bloody-bee-tea · 5 years
FIVE SENSES PROMTS. Wuhuuu. So if these speak to you: "You felt ice cold when I touched you" Or "Stop staring at me like that" And I mean you know what ship I want xD♥️
This is for the “You felt ice cold when I touched you” portion of that ask. And of course it’s Xicheng ;) It’s a continuation of the prompt from yesterday, which can be found here.
Lan Xichen is confused when he wakes up. The last thing he clearly remembers is being on a night hunt with Jiang Cheng, but right now he’s in his bed at Lotus Pier that Jiang Cheng always has prepared for him.
The bed that’s awfully far away from Jiang Cheng’s own bed, Lan Xichen thinks immediately, almost like an automated response, because he has that thought way too often.
He is so very tired of always being so far away from Jiang Cheng. And yet he still can’t bring himself to start a courtship, too afraid of losing what he does have with the other man.
‘A courtship,’ Lan Xichen thinks and suddenly his memory is being restarted. 
He got qi poisoning. Jiang Cheng brought him back to Lotus Pier. Lan Xichen confessed, in his poisoned state, that he couldn’t die because he didn’t yet get to court Jiang Cheng.
“Oh gods,” Lan Xichen groans out and covers his face with his hands. 
“Xichen,” Jiang Cheng says from the side, and Lan Xichen actually jumps.
He hadn’t noticed the other man in the room, and Lan Xichen turns his head towards him.
Jiang Cheng looks rumpled, like he slept in his clothes and didn’t bother to change yet, and Lan Xichen frowns.
“Are you okay?” he wants to know and Jiang Cheng immediately scowls at him.
“I think I should be the one asking that question,” he snaps back, but Lan Xichen knows him well enough by now to know that he’s covering his own worries with his harsh reply.
“I’m fine, Jiang Cheng,” Lan Xichen reassures him and pushes himself up, leans back against the headboard, to further make his point.
His arms didn’t even shake, that’s how fine he’s doing.
Lan Xichen closes his eyes to find his qi, that is thankfully devoid of any poison, but it feels warmer than normal, almost more settled as well and Lan Xichen frowns as he presses a hand to his chest.
“What happened? he asks, momentarily taken off guard by the forced nonchalant look on Jiang Cheng’s face. 
“You almost died on me, that’s what happened,” he pleasantly gives back, but Lan Xichen knows he actually wants to yell at him.
“I didn’t mean to,” Lan Xichen immediately says, because he didn’t, he still has plans after all.
“You better didn’t mean to do that,” Jiang Cheng snaps and then rubs a hand over his face.
“You worried me,” he admits, and it’s a rare enough display of honest emotions that Lan Xichen stills completely. “You felt ice cold when I touched you and then you just kept going colder.”
“I’m warm now,” Lan Xichen offers and holds out his hand, which Jiang Cheng immediately takes.
“You are,” he says as he links their hands together, and Lan Xichen is yet again reminded of what he might or might not have said to Jiang Cheng about the courtship.
“So, did I say anything?” Lan Xichen awkwardly asks and Jiang Cheng levels him with a look.
“You mean when you were nearly dying on me?” 
“Yes,” Lan Xichen says with a wince and Jiang Cheng sighs.
“You declared your undying love,” he tells Lan Xichen with a face so straight, Lan Xichen believes it for a second, right until Jiang Cheng presses his lips together to hide his smile.
“You didn’t, don’t worry,” Jiang Cheng reassures him, but two can play that game.
“It wouldn’t be too far off,” Lan Xichen casually gives back and is delighted to see how his statement catches Jiang Cheng off guard.
“No, you don’t get to do that,” Jiang Cheng decides with a shake of his head and Lan Xichen’s heart immediately sinks.
He knew he should never have hoped for anything more than this.
“Oh,” he breathes out, desperately looking down at his lap instead of where Jiang Cheng is still holding on to his hand, but Jiang Cheng squeezes it lightly with his own.
“You don’t get to do that, because I’m going to court you first,” Jiang Cheng explains, voice much softer now, and he carefully puts something in Lan Xichen’s hand, before he pulls back. 
Lan Xichen instinctively closes his fingers around it, as he looks up at Jiang Cheng with big eyes.
“You said you couldn’t die before you get to court me,” Jiang Cheng says with a shrug. “I decided I’m going to court you first, as punishment for waiting so long.”
“What a horrible punishment,” Lan Xichen manages to get out as he focuses on the thing in his hand.
It’s a Yunmeng Jiang bell; not unlike the one Jiang Cheng is wearing, but it’s still a little bit different.
“What is this?” he asks, careful not to jump to conclusions, though Jiang Cheng’s words can hardly be misinterpreted.
“A courtship bell,” Jiang Cheng easily says, but when Lan Xichen’s head snaps up at that, he can see the faint tension in the corner of Jiang Cheng’s eyes and the twist to his mouth.
“You’re not the only one who has been thinking about this for some time now,” Jiang Cheng says and Lan Xichen can do nothing but gape at him.
“It’s gorgeous,” he breathes out, though he doesn’t take his eyes off Jiang Cheng, which he notices, going by the way his cheeks turn slightly red.
“Shut up,” Jiang Cheng mutters. “Are you taking it or not?” he then demands to know and Lan Xichen quickly presses his hand with the bell to his chest, cradling it protectively in case Jiang Cheng thinks he can just take it from him again. 
“Of course I’m taking it,” he tells him, and is surprised to see just how much tension leaks out of Jiang Cheng at that.
“It’s gorgeous, thank you,” Lan Xichen says as he carefully inspects the bell.
“You better have something equally as gorgeous, or I might think you’re not taking this seriously,” Jiang Cheng grumbles out and Lan Xichen smiles at him.
He thinks of the jade token he has prepared for Jiang Cheng; the jade just barely noticeable in between all the purple ornaments he adorned it with, and Lan Xichen reaches out to take Jiang Cheng’s hand in his again.
“I am taking this very seriously, as you’ll see the next time you’re at the Cloud Recesses,” he promises and is rewarded with a rare and gorgeous smile.
He is taking this so seriously, Jiang Cheng won’t even know what hit him when Lan Xichen is done with his courtship. He had years to prepare it, after all.
[Five senses sentence starters]
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My love! How you doing? You said your best friend is bi right? How did she out herself? I'm having struggles outing to my best friend..
I'm good thanks!
We were sitting on a bench 5 years ago. I complained about some dudes and then she started talking how immature they were. Then she said girls are way more mature in our age and prettier(in our surrounding). And then she added "i think like that because i think i'm bi"
It took me a few seconds to actually register what she said. I even thought she was joking but she wasnt smiling.
(I'm really open minded and love is love regardless of gender. That might be a reason for her to out herself to me pretty fast)
Then a big smile appeared on my face and i was like "fuck yeah bitchh i support you wuhuuu "
I asked her about her type of girls and she got so excited telling me everything.
It made me so happy cause that was the first time in my life i saw her eyes shining
I cant imagine it feels to hide who you really are. Outing isnt easy. Its hard. My best friend even struggled outing herself to me.
I cant say where when and how you should do it. Its only up to you. If you think the moment fits and you feel comfortable you can do it. But dont force yourself
Good luck💜
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My Doctor Who calendar
A/N: I decided to do a advent calendar about Tenth Doctor an my OC Stella this year. Every day a new chapter. Feel free to reblog.
Summary: Accompany my OC Stella and the tenth Doctor throughout the Advent season. Christmas is celebrated differently all over the universe. Some new Christmas customs are brought to light. But how does Christmas go with a portion of aliens, a good piece of Doctor and Stella and a teeny pinch of love that makes a big spark? Will The Doctor give in to his feelings in the end? It's the time of love. Every day a new sweet chapter. Accompany the two on their adventures through time and space.
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Soho Square, District of Soho, 51° 31′ N , 0° 7′ W London, United Kingdom
December 1st 2019; 4.29pm
I looked up into the grey, cloudy sky and sighed, pulling my cap deeper into my face and also adjusting my scarf. The Doctor ran beside me over the almost black asphalt and gave me a questioning look. His hands are in his trouser pockets to protect them from the biting winter wind of London. The wind played with his hair and also with me some blond strands got lost again and again in the face which I pushed energetically with deaf fingertips behind my ear. The Doctor pulled his shoulders up so that he could counteract the cold. His gaze, however, remained steadfast on me. 
I trembled, while talking I tried hard to suppress the rattling of my teeth. 
"It's the first of December, the first of Advent, and it doesn't seem so." Checking, the Doctor's eyes glided over the grey of the sky, as if searching for something specific. He stuck out his tongue so he could taste the air better. 
"Naah. You're probably right. There's no snow today," he replied and shook his head.
"Too bad... This year it will be probably again nothing with white Christmas, don't you mean? The Doctor only shrugged his shoulders, but then his eyes began to sparkle and a warm grin drew on his lips.
He freed his hand from the warmth of his trouser pocket, then held it up to me with a challenge, wiggling his fingers. Hesitantly I put my hand into his, then I looked at him expectantly. He winked at me and pulled me through the streets of London back to the TARDIS.
"Isn't snow just something great? This fine structure of frozen water molecules. Simply unbelievable! Did you know that the hexagonal basic shape is created because the water molecules form a special structure at this temperature, which consists exclusively of -120 degrees and -60 degrees angles? This is true art? I mean, why these two angles? I was on the planet of Warx once. Half fish, half human. They had snowflakes of all shapes, because they make them by hand. Or wait - probably by fin. Hm, actually quite admirable that they make something so filigree with fins." I looked at him in amazement as he suddenly paused and his steps slowed down.
"But what do fish people need snow for," I asked. We looked each other in the eye for a few seconds and then we snorted off.
"I don't have the slightest clue," he said laughing. Gasping for air I leaned against the wall behind me. Surprised my fingers felt the rough blue painted wood of the TARDIS. We had already arrived. The Doctor unlocked the door.
"Always walking into the good room." I followed him inside the TARDIS. Immediately I felt warmth returning to my deaf limbs. My toes began to tingle and my cheeks also glowed. The Doctor was already concentrated on the console of the TARDIS and flipped some switches and levers. Before I could even ask where and when we were going, he put the final lever on and the typical pumping and sighing of the TARDIS sounded around me. A jolt shook me as we travelled through the vortex. Suddenly it was quiet. The Tardis and thus also we had come to a standstill. The Doctor grinned at me and his brown eyes sparkled with excitement. 
"Go put on something warm! He ordered me. I didn't ask any more, but disappeared into the corridors of the TARDIS in search of warm clothes.
A few minutes later I returned to the control room thickly packed. The Doctor looked like always. He began to smile when he saw me. 
"I look like a Michelin man." I snorted and saw the Doctor with difficulty holding back a laugh. Finally he seemed to catch himself and put his hand on the door handle.
Somewhere on a hill, 33840° 37′ N , 1772° 888′ W Snowmania, Rigil Kentaurus, Galaxy 1.4-Apple
December 1st 2144; 7.13PM in human calendar and time 
The door swung open and I saw nothing but sparkling white that stretched to the horizon. A white desert. A cold gust of wind swept through the tardis and bit my cheeks. I stood astonished in the door frame of the TARDIS.
"At last. Snow! Isn't it beautiful?" the Doctor exclaimed delightedly and hopped into the white crystalline mass. His shoes sank down to his ankles. I still stood there, frozen, watching the snowflakes dancing silently across the sky and falling to the ground with a soft crackle. The Doctor had already taken a few steps before turning to me.
"Come on, Stella! What are you waiting for? Come out into the snow with me." He beamed at me and I couldn't do anything else. I ran out into the snow. He creaked under my footsteps and my breath beat little clouds in the air. Unbelieving I turned in a circle and rejoiced like a little child.
"Wuhuuu." I exclaimed loudly. Then I let myself fall into the snow and made a snow angel overjoyed. The Doctor, who until then had only observed me silently, took a few steps towards me.
"Is this the first time you've seen snow?" he asked jokingly and I stuck my tongue out at him. Snowflakes had got caught in his brown hair.
"I can't believe it's really snowing. This is the most beautiful place I've ever been. Nothing but snow. Only snow! Only blank white snow everywhere." I stared up into the grey sky, from which snowflakes were falling all the time. The Doctor mumbles something that sounded very much like "Then I could have saved myself everything else...", but fell silent when I looked at him questioningly. 
I straightened up and knocked the rest of the snow off my clothes, then I looked at the Time Lord next to me in a challenging way.
"Let's see which one of us can catch more snowflakes with his tongue! Immediately a fierce competition broke out between us. The big flakes were easy to catch with the tongue, but the Doctor seemed to have his problems. Some landed on the tip of his nose, others got caught in his eyelashes and eyebrows. 
"Catching snowflakes with your tongue is harder than it looks," he said at a glance. We looked up into the sky and tried to catch the snowflakes. None of us looked down, so it didn't take long for us to hit each other. Surprised we tumbled through the snow. Laughing we remained lying, but suddenly a snowball caught me on the shoulder, when I turned to the Doctor, he grinned mischievously at me and was already forming the next snowball.
"Oh, you've been messing with the wrong one, Time Lord!" I replied and reached into the snow to form a ball.
The Doctor announced "Snowball Battle" and jumped up. We fired long snowballs at each other until snow caught in my neck and ran coldly down my back. I breathed heavily and my cheeks glowed. 
"Ok, ok. Time out. You won, oh great Snow Lord." I laughed and raised my hands surrendering. Also the Doctor was out of breath. 
We trudged together through the snow and shone with the crackling of the white flakes as we walked through the endless hilly landscape. Suddenly I began to hum.
"Do you wanna build a snow man" I sang quietly.
"No way," the Doctor replied, but I was already at work. I rolled several balls and once the lowest ball was too heavy for me alone.
"Come on, give me a hand" I groaned under the load. The Doctor hurried to help me and together we put the snowman together. 
"We should brew him a partner, so that he is not so alone. I announced, after I had examined our work in detail. While we were busy forming new balls, something was moving in the corner of my eye. I looked up in amazement and noticed that the snowman had begun to move. I pushed the Doctor's elbow into the ribs.
"Ouch. What is denn- Oh. Oooh. Fascinating," he said with a glance at the snowman who was now forming a new ball and building a smaller snowman. When he saw us, he winked at us and waved with his stick arm. Suddenly our snow woman and the little snow boy came to life. They both hurried towards the first snowman who embraced them.
"How beautiful. A snow family," I whispered touched. "Let's build another one."
The Doctor agreed. We rolled the ball down the slope, but it became faster and faster, so we had to run after it. I stumbled and the Doctor fell over me and we rolled down the slope together, where we remained in the previously formed ball. The Doctor lay heavy on me and looked at me. My gaze found his and his warm eyes wandered back and forth between my and my cold lips. "You are sweet when you freeze" he said and plucked a flake out of my hair. For a second it looked as if he wanted to kiss me, so close were his lips to mine. I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks, but then he shook his head almost imperceptibly and got up. Before he offered me a hand, he knocked the snow off his body. I was confused, but tried to cover up the situation. I probably imagined it all. 
"I didn't feel my legs," I mumbled and trembled. "There's so much snow in my shoes." I missed the Doctor's warmth. At the top of the slope stood the snow family with growth. Twins. Uncertain, the Doctor took another step towards me before he embraced me and pressed me. I sighed comfortably and felt his breath blowing over my ear.
"You are like a heater," I murmured. The Doctor laughed quietly.
"What do you think of a warm cocoa in the Tardis?" he mumbled quietly. 
"Sounds wonderful."
When we returned to the Tardis, the snowmen waved goodbye. But I had buried my face in the Doctor's neck bend while preparing these two cups of steaming cocoa so I couldn't see it anymore.
A/N: I am not sure if everybody knows what a so-called „Michelin-Männchen“ is. Just google it. It’s a common phrase in Germany, when you feel fat, because of all the layers of cloth.
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amalasdraws · 6 years
Hello! so i recently got a job and have just gotten my first pay check that i obviously want to spontaneously spend on your art. Do you have an online store or webpage where this is possible? thank you and i absolutely adore your art!!!!!
WUhuuuu (/)//(/) really!??!?! WUHUUU THANK YOU!!!!Ahh unfortunately I’m a bit badly set up with store and such.I do have a socitey6 ..but there is not too much on it…but feel free to check it out!I also still have some stickers leftAnd sell some prints. Which I sell over preorder and invoice just over myself and not a store. I also have commissions..but I need to make a new post for it.
Further I do have a ko-fi and a patreon. But there mostly you only get more digital art and sketches to see…and not like something to buy to have at home (/)//(/)
One day I can afford to make more merch and I’ll have a proper job. Hopefully!!
Thank you so much for your sweet words and interest in my art!!
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
im not sweet its just the truth !!! n hihi yes it is i 🥰 im feeling so free actually bc my exams ended recently :D which is also why im back HAHSHA
anyway how are u !! i cant think of a good nickname (im bad at them tbh) but uh hm i’ll just call u lovie bc i think its cute and it fits u ^__^ orrr mirae works too ahaha us hj simps u know 😁 i hope you’ve been doing okay + that you had a great day btw ! 🫂
I- OKAY firstly congrats on finishing your exams WUHUUU and welcome back hehe <3
secondly excuse you ??????
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fun story: it was kind of a shit day because i had my test and it was an online timed essay but balblabla miscommunication blablabla i got the timing wrong blabla supposed to be due 6.30pm but i submitted it at 7pm and now the prof's gonna give me a penalty HA
fun story part 2: today the authorities tightened the measures bec of increasing covid cases and so the previously allowed groups of 5 social gatherings are now shrunken down to 2 BUT i just got accepted into the cover for TXT's lovesong dance crew (and wtf they made me the co-ic like sis i can't count for shit I LEARN BY LYRICS AND THE SONG NOT THE FUCKING COUNTS) so like wotttt
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leiyahime · 7 years
Advent 2017 - The stars in your eyes, the sun in your smile - Day 23
second to last chapter!!!! Wuhuuu!! Almost done!!! (a week late... I’m sorry...)
After their planetarium date, Hotsuma’s father got a surprise visitor.
A/N: Just as Hotsuma I have only heard the thing with the iron in a TV documentary and it’s quite a while ago. So if there’s anything inaccurate about the science part, feel free to correct me. I didn’t have time/motivation to do much research on the topic.
Day 23 -  Visitor
“So when the sun dies in less than five billion years it will blow up and swallow Mercury, Venus and Earth and then shrink down to a small ball. When a star bigger than the sun dies, it will explode.” Hotsuma explained when they entered the shoe shop. They had just been at the planetarium and then decided to walk home to get some food. And on the whole way Hotsuma had told Shuusei what he knew about Astronomy. The prince knew many things from his books and even had basic knowledge about the universe and how life on Earth developed but Hotsuma knew more and he was proud that he had found something he could teach the prince. Shuusei seemed to be very interested in the topic. At least he asked questions and Hotsuma had answered as detailed as he could.
 “When does a star die?” Shuusei asked curiously.
 “I don’t know why but I’ve once seen on TV that it happens when the first iron atoms are built inside the star’s core. You know stars shine because they transform hydrogen to helium and then even further. But when they reach iron it’s over and the star dies. Every other chemical element with more protons forms from the energy the moment a star explodes. So many stars had to explode so that our earth could develop the way i...” He couldn’t finish the sentence because Shuusei leaned over to him and kissed him. They were on the stairs leading to the living area out of view from the shop.
 He looked at him. “What was this for?” he asked when Shuusei let go of him. “Was I boring?”
 “Beware! I love listening to you when you explain me things I do not know but you seem to love so much!” Shuusei said. “I just felt like kissing you!” he said and did it again,
 Then Hotsuma heard footsteps so he ended the kiss. Of course his father knew about them but he still felt a bit uncomfortable being watched when he kissed his boyfriend like this.
Especially when he noticed it wasn’t his dad standing on top of the stairs but his aunt.
 “I... am shocked.” The woman, his father’s sister, said. “You should not be fooling around with boys. You’re dishonouring your whole family!”
 “Hello, Aunt Ashley. I don’t think it’s any of your business who I spend my life with. The shop is secure. May I introduce my boyfriend to you? This is Prince Shuusei. Shuusei, dad’s sister.”
 Shuusei nodded towards the woman. But even he didn’t seem to be keen on being too friendly to a woman who greeted them like this.
 The woman seemed shocked. “Prince?”
 Hotsuma nodded then turned to Shuusei. “Come. You said you were hungry.”
The two young men entered the flat where Hotsuma’s father was standing and bowed to Shuusei. “I’m sorry Your Highness... I didn’t get to tell my sister who my son’s boyfriend is before you returned.”
 “And you couldn’t inform us about her visit?” Hotsuma asked after Shuusei had accepted the apology.
 “She just showed up and I didn’t know how long you’d be at the planetarium.”
 Hotsuma grumbled a bit but accepted the explanation. “I’m going to make noodles with Bolognese sauce. Do you want to have some as well?” He asked.
 “I only eat spaghetti with this kind of sauce” Ashley said.
 “We don’t have a noodle maker but I can try to cut them thinly.” Hotsuma brushed it off. “Or you can go to the shop ad buy some spaghetti, when I remember correctly we don’t have any right now.”
 “You... will make them yourself? How poor is that? Can’t you afford noodles from the shop?”
 “We can. I’m not obligated to explain you my reasons. We’re in the kitchen. Either you eat what I make or not.” Hotsuma said and urged his boyfriend to said room.
 “And why are you cooking? You have a woman downstairs working in the shop!”
 “And that is exactly what she gets paid for.” Hotsuma’s father stepped in. “And not making our meals. Besides Hotsuma doesn’t trust anyone with food for his Highness.”
 Hotsuma’s father and his sister retreated to the living room while Hotsuma and Shuusei started to cook. Shuusei wanted to help this time. They were still on a date after all. But because of Shuusei’s allergies they couldn’t just go to any restaurant so that they had to eat here. Shuusei had paid for the planetarium and the missing ingredients for their meal so Hotsuma wanted to spoil his boyfriend with a self-made meal so both of them did things for the other they loved.
 “That... was quite rude...” Shuusei commented and Hotsuma knew he held himself back not to really scold him today. “She was rude. Thinks she’s better than us because she married a rich guy. I don’t tolerate her talking like this. It’s none of her business why I cook the way I do. And it’s none of her business who I’m in love with.” Hotsuma said coolly while he concentrated on measuring the ingredients for the dough and giving them into a bowl. “Do you really wanna fight about a person who is not going to accept my choice?” Really... His aunt wouldn’t change and he didn’t want to be friendly with her.
 “I fully share your opinion that she is not a nice person. But do you really have to be this rude?” Shuusei asked watching Hotsuma with what he did.
 “I am not as kind as you. If anyone speaks ill about anything or anyone I really care about I tell them.” He shrugged. “I guess I still have to learn how to put it into words that don’t hurt the other... But you can’t tell me to stop speaking my mind.” Then she shoved the bowl over to Shuusei. “Wash your hands then you can knead the dough until it is a smooth mass.”
 “I don’t want you to stop speaking your mind just...”
 “I’m working on it really. Sir Shizuka is currently teaching me how to speak my mind without trampling over an aristocrat’s fragile ego.”
“His words, not mine!” Hotsuma quickly defended himself. Of course it was important for him to learn how to express the things he wanted to. And he was glad that his instructor had humour and didn’t take himself and his title too seriously.
 When Shuusei started to chuckle the tension dissolved into nothing. “Sir Shizuka is teaching you to express yourself? Please take his advice seriously. I would love to see two people running around driving people mad with their courteous discourtesy.”
 “So... You really just don’t like the way I said it?” Hotsuma asked.
“Of course. I agree with you on the content.” Shuusei grinned while he kneaded the dough. “Perhaps you should practise on your aunt. Believe me. The courteous, intellectual insults have the most effect, although it takes a while until the recipient gets your meaning.”
 “Oh god, Shuusei, I love you!” Hotsuma laughed while he got two pots and put them on the stove. He knew deep down Shuusei didn’t share many of the aristocrat’s treats and opinions but he was always so terribly serious that even Hotsuma forgot about this side of him. And when it appeared he couldn’t feel anything but love and admiration towards this young man. No matter how different they seemed to be, there were so many similarities as well.
 “I don’t know where this comes from, but I love you, too.” Shuusei replied. “Is this okay?” he showed Hotsuma the bowl with the dough. “Not yet. Let me show you how it works better,” he said and took the bowl to help his friend. When Shuusei had understood he started to prepare the sauce. And he could say that he was happy today no matter how much his aunt was here. He wanted to enjoy the day with his boyfriend. This was really much better than another expensive gift.
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leiyahime · 7 years
Fanfic - Let me show you the sounds of the world - Chapter 6
Wuhuuu, yes, I’m productive right now! (but the chapter had already almost finished before I started the summer challenge xD And now here you are. Have some fluffy break for our dear kiddos.
Winter Wonderland
 This winter turned out to become frosty. It was only mid-December and freezing cold outside when the masters called all the Zweilts together in the gardens of the Tasogarekan next to a frozen pond. They would hold that day’s training session here. Even Yuki was present.  Everyone wore warm winter clothes, scarves and gloves.
It hardly happened that they gathered everyone, also because they knew of the conflicts between Hotsuma and Kuroto. Even in this life where they were unable to properly communicate because Kuroto refused to learn sign language the air sizzled with tension whenever they were in the same room.
Even now they shot challenging glances at each other and everyone was glad their partners were close to keep them from fighting.
 “Today we will look at your body control and train your balance. But since the year’s almost over we thought of a fun way to do so.” Kuroto’s and Senshirou’s trainer, an older man called Shinmei Genta, explained. “Last week we asked you for your size of shoes. And now we have another gift for you.”
 Takehiko and Reito appeared carrying a plastic box together and when they reached the group the children spotted ice skates inside it. “We’re skating?” Touko’s eyes started to sparkle and Tsukumo smiled.
 “Yes.” Takehiko confirmed and handed a pair of skates to Kuroto.
 Soon after everyone had put on their skates and looked over the shiny frozen lake. It wasn’t perfect anymore: Someone had been on the ice before them; perhaps to check if it would hold.
 “Okay guys. Since it’s the first time for all of you, just try to stay on your feet,” Takehiko grinned. “Have fun!”
 “Takehiko...” Genta called the younger man to his side and they seemed to have a serious conversation about the purpose of the training sessions but the children didn’t care. Reito had also put on his skates and looked after the seven kids. And he immediately noted huge differences in the children’s skill level. Kuroto was very quick in learning how to balance on a slim piece of steel, but that could be expected from “God’s legs”.
 “Look, what I can do!” Touko squealed while she tried to skate on one leg. And after 5 seconds she fell onto the ice. Tsukumo was immediately at her side to help her up but he was not used to skating either so soon after both of them lay on the ice giggling. Reito came to them to help them back to their feet.
 But as soon as they stood they were off again. Reito smiled and looked at Yuki who looked a bit shaky but next to him was Luka (without skates) and helped him.
When he looked at the last Zweilt pair he frowned. Hotsuma held himself on his feet by clinging to Shuusei’s hips who tried his best not to fall. Reito sighed and skated over to them to help them.
 He held his hand out for Hotsuma to give him something more secure for support but the boy refused and turned away from the man.
 “I want to help you...” Reito signed when he skated to Hotsuma’s field of vision, but the boy turned away a bit too quickly so that Shuusei lost his still poor balance and both boys landed on the ice.
 When they had sat up and untangled their limbs Shuusei started to sign to Hotsuma with a security and speed Reito was unable to understand.  Shuusei didn’t seem too happy about this situation either, so soon after Hotsuma nodded and looked to Reito to let him help him back to his feet.
 “I’ll skate a bit by myself and when I can keep on my legs you can hold on me as much as you want.” Shuusei promised his partner with a warm smile.
 Hotsuma wasn’t happy about it but he couldn’t help it. So he held on to Reito’s hand while Shuusei took a few careful steps.
 Now Takehiko and Genta appeared on the ice as well and took care of the other two Zweilt Pairs.
 It didn’t take too long until all of the children were skating without a helping hand and soon started to think of games they could play on the ice. Everyone but Hotsuma. He had difficulties with keeping his balance and even after everyone had started playing he often lost his balance and couldn’t participate. He looked so frustrated that he was unable to do, what the others did so easily.
And Kuroto had too much fun with skating in front of Hotsuma’s eyes to show off. Reito could feel how strong the boy’s angry grip was on his hand.
 Luckily Shuusei returned to his partner’s side and signed: “You can do it, Hotsuma. Believe in yourself.” Then he took Hotsuma’s other hand to support him. He had read that deaf people often had problems with their balance so of course ice skating was very difficult for him. But Shuusei wanted to encourage his partner and so he and Reito tried his best to keep the boy on his feet without letting him fall too often.
 “If you wanna play with the others, you can go...” Hotsuma signed, when they had a break and each of the kids had a cup of hot chocolate in their hands.
 Shuusei shook his head. “You need me, so I’m at your side. I care about you more than the others.”
 “Hotsuma-kun, you do great! Next time we can all play together.” Yuki had joined them and smiled at the frustrated boy.
 “I suck...”
“No... you don’t. You just need more time. But you have other talents! Look, you’re good at maths, you are one of the strongest of the Zweilts... So please, don’t tell yourself you’re bad!” Yuki couldn’t tolerate any of his friends to diminish themselves.
 Hotsuma grumbled a bit and took a sip of his chocolate. He couldn’t deal with being praised by others, and his relation to “God’s Light” was still a bit difficult, although the blonde boy did not repel him.
 After the break the kids returned to the ice and continued their games. Shuusei and Hotsuma stayed out of their way so that they could practise Hotsuma’s skating ability at peace.
 It already grew dark when they were called off the ice.
Hotsuma had already gotten off and changed into his shoes and sat at the side of the pond and watched the others. He had enough of skating for today and had emptied the hot chocolate while he watched his partner and the others play. It had been a discussion until Shuusei had joined the others.
But Shuusei was the first to leave the ice and was quickly at Hotsuma’s side.
 When they entered the mansion all the kids were glad to be inside again. And soon after, everyone had a blanket around their shoulders and they were sitting and lying in front of the fireplace to warm up. They all were pleasantly quiet due to their exhaustion. And it was decided that the kids would stay here overnight.
 After dinner they all went to bed without much protest because they were simply tired.
 Shuusei was not so unhappy about staying, when he climbed into his much too large bed. At least he would not hear his parents scream at each other tonight. Nevertheless he had difficulties to fall asleep. His thoughts went to Hotsuma and his problems on the ice. He didn’t want his partner to feel left out... And he knew Hotsuma felt like that. He had wanted to join their games.
Shuusei sighed and got up. He felt the need to be at his partner’s side, so he left the room and crossed the hallway to the room assigned to Hotsuma. He opened the door and entered, knowing too well that knocking would be useless.
 The curtains were drawn back and the light of a full moon poured into the room telling Shuusei two things: His partner was in his bed and he had not bothered to pick up the day’s clothes after him. Shuusei sighed quietly, picked everything up and put it on the couch. He couldn’t stand chaos especially these little things which needed less than a minute to be put away.
 When he heard rustling of bed sheets he looked over and saw that Hotsuma had sat up and sleepily stared at him, trying to process what was happening.
 Shuusei quietly walked over to the bed and looked into the tired but curious eyes of his partner.
 “What’s wrong?” Hotsuma asked and his movements clearly spoke of how sleepy he was. Everyone who said deaf people could not convey feelings with their signing was obviously lying.
 “I... Can I sleep here?” he asked shyly unsure whether or not he was welcome in Hotsuma’s bed.
But the boy instantly slipped over to the wall so that Shuusei had enough space next to him without even asking a question about his reasons.
 “Shuusei? Can we go skating again tomorrow?”
Shuusei was surprised and asked himself whether he had recognized the gestures correctly in the twilight.
 “I can’t stay so much behind that black bean! I have to be able to skate.” Hotsuma signed decisively. “And... I don’t want to watch you all having fun...”
 “I’m sorry... I should have stayed with you instead of playing with the others...” Shuusei felt bad about leaving his partner alone even though Hotsuma had insisted on him playing with the others.
 And now he again shook his head. “You have your own life as well, I’m glad when you do things with the others as well. And I could watch you. So it wasn’t so bad.”
 Shuusei smiled. He was always fascinated by how open his partner could express his emotions. And he was a bit envious as well. “Okay then we’ll go skating after breakfast”, he signed and snuggled up to his partner’s side. Soon he could feel how Hotsuma put his arm around him and soon after both boys were fast asleep and were able to completely relax just because the other was around.
 The next morning he woke up because someone shook his shoulders. He was confused, usually he woke up by himself quite early and it wasn’t necessary to wake him up. When he opened his eyes drowsily he noticed that it was still dark. The person waking him sat on the bed next to him and was his dear partner.
 “Shuusei! We wanna go skating!” Hotsuma signed excitedly. Shuusei yawned. It was usually him who had to wake his partner whenever they stayed here. But today Hotsuma was too excited to start his day.
 “I thought after breakfast...” Shuusei mumbled and almost forgot to sign. This was too early even for him.
 “I wanna go now! Come oooon!”
 Shuusei sighed and sat up. He was awake now so he could as well get up and fulfil his partner’s wish. He nodded and left Hotsuma’s room with a yawn to get dressed in fresh, warm clothes since they wanted to go outside even before breakfast.
 Hotsuma entered the room when Shuusei pulled his sweater over his head.
 “You ready?” Hotsuma signed. He looked almost ready. It was adorable how excited he was and Shuusei smiled. And once more he wished he would be able to show his feelings so openly.
 Shuusei nodded and left the room. On their way they met Tachibana and told them they’d be on the lake. Then they put on their jackets, got their new skates and left the house through the back entrance. It didn’t take too long until they changed into their skates and stood on the ice again, Shuusei held Hotsuma’s hand to keep him on his feet. It was hard and they often fell, but Hotsuma had fun nevertheless and slowly he got better. Shuusei never left his partner’s side and always had an eye on him. He didn’t want Hotsuma to hurt himself more than a few bruises.
 They were still on the ice when Takehiko appeared and watched them with crossed arms. The sun had risen and it promised to be another clear, cold day. But the boys seemed to have fun. Hotsuma’s skating skills had improved and he didn’t cling to his partner anymore. Nevertheless he was still far from developing some kind of elegance, but Takehiko was very content with what he saw. He and Reito had feared Hotsuma would lose interest in the sport because of his handicap, but luckily they were proved wrong. Skating was the ideal chance for the deaf boy to train his balance and erase one of the weaknesses that were linked to his disability.
 “Hey, boys! Are you coming? Breakfast’s ready!” He called them and suddenly Shuusei turned around and lost his balance. He gripped the next thing he could reach. That was Hotsumas arm, so both boys tumbled over and landed on the ice.
 “What was that?” Takehiko looked sceptically as he stepped on the ice to help them up.
 “You startled me ...” Shuusei complained, when he was back on his feet and looked out for Hotsuma. “Are you okay?” he asked. “I’m sorry.”
 “I’m fine, don’t worry. I’m used to getting bruises,” Hotsuma signed with a grin.
“Okay. Then are you coming? Breakfast is ready.” Takehiko looked at them sternly.
 “But I still wanna skate...” Hotsuma complained.
 “You need to eat. You can go skating this afternoon again.”
 “Why not after breakfast?”
 “Because then we will continue with our regular training schedule.”
 “I don’t wanna...” The pout on Hotsumas face was almost adorable. But Shuusei put his hand on his partners arm to get his attention.
 “Let’s do what he says or else they will cut our skating session later...”
 They left the ice and changed shoes again, although Hotsuma was still pouting.
 “Shuusei is right. And perhaps the others will join you later and you can all play together. You have improved a lot, my dear Hotsuma.”
 The boy’s face lit up when he saw his master’s praise and the pride in his eyes.
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