#in the wise words of Charlie Slimecicle:
Trying to do anything but doom scroll refresh the QSMP pages terrified to see his little mustached face greyed out. I left BBH’s stream midway too when he and Foolish were dis fighting in the ring, and when I joined again they were singing the eggs songs in the school. The absolute DREAD that filled my stomach seeing so many eggs and so few parents and players around.
But Ramon will come back and everything will be… not fine, but they’ll have learned important lessons and won’t have to 200% alter the course of many player’s lives and choices
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royalarchivist · 10 months
Slimecicle: Hey, do you know what- do you know what the mask does, dude? It keeps the toxicity out, man, and it keeps the clean air in. So we put those masks on, we take a deep breath. Bolas bolas. I'm going to give you guys a new contract too. You know what it is? It's gonna be at the top of your list. It says, "HAVE FUN." It says "Have fun."
For anyone feeling Strong Negative Opinions about Purgatory or any particular character, please remember these wise words from Charlie Slimecicle.
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ask-tntdads · 1 year
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Hii this is my escapism so pls play along :D
This au is basically Tallulah meets c!tntduo. Meaning, somehow (prob the federation's fault) she ended up in Las Nevadas and c!tntduo has to take care of her because theyre the only ones available. So, you'll get domestic c!tntduo and my attempt on a romcom (???) ':D <<you'll prob get angst as well, but minimal dw>>
It takes place after Las Nevadas' finale but prior to Wilbur's (does it make sense chronologically-wise? probably not, thats why it is an au ':D).
And since this my au, Charlie and Quackity talked things out and theyre on good terms okk. In this au, Charlie's personality is similar to q!Charlie's (but obviously different, with this I mean that he's not the "naive" slime he used to be bla bla bla)
This is c!tntduo centric!! but the story (?) will also take a look on the other side of the coin, qsmp. Back in qsmp, Tallulah's missing hehe.
You can ask the following characters:
c!tnduo and Tallulah of course
c!Foolish (he's so difficult to draw pls dont D:)
q!tntduo as well as other qsmp members who could be involved
You can also ask Paru aka me, the narrator in case there's something not clear enough :D
I do not like dteam at all, due to Quackity's lore you can mention sapnap and karl at most. Just take in mind im not very fond of them.
I will try my best to not make it too ooc :'D
This is for funsies, so take it light heartedly
If there's bad wording or something not clear enough let me know :D
You can find more drawings, like this one, about this au on my main blog
I've never done something like this before so be patient :D
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medlarmeadows · 5 months
I’m a dance major (and I’m not) 5 6 7 8!
Charlie Slimecicle x fem!reader
Theatre kid au
Synopsis: You and Charlie have been best friends ever since you met in your high school’s theatre club in freshman year. Since then, you were inseparable, even though you were a techie, and he was an actor.
Or, tech week goes really well, with a little luck.
Warning(s): swearing, cuticle picking, slight anxiety, high school theatre tech week.
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: In loving memory of all the high schools that recently finished tech week (I am not American I only saw any of this on TikTok) (Also I assume those TikToks pertain to American high schools? I actually don’t know sorry) (I hope people get the title LOL it's the sound I saw some people used). And thank you to the wonderful @fullofgutsndopamine for beta-ing this for me :)
As a wise man once said, behind every great actor is an exasperated techie.
That wise man was truly wise, because you could find nothing better to encapsulate the current state of your friendship with Charlie.
You were sitting in a pile of wires, trying to hold on to a shred of sanity because who the fuck sorted these wires yesterday, when your goofball of a best friend stumbles into the theatre.
“Y/N!” cries Charlie, practically sprinting towards you with enough energy to power a sun.
“Charlie,” you deadpan, not even looking up from your sorting because whoever coiled these wires needed to be strangled by one –
“Y/N, I’m having a crisis,” he cries again, dramatically flopping at your feet on the carpeted floor of the high school’s auditorium. He reaches for a wire, presumably to start strangling himself, and you snatch it back from him with an annoyed tch.
“So am I,” you deadpan again. “I have no idea who touched these wires last, but they’re tangled as shit and I need to sort them and coil them before rehearsal today.”
In your peripheral vision, you see Charlie freeze in place as a guilty expression takes over his face.
Exasperatedly, you pause your sorting and stare at him.
“Did you coil the wires last?”
Silence, and you see Charlie’s eyes dart between yours and the pile of tangled wires on the floor, then:
You should have let him strangle himself with the wire.
“Charlie, you’re not even a techie!”
“I’m sorry!” He throws his hands in the air. “You guys were so busy after rehearsal, and Nate was shouting, ‘Can somebody help keep the wires!’, and nobody else was free, and the security guard was minutes away from chasing us out, so I volunteered myself.”
You stare at your best friend for a second, absorbing the flurry of words that had just tumbled out of his mouth, before leaning over to flick his forehead.
“Ow!” he complains, holding his forehead.
“Karma’s a bitch,” you say without bite.
“I guess no good deed goes unpunished, huh,” he laments.
“We’re not even doing Wicked, nerd.”
“We should! I would make a great Elphaba.”
Charlie begins to sing the climax of Defying Gravity. You smack his shoulder before he can get too far.
“Shut up, idiot, you’re going to ruin your vocal cords before rehearsals even start.”
“Aw you care,” Charlie coos at you, reaching up to pinch your cheek.
You lean back as you try to bat his hand away, only to tumble over your pile of wires. Your groan is interrupted by a fit of laughter from Charlie.
“Now it’s even more tangled,” you complain.
“Hey, hey.”
You glare at Charlie as he scoots over to you to pull you back to sitting.
“You’re looking a little tied up, want some help?”
“I will strangle you – ”
Your voice cuts off when you catch a glimpse of the clock on the wall of the auditorium. You had fifteen minutes till the rest of your crew would start to stream in for rehearsal. You don’t even realise that you had started picking at your cuticles until gentle hands pry yours apart.
You exchange glances with Charlie, your best friend, your partner-in-crime, your actor to your techie. And you know immediately that he has clocked your anxiety for the impending disaster that would be the rehearsal if you don’t get the wires sorted in time.
“C’mon,” his voice is gentle. “I’ll help you and we’ll sort them a little faster. Just tell me what to do.”
The two of you sort and coil the wires in comfortable silence, shoulders brushing whenever one of you leans to grab a wire that was just a little too far away. With two pairs of hands, the wires are sorted and coiled just in time for the first people to start streaming into the auditorium.
You’re gathering the wires in your arms and about to rush off when Charlie stops you.
“Wait, I have – ” he interrupts himself, shooting you a sheepish, almost embarrassed grin as he rummages through his pockets. You look at him expectantly, but the look melts into one of fondness as he pulls out a small keychain shaped like a tech headset.
“It’s a good luck charm for you,” he says proudly.
Your mouth falls slightly open in shock.
“For tech week?”
“For tech week.”
God, you guys were such theatre kids.
“I didn’t get anything for you,” you say, warmth rising in your neck.
Charlie shrugs as he moves to hand it to you, but when he realises that your arms are too full to take it, he bends and clips the keychain to the belt loop of your jeans.
“I don’t need a keychain when I have you!” he says as he pats your shoulders good-naturedly.
You’re saved from having to give him a proper reaction when somebody yells for Charlie to get backstage to prepare. So, you mouth “Thank you” to Charlie just before the two of you are swept up by the whirlwind of chaos that was tech week rehearsal.
In your three years of friendship with Charlie, the two of you had never really gotten gifts for each other, much less good luck charms. But then again, it was your last tech week of your high school career, so maybe you did need it.
Equipped with a good luck charm from your best friend, you were sure that tech week was going to go just fine.
As it turns out, you really did need the good luck charm.
Over the week, several episodes of misfortune occurred. First, part of the set piece fell apart during a climax scene. Then, two of the leads’ mics stopped working during two separate rehearsals. Subsequently, two ensemble members sprained their ankles tripping over a prop. In a completely unrelated incident (lie), you now had a broken bench that needed to be fixed. Lastly, you got chased out by the security guard before the techies could keep all of the equipment. You returned the next day to find three wires and a wireless mic set missing.
All in all, it was tech week. And somehow, you got out of it alive.
By some miracle, the set pieces and props were easily fixed. The two ensemble members had gotten injured at the beginning of the week, so by the end of it their ankles were much better, and both were ready to perform. Another techie found the missing wires and mic at the beginning of the last day of tech week by sheer luck when she was cleaning out the backstage area.
You suppose you should thank Charlie for the good luck charm.
You didn’t get much time alone with your best friend during tech week, the both of you being too caught up with your various responsibilities as an actor and techie. So, by the end of tech week, it was safe to say you missed your best friend.
“And that’s a wrap for tech week!”
Your director’s words are met with cheers from your whole crew. Tech week was over, nothing burned down, and you were officially less than 24 hours to opening night.
Charlie finds you as you’re packing your bag, his own bag sitting on his shoulders.
“Hey,” he greets.
“Hey,” you return, bumping his shoulder. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in a week.”
He rubs the back of his neck as he replies, “Yeah, it’s been a crazy week, huh?”
You hum in agreement, before unclipping the keychain he gave you and holding it out to him.
“Turns out I really did need the good luck charm. I don’t think I would’ve made it through otherwise, so, thank you. Now’s your turn to have the keychain for opening night.”
He chuckles, reaching forward and taking it from you. Then, he’s grabbing you by the belt loop and pulling you closer, clipping the keychain back onto your belt loop.
“What – Charlie – ”
“I told you, I already have my good luck charm,” he says sincerely, gazing into your eyes.
The two of you are close, standing inside each other’s personal bubble. You’re acutely aware of Charlie’s hand hovering over your hip where he had clipped the keychain. You’re also aware that you’re so close you can see specks of green in his blue eyes.
“Charlie,” you whisper. “What does that mean?”
His smile line crinkles as he says, “How about I tell you after opening night?”
There’s a quiet moment as he studies your face for your reaction.
“Okay,” you reply.
You’re not sure what drives you to do your next action – maybe because you missed your best friend and the stress of tech week and opening night were getting to you – but you’re pulling Charlie in for a hug before you can stop yourself.
“A hug for good luck,” you blurt out.
For an embarrassing second, Charlie doesn’t move. Then he wraps his arms around you and squeezes you.
The two of you pull away, smiling.
“You’re gonna smash it tomorrow, Charlie.”
“So are you.”
“I think I’d rather not smash anything,” you joke.
Charlie shoves you slightly, and the two of you are chuckling.
The biggest event of your senior year was happening in less than 24 hours. And the two of you were going to get through it by the power of friendship and good luck charms.
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s1lly-billy · 1 year
silly thoughts and theorys (cry for help)
THE OTHER DAY WE GOT LOTS OF JUANAFLIPPA. FLIPPA IS VERY TALKATIVE! We got the tasks done. Let's go over the tasks first. There's a pattern of FLIPPA having tasks specifically targeting Charlies likes/hates. It's like hes being surveyed discreetly by juana or whoever makes the tasks. She's very addament about tending to and discovering Charlies feelings in the moment.
At this point we all know she's secretly code, with the way she types, her not dislikeing the codes even tho she was attacked by a monster once before. We KNOW she's a code, but this doesn't rule out it's still flippa. Flippa seems to know about the federation, and remembers ElMariana, plenty about Slimecicle, and Roier..? On Roier, she knows plenty about him, most likely because of her original attachment to him when she was in her early life, he took care of her a lot along with Tiline. It seems she's been transformed into code, or is collapsing back into code.Or there's the worse and more likely reason. Sorry to break your heart my friends. Flippa is a code sent by the other codes to control the players and hurt the federation with the players power and rage against them. In the wise words of Gegg, "rage not against the beast but the man who seeks to cage it."
CodeFlippa was possibly trained to know certain things about vulnerable players and their pasts. For example using Slimecicles desire to make up for everything he's done, and she's infecting him slowly, for a unknown reason. My guess is, to attack the federation by building up the codes forces by infecting other players.
(Another example of this would be Maximus and Etoiles, there is a difference in their situations though. Etoiles used the codes power, and Max seems to be become some sort of leader/powerful transformation for the code.)
Charlie may be turned into code because of his extreme will power, and well, in short, his absolute insanity. As you know, Flippas deaths and his emotional attachment to the child has cause him to become extremely violent, vengeful, and willing to do anything. (this is referencing how Quackity said players will soon be tested on how far they will go, what they're willing to do.)
He's being turned into code, it's blatently obvious. Did anyone else notice how it started with the slime? The "infection" it's covering his shoulder, the slime shoulder if I may say. Either it will grow from there or start growing from a different part of the slime, and canonically, that slime is the only exposed part of his canonical slime demon body. So naturally, it's infected first. Weather that's from Flippas company or a purposeful attack on the weak parts of him. His voice is glitchy, very likely to get much worse as he continues to spend time with her. He's... Deteriorating. Fading, but at the same time, becoming so much more eccentric, loud, and I think he'll only get more angry.
(Side note: after writing this the other day I realized that it may be infecting whatever part of him is closet to Flippa when he sleeps next to her.)
Anything I missed or got wrong lore-wise?
Please tell me and I'll fix it :D
I'll be posting more of these soon, I make some almost every lore stream, have a nice day/night
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scucharlie · 3 months
now I'm here to bring out the hashtag beast in YOU >:] do you have a favorite scu video? or any headcanons about the scu characters? ^_^
EVILY RUBS MY HANDS OF COURSE OF COURSE. under the cut bc WOW I rambled a lot HDKD
ok so, my FAVE FAVE video ever is the we survived 100 days one it's sso. GOD. scu charlie in this video is just like a guy, he's a guy caught up in a apocalypse trying to survive.. anddggrgrgrrr... he's so KIND!!!!! no matter if tommy had lied to him, had tried to eat him no matter if a bachelor nearly shoots him, no matter if he says to himself I should probably stop helping these people he just is too KIND. he's kind, and Gfod he keeps helping these people, and he wants to help and he's this unwilling protag of this whole story!!!! HES JUST A GUY!! and ggggod I don't have to keep fighting... I won, it doesn't feel like it.. but I won... I won <- charlie slimecicle tried to kill me with these words and these words ALONE.
I LOVE. love, LOVEEEE the modded video with them as gods right? but I'm gonna pivet and actually talk about the we survived natural disasters video becaus I think this one is the least talked abt scu vid and IT JUST. it shows them as mortals... it shows them survivjng jschlatt this seemingly just god... and it shows how grizzly and condi and charlie got powers in this video!!! this is such a cool video to me bc also it shows the threes dynamic and how scary scu schlatt is power wise that he just does WHATEVER HE WANTS. also the infamous poppy line gah gah gah. takes damage. I think its Soo underrated scu talking wise bc it shows literally when they got powers and also show the mortal side :3 and I think gives more context for scu schlatt and also that he is a FREAK ☝️‼️
bonus headcannons!!
scu charlie is a jester for the higher gods after he became god :3 !! he also controls the slime story slimes and they're like his little guys that watch out for stuff!!! I LOVEEE incorporating slime story stuff into Slimecicle stuff I need to start doing that again >_<
also !! scu condis blood is lava, like instead of lava he just has lava there so cutting him is like cuttibg into a fucking dangerous glow stick . shes very warm!! so sometimes the other will use her as a fireplace
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belovedgamers · 3 years
“People fear what I do.”
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dream-wreck · 3 years
“If you feel like you’re tearing yourself apart, that’s completely natural!😃” —Charlie Slimecicle
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raindownforme · 3 years
“I love you” in Comic Sans
Charlie Slimecicle x reader [they/them used] (CW: slightly sexist undertones)
“CHARLIE.” Their voice echoed through the trees as they ran. y/n hurriedly weaved through the thick woods towards where they hoped their friend would be. “CHARLIE. CHARLIE I NEED HELP.”
“Jesus Christ with what?” Hearing Charlie’s voice in the distance washed a wave of relief over them as they neared a familiar cliff face. y/n made their way though the secret entrance all the way to the top where the small dug-in home was. Charlie was standing near the wall of glass overlooking the woods.
“Charlie, I have a problem.”
“Oh shit okay.”
y/n stared at him for a moment, not sure how to address the issue without being incredibly blunt. “I need a husband.”
“I- wh- uh- what?” He sputtered as if he was wrapping himself around the subject. He didn’t quite look at them.
“Schlatt trapped me in a contract months ago and he literally phrased my only way out as my permanent death or being in ‘control’ of some other man. Which he also stated meant a husband.”
“Right. And you need to be married to get away from Schlatt?”
“I knew you’d get it!”
Charlie watched as y/n went to rummage through their assorted clothes and armor pieces. “y/n, where are you gonna get someone who would do that; Who would marry you that quickly and also do it just to defy Schlatt?”
Their voice was slightly muffled as they continued searching for something. “What, are you saying I’m not marriage material?”
Charlie felt his cheeks grow warm as he stammered again. “NO! I mean you are, it’s just Schlatt, but you’re still mariable! Marriage-able? You’re worth it!” The words seemed to put from him like a waterfall, but y/n payed no mind.
“Here! I found it.” y/n pulled out a long flowey cape from deep within a chest. Whatever material it was drifted and flowed as if a breeze was carrying it, and the soft blues and greens danced in sunlight. “It’s a marriage cape! Some old traditional thing my parents did, but you wear it over armor or something. Suppose I can’t get married without this. Even if it’s fake married.”
Charlie watched as they swung it over their shoulders. It was the perfect length, landing just slightly above the ground. They swirled the cloak around their feet, laughing at the way it felt, and Charlie stared: entranced by what he was seeing. y/n looked so happy as they danced in the sunlight, Charlie almost thought he’d never seen anything as beautiful, if he hadn’t already seen them every day before this one.
y/n placed a hand on his shoulder and lightly shook him. “Charlie, are you listening?”
“YEah. Yeah no i am.”
“Right. So I need your help finding someone that could marry me. I suppose I could ask Cooper or Joko...”
Charlie felt a hot anger bubble deep inside him. “No! Not them.” He felt himself blush again. Was he jealous? No. He couldn’t be. Right?
“Okay, maybe someone with more power then? I mean Sparklez is royalty to him. Also I feel like Techno has some sort of stature here-”
“No! Not them either.”
“Well why not then?”
Charlie sat silent for a minute, unsure of what to say. “Me. Marry me.”
y/n began blushing and stared at the ground as they fussed with the edges of their cloak. “Why? That’s a lot of risk for you with Schlatt. I know you guys are friends.”
“But we’re more of friends. Yeah me and Schlatt have known each other for a while, but it’s you.”
“It’s me?” y/n felt an awkward smile creep onto their face. “And what does that mean?”
Charlie froze for a minute as the two stared at each other. He could see how much their face had flushed, but he wasn’t sure if it was the sunlight or something else. “I’m, more, friends with you than I will ever be with Schlatt. And that’s because you’re different. I feel different about you.”
They stared at each other, until y/n started laughing. “God this must be the most awkward we’ve ever been!”
Charlie smiled a chuckled a bit. “Yeah. I mean if we get married, I can always tell you-“ Charlie rushed over to the kitchen table, then came back holding a basket of fruit. “How I love you berry much.”
y/n kept laughing. “Oh god I don’t know if I can’t stand our fake marriage.”
Charlie’s smile grew wider. “y/n, I’d love to call you my significant otter!” y/n doubled over, holding their stomach as they laughed, and Charlie kept going, laughing his way through his own jokes. “This might sound cheesy, but you’d make a really grate partner!”
“No no no one more. Come here.” They both lowered to the floor, sitting close to each other as Charlie took y/n’s hand in his. “We’ll make a nice pear. Meow and for ever.”
y/n erupted into laughter, leaning slightly on Charlie. They both kept laughing for a while, laughing even harder every time they made eye contact. They stayed laying on the floor for what felt like hours.
y/n turned their head to look at Charlie. “Hey, do you think you’ll be okay?”
He turned back to look at them, confusion riddled all over his face. “Why?”
“Because it’s Schlatt.” y/n turned to look back up at the ceiling. “It’s a big risk for you. I’m not going to ask you to put yourself on the line like that.”
“It’ll be okay. I mean yeah he’s scary but in the end it’s just him versus me and you. We’ll be okay.”
“Okay. But you better not tell me you regret this tomorrow.”
Charlie chuckled and looked back at the ceiling too. “There’s no way I’ll regret this.”
Charlie and y/n sprinted out of Schlatt’s office to the elevators. Just moments earlier, they had stood in front of Schlatt, hands laced together, telling him they were to be married.
“And why is this? Do you hate me that much y/n?” Schlatt’s voice had felt laced with venom.
“I love Charlie.” y/n squeezed his hand tighter and Charlie swallowed whatever fear he had been struggling to hide. “This has nothing to do with you, but with legality in mind I had to tell you.”
“Well then,” Schlatt stood from his seat and gestured to Connor, who was only a few feet away from him, to do the same. “I can’t say you didn’t follow my rules. But until I see a certificate you’re still mine.”
“Schlatt,” Charlie took a step back, trying to pull y/n with him. “What are you doing?”
“Connor.” He turned towards his lap dog, who pulled a bright blue diamond sword from the hilt on his left hip. “Get the guy. But y/n is mine.”
And now, y/n and Charlie were stuck in the ever slow elevator and they knew Connor was racing down the stairs to kill Charlie.
y/n looked at him, eyes wide with fear. “Charlie I’m so sorry. I should never have gotten you into this I am so, so sorry.”
“It’ll be okay. We’ll be okay it’s a little messy right now but we’ll be okay.” Charlie stared at the doors, dreading the moment they opened. They were only two floors from the bottom. “You have any weapons?”
“No. They took my axe at the check in. You?”
“I have one enderpearl and some buttons.”
“Why do you always have buttons.”
“Pun material.”
They sighed, a slight smile betraying any annoyance they tried to give off. “Okay. Then when we get out you enderpearl out of here and maybe I’ll see you later.”
y/n’s grip loosened, but Charlie grabbed on tighter, now staring at them, with the pearl in his other hand. “I’m not leaving you. Maybe the pearl can take the both of us.”
The elevator dinged and y/n took a deep breath. “Whatever happens, happens.”
As the doors opened, Charlie felt time slow. Connor was a few feet away racing towards the two of them. Charlie and y/n, still holding hands, raced towards the front doors. Charlie launched the enderpearl through the open front doors, and he felt himself launch with it.
Charlie blinked for a second, then seemed to wake up in a shallow lake with his clothes entirely soaked. He rummaged around for a second in the mud, looking for his glasses, but someone tapped him on the shoulder instead.
“I found them.” He could see a blurry y/n holding his glasses, and he had never been more relieved to see anyone than in that moment.
“Are you okay? You’re not hurt right?”
“I mean, might be a little bruised, and I think I broke my wrist. But other wise good.” y/n looked down at him, smiling. “I’m glad we’re okay. Now come on, Schlatt’s gonna hunt us down until we get that certificate.”
Charlie gladly took their good hand in his and stood up. “How do we even get one?”
“Well I guess we need an officiant or or something. You think Traves would do it?”
“I think Ted is closer. He’s just east of here right?”
“Sure. But where’s east?”
“Uhhhh, opposite of the sun?”
“Oh. Right.”
The two trudged on, making it to Ted’s house hours after the sun had set. As they approached the door of the dark abode, Charlie felt himself looking over his shoulder more and more. y/n noticed, and paused before knocking on the door.
“Charlie, Ted wouldn’t betray you. It’s Ted.”
“Even then he can’t make us married right now. We’d have to stay a night here and then get married.”
“Because you need the cape. You said you can’t do the fake wedding without the cape.”
y/n stared at him, wonder washing over them. They didn’t seem to realize Charlie would care about something as minuscule as that.
In their state of bewilderment, Charlie had gone to knock roughly on Ted’s door. The odd couple heard a few muffled noises from inside; mostly someone falling and a groaning sound, and the clattering of some sort of metal.
“What????” The door swung open and y/n staggered backwards, but Charlie caught them with an arm around the waist. Ted squinted at the two of them. He wasn’t wearing his glasses, his hair stood straight up, and his shirt was both backwards and inside out. “Oh. Charles.”
“Yeah. Hey, Ted.”
Ted waved lazily, then looked over at y/n. He seemed to think for a moment, then turned back to Charlie and gestured towards them. “Who’s this?”
“Oh. Right. Uh well this is y/n-“
“We’ve met before Ted.” y/n waved at him and he turned to squint at them again. “It was like a month or two ago. I was one of Schlatt’s lackeys.”
“Oh. Wait then why are you here?”
“Well,” Charlie interjected. “We’re getting married.”
Ted didn’t react. He blinked a few times, staring at Charlie, then shut his door.
Charlie sighed and pounded on the door. “Ted, come on man we need help. Ted-“
The door flew opened and Ted stood with a smile on his face, his shirt the right way, and his round glasses resting on his nose. “You’re getting married??”
“Yeah, we are, and I can explain in the morning but right now we need somewhere away from Schlatt-“
“Get in here Charles!” Ted pulled Charlie into a hug and led him through the door. He looked back at y/n and furrowed his brow. “Hey your hand okay? It’s kinda purple.”
“Oh.” They looked down at the limp joint. “Just broken I think. Do you have anything I could wrap it with?”
“Yeah of course. I should have a potion or something that could help, too.” Ted led y/n over to a set of chests near a brew stand and began looking through the lot of things. He pulled out a red potion and some off-white bandages. “Here. Drink this and it should be better by the morning. And these will hold it in place just to make sure.”
Charlie took the bandages from Ted as y/n downed the drink. Charlie began to gently wrap y/n’s wrist, holding it as if it were glass and he could damage it more than it already was. y/n smiled at him, then looked back up to Ted.
“Thank you. For all of this.”
“Of course, Charles is one of my best friends.” He looked towards Charlie, then back towards y/n. “Why’d you guys come to me anyways?”
“Well, we need an officiator, and Charlie thought of you. I mean, if you wouldn’t mind that is.”
Ted’s eyes seemed to sparkle at the idea. “Oh my god! Of course!” He picked up Charlie from behind and flung him around like a rag doll in a hug. “Oh my god I’m so excited! Who are we inviting? When? Can I wear the milk suit? Do you have a suit charlie? Oh my god we’ll get you a suit. And what about y/n? A suit? A dress?”
y/n laughed. “There’s a cape back at my house that I was gonna wear.”
Ted frowned. “How are you going to get it then?”
“I’ll work it out.” Charlie was almost too quiet but y/n still heard him. They turned to him and smiled so wide their cheeks hurt.
“And how’s that Charlie?”
“Oh I’ll just push around a few buttons.” He pulled the buttons out of his pocket from earlier and y/n erupted into laughter. Charlie blushed a bit at the reaction, but fell into laughter too. Ted stared at the pair, a thought working through his mind.
“Alright you two. Time for bed.”
“Oh come on no need to sound like my dad.”
“y/n, it’s four in the morning. Come on you’re getting married tomorrow. You guys can take the living room.” Ted led the two of them to a set of gray couches that faced each other. He grabbed a few blankets from some shelves nearby and handed it to the two of them. “Sorry it’s all I’ve got.”
y/n shrugged and went to sit on one of the couches. “I’ll be fine. I’ll see you both in the morning?” The boys nodded and Ted went back to his room. Charlie turned off the light and went to lay on the other couch, covering himself with a fluffy blue blanket.
“I’m kind of excited for this. Who do you think we should invite?”
“Oh everyone.” y/n stretched as they yawned. “Anyone and everyone. Especially my bestie Traves.”
“Hey! I thought I was your bestie!”
“I’m literally marrying you.”
y/n laughed. “Charlie of course you’re my bestie. I’ll let Traves have second place.”
“And what about me?” Ted’s booming voice echoed through the house and the other two laughed.
“Don’t worry Ted you’re MY bestie.”
“Shut the fuck up Charles.”
y/n turned to look towards the ceiling, but Charlie still stared at them. “Goodnight, Charlie.”
“Goodnight y/n.”
y/n sat straight up on the couch. Sunlight danced around every inch of the room, but when they looked to the left of them, Charlie wasn’t there.
“Charlie?” They yelled out into the unfamiliar house. They threw the blanket - that they only remember Charlie falling asleep with - off onto the floor and stood up. “Charlie where are you?”
They ran towards a doorway and ran straight into someone wearing stark white. They backed up, trying to be anything but dizzy, just to see it was Ted.
“Hey look who’s up!”
“Where’s Charlie?”
“He went on an errand, said he’d be right back.”
“How long ago was that?”
“Maybe half an hour?”
y/n paused for a moment, eyes wide, then turned and tried to run to the door, but Ted grabbed their arm and pulled them back in. y/n wrestled against his grasp. “Let me go Ted! Schlatt’s looking for him he’s gonna kill Charlie!”
“He went by nether, Schlatt can’t catch him there. He will be back momentarily. And before he gets back you should eat something before you pass out!”
They knew Ted was right. They relaxed in Ted’s grip and followed him to the kitchen. Ted gestured to a wide array of boxes. “I have every single cereal. Please take some.”
y/n had been fully engaged in a bowl of Frosted Flakes when they heard the door open. Mouth full, they met eyes with Ted, then dashed for the door.
“Charlie?” They choked slightly on their food as they ran, but they couldn’t help feel disappointed when it was Traves instead.
“y/n!!!” Traves ran to hug them. “Charlie came over and told me you were getting married!!! I’m so excited!!! Oh and hi Ted!” Traves let go of them a little to wave at Ted.
“Hi Traves. Come inside why don’t you.”
“Oh.” Traves looked back towards the door he had left open. “I’ll get it!”
y/n sighed as Traves released them. “Traves, when did you last see Charlie?”
“Not super long ago?”
y/n nodded and went back to their cereal. Traves looked over at Ted with confusion and Ted sighed. “We haven’t seen him for almost an hour now. I think y/n’s really worried about him. They think Schlatt’s going to try and kill him.”
“Oh. Wow.” They stood in silence for a minute, not sure of what to do. “He’s going to come back. He was so excited to marry them. It’s nice they love each other like that.”
“I thought it was leverage.” The boys stared at each other with confusion. “y/n said it was a political thing with Schlatt. That’s why he’s trying to kill Charles.”
“Oh. It makes sense they’d pick him. They’ve been in love with Charlie for forever.” Traves went to sit on one of the gray couches in the open front room.
Ted sighed and took a seat near Traves. “Thank god for that because he’s been pining over them all night and it’s going to make me vomit.”
Everyone sat in silence - save for the scraping of y/n’s spoon against the bowl - for a while. By the time there was any new noise, the sun had moved just barely farther across the room.
But that new noise was more exciting than anything else.
Of course the three of them all knew what a nether portal sounded like, so they all knew what it sounded like when someone went in and out, and when someone fell out holding something that made a loud bang. Ted and Traves ran towards the stairs leading towards Ted’s basement, as did y/n. At the bottom of those stairs, past a set of oak wood doors, lay Charlie at the foot of Ted’s nether portal. He was flat on his back, staring at the ceiling, with armor pieces around him and a cloth bag on his chest.
“Charlie!” Traves smiled wide and glanced at y/n standing behind him.
“Where’s y/n?”
“Right here!”
“Wait don’t look!” Charlie slapped a hand over his eyes and Traves forcefully turned y/n around. “It’s bad luck! I can’t see you! You can’t see me!”
“Charlie, it’s been hours.” They tried to act annoyed, but they still smiled at the boy’s antics.
“Oh! I brought your cape! And your fancy stuff. I figured you’d want to get married in that. The capes in the bag, and so’s my suit. And there’s some of your armor on the floor. Just in case.”
y/n giggled. “Any armor for you?”
“Uh. I have a sword this time! And my shield and helmet. I didn’t think much more of it was my wedding style. Oh I invited a couple more people!”
“Okay, but Charlie where are we even doing this?”
“Oh. I mean there’s a church in town.”
“The purple church?”
“Yeah! I mean we should make it kind of official. I know it’s not the prettiest but you can save that for your real wedding.”
y/n felt something in their chest drop. “Yeah. Real wedding. But are you sure there?”
“Schlatt’s gonna want authentic.”
y/n nodded, then remembered Charlie couldn’t see them. “Right. Well I guess we better get ready then.”
“Yeah! Meet me there in two hours, okay?”
“Yeah! I’ll see you then.” y/n allowed Traves to grab the cloth bag from Charlie and then steer them upstairs.
Ted sighed and Charlie took the hand off his eyes. “Charles, this is ridiculous.”
“What is?” The lanky boy picked himself up off the ground.
“This! You spend the whole day pining after them and then cut them straight off of it. And then do it all over again! The first thing y/n asked me this morning is where you were. What had happened to you. If Schlatt has gotten you. And then you go around inviting people to your wedding, gathering clothes for the two of you, and then remind them it’s all fake. That’s just mean Charlie.”
“Hey, before I offered to marry them, they were gonna marry Cooper!”
“And why didn’t they?”
Because-“ he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “Because I was jealous.”
“I knew it! You’re not as much of a trickster as you think Charlie. You’re not showing them anything-“
“Well I just don’t want them to marry anyone other than me.”
“Then fucking say that Charlie!”
He sighed, taking a moment before he could say something he didn’t want to. “Ted, it will be fine. If they want to get un-married to marry someone else later, then I will deal with that.
Ted rolled his eyes. “Fine. But I’m officiating this, I should get a little say.”
“You’re already wearing the milk suit, I think you had enough say.” Charlie started walking towards the stairs. “I’m sorry I got angry. But my feelings don’t really matter right now.”
Charlie walked upstairs and went to sit in the living room. After waiting for a moment, Traves came out from a hallway, holding the cloth bag from earlier.
“Here you go.” He handed Charlie the bag. Charlie reached inside and pulled out his only suit; a navy blue three piece suit with a pear-green traditional tie.
Charlie smiled, looking at the cloth in his hands. “Thanks Traves.”
“No worries! I’ll see you later.” Traves walked down a short hallway and knocked on a dark oak door.
“Come in.” y/n’s voice came from inside the room. Traves opened the door and saw them sitting on a chair facing a full length mirror. They were wearing black slacks, black shoes, and a long-sleeved black shirt that fit them quite well. It was a stark change from their usual jeans and a colored shirt, but it looked nice to Traves. He looked a bit to the left to see the cape Charlie had brought draped over another chair.
“Hey, why don’t you have that on yet?” y/n turned to look at him with slightly red eyes and he frowned, lightly shutting the door behind himself. “y/n, what’s wrong?”
“Charlie is such a good person.” They almost choked on their own words. “He offered to marry me because he knows that I had to get away from Schlatt and he went out of his way to go to my house and get the cape that he knew I wanted to be married in and these stupid clothes that are really nice. And it is gonna hurt so much when he wants to marry someone else.”
Traves went and sat next to them, wiping gently at a tear. “Why would he want to marry anyone else?”
“Oh come on.” They gave a half hearted laugh. “Do you really think Charlie loves me the way I love him?”
“I mean you were the one to say that he went out to do all of this for you.” y/n smiled and looked down at their lap. Traves frowned and took one of their hands in his. “You okay?”
“Yeah. I am.” y/n pulled Traves into an awkward side hug from their seated position. “You’re the best Traves.”
Traves smiled into the hug, before gasping and letting go. “I need to get dressed! I can’t wear a hoodie to your wedding! I’ll be right back.” He ran towards the door, but turned back quick. “You better be wearing that by the time I’m here.”
y/n laughed as Traves ran out of the house. They stood and slowly walked over to where the cape laid. Gently, y/n picked it up and swung it over their shoulders. They ran their hand across the silver ornate clasp and down the soft flowing sides. They flipped up the the loose hood and let it rest just over their hairline. They forced a small smile and stared into the mirror. “I will be okay.”
There was a knock at the door and y/n jumped. “Hey it’s Ted.”
“Oh. What’s up?”
“Uh, me and Charles are going to make sure everything’s set up at the church, so we’ll see you down the aisle in an hour?”
“Yeah! Oh and Traves-“
“Don’t worry I saw him leave. I know he’ll be back in time to get you there.”
“Good. I need someone to walk me down that stupid aisle.”
Ted laughed. “We’ll see you soon then.” He went back down the hallway to where Charlie was standing waiting. Ted could tell he was anxious; he was tapping his foot and rolling his sword in his hand. His shield rested upright against a wall. When he heard Ted coming he looked up with a nervous smile.
“Are they good? They okay?”
“Yep. I told them we’re going and they know how to get there.”
Charlie nodded slowly, then looked back up at Ted. “And Traves? They’ll need him-“
“He’ll be back sooner than you were.”
Charlie nodded and picked up his shield. The two boys walked down the stairs and into the large portal. A familiar warbling feeling washed over them as they stepped into the hell-hole of a dimension. They continued down the path Ted had constructed until they reached the main hub of portals. There were a few odd people running around or some standing in conversation. There was a group standing by the spawn portal, who turned and walked over to Ted and Charlie.
“Hey guys!” Condifiction walked up to the two, followed by Grizzly, Jawsh, Macro, and Cooper. They each wore some sort of appropriate dress. Condi looked around at their small group. “Where’s y/n?”
“They’re back at Ted’s right now. They’re gonna meet us there with Traves in a little bit.”
“Oh cool. Small ceremony then?”
Charlie nodded. “The smaller the better.”
“I mean you did invite all of us.” Macro interjected.
“Actually, I don’t remember inviting Jawsh.”
“You didn’t invite me. I was just there.”
The group stared at Jawsh for a moment, but Ted interrupted the silence first. “We should get going. We still have somethings we need.”
“Oh maybe we can help.” Cooper started digging through his pockets. “What do you guys need?”
Ted began listing off his fingers. “A book, something to write with, and some flowers. y/n doesn’t have a bouquet.”
“Does y/n want a bouquet?”
“They didn’t say they didn’t. And with the circumstances I figure it could be safe.”
Cooper looked at Ted with confusion. “Circumstances-?”
“Later. But I think we can get some books from cooper’s store and the flowers-“
“They like the blue cornflowers. There are some behind the tree.” Cooper seemed slightly surprised to see Charlie speak. “And we’re doing this because it’s the only way she gets out of Schlatt’s custody.”
Everyone seemed to pause for a moment before Ted spoke again. “Everyone ready?”
Charlie nodded, rolling his sword in his hand again, and stepped into the portal. Everyone followed behind him.
Back at Ted’s house, y/n was pacing the hallway. “You should have been here a while ago!”
“I know! I told you I got distracted and my dogs-“
“Traves, we need to go.”
“Just a minute!” His voice was muffled coming through the door. y/n groaned and leaned against the door. The wedding was supposed to be in twenty minutes, and Traves was somehow the one still getting ready.
“I don’t even care if you have your tie on right we just need to leave!” y/n looked at the clock on the far wall and went back to knocking on the door. “Traves!”
The door swung open. “Okay!” Let’s go!”
y/n grabbed on right to Traves’s hand and the two ran towards the downstairs portal. They made it through the purple wall, through the tunnel, and all the way to the other portal. A little dizzy from the portal, they ran out of the massive tree onto the paths. They stopped, slightly out of breath, and looked around.
“Yeah Traves?”
“Why isn’t there anyone around?”
He was right. The streets were completely empty. Of course all the automatic lights and water features were on and you could hear a far away spider, but there was really no one.
“I guess we keep going? Right?” y/n turned towards Traves, who was still staring out at the town. It wasn’t desolate or abandoned, it was just empty. And it didn’t make sense.
Traves didn’t respond, but the two kept walking towards the church. The sun had started to set by the time they were there, and there were hushed voices coming from the few people standing in front of the church. As they got even closer, y/n felt panic run through their blood. Through the tinted windows they could see Charlie waiting for them, but in the way were Schlatt and Connor arguing with Cooper.
“I know for a fact you weren’t invited.”
“Oh please they’ll want me here. Speak fo the devil, Y/N.” Schlatt shouted out at them. They gripped on to Traves as they approached y/n’s former employer. “Thought I’d make a customary appearance.”
“Customary?” y/n glanced over at Cooper, who gave a slight shrug.
“Yeah you know, last man that was I charge of you gets to give you away to the next.” He threw an arm over their shoulder and pulled them tight against his body. He was somewhat taller than them, and he smelled slightly of alcohol and an obnoxious cologne. y/n glanced between Traves and Cooper, waiting for anyone to do something. “Let’s get this wedding started!”
y/n watched as Cooper escorted Connor through the doors. Traves gave y/n a worried look before following them inside. They took a deep breath and closed their eyes.
“Cooper said there wasn’t any music so I’d assume it’s when ever you want.”
“Why are you here, Schlatt.”
He slid his arm into the crook of her elbow, holding it so tight they thought he was going to tear it out of the socket. “Because you’re not bullshitting me out of this contract.”
Par t 2 here!
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dazenightmare · 3 years
I finally watched Charlie Slimecicle’s lore stream, and I am just?? Full of emotions?
Quackity is like a mother, I swear to god. He’s like “I could probably completely manipulate this slime and he’d never know” but he seems to be caring about him to an extent?
Like with (not quoted word per word):
“Gambling is good. Not for you though, but it’s good if other people do it.”
“Don’t let strangers touch you, if you see a stranger, use a sword in self-defense.”
Trying to make sure Charlie knows that he should use whatever money he has wisely and not with gambling.
Letting Charlie know if he’s ever in danger to come to Quackity so Quackity can protect him
And it’s?? Making me soft even though I know a good portion of this is probably manipulation???
But also, I just wanted to say besides all of this I got a new headcanon during the stream, that Charlie didn’t have glasses but Quackity gave them to him for sleep purposes and/or to see better :D
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instrumental-break · 3 years
i don’t know what the mcytblr elections are but i will follow in the wise words of charlie slimecicle: “don’t vote.”
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