#in my head elita is the same build as megatron. that is what elita looks like to me and all the actual designs are WRONG
mychlapci · 8 months
I feel like only Strika in TFA is allowed to buck the weird 'tiny with big optics and curves' design all different Transformers media makes femal 'bots, and it's only 'cause she's "eeevil". (Honestly even the human women in all the franchises are like that, cartoon or liveaction AAA it's frustrating). I love your idea of them being bigger and stronger as a rule, if you're going to give robots genders than ether make them as diverse visually/physically as the 'guy ' robots are, or make them bigger because we know in most TF canon bigger is stronger, and as you said they need that to carry and defend sparklings (and probably got even bigger with specific defense mechanisms after the war started).
yeah, I was kind of thinking of Strika when writing out my thoughts (also idw Road Rage and Pyra Magna my beloved) I just feel like if you insist on having female cybertronians, they shouldn’t be adhering to human gender dimorphism. like, why the fuck would they. They should be, first of all, as diverse in body types as the male characters, none of that thin waists big thighs bullshit we see, and second of all, if you intend to have them bearing newsparks, wouldn’t it just make more sense for them to be even bigger, thicker, denser than the guy transformers? 
like i don’t believe cybertronians have gender as we know it, but if you wanna have lady transformers and guy transformers isn’t it more fun to actually play with it, rather than just fucking. give Arcee a thin little waist again.
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zombieheroine · 3 years
His Intended
Pairing: MegOp Rating: G Word count: 1932
MegOp week day 2: Mirror * Nothing in the universe had ever shined as pure and bright, so Orion Pax knew immediately what he was gazing at the moment he lay optics on it, even when all he expected was the sickening radiation of dark energon spillage. It was the centre of the planet, right there in the heart of the catacombs Orion and his squad had wandered for cycles, and in the centre shone the light of Primus.
“Woah, won’t you look at that,” Jazz sighed by his side, coming to a halt. “Trust me, I am,” Orion replied. He was feeling uneasy on his pedes, and it wasn’t just because of the catacombs anymore. Prowl, Elita and Ironhide stopped too now that the lead of the squad wasn’t moving anymore, but didn’t dare to come closer. “Yep, you stay back there, folks,” Jazz called over his shoulder, “there’s no going forward anymore, so you can finally stop asking. We’re there now.” They were all standing at the edge of the catacomb. The dark tunnels and the endless descent had led them here, and now there was nowhere further to go anymore. There was only the core. The rock floor ended sharply as if it had been cut with a blade, and beyond it was a perfectly round chamber. Suddenly the walls were shining pure metal, the surface of it so bright it was like polished silver, all of it reflecting itself so that the chamber looked not only perfect but infinite. But Orion was not admiring the unknown materials or the natural perfection of the shape. He was staring at the being in the middle of it, a perfect orb in a shining shell with that impossibly pure light shining through its seams and openings. It was alive and humming with power that made the atmosphere feel like a warm thunderstorm, all potent power in process of infinite build-up, and hot and relaxed like the essence of a long chain of perfect, leisure-filled summer days. It was calling to Orion. Not in words but like a magnet, and there was a frightening desire growing inside his chassis, a desire to take one more step and let himself fall into the chamber. “Is that… Is that Primus?” Elita’s voice asked hesitantly. She sounded in awe but also like she didn’t want to take another step forward. “That’s what I think we’d call that,” Prowl replied to her, his tone still defiant even when it was just as quiet as Elita’s, and slightly trembling. “Are we… Are we in time?” Ironhide asked. “I feel weird, but not dark-energon-weird, if you catch my drift?” “We are right where we need to be,” Orion heard himself answering. His intake was moving and his vocalizer producing sound, but he didn’t know where the words were coming from. It should have been foreign and frightening, but he was quickly leaving all fear behind. There was nothing to worry about, he just knew it. “O… Okay,” Ironhide said. “What do we do now?” No one replied. They had had a plan, but now that they were finally here, it was all forgotten. Whatever they had planned felt silly now. It was silly to even think they could have done something, but even when Orion realized that, the despair that should have followed the thought didn’t come. He knew what he had to do. “I need to go,” he announced. Everyone was quiet for a moment. On the edge of his vision, Orion saw Jazz turning to look at him, openly worried. “What do you mean?” Jazz asked. He seemed to know exactly what Orion meant, but couldn’t muster up anything more than weak bewilderment. “It’s calling to me. I need to go,” Orion answered, and before anyone could turn their startled stammering into words, he took that one more step. There was nothing but air beneath his pedes, but still he didn’t fall. Once he stepped inside the chamber, the warm storm seemed to swallow his frame whole and suddenly he was a part of it. Orion had never flown, but he had been to space, and while being inside the core chamber of Cybertron he was sure the sensation was unlike either. He wasn’t thrown around or lifted by an air current but he wasn’t weightless either. Something that was all around him was supporting him as surely as liquid, but what that something was he didn’t feel or see. Slowly Orion treaded his pedes, coming to contact with nothing but still moving forward. He wasn’t sure if he was walking or if he was being pulled, but he moved closer to the glimmering, living orb in the middle. He could no longer hear his squad back in the tunnel, barely even remembered they were there, he simply moved through the open space towards the
perfect blue, every atom of his frame feeling it sing to him and responding. Suddenly he wasn’t in the chamber anymore. He was standing on solid ground again in a hall without walls but with pillars that seemed to hold up the black sky. It was a hall of infinite space full of light and darkness, but still with a floor to stand on and pillars to count and touch. He wasn’t alone there. The same presence he had felt calling for him in the chamber was there too, only more powerful, and there were thirteen figures in the shifting space around him, standing in a half circle and looking at him. You need a Prime It wasn’t a voice or a thought, Orion just suddenly knew it. It was like an electromagnetic wave had gone through him and his whole frame was a receiver. “No, it’s You who needs to be saved! You need to get out of here!” Orion answered out loud. “Hurry, we don’t have much time!” You need a Prime The knowledge lit up inside Orion again. It wasn’t impatient or an argument, it was simply a truth that he knew. “There are no Primes,” he groaned into the infinite hall and to the thirteen figures standing around but still too far away from him. I’m calling a Prime for my creations There was no chance to deny or resist, and Orion knew it once again. He didn’t actively realize or learn the meaning of what was happening to him, he simply knew it as surely as he knew who he was and where he had come from. The thirteen figures stepped closer as one. Their circle closed on him as they stepped by the pillars and crossed the infinity like it was no more than a few tiles on the perfect, timeless floor, and Orion felt himself being regarded. “You will not be like me, you will not rule,” said one and vanished back into the shadows. “You will not be like me, you will not invent,” said the other and followed the first. “You will not be like me, you will not create,” said the third, and just like that was gone. Orion trembled slightly. “You will be like me, you will defend and fight,” said one and stepped into the light and became visible. “You will be like me, you will rescue and sacrifice,” said the other and did the same. There was a sharp, cold pain in the middle of Orion’s chassis as if he had been pierced by an icicle. He trembled as the two ancient Primes circled him, friendly but evaluating and measuring him up. “You don’t want it,” Prima spoke, simply stating something they all knew as if as one mind. “That’s good. The ones who don’t want war make the best defenders. You will be one of the greatest warriors, true and selfless, honed by necessity and calling.” “But you are also afraid,” added Solus. “You know the price you will pay for becoming the defender. You will sacrifice, like I did.” Orion was trembling from helm to struds by now, his entire being humming with the impassive knowledge of what laid ahead of him. A Prime was not only being called, but appointed and forged to answer to the Decepticon threat and the destruction of the homeworld of their species, and now more than for stellar cycles Orion’s mind summoned the image of Megatron into his thoughts. He thought of him every day, but not like this, not as a singular mech who had once been near and dear to his spark, not as someone whose face Orion knew and whose frame he had touched. Solus’ eyes were bright and sharp, but her expression was softened by compassion. “Yes,” she solemnly agreed. “I can feel your pain. You are a kindred spark, like split from my own. I can feel the pain you carry, and that pain will only grow.” “Why me?” Orion chocked out. Solus tilted her helm and exvented deeply. “I could feel that pain when you were still in the catacombs, and how much you miss him. How everything reminds you of him, and how everything you ever gave and shared is now tainted by the cold mark of betrayal.” The look on her face hardened. “That is precisely why,” she said. “I can only hope you will eventually find comfort in the fact that he has chosen you just as surely and definitively as you have
chosen him.” Orion felt faint. The cold, sharp pain seemed to spread inside his chassis, like poison or fresh heartache, a feeling intimately familiar to him but by now somewhat healed. Now it felt like an old wound had been torn open again, and coolant welled up in his optics with both the pain and the unwelcome relief that Megatron still made him feel like this. Solus gazed upon him head-on with something like understanding in her optics, but also determination that Orion could only hope to adopt himself. “The way to success and victory is to stand up and be his match,” Solus said. “Look at him and reflect on what it is you need to become yourself in order to strike back against his attacks, and how to charge when he retreats. Learn his every move, every plan, every thought and desire, and arm yourself accordingly.” Steaming hot coolant streamed down Orion’s face, droplets falling down and splattering soundlessly on the floor. There was no argument against things that were simply known. Solus stepped closer to him and tapped her digits gently against Orion’s chin. “Don’t grieve yet,” she said gently. “In a way, you and him will be together for the rest of your lives. The future of our species depends on it.” He leaned onto her servo and sighed, even though he knew his burdens had barely begun. “You will be made anew,” she said, “but fear not, because wherever you will go, we will be with you. So stand up and go now, Optimus Prime.” Suddenly, Orion was back in the catacombs. He felt dizzy and confused, his entire frame trembling and steaming like he was a newly forged blade just taken out of the coolant. It took him a moment to realize that he was on his back and dragged by his friends, all of whom were gathered around him, and that Jazz was weakly shaking him and calling his name – his old name. “Thank Primus!” Jazz cried out when Optimus focused his optics on him. “Give him space, Jazz,” Elita told him from his other side. “How are you feeling?” Prowl asked. “It hurts,” Optimus gasped, his servo laying on his sore and heavy chassis, “It hurts!”
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baebeyza · 3 years
Kingdom thoughts - Bae edition
Not gonna make individual posts this time, I watched the show at 1-3 am after sitting in a tight space for 30 hours with almost no sleep.
Just gonna share my bingo card and my thoughts under the cut! ~
No spoiler thoughts: show overall gets a 8/10 from me!
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A little loose with the definition of personality for Unicron, but I did like the few scenes he had :D
1. BW Megatron
Honestly? He worked. Good character, understandable motivations, nice use of references, you could really feel his affections for the Silver Megatron and how desperate he was about winning the future he fought for.
10/10, good german voice work, epic design, nice shows of the fact that he is still kind of an ass, he was STRONG, showed that he can be boss when needed, nothing to complain about, also YES, T-REX HEADPAT! xD
2. Dinobot
My brain-deprived head had trouble making sense of his actions, but overall it was fine, they could have needed more time for him though. And unlike most other BW references, I didn't like them with his character - the refs they used from "Code of Hero"...ike, that BW episode has a lot of build-up plot-wise and character-wise. The quotes matter a lot in that episode.
It just doesn't fit or have the same amount of weight as they thought they would in Kingdom. The honour quote didn't even make much sense context-wise.
But overall, nice enough. 8/10
3. Primal
10/10, loved him so much. Every scene with him was epic, the way he was written was great - Snarky, sarcastic at times, far less patient and calm than Prime, still a great leader who cares and doesn't take any shit! <3
4. Prime
I do love his story of WFC overall - he made one mistake that he admits to, goes through a lot to fix it and he did fix it and came out with a better future for it. Loved his last moment with Elita, loved the moments with the Allspark, and I loved his dynamic with Primal! 8/10
5. Megatron
He went unhinged as fuck, was still regal and sweet, loved a lot about him! As always, the angst he has about doing what he does was great! I especially loved the scene in the forest when the disk told him that he got lost, tried to go back to look a the road he took from another angle, but he refused to do it.
He went his way until he got defeated, and Starscream being the one who finally got him out of his one-way route was so sweet! 15/10
6. Goddamn disappointments
So, coming back to Megatron...I think I explained my problem well on discord:
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7. Mainly comes to my problem with MAGNUS...yall know I am a MagsMegs shipper, but they could have fixed the problem with Megatron's angst coming to a closure with having him have a last moment with Magnus, just like Prime had with Elita.
It is clear that he feels guilty and horrible for the Death of Magnus, similar to how Prime felt responsible for everything else.
And Prime got closure at the end, while Megatron did not.
He should have had a moment of choosing to fight Galvs and Nemesis because he realised that his past deeds were wrong, and doing that with Magnus would have been a good representation of it all.
Like, I get that he might have gotten over his pride and selfishness which is representated by him choosing to save Cybertron over saving his own future, but still...!
They gave him such amazing angst, but just didn't end it in a satisfying way! Let him have peace with it in some way!
7. Six episodes are not enough
I've been saying this since Siege - plot is good, characters are good, but in neither season have six episodes been enough to really flesh it out real good.
WFC is plot upon plot with no filler, and filler is usually needed to show give the characters more personality and show-case them in some way. Show us what makes them the character they are, what makes them unique.
WFC didn't have that, and you are left with having to draw the characterisations out of their plot relevance. And if you aint plot-relevant, you almost got no personality at all.
As far as I know, this isn't a WFC-specific problem though, as many shows have decided that 5-8 episodes are enough and we don't need more.
And I guess some stories manage with that limited time - WFC did not.
I still loved it, but they could have made it much better if they had more time.
Anyway, expect some art and stupid comics in the future - I will defend this show's and my own honour by contributing to it with content! <3
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geminiofpluto · 4 years
So I’m going to talk about Transformers Earthrise
I kinda just wrote each thing after each episode so I won’t forget much.
I’m writing what I remember from each episode
Episode 1: Elita is cool as ever, freeing Decepticons and pulling out “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings” on Jetfire when he was questioning why she wanted to free them.
And then Steeljaw :( He was in cassette mode when they were hurting him. Makes me sad thinking about it. If Blaster is going to make an appearance, I hope Steeljaw will be with him.
Also, I need to know what’s up with Megatron having Ultra Magnus’s head on his table and just talking to him like a normal conversation.
There’s a happy Red Alert moment when he talks about how happy he is to have someone on their team who can fly. I’m calling for a Red Alert and Jetfire friendship.
Megatron acknowledges that Elita is a good leader and saying she could’ve been leaderbof the Autobots instead,. He may have started a war but he still knows what’s good.
The bots at Section 12... I loved them, they were so nice to Megatron and were admiring him a lot. It’s easy to tell it hurt him very much to have to “sacrifice” them for the project. I’m pretty sure all of us were sad. Those three bots were very nice.
Episode 2:
Elita is once again acknowledged by Megatron she is a good leader. He even called her Ariel. I’m wondering if we’ll see the past between them.
When Megatron put them in the cylinder thingies, the Decepticons the Autobots frees the first episode came to save them.
The bot even said “Til all are one”
And Skyfire... this huge dude really did just fall against the glass wall while they were trying to escape all stealth mode.
Luckily Skytread let them escape. It was funny when he asked one of them to punch cause Chromia was like “on sight, bro” and went for it. Like I love Chromia. :D
We also get to see our bots on the Ark again! And we get to see the mercenaries too.
We get to see conehead seekers again dudes! And this is my first time seeing Doubledealer on the screen(might be his first time? I honestly don’t know)
What’s with the gray colored Bumblebee, Wheeljack, and Hound? But yet again, it could just be reusing the same models.
Where’s tiny man Prowl? Where’s Ratchet?
When G. Bumblebee said “Where’s the ugly looking one?”, I was like “sir, you looked in a mirror lately?”
Quintessons! And for some reason, blue spirit mask looking Deseeus just cut off all the Qunitesson other faces just cause she wanted a consensus? Damn
Episode 3: Oh no sad Optimus. D:
Ooh Ratchet and Wheeljack are working together.
“Bumblebee is correct-“
“I am?!”
Ayyy more Elita and co, they even got a bunch of Decepticon with them. Oop the Reflector with the scars is named Scrapface.
Elita seems more chill with Jetfire now. More friendships! I really like seeing Elita and her group.
Also the Autobots found the Nebulon station.
Bee and Prime walked through the space bridge, and the other side of beautiful. It’s got a similar terrain like Earth’s. It’s leafy and green and colorful.
Oop it’s a giant scorpion on the ship. Is it Scorponok?
Yep it’s Scorponok.
Elita and co are going to stop the remaining Decepticons from getting harvested by the Shockwave. How nice of them :3
ONEGA SUPREME! oh wait dangit it’s a mirage.
Damn Scorponok is tall. He looks like Devestator and RID01 Megatron had a baby.
So Megs finally caught up with the Ark.
Episode 4: I love Ironhide. He may have few moments, but he’s still my fav.
Optimus noooooo
Bumblebee was trying to help, but Optimus is over here being a worried dad.
Ooh, Megatron really shot Scorponok to say “Optimus Prime is mine!”
Soundwave has unleashed his cat :0
Prime’s just trying protect his kids.
So they got knocked out from the blast, and Ravage was sniffing Starscream to check if he was alive, but the dude shoved him off. Rude, he making sure you live.
He thinks Megs is dead so now he’s leader.
Now Prime and Megatron are stuck in a room together, and now they’re talking. Megatron’s got a girder in his chest and he slowly dying.
Here’s a picure I got of the scene ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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The bots and cons are working together now! S not for now though.
Then Starscream starts talking shit to Megs and when he’s done talking about how he’d be a better leader, he says “What’s your argument?”
Megatron just shoots him. Ravage then checks on him again, but he shoves him off again. Why is he so rude?
Oop bots be out here calling Megatron a Quintesson and he’s offended. Quite hilarious
Starscream is really taking command and tossing Barricade aside. Starscream I love you but push him again and I’ll fight you.
So now something happened to the Nemesis ship, or perhaps it was the Ark.
Episode 5: Alpha Trion and Sky Lynx!! Sky Lynx wants to be a Prime too.
So the Autobots are in the Dead Universe. Sky Lynx is still alive and can apparently hear all.
Andddd he’s got some spiritual power and talking to Optimus now.
Sky Lynx is now humbled, I think he’s gonna join the Autobots.
So Megatron alive and he’s boutta pimp slap him.
GALVATRON?! where’d he come from?!
Sky Lynx is really making sad.
And now Galvatron doing the same spiritual thing to Megatron.
OP, let Sky Lynx go with you! Let him be redeemed.
Now Sky Lynx seems to be mentoring OP.
Optimus, Elita isn’t dead! She’s alive!
Yes, Megan. Don’t trust Galvatron! He’s trying to make you kill the bae.
Damn I keep forgetting how much the arena hurt Megatron mentally. :(
Ah yes, OP comforting Sky Lynx
Dang Galvatron don’t got them lips.
Woah the hate plague appears again? Damn Megan what you doing?
What what Unicron and the golden discs! And now the bots are before Earth. It’s building up to Kingdom!
Episode 6: Megatron still after OP I see.
Wow Arcee strong enough to chokehold Starscream. ,,•^•,,
YES COG, QUESTION OP. Optimus, why you holding a gun to Megatron, trying to force him to accept your apology and forgive you.
ah yeah more Elita and co screentime.
Shockwave stalking Elita with a invisibility cloak
And now OP and Megatron yelling and fighting. OP’s officially lost it guys
Ooh Bumblebee is taking charge
Ooh the mercenary gray Wheeljack is named Exhaust and the gray Bumblebee is named Bug Bite
Lol Elita tripped on air. Nvm it was Shockwave.
Shockwave actually believes Elita knew the Guardians.
And now Elita and her team have been compromised. :(
Doubledealer nooooo. Deseeus better let him go
okay so Spinister caught Elita’s team, Shockwave has Elita.
COG NOOOO! cog :,(
oh shit Megs got the Matrix, and he calling OP Orion
oh no he got away with the Matrix
Ooh Earth!
I finished it ;-; Hope you guys liked the show cause I think it was good.
I miss Cog and Elita ;-;
Also very sad there’s no Sunstreaker
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the-delta-42 · 3 years
Optimus had just finished explaining the status of the Forge of Solus Prime, when a jet that looked like some stealth bomber landed outside. Everyone gathered at the doors, while Optimus, Ultra Magnus and Prowl approached the bomber. As its parts suddenly shift, a bot slightly shorter than Ultra Magnus stood before the Autobots.
“Blaster?” Asked Prowl, frowning, “I take it you followed the energy surge as well?”
“Nope, we just woke up from Stasis,” Said Blaster, his battle mask retracting, “Some humans saw us, Warpath is currently leading efforts in awakening the rest of the crew.
“And the crew are?” Ultra Magnus spoke, raising an eyebrow.
“Myself, Warpath, Jetfire, Afterburner, a few others and Commander Elita One.” Said Blaster, grinning, “I promised to return to them, I think the Humans said it was called something like Griffin Rock.”
Everyone was stunned, “Funny enough,” said Heatwave, approaching Blaster, “My team and I need to get back there too.”
“Prime!” Called Fowler, bursting out of his office, “Turn on the news.”
Optimus frowned, before looking at Blaster, “Can you tap into their broadcasting services?”
Blaster nodded, before his Autobot symbol lit up and started projecting the news, which featured Megatron.
“Your leaders have lied to you, kept our presence secret,” Said Megatron, his face curled into a snarl, “but know this, this planet and everything on it, now belongs to Megatron! The Lord and Commander of the Decepticons! We have already laid waste to Jasper, Nevada and Griffin Rock, Maine for harbouring Autobot Rebels and we will do the same to any city, state, country or continent that continues to do so. As an example of such an incident,” Megatron gestured behind him, when Starscream dragged another Cybertronian forward, Optimus recognised Bluestreak on sight, “has been found in China. Optimus, if you’re watching, know that I don’t have to do this, I just want to.” Megatron levelled his fusion cannon with Bluestreak’s head and fired a single shot into it. Everyone flinched as Bluestreak’s head exploded, while Megatron just grinned sadistically, “Let that serve as a warning to all those who think they can stand against me.”
“Well,” Said Smokescreen, after a moment, “I guess the secrets out.”
“The top brass is trying to mask it as a hoax.” Said Fowler, before Optimus spoke.
“Tell them not to bother,” Said Optimus, his gaze on Megatron’s frozen face, “There will be those who will investigate such claims and, if Megatron feels that his warning has not been heeded, it may provoke a greater attack that could lead to the mass loss of lives.”
“But that would mean your cover has been blown.” Said Jack, from his place next to Arcee’s leg.
“Perhaps, but we cannot allow humanity to live in the dark while our war damages your world, Jack.” Said Optimus, looking down at the human, before turning to Ultra Magnus, “Commander, take as many transports as you can and collect the residents of Griffin Rock, I will contact High Tide, Salvage and Blurr and have then render assistance in any possible way they can.”
“Wait, there are more Autobots on Earth?” Asked Arcee, frowning.
“Salvage and Blurr are from before the war,” Said Optimus, looking at the motorcycle, “High Tide is a Titan Master.”
“A what?” Asked Miko, from Bulkhead’s shoulder.
“A Titan Master,” Said Bulkhead, “basically it’s a Cybertronian with three modes, Bots, vehicle and head. The head combines with a larger transforming frame and forms a Bot so big that it would put our old base to shame.”
“Almost all the Titan Masters were killed in the War for Cybertron, kid,” Said Wheeljack, “we all thought Fortress Maximus was the last one.”
“Until High Tide, apparently.” Remarked Arcee, before noticing the looks on Optimus, Ultra Magnus and Ratchet’s faces, “Wait, what’s with the look?”
“High Tide knew Optimus, before he was Optimus.” Said Ratchet, shifting slightly.
Optimus coughed, “While there is much to discuss, you all have your missions and it is imperative that we get to the humans, and Autobots, before Megatron detects them.”
Almost immediately everyone jumped into action, with most of Team Prime going with Ultra Magnus. The Rescue Bots went to follow, before Optimus, addressed Boulder.
“Boulder, if you have a moment.” Said Optimus, making the bulldozer stop.
“Yes, sir.” Said Boulder, facing Optimus.
“High Tide is working on building a city for Autobots and Humans in Oregon,” Said Optimus, looking down at Boulder, “I want you and Graham to aid him in the contruction. I intend of having the refugees from both Griffin Rock and Jasper moved there as soon as it is habitable.”
“Yes, Sir.” Boulder Saluted Optimus and raced off after his team.
Optimus made his way over to the Iron Will, boarding it and accessing the comm system, “Quickshadow, come in.”
The screen flickered into life, revealing a femme with a slight smirk on her face, “Optimus, it’s certainly been a while.”
“I need you to head to Griffin Rock and rendezvous with the Autobot forces heading there.” Said Optimus, making Quickshadow’s smirk widen.
“Reclaiming it from the Decepticons?” Questioned the spy.
“No, we are evacuating the humans there,” Explained Optimus, “There is a family that I want you to protect, the Greenes.”
“Any particular way I can find them?” Asked Quickshadow, frowning.
“Speak with Prowl, he will guide you to them.” Said Optimus, his tone serious, “Good luck, Soldier.”
Optimus cut the transmission and departed the ship.
Quickshadow internally grumbled, the salt from he under water walk was causing havoc for her axels. She pulled to a stop at a red light, only for a massive convoy of assorted vehicles to drive past. Quickshadow spotted the Autobot crest on the side of a blue semi, before running the red light and sidling up to Ultra Magnus, “Commander.”
“Quickshadow,” Said Ultra Magnus, not bothering with a greeting, “I see that Optimus wasted no time in contacting you.”
“Ooh, so harsh,” Flirted Quickshadow, “I do love a mech in uniform and I’ve been a bad, bad girl.”
Ultra Magnus suddenly swerved, as Quickshadow cackled.
“We agreed to never speak of the night, Soldier.” Reprimanded Ultra Magnus, not noticing Arcee pulling up between them.
“Now you’ve got me interested.” Said Arcee, alerting them to her presence.
“That is none of your concern.” Snapped Ultra Magnus, speeding up.
“He does know that we can out pace him, right?” Asked Quickshadow, as Prowl passed her.
“He does, he just doesn’t like anyone.” Said Prowl, before turning his sirens on and speeding past them. Chase and Heatwave followed suit and took off after Prowl.
“Ooh, the good boy are bad boys.” Snarked Quickshadow, as Boulder crept past her.
“No, we just have family where we’re going.” Said Boulder, sounded exhausted, “I really need to re-scan.”
“Speed isn’t everything, Boulder.” Said Arcee, turning her attention to the bulldozer, “Just ask Blades.”
“I can hear you; you know.” Complained the helicopter, as Bumblebee shot past the femmes, “Okay, that’s not cool!”
Blades sped up, while Blaster flew above them, “You three do know that you’ve been slowing down for the past twenty nano-cycles, right?”
Arcee suddenly became aware of Bulkhead passing her, “Thanks Arcee, I’ll be enjoying that energon.” Arcee shot off, “Ah, scrap.”
“Hey, Bulk,” Said Wheeljack, keeping pace with his fellow Wrecker and ignoring Smokescreen shoot past, “What’s Miko got going on with that human Prime kid?”
“What, Jack?” Asked Bulkhead, keeping pace with Boulder, “They’re just friends the last I heard. Why?”
“The Doc was grumbling about something called ‘kahoo ties’, said he heard it from Raf after Jack smashed his face into Miko’s.” Responded Wheeljack, laughing as Bulkhead suddenly fell behind.
“Jack kissed Miko?” Screeched Bulkhead, catching back up with Wheeljack.
“So that’s what it’s called.” Said Wheeljack, as Quickshadow suddenly stopped. The two Wrecker transformed and skidded to a halt, “What’s the hold up?”
“No road.” Said Quickshadow, frowning, “Where’d the Rescue Bots go?”
Bulkhead spotted a human walking towards them, he was wearing a suit like Fowler’s, but he was wearing glasses and looked like he was in a bad mood, “The ships are still an hour out, apparently getting a few ferries is beyond the abilities of the US Navy.”
“I’m sure they can wait a little longer,” Said Wheeljack, crossing his arms, “Blaster didn’t say they were in trouble.”
The agent shook his head and walked away, leaving the Autobots nonchalantly standing waiting for the ships. Once the ships arrived, the Autobots and transports boarded and continued their journey to Griffin Rock Sanctuary.
“They should be in here,” Said Blaster, as he led the humans to the cave, “Unless they’ve all gone into the Axalon.”
A large white Cybertronian stepped out and paused when he saw the Humans, “Warpath, it looks like more humans have arrived!”
“They’re here to evacuate the Island, Jetfire.” Said Blaster, as Warpath, adorned with small, giggling children, came out.
“About time, too.” Grumbled Warpath, as Prowl brushed past him.
“Cody?” Called Prowl, looking around for his charge.
“Over here.” Said Cody, covered in dirt, “We tried excavating the ship.”
“Turns out too much of it buckled when we landed.” Said Afterburner, ripping a piece of metal out of the rock, “It’s a minor miracle that no one was killed.”
“We’ve come to collect everyone,” Said Prowl, kneeling in front of Cody, “The Islanders are going to be put in with the Jasper evacuees, at least until we finish fixing the damage.”
Cody gave a small smile, as the people were led out by the military, each of the Burnses were reunited with their partners, Frankie and her family being placed with an Autobot called Quickshadow. Before long, everyone was on a ship taking them to refuge area that housed other people that had their homes taken by the Decepticons.
“The secrets out.” Said Prowl, standing next to Cody, as the ship rocked, “Humanity as a whole now know that we exist and, subsequently, are demanding to hear from Optimus Prime.”
“What happens now?” Asked Cody, as Quickshadow walked over to him and Prowl, Frankie not far behind.
“Optimus has plans for a joint Human-Autobot community,” Said Prowl, frowning, “he had hoped Griffin Rock would be that community, but obviously that didn’t pan out.”
“In a way,” Said Frankie, stopping next to Cody, “It did, the Autobots that we found in the Sanctuary were able to get help from Humans and vice-versa.”
“Even the mayor warmed up to them.” Laughed Cody, remembering how Kup and thrown a ‘cy-gar’ at the mayor.
“I think that was because he was scared of what Kup would do to him.” Said Frankie, as Jetfire, Afterburner and Blaster flew above them, performing arial displays to keep them entertained.
“Boulder and his human have already started designing the architecture for the community.” Said Quickshadow, as the silence lapsed, “I believe they plan on calling it ‘Autobot City’.”
“Let me guess, they’re going to have Metroplex act as the base for it?” Was Prowl’s sarcastic response.
“I didn’t ask.” Said Quickshadow, “But, it would provide homes for everyone that was affected by Decepticon attacks, past, current and future.”
“Your family could be the responders for that city too.” Said Frankie, giving Cody a nudge.
“I can’t wait to hear what Raf thinks of this.” Smiled Cody, as the ships made it to port.
“You’re going to be seeing him soon,” Said Prowl, transforming, “so, you don’t have to wait long.”
“Can I go with them?” Asked Frankie, looking up at Quickshadow.
Quickshadow shrugged, “It’s Prowl, so you’ll be safe.”
Frankie grinned and climbed into the seat next to Cody, “This is so cool.”
“I believe you’ll get along with Miko.” Said Prowl, driving off the ship.
“This is amazing, Boulder.” Said Graham, looking over the schematics of the City Optimus was building.
“Yeah, Optimus already has Blurr and Salvage helping High Tide with its construction, with the added Bot power coming their way, the City itself should be finished in the next couple of years, especially once Fortress Maximus makes his way over from China.”
“Who?” Asked Graham, confused.
“Sorry,” Apologised Boulder, “Fortress Maximus is like High Tide, except he transforms into a city. He’s one of few Titans left after the War for Cybertron.”
Graham frowned, “How many of the Titans are left?”
“Not including Trypticon, jut Fortress Maximus and High Tide,” Said Boulder, carefully watching the road, “Metroplex sacrificed his spark getting the Ark off of Cybertron and any of the other that left Cybertron are likely to have gone offline from energon depletion.”
“So, Fortress Maximus and High Tide are the last of their kind?” Asked Graham, as Boulder slowed a little.
Boulder’s silence spoke volumes.
Miko sat and spoke with her host parents, as the trucks began to drive into the City that Optimus was having built.
“Whoa,” Gasped her host mother, “it’s massive.”
“Probably so the Autobots can fit inside the buildings.” Dismissed Miko, before spotting a group of Autobots scanning vehicles. A red one with two giant cannons on his arms scanned a GMC Topkick, while one the size of Bulkhead scanned a 4X4, “Ooh, there are Brawn and Ironhide.”
Her host parents looked over and saw the pair of Autobots transform into their alts and join the procession going into the City. The truck they were in came to a halt.
“Alright, kids,” Said Hound, getting their attention, “You have reached your destination, thank you for choosing Autobot Bus service as your method of travel.” Then, without warning, Hound Transformed and looked over the city, “Eh, could use a few drinking places.”
Miko laughed, before spotting a blond-haired boy the same age as Raf.
“Cody!” Yelled Miko, running towards him.
Hound watched Miko run off, when Ironhide threw a pipe at him, “Give us a hand with this, ya ungrateful slacker.”
“Why? Fortress Maximus is going to be here soon.” Muttered Hound, recoiling at Ironhide’s glare.
“I heard that.” Grumbled Ironhide, as he stomped away.
“What crawled up his aft and died?” Asked Hound, looking at Brawn.
“I don’t know, ask Kup.” Grunted Brawn, lifting a piece of metal and walking off with it.
“Is he here yet?” Asked Cody, climbing on top of the wall.
“Fortress Maximus is still an hour out,” Said Prowl, picking Cody up and placing him on his shoulder, “Don’t worry, you’re not going to miss his arrival.”
“It’s a shame that Frankie couldn’t be here for this.” Said Cody, getting comfortable on Prowl.
“He’s early.” Said Blades, suddenly.
Cody and Prowl watched at a fortress on wheels slowly moved towards the City.
“You see that links?” Asked Prowl, pointing to crevices in the city, “That’s where he’s going to be, he’ll serve as our new base of operations and ‘council building’.”
“Noble.” Gasped Cody in awe.
The crowd of Humans and Autobots watched as the fortress guided itself into the holes and locked itself into place. The fortress started transforming, before settling on a series of skyscrapers that where all fused together with the Autobot crest proudly emblazoned on the side.
“Fortress Maximus is online.” Boomed a deep, robotic voice.
A panel dropped down, revealing a group of Autobots, a silver one taking a single step forwards and falling to the ground. There were some screams as his head rolled off. A foul looking Autobot glared at the head, before a smaller bot ran forwards, picked up the head and yelled, “Head lob!”
As if by magic, the headless Autobot jumped up and started chasing the smaller bot.
“I want to feel sorry for Cogman, but seriously, he shouldn’t do that in front of Glyph.” Said Prowl, shaking his head.
“How’s he able to do that?” Asked Cody, looking at his guardian.
“They’re headmasters,” Explained Prowl, “You know High Tide is a Titan Master? A Headmaster is more or less the same thing, except its small robot and head, no extra mode.”
Cody grinned, Ratchet had joined in the chase, no doubt trying to get a tool back from a Mini-Con, “Do you think Bumblebee and his team will join in the celebrations tonight?”
Prowl looked at the fifteen-year-old, “I’m sure they’re already getting ready for it.”
Cody grinned, gripping tightly as Prowl started walking.
Frankie grinned at the sight of the finished Autobot City, a large number to Autobots were already there, most likely the crew of the Axalon, along with Team Prime and the Wreckers. Everywhere was built for Humans and Cybertronians, schools, hospitals, even police stations. Some of the Autobots had left Earth after defeating Megatron, restoring the core of Cybertron and starting to rebuild the formerly dead world.
The Rescue Bots, the crew of the Axalon and some members of Team Prime had opted to remain on Earth. Frankie jumped out of Quickshadow, running inside the new Firehouse, giving a quick greeting to the Rescue Bots, and running to the Command Centre.
Quickshadow waited for Doctor Greene, his wife and youngest daughter to get out before transforming. The spy smirked, “I must say, it’s really shaped up around here.”
“Nice to see you too, Quickshadow.” Said Prowl, nodding at her and going back to his work.
Quickshadow started chuckling, before a loud klaxon sounded throughout the City. Prowl froze, before swearing and yelling, “Autobots, Mobilise! Get all the Humans to the safe zones, The Decepticons are attacking!”
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jd-arts319 · 4 years
Embers of the Phoenix
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Chapter 2:burning wheels 
After the night-Daybreak
Emberblade p.o.v
After what happend that night,I send a message to him,needing to meet up with him soon & talk about last night,however it seems going be hard in this matter hour,I send a message to him that I might be little late to awhile since I'm trapped in a traffic jam.
Hmm,I wonder what he was doing now?,I hope he didn't get into trouble after what happend last night,but I do wonder what he was doing,was he looking for a track for the all spark? Or to send out the message that he finally found what we looking for?
I hope for the latter….oh!the lights turn green!,well can't be late now! I hope I don't keep him waiting too long….
Bumblebee p.o.v 
[I wonder where she had been?],I beeped to myself,I sighed once more since now I had a ping from her,she gonna be late for awhile because of traffic jam!,well I can always play some games I download newly,so maybe that can keep me busy,is a good thing I choose the junkyard…?
I start playing the game I choose as I think about Emberblade,I piss the game & reminces when I first met her,it was vivid but I remember her when she came to my nursery with someone else before & took care of me….
Who knew I would meet her soon?!,but on Earth?! I have so many questions how she got here,well...she did answers some of my other questions easefully but some of the ones I need to know must be hard since,her's was foggy….
But there is one thing i'm able to know about her is from the others,she was descirbe, laid-back,smart,kind,cool but sometimes annoying, irritating & pest,but their who have said her like that tolerate her,but what stunned me the most was optimus…..
I remember ratchet & ironhide told me once that optimus had fell deeply in love with a unique femme,at first I thought it was either elita, causeway,or Lauren,but I was shocked when he said the lady who ahd visited me back then….
It was a very beautiful name for a tough femme,the way he talked almost the same as the others but the tone of his voice was different & his expression,he had look of strong fondness & adoration the same way as…
The same as Emberblade's,the same look & tone when she talks about optimus,well….who knew? If optimus know this I think he will be happy,but I don't know about her….she thinks optimus liked or already in a relationship with one of the three femmes she knew…
Well time will tell for the while…
I heard a honk from my right & saw she was here already,I drove up to her & beeped,[took you long enough…],she then said"my apologies,traffic is a bit suffocating when it was time to work for the day starts..",she then transforms as do I.
We both talks about what happend last night,we both sat down & start getting comfortable,then she asked"what we're you doing last night on the abandon construction site?",I then asnwered"[sending a signal…??]",she then response"to the other Autobots?",I nodded,& nudge her slightly in understanding,she then ask"did you find the coordinates of the all spark?",I nodded "yes",I told her that the coordinates of the all spark was imprine on some object & I told her it leads to the witwicky residents.
She then said"witwicky?..odd…",we both noticed it was almost night & she said"how about we rest here & then you can go back in the morning then?",well I do feel getting tired so I agrred,we both transform & took a recharge,for some reason I feel something is about to happen.
Next morning…
When the sun rose from dawn,both Emberblade & bumblebee got out of recharge, the two decided to prepare to leave soon as possible before any humans found them,so around early of the morning,both transform & quitely left the junkyard.
Afterwards both said their farewells & left on their own way with promise messaging each other now & then,bumblebee soon got back to the house but then Sam saw him & soon starts getting out of the house & runs away by riding his mother's bike, bumblebee seeing this,he immediately chase after him out in panic & messages Emberblade about Sam.
Emberblade hearing the message,immediately made another on the road,following the coordinates of bumblebee,she soon arrives on the road where bumblebee was & then saw a police car with a fimiliar wording"to punish & to enslave".
,"shit!!! Is barricade!!! & He's heading toward where's bumblebee's human driver was!!!!!", I commed bumblebee about barricade,as soon as bumblebee heard her message,he immediately drove faster.
Emberblade followed barricade,she soon followed his tracks & starts gunning at hm,barricade soon saw her on his rear mirror,& growled he starts shooting behind at her
Emberblade soon drive backwards.
Later that night….
After what happend,she commed bumblebee, unfortunately she commed at the wrong time.
When the whole team are done introducing themesleves,bee's comm's beeped
Sam,mikaela & the other's looked at him questionly,he snickered & radioed"what's up bitch?",the bots looked at incredously.
When…"very funny bee…",a soft beautiful voice rang out,all of the bots are stunned & jazz said"I recognized that voice!!!!...",then ironhide said"could it be…!?!?",then a soft,gentle deep,voice of optimus said the name of femme he longing for…"Emberblade…..",the voice on the other side of the comm was quite for a minute & said in a quivering yet joyful voice"orion?!,is that you!?".
Optimus prime p.o.v
I couldn't believe it,it was her!!!!,I thought I lost her…
We are currently driving into sam's house as we speak but i couldn't stop thinking it…
The femme I love & yearning for was alive….this whole time….
I remember,when jazz told me that the council asked for Emberblade & needed her help,& then... some cycles ago,some of the survivors of the one that Emberblade saved said something that forever will hunt me for orns….
Agate,a female wrecker told me that she ends up chasing at the all spark,& when they try to track her signal…..it disappeared,as if…..she vanish to thin air….
I was numb….i was deviatsated,the femme who I grew fond of & to love,was gone….
But I couldn't let it get to me,because I know she didn't want to see me like this,so I remain strong,hoping that's one day….i would see her again..
& When that day came,I was relieve...I knew she was alive...she was okay…
We soon arrives at our destination & we transformed,while Sam was talking to his sire,I saw a glimpse of fimiliar,navy/dark blue truck with blue flames,then we couldn't wait any longer we got into his home,she too transformed & she saw me & gave me that beautiful smile of hers,she just stayed outside.
Then the power went out,I saw ratchet may have damaged the power cables,I heard her snickered,then we heard Sam about not destroy anything else & we transformed back to our vehicle mode,she did too.
That's when some black SUV's came,she along with us immediately backs away & when the "sector 7"took them,we followed Emberblade came driving besides me & when we got to side of where the bridge was,we all transform.
We notice that we arrive ahead of them,so ratchet asked"optimus what are we gonna do? How do we stop them?",I was thinking how but when I finally got an idea how, Emberblade says"they're almost here!!!!",we saw the arriving suv's.
Soon I put my plan in action & jumped infront of the unsuspecting vans & stopped where Sam & his mate was,I was upset & tore off the hood,soon I demanded them to get out of the car,even telling them taking the two was a bad move.
After relieving their weapons we interigorated them.
Jazz p.o.v
While optimus interigorated them,I looked at the truck femme,I admit she was a beauty,smooth face,bright teal optics,& plump lips,her optics shines like a gem!!! Dang, guess why now optimus fell for her,let's not forget her exotic body of hers~~~
Well I shouldn't oggling on her,she already got the leader pinning on her anyway…
Oh well...buuuut I could always play matchmaker after this!!!!
3rd p.o.v
Before it could go any further,helicopters starts coming in & soon all of them transform immediately & starts driving aways but before that optimus told them what to do while he starts running away.
Emberblade followed suit after,both soon got into another bridge both hide underneath,however soon mikaela slips & Sam catches her,but the two fell, Ember saw this & catches them but she too fell, unfortunately bumblebee came & there the helicopter s soon surrounded them along with the other humans,using the hooks while being sprayed by a gas.
Optimus could only watch as the two beings he clearly care for the most was being taken away, Ember was struggling who she called out for bumblebee,after they are gone.
He gets down & felt his spark gone numb,he clench his servos into a fist as the other bots soon transform,he saw the glasses & took it.
Soon afterwards,daybreak came & all of them stood infront of a white building as they talked about what happens last night.
At hover dam….
All Ember could remember was lights,smokes,bumblebee being hooked &....dark
She onlined her optics soon after she noticed she was in a room,she looked around & saw she was chained up.
When she tries to budge them off,someone came in & soon she realize it was Simmons,he was talking something about managing capturing them & what not,she recognize him before..she remembers about edmund mentioning an accquintance of his before.
He soon leaves the room with another elder human,while she was left alone, however the elder human soon notice she was awake,but kept his mouth shut but he did sign to her something.
I know edmund,he mentioned about you,don't sorry we'll get you out soon enough
Emberblade could only hope because not only the all spark is here…..
Megatron was here too…
Transformers @hasbro & paramount
Emberblade & Agate @me
Next chapt will be come up soon
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amosbrittany · 5 years
Shattered Chapter 1
Disclaimer : I don’t own Transformers Animated or any characters for that matter.
Notes : I haven’t done fanfiction, let alone TF based, in ages. And never for TFA, So I don’t really know what the hell I’m doing but what the hell, I’m going for it. lol I took quite a few liberties, pulling bits from various continuities to build this sucker.
Warnings : I have a tendency to put characters through hell. Violence and character death this chapter. Eventual Optimus/Sentinel, Megatron/Ultra Magnus, Bumblebee/Blitzwing, Jazz/Prowl and Ratchet/Pharma.
Summary : The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but Sentinel’s latest stunt might just kill them all...or worse.
The Fringes had to be the worst possible place to put a space bridge. On the very edge of Autobot territory, it took a regular beating from the Decepticons and even anti-Cybertronian organics. Crews came and went during its construction and maintenance, at times never making it back to Cybertron at all. For the most part, the disappearances were blamed on the Cons. It was a dangerous assignment that wasn't helped in the slightest if the crew assigned were full of incompetent or delinquent workers,  which was typically the case as no one with a whole procoessor would settle for the post.
Sentinel Prime knew Alpha Trion  sent him out here in particular as punishment, pure and simple. After the unmitigated fiasco Megatron's trial had been, he'd not only lost his position as Magnus but as second-in-command as well. He was bumped all the way down to repair duty with a group of fools and sent off to the Fringes. Naturally, he was angry. He was angry with the Decepticons for living up to their cursed name, at Alpha Trion, and at Optimus for not only upstaging him with the Powermaster armor but for taking his job afterward. He was humiliated and bitter. His team didn't help make the situation much better.
There were four other bots on the large rockbound base with him. Broadside was one of few triple changers in their ranks who could turn into a plane and a sea craft...but he was deathly afraid of both heights and water. Sentinel had no idea how that was feasibly possible, but he imagined the bot would have a spark attack on Earth when the rain came. Second was Landfill, and despite being a decent soldier and overall nice guy, he lived up to his name. Quite literally. Sentinel had no idea where the stench was emanating from on the mech's person and it was almost insulting that the mech couldn't pick it up himself. The whole team kept a wide distance from him at all times. Sentinel knew he could be whiny at times himself, but Huffer took the oil cake. He took the oil cake and complained the whole time he ate it at that. He avoided literally everything difficult, whining about it for good measure and he was the most likely bot Sentinel was going to throttle one day.
The only member of the team worth anything was the medic and truth be told, Sentinel had major concerns about the mech. Dark rumors from Delphi on Messatine followed this bot after his experimental jet upgrades following the success of the twins. Pharma had apparently glitched in the processor and hard from the procedures, not only setting a plague loose on the facility, but sawing a Decepticon defector that recently joined their ranks in half. Length ways. After some orbital cycles under intensive therapy, the doctor was cleared for limited duty and shipped off with him out to the Fringes, away from the good people of Cybertron in case he lost it again. There were a few times the Prime caught his medic giggling in an alarming manner and even talking to himself, so Sentinel wasn't entirely comfortable with his presence. But Pharma was the best in the field, so he prayed it panned out well for them.
"Can you not figure out why Landfill stinks so bad? What kind of doctor are you?" Huffer whined, shaking Sentinel out of his thoughts rudely. They stood gathered at the base of the space bridge, surveying the damage recently wrought by an agitated Deception that had attacked in passing.
"Last time I checked, it was my job to make sure you don't offline and continue to function optimally...Not help you smell like fragging rosewood." Pharma hissed, brandishing an inactive saw in place of his left hand at the minibot. "And if you don't shut up, I will ram this up your tail pipe and turn it on!"
Sentinel snorted. At least he didn't have to babysit the doctor.  He glanced up at the patchwork space bridge, the south pole smoking the hit and run. It happened frequently and it was damned annoying. "Could you all just pipe down so we can fix this and get it over with?" He scowled at the rest of the team.
"But...But that's so high up..." Broadside frowned.
"Oh for frag's sake..." Pharma rolled his optics, hands thrown in the air. "You have a plane alt-mode. What is your malfunction?!"
"At least it isn't as bad as yours-" Sentinel could appreciate Huffer's brave attempt at snark, but the screaming that followed it as the jet transformed and proceeded to run the minibot down in retaliation just ground further on his nerves.
Landfill called from a few yards away. "Permission to come closer?"
"Permission denied." Sentinel grumbled. "Go, I don't know...Scout the area or something, make sure the Cons don't set anything unwelcome up."
"SIR YES SIR!" Obviously happy to have his orders, the truck changed forms and drove off to scout around. The asteroid was sizable, so it would almost be a mega cycle before he swung back their way.
After knocking Huffer violently into a hole that would likely take him a few cycles to climb out of, Pharma returned to the pair, gracefully transforming as he dropped down. If the slagger wasn't so crazy, Sentinel would be tempted to talk him into a casual frag or two. He was quite the piece of optic candy, the only piece available really. But the jet prattled on in the worst way about Ratchet of all people, so he doubted he would have much luck. "Enjoy yourself? Because we have work to do." Sentinel grumbled.
"I'm a medic, not a mechanic." Pharma groused back, examining his fingertips.
"It's the same damn thing." The Prime held up his hand as his comment almost earned him a scathing lecture about the differences. "I don't want to hear it. Get this scaredy-bot up there somehow and take care of it while I get Huffer! And that's an order if you need clarification!"
He ignored as Pharma acted like he asked him to move the moon, turning away in favor of fishing Huffer out of his hole so they could get to work at the base of the structure. Beyond the upkeep of the space bridge, which would be their way home in case things went south where they were, he couldn't be bothered with improvements to the troops. They were good soldiers, for the most part, but personality flaws were a pain in the aft to try and work over. Besides, he didn't necessarily mind so long as the work got done, his mind was elsewhere anyway. All he could think about were his recent failures and how he was going to get back up in the ranks, at least enough to get positioned back on Cybertron. It was glaringly obvious Optimus would be following in Ultra Magnus's footsteps and he doubted the golden mech was going anywhere any time soon.
Sentinel sighed to himself, crouching at the edge of the hole for a moment. He was finding it hard to stay angry at Optimus, at least a little. Of course, the business with Elita-1 was always at the heart of his ire, but somehow seeing what she had become and the horrible things she was out there doing like what happened to Wasp had tempered it. When Optimus had taken Megatron down and brought the remaining Decepticons back to Cybertron, he had to admit his old friend looked like he had been dragged through the slag pits. He found it hard to imagine what it was like in that battle and he sometimes wondered if he would have had as much mettle to duke it out with the tyrant in the fragging air as he had. The disgraced Prime wasn't exactly a slouch in combat simulations, but he wasn't nearly as battle-hardened as Optimus. His optics flickered thoughtfully, coming out of his musings when he realized he wasn't absently listening to Huffer complain. "Huffer?"
The hole was empty. Turning on his headlights to examine the small pit better, it looked to turn into a tunnel that dipped down after a solid foothold. He could even see where Huffed had hit the edge and likely slid his way deeper into the asteroid. Sentinel let out a long, suffering sigh. Now he had to go searching for the little pest.
<Good job, Pharma. You knocked him Primus knows where.> Sentinel scowled as he climbed down into the hole.
<Well, I say good riddance.>
<That tower better be patched by the time I drag him out.> His threat was answered with some mild grumbling. After reaching the foothold, he slid down into the tunnel, sliding for several yards before he was struck by an odd sense of vertigo. His HUD exploded with warnings on a somewhat muffled and unknown energy reading that was turning his systems on their head. Sentinel grimaces, digging his fingers into the rock to stop himself. 'Woah, that's not right...' His knees shook as he tried to collect himself. He noticed there were spidery veins of glowing violet embers visible in the cracks and further down, there were large chunks of what reminded him of raw crystallized energon that grew in abundance deeper in. Tank churning, Sentinel hurriedly climbed his way back out, thankful that getting topside cleared up his readings.
"Ugh..." Sentinel shook his head, glancing back. <Pharma, what the hell is underground in this rock?>
<How am I supposed to know? I'm a doctor. DOC-TOR. Not a digger. Landfill is the geologist specialist. Why?>  After Sentinel explained what he ran into, Pharma sounded far too fascinated for his taste. <Odd. I don't suppose you brought a sample back out with you, did you?>
<Frag no. You think I want to touch that stuff?> Sentinel made a face. Of course, now they had a new problem. <Huffer, come in.> There was silence from the minibot. <We can't leave him down there...Whatever is down there.>
<Well, I'm not going down there and getting my circuits fried. They're already bad enough as it is...>
The Prime ran a servo over his face, sighing. No, he didn't need Pharma going postal on them. Resting his elbow into his servo, he gently tapped the knuckles of his free servo against his chin as he considered what to do. There weren't many reports on the innards of the large asteroid they were on, the ones there were mostly belonged to the teams who never survived their assignment and even then, there wasn't much to them. The reports got progressively more erratic prior to their stopping completely. Given what he felt when he was down there, Sentinel mused whether the energy from the crystals had been a bigger problem than realized. It was a suspicion he was going to have to put in his report.
Pharma and Broadside returned to him. "...Well?" The medic crossed his arms, head tilted.
"...I guess we're leaving him down there." Sentinel frowned. It wasn't a great call, but he didn't want the whole team to be the next crew to go MIA. That wouldn't look good for him. "If he's all right, he'll find his way out."
"And if he's not...?" Broadside didn't look pleased.
"Then...we'll...send a report he went missing. If we find him, we find him...But I'm not sending anyone down there and don't even think about arguing with me about it. I don't know what the frag is down there and I don't really want to. It felt all kinds of wrong."
"But you're just going to leave Huffer down there?" The triple changer pressed before he glowered at Pharma. "And what about him? This psychopath was the one who knocked him in there in the first place!"
"In my defense, I thought it was a simple hole." Pharma sniffed.
Sentinel shook his head. "No one is going down there till we have more information, now let's deal with the rest of these repairs. And Primus willing, the Cons will let us call it a solar cycle."
Sentinel returned to the Axalon after sending Broadside and Pharma out to hunt for Landfill when the truck never returned to the post. They'd never had an issue with someone patrolling around alone until now. It left the Prime uncertain if it was at all connected with Huffer's disappearance...or those of past crews. It was possible the bot could have been picked off by the Decepticons, but then Sentinel was sure Landfill would have called for backup if that were the case. He went digging into the base's old files as he compiled his own report, pausing when it sounded like company had joined him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Pharma.
And only Pharma.
"...Please tell me you didn't kill Broadside." Sentinel muttered flatly.
The medic gave him an offended look. "No. I did not. He ran off on his own, thank you very much."
"And why did you not stay with him?" He demanded in exasperation.
"Because the daft fragger decided to take a cave tunnel down to go look for that idiot Huffer. That's why." Pharma scowled back at him. "I started to follow him in, when I started to feel what you described and heard voices so I decided to backtrack and report in. This infernal rock is probably layered with particular metals and stone that keep the underground contained below because he wasn't responding to his infernal comm-link after I backed out of the cave."
Well, that explained why Huffer hadn't answered him. But something was bothering him about this situation. Something was putting a bad twist in his tank. "...Lock down the Axalon." Pharma gave him a perplexed look before he shrugged and the two of them set about doing so. Once the ship was sealed off, he felt only somewhat better.
"What is with you...?"
"Not sure...I just have this feeling there is something weird going on and it's bugging the hell out of me."
Pharma frowned, scratching his chin thoughtfully. He supposed his Prime had a point. There was something unsettling about their team's disappearances. He had a feeling even a brief exposure to whatever was below ground had helped unnerve them. "You know..." Pharma began thoughtfully, looking out the bridge window. "The Decepticons never really touch down here or properly engage. It's always passing aerial strikes. Do you suppose they are wary of the asteroid?"
Sentinel's optics flickered with surprise at how he had never considered that. "That...would make sense. I mean if anyone would know these parts...It would be the Decepticons. But..." He frowned. He didn't want to try and communicate with a Con again. It would look bad, especially after the last time he had struck a deal with one. Of course, losing three of his four team members was pretty bad too. But maybe he could get answers without completely damning himself. He pulled up the communications array and started to ring up Cybertron. Pharma gave him a curious look but stayed quiet as the line was opened with high command. Sentinel sighed as he found Optimus staring back at him.
"Sentinel...?" The SIC seemed a little surprised to be hearing from him since all of his reports were in file format and he generally let Pharma deal with the talking. It was hard enough just looking at him and seeing just a bit of the Elite Guard badge on his shoulder.
"I'm going to cut to the chase, Optimus." Sentinel completely skipped over pleasantries. He hadn't wanted to make this call but he had little choice. "Earlier this solar cycle, one of my men took a tumble down a tunnel. When I attempted to retrieve him, my systems were assaulted by a strange energy source, so the retrieval was aborted. Landfill who was sent out on a scouting assignment has not returned. I sent Broadside and Pharma to look for him, but they found nothing and Broadside decided to venture underground to find Huffer. Pharma attempted to go with him, but was assaulted by the same queer energy and reported back. We can't contact them and they've-"
"Oh look, there's Huffer!" Pharma piped up cheerfully.
"Uhh..." The Prime's faceplate heated up as he glowered at the jet, paying the amused look Optimus gave him no mind. He stood to look over the console, seeing the minibot. But his gait was...off and he had an odd, distinct violet glow emanating from his biolights. Pharma took his pedes off the console and leaned forward for a better look himself.
The SIC called to them. "Sentinel? Is it Huffer? Is he all right?"
"Well, he looks kind of funny-" Not that he wasn't built funny for a minibot to begin with but something was quite off now. But neither of the bots had much time to contemplate the differences as the short mech launched himself into the air and threw himself into the windshield. Pharma shrieked, falling back out of his seat and Sentinel staggered back in shock. Huffer's faceplate was twisted in a ghoulish visage of hateful rage as he proceeded to pound on the thick glass, quickly causing the material to crack under his blows. The Prime cursed as he accidentally dented his leg on his chair to get back, drawing his shield and lance out while engaging his face visor. "Pharma, behind me!"
"SENTINEL! What's going on?!" Optimus looked alarmed, unable to see anything but their panicked faceplates and their defensive positioning.
Pharma scrambled to get behind him as he backed further along the bridge. The windshield gave out under the minibot's assault. Sentinel tensed as the small fragger charged them, faster than he thought Huffer capable, if that even was Huffer. As the minibot lunged at him, mouth open wide with gnarled denta, the Prime struck out, driving his lance straight in. The smaller bot went rigid and twitched, speared through on the energy lance, momentarily stunned. Sentinel relaxed slightly before tensing anew as Huffer tried to drag himself towards him along the lance, as if it was a mere inconvenience at worst. The roar of a chainsaw made him jump as Pharma darted forward and pressed the saw into the minibots's head, tearing the helm apart. Violet goo spattered everywhere as the body finally went still, limbs dropping. Sentinel threw his lance down, stepping back from the speared body in horror.
"Good lord..." The medic murmured, his plates shaking. He turned off the saw, shaking off the foreign fluids. They looked over at the communication array where Optimus was just gaping at them in shock. Pharma turned to Sentinel. "He broke through the bloody window..."
That blatant observation jarred him out of his stupified state. "YA THINK?!" Sentinel sqawked back at him.
"What the hell did I just see..." Optimus's optics flickered.
Pharma crouched by Huffer, nudging him onto his back for a better look. Shards of violet were embedded under several cables, his denta were shattered as if he had been chewing on something hard and volatile, and violet goo oozed from the wounds they had inflicted to his frame. He could, however faintly, pick up on that same wrong energy they had felt from the caverns below. That feel of unease returned anew. "I don't know, Optimus Prime...But I think you should send us back-up. Immediately. Because I have a feeling Broadside and Landfill might be returning much the same way very soon."
It looked for a moment that he had lost his ability to process let alone vocalize, but Optimus regained his wits as he nodded grimly. "Understood. We'll be there asap!"
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the-delta-42 · 3 years
In Plain Sight Ch. 1
In Plain Sight
Chapter 1: Autobot
Fortune scowled at the Autobots around her, after seeing Starscream execute a ship full of neutrals, she’d been questioning her place amongst the Decepticons. She’d been a gladiator in the pits of Kaon, she’d earnt her name by winning her battles through ‘luck’. It wasn’t luck, she had an advanced battle processor.
She was small, silent, fast and deadly. She was built for war and when tensions died down, she’d been tossed aside, left to rust and perish. Then she’d met Megatron, the revolutionary leader that Cybertron needed, he already had the loyal following of Soundwave, Shockwave and Starscream. Ironhide, Deadlock and Jetfire both deserted to join the Autobots, and Fortune had cursed them to the pit for what she saw a cowardice.
Now she was making that same choice herself, she stood before the gates of Iacon and stared. Megatron was about to interrogate a scout that had been captured, Bumblebee if she remembered correctly, and when he had made his intentions known, Fortune fired on her Lord. Saving the scout but damning herself in the process.
Bumblebee was speaking with a red and blue Mech, while a rose-coloured Femme stood not far away. The Mech approached her and Fortune noticed that she was roughly half his size.
“Fortune,” Said the Mech, his voice deep and rumbling, “Bumblebee has informed me of your wish to defect.”
“It’s not like I have a choice, is it?” Snarked Fortune, “Seeing that I shot my Lord in defence of the bugs skid plates.”
“Bumblebee has also told me that you have been questioning your place amongst the Decepticons for some time.” Continued the Mech, as if Fortune never spoke.
Fortune didn’t say anything, only grasping her right arm with her left hand and looked resolutely at the ground. The Femme that had been talking to Bumblebee had made her way over to the Mech.
“What’s your name, young one?” Asked the Femme, stopping next to the Mech.
“Everyone calls me Fortune.” Said Fortune, locking optics with the Femme.
“But what’s your name?” Said the Femme, stressing the ‘your’.
“LB-14.” Said Fortune, looking down.
“She’s a Warrior, Prime,” Came Ironhide’s voice, “She was in the Pits.”
The Mech, Prime, slowly looked from Ironhide to Fortune, “LB-14, we Autobots are not Soldiers designed for war, anyone with battle experience and training is absolutely necessary to our cause.”
“Why?” Asked Fortune, tilting her helm, “Lord Megatron told everyone about how you stole the Matrix from the Core of Cybertron, Lord Prime.”
“What’s with this whole ‘Lord’ scrap?” Asked a red mech with horns.
“Lord Prime is of Higher station.” Said Fortune, as Prime stiffened.
“Your Spark was forged during the Quintesson War,” Said Prime, his voice light with wonder, “You’ve probably been in stasis until recently.”
“If by ‘recently’ you mean a good couple of thousand stellar cycles before this war kicked off, then yeah, I was.” Snapped Fortune, scowling at Prime.
“Perhaps introductions are in order, LB-14,” Said Prime, looking down at her, “I am Optimus Prime, these are my chief Lieutenants, Ratchet, Ironhide, Jazz, Prowl, Bumblebee, Blaster and Elita-One.”
Fortune looked around, already knowing most of their names from intelligence files she’d snagged from Soundwave, “Where’s Jetfire? Since he’s the only known Autobot that can fly.”
“Jetfire has been sent on a mission at my request.” Said Optimus, starting to turn, “Cliffjumper, could you please find CN-15?”
Cliffjumper, the red Mech with horns, nodded and left.
“Why didn’t you just order him to do that?” Asked Fortune, frowning, “You’re the Prime, literally the King or Emperor or whatever our fragging head of state is called.”
“If I do not present my comrades with the respect and kindness, I expect them to show to others, I would not be a good leader.” Said Optimus, as Cliffjumper returned with a black Mech with bright green optics.
“LB!” Yelled CN-15, rushing towards her and pulling her into a crushing hug, “I thought you’d been offlined!”
“Why would you think that?” Asked Fortune, as the spikes on CN’s helm tilted downwards.
“Megatron’s been hunting us all down, one by one, some, Like HM-12 and QB-18, have joined him and those that didn’t, like RR-16 and JT-01 were killed, I only survived because the Autobots found me before the Decepticons did.” Said CN-15, as Fortune’s wings flopped downwards.
“H-how’d you find out?” Asked Fortune, unable to believe that the Lord she’d served faithfully had murdered her brethren.
“A security recording from RR-16 was recovered.” Said CN-15, “I got in contact with the other two and they tricked me into meeting with them. Megatron was there and he demanded I bow down to him. I refused, the only reason I’m still alive is because of Bumblebee.”
Fortune felt a hand on her shoulder, Ratchet started to guide her to the Medical Bay, “I want to run a complete diagnostic on you, Primus knows what those ‘medics’ in the pits did for you.”
Fortune looked down at herself, the black with red splotches looked wrong now.
“Could you, could you also see about changing my colour?” Asked Fortune, making Ratchet freeze for a moment.
“Jazz, we may need your assistance!” Yelled Ratchet, as Jazz rushed to them.
“Sweet!” Cheered Jazz, as he and Ratchet disappeared with the Femme.
The war had consumed Cybertron, leading to Optimus to order all Autobots to leave Cybertron and search for the All Spark, which had been launched into space at the start of the war. LB-14 and CN-15 joined Optimus and the other members of Team Prime in searching the stars for the cube. LB-14 had struck up a powerful friendship with Elita-One, eventually seeing her as a sister she never had. Elita had been offlined in the wars final days, she’d been expecting a sparkling. LB had met three of the four younglings Optimus and Elita had, the eldest being Skyfyre, she’d taken command of the femme taskforce when her Carrier was offlined, Ultimus, who’d taken command of the Wreckers, and Tempest, who’d taken her carriers place as the commanding officer over the guardian sentinels that were now all destroyed, save for one. The oldest of the four, LB had met back when she was a Decepticon, he’d sided with Megatron, taking to calling himself Nemesis or something along those lines.
Since Optimus and Elita’s eldest had turned his back on his family, Ultimus had been chosen to take his place as the one to replace Optimus when his time came.
LB was drawn from her musing when a light flash from the Earth.
“Bumblebee has found the boy.” Said Ironhide, shifting his weight, as the other Autobots started for the pods, “This better be worth it.”
LB hopped into her pod, CN getting into the one next to her.
“Everyone remember their directives,” Said Optimus, as the Autobots nodded, “LB-14 and CN-15 are to rendezvous with Hot Rod in France, Arcee, Cliffjumper and Bulkhead are to set up a base for us while the rest of us will join up with Bumblebee and retrieve the cube.”
LB and CN nodded and plotted coordinates for Paris.
“Stay safe, Soldiers.” Said Optimus, as they launched towards Earth, “Move out.”
Alya quietly seethed as Chloe sauntered away to that stupid yellow car her ‘daddy’ bought her. Nino gently guided Alya away from the blonde-haired she-demon that cropped up a few months back. Alya was so busy fuming, she didn’t see the meteor falling to the Earth. Alya suddenly felt Nino grab her and pull her to the side, just as the meteor hit the school.
Everyone stared at the hole in the front of the school, Alya thought she heard a scream and ran inside, Nino calling after her. Another meteor clipped the roof of the school, before impacting on the playing field.
Alya skidded to a stop at the sight of the meteor, and the source of the scream, Alix was crouched near the meteor, curled into a ball. Alya heard Nino slip on the stones behind her, both made their way over to Alix, carefully guiding her out of the small area she’d been hiding in. The three teens froze as they heard a cracking sound, all knowing that it was the ceiling and, as a result, the floor above them. There was a snap, and the three teens were in a pair of giant metal hands. Two bright blue eyes looked down at them.
“Tvg lfg lu sviv!” Yelled the owner of the hands, throwing the teenagers out of the wreck.
It was a giant robot that was red with black dots decorating its armour. The robot carefully made it’s way to the court yard, where it then produced a gun and fire some shots through the ceiling, before climbing out of the hole it made.
LB was berating herself; her orders were to land somewhere out of sight, not crash into a building and reveal herself to three locals. She carefully lowered herself to the ground and looked around for a vehicle to scan, she froze when she spotted one, a red sports car that had a black and white stripe running from the bonnet to the boot.
LB scanned the car and transformed, before driving off to the agreed coordinates to meet with CN-15 and Hot Rod.
A black sports car with green highlight drew level with her.
“Low profile, huh?” Asked CN-15, getting a growl from LB-14.
“I mis-judged my trajectory when I entered the atmosphere, okay?” Retorted LB-14, as they approached the alley that Hot Rod was waiting for them in.
“What happened?” Asked Hot Rod, ducking behind an abandoned building as fire engines raced past.
“We got our trajectory wrong on entry, we may have made a bit of a scene.” Said LB, joining Hot Rod in robot mode.
CN-15 transformed and looked around, making sure they weren’t spotted.
“We have some humans for you to stay with,” Said Hot Rod, pulling up a map, “LB-14, you’ll be going to the Dupain-Cheng’s, CN-15, you’ll be going to the Agreste’s. Prime didn’t explain your presence to us, but the Order has made accommodations as well as charges.”
LB-14 made note of the Dupain-Cheng’s location, before transforming and driving there. LB internally winced at the sight of the school and the massive hole in the front of it. She activated her holo-form and entered the bakery, looking up as a bell rang.
“Hello, how can we help you today?” Asked a short, kind faced Asian woman, looking at Marinette.
“I’m looking for the Dupain-Chengs,” Said LB, looking around, “A… colleague said that I’d be expected here.”
“I take it you were the one who put that hole in the school.” Said the woman, getting a wince from LB, “I’m Sabine, Hot Rod said you’d be arriving.”
“I’m LB-14.” Said LB, getting a slight frown from Sabine.
“I assume that you’re the sports car out our front.” Said Sabine, making LB turn and look at her vehicle mode, which was surrounded by teenagers taking pictures of it.
“I can move.” Said LB, before Sabine stopped her.
“No, we don’t have self-driving cars here and your hologram is too young to be driving.” Said Sabine, just as one of the teens produced a key and scraped it across the cars paint work.
LB-14 stiffened, before her holoform flickered and the alarm started blaring, making the group of teenagers run away. LB went outside and checked the damage, silently cursing under her breath. Sabine walked out and looked at the scratch mark.
“I’m certain my mother-in-law can fix it without a problem.” Said Sabine, carefully guiding LB back into the shop.
CN-15 watched as Gabriel and Emilie argued.
“He can’t stay in the house, otherwise people are going to ask where a teenager came from.” Said Gabriel, before CN looked over at Emilie.
“I just don’t think that the garage is warm enough.” Countered Emilie, before CN intervened.
“Mrs. Agreste, I’m not one to complain about temperature, in fact the only time I’d ever feel cold is if I was in this planet’s polar region.” Said CN, making Gabriel look triumphant, “Besides, LB and I are waiting on further orders from Prime.”
“Who?” Asked Gabriel, frowning.
“LB-14 and I are here on orders from our leader, Optimus Prime.” Said CN-15, as a red Ferrari drove up the drive.
The Ferrari got within a few feet of the group, before transforming into robot mode. LB-15 looked at a scratch on her arm, before scowling.
“I’ve already decided, I don’t like this world.” Said LB, her scowl deepening.
“Why, what happened?” Asked CN, looking at his partner.
LB raised her arm to show him the scratch, “Some meat bag scratched me!”
CN was silent, before looking in her optics, “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, that was my reaction too!” Exclaimed LB, walking in circles.
“What are we going to do about the humans?” Asked CN, making LB stop.
“They completely slipped my mind.” Confessed the femme, looking embarrassed.
“We need to alert Optimus, perform some semblance of damage control.” Continued CN, making LB wince.
“Really?” Asked LB, looking indignant.
“I’ll deal with the boy; I suggest you handle the girls.” Said CN, his logic circuits already taking control.
“Then what?” Asked LB, frowning, “Prime would want us to report on the children, and if any Decepticons saw us with them.”
“Prime’s rendezvousing with Bumblebee and other members of his team.” Said CN, starting to contact Optimus.
“Prime, we have a little problem.” Said CN-15, as LB-14 winced.
Alya looked up at the hole in the front of the school, the robot from the day before still on her mind. Alya lurched forwards, as Chloe sauntered past her, smirking. Her bright yellow Lamborghini sticking out like a sore thumb. Two more sports cars pulled up, one a black and green Lamborghini and the other a red and black Ferrari. Alya squinted and spotted the strange face symbol on both of them. The same symbol had been present on the robot’s shoulder. In the blink of an eye, two teenagers were standing in front of the cars, appearing out of thin air.
Alya bit back and gasp, as the girl looked straight at her and mouthed, “Stay there.”
Within a couple of seconds, both teens were standing either side of Alya, the girl frowned and looked around.
“Where are the other two?” Asked the girl, her voice identical to the robots.
Alya didn’t say anything, silently panicking, thinking the two had come to silence her before she could tell anyone.
“Alya?” Asked Ms. Bustier, approaching the three, the boy and girl looking at the teacher, “Oh, I didn’t realise we had some new students today, I’m Ms. Bustier.”
“Adrien.” Said the boy.
“Marinette.” Said the girl.
“Do either of you have surnames, or shall I just call you Marinette and Adrien?” Asked Ms. Bustier, as she guided the three towards her classroom. Alya quickly made her way to her seat, while ‘Marinette’ and ‘Adrien’ were left standing at the front of the classroom, while Ms. Bustier checked the register.
“It seems you two aren’t fully enrolled yet, but” Said Ms. Bustier, as both hidden Autobots groaned, “I’m sure the Principle won’t have a problem with you sitting in on today’s lessons.”
Marinette immediately clocked Alya, as well as the bespectacled boy from yesterday, before spotting the pink haired girl as well. Marinette sat herself next to Alya, while Adrien dropped himself into the seat next the spectacled boy.
“Hey, I’m Nino.” Said the boy, holding his fist out to Adrien.
“Adrien.” Said Adrien, before looking at the fist. After a moment, Adrien wrapped his hand around the fist and shook it.
Marinette leaned towards Alya and whispered, “We need to talk, urgently.”
Alya paled, feeling that whoever, or whatever, Marinette was, she knew she wouldn’t take no for an answer. Marinette twisted in her seat, looking around the classroom, her eyes pausing on a Vietnamese boy who looked familiar, as if she’d seen him on Cybertron.
The day, for Alya, passed far too quickly, why did it have to be Friday?
Adrien and Marinette lead Alya and Nino behind the school, unknowingly having Kim and Alix follow them. Nino stared at the two cars, confused, while Alya had started crying.
“What’s that thing you’re doing with your face-plates?” Asked Marinette, confused.
“W-we won’t tell anyone!” Wept Alya, making Marinette understand what she thought they meant.
“We’re not going to kill you.” Said Marinette, just as she flickered out of existence, Adrien doing the same the next second.
Nino jumped back, while Alya fell backwards, before the two cars started shifting their parts and, a second later, two robots stood before them, one male and one female.
“Whoa.” Said Nino, as the red one knelt down.
“Hey, we aren’t going to harm you,” Said the female robot, “It’s, kinda, against the rules. I’m LB-14, this is my partner, CN-15.”
Alya took several deep breaths, the two robots looking down at her and Nino.
“LB, what, like Ladybug?” Asked Alya, after calming down and climbing to her feet.
“What?” Asked LB, before CN-15 snorted.
“Ladybug, suits you.” Said CN, his laughter starting to shake his frame.
“What does CN stand for?” Asked Nino, making CN-15 look down.
“It’s my designation, my name.” Explained CN, frowning.
“Well, if she gets a new name, you should get one too.” Said Nino, frowning, “You’re black and I think Lamborghini’s purr… Chat Noir!”
Ladybug started laughing, as CN thought it over.
“Chat Noir… I like it!” Said Chat Noir, his optics brightening.
“Whoa, you came back!” Yelled Alix, running forwards, leaving Kim behind.
Ladybug’s optics zeroed on the other human, before he flickered out, “Oh, slag.”
“What?” Asked Chat, looking at the Femme.
“That extra human was a holoform!” Cried Ladybug, starting to run to the mouth of the alley.
Just as she did, a light brown jeep tore into the area, before transforming and tackling both Ladybug and Chat Noir.
“You won’t believe how happy I am to see you guys!” Yelled the mech, laughing.
“RS-17?” Asked Ladybug, tilting her head.
“Oh, yeah, I’ve been going by King Monkey now, you know,” Said King Monkey, grinning, “new start, new me.”
“This is going to be a headache.” Said Ladybug, frowning, before looking up, “I’ll contact Optimus, until then, everyone pick a partner and stay with them.”
King Monkey immediately grabbed Alix, while Chat picked up Nino.
“I guess you’re with me.” Said Ladybug, collapsing into her sports car alt.
Alya nodded, climbing into the passenger seat of the car. The three Autobots drove out of the alley, unknowingly being watched by Chloe Bourgeois.
“Where are we going?” Asked Alya, as she shifted uncomfortably in the seat.
“We’re taking you to our base, where we’ll then receive transport to take you to our leader.” Said Ladybug, as the three Autobots pulled into the driveway of the Agreste home. The driveway lowered its end, creating a ramp for the Autobots to go down into. Alya tried not to gape at the sight of the humans, and some other robots, in an underground base.
“The funny thing is, this isn’t our main base,” Said Ladybug, as Alya rubbed her eyes, “Ratchet, we’re ready for a bridge.”
A swirling green vortex appeared before them and the Autobots drove through.
Ladybug, Chat Noir and King Monkey all stopped, allowing their charges to step put before transforming. Alya looked around, she counted eight more Autobots, all of varying sizes. The tallest, a red a blue male looking robot, stepped forwards.
“Are these the humans that you encountered, LB-14?” Asked the robot, his voice deep and full of wisdom.
“Yes, sir.” Said Ladybug, shifting slightly.
“Ladybug actually saved up.” Said Nino, getting the robot to look at him.
“I’m sorry, ‘Ladybug’?” Asked the robot, as Ladybug shifted uncomfortably.
“Yeah, LB-14 made her sound like some kind of drone, so we started calling her Ladybug, the same with Chat Noir.” Said Alix, as Chat squirmed as well.
“If that is what wish to be called, then you may adopt those designations,” Said the robot, before turning back to the humans, “My name is Optimus Prime, we are Autonomous Robotic Organisms from the Planet Cybertron.”
Ladybug dropped Alya off outside the block of flats where her home was located. Optimus had introduced each member of the team, before explaining the Autobot’s presence on Earth and what Ladybug and Chat Noir were doing in Paris.
“So, you’re here to hunt for ‘energon’?” Asked Alya, looking at Ladybug’s dashboard.
“Yeah, there’s an unusually large deposit of it underneath the city,” Said Ladybug, the dash lighting up when she spoke, “I’m actually surprised there aren’t any Decepticons nearby, given how much there is.”
Two Cybertronians stood hidden, watching Ladybug speak with the human.
“At lease we know that Shockwave’s cloaks work.” Said a Yellow Femme, her optics a cold blue.
“We just need to find a way of getting the Autobots away from here.” Said a tall purple Mech, his optics the colour of ice.
“I’m sure we’ll get them away, soon enough.” Said the Femme, before pressing her fingers to the side of her head, “Queen Bee, here, tell Lord Megatron that we’ve found a lead to the energon readings, as well as one of our turncoats.”
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