#in conclusion this anime is a solid 5/10
soppsop · 1 year
i love the ace attorney anime but man they really ruined all the breakdown animations by making the lawyers airbenders. It's so unsatisfying that instead of pressing the culprits until they break they just get sent flying across the courtroom 💀 I remember being irrationally upset because Dee Vasquez's pipe broke bc it fell down with the wind and I was like THAT'S NOT HOW IT HAPPENEEED
don't even get me started on von karma that was LAME. they just cut from him failing to do a fingersnap to calmly explaining all his evil plan on the stand. not even banging his head?? not even an EDGEWOOOOOORTH???? lame.
on the other hand they made Nick, Edgey and Larry feel like they were actually friends, AND they made this shot in the opening which i love
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songspirits · 2 months
rating fanon portrayals of the outsiders boys
note: my guesses on the canon personalities probably arent even true lol this is my opinion
ponyboy curtis
sometimes the portrayals are really good!! but i hate that often, people portray him either as a moody brat or a weak baby. he is canonically a good fighter, especially after the fire, though he doesn’t like to. hes a loner, hes a reader, hes a pacifist, hes a good kid.
you have to remember that the outsiders is literally written in HIS POINT OF VIEW!!! ofc yes he’s a sassy and snarky teenager but he is also so intelligent and smart. hes a loner, but the gang would never shun his company. he has so much depth that a lot of writers often forget. hes a 14 year old kid with thoughts of a adult and can only do so much. thats what makes the outsiders so relatable to alot of people. its his intelligence that makes him and darry argue, because of how darry sees himself in ponyboy
but also on the other side of the coin ponyboy is a fragile character after the events of the book, because he is 14!!! but he has thoughts!!
i feel like people forget his good traits and only focus on the bad (and oh my goodness does this count for darry too!)
sorry for my rambles i just love his character so much :-(
darry curtis
besides fanfiction.net and like 30% of the fics on ao3 hes actually a solid portrayal most of the time, but tons of people forget that his relationship with ponyboy wasnt actually that batshit awful. sure theyd butt heads alot and go back and forth but they love each other thats why they did that. hes so much more than just an angry man who happens to be ponyboys brother.
hes a man who peaked in high school (IM KIDDING) and lost it all not because of his brothers but because of his parents. there was probably some strong resentment there for a while until they died. darrys problem or flaw is that he cares too much and his fear turns to anger. its love for sodapop and ponyboy that brings him back when he realizes his anger is doing more bad than good for his little brothers. It’s opening up and allowing his brothers in that helps his character.
that being said, people often focus more on his bad traits than his good traits. its a running theme in the outsiders fandom, i’ve noticed
sodapop curtis
highest rating i have on this list!! fanfiction.net outsider fics ive gotta say i actually just cant handle it so thats why it isnt a full 8 and ao3 is a 50/50
people put that hes soft but also forget that hes wild. hes batshit CRAZY. hes just as protective as darry and just as snarky as ponyboy. hes soft!! hes rough!! sodapop curtis is a dynamic character!!!!
ehhhhhh, most johnny portrayals i’ve seen are either really good or really bad. kinda ponyboy’s problem, being seen as weak. hes just a dynamic character who is allowed to be weak but also has so many strong traits about him. he is a frightened wounded animal to most but to the gang hes something more than that. also, snarky and ‘over’ johnny portrayals are great.
most portrayals i’ve seen are pretty good but its the same problem ive seen in all the boys— they only focus on a few traits dallas has (aggressive, tough, hardened) and stick with that. forgetting the youth in dallas winston and making his character honestly… less tragic?
imo the tragedy of the outsiders is the youthfulness in all the boys and how shitty situations couldnt make them more vulnerable, so i would love more of a vulnerable dallas in fics around the gang. another thing, people forget how much ponyboy really does mean to dallas. johnny and ponyboy were both his brothers and he’d did so much for the both of them precisely bc of that
again.💔people forget how DYNAMIC these characters are!!! two-bit knows when to get serious for the love of god!!
what portrayal. ☹️ppl dont write him enough and if they do its like one line #justiceforsteve
in conclusion
the outsiders fandom often have such good portrayals but only for one part of their character. this isnt to shame anyone or anything!! but this is just a helpful criticism ?? for any writers out there portraying the boys!! trust me i had to think abt this too lmao
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kerakitty · 1 year
Adam’s Creation and Appearance
So there’s a lot of nitpicking surrounding how Victor made Adam and how Adam should be portrayed as a result of that (e.g. should he have stitches, varying skin color, etc). I find this kinda weird because we don’t actually know how Adam was made. Victor intentionally omits this information when telling his story to Robert Walton for fear of someone managing to reproduce his work.(1)
We do have a few, scant details, but they’re hardly enough to draw any solid conclusions from. Here’s a list of all the facts given about his creation (relevant quotes with page numbers at bottom of post):
Making Adam big allowed Victor to work faster.(2)
It took Victor months to gather the materials he needed.(3)
Some materials were gathered from dissecting rooms, charnal houses, and slaughter-houses.(4)
Victor was able to choose Adam’s features (e.g. hair color and texture, tooth alignment).(5)
The whole process, both gathering materials and actual construction, took a little under two years.(6)
That’s it. That’s all we know. We don’t know how these “materials” were used, we don’t know what caused them to go from inanimate to living, or even what exactly they were. Yes, Victor mentions collecting his materials from the places listed above, but aside from mentioning bones(4), he doesn’t say what exactly he was taking. Were they intact organs? Pieces of tissue? Entire limbs? We don’t know. Confusing things further, Victor mentions that he “dabbled” with graves and “tortured living animals”(7), but doesn’t clarify whether these were additional sources of materials or simply research into the mechanisms of life and death.
General consensus seems to be that Victor used organs and whole body parts from cadavers to create Adam, but there's plenty of evidence that that’s not the case. Aside from the fact that it would’ve been difficult to create an 8ft tall body with proportional limbs out of pieces of humans averaging under 6ft, there are a few lines in the novel that indicate that this wasn’t Victor’s method. Victor consistently refers to the materials he used as “lifeless” and “inanimate”, but never dead. He also consistently speaks of imbuing new life into the materials rather than renewing or restoring life. In fact he outright states that reanimating the dead was, as best as he could figure, impossible.(8) Whether this only refers to raising a dead individual as they’d been in life or to any organic tissue is, like so much of Victor’s research, extremely vague.
So where does that leave us in terms of Adam’s appearance? Well, with not a whole lot to go on. Does he have stitches? Maybe. Does his skin color vary? Also maybe, though probably not given that Victor describes his skin and makes no mention of any variation in tone.(9)
The closest thing we have to a canon appearance for him is probably the illustration included in the 1831 edition of the novel.
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There’s no stitches or other scars visible here, but since we have no idea how much (if any) input Shelley herself had on this design, that’s not necessarily confirmation one way or the other.
Ultimately, aside from a handful of details, we don’t really know what Adam should look like. We know he has thick black hair, watery yellowish eyes, yellower skin, straight white teeth, thin black lips, and is 8ft tall with all features proportional to that size.(9) Outside of that, and the fact that he looked ugly but not horrifying right up until he started moving(10), it’s up to the reader’s imagination. And given that the novel was intended to be a horror story, I suspect that’s intentional. In horror it’s often our imaginations that supply the most frightening imagery and any good creator of horror is aware of this fact.
So portray Adam however you want, and maybe don’t nitpick other people’s portrayals of him. So long as neither of you are going against the few explicitly described details the novel provides, they’re probably not any more off the mark than you are.
Source quotes and page numbers below the cut.
All quotes and page numbers are taken from this upload of the 1818 text.
”I see by your eagerness, and the wonder and hope which your eyes express, my friend, that you expect to be informed of the secret with which I am acquainted; that cannot be. ...I will not lead you on... to your destruction and infallible misery” pg 23
”As the minuteness of the parts formed a great hindrance to my speed, I resolved... to make the being of a gigantic stature;” pg 24
“...having spent some months in successfully collecting and arranging my materials...” pg 24
“I collected bones from charnel houses... The dissecting room and the slaughter-house furnished many of my materials;” pg 24
“I had selected his features as beautiful.” pg 26
“I had worked hard for nearly two years...” pg 26
“...I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave, or tortured the living animal to animate the lifeless clay[.]” pg 24
“...if I could bestow animation upon lifeless matter, I might in process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption.” pg 24
“His limbs were in proportion, and... [h]is yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion, and straight black lips.” pg 26
“I had gazed on him while unfinished; he was ugly then; but when those muscles and joints were rendered capable of motion, it became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived.” pg 27
Side note on that last line: I always felt Victor was rather underselling the creativity of Dante here. Dante came up with some trippy shit. I doubt the Uncanny Valley was something of which he “could not have conceived”.
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websurfshark · 5 months
season 19 was a let down 😭😭
spoilers below!
i’m sure that over a year of hype doesn’t help my case here but i really was expecting something a little better 😭
i don’t mean to be too much of a critic in this post and sorry if i seem like i’m complaining but man 🧍‍♂️ full review here we go
sarges death was expected and the character arc that simmons got from it was pretty well done , he was cool — sarges death did just seem kind of rushed but that’s probably also time constraints , nobody seemed super affected by it tho and that kinda put me off ☹️ sure the reds were like Sad right after he died , and grif + simmons had the moment at his grave, but it’s literally not brought up again ? simmons just gets to be a leader kinda and tucker doesn’t get told he killed sarge, nobody else brings it up after the climax?? not even during the climax as they fight meta again ?
^ although sarges final moments were done very nicely and the va’s had a ton of emotion ❤️
along with that, wash’s acting was amazing as always
grif was characterized really weirdly throughout the first half of the season - i’m guessing they tried to make him the “straight man” of the group but it kinda fell flat because he just seemed irrationally angry every single time he spoke 😭 he kinda evened out as it went on tho so that’s better than nothing
Simmons was very kind this season that was interesting and cool He didn’t have a care in the world
animation was wonky at times but it was there - fight scenes weren’t monty oum style of crazy but they were creative with them and ill give them that! good callbacks during the fight
character callbacks were cool! i’m glad we got a little bit of kai (no reunion with grif tho so that sucks), dylan was there but she was kinda characterized weird, grey there, agent one (???) for some reason, 479er!!!!! she was well done and she fit really well into the plot!, no checkup on chorus life which was kinda sad (no lieutenants boohoohoo) some of the callbacks felt out of place tho
i don’t like how they handled tex cause even though it was cool she was back , i feel like we’ve done this dance a thousand times
also carolina quite literally came out of nowhere ?? how did she just ? drop from the sky what ??? LOL
absolutely no donut at all ? there was like one mention of him that i can remember ? lopez is just forgotten about back at the bases ??? i don’t know if the donut thing was something behind the scenes but Uhh
music wasnt up to par - they just reused old songs basically , the weird song that played during the “Memories” sequence wasn’t good
i’m not the hugest fan of the ais in general so i don’t think about them too much but i feel like sigma wasn’t characterized in the same way he was in the freelancer seasons — in pfl he kind of subtly manipulated maine into becoming meta etc etc but for tucker , he basically just like😭 tortured him WHICH IS PROBABLY CAUSE LIKE tucker knows This guy is evil Ahhhh!!! but still that was a little weird
no grimmons sad day for the rvb fandom - some scenes could be read as grimmons, like grif basically inviting simmons to go with him , i’m confused on why simmons stayed because simmons himself literally said One last mission ? so idk what he’s doing bro idk if he’s staying in blood gulch or what — grif just straight up leaves and like ? are they gonna see eachother again orrr ? what’s happening
the ending felt rushed and kinda weird - just vibes , i think i’m biased because i now realize that not a lot can beat the s13 ending , but even so , grif just kinda leaves and that’s the end 😭
i feel like we didn’t get a whole lot of conclusions for all the characters even tho that’s what was promised
overall i’m probably giving this a solid 5-6/10 , the season was overall very hit or miss in some aspects and scenes
ANWYAYS😭 don’t let my opinions take away from your experience with season 19! this is just how i felt about it after my first watchthrough and my opinions might/will change!
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peachymilkshakes · 9 months
Fashion Dreamer, a review by a Style Boutique/Savvy/Girls Mode long time fan
I recently got the game and due to recent backlash of it I figured I'd write sort of a ramble review on it now that I've played through the initial tutorial phase and gotten to the meat of the game. I will most likely update my post once I got to the last Cocoon, so look out for that (or don't. Whichever floats your goat)
First a bit of a backstory. Back when I was a tiny little peach, I was gifted this game by my grandma called "Style Boutique" It was the first game on the NDS. I was immediately hooked. It had so many different brands of clothes to choose from, most of which I had memorized (And I still know them by heart if you asked me) not only that, but it also had a game function where if you finished the main story of entering and winning all the contests, then you could just keep running your own boutique, even on the Nintendo Network. You could sell your clothing to other players, and you could shop in other peoples stores too. I had MANY trips down to my local library just to connect to their wifi and download some clothes for my in game character to wear. I had many great memories with this game. Not only that, but I grew a fondness to the cast of characters. Namely, Grace, Dominic and Renée.
After a few years, Nintendo stopped supporting the game, and moved on to the newer title, Style Boutique 2. Which I didn't play at the time as my parents never got it for me. However, I played it a bit later when I had my own money, and to my dissapointment, the game wasn't the same as the first. This trend of the games getting worse kept going with the 3rd entry too. I played it for a while, but none of them managed to hook me as much as the first game did. I never quite understood why though.
Fast forward to now. Syn Sophia's newest title "Fashion Dreamer" is out on the switch. And I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I feel like the clothing selection is really cute and diverse, and the idea of the social media connections is also a really fun mechanic. I think I understand some of the critisisms. That the game loop gets boring after a while, and that they wished the clothing brands from Style Boutique came back. Personally though, I like this fresh new take on the fashion game genre. Something that Syn Sophia definately popularised. And although I can feel this getting boring, I really enjoy styling my character, and treating the game as nothing more than what it is meant to be: a digital paper doll.
Is it worth 50 euros though? Hm, It depends on what you think this game is worth. I do think it would be worth it once the DLCs hit. That said, many game companies have been doing this whole release an unfinished game spiel and I could write an entire book about how much I hate how nintendo treated animal crossing and splatoon just to prove this point but I think you can make your own conclusion there.
The game misses reoccurring characters like Grace, or at least a more tangible way to play. It doesn't need to be exactly like Style Boutique. Not in the slightest. It would be nice if we had at least something to make progress on besides the gameplay loop that we have going on right now.
I think this game deserves critisism. However, I'm also not going to pretend that this game is a pile of hot garbage. Because it's just not. It's a solid game which I really would reccomend you play if you love dressing little characters.
Verdict after the tutorial, not more than 5 hours in: the game is fun and refreshing. I like where Syn Sophia is going. However, I miss the first Style Boutique. (Which is perhaps nostalgia talking to me) 6.5/10
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How I Would Make a “Bonkers” Movie
I was thinking about “Bonkers” for a while and I came up with a hypothetical movie based on the show, because 1, I’m fascinated by the show’s lore, and 2, Chip n Dale 2022 ripped off the show’s 2 part pilot episode.  
The problem is that I can’t make a good plot out of this hypothetical Bonkers movie, because I want it to have a good beginning, solid middle part, and an epic conclusion. But I came up with ideas of what I could do with a Bonkers movie. So here’s what I would do if I were tasked to make a movie based off of “Bonkers”.
 1: Connect the Lucky Piquel and Miranda Wright episodes more closely and fix some plot holes in the latter episodes, like explaining how Bonkers got a new home when he had a trailer for a home in the former episodes.
2: Have cameos appearances of various cartoons characters, of course, but also come up with creative ideas with them (for example, The Once-ler from Illumination’s The Lorax, Anna and Elsa from Frozen, Ariel from The Little Mermaid, and Sing characters like Ash, Rosita and Gunter and Johnny being actors turned singers).
3: Have the Muppets make a cameo.
4: Explicitly be tied to the same universe as Roger Rabbit (also having Roger and Jessica making a cameo as a treat).
5: Have subtle callbacks to the show like The Muppets 2011 did to past Muppets movies.
6: Not make it cynical. In fact, call out works that make edgy humor involving toons being jaded just for realism’s sake.
7: And going with 6, call out live action remakes of animated works, especially Disney remakes.
8: Going with 2, if Warner Bros. say yes, I would include cameos appearances of characters from Netflix’s adaptation of “Green Eggs and Ham”.
9: Going with 8, I would also include cameos appearances of DCAU characters, though that might be tricky since Kevin Conroy is dead.
10: Have all different forms of animation be in the movie, unlike Chip n Dale 2022, where most of the animation is 3D animated.
11. Expand on the lore of the show, like toons of the past being aware of The Collector (and to an extent Judge Doom), but to toons of today like the ones from DreamWorks, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Sony Picture Animation, and Illumination, The Collector is just some boogeyman for toons.
That’s pretty much of what I would incorporate if I were to make a Bonkers movie. If anyone in the Bonkers fandom can figure out a good plot for this hypothetical movie, either comment or reblog my post and share your input!
This is CartoonPrincess, and I will see you all next time! Bye!
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vermin-lord · 2 years
So, After watching the newest Helluva Boss episode (I watched it a few hours ago I just only now at 3:26 AM finally came to a conclusion), I have to say, it certainly was an episode. A solid 6-7/10 for me. It had a good story, and had pleasant if not brilliant animation, while at the same time shooting the horse and beating it to death with the 5 minutes of dildo wall and however long of vicious muffled sex.
Like, Okay, the joke was funny for a moment and got a snicker out of me, but then I just kinda started skipping parts because it just went on too long. I kinda stopped paying attention until about the final few minutes where Millie fucking killed 20 people and then stole her husband back and slapped his ass and reminded me that I need a wife like that and brought it to a close.
It was a good story, but like, yeesh. And this is coming from a porn addict. Sometimes you can see a few too many pixillated plastic penises y'know?
Overall 6-7/10, average, if not slightly above
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dogtrainingonline · 4 months
The Shepherd's Secret: Insider Tips for Herding Dog Training Success
Herding dogs possess an innate talent for managing livestock, a skill that has been honed through centuries of selective breeding and specialized training. Whether you're a seasoned shepherd or a novice enthusiast, unlocking the full potential of your herding dog requires more than just basic obedience training. In this guide, we'll uncover the shepherd's secret: insider tips and techniques for achieving training success with your herding companion.
Understanding the Herding Instinct:
Herding dogs, such as Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, and Shetland Sheepdogs, are hardwired with a strong instinct to control the movement of animals. This instinct often manifests in behaviors such as stalking, circling, and nipping. Recognizing and harnessing these natural tendencies is the foundation of effective herding dog training.
1. Know Your Breed:
   Each herding breed has its unique characteristics and strengths. Research your dog's breed to understand its natural instincts, energy levels, and behavioral quirks. Tailor your training approach to suit your dog's specific needs and preferences.
2. Start Early and Be Consistent:
   Begin training your herding dog as early as possible to establish good habits and behaviors. Consistency is key; set clear boundaries and expectations from the outset and stick to them throughout the training process.
3. Build Trust and Respect:
   Develop a strong bond with your herding dog based on trust, respect, and positive reinforcement. Use rewards such as treats, praise, and play to reinforce desired behaviors and foster a cooperative relationship.
4. Focus on Basic Obedience:
   Before introducing herding-specific commands, ensure your dog has a solid foundation in basic obedience. Teach commands such as "sit," "stay," "come," and "heel" using positive reinforcement techniques.
5. Channel Energy Productively:
   Herding dogs are known for their high energy levels and drive. Provide plenty of opportunities for physical exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom and channel their energy productively.
6. Introduce Herding Commands Gradually:
   Once your dog has mastered basic obedience, gradually introduce herding-specific commands such as "come by" (move counterclockwise), "away to me" (move clockwise), and "lie down" (stop and stay low). Use consistent verbal cues and hand signals to reinforce these commands during training sessions.
7. Practice Patience and Persistence:
   Herding is a complex skill that takes time and practice to master. Be patient with your dog and celebrate progress, no matter how small. Consistent training sessions and positive reinforcement will yield gradual improvements over time.
8. Expose Your Dog to Livestock:
   When your dog is ready, expose them to livestock in a controlled environment, such as a farm or training facility. Start with calm and docile animals under the supervision of an experienced handler. Allow your dog to observe and interact with the livestock while reinforcing herding commands and behaviors.
9. Seek Professional Guidance:
   Consider enrolling your dog in herding classes or seeking guidance from experienced trainers who specialize in working with herding breeds. Professional instruction can provide valuable insights and help you overcome any training challenges you may encounter.
10. Safety First:
    Always prioritize safety during herding training sessions. Ensure that livestock are properly secured and supervised, and use appropriate equipment such as a sturdy leash and harness to maintain control over your dog.
Training a herding dog requires dedication, patience, and a deep understanding of your dog's instincts and behaviors. By following these insider tips and techniques, you can unlock your dog's full potential and achieve training success. Whether you're herding livestock on a farm or engaging in recreational activities with your canine companion, the shepherd's secret will guide you on the path to a fulfilling partnership built on trust, communication, and mutual respect.
Visit our website at http://dogtrainingonline.com/Sign up for our 7 Day Free Trial - https://members.dogtrainingonline.com/free-trial/
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starlight-time-machine · 11 months
Week in Review
11/05/2023 – 11/11/2023
As expected, the Ichinose chapter last week was a fake out. Just one more gotcha – but just kidding this time! before the end of the road. And now that we’re here…it’s a little baffling to me that it took us 48 chapters and an entire year to impart the relatively basic message of “families aren’t perfect but you gotta keep trying anyway.” I wish we could’ve gotten more focus into each of the other family members like Tsubasa did, what with the whole set up of the seven deadly sins and all. I wish there weren’t so many twists that seemed to be only for shock factor/cliffhangers. And I wish this series had a stronger thematic backbone, but I’m learning that Taizan 5’s M.O. is all about bordering on trauma porn/shock factor until they pull it back for a conclusion that’s about as complex as you’d find in a Disney Channel movie. They always have great premises, but from what I’ve seen, I don’t think they have the skill to actually follow through with interesting and evocative ideas. I’m just glad the trip is finally over. I’ll give Ichinose a 3/10, and I honestly don’t think I’ll check out Taizan 5’s works in the future.
Next up is Undead Unluck, and it’s so serendipitous that we got this chapter right after episode 5 of the anime, because otherwise I don’t think I would’ve remembered Andy firing his fingers at the Round Table, and then I wouldn’t have caught this parallel of Fuuko shooting her guns at the UMAs! What a full circle moment. And oh my God Andy…pulling a Fire Punch, I see. Solid chapter overall.
Dandadan 127: YAYYY RIN!! LET ‘EM KNOW!!!
Magilumiere 90: Plot-wise I don’t have much to say about this chapter, but it’s fun to see everyone in the Manga Plus comments lamenting about Shigemoto being denied his magical girl dress.
Hmmmmm yeah okay, it’s the end of the line for Akane-banashi for me…I know I said I was going to stick with it for the rakugo stories, but I think I’ll just listen to a rakugo podcast or something. I’m glad I got to see fox Karashi before I went, though.
One Piece was fine.
CIPHER ACADEMY YAYYYYY I’m glad to finally learn more about Karigane and what a threat she can be! I also love when Byu’s eyes go into sniper mode, it’s such a unique character design detail. But oh boy……I tried so hard to get into mahjong when I played Yakuza 0, and I’ve since accepted that I’m just too dumb for it LMAO like, there’s no way I’ll ever be able to memorize all the point-winning hands, and I barely understand what a dora or tenpai is. I wouldn’t even be able to tell if I was winning if there wasn’t a video game telling me that I was…all of which is to say that this code battle is just going in one ear and out the other, I’m afraid. But I’ll just focus on the emotional journeys of the characters and I’ll still have a great time.
My friend and I finally marathoned a ton of House episodes, but they were all pretty standard fare. I can’t believe we’re only halfway through season 5 and there’s still four whole 22-episode seasons left…they really let TV shows go on forever back then, huh? What’s really surprising to me on this rewatch is how Taub has become my favourite character…? He’s pragmatic, self-aware, and doesn’t tend to get caught up emotionally – my kinda guy.
Finally got around to watching the Dirty Laundry episode that came out like two weeks ago. This one was pretty fun, with one or two wild stories, but still doesn’t reach the heights of some of the earlier Dirty Laundry episodes for me. And every time I watch, I think about how hard it must be to cast for this show, because not only do you have to get good comedians, you have to get four of them who are familiar enough with each other to have funny banter and to actually guess whose secret it is… And I fear that their talent pool is running out…or rather, their talent pool of people I recognise and would like to see on the show is running out.
Watched the new Make Some Noise episode while I was at it and I love seeing Jacob again, his energy with Lou is really fun. I feel like some of the prompts this season have been a little…subpar, though… I don’t like the ones where it’s just a pop culture reference that’s basically only one obvious joke, or the ones where there’s no real room to expand… But I think the guests this time did the best with what they got. But holy shit I did not enjoy the minigames in this episode…
It’s been a busy week… I’ve gotten sucked into all my various projects and errands…but I always have time for new Undead Unluck episodes. Unfortunately, this was probably the weakest episode in the series so far. Story-wise it was a lot of setup for next week’s fight, and visuals-wise…look, I get it, there’s literally no other way they could feasibly do this on a TV anime schedule, but goddamn the 3D zombies look goofy as hell… I really hate seeing 3D human models in 2D anime, it just never looks convincing and completely takes me out of it. But it is what it is, I suppose.
I loved the part in the beginning of the episode though, where Shen was being cute and having fun banter with Fuuko. And then the fish-eyed lenses effect to amp up the horror vibes when they were listening to the recording was also a nice touch. Now I’m just really looking forward to seeing if Shen has his little unhinged moment next week. (Special shout out to the cameo from Mr. Spongebob himself, that made me laugh).
Pretty good episode of SpyFam today. I love seeing the tension racket up as Yor and co. realize that they’ve been found out – the scene with the room service guy was particularly excellent. The Anya segment provided a nice balance of comedic relief, though perhaps it dragged a bit longer than it needed to. I’m excited to get into the assassin battles proper next week.
It’s fun to be eating Chinese food while watching Kusuriya, especially when it’s a super spicy mala dish…I feel like I’m doing a poison mukbang with Maomao. Rihaku is really cute in anime form! The Garden Party as a whole was adapted about as well as I could’ve expected, but I think I just prefer seeing it in manga form for whatever reason…probably something to do with the pacing of reading the dialogue versus watching it being spoken aloud.
Pretty barren week, huh? I wish I could say I was being productive the whole time but it’s more like I got sucked into my hobbies while watching a lot of YouTube in the background. Hopefully next week will be more eventful.
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formulaorange · 1 year
2023 Summer Anime Review
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Jujutsu Kaisen S2 - Currently Airing This season is turning out to be some of the best animations I've seen from studio bones so far. I personally find that the story is coming together more and the show has definitely upped it's game. Part 2 -Good lord. We have been blessed and fed good food this season. Nanami simps won, gojo simps won. It's a good day. Maybe not for every single person in the show. but hey. For a real review: I won't lie, season 1 was good. Not great but good. The characters were cool, action was fun, and the story was alright. They honestly knocked it out of the park for season 2. They killed the character development with the prequel episodes and focusing on characters the vast majority of audiences enjoy. They upped their animations and the story has been solid. 9.5/10 - Exceptional
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Mushoku Tensei S2 (Jobless Reincarnation) - 12 Episodes One of the goats of isekai anime is back. I won't lie, the first few episodes had me lost and pretty bored, but I get it, it's important to kill the vibe before moving forward. Easily the best wizard school arc I've seen. Definitely has a weird focus on EDs but it is what it is, I guess it's the closest you'll get to him understanding his feelings lol. At the same time, definitely made the romance hit harder when it comes full circle. Weirdly enough, this season hit exactly what I wanted and the animations was more unique than I was expecting. 8.5/10 - Very Good+
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Zom100: Bucket List of the Dead - 12 Episodes This is one of the genuinely good zombie animes I've seen in a while. The concept is fun and the animations are fun. Definitely an uplifting series for an otherwise slow season. Unfortunately due to the production studio being unreliable, the last 3 episodes are on indefinite hiatus. Otherwise, what we've seen up till has been a blast. 8/10 - Very Good More under the cut:
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Sugar Apple Fairy Tale P2 - 12 Episodes So much angst in this season. The story definitely didn't feel as enticing as the first half but I'm thoroughly satisfied with the ending. I think, if they decide to do a second season I likely won't watch it. It feels like this season reached it's peak and came back down to a decent conclusion and I'm happy with ending it here. 7/10 - Good
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Helck - Ongoing - 12/24 Episodes This show wasn't for me. The initial concept was funny but then it kept taking turns and I lost interest. There's some decent humour throughout the show but wasn't enough for me to stick around for the "plot". Will be dropping it here. 5/10 - Average
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Lvl 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero - 12 Episodes Some decent entertainment for the background. Another take on what happens to the hero after the demon lord is defeated, definitely one of the more fun ones. A good one off season. 6.5/10 - Fine+
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kudamono94 · 1 year
Hello everyone!  As promised in my last post I made prior to the premiere of the 1st episode of the new Futurama revival, I have decided to share some of my favorite screenshots I took since watching it myself~  That said, I have seen some of these scenes already shared but I still wanted to post all of what I had taken in one place for myself just for fun, so if you see something in this post that you’ve already seen 1000 times by this point feel free to ignore lol
Tbh I’ve never tried live blogging anything before, let alone tried to edit and share screenshots I didn’t plan on keeping for myself, so I hope these turned out okay!  I did my best to clean them up and crop to what I wanted, so if they don’t show up well I apologize in advance ^^;
Otherwise, if you’re interested in reading past this point, I hope you enjoy what I have to share as well as what little commentary I have to accompany my pictures :3 
Okay, so just to get this out of the way first and foremost, while I have seen mixed reviews in regards to the first episode, imo I honestly thought it was pretty good!  A lot of the jokes definitely landed and even had me laughing out loud, and with the easter eggs scattered throughout combined with seeing all of these characters once again, I couldn’t stop smiling at several points just because I was so happy lol
That said, while I wouldn’t say this is up there as one of my fav episodes of all time in the series overall, I say it definitely did what it set out to accomplish as far as bringing the series back after 10 years off the air in terms of animation, voice acting, etc.  So to anyone that felt as if The Impossible Stream was a let down, I would recommend giving it a few episodes into the new season before coming to a solid conclusion on whether the revival lives up to the hype or not/forming a firm opinion on the new season as a whole.  Again, as far as plots are concerned, this episode isn’t anywhere in my top 10 list, but at the same time, it was pretty good and served as a nice welcome back to long time fans since 2013 when Meanwhile aired, so I want to believe things will only get better from here~
Any who, with all of that out of the way, on to the screenshots:
1. First, Idk if this has been pointed out already, but since I haven’t seen anyone else post this, I thought I’d do it myself~  I honestly thought this was pretty cute lol, and considering that the new season is on a streaming service as opposed to tv (meaning that they most likely can have both the OP and ED be as long as they want without it being cut off by ad time), I hope they include new stuff like this in the OP in addition to the cartoons being displayed on the jumbo tv Leela always crashes into again :)
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2. This scene right here was too cute for me~  I love these two so much, and I’m so happy to see them again :3  They just want each other to be happy, and it’s precious :3
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Also Fry looks so adorable here (´◡`)  Look at him! 
3. I know this scene speaks for itself, but still enjoy this quote none the less :3
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4. If I had a nickle for every time one of my special interests was cancelled because of corporate incompetence/bad judgement, I’d have at least 2 but it’s weird it happened twice - let alone that it happened to two shows that technically aired on the same block (I.E. adult swim, Metalocalypse I’m looking at you :( ).
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And yes, I know this is prob a jab at streaming services like Netflix but I think my point still stands, you know?  I wish things were different but...
5. Hey, at least we’re getting Futurama AND Metalocalypse back this year, right? I guess that’s a small victory, at least for me?  Idk, the fact both these series ended back in 2013 just to be revived in the ye old year of 2023 seems like fate to me tbh, so if the latter’s direct-to-dvd film does well, here’s hoping it can get picked up on Hulu alongside Futurama so I can get back into my high school era~  In the meantime, have this which reminded me of the revival campaigns I have seen over the years dedicated to bringing these 2 wonderful shows back:
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Too bad Leela’s not a Dethklok fan :(
6.  I figured we’d see Calculon come back sooner or later, but I sure as hell wasn’t expecting him to return like this in the first episode no less XD That said, I’m not a huge fan of either him or the Robot Devil, but this scene was gold~
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And last but not least:
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Once I learn how to make good quality GIFS, this is the first scene I’m uploading as a GIF 。^‿^。
7. Oh!  Speaking of Calculon, over these past 15+ years of my life, I had always figured he was either Bi or Pan, so alongside my ship with him and Bender potentially being given more fuel, it was nice to see the writers had the same idea :3 In this house we stan a Bi and/or Pan Calculon~
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And let’s not forget about this:
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Idk man, I think I might reconsider my Calculon dislike if this continues O////O Never thought I’d say that after reaching my 20s but ye, this was pretty good
Also, this scene was another gem in my opinion:
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Technically, yes
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Bender x Fry x Leela parallels aside, it’s always nice to see this as a multi shipper~  Keep in mind, as well, that this was originally also written BY BENDER HIMSELF, so ye, a lot to talk about another day 
8. I almost choked on my drink watching this lol Looks like the old man yaoi group of Farnsworth, Hermes, and Zoidberg has trouble in paradise (this is a JOKE, pls don’t take this seriously!)
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His face is priceless XD
9. Finally, I know this last scene was prob meant to be a tongue-in-cheek joke about both reboots and the writers, but at the same time all I could think of was that one quote from Fry in When Aliens Attack when Leela asked him about his script writing?  Idk if it was mean to be a call back to this scene too, but was I the only one reminded of this during the end?  Also, Bender sure is one to call the kettle black XD
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Compare these exchanges and see what I mean:
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And that’s about it tbh, so if you’ve read this far, thank you so much!  As thanks, here’s some bonus screenshots of Leela and Fry being cute, and I can’t wait to post again about next week’s episode :3  Have a great day and good night~
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scaffolde1sd · 1 year
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Mushrooms
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Mushrooms
Title: Guinea Pig Growth Chart: Tracking the Developmental Milestones of Your Furry Companion
Introduction: As a guinea pig owner, it's important to have a good understanding of your pet's growth and development. Monitoring their growth milestones can help ensure they are healthy and thriving. In this article, we will explore the concept of a guinea pig growth chart, providing insights into the typical growth patterns and stages of these adorable furry companions.
Understanding Guinea Pig Growth: Guinea pigs, like many other animals, go through distinct stages of growth from birth to adulthood. During this period, they experience rapid physical and behavioral changes. A growth chart serves as a valuable tool to track their progress and identify any potential issues or deviations from normal growth patterns.
Birth to 1 Week: At birth, guinea pigs are tiny, weighing around 2-4 ounces (56-113 grams) on average. During their first week of life, they primarily rely on their mother's milk for nourishment and grow at a rapid pace. It's crucial to provide a warm and safe environment for the newborns during this delicate stage.
2 Weeks to 4 Weeks: By the second week, guinea pig pups begin to explore their surroundings and nibble on solid food. They may start venturing away from their mother to socialize with their siblings. During this period, their weight typically doubles or even triples, reaching around 6-12 ounces (170-340 grams).
5 Weeks to 8 Weeks: At this stage, guinea pigs are considered juveniles. They continue to grow rapidly and exhibit increased independence from their mother. Their diet transitions to a more diverse array of hay, pellets, fresh vegetables, and occasional fruits. Juvenile guinea pigs can weigh anywhere from 10-20 ounces (283-567 grams) or more, depending on the breed.
3 Months to 6 Months: During this period, guinea pigs undergo significant growth and development. Their skeletal structure becomes more pronounced, and their coat fills out. By six months of age, most guinea pigs have reached their adult size, although some larger breeds may continue to grow slowly for a few more months. The average weight range for adult guinea pigs is 1-3 pounds (450-1350 grams), with variations among different breeds.
Monitoring Growth: To track your guinea pig's growth, it is helpful to create a simple growth chart. Measure their weight regularly, ideally on a weekly or monthly basis, using a small animal scale or a kitchen scale with accurate measurements. Record the weight and plot it on a graph, allowing you to visualize their growth trajectory over time.
Factors Affecting Growth: It's important to note that individual guinea pigs may have slightly different growth rates. Genetics, diet, overall health, and environmental factors can influence their growth. Additionally, male guinea pigs may tend to be slightly larger than females of the same age and breed.
Consulting a Veterinarian: If you have concerns about your guinea pig's growth or notice any significant deviations from normal patterns, it's recommended to consult a veterinarian who specializes in small animals. They can assess your guinea pig's overall health and provide guidance specific to their individual needs.
Conclusion: A guinea pig growth chart serves as a valuable tool to monitor your pet's development and ensure they are growing at a healthy rate. By tracking their weight regularly and comparing it to typical growth patterns, you can identify any potential issues and provide appropriate care. Remember that every guinea pig is unique, and consulting a veterinarian can provide personalized guidance to support your furry companion's growth and well-being.
To know about more visit our website: https://guineapigsite.com/can-guinea-pigs-eat-mushrooms/
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adrianharley · 1 year
My Top 10 Reads of (the first half of) 2023
I have lucked out in reading so far this year, so it is now my duty, nay, my privilege, to insist that everyone else read these books as soon as humanly possible. These are all books I read from January through June--I haven't read a single thing in July yet. 
10. The World We Make, by N. K. Jemisin. Everything Jemisin writes is gold, and even though this one didn't quite hit the highs of the first, it was a solid conclusion to the duology.
9. Siren Queen, by Nghi Vo. Early Hollywood, but make it magic--fae magic, where stars become literal stars and a Wild Hunt happens behind the scenes.
8  You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty, by Akwaeke Emezi. I will read anything Emezi writes. I would have trusted very few authors with this premise: an artist grieving the loss of her husband starts seeing other men again, but then starts falling for the father of the man she is seeing. The lavishness of the descriptions, my goodness. The book comes alive.
7. Witch Hat Atelier (volumes 1 through 5), by Kamome Shirahama. It's a testament to the strength of the books I read this year that the series with baby penguin-gryphons is this far away from #1. I cannot emphasize enough how cute they are--and in case you care about something other than baby penguin-gryphons, I cannot explain in words how incredible this world is. Just look. You'll see.
6. An Immense World, by Ed Yong. I am an animal nerd. I love sinking into a good nonfiction animal book, and this one is miles above most. I was blown away and humbled by how little I know about animal senses, and I thought I knew a lot. The writing is engaging and charming, too.
5. The Spear Cuts Through Water, by Simon Jiminez. I have never read a book like this before, and that's saying something. The frame structure of the dream theater, the way the narrative points of view flow back and forth, the dips into everyone's (EVERYONE'S) thoughts... this is one of those books that shows how arbitrary some of the fundamental "rules" of writing are, and how vivid a story can be without them.
4. Little Thieves, by Margaret Owen. A good first-person narrator is worth their weight in gold. This was a delightful romp with a selfish protagonist. She's robbing the rich and trying to outwit the fantasy law enforcement! She might have to Learn About Friendship! She's slowly turning into gems! I loved her and all the supporting cast.
3. The Monsters We Defy, by Leslye Penelope. I hope historical fantasy heists keep on coming, but they'll have a hard time surpassing this one. Features a prickly protagonist who slowly learns to trust and folktale-esque spirit magic, with spirits that can't be trusted and bestow a gift alongside a "trick." The pairing of "You will be a flawless actor who can take any role, but nobody will remember your true self" is one that's going to haunt me for a while.
2. The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi, by Shannon Chakraborty. An absolutely flawless piratical adventure. A retired pirate captain gets called away from her peaceful life and motherhood for One Last Job. This has everything you could want in a pirate adventure--a crew of lovable characters, a sinister job that's more than it seems, sea creatures, and a rich and teeming world (the better to be looted). In any other year--half-year--this might have been my very favorite...
1. Shubeik Lubeik, by Deena Mohamed. ... but Shubeik Lubeik won my heart and hasn't let it go. You know when you finish a book and want to shove it in everyone's hands immediately? This is that book, and all the more so because I had never heard of it before picking it up in the library and devouring it in one glorious evening. This graphic novel is about a world like ours, but where wishes are real. Three interconnected tales in Cairo follow three people who end up with a first-class wish. If you like graph-based humor about mental illness, gorgeous art, well-thought-through alternate worlds, and getting emotionally torn apart and put back together again, read this.
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anyawinget · 1 year
South and Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish Outsourcing Market to Witness Huge Growth by Business Market Insights
The report titled “South & Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish Outsourcing Market” has recently been added by Business Market Insights to induce a stronger and more effective business outlook. It provides associate in-depth analysis of the various attributes of the industry, like trends, policies, and customers operational in several geographies. Research analysts use quantitative as well as qualitative analytical techniques to supply users, business owners, and industry professionals with accurate and actionable data. The South & Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish Outsourcing Market study provides comprehensive data which enhances the understanding, scope, and application during the forecast period.
Get a Sample Copy of Report, Click Here:
The South & Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish Outsourcing market following are the manufacturers cover –
Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
Piramal Enterprises Ltd.
Cytovance Biologics
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (Patheon N.V)
Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH
The leading players of the South & Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish Outsourcing industry, their market share, product portfolio, company profiles are covered during this report. Key market players are analyzed on the basis of production volume, gross margin, market value, and price structure. The competitive market scenario among South & Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish Outsourcing players will help the industry aspirants in planning their strategies. The statistics presented in this report are an accurate and helpful guide to shaping your business growth.
South & Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish OutsourcingMarket Split by Product Type and Applications:
This report segments the South & Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish Outsourcing Market on the basis of Types are:
On the basis of Application, the South & Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish Outsourcing Market is segmented into:
Organic Substances Isolated from Animal Origin
Organic Substances Isolated from Microorganisms
Inorganic Substances
This analysis report also presents practical and practical case studies to help you get a clearer understanding of the subject. This analysis report has been prepared through industry analysis techniques and presented in a professional manner by including effective information graphics whenever necessary. It helps ensure business stability and rapid development to achieve notable remarks within the South & Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish Outsourcing market.
Table of Contents: South & Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish Outsourcing Market
Chapter 1: Overview of South & Central America Pharmaceutical Fill and Finish Outsourcing
Chapter 2: Regional Market Status and Forecast by Regions
Chapter 3: Regional Market Status and Forecast by Types
Chapter 4: Regional Market Status and Forecast by Downstream Industry
Chapter 5: Market driving correlational analysis
Chapter 6: Market competition status by major makers
Chapter 7: Major manufacturer’s introduction and market data
Chapter 8: Upstream and downstream market analysis
Chapter 9: Cost and gross margin analysis
Chapter 10: Marketing status analysis
Chapter 11: Market report conclusion
Chapter 12: Research methodology and reference
Click Here to Buy Now:
Note: This report may be customized to suit your requirements. Get in touch with our sales team so you can get a report tailored to your needs.
About Us:
Business Market Insights is a market research platform that provides subscription services for industry and company reports. Our research team has extensive professional expertise in domains such as Electronics & Semiconductors; Aerospace & Defense; Automotive & Transportation; Energy & Power; Healthcare; Manufacturing & Construction; Food & Beverages; Chemicals & Materials; and Technology, Media, & Telecommunications.
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Contact person: Ankit Mathur
Phone: +16467917070
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I decided to use Unreal Engine 5.2 for my project. This allowed me to use the newest features in my game. I didn't really use a lot of other software, this project was pretty much only in unreal, and it's mostly because I wanted to work on just the technical thing rather than making assets or ui. I used a lot of youtube videos which I learnt from to make the game. Games like League and Cod coming together really did make a unique experience. Unreal has been an amazing tool for the past 5 years, I've used it since year 10 of high school starting on 4.21 I think it would take a while for me to adjust to any sort of new engine since Unreal has been everything I’ve needed from the start. Allowing me to make all my games. Youtube has been a big help in teaching me loads of super complex things right at the start of college, like on my second project ever I decided to spend half of the given 7 weeks figuring out how to make blend spaces and anim blueprints which I had never done either before and now since I did that struggling then I now could setup animBPs and blend spaces like there nothing.
I think my concept was solid concept and that having an idea from the start really allowed me to meet with the core ideas I had in my concept. I didn't need to alter any part of my concept but didn't really get everything I touched on in it, I said I could have added maps like a neighbourhood or a shopping mall and I think just with more time I would have been able to add these. Generally through this project I wanted to keep things super simple so I didn't run out of time and it worked I was blasting through everything and managed to get my MVP done before the easter holidays, but when my project got corrupted I had to restart all over again and since this time was meant to be for doing the written work it really put the pressure on me to get it back to the MVP and follow what my concept had stated as well as my MoSCoW. The general idea was still there but the direction and feel of the project had changed, before it felt that I was making a new quirky top-down shooter game with levels and missions, but after it feels like I just need to scramble to what I had before with no look into the future but as well as an icky feeling of boredom and frustration since I was just remaking the same thing but now I couldn't remember any of the code which was super annoying so having to remake it made it lack the enjoyment I had before. It did change but not in its final product just how I looked at the project.
I exceeded my expectations due to having my project nearly done which was at my expectations but when it got corrupted and I needed to remake it that's when I exceeded it since I didn't think I would get my project done and all my written work which I managed to do. I'm super happy with my project and it does fulfil the proposal. I think without the corruption I could have been generally higher quality since I would have still had the hype for the project.
In conclusion, I feel like this project was a success. Everyone who has played it had great positive feedback which was good, but I would have liked to get some larger-scale playtests I've learnt to always playtest with other people because they might notice quite a few things you missed. This project was definitely a learning experience for me since I have never done the top-down genre this seriously before my arcade project wasn't aiming with a cursor it was walking in the direction of the button press so having to get the character to rotate and look at the mouse cursor was the first task for me to overcome but once I did I managed to carry on. One absolutely huge learning experience was losing my project, it had never happened to me before and thought it never could but I was wrong and we all experience it at least once if you learn from it that is and I have, I now don't use the hard drive for projects but for assets other smaller files instead I use version control, now this is a lifesaver. There are many different version control software out there like Perforce which is what I use for work, I would have used this but it costs money to run the servers so I decided to use GitHub. GitHub is free and anyone can use it, it's super simple to set up I go over it in one of my blog posts but it allowed me to ditch my hard drive for projects and just upload everything to GitHub repositories, this means I can pull and push things from my desktop to my laptop and both versions are updated. Next time I just need to make sure I don't rush into things which I didn't do as much this time as in other projects, I really came into this fmp with nothing, no ideas in my head to give myself no bias when thinking of the project idea from the research I had done. Finally, I wanted to say that I have learnt a lot from every project I've done, every single one. I am so proud of myself and my work even if it's not fully the outcome I wanted or liked I think all my projects are unique in their own way even if they share assets from online. I look forward to making new projects in the future I can gather all the knowledge from the past 2 years and put it into every project going forward, I hope to make games that are more scalable, which allows me to expand easily on them rather than hard coding things in. my most recent projects like kill confirmed and working on an indie game allowed me to see and test scalability in games which leads to a more smooth dev and gaming experience.
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abuhurayra666 · 2 years
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Everything you need to know to keep your cat healthy and happy can be found here. Here are my 10 best feline consideration tips that will make your felines blissful and solid.
1: The truth is that our feline friends require regular vet visits because they are susceptible to diseases like diabetes, cancer, and kidney disease. Since cats are skilled at hiding signs of illness, it is best to take them to the vet once a year to catch any health problems early. At the point when issues are recognized, this early conclusion and treatment are vital to saving a feline's prosperity and life span.
2: Cat Exercise to encourage your cat to get enough exercise, place horizontal and vertical cat scratching posts all over your house. To encourage it to stretch and flex its muscles, include cat toys and a sisal rope. Your pet will be more likely to jump and climb during the day if perches are placed on windows.
3: Diet and Fresh Water Always provide your cat with enough food and grass that hasn't been treated with pesticides to keep it healthy and in good physical condition. Additionally, ensure that it always has access to clean water. The water bowl will typically be sufficient, but cats also adore fountains and bubbling fish tanks.
4: Dental health: Your cat's overall health and well-being depend on receiving proper dental care. If dental disease is not treated or caught early, it can lead to tooth abscesses and bacteria that can harm the heart, liver, and kidneys.
5: Cat Toys for Fun and Entertainment According to my experience; the majority of cats enjoy hiding inside cardboard boxes, so you don't need to spend a lot of money on expensive toys. Even though they are too big for such a small space, my children prefer shoe boxes. Give your cat a ball, shoelace, or laser light pointers to play with. That will suffice to keep it content and in excellent condition.
6: Keep an eye on your cat's weight. Just like with humans, a cat's weight can have a big effect on their health as a whole. If your cat is gaining weight, you need to do something about it. Make playtime a regular part of your cat's day by providing boredom busters like interactive feeders, a rotation of interesting toys, or even a feline companion to get your cat moving. This will help your cat keep a healthy weight. Playing with wand teaser toys with your cat helps you bond with them and get them the exercise they need.
7: Cat litter boxes must always be in a secure and easily accessible location. Make sure they are spotless and free of scent. Please provide each cat with at least one litter box. Scoop them clean every day.
8: Assurance from family perils from electrical ropes and elastic groups to plants, there are perils for you feline prowling all around your home! Lotions, soaps, cleaners, and chemicals should all be safely stored and kept out of your cat's reach at all times. On the off chance that you think your feline has gulped a non-food thing, call your veterinarian promptly for exhortation.
9: Keep at least two cats if at all possible, especially if you work most of the day. Your precious infant won't be bored or lonely with a new friend. Remember that playing games and running together will keep your furry friends happy and stimulated.
10: Learn your cat's routines and pay attention to changes in behavior Cats are experts at hiding illness, so changes in behavior that could indicate a problem are often subtle and easy to miss. Track your cat's behavior and urination (frequency and quantity) in a journal. As a result, it will be simpler to identify minute distinctions. Don’t ignore any changes you notice, like more sleeping or hiding! Speak up and inform your vet.
Final thoughts: I have three additional pieces of advice for you. Love your animal. Keep an eye on it. And give it as much attention as you can. It doesn't take much for a new member of your family to be happy and content in your home, which will surprise you.
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