#in gee chun
untilthenexttee · 2 years
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(via In Gee Chun Wins LPGA Velocity Global Impact Award)
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Cerritos Fourth Grader One of Three U.S. Open Poster Contest Winners
@ingeecgun_dumbo @lpga
CONTEST WINNER: Alison Zhang holds her poster, she was one of only three winners in the country. July 5, 2023 By Brian Hews Cerritos fourth grader Alison Zhang, who attends Gonsalves Elementary,  is one of three juniors from around the country chosen as winners of the Youth Poster Design Contest for the 78th U.S. Women’s Open Championship at Pebble Beach Golf Links, which will be contested…
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azulserszzp · 5 months
genderbent info dump
Aang = Aangi
Sokka = Syuuka
Jet = Jio
Zuko = Zuki
Mai = Maiko
Suki = Tsuki
Katara = Kanato
Azula = Azulon
Ty lee = Taiyou lee
Toph = Tong
Yue = Yuzuki
Bato = Bora
Hakoda = Hamako
Zhao = Zhen
Gyatso = Gayatri
Ozai = Ozia
Iroh = Ikuko
Ursa = Uruha
Chit Sang = Chun Suu
Bora- 6'1
Chit Sang- 6'0
Hamako- 5'10
Zhen - 5'9.4
Uruha- 5'9.3
Maiko- 5'9
Gayatri- 5'8
Ozia - 5'7
Tsuki - 5'6.5
Yuzuki - 5'5
Jio - 5'4.5
Zuko/Zuki - 5'3
Azulon - 5'2.3
Syuuka - 5'2
Kanato - 5'1.3
Taiyou lee - 5'0
Ikuko- 4'11
Tong - 4'11
Aangi - 4'10
Maiko - 6'2
Tsuki - 6'0.5
Kanato - 6'0
Azulon - 5'11
Aangi - 5'10
Taiyou lee - 5'9
Yuzuki - 5'9
Syuuka - 5'8
Jio - 6 feet under (5'7)
Zuki - 5'6.5
Tong - 5'5
Aangi Kesen
Syuuka Yukihiro
Jio Rikuto
Zuki Homura (Lin Rinjiro)
Maiko Yīnchén
Tsuki Takeru
Kanato Yukihiro
Azulon Homura
Taiyou lee Fei
Tong Beifong
Yuzuki Yukitomo
Bora Cui
Hamako Yukihiro
Zhen Liu
Gayatri Feng
Ozia Homura
Uruha Homura/Hinata
Ikuko Homura (Haniko Zheng)
(Mushi means insect or bug and Haniko means bee or wasp closest thing to bug i could find)
Aangi = ann-gee
Syuuka = shoe-cuh
Jio = gee-oh
Zuki = zu-key
Maiko = my-cuh-ko
Tsuki = tsss-ou-key
Kanato = can-uh-toe
Azulon = as-zul-on
Taiyou lee = tie-you-lee
Tong = tuh-ong
Yuzuki = you-zuu-key
Bora = bore-uh
Hamako = ham-uh-ko
Zhen = zuh-en
Gayatri = gye-ah-tree
Ozia = oh-zuh-eye-uh
Uruha = oo-uh-rue-ha
Ikuko = iy-kuw-kow
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blackhakumen · 1 month
Mini Fanfic #1223: Settling the Awkward Tension (SSBU X Star Fox)
4:12 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room..............
Chun-Li: (Slowly Pops her Head Out While Hiding Behind the Side of the Doorway with Fox and Watching Samus and Krystal Sitting the Sofa Together in the Mid Distance) I dunno about this, Foxy.....(Looks Up at Fox) Are you sure leaving those two alone in there is a good idea?
Fox: They've been creating an awkward tension since we got here. Maybe with woth the two of us out of the picture for a little while, they can finally have the chance to talk among themselves.
Chun-Li: But what if it all goes south down the line? (Grimaces at a Thought in her Head) Something tells me those daggers in Sammy's eyes are gonna be more than enough to scare her out of here.......
Fox: Nah, they usually make someone sit down in the ground and cry if anything.....But Krystal's a tough one. A glare like that isn't gonna take her down that easily. And I've known Samus long enough to know that she wouldn't try using her fear tactic on someone without talking it out first....Unless you're name is Ridley and the only thing you're receiving is a point blank plasma blast in the face.
Chun-Li: (Starts Giggling to Herself) Or have an ignited rocket boot kicking 'em in the face.
Fox: (Chuckles Lightly) That's almost a fate worse than death. (Clears his Throat a Before Continuing onto his Poiny) But seriously though, just have a little more faith in her, alright? She does have the tendency to surprise people these days. (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Also, quit hugging my tail.
Chun-Li: I can't help it!~ (Hugging and Snuggling Up on Fox's Tail) It's far too nice and fluffy to ignore entirely!~ Did you brushed it yourself by any chance?
Fox: (Snatches his Tail Off of Chun-Li's Hands) No! (Tidies his Tail Back Up) Samus did earlier today. (Starts Pouting and Blushing a Bit) Said she'll kill me if she sees it get messy again.....
Chun-Li: (Giggles Softly) Aww~ How sweet of her, minus the threat, of course.
Fox: (Rolls his Eyes in a Bit of Annoyance) Uh-huh.
Meanwhile Back at the Living Room..........
Samus and Krystal sitting on the sofa a few inches away from each other in silence. The former's too busy reading a magazine while the latter is trying to find some way to start a conversation without make it awkward than it already is.
Krystal: Soooooo.......I uh.....(Puts on a Small Awkward Looking Smile on her Face) Like the way your hair looks! Very nice looking indeed.
Samus: Thanks. (Waves her Hair Back a Little) It's not much, but it's at least presentable for our day out, so I ain't complaining.....(Slowly Turns to Krystal) Your hair looks nice too, I guess....
Krystal: Oh. (Smiles Shyly at the Bounty Hunter) T-Thank you. Mines isn't much to gloss over either, but I'm glad to have regardless.
Samus: (Flips the Page of her Magazine) Cool.
'More Silence'
Krystal: ('Sighs in Defeat') I can't take much more of this any longer!.... (Turns to Samus) Samus, do you truly have any issues with me as of recent?
Samus: (Scoffs a Bit While Rolling her Eyes Without even Looking at Krystal) Gee. Whatever give you that idea.......
Krystal: Well, besides the cold, distant demeanor, I been having this anger, protective, more complicated readings blending in and running rapid within your inner thoughts as of recent.
Samus: Yeah, well- Wait. (Turns Back to Krystal With a Raised Eyebrow) You can read my thoughts?
Krystal: (Simply Nodded) Yes. I've come from a long line of telepaths actually.
Samus: Hm. Neat. (Notices Krystal is Still Staring at Her Before Letting Out a Sigh) Alright, if you REALLY insist on wanting to know how I feel, then here it is: I do have a problem with you.
Krystal: (Lowers her Ears Down with a Hint of Sadness in her Eyes) I...see. And I take it has everything to do with my past relationship with Fox?
Samus: Right again. Did your telepathic powers gave you that answer as well?
Krystal: No, I....figured that would be the reason.....
Samus: Well, it is. You really broke Fox's heart in the past.
Krystal: (Sighs as She Lowers her Head Down a Bit) Yes. I have.......
Samus: But he also broke yours as well. At least from what I heard.
Krystal: That....also happened too, yes. (Sighs While Softly Facepalming Herself) God, we were both so young, stubborn, and....very stupid back then!.....
Samus: ('Sigh') Yeah, love can do that to you sometimes. Or in your case, a cracked, broken one.
Krystal: True. A lot has happened after our messy break-up. I joined Star Wolf, dated Panther of all people-
Samus: Waitwaitwait. Time out. (Points at Krystal Woth a Surprised Look on her Face) You dated PANTHER CARASO, of all people?
Krystal: ('Groans') I knoooow! I still can't believe it either, after all these years. I mean, sure, he's romantic and a gentleman to boot, but he can be such a headache sometimes!
Samus: (Shrugs) What did you expect from the playboy, casanova of the team?
Krystal: (Rolls her Eyes in Annoyance) Not a lot apparently....But after all of that didn't work out, I was so....distant from myself that I even up disappeared from the face of the earth, went rogue and started calling myself "Kursed"!
Samus: That doesn't sound too bad of a-
Krystal: Starting with a the letter "K".
Samus: (Eyes Widened a Bit) ......Ohh okay. Nevermind. That sounds like a crappy nickname.
Krystal: The worse! I wish I could just go back in time and take back all the things I said and did during those moments of my life, but....(Tales a Deep Breath Before Calming Down and Speaking Again) The world doesn't quite work like that, does it?
Samus: Nope. Best you could do us learn from those mistakes and move on with your life from there.
Krystal: (Nodded in Agreement) Right. That's exactly what I did shortly after. It wasn't the easily road I took back then mind you, I can safely say I managed somehow....(Smiles Sheepishly) B-But I think that's quite enough about me for once day, right? How was Fox doing after our break up? I-If you don't mind me asking, of course.
Samus: ('Sigh') He was mess. He was depressed all day, rarely speaks to anyone anymore, constantly blaming for what happened between you two, hell, he would even lock himself in his room all day just so he wouldn't bum anyone out any further than he thinks he has. (Crosses her Arms) He was an empty shell of himself those days and we've been worried sick about him from there......
Krystal: (Clenches her Chest a Little as She Frowns Worryingly For her Old Friend and Teammate) Oh no........He was truly suffering this whole time?
Samus: Yeah, it was pretty rough. Then eventually, one night later, we discovered Fox was nowhere to be seen in the mansion. Almost everyone started panicking enough to form separate search parties. It took an hour and a half to look for him around in the streets 'till I found his Arwing parked in front of aome random night bar. Don't have a slight clue what it's called, but I do remember it's atmosphere upon walking in. It just as sad and empty as he was. So I saw him sitting by himself at the other side and we started talking.
Flashback to an Unnamed Bar.......
Samus: (Raises an Eyebrow at Fox) You wanna go and join the G-Zero Racing competition?
Fox: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. It was the one thing my dad used to do before he founded Star Fox woth Peppy. It's a bit risky in a few areas, but it could be fun after a while.
SamuS: Fox-
Fox: I know, I know, it's a huge leap for me to make, but I think it would be the one thing that could help turn my life around for the better. Heck, I can even have Falco join along, he's a fan of this sort of stuff.
Samus: Okay, but what about everyone of us in the Smash Family, huh? We'll miss you like crazy.
Fox: I'll give you guys a call every chance I get! ('Sighs in Defeat') Then again, it'll only be a matter of time before I start missing you guys like crazy too.....(Facepalms Himself) God, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, am I?
Samus: Honey, no one in this town has any idea what they're doing in their lives and that's fine. It just means you have to learn and experience out here, you know?
Fox: True......(Takes a Small Sip of his Drink Before Letting Out Another Sigh) I'm sorry for scaring ypu all early. I figured my mood has been bringing everyone down these days, so I went out to get some fresh air.
Samus: To a waste land of a bar?
Fox: Hey, it's not the most exciting place in the world, but it does help clear my head, even for a little bit.
Samus: Hey, I don't mind you going out and clearing your head and all, but you think could you at least give us a heads up first next time?
Fox: Yeah. Promise. Sorry again for the trouble. I promise I'm feeling a lot better now than ever before.
Samus: (Simply Nodded in Approval) Good. And I'mma stay my ass right here and make sure it gets even better from there.
Fox: You sure you wanna do that? My sulking could possibly get on your nerves real quick.
Samus: ('Scoffs') Please. There's a lot of things get on my nerves these days.
Fox: Even Ridley?
Samus: (Groans at the Thought of One of her Most Hated Enemies) ESPECIALLY that murderous bastard......The sooner none of us mention ls his name ever again, the better.
Fox: Got it. But seriously, Samus, you really don't have to stay here with me. I'm sure you have a lot of other things you need to do that's more worth your time.
Samus: (Casually Shrugs) Nah, I'm good for the rest of the night, no biggie. (Takes a sip of her Drink Before Giving Fox a More Serious Look on her Face) Look, I didn't flew all the way out here just to say 'hi' and leave. I'm doing this because you're my friend and I wanna be there for you no matter what.
Fox: (Looks Up at Samus With a Genuine Look in his Eyes) You....really mean that?
Samus: Yeah. I do. And besides, you wouldn't leave me alone whenever something's bothering me for the longest time now, I might as well return a flavor. (Points at Fox While Putting on a More Pouty Look on her Face) So you better not try and shut me out on this, Fox McCloud, or I'm kicking your fluffy ass right here!
Fox suddenly begins to bursts out laughing for the very first time after his break up with Krystal.
Samus: (Raises an Eyebrow) Oh, so my plead is now a joke to you, Mr. Wannabe G-Racer?
Fox: (Tries to Die Out his Laughter, Little by Little) No, no, not at all! I just....(Wipes a Single Tear From Off his Eye) Needed a good laugh is all. Thank you.
Samus: (Scoffs While Turning Away, Crossing her Arms Together) Whatever. I'm still not leaving, you-
Fox: I know. You're staying here with me and I appericate it a lot. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Though, I really don't know what else to talk about right now.
Samus: (Turns Back to Fox) I got something. I punched Ridley in the face once.
Fox: With your arm cannon?
Samus: (Forms a Cocky Smirk on her Face) An arm cannon with a charged up power shot to boot.
Fox: (Smirks Back at Samus) Nice.
End of Flashback
Samus: Then after that, we safely head back home, watch a few movies, cuddled, and call it a night. It took a while, but he eventually started to get a lot better overtime.
Krystal: ('Sighs in Relief') That's very good to hear. (Smiles Softly) You're a really good friend, Samus Aran.
Samus: (Casually Shrugs Again) Eh. I feel like it's the other way around honestly. I was a cold hearted bitch to him the first time we met, but he never gave up on me since then. (Puts on a More Determined Smile on her Face) And I'll be damned if I give up on him anytime soon, no matter how much of a goody two-shoes he is.
Krystal: (Forms a Bit of a Teasing Smirk on her Face) Don't forget worry wart~
Samus: (Looks Up at the Ceiling and Playfully Groans a Bit) ('Uggh') Don't even get me started! The guy's almost as overbearing as Peach and Mario combined.
Krystal: (Nodded in Agreement) Very much so in my case. (Places her Hands Back Onto her Chest While Putting on a More Loving Smile on her Face) But it's so sweet and thoughtful, I can't help but to hug him for all his troubles~
Samus: Same. Hell, I'm more than willing to hug him right now- (Turns her Attention Over to the Living Room's Doorway) If him and my girlfriend would quit hiding over there and reveal themselves already!
Fox/Chun-Li: (Gets Discovered) Meep!?
Samus: Yeah, we see you two over there. Don't act surprised!
Krystal: (Smiles Brightly) And don't even try and deny it either!~ I have a few, slightly jumpy emotions in both your thoughts whom would love to say otherwise!~
Chun-Li: (Looks Up at Fox) How-
Fox: (Looks Downat Chun-Li) Krystal's a telepath, Chun-Li.
Chun-Li: Ohhh, okay. Neat.
Fox: (Sighs in Defeat as He and Chin-Li Finally Reveal Themselves) Alright, you caught us. We were purposely spying on you.
Chun-Li: (Sadly (And Cutely) Bows at the Two Ladies) Gomenai~
Samus: (Playfully Rolls her Eyes) Yeah, yeah, we know you are. What? You're worried we wouldn't getting along or something?
Fox: Kinda? (Walks Over to the Sofa With Chun-Li Following Behind) You two have been acting awkward with each other all day today, so we figured-
Chun-Li: (Clears her Throat While Giving Fox a Slight Grumpy Look)
Fox: ('Sigh') I figured it would a good idea for Chuns and I to stand back and watch you two talk out your problems among yourselves.
Chun-Li: (Happily and Innocently Nodded) Mmhmm.
Krystal tries to contain her giggling to little prevail.
Samus: (Gives the Duo a Deadpinned Look) You two are hopeless. We can talk our problems out just fine without your meddling.
Fox: Yeah, I know. Just trying to be safe than sorry like I always do. (Smiles Softly) I'm glad you two are getting along now.
Samus: (Turns to Krystal Next to Her) Yeah. I am too. (Turns Back to Fox) I'm also glad to still have someone like you in life. (Gives Fox a Loving Hug) I love you, man.
Fox: (Hugs his Best Friend Back) Love you too, Samus.
Samus: (Makes a Grumbling Noise)
Fox: ('Sigh') What now?
Samus: Your tail. Why am I seeing it messy?
Fox: Blame your girlfriend. She's been hugging on it earlier.
Chun-Li: (Pouts at Fox) It's fluffy!!~
Krystal: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Agreed. Very fluffy indeed~
Fox: (Turns to his Old Friend with a Light Glare)
Krystal: (Casually Shrugs) What? I'm just stating the obvious truth here.
Fox: That should not be explored any further, thank you!
Samus: (Pulls Away From Fox) Shimmer down a notch, drama queen, we'll drop it. (Points at Fox) You owe another fur brushing session tonight, mister.
Samus boops on the top of Fox's nose before going over to her girlfriend..
Fox: (Rolls his Eyes) I won't forget.
Samus: ('Hmph') You better not.
Fox: (Let's Out a Another Sigh Before He Notices Krystal Goes Over to Hug Him in the Nsck of Time) And what got you in a hugging mood?
Krystal: (Smiles Softly While Hugging Fox) No real reason. I just missed this. And you entirely, of course.
Fix: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness as He Hugs his Old Teammate Back) Likewise. Here's hoping everything goes better for us from here on out.
Krystal: (Giggles a Bit While Snuggling onto Fox's Embrace) Here-Here~
Samus: Hey! Potential lovebirds!
The duo turns to see the two actual lovebirds staring at then.
Samus: (Smirks at the Duo) Would it kill either of you to get a room already?
Chun-Li: (Playfully Pouts at the Duo While Sitting on Samus' Lap) We are trying to have a tender moment here!~
Samus: (Turns her Smirk to the Strongest Woman in the World in Front of her) Damn right we are~ (Gives the Side of Chun-Li's Rear a Little Smack and Grab)
Chun-Li: (Let's Out a Small Yelp) Oh!~ (Smirks Back at her Bounty Hunter) Courageous today, aren't we?~
Samus: I'm as brave as they come, baby~
Chun-Li: Really? Then prove it me then~
Samus: Gladly~
The two ladies lean over and share a tenderness, very passionate make-out session, while the others reluctantly watches.
Krystal: Goodness....(Turns Back to Fox) Are they always this passionate?
Fox: ('Sigh') Out and behind close doors. (Whispers into Krystal's Ears While Smirking) Sammy here is the Bottom of their relationship by the way.
Krystal: ('Gasps') (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Really! I could've sworn it was the other way around!
Fox: Nooope, she's a definite bottom. She can deny it all she wants, but it's underlying true. You can ask her all about it if you want. You'll get a clear picture yourself.
Krystal: (Smiles Sheepishly) I-I think I'll pass on the offer for now. The last thing I want to do is get back on her bad side.
Fox: Fair.
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suzakucastle · 2 months
Pronunciation Guide for Fighting Games
A lot of people tend to say words and names wrong. For those who care, this guide should help with proper pronunciation. In particular, what syllables are stressed, proper spelling, and so on. This'll help you not look and sound like ignorant gaijin (gai-jeen) when talking to Asian players.
Again, if this doesn't bother you (and I acknowledge that for the vast majority of the FGC it doesn't), feel free to ignore this guide. Just don't get on everyone else's case, please. Also, don't use this guide to act smug towards your peers.
In short, this is to help people who want to be helped. That's all. Please understand. If there are any mistakes, let me know.
Note: Unfortunately, Mortal Kombat will be ignored for this guide, as saying Japanese words wrong is a franchise tradition, so it'd be a lost cause even trying. If you see any familiar words from that series, just bear in mind the proper pronunciation for everywhere else.
Letters/syllables in bold are sounds to be stressed when saying that word or name, if necessary.
Ryu = Rh-Yoo (See Shoryuken below)
Hadoken = Ha-Dou-Keh-N
Shoryuken = Sho-Rh-Yoo-Keh-N
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku = Tah-Tsu-Mah-Ki Se-N-Poo-Kh-Yah-Koo
Jin = Jeen
Bushinryu = Bu-Shee-N-Rh-Yoo
Kazuya = Kah-Zoo-Ya
Mishima = Mee-Shee-Mah
Kazama = Kah-Zah-Mah
Iori = Eee-Oh-Ree
Sakura = Sah-Kuu-Rah
Akuma = Ah-Kuu-Mah
Gouki = Goh-Uu-Kee
Kasumi = Kah-Suu-Mee
Raiden = Rah-Ee-Deh-N
Ryo = Rh-Yoh
Heihachi = Heh-Eee-Hah-Chee
Jun = Juu-N
Akira = Ah-Kee-Rah
Fujin = Fuu-Jee-N
Ayame = Ah-Yah-Meh
Mugen = Moo-Geh-N
Tenshin = Teh-N-Shee-N
Zangief = Zah-N-Gee-Eh-Voo
Yuri = Yoo-Ree
Chun-Li = Choo-N-Lee
Chizuru = Chee-Zuu-Ruu
Sasuke = Sah-Suu-Keh
Denjin = Deh-N-Jee-N
Shin = Sh-Ee-N
Kyo = Kh-Yoh
Shippu = Shee-Puu
Bounge = Poh-N-Geh
Koehan = Koh-Ah-N
Kaphwan =
Hwoarang = Wah-Rah-N
Raijin = Rah-Eee-Jee-N
Karaoke = Kah-Rah-Oh-Keh
Kazuma = Kah-Zoo-Mah
Kiryu = Kee-Ree-Yoo
Hayate = Hah-Yah-Teh
Shiranui = Shee-Rah-Noo-Eee
Yashiro = Yah-Shee-Roh
Shun = Shh-Uhh-N
Goku = Goh-Kuu
Satsu = Sah-Tsu
Ansatsuken = Ah-N-Sah-Tsu-Keh-N
Asura = Ah-Soo-Rah
Senku = Se-N-Kuu
Naruto = Nah-Ruu-Toh
Boruto = Boh-Ruu-Toh
Kaioken = Kah-Eee-Oh-Keh-N
Kikosho = Kee-Koh-U-Sho
Kyokugen = Kh-Yo-Kuu-Geh-N
Gouken = Goh-U-Keh-N
Saikyo = Sah-Eee-Kh-Yoh
Hibiki = Hee-Bee-Kee
Takane = Tah-Kah-Ne
Sento = Seh-N-Toh
Yakuza = Yah-Kuu-Zah
Sagat = Sah-Gah-Tt
Adon = Ah-Dah-N
Hinata = Hee-Nah-Tah
Makoto = Mah-Koh-Toh
Ibuki = Eee-Buu-Kee
Kolin = Koh-Lee-Eh-N
Messatsu = Meh-Sah-Tsu
Shichisei = Shee-Chee-Seh-Eee
Tensei = Teh-N-Seh-Eee
Ranka = Rah-N-Kah
Tensho = Teh-N-Sho
Senretsu = Seh-N-Reh-Tsu
Asuka = Ah-Soo-Kah
Tekken = Teh-Keh-N
Izuna = Eee-Zoo-Nah
Otoshi = Oh-Toh-Shee
Pokémon = Poh-Keh-Mo-N
Pokkén = Poh-Keh-N
Ayane = Ah-Yah-Neh
Ryoko = Rh-Yoh-Koh
Hattori = Hah-Toh-Ree
Haohmaru = Hah-Oh-Mah-Ruu
Mitsurugi = Mee-Tsu-Ruu-Gee
Nakoruru = Nah-Koh-Ruu-Ruu
Yagami = Yah-Gah-Mee
Daidoji = Dah-Eee-Doh-U-Jee
Hinoka = Hee-Noh-Kah
Karin = Kah-Ree-N
Kanzuki = Kah-N-Zuu-Kee
Konoha = Koh-Noh-Hah
Zaibatsu = Zah-Eee-Bah-Tsu
Xiaoyu = Sha-Oh-Yoo
Mizuki = Mee-Zoo-Kee
Orochi = Oh-Roh-Chee
Karate = Kah-Rah-Teh
Shinku = Shee-N-Kuu
Jinrai = Jee-N-Rah-Eee
Guren = Guu-Reh-N
Kakashi = Kah-Kah-Shee
Sukuna = Soo-Koo-Nah
Tanjiro = Tah-N-Jee-Roh
Hitomi = Hee-Toh-Mee
Raiko = Rah-Eee-Koh
Kuruoshiki = Koo-Roo-Oh-Shee-Kee
Kagenaru = Kah-Geh-Nah-Roo
Mono = Moh-Noh
Kamehameha = Kah-Meh-Hah-Meh-Hah
Hazan = Hah-Zah-N
Kuzuryu = Koo-Zoo-Rh-Yoo
Tenma = Teh-N-Mah
Sie = Sheh
Hashogeki = Hah-Sho-Geh-Kee
Kagura = Kah-Goo-Rah
Yasakani = Yah-Sah-Kah-Nee
Kusanagi = Koo-Sah-Nah-Gee
Yamada = Yah-Mah-Dah
Suzaku = Soo-Zah-Koo
Omake = Oh-Mah-Keh
Ukemi = Ooo-Keh-Mee
Kisaragi = Kee-Sah-Rah-Gee
Shishigami = Shee-Shee-Gah-Mee
Tachibana = Tah-Chee-Bah-Nah
Kaede = Kah-Eh-Deh
Raidou = Rah-Eee-Doh-U
Jotaro = Joh-Tah-Roh
Takeda = Tah-Keh-Dah
Nobara = Noh-Bah-Rah
Honaka = Hoh-Nah-Kah
Kamikaze = Kah-Mee-Kah-Zeh
Decapre = Dee-Kah-Br
That's it for now. I'm always going to be adding to/correcting this guide, so please check back for updates. Again, feel free to correct me if I've made any mistakes. Just don't be a prick about it, please.
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maximiliano-aedo · 7 months
What could've been Animaze ..iNC during the 2010s
Talent pool (Note: any voice actor marked with * is union-only):
Steve Blum*
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn*
Crispin Freeman*
Kari Wahlgren*
Johnny Yong Bosch
Yuri Lowenthal*
Dave Wittenberg*
Roger Craig Smith*
Laura Bailey*
Travis Willingham*
Cherami Leigh
J.B. Blanc*
Sam Riegel*
Liam O'Brien*
Amy Kincaid*
Troy Baker*
Matthew Mercer
Joe Romersa*
Fleet Cooper*
Dyanne DiRosario*
Jennifer Love Hewitt*
Brian Hallisay*
Spike Spencer
Amanda Winn Lee*
Jaxon Lee*
Kyle Hebert
Ben Pronsky
Bob Buchholz
Richard Cansino
Murphy Dunne*
Carolyn Hennesy*
Jerry Gelb*
Adam Sholder
Ezra Weisz
Cristina Vee
Bryce Papenbrook
Michael Sorich
Richard Epcar
Ellyn Stern
Tony Oliver
Kirk Thornton
Lexi Ainsworth*
Aria Noelle Curzon
Grace Caroline Currey*
Michael Forest
Erik Davies
Adam Bobrow
Joshua Seth
Junie Hoang*
Kirk Baily*
Tom Fahn
Jonathan Fahn
Dorothy Elias-Fahn
Melissa Fahn
Stephen Apostolina*
René Rivera*
Deborah Sale Butler
Kevin Brief
Michael Gregory*
Riva Spier*
Cassandra Morris
Erica Mendez
Erika Harlacher
Erica Lindbeck
Marieve Herington
Kira Buckland
John Rubinstein*
Kim Matula*
Brittany Lauda
J. Grant Albrecht*
Michael McConnohie
Steve Bulen*
Dan Woren
Derek Stephen Prince
Wendee Lee
Edie Mirman
Jason C. Miller
Taliesin Jaffe*
John Snyder
Robbie Daymond
Ray Chase
Kaiji Tang
David Vincent
Christina Carlisi*
Christopher Corey Smith
Cindy Robinson
Rachel Robinson
Jessica Boone
Lauren Landa
Megan Hollingshead
Jalen K. Cassell
Doug Erholtz
Michelle Ruff
Gregory Cruz*
John Bishop*
Matt Kirkwood*
Lara Jill Miller*
Carol Stanzione
Steve Staley
Dave Mallow
Mona Marshall*
Darrel Guilbeau
Robert Martin Klein
Robert Axelrod
William Frederick Knight
Lex Lang
Sandy Fox
Joey Camen*
Randy McPherson*
Jad Mager
Richard Miro
Milton James
Anthony Pulcini
Douglas Rye
Patrick Seitz
Keith Silverstein
Jamieson Price
Skip Stellrecht*
Stoney Emshwiller*
G.K. Bowes
Alyss Henderson
Patricia Ja Lee
Peggy O'Neal
Carrie Savage
Melodee Spevack
Jennifer Alyx
Julie Ann Taylor
Sherry Lynn
Brad Venable
Christine Marie Cabanos
Greg Chun
LaGloria Scott
Steve Kramer
Melora Harte
Rebecca Forstadt*
Kyle McCarley
Mela Lee
Karen Strassman
Faye Mata
Laura Post
Kayla Carlyle*
Brina Palencia
Connor Gibbs
Brianne Siddall*
Barbara Goodson
Loy Edge
Jay Lerner
Jennie Kwan
Max Mittelman
Jessica Straus*
Alexis Tipton
Fryda Wolff
Michele Specht
J.D. Garfield
Debra Jean Rogers*
Julie Maddalena
Carrie Keranen
Tara Sands
Matthew Hustin
Cody MacKenzie
Bridget Hoffman*
Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Grant George
Jessica Gee
Jeff Nimoy*
Peter Lurie*
Brian Beacock
Paul St. Peter
Chris Jai Alex
Dan Lorge*
Ewan Chung*
Steve Cassling*
Philece Sampler
Stephanie Sheh
Sam Fontana
Ben Diskin
Juliana Donald*
Michael O'Keefe*
Christina Gallegos*
Tara Platt
Keith Anthony*
Beau Billingslea
David Lodge*
Kim Strauss
Eddie Jones*
William Bassett*
Kim Mai Guest*
Caitlin Glass
Hannah Alcorn
Ron Roggé*
Camille Chen*
Ethan Rains*
Yutaka Maseba*
Joe J. Thomas
Michael Sinterniklaas
Erin Fitzgerald
Joe Ochman
Marc Diraison
Xanthe Huynh
Brianna Knickerbocker
Dean Wein*
Michael McCarty*
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444namesplus · 24 days
Ba Baa Baas Bae Baes Bais Bam Ban Bao Baos Bau Baus Be Bees Bei Beis Bem Ben Beo Beos Beu Beus Bi Bias Bie Bies Bii Biis Bim Bin Bio Bios Biu Bius Bo Boes Bom Bon Boo Boos Bou Bous Bu Bua Bues Bui Buis Bum Bun Buo Buu Buus Chi Chia Chias Chie Chies Chii Chiis Chim Chin Chio Chios Chiu Chius Chu Chua Chuas Chue Chues Chui Chuis Chum Chun Chuo Chuos Chuu Chuus Da Daas Dae Daes Dais Dam Dan Dao Daos Daus De Dea Deas Dee Dei Deis Dem Den Deo Deu Deus Dha Dhaa Dhaas Dhaes Dhai Dhais Dham Dhan Dhaus Dhe Dhea Dheas Dhee Dhees Dheis Dhem Dhen Dheo Dheu Dhi Dhia Dhies Dhiis Dhim Dhin Dhio Dhios Dhiu Dhius Dho Dhoa Dhoas Dhoes Dhois Dhom Dhon Dhoo Dhoos Dhou Dhous Dhu Dhua Dhue Dhues Dhum Dhun Dhuo Dhuu Dhuus Di Die Dies Dii Diis Dim Din Dio Diu Dius Do Doa Doas Doi Dom Don Doo Doos Dous Du Duas Due Dues Dui Duis Dum Dun Duu Fa Faa Faas Fae Faes Fai Fais Fam Fan Fao Faos Fau Faus Fe Fea Feas Fee Fees Fei Feis Fem Fen Feo Feus Fi Fia Fias Fiis Fim Fin Fios Fius Fo Foa Foe Foi Fois Fom Fon Foos Fous Fu Fua Fuas Fue Fues Fui Fuis Fum Fun Fuos Fuus Ga Gaa Gaas Gae Gaes Gam Gan Gaos Gau Ge Gea Geas Gee Gei Geis Gem Gen Geo Geu Geus Gi Gia Gias Gie Gies Gii Giis Gim Gin Gios Giu Gius Go Goe Gom Gon Goo Goos Gous Gu Guas Gue Gui Guis Gum Gun Guo Guos Guu Guus Ha Haa Haas Hae Haes Hai Hais Ham Han Haos Hau He Hea Heas Hee Hees Hei Heis Hem Hen Heo Heu Heus Hi Hie Hies Hii Hiis Him Hin Hio Hios Hius Ho Hoe Hom Hon Hous Hu Huas Hui Huis Hum Hun Huo Huu Huus
Ja Jaa Jae Jaes Jai Jais Jam Jan Jaos Jau Jaus Je Jea Jeas Jee Jem Jen Jeo Jeos Jeu Jeus Ji Jia Jias Jie Jies Jii Jiis Jim Jin Jio Jios Jiu Jo Joa Joas Joe Joes Jois Jom Jon Joos Jou Jous Ju Jua Juas Jue Juis Jum Jun Juo Juos Juu Juus Ka Kaas Kae Kai Kais Kam Kan Kao Kaos Kau Kaus Ke Kea Keas Kee Kei Keis Kem Ken Keo Keos Keu Keus Ki Kia Kie Kies Kim Kin Kio Kios Kiu Kius Ko Koe Koes Koi Kois Kom Kon Koo Koos Kou Kous Ku Kua Kue Kues Kum Kun Kuos Kuu Kuus La Laa Laas Laes Lais Lam Lan Laos Lau Laus Le Lea Leas Lee Lees Lei Lem Len Leo Leos Leu Leus Li Lia Lie Liis Lim Lin Lio Lios Liu Lo Loa Loas Loe Loes Lom Lon Loo Loos Lou Lu Lua Lue Lui Luis Lum Lun Luo Luos Luus Ma Maa Mae Maes Mai Mam Man Mao Maos Mau Maus Me Mea Mee Mei Meis Mem Men Meo Meu Mi Mias Mie Mies Mii Miis Mim Min Mios Miu Mius Mo Moa Moas Moe Mois Mom Mon Moo Mous Mu Mua Muas Mues Mui Mum Mun Muo Muu Muus Na Naa Naas Nae Naes Nai Nais Nam Nan Nao Naos Naus Ne Nea Neas Nee Nees Neis Nem Nen Neo Neos Neu Neus Ni Nii Niis Nim Nin Nio Nios Niu No Noa Noas Noe Noes Noi Nom Non Noo Nou Nous Nu Nua Nuas Nues Nui Nuis Num Nun Nuo Nuos Nuu Pa Paa Pae Paes Pai Pam Pan Pao Pau Paus Pe Pea Peas Pee Pees Pei Peis Pem Pen Peo Peos Peu Pi Pias Pie Pii Piis Pim Pin Pio Pios Piu Po Poas Poe Poes Pois Pom Pon Poo Poos Pou Pous Pu Puas Pue Pues Pui Puis Pum Pun Puo Puu Puus Ra Raa Raas Rae Rai Rais Ram Ran Raos Rau Raus Re Reas Ree Rees Rei Reis Rem Ren Reo Reos Reu Reus Ri Ria Rii Rim Rin Rio Rios Riu Rius Ro Roa Roas Roe Roes Roi Rois Rom Ron Roo Roos Rou Rous Ru Rua Rues Rui Ruis Rum Run Ruo Ruos Ruu Ruus Sa Sae Saes Sais Sam San Sau Se Sea Seas Sees Sei Seis Sem Sen Seos Shi Shia Shias Shie Shies Shii Shiis Shim Shin Shio Shios Shiu Shius Shu Shua Shuas Shue Shues Shui Shuis Shum Shun Shuo Shuos Shuu Shuus Si Sia Sii Siis Sim Sin Sio Sios Sius So Soe Soes Sois Som Son Soos Sous Su Suas Sui Suis Sum Sun Suo Suu Suus Ta Taa Taas Taes Tai Tais Tam Tan Tao Taos Tau Taus Te Tea Teas Tees Tei Tem Ten Teo Teu Thi Thia Thias Thie Thies Thii Thiis Thim Thin Thio Thios Thiu Thius Thu Thua Thuas Thue Thues Thui Thuis Thum Thun Thuo Thuos Thuu Thuus Ti Tias Tie Tiis Tim Tin Tio Tios Tiu Tius To Toas Toe Toes Toi Tom Ton Toos Tou Tous Tu Tua Tuas Tue Tues Tui Tuis Tum Tun Tuo Tuu Tuus Va Vaa Vaas Vae Vaes Vai Vam Van Vaos Vau Vaus Ve Vea Veas Vee Vees Vei Vem Ven Veo Veos Veu Veus Vi Vie Vii Viis Vim Vin Vio Viu Vo Voa Voe Voes Voi Vois Vom Von Voo Voos Vou Vous Vu Vue Vues Vui Vuis Vum Vun Vuo Vuus Wa Waas Wae Wai Wam Wan Wao Waos Wau Waus We Wea Wees Wei Weis Wem Wen Weos Weus Wi Wia Wias Wie Wies Wii Wim Win Wio Wiu Wo Woa Woe Woes Woi Wois Wom Won Woos Wou Wu Wua Wuas Wue Wui Wum Wun Wuo Wuos Wuu Wuus Za Zaa Zaas Zae Zaes Zai Zais Zam Zan Zaos Zau Zaus Ze Zea Zeas Zee Zees Zei Zeis Zem Zen Zeo Zeos Zeu Zeus Zha Zhaa Zhae Zhaes Zhai Zhais Zham Zhan Zhao Zhaos Zhau Zhaus Zhe Zhea Zhee Zhees Zhei Zheis Zhem Zhen Zheo Zheos Zheu Zheus Zhi Zhia Zhie Zhies Zhii Zhim Zhin Zhio Zhios Zhiu Zhius Zho Zhoa Zhoas Zhoe Zhoes Zhoi Zhom Zhon Zhou Zhous Zhu Zhuas Zhuis Zhum Zhun Zhuos Zhuu Zhuus Zi Zia Zias Zim Zin Zio Ziu Zius Zo Zoe Zoes Zois Zom Zon Zoo Zoos Zou Zous Zu Zuas Zue Zues Zuis Zum Zun Zuos Zuu
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mengstigerdragon · 27 days
Wing Chun Kung Fu Unlocking the Secrets of Martial Arts
Wing Chun Kung Fu is a dynamic and efficient martial art form that emphasizes quick reflexes, close-range combat, and strategic thinking. Originating from Southern China, Wing Chun has gained global recognition for its practical applications and effectiveness in self-defense. Whether you’re attending Wing Chun classes or engaging in Wing Chun training at home, this art form offers a unique pathway to mastering martial arts. Here’s how you can unlock the secrets of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Understand the Philosophy: Wing Chun Kung Fu is not just about physical combat; it’s also about mental discipline and strategy. The art emphasizes efficiency and economy of motion, teaching practitioners to use the least amount of energy to achieve maximum impact. Understanding this philosophy is crucial to mastering Wing Chun.
Focus on Stance and Structure: A solid stance is the foundation of Wing Chun Kung Fu. The basic stance, known as Yee Gee Kim Yeung Ma, is designed to provide stability and balance. Whether you’re in Wing Chun classes or practicing Wing Chun training at home, maintaining the correct stance is essential for executing techniques effectively.
Master the Basics: Wing Chun is built on fundamental techniques like the straight punch, tan sau (palm up block), and bong sau (wing arm block). Mastery of these basics is crucial before moving on to more advanced techniques. Regular Wing Chun training helps in perfecting these core movements.
Develop Sensitivity: One of the unique aspects of Wing Chun Kung Fu is its focus on sensitivity training, often practiced through Chi Sau (sticky hands). This exercise helps practitioners develop the ability to read and respond to an opponent’s movements instinctively, a skill that is honed through regular practice.
Train with a Partner: While Wing Chun training at home can be beneficial, practicing with a partner in Wing Chun classes is vital for developing real-world combat skills. Partner drills allow you to apply techniques in a dynamic setting, improving your timing, distance management, and reaction speed.
Use Training Tools: Incorporating training tools such as the Wooden Dummy (Mook Yan Jong) can significantly enhance your Wing Chun training. The Wooden Dummy helps in refining techniques, improving precision, and conditioning your body for real combat situations.
Build Endurance and Strength: Physical fitness plays a critical role in Wing Chun Kung Fu. Strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises should complement your Wing Chun training routine to ensure that you have the endurance and power to execute techniques effectively.
Study the Forms: Wing Chun consists of three main forms: Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu, and Biu Jee. These forms encapsulate the core principles and techniques of Wing Chun. Regular practice of these forms, whether in Wing Chun classes or at home, is essential for mastering the art.
Emphasize Mental Focus: Wing Chun Kung Fu requires sharp mental focus. Meditation and mindfulness practices can help in enhancing your concentration and mental clarity, making your Wing Chun training more effective.
Commit to Continuous Learning: The journey of mastering Wing Chun is ongoing. Whether you’re attending Wing Chun classes or practicing at home, staying committed to continuous learning and improvement is key to unlocking the deeper secrets of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
By following these steps, you can unlock the secrets of Wing Chun Kung Fu and develop into a skilled martial artist. With regular Wing Chun training and a deep understanding of its principles, you’ll gain confidence, discipline, and the ability to protect yourself effectively.
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untilthenexttee · 2 years
In Gee Chun Wins LPGA Velocity Global Impact Award
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., March 8, 2023 – Celebrating International Women’s Day, officials with the LPGA and the Velocity Global Impact Award Committee today announced that In Gee Chun has won the inaugural Velocity Global Impact Award thanks to a fan vote that ran on LPGA.com between February 21-March 6. The award recognizes Chun’s dedication to growing the sport of golf and inspiring the next…
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barmonkey998 · 2 years
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gamescrazy7845 · 2 years
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TPC Harding Park to host LPGA Worldwide Crown occasion in 2023
The LPGA introduced that the Hanwha Lifeplus Worldwide Crown will return to the schedule Might 4-7, 2023, at San Francisco’s TPC Harding Park, as first reported by Golfweek. The distinctive occasion consists of 4 gamers from the highest eight international locations in a crew match-play competitors. The Crown was final held in 2018 in South Korea, the place the crew of So Yeon Ryu, Sung Hyun Park, In-Kyung Kim and In Gee Chun triumphed on residence soil in entrance of a packed and boisterous crowd. The biennial occasion was created beneath the management of former LPGA commissioner Mike Whan and debuted in 2014 at Caves Valley Golf Membership in Owings Mills, Maryland. Spain received the primary contest, adopted by the US in 2016 on the Advantage Membership simply north of Chicago. The occasion will return to South Korea in 2025. The sphere of eight international locations shall be decided by the mixed Rolex Girls’s World Golf Rankings of the highest 4 gamers from every nation as of Nov. 21, 2022, instantly following the CME Group Tour Championship. The ultimate discipline of 32 gamers shall be decided through the Rolex Rankings as of April 2, 2023, instantly following the Palos Verdes Championship. “The Hanwha Lifeplus Worldwide Crown is a real marker of the worldwide attain of the LPGA. The 32 athletes who will compete at TPC Harding Park in 2023 may have the last word honor of enjoying beneath their nationwide colours and representing their international locations, probably the most thrilling alternatives an athlete can expertise,” LPGA commissioner Mollie Marcoux Samaan mentioned in a launch. “We’re very glad to carry the Worldwide Crown again to our schedule and are extremely grateful to our companions at Hanwha, TPC Harding Park and the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Division for his or her shared imaginative and prescient and dedication to offering our gamers and our followers with a world-class expertise.” In Gee Chun, So Yoen Ryu, In-Kyung Kim and Sung Hyun Park of South Korea pose for images with the trophy after successful the UL Worldwide Crown at Jack Nicklaus Golf Membership on October 7, 2018 in Incheon, South Korea. (Picture by Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Pictures) The primary three days of competitors would be the four-ball format. Sunday’s remaining spherical will function a brand new twist, with two singles matches and one foursomes match happening. With no crew captain, the 4 gamers from every nation will decide their technique. The successful semifinal international locations will compete within the remaining match on Sunday afternoon, together with a third-place match between the 2 shedding semifinal international locations. The ultimate and third-place match shall be performed in the identical format because the semifinals. Harding Park, designed by Willie Watson and Sam Whiting, opened in 1925 and was named after U.S. President Warren G. Harding. Following a $16 million renovation in 2002-2003, TPC Harding Park has hosted such occasions because the 2005 WGC-American Specific Championship; the 2009 Presidents Cup; the 2010, 2011 and 2013 Charles Schwab Cup Championship; the 2015 WGC Dell Applied sciences Match Play; and the 2020 PGA Championship. The Crown would be the first elite ladies’s competitors held at Harding Park. Meet the ten Epson Tour gamers who earned LPGA playing cards for 2023 View 10 objects Originally published at Sacramento News Journal
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sudden-stops-kill · 2 years
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in gee chun . https://www.lpga.com/tournaments/kpmgwomenspgachampionship/results
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444namesplus · 5 months
Aal Aam Aan Aar Aas Ala Ale Ali Alo Alu Ama Ame Ami Amo Amu Ana Ane Ani Ano Anu Ara Are Ari Aro Aru Asa Ase Asi Aso Asu Baa Bal Bam Ban Bar Bas Bee Bel Bem Ben Ber Bes Bii Bil Bim Bin Bir Bis Bol Bom Bon Boo Bor Bos Bul Bum Bun Bur Bus Buu Chaa Chal Cham Chan Char Chas Chee Chel Chem Chen Cher Ches Chii Chil Chim Chin Chir Chis Chol Chom Chon Choo Chor Chos Chul Chum Chun Chur Chus Chuu Daa Dal Dam Dan Dar Das Dee Del Dem Den Der Des Dii Dil Dim Din Dir Dis Dol Dom Don Doo Dor Dos Dul Dum Dun Dur Dus Duu Eel Eem Een Eer Ees Ela Ele Eli Elo Elu Ema Eme Emi Emo Emu Ena Ene Eni Eno Enu Era Ere Eri Ero Eru Esa Ese Esi Eso Esu Faa Fal Fam Fan Far Fas Fee Fel Fem Fen Fer Fes Fii Fil Fim Fin Fir Fis Fol Fom Fon Foo For Fos Ful Fum Fun Fur Fus Fuu Gaa Gal Gam Gan Gar Gas Gee Gel Gem Gen Ger Ges Gii Gil Gim Gin Gir Gis Gol Gom Gon Goo Gor Gos Gul Gum Gun Gur Gus Guu Iil Iim Iin Iir Iis Ila Ile Ili Ilo Ilu Ima Ime Imi Imo Imu Ina Ine Ini Ino Inu Ira Ire Iri Iro Iru Isa Ise Isi Iso Isu Kaa Kal Kam Kan Kar Kas Kee Kel Kem Ken Ker Kes Kii Kil Kim Kin Kir Kis Kol Kom Kon Koo Kor Kos Kul Kum Kun Kur Kus Kuu Ola Ole Oli Olo Olu Oma Ome Omi Omo Omu Ona One Oni Ono Onu Ool Oom Oon Oor Oos Ora Ore Ori Oro Oru Osa Ose Osi Oso Osu Paa Pal Pam Pan Par Pas Pee Pel Pem Pen Per Pes Pii Pil Pim Pin Pir Pis Pol Pom Pon Poo Por Pos Pul Pum Pun Pur Pus Puu Saa Sal Sam San Sar Sas See Sel Sem Sen Ser Ses Shaa Shal Sham Shan Shar Shas Shee Shel Shem Shen Sher Shes Shii Shil Shim Shin Shir Shis Shol Shom Shon Shoo Shor Shos Shul Shum Shun Shur Shus Shuu Sii Sil Sim Sin Sir Sis Sol Som Son Soo Sor Sos Sul Sum Sun Sur Sus Suu Taa Tal Tam Tan Tar Tas Tee Tel Tem Ten Ter Tes Thaa Thal Tham Than Thar Thas Thee Thel Them Then Ther Thes Thii Thil Thim Thin Thir This Thol Thom Thon Thoo Thor Thos Thul Thum Thun Thur Thus Thuu Tii Til Tim Tin Tir Tis Tol Tom Ton Too Tor Tos Tul Tum Tun Tur Tus Tuu Ula Ule Uli Ulo Ulu Uma Ume Umi Umo Umu Una Une Uni Uno Unu Ura Ure Uri Uro Uru Usa Use Usi Uso Usu Uul Uum Uun Uur Uus Vaa Val Vam Van Var Vas Vee Vel Vem Ven Ver Ves Vii Vil Vim Vin Vir Vis Vol Vom Von Voo Vor Vos Vul Vum Vun Vur Vus Vuu
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whitedragongolf · 3 years
LPGA Volunteers of America Classic. Jin Young Ko Leads.
LPGA Volunteers of America Classic. Jin Young Ko Leads.
Jin Young Ko of South Korea leads the Volunteers Of America Classic at Old American Golf Club in Texas. Jin lost the World #1 ranking last week, but fired a first round -8 under par 63 to lead the Volunteers of America Classic by one shot; “That’s fine, and I’m still alive. So doesn’t matter really.” “Shot wasn’t good, but putting was really good, and then I read the break really well today, so…
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entershaolin · 4 years
Deep Dive into Wing Chun!!!
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