#in canon chico is listed as someone who used to hang out with them so
fanstuffrantings · 1 month
id love to see how you redesign the thunder legion!
Thunder Legion are another group I actually enjoy design wise. But here's my pass at them in my style! I did post evergreen before but she should be with the group.
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I didn't want to alter too much. Bickslow's design fits in with who he is and is distinct from other characters. My sister is a massive Laxus fan and would've burned me at the stake for changing too much, though I will admit I like every outfit he gets so no complaints here. Fried is similarly consistent in his looks but he still stands out which I didn't want to mess with more than necessary. And evergreen really just needs to be more tacky like she was in the original arc.
It is fun to figure out how characters would alter/fit in to my ideas for a rewrite.
Bonus: chico, because her magic was wasted by Mashima's knack for giving cool powers to characters he never fleshed out.
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