#in order to provide for your own retirement at your own expense
you should only get social security if you have children
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newwaveaccounting · 17 days
Why You Should Get a Second Opinion on Your Tax Return
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Filing taxes can be a stressful and complicated process. Many taxpayers, especially those with complex financial situations, often wonder if they’ve maximized their deductions or if they’re at risk of an audit due to mistakes. One way to ease those worries is by seeking a second opinion on your tax return.
What Is a Tax Return Second Opinion?
A tax return second opinion involves having a tax professional or CPA (Certified Public Accountant) review your filed or prepared tax return. This independent review ensures that your tax return is accurate, complete, and takes full advantage of all deductions and credits available. It can be especially helpful for those who handle their own taxes or rely on basic software for filing.
Benefits of Getting a Second Opinion on Your Tax Return
1. Accuracy and Compliance
Tax laws change frequently, and it’s easy to overlook new updates or nuances that apply to your specific situation. A second opinion can identify errors or inconsistencies, reducing the risk of filing an incorrect return. Even small mistakes, such as inputting the wrong numbers or missing a required form, could trigger audits or penalties.
2. Maximizing Deductions and Credits
If you’ve ever felt unsure whether you’ve taken full advantage of tax deductions and credits, a second opinion can provide peace of mind. Tax professionals often know about deductions or exemptions that might not be obvious to the average filer. Common areas of missed deductions include charitable donations, home office expenses, or medical costs.
3. Audit Prevention
Mistakes in your tax return, even unintentional ones, could lead to an IRS audit. While most audits are relatively rare, the anxiety of potentially being selected for one is real. A second opinion helps ensure everything is in order and reduces the chances of audit triggers.
4. A Fresh Perspective
If you’ve been using the same tax professional or preparing your taxes the same way for years, you may benefit from a fresh set of eyes. Another tax professional might approach your return differently and catch something that was previously missed. This can be especially helpful if you’ve had major life changes, like starting a business, buying a home, or experiencing significant changes in income.
When Should You Get a Second Opinion?
While it’s always a good idea to be confident in your tax return, certain situations make getting a second opinion particularly useful:
Major Life Changes: Marriage, divorce, new children, retirement, or moving to a new state can all impact your tax liability.
Business Owners and Self-Employed Individuals: If you run your own business or freelance, your taxes can be more complex, making it easier to overlook deductions or report income inaccurately.
Investors and Property Owners: Taxes on investment income or real estate transactions can be intricate and subject to strict reporting guidelines.
High Net Worth Individuals: With more assets and income streams, there are more opportunities for tax-saving strategies, but also more room for error.
How to Get a Second Opinion
Find a Qualified Tax Professional Ensure that the person providing the second opinion is a licensed tax preparer, CPA, or tax attorney. Look for someone with specific expertise related to your tax situation.
Provide Complete Information Share your tax documents, including W-2s, 1099s, receipts, and any other relevant paperwork. The tax professional will need all of the same information you used to file the original return.
Ask the Right Questions When getting a second opinion, ask if any errors were found, if any additional deductions could have been claimed, and if the return might trigger any red flags with the IRS.
Decide on Refiling If the second opinion reveals significant mistakes, you might need to file an amended return. In cases where you’re owed more money, it could be worth it to refile and claim additional deductions or credits.
Common Concerns About Getting a Second Opinion
Will I Be Penalized for Amending My Return? Generally, as long as you amend your return within the appropriate timeframe and pay any additional tax owed, you won’t be penalized.
What if I Don’t Agree With the Second Opinion? It’s possible that two tax professionals might have slightly different interpretations of how to handle certain deductions. Ultimately, you have the final say on what to include or exclude, but it’s important to make decisions based on sound advice and accurate information.
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briamichellewrites · 2 months
2002. Everything Bria touched turned to gold. The short film she and Topher did was getting great reviews. Critics praised her acting, as well as the film itself. Topher gave her friends and parents a screening after it was completed. They all gathered in her theatre room. She provided them with snacks, drinks and blankets. The film was forty minutes long, but she wanted them to be comfortable. There were no sex scenes because she wasn’t comfortable with that.
During the bar scenes, she was shown having a non-alcoholic drink since she was underage. Everything worn during the film was their own clothes. They hired a hair and makeup team, along with a film crew from UCLA Film School. It was mostly because it was less expensive than hiring professionals. However, it was also a great opportunity to give them real-world experience.
Topher had them submit applications. He then picked the ones he thought were the best. For the dancing scenes, he had to get the rights to use The Sound of Music. He was able to buy them with financial support from Bria. Jasper was hired as a crew leader. He got instructions from Topher, who relayed them to the rest of the crew. Working on the film was a great idea for him. After officially retiring, he enjoyed not having to make all the decisions.
His co-workers brought him a cake. The staff came to say goodbye to him and thank him for his years of being a doctor. They would miss him. Bria was not there because she had to work. She ordered his favourite meal and had it sent to him and her mother. Just so he didn’t have to cook. He greatly appreciated it. She also sent him a card of congratulations.
Mike saw parallels between his relationship with Bria and the one on film. Especially the fighting and the resentment between the two characters. The dialogue felt real and believable. They laughed when during an argument scene, Micha meowed loudly in the background. Almost as if he was improvising. They stopped arguing and looked at him. She went over and picked him up before sitting on the couch. Topher’s character came over and sat down next to her.
“What do you want me to do? I’m losing my mind here because... I love you so much. But I’m not going to be your second choice.”
“You’re my first choice. I try to prove that every fucking day. I love you, too.”
“No. No, you don’t. If you loved me, you would make time for me.”
Mike started crying silently. He wanted to crawl into the screen and tell him he was making the mistake of his life. But, he couldn’t. The post-breakup was shown with him trying to work on his book and her rehearsing for her upcoming performance with her instructor. She is shown practising in a leotard, cropped t-shirt and ballet shoes. The scenes were shot at UCLA with students and staff in the audience during her performance.
Her dancing was real. She danced like she did as a child. They could see the joy she had when she was performing in front of a crowd. She was wearing the same leotard and shoes. The scene was Jasper’s favourite because he got to watch her dance. She had to do it over and over until Topher got the shots he wanted.
When she took her bow, she spotted Topher in the crowd. He had shown up for her. They shared a smile before the screen went black. Oh my god! They got up and clapped whilst the credits ran. Topher got up and bowed. He then gestured to Bria, who also bowed.
Mike wiped his tears from his face. Meow! Micha wanted attention, so he walked in like he owned the place. They laughed. Bria had them take as many snacks and drinks as they wanted. Rob asked Micha what he thought about being in the short film. He answered him by licking his paw and using it to clean his face. Dave asked if that was a good thing. She had no idea.
They laughed again. Since it was early in the evening, they continued hanging out. Though Christina and Jasper excused themselves. They had a cat they needed to go home to. Bria hugged them and thanked them for coming, as did Topher. They then sat back down. It had been quite the year. Rob asked about her modelling career. It was keeping her busy. What was she doing? She signed a contract with Chanel to be the face of their brand.
That meant doing print work. What was that? It was advertised in magazines, newspapers, billboards and online. Anything that didn’t involve television commercials. She had to learn how to walk down the runway at “runway school”. It was not as easy as it looked, especially in heels. They laughed. Warner wanted her back in the studio, so she was finding time to do that.
Even though she was a singer first, she was okay with putting it on hold for years. What about her and Topher? No. As adorable as he was, they were not dating. She was happy being single because she was so busy. Her manager was going through offers for her to do acting work. How long was her contract? It was for two years. She would decide what she wanted to do when it expired next year. Whether it was modelling, acting or singing.
Was she still sober? Yes, she was. They congratulated her. Thank you! Being busy helped distract her from her cravings.
“My mom called me because she saw you in a magazine. She was at the dentist’s and she was waiting for her appointment. It was at like ten in the morning and I was just waking up when my phone went off. I was half asleep and she was telling me about seeing you. It took me awhile to get what she was trying to say. She was so excited, she had to call and tell me.”
“That’s adorable”, Brad said with a laugh.
“It was so adorable.”
They laughed. Meow. Princess was hungry when Jasper and Christina arrived home. She met them at the door when they walked in. He crouched down to her and asked her what she wanted. Food! She meowed again. He got up and followed her to the kitchen. She stopped to make sure he was following her. He was. She ran over to her bowl.
Once she was served like the Queen she was, she started eating. It was time for dinner. Jasper was full of energy as he went to the refrigerator. She helped him since she was starting to see the symptoms of mania. He found chicken broth, vegetables, noodles and chicken breast. They worked together to make chicken noodle soup. Because he was distracted, she had him wash the vegetables in the sink after he washed his hands.
He did. Once they were washed, he handed them back to her. She used paper towels to dry them off before cutting them. He stayed away because he didn’t want to get cut. Instead, he poured the chicken broth into the stainless steel pot. They should have preheated the oven first, but oh well. They just had to watch it.
Once the oven was ready, they added the vegetables and noodles. He got a wooden spoon and stirred everything together. She added a chopped-up onion to give it flavour. It was ready within a half hour. She made sure he turned off the stove. He double-checked. Yes, he did. He got a ladle and served her up a bowl. Thank you. They kissed before he poured himself a bowl and brought it to his place at the dining room table.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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maranofamilylawyers · 5 months
Lawyers Hurstville - How to Find a Good One
Getting expert advice about your legal matters is important. However, finding the right solicitor can be difficult. You can start by checking the firm’s client reviews. You should also ask them questions about their mission, vision, and values.
Principal Antony Mastrogiannis is a specialist in compensation claims. He has represented clients in various courts and tribunals across NSW. He is fluent in conversational Greek and regularly attends community based legal centres to provide advice.
Divorce is the end of a marriage and dissolves the bonds of Lawyers Hurstville between a husband and wife. The process can be difficult, especially for children. It can also be financially and emotionally draining. However, there are some things you can do to help make the process easier.
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You should file divorce papers in the court that has jurisdiction over your location. In most cases, this means the family or divorce court. You may also be required to pay a filing fee, which can vary by location. If you can’t afford to pay this fee, you may be able to request a waiver.
The legal aspects of divorce include child custody, alimony, and property division. A lawyer can help you understand these issues and find strategies that could improve your chances of winning a favorable outcome. Most attorneys offer free consultations and will discuss your case with you in confidence. This will help you decide if hiring an attorney is right for you.
Child custody
Getting legal assistance is important when you have a family issue. These kinds of cases can be stressful and difficult to handle without the help of an experienced lawyer. A good legal assistance Hurstville will be able to help you with all of your issues and get them resolved as quickly as possible.
Child custody is one of the most important issues in a divorce or separation. Whether the parents reach an agreement on their own or the judge decides custody, the best interests of the child are always the main concern. There are two types of custody: physical and legal. Legal custody gives a parent decision-making power for things like education, health, and religion. Physical custody, or primary residence, determines where the child will live on a regular basis.
If either parent wants to change a custody or visitation order, they must file a petition with the court and prove there has been a substantial change in circumstances. This can be a long and expensive process.
Property settlement
When a married couple splits up, their property and assets must be divided. This is done in a property settlement agreement, which includes everything from furniture to trust funds, retirement accounts, and even the proceeds of life insurance policies. It also explains financial support payments and other matters, such as joint debts.
A PSA can be drafted at any point during the divorce process, but it is best to do so before the proceedings are finalized. It will then become a legal document that is enforceable as a court order.
The court will determine what is considered marital property and separate property based on state law. However, the court will also take into consideration the contributions of both parties, including direct and indirect financial contributions and child-rearing efforts. A well-crafted property settlement agreement will ensure that both parties are fairly treated and can move on with their lives. A free consultation will help you make the right decision.
Prenuptial agreements
Prenuptial Will Lawyer Hurstville  can be a way for parties to set forth their financial expectations and protect their assets from the risks of divorce or death. They can also address how to handle finances during marriage, including bank accounts, credit card usage and financial obligations. They can also specify whether they will maintain separate property and can include lifestyle-specific clauses (such as a prohibition against certain types of gambling or infidelity) that may be difficult to enforce in court.
These agreements can also supersede state law dictating how property is to be divided in the event of a separation or death. They can help avoid costly litigation over how to divide a business and other assets. They can also prevent a spouse from being "bought out" of a family business by another party. Spousal support (also called alimony) is another consideration that can be outlined in a prenuptial agreement. However, it is advisable to discuss these matters with an attorney before signing.
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mpuacin · 7 months
Teaching from Home: Remote Job Opportunities for Educators
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Employment in the education sector that allows you to work from home might be appealing to you if you take pleasure in learning new things and boosting the morale of others. Depending on your level of education, experience, and skills, there are a variety of remote jobs available in the education sector after you have completed your studies from the best placement university in Bhopal. If you are interested in finding a job that is suitable for your schedule and talents, it is beneficial to learn about online jobs for teachers.
The qualifications for instructors who work from home are discussed in this article, along with a list of career alternatives, including the key responsibilities of each position and the typical salary for that position.
Which requirements must be met in order for teachers to be able to work from home?
In many cases, teachers who work from home after graduating from the best private university in Bhopal are required to possess credentials and experience that are comparable to those who work in traditional classroom settings. In addition to this, they need a connection to the internet that is both quick and dependable in order to share their screens and communicate with students via video. In order to keep track of many tabs at the same time, it is essential to have a computer that is not only functional but also has sufficient memory and speed.
Presently, a significant number of organisations demand that online instructors possess sufficient computer and internet security. By doing so, they guarantee that the information of the pupils is secure and that the remote classes run properly. In the event that it is required to communicate with pupils by telephone, having a dedicated phone line might be of great assistance. You are also able to keep a good balance between your career and personal life. You are free to switch off this phone outside of the hours that you are scheduled to work. There is a possibility that your company may pay for the expense of a second phone line; however, you will need to provide them with an invoice.
7 Jobs Available for Educators Who Can Work From Home
Whether you are a retired educator or looking for part-time teaching employment that is located at home, the following are many work-from-home opportunities that you should take into consideration:
1.   Student Mentor
At the national level, the average remuneration for a student mentor is ₹1,86,069 per year.
The primary task of a student mentor is to act as a guide for students as they go through the various phases of their education. Students get assistance in planning their study, proper records are maintained, and academic progress is monitored by a mentor. Students may also get assistance from these specialists when making important choices, such as selecting the best private university in Bhopal or a career path.
Proofreading and approval of the students' final research papers are performed by the mentor before the students hand them in. The strengths and shortcomings of students are evaluated across a variety of projects by mentors, who then provide advice on how the students might develop. Additionally, they assist in enhancing the academic abilities and self-esteem of pupils.
2.   Personal Trainer
At the national level, the average wage for a personal trainer is ₹2,41,504 per year.
In addition to their primary responsibilities, personal trainers are enthusiastic about enhancing the physical fitness of their customers and use this enthusiasm to instruct and inspire them. They assist their customers in comprehending the repercussions that nutrition and exercise have on the physique. As a personal trainer, you may become a personal trainer if you have an interest in coaching, but this position is often appealing to those who teach physical education. Related: Examples of Personal Trainer Skills and Ways to Improve Your Own Personal Trainer Skills
3.   Sales Consultant
An average annual salary of ₹2,59,487 is offered to sales consultants throughout the nation.
Among their primary responsibilities, sales consultants are responsible for using their expertise and experience to assist firms in generating revenue by offering methods to enhance operations. In addition to working for a firm, they may also do contract work directly with customers.
Additionally, these experts are responsible for the training of sales representatives, the development and maintenance of positive connections with customers, the acquisition of knowledge about the market and competition, the management of junior personnel, and the recruitment of additional sales professionals.
4.   Blogger
At the national level, the average wage for a blogger is ₹2,78,723 per year.
The primary responsibilities are: Academic subjects are the subject of writing for an education blogger. In order to choose themes that are pertinent to teaching, they do research. Additionally, a blogger also edits, publishes, and distributes information via email, social media, and advertisements. By communicating with members of their online community and providing answers to the questions they have, they cultivate connections with those members.
In order to have a better understanding of their audience, a blogger would observe how people react to the pieces they publish. It is also possible for them to educate others about the educational concerns and interests that they have, as well as campaign for those causes. In addition to blogging, a blogger may also provide consulting services thanks to their expertise in the fields of education and blogging.
5.   Online Tutor
At the national level, the average compensation for an online tutor after graduating from the best placement university in Bhopal is ₹2,87,735 per year.
One of the primary responsibilities of an online tutor is to instruct pupils over the internet. While some online teachers instruct children in grades K–12, others instruct instructors who are employed in the workforce. Lesson plans, examinations, and curriculum are all things that online tutors develop for their pupils.
They are in charge of teaching, providing answers to queries, assigning assignments, and grading students. In addition, they keep track of each student's involvement in class, as well as their assignments and grades.
6.   Transcriber
The average annual income for a transcriptionist in the country after completing their studies from the best private university in Bhopal is ₹2,92,413.
The primary responsibilities are: Transcribers are responsible for converting audio and video recordings into text. They facilitate the accessibility of material to a more extensive audience. To ensure that the fewest modifications are made, it is the responsibility of a transcriber to be aware of how their customers want the work to be notated.
There are many different kinds of audio recordings that may be converted by a transcriber, including podcasts, interviews, and speeches. There is a possibility that they will obtain a greater salary if they have competence in a certain area, such as the medical or technological fields.
7.   Editor in Charge of Academic Affairs
At the national level, the average annual salary is ₹3,24,110.
The primary responsibilities include reading manuscripts and correcting problems in written material, an academic editor is responsible for securing contracts with publishers. After analysing a variety of instructional approaches, they determine which ones are likely to be the most engaging for the pupils. The publication rules for educational resources such as journals and ebooks are also clarified with the assistance of these guidelines. An academic editor collaborates with authors to assist them in the process of developing their ideas for content.
If you are looking for an environment where you can grow your skills and learn at the same time. Madhyanchal Professional University, which is the best placement university in Bhopal is a go to choice for your dream career ahead.
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mtf123 · 7 months
Mastering Mutual Funds: A Guide to Smart Investing
Understanding mutual funds is essential for anyone looking to invest wisely and intelligently in the large and ever-changing world of financial markets. With the help of this thorough book, investors should be able to make more informed decisions on mutual funds, their advantages, and tactical methods for investing wisely.
Understanding Mutual Funds:
A mutual fund is essentially a pooled investment vehicle that combines money from multiple investors to produce a diverse portfolio of bonds, equities, and other securities. Mutual funds, which are professionally managed, offer a simple way for people to trade the financial markets without having to handle them actively on a daily basis.
The Benefits of Mutual Fund Investments:
Through their wide choice of securities investments, mutual funds provide instantaneous diversification. By distributing risk, diversification lessens the effect of a single asset's bad performance and strengthens the portfolio as a whole.
Professional Management:
The expertise of fund managers is a built-in benefit of mutual funds. To maximize the performance of the fund, these experts use their knowledge to research, assess market trends, and make calculated decisions. Investors are relieved of the complexities of actively maintaining their portfolios thanks to this professional management.
Shares of mutual funds are liquid and can be purchased or traded on any business day. This versatility permits investors to quickly access their funds and respond to shifting market conditions or financial demands.
When opposed to direct investing in individual securities, mutual funds frequently have lower investment minimums. Because they are easily accessible, mutual funds appeal to a wide variety of investors, regardless of their starting capital.
Mutual funds are required to submit information on a regular basis regarding their holdings and performance. This openness gives investors a clear image of how their money is being managed and enables them to stay updated on the fund's actions.
Strategies for Smart Investing in Mutual Funds:
Define Financial Goals:
Setting definite financial objectives is essential before making any mutual fund investments. Having defined goals makes it easier to customize investing strategies to meet unique needs, whether they are paying college, saving for retirement, or making a down payment on a house.
Assess Risk Tolerance:
Knowing one's own level of risk tolerance is crucial. Mutual funds have different risk profiles, so it's important to match your risk tolerance to the fund's goals in order to maintain a sustainable and well-rounded investing strategy.
Diversify Your Portfolio:
To achieve diversification, distribute your investments among several asset groups. By leveraging a variety of industries and marketplaces, this strategic strategy lowers risk and increases the possibility of long-term profits.
Regularly Review and Rebalance:
Review the performance of your portfolio on a regular basis and make any necessary modifications. Rebalancing makes sure that, even in the face of shifting market conditions, your asset allocation is in line with your investing objectives.
Consider Cost Factors:
Keep an eye out for mutual fund expense ratios and any associated costs. Over time, selecting funds with fair fees can have a big impact on your total returns.
Learning mutual funds is more than just investing; it's about investing well. Mutual funds are an effective tool for investors because they provide diversity, expert management, liquidity, affordability, and transparency. Through the establishment of well-defined financial objectives, evaluation of risk tolerance, diversification of investment portfolios, and consistent monitoring, investors can confidently traverse the mutual fund industry. Understanding mutual funds becomes a crucial step in the pursuit of wise investment toward reaching financial objectives and creating a solid and sustainable financial future.
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When and How to Plan for Your Retirement?
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Retirement is one of the biggest expenses that a person needs to consider. During the retirement years, you’re not earning anymore, but you still need to pay for your expenses. The period of retirement can also be very long with rising life expectancy. The average age that people live in India is now around 72 years, but it can be much higher by the time you retire. The biggest question that people have when they think of retirement is – how much money will I need? This is a complex question, and you need to think carefully about it. The answer depends upon a range of factors such as the lifestyle you want at retirement, whether you own a house, whether you will receive a pension, what the inflation rate will be, and so on. In this article, we’ll try to provide the tools that you need in order to arrive at the answer.
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Importance of Having a Retirement Corpus
A retirement corpus is a sum of money that you save during your working years. This money is then used to fund retirement. The retirement corpus should be large enough that it generates monthly income on which you can live. The retirement corpus will slowly vanish over time, as you will consume the funds. As most people retire by the age of 60, they need money in order to meet their expenses. Those who do not accumulate a sufficiently large retirement corpus may need to dramatically lower their cost of living. They may even need to rely on their children or other relatives. Or, they may have to work during their golden years as well. None of these options are ideal. Hence, retirement planning is essential for everyone.
When to Start Saving for Retirement?
You should start saving as early as possible. In fact, ideally, you should set aside a small portion of your income from your first earnings itself. This is much easier said than done. This is why most experts agree that you should give yourself around 20 to 30 years to build your retirement corpus.The age at which you start saving for retirement also depends on the other big expenses in your life. How many kids are you planning on having? Are you planning on buying a house? Do you have generational wealth that you can rely on? Are you a single-earner for your family?Depending on the answer to these questions, you can start saving earlier or later. Most people should start saving and investing for retirement at the age of 30, assuming a retirement age of 60.Retirement is a huge expenditure in every person’s life. Even though retirees usually live a low-cost life, the fact that they will not be earning any money for decades means that you need to have an appropriately large amount of money as your retirement fund.
How to Calculate the Amount for Retirement Corpus?
The appropriate retirement corpus depends from person to person. There is no single answer that will suit everyone. However, there are certain factors that each person must keep in mind while calculating their retirement corpus. These factors are: Inflation – How much average inflation there is during your accumulation phase and during your retirement years? The average answer is usually around 6% per year, but it can vary depending on what you consume. Monthly Expenses –What is the monthly amount that you will be spending during your retirement years? You need to decide what kind of lifestyle you want after you’ve retired. Are you going to spend less? Are you going to spend more? What will be your expenses after retirement? Rate of Returns – What is the rate of interest you’re earning from your savings and investments? Usually, fixed-income investments provide a lower rate of interest while riskier market-linked investments provide a higher rate of interest. You can decide which type of investment to aim for depending on your goals and risk appetite. How to Build Retirement Corpus? The best way to build your retirement corpus is to save a portion of your monthly income and then invest it. For example, you can save around 10% on your monthly income and then deposit that money into a recurring deposit account held with your bank. This will provide guaranteed (but low) returns for a long period of time. For salaried employees, 24% of the basic salary is deducted from the provident fund. You can also invest up to 10% of your basic salary in your provident fund and also avail tax benefits. There are several ways you can invest your money depending on what your desired retirement life looks like, how many years you have till retirement, how much your present and future earnings are, and what your risk appetite is. A few of the ways in which you can invest your money are a provident fund, NPS and other pension plans, fixed deposit, recurring deposit, government or corporate bonds, mutual funds, real estate, or even riskier methods.
Wrapping Up
The question of retirement should be tackled as early as possible. This is because the earlier you start saving, the less you’ll have to save in total. Keep in mind that inflation could triple or quadruple your monthly expenses when compared to today. This is why saving and investing your money in a prudent manner is the best option.
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edwardgdunn · 11 months
That Sure Is A Pretty Trap
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“We have to sell everything we own. It’s the only way,” I said.
My wife and I looked around our home, at all the beautiful things we spent a lifetime accumulating. When a moment like this hits you, it is a psychological and spiritual wrestling match in your head. You find out very quickly just how much of your identity is entangled with your stuff, with your ego. It is a litmus test of sorts.
I was raised in a family that placed an absolute premium on financial and career success. My grandfather had been born and raised in a tiny, east Texas town, in a shack with a dirt floor. He wasn’t born in a hospital but outdoors under a tree. Once grown and married, in order to be able to pay the rent, the family had moved constantly. My father never attended the same school more than a single year until high school. But eventually my grandfather, with his eighth grade education and armed with knowledge accumulated over years working as a laborer at oil refineries along the Gulf coast, had invented a technology that would revolutionize refining industry. The company he built grew to have offices all over the world. When he reached semi-retirement age, my father, now college educated, took the reigns and the company continued to grow to dizzying heights.
They made sure the success was outwardly visible. There were two large cattle farms, mansions, airplanes, yachts, a collection of classic and exotic cars, expensive jewelry, global travel, all the trappings were there.
But even as a young boy and eventually a young man, it didn’t seem to me that the two men were especially happy. Sure, they were able to enjoy things that only a tiny fraction of people on the planet will ever experience, but it didn’t look like true, sustained happiness – not to me anyway.
Eventually, some 40 years after its founding, and after my grandfather’s passing, the company failed and was shuttered owing to a global downturn in the refining industry. My parents were forced to sell their home, the farms, the airplanes, the cars, most of the trappings of luxury, and would never again achieve the stratospheric financial success that had defined most of their adult lives.
I saw what this did to my father. I watched, helplessly, as he spent the last 20 years of his life watching partisan cable “news” shows for hours on end every day, becoming more and more angry. That’s when I knew that as a boy, I had been mostly right when I suspected that the happiness I saw was driven by something that was unsustainable – something that could be taken away in an instant.
This same belief in the power of wealth, that success and status will make you happy was, of course, deeply programmed into my mind. I believed that not only was this the path to happiness, but that it was the path to gaining my father’s ultimate approval. It took me years to realize, to learn, otherwise.
Looking around our house these past few weeks, looking at all our “stuff”, my wife and I are been remarkably at peace with our decision to sell and donate all of it. We have made a decision to move to a new country and taking it all with us is simply an impossibility. We have come to understand that it is experiences shared with loved ones, peace of mind, simplicity of lifestyle, and living in the moment that are the cornerstones of true, sustained happiness – the kind of happiness that no amount of stuff can ever provide for long. So, we will turn the page, embark on a new chapter, and fill our hearts and memories instead of our houses and bank accounts.
My father passed away three years ago and I miss him terribly. Somewhere, somehow, I suspect he is proud that I figured out how to spring the door on the trap and am finally learning to live free – truly free.
Check out the Happiness 2.0 Podcast — https://podcast.edwardgdunn.com/
Happiness 2.0 Blog — https://edwardgdunn.com/blog
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musicarenagh · 1 year
The Art of Striking A Balance: Practical Advice For Young Adults Many people and businesses have felt the harmful effects of inflation in a variety of ways. The rising cost of essentials like housing, food, healthcare, and transportation is putting a strain on family budgets as a direct result of inflation. The value of money decreases as a result of inflation. As prices grow, consumers have less purchasing power relative to what they did before. This makes it harder for people to keep up their level of life, especially if their salaries aren't increasing at the same rate as inflation. Economic hardships have made daily life difficult for the majority of people in my country of Ghana. When the rate of return on savings or investments is lower than the rate of inflation, the buying power of savings and investments declines over time. This may also have an effect on long-term savings and retirement plans. As a result, consumers must cut back on extravagant expenses like eating out, going to the movies, and other forms of amusement in order to put more money toward necessities. Reviewing and, if necessary, canceling subscriptions and memberships that are not being used might also free up much-needed income for such necessities. On the other hand, if interest rates climb, people may prioritize paying off their credit card debt in order to save money. Some people may also seek mortgage refinancing in order to lock in current low-interest rates. To keep up with escalating costs of living, most workers ask for raises or negotiate for greater remuneration, and some even go so far as to pursue supplementary income through means such as side jobs or freelancing. It would be impossible to keep up with the fluctuating cost of living in your region if this were not done in this fashion. People tend to limit their expenditures around the holidays, prioritizing necessities and providing more considered presents. Some people prefer to shop online since they can get better prices that way. People are changing their vacation plans, either taking shorter trips or going to cheaper places. In exceptional cases, people may look for help from experts or learn how to better manage their money during times of inflation on their own. It's a fantastic idea because everyone's financial status, risk tolerance, and life goals are unique. The efficiency of various financial measures in countering inflation can be affected by a wide range of circumstances, including government policies and economic conditions. If you're a young person on the rise, there are a few areas of your life that you may enhance by taking the right actions and adopting the right mindset. Advice and lessons like these are invaluable in the long term. Setting academic and professional objectives and developing effective study habits and time management abilities are both crucial. Build a solid academic foundation by continuing your education or enrolling in additional courses, whether they be online, in person, or through an apprenticeship program. Every young person's existence also relies heavily on their state of health and happiness. Take care of your body by eating right and exercising frequently. Getting adequate shut-eye is beneficial to your mental and emotional health. In addition, try some meditation or mindfulness exercises to calm your nerves. Avoiding risky behaviors like smoking, binge drinking, and drug usage is especially important now, when peer pressure is such a sensitive subject. If you're serious about improving your financial literacy, you should develop the habit of saving money frequently, no matter how tiny the amount is. Spend some time learning about long-term financial planning and investing. Try not to incur any new debt and be responsible with the debt you already have. Setting personal growth objectives and actively working to improve oneself is another part of personal development. To broaden your horizons and your understanding of the world, you should read books, listen to motivational and educational podcasts, and go to seminars.
Strengthen your capacity to communicate and interact with others, and work on developing your resilience and adaptability. Discover your passions and skills by investigating a variety of businesses and professions. Participate in internships, volunteer, and attend networking events to build your professional network. Strengthen your bonds with loved ones. Learn to empathize and listen attentively. Joining groups and going to networking events are great ways to meet new people and broaden your social circle. Find people you admire and ask them for advice. Make good use of time management tools like calendars and to-do lists. Sort your to-do list by urgency and importance. Try to work with as little interruption as possible. Maintain a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout. Being patient and persistent in your pursuit of self-improvement is crucial on this lifelong road. When you feel stuck, it's important to reach out for advice from trusted advisors like friends and family or specialists. Young people would benefit from references to websites like Calculator.me and others. Calculator.me, like many similar sites, offers a large selection of calculators for a wide range of uses. Calculators that aid with things like savings, investments, and overall financial planning are invaluable resources. Users can get a rough idea of how much wealth they can amass by saving a set amount every month using the one provided on the site. They help with saving targets and progress monitoring. The starting balance, regular savings payments, interest rate, and expected savings period are all supplied by the user. To encourage regular saving and to illustrate the power of compound interest, the calculator then computes the future worth of your savings. It can be used to compare the prospective returns of different investment options and to gain insight into how investments may expand over time. Personal budgeting tools like this let people grasp the big picture of their financial situation. They are useful for establishing long-term objectives, pinpointing problem areas, and planning a path to financial independence. Whether looking to invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or something else entirely, investment calculators can help. They aid financiers in establishing reasonable goals for return on investment. As a result, Calculator.me is an excellent tool for finding and using retirement and financial planning calculators, which are specialized tools designed to help individuals plan for retirement and make informed decisions about their financial future. These calculators are designed to assist people determine if they are on track to meet their retirement objectives, such as sustaining their current standard of living once they stop working. They also lend a hand in establishing a long-term financial strategy that accounts for everything from pre-retirement savings and investments to post-retirement spending and debt payments. These calculators simplify complex financial issues while providing vital information. For more specific and individualized guidance, individuals might think about meeting with a financial counselor. By laying out the steps that need to be taken, these calculators provide users a sense of agency and assurance in their ability to achieve their retirement goals. In conclusion, a young person's optimal lifestyle is one that prioritizes a variety of factors including but not limited to self-improvement, health and wellness, education, financial responsibility, relationships, passion, and adaptability. Realize that everyone's journey will be unique due to factors such as personality and life experiences. The most important thing is to think things through and make decisions that are in line with one's values, ambitions, and aspirations.
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Discovering the Role of Professional Financial Advisors
Time is Money: Discovering the Optimal Moment to Enlist the Expertise of Professional Financial Advisors
Being responsible and aspiring for financial stability both require an understanding of the importance of shrewd financial planning.
Effectively managing personal or corporate finances can pose challenges, especially when balancing numerous commitments. Professional financial counsellors can help with this. The need for a professional financial advisor, their position, the advantages they offer, and how to choose one who will best suit your needs are all topics covered in this article. So let’s get started and determine when it is best to seek the advice of qualified financial experts.
Financial Planning: Its Importance
A striking future may be possible with wise financial decisions.
Setting financial objectives, developing a budget, controlling debt, making good investments, and safeguarding your assets are all part of it. While some individuals may possess the knowledge and skills to handle their finances independently, many find themselves overwhelmed with the puzzles of financial management. Professional financial counsellors can really help in this situation.
What Qualities a Professional Financial Advisor Should Have
For your financial well-being, it is critical to recognize the warning indications that point to the need for a qualified financial counsellor. Consider consulting an expert if you find yourself in any of the following occasions:
Lack of Time and Expertise: As life becomes busier and more complex, managing your finances effectively can seem like an insurmountable task. A financial counselor can offer the required assistance if you are having trouble meeting your financial commitments or lack the knowledge to make wise choices.
Uncertainty and Anxiety: Financial matters can be overwhelming, particularly during times of uncertainty. If you constantly find yourself stressed about money, unsure about investment opportunities, or worried about your financial future, a professional advisor can help alleviate your anxiety and provide clarity.
Complex Financial Situations: Whether you have a diverse investment portfolio, own a business, or are going through a major life event such as retirement or divorce, complex financial situations require expert guidance. You can manage the complexity and make sure you choose wisely with the help of a qualified financial counsellor.
What Do Financial Advisors Who Are Professionals Do?
Experts in the realm of money, professional financial advisors offer individualized advice and direction catered to your unique circumstances. They carry out the following principal duties:
Financial Assessment: A skilled financial advisor will assess your current financial situation, including your assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. A thorough financial strategy is created using the evaluation as a foundation.
Goal Setting: Working closely with you, a financial advisor will help you define your short-term and long-term financial goals. Ideas for budgeting and strategic planning, plus aid in creating a practical action plan to achieve these objectives will be provided.
Investment Management: Professional financial advisors possess in-depth knowledge of various investment options. They are very skilled at negotiating intricate financial markets, identifying profitable investment opportunities, and managing your money to maximise returns and minimise risks.
Finding the Best Financial Advisor for Your Needs: How to Do It
The proper financial advisor must be chosen in order for the partnership to succeed. The following stages will help you choose the best counsel for your needs:
Define Your Financial Goals: Before seeking an advisor, clearly define your financial goals. Select the particular areas, such as tax preparation, money management, retirement planning, etc., where you need assistance.
Research and Interview: Conduct thorough research to identify potential financial advisors who specialize in the areas you require assistance with. Once you have a shortlist, schedule interviews to assess their expertise, experience, and compatibility with your goals.
Check Credentials: Verify the credentials and certifications of the financial advisors you are considering. Investigate credentials that are acknowledged in the business, such as Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).
The Role of a Financial Planning Advisor in Sydney
A financial planning advisor in Sydney serves as a trusted partner in achieving your financial goals. Thorough financial planning services that are personalised to match your specific needs are what they cater to. Whether you need assistance with retirement planning, investment strategies, or tax optimisation, a financial planning advisor in Sydney can guide you toward financial success.
The Importance of a Business Financial Controller
The protection of a company’s financial stability in the business world is mostly dependent on its financial controller. Controlling risks and overseeing financial chores including budget creation, financial report creation, and future financial forecasting are also part of their responsibilities. A business financial controller’s presence ensures that the company’s financial matters are well-organised, enabling informed decisions and encouraging stable growth.
Incorporating the knowledge of seasoned financial advisors can prove to be a wise investment because time is certainly money. You can use financial planning to your advantage for sustained long-term success if you can identify the indicators that indicate a need for their assistance, are knowledgeable about their obligations and advantages, and take the necessary steps to find the ideal advisor. Whether you seek a financial planning advisor in Sydney or a business financial controller, the right professional can help you navigate the complexities of finance and secure a prosperous future. So, don’t delay. Start immediately on the path to financial success!
CTA: If you’re ready to take control of your financial future and unlock the benefits of professional financial advisors, contact us today for a consultation.
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financialadvisor2 · 1 year
Estate Planning and Superannuation Services
Strategic Pricing Approach to Follow For Estate Planning and Superannuation Services
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Estate making plans and superannuation offerings play a critical position in securing one's monetary legacy and ensuring a secure retirement. In Perth, Western Australia, individuals in search of these crucial offerings are often involved about the related expenses. Imposing effective pricing techniques in estate planning as well as services for the superannuation in Western Australia can offer clients with both cost and peace of thoughts.
1. Move after Transparent & custom designed price structures
Transparency is paramount in pricing property making plans as well as superannuation services. Customers in Perth price readability on the subject of prices. Providing an obvious rate structure that outlines the numerous additives of the carrier, along with will drafting, asset distribution, and superannuation optimization, instils confidence in customers and helps them understand the cost they may be receiving.
2. Take comprehensive packages
Presenting comprehensive property making plans and superannuation applications can offer clients in Perth with a convenient and price-powerful solution. Bundling various offerings, which includes will introduction, accept as true with established order, superannuation approach development, and estate administration, into a single package deal can offer a greater competitive rate compared to purchasing each carrier separately. Those programs can be customizable, allowing customers to select the specific services that align with their man or woman desires and monetary scenario. This approach gives fee and simplifies the pricing technique for customers.
3. Comply with a cost-based Pricing
Cost-based pricing involves aligning the value of estate planning and superannuation services with the vast advantages they provide. By emphasizing the effective effect of effective estate making plans and optimized superannuation on clients' financial protection, you could justify a premium pricing structure. Also, highlight how meticulous estate making plans can safeguard own family wealth and offer peace of thoughts, and how strategic superannuation management can cause a cosy retirement. This method positions the offerings as investments in preference to prices, making the pricing method greater appealing.
4. Instructional Workshops and Seminars
Estate planning in Perth can function completely unique pricing method. Offer unfastened or low-value workshops to capacity customers, in which you offer treasured insights into the importance of estate making plans and superannuation. In the course of these periods, you can show off your expertise and display the price you deliver.
5. Strive Hands With flexible charge alternatives
Spotting that estate making plans and superannuation services are lengthy-time period investments, offering bendy charge options could make those offerings greater accessible to customers in Perth. Remember instalment plans or phased bills, allowing customers to manipulate their economic obligations simply even as nevertheless cashing in on your knowledge.
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thesecrettimes · 1 year
Silver Gold Bull Gold IRA Review
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Silver Gold Bull, a precious metals dealer, can help you set up a precious metals individual retirement account (IRA) through which you can purchase and hold precious metal investments. If you’ve been wondering whether you should get a gold IRA, read this Silver Gold Bull review for an in-depth analysis of what the company offers. Best precious metals for collectors Silver Gold Bull isn’t just for those looking to bolster their retirement plans. It’s also a haven for collectors. Boasting gold and silver bars, coins and collectibles, as well as platinum bars and coins, Silver Gold Bull offers an array of precious metal products for its clientele. Whether you’re wondering how to invest in gold or have been a collector for some time, Silver Gold Bull has a wealth of choices. Silver Gold Bull Gold IRA pros and cons An IRA specializing in precious metals isn’t the most common investment vehicle for retirement planning. Investors interested in using Silver Gold Bull for an IRA won’t find the same level of financial information typically available via online brokerages. Because of that, precious metal IRAs are an investment niche and aren’t for everyone. However, if you’re interested in them, you may want to seek out professional guidance on whether or not gold is a good investment fit for your retirement goals. In this section, we will survey the pros and cons of using Silver Gold Bull for its IRA services. Pros Variety of products to choose from Agents don't work on commission Best price guarantee Cons Doesn't offer an in-house IRA New to IRAs Lack of information on its website Pros explained Silver Gold Bull has some undeniable advantages that set it apart in a market bustling with precious metal companies. It also offers a military discount, but you have to contact the company to find out the details. Silver Gold Bull also accepts multiple forms of payment. Beyond credit cards or checks, it accepts PayPal, Venmo, cryptocurrencies (bitcoin and bitcoin cash), ACH and wire transfers. The following are additional pros the company features for investors. Variety of products to choose from Silver Gold Bull offers something for all levels of precious metals investors — from fractional purchases and full bars to American Buffalo gold coins and American Eagle silver coins — in case you want to build your own Fort Knox within your retirement account. The company also offers platinum options, including bars and coins; collectibles, like Queen Elizabeth II coins; and copper, including rounds and bars. With Silver Gold Bull, investors can begin adding precious metals to an IRA for less than $100. And because of the company’s offerings, investors have a variety of options to choose from to help diversify within this asset class. Agents don’t work on commission Unlike many precious metal dealers, agents at Silver Gold Bull don’t work on commission. This means they aren’t incentivized by any bonus structure to get you to purchase products offered by the company. You may be under the impression that the price of gold products is equated to the price of gold per ounce. However, when you buy physical gold, there’s a premium above the spot price. For example, some collectible coins might sell for hundreds or even thousands above the metal’s spot price due to perceived rarity or importance. But for long-term precious metal investors, the best option is typically to buy something as close to the market price as possible. Silver Gold Bull agents help you with this rather than trying to push you into an expensive product to bolster their commissions, since they don’t work on a commission-basis. Best price guarantee One thing you should always look for in the best gold IRAcompanies is a competitive edge. That’s something Silver Gold Bull offers with its pricing. If you place an order over the phone, the precious metals provider will match competitors’ lower prices for the same product, including shipping, insurance and taxes. However, to qualify, the better price can’t be the result of any special conditions like competitors’ coupons, promotions or limited-time offers. The seller whose price Silver Gold Bull will match must also be an authorized precious metals dealer. Cons explained No company is without its flaws. Some users have highlighted certain areas where Silver Gold Bull could potentially improve. One commonly noted point is Silver Gold Bull’s lack of readily available online resources for beginners. Its website provides FAQs and an Education Center with articles focusing on beginner’s topics, but some of the content isn’t routinely updated and could be more comprehensive. The following are additional cons the company presents for investors. Doesn’t offer an in-house IRA Though Silver Gold Bull advertises IRA services on its website, its agents will help you set up IRA accounts with external brokerages, or you can find your own. That’s because the company’s principal business is buying and selling precious metals. In the same vein, it also won’t manage your IRA account or act as a custodian for your metals. New to IRAs Helping investors set up precious metals ownership in an IRA is a new service the company offers. As such, according to an agent at Silver Gold Bull, there’s a slight risk of early mistakes being made due to the lack of experience in helping customers set up gold IRAs. Lack of information on its website The Silver Gold Bull website doesn’t offer much information on how its IRA offering works, nor on the fact that its agents don’t work on commission. Calling and speaking to someone is currently the recommended way to get the information you want about the company’s IRA offerings. Silver Gold Bull IRA offerings Investing in a gold IRA requires a precious metals dealer, a custodian and a storage facility. Silver Gold Bull is a dealer whose primary function is to buy and sell precious metals. The custodian — which manages the IRA and reports holdings to the IRS — is necessary because of the tax implications of investing in a Roth IRA or traditional IRA. The storage facility will house and protect your physical precious metal purchases. You can choose from non-segregated storage, meaning the company stores your metals with others, or segregated, where it’s separate. For investors interested in precious metal IRAs, Silver Gold Bull provides two pathways. First, you can find your own custodian and storage facility, upon which Silver Gold Bull can advise you while also acting as the dealer. Secon, you can purchase precious metals from other dealers with Silver Gold Bull then helping you set up an account with Equity Trust to serve as your custodian. Once your account is set up and funded, you can buy your gold through the account, and the dealer will send it to the storage facility you chose. Silver Gold Bull Gold IRA pricing Affordability and transparency in pricing are essential for trust in the precious metals market. Silver Gold Bull ensures that potential investors are not left in the dark with hidden fees or ambiguous charges. As an investor, you have two main categories of pricing to consider with a precious metals IRA: (1) the cost of the investment and (2) the cost of the account. Silver Gold Bull handles the pricing of the metals you buy. One general downside to investing in precious metals is that when you check the spot price for gold, for example, that price applies to paper certificates of gold ownership. It’s the equivalent of buying a stock. However, when it comes to purchasing physical gold on the premium market, the price can fluctuate because there are costs associated with minting, shipping, insuring and storing these metals, among other contributing factors. The second aspect of pricing is how much it costs to maintain your IRA. The IRA component is a self-directed individual retirement account (SDIRA) that allows you to invest in alternative assets like real estate, crypto and precious metals that aren’t available via traditional or Roth IRAs. No matter which company you choose as your custodian, you should expect fees. For example, if you open a gold IRA with Equity Trust, you can expect the following: $50 setup fee $150 for segregated storage or $100 for non-segregated storage $225 annual maintenance fee for accounts valued up to $14,999 (fees increase depending on the tier of your account value) Other fees associated with trades, shipping and closing the account Silver Gold Bull Gold IRA financial stability In the 12 months that ended March 31, 2022, Silver Gold Bull generated sales of $633 million and gross profits of $41.2 million. The company sold 9.1 ounces of silver (a 47.5% year-over-year increase), 160,000 ounces of gold (a 29% year-over-year increase) and processed 244,200 orders (a 15% year-over-year increase). During the same period, it acquired 77,600 new customers, bringing its total customer base to 270,100. Also in 2022, A-Mark Precious Metals — a publicly traded Fortune 500 company with a footprint in the precious metals sector since 1965 — expanded its investment in Silver Gold Bull by $44 million to increase its direct-to-consumer presence in the marketplace, bringing its total investment in the company to $110 million. Regardless of its sound footing in the precious metals sector, if Silver Gold Bull was to fail, you wouldn’t be too exposed to financial risk. That’s because after purchasing the precious metals for your IRA, it’s the company offering the IRA — such as Equity Trust — with whom your risks will be aligned. The custodian managing your account and the storage facility holding your physical metals should have their own safeguards to protect your investments. It is also important to note that gold IRAs are not FDIC-insured. However, reputable custodians should be insured against fraud and theft, offering gold IRA account owners some comfort. Silver Gold Bull Gold IRA accessibility In today’s digital age, one of the hallmarks of a reputable company is seamless accessibility. Prospective investors and customers need to know they can access services, information and support when they need it. Availability Silver Gold Bull operates in the U.S. and Canada, though anyone can buy its products from anywhere. The company will work with any SDIRA custodian set up for precious metals. Contact information If you’re interested in learning more about physical precious metal investments or want to learn more about Silver Gold Bull’s products, you can reach the company by phone at (877) 646-5303 or email ([email protected]). For those interested solely in gold IRAs, you can call that department directly at (877) 300-4205. Agents are available from Monday to Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. MST. User experience Navigating the world of gold IRA investing can be daunting for newcomers. As mentioned in the cons above, Silver Gold Bull could improve the information available on its website. It’s difficult to tease out the fact that they only provide the function of selling you physical metals and can help you set up IRA accounts with other companies. However, the company does provide FAQs and an Education Center to help investors who are new to precious metals get acclimated with cursory subject matter. Silver Gold Bull Gold IRA customer satisfaction Silver Gold Bull’s website boasts over $3 billion in transactions and over 335,000 verified five-star reviews. Indeed, the company scores relatively high ratings on multiple online review sites. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) gives the company an A+ rating. Out of 31 reviews on the BBB website, Silver Gold Bull averages four out of five stars. Numerous reviewers weren’t happy with the quality of the pieces they received. In those instances, it appears the company offered refunds, and in some cases, additional credits. Other reviewers complained about shipping times. Silver Gold Bull Gold IRA FAQ What is a gold IRA? A gold IRA is essentially SDIRA, but instead of holding traditional assets like stocks or bonds, it holds gold bullion, like bars and coins. These types or IRAs accounts aren't limited to just gold and can hold any precious metals. Additionally, they often serve as a hedge against economic and market volatility as well as currency fluctuations, which makes them appealing to long-term investors. How do I open a gold IRA? Opening a gold IRA involves several steps, starting with choosing a custodian -- typically a bank or a brokerage -- followed by purchasing the gold you wish to hold. Once these steps are completed, the gold is then transferred to a secure storage facility. Silver Gold Bull can provide guidance throughout this process. Is Silver Gold Bull legit? The question of legitimacy often arises when significant investments are at play. Given Silver Gold Bull's long-standing history, transparent practices and positive reviews, it's evident that the company is a legitimate and trustworthy entity in the precious metals industry. How we evaluated Silver Gold Bull Gold IRA The following factors helped us determine the quality of Silver Gold Bull’s IRA capabilities: Product offerings: We looked at what you can buy from Silver Gold Bull to ensure the company has sufficient options to satisfy a range of investors. Pricing transparency: We scrutinized pricing to make sure there were no hidden charges and that potential investors received a clear breakdown of costs when purchasing. Accessibility: We assessed how easy it was for clients to set up an account and get support. Customer feedback: We analyzed Silver Gold Bull customer feedback to determine recurring themes and overall satisfaction metrics. Summary of Money’s Silver Gold Bull Gold IRA review If you’re interested in using precious metals to diversify your retirement savings plan, Silver Gold Bull has etched its name as one of the formidable contenders providing physical gold, silver and more. The company offers a diverse range of precious metals products, transparent practices and attentive customer service. Silver Gold Bull can help you set up a gold IRA — a long-term retirement investment that can help minimize the impacts of market volatility through the incorporation of precious metals investments. The company can also help you choose a custodian and storage facility for your gold IRA. Silver Gold Bull has carved out a niche for itself in the precious metals industry. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just getting started, the company can assist you in how to best incorporate gold, silver and other precious metals into your retirement plan. Read the full article
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gintejainsurance · 1 year
Don't Settle for Less: Why You Should Re-evaluate Your Health Insurance Annually
It's essential to make sure that your health insurance coverage adequately satisfies your demands in the rapidly evolving healthcare environment of today. Although it may be appealing to continue with your current health insurance plan year after year, failing to regularly evaluate your options can result in missed opportunities and possibly insufficient coverage. This blog attempts to shine light on why it's crucial to review your health insurance each year and help you make decisions that put your financial security and well-being first.
Evolving Healthcare Landscape: The healthcare sector is always changing due to new treatment choices, technological breakthroughs, and increasing laws. These changes have an effect on the coverage that health insurance plans provide. You can stay current with these changes and make sure your plan covers the most recent medical procedures, prescription drugs, and expert services by reviewing your health insurance every year. If you don't modify your coverage, you risk being unprepared for unforeseen medical requirements and unable to get the best care possible.
Changing Personal Circumstances: There are many transitions in life, such as starting a new career, getting married, having kids, or retiring. Transitions in healthcare are also one of the crucial transitions that we must be aware of. By reassessing your health insurance every year, you can change your coverage to suit your stage of life. For instance, you might want to think about including maternity coverage or pediatric care if you intend to establish a family. If you are close to retirement, on the other hand, you might give higher priority to plans that provide all-inclusive coverage for senior healthcare needs. Your health insurance is kept current and suited to your unique situation by regular evaluation.
Cost and Affordability: Before you proceed to buy insurance online or in-person from an insurance agent, it is critical to evaluate the financial aspects of your health insurance because healthcare expenses are continuing to climb. Your overall healthcare costs may be impacted by premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pocket maximums. You can compare various plans, assess their cost structures, and find areas for potential cost reductions by re-evaluating your health insurance every year. Using this method, you can pick a plan that meets your financial needs while providing comprehensive coverage. Additional financial protection and flexibility can be obtained by looking into additional insurance or researching health savings accounts (HSAs).
New Insurance Options and Benefits: Health insurance companies frequently roll out new plans and perks to meet changing patient demands and healthcare requirements. You must investigate these options before you buy insurance and determine whether they meet your needs by reviewing your health insurance on an annual basis. For instance, some plans might offer telemedicine services, wellness initiatives, or complementary therapies that can improve your access to healthcare. In order to choose your coverage wisely and have access to the most recent perks and services that can assist your general well-being, it's critical to keep updated about these new possibilities.
You gain the ability to prioritize your health and financial stability by reevaluating your health insurance every year. You may make sure that your coverage is still adequate, pertinent, and reasonably priced by taking the changing healthcare environment, your own changing needs, cost considerations, and new insurance possibilities into account. When it comes to your health insurance, don't accept anything less than the best; take charge, weigh your options, and make the necessary changes to protect your well-being in the ever-evolving healthcare industry.
At Ginteja, we specialize in providing authentic insurance policies and a wide range of coverages tailored to ensure your utmost protection. Our dedicated team formulates diverse coverage options to meet your unique needs, guaranteeing you find a suitable insurance plan. We prioritize your security and well-being, offering genuine policies that give you peace of mind. With our commitment to delivering personalized solutions, you can trust Ginteja to provide reliable and comprehensive coverage that safeguards you in every aspect of life.
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realestateinindia · 1 year
Three Ways You Can Save Money For Making A Down Payment On Your Home
Are you finding the best ways to save for a downpayment? If yes, you are at the right place. We know saving a downpayment for your new home is quite difficult owing to the global headwinds and current employment trends. However, buying a home is the dream of many, and therefore, we bring you the best three ways to help you save money for downpayment without hassles. Let’s find out and learn more about them.
Budgeting rule of 50-30-20
Wondering what is 50-30-20 rule? Well, the 50-30-20 rule is a breakup of your monthly salary to make an effective budget. According to this budgeting rule, you should divide your monthly salary into three i.e., 50%, 30%, and 20%. The first 50% of your salary should be your monthly expenses on the basic utilities, including rent, grocery, EMIs, electricity bill, water bill, insurance expenses, etc., and your 30% of monthly income should be spent on wants such as dining out, entertainment, shopping, hobby, vacation, gym, or in buying any luxury product. Further, the remaining 20% of income should be used for savings, investment, loan prepayment, abroad education, personal crisis, or any medical emergency.
This rule is a testament to effective planning where you can finance every aspect of your life on your own. With this rule, you can not only achieve short-term goals but following it religiously helps you achieve your long-term goals as well.
Significant lifestyle changes
If you need to buy a home, making significant lifestyle adjustments is necessary. Without lifestyle alterations, you cannot buy your dream home. Therefore, in order to do so, you can consider moving into a smaller apartment and save at least a 20 percent portion of money from your rent. You can also consider cutting down on your 30 percent of wants including dining out, movie day, vacation, or a party. You should transfer the amount directly to the savings account. Moreover, you can take up another part-time job as a side hustle for additional financial support. However, you need to continue with this lifestyle for a minimum of two-three years and in some cases beyond that.
Monetizing your assets
If you are in a better financial condition, you can plan to buy your dream home by managing your finances for three to five years. However, this is a time-consuming process hence, you may consider monetizing your investments. Liquidating a fixed deposit or borrowing a loan against a fixed deposit or life insurance policy, can assist you in paying your booking amount. You may be able to borrow up to 85–90% of the surrender value, depending on the conditions set forth by your insurance provider. Even the interest rate in the same range between 9-10% comes with a choice either to pay half yearly or on maturity. Additionally, you might also ask for a partial withdrawal from your employee retirement account (EPF).
However, you should always avoid borrowing personal or credit card loans due to the exorbitant rate of interest they would attract. Over time, this would increase your debt load. Ultimately, you should be aware that saving for a down payment is a challenging undertaking and that there is no substitute for financial discipline when it comes to doing so.
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aelumconsulting · 1 year
ITAM - The Role of ServiceNow ITAM in IT Cost Optimization and Budgeting
IT Asset Management (ITAM) is the procedure of managing enterprise assets such as hardware and software from beginning to end. IT Asset Management analyzes the entire lifecycle of your organization's IT hardware, software, and services. It involves understanding what you require, what you own, where it is, and how you utilize it in order to make sound financial decisions and optimize costs and budgets.
ServiceNow IT Asset Management (ITAM) is a platform-agnostic product that automates the whole life cycle of all software, hardware, and cloud assets. It is a cloud-based, agentless, fully operational solution that can be deployed quickly. Its integrated workflows outperform those of competing systems. It provides an advanced platform for designing and implementing an extensive strategy throughout the four stages of the ITAM lifecycle: procurement, deployment, maintenance, and retirement.
ServiceNow ITAM Practise enables you to reduce your hardware, software, and cloud costs by utilizing ServiceNow IT Asset Management.   ITAM covers the entire lifecycle of acquiring and deploying business technology software and hardware assets. It also handles the entire asset lifecycle, including selection, configuration, and retirement.
Furthermore, because it is built on the Now platform, ServiceNow IT Asset Management scales with your company's needs. Simply said, it helps you to easily and effortlessly automate workflows and run them at scale, not to mention its extensive performance analytics capabilities, that allow you to predict patterns, prioritize assets, and accelerate enhancements to the service.
Types of IT Asset Management
Hardware assets are items that can be physically handled, such as desktop and laptop computers, printers, smartphones, cameras, and other equipment. All of the physical components and tools used in the IT function are monitored by hardware asset management. Asset management starts when the hardware is purchased, continues throughout the hardware's life cycle, and ends when assets are discarded.
The fundamental objectives of software asset management are to acquire, track, and distribute software licenses within the company. Furthermore, budgeting, pricing, strategy, and decision-making procedures related to acquiring, using, and discarding software resources whether internally or externally and on-premises or in the cloud are included in software asset management.
By implementing ServiceNow ITAM, the company was able to:
Reduce costs by managing purchased inventory and consumption.
Automatically create and monitor ordered assets. Complete information about the asset model, user request, order, and the cost is included in the creation of asset records. 
Control the asset life cycle for strategic assets from planning through disposal.
Increase end-user satisfaction by acquiring and deploying assets more quickly.
Building a logical and physical stockroom structure and managing stockroom assets including hardware and consumables. 
Improved warranty cost recovery, decreased maintenance expenses, and asset failures.
Easily populating service catalogs. Data from vendors can be imported straight into ServiceNow ITAM.
Money is saved by minimizing labor, assets, and material expenses.
Better cost optimization & Budgeting
Eliminate unnecessary licensing and equipment to reduce spending and boost investment returns. You can handle the health, status, and maintenance of your devices by using an effective and well-thought-out ITAM approach, which will lower the expenses associated with ineffective asset monitoring. The procurement procedures can be strengthened, underutilized assets can be found, and better maintenance agreements can be reached.
A strong ITAM program makes sure your money is being used properly, that you are utilizing the entire lifecycle of your assets, and that it helps you stay within your financial budget. Manage virtual and digital assets in real-time in accordance with operational requirements and users, scaling expenditure to correspond to actual demand. Automated workflows for reclamation, lifetime planning, cost trends, and true-up estimations help save money.
The hardware, software licenses, and service expenditures can easily pile up if you don't keep track of them. Furthermore, ServiceNow IT asset management can help your organization reduce waste associated with equipment removal.
As you can see, ServiceNow ITAM provides a solid solution for optimizing hardware, software, and cloud expenses while decreasing organizational risk, and the demand for this will only grow in significance. With ServiceNow ITAM, you can reduce risk while optimizing asset costs and automating procedures to easily incorporate diverse departments into the asset management process.
Businesses today require modern solutions and a genuinely contemporary option is ServiceNow ITAM. It enables your business to become more profitable, lower risks, reduce costs and budgets and most importantly remain well ahead of the competition. The reality remains that workflows can be automated, accountability can be ensured, and resource efficiency can be attained by having a single, central system of IT asset records. ServiceNow ITAM allows a genuinely transformative ITAM by dissolving organizational barriers and fully optimizing the results of its IT assets.
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