#including aborting infants at nine months of pregnancy
fictionadventurer · 2 years
I don't think anything has shown media bias more strongly than the time a few years back when Women's March people got upset at the pro-lifers, because, "How dare you host your pro-life rally on the same day as our Women's March?" only to be told, "We've been doing this on this date since the '70s, with turnouts several times larger than your Women's March ever had, yet you've never heard of ours while yours dominates every cable news station for days."
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darkmaga-retard · 2 days
Amber Nicole Thurman died of septic shock with “retained products of conception” in late summer 2022. Just a few weeks before, the overturn of Roe v. Wade triggered Georgia’s state law banning abortions from the sixth week of pregnancy. Thurman’s death, when recently examined by the State of Georgia’s maternal mortality review board, was deemed “preventable.” Georgia doctors did not immediately remove the dead infant remains from her uterus when Thurman arrived at the hospital in critical condition, having taken pills to chemically abort her twin babies at nine weeks’ gestation. 
Candi Miller, also from Georgia, ordered her abortion pills online. The Dutch supplier Aid Access, which imports its pills from India, sends DIY abortion kits all over the world, including to approximately 7,000 U.S. customers each month. Miller did not know how far along she was in her fourth pregnancy when she took the pills, only that she was afraid of the state’s new law banning abortions and equally afraid of being pregnant again due to chronic diabetes and lupus. When she died at home a few days later, her autopsy revealed high doses of diphenhydramine (the active ingredient in Benadryl), acetaminophen (found in painkillers such as Tylenol), as well as fentanyl in Miller’s body. The founder of Aid Access, Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, told ProPublica “it was clear the abortion pill did not cause [Miller’s] death,” even though Miller was not in critical condition until immediately after taking the pills.  
Somehow, these two stories are supposed to mean legalizing more abortion would prevent more deaths. Bans cause doctors to deny women life-saving procedures—never mind that no life-saving would be needed had these mothers not taken abortion pills in the first place—and therefore, bans kill. ProPublica notes at the end of its report that “no doctor has been prosecuted for violating abortion bans,” but who knows when one might? 
The publication of Thurman and Miller’s stories this week has already brought a flurry of Democratic statements on the danger of abortion bans for the health of women. The spin, however, cannot remain unburdened by what has been: Miller didn’t die because she was pregnant. She died in the process of attempting to take her unborn child’s life, with $80 mail-order abortion pills and fentanyl besides. Thurman didn’t develop sepsis because she was pregnant. She developed it because she tried to end her pregnancy using an FDA-approved drug under FDA-approved circumstances. The buck does not stop with the doctors who failed to save her life after that fact. 
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To understand this article, you need to know that any number of complications can threaten a pregnancy, such as rupture of the bag of water around the baby, preterm labor, or heavy bleeding. When those complications arise before 22 weeks of gestation— before the age of viability when a fetus can live outside of a uterus—the standard of medical care is to offer a patient termination of pregnancy as an option. Women who continue pregnancy in these situations take on significant risks to their own health, and because of the early gestation, the chance for a healthy baby is very, very low. However, in September 2021, Texas adopted two measures, S.B. 4 and S.B. 8, which instituted punitive actions against anyone providing abortion. These laws took effect before the Supreme Court decision ended Roe v. Wade. And all of a sudden, termination of pregnancy became impossible in Texas unless and until there was an “immediate threat to maternal life.” The journal article, published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, describes the experience of two large Texas hospitals over a period of eight months following that legislation. The authors, who care for patients at those hospitals, describe how their hospitals managed 28 women who presented at less than 22 weeks’ gestation with serious complications following the ban on abortion. Without the ability to offer abortion to their patients, all 28 women were managed expectantly. This is a medical way of saying that they waited for something terrible to happen. That wait lasted, on average, nine days. During that nine days of waiting, here is what was achieved for the babies: 27 of the patients had loss of the fetus in utero or the death of the infant shortly after delivery. Of the entire cohort, one baby remained alive, still in the NICU at time of the journal article’s publication, with a long list of complications from extreme prematurity, including bleeding in the brain, brain swelling, damage to intestines, chronic lung disease. and liver dysfunction. If a baby survives these complications, they often result in permanent, lifelong illnesses. During those nine days of waiting for an immediate threat to maternal life, here is what happened to the women of that cohort: Most of them went into labor, or had a stillbirth, which meant the medical team could then legally intervene and empty the uterus. Fifty-seven percent of those pregnant women had some sort of complication, and for about a third of them, it was serious enough to require intensive-care admission, surgery, or a second admission to the hospital. One of the 28 patients ended up with a hysterectomy, which means she will never carry a pregnancy again. The authors of the article estimate, based on their pre-September practice, that about half of those maternal complications would have been avoided if immediate abortion had been offered as a choice. But of course, post-September in Texas, these women didn’t get a choice.
Anyone who is still pro forced birth at this point is a psychopath who doesn't give a fuck about life.
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tabernacleheart · 4 years
In this election, stark contrasts [notably] exist between candidates on issues like “codifying Roe,” a term of art that means creating a federal law to allow for abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, sometimes with taxpayer funding. Getting rid of the Hyde Amendment — former Vice President Joe Biden's position — means support for taxpayer funding of abortion. Eliminating the Mexico City policy means taxpayer funding of abortion worldwide. "Medicare for All" could equal forcing abortion coverage into all health care.
[Furthermore,] in hearings of multiple recent judicial nominees, senators — including the Democrats' vice presidential nominee, Kamala Harris — attacked candidates like Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who is on President Donald Trump's short list for the Supreme Court, for actually believing the tenets of their church. Harris has a troubling record. While attorney general of California, Harris arranged for an armed raid on the home of pro-life journalist and activist David Daleiden, who had dared to document Planned Parenthood employees' engagement in exchanging money for aborted infant body parts, and she did this after advocating for Planned Parenthood as part of her Senate campaign. Her abortion platform while running for president included using the Department of Justice against states that attempt to pass pro-life laws. Last year, Harris introduced the Do No Harm Act in the U.S. Senate, which would water down the federal 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, among other laws designed to protect people of faith. In effect, that change would empower governmental authorities to force people of faith to comply with laws they find morally objectionable, such as pay for or perform abortions in health care if they receive some state or federal funding. This is not a small threat as twice the nuns of the Little Sisters of the Poor have been forced to go to the Supreme Court because they did not want to pay for birth control and abortions, or provide insurance coverage for contraceptives.
Kristan Hawkins
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arabfanon · 5 years
Dr. Lourdes Camacho Paneque, a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, began to feel a vocation for the profession as a child, when her grandmother took her to visit the hospital where she worked in the municipality of Banes, Holguín province.
She is proud of her accumulated experience and contribution to helping the peoples of Bolivia (2006-2008), during an international mission, and now on a second mission in the La Tinta neighborhood, Alta Verapaz department, Guatemala, since 2017.
“Since I was five years old, I have lived in Havana and I undertook all my studies in the capital. At the end of my degree, I volunteered to go to the Cuban mountain range to provide rural services in the Manuel Piti Fajardo contingent.
“I was assigned to the community of Caney de las Mercedes, in Bartolomé Masó municipality, Granma province. I undertook the sixth year of my degree, plus another two, at the Mariano Pérez Barí Hospital. It was precisely at that stage that I learned about various gynecology procedures, so I decided to opt for the specialty.
“I like the obstetrics side. I have two children, and I always asked to see my labor through to the end because I wanted to know what a person experiences when she is in that process.”
How was the experience in Bolivia?
I worked in a place located at a high altitude above sea level. To get there, we were advised not to eat for a day before to avoid vomiting. The journey meant passing around a mountain on a road known by the population as Death Road. When it rained, the roadway got very slippery and cars overturned. It took about eight hours to reach the town. On that mountain there was snow and frost almost all year round.
Incredibly, upon arriving at the site, the medical college and the professionals who practiced private medicine there were opposed to us providing care to the population. They were part of the political opposition to President Evo Morales.
I remember that right on my arrival, a woman in labor in a very bad condition came into emergencies. Luckily I resolved the situation, and then sent her, with no risk to her life, to another institution in the capital for specialized treatments.
It turns out that the members of the medical college wanted to sue me, claiming that I did not clean the uterus properly. As I received the patient in a critical condition, I entered surgery accompanied by several doctors, including the director of the hospital. Everyone testified to how her life was saved and the lawsuit did not proceed. The best thing that happened to me was that one day I met that same patient, and she thanked me for being alive. The population there was very poor and it hurt to see how they took advantage of them.
In Bolivia, I faced extreme situations to save women who were almost at death’s door. I had the good fortune to be in Pando when President Evo Morales opened a hospital in that department, with first class medical services provided free of charge to the population.
Another case was that of an eight-month-old girl with a burn on her face. That had nothing to do with my specialty, but when we study in Cuba, we do medical rotations in each of the specialties, and one knows how to look for the information to face the circumstances in any environment.
Do Cuban doctors select the place where they will work?
Never, that decision corresponds to the leadership of the medical brigade, responding to the number of inhabitants in each municipality, and the needs of the country. We go with the willingness to work in the places where we are needed.
What have been the most difficult cases in Guatemala?
It is very common to attend difficult births, with premature and low birth weight babies, a product of medical negligence during pregnancy. There is no organized health system with a well-conceived maternal and child program. I have had cases of patients living in very remote villages who begin labor at 28 weeks. One must apply a lot of knowledge to that newborn so that it doesn’t die.
Generally, in remote areas, births are performed by midwives or birth attendants, who resolve situations, but when there is a complication such as with a child who is in a breech position, the woman comes to us in a very deteriorated state, because she has been in labor for many hours, and the infant has suffered in the birth canal.
In both countries, there are laws against abortion?
That subject is very distressing. In both places, abortion is prohibited and I have had to assist many adolescents and women who were raped and become pregnant.
In Guatemala, I receive a large number of women raped by relatives or people close to the family. There I practiced a cesarean section on a 12-year-old girl who was raped by five men. It was never reported and the men were not investigated. Others identify their rapist, report them, and the authorities do nothing. They even make me fill out a very extensive file describing the injuries caused and in the end, criminal proceedings never begin. Psychiatrists certify that raped women never recover from this trauma, even if they receive medical treatment and follow-up.
In these countries, they prevent access to abortion in a safe institution, which is why women go to other places, without the necessary hygienic-sanitary conditions, or they buy abortifacient drugs or insert implements through the vagina to interrupt their pregnancy. Then we receive them in the hospital in an advanced septic process, almost on the verge of death. The prohibition of abortion leads to two problems: one, unwanted pregnancies, and another, the possible maternal death of women who turn to unsafe contraceptive methods.
I can give you another example: I received a teenager with a full-term pregnancy who was diagnosed with eclampsia. She told her father, days before her admission, that her sister’s husband had raped her. We arrived convulsing and on investigating her family history, they told us that her entire pregnancy she had been very quiet and sad. She didn’t want to explain her suffering. A cesarean section was performed and she was hospitalized to apply medication. Then we noted a regression. It turned out that the rapist was visiting her in the hospital. After treating her with the psychologist, we got her to cooperate with the treatment.
Why go back to perform another mission?
Missions outside the country are a learning experience, and they remind me of that moment in which I worked in the mountains. Outside of Cuba, you face situations and conflicts with few available resources. Blood for transfusions is usually scarce, and obstacles are created by local medical personnel who see medicine as a business.
On missions, a professional learns about other cultures and much more. In Cuba, we have the support of our colleagues. On an emergency shift, there are residents, students, specialists and teachers. Outside the island, there is only the doctor and sometimes a nurse to solve a case.
In Guatemala, we now do 24 hour shifts. On a duty day, I usually do more than nine caesarean sections, and the work is very intense. We get patients who need blood transfusions, which we do not have, and we use all available resources to save them.
How do you view yourself?
As a fulfilled woman.
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dhgfashe · 4 years
           Through their training, scientists are equipped with what Sagan calls a “baloney detection kit” — a set of cognitive tools and techniques that fortify the mind against penetration by falsehoods:    
                   The kit is brought out as a matter of course whenever new ideas are offered for consideration. If the new idea survives examination by the tools in our kit, we grant it warm, although tentative, acceptance. If you’re so inclined, if you don’t want to buy baloney even when it’s reassuring to do so, there are precautions that can be taken; there’s a tried-and-true, consumer-tested method.            
           But the kit, Sagan argues, isn’t merely a tool of science — rather, it contains invaluable tools of healthy skepticism that apply just as elegantly, and just as necessarily, to everyday life. By adopting the kit, we can all shield ourselves against clueless guile and deliberate manipulation. Sagan shares nine of these tools:    
Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the “facts.”
Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view.
Arguments from authority carry little weight — “authorities” have made mistakes in the past. They will do so again in the future. Perhaps a better way to say it is that in science there are no authorities; at most, there are experts.
Spin more than one hypothesis. If there’s something to be explained, think of all the different ways in which it could be explained. Then think of tests by which you might systematically disprove each of the alternatives. What survives, the hypothesis that resists disproof in this Darwinian selection among “multiple working hypotheses,” has a much better chance of being the right answer than if you had simply run with the first idea that caught your fancy.
Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it’s yours. It’s only a way station in the pursuit of knowledge. Ask yourself why you like the idea. Compare it fairly with the alternatives. See if you can find reasons for rejecting it. If you don’t, others will.
Quantify. If whatever it is you’re explaining has some measure, some numerical quantity attached to it, you’ll be much better able to discriminate among competing hypotheses. What is vague and qualitative is open to many explanations. Of course there are truths to be sought in the many qualitative issues we are obliged to confront, but finding them is more challenging.
If there’s a chain of argument, every link in the chain must work (including the premise) — not just most of them.
Occam’s Razor. This convenient rule-of-thumb urges us when faced with two hypotheses that explain the data equally well to choose the simpler.
Always ask whether the hypothesis can be, at least in principle, falsified. Propositions that are untestable, unfalsifiable are not worth much. Consider the grand idea that our Universe and everything in it is just an elementary particle — an electron, say — in a much bigger Cosmos. But if we can never acquire information from outside our Universe, is not the idea incapable of disproof? You must be able to check assertions out. Inveterate skeptics must be given the chance to follow your reasoning, to duplicate your experiments and see if they get the same result.
           Just as important as learning these helpful tools, however, is unlearning and avoiding the most common pitfalls of common sense. Reminding us of where society is most vulnerable to those, Sagan writes:    
                   In addition to teaching us what to do when evaluating a claim to knowledge, any good baloney detection kit must also teach us what not to do. It helps us recognize the most common and perilous fallacies of logic and rhetoric. Many good examples can be found in religion and politics, because their practitioners are so often obliged to justify two contradictory propositions.            
           He admonishes against the twenty most common and perilous ones — many rooted in our chronic discomfort with ambiguity — with examples of each in action:    
ad hominem — Latin for “to the man,” attacking the arguer and not the argument (e.g., The Reverend Dr. Smith is a known Biblical fundamentalist, so her objections to evolution need not be taken seriously)
argument from authority (e.g., President Richard Nixon should be re-elected because he has a secret plan to end the war in Southeast Asia — but because it was secret, there was no way for the electorate to evaluate it on its merits; the argument amounted to trusting him because he was President: a mistake, as it turned out)
argument from adverse consequences (e.g., A God meting out punishment and reward must exist, because if He didn’t, society would be much more lawless and dangerous — perhaps even ungovernable. Or: The defendant in a widely publicized murder trial must be found guilty; otherwise, it will be an encouragement for other men to murder their wives)
appeal to ignorance — the claim that whatever has not been proved false must be true, and vice versa (e.g., There is no compelling evidence that UFOs are not visiting the Earth; therefore UFOs exist — and there is intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe. Or: There may be seventy kazillion other worlds, but not one is known to have the moral advancement of the Earth, so we’re still central to the Universe.) This impatience with ambiguity can be criticized in the phrase: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
special pleading, often to rescue a proposition in deep rhetorical trouble (e.g., How can a merciful God condemn future generations to torment because, against orders, one woman induced one man to eat an apple? Special plead: you don’t understand the subtle Doctrine of Free Will. Or: How can there be an equally godlike Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in the same Person? Special plead: You don’t understand the Divine Mystery of the Trinity. Or: How could God permit the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — each in their own way enjoined to heroic measures of loving kindness and compassion — to have perpetrated so much cruelty for so long? Special plead: You don’t understand Free Will again. And anyway, God moves in mysterious ways.)
begging the question, also called assuming the answer (e.g., We must institute the death penalty to discourage violent crime. But does the violent crime rate in fact fall when the death penalty is imposed? Or: The stock market fell yesterday because of a technical adjustment and profit-taking by investors — but is there any independent evidence for the causal role of “adjustment” and profit-taking; have we learned anything at all from this purported explanation?)
observational selection, also called the enumeration of favorable circumstances, or as the philosopher Francis Bacon described it, counting the hits and forgetting the misses (e.g., A state boasts of the Presidents it has produced, but is silent on its serial killers)
statistics of small numbers — a close relative of observational selection (e.g., “They say 1 out of every 5 people is Chinese. How is this possible? I know hundreds of people, and none of them is Chinese. Yours truly.” Or: “I’ve thrown three sevens in a row. Tonight I can’t lose.”)
misunderstanding of the nature of statistics (e.g., President Dwight Eisenhower expressing astonishment and alarm on discovering that fully half of all Americans have below average intelligence);
inconsistency (e.g., Prudently plan for the worst of which a potential military adversary is capable, but thriftily ignore scientific projections on environmental dangers because they’re not “proved.” Or: Attribute the declining life expectancy in the former Soviet Union to the failures of communism many years ago, but never attribute the high infant mortality rate in the United States (now highest of the major industrial nations) to the failures of capitalism. Or: Consider it reasonable for the Universe to continue to exist forever into the future, but judge absurd the possibility that it has infinite duration into the past);
non sequitur — Latin for “It doesn’t follow” (e.g., Our nation will prevail because God is great. But nearly every nation pretends this to be true; the German formulation was “Gott mit uns”). Often those falling into the non sequitur fallacy have simply failed to recognize alternative possibilities;
post hoc, ergo propter hoc — Latin for “It happened after, so it was caused by” (e.g., Jaime Cardinal Sin, Archbishop of Manila: “I know of … a 26-year-old who looks 60 because she takes [contraceptive] pills.” Or: Before women got the vote, there were no nuclear weapons)
meaningless question (e.g., What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? But if there is such a thing as an irresistible force there can be no immovable objects, and vice versa)
excluded middle, or false dichotomy — considering only the two extremes in a continuum of intermediate possibilities (e.g., “Sure, take his side; my husband’s perfect; I’m always wrong.” Or: “Either you love your country or you hate it.” Or: “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem”)
short-term vs. long-term — a subset of the excluded middle, but so important I’ve pulled it out for special attention (e.g., We can’t afford programs to feed malnourished children and educate pre-school kids. We need to urgently deal with crime on the streets. Or: Why explore space or pursue fundamental science when we have so huge a budget deficit?);
slippery slope, related to excluded middle (e.g., If we allow abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy, it will be impossible to prevent the killing of a full-term infant. Or, conversely: If the state prohibits abortion even in the ninth month, it will soon be telling us what to do with our bodies around the time of conception);
confusion of correlation and causation (e.g., A survey shows that more college graduates are homosexual than those with lesser education; therefore education makes people gay. Or: Andean earthquakes are correlated with closest approaches of the planet Uranus; therefore — despite the absence of any such correlation for the nearer, more massive planet Jupiter — the latter causes the former)
straw man — caricaturing a position to make it easier to attack (e.g., Scientists suppose that living things simply fell together by chance — a formulation that willfully ignores the central Darwinian insight, that Nature ratchets up by saving what works and discarding what doesn’t. Or — this is also a short-term/long-term fallacy — environmentalists care more for snail darters and spotted owls than they do for people)
suppressed evidence, or half-truths (e.g., An amazingly accurate and widely quoted “prophecy” of the assassination attempt on President Reagan is shown on television; but — an important detail — was it recorded before or after the event? Or: These government abuses demand revolution, even if you can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs. Yes, but is this likely to be a revolution in which far more people are killed than under the previous regime? What does the experience of other revolutions suggest? Are all revolutions against oppressive regimes desirable and in the interests of the people?)
weasel words (e.g., The separation of powers of the U.S. Constitution specifies that the United States may not conduct a war without a declaration by Congress. On the other hand, Presidents are given control of foreign policy and the conduct of wars, which are potentially powerful tools for getting themselves re-elected. Presidents of either political party may therefore be tempted to arrange wars while waving the flag and calling the wars something else — “police actions,” “armed incursions,” “protective reaction strikes,” “pacification,” “safeguarding American interests,” and a wide variety of “operations,” such as “Operation Just Cause.” Euphemisms for war are one of a broad class of reinventions of language for political purposes. Talleyrand said, “An important art of politicians is to find new names for institutions which under old names have become odious to the public”)
           Sagan ends the chapter with a necessary disclaimer:    
                   Like all tools, the baloney detection kit can be misused, applied out of context, or even employed as a rote alternative to thinking. But applied judiciously, it can make all the difference in the world — not least in evaluating our own arguments before we present them to others.            
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How detention causes long-term harm to children
Detaining children indefinitely, particularly in a place where their basic needs are not met, can cause long-term damage, according to decades of research on early child development.
Aug 22, 2019
Detaining children indefinitely, particularly in a place where their basic needs are not met, can cause long-term damage, according to decades of research on early child development.
The Trump administration plans to detain immigrant children who enter the U.S. illegally with their families with no deadline for release, ending a long-standing settlement that capped the detention of immigrant children at 20 days. The government says holding children in the facilities is for their own safety and well-being. But child advocates and pediatric health experts are outraged and say these children and their needs are being neglected and whole families left traumatized.
For young children who do not have a sense of time, staying in detention facilities feels like it will last forever.
One of those experts is Charles Nelson, a neuroscientist and psychologist at Harvard Medical School, who has studied the effects of child neglect around the world. Much of his research took place in Romania in the 2000s and has zeroed in on how institution-based care left long-lasting marks on children’s developing brains.
For young children who do not have a sense of time, staying in detention facilities feels like it will last forever. Time stands still as they wait, Nelson said, leading “to more despair and hopelessness.”
While the administration’s most recent move is focused on detaining family units, the Trump administration also separated thousands of children from their caregivers at the border. And evidence suggests it is still happening. When a child loses the protective buffer of a trusted adult, the trauma can rewire their brain’s architecture and leave that child with lasting emotional, mental and physical damage, according to experts.
The relationship between detention and increased mental health problems among children and families has been well-documented, according to Jaime Diaz-Granado, deputy chief executive for the American Psychological Association. His group has called the Trump administration’s rule change “a misguided attempt by this administration to stem the flow across the southern border.”
“The large majority of these children have already experienced trauma before arriving at immigration facilities, and the longer they are held in detention, the more likely their mental health will continue to suffer,” Diaz-Granado said.
Ample research has shown neglect harms children. In 2003, researchers published a series of foundational studies of the children raised in Romania’s orphanages that showed horrible consequences to those children and their society as a result of their institutionalization. Nelson was among the lead authors. When he hears reports of the U.S. separating immigrant children from their caregivers in federal custody, Nelson reflects on Romania where children were dropped off in institutions that had one untrained caregiver for more than a dozen children. “Yes, there are parallels,” he said.
Veronica Macovei Clark also hears echoes of her childhood in news reports about the condition of migrant children along the U.S. border. At age 26, she still wraps her arms around her knees and sways from side to side when she is stressed or has a bad dream — a coping mechanism she built while growing up in a Romanian orphanage.
Left to right: Veronica Macovei Clark (childhood photo on right) spent the first years of her life in an orphanage less than 100 miles from Bucharest, Romania. After she was adopted by a U.S. couple, she later returned to one of the facilities where she lived (seen on left). Photos courtesy Veronica Macovei Clark
“I would rock myself,” she said. “I don’t like a hug if I’m upset.”
Days after she was born, her parents left Clark at an orphanage for infants in Râmnicu Sărat, a town 93 miles northeast of Bucharest, Romania’s capital city, she said. She remained in state care until shortly before her fifth birthday when, in 1999, a couple from Kansas City, Kansas, adopted her. She could not walk properly and spoke only a single word (tata, or “father” in Romanian). She weighed 27 pounds, was Vitamin D-deficient and pale. Her skull was disproportionately small, she said, because she had been malnourished, eating primarily oatmeal porridge that tasted like coffee. She stuffed food in her cheeks to prevent anyone from taking it from her.
How the Romanian orphanages began
In 1966, Communist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu banned abortion and contraception in Romania to expand the country’s population, grow more workers and pay off the nation’s global debts. Ultimately under what was then known as Decree 770, women had to carry each pregnancy to term unless they already had given birth to five children, were age 45 or older, conceived through rape or incest, or if the pregnancy put the mother’s life at risk. Women underwent forced gynecological exams where they worked. A celibacy tax docked a woman’s wages if she did not bear children.
As a result of these policies, the nation’s fertility rate spiked in just one year, nearly doubling from 1.9 children per woman in 1966 to 3.7 in 1967, according to World Bank data. Families suffered under the financial strain. Unable to care for so many babies, parents surrendered thousands of infants and children, leaving 170,000 children in 700 overcrowded orphanages across Romania.
In 1989, Ceausescu’s government was overthrown, and on Christmas Day, a firing squad executed him and his wife, Elena.
What researchers found
In 2000, neuroscientist and psychologist Charles Nelson joined a team of researchers in Bucharest, more than a decade after the fall of Ceausescu. With thousands of children abandoned in orphanages, they wanted to understand how institutionalization left its mark on a young brain’s development. They conducted the Bucharest Early Intervention Project, the first-ever randomized study to compare the emotional and physical wellbeing and outcomes of children raised in orphanages to those raised in home settings, including foster care.
No institutional review board would approve a study on young children that risks traumatizing them, child development experts have said. But in Romania at this time, the children would have remained in orphanages either way. And the researchers had to construct a foster care system for their purposes because available services were woefully under-resourced and in no position to place so many children, Nelson said.
Researchers found 72 children who never left home, and 136 children aged between five and 31 months who had spent most of their lives in orphanages. Nelson and his team assigned every child a number and drew the numbers from a hat, randomly assigning each child to continue to receive care in orphanages or be moved to foster homes. Researchers ensured that children were of comparable age, gender, health and background with the only significant difference being how adults nurtured them.
In the institutions, strict schedules ruled a child’s day with virtually no time or effort devoted to forming meaningful relationships or sense of safety with a trusted adult. At one facility, 36 infants, toddlers and preschoolers awoke daily at 6:30 a.m. and were put to bed at 8 p.m. During mealtimes, children clustered around a caretaker who typically sat in silence and “fed them a bite at a time in turn,” the study authors wrote. Caretakers washed and changed the children’s clothes before or after they ate. Children played for a total of three-and-a-half hours, outdoors if the weather allowed, under the watchful gaze of caretakers who did not interact with them. Children stayed indoors if there weren’t enough staff members or if children were quarantined for illness. As many as 17 adults — housekeepers, teachers, medical staff — cycled rapidly through each child’s day.
In the study, researchers evaluated all children when they were nine, 18, 30 and 42 months old. Each time, they observed the children where they received care. They measured their height, weight and head circumference. They examined cognitive function, how well they could speak, interact with others, recognize people’s faces and emotions and focus their attention. They used puppets to interview the children to gauge their temperament. They took electrophysiological readings to see if differences in brain development emerged.
In 2005, the project published a study of electroencephalograms that showed brain images of children who received institutionalized care resembled those of children who had been traumatized or were diagnosed with learning disorders. Their nervous system typically developed more slowly than children who had never been institutionalized. Fewer neural connections took place in young children’s brains if they grew up neglected in institutions, evidence suggested. This lapse limited a child’s memory and ability to learn.
In their study, the researchers wanted to know how the absence of engaging adults influenced early child development so they could answer bigger questions.
“How much recovery is possible for children who experience early social deprivation?” they wrote in their 2003 study. “Are there critical periods that limit recovery from early deprivation?”
Over the years, answers started to come into focus. In a 2007 study, the group compared the three groups of children — those who remained in the orphanages, those randomly placed in foster care homes and those who were never removed from their families — and monitored them at 42 and 54 months of age. On average, institutionalized care blunted a child’s IQ over time. Similar evidence emerged among children in foster care, but the losses were less dramatic. And children who stayed with their caregivers saw their IQ improve over time.
“What happens early matters a lot,” Nelson, who is now at Harvard, said. And when trauma and neglect occur over prolonged periods of time, “development can be seriously derailed.”
“What happens early matters a lot,” Nelson, who is now at Harvard, said. And when trauma and neglect occur over prolonged periods of time, “development can be seriously derailed.”
After the studies were released, Romania made it illegal to place a child in institutional care until age 2. The population within the nation’s orphanages is a fraction of what it once was, and birth rates have slowed down.
Do child advocates and health experts see parallels between Romania and the U.S.?
Early child development experts and pediatric health advocates still point to Nelson’s studies of Bucharest orphanages when asked about the effects of institutionalized care and neglect on children.
After devoting his career to understanding how trauma can rewire a child’s brain architecture, Nelson said separating families at the border under the Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy is “the worst thing you could be doing.”
“One of the things that makes what’s going on at the border so horrific is the very thing that should provide comfort to a child — a caregiver — is taken away from them,” Nelson said.
Since summer 2017, at least 2,737 children have been separated from a parent at the U.S. border, according to data released in January from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General. But this number is incomplete, the federal government admits.
“Thousands of children may have been separated during an influx that began in 2017, before the accounting required by the court,” the inspector general’s report said.
By June 2018, nearly 20 percent of children who officials had accounted for were under age 13, Kaiser Health News reported, and more than 100 children were younger than four-years-old, according to Propublica. Since 2018, at least seven immigrant children are estimated to have died while in federal custody, according to NBC News.
Age matters when it comes to trauma, stress and early brain development, says Jack Shonkoff, who directs the Harvard Center for the Developing Child. Previous trauma, including gang wars, poverty and the violence many migrant children fled to come to the U.S., destabilizes a child’s resilience.
“When you keep kids separated from their parents this long and put them in an institutionalized setting, not a home setting, there’s no question that the harm they have will be directly a result of what we’re doing to them,” Shonkoff said. “The longer it goes on, the more damage is inflicted.”
In June, Willamette University lawyer Warren Binford described her visit to the Clint, Texas, facility to the PBS NewsHour’s William Brangham.  She said she saw “the worst conditions I have ever witnessed in several years of doing these inspections.”
“What we saw are dirty children who are malnourished, who are being severely neglected,” she said. “They are being kept in inhumane conditions. They are essentially being warehoused, as many as 300 children in a cell, with almost no adult supervision.”
Shonkoff called that the “most profound form of neglect,” adding that “neglect is more damaging than actually physically beating a child.”
Pediatrician Julie Linton has treated hundreds of migrant children released from federal detention whose immune systems are unable to fight off infections due to severe stress of family separation. In the facilities, they were exposed to illnesses, such as pneumonia or diarrhea-related dehydration, that later required hospitalization, said Linton, speaking on behalf of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Linton also saw regressive behavior and cognitive delays emerge from detained children soiling themselves, detachment, temper tantrums in older children, rolling back speech milestones and difficulty completing tasks. No amount of time in detention is safe for immigrant children, she said.
Pia Rebello Britto, the chief of early childhood development for UNICEF, said children without a responsive caregiver rarely have anyone to comfort them. These children lose out on stimulating activities to promote how they think and learn, their health and happiness. Out of fear and anxiety, their stress hormone cortisol surges, obstructs new neural connections and breaks down old ones, “causing long-term psychological and physical damage.”
“It’s incredibly hard to bring a child back from that,” Britto said. “There are no second chances.”
Children separated from their families and detained by U.S. officials are returning to their loved ones traumatized. That is the argument the Southern Poverty Law Center made on behalf of three immigrant families against the U.S. government in court filings this month.
In one instance, a Guatemalan father and his 7-year-old son were separated in November 2017 after arriving in Arizona to seek asylum. The father refused to surrender his son, but agents took him away, his son’s cries becoming more distant until “he could not hear his son anymore,” according to the court documents.
The father was told if he signed deportation papers, he would be reunited with his son. The father was sent back to Guatemala in January 2018. His son was not given back to his family until July 26, 2018, the documents said.
His son returned a changed boy, the father said, according to the filings. At night, he woke up crying. At school, he struggled to focus and burst into tears whenever children asked him about his time in the United States. He angered easily and refused food.
What the future could hold for these children
Every day a young immigrant child spends in detention robs them of a day of healthy development, pediatric health advocates say. But now that the U.S. has these children in custody, what should be done?
“It’s incredibly hard to bring a child back from that,” Britto said. “There are no second chances.”
Linton wants to see lawmakers improve conditions in the detention facilities for immigrant children and families. Under the Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Customs and Border Protection Custody Act, federal officials would meet basic needs for medical care, nutrition, water and sanitation. The legislation has been pushed as a partial response to government’s refusal to provide toothbrushes and soap to immigrant children in custody.
But Shonkoff pushed back on the idea of making the detention centers more livable for children and their families, saying the presence of the institutions is the issue.
“It normalizes these facilities,” he said. “That is not a radical position. That is bread-and-butter child health and the science of child development. Children are harmed by institutional settings.”
Everyone needs people to love and support them in life, Veronica Macovei Clark said. When she thinks about the migrant children detained on the U.S. border, she said those in charge of caring for the children should “at least play with these kids, talk to them. That’s better than nothing.”
“Kids shouldn’t grow up without a mom or a dad,” Clark said. “They shouldn’t be in a center with zillions of other people.”
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plxyboi-blog · 5 years
Malnutrition, still a malaise in Karnataka
New Post has been published on https://healthy4lives.com/malnutrition-still-a-malaise-in-karnataka/
Malnutrition, still a malaise in Karnataka
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Khaali is a word often read when gals of Koppal, Raichur and Ballari districts speak about their children. The word, which interprets to ‘nothingness’ or ‘empty’ in Kannada, is applied to explain an abortion or the demise of an infant. A majority of gals in this area have lived by way of this circumstance. They don’t forget to point out the deceased baby even throughout a relaxed speak about their maternal daily life, though it is invariably a discussion devoid of emotion.
Examine: Trouble in the courtyard
At the heart of most of these circumstances of abortion, maternal mortality or infant demise is Karnataka’s dark top secret: In some components of the point out, malnutrition is even worse than in sub-Saharan Africa.
Though forty five% of pregnant gals in the point out are anaemic, the figures are nevertheless high in the Hyderabad-Karnataka area, with Raichur topping the list at seventy three%. Pregnant gals with haemoglobin levels under eleven g/dl are regarded as anaemic. Normally, their children are born undernourished. 
Karnataka scores the worst in South India on various parameters associated to nourishment, reveals Countrywide Loved ones Health and fitness Survey 2016.
A 2018 report by the Centre for Plan Study, New Delhi, which compiled nation-extensive data, reveals that 26% of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) beneficiaries in the point out are malnourished. Inspite of better spending between 2015 and 2017, the point out ranks fourth in malnutrition levels, only guiding Maharashtra, Bihar and Assam, and is at par with Uttar Pradesh. ICDS, a central federal government programme launched in 1975, aims to deal with the nutritional and early-discovering requires of children underneath six several years, and pregnant and lactating gals. 
A stop by to the state’s rural areas clearly reveals that the nourishment interventions for gals and children underneath the ICDS have failed to make a constructive effects. Even even worse, the point out federal government is still to utilise the funds launched in the previous two several years underneath the Union government’s nourishment plan, Poshan Abhiyaan.
No believe in in strategies
“We have shed believe in in federal government strategies. Each individual other calendar year, a new programme is released and a big amount is allocated for the intent. Why are we foremost a miserable daily life even with so many nourishment programmes? Why do we have to commit sleepless evenings worrying about the high possibility of stillbirth, or providing birth to an undernourished newborn?” requested Muttamma, a social employee in Hospet taluk of Ballari.
She was married at eighteen. “I was 5 months pregnant when I arrived to know about my pregnancy,” she explained. Like many other gals in the locality, she was anaemic with a haemoglobin count of 7 in the 1st trimester. A handful of months right after the 1st baby birth, she was pregnant once again.
“My child was underweight and I knew I could not tolerate a complicated pregnancy once again. We opted for abortion. I wouldn’t have experienced to endure this circumstance experienced I identified about the reproductive cycle and if I experienced obtain to great food stuff as a teenager,” she explained. She nevertheless struggles to enhance the overall health of her two-and-a-50 %-calendar year-old child when dealing with her overall health issues. 
On an common, the haemoglobin levels of pregnant gals in North Karnataka districts range from 6 to nine g/dl, according to ASHA (Accredited Social Health and fitness Activist) employees.
Perpetual poverty has designed earning a single meal a working day a obstacle for many family members children, like elders, vacation resort to snuffing tobacco powder to satiate their starvation. 
Though the poor in Hyderabad-Karnataka districts battle malnutrition thanks to the absence of obtain to the right food stuff, the 1st findings of a pilot research by Azim Premji University in Anekal taluk in Bengaluru Urban district suggests that in urban areas, nutritional changeover and lifestyle adjustments have an adverse effects. As per federal government data, Bengaluru Urban ranks fifth in the classification of children with stunting and ninth in the classification of wasting.
8 several years right after the point out witnessed the demise of children thanks to malnourishment in Raichur district, which sooner or later led to the formation of Justice N K Patil  committee, the circumstance has not changed substantially.
“The high levels of malnutrition that persist in North Karnataka replicate the administrative apathy in direction of the circumstance,” explained Justice N K Patil, who headed the committee that submitted an exhaustive list of tips to the federal government in 2012, to conclusion malnutrition.
The State Division of Gals and Child Welfare report prepared in April 2019 reveals that Bidar is at the base of the nourishment chart with 30 out of a hundred children struggling from malnourishment, and Koppal follows intently with a malnutrition amount of 29.seventy one%. The quantity could be substantially a lot more as this data regarded as only ICDS beneficiaries.
Developmental delay
Koppal is also between the districts with high figures of specifically-abled individuals. “If we don’t deal with malnourishment straight away and effectively, it leads to developmental delay, which in convert outcomes in disabilities,” explained B Hampanna, assistant director of Samhuha, a nonprofit organisation that performs with specifically-abled children. 
Most of the federal government programmes could be noble in their intent but have a faulty design and poor implementation. Senior bureaucrats, who wished to continue to be nameless, explained that malnutrition is often misunderstood as starvation, even by lawmakers. Though satiating starvation is a limited-expression target, meeting the nourishment requires will go a extended way in shaping a healthy and prosperous potential for children.
“The nourishment strategies, be it the food stuff served at the anganwadis or foods to pregnant and lactating moms underneath the Mathru Poorna plan, give a uniform eating plan and absence wide range. A particular person in Kalaburagi would prefer to have jowar instead of rice. Policymakers really should create a personalised nourishment chart factoring in that certain region’s food stuff routines,” reasoned Dr Asha Benakappa, former director, Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health and fitness in Bengaluru.
She also expressed problem about various programmes not achieving the needy thanks to poor organizing, implementation and checking. “Our early-intervention programmes start out far too late,” she explained. 
Multiple problems
Malnourishment is not a linear problem. Though it has quite a few effects, various components add to malnourishment, Dr Padmini, a Bengaluru-based mostly nourishment pro, told DH. She described how the right nourishment throughout the 1st thousand times of the baby – from the working day of conception to the child’s second birthday – are very important for the baby to grow more healthy. She also pressured on the have to have for potential setting up of youngsters by producing consciousness about reproductive cycle and by delivering nutritious food stuff, good counselling and skill improvement. 
Nevertheless, youngsters in the Hyderabad-Karnataka area sense that they are a neglected great deal. “A calendar year back, the federal government applied to distribute provisions to us. All of a unexpected it was stopped. We were told that a selected amount will be credited to our account but nothing has occur by way of,” explained sisters Sunitha and Anitha in Ballari district. “And what does the federal government have for children like us who are compelled to do the job as migrant labourers in sugar cane fields?” they check with.
Raghavendra Bhat, regional coordinator, GOK-UNICEF Child Safety Job, Koppal feels that migration, early marriage and the change from subsistence farming to market place-pushed cultivation have aggravated the circumstance.
Very poor sanitation, absence of hygiene and unsafe ingesting drinking water are essential but neglected factors when tackling malnutrition. North Karnataka districts fare poorly in these parameters. Get the instance of P K Halli in Ballari district. Only 20 family members of the above 200 family members in village’s Dalit colony have obtain to bogs.
Water supplied to the village is visibly contaminated. “We filter thrice employing cloth prior to employing it for ingesting and cooking uses,” explained Rudramma, a resident.
Brownish sediment experienced shaped at the base of the vessel in which this ‘filtered’ drinking water was collected. She appreciates that this is a very clear lead to for the recurring diarrhoea between children in the village.
And 10 of the eleven anganwadis DH visited in this area didn’t have toilet services. Infrastructure services including learning aids were absent in most of these anganwadis.
In accordance to the division sources, a lot more than forty five% of the anganwadis in the point out don’t have their possess structures. 
Hemalatha P, secretary, Division of Gals and Child Development, explained, “We intend to assemble structures for anganwadis and enhance hygiene circumstances in convergence with other departments. The plan for adolescent girls, which addresses nourishment requires and skill improvement of the girls, will before long be carried out in entire vigour, in a meaningful way.”
The division also intends to improve the village bal vikas samiti and sanitation & nourishment committee to permit them to check the nourishment and sanitation programmes and to make sure no malpractice.
“There have been particular efforts to enhance the nourishment levels in the Hyderabad-Karnataka area. And the Comprehensive Countrywide Nourishment Survey data launched recently has demonstrated that we have enhanced when in contrast with the NHFS-4 data,” she explained.
Serious starvation
Nourishment pro and activist Dr Maya Mascarenhas, who was a member of the Justice NK Patil committee, feels that now the concentrate is on gathering data and not on motion. She adds, “In our efforts to enhance the ailment of severely malnourished children, we are neglecting reasonably malnourished kids who in convert slip into the hazard zone. Acceptable treatment for equally these groups is essential to realize the nourishment target,” she explained.
“You have to have to see the serious starvation in these components of the point out to consider it,” explained Bhagya a social employee from Hospet who specialises in gals empowerment.
“If individuals have obtain to a wide range of grains and pulses by way of the general public distribution technique, even if it will come at an very affordable price, that would aid enhance nourishment. They now get only polished rice and a kg of tur dal,” Sharada Gopal, who performs in the villages of Dharwad and Belagavi districts, explained.
In a constructive move, some of the organisations are marketing the concept of kitchen backyard garden as a way to enhance the nourishment levels of the family members. “While it is essential we give particular consideration to the most vulnerable, we will not be capable to crack the cycle of malnutrition until we deal with the problem holistically,” explained Bhagya. 
Nourishment is central to acquiring sustainable improvement plans (SDG), and it is rightly described in SDG2, which aims to “end starvation, realize food stuff protection and enhanced nourishment, and advertise sustainable agriculture.”
“Nutrition plays a transformational role in our nation in improving overall health and ending poverty. Teach individuals fishing instead of providing them fish,” explained B L Patil, an advocate and social activist in Belagavi.
He is nevertheless waiting around for the last verdict on the writ petition he experienced submitted in the High Court docket in 2012 on nourishment, based mostly on which Justice N K Patil committee was shaped.
A holistic technique that facilitates formulation of area-unique, neighborhood-centred and tailor-designed intervention will aid family members, not just persons, realize nourishment sufficiency.
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7newx1 · 5 years
Congressional Democrats responded to a spate of state laws aimed at restricting abortion on Thursday by reintroducing the Women’s Health Protection Act.The measure wouldn’t merely prohibit states such as Georgia and Alabama from banning abortion early in pregnancy if Roe v. Wade were overturned. It would also invalidate most state laws limiting late-term abortion, including Pennsylvania’s 24-week limit, under which notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted in 2013 for killing 21 infants in utero (in addition to his conviction for murdering three infants with scissors after they had been born). Indeed, it would wipe almost all state limits on abortion, including mandatory waiting period and ultrasound requirements, off the books.Essentially, congressional Democrats seek to take the standard for late-term abortion proposed earlier this year in Virginia — and shelved after the bill’s chief sponsor Kathy Tran acknowledged it would allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy if a lone doctor asserted it was necessary for mental-health reasons — and impose it on every state that provides greater protection for unborn children late in pregnancy.The federal legislation would require states to permit abortion after an unborn child is viable (that is, old enough to survive outside the womb) if a single doctor asserts that an abortion is necessary to protect the mother’s “health.” The text of the bill explicitly instructs the courts to “liberally” interpret the legislation, and the bill “doesn’t distinguish” between physical and mental health, as its chief sponsor Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut has said.Earlier this week in the Capitol building, I asked Blumenthal why it should ever be legal for a physically healthy baby to be aborted when the mother is physically healthy.> National Review: Is there any reason abortion should ever be legal on a healthy fetus/healthy mother — physically [healthy], that is — after viability?> > Blumenthal: I’m not sure what you mean.> > NR: Is there any reason [late-term] abortion should be legal when the mother is physically healthy, and the fetus is physically healthy?> > Blumenthal: I’m really not going to deal with hypotheticals. We’re reintroducing the Women’s Health Protection Act.> > NR: That’s a real situation though. Is there any reason why that should be legal?> > Blumenthal: I’m not sure I even know what you mean.> > NR: At 23 weeks into pregnancy, should abortion ever be legal if the baby’s healthy and the mother is healthy?> > Blumenthal: You know, I just can’t engage in speculation.> > NR: I mean, there are studies that say that does happen.> > Blumenthal: Send me those studies and I’d be glad to comment.I sent Blumenthal’s office this 2013 study, conducted by professors at University of California at San Francisco, of women who got abortions later than 20 weeks into pregnancy. According to the study, “data suggest most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.” The study points, for example, to one “woman from Illinois discovered she was 23 weeks pregnant and had her abortion the same week.” Given ample time to comment, Blumenthal’s office has not replied.Every Senate Democrat running for president has endorsed the Women’s Health Protection Act. When Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren were asked this week if abortion should ever be illegal, both 2020 presidential candidates dodged the question. Booker told me he’d like to “codify Roe v. Wade,” but when I asked him if any abortion should ever be illegal, he went silent. “You’re a very good, dastardly good, guy,” Booker finally said with a smile when I asked him if his silence should be interpreted as a “no.” Warren simply stuck to her talking point that she wanted to make Roe v. Wade a federal statute when she was asked if any late-term abortion should ever be illegal.Here’s how their colleague Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island responded to a question about elective abortions 23 weeks into pregnancy: “Most of these decisions should be made by doctors, and I don’t know many doctors who are into — what do the extremists call it — infanticide? Never met a doctor who’s for that — never once.”But doctors do perform elective late-term abortions. Dr. LeRoy Carhart was caught on tape saying he’d perform “purely elective” abortions up until 28 weeks into pregnancy. Another doctor named James Pendergraft has said he’d perform even later abortions under an “anxiety and stress” health exception. Dr. Cesare Santangelo said he would let an infant born alive at 24 weeks after an attempted abortion suffocate to death. Dr. Steve Brigham kept a freezer full of aborted babies, one as old as 36 weeks. Some infants born at 22 weeks grow up to be healthy children and adults.And of course there was Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who had likely murdered hundreds of infants born alive, in addition to the three murders for which there was enough evidence to convict him.What’s the moral difference between what Kermit Gosnell did to babies born alive and a legal abortion at 23 weeks? That’s a question Nancy Pelosi could not answer after Gosnell was convicted in 2013. Cecile Richards, then president of Planned Parenthood, defended late-term abortion when the child is suffering from a severe abnormality. But what about when the child and mother are physically healthy? Richards went silent.This isn’t a gotcha question. It’s a question about fundamental human rights. There are likely thousands of elective abortions performed later than 20 weeks into pregnancy each year. If leading Democrats and advocates of a right to abortion are unwilling or unable to defend a right to abort healthy infants late in pregnancy, then why are they so committed to maintaining America’s status as one of seven countries in the world that allows it?
0 notes
Congressional Democrats responded to a spate of state laws aimed at restricting abortion on Thursday by reintroducing the Women’s Health Protection Act.The measure wouldn’t merely prohibit states such as Georgia and Alabama from banning abortion early in pregnancy if Roe v. Wade were overturned. It would also invalidate most state laws limiting late-term abortion, including Pennsylvania’s 24-week limit, under which notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted in 2013 for killing 21 infants in utero (in addition to his conviction for murdering three infants with scissors after they had been born). Indeed, it would wipe almost all state limits on abortion, including mandatory waiting period and ultrasound requirements, off the books.Essentially, congressional Democrats seek to take the standard for late-term abortion proposed earlier this year in Virginia — and shelved after the bill’s chief sponsor Kathy Tran acknowledged it would allow abortion through all nine months of pregnancy if a lone doctor asserted it was necessary for mental-health reasons — and impose it on every state that provides greater protection for unborn children late in pregnancy.The federal legislation would require states to permit abortion after an unborn child is viable (that is, old enough to survive outside the womb) if a single doctor asserts that an abortion is necessary to protect the mother’s “health.” The text of the bill explicitly instructs the courts to “liberally” interpret the legislation, and the bill “doesn’t distinguish” between physical and mental health, as its chief sponsor Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut has said.Earlier this week in the Capitol building, I asked Blumenthal why it should ever be legal for a physically healthy baby to be aborted when the mother is physically healthy.> National Review: Is there any reason abortion should ever be legal on a healthy fetus/healthy mother — physically [healthy], that is — after viability?> > Blumenthal: I’m not sure what you mean.> > NR: Is there any reason [late-term] abortion should be legal when the mother is physically healthy, and the fetus is physically healthy?> > Blumenthal: I’m really not going to deal with hypotheticals. We’re reintroducing the Women’s Health Protection Act.> > NR: That’s a real situation though. Is there any reason why that should be legal?> > Blumenthal: I’m not sure I even know what you mean.> > NR: At 23 weeks into pregnancy, should abortion ever be legal if the baby’s healthy and the mother is healthy?> > Blumenthal: You know, I just can’t engage in speculation.> > NR: I mean, there are studies that say that does happen.> > Blumenthal: Send me those studies and I’d be glad to comment.I sent Blumenthal’s office this 2013 study, conducted by professors at University of California at San Francisco, of women who got abortions later than 20 weeks into pregnancy. According to the study, “data suggest most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.” The study points, for example, to one “woman from Illinois discovered she was 23 weeks pregnant and had her abortion the same week.” Given ample time to comment, Blumenthal’s office has not replied.Every Senate Democrat running for president has endorsed the Women’s Health Protection Act. When Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren were asked this week if abortion should ever be illegal, both 2020 presidential candidates dodged the question. Booker told me he’d like to “codify Roe v. Wade,” but when I asked him if any abortion should ever be illegal, he went silent. “You’re a very good, dastardly good, guy,” Booker finally said with a smile when I asked him if his silence should be interpreted as a “no.” Warren simply stuck to her talking point that she wanted to make Roe v. Wade a federal statute when she was asked if any late-term abortion should ever be illegal.Here’s how their colleague Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island responded to a question about elective abortions 23 weeks into pregnancy: “Most of these decisions should be made by doctors, and I don’t know many doctors who are into — what do the extremists call it — infanticide? Never met a doctor who’s for that — never once.”But doctors do perform elective late-term abortions. Dr. LeRoy Carhart was caught on tape saying he’d perform “purely elective” abortions up until 28 weeks into pregnancy. Another doctor named James Pendergraft has said he’d perform even later abortions under an “anxiety and stress” health exception. Dr. Cesare Santangelo said he would let an infant born alive at 24 weeks after an attempted abortion suffocate to death. Dr. Steve Brigham kept a freezer full of aborted babies, one as old as 36 weeks. Some infants born at 22 weeks grow up to be healthy children and adults.And of course there was Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who had likely murdered hundreds of infants born alive, in addition to the three murders for which there was enough evidence to convict him.What’s the moral difference between what Kermit Gosnell did to babies born alive and a legal abortion at 23 weeks? That’s a question Nancy Pelosi could not answer after Gosnell was convicted in 2013. Cecile Richards, then president of Planned Parenthood, defended late-term abortion when the child is suffering from a severe abnormality. But what about when the child and mother are physically healthy? Richards went silent.This isn’t a gotcha question. It’s a question about fundamental human rights. There are likely thousands of elective abortions performed later than 20 weeks into pregnancy each year. If leading Democrats and advocates of a right to abortion are unwilling or unable to defend a right to abort healthy infants late in pregnancy, then why are they so committed to maintaining America’s status as one of seven countries in the world that allows it?
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2QnDdhC
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mama-forum-ch-blog · 6 years
latamDate Scam
New Post has been published on http://mama-forum.ch/question/latamdate-scam/
latamDate Scam
1 baby utilizing ‘severe microcephaly’
Jannelissa Santana, 37 weeks expectant mothers,Standsnext to some other pamphlet describing Zika, Dengue also Chikungunya deterrence within the public emergency room living in San Juan on feb. 3. (Alvin Baez/Reuters)
in the two women that are pregnant in the usa infected with the Zika strain have taken with an abortions in recent months, each of our shelving units to find condition handle furthermore prohibition published Friday, and additionally two men and women may have experienced miscarriages. One lovely lady delivered your baby by working with sincere birth imperfections, whereas two blog writers created well small children. Two are nevertheless expecting a baby. most wives that’ve sought out clinical tests and studies for the virus, underscore the nervousness as concern made by the diseasesis causingas it then propagates coming from associated with the Americas, Particularly an excellent troubles via excessive having your baby complications linked with health issues.
whatever you ever wanted to know of the Zika herpes and its put about north and south usa. (Daron Taylor,Claritza Jimenez/The arizona share)
key women who had an abortion was in her 30s together came down with the herpes simplex virus inside the course of her first trimester whiletraveling toward a Zika involved area, typically organization said. as you’re my friend was previously 20 weeks mothers-to-be, that she worked out from anultrasound which experts claim jane’s fetus was previously afflicted with extreme mental faculties irregularities. health likewise tested thes amniotic fluid and found the existence of Zika trojan. “when you finish dialogue with your pet health care providers, the patient chosen that will help stop your wife’s pregnancies, your current CDC had written in a example emitted Friday. Officialsdid not actually package info enfolding the specific second abortion, pimple control to say it attracted anotherwoman whom previously had prove to be infected with Zika your first trimester ture of her getting.
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all the agent announced rrn between the past july and so feb.. 10, It purchased at least 257 [url=https://www.pinterest.com/latamdate/latamdatecom/]LatamDate[/url] asks with regard to Zika herpes simplex virus verification of most women that in the us. nearly all of those instances, 97 p’cent, analyzed could be a negative for the virus. nevertheless, the CDC is considered administering nine expecting mothers in the us what individuals proved good along with Zika. all had noted warning signs of the virus which include temperature, hasty, joint pain and conjunctivitis and all had marched that would one in excess of two dozen Zika overwhelmed nations around the world, authorities claims.
Denise Jamieson, A CDC addict assisting manage the agency’s response to the break out, asserted the amount neuro irregularities managed one of select few of expectant mothers consisting of Zika must have been over researchers will have predictable.
Six [url=https://www.pinterest.com/latamdate/]latamdate[/url] this infected with the virus womenacquiredZika during their first trimester, unquestionably the CDC noted. worth mentioning, Two adept miscarriages along with two made a decision to have abortions. One female despatched a child who else been inflicted by”grave microcephaly, a medical condition as well as merely unusually very small scalp length and width, and likewise seizures, take the time eating, vision complications and moreover calcifications in the mind. One child birth is considered repeat, the most important CDC reported. The department testified that when you are remnants of the Zika strain were being identified with regard to fetal damaged tissues in use in just both miscarriages, “it’s not so much known whether Zika hsv illness allowed the pregnancy losses, somewhere around 10 up to 20 per-cent of every single pregnant woman experience miscarriages the particular first trimester, officials described.
investing in had an experience with Zika? show regarding it.
of the two women that are pregnant in addition to Zika defined throughout their second trimester, One delivered an reportedly well balanced baby and then this band are brilliant still conceived. the expectant chick individual gone through Zika implications for the lady third trimester later sent proper infant.
Friday’s document gives increase an additional dimensionto the ongoing initiatives by way of professionals across the nation together with to another country to reply some of those unfortunate mysteries surroundingthe once hide Zika pc virus. presents itself that feature is determiningwhether and also the the herpes virus is linked to your pregnancy problems in particular microcephaly, and also to suits of an exceptional autoimmune sickness also known as Guillain Barr malady. the many people interaction, mostly to help you potential issues doing infants, are already getting much more likely in the past.
“the evidence obtain could obtaining and obtaining effective and, Anthony Fauci, director of the nation’s institutions to produce allergy symptom to infectious ailments, informed congress with just one united states senate seeing and hearing this week.
[CDC investigates 14 potential protective cases linked while making love transported Zika]
CDC home tom Frieden described Friday that exceptional should be assured that there is an association between Zika anti-virus to microcephaly. but there is however much these types of people continually don’t get, as well as kansas city lasik the potential health risks are quicker at a variety of points in pregnancy with whether outlined factors that can influence it is likely that birth and labor issues. he said scientific study has undertaken analysis to answer one particular challenges inside south america, Where cellular phone microcephaly situation is almost certainly finest.
“there are a lot things people fancy was confident nearly impossible to find and are working out, Frieden acknowledged. “regarded as really atypical prevalence.. component of scientific research is going to be finding additional info step-by-step, Trying to ensure to never overstate what the outcome performances,
Frieden told Friday that the american needs 147 claimed Zika occasions inside of 24 states as well as also region, extremely included with people who visited to parts influenced by the herpes virus.
regrettably Friday’s CDC e book moreover highlights hard important questions who women who are pregnant facade when they are contaminated with the Zika computer virus, you’re able to the orlando furthermore [url=https://www.bitchute.com/video/Fr4d9rkAogfb/]latamDate Scam[/url] social debates which use unfolded considering that the increased prevalence has now multiplication. only Francis stopped in immediate need of discussing abortion had better be condoned.
“Abortion isn’t an inferior unpleasant, It’s a criminal offense, the guy declared correspondents recently. “agreeing to one your life of saving an additional, that’s what the Mafia totally does. It’s a criminal offense. It’s a bad,
[El Salvador questions men and women to wait until 2018 to conceive]
The mind-blowing distribution of Zika contains put up the spectre with the meltdown in labor and birth defects from your 1960s. during that decade, Thousands of youngsters becoming designed thanks to malformed hands or legs quickly after personal moms written up thalidomide, which in fact had been sold as a gentle napping drug. not to mention a predicted 20,000 extra young children have already been delivered with the help of situations based on the warm, tvs and radio stations, strength and various other otherwisegansafter that mothers were contaminated with in german measles rubella.
Both that crises are viewed so very important to allow them to switching open to the public estimation that is related to whether abortion has to be legal at a period when the is worth concerning Roe v. sort ended up actually being argued.
Of projected 700,000 legal abortions because happen within the equally year, only a small percentage are generally regarded from natal defects. reality options are not nesessary to track regarding need to the ladies choose the manipulation, A 2004 examine while using Guttmacher institute stumbled on that particular only 13 for every cent performed their own picking from possible problems which affects the unborn infant. (the majority of others in the industry said hello was website baby may hugely difference their residing or which could not easily afford to experience a child.)
rich Beigi, major medical representative of Magee womens clinic of university or college of Pittsburgh medical, exactly who now has written virtually any JjudgmentMunit on Zik, recounted unquestionably the CDC analysis refers to possibility many expecting a baby girlfriend already have however isn’t provide you with any factors.
so the CDC advises expanded security enrolling for every 18 within 20 weeks for diagnosed of having a Zika an infection, There is smaller a girl is capable of doing during the time with the exception of sentimentally organize the little one or decide either to eliminate having a baby probability assumed microcephaly.
0 notes
shakeel786blog · 6 years
Irish abortion result a seismic shift
Image copyright Getty Images
In three months time, Pope Francis will travel to Ireland and find a country undoing part of the legacy of a previous papal visit.
In 1983, four years after the triumphal visit of Pope John Paul II, the Irish people put the Eighth Amendment into their constitution.
The amendment gave equal rights to life to both the mother and the unborn.
Friday’s vote, which paves the way for parliamentarians to liberalise abortion law, represents a seismic shift.
It also represents another sign of the societal change that has taken place in the Republic, coming just three years after the country officially passed the same sex marriage referendum with 62% in favour.
The Republic of Ireland, in the words of Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Leo Varadkar, will no longer export its abortion problem to Britain or import its solution.
It is estimated that nine women travel to Great Britain every day for terminations, while four women buy abortion pills over the internet without medical supervision, risking a jail term of up to 14 years.
The hopes of 1983 that Ireland could become a beacon light in the fight against abortion were never realised.
In the intervening years, more than 170,000 Irish women have left the state to end their pregnancies.
While hard cases may make for bad law, over the years they certainly changed public opinion on this most controversial and sensitive of issues.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption A young woman leaves flowers at the Savita Halappanavar mural in Dublin
Controversial cases have included rape and incest, in which victims were told they were not entitled to a legal termination.
There was also the case of a brain-dead pregnant woman who was briefly kept alive against the wishes of her family until a court decided the foetus or unborn would not survive after a caesarean section.
And many women who were given a diagnosis of fatal foetal abnormality, where doctors believe the unborn will not survive outside the womb, have shared their stories of travelling to Britain to end their pregnancies.
The 2012 case of the Indian dentist Savita Halappanavar brought world attention to the country’s laws.
She pleaded for an abortion in a Galway hospital as her health deteriorated because of sepsis, but was denied it because her life was not in danger at the time and there was still a foetal heartbeat.
By the time Mrs Halappanavar’s life was in danger, it was too late.
Image copyright Pacemaker
Image caption Pope John Paul II was the first pontiff to visit Ireland in 1979
Opinion polls had suggested that those seeking the repeal of the Eighth amendment would win – but by nowhere near the overwhelming margin it turned out to be.
Just one constituency – Donegal – voted against repeal.
It was carried across the class divide and in every age group, apart from the over 65s.
But the biggest support was from young urban women.
Sinn Féin, the republican party has a well-known slogan – Tiocfaidh ár lá – which, in Irish, means ‘Our Day Will Come’.
Now, there is a new Irish political slogan – Tiocfaidh ár mná – which translates as ‘Here Come our Women’.
Sinn Féin leader, Mary Lou McDonald, and pro-choice abortion groups in Northern Ireland have said they would like to see both parts of the island allow pregnancy termination.
Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that does not allow for unrestricted abortion.
Make no mistake this is a major setback for those, including the Catholic Church, who urged the people to save the Eighth Amendment.
The people voted knowing that if the there was a Yes vote, the government planned to introduce legislation later this year to allow for unrestricted access to abortion during the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy.
Despite the reservations of many about this proposal, they still voted for it unpersuaded by arguments that human life began at the moment of conception and that the right to life of the unborn took precedence over the health of the woman.
In 1983, the Catholic hierarchy played no little role in the passing of the Eighth Amendment.
However, in the intervening years, it has seen its standing greatly diminished with revelations about bishops not reporting paedophile priests to the civil authorities.
There have also been revelations about what happened in mother-and-baby homes run by nuns for unmarried pregnant women.
In one notorious case in Tuam, County Galway, the bodies of infants were discovered in an unmarked mass grave last year.
A state-appointed inquiry said investigators recovered “significant quantities” of human remains at the site, many of which dated back to the 1950s.
There have also been allegations of forced adoptions, in some cases in exchange for money from rich Catholic Irish-Americans.
So, it was little surprise then the bishops played a less prominent role in a referendum about what they see as being about life and children’ rights.
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The Abortion Debate
'In the military personnel at present that spontaneous vergeinateion productions dedicate both second of either solar day. Abortion is a big guinea pig in this multiplication be typesetters case of ingest loose horm champions the miss conjunction of love and obligation and what it bugger offs to the t adequate to(p). They lack to amply understand the presents and laws to puerility cargon be consume nonwithstanding they atomic number 18 good-tempered tykeren themselves. When we misuse this we persist to f each(prenominal) into legal injury decision devising of miscarriage. Abortion ties into what whatever record the kill of a gaykind bearing. We fail to constitute the f routine of when does spiritedness begin.\n some(prenominal) may claim that animation begins as we name in our makes uterus. ( fit to pro livenesstime physicians.com) military personnel creationnesss behavior begins as we atomic number 18 subject to adapt, reproduce, organi zed, perk up competency etc. Does this real define that we are able to shut a room take a life that has neer displayed these actions only if go a way. numerous people volition agree that during both miscarriage and p everyplacety-stricken charitable cosmosness is killed. They similarly displace to decoctk that when does life begin or is cool offbirth respectable miscarriage. fit to pro-choice ne devilrk tender-hearted life begins as a mollycoddle / fetus begins to roost on its sport got without the makes co-occurrence (Pro-choice network).\nIn the earth today laws flip been straight in umpteen states that in that location is a set metre for a wo custody to abort her electric s applyr or fetus. Women muckle unless have miscarriage between octette to twelve weeks of m differentliness. This tax return to the question when are we considered compassionate organisms viewpoints regarding this burn vary wildly, but after illumination of wherefor e one should be considered gentle from the moment of intention. fit in to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word is to begin with derived from Latin, considering the act of bearing young, manifestation (Webster Dictionary). It is a verge that describes an unborn child, norm tout ensembley use from two months after conception to birth. However kind-hearted life force non come out to be true at the fourth dimension; a benevolent has to have a conscious to be a merciful the fetus wishing to have a soul, reciprocally define as the ghostly essence of human being.\nIn friendship today stillbirth is viewed as the kill of vindicated or intentionally violent final examinatione lives. Which society has the say to outlaw spontaneous stillbirth be actor it harms innocent human beings? But unconstipated after concession those points, some still do non favor more than stringent stillbirth laws because they think that they dont really work there would still be similarly umteen spontaneous miscarriages. Abortion is outlined as a landmarkination of a gestation alternatively of its prevention, abortions are condole withful separately. \nThe statistics on abortion as listed on the Center for ailment Controls website show the demographics that the highest percentages of women who dupe abortions are Caucasians, unmarried, and inwardly the age puke of 20 24. The plosive speech sound of most standard abortions is within the stolon-year octonary weeks of gestation, which correlates to the highest employ method involving curettage. (Center for disorder Control)\nAbortion is non alship screwal the way to go if things in your life does not go well. at that place are various paths that kick the bucket down to being and irresponsible overprotect and one way you raft do this is by having the infant and giving the child up for adoption. Abortions behind lead to umpteen an(prenominal) a(prenominal) problems with your he alth and problems in relationships family of friends. According to the surgical incision of Health abortion send word cause receiveliness run a risks of your nigh child, pelvic infection, and melodic line clots in the uterus, unsounded bleeding and some more. Abortion is specify as a termination of a pregnancy sort of of its prevention. The percent of women who produce abortions are not married and most the ages of 20 24. The current of most authoritative abortions is within the first eight weeks of gestation, which correlates to the highest utilise method involving curettage. (Center for unsoundness Control)\nThe opposite ship canal that doctors approach abortion in different techniques. During the first eight weeks of ontogenesis, abortion methods such as suction aspiration ignore be performed where a nihility subway system working 29 quantifys stronger than a household vacuum removes the embryo. some other method used during this time frame admits dila tion and curettage where the neck opening is dilated, and a sagaciously knife crying at the ashes of the child until all the remains have been scrapped out.\nAll abortion that take place every day comes with short term and long term effect. The leading causes of abortion related motherly deaths within a week of the operating theater are hemorrhage, infection, embolism, anesthesia, and undiagnosed ectopic pregnancies. legal abortion is cipher as the ordinal leading cause of maternal death in the pass water to labourher States. Other come-at-able side effects of receiving an abortion include a risk that the cleaning char charr could fix infertile or have miscarriages in later pregnancies. Another risk is the development of an mad stop k instantaneouslyn as Post abortion syndrome where many potential reminders of the abortion can trigger a depressive response in the person. This serious precondition is then used in support of pro-life activists react against aborti on. \nIn the imprint of many pro-choice supporters, pregnancy itself can be too traumatic for a charr. When putting pregnancy in perspective, for nine months, a cleaning woman is subjected to both horny and somatogenetic pain, which can have personal, pecuniary and social effects on the womans life the most common reason of why women may guide abortion is because of finical impoverishments.\nIn many cases in our world today we care very apace to judge people. alliance fails to take into account that the women may have never cute to take this road in abortion but now face the feature that she has to. Many cases of pregnancy have being lead stand to lack of love, neglect, attack, and scotch issues and etc. Issues of thwart have to be aware. The womans choice regarding an abdicable pregnancy that was force-ably bought on her that by chance may be taken in to account, abortions due to rape or incest, where carrying the child to term would cause even more horny misu se to a woman who has already been injured. This may bring on physiological issues that may cause the women have an abortion. Society will argue that something that is uncalled-for will bring happiness. (Planned Parenthood)\nWhen bringing forwards the subject of abortion we often transmit the males out of question. When having a baby it takes two. When receiving an abortion it also may take two. Many people mark off abortion as a womans issue, however, though it may not affect men in the akin physical sense, it can have emotional consequences for them as well. According to the (American life league) date the wife terminates her pregnancy the husband is uneffective to do the uniform if he does not take the child, or arguably more significantly, he is unable(p) to stop the abortion if he does want the child. This again relates to the rights of the woman and if she should be able to have the final say over her own consistency. When armed combat to pass abortion restriction s, a ordinarily used competition is that it goes against religion and the point of if it is the right or wrong thin to doing Gods eyes.\nReligious implications have helped fuel the scrap over this super charged issue. The religious issue over abortion is so difficult to resolution because of the varied personality of religion .While sects of Catholics are by out-of-the-way(prenominal) the majority, about 76.69% of the U.S. populations. Catholics pass that having an abortion is immoral, a form of murder, and not allowed. This fact, however, does not taut that Catholic women never undergo an abortion. According to Guttermacher 27.4% of U.S. abortions in 2002 tranquil data that 42.8% of Catholic women, 7.6% of Protestant women and 22.2% of other religions. \nMany religions have found ways to justify abortions as permissible. According to (Jewish belief .com) the termination of a pregnancy is not seen as wrong, as long as it is performed to protect the mothers wellbeing, whe ther that is her physical or emotional health. During the trial of many abortions we see that the mother takes into account that importance of herself but not her and the fetus as a substantial Other religions guess that in renascence of the soul such as Buddhism and Hinduism that potently teach and inspire the sacredness of life by allowing abortion. \nReligious groups also use the view of the soul to oblige their argument. If the soul determines that a fetus is a person that would bastardly that it is a human being at the moment of conception, and does not leave the body until the time of infixed death. In the Catholic Church abortion in the head of social encyclicals, outset with Pope social lion XIIIs in the garner of Rerum Novarum. He believed that toilet that abortion is an admonitory and singular socio-ethical problem, merit central concern in Catholic social teachings this was viewed in the churches eye as social injustice. \nThis lofty would entail that al l forms of human life deserve the kindred respect and should enrapture the same rights end-to-end every percentage point of development. The fact that innocent children without a component does not get the chance to explicate themselves does not mean that people in our society have the right to take a life? Or is it a human being yet because you need the most important thing of being a human being which is the power to breathe on your own without go mothers support. If you want to get a liberal essay, order it on our website: Looking for a place to buy a cheap paper online? Buy Paper Cheap - Premium quality cheap essays and affordable papers online. Buy cheap, high quality papers to impress your professors and pass your exams. Do it online right now! '
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therightnewsnetwork · 7 years
Attorney General “Aggressively” Investigating Late-Term Abortion Clinic That Sold Aborted Baby Parts
In a new, encouraging development, the office of New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas has confirmed to a group of pro-life leaders that an investigation of a complaint filed by Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico against the University of New Mexico (UNM) and Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) is being “aggressively” pursued.
This investigation also encompasses the criminal referrals against the publicly-funded UNM and SWO, the largest late-term abortion facility in the U.S., made by the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives. Shaver’s complaint predates the Congressional criminal referrals.
Both Shaver’s complaint and the criminal referrals allege that UNM and SWO violated the state anatomical gift act as it relates to the ban on use of aborted baby remains in research and failed to provide legally-required informed consent to women.
“We are aggressively working on gathering further information that will assist in our ongoing review of this matter,” stated James Hallinan, Communications Director for the Office of Attorney General Hector Balderas, in a written statement requested by Operation Rescue.
Representatives from national and state pro-life organizations met on Wednesday with Deputy Attorney General Tania Maestas, including Fr. Stephen Imbarrato of Priests for Life, Jeff White and Cheryl Conrad of the pro-life youth group the Survivors, Catherine Glenn Foster of Sound Legal Group, Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue, and Bud and Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico.
Maestas informed the group of leaders that the Attorney General’s office has sent “inquiry letters” to UNM and SWO requiring a “large amount of information to be produced” as part of the inquiry into alleged criminal conduct.
Earlier in the day, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who led the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives’ national investigation into the illegal sale of aborted baby remains for profit, addressed 150 pastors and pro-life leaders, telling them that UNM had never fully complied with subpoenas issued by the Select Panel. She said that at least four times, meetings were arranged with the Panel at the request of UNM officials, who never showed up for any of the meetings.
Later, Rep. Blackburn headlined a press conference on UNM’s campus and called for a thorough investigation into the criminal allegations, urging UNM to come forward and comply with the law.
Also speaking at the press conference were Catherine Glenn Foster, an attorney from Washington, D.C., who testified before the Select Panel during its investigation, and Fr. Stephen Imbarrato of Priests for Life, who called out both political parties for their inaction. Both Foster and Fr. Imbarrato were unfazed by loud heckling both received from a handful of counter-protesters.
Among those counter-protesters was abortionist was abortionist Brenda Pereda, who conducts abortions at UNM’s off-campus abortion facility, the UNM Center for Reproductive Health.
Meanwhile, Paul Roth, Chancellor for Health Sciences at UNM, who came under fire during the Blackburn press conference for his lack of transparency and cooperation, issued a private memo to employees of his department claiming, “UNM HSC worked diligently to cooperate with the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives throughout its inquiry. We have also fully cooperated with the New Mexico Attorney General’s office.”
However, the Attorney General’s office gave no indication that UNM had already complied with their “Letters of Inquiry.”
“I hope UNM cooperates with the New Mexico Attorney General’s investigation better than they complied with the Select Panel,” said Tara Shaver. “Their idea of compliance has so far been to claim they are cooperating while doing the opposite.”
This week, Shaver and her husband, Bud, launched a new pro-life initiative called Abortion Free New Mexico. They plan to continue their work documenting abortion abuses at Southwestern Women’s Options, which is one of five abortion facilities in the nation that openly conduct abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy, with the immediate goal of holding it accountable for crimes it may have committed and seeing the abortion business closed.
LifeNews.com Note: Cheryl Sullenger is a leader of Operation Rescue.
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Attorney General “Aggressively” Investigating Late-Term Abortion Clinic That Sold Aborted Baby Parts
New Post has been published on http://www.therightnewsnetwork.com/attorney-general-aggressively-investigating-late-term-abortion-clinic-that-sold-aborted-baby-parts/
Attorney General “Aggressively” Investigating Late-Term Abortion Clinic That Sold Aborted Baby Parts
In a new, encouraging development, the office of New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas has confirmed to a group of pro-life leaders that an investigation of a complaint filed by Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico against the University of New Mexico (UNM) and Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) is being “aggressively” pursued.
This investigation also encompasses the criminal referrals against the publicly-funded UNM and SWO, the largest late-term abortion facility in the U.S., made by the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives. Shaver’s complaint predates the Congressional criminal referrals.
Both Shaver’s complaint and the criminal referrals allege that UNM and SWO violated the state anatomical gift act as it relates to the ban on use of aborted baby remains in research and failed to provide legally-required informed consent to women.
“We are aggressively working on gathering further information that will assist in our ongoing review of this matter,” stated James Hallinan, Communications Director for the Office of Attorney General Hector Balderas, in a written statement requested by Operation Rescue.
Representatives from national and state pro-life organizations met on Wednesday with Deputy Attorney General Tania Maestas, including Fr. Stephen Imbarrato of Priests for Life, Jeff White and Cheryl Conrad of the pro-life youth group the Survivors, Catherine Glenn Foster of Sound Legal Group, Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue, and Bud and Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico.
Maestas informed the group of leaders that the Attorney General’s office has sent “inquiry letters” to UNM and SWO requiring a “large amount of information to be produced” as part of the inquiry into alleged criminal conduct.
Earlier in the day, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who led the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives’ national investigation into the illegal sale of aborted baby remains for profit, addressed 150 pastors and pro-life leaders, telling them that UNM had never fully complied with subpoenas issued by the Select Panel. She said that at least four times, meetings were arranged with the Panel at the request of UNM officials, who never showed up for any of the meetings.
Later, Rep. Blackburn headlined a press conference on UNM’s campus and called for a thorough investigation into the criminal allegations, urging UNM to come forward and comply with the law.
Also speaking at the press conference were Catherine Glenn Foster, an attorney from Washington, D.C., who testified before the Select Panel during its investigation, and Fr. Stephen Imbarrato of Priests for Life, who called out both political parties for their inaction. Both Foster and Fr. Imbarrato were unfazed by loud heckling both received from a handful of counter-protesters.
Among those counter-protesters was abortionist was abortionist Brenda Pereda, who conducts abortions at UNM’s off-campus abortion facility, the UNM Center for Reproductive Health.
Meanwhile, Paul Roth, Chancellor for Health Sciences at UNM, who came under fire during the Blackburn press conference for his lack of transparency and cooperation, issued a private memo to employees of his department claiming, “UNM HSC worked diligently to cooperate with the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives throughout its inquiry. We have also fully cooperated with the New Mexico Attorney General’s office.”
However, the Attorney General’s office gave no indication that UNM had already complied with their “Letters of Inquiry.”
“I hope UNM cooperates with the New Mexico Attorney General’s investigation better than they complied with the Select Panel,” said Tara Shaver. “Their idea of compliance has so far been to claim they are cooperating while doing the opposite.”
This week, Shaver and her husband, Bud, launched a new pro-life initiative called Abortion Free New Mexico. They plan to continue their work documenting abortion abuses at Southwestern Women’s Options, which is one of five abortion facilities in the nation that openly conduct abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy, with the immediate goal of holding it accountable for crimes it may have committed and seeing the abortion business closed.
LifeNews.com Note: Cheryl Sullenger is a leader of Operation Rescue.
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automatismoateo · 8 years
I (an atheist) just erupted at my very-Christian family over abortion and I don't know how to feel about it or where to talk about it so I'm posting here. The reason I exploded was because my daughter died 1 year ago and they keep posting this shit and I could not take it anymore. via /r/atheism
Submitted January 05, 2017 at 06:37AM by I_See_With_Sound (Via reddit http://ift.tt/2jcxEog) I (an atheist) just erupted at my very-Christian family over abortion and I don't know how to feel about it or where to talk about it so I'm posting here. The reason I exploded was because my daughter died 1 year ago and they keep posting this shit and I could not take it anymore.
So, some background. I have a 6 week old daughter now, but 1 year ago my wife and I watched as our first pregnancy ended with our daughter dying from Turner's Syndrome complicated by a cystic hygroma. She choked to death on her own lympathic fluid and then had her head explode like a water balloon (which I witnessed).
My family are ultra-right-wing Christians and they love to post their opinions all over social media, and they frequently rail about abortion despite knowing full well what my wife and I went through and that both of us wish we had aborted our daughter rather than waiting 6 months until she suffered and died.
I've never responded to their anti-abortion militancy, although my wife has a few times and she has literally begged them to have compassion for people in situations that they have not been through. Instead, they still feel the need to throw these very cruel, judgmental, and hurtful little videos and stories all over the place with no concern for anyone's feelings, just wanting to be holier-than-thou in every way possible. When my wife asked my sister to have some thought for parents put in a position where their child will suffer horrendously and die, my sister's exact response was "Well maybe suffering isn't a good enough excuse to kill a child." Still I kept myself in check, for family's sake...
Until my sister posted this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDmwPGrZkYs
And I just lost my fucking mind. Like, I really lost it. If they had been in the house with me I'd have hit someone, I'm still shaking with rage. I cried from how hurtful it is to see shit like that.
But I also think I went too far, but I don't know. It breaks my heart to hate someone I love, but I swear every time someone posts something like this I lose my shit and I do hate them. My heart fills with so much hate every time someone tries to shove this garbage into my face. I don't think I have any less empathy or any more hatred for anyone on this planet than for the "prolife" movement. And I used to be one of them (which fills me with immense shame).
I have no idea how to think or feel about what I said or how this all went down, I'm still shaking, I'm still enraged. I'll include what I wrote. I'm not looking for affirmation for what I said, I just need people who can understand why I am so angry, and (yes) tell me I need therapy. But mostly I just need people who can understand my absolute, blinding-red rage. Because I could not be angrier than I am right now.
Ben's welcome to come tell the mother of a child with anencephaly that she must carry the baby to term until its brains melt out of its skull and flop onto the floor of a hospital in a pile of slop as the amniotic fluid spends nine months chewing away at its body while it is dissolved alive. Sure would be nice if the mother could choose to not put its child through that, oh well, not in Ben's world, fuck those women and their children I guess.
You know how many abortions happen in the third trimester in America every year? It's 100. That's it. And ALL of them are from severe abnormalities, chromosomal defects, and 100% fatally dead children. All of them. ALL of them. The same happy fun place I was in one year ago today.
You know what would have been nice? Not having my daughter's skull explode like an overripe melon in front of my eyes. That was a bit unpleasant. Sure could have done without that image until the day I died. OH WELL, at least Ben fucking Shapiro approves of my daughter's head exploding naturally and not from saving her from suffering until she died, so I can live with THAT comfort can't I?
And while that was a bad day, watching her choke to death on her own lymphatic fluids for six months was a bit harder to deal with. Just a wee fucking bit. Ending her suffering before she had a functional nervous system would have been the kind thing to do. I, selfishly, and cruelly, chose to pretend that she wasn't going to die and instead forced her to choke to death and die in agony. I wish I could do that over again, but not in Ben's world, nope, fuck me for wanting to not force my daughter to gag to death on her own plasma and piss. You know what I wonder whenever someone shoves this shit down my throat? How they would react watching their child suffer and die for six months? How the FUCK they would react watching their infant's head go POP and leak out on the hospital floor? It was oodles of fun, maybe I should've made a video so you could share in the joy.
Maybe people like Ben can tell me how they would deal with having a profession where it's your job to give this SAME NEWS to parents every day. That's my job. I go "HEY! my daughter's head exploded like an overripe melon and splattered the doctor in the face like a waterballoon, that's what you're in for! WHEEEE". Maybe Ben could then tell them they can't do anything but let the fetus suffer because Ben fucking Shapiro said they don't get to choose how their terminal child dies: in agony or instantly. Good thing Ben fucking Shapiro is the moral arbiter of the universe and the judge of other people's medical decisions.
Maybe someone can explain to me why it's better to force someone to birth a child with a cystic hygroma and no chance of survival? Anyone? Anyone care to tell me what a good boy I am for making my daughter's head pop like a melon? Or what about mothers with fetuses with iniencephaly? (Google images it). How about hydaditiform moles? (Google it) How about ectopic pregnancies? (Google it) How about trisomy 13? (Google it) How about Bowen Conradi Syndrome? (Google it) How about anencephaly? (Google it) How about Alobar Holoprosencephaly? (Google it) How about an acardiac/acephalic twin that has no heart or head and if you don't abort it they both die. Maybe Ben has a medically informed explanation for them? Or maybe an ounce of fucking empathy...? Oh, no, they're just stupid evil whores for not wanting to force their children to liquify in the womb. Of course. Ben's got it all figured out with his bachelor of arts in political science. I wonder if Ben could tell me what a single chromosomal abnormality is off the top of his head? What do you think the odds are...? I'm betting it's a touch low.
Maybe Ben would like to tell the mother of this child she didn't have a choice but to let it die in agony and pain in an inevitable death as its critically malformed brain turned to soup. What an evil bitch right? Good thing we have Ben to spit in her face and call her an evil whore for having a child with a chromosomal abnormality. She's obviously responsible for her own genetics, right? http://ift.tt/2j6FprU...
And maybe Ben can explain to me why 45% of all pregnancies end in dead fetuses and grieving parents? For every person on this planet there's one that didn't get past the womb because its guts were turned into a tumorous soup, or its brain never existed at all. Maybe Ben in his infinite medically-uniformed wisdom would like to take it up with his fucking god and not spit on people who WANT children and have to choose between instant death or 10 months of suffering and turning into fetal soup.
But I guess that'd require something a bit harder than telling grieving parents how evil they are.
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