#in the past few years i've been accidentally collecting more and more clothes of this kind of green
redbootsindoriath · 2 years
#but the actually fun reason is i've finally gotten to working on the costume i've been trying to put together for like two years now#the great part is i get a cool outfit out of it#the time consuming part is that i'm making myself sew EVERYTHING by hand including the seams for the sake of authenticity I would LOVE to hear about this if you'd want to talk about it?? I love sewing by hand (even if it takes forever)! Would you be willing to share pictures?
Oh wow, thanks for asking about this!  I can never be sure how many of my followers are reading the tags, so it’s cool to know that you are.  And I’ve been keeping this costume a secret for a while, so I’m excited to ramble a bit about it.
Okay so.  A couple of years ago I decided I wanted to try making a costume based off something I’d drawn, and I also wanted a Silmarillion costume, so I’m doing both at the same time and making the gold-hemmed green tunic that I’ve drawn Beleg in a few times.  It’s about half done at the moment, but I finally got the sleeves to sit right (only took me four days, RIP; as I said before, I’m no tailor) so I’m feeling confident enough to post this progress picture.  Pardon the ugly black background; I decided to erase the real background because it was kind of cluttered.  And you’re going to have to take me at my word that the fabric is green.  It turns kind of brown in warm toned lights and kind of grey in cool toned lights, and I took the picture in a room where the light was yellowish so that’s why it doesn’t exactly look green.
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Eventually there will be a gold border around the sleeves and lower hem (probably embroidered but I’m saving that decision for the very end). The outer waist belt sits approximately where those three safety pins are, and there will be a total of five buttons above that line.
Ah, but then!  Once the tunic is done, I’ll only be about halfway finished with the whole outfit.  Sure I’ll have the big pieces (the tunic and trousers), but many of the little details that actually bring the whole look together (belts, pouches, bracers, gaiters/puttees/winnigas, etc.) have yet to be found/crafted.  The outer belt I’ll probably not be making myself since I have a stamped leather belt with moose and forest imagery on it and I think that’s dope as heck, and I have a buckled bracer that I was given last year which matches that belt, but everything else I’m pretty sure I can make myself.  We’ll see. I’m hoping to have the entire outfit completed by the end of the summer, but because I’ve been procrastinating for ages I’m starting to run out of time if I’m going to make that deadline.  As a wise man hobbit once said:
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...but at least I’m working on it.  The thing I’m really dreading making is the bow and arrows because no matter how many tutorials you read and watch, you don’t have the skill to do it well until you’ve tried it yourself and messed up a few times, and also those are a bit important to the character so it’s kind of crucial that I do well on them.
Anyhow, this post has gotten pretty long now, so I’m going to leave the rest of my rambling in the tags.  Thank you again for asking about this!
#the man the myth the legends#yo somebody talked to me#/end classification tags#i've mentioned this before but army green and other warm greens are my favorite ''real'' color#because of how they change in different lights#in the past few years i've been accidentally collecting more and more clothes of this kind of green#which makes me very happy#viva la army green#also i don't know yet if i'm going to add an undertunic to the outfit#in some drawings with the green tunic i had beleg wearing a brighter forest green shirt with long sleeves#but i don't have a shirt that matches that description#nor do i have any fabric of that color lying around#so we'll see#okay but back to griping about the issues i'm running into while making the tunic#i designed it and cut out the pieces well over a year ago (actually almost two years i think)#but during this past year i decided to start upping my strength training and whatnot#so when i started actually putting it together this may i realized that it was going to end up way tighter than i meant it to be#oh well#the silver lining is thicker than the cloud in this instance so i can't complain#and i was able to widen the sleeves rather easily which was the biggest issue#the shoulders and chest i had to leave the way they were because i couldn't exactly add more fabric to the stuff that was already cut#measure twice cut once#except surprise your unit of measurement changes later and there's nothing you can do about it#and that's just the way the lembas crumbles sometimes#i'm sure it'll turn out fine
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Piss Off Your Parents - Part 9
Ukai Keishin - Haikyuu
Synopsis: freshly turned 18, you want to prove to your parents that you aren’t a child for them to push around anymore. First, get a job at the local corner store. Second, use the store owner’s 26-year-old son with piercings and a cigarette addiction to piss your parents off. Third, accidentally fall in love.
Rating: PG13
Warnings: arguing, harsh language, swearing
Song → 18 by Anarbor
Previous → Part 8
Next → Part 10
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The trek up the stairs from the store to the apartment felt like climbing a never-ending escalator that was going the wrong way. After the day you had had, you were both mentally and physically exhausted and ready to call it a night early.
Thankfully, as if you had finally hit a stroke of luck that day, Keishin had texted you saying that he would pick up dinner on the way home, saving you the exertion of having to leave the apartment again. So, with that information in mind, you kicked off your shoes for the day and fell unceremoniously onto the couch in the living room.
As you sat down, you heard the envelope in your back pocket crinkle and the sudden noise seemed to completely fill the otherwise silent apartment.
Ah yes, the envelope.
Pulling the decision to your future out of your back pocket, you stared at it for what felt like another hour or so. No matter how long you held the envelope in your hands, you couldn't force yourself to open it. You simply didn't want to.
At some point between when your mother had handed it to you and now, you had subconsciously decided that you wanted to choose your own path forward despite what the decision letter may or may not say.
Feeling strangely empowered and confident, you stood to your feet and ventured into the bedroom where you slipped the envelope into one of the drawers Keishin was letting you keep your clothes in and tucked it underneath one of your sweaters. Maybe one day you would open the damn thing when whatever was inside wasn't weighing so heavily on your mind and future, but today was not that day.
Just then, you heard the front door open and knew Keishin had arrived home. Closing the drawer, you plastered a smile across your face and exited the bedroom to greet your boyfriend.
"Welcome home, Dear," you giggled, trying your best to fake the part of a doting housewife. "How was the volleyball game?"
Keishin chuckled softly as you took the takeout bags from him. "It was a close game, but they pulled it together in the last set and won."
"Oh, good!" You placed the bags onto the table before retrieving some plates and chopsticks from the kitchen.
"How was your day?" he asked as he pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek.
You sighed as you thought back on your day. "It was okay," you answered, not really wanting to go into much more detail than that. You doubted Keishin wanted to hear about your minuscule problems with rude customers after the long day he had clearly had.
Keishin, however, picked up on your uncertainty right away. "Doesn't sound okay," he commented. "Want to talk about it?"
You shrugged. "Just some shitty customers. Seems I had forgotten how poorly low-level workers are treated sometimes . . . just threw me a little," you said. "I'll be fine. Just glad the day is over now."
"You and me both." He flashed a smile as he turned to head for the bedroom. "I'm just going to change quickly and then we'll eat."
"Sounds good." You started dishing out some of the food. "I was also thinking we could watch a movie tonight as well. I could use something to clear my mind."
"Sitting on the couch with a beer is an ideal evening in my book," you heard him respond faintly from the bedroom. "There's a new action movie that came out. I think it's about-"
You waited for Keishin to finish his sentence, but when he didn't, you cocked your head and looked toward the bedroom doorway. Before you had the chance to call out to him, he appeared in the doorway shirtless, eyebrows furrowed and the envelope from the university in his hand.
"W-why do you have that?" you asked, the look on his face upon discovering the letter making your heart drop. "That was in my drawer . . . why were you going through my things?"
"I was looking for my sweater, the one you always steal," he answered. "Y/N . . . what is this?"
Rounding the table and approaching Keishin, you snatched the envelope out of his hand. "That is one of the many reasons why my day today was so shitty."
As you turned to head for the kitchen to toss the envelope in the garbage and rid your life of it, Keishin followed you. "You didn't get in?" he inquired.
You shrugged. "I have no idea. I didn't open it."
As you moved to toss the letter into the trash, Keishin grabbed your wrist and stopped you. "Why are you throwing it out if you didn't open it yet?"
"Because I don't care what it says. I've decided that I'm going to stay here with you and work at the store. This is the life I want . . . the life I get to choose for myself."
"You should still open it," he reasoned. "You might change how you feel about it when you see the result."
"I don't want to change how I feel about it." You shook your head as you gently pried your wrist out of his grip. "No need to make things more difficult than they need to be. I've had enough difficulty for one lifetime, thank you very much. This decision is easy, and best of all, it makes me happy."
Gesturing to the envelope, Keishin sighed. "But this is what you wanted. When you told me about your dream to play soccer at the University of Tokyo, your face lit up. Why are giving up on your dream before you've even given yourself a chance to experience it?"
"Dreams can change, Keishin," you told him before sighing and deciding to humour him for a moment. "Okay, let's say I open this letter and somehow did get in. What then? I couldn't pay for that school in my wildest dreams; not without my parents' help. Sometimes dreams are just childish and unrealistic. So I found a new dream, one with us living here together."
"You could apply for student loans. Tons of people do." He folded his arms across his chest. "I don't think this is about the money or your parents. I think this is about us. You've gotten comfortable here."
Throwing your hands up into the air in exasperation, you huffed. "And so what if I have? Is that really so bad?"
"I just don't want you to throw away an opportunity like this over me."
"Over you?" you cocked a brow. "Because you're, what, trash? Not worth it? A lowlife? A burnout?"
Keishin bit at his bottom lip. "You know what's not what I meant."
Inhaling deeply, you glared down at the god-forsaken envelope in your hand and began to tear at the top. "Let's not fight about something that probably isn't even going to happen." You pulled the letter out and unfolded it, your eyes scanning the text quickly. "The University of Tokyo is notoriously difficult to get into and I-"
Keishin quirked a brow when you stopped mid-sentence. "What does it say?"
A broken laugh was the only thing you could manage as you lowered the letter and shook your head. "Un-fucking-believable." You handed the paper over to Keishin, the edge crumpled from where your grip had tightened when you read the decision.
Keishin looked at the page for all of two seconds before he found the bolded 'Congratulations' and a huge grin spread across his face. "You got in!" He was way more excited than you were about this. "This is good news. You can play soccer at the University of Tokyo. Come on, you can't tell me this doesn't make you at least a little happy."
"I wish it did," you answered honestly. "I wish it were that easy."
"It is! It can be." Keishin set the letter down on the counter and took your hands in his. "Student loans, part-time jobs, it's all possible. Sure, it might be a little tricky to work out, but it's totally possible."
When you didn't respond, Keishin hooked his fingers under your chin and tilted your head up to look at him. "Accept the spot at the university. Follow your dream," he told you.
". . . but I'll have to leave you." You felt the words catch in your throat and tried your hardest not to start crying. "You make me happy—you're the first thing that's made me genuinely happy in a long time—and I don't want to leave that for a chance at something that might not even work out."
"But what if it does work out? You don't know that it won't," he said softly. "Don't end up like me, looking back at your past and wondering what might have been if you had just chosen a different path. I know this might seem good enough for now, but how will you feel after ten or twenty years of working the same dead-end job for the same shit pay all while getting treated like shit by people who look down on you? Look at how one day of catering to pretentious assholes made you feel. Do you really want to live the rest of your life like that?"
"But what about you?" you asked, your voice shaky.
Keishin dropped his head, a few stray strands of hair falling into his face. Unlike that morning, when he had been asleep with loose hairs in his face, he looked annoyed and frustrated now. The bags under his eyes and tension lines on his forehead were a stark contrast to the soft, peaceful face you had woken up to that morning.
"Don't throw this away over me," he repeated. "Don't throw your future away over a 26-year-old burnout."
Lip quivering, you sucked in a deep breath. "I thought you were different . . . but you're just like everyone else."
Keishin eyed you. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You said I should make my own decisions and live my life how I wanted but it was all a facade." You slipped your hand out of his and took a step back. "In the end, you're just like everyone else . . . you think you have a right to plan my future for me without giving me a say in the matter. You want to tell me how to live my life just like my parents."
"How could you say that?" Keishin almost snapped but managed to collect his anger before he did. "All I want is what's best for you."
You scoffed as you wiped a tear from your cheek. "If I had a penny for every time I've heard that I'd have enough money to pay for the University of Tokyo and then you'd get your damn wish . . . I'd be gone."
"When did I ever say I wanted you gone? Why are you so adamant that going to Tokyo means we can't be together?"
"Why are you so against just letting me make my own decision about this?! Why do I have to go to play soccer at that fucking university and leave you? I don't want to leave you!"
"Why not? Why are you so damn hung up on someone like me?!"
"Because I love you!" The two of you froze in place the second those words left your mouth. Chest heaving from the shouting and high emotions, you snapped your mouth shut before you said anything else in the heat of the moment.
Eyes wide, Keishin stared at you like a deer in headlights. "You what?"
You debated whether or not you should repeat what you had said, but by then, the damage had been done. "I love you," you breathed. "And I know you told me not to fall in love with you . . . but I did. I fell hard and fast and now I'm stuck in you and I cannot possibly leave you so please stop asking me to."
You waited for what felt like an eternity for Keishin to say something, say anything. He opened his mouth a few times like he was about to, but nothing ever came out.
"Keishin . . ." You took a cautious step forward. "Please say something."
Keishin swallowed hard before looking you directly in the eyes. "If I said I didn't love you back, would you go?"
You felt your heart crack and the sensation of being punched in the gut spread throughout your entire body. "Is that what you're saying? You don't love me?"
"If I didn't, would you leave?"
You inhaled sharply. "If you look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you don't feel the same way that I do; that everything over the past few months has meant nothing to you, there would be no possible way I could stay in Miyagi," you answered truthfully. "If you tell me that you don't love me and that you never have, I would have no reason to stay in this prefecture."
Keishin's lips parted once more. "Y/N . . . I-" His brown eyes locked onto yours and you could feel what he was about to say even though he never did. "I . . . I can't do this right now."
With that, he brushed past you, grabbed a sweater from the bedroom and threw it on before storming out of the apartment, leaving you and the now cold takeout food alone.
Tears in your eyes and a lump in your throat, you turned to look over your shoulder at the decision letter sitting on the counter, practically taunting you.
You should have thrown the thing out the second your mom dropped it off. Or better yet, maybe you should have never made that deal with Keishin and applied for the university in the first place.
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angelbabyszn · 4 years
Bad Vibes (Sad Eyes X Reader)
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Gif by @merakiaes​
OMB Masterlist / Tag List
B/F/N - Best Friend
C/B - Car Brand
"Hi baby." you beamed as your boyfriend, Sad Eyes enter the house.
You were in the kitchen making dinner as he just came back from doing another task with Spooky for the gang, the Santos.
"Hi Y/N." Sad Eyes replies depressingly. He sounds annoyed, making you stop stirring the shrimp scampi in the pan, put a top on it, and walk out of the kitchen.
"What's wrong, baby?" you asked as you went over and wrapped your arms around his torso.
"I don't want to talk about it." Sad Eyes said, with a sigh of irritation.
He grabs your arms and unwraps them from his torso. He walked over to the couch and grunted as he sat down.
He grabs the remote and turns on the TV. His attention was grabbed as he saw his favorite football team playing in the championship.
"Baby, I thought I told you to tell me what's going on immediately. You can't ignore it." you remind him.
Sad Eyes didn't respond, he continued on watching the championship game on the TV as he took off his plaid flannel and threw it on the floor with no care in the world.
Your jaw dropped a bit by his rude action. You just cleaned and swept the floor. You walked over and picked up the shirt irritably.
You walked through the hallway of the house with his flannel aggressively until you accidentally dropped it.
You pick it back up and see a little piece of paper that wasn't on the floor before underneath it.
You pick up the little piece of paper and unveil it. You couldn't believe what you're seeing right now.
The paper has a phone number with hearts surrounding it. You felt rage going through your body, making you clench the over-shirt in your left hand.
You look back down the hall to see your boyfriend's eyes still focused on the game on the couch. Your mind starts to question his intentions of getting somebody's else's number.
"Ooo, this looks good, babygirl. Thank you." Sad Eyes grinned as you sat dinner in front of him at the dining table.
"You're welcome, babe. I was wondering if you're able to make it to my singing gig this Friday." you said in a casual voice.
"You got a gig? Where?" He said, cheerfully.
You place the little poster next to him on the table. He grabbed it and read the information of your upcoming performance.
He shrugged and looked back at you. His face became full of grief as he saw you full of excitement in your eyes.
He knows this was your passion and it's your first gig since last year. He didn't want to disappoint you but sadly, he has to tell the truth.
"Y/N, I'm sorry but...I can't make it." He drawled out while looking at you with upsetting eyes.
You scoffed and looked away from him. This isn't the first time he disappointed you.
He never came and supported you with your dreams. He is always doing something else, which upsets you even more.
"Reina, come sit down with me." your boyfriend advised and pat the seat next to him.
You turn back around and look at him with a provoked face. You have enough of this.
"Since you don't want to talk about what's wrong, I won't be sitting with you. I'm taking a bath." you remarked with crossed arms and a gruff tone.
"Y/N, babe." He said sympathetically as he looked at you leaving the dining room to the bathroom.
You lit some candles, connected your speaker to your phone for music, and took off your clothes.
You put your hair up in a bun, and drop a bath bomb in the warm bathtub you set up before giving dinner to Sad Eyes.
You locked the door and got into the bathtub. You let your mixed feelings for Sad Eyes melt away with chill music playing in the background on the speaker.
Meanwhile, Sad Eyes took out his phone, and started to talk to somebody on the phone with your singing gig poster in his hands.
"Have a good day, hermosa" Sad Eyes beamed and kissed you on the lips.
"Bye baby." you said with a small smile and shut the door behind him.
You look out the window and see Sad Eyes pulling away from the house. You make sure you can't see him in the distance.
You slowly back up from the window and pull out your phone to call somebody.
"He's gone." you said with an approving smile on the phone.
A moment later, the front door busted open, making your heart beating fast and your eyes widened in fear.
"B/F/N's in the house!" B/F/N chiming in with pride as they entered the house.
"B/F/N!" you cautioned her as you closed the front door again. B/F/N drops onto the couch and lay on their back.
"So, what's going on with you and Sad Eyes that gave you trouble last night?" your best friend, appealed as you sat down on the recliner.
You pull out the little piece of paper from your pocket and hand it to B/F/N.
B/F/N look at the phone number on the paper and they sit up slowly. Their lips tighten in suspicion.
"Y/N, what's this?" They wondered while holding the paper in their right hand and leaning it to their right while looking at you with narrow eyes.
"I don't know. You tell me. He hasn't been communicating. He's always out with the gang." you explained, while having a shifty eye contact with B/F/N.
"Y/N, you're just going to let him get away like that? The Santos doesn't matter if he doesn't communicate with you!" B/F/N barked, while clutching both of their hands together, making the paper crumble.
"B/F/N, you know I'm the quiet one. I don't like conflict." you shuddered as you scratch the back of your right ear.
"Conflict my a*s! We're leaving! Let's go!" B/F/N remarked, in an angrily tone and they got up from the couch and walked over to the front door aggressively.
"B/F/N! Stop!" you shouted as you got up and looked at her with wide eyes. B/F/N stopped walking and looked back at you.
"Come on. I'm sure he will tell me what's going on tonight. I don't want to be the pushing girlfriend." you said with a sad grimace.
"Why do you want to wait when you can find out now? Let's go and confront him! You need to know what's going on!" B/F/N said with simple directness.
"Get in the car." B/F/N ordered you and grabbed your car keys. They walked out before you could even respond.
You did an exasperated sigh and you grab your phone and purse before walking out the house to see what's going on with Sad Eyes.
"Could've found out tonight but nooo, we have to find it now. B/F/N, if he sees us and he don't trust me no more, I'm blaming it on you cause this is some ridiculous-"
B/F/N slapped her right hand on your mouth, making you stop talking. You made a whining sound through her hand because it hurt you.
B/F/N turn their head to you and raise their eyebrow to see if you're done. You nodded your head and B/F/N slowly pulled their hand away from your mouth.
B/F/N look back out their window while you leaned forward and look over to see Spooky's house with some gang members all over the front lawn.
Luckily, nobody hasn't noticed your car on the other side of the street yet so you're able to see what's going on.
Your gaze becomes fixed as you see Sad Eyes coming out of the house and sitting on the staircase.
"What's he hiding?" you thought as you look at your boyfriend talking to Oso.
You started with wide eyes as you saw a woman walking down the sidewalk and walking up to Sad Eyes. She sat down next to him and they started talking.
You lean more forward to the window with narrow eyes as you see both of them talking like they know each other from a long time ago.
You saw the girl giggling as Sad Eyes was looking like he was telling one of his stories.
You started to contemplate their interaction with each other. You couldn't take it no more.
"I've had enough. Let's go." you scoffed and you lean back on your seat and cross arms.
"I've said let's go. I'll deal with him." you ordered again and looked out your side of the window with a tight-lipped mouth.
B/F/N looked at you doubted for a few moments before starting the car again and pulling out from the parking spot.
"Hey sweetheart." said Spooky as he came over from his car and walked over to his girl.
The girl walked over to him and they did a sweet kiss.
"Dude, you weren't trying to steal my girl, wouldn't you?" Spooky questioned as he walked over to his best friend, Sad Eyes with the girl's waist around his right arm.
"Nah, just keeping her company." Sad Eyes grinned and Spooky reached into his left pocket and pulled out two dollar stacks.
"Here, mano. You're been working hard for the past few weeks and I've wanted to give you a gift." said Spooky, causing Sad Eyes to quickly get up and walking over to collect it.
"Thanks, Spooky. I think I have enough to buy Y/N's gift. I've been so distant from her. I've been so distant that I'm not able to make it to her gig." sad Eyes grieving of what your relationship with him has been for the past few weeks.
"Whoa, she's having a new gig? Why didn't you say so? I've let you off the hook for a few days. Get some of these other Santos to actually do something." Spooky glared at his gang members playing card games or lifting weights all over his front lawn.
"You should bring her gift to her show. That would make her night." The girl said with a beam on her face.
"That ain't a bad idea. Thanks, Dinah." Sad Eyes remarked happily.
"No problem. She's going to love it." Dinah said with excitement.
"I hope so. I really do. I'm worried she may break up with me soon." Sad Eyes said, doubting himself.
"Don't worry, I know she wouldn't break up with you. Both of you are in deep with each other. Nothing is going to break that." Spooky acknowledged and he walked into his house with Dinah.
Sad Eyes starts to think about you and all the good memories you have with him. It made him smile and agree with what Spooky said.
"Baby, I'm home!" shouted Sad Eyes as he came into the house and closed the front door behind him.
He walked into the living room and he saw you drinking a drink in your hand with your legs crossed and your foot shaking repeatedly impatiently.
Sad Eyes cautiously tries to get close to you. He knew something was wrong once you were doing that.
"Babe? You're home early!" you said with excitement.
You quickly went over to him and hugged him tight. Sad Eyes calms down and his tension of something being wrong goes away quickly as he hugs you back.
Both of you sat down on the couch next to each other.
"Does that mean, you're going to my show?" you asked as you looked at him with hopeful eyes.
"I told you I got to go out with the gang tonight. We have to make a plan to make sure these Prophet$ ain't trying to take the gang down." he explained in a perpetually tired voice.
"Why tonight? Why not tomorrow? You haven't taken a break from the gang in a while. Do you even want to see me perform?" you asked with pleasing eyes.
"Babe, I do want to see you perform, " he confronted while looking deep into your eyes.
He grabs both of your hands with his, brings them to his lips, and kisses both back sides of your hand. "But we need to protect this neighborhood. You know how dangerous it is at night. I don't want nothing to happen to you so we have to do this tonight."
"You know how passionate I am about singing and this is my first performance in a while so can you skip it? Please? You haven't seen any of my performances yet." you said with determination as Sad Eyes walked to the island of the kitchen.
"I know and I'm so happy that you found your purpose in life but that doesn't get us out of this bad neighborhood. We don't have enough money." he said with firm persistence as you walked over to him.
"If you're so happy that I found it, then why can't you just come and see me? I want your support there." you conceded and Sad Eyes looked away without a response.
"Why are you always with the gang? You are not communicating with me and I can't get you a moment alone without you running off again." you confessed as you looked at him tumbling a bit.
"Y/N, I-"
"No. Go ahead. I don't care if you go to my show or not. Be with the gang." you snapped as you walked over to the bin of dirty laundry on the dining table and grabbed it.
You start walking through the house with the laundry to the laundry room until you stop and look straight with a tight lips. You don't even turn around to look at your distant boyfriend right now.
"Look, if you don't want to be with me or talk about what's going on, just pack your clothes and be on your way." you said with a straight face, making Sad Eyes finally giving his undivided attention on you.
Sad Eyes quickly ran to the laundry room and tried to open the door but it was locked. He grips the handle and shakes it with all of his strength to open it but it didn't budge.
"Y/N! Hermosa, you didn't mean that! Let's talk! Please!" Sad Eyes shouted while leaning against the door and gripping the handle.
He was pleased to talk to you right now. He definitely knows he really messed this up this time.
It's so bad that you wanted him out. He has to fix this. Now.
"Hello, future artist!" shouted B/F/N as they entered your dressing room already dressed up for the performance.
You were wearing a Marilyn Monroe inspired white sleeveless dress with sleeves and matching heels. Your hair was in a high ponytail with curls at the end and was wearing silver jewelry.
"So, what's the reason with these throwback outfits?" B/F/N wondered.
"It's a 60′s-inspired night at the theater so all music is modified or made inspired by that time." you answered as you were putting on bold red lipstick on your lips.
"Y/N! B/F/N! Jasmine! You're up in one minute." Ruby reported outside the dressing room after knocking three times.
He was the planner for the show tonight and wanted everything to be perfect...before everything becomes a mess as usual.
"Cesar, no! Those are for the stars!" shouted Ruby as he walked over to Cesar at the snack table.
"Y/N? I don't think you confirm that Jasmine was to be performing with us!" shouted B/F/N upset. She didn't like Jasmine because it's already sad that she's her sister.
"Chill out. You just sing backup. So, you better not fight and mess this up for me, okay? I heard there's some producer coming tonight." you growled as your eyes glared at your best friend.
B/F/N's eyes widened knowing that you're serious about this. They don't want to ruin the night where you could potentially be signed to a record label.!
"Okay, okay. I'll deal with her." B/F/N said with annoyance as they rolled their eyes.
You hugged them quickly and tight before getting on stage.
"Performing next, the beautiful essential Y/N!" shouted Ruby through the microphone on stage.
Everybody in the audience clapped and cheered as Ruby moved off stage and the curtains opened revealing you in front and B/F/N and Jasmine behind you.
The music started playing and you grip the microphone in front of you softly waiting to start singing at the right time.
As you were halfway through the song, somebody entered the theater which caught your attention but didn't stop you from singing.
Your heart skips a beat as you see your boyfriend, Sad Eyes entering with a suit on and sitting in the back.
You couldn't believe he came. For the first time. To support you. You smile with excitement as a feeling of happiness going through your body.
You started to snap as you sang with the instrumental playing. You fixed your gaze at Sad Eyes which he immediately sends back.
He did a huge goofy grin, making you blush and look down for a few moments. Luckily, it happened when you weren't singing in the song.
The instrumental ended and everybody got up from their seats and cheered and applauded. You did a huge smile to the crowd because they like it which made you feel so happy inside.
You, B/F/N, and Jasmine bowed down at the same time, making the cheers and applause become louder.
As you lifted back up, your attention went to Sad Eyes. You felt a glow coming from your soul as you saw him clapping with a huge smile on his face looking straight at you.
"Thank you so much." you said with a smile on your face to an old couple.
As they walked away, somebody hugged you out of nowhere. They caused you to stumble a bit.
"I'm so proud of you! You did amazing!" B/F/N said with excitement causing you to chuckle.
"Awe thanks," you flowed as you stepped back from B/F/N's hug. "I'm so glad both of you were able to put aside your differences for my performance."
"Yeah...about that..." B/F/N drawled out slowly as they rub the nape of their neck with their right hand.
You groaned in annoyance as you pulled out your wallet, put out twenty dollars and handed it to her.
"Thanks. Love you, bye!" B/F/N shouted as they walked away with your money.
You shake your head in B/F/N's silliness with a smile on your face. All of the sudden, you felt two strong arms wrap around your torso and pull up back to a person's body.
You glance over your shoulder and you make eye contact to very similar dark brown eyes. Your heart skips a beat as you see the eyes pupils dilated.
Your eyes widened and your attention quickly went to a guy standing tall while holding his hands together in front of him. You quickly unwrap Sad Eyes's arms from your torso.
He was wearing a suit that looks more expensive than others, gold chains hanging down from their neck, and a wavy haircut.
"Hello. My name is Damian Ross, a producer who works at Hollywood Records." he said with pride and he did a firm handshake with you that you returned back.
"I love your voice and I think you could be the next big thing." Damian said a wink, making Sad Eyes mumbled underneath his breath angrily.
He grabs your hip with his right hand to pull you back to him, making you gasp by his sudden action.
"Really? Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." you said happily as you have your hands clasped together and looking at Damian.
"Well, if you're interested, give me a call and we can talk." said Damian in a flirtatious way and hands you his card.
You feel Sad Eyes's grip on your hip become tighter, making you glance over your right shoulder again and your eyes widened to Sad Eyes tight lips and clench jaw.
You saw his veins throbbing out in his neck and his left hand in a hard clench fist and bear his rapid breathing. You have to end this now before this becomes a scene.
"I will. Thank you so much. Have a good night." you quickly bursted as you basically snatched the card out of Damian's hand.
"You too." Damian said in a casual tone and he licked his lips as he walked away.
Sad Eyes lets go of your waist and starts to walk away aggressively with clench fists towards him until you stopped him.
"Baby, baby, babe. Please, don't make a scene tonight." you warned as you try to look into his eyes.
"Hermosa, did you not see his interest in you?! It's disgusting! He saw me behind you with my arm around your hip! I-"
Sad Eyes started to look into your eyes and his anger went away. He saw the fear in your eyes, knowing you don't want him to make a scene.
"I'm sorry, babygirl." Sad Eyes agonized as he bow his head down.
You hugged him, making his body freeze and stare down at you with wide eyes.
"Thanks for coming tonight. I really appreciate it. None of this matters if you ain't here with me." you confessed as you smiled into his chest.
His smile immediately smiles and he hugs you back tight. You miss moments like this with him.
"I want to show you something." he said with a grin on your face, causing you to smile again.
"What is it? You being here is the greatest thing right now. What else could I get today?" you asked with excitement.
"Let's find out, shall we?" He insisted as he pulled his right hand out in front of you.
You giggled as you grabbed it and both of you walked out of the theater and into the parking lot.
Sad Eyes pulled out the keys and clicked a button, making a car's lights lit up. You gasped and felt happy tears coming out of your eyes.
You couldn't believe this. In front of you was your dream car, C/B. in your favorite color! Were you dreaming?
"Happy early anniversary, babygirl." said Sad Eyes happily and he hands you the car keys.
You croaked as you saw the car you wanted forever in your life in your hands. You started to cry hard, making your boyfriend concerned real quick.
"Y/N? What's wrong? You don't like it? I can get you a another and-"
His eyes widened by your sudden burst. You wipe your eyes and you look at your best boyfriend ever.
"Happy tears. Thank you." you cried as you went over to him and jumped into his arms.
Sad Eyes quickly grabs your waist and holds you up as you hug him tight around your night.
"Why? How? When?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise. I know you wanted this for so long so that's why I was always out. I'm sorry for being distant from you when I should've been the boyfriend you deserve." he confesses as he maintains eye contact with you.
"Awe, babe. I didn't know. I didn't mean to snap on you earlier. I thought you didn't want to be with me any more so you were with another girl than being with the gang like you said you were." you confronted as you clasped his hands with yours.
"Dinah? Baby, that's Spooky's girl. I'm sorry if it did look like that. I was only with her because she helped me get the car for you. I would never be with anybody else but you. You're my world and my everything. And hopefully one day, you'll have my last name." he said with determination and love in his eyes.
"I will have your last name. I ain't planning to be with anybody else but you." you said with a warm smile, making him smile back.
"Ready to ride?" asked Sad Eyes with a grin on his face.
"Yesss!" you drawled out loudly as you quickly jog up to your dream car in heels, making Sad Eyes laughing at your silliness.
You got in the driver's seat as he got in the passenger's seat. You started it and your eyes widened in excitement at the sound of the engine.
Sad Eyes starts to stare at your adorable self as you are looking at all of the different features of your dream car and trying some of them.
You feel his stare and you turn to him with waggling eyebrows and a goofy grin on your face.
"What are you staring at?" you asked with a fixed gaze at your staring boyfriend.
"The most beautiful girl in the world." he said with his flirtatious behavior.
"Oh my gosh, you can be so clingy sometimes." you said while giggling, causing him to chuckle with you.
"It's only with you. I can't help it." he blushed while covering his face with his hands and wiping it off.
"I don't mind. I love it and you." you said as you made eye contact with him.
"I love you too, hermosa."
Both of you leaned in and did a passionate kiss. You felt butterflies going through your body all over again like the first time you ever kissed him.
The feeling never fails and you want to experience it only with him forever.
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Piss Off Your Parents - Part 5
Ukai Keishin - Haikyuu
Synopsis: freshly turned 18, you want to prove to your parents that you aren’t a child for them to push around anymore. First, get a job at the local corner store. Second, use the store owner’s 26-year-old son with piercings and a cigarette addiction to piss your parents off. Third, accidentally fall in love.
Rating: PG13
Warnings: arguing with parents, stereotyping?, reader's parents just being generally horrible people, angst
Song → 18 by Anarbor
Previous → Part 4
Next → Part 6
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"This is a horrible idea," you whispered to yourself as you got ready in your bedroom mirror, unable to concentrate for more than five minutes without a small panic attack taking over.
Your eyes flicked over to your clock every few seconds. Keishin was due to arrive at your family house for dinner in about thirty minutes and with every minute that passed, you asked yourself over and over again why you ever agreed to this.
Originally, when your parents had insisted on meeting your 'boyfriend' over a family dinner, your heart had dropped into the pit of your stomach; it was the worst feeling you had ever experienced . . . until you told Keishin about it jokingly and he actually agreed. Never before had you felt so sick to your stomach. Dinner was the last thing you wanted, and to make it worse, it was going to be dinner with your parents and fake boyfriend.
More than once you had contemplated pretending to be sick or throwing yourself down the stairs, but you just couldn't go through with it. Every time you got close to backing out, a small part of your brain reminded you that this dinner might be the thing that changed your parents mind, and even though the odds of that actually happening were close to none, you couldn't give up without even trying.
So, with knots in your stomach and your palms sweating like never before, you continued getting ready for the evening and prayed that everything went as smoothly as possible.
If only you had known then that it would take much more than a prayer to save this evening.
When you heard the doorbell ring approximately thirty minutes later, your whole body froze and the thought of jumping out your second story window was starting to sound really appealing. But then, you remembered that it would be way worse if your mom or dad answered the door before you could so you rushed out of your room and down the stairs.
"I've got the door!" you shouted throughout the house, almost as if you were marking the front door as your territory and trying to scare anyone else away from it.
Standing in front of the door, you drew in a few deep, calming breaths before plastering a forced smile across your face and pulling the door open. Let the night of hell begin.
As soon as your eyes settled on Keishin, your smile faltered and you gasped. His dyed blonde hair was slicked back like usual, but instead of a headband, it was clear he had used gel. He had every hole in his ear stuffed with a black earring, and to top things off, he had showed up in jeans, a black t-shirt, and a leather jacket.
"What?" Keishin took a step back and examined his outfit. "You said to go all out. I did."
"I know, I know . . . I just . . ." You took a moment to compose yourself. "I didn't even know you owned a leather jacket."
"Yeah, well, you don't know everything about me," Keishin smirked devilishly, proud that he still had a few secrets to himself. "Well, are you going to let me in? I kind of want to get this dinner over with."
Opening the door wider, you stepped to the side and let Keishin inside your house. "You and me both," you agreed. "You sure you want to do this? We could both make a run for it right now if we act fast."
Shrugging the jacket off of his shoulders, Keishin shook his head. "Come on, at least give your parents a chance to change their minds."
Just then, your father's heavy footsteps could be heard exiting the kitchen and approaching the front door where you and Keishin stood together. Swallowing hard, you wiped the sweat from your palms on your clothes and sent one last pleading thought up to the heavens above, hoping that if there was a great being up there, they could be on your side tonight.
This was it. No turning back now.
"If your boyfriend has arrived, Y/N, please don't keep your mother and I waiting. Introduce us." Your father rounded the corner, stopping in his tracks when he set eyes on Keishin. Sure, you had told your parents all about your 'boyfriend', which was why they had insisted on this dinner in the first place, but Keishin was a man that words couldn't quite capture. "Oh. Hello." Your father reluctantly held out his hand to greet Keishin.
"Hello, sir." Keishin shook your father's hand without hesitation. "I'm Ukai Keishin. Keishin is fine though."
Seconds later, your mother joined the three of you. She had a similar reaction as your father had and was not subtle about it in the least. "So this is the man you've been seeing?" Your mother gave you an almost pleading look, like she was silently begging you to come clean and admit that you were joking.
Right off of the bat, things were not going well.
"Well, let me take your jacket and hang it up in the closet." Your mother stepped toward Keishin with the fakest smile you had ever seen on her face.
"Oh, there's no need." Keishin hung his jacket on the banister of the stairs. "I'll just end up taking it out in a little while anyway when I go out for a smoke. It's easier this way, but thank you."
You watched your mother's eye twitch and the smile she had forced threaten to crack. "You smoke?" You could tell that both of your parents were on the brink of snapping right then and there, but they had promised to actually get to know Keishin, and despite all the horrible things your parents did, breaking promises was not one of them.
"I do." Keishin grinned. "I know, I know, it's not good for me. Y/N tells me to quit all the time so I'm trying."
You let out a nervous chuckle as both your parents turned to face you. "Shall we head into the living room?" You started ushering everyone into the other room, hoping to change the subject as quickly as possible.
"Yes, let's have a seat." Your father nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving Keishin, watching him like a hawk. "Can I get you anything to drink, Keishin?"
"Just a water is fine, thanks." Keishin had obviously decided not to push his luck too hard because you had been fully expecting him to ask for a beer.
With that, both your mother and father disappeared into the kitchen; your mother to finish dinner and your father to collect the drinks.
Taking the brief moment of reprieve to breathe, you looked up at Keishin. "I've never seen my parents struggle between their flawless hospitality and kicking someone out of their house so much in my life," you chuckled lightly.
"I'm a bit of a shock." Keishin placed his hand on your lower back and led you toward the couch. "I brought out all the stops in the beginning so they could have the whole night to get used to me."
"How kind of you." You sat down, slightly caught off guard when Keishin sat down right next to you and slung his arm over your shoulders. You were about to ask him what he was doing, but then you remembered that the two of you were supposed to be an actual couple and this is what couples did.
As soon as you felt his touch on you, however, your mind flashed back to that night in the park a few weeks ago. Since then, neither one of you had spoken about what had happened on that bench; a wordless agreement between the two of you that you would just move on and pretend it didn't happen.
But as much as you pretended to forget, you never actually could. The feeling of Keishin's hands on your sides and his warm breath on your lips kept you up at night. As much as you tried not to think of him like that, you just couldn't help yourself.
"You seem really nervous," Keishin leaned closer to you a whispered. "You okay?"
Snapping out of your thoughts, you nodded quickly. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just trying not to freak out is all."
"Hey." Keishin tilted your head toward him so he could look you in your eyes. "You're their daughter. No matter what happens, they will always love you. Remember that."
You flashed a smile. Somehow, Keishin knew exactly what to say to help you relax. "Yeah . . . thanks."
Just then, your father returned with two glasses of water in hand. Handing one each to you and Keishin, you didn't miss the way his gaze settled on the sight of Keishin's arm around you.
"Thank you." Keishin grabbed his glass right away and took a sip. You, on the other hand, let your glass sit on the coaster on the table. Despite how dry your mouth was, you didn't trust your shaky hands to pick up the glass.
"Dinner should be ready soon," your father said as he sat down in his armchair across from you and Keishin. "So, Keishin, tell me about yourself. What do you do for a living?"
"Well, currently, I spend most of my time coaching the boys' volleyball team at Karasuno high school," Keishin answered, his eyes lighting up a little when he spoke about the team he coached; you could tell he really enjoyed it. "And my family owns Sakanoshita Market and I work there sometimes."
"Sakanoshita Market," your father repeated. "That sounds familiar."
You rolled your eyes, not surprised in the slightest that your father had forgotten the name of the place you had been working at for the past few months. "That's where I work, Dad," you told him. "That's how Keishin and I met."
"I see." Your father eyed Keishin and you were surprised that Keishin didn't shrink under the cold, hard gaze like you usually did. "So do you go after all the young women who work at your family store or just my daughter?"
"Dad!" you gasped, unsure whether to tell him off or apologize to Keishin on behalf of your father.
"It's okay," Keishin told you calmly before answering your father's question. "Actually, the store hasn't seen a new employee in years. For the longest time, it was just my mother and me. We are both very grateful for all the hard work Y/N puts in to help us with the store. She is a wonderful employee."
You couldn't help the blush that tinted your cheeks at the compliment. "Thanks."
"No need to thank me. It's the truth," Keishin said before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "And good thing you took the job too, or else we would have never met."
Keishin then shot a sparkling grin your father's way, completely blinding him and distracting him from the shocked expression on your face. You knew you told Keishin to act like the two of you were really a couple, but you never expected him to play the part so thoroughly.
Your father opened his mouth to no doubt interrogate Keishin some more, but before he could, your mother began setting the table and announced that dinner was ready.
Moving over to the table, you took a seat across from Keishin while your parents sat at the ends of the table. As your mother brought the dishes of food over, you took the chance to drink some water and parch your dry throat.
The thought of having to keep this awkward conversation up gave you a headache, but thankfully, Keishin seemed to be handling everything quite well. Just as you had expected, he took everything with a grain of salt and refused to let your parents get under his skin.
You wished you were able to do that.
After the four of you bowed your heads and said thank you for the food, you dug in. At first, everyone was too busy eating to say anything. Somehow, the silence was worse than when your dad had been firing off questions rapid fire.
"This is delicious," Keishin was the first to speak. "Thank you again for inviting me for dinner."
"Yes, o-of course," your mother wavered a little but somehow managed to voice her fake pleasure nonetheless. "Y/N has never dated anyone before so we were curious as to what kind of . . . person . . . had caught her eye."
Keishin nodded, letting the not-so-subtle rude comment roll right off his back. "Well, here I am."
"Yes, here you are indeed," your father muttered under his breath. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though Keishin had heard it, but you certainly had. "So, you said you coach high school volleyball. Is this a long-term thing or?"
Keishin thought for a moment before shrugging. "I'm not sure, honestly. I do enjoy it but I've never given much thought as to if I want to do it long-term. I started coaching because of special circumstances and just haven't stopped yet."
"Well, plenty of people coach and teach," your mother said. "You seem to enjoy working with kids, so have you ever considered becoming a teacher?"
"That doesn't sound like the worst job, but that would require me to have a teaching degree, which I don't have," Keishin responded.
"What degree did you get in university?"
Keishin chuckled. "I didn't go to university."
Oh God. Your jaw dropped and you wished that a black hole could just open up underneath you and suck you in. Out of all the things your parents hated most, people who didn't go to university were at the top of the list. They always told you that 'people who didn't go to university had no interest in investing in their future.'
Hence why they always pushed so hard for you to go the university they wanted so you could study what they thought would be best for you.
You watched your mother's face go red as she reached for her glass of wine a take a particularly large sip. "Community college, then?" she squeaked out.
"Nope, afraid not," Keishin answered, completely unashamed and even proud. "I started working for the family store right after high school."
The looks on your parents' faces that they didn't even try to hide filled you with a deep sense of shame. You didn't know how they could be so blatantly rude to someone they barely knew . . . well, actually, you did know, and that was the worst part. As much as you wished you could deny it, you had thought the same things about Keishin when you had first met him.
Hanging your head in shame, you let the suffocating silence of the dining room take over.
Feeling something brush against your leg, you looked up to see Keishin smiling at you from across the table. 'It's okay' he mouthed to you. You thought back to the time Keishin had told you he was a big boy who could take a little verbal ribbing and exhaled through your nose sharply, your mood lifting ever-so-slightly.
Keishin brushed his foot against your leg a few more times to remind you that you weren't alone at this dinner before he attempted to restart the conversation. "So what do you two do for a living?" he asked, looking to your parents.
"We are both lawyers," your father said.
You nodded and sighed. "Hence why they want me to go to law school."
"Oh, honestly, Y/N, you say that like paying for you to go to law school is abuse." Your mother shook her head disapprovingly. "Do you know how many children would kill for the opportunities you have been given and yet you want to throw them away just like that? You should be grateful."
You were about to retort but stopped yourself before you did, knowing that it would only serve to start the same argument that you had lost over and over again. No matter what you said on the matter, your parents refused to try and see things from your perspective.
It never once occurred to them that you might actually not want to be a lawyer.
"Tell me, Keishin, if you had a child who you could pay for to go to law school and they told you they wanted to pursue their dream of playing soccer, what would you do?" Your father turned to Keishin, suddenly interested in what he had to say on the issue.
"Dad, let's not talk about that now," you spoke softly, hoping to get him to change the subject.
"No, no, let's hear what Keishin has to say." Your father insisted.
Keishin thought for a moment before answering. "Well, I think I would just want my child to be happy," he said, his eyes leaving your father to look at you. "I made the mistake of not following my dreams after high school and I regret it every day, so I would tell my child to follow their dreams and try my hardest to be there to support them."
You smiled wide, surprised by how emotional Keishin's words made you feel. For a moment, it was just you and him, and he was saying everything you had ever wanted to hear. All you ever wanted for was someone to be in your corner . . . someone to support you whether your choice was a mistake or not.
"Congratulations, Y/N, you've found a dreamer just like yourself," your father scoffed, breaking you out of your happy trance. "Too bad dreams don't pay the bills."
"Well, when your future is working at a family-run corner store, dreams are all you have," your mother cackled, not even trying to be quiet about it.
Your father laughed as well. "Too true, honey."
"Mom!" you shouted at her, your anger taking over before you even had the chance to think about your actions.
"It's okay," Keishin told you again, reaching across the table for your hand.
You shook your head and tugged your hand out of his reach. "No, it's not okay!" You rose to your feet, finally having had enough. "This dinner was a terrible idea. I cannot believe you!"
"If you've finally come to your senses, darling, we can send Keishin on his way and-" your mother reached for you as well but you shrugged her off.
"I'm not talking about Keishin! I'm talking about the two of you!" You slammed your hands down onto the table, shaking the dishes of food. "The whole night you have been making offhanded remarks and rude comments about Keishin while he has been nothing but the perfect guest. I'm sorry, Keishin, but I can't sit here and let you take their abuse anymore. I've dealt with it my whole life and I won't let them do the same thing to you. You don't deserve that."
"Y/N, you're being a bit dramatic, don't you think?" your father asked, sipping his wine as if nothing was happening, which only made you angrier.
"No, father, I don't think so," you snapped back. "I think that you and Mom are being horrible and I cannot believe that this is how you're acting when meeting someone for the first time. What makes you think that you have the right to treat someone so poorly just because they don't live the same life or have the same ideals as you? You think you know what is best for me but you don't even know me, so how could you?! I would rather work at the corner store for the rest of my life if it meant being genuinely happy over being a snobby, emotionless lawyer any day."
While you vented in front of your parents, Keishin just stared at you wide-eyed, completely floored by how quickly your demeanor had changed from shy and uncomfortable to enraged and animated in mere seconds. The last time he had seen you like this was when you were going off on him and he was grateful your rage wasn't directed at him this time.
Aside from relieved, Keishin felt proud; proud of you for standing your ground.
An embarrassed look flashed across your mother's face. "Y/N, please-"
"No, just don't," you lowered your voice and took a few deep breaths. "I can't do this anymore. I can't keep pretending that I'm going to put up with your plans for me just so I can have a roof over my head. Mom, Dad, I'm not going to law school. I'm not letting you dictate my life anymore. I'm done."
Stepping away from the table, completely emotionally drained, you looked over your shoulder at Keishin. "Come on, let's go." You waved for him to follow.
Without a word, Keishin stood from the table and followed you to the front door where the two of you grabbed your jackets and got ready to leave.
"If you walk out that door, don't bother coming back!" You heard your father call after you as you left the house, but his threat didn't phase you in the least. If anything, never having to return to that house sounded like bliss right then.
Wrapping your jacket tight around your body to fight the cool evening wind, you sighed. "I'm sorry about that," you told Keishin as he walked silently beside you. "I should never have dragged you into my mess. You don't deserve to be treated the way my parents treated you."
"You don't need to apologize." He wrapped his arm around you once more and held you close, both to comfort you and to keep you warm. "I'm just worried about you. Are you okay?"
You felt tears begin to well in your eyes and frantically wiped them away. "I . . . I don't know," you answered truthfully. "I suppose I should just worry about one thing at a time, and since I've apparently got nowhere to spend the night now . . ."
"You'll spend the night at my place," Keishin stated plainly, not even bothering to ask if you wanted to or not. It was more like an order, but right then, you had nothing against him making decisions for you. As long as the choices weren't made by your parents, you didn't care who they came from.
"Okay," you exhaled. "Thank you."
As the two of you walked through the quiet night in the direction of the store, Keishin pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. Without thinking, you wrapped your arm around his waist and leaned into him, the warmth he radiated bringing you some semblance of peace.
"I'm sorry tonight went so shit," Keishin spoke as he exhaled, smoke spilling from his lips.
"It's not your fault," you told him. "In fact . . . I don't think tonight could have gone any better. In the end, this is how it was always going to turn out. It's better I realize that sooner rather than later."
Keishin stopped and looked down at you. "That's not-"
"It's okay," you said those two magic words this time. "You remember when you told me that no matter what happened they would always love me because I'm their daughter?"
Keishin nodded.
"I wish you could have been right."
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