#in which I am deep in My Thoughts and Theories about Mr. Harker
see-arcane · 2 years
So, What the Hell is Jonathan Harker?
I’m asking honestly. Because by the end of Dracula the answer sure isn’t, ‘human.’ Nor do I think he’s a vampire. But he is something.
The whole ‘revenge makes you a monster!’ thing is only barely in play, if at all, when it comes to his part of the hunt for the Count. Van Helsing even admits he’s owed the chance at delivering the killing blow. Which he does, alongside Quincey. He gets to chop off Vlad’s head!
In one blow! With a Kukri knife! Not an axe! Not a saw blade! Just the little brother to a sword!
Which is after lifting an entire coffin, weighted by the Count and several pounds of earth, off the wagon! With his bare hands!
Which is after bulldozing through the Count’s guards, taking no damage, while Quincey Morris, the established Man’s Man and hunter/fighter takes the fatal wound!
Which is after days upon days of whetting his blade, all rictus grins and plotting, now unexplainably ‘ice-cold’ in manner and body!
Which is after having his hair turn solid white—a pallor that apparently matches his eyes, according to Seward—upon learning of Mina’s attack, deciding to join her in undeath if she cannot be cured, and proceeding to nearly fillet the Count like a fish with the Kukri!
Which is after finding sudden relief from realizing, good news, he’s not insane, but monsters from the pit of Hell are real and were, in fact, trying to exsanguinate and turn him into a bloodsucking demon for eternity! What a relief!
Which is l o o o n g after he scaled a castle wall and a vertical cliff face by his hands and bare feet, plus a nice stint of running through the Transylvanian wilderness of wolves and Brides to reach a train!
Which is all after he somehow landed the first and only lasting wound to Dracula, by way of the shovel blade scar to his forehead! A fact that is never once explained by anything in the book, despite the fact that unless that was a mystical Sacred Shovel, Jonathan managed to do the only permanent injury to Dracula without any holy assistance!
I know, I know, Mina chalks up chucking the coffin and the head-choppery as ‘a miracle.’ But our boy has showing distinctly Not Fucking Normal signs for far, far longer than the climax. 
What are they signs of? Do they ever stop to wonder after all the vampire hype is over? Because I don’t see all of these changes in physicality and mentality suddenly going poof once the Count’s gone.
By the book’s end, Jonathan Harker, not a vampire, but definitely Something Else, is just chilling as-is. Imagine going to his office for some lawyerly help, and you see this white-haired, thousand-yard staring gentleman with a bloodstained Kukri sheathed over his business attire, smiling apologetically as he gently sets down the wall-sized bookcase he was hoisting up to retrieve a lost pen, terribly sorry, give him just a moment and he’ll be right with you! :)
It is just never brought up by anybody but Seward throughout the book—not even Van Helsing mentions it! I assume it’s because they had so much going on already, but in the Epilogue phase it has to be raising so many questions that I think everyone has an unspoken agreement to just Not Point It Out Because It Is Not a Problem, It’s Fine, He’s Fine, The End
Seward, making attempt #214 to broach the topic: Professor, I’m not saying it’s…unhealthy, but Harker clearly went through some kind of metamorphosis during that time, and he’s yet to change back—
Van Helsing, halfway through his brandy: He had no ill reaction to the Cross or the Wafer. It is fine. God’s will and all that.
Seward, watching Jonathan smile a would-be mugger into submission before he can get in ten yards’ reach of Mina and Little Quincey, never blinking, while half the street’s pedestrians give the Harkers such a wide berth they’re running into the cab horses: …Sir—
Van Helsing, around his flask: It’s fine.
In short, does anybody have theories about what Mr. Harker’s whole deal is? Because our guy is neither human nor bloodsucker and Bramothy Stoker kind of just left the monster makeover implications hanging.
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