#in tfh he’s blonde or green
twist-dg · 1 year
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Trinity Reference
So the LU gift exchange made me realize I should probably make a proper reference in my newer art style of all my little guys 🤍
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
Things tloz has not been consistent about that you'd think it would be:
Everything. Buckle up.
The hero being called Link. He's Link in the same way Frisk is the character. The player chooses the name in every SINGLE game up until botw, and that only happened because of the voice acting. It's just shorthand for the link between the player and the game.
The princess being called zelda. Wind waker, she was called Tetra.
The princess being in the game at all (links awakening)
There only being one princess (the hero of either hyrule or legend had two)
There only being one hero (hyrule warriors had three and also linkle)
The princess not being a playable character (hw, aoc, and upcoming EoW. There's also non canon games like cadence and smash bros).
The master sword being in the game (four swords, minish cap, triforce heroes (?), ooa/oos only have it as a linked game post story unlockable, zelda 1,2 and la it was the magical sword).
Ganon being in the game (basically the exact same as the last point minus the 1st 3 games)
Ganon being a bad guy (hyrule warriors and generously, GENEROUSLY aoc, where he's playable as an ally post game).
The master sword being needed to defeat ganon (in botw aoc and totk the master sword is entirely optional, and totally inverts the traditional 'zelda weakens and link deals the final blow').
Link being the main character (upcoming eow which I'm cackling about)
The existence of humanity
Link being in green (abotk made him blue :( and took his hat >:((().
Zelda being in pink (abotk)
Zelda being blonde (she's anything from blonde to brown to ginger)
Link being blonde (tp and lttp (why is he pink?! Zelda is blonde! There's brown haired people! Why neon pink??)
Gerudo having rounded ears (up until abotk)
Nintendo making the games (hw and aoc, cadence lol)
Teen/kid link (totk is the only Link over the age of 19)
Link having a companion (it's pretty evenly split)
Zelda having the companion (aoc and eow)
Link having two companions (hw with basically all of them)
The nature of humanity vs hylians
The story taking place in hyrule (literally so many... La, mm, ooa, oos, technically ww, technically ss, half points for lttp and lbw, tfh)
Just the one triforce (lbw)
Just three separate pieces of the triforce (ww)
Any triforce at all (okay this one is complicated bcz depiction/hand marks/Actual Wish Granting Triforce but hylia alone knows where the triforce was in abotk. I'm counting ooa/oos because opening cutscene. La has zilch and I'm pretty sure mc too.)
Literally any religion has come and gone INCLUDING IRL CHRISTIANITY
Knowledge of the triforce
Knowledge of hylia (it's literally just ss abotk and maaaybe lbw)
The existence of hylia (^^^
The general populace being useless (totk) (that's it)
Link being left handed (in ss and abotk he's right handed. Tp is 50% right handed because they flipped the controls (and world) for the wii).
Link being able to swim at the start of the game (only in the 3d games minus lbw and la remake)
Link succeeding in his quest (botw) (I'm not counting failed hero oot because it's a meta attempt at a working timeline)
At least a tiny bit of time travel (loz 1/2, la, fs, lbw, lttp, botw...)
The hylian shield (only appears in the 3d games! (-la remake and ww and mm))
Link using a bow! (surprisingly 50/50)
Epona!! (literally just oot mm and tp. Botk she's noncanon amiibo and she's in mc but doesn't belong to Link T-T.)
A tutorial (varying subtlety, yes, but there's a difference between the great plateau and a 'press x to open menu :D' prompt five minutes into the game while a knight is trying to kill you (lttp)).
Link having the hero's spirit (ww. I personally disagree but hey)
The hero being a hylian! (totk hero's aspect)
Sleepy boy link (botk he has power naps On Lock)
Link being masc presenting (linkle, hw)
The symbolic elements (3/5/7 combos, lightning/ice/water/fire/wind triforce, boar/owl/dragon/whatever tf)
Things tloz has been consistent about in every game:
Link being a gnc short king (tp is the beefiest he ever got and that was 4'9 male gymnast build at BEST).
Him not telling anyone anything important ever.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
You’ve mentioned including Spirit and the tfh Links in The Incredibles AU and although this is probably a bit spoilery to ask; could you tell us a little about them?
FOR SURE :D *gently holds all four of them* I just think they’re neat
...And you’re right that it’s a bit spoilery, but I’m assuming that since you’re asking you don’t mind terribly much about that? Here’s your spoiler warning anyways though! A lot of after-movie stuff here.
It’s also really long XD
So you’re aware of the small timeskip in the Incredibles after they defeat Syndrome (a couple months I think? Two? Three?) yeah? Well since Sky is finally home after being missing for more than a year, he and Sun take the time in the skip there to just take it easy so he can rest and heal, maybe even get away for a weekend for a little vacation or something without Aryll (who’s about three or four)
And somewhere after that, Sun finds out she’s expecting again!
Triplets! 🎉
...Sky promptly faints.
They’re not born until after the second movie would happen (...I think, I might have to check my timeline) but their names are Crimson, Azure, and Sage (thank you Tellie for talking about me with names <3)
They’d all be blond if not for the influence of their powers (kinda like Legend with his pink) but if any of them ever didn’t use their powers for a long stretch of time, it’d probably fade a little.
Crimson is the oldest of the three, and got his name from his shock of red hair (he looks like Malon! How did that even happen?! Legend yells) but also the superhero names of his father and grandfather. His power is simply a super powerful punch (think like the tiger miraculous from ML) but uh... sometimes he forgets how strong it is. Oops. He can be a little dumb, but he always means well, and is fiercely protective of his brothers.
Azure is in the middle, named for his eyes, but also his hair that’s allllmost blue if you squint. His powers are basically “plagued by visions” 🤣 I thought it’d be nice to reference sksw Link’s visions he gets, and also lean into powers Zelda typically has (since Azure is blue and blue is wisdom), so he often has visions of the future when he’s asleep (and as he gets older, when he’s awake too), but he can also create shields a lot like Hyrule’s. Think Nayru’s love from oot. He’s the quietest of the three, and also the smartest.
Sage is the youngest, named for his unnaturally green eyes (and his grandmother’s maiden name) and I’m still conflicted about his powers honestly XD Courage doesn’t have very many specific “powers” attributed to it, so me and Tellie have batted ideas around a couple times. She suggested maybe he can imbue things with courage, objects so they can help him, people so they can get past their fears. Despite thinking about this for months I’m still not sure if I want to go with that, so his powers are still a little up in the air.
...I did have the thought that maybe I could lean into the dragon aspect of things and have Sage’s powers be lightning-related like Farosh from botw (would also make a cool superhero name) but once again... still haven’t decided XD if anyone has ideas or anything I will not complain.
Now for Spirit! I don’t have as much on him yet as of now but I’m working on it 👍
Spirit is Warriors and Artemis’ son, born after years of trying (and not succeeding) to have kids. He’s born either right after the second movie or during it (...once again, I’ll have to find my timeline) and his parents are both ecstatic.
Wind promptly decides he’s going to be the same kind of uncle to Spirit that Warriors was for him, so the two of them are really close, and Spirit looks up to him a lot.
Spirit’s powers I haven’t specifically thought out, but I’m pretty sure I’m going with just seeing ghosts? That seems a little plain so maybe he’s got something else too, but I haven’t thought of anything good/better. Suggestions and/or comments are always appreciated :)
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