#in case anyone needs to blacklist it
sublightsleeper · 2 years
D20 tag game
tagged by @itookyoudown for this tag game. 
 I rolled a 19 and got Need A Vacation by @fivediego . This fic is so fucking good. This is like my...third?? Fourth re-read? I’m gonna re-read it again since I got it open.
I picked the word “ingenue” because it’s a stellar word and here’s what I wrote:
“People seem to think I’m some kind of ingenue.” Five wipes at the counter with more force than was strictly necessary. 
“It’s the eyelashes,” Klaus supplies helpfully, lifting a hand to gesture to his face in one long, floppy circle. “And the fuck me lips.” Five throws the rag at Klaus’ face right as the bell over the door jingles. 
It’s the guy again. The one with his order written on his napkin. Five wonders briefly if the silent Diego would think he was some kind of ingenue. Some delicate thing to be seduced. Would he be disappointed with the truth? That Five was just an asshole with sky high standards who hadn’t been on a date in three years?
Why did it matter to him?
tagging @drunktuesdays @librarian-von-sassypants @or-ng-c-ss-dy
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lightishlilac · 2 years
Y'know, I never got past the first investigation of the second trial in Ace Attorney so I really had no idea why people shipped Edgeworth and Phoenix
But uh
I'm now on the third trial and. And uh.
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yugsly · 2 years
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TODAY IS HARVEY’S BIRTHDAY!! I love him so much, even if I haven’t played Animal Crossing in a long time bahahhaha
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dravencroft · 10 months
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Bleeding out flowers.
Amaryllis: symbol of pride, strength and determination - all qualities expected and required by the Ventrue of those who join their ranks. All qualities Dante does not seem to have, according to his Sire. But perhaps, if he cuts deeps enough, if he bleeds a little more... perhaps he will find those flowers.
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bwaldorf · 1 month
challengers trio. i received all of the subliminal messages you kept sending me during the tennis match. i am on a plane on my way to new rochelle RN.
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goldenworldsabound · 8 months
...k, I guess I still have a crush on Wriothsley 🤦‍♀️but I was being so good at pretending I didn't-
He's a bastard and a dweeb at the same time somehow
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arti-cat · 10 months
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i wanted to do one of those sketch-to-fully-rendered piece transitions but the sketch file broke . clip studio will NOT let me in so heres like the only other screenshot i have of it! HEPWEHASBD
anyway i love suns. idk why i suddenly started to adore them BUT I DO and now they're in the brain please send me asks about suns idk
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logictxt · 8 months
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dear god... they actually used comic sans for this...
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unleashedsonic · 1 year
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some kirby oc stuff ive done recently
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melrosing · 8 months
big the fuck up the nhs man, and your dads wolverine powers. wishing your dad the absolute best recovery and he and your family all the peace and comfort in the world
fr I can’t even get my head around the intricacy of the surgery my dad has just had on his actual brain and yet he was walking and talking almost like normal within 12 hrs of waking up. sat there eating fish and chips yesterday morning like it was nothing. the skill and compassion of the whole team looking after him is just unreal
and thank you so much that means a lot ❤️ dad is really strong despite everything he’s an absolute wonder x
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malicemismanager · 4 months
I've been trying to actually use the stickers I inevitably acquire throughout the course of living with access to a bank account and no supervision instead of just hoarding them in my lair, and since I was going through my con booth stuff fixing what needs fixing (how is con only two months away h a l p 🥲), I figured I might as well add a couple of the stickers that came with my copy of TGCF Vol.8 to my cash box and my con notebook cuz I remembered I had them and they're fuckin adorable.
I mean
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Look at them
(I think this art was done by @foxyjoy-art but do not quote me on that pls I am but a smol forgetful bean 🫣)
I am especially fond of that Eming and Ruoye one ngl XD
Gonna save the last few cuz I don't have room on either surface to put them in a way I'd like, but that's still five less stickers languishing in my drawer, so I will take this win 🤣
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clownleys · 5 months
ao3 author notes: sorry i was absent for the past two weeks! i had to hand sew 42874 crystal gems to my shorts and then someone spiked my drink so i had to redo the whole thing
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ghostsxagain · 1 year
//alright y'all there's something I feel the need to address. earlier this year allegations were made about percy hynes white and it was messy. out of respect for the situation I went gifless for all threads for my muse bowie munson. as of this moment, no investigations are being done, no charges have been made, and there's been no movement on the topic. as a result, I'm going to put gifs back in my threads for him HOWEVER if there is an update on the case I will make changes promptly. I am also sympathetic to the fact that some people may not want to see his face on their dash for personal reasons. that being said, if you wish to avoid him, I will have the tags 'bowie munson ; interactions' for all threads and 'bowie munson ; visage' for all fc posts. if you would like me to add an additional tag, I will do so. if my continued use of him makes you uncomfortable, I understand that too. curate your tumblr experience to your needs. there will be no hard feelings. please do not come at me with vitriol over this decision. thanks <33//
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pipskippy · 1 year
unbearably powerful alphonse elric brain rn. incapable of thinking of anything else. this thing
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praisethelamps · 7 months
In case you were wondering (and I'm sure you were /joke), I am being so so normal about the Kurukuru appearances and Dramaturgy references in the new MV. I'm spending a reasonable amount of time thinking about them, naturally, as a person who thinks about Dramaturgy a completely sane and normal amount (/sarcasm)
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I imagine Party's mask falls off to reveal another mask like that one wolf character from that one gore japanese childrens' show.
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this ask is great because I did in fact draw those two together a while back
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