easily, and the more Madeleine withdrew the more he got the message – in childhood he would rather manage his independence and rely on himself than come to her for support, and as such her attentions on Morgan only intensified until it became uncomfortably clear to everyone that she had a very definite favourite.
In a nutshell, as far as Madeleine is concerned Logan can’t do anything right. There is criticism for everything, and if she can’t think of a snippy comment now then she’ll think of if later and ring him up to tell him. She is emotionally abusive, though she’ll never understand that – after all, she does love him (and in her mind, he hasn’t made that easy), but in all honesty she doesn’t like him very much, and he is more than aware of it.
It’s damaged him pretty badly, and as he grows older he distances himself more and more, reducing his contact with her to phonecalls and the occasional special occasion visit. Christmases are miserable. Madeleine, however, is a cakewalk compared to Edward.
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Non-existent. Edward is vile. A bitter, egotistical narcissist who is profoundly aware that his wife has more money than him and cannot let it go. Logan began butting heads with him at a young age and suffered for it (there is no contention over corporal punishment in the English aristocracy), and he honestly feels nothing but distaste and resentment for the man, verging into hatred. The feeling is mutual – Madeleine might be disappointed in her son’s life and sexuality, but Edward is actively disgusted in him, and he has no problem telling him that. Their relationship ultimately exploded in Logan’s late teens, on the night he was outed – after many years of belittlement and abuse, physical and otherwise, he lost his temper entirely and punched his father in the jaw. Edward put him through a glass coffee table for his pains, leaving him with his facial scars, and he left the house that night and never really went back. Probably should’ve gone to A&E, tbh.
Anyway, they don’t speak. Or rather, Logan doesn’t speak to him. On the few occasions they’re forced to be in the same room (Christmases are m i s e r a b l e ), Edward will attempt to goad his eldest into retaliation, but fortunately in those situations Elrick is generally there too and he is MORE than happy to engage on Logan’s behalf.
The very last time they interact is at Madeleine’s funeral, and it ends in an extremely public, extremely loud argument in front of the entire congregation that results in Logan storming out halfway through (‘causing a scene’, is how Edward later puts it to his fellows at the country club). They never speak again, and he does not attend his father’s funeral five years later.
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Not a great deal. His phone, his wallet, his keys – usual shit. He doesn’t cart stuff around for the sake of it and will remove anything superfluous before he goes out, so there’s nothing crazy in there.
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
I’m no dream-diviner, but whatever relates to feeling like a complete and total fuckup. That’s a recurring theme.
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
He’s very claustrophobic and that tends to be a feature of his nightmares. In a modern setting, though, he’s not plagued by the constant nightmares he experiences in his original incarnation – they’re much more sinister in that verse, and they’re brutal. It’s a major factor in why his insomnia is so intense.
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Depends on the AU. In a modern setting, which I’m pretty much answering for here, nope – shooting is a popular hobby for his mother and father, but he never participated. In most fantasy AUs, he knows how to use one, but he’s a pretty abysmal shot – he’s really only good with a gun in a few very select circumstances when it’s absolutely necessary. Original Logan is the absolute worst with a gun, hence why he doesn’t fucking carry one because it would definitely make more sense than carting a sword around if people keep on trying to assassinate you all the time.
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
It’s fluctuated. He grew up rich. Like … aristocratically rich. His family are Old Money. He wasn’t spoilt as a kid (that little honour went to Morgan), but he went to an expensive private school and certainly didn’t know discomfort.
When he left the home, that all stopped. He had no access to funds and his parents certainly weren’t prepared to give him any, so he made his own way. Ultimately, through a great deal of hard grafting and years of work, he clawed his way into Oxford, manhandled himself through law school and now earns a very comfortable living. He rejected any and all of Morgan’s attempts to help him (Morgan, who was given a ~small loan~ by his mother to start a business and has been a millionaire for pretty much all his adult life) and subsequently it took a long-ass time, but he’s proud of it.
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
Generally more. He’s certainly not the type to fuckin chill around the house half-naked. Like what’s the point. Get your fuckin ass off that expensive sofa and go and put some trousers on for fucks sake.
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
In a modern situation, the night he was outed. That PALES in comparison to his original incarnation’s Most Terrifying Moments 3 Day Compilation Storytime W/ Hi-Res Visuals & Audio, but still.
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
Nope. He’s fine with blood – his, other people’s, whatever. It’s not an issue.
Does your character remember names or faces easier?
Definitely names. He tends to forget faces because he doesn’t really care much about them lmao but names stick in his mind as ‘data’, almost.
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
Not preoccupied, but he does value money and possessions – he sees it as a status-marker. Old habits and all that.
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Success for sure.
What was your character’s favourite toy as a child?
Honestly, he didn’t really play much. He tended to occupy himself with puzzles rather than toys, even when young – colours and shapes as an infant, then on to shit like jigsaws and building blocks as he got a little older, things he could occupy himself very independently with. He used to draw a lot as a young kid, but incidentally is absolutely shit at it as an adult so who knows what happened there. He did have a stuffed toy lion that he carted around as a toddler, but Edward put a stop to his kids having comfort items by the time they were 4 so he didn’t have it for very long.
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
Ambition. It’s the Slytherin in him.
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
He’s too independent, which translates to coming across as cold. He can’t bear relying on other people because he knows damn well he can manage on his own, and it takes him a very long time to delegate trust in a relationship. This has caused friction with people in the past, often alongside accusations of being too cold, too indifferent, too distant. In the three years that he and Elrick spent broken up, his self-reliance was pretty much the final straw for the rebound-relationship he was in for those years – in amongst a nest of other issues, the man in question (sorry Jaeger) simply got fed up of trying to break down a wall that clearly was never going to come down on its own.
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
Oh, only ever self-criticism. Everyone is doing better than he is in one way or another, and he will find that one way.
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
Externally he’ll assign blame to others, but he internalises every second of it as his own fault. It’s the inferiority complex. He knows he deserves it, but he doesn’t want everyone else to know that.
What does your character like in other people?
Integrity, which is pretty rich coming from him as he is no stranger to the odd lie here and there. He also appreciates a practical, realistic outlook on life – relentless optimism irritates him to no end. Sometimes things are really shitty, there’s no use painting it fuckin gold and calling it wonderful. He likes someone he can occasionally bitch and moan with (or more than occasionally), who will either contribute their own grievances or simply let him get on with it without trying to force him to feel better.
What does your character dislike in other people?
Literally we’ll be here forever. He has no patience for what he considers to be ‘stupidity’. A lack of punctuality. Bad spelling. Bad grammar. A lack of self-care. An obnoxious laugh. Anything that reminds him too much of his mother. More than two middle names. Weak handshakes. I could keep going. Best not to.
How quick is your character to trust someone else?
Months, if not years. Really only Elrick and Kat enjoy his full and total confidence. He wants to trust Morgan, but to be entirely honest he can’t shed the fear that Morgan’s going to go parroting it all back to Madeleine the first chance he gets, which is probably a very unfair assumption to make. He knows this. It doesn’t change it, though.
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
He’ll suspect anyone of anything, given the right motivation. He doesn’t trust easily at all. More than once in the early years of the relationship he suspected Elrick of sleeping with his ex, for no other reason than the fact that he had an ex – he kept that particular concern entirely to himself, but it took a long time to shed.
How does your character behave around children?
Responsible. By the time he knew of Bastian’s existence the boy was already about seven, but he’s been babysitting Rowan since birth so he’s pretty comfortable by now.
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
It’s an absolute last resort.
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
Externally defensive, but internally he absorbs it.
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
No point repeating something if it’s clearly not working. A second try might not be a bad idea, just in case a mistake was made in the first opportunity, but any more than two repeats is just setting yourself up for failure.
How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Oh bitch if he doesn’t like you, you will Know About It. He really doesn’t see the point in pretending to like somebody he doesn’t – it’s a waste of time and energy, and why bother giving that person false hope? Better to nip it in the bud.
Is your character more concerned with defending their honour, or protecting their status?
His honour’s all shot to the four fuckin winds anyway, but he will protect his status fiercely.
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
His mother’s ancient African Grey parrot used to bite him on the regular, and as such he hates parrots.
How does your character treat people in service jobs?
It could be better. It could be worse, but it could be much better. He’s still kind of a classist snob at times.
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Nope. He’s never really had a paternal figure at all. Or at least not a positive one.
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
Not really – his only two dependents would be Bastian and Rowan, both of whom are blood relations.
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
It’s easy to say it when he doesn’t mean it (which he has done, in the past). It’s much harder to say when he does.
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
He has no idea whatsoever. He was raised Catholic, but has considered himself an atheist since his mid-teens – however, it’s extremely hard to shed the guilt and fear of damnation when it’s all you’ve heard for a huge chunk of your childhood. He likes to think that life just stops and then that’s it, you’re done, but he can’t quite get rid of the little chirp of paranoia that says he’s going to Hell.
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