#in ep4 he immediately starts to freak the fuck out
the juxtaposition between how joel acts in the ep4 scene with the little girl clicker climbing into the car with ellie and how he acts in the hospital is delicioso
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aprillikesthings · 6 months
I have flipped the laundry and put the towels away and re-made the bed, I have made dinner and done a load of dishes, it's time for more She-Ra!
s5 ep4 Stranded
but first do you want to see my dinner
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Rice Cabbage stir-fried in light sesame oil w/ garlic A couple of eggs Sesame seeds
SO SIMPLE but so good!!! Seriously this turned out perfect. God damn.
Adora: "Let me get this straight: Catra saved you from Horde Prime?"
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Man I am not going to screenshot all the things her face does in a few seconds, but remember waaaaaay early on when I was comparing their facial expressions when Catra and Adora hear each other's names, to that scene in Arcane where Vi realizes Caitlyn is into women, and Vi's face says a TON of things in 1.5 seconds? Adora's face here goes on a JOURNEY: confusion, shock (as shown above), anger, something I can only describe as "well I obviously have to rethink some things"/"maybe I've been wrong about her this whole time", some kind of fatigue tinged with regret, and then she slides down the wall to sitting.
It's just really well done.
Also I know there's a ton of videos showing the progression between Catra and Adora in the last season and I am forcing myself not to watch them or any of the meme videos until I AM DONE WITH THE SHOW because I don't want to dilute the emotional impact of watching them when I get to them.
Anyway Glimmer goes to apologize for the shit she did to make everything go to hell on Etheria, but then the ship goes bumpy bump and stops moving. But yeah Bow is keeping his distance from Glimmer right now.
So Glimmer sobs in Adora's arms instead. And the ship goes bumpty again. Entrapta says it's because they're out of fuel crystals but there's a planet with some nearby.
Aw there's a lovely interaction between Scorpia and Swift Wind back on Etheria.
Back to Space:
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I've just noticed it looks like a ship anchor, which I assume is deliberate, since it would be Horde Prime's "anchor" on a planet.
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Yeah Bow's still mad about it.
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I love Entrapta (she's talking about how the old fuel crystals are probably fused to the engine by now)
LOL THE SHIP (Darla) RESPONDS "I do not feel pain" and Entrapta immediately smiles again "oh okay!"
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*looks at Adora* *looks at Vi* *thinks about how I've wanted to cosplay both Catra and Caitlyn*
hm. *side-eyeing self*
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Anyway Adora fell in a hole
Glimmer: "Just stay put, we're coming. We'll have to find another way down." Adora: "I think I see a light. I'm gonna go towards it." Bow, freaking out: "Don't go towards the light!"
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And Swift Wind does a little story-telling into the sky about how things are going on Etheria. It's cute.
And Adora gets in a fight with other people looking for fuel crystals.
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They're also from a planet Horde Prime destroyed. Also it turns out the crystals are nearly impossible to get to.
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and then "he has to pay for what he did! And he--he has someone on his ship. Someone I--" and she looks back and forth and then stands up straight again. "We're stopping him! Period."
"if your friend is with Horde Prime, it's already too late"
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"I mean, she used to be, but that was a long time ago,"
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"but then she saved Glimmer. And maybe that means there's still good in her, and now, I don't know, it's--"
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BAHAHA (remember when that was a relationship option on facebook? "It's complicated"?)
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(lol I accidentally closed the tab and had to reopen it and it wouldn't let me take this without the rating???)
Anyway they're all like, Nobody stands up to Prime and survives.
They all head out to find the fuel crystals but there's a bunch of earthquakes and they have to GET THE FUCK OUT, and as their only way out starts to collapse--
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Adora manages to make a way out!
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Entrapta is like, that was She-Ra, obviously
ANYWAY there's some lovely derring-do and Glimmer gets the fuel crystals, Bow saves her life a couple of times over, and everyone makes it out of the cave before it collapses. Then the star kids (who haven't seen magic in centuries) offer to join the cause.
Back on the ship, Glimmer does an amazing apology speech to Bow:
Glimmer: "Look, I know you're still mad at me. Maybe you'll be mad at me for a really long time. I deserve it. And maybe--maybe we'll--maybe we'll never be friends like we used to be. But I'm not going to stop trying to make it better. I made a mistake with the Heart of Etheria. I should have listened to you, and I'm sorry. You get to be mad, for as long as you need to be. But I'm not going anywhere. And when you're ready, I'll be here."
And Bow accepts her apology
And Adora watches, and then turns and looks out the window
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Are you thinking of someone you'd maybe like to reconnect with? To maybe forgive? hm?????
LOL I SPOKE TOO SOON Bow and Glimmer notice the way Adora is staring into the stars and ask if she's okay
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"and I know Catra was our enemy and she's done a lot of bad things, and hurt a lot of people, but--
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the poor thing. she's so torn up about it.
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Glimmer: "Whatever you need to do, I'm with you." Bow: "Then let's do this. Best Friend Squad style."
And there's a group hug.
AND SWIFT WIND FELT ADORA DO THE SHE-RA THING even if only for that few seconds, wooo!
End of episode! Roll credits!
AAAAHHHHHHH okay first I gotta flip the laundry again
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postgameroutesix · 1 year
oh yeah i started watching tmnt 2003 also so im watching that + the 1987 show side by side BUT thoughts so far on the two from a guy who knew essentially nothing going in:
already the 2003 ver of splinter sorta feels like a wiser approach to the character just in that it avoids that underlying racism unintentional it may be with him being a japanese man turned into a rat. instead being same as the turtles in originally just being a normal rat. from context clues im guessing hamato yoshi will be weaved into the story later as a separate character so hes not entirely omitted just reworked
though beyond the unfortunate implications associated w aspects of his character concept i do rlly enjoy splinter as a character + think his relationship with the turtles and april in 1987 is very sweet like man hes really just their dad….in 2003 how he saw these lost baby turtles + just thought Well i guess im a father now despite being completely different species is so 😭😭 the little nest he made for them….
i LOVE!!! the turtles theyre actually SO skrunkly theyre my best friends…..i love them all theyre very special to me. particularly 87 raphael and 2003 mikey have immediately latched onto my brain the absolute silly of these critters everything they say is like cocomelon shit to me. i love them SO VERY!!! dearly <33
i love aprils attitude of fuck around + find out i think shes a very fun character. ive seen ppl refer to her 1987 iteration as being a “damsel in distress” but i dont really agree with that at all lol bc she doesnt just get kidnapped she actively gets herself into shit for a news story…its the same issue i hold with people referring to daphne as such tbh. also wrt her 87 character i love how similar to 2003 splinter she meets the turtles and is freaked out for like a few seconds b4 just being like Well i guess im a big sister now
the difference in style + tone b/w the two shows is immediately evident lol like for example 87 is largely episodic bar the first five episodes really where instantly 2003 is set up as having an overarching plot. and just by the artstyle its clear 2003 will intend to have a more serious plot at that compared to the more overall lighthearted yet earnest 87
i havent met casey jones in 87 but wrt 2003 help ….whats wrong w this guy i need to see more of him NEOW! i really liked his introductory episode his dynamic w raph is sweet i like how raph sees himself in casey + thus wants to help him. all about balance….
donatello CARRIES rhe team in both these versions my goodness. he deserves the world hes so funny
2003 raphs brooklyn accent kills me every time he speaks. thank u
speaking 👆 of 2003 raph i really love his + mikeys relationship so far especially. really enjoy dynamics where one of the characters annoys the shit outta the other one frequently intentionally and while the other gets angry over this its clear that its rarely serious + they care abt each other very deeply. interesting foil situation being set up too i think maybe? mikey seems to have this natural talent but little desire to train where raph is the opposite going simply by their sparring scene in ep4. love how they reunite after that scene too the absolute sillies:
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i think its interesting already the differing takes on the characters which manifests a lot in how i think their ages are portrayed? like obviously theyre all the same age but theres still the Vibe of an age order that appears mutually agreed upon by the characters. in both versions leonardo is unequivocally the eldest + the leader ofc. but then in 87 for me i get the vibe that michelangelo is the second oldest, followed by donatello, followed by raphael (which is funny i think. 87 raphael is just a little hater) whereas in 2003 it goes leo -> raph -> donatello -> mikey and that then seems to become the constant for the rest of the franchise (bar rise of the tmnt i think? where raph + leo swap). theres just interesting dynamics to be had there in how due to this higher emphasis placed on an age order for example 2003 raph seems to be portrayed as more protective + authoritative compared to 87 raph who is more laidback and just a little hater as opposed to having genuine anger issues
i have run out of things to say. UHM anyway overall im really enjoying it!!! i love the turtles a lot. little guys who r beginning to live in my brain…..
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hellsbellschime · 4 years
Do you think Jon hold some love and affection for Dany? It's hard to analyse as in s7 Jon suddenly started to fall for her after she came to rescue him when in previous episode he tell her they were strangers​. In s8 there was scene after dragon ride their first kiss was romantic before he got scared. In ep4 when Dany says she loves him the kiss was romantic. But otherwise the framing and chemistry was awful.
Honestly? No, not really. Jon’s character in the later seasons somehow managed to be both a clusterfuck and a snoozefest, but ultimately falling in love with Dany is just not something I think Jon would have ever been capable of.
I mean, the massively consistent aspects of Jon’s character that have always existed within him no matter what are that A. he loves his family more than anything, B. he has literally devoted his life to protecting the North, and C. he idolizes, wants to be like, and is more similar to Ned than any of the Stark children. So let’s think about that in the context of Jon’s meeting with Dany and his entire relationship with Dany. 
So Jon does something astoundingly stupid that no other king or queen would do, he goes to Dragonstone with zero information about Dany aside from the fact that she is incredibly powerful and about to invade Westeros/destroy the Lannisters. Taking down the Lannisters would be plus in Jon’s book, but I don’t know that that’s enough for him to not be massively concerned about her being an insanely powerful invader. He takes a horrible risk on the complete long shot that he can convince Dany to come North and save his family and his people, because that is how important it is to him. 
And what is Dany’s reaction to that? She not only says she won’t help unless he submits to her, someone who he literally just met who appears to be the most dangerous person on the planet in terms of raw power, but she literally takes him hostage despite the fact that Jon is so comparatively powerless. She immediately makes it clear that he’s a rebel and essentially that she’s probably not going to even let him leave until he bends the knee. And what’s worse (which is actually Tyrion’s fault but is something they never clarify and I can’t imagine Jon not loathing her for) is that he was brought there under false pretenses. The letter that Dany sent him inviting him to Dragonstone asked him to “join her to end Cersei’s tyranny,” he didn’t hear shit about bending the knee immediately until he met Dany and literally five seconds after he walked into the room she demanded that he bend the knee. 
At this point it’s not as if Jon doesn’t understand political theater at this point, but right off the bat Dany breaks every rule of Westerosi custom and imprisons a literal king to demand that he submit to her or let EVERYTHING HE LOVES DIE while he’s a helpless prisoner. This is the FIRST thing Jon ever learns about Dany. And while Tyrion says that he’s being unreasonable for expecting immediate help and expecting to be believed, it’s like yeah except LITERALLY THE WHOLE ASS REASON HE’S HERE is because Melisandre showed up and was like yo you gotta talk to this kid Jon Snow he’s seen some wild shit and then when he shows up and is like “I’ve seen some wild shit” everyone’s like well clearly you’re insane so we’re putting you in a time out until you return to sanity and bend the knee to a complete stranger. Also not to fucking mention, unless nobody on the island ever brings this shit up, Jon also immediately learns what kind of an ally Dany is because every one of Dany’s other allies is either killed or CAPTURED and she’s just like well bummer for them guess I have to accept that as a loss or wait for them to rescue themselves even though I have three dragons and the biggest army in the world and instead of saving them I can just try to force this new guy to become my “ally” instead (and if the whole political motivation for Jon’s relationship with her stems from this it would make complete sense because he should already know that even those who submit to Dany don’t get her protection or assistance if it doesn’t serve her purpose, so he HAS to get her to feel like he’s more than just her ally).
And despite being obsessed with his bastardy, Jon values nothing more than he values his family, and Dany constantly undervalues, insults, or completely writes off Jon’s family. I actually think that’s understandable from Dany’s perspective because she only knows of familial abuse, but there is no world in which I can believe Jon would take her ignoring the fact that Robb literally died to free his people, or implying that Ned was cool with goddamn child murder, or accusing Sansa of being an evil schemer because she’s angling to keep the North free very well, and two of those three things are things she does the first time she ever speaks to Jon. 
And finally, Jon wants to BE Ned. That is literally the person he has admired and emulated more than anyone, to the point where it’s almost an unhealthy obsession for him. Jon knows that Ned would choose to do the right thing over pretty much everything else. Jon knows that Ned is the type of person who would die saving the children of his enemies. I cannot fathom a world in which he would even consider loving anyone who let thousands of innocent people die for their own political gains. But again, Daenerys makes it clear the very first time that he meets her that that’s what is happening right now. She’s willing to use “her kingdom” as a political pawn that she won’t have a second thought about sacrificing in order to gain Jon’s submission. I think there was a chance that he could have truly liked her or even loved her if she just hadn’t come in so insanely hot the very first time that they met, but frankly the very first moment that they meet she shows Jon that she is exactly like Cersei, she will literally use an existential threat to all life as a tool to her political advantage regardless of the fact that it is a fucking EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO ALL LIFE. 
So I think no, there is zero chance that Jon could ever love a person like that, and I think that legit the minute that he met her he put himself in a completely political mindset and was willing to do whatever he had to do to get Dany to actually help him. I just cannot imagine a world in which Jon freaking Snow would even feel a shred of respect or non-dislike towards someone who would do that, let alone liking them or loving them, and I sincerely think that within their first conversation Dany ensured that Jon would never have any real feelings for her. I understand why so many people are confused by their relationship because it is confusing as fuck, but I actually feel like D&D very absurdly overtly put so much shit that Jon would absolutely loathe into their relationship straight off the bat that regardless of anything that happened afterwards I just cannot fathom Jon Snow essentially overlooking every single thing he hates or has no respect for in this world to realize that Dany is actually the one true benevolent queen, or even a halfway likable person in his eyes. 
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weiwuxiian · 5 years
The Untamed / Chenqing Ling Episode 3-5
So I’ll minimize the fangirling and get to the plot ahahaha. SPOILERS INCOMING !!!! 
The disciples all go to Gusu to study. In the Nightless City, WRH seems to be working together with XY to reunite pieces of a Demonic Metal which can apparently used to do a lot of things. XY’s been experimenting on fierce corpse at this moment for some time already. XY has, in his possession, all the pieces of the Demonic Metal and the last one is rumoured to be in Gusu Lan. WRH sends WQ to be his spy. WQ requests to bring WN along as he has been weak and sickly since a young age. WRH permits it. Meanwhile WWX and co travelled to Gusu as well, but was kicked out of their hotel bc of JZX. When they left they forgot to take the invitation from Gusu Lan. Upon arriving, they were barred entry. WWX tries to coax LWJ into allowing them in the CR when LWJ was transporting a corpse with weird markings. LWJ refused.
WWX goes back to search for the invitation card while JYL, JC, and the Yunmeng Jiang disciples found somewhere in the forest to camp for the night. When he was gone, LWJ came and took JYL and co into the CR. WWX came back and sneaked into the CR, caught by LWJ, they fought and were brought before LQR and LXC. WWX was like “I’m only coming to look for my shijie. You people are so heartless, letting my shijie in the cold @!#@$#%#$%#” Then LXC is like, shortly after you left Wangji broke protocol bringing them in. WWX immediately shut his mouth and is like “Im sorry LZ ilu.”
After they disbanded LXC is like “LWJ is time for you to make some friends. You’ve never rlly had the opportunity to meet people your age.” and notices LWJ gets nervous when he mentions WWX. LXC asked if it’s because WWX’s martial arts were almost as good as his. Wangji walks away.
They start class on the first day. WWX is bored, so he pastes a drawing of a turtle on LQR’s butt. Some students were giggling, others were laughing. LWJ blows the turtle drawing away and glares at WWX. WWX makes a flying paperman who fluttered across the room and lands on LWJ’s shoulder. LWJ crushes it. WC arrives, escorting WQ and WN to the CR, creating a fuss as it’s a very WC thing to do. WWX stands up to him. They almost fought. LXC blows liebing and walks down, basically asked WC to fuck himself in very polite classical chinese.
After WC left NHS starts worshipping WWX for being brave and standing up against WC. They became sort of unofficial sworn brothers as they hence addressed each other by ‘brother’ or ‘bro’. They went fishing, and WWX, knowing NHS couldn’t swim, pushing him into the river. NHS freaks out until he realizes it’s only knee-deep water. WWX laughs at him before running away and found WQ wandering in the valley behind the CR. WWX suspects her, but makes a joke and flirts a little. WQ walks away.
WWX returns with barbequed fishes. Before that, JC was telling JYL about unfair it is between himself, WWX, and JFM. JYL assured him WWX can be serious if he needs to. WWX returns with the fishes, offers one ot JC and they chill. 
The next day WWX found WN practising archery, tells him he’s very good, and taught him how to aim. WQ arrives, WWX realized they’re siblings. WWX flirts with WQ again and ask if she’s following him since he always appears to meet her behind the valley, or if she’s snooping around the valley for some reason. WQ walks away. WWX tries to explore the mountain, but is sneaked upon by LWJ, and almost shoved his blade at him before apologizing.
I forgot!! The LQR/WWX scene happened in Ep4, so the library scene happens. But since that’s the same as the novel we’ll assume it’s past.
Camera goes to WQ and WN. WQ tells WN, “A-Ning, I promise you that one day I will take you and we will leave Qishan Wen together.” Here, it’s implied that something happened to WN when he was very young, making him weak and sickly. WQ’s family has been generations of doctors, and she became so good in medicine as she wants to heal her brother, but is unable to do so.
WWX annoys LWJ, porn book scene. 
LXC says he’s worried about something. LQR says as long as WQ doesn’t go to the back valley, they would be find. LXC talks to LWJ and asks him if he’s been seeing anyone who goes to the back valley often. LWJ says, “Wei Ying.” and LXC just smiles in secret. 
WWX and JC visits JYL. JYL appears to have fainted under hot weather and etc, WQ found her and brought her back. So the two made friends. JC seems to fancy WQ at first sight. WWX makes JYL babies him and WQ looks at them enviously, recalling how they resembled herself and WN. 
Fast forward similar scenes in the novel. They go to haunt for the water ghouls. Among the group that went was LXC, LWJ, WWX, JC, WQ, WN, and SS. Fast forward more similar scenes... there’s a semi-romantic scene between JC and WQ and WN trying to save SS, but was possessed. At night, WWX approaches WQ and WN and confessed that he noticed WN’s diseases makes him an easy target for possession. He gives WQ a protection charm to keep WN safe from ghouls, and says if she finds it useless, she can throw it away.
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