#in my brain their face is screwed up from the box but you can't tell so much once it heals and some of the facial reconstruction is done
i Need to draw post escape ran in the trans sweater but i literally don't even have a design for them yet
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taggedmemes · 8 months
what's a girl to do with friends like this?
she let me drive her car so i can score an eighth.
my hair is growing long.
we can live like this.
if you left it up to me, every day would be a holiday from real.
we'd waste our weeks beneath the sun.
we'd fry our brains.
it's so much fun out here.
i'll come back for another year.
the rents are high and [city]'s easy.
it's a picture of perfection.
you sure look fine.
you wore my favorite sweater.
being poor was never better.
let's screw this one up right.
that's when i spend the most time thinking about what i've given up.
this is a warning.
i'm writing you a symphony of sound.
this mix could burn a hole in anyone.
it was you i was thinking of.
i read your letter.
you said you meant it.
there's a piece of me in every single second of every single day.
tell me how it got this way.
i can't get to you.
this is my mixed tape for her.
it's like i wrote every note with my own fingers.
i had to give you away.
sometimes perfection can be perfect hell.
i swear i didn't mean for it to feel like this.
every inch of me is bruised.
can you make this last?
i am finally waking up.
you haven't shown your face here since the bad news.
i'm unraveling with every word you say.
just think of all the thoughts wasted on you.
all i taste is blood between my teeth.
i'm ready, so don't stop.
i am aware i've been misled.
i disconnect my heart, my head.
when did society decide that we had to change and wash a t-shirt after every individual use?
i need caffeine in my blood stream.
my life has become a boring pop song.
i'm done.
the ending got twisted around.
i've got friends who will help me pull through.
i'm dulling the day with a drink.
i'm far too unstable to settle.
i don't know what you could possibly expect under this condition.
this night's a perfect shade of dark blue.
have you ever been alone in a crowded room?
the world could be burning down.
this flood is slowly rising up and swallowing the ground beneath my feet.
tell me how anybody thinks under this condition.
as the water rises up, the sun is sinking down.
now all i can see are the planets in a row.
we were boxing the stars.
finally i'm letting go of all my downer thoughts.
in no time there'll be one less sad robot looking for a chance to be something more than just metal.
she's so good.
she's no good for me.
why treat him like he's dead?
i've found someone to dull this lonely scene.
it's biblical how fucked my sleep can be.
i would never lie to you.
whatcha sad for?
this hurts like hell.
i had that dream again where i was lost for good in outer space.
tell me how to shake a waking nightmare that is only worse when i am sleeping.
i am losing feeling.
i'd prefer not to be rescued.
i'm following myself just this once.
i'm finally numb.
say you'll miss me.
i'm sweating out excuses that would make your stomach turn.
we filled our cups and lit one up.
maybe we were made for each other.
is it possible for the world to look this way forever?
i didn't realize i'd gona crazy.
i didn't catch my bloody nose or that my heart tried to explode.
some people never change at all.
we're still the same impulsive drunks we were when we were small.
someone get this man to a hospital.
you can breathe.
the rain's the rain.
i deconstruct my thoughts.
this fishbowl life is all they need.
i'm slipping into the airwaves.
the static's where you'll find me.
the gold-soaked afternoon comes slow.
something's not so right inside.
don't panic, there simply is no need.
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themagnusbane · 2 years
GAP The Series Episode 7 Thoughts
Happy New Year everyone. The sapphics are here to own 2023!!!
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And of course we are starting with Kirk the Snitch, Kirk the Traitor, Kirk the Betrayer, Kirk the Backstabber, on his knees with that fucking ring and his fucking proposal, and URGH, everyone is pressuring her to say yes. I HATE THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!
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2, Good. I hope you feel as stupid as you look Kirk; holding onto that ring box whilst Sam runs away from your ass without giving you an answer. Hope somewhere in that brain you aren't using, you get a semblance of a clue!
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3, Oh God. They really hit us straight away with the pain. Poor Mon. My baby. This pain! And now she's doing the flashbacks to the friends asking about her relationship with Sam? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!! I can't handle this!!!!
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4. Why are you asking for time to clear things up Sam? There's nothing to clear up. Just tell him "No." Urgh!!! And before anyone starts talking, yes I know she doesn't have a choice and her grandmother has set things up in a way where she has no choice but to kowtow to her, but dammit I don't care. And that's my prerogative!
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5. Ngl, if I show up at the office early, and notice that there's no one around, only for something to suddenly touch me from behind, I'm screaming like a banshee and hitting like a Shaolin master.
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6. Now they've switched roles. It's Mon's turn to come knocking at Sam's door in the hopes that she will let her in. Let it not be said that Sammon are not equal-opportunity lovers.
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7. Damn. Sam really took the two days that Mon wasn't at work to be all "HOW CAN I HURT THE GIRL I LIKE FOR NO REASON APPARENTLY BECAUSE... DRAMA!!!!" Because fuck if this isn't unnecessarily. Seriously, this is going to come around and bite her in the ass, and I hope Mon demands that she FUCKING GROVELS, when she finally gets her head out of her ass because WHAT THE FUCK???????????
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8. But seriously though. This is shitty behaviour. As her boss, if she wasn't so wrapped up in her fucking feelings, and emotionally constipated, having a new account reach 499k in a month is something you reward and encourage, even if you want to put in the screws for your employee to meet the deadline. Mon is being generous by saying that Sam is a stickler for rules at work, because this is clearly not about work, but instead, Sam is letting her personal feelings cloud her professional judgement and this is really trash. URGH!!! I knew this episode would frustrate me to no end, but WTF?!!!!
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9. See what I mean? Now poor Mon is thinking that the fault is with her. That she's to blame for Sam being an absolute DICK. And I can't. URGH!!! Mon girl, I am so sorry. You do not deserve this. This is why they say never meet your idols y'all. That's when you find out that they have the emotional capacity of a teaspoon. URGH!!!!
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10. Sam has the best friends. I swear she must have saved someone pretty important in her previous life with how hard they are working to right her wrongs and comfort her girl.
11. But also TEE MY QUEEN. MY LOVE. THAT SUIT!!! ALL HAIL LESBIAN JESUS FOR TEE'S SUIT!! Ghgjhgjhghjghjgjhghjg. I want to climb that woman like a tree, and touch her EVERYWHERE! EVERYWHERE!!!!
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12. You see that lesbian sprawl. Those crossed and arms spread across the top of the bench? GHJGHJGHJGJHGHJGHJG. Tee clearly wants me dead. She wants me dead and horny. Horny and dead. Dead with horny. Words I don't know her. TEEEEEEEEE!!!! Come sit on my face. I beg you!!
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13. And now she has her hands in her pocket???????? She wants to kill me y'all. TEE HAS FUCKING KILLED ME! First hands in her pocket, now she's steepled those gorgeous lean fingers, talking about her considering giving Mon a job? A queen. An icon. A fucking goddess.
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14. I love how Sam's friends have basically adopted Mon at this moment. I know all the talk about how great Mon would be working at Tee's is just to get Sam jealous, but honestly they really are coming through for my girl.
15. You absolutely cannot hire Mon my ass. Sam, get YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR FUCKING ASS AND TREAT THAT GIRL RIGHT!!!
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16. Awwwww. Her coworkers are so sweet and so kind. Mon sweetheart, you deserve the world.
17. And now she's crying and saying goodbye and I know Sam keeps wanting to interrupt her to be all "I've changed my mind about firing you. Blah Blah Blah", but I honestly wish that when she turns around and says that bullshit, Mon is like "nope. You can't keep treating my emotions like I'm a fucking yo-yo. I'm out". Like I just need her to let all her inner brat shine through because this... THIS IS NOT OKAY! THIS IS NOT OKAY AT ALL AND I AM LIVID!!! URGH!!!
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18. Aaaaaaaand of course, rather than apologize for having been an unreasonable dick, and following up with asking Mon sincerely, to stay, she's back with the "that was yesterday. Today, I don't want you to leave" and I'm...
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19. Atta girl! Hand in that resignation. Let her work for it. Have her GROVEL to get you back. What in the nonsense!
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20. OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!! She actually confessed??? She actually CONFESSED?????? But you know what? No. Stand firm Mon. Stand firm. Don't be swayed. I know she looks desperate with her "I like you". But don't weaken. Get her to grovel. You deserve that after all the heartache. Don't give in just yet. LET SAM WORK FOR IT!!!!
21. Gghjghjgjhghjghjghjghj. Sam's frustrated, "Girl what do you WANT?" expression is sending me!!! Mon is so fucking stupid. These two deserve each other. Mon. Girl. Sure she always says the opposite of what she means. But that's because she's emotionally constipated. And now that she's released her emotions with one loud, big fart, she's telling you EXACTLY how she feels. But the ONE braincell you both keep exchanging, seems to be with Sam at the moment, which is making you an absolute dumbass. And I'm LOVING IT!!!!
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22. Look at Tee and Yuki sitting right beside each other. My babies!! My beautiful secondary ship. They look sooo good together. Gah!!!! Look at that pretty! LOOK AT ALL THAT PRETTY!!!!!
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23. I repeat, Sam doesn't know just how amazing her friends are! Look at them putting in the WORK, to help her get the girl she likes! Sam, you lucky bitch!
24. I SAW THAT YUKI!!! That casual "I'm frustrated with the stupidity of my friend" touch that she gave Tee. I SAW THAT!!!!! Hehehehehe.
25. They're holding her hands so gently to the finish line of her confessing her emotions. GAH!!! And their glee when Mon confesses to liking Sam and wanting to date her? My heart!!!!! All of them are such good eggs. What amazing women. AMAZING!!! Sam, you have no idea how lucky you are!
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26. What perfect timing indeed. Sam's friends are ME! I am Sam's friends!! Gghghjgjhghjghjghjg.
27. Sam: "I don't like you. I like you. I hate you. I like you."
Mon: "You hate me. If you don't hate me, then be my girlfriend"
Sam: Yes!
This is the dumbest confession scene ever, and it is so fitting for my two beloved idiots, and their singular, shared braincell!! Ggjhghjghjghjghjgjhghjghj.
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28. Yuki almost popping out through those bars with how giddy she is, seeing Sam and Mon get together is such a mood!!!!!
29. Tee just called herself the MASTER of ALL things. And you all KNOW what that means! TEE. ALL I NEED IS A NIGHT. JUST ONE NIGHT. WITH YOU. THAT'S ALL. I NEED YOU TO WRECK AND RUIN ME FOREVER!!!!!
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30. Why was I stupid for a moment, to forget that these two share only one braincell. What in the... "SAM! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY NOW THAT YOU'RE LOVERS, YOU CAN SHARE MONEY????" That's not the ONLY thing you can share you big dumb dumb! You can also share body fluids! BODY FLUIDS SAM! Share them! Oh lord have mercy. Someone save me from this girl!!!
31. Sam you absolute dumbass. That's why you were forcing her to resign? Then why not just tell her then??? Instead of inflicting so much pain???
32. The saccharine sweetness of their dating montage. I can't. I can't. It's so sweet and so cute and I am dissolving into a puddle. Send help!!! How are they so cute?????? GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. It made all that pain WORTH IT!!!
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33. The way Mon was like "Sam, you're terrible at subterfuge. Ya totally didn't buy that nonsense about shopping alone" made me cackle!!!
34. The speed with which Sam was like "I want to get you out of your clothes. Let's take a bath together" is sending me!!!!
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35. That promise to be more straightforward and honest with her moving forward? My heart!!! How precious. Sam honest and aware of her feelings is an absolute delight. She really is on that Queen-level shit!!!!
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36. Mon is living my dream. Imagine being all soaped up with your crush and idol and lover in a bathtub. I would float. How is Mon able to breathe. That was so hot and soft and GAH! My heart!!!
Also, that preview is GIVING!!!!! Sam and Mon have sex. Kirk brings his heterosexual drama? It looks like we are in for another rollercoaster. But I know I'll survive it easily, cuz my faves are FINALLY together, and now I can have some peace. Until the drama comes in the later episode courtesy of Sam's grandmother (cuz we know that witch just won't leave things be!). But until then, I shall enjoy every moment of sweetness we get!!!
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Amelia and friends react to Verbalase's NFSW animation
Inspired by the Wesker and the Gang react to the same video. Just something stupid and silly I wanted to write. Little spoilers from Infinity Train if you even care. Featuring four of my favorite characters with a surprise at the end.
Amelia: Hello everyone. Welcome to Amelia and friends. I'm Amelia Hughes and these are my...friends.
Johanna, Grace and Eda: *All say hi almost at the same time*
Amelia: Today, we are going to react to an animation that was commissioned by a man named Verbalase. Who apparently paid fifty thousand dollars for this...really?
Johanna: Fifty thousand. Oh my, that's a lot of money. Even more than when I was commissioned to draw the graphic designs for those bells. Yet whoever got paid to make this animation sure must be pretty happy. Anyway, who's Verbalase?
Eda: I heard from Luz he's some guy on the internet who does these cartoon beat boxing battles. And it's mainly family friendly content. I even heard he's 40 and married. Yet he commissioned this video instead of paying his animators for his series.
Grace: Really? He did that instead of paying money for his series?
Amelia: What's also interesting is that new show Hazbin Hotel that's set in Hell. It premiered recently and this video popped around before it came out. And amazingly, this animation was out for four months before people took notice of it.
Eda: Wow, talk about perfect timing. The demons in Hell finally have their show premire and this gets a lot of attention.
Johanna: Wait, does Hell actually exist?
Eda: Yeah, but that's in a different dimension where the show takes place in. And hey, I'm from the demon realm remember?
Amelia: Let's just watch this. I want to get this over with. I assume it's some weird animation people are making a big deal out of. It's likely nothing.
Grace: I've heard it's a music and it's...pretty spicy.
Amelia: I don't care. I've seen worse. I'm just going to play it.
*After the video ends*
Johanna:...oh my gosh. What was that?
Eda: That was the most basic softcore porn music video I've watched. That was a waste of time. Everyone's making a big deal out of that?!
Johanna: Eda!
Eda: I'm being serious! Sure, the animation is pretty good. But that wasn't hardcore. This was definitely made to get this guy horny. Yet it's...somewhat safe.
Grace: She does have a point. I've been to a frat car on the train and that was...more spicey than this.
Johanna: Still can't believe he actually commissioned this. I mean...we all have kinks but...I wouldn't even pay that much money for this. That's ridiculous.
Eda: To be honest, I'm interested in Charlie's reaction if she's seen this. That would be hilarious. Besides, I've also heard this Verbalase guy is transphobic too so, screw him. Hey Amelia, what did you think? You've been pretty quiet over there...Amelia?
Amelia: I am sorry for everything.
*The others are confused by this*
Johanna: Amelia, what's wrong?
Amelia: Grace, I am sorry for laughing in your face and indirectly ruining your life.
Grace: Amelia, you've already done that.
Amelia: God, please forgive me for shooting Atticus. Forgive me for all the sins I've committed these past three decades. I am so sorry for everything.
Grace: Holy shit, is she praying to God now? I thought she was an atheist.
Eda: Grace, I think the video broke her. But when I think about it. It was also the horrific realization that Verbalase's stupid decision to pay fifty thousand dollars for this made her brain just...break upon hearing that.
Amelia: Oh my God, I need to apologize to Tulip. I need to apologize to One-One. God, please let me repent.
Eda: She is getting religious now, and I can't help but laugh.
Simon: I'LL KILL YOU?!
*Simon just jumps at her, and they both start fighting as the others try to keep them from killing each other*
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Blowing up paddle boat with m-134 mini gun This is a clip of the full video m134 mini gun ! #m134" on YouTube
They lost people real people to your stuff more luck and I lost my whole clan to your idiocy and your friends idiocy below. How I know is they're valuable to Max and Forg harming them because they're their kids. She just think about it what I wrote in the letter is a lesson in life is what I say take away from it what you want. Did you hear me say the stuff temac and like I shouldn't accept what's changed and how it is you have me like fighting a week with that kind of concept it's kind of backfired on you you just kept on saying it and saying it I'm saying it you still are you're thinking all sorts of s*** that's not real now these people are mad and you can see what they're saying I can interpret it and put it here for you to see they want you to know what's happening to your people and they try and get into Florida or speak up on them
Zues Hera
You're right we said they're screwing around with your people messed up the clan and they're gone and they're valuable and it was a mistake and you keep saying this then I'm in your face and I'm doing the wrong thing I agree with that but I'm going to bring you down
Trump next door
No you're not loser you're going down at least people are going to do it to you and we're here too and my papa and Mama I've heard enough from you you're a piece of s*** no matter what happens you're a piece of s*** no matter what someone does to you or tells you or informs you that's all you're going to be so I wrote the letter and I had someone put it in that box and I knew the whole time and you're an airhead you don't care about that kind of stuff and I don't care about you you're cheesy piece of s*** who's going to shoot your own son it's different with me and my clan and Max and others you don't have kind of a brain up there that does much you don't really have remorse except for making the wrong decisions and you can't see that you keep doing it what you doing is annoying me and harassing me you created a prison out of this little neighborhood for me cuz you're a moron you're very stupid person a lot less of it is due from the max and others as opposed to your idiotic actions that destroyed your own people and there's proof of it coming up your people are going to destroy you fully you're a traitor your kind and you're a traitor to your race I'm sick of hearing from you because you're nothing should be near me in any way it's such a loser you're the worst loser your realm has. Because of your little shenanigans your referencing right now I'm driving too close to me with your ass tonight bike you threatened with me and when it's at fisherman's village I hear that half of your people died that you wanted around and needed and our people know about that if you need them or not or want them around and they're dead because of you having to drive a little bit go by and drive your little bike make yourself feel better she's such a f****** loser you're a piece of s*** and an amoeba
We'll get rid of you now is your last days of life what do you say is he wrote the letter what I know is Dave wrote it it just is blob of s*** is not interested in anyone else because you say you're better but you're really nothing just an idiot coming around bothering people harming people that are worth stuff not having people that are we kind of needed all that, the desperately needed a scapegoat so we can blame for everything that's happening and you've got your hand up the whole time and jeez it really looks like you cuz it is you and many many cases like you see here with the Marines or Army I believe it's Marines you set them up and see unit and a unit among other units you set up in this one's going after you and it's going to start killing you you don't even seem to care you're so f****** stupid
You're dumb okay I'm going to start killing you and blame them such a hokey piece of s***
No you're not going to play this you were there you were hurts men and we're going after you the unit says
I've had enough of this so coming after us because of you Trump
You do the job but I have to admit I went all crazy there and went after our own and they're pretty much coming after us. He's sitting they're laughing at me all the time I guess he should never really do anything that does anything and it always hits me. I should have left a long time ago and everything's really bad
Joel Watts
Everything is really bad stupid and your people are dead they died in the basis like everybody else the ones that are left of these trees you just going around living a life and they don't really do anything and now they're running into the cities and they'll be gone shortly because they sat there hiding that's why they go to the islands. A bunch of them do don't really make it and some might. That's a fight over the ships and there's a whole bunch of them leaving because of you if you're asinine plan to kidnap our son but truthfully you caused a lot of damage and you can't remember it you're the one with the memory problem. And it's like this all the bases on Earth of your kind and your race of morlock are gone, the only thing you have left are couple islands and a few pockets on other islands that are going to be gone and moments cuz they found them there and fewer and fewer idiots running into the cities and thank God that we've gone today you'll sit there abusing our son thinks you're going to get there and do stuff and nothing happens for you soon you'll be dead and out of the way and he'll have a life and you won't yeah he went ballistic on you and you don't stand a chance now and you're stupid we have your program Billy z has your program and you try to use it we deprogram it and you know that. Just one more thing you should jam your s*** up your own ass to see why it's so bad you're running around telling people about you now and they're just going to get rid of you
Thor Freya
We're going to watch you die now Trump
Hera Zues
All of us will including the Max and other races cuz you're this pig that demanded we do this job here is cuz you're programming we have and we do about it and we are saying it too and you don't care you will
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kiridarling · 3 years
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katsuki bakugou | competitive sex + f!reader + pro hero!kats + hickeys + hair-pulling + ripping clothes + a surprise guest + more! minors dni.
— 1.8k words
"Text Shitty Deku we're gonna be little late."
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“Katsuki. Hands off.”
The ash-blond sighs, grumbling like the petulant child he is before forcing his hands to his sides. Glaring at you through the mirror, he grunts, “Fuckin’ why.”
"Because I'm trying to get ready and you're in the way." You swat his hands away and reach for a brush, rolling your eyes when he ignores everything you just said in favor of hooking his chin around your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist. You shrug him off, "Now move."
In your defense, you've been pushed to your limit.
You two are already late enough for the Gala as it is, you know, the one that's exclusively for pro heroes. And yet, for some reason, today's the day your boyfriend's brain seems to be in his dick.
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Katsuki digs his teeth into your neck, hard enough to make you whimper before you rip his head away by the strands of his hair. He growls in frustration, the grip on your waist ever-tightening.
"Y'know...if people saw the type of shit you pull in private, they'd think you were the aggressive one."
"You let me get away with it," you respond absentmindedly, leaning towards the mirror until the cool from the counter presses into your gut. Mistake.
"Right. I've been too fuckin' soft, huh?" Katsuki says more to himself than to you before he's forcing you over the sink with a heavy hand on your back; the metal from the faucet knocks you in the collarbone. "That shit changes today."
"I—Kats, we don't have ti—" but the indisputable sound of ripping cloth bounces off your bathroom walls, and the addition of cool air brushing your inner thighs implies precisely what you hope he didn't just do.
His phone clatters on the counter before he's nudging your legs wider, nestling between them, and settling on his knees.
"Text Shitty Deku we're gonna be late."
"Katsuki Bakugou, did you just rip my fucking stockings?" You howl, grip tightening around the marble countertop in fury. Katsuki growls, delivering a heavy slap to your ass.
"I said fuckin' text him."
Your chest rises and falls with indignance, and yet you're punching in the code to his phone anyway, telling Izuku to reserve two spots at the table next to him because you two won't be able to do it yourselves.
"D'ya send it?" Katsuki asks, having a blast as he kneads your exposed ass to the point where it's sore. You nod, dropping the six-by-four box onto the countertop in resignation, and the ash-blond's chest rumbles at that, hand disappearing only to crack back down twice as hard. "Good girl."
Pushing your panties to the side, Katsuki wastes no time in sliding in his finger to the first knuckle, grinning when you shudder against him. You squeal as his teeth graze your inner thigh, and he hikes your knee onto the couch, dismissing how much you complain about the burn.
"What? Can't get a better view?" He growls, cheeky bastard, before he's sucking a hickey into your thigh because he knows you like it and pushing his finger in the rest of the way. You narrow your eyes, glaring at the small sliver of his smug face you can actually see in the mirror—and he's quickly filling you with a second finger, chuckling at your moan.
"You shouldn't have a view in the first place," you grumble, insistent on standing your ground. "You should be viewing the road because we're supposed to be driving right now."
"That's a real fuckin' pity then," Katsuki responds apathetically, lips pink as he moves to suck another hickey—closer to the apex of your thighs this time. You whimper as he scissors his fingers and passes a messy thumb over your clit, hips burning from holding this position for so long. With a final lick, Katsuki pulls away from his third or fourth mark (you're not too sure) and smacks his lips. "On the sink."
"On the c—Katsuki we have to g—wah!"
Katsuki takes it upon himself to hook his arms under your thighs and hoist you onto the cool thing, sending all miscellaneous bathroom items flying. You sigh, accepting the fact that you're probably not going to make it out of the house tonight as your back kisses the freezing glass, and Katsuki pushes your knees as far back as they'll go.
He curls a lip, and then he spits, getting saliva all over your pussy and thighs, and it's wholly and utterly lewd. And yet, you bite your lip at the feeling, and he grins, knowing you like it just as much as you'll say you hate it.
"You're a fuckin' dirty girl, y'know that?" Katsuki's eyes go dark. You huff, threading a hand through his ash-blond locks to tug—and you're the one grinning when he moans.
"I'm not the one who's making us skip a mandatory gala to get his dick wet," you quip with a raised eyebrow, and your hand never leaves his hair. "Am I?"
Katsuki growls with a curled lip, but you know better, and so does the clammy grip on your thigh. You tug on his hair again, and suddenly you're full of him, yelping in surprise as your arms scramble for his back for better purchase instead.
"What was that?" He asks breathily, hiding a groan behind a bitten lip. You're just thankful he's giving you time to adjust, or so you think, until he almost pulls out entirely before his hips snap forwards as hard as they can, knocking your spine into the mirror and a bottle of lotion onto the floor.
You moan, hands searching for his hair again because you know it's one of the only things that will provide a one-up—Katsuki bares his teeth at that, bending over to suck a mark into your neck and his hips continue to fuck you into tomorrow.
"You fit like a goddamn glove," Katsuki wheezes, the grip he has around your stocking-covered thigh edging on bruising. "So tight around me—fuck—"
"K-Kats—" you grapple for his dress shirt so hard it tears, causing you to crash against the counter and make more of a mess that's already been made. The ash-blond's hips don't do anything but speed up though, filling you to the point where a deep breath feels like too much.
"Fuck baby, you're so goddamn needy," Katsuki grabs your attention by your jaw with a gritty chuckle, "But this shit's only for me, ain't it? 'Cause you're fuckin' mine."
You whimper with a nod, nails latching onto hot and sticky skin now. Katsuki hisses as they rake down his back, but that only makes you want to dig in harder.
"Fuckin' say it—tell me you're mine and no one else's," he challenges with a glint in his carmine red eyes, and something in your gut churns underneath it. Something painfully primal and raw, which has you howling out:
"'M yours, only yours!"
You jolt when his thumb returns to your clit and refuses to let up. Katsuki growls at that, somehow finding the stamina to speed up—and gripping your shoulder for leverage. You moan, eyes fluttering as his cock reaches the deepest it has tonight, and you’re sure Katsuki can tell as well if his curse is anything to go by.
Ring, ring! Ring ring!
Surprisingly, Katsuki's phone survived the purge and still sits on the counter, albeit teetering on the edge of absolute destruction. The ash-blond catches it before it falls and has the nerve to swipe right, not allowing you to fit in an objection or any say in this at all.
"The fuck do you want, Deku?" He grunts, putting the phone on speaker before he sets it back down. You eep in protest, but all he does is mouth the words quiet, baby. So you're huff, biting onto the meat of your palm for extra precaution.
"Um, Kacchan? Where are you guys?" The greenette's voice echoes off the bathroom walls to the point where it's nearly comical how clueless he is, and yet Katsuki refuses to slow down. "People are starting to ask when you're getting here..."
"Not fuckin' goin'," Katsuki's sweat drips from his brow onto your chest, and all of a sudden, you're aware of how painfully close you are, but hold back in fear of making too much noise. Izuku sighs through the phone, and you can feel his disappointment from here.
"I—Kacchan, you can't just opt out of these things, you know," Izuku says, echoing your words from earlier. "Mandatory means you have to attend."
"Yeah, well, I got better shit to do, Deku," the ash-blond spits, though he's grinning like the devil because the asshole knows you're close, he can just tell at this point, and you hate how well he knows your body.
"It doesn't matter if you don't want to go, Kacchan!" The pro-hero shrills, voice peaking out of pure frustration. "This is mandatory. As in, M-A-N-D-A-T—"
Katsuki hangs up.
"Why is everyone so goddamn mouthy these days?" He grunts, primarily to himself, and somehow you have the will to giggle. Katsuki's eyebrows furrow as you tighten around him, spurred when the head of his cock nudges the perfect spot, and his nails start to tear into what's left of your stockings as he shudders, "I—fuck baby, I'm gonna cum."
"What? Being on the phone with Izuku got you all riled up or something?" You jest breathily, and Katsuki growls, slapping your outer thigh.
"Don't fuckin' bring the nerd up right now," he wheezes, and you resist the urge to quip back—mainly because you're close yourself. You reach to pull Katsuki's hair again and his hips stutter, eyes fluttering with a breathy moan as he finally fills you up, keening over to dig his teeth into your neck. And his orgasm is only the catalyst for your own, thumping your hands against his chest as your body ignites like a live wire, toes curling and eyes screwed shut.
Katsuki stays seated in you as he catches his breath, head resting on the cool mirror with his ash-blond hair mattes brown to his forehead. He's always uncharacteristically soft while basking in his afterglow, face and chest flushed bright red from exertion as his eyes soften in a way he rarely lets them.
"You good?" He pants, chest still heaving as he blinks down at your exhausted figure. Somehow, you find the energy to nod.
"I don't feel like leaving anymore, though," you declare towards the ceiling. Katsuki clicks his tongue.
"Was hopin' you'd say that," he says gruffly—you narrow your eyes but bite your tongue. "Wanna watch a movie?"
A movie doesn't sound...bad.
You sigh in defeat (again), though jolting when Katsuki's phone rings. He quickly presses red, and 9 missed calls from shitty fucking deku is the first notification on his home screen. You two share a look—the ash-blond shrugs.
"What? I told the fucker I had better shit to do."
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wrote this for a friends bday and i was like,,,i guess i could put it here too...
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Mold Me New (5) — Kim Taehyung
A Small Town Swoons Story
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Pairing: Taehyung x reader (nicknamed Frog — for now)
Wordcount: 5.2k
Genre: ceramic artist!Taehyung, divorced!reader, Strangers to Lovers, Fluff, Smut, Slice of Life
Rating: 18+
Hello to my readers!!! Welcome to the Small Town Swoons Universe!🥰✨
In this episode: Frog gets to see the final results of her hard work. Taehyung, feeling extremely proud of her, is in the mood for celebation. He invites her for dinner, but eventually the lasagna in the oven is not the only tthing getting hot — and the cheesecake is not the only sweet thing on the menu.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: swearing. mentions of alcohol. smut: making out, grinding, humping, groping (ass, breasts) hair tugging, fingering, very soft overgrown teenagers being inappropriate and horny and tenderly feral on the sofa. Also cramps cause topping ain't easy folks.
A special thank you to @taegularities, my cutest, most adorable, Taehyung stan, The Radiant Rid. I love you, babe. Can't wait to read your next masterpiece 💕
In case you like my writing, here is my directory for idol!AUs, scenarios and imagines. And in case you need it, here’s the Spotify music companion.
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7
Enjoy 💜✨
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You were falling for Kim Taehyung.
This was by far an undoubtable truth, like the butterflies in your stomach, like the softness of his hair and the plump curve of his lip, like the excruciating, painfully perfect beauty of his face.
He was a gift to humankind, you realised.
You were sure that by now your heart eyes showed in a three-mile radius, and from the way he looked at you in return, you could tell the sentiment was somehow returned.
What made you insecure was his lack of initiative.
You noticed he enjoyed being on the receiving end — which had actually shown a few days before, when he’d fallen asleep in the comfort of your lap, you reading your book while he recovered from the stressful day.
You could still remember the soft golden light coming in through the window, the way his breath got heavy with sleep, his hand laying just an inch above your knee, growing clammy with sweat as he heated up under the blanket. And the feel of his fluffy locks under your fingertips.
He’d looked adorable, a gentle blush on his cheeks, his cherub face relaxing, chubby and plump with the sweet abandon of sleep.
His hands suddenly laid delicately atop yours. “The kiln has cooled up. Would you like to see?” Taehyung asked quietly, trying not to wake you from your reverie too abruptly.
“Oh, yes!” you replied as briefly as possible, hoping he didn’t catch you daydreaming while staring at him with a fond expression.
“Be very careful, they’re hot,” he said, lifting the top of the kiln slowly and letting the remaining hot air come out a bit at a time, without having to feel the heat hit his face.
“Are they going to be good?” you asked curiously. Not all your pieces had made it through bisque firing, and the idea of having something that actually looked like a finished, real work of art was getting you excited. You had been taking lessons for six weeks now and it felt about time to see some results.
“I think I can spot a good one,” he mused as he lifted the lid, bright blue glaze immediately catching your attention.
“Did the bowl survive? The one with the golden swirls? Please, tell me it did, I love it so much!” You felt ready to beg, pray, cry if something had gone wrong.
“It’s on the middle shelf. Be patient, you golden retriever,” he joked, wearing a pair of latex gloves to make sure the temperature was okay without damaging the glaze.
“It was my first to survive bisque, I am invested!” you argued back, peering from over his shoulder, noticing that your vase for Terry had survived.
“Vase accomplished, Frog. You should be excited about that one,” he said, moving it to a shelf. “It means you worked it nicely.”
You shrugged. It was one of your latest pieces, so you weren’t too surprised about it. Still, considering that shaping a vase with consistent walls is a feat in itself, you smirked. “You taught me well.”
“I did,” he replied, lifting a large, low bonsai plate. “Ready to see your bowl, Frog?”
“If anything happened to it, I’m going to kill you.”
Taehyung turned to you, grinning, his nose scrunched in a way that made you sure you would never lift a finger on him.
Your eyes closed: because you were nervous about the bowl, you told yourself — not because you couldn’t stand Taehyung’s expression without pressing your lips to his.
He lifted the shelf from the kiln. He turned to look at you.
He did not resist.
It was like you were waiting for him to kiss you, fist pressed underneath your chin, eyes screwed shut in excitement and fear.
He touched his lips to the apple of your cheek. Your eyes shot open, but the gentleness on his face calmed you. “Congratulations, miss Frog, you have a beautiful blue baby,” he declared in a very medical fashion.
You threw your arms around him, jumping up and down as you giggled hysterically.
“And she cheers for the bowl,” he said, shaking his head in disappointment. “As if she could mess it up after that vase.”
“Screw the damned vase, show me my baby,” you said, going grabby hands to the kiln.
“No, Frog. Wait,” he said, picking up the piece and bringing it to the table, you in tow like a tail-wadding, restless puppy.
“It’s so pretty,” you mused as soon as he set the bowl down. “It’s so sparkly. So glittery. Taehyung, it’s perfect,” you whispered in awe, feeling tears well up in your eyes as you turned to him.
Fondness overwhelmed him as he saw your amused look, so dreamy and happy and satisfied.
It was your baby. Your special creature. Selfishly, he felt like he had contributed to the creation.
For a second he thought that’s what it must feel like to be a father. “Watch over it while I finish the rest,” he said, taking a step away.
You grabbed his wrist.
He turned, waiting for you to explain.
“Thank you,” you murmured, voice emotional.
He twisted his arm in your grip until his hand could reach for yours, engulfing it.
And right in that second, he felt he belonged. Somehow crazily, stupidly, innocently, he felt at home. “Anytime, darling.” He rubbed his thumb against your inner wrist before letting you go. He still had half a kiln to unload.
Bowls and mugs came out easily, some of them even presenting unintended variations that would for sure attract buyers. He felt proud.
But most of all, he wanted to go back to your bowl, to you worshipping it like a little miracle, the poor vase sitting unattended on a high shelf, out of harm’s way.
He closed the lid and took the vase, bringing it to you and placing it on the table.
“You did a very good job, Frog,” he complimented you, placing his hand close to yours, hoping to rekindle the affection he had felt only a few minutes ago.
“It’s not like I did it by myself,” you admitted, beaming up at him.
“Stay for dinner,” he blurted out, “Seokjin brought a cheesecake this morning, I still have half of it. And I have his lasagna in the freezer. We could cook it and eat that — I don’t trust myself making anything edible.”
You snickered. “You don't want me to cook?”
He shook his head. “I wanted to… To celebrate.”
You smiled, standing up, his mouth right before your eyes, “What are we celebrating?”
He looked at your lips as they moved. “The vase,” he replied seriously, although the tone of his voice meant a thousand other things.
“Of course,” you conceded. “Let’s go. I’m hungry,” you confessed, grabbing his hand, tugging at his arm.
Taehyung could swear he was floating a foot off the ground out of happiness. He realised he’d been happier than usual lately; he’d been selling more pieces and his part time job was finally giving him some satisfaction.
He felt like he was drifting across the kitchen as he put his phone in a wooden box as an amplifier, playing an old jazz tune as he put the lasagna in the oven.
You sat at the table, watching him move around with a small smile, your head leaning on your palm. You were such a sucker.
You shook your head. “You’re gonna get me drunk,” you smiled.
He sat at your side, “why not,” he teased, “just vaguely tipsy. I promise I’ll be a gentleman.” He placed a hand on his heart and bowed his head slowly.
“It’s not you I’m worried about,” you murmured, looking down before meeting his eyes again.
He licked his lips. “Who is it, then?”
“What about you?” His fingers skimmed the surface of the table, sliding all the way to your elbow and tracing your inner forearm.
A shiver ran down your spine. “I get clingy. And slightly inappropriate,” you chuckled embarrassedly.
“I could never be bothered by that,” he whispered, wrapping his fingers around your wrist. “I bet you’d look so adorable.” His hand opted to cup the back of yours before you slipped your hand away, making his palm touch your cheek instead, your face leaning in. “Which would make you absolutely irresistible,” he admitted, nodding fondly at your display of trust.
“Thank you,” you replied to the compliment, feeling your face heat up.
“Let’s lay the table.”
Let’s lay down and make out for three hours and fall asleep under the stars in the back of a pickup.
You gave your brain a second to calm down. “Sure. How can I help you?”
In twenty minutes, the tasty smell of lasagna began drifting in the air, making your mouth water as you and Taehyung talked about his other job — the one that actually paid the bills and brought food on the table. “I just love them, they’re adorable. I managed to practice when my granny used to babysit.”
You pouted, starry eyed as he talked about the children, going on and on about the five year old that always wanted to curl his hair and paint his nails.
Most of all, you loved the idea of him sitting on a baby chair, all curled up, giant hand sprawled on the table while the girl spread lacquer on his pretty nails.
“Your granny babysat?”
“She raised a few of us, yes, and then she was the babysitter for all the kids of the street,” he explained.
“I thought you grew up with your mom?” you said confusedly.
“Yes, we stayed with my mom until we turned four, but then she went back to her job and we started staying with my grandmother. And when I was ten, my mom started dating a good man. He’s one of the greatest people I know, but unfortunately, he was transferred out of state and my mom decided to go with him. I didn’t want to leave and my granny let me stay with her.”
You nodded, taking in more details about him. “Are you happy about the situation with your mom? Do you miss her?”
He shrugged. “Sometimes. But I like seeing her happy. She got married and she’s safe. Her husband spoils her, he takes care of her and he’s well off. She won’t need to worry about her health.”
“That’s a good thing,” you nodded, getting startled once the timer rang.
“Thank God,” he muttered, getting an oven glove as you stepped away quickly.
Dinner was a quiet ordeal, with easy chatting and small pauses. Silence was more than welcome as you slipped into the quiet comfort of sharing a meal. It was all so natural, effortless. And the food was delicious, filling your stomach but also pleasing your tastebuds; Seokjin was famous for his culinary skills, but he really outdid himself with the cheesecake, so creamy and perfectly sweet that you asked for a second serving, Taehyung more than happy to comply.
You kept chatting as you helped him clear the table, washing the dishes while he dried them.
“Last one,” you called, rinsing a plate before passing it to him.
You watched him as he diligently dried it, your gaze meeting his in his peripheral.
You tried to find something to say as his stare focused on you, his hands placing down the plate as he fully turned towards you.
“What?” you murmured hesitantly.
“I might do something stupid,” he said, his voice deep and barely audible, his face getting closer to you. “But I haven’t done it in a very long time.” His hand landed on your waist. “Stop me if you find it outright idiotic.”
There was nothing idiotic in the way his mouth looked so inviting from up close, all its curves too inviting for you to stop staring.
The mole on his lower lip teased you in ways that made you want to throw yourself at him. You couldn’t even understand how the attraction worked, you were simply needy, praying for his mouth to finally meet yours.
“Close your eyes,” he breathed out, trying to find courage.
You followed his suggestion, putting yourself out of misery and standing on your tiptoes before leaning in, finally joining your lips with his.
He didn’t even pretend to keep calm, both arms wrapping around your waist as he held you, delivering a string of small pecks with his lips slightly ajar, offering you the soft plumpness of the inner flesh, vaguely humid and hot.
You loved it.
All you could do was exhale, a tiny cry leaving your throat as your vocal cords caught the breath leaving your lungs. Your hands flew to his hair, hiding in him as embarrassment set you aflame.
A low grunt echoed through his chest as he felt you tug the locks at his nape gently, your body pressing harder against him.
He tried to hold you back, not sure he was ready to admit the carnal way his body reacted to you. He wanted to be gentle, delicate, cautious, but the tightness of his trousers around his crotch was anything but.
“Darling, I need a minute,” he mumbled against your lips in an almost tickling motion.
“Just one more,” you replied, your voice so heated and thin.
He tutted. “Let’s not go too fast.”
You stood straighter and chased his mouth as he tried to retreat, your eyelids lowered as you stared at the sweet, tempting mole.
“Just one…” you whispered before sucking his lower lip, licking it with the tip of your tongue.
His hand moved to your tailbone, pressing you closer. Rational thought abandoned him as he pushed his tongue against the seam of your lips, rubbing it against your palate before letting it tangle with yours.
That’s when you noticed the hardness between your legs, his thigh slotted there comfortably as you pressed your hips to it, eliciting a moan from Taehyung.
“Sofa,” you murmured, trying to hold him to you as you walked backwards to the door.
“Wait,” he breathed out, trying to part from you, causing you to whine.
“Don’t go,” you said with a pout. “I need you,” you almost whimpered, touching his nape, his neck, his chest.
“I’ll be there in a second. Don’t go all cute grumpy on me, I just need to grab my phone,” he explained, unglueing your body from his. Reluctantly made your way to the kitchen door, waiting for him before heading to the sitting room, refusing to let him out of your sight anytime soon.
Once he’d pocketed his phone, he turned towards you, his eyes getting dark and lascivious as he studied your frame while you leaned against the door jamb.
He strolled casually towards you, your eyes following his sinewy limbs.
You realised you were eager to see him naked, the thought making you pause mid-breath.
Once he stood in front of you, his arm slipped between your back and the wooden frame of the door, holding you as he leaned down. “Smartest thing I’ve done in a while.”
“Even smarter if you’re gonna do me,” you quipped, biting your lower lip and cringing once you realised you had said it out loud.
He snickered and kissed you, your hips pushing forward to grind against him, his cock too hard and large for you not to notice it. His hand wrapped around your asscheek, helping you grind even harder, his lean, strong fingers squeezing and kneading your flesh deliciously. Carefully walking towards his destination, he helped you navigate the corridor in a slight penumbra, a thin ray of moonlight slashing the floor before he pushed the door open and entered the sitting room. The space was illuminated in a blue-grey light coming from the full moon shining outside the windows.
Haphazardly, you managed to sit down, pulling him with you, making him lose his balance and stumble a little.
“Are you okay?” you asked, worried about the stupefied look on his face.
“Yeah, just thinking how to…” he fixed his stance, wondering if he should pull you on his lap or make you lay down or…
“Come here,” you murmured, kissing the mole on his cheek. “I’ve got so many kisses to give you.”
“They’re all mine,” he cooed, turning adorable for a second.
You melted. “Yes, now come here, don’t make me beg.”
He turned and leaned into you, cupping your jawline and holding you still before he slipped his tongue across your mouth. “You’re too far like this,” he complained, ignoring the fact that your bodies were literally touching shoulder to ankle.
“Wait.” You quickly bent your legs underneath you, thankful for the no-shoes rule in his house as you sat on your heels. “Like this?” you asked as he mirrored the motion almost too rapidly, his body rocking dangerously.
He immediately realised his trousers were tighter like this. He tried to ignore it, his only goal being for his mouth to meet yours, feeling the hot, milky taste of your tongue that still held some memory of the cheesecake. “Come closer,” he breathed, hoping to get some friction, the softness of your breasts against his torso, crying out at how much he missed the stand-up position, allowing the front of his body to adhere to yours with alarming precision.
“Can’t get any closer,” you chuckled desperately. “Can I lay down?”
He nodded, he needed close.
You untucked your legs from beneath you, bending them at each of his sides. “We can go to my room—”
“I like it here,” you replied, tugging him into you, his eyes shooting open once he’d risked falling from the sofa.
You managed to catch him, thankful for the wide cushions of the seats. “Be careful,” you giggled fondly, kissing his brow, his nose, following his moles like fire flights. The whole night felt magical. It felt even more magical once you managed to get his playlist to play again, placing his phone on the ground and enjoying the round fullness of his backside.
“You really have hands made for pottery,” he mused as he kissed your brow, your cheeks, the bridge of your nose, your chin, the shell of your ear. “I like them there,” he confessed, pushing his pelvis against yours, meeting it mid-thrust and coaxing a whine from your throat and a growl from his.
One of his arms lifted from beside your head. “Can I?” he asked politely, letting it hover just a few inches over your breast.
“Please do,” you replied, leading his hand with yours, his wrist and fingers immediately catching up on how to grab it, squeeze it, roll it in his palm and toy with the nipple.
“Harder? Softer? Just like this?” he checked in, attentive and concerned.
“Just slightly harder,” you panted. “Slower too, please.”
His pace changed immediately, getting you to whine as you completely connected with his touch. The soft, slow massage was making you hyper-aware of every inch of skin, every single part of your breast, every nerve ending and hard edge and soft curve.
“I wanna take off my bra. Can I?” you asked in the heat of the moment.
Taehyung was vaguely confused for a second, so lost in the feel of you that he barely understood the question. “If you want that, I want that,” he replied, his breath laboured.
Quickly, you arched your back, Taehyung’s lips reaching the column of your throat and peppering it with soft pecks. “Do you need help?”
You tutted and moaned as his teeth scraped your skin lightly.
With some gymnastics, you managed to tug the garment out of your shirt, Taehyung moaning at the increased softness underneath his palm. “Goodness, they’re incredible,” he murmured, pressing his face against one, rubbing it as he turned his head side to side.
“Please, keep touching them,” you mumbled, your voice rough with the way you struggled to breathe.
He changed the arm propping him up, switching sides as he started to tease your other breast. “Does it feel good?”
“Yeah,” you managed to confirm before your hands grabbed his ass to push him against you.
He paused for a second.
“I’m getting out of control,” he warned you.
“I’m gonna cum in my pants if we keep this up,” he confessed, purring as you nibbled his jaw. “Slow down, please,” he panted, lifting his hips away from you.
“Tae,” you called, breathing heavily, almost begging him.
“I want you a lot, ____, please tell me you do too,” he was almost feverish with need, his brow furrowed, his beautiful eyes glittering in the dark.
“Isn’t it clear?” you asked in return, trying to chase him on his retreat.
He tutted and pushed you down. “I want to hear it.”
“I want you, Taehyung. I need you. I want to see you lose control.” Your mind was gone, far far away, your brain malfunctioning as his curls tickled your upper chest.
“I don’t wanna go all the way,” he murmured, “I just… I just wanna—” he huffed out frustratedly. “I just want to make you feel good. And to feel you close to me.”
You bit your lip. “Maybe—”
“It’s not that I don’t want to make love to you. I really want to. But this is going so fast and I wanna savour every step. Take my time.” He pressed his forehead against your chest. “I just like you so much and I want you to know it means something to me.” He paused and you waited for him. “I don’t want you to think this is just a random thing to me, and I don’t want to be a random thing to you.”
“You’re not.” You cupped his cheek and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. “We can take our time—”
“You must think I’m a coward,” he murmured, voice filled with self-hatred.
You held him closer, trying to convey all your affection. “No, it’s okay. You’re okay. You’re safe with me. I get you, baby.” You rubbed the tip of his nose with yours. “Let’s take baby steps. We can just mess around. You want to make me feel good, and I you. No need to have sex to go there.”
He nodded. “I wanna keep touching you,” he murmured. “I wanna feel you with my hands.”
You blinked slowly, eager to feel his fingers on you, inside you. “That sounds great, baby,” you encouraged him, watching his shy smile and the gentle blush on his cheeks, out of exertion and shyness.
“Tell me if you need to stop,” he whispered in your ear before kissing the soft spot underneath it, his free hand moving down, from your breast to your stomach, slipping underneath your shirt, moving up against your naked skin.
You gasped once his palm cupped the underside of your bosom.
“Did I hurt you?”
You shook your head. “Feels very good,” you answered, caressing his hair out of his face, his eyes moving from your chest to your lips to your eyes.
“Are you okay with this?” he asked, reaching for your nipple with the pad of his thumb.
“Bless you, yes, baby. So good.” It was natural to trace his mouth with your finger, his lips parting to welcome it into his mouth. Your hips arched up, meeting his thigh to grind against him. You needed more pressure against your clit, your entrance clenching and widening as you felt wetness coat your folds uncomfortably. You refused to pressure him into leading his hand downwards, still you thanked several deities when his gentle fingertips started making their way to your belly button, dipping his digit in to study its shape, feeling all the ridges and tender skin. “It feels so cute,” he said after letting your finger out of his mouth, watching as you brushed it against your neck to dry it up. “I wanna make a little sculpture out of it.” He giggled. “Sorry, that’s so childish.” He shook his head.
“It’s adorable,” you replied, “it’s— Mmh, Tae. Yes.” He managed to scatter your thoughts across the universe once his fingers dipped into your jeans.
“Undo the button please,” he growled, reaching for the wet spot on your panties. “Darling dearest, you’re fucking drenched,” he said, a deep cry giving away just how desperate he was. “Can I get in your panties, precious?”
Mouth gaping, you nodded, an embarrassing mewl echoing across the room as he touched a slightly delicate spot. “That’s too sensitive,” you keened, a strangled purr leaving you once your back arched, his thumb relieving the disturbing pressure and wetness.
As slight friction began to build, Taehyung bit his lip, the vision of you so erotic and calming at the same time. It felt right, oh-so-right, to have you underneath him like that — maybe slightly overdressed, but adorably pliant and needy.
“Want them inside, darling?” he asked you, your head nodding yes quickly, without a shred of doubt. “Here, talk to me, sweetheart. Like this?” he murmured, waiting for your feedback.
“Yes,” was all you managed to utter, his digits hitting your sweet spot without even trying. “Rub there, please, stretch me,” you told him, guiding him as your hips started to roll, his thumb meeting your clit and causing a small whimper to exit your mouth before you clamped your lips around his neck.
“You feel amazing, darling. Soft and so hot and so velvety. You’re so dang slippery, it feels insane.” He kissed your head. “Want to make you cum so fast. I want to keep you up for hours like this, and then kiss you until you fall asleep. You’re spectacular, ____. I can’t take my eyes off you, my precious.”
You felt overwhelmed with the way he pushed his fingers inside you, pressing his long, strong, skilled, digits against your walls, stretching you so impossibly wide that you felt like you could probably fit four fingers in to the knuckles. But you didn’t have time to think much, simply arching your hips up and pushing your jeans and panties to your mid-thighs, trying to give him more space for action.
“Is the angle alright?” he checked in, binding his wrist a little lower, getting better leverage to finger you harder.
“Keep going like this,” you exhaled, your hand moving down, fixing his thumb as he struggled to find the right spot, “let me handle this, focus on the inside, please.”
He nodded and kissed your lips. “Sorry.”
You kissed him again. “No need to apologise— Yeah, right… there…” you said, starting to thrust up in earnest. “Clits are complicated but you’re doing so good inside,” you licked your lips, trying to ease the pain of them drying up with your and his breathing.
He bent down and chased the tip of your tongue as you ran it across your mouth, drinking in your soft hiccups and gasps as you neared your climax, his mouth crashing onto yours as you finally came apart underneath him, his kisses muffling your moans and cries.
Taehyung felt desperate as he slipped another finger inside you, giving you as much fullness as he could offer while you clenched around his digits, actually sobbing once you processed his generous offer.
It took you maybe thirty seconds before you could calm down, taking your fingers off your clit, whispering an “okay, slow down” to Taehyung, who halted the arching and pistoning of his fingers to simply press against your g spot and cup your mound with his palm.
“All good?” he asked, grunting a little as his arm cramped up.
“Yeah, are you?” you murmured back, noticing his wince.
“Cramp,” he huffed, squeezing his eyes shut.
“Want me on top? You’ve strained yourself already as it is,” you scolded him apprehensively.
He shook his head and withdrew his hand from your crotch, cleaning his fingers with lewd, erotic swipes of his tongue. You felt ready to begin all over again. “I need to be on top,” he said, drying his hand against his t-shirt before propping himself up on both elbows before bending down, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. “I kinda want to grind on you, if you’re okay with it.”
Nodding, you helped your hips up, fixing your clothes back in place but also leaving your zipper and button open. “Clothes on?”
You felt his head move in an affirmative motion, his hips starting to press against you. “I know I must look like a teenager to you.”
“It’s adorable. Makes me feel very young,” you said before chuckling. “It’s been so long since I felt this good with anyone,” you confessed, holding him to your chest, assisting his motions by moving your own pelvis in a wavy pattern. “It’s so comfortable. So familiar and nice,” you whispered in his ear before biting it gently. “You make me feel like I’m not an utter mess in this attraction thing.”
“You’re not a mess. You just feel attraction differently.” He managed to gather his thoughts and words long enough to reply to you. He thought it was important for you to feel that it was okay, that he didn’t mind, that all he cared about was how happy he felt by your side. “You’re hot, you’re smart. And you’re so…” He grunted as he found the perfect angle and pressure, his high rushing towards him. “So magnetic. And good…” Another purr left his mouth as he started humping you in earnest, going so fast you doubted you would survive having him inside you, his torso crashing on you as he hummed and bit the crook of your neck, crotch attached to your thigh as he pushed, harder and harder, his glutes impossibly tight under your palms.
“Yes, baby. I’m here, Tae. It’s all okay, babe.”
“So good,” he rumbled, still hiding against you. “So, so good,” he moaned again, your face tensing in a kind, elated smile.
“Lay on me, baby,” you kissed the crown of his head. You felt as if you were on cloud nine, and it had little to do with the orgasm and the freaky show. You loved his tenderness, his gentle approach, the way he had checked in on you throughout the whole night, wide puppy eyes staring at you in focus and adoration and wonder. And the way he had asked to take it easy, the way you had felt no pressure, no need to search for attraction, but finding it there, in the way his hands felt familiar and welcome and so, so loving, in his face and his smile and his stupid, stupid, ridiculously fluffy hair. There was attraction and even though you had asked yourself why at the beginning, you didn’t dare doubt it now. It was just like oxygen in your blood, like black holes and shooting stars and the moon phases. Undoubtable. Solid. Proven. Undeniable. It had become a main axiom to your existence.
I’m in love with Kim Taehyung.
It was like the world suddenly spinned the other way around. You let the revelation sink in, your hand running up and down Taehyung’s spine.
“You’re safe with me, babe.”
He nodded and nuzzled in closer. “Are you staying?”
“Yes, sweetie. You’ll be sleeping in my arms tonight, baby.”
You felt him smile against your neck before he found a comfortable position and closed his eyes.
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lucynnamonroll · 2 years
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Luto lore: extra 1
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Word count: 1k
n/a: tbh i just had a terrible brain rot about Mucho and I in a school setting during Valentine's day. This is pure crack/fluff and is not canon in the Luto lore, is just a sort of AU. And ofc it's not proof read word vomit, good luck if you are reading this
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'Did you plan to give chocolate to someone this year?'
His question was sudden and even more surprising coming from someone like him, who didn't seem to care a lot about that kind of event. Or at least that's what I thought. 
He is a lonely man, who scares half, if not the whole school. A lot of rumors are going around about him, depicting him as a bloody man... But that's not what I see when I look at him. For me, he is just a lonely man, a kind one with a good soul. 
'Yes I will, I did the groceries yesterday to do them.'
I won't lie, I was also pretty much scared of him at first because he is tall and muscular. But it didn't take me long to realize he was closer to a teddy bear than a bloody monster. So we started to eat together during lunch. And day after day we grew closer and closer, until one day I had to face the terrible evidence that I did have more than platonic feelings toward him. 
'Didn't you tell me that you were a terrible cook?'
I almost choked on my food as I heard his words.
'Well... I am, so we will see how it turns. If tomorrow I'm not here and that you hear about a house reduced to ashes, that's probably because it turned horribly wrong.' 
I could see a smile making its way on his face. I love those moments that we share together. He is not a big talker, but a very good listener. He remembers everything I tell him, from how I am stuck in this game to the latest rumor going around the school. No one makes me feel as listened to and important as he does. 
'So can I know who you will try to poison then?' 
Faking how offended I was by his words, I brought my hand to my chest in a theatrical way. 
'No, I can't tell you, dear, otherwise you will be an accomplice in this murder case' 
If only he knew I would give them to him... But I can't say a word about it, what would even be the purpose in that? I just hope that they will be edible and that he won't be sick. And that's if he accepts them. What if he doesn't? Maybe he only sees me as a friend after all. Maybe I will be screwing up everything tomorrow? But at the same time, I do want to give them to him... 
That's with an uncomfortable feeling of doubt that I continued this day until I could go home and face the fact that I would spend the evening cooking for a man that probably doesn't even return my feelings. 
The next morning, I thought I would die from anxiety. Well, maybe not die, but my stomach does be sending me red signals, telling me that at any slight inconvenience, my breakfast would get out from where it came from. My mom helped me to make the chocolate by giving me numerous pieces of advice and to be honest, they turned out pretty good. The problem was now to find the man I was supposed to give them to and also the courage needed to do so. 
The only time of the day when I see Mucho is noon, so it will be my only chance. 
I swear that my legs never have been shakier than during those steps I did to join him where we would usually eat during the warm days. It was hidden behind the school, probably the calmest place here too, so we both enjoyed it a lot. 
As expected he was already here, peacefully eating his lunch box. He greeted me with a nod as I sat down next to him.
'Nervous? I'm used to seeing you with dark circles, but those are by far the worst you ever had.'
I love how he always has the right word to reassure me... For sure 'anxious' was probably written all over my face. 
Hearing the irony in my voice he moved his eyes from his lunch box to me. 
'See the bright side of things, your house didn't burn last night.'
It took me a few seconds to understand that he was referring to what I said yesterday, which made me smile a bit. 
In the end, this lunch was like every other we had. But I couldn't bring myself to give him my chocolate and now he was getting up to leave... 
'W-wait a minute, I have something for you!'
For once, I was talking faster than I was thinking, but maybe it was for the better? 
'I actually made the chocolates for you...'
I couldn't bring myself to look at him as he took the small package from my hands. 
'Oh... That puts me in a delicate situation...' 
I knew it. I knew that he only liked me as a friend. Oh god, I hate myself so much for catching feelings and hoping it would work out. 
'That means I will have to make you chocolates for white day...'
'W-well that's only if you return my feelings-'
'I do.'
Did I hear that right? 
I looked at him, not registering what was happening anymore, as he opened the small package and took one of the chocolate to taste it.
'For someone who kept telling me that they can't cook, they are delicious... Thank you.'
With those words, he kissed my forehead before leaving for his next class, leaving me alone, while my brain tried desperately to process all that just happened.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
That G-D Ring of Yours
High Fidelity’s Robyn Brooks X Female reader
Summary: You seek comfort from your neighbor Rob
There's probably gonna be a part 2
Word count: 2.5k words
Warning(s): +15 | implied cheating, internalized homophobia, heterosexism, author and Rob swearing, no hate to polyamorists but major hate to bad faith players, shameless self insert, no beta, barely edited, long as fuck I'm so sorry
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Author's note: I'm having anxiety for no discernable reason and my brain has decided this is ideal fuel for a fic, so please enjoy. EDIT: ha ha yeah still anxious but we're doing stuff about it
"-- And she just touched my hand by accident and I just felt this–  this spark between us…" 
It was so sweet how he was talking about it. Or at least it would be were this not your fiancé explaining how he had been seeing another person behind your back. Had you rushed into things with him? Gotten hitched after three months because of familial pressure to settle down and start your family? Quite possibly.
But it didn't make that stabbing in your gut hurt any less. 
You had been a little gung-ho from date number 1, but he had been right there with you the whole time. Date number 2 happened the following weekend and then you just kept seeing each other more and more until before you knew it you had been introduced to each other's extended families and announced your engagement on Valentine's Day. 
You started to suspect something was amiss on Sunday, when you were braiding your hair on the bed and he had gone to take a shower. He accidentally set his phone screen aside with a text chat still open. Thinking nothing of it (he had already told you he was talking to Mark about getting drinks tonight), you looked at the name and saw it belonged to a woman you had never heard of before. Your immediate reaction was 'she must be a new coworker or a cousin,' but then you glanced again and saw the text conversation mirrored the same kind of ‘sentiments’ he texts you. 
The dirt burned into your brain for eternity: 
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You had looked away then. You were actually not going to say anything at all to him that night– had planned to bring it up after Tuesday dinner with your auntie's family, but something came up. It turns out that Jessabelle also frequented the same Starbucks as you (and she's your age, not a teen like you worried). You can't even find it in you to be mad at her since it seemed like she had no idea who you were when she showed you the picture of her date at a baseball game. You tried not to puke as you asked for her number and to send her that picture "for her contact profile." 
You hadn't heard a word your fiance had said since the beginning of the phone call and you cut him off with some excuse you barely remember. You tossed your phone carelessly onto the couch and laid back on the cushions in defeat. What now? 
You weren't really a drinker or a smoker, and you didn't exactly have friends who would be supportive right now. You could hear them now, your family too– asking you what you did wrong, telling you to just forgive him or how to get even, or simply saying 'well what do you expect? Boys will be boys.' 
Maybe… no, you definitely need to get this off your chest before you do something stupid like pretend to forget about it. You had a bad habit of that because you tend to fall fast and hard. Perhaps your neighbor could give you some advice. 
Thank the Lord for fire escapes. Rob lived on the floor beneath you, always playing something good from her huge collection of vinyl records. You've told her at least a hundred times before if she played nothing but Phil Collins for the rest of eternity, you could die happy. You crossed your fingers and hoped you weren't being weird or invading her privacy. 
Thankfully, she seemed to be expecting you. She even motioned that the latch was undone and waved you inside. Ok the second wine glass made your face grow hot. 
"I'm not interrupting am I?" 
Rob gave you a warm smile. "I could hear you pacing around your kitchen for about an hour. Was about to come and get you actually." 
She pressed the glass into your hand and you made an effort not to grimace. Rob liked her drinks cheap and strong and she never held back. You tried a sip just to be polite, and she snorted at the face you pulled. 
"That's right, you like that sweet stuff. What's it called again?" 
"Stella Rosa," you mumbled, grateful when she takes the glass back and hands you a water to replace it. 
"Favorite flavor," she asked looking at her phone. 
"Uh… the peach and the rosé. They're all pretty good, not gonna lie." 
"OK, take this, grab a blanket from the hall closet, and tell me what's going on." 
You curled up on Rob's couch and put your feet up. There were piles of records all over the place, empty beer cans and a pizza box or two on the coffee table. Your neighbor tapped away at her phone screen before silencing it and slipping it in her back pocket. She gave you a minute or two to speak up, sipping her drink like you two had all night. Which actually you did as you did not want to see your fiancé right now. 
You felt two fingers gently tap your forehead. "Come on, dreamer, tell me what's going on in that head of yours." 
You swallow the lump in your throat. "I feel a little over dramatic saying my life is about to fall apart." 
Rob raised her eyebrows at you. "Damn, OK." 
You rush to correct yourself– explain your weird sentiment in more detail but you end up just vomiting words until your voice is hoarse. 
"I mean– like– like it's not falling apart per say or whatever– I… the rest of my life is fine its just my relationship that's screwed. Which I guess I'm more worried about because it's gonna screw up all my other relationships for a while too– dang it, let me start over–" 
"Babe! Slow down. Breathe." Rob switched drinks with you and against your better judgement you took a sip. Oddly enough it did calm you down. "So… it's your fiancé, right? What did he do?" 
You stared at her trying to unscramble your thoughts. "He… I found out he was kind of... dating another person. After I found out, he tried to explain that he didn't think I would mind–" 
Rob barked, "let me guess: he didn't think you were exclusive? Pull the Main Chick, Side Chick schtick? Tried to claim 'polyamory' after he got caught?" 
Two and two clicked together at last. "Yeah… yeah, he did!," you scoffed, "and it's not like it didn't ever come up in conversation: we spent our third date talking out our, like, sexualities and fantasies and fetishes and shit. If he was polyamorous, wh- why wouldn't he have brought it up then?" 
"That is so fucked." 
You took a deeper draft of her wine, coughing before setting it aside. Up until now, you've been numb. Now there's this wave of anger boiling up to the surface and you hear yourself getting louder. Rob doesn't flinch but she does give you this look of empathy unlike anything you've seen before. 
"If he– if he would have just asked me, I would have told him it was fine. My family does shit like that all the time: nobody bats an eye! If he really thought I wouldn't mind, he wouldn't have been so freaking sneaky about it. He literally lied, Robyn!" 
You whipped around and for a brief moment you knew you looked crazy. "He said he was going out for drinks with his guy friend, but he was making plans to go to a baseball game with a girl I've never heard of! If he really thought I wouldn't mind, or if he 'thought I would understand,' then why would go out of his way to lie about who he was with?" 
Someone buzzed Rob's door and she left you on the couch momentarily, coming back quickly with two bottles of your favorite wine. "Damn girl, these are kinda bougie: Peach or Rosé?" 
"I--"you choked, "Robyn you didn't have to–" 
"Peach it is!" She unscrewed the caps and handed you the whole freaking bottle of white, downing the last of her merlot and getting a fresh glass for you. 
You felt a little guilty she had spent money on you. But then again it had been her choice. If she didn't want you there, Rob wouldn't have let you in in the first place. Maybe you were just a tinsy bit worried you shouldn't be here. 
You and Rob took a break from talking to put on music and get a little tipsy. It came much easier with the help of the Stella Rosa, though Rob initially complained it was 5.5%, she did get accustomed to the sweetness pretty fast, and after consuming half the bottle, realized it was a little easier to get carried away with a drink like this. She admitted it was her first time trying rosé and now she was hooked. Eventually you started talking again, just spilling your guts out with no filter anymore. 
"I really think I just hate myself," you said cuddling the cool glassware. "When I found out, I wasn't even thinking of it as a betrayal of my trust– it felt like I was trying to come to terms with it so I could continue with the relationship. Not because it would make me happy but because… I don't know… it's what everybody else wants me to do. They don't even know about it and I was fully prepared not to tell them even though they'd want me to marry him whether they knew or not." 
Rob barked a laugh of surprise. "Doh-K!" 
"Nothing, nothing…" she said, "keep going." 
You stared off into the middle distance and leaned into her side. She was a tiny bit warm despite her lithe figure. Made you want to throw your blanket over her shoulders and share your greater warmth. 
So you did (you're not great at acting out your desires but this is nice!)
"It's just easier," the words left your mouth unbidden, "I don't even know what that means, but it's true. I don't want to marry him anymore but I don't want to break it off. Not marrying Fiancé means disappointing my family. It means having to find an entire new man to marry sooner rather than later because I'm already 'behind' and lowering my already low expectations. 
"It's not gonna make me happy, but I just think it's easier to keep this wedding going because at least I won't have to find somebody new who might not be as good for me just because I didn't want him. Another man won't make me happy so there's no reason to drop him... except that I don't want him." 
Rob's brow furrowed. "Are you saying it's easier for you to please your family than it is to be happy?" 
"Yes? I– no, I– … I don't know," you sigh. "I guess you could say my priorities are a little… mismanaged." 
"Sure, you could say that." Rob wrapped her arms around your shoulders and you inhaled the scent of her soap and cigarettes. "What if you tried… like… not doing that anymore...? You just said you do whatever your family wants you to do. So, just like do what makes you happy for a change." 
It really does sound so simple the way she puts it, doesn't it? Why are you doing this to yourself? You're not dependent on them for money or security or happiness for that matter. So... why has your whole life been centered around pleasing them? 
"I think… I think I've never really sat down and thought about what makes me happy," you admitted. "I think it's just been that way forever and I might have been too scared to try anything else." 
Rob hummed. "Are you still scared now?" 
Are you? You look into her eyes and ask yourself a question that has never crossed your mind with such depth. You used to be scared– but what is it about your happiness that you are so afraid of? OK, let’s start a little simpler: what are things that make you happy? 
“I like…” you swallowed, trying to break down the barriers you’ve built years and years ago. “I like… coffee. I like… short skirts. I like… girls– I like… my job. I like… music. I think I’d enjoy camping, you know, some day…” 
Your words… these things seemed so arbitrary and trivial. But in your house, these things cause dissent. “My family has an opinion about everything. There’s no right way to live in all of their eyes, but I think I figured out a way to get past it. Keep my head down and do what’s expected of me. Graduate college, get a respectable job, find a man to marry, drop the job and become a mother. Just… don’t make waves. It seemed better because the cousins who didn’t or couldn’t… well they became the butt of every joke at the family dinner. Lisa had one miscarriage so she was a ‘failure’ and Don never dated girls so he was gay and that was ‘bad,’ but grandma Zelda did everything a good Christian woman could do and they still gossiped about her behind her back… 
“And I just… I just let their ignorance control me for my entire life.” God, you could cry right now, but somehow it just felt too good to say it outloud. “That.. that is so fucked.” 
Robyn snorted, and you turned to her as if you’d forgotten she was there. There it was again, that sympathy. Not pity, she did not burden you with tears of her own or try to be angry for you. She just listened and understood. You twisted the diamond encrusted ring on your finger and stared at her. You felt it, that feeling in your heart. No one else had given you that look, like she could really see you. 
“You’re not going back to Fiancé, are you?” Her question was equal parts worrisome and hopeful and you already knew the answer in your heart. 
And that was it. Decision made. Actually easier than you'd thought. Maybe not down the road but it felt good for now. There's the telling your fiancé it's over, the moving out, the public announcement, the inevitable feeling of failure, your family, god, his family too. Untangling your lives would be long and hard. You're not sure if you have that level of commitment and motivation in you but fuck it. Problems for tomorrow.
You rest your head on Rob's shoulder and hope your not pushing any boundaries. She doesn't stop you though, in fact she snuggles you deeper into her. You get the feeling she's been here before though your not sure which side or how bad it was for her.
"I like you way more in the few times I've met you than any man I've ever dated," you heard yourself say. "I'm sure that means something but I'm too tired to decide anymore. No tonight at least."
Rob chuckled. "I like you too, sugar."
If you made it this far, hi 💛 appreciate you, leave me a comment! Or just comment "💛"
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arwavastaniii · 3 years
Tessa | The Vampire Diaries x Shadowhunters | Chapter 2
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Pairings - Damon x main oc, Stefan x  main oc, Klaus x  main oc, Elijah x  main oc, Jace x main oc, Alec x main oc, multiple oc x  main oc
After Elena tried to give herself to Klaus in exchange for the safety of her friends and family, she had received a huge lecture on how irresponsible it was of her. Stefan was stuck in the tomb with Katherine and that vampire that was supposed to be dead was apparently very much alive.
Tessa had decided to sleep in and stay away from all the supernatural drama for one day. ONE DAY. And her best friend tried to kill herself, her other best friend got stuck with her psycho friend and now her favorite vampire best friend was whining about how annoying his life had become to her.
"What Elena did was stupid," Tessa said, "But it wasn't wrong. I would have done the same thing."
"You would have sacrificed yourself?" Damon questioned furrowing his eyebrows as he looked at her with a bit of hurt.
"If it means keeping the people I care about safe, then yes. I don't think I could live with myself if anything happened to you. Any of you."
Damon sped in front of her, their faces barely touching as he looked into her eyes. Lust and desire flashed in his eyes as he slightly leaned in. It was as if a button was clicked in his brain and he back away, speeding away leaving a very confused Tessa behind.
"You should really lock your door." Damon joked as he came into the room with a smile on his face, Elena had a pour on her face while Tessa tried to get her to eat something.
"Come on, pouty. At least give me 2 points for ingenuity."
"Do you think this is funny?"
"Yes, Elena I find hilarity in the lengths that I have to go to repeatedly save your life.
"What did Stefan say about this?"
"He had a good laugh."
"And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?" Damon lifted Tessa's feet up and rest them on his lap. He then proceeded to take her sandwich out of her hands and takes a giant bite.
"Sharing is caring."
"Not when it comes to my food," she complained and he responds by kissing her cheek.
"Yeah, and that I didn't tell him about Elijah."
"Why not?" Tessa asked him and he pursed his lips.
"Well, A he can't do anything about it, and B what I just said."
"Wow, such a profound argument."
"Where is Bonnie?" Damon asked as Jeremy came into the room.
"I thought she was meeting you," Jeremy answered.
"No, she's on moonstone duty and I'm on Elena patrol."
"And who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?" Elena widened her eyes realizing what the night was.
"Vampire Barbie asked me if she could handle it and I said why not figured if she screwed up, he'd bite her, and then I'll be rid of two of my problems."
"Don't be a dick." Tessa scolded him as she smacked his head.  
"Hold on a second. Tonight's the full moon." Elena asked them.
"Yep, but you're too absorbed with all your suicidal tendencies to notice." Damon took a call, "Hey, change of plans." Damon hung up and looked at Jeremy and Tessa.
"You babysit tonight." He orders them and Tessa raised her brow at him.
"Hey, you know, you should get out. Enjoy the sun. Oh, wait you can't." Elena chucked a pillow at Damon and missed. Jeremy and Tessa laughed leading to her shoving him to the floor and glaring at Tessa.
Elena had warmed up to being trapped in the house. Even watching a movie in her room with Tessa and eating a giant bowl of popcorn. Knowing they needed some more food, they head downstairs to see what they had in the kitchen.
They walked down the stairs to see Jenna taking boxes out of the closest.
"What are you doing?" Tessa asks her.
"Oh, perfect timing." She thrusts a box in Elena's arms and then another in Tessa's.
"What is this stuff?' Elena asked.
"Your mom's files from the historical society. I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood. And by roped, I mean very excited to participate." She slammed the closet door and both their jaws dropped to see the suit-wearing original in Elena's house, staring right back at them with a small smirk.
"Hey, I'm Elijah." Tessa had never felt my heart beat faster than it was then. Jenna had let in a vampire who had tried to kidnap Elena, but apparently not to give her to Klaus which was extremely confusing, and now there was nothing they could do to get him out.
"Elijah's in town doing research on Mystic Falls," Jenna informs them like it was no big deal. If only she knew what Elijah was.
"It's a pleasure." Elijah holds out his hand for Elena and Tessa to shake. Elena hesitantly shook his and when Tessa went go to shake it he bent down and placed a kiss on it making her shiver in fear.
"So, you know, you're welcome to stay here and rummage through this stuff. Or Elena, Tessa, and I could help you load it into your car."
"Yeah, or I can get someone to pick it up tomorrow."
"Also a good plan."
"Thank you so much for inviting me into your home, Jenna." Elijah went to follow Jenna to the front door but stopped. "Oh, Tessa and Elena I hope to see you two again sometime soon."
Once the door was shut, the two girls raced upstairs to alert Jeremy and banged on his door when they realized it was locked.
Right when they heard it quick, Elijah came next to them and signaled them to be quiet.
"What?" Jeremy all but snapped at his sister before glancing at Tessa with a smile.
"Aunt Jenna was asking if you could help her with the boxes."
"Okay," the younger Gilbert said before he walked off.
"That was a smart choice," Elijah said before he asked to speak to us alone.
"Oh, forgive the intrusion. I mean your family no harm," Elijah started.
"That is why you tricked your way in her house?" Tessa said crossing her arms and glaring at the original.
He just shook his head amused at her bravery.
"Why'd you kill those vampires when they tried to take me?" Elena asked. Elijah opened his mouth to answer only to be cut off by a furious Tessa.
"You mean when you tried to give yourself over to them because you are a stupid suicidal doppelganger?" She said making Elena glare at her.
"I didn't want you to be taken. Klaus is the most feared and hated of the originals. Those that fear him are desperate for his approval. Word gets out the doppelganger exists, there will be vampires eager to take you to him and I can't have that."
"Isn't that exactly what you're trying to do?" Elena asked.
"Let's say my goal is not to break the curse."
"Then what is your goal?"
"Klaus' obsessions have made him paranoid. He's a recluse. He trusts only those in his circle," Elijah explained.
"Like you?" Tessa asked.
"Not anymore."
"You don't know where he is, do you?" Elena asked.
Tessa was already tired of their conversation. Her head was spinning, and her body was begging for a change. They were sitting in that room for ten minutes and she was tired. Her focus went from Elijah to the tiles on the floor and the frames on the table.
This always happened. And it annoyed Tessa more than anything. She couldn't stay in one place. Do one thing without being distracted; without this need to move away, do something else.
Overwhelmed, she got up and walked without a word, making the doppelganger and original stop and look at her worried.
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gabrieldrawsstuff · 4 years
Aight fellas, I'm doing a list of canon descriptions of dw characters for future reference, might do a second part with more minor characters
-THE JOURNAL : "Somehow I'm wearing a coat, so I must've changed my clothes on my way here. I don't recognize myself anymore. I can barely hold this pencil. Has my body changed?"
-DOCTOR : "I see you haven't regained your speech. You need to find another doctor."
-SNAIL : "Your face... What happened to you?
The snail's jaw falls so low, it almost detaches itself from the rest of the body.
You scared me... You barely resemble a human... You should cover yourself..."
SNAIL : "You're so ugly, I feel like puking... You barely resemble a human being..."
THE CRIPPLE : "You, lad. You've got your hands and legs. Strong arms. I beg you!"
MAMA ELEPHANT : "Can't you speak? Did someone take away your voice?"
MAMA ELEPHANT : "Your gob looks like that because of this fiendish air, do you know? I bet you can't speak, because you didn't keep your mouth shut when walking through the woods."
MAMA ELEPHANT : "(...) I know you want something, you leper demon."
MUSHROOM GRANNY : "(...) But you're young and strong."
CHICKEN LADY : "Whaddaya need, poor soul? Hungry, eh? I'd give ya some stew, but what good will it do?"
(I think in polish version it was closer to 'how will you eat it' although I can't be sure)
MIRROR : "You are one ugly bastard. I guess you got what you deserved."
MUSICIAN : "This is our doctor, yes? He is just as brave and good as you are!"
MUSICIAN : "You're not af-fraid of anything!"
WOLFMAN : "Even from afar I can smell your putrid stench. Be glad I don't have an appetite for carcasses, Meat"
WOLFMAN : (after the church dream sequence) "Meat, what's with the big eyes? Hehe... Scared?"
WOLFMAN : (when you nod to a question if you're making a joke of him) "You're a brave piece of meat... and what's more important, one with a sense of humor. 
WOLFMAN : "Are you pretending to be human, or are you just cracking jokes?"
WOLFMAN : "You look tired, Meat. Busy night?"
WOLFMAN : "Have fun, Meat... Just remember to hide that disaster of a face or it's no dancing for you"
WOLFMAN : (when you spare the sow) "My heart sings with joy when I see such selfless kindness. Tell me the truth, Meat. It was you, wasn't it?"
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-A man, roughly my size, is standing before me.
I can barely make out his disturbingly familiar features through the matte visor of his helmet...
The massive helmet is covered with an old sack and seems to be an integral part of the unnaturally pale body.
-The man reaches out to me with his black hand. It's covered in charcoal... There's something written on his worn, woolen glove.
-Visibly struggling, the man drops the sack from his back and bends in half, as if out of breath. He shakes the dust off his clothes, then rolls up the sleeve of his, seemingly too small, jacket. 
-The old sack covering his body slides down, revealing his chest, covered in horrid growths. It is fused with a porous helmet, pulsating to the rhythm of his breath.
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THE JOURNAL: "If I'm not delusional, the man whom I met... had the head of a wolf."
FIRST ENCOUNTER: The figure hides its face under the hood. It smells of wet soil and fur.
WOLFMAN: "(...)I barely believe my beautiful eyes... (...) The Wolf smiles, revealing a row of sharp teeth.
AT BARN RUINS: The Wolf makes a quick leap and, bouncing against me with his swollen belly, he puts his paws on my shoulders. He ostentatiously licks his face. (...)
-I notice fresh bloodstains on his fur and feel streaks of his saliva dripping onto my coat. 
-The Wolf takes two steps back. I can only see a row of filthy, sharp teeth underneath his hood.
-The Wolf squeezes my arms and starts licking my face. Once from the left side, once from the right side. (...) His breath stinks of rot.
WOLFMAN: "Thanks to you I feel fulfilled! I got my girl, my sweet little lady back."
-Suddenly the Wolf sends me back with a powerful push and reaches into his coat pocket.
WOLFMAN: "(...) and then nothing wil keep you from getting the fuck out of my part of the woods! Do you get me, Meat? You will pack your bags, dive into that stinking hole of yours and dissa-fucking-pear!"
-Finally he snorts, his thick, yellow spit landing on the photo.
-The Wolf grabs the box and starts sniffing it from every angle. I could swear I've heard his tail moving under his coat.
WOLFMAN: "And what am I supposed to do with it? Bite it until it opens? Your brain must be rotting if you think I will break my fangs for this shit."
WOLFMAN: "An electronic game, eh? About a wolf stealing chicken eggs... hehehe. Good one!I've a soft spot for games, how about you?"
-As I produce the key, the Wolf's pupils widen with excitement.
WOLFMAN: (about villagers) "Those selfish, deceitful wretches! They think they're superior, because they have human gobs. They treat us like lepers! But you know what? Fuck them. We're buddies, aren't we? And them? They deserve to be punished, Meat..."
-The Wolf pierces me with his look and grins. A string of saliva lands on his hole-riddled jacket.
-The Wolf puts his paw on me. I can feel his claws puncturing my skin.
WOLFMAN: (about piotrek) "Meat! Fucking hell, seen that? Hahaha! Seen that? Hahaha! Off he flew, didn't he? OFF HE FUCKED!!! Hahahaha!"
WOLFMAN: "If you wish to spend some more quality time basking in the striking, yet natural beauty of my features before you head off to the Silent Forest, you will find me in my camp in the Dry Meadow."
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THE JOURNAL: "What I do know is that the insane fucker took my key. My only chance to get out of the woods. He also tore out all the pages from my journal."
THE JOURNAL: "The doctor has escaped. So be it. He would only be a hindrance anyway."
CHICKEN LADY: "My sisters! Where did ya find it? It's all that godless quack's fault - devil brought him! All he did was prescribe this and that, scribble this no-good drivel! To hell with them papers!"
-I can feel the doctor's cold hand grab me by the jaw, (...)
-He removes his dirty glasses with a trembling hand and freezes.
DOCTOR: "First they begged for help, now I need to hide from them! I'm just an ordinary doctor! How the fuck was I supposed to help them?! How?!"
-With shaking hands, he reaches for the cigarrete butt between his yellow teeth.
DOCTOR: "I used to come here to treat people. I pulled out kids' milk teeth, delivered babies... (...) Last time I came here was three or four years ago. Then the trees blocked the path."
-The Doctor is visibly pleased with himself and his theory. His hands are no longer trembling. He produces a hand-rolled cigarette and lights it.
DOCTOR: "(...) I have no idea where it leads. I'm a shitty diver. (...)"
-The Doctor stares right into my eyes. Mud drips from his face. He hasn't blinked in over a minute.
- (...)His glasses are so dirty, I barely see the eyes hiding underneath.
-A chunk of mud falls down on his exposed tongue. He chews it slowly and swallows with satisfaction.
-The Doctor puts the muddy hand into his mouth, grimaces and pulls out a yellow tooth. He puts it into the pocket of his torn trousers. The tooth falls through a hole. He does not notice this...
-Slowly he bends down and grabs a thick branch from the ground. He starts biting the bark off of it. He swallows the bark with an effort, but also great satisfaction. He places the stick among other ones sticking out of his mud-covered head.
WOLFMAN: "Well, well. I know this quack. A nonentity, a third-rate witch doctor. Useless fucking clunker... But he still managed to screw you over with that key. Eh, comrade?"
MUSICIAN: "This is our doctor, yes? He is just as brave and good as you are! He helped me. He is helping all of us! He gave me this beautiful mask, so I could be healed of my afllictions. Maybe you could have one too..."
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THE JOURNAL: "I met a boy in the village. He told me that the "Chicken Lady" keeps the "Pretty Lady" locked in her house. The boy really wants to see her, but the old woman won't allow it."
THE JOURNAL: "I decided to give the key to Chicken Lady's room to the little boy. He thanked me and asked me to bring him his mom's violin (it's hidden behind the wardrobe). He's afraid to go himself, as his parents are supposedly angry with him."
THE JOURNAL: "The boy sure was happy to see the new violin. (...)The kid also told me I should visit him in his parent's home someday."
CHICKEN LADY: (after musician's death) "Maybe it's just that me ears are getting worse, but it's been a while since I've heard that monster outside me windows..."
CHICKEN LADY: "Holy Mother, this creep again! May the devil take him and his blasted violin!"
MUSICIAN: "The Pretty Lady? S-she's... the most beautiful lady in the w-world! I w-watch her through the cracks in the window. S-she ch-changes when I watch her... g-gets more beautiful. I p-play for her... I want her to be h-happy..."
MUSICIAN: "I fished out the Pretty Lady's w-wreath from the river! (...)Oh yes, I will become the Pretty L-lady's husband! We w-will walk hand in hand, s-sir. I will play for her, mister s-sir."
-A skinny little hand emerges from beneath the tractor and grabs me by the ankle.
MUSICIAN: "They will not l-listen to me, they w-won't hear how sad I am, sir..."
-One of the strings securing his mask falls off, together with his ear. The boy reattaches it as if nothing happened.
MUSICIAN: "My m-mom has this beautiful violin! I would ask her to b-borrow it to me, but she's too angry with me... Could you p-please c-convince her to b-borrow it to me? I'll g-give you a card with drawings for her. To apologize."
-The boy turns the game in his hand for a while, but he can't find a way to reach the buttons with his overgrown fingers. The game slips out of his hand and drops to the ground. The wannabe musician freezes.
MUSICIAN: "(...) maybe you could take a wee piece of... m-meat for me? I've never eaten a pig and I've h-heard it's very tasty! W-would you take s-some for me?"
-The boy sniffles and rubs the mask with his deformed hand.
-From beneath the mask you can hear a horribly distorted, resounding voice... of a child?
-The figure tries to turn its head, but its enormous neck makes this task impossible to complete.
MUSICIAN: "P-please let me stay. P-please, don't chase me off. I've got nowhere to... go. The villagers don't a-a-allow me to live in the camp. I p-p-promise I won't p-play anymore! I'll be quiet. You can c-cover me with something, if you don't w-want to look at m-me..."
MUSICIAN: (after gifting you a rat) "(...) I mean, she jumped on my hand and s-started nibbling on my f-finger! I quickly clasped my h-hand and b-bit through its neck!"
-The corners of the boy's mouth turn up in a grotesque smile, exposing rows of overgrown teeth, which even his mask couldn't hide.
-The boy clumsily grabs the ball in his hand. He carefully hides it under his legs, so that it doesn't roll away.
MUSICIAN: "S-sorry! I didn't want to! T-this thing is coming out of m-my body. I... I tried to stop it, but I don't think I can... N-now the whole room is covered with... this. I didn't want to make a mess, I s-swear! Please, don't t-throw me a-away!"
-The boy leans over the violin lying next to his overgrown left hand. He plucks one of the strings with his right hand, clumsily trying to keep the rhythm.
MUSICIAN: "Recently, I've grown quite a bit. My mom always used to say that I need to be b-big and s-strong... to help her out in the field..."
The boy tries to hug his frail knees with the disproportionately massive torso.
"But I... I don't want to be big anymore. It's v-very hard being big. You need to be so... so strong! To even walk.Now my v-violin is... too s-small for me!"
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aidanrgallagher7 · 4 years
Love in The Midst of Doomsday~
Five Hargreaves × Reader
Chapter One: Day One
Word Count 3.1k
Warnings: cussing
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March 24, 2019:
When Five arrived home, he found himself only five days before the apocalypse was set to happen. His family was shocked to see him return home since he was gone for seventeen years, but for Five it had been forty five. Yet when he came through the porthole, he looked the same as the day he left: a sixteen year old boy. But that is far from reality, he is a fifty eight year old man, trapped inside of his younger self. So not only did he have to explain why this could have happened, he also had to tell his siblings that there was going to be an apocalypse that would kill all of them. They did not believe him until events started to occur hours before the end times. Against all of the odds, Five time jumped himself and his family into the future to miss the deadly fires that ended the world as they knew it. It was not simple, not in the slightest. His family got scattered over the course of the time Five had to save them all, including himself. His sister Vanya had a catastrophic event happen to her that caused her to lash out and use her powers against her siblings. In doing so, she was the one to cause the apocalypse in the first place. Vanya was so strong that she shot her powers towards the moon, causing it to burst in which led to the end of the world. Five thought about leaving his sister behind during those few seconds before jumping into the future, but how could he? She is his sister so he indeed took all of his siblings and jumped ahead. Or so he thought.
November 25, 1963:
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When he fell through the porthole, he fell alone. Once he was on the ground, the blue light disappeared and none of his siblings came out.
Five "Luther! Diego!" But that wasn't the only problem. When he turned around, there was a war going on in the middle of the street. He walks up to find two sides, battling for what? He did not know. That was until he found a newspaper amongst the debris. It read "Soviets attack U.S."
Five "This can't be right!" He looked around and saw his family standing in the middle of the road. They were fighting with the military, killing the enemy with their powers of course. Diego spots his brother standing there, baffled from what he is witnessing. 
Diego "Five, you sick son of a bitch! Where have you been?!" Five attempts to answer but a hand lands on his right shoulder, making him stop in his tracks. When he looks up, he finds his old rival from the Commission (who became his ally in 2019) smiling down at him.
Hazel "If you want to live, come with me."
Five "Hazel? What the hell are you doing here?"
Hazel "No time to explain. Those are nukes old timer!" Five looks up and sees multiple nukes coming straight towards him.
Five "What about my family?"
Hazel "You can't save them if you are dead." He takes no time to hesitate, he has to save his family...for the second time. 
November 15, 1963:
Hazel jumps Five ten days back, giving him just enough time to find his family and save them from the new doomsday that must have followed him. Hazel explains to him why he is helping him and how he can save his family when all of a sudden, a bus drives by and three men come out with machine guns, killing Hazel instantly. But before his death, he hands Five a briefcase and places a box type object in his blazer pocket that Five will need later. Five had no time to mourn Hazel, he had to find his family and save them all. When he loses the three men, presumably sent to kill him by the Commission, he finds an alley. In that alley, he finds an apartment building with antennas and a whole bunch of electrical equipment on the rooftop. He pauses and thinks for a moment, "Maybe this can help me." Then he feels something in his finger, when he looks down, he sees his wedding ring that was still on his finger. It was slipping off, making him feel it. 
Five "Shit.." he has gone through so much these last five days that he almost forgot that he even had a wife. "I'll get back to you, I promise." He whispered to himself as he took his ring off and put it in his shorts pocket. Then, he blinked himself inside. 
"What do you want?"
Five "Hi, I'm selling encyclopedias for my youth group-" the man slams the door in his face but that does not faze Five. All he had to do was blink inside, scaring the man half to death. But the man was not alone, there was a young girl standing in the kitchen. The man screams and grabs a sharp object and points it at Five. He smirks and then gets startled when the young girl drops her mug on the wooden floor.
"F-five?" He looked into her eyes and he knew instantly..that he was looking at his wife.
Five "Y/n?... Y/n!" 
"..y-wait what?! How do you know this kid?!" The man shouted in confusion.
You both said "Long story."
When you saw him at first you were shocked. How could he be young like you are? How did the both of you get stuck in your younger bodies? It doesn't make any sense. But you do not care about the answers right now, all you can think about is the fact that you have your husband back. 
"Uhm- d-dad..can you give us a minute?" You stammered.
Elliot "What? No, absolutely not! This kid just came in our ho-"
"I know. I know it's crazy. This is all crazy but I promise, we will both explain to you what is happening okay? Just please us a minute." he slowly nods.
Elliot "You have five minutes!" He shouted and instantly, Five took your hand and blinked the both of you into the alleyway. As soon as you both collected yourselves, Five picked you up and spun you around like he used to every time he saw you after a long day of missions. 
Five "Oh my god..oh my god I found you." He kept repeating over and over again. You were so emotional that no words came out of your mouth, only soft laughter and whimpers. When Five put you back down onto the found, he cupped your cheeks and kissed your lips ever so gently. That feeling is the best feeling in the entire world. You thought  that you would never feel his gentle touch, his warm embrace or his soft lips ever again. But thankfully, you are with him again and you could not be happier. 
"H-how are you here I thought-"
Five "Yeah I uh-I..I saved them from the first apocalypse."
"The first one…?"
Five "Yeah babe..there's another one coming. A nuclear holocaust causes the next apocalypse."
"You gotta be shitting me."
Five sighs, "I wish I was."
"Well we have a lot of catching up to do-"
Five "How long have I been gone..for you I mean. How long has it been for you?
"Five years." His eyes fall to the ground, you can see his heart break through his eyes, "Five long years. That is why when I recognized you I kind of panicked."
Five "It has only been five days for me Y/n. This is crazy..this is not okay."
Five "No babe, none of this should be happening! I should have just stayed with you..just stayed in the Commission and everything would be fine."
"Things weren't fine in the Commission Five, you know that. The Handler is getting more and more crooked as time goes on and now we are stuck in these bodies-"
Five chuckles, "Yeah, a blessing in disguise I suppose. We were starting to look a little shabby. Me more than you."
You giggle and walk towards Five once again, "We will get through this love. You had to go through the first apocalypse alone, but with this new doomsday coming, we will have each other. You have me Five."
Five "And I wouldn't want it any other way." He says as he kisses your forehead. 
"Love in the midst of doomsday.."
Five "Hmm, what a way to put it. I love it."
"I love you."
Five "So much." He kisses you before blinking the two of you back into the apartment.
Elliot still has the sharp object in his hand once you get back in, it makes you giggle. Five pays no attention to it because he knows that he would never hurt him and even if he tried, he would not be successful. Five is a trained assassin after all, so a butter knife does not faze him in the slightest.
Elliot "How did you do that?!" 
Five "Don't really have the time to explain."
Elliot "Are you from the Pentagon, huh?!"
Five "Definitely not."
Elliot "CIA, FBI, KGB..?" Five chooses to ignore your father's splurge of words that he is trying to put a word to what Five is or where he is from. 
Five "Is it fresh hun?" He points to the coffee. 
Elliot "'Hun?'-" Five blinks to the coffee maker, making your father scream again. When Five takes a sip, he is more than satisfied.
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Five "Mm..is this Colombian?"
Elliots "I-it's my own blend."
Five "Hmm."  He takes a closer look at the news that he has hung up all around his living space and thinks for a moment. Thinking on how he can ask questions without scaring the man who is his father-in-law that doesn't even know it yet. 
Five "You uh..have you heard of Area 51. Roswell?" Your father begins to laugh and throws the knife on the counter and claps.
Elliot "Hot damn!" You begin to smile and think to yourself, alright we will be okay. "I knew we weren't the only one's! Eleanor thought my head wasn't screwed on tight but it's all true yeah? The UFO'S and crop circles..?"
Five chuckles, "Well the truth is out there!"
Elliot "But, but tell me.." he gets in Five's face, "Why is it always an anal probe?"
Five "Any closer and I'll melt your brain." Your father immediately backs off and gives Five some space. 
Elliot "Right yeah, sorry."
"Dad, show him what you found."
Elliot "Why-?"
Five "You built all those contraptions on the roof, you built those yourself?"
Elliot "Yup, I sure did. I've just been waiting."
Five "Waiting for what?"
Elliot "For you. For all of you." You walk over to Five and stand by his side as your father explains to him how he has taken photos of six individuals who have appeared from a flash of blue light. When he looked at the photos Elliot has pinned on the wall, he see's none other than his siblings. 
Five "So my family is alive. Shit…"
Five "I think I stranded them here." 
"We will find them."
Elliot "Okay, okay okay..now that I explained to you my findings, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" 
Five "That is a very long story but just know that I love your daughter and I will do everything that I can to keep her safe."
Elliot "Keep her safe-"
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Five "Now, you listen to me." He walks towards your father but he backs away in fear but Five only blinks his way towards him, "I have ten days to find them and save the world and I need your help to do that."
Elliot "You..need my.." you walk over to your father's desk and pull out a piece of newspaper that has Diego's face on it. 
"Five..your brother is in a mental institution." 
Five "What?!" He takes the paper out of your hand and begins to read the title: disturbed man arrested with multiple knives outside 1026 N. Beckley. He sighs, "That son of a bitch.."
Elliot "W-is that helpful?"
Five "You have no idea."
"Let me come with you."
Five "Hun, he doesn't know you yet. If I bring you, he'll get confused..he won't be focused."
"I want to help Five."
Five "And you will, just let me get Luther and Diego..you can help me with my sister's okay?"
"Okay, okay yeah." He kisses your forehead and then blinks out of the apartment. When it is just you and your father, you find yourself in an uncomfortable silence. 
Elliot "Okay Y/n what the fuck!?"
"Dad calm down alright. You don't know what is going on-"
Elliot "You're damn right I don't know what's going on! From the way I see it, a stranger with powers comes into my house, asking me for help and calling my daughter hun and saying that he loves you..who is this kid?!"
"Dad..I don't really know how to put this in any way that is easy for you to comprehend but will you promise to just let me try my hardest to explain it to you?"
Elliot "Why are you saying it like that?"
"Because it is not going to be easy for you to believe me. But I am telling you the truth..okay?" Your father sits down on the sofa beside you and takes your hand in his and prepares himself to listen to you. You take a deep breath and open your mouth to speak.
"I have come back from the future to save John F. Kennedy. My real age is fifty five, even though I look sixteen again, my consciousness is fifty five." Your father stops breathing for a minute or two, "Dad, breathe." He does so and he starts to chuckle a little bit because he did not realize that he stopped breathing. "And Five is my husband, dad. That is why we recognized each other. You see, we work for a Commission and it allows us to time travel to stop and prevent some events from occurring."
Elliot "O-okay but why do you look like my teenage daughter..?"
"I don't know. Five doesn't know why he is young again either, we just are. But I am still your daughter, I promise."
Elliot "My daughter who is married to a guy with super powers.."
"You can say that, yeah. But he is the greatest man that I have ever known. Yes he is different and so are his siblings that you have hanging up on your whiteboard. Their powers and abilities are different from Fives but maybe when he finds them, you can meet them."
Elliot "Right..right yeah."
"I know this is a lot to take in, believe me I know. But it is really good to see you dad. I've missed you so much." He smiles and pulls you into his chest for a warm embrace.
Elliot "I can't say that I've missed you because for me, you never left but..I am glad that you are here.."
"Me too dad." You and him talk for the rest of the day while Five goes out looking for his two brothers. You and your dad wait for his return and try to find more clues as to where his other siblings may be.
It is now 12:32 in the morning and you are still awake, just waiting for Five to come back to you. Of course your anxiety gets the best of you and you begin to think of everything that could have gone wrong. To ease your mind, you walk up to your mirror in your bedroom and get your pajamas on and brush all the knots out of your hair. You start zoning out when a flash of blue light appears behind you and a pair of hands wrap around your waist. You jolt from being startled and Five only laughs.
"Fuck Five.." you say as you hold onto your chest from your heart jumping all the way up into your throat. 
Five chuckles, "What, did I scare you honey?" He laughs as he tightens his grip around your waist.
"Yes! I hate when you do that."
Five "Oh," his voice grows raspy as he kisses your cheek from behind, "But you love me."
"Yeah I do. How did it all go, did you find them?"
Five sighs as he watches you turn around to face him, "Yeah I did. But Diego's head is so far up his ass that he has himself convinced that he has to save the president. I had no other choice but to tell the guards Diego's attempts on escaping-"
"Oh Five-"
Five "I know but it is for his own good Y/n. If I let him do it, he'd get himself killed."
"Okay, and Luther?"
Five rolls his eyes, "Luther is being Luther. I told him that I needed his help and he just said that he didn't give a shit."
"How could he not care?"
Five "He thinks that I am lying about the world ending in ten days because we all just escaped the last one." You huff, "But I will figure it all out. I have too."
"You will Five. And I'll help you out along the way."
Five leans down and kisses you, "You look so adorable in your little pajamas."
"I can't believe I used to wear this shit as a teenager."
Five "I can say the same thing..." he points to his Umbrella Academy suit and you both have a good laugh at that. "Hey, did you talk to your father?"
"Oh yeah uh, he understood. The best he could I guess."
Five "He knows everything?"
"He knows what he needs to know while we are stuck in this time period." Five nods, "He was the most shocked to hear that I am fifty Five." He bursts out laughing.
Five "Well baby, you don't look a day over sixteen." You blush and wrap your arms around him as he holds you for a minute or so. "C'mon, we should get some sleep before tomorrow."
"Yeah that sounds good."
Five "Is it okay if I sleep in here? Your father isn't gonna come in here with a shotgun-"
"Oh shut up, he knows that we are married." You kid.
Five "Okay good. Because I haven't been able to sleep with my beautiful wife in a good minute."
"It's been five years for me."
Five "All the more reason to come here." He opens his arms for you as you climb into bed. Once you are in his arms, your eyelids grow heavier and heavier. "I love you Y/n."
"I love you too." He kisses your forehead and you both drift off into a deep sleep. You don't know what tomorrow will bring but as long as Five is by your side, you know that you'll be able to accomplish anything.
@moriartysringtone7137 @a-mess-of-fandoms @noellehnsherr @dagdrommers-blog @yikes-matey @dyor @s0ftd3m0n @itzel17 @qualitymugghostrebel @oh-chuck-help-me @honeybee-cherie @cocoa-creampuff @asphodelshare @ecwrenn @lilablosom @jazshargreeves @bbluepparadise16 @theoriginalkat
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masked-buffoon · 4 years
Chapter 10: Truth and illusions (Part 6)
Warnings: mention of traumatic events
Author notes: here is the last part for that chapter. I hope you liked it...! As always, don’t hesitate to comment and reblog...! And I’ll see you in the next chapter, where the case will continue! (Do I like cliffhangers? Surely I do...)
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The blond man arrived shortly after the doctor's departure and, already, I could feel the atmosphere change. The investigation would be directed by him, despite the case being mine, and would be led according to his methods, which I feared would be too righteous. I decided to report to him nonetheless.
"A mentalist…?" He sounded shocked.
"Why, it's either that or this woman truly is a robot." I shrugged "What does your ideal notebook say?"
"Neither should be possible." He declared, simply.
I rolled my eyes and took a paper on the table of the dining room, where I had installed a computer and diverse tools to work.
"Here is the list of every person in Yokohama able to put someone under hypnosis."
"There are three of them… And only one is legal. Is that a joke, Ogawa…?"
"Quiet…! My name here is Fuyuno Kasumi…" I whispered.
"What on earth…" He grumbled "As you wish, but I will question you about that."
"Sure thing." I sighed "Can we go back to the case, now?"
"Then tell me about this list."
"It's not complicated. Mentalism, in particular hypnotism, isn't an easy skill to learn, in the first place, so the number of people using it is very low." I explained.
"Why are most of them criminals…?!"
"Mmh… Except for the purpose of amusing people, what do you think of such a technique? Yeah, exactly that." I answered in his stead as I saw his puzzled face "Committing a crime is so easy when you can manipulate the witnesses or even your target. Suppose you want to rob a house —"
"Alright, alright, no need for details." He cut me "You should stay here while I go and find these mentalists or whatever, then."
"Oh, I don't think so."
Kunikida glared at me and closed his notebook swiftly.
"Why is that?"
"First of all, this is my case, and —"
"Your case? That's not your case but the Agency's! Keep thinking so individually and you'll never be part of us…!"
Then, as though he had realised something, he stopped talking a minute, blankly staring at me. After being yelled at so vehemently, I did not dare say a thing anymore and patiently waited for him to go on.
"What's the other reason?"
"Well…" I hesitated.
"Goddammit, that woman really is a pain…"
I was anxious. In fact, I was completely lost and a strange ball of tears had formed in my throat. I fought to contain them. Why was it that I kept messing up…? With Yosano-sensei, with Kunikida…
"Hypnotism doesn't work on me…" I said in a breath.
"What? Speak louder…! You who's usually so confident, how is it I can't hear you anymore...?!"
"Why is it that she's so useless, all of a sudden…?!"
My legs gave up on me and I crouched down, shamefully holding my hands above my mouth to repress a sob, but my tears betrayed my true feelings. I who had strived not to cry again… Why was it I could never hold it back?
"Ogawa…? Wait, what —"
I gasped when he touched my wrist and covered my head with my arms, backing away from him as much as I could.
"I'm sorry…! I'm sorry…!" I cried "Please don't hit me… I'm sorry…! I won't be useless anymore… So… Please…"
"What the heck is she doing…?!"
"Stop that…!" He demanded "I didn't do a thing, so stop crying!"
He was suddenly pushed away and replaced by another person, whose touch immediately dissipated the aggressive thoughts coming to my mind. Instead, they were replaced by my own, which looped around my brain, repeating "incompetent" again and again. It did not calm me down, but at least, I had retrieved some of my sanity. Hearing myself again… It was helpful, after all. I wrapped my arms around the one who had saved me, recognising his warmth and thanking him silently for coming. After that terrible day, he was everything I needed to overcome the everlasting pain in my chest.
"Dazai…" I hiccupped "I… I screwed up…"
"Not yet, Ogawa…" He spoke, softly "Not yet…"
"With the detectives… I angered sensei and Kunikida…"
"Everyone makes mistakes…"
"... I am a hateful person…"
"Who said that?"
I pointed at myself.
"I can feel it… In here… I am not someone good… I can't do it, after all… Being part of the Agency… I'm not fit for the job after all…"
"Ogawa…" He sighed, grabbing my shoulders to force me to look at him "Stop, now. The director gave you a chance because he believes in you. That's why, don't you dare pity yourself and, instead, stand up to face the trials. You can do that much, can't you?"
His fingers felt rough on my body and I whispered slightly. He was scolding me, too, and I knew that, had we not gone through specific stages of relationship, he would have slapped me. I took a moment to breath and wiped my tears away. He was right after all, crying would not solve a thing, nor would it fix the situation. I grabbed the hand he held out to me and stood up to brush the dust away from my clothes, then faced the blond detective.
"As I was saying earlier…" I cleared my throat "Hypnotism doesn't work on me. My ability allows me to know beforehand about my interlocutor's motives, after all."
"What the hell was that…" Kunikida groaned, massaging his temples "And what are you even doing here, Dazai…?!"
"I figured Ogawa would need some help with you~" He hummed "Besides, her name is Fuyuno Kasumi here, don't forget that…~"
"As long as it doesn't hinder the mission."
"It won't, I promise." I assured "Anyway, as I said —"
"Yes, I know, you're immune to hypnosis or whatever… Even so, I can't let you go alone, and you perfectly know why."
"It is true that I do seem mentally unstable to you…" I thought out loud, a hand under my chin "Moreover, you don't trust me…"
"That's not it…!" He protested "That's your first time working for us, have you already forgotten…?!"
I chuckled.
"Obviously, I was just messing with you. Although the part about trusting me was not a wrong guess from my part." I grinned "However, if you go, we'll never find Sakunosuke-kun."
"Hoh? Why is that?" He glared at me.
"Because~" Dazai answered for me "You'd be easily manipulated~"
"Me?? Never…!" He scoffed.
"Kunikida…" I held back a snicker "Just yesterday, I used you to go back to the Agency…"
"I did see through your intention…"
"And I convinced you to write something about wrinkles in your notebook when you arrested me, the first day we met… To better knock you out with a chair." I reminded him.
"You did that…?" Dazai's eyes widened "That's my friend…! Just before meeting you again, I did the same…! But it was about heart disease…~"
"Alright, you win!" He conceded "You'll go, and I'll come with you. Dazai you stay here to watch over Yumiko-san and Kitaro-kun while we investigate with… Fuyuno."
"Sure thing. Have fun the two of you~ And, mostly, don't traumatise her, Kunikida-kun~ She's a sensitive woman, as you witnessed~"
"Stop mocking me." I glanced at my friend playfully as we left "Let's go, Kunikida…! We'll start with the legal one, an illusionist named Cosmo… Cosmo the Wonderful. "
"Don't order me around…!" He protested "But, sure… That's better, to start…
"Don't tell me… You're afraid of being used…!" I guessed.
"Absolutely not…! Mind your own business…!"
"Eh… The mighty Kunikida is scared of illusionists… That's because you don't understand their tricks, but once you know how they work, it's fine." I told him.
"I'm not scared…!"
"Want me to explain how they do the box trick on the way? You know, the one where they cut —"
"Aaah stop that!! You're unbearable…!"
"... A person. In fact, they don't really cut their assistant. It's an illusion created by mirrors…"
"It's going to be a very long drive…"
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bettyxinez · 4 years
Nothing Left To Give
chapter four • smile
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Kat didn't mention her DID until two weeks after that, and Malcolm found himself thinking about her more then he probably should have.
And Kat knew it too. They had been getting closer and closer and she could tell how curious he was. Over the span of the 7 weeks they had become friends, and Kat was confident in saying he was one of the closest friends she ever had, so much so that even some of the Others wanted to meet him.
Driving each other to and from the precinct was becoming a regular occurrence, and he slowly revealed more and more about his past, opening up to her much quicker then she was to him.
"So thats what you're trying to figure out? If the girl in the box is real and who she is?"
"Yeah. Funnily enough, trying to solve a murder where the only evidence is unreliable memories is kind of...hard."
"I understand that. Not the murder part, but everything else."
His curiosity had been temporarily put on the back burner while he told her his story, but now it was at the forefront of his mind.
She noticed almost immediately. She kind of felt bad about it, and was planning on telling him when the time was right.
The time never seemed right.
And when it did, she couldn't bring herself to talk about it. So she eventually just waited for him to bring it up.
He was in her apartment again, looking at some of the pictures on her wall and laughing as she told stories of the people in them.
He noticed quickly that none of them were members of her family.
"What about your family?" He asked, before he even realized the can of worms he might have opened by doing so.
She tensed immediately, turning to look at him.
"We don't... talk."
Malcolm looks up at her, noticing for the first time that she was taller then him.
"Do you mind if I ask why?"
She sits down on her couch, tucking her feet underneath her. Malcolm sat next to her.
"They didn't believe me when I told them what was... happening... to me."
His breath hitched. His mind reeling from the possibilities of what that meant. He supposed that he could ask. They had gotten a lot closer, and if she didn't want to talk about it, he could wait longer. No problem.
"And... what was happening to you?"
She looked away from him, eyes widening for a split second, and then she slowly took a deep breath.
This was it. He had asked, and she didn't know if she was ready.
She could dive head first into telling him and risk freezing in the fridgid water, or stay safe and dry, but risk putting a wall between her and Malcolm.
She decided to just take the plunge.
"...bad things." She whispered. And even just thinking about it, her brain was assaulted with memories, and she already felt herself slipping.
"Bad, bad things...hurt... it hurt."
She screwed her eyes shut, fists clenching. Her nails dig into her palms and she sucks in a breath.
Malcolm watched, letting her set the pace, but his brows were furrowed in concern. He knelt down in front of her and offered his hands. She took them with a crushing grip.
"...hold on... someone..." her breath hitched.
"Someone's here. Sorry." Malcolm watched in both worry and fascination.
"Its... okay. Take your time." He responded.
He knew what was happening. She was doing what she had told him was "switching". One of her alters was coming. He was very curious, but he was also fearful as to what would happen next.
Would he ruin everything? He hoped not.
Kats eyes unfocused for a second, and then she stopped.
She looked up, eyes blinking.
She continued staring for a second and looks around.
When he heard her voice, he didn't know what to think.
"...I was told to not like... pretend to be Kat."
Malcolms eyes widen, and hes taken aback. Her voice sounds so different. A touch lower, and with a strong Essex accent, her words somehow a mix of dramatic and lazy sounding.
"Uh... yeah. Who is this?"
"Has she told ya any of our names?"
"...No. But I've never asked. Wanted to go at her own pace."
Kat-whoever- nods at that, looking down at their clothes.
"What the fuck is this? Kat I told ya not to dress us in a skirt!"
He looks at the person in front of him.
"You don't like skirts?"
"Nah. Its not my style. I'm Haven. Primary protector and ex-prosecutor. Basically means I didn't used to be a great person. I'll explain more later if I feel like it. Its my job to protect us, and my job to judge whether someone is safe. You seem to be okay for now."
He was at a loss for words. He was given almost zero warning, however he assumed that she wasn't either.
"So what 'ave you said to set 'er off then?" She said, glaring. It was so weird, he thought, how her entire demeanor has changed. Man or woman. Or whatever. He didn't even know.
The glare on her face looked so unnatural, like it didn't belong there.
"We sort of got onto the topic of her past. And then... you came out." He said.
"Sorry, who exactly are you? You specifically. Not just your role." He said, confused and cautious as to where to go from here.
"Are you askin' what I look like?" She responded, the way she holds herself that of a completely different person.
"Maybe. Or just who you are. What you like and dislike, your interests."
She stares at him, tilting her head.
"Well for one thing, my skin is a bit darker then this, Kat is atrociously pale. I've got short, curly black hair and freckles."
He tries to imagine it, but its hard. He's looking at what he knew as Kat, but now, she's someone different.
Haven continued talking.
"I've got sort of big eyes. Small nose. Thick eyebrows. Big-ish lips. I look like I'm mixed race, but I don't like to think of myself as that because I will never relate to the struggles of being black and I will never be fully emersed in the culture. The body is Korean, and I don't think it's appropriate to be say that I'm mixed race because my actual real life body is not."
Malcolm nods. He could understand that.
So Haven, he noted, was a rambler.
"Im an integrated alter. I used to be three people. I have the memories of three different people and I remember them all separately. I have access to all the memories and trauma, so don't fuck with me." She says the last bit with a bit of sadness and anger.
Haven was really closed off, he thought. She looked at him with a fierceness he couldn't describe, and soon, he found himself noticing all the differences between them. The more she talked, the more she became her own person to him.
"I have just a few things to say to you before I go back inside-"
"Inside where?" Malcolm asked, cutting her off, suddenly very confused. More then he already was.
"Back to inner world. We have a whole world inside our head. We all live in an apartment building. Well not all. We have a cave, a pool, a forest, other stuff. When we're fronting, we're sitting in the lobby. I sound insane when I say that, but its true."
She shrugged.
Shes right, he thought.
It did sound insane.
And if he didn't already know a bit about the disorder, he would have called her out.
And some would say the same about his mental health problems.
So he believed her.
"So... you protect Kat?"
"Yes. And everyone else. Its my job. I was the first one made, the first one to take it instead of her."
His brows furrowed at that.
"What does that mean?"
She looks up at him.
"It means that when fucked up shit was happening to us I took her place so she didn't have to deal with it."
He thought about that. Fucked up shit? Like what? Did it have to do with his father? He shuddered at that thought.
It had taken him almost every ounce of willpower to not ask Kat about it, but he figured could ask Haven. So he did.
"Does the name Martin Whitly ring a bell?"
She stood up then, and dragged him up by the collar of his shirt, eyes intense and angry.
"How do you know that name?" She asked through gritted teeth, voice low.
Struck a nerve, then.
"He-He's my father." He said. Her eyes widened and she threw him onto the couch.
"Have you seen him recently? Don't lie to me I swear to God I will know."
He was taken aback. Things had taken a 180 faster then he could even process what was happening.
Struck a big nerve, then.
He could tell the truth, but what if it ruined their friendship?
Or he could lie, but she said she will know. That would probably ruin their friendship even more...
Before he can even stop himself:
She sits down then, eyes clenching.
"You have to take me to him."
He stands up, fists clenching.
"No. Absolutely not." He couldn't let his father ruin their friendship. He wouldn't let him.
"Either you take me to him or I go myself."
"You can't."
"I'll find a way." Her eyes glinting in determination. He suddenly got the feeling that she wasn't joking.
He took in a shuddery breath, hands shaking.
Haha no proofreading here we die like Eve.
Like and comment yall. These chapters take a while to write and always have between 1,400-1,900 words and I would really appreciate it if this story spread a bit.
Thx yall.
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shabba-zams · 4 years
Hold big regard for kinship, tradition and culture, I could give a lecture
I'm sky high - herbivore, like a turkey vulture I'm a carnivore
Canibal, I mean omnivore coz I love greens, like Popeye And Spinach, I lick bean
Flick flick, root Chakra, keep you grounded, kiss your forehead, illumination
Wham bam, burn incense this instant
Smoke in house, reminisce about my late aunt, Eugenia
Healing from a heartbreak of a love that never happened
Should never happen, wait what just happened?
You a bad bitch, downward doggy, hit it from the back, is that good B?
Meow-moo, look at that arch, Doja, Cat-Cow mi amor
Heart's aching, beneath I'm hurting although surface looks perfect
Instantly regretting the mistake I made, egghead getting laid
I was broke, couldn't think straight, Im still great, it's just that I hate
Constantly stressing, hope you not late, I'm Wylin, red fox
Sorry mate, don't put me on the spot unless we hot box
You a hot mess, you burn, guilt trip, in hell I burn, 12 stroke soul snatcher, soul searching,N2O, inhale, I burn, I'm trippin
My goodness, Zulu goddess, Tsonga royalty in her DNA, your highness hello, hi, my love I profess
Pussy power tricking, that tightness, finesse crazy like madness, she drippin
Her cookie jar I'm Double dippin, like yes ya, I praise ya, I'm smitten
You praise Ja, pet name for your small pussy... Poor lil kitten
Obsessed With fitness, admire her loyalty, I stay under her spell
First We gel, then repel, we then rebel, plz say you could not tell I fell for you girl!
I confess, your strange quirks remind me of my old ex
Guardian angel, I see your halo, okay bye! In darkness you my star
Naledi always shine bright, never dim light, eyes can adjust right?
No girl, tell me how could I not fall for you girl?
If I see you all day and night? Medicate then meditate
Last and first light I see you, it's hard to wake me up, ICU
Namaste, send u love and light. Hugging u gud nyt then imma go unless it's midnight, my pants is tight right and u hug me tight tight cutie, in my ear, QTip, u whisper get the light, deep throat  gimme the green light, tonight you looking so tasty
It's not right, lockdown got me all thirsty, see, I'm nasty
I'll eat you out, gimme a big tip, face chair, take a sit please
Gangsta champagne, notorious bubbles I sip sip, are you pleased?
You a tall glass of sexy B, I mean u sassy B, sexy beast I gotta drink, drunk
In love with your positive energy, you love the inner me and you know I'm not the enemy, I love you
Juju, like bad energy, shoo shoo, telling me to go, I don't go
Feeling ur feng shui imbalance, tryinna find balance, yoga
So much green in my blood stream, feelin like Hulk or Yoda
I'm 1 with the force, a gulf stream directing ur flow, go
Heavy flow that weigh a ton, period. I go deep, you flow deep like the Nile, you lovin it
Tid bit in denial, plz don't judge unless you take a 9 mile walk if the shoe fit
Wise mentor, needed to blow off steam, oh no you make me sing, I never meant to...
I'm spiritual, Ultralight beam, living the life of Pablo, green
I see no light, stuck in the dark, this don't feel right
Fight what I feel, fight! I know you like what I write, right? I'm still Steve like Biko, because I write what I like
You're spiritual, Ivy crown it'll be alright, fight!
Where you been? Spiritual journey, Wrote you a song of love, don't panic, it's platonic agape kind
You're kind, im sorry, please forgive me, God bless us
Never meant to sex ya, sext ya, yes ya I never meant to
Hurt ya, my day 1 let me be in your team, I'm your hype man and you my wing man, who knew, man?
I'm a new man, never wanna be in u ma'am, that's Truman, like Harry
Like Harriet, You talk truth ma'am, ur woke now, mental slavery chain breaker
Lead, take leash, give me my freedom, Tubman. Ass like Baartman, I'm joking, I'm through man!
Is it true man? You got a new man?
I'm glad you found uThando & Peace!
I see your glow in the dark , I watch you grow, from head to toe
Lock down, No sexercise, just exercise, oblique workout, body shaping up, you shake shit up
Look down, fvck shit up, I fantasize under the mistletoe, kiss kiss that phat pet peeve,
I mean the size of that cameltoe, kiss kiss like it's NYs Eve
Family Feud like Steve, We lip lock, she bad bad like Eve
Stuck with you like gridlock, bad bitch my ride or die!
The love you show, I dunno who to tell that u just ring my bell
Blue balls, plain torture, ungshaya ding dong, that just rings wrong
Playing mind games like ping pong, saw my dp then ask for my dick pic like "Big Z u got big dick print"
I tell her to quit playin and show her it's just resting, I'm a grower
Picture a Big black gun in your hand, click glock
Lick big black cock in my hand, and get a big tip
Love your big tats,small tits, nip slip, vrm vrm, you own me like pinkslip
4 play lick clit, that pink pink
Big lie like, just the tip, truth is I just wanted to hit twice, then dip twice like, dip dip
Double Pussy grip, like grip grip
Our late night tap dance routine like
Double tap like, tip-clit-grip-grip, skip, tip-clit-grip-grip
Sending mixed signals, wearing no bra, black tank top, Grey gym pants, exciting my BBC then saying NO BRA!
Apple bong is crack bong, big flop wearing your pink flip flops, I need a drink,J walk drunk, hit, bong, bang, drive, buy smoke, fly, sky, high five, YouTube The Fives, whats the matter? GBV
All lives including those you call low lives matter, no 1 deserves murder.
Deep chats kid, Katt Williams crack me up, have a break Kit Kat
I'm a lil sad but real glad u not mad at me brick brack, red fox
Need my quick fix, Red on Netflix like Raymond, cross you off my hitlist, at least at last, the blacklist, NBC
No chick flicks miss, unless you aiming to get this, BBC
I don't aim, shoot shot once and don't miss, easy, ABC
Cupid tryinna shoot me dead but misz, shit shot, no Mrs, thank God
Thot thought she a hot shot coz she smoke pot, no BS she not hot
Cold as horse shit that's not hot, bust a nut, I might not
I'm a lit lad who thinks they a big bad, Wolf, with a sick head
You heard? Sometimes it's hard when u in my bed, think with other head instead like getting head
Play dead after I beat meat, you knock-knock, I'm cumin, you come in, your bad timing is not charming
I see myself in you, pun intended, idea planted in my head
For real tho, I see your hoeish ways, long gone are my hoeish days
Sometimes I think u poison like Ivy, I'm batman, no avengers
Scavengers, a mad woman and a bad man, Savages in our own league
First punch throwers, they hate us, crack bong hitters, they not us, we avenge us,
You lead, I school ya, screw ya, liquids in ur insides like IV
Drip drip, said fuck it, big deal, do u even care how I feel? Bad state of mind, took shrumz, now I'm havin a bad trip
Craving a road trip, cruze down memory lane, replay bad clip, is it weird that I loved that silhouette video? Press play
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Get liquid withit
Going toe-to-toe, I kill and bury Big Trill, made my 1st mil
Then blew it, dead lyricist, I'm just a ghost writer
I see changes, a stoner girl turn to a rave girl as the nyt ages
I once told her, trust the rock of ages like John
Serial killer with rage on Pages, I was angry at God like Sean
Now i'm easy like solving for X- Kid'o,
That's annoying, ward off tiny mosquito
Go against me, that's a non starter, kiss my ass lips
I talk shit, no stutter or slight lisp like L-Tido
In the city of gold its all or nothing, that's a no brainer
No brain huh? Black lip bastard, faith like mustard seed
Don't call me bastard, transform to Luke Cage then hit rib Cage like
Nicholas, can't stop me like an urban legend... Ghost rider
I sound fictitious like ghost busters, but I'm quite real like Klingon
I stick like glue, here's a clue:
Day of the week: Monday
Feeling: baby Blue and itchy
Scratch my balls I'm jiggy, sweet melanin black queen like B
Fluent in your love language B, catch 22, paradoxical
Hypocritical, stereotypical, philosophical.
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linkispink1995 · 4 years
Better as friends (23) the facade crashes
Series Masterlist
Chapter warnings:language,drunkenness and Alison
Steve's p.o.v
It had been a few weeks since Y/n and I's conversation and it also happened to be the last time Y/n and I spoke since whenever she'd drop Jackson off and pick hi up she'd be really quiet. I was starting to worry that it was maybe my fault , I knew that I shouldn't have asked her that but Alison being Alison continuously asked me that. Speaking of Alison she was now at the 5 month mark and by this time Y/n had a bump and an attitude and Jackson would move around and kick to the sound of voices but Alison so far had no bump unless she did and was just hiding it very well and never ever wanted to talk about the baby or her doctor's appointment. I felt like I was being so let in the dark with Y/n I'd roll my eyes and shrug the things off that she'd tell me and I definitely feel like this was payback. I couldn't belive it , I was scared I was missing thing or that some things just didn't add up , I was currently sitting at my cubicle at work stairing at the clock counting till I could go home. Alison wouldn't be home till late because it was her cousins bachelorette party and she'd be having to drive them since she couldn't be drinking anymore , except for her small glass of wine at night which I still wasn't sure to believe that or not. I had almost fallen asleep in my desk for the third time today when there was a phone call , I sighed before picking the phone up and answering "Hello this is Harrington-" I was cut off by a voice saying. "Yeah whatever listen we need to talk" it was my sister Polly , I sighed saying "I'm not talking to you" before I could hang up she added. "Are you dating Alison Martin" I sighed again saying "why" she responded saying "answer the question" I huffed saying "yeah I am why" Polly was silent before finally saying "do you remember when I was a junior and they put me in a dorm with a freshman" I rolled my eyes as she added. "Now do you remember how I said she was this rich and entitled mean girl who was always out partying and lied like a rug" I answered saying "yeah I remember you nagging about it" she responded saying "it was Alison". I rolled my eyes saying "Polly this is just sad okay stop calling" before she could respond I hung up the phone.
After the ridiculous phone call with Polly I came home to a dark and empty apartment I knew Alison was still out but usually she'd leave a light on. I entered the kitchen to grad a drink out of the fridge when I noticed a small take out box from some restaurant I didn't recognized maybe Alison went out to lunch but when I knew she had classes and a doctor's appointment. I shrugged that off before exiting the kitchen only to be stopped by a shopping bag in the trash and with closer examination I saw that a movie ticket stub was tucked in the bag. Again I brushed it aside thinking it was just paranoia that had been amplified by my phone call with Polly , after a shower and putting on warm close even though it was june the apartment was ice cold per Alison's request and I knew that when Y/n was pregnant that the word no wasn't one she liked . After settling on the couch I sat there before see there was a star wars marathon on tv , as the movie began to play I couldn't help but feel somewhat grateful that Alison wasn't home since I knew by now she'd turn the tv of and give me the speech about it rotting my brain or her speech about how nothing in star wars actually made sense. About half way through the empire strikes back I got up from my seat to open the cabinet above the fridge were I store (hid) away my junk food from Alison since shortly into are relationship she disposed all of mine and insisted from then on out she'd do the grocery shopping.
I awoke to the sound of the front door opening and practically slamming , I sat up to see the ending seen of return of the jedi was playing. I wiped some of the chip crumbs off of myself before hearing noise come from the kitchen , I entered to see Alison standing by the kitchen sink with a glass of water in hand. She was silent except for the small sounds of hiccups coming from her , I spoke saying "are you okay" she ignored me and instead began walking or should I say somewhat stumbling out of the kitchen before she finally spoke to me saying. "Goodnight" alchohol I smelt alcohol on her breath so strong I could almost taste it , I felt nauseous like my whole world had crashed down before I spoke saying "you lied to me" she turned before busting out into a strong laughter before she walked towards me with her finger placed on her mouth saying. "Shhhhh you can't tell Steve okay , it's a secret" she was so drunk she couldn't tell it was me I knew I had to confront her but I wanted to know what the secret was so I asked. "I won't tell him" she responded saying "I'm not pregnant" my heart fell as I began to feel nauseous before she added. "I don't know why I said it It just sorta fell out , but he believed it and I'm so screwed i have no clue what I'm gonna do". I felt my legs become uneasy at her confession as she continued "and I mean I just feel so bad you know he's a really nice guy he deserves someone who doesn't lie to him , he deserves someone who writes him these letters. You know he had someone like that , he had Y/n and you know what after all the stuff he's said to her Y/n still comes back just for that kid. Let me tell you something okay when I was his age my dad left and do you know when , he left on Christmas eve." My face fell in shock before saying "but Steve meet your dad" she chuckled again before saying "who Robert , Robert's my stepfather he's the only decent person in that family. My sister's a nightmare and I won't even get started on my mother , listen I'm tried I'm gonna to bed and don't tell Steve about are little talk." I ignored her words before as she entered the bedroom I didn't know what to do my instinct was to kick her out but I wasn't doing that to someone blackout drunk so instead I sat at the dinning room table to think until I knew I needed to talk to someone. It couldn't be Y/n because it was two thirty in the morning and God only knows what she'd be doing with Stewart. It couldn't be Robin since she left a few days ago to visit Helen up at school , Matt and Collen were definitely a no. I was blanking totally blanking until I knew the one person would wouldn't take my crap and would tell me how it is which is exactly what I needed right now.
I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital before walking in , I walked in before getting to the receptionist saying. "Hi I'm looking for Paige Walker" she nodded before I heard a voice say "Steve" I turned to see Paige in her scrubs before I said "can I talk to you". She huffed before saying "fine" after walking down a hallway to sit on a bench Paige spoke saying "whatever nonsense this is I will take Y/n's side cause you-" I cut her off saying "Alison is lying a being pregnant". Paige's face fell saying "oh Steve I'm sorry" I shrugged saying "whatever it's payback from how I've treated Y/n". She responded saying "you know you might've been a jerk and I'm just saying that word cause I'm at work right now but you never treated Y/n horribly when she was pregnant I mean you stayed there and-" I cut her off again saying "Paige did Y/n tell you I was there when Jackson was born". She nodded before I added "God she really is a good person I mean she must've told you the story she's told Jackson". Paige's face feel in shock before I added "I wasn't there when he was born , I wasn't there when my son took his first breath or opened his eyes for the first time , do you know how long it took for me to realize my son's eyes are brown". She frowned saying "oh my god she protected you from the group cause she knew we'd be mad" I nodded as she added "so why didn't you go to Y/n , why here". I sighed saying "didn't wanna bump into Stewart" she shrugged saying "why would you run into Stewart he's in Florida and they broke up you know that right" . I shook my head as she added "yeah it was mutual I guess" I frowned thinking that was what had Y/n so down these past couple week , why she was so quiet. I spoke again saying "thanks Paige" she nodded saying "sorry I didn't invite you to my wedding" I shook my head saying "don't be it's okay". Paige and sat there in silence before I added "and I really miss hanging out with you guys so-" this time I was cut of by Paige saying "make things right with Y/n and you can hang out with us" I nodded before saying "your right I know exactly what I have to do"
The following morning
It was the next morning and I was running on zero sleep except for that small nap I had during the movies last night. I was sitting at the dinning room table ready to talk to Alison like an adult , as soon as I got home from the hospital I took a seat exactly where I was and rehearsed exactly what I was going to say. My a millionth rehearsal was interrupted saying "don't worry I can hold my own hair up when I'm sick" I ignored her words as she entered the dinning room saying "what". I responded saying "you
Iied to me , to me the person who chooses your side over my own sons , the person who turned his back on his family for you the person who was actually excited to have a baby with you , but it isn't true. You lied to me Alison" she scoffed saying "I don't know what your talking about" I sighed saying "you know what drunk Alison just tells people how it is your not pregnant are you". She had a blank expression before she spoke saying "no I'm not I-" Alison stopped she completely blanked on words before I decided to ask another question. "Did you ever have a roommate named Polly Harrington" she silently added before I continued with my questions. "Did you steal the letter for Y/n , the letter meant for me , did you take it and did you read it". She silently nodded as I added "you know I didn't read it right" she scoffed saying "oh please you had that in your pocket and you don't want me to believe you didn't read it". I rolled my eyes before pulling a sheet of paper out of my pocket saying "you mean this" she nodded as I added "this is something I wrote for Y/n what did you think it was". She responded with "That's it Steve I can't take this anymore" I huffed saying "are you kidding me your upset .She rolled her eyes at my words saying "you Steve I'm upset with you" I huffed again saying "me what did I do , you faked a pregnancy and it doesn't just hurt me it hurts Jackson-" she cut me off saying. "That's it , it's all about the kid" I sighed saying "he's my son what do you want me to do". She then crossed her arms saying "choose" I shrugged in confusion as she added "it's either me or the kid , choose" I couldn't belive it , she sounded like I did when Y/n and I broke up and I then remembered what my mother said "sometimes we need to see someone make the same mistake to know that's what they were". That's when I knew the answer to Alison's question was "Jackson , Jackson Michael Harrington will come before anyone including myself and if you don't like it that's just to damn bad". Alison frowned saying "but I'm your girlfriend" I nodded as she added "and I love you" I nodded again saying "I know but-". She cut me off saying "no buts Steven I'm your-" it was my turn to cut her off saying "Steve my name is Steve not Steven okay" she huffed saying "I love you" I nodded before saying the words that were wanting to oze out of me , "and I love Y/n", her face then twisted into anger saying "excuse me" I nodded saying "I love Y/n" she then sighed saying "but-" I cut her off again saying. "Alison your a horrible person , you attacked Y/n several times , you turned me against my parents and my best friends but not only that you tried to get in between my son and I oh and am I forgetting something else yeah you pretended to be pregnant" before she could say anything else I added "we're done Alison".
Please don't plagiarize my work , stay safe and feedback is appreciated - thanks Meg
Taglist @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @queenofthehairharrington @charmed-asylum
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