#except that with abortion you murder the kid first
fictionadventurer · 2 years
I don't think anything has shown media bias more strongly than the time a few years back when Women's March people got upset at the pro-lifers, because, "How dare you host your pro-life rally on the same day as our Women's March?" only to be told, "We've been doing this on this date since the '70s, with turnouts several times larger than your Women's March ever had, yet you've never heard of ours while yours dominates every cable news station for days."
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imissylou · 2 months
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Hello, I'm Missy! I've created many challenges in the past, and I'm best known for the Herbs and Spices Legacy, which I co-created with my friend @sunboyish. If you know me, you know how much I love butterflies—I even have multiple tattoos of them! I searched everywhere on Tumblr but couldn't find the original butterfly legacy challenge. If you happen to find it, please tag me so I can give proper credit.
Since I couldn't find the original, I created my own version, and I hope it's refreshingly different for you. I get bored of legacy challenges easily (it's not you, it's me), so I designed each generation to stand out with unique traits and stories. Feel free to skip or modify any parts that don't suit your play style. This challenge includes elements from all the packs (except the Star Wars pack, ew). If it becomes popular, I'll make a base game version or add base game options.
You're welcome to add to this challenge or create graphics for it—just tag me! Without further ado, here are the RULES! [TW: Neglect, Abuse, Substance Use, Murder, Religion, PTSD, Abortion]
Rules and first Generation under the cut!
Click here for the Doc
Butterfly Effect: A Legacy Challenge
Start out with 0 simoleons or enough to make a starter home then take the money away
Each gen only takes 20% of the funds your last generation accumulated
I love mods, so go ahead and get every mod out there, but just don't make the challenge too easy, trust me it gets boring if its easy
All CC is allowed
You don't have to level up any skills to level 10, they're just there so you have an idea on what you're going to do that generation - mostly from the career you're doing
Must complete each goal before moving on to the next generation, optional goals are optional
You don't have to complete any aspiration, unless it says
Life span can be on any, it's up to you
Make sure you look ahead each gen there may be overlap
You don't have to make this a berry challenge, but i did put a colour pallet if you want to use it
I haven't played through it yet so feel free to comment any suggestions or email me at [email protected]
Please tag me in all posts that are about my legacy - I’m nosey and want to see your lets plays or sim making, if you use insta you can find me @ imissylou5
If you play this challenge please use the #butterflyeffectlegacy or #BEL
Have Fun, this is your game after all!
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Let's kick off this legacy with the epitome of elegance and grandeur—the Monarch! As the trendsetter of the family, your fashion sense is unparalleled, radiating style and sophistication in every outfit. Your iconic looks make you unforgettable, setting a high bar for all generations to come. Along with your keen fashion sense, you have an insatiable curiosity and just can't resist getting involved in everyone's business. You may be the first, but you’re destined to be remembered as the most glamorous, stylish, and intriguingly nosy generation. Get ready to strut your stuff, gather all the gossip, and set the runway on fire!
Your Colours - Orange and Black
Traits - Self Absorbed, Perfectionist, Nosy
Aspiration - World-Famous Celebrity
Skills - Writing, Charisma, Photography, and Painting
Career -  Style Influencer - Trend Setter Branch
Start as a Young Adult
Date Multiple People - You're Polyamorous!
Become Pregnant as an Adult, but you don't know who the Baby belongs too
Woohoo every partner you have the night you want to be pregnant, so you don't know the other parent
Do this every time you want to be pregnant
All your kids look like you dressed them up (which you do, no kid of yours will be trashy)
Have at least 2 outfits in each category
Go thrifting every weekend to collect all the thrifting clothing items
Get the squeamish trait if it pops up!
Have the Hungry for Love and People Person Lifestyles - Try to keep them throughout your whole life
Everytime you talk to someone, gossip with them
Travel every time you're stressed - Monarchs travel approximately 4,000 kilometres
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atwoodsfemalefantasy · 2 months
WOMEN I NEED YOU TO LISTEN! this election rests on our shoulders. we have the power to beat Trump and Vance, and if we all work together to educate each other and understand how dystopian Trump and Vance will make this country for us, we can beat them.
Here's the facts:
-Trump and Vance want to get rid of No Fault Divorce. No Fault Divorce basically makes getting divorces possible without serious repercussions. No Fault Divorce saves women from abusive relationships ALL THE TIME. Trump and Vance plan to force women to stay in abusive relationships and are hiding it under the guise of "protecting families. Getting rid of No Fault Divorce ensures that women in unsafe and abusive marriages stay there and will lead to women being murdered because they couldn't get out. every voting age woman in america, take heed. Trump wants you to be forced to stay in abusive marriages. if you care about women's lives DO NOT LET HIM WIN
-JD Vance does not want women to be able to work. if you vote for Trump, women might lose their right to work, and along with it, their right to individual financial stability, and will be forced to stay in unhealthy relationships, forced to be homemakers, and have no choice in their own lives. do you want to go back to the 50s? do you want a man controlling your life? how long until they take our bank accounts again?
-JD Vance associates with people who say "feminists deserve rape". what do you think a man who associates with monsters like that will do to women in this country? first, we'll have to carry rapists babies, and then what? rape becomes even less punished than it is now
-Vance openly opposes gay marriage. are we prepared to live in a world where not only are we and our gay friends aren't allowed to marry but also aren't allowed basic rights like hospital visitation only allowed to spouses? and any queer person (like me) knows that marriage is not even close to being our biggest concern. it starts with denied wedding cakes. it ends with denied healthcare, and we all remember the last time that happened to the LGBTQ+ community.
-both Vance and Trump are openly transphobic. all those anti trans bills we've been proposed that never pass? they'll start passing. and if empathy for your trans sisters isn't enough for you to vote blue, remember that anti trans laws hurt women too. the second you drop your guard and don't look falsely feminine the way they want you too, you could be assumed to be trans and targeted. cis women have been beaten up for being in women's bathroom. cis women have been sent to mar jails because they're assumed to be trans. and to all trans people out there, we have the power to save this election. even if it seems pointless, even if you're losing hope, GET OUT TO VOTE. if you care about your rights, VOTE BLUE
-Vance and Trump want to get rid of ALL ABORTIONS with NO EXCEPTIONS! even if you're anti-abortion (i refuse to say pro lifers when abortion bans KILL WOMEN) THINK ABOUT THE RAMIFICATIONS. They want no abortion for rape victims. they want no abortions for incest. they want children who are pregnant to be forced to give birth EVEN IF IT WILL KILL THEM. women who will die from ectopic pregnancies WILL DIE if they can't get abortions. please, i am urging you, if you care about the lives of women, VOTE BLUE. even if you're pro abortion, the bans they want will kill women AND abort the fetus. A) zygotes are not alive or children. they aren't alive. B) even if you believe they are, please, you have to care about women's lives enough to trust them to make that decision for themselves. please do not be responsible for the women who will die. the women who will commit suicide. the women who will be murdered.
-Project 2025 includes cutting the department of education. do you want your kids to grow up intelligent and capable and educated? Trump and Vance don't.
-need any more evidence of Trumps racism? he wants to cut the EPAs office of External Civil Rights. actively cutting offices dedicated to equality and STILL he's supported
-i understand the concerns about Palestine. i hate the way Biden handled it too. but please, i need you to think. Trump, who openly hates middle eastern people will not handle the situation any better.
they should TERRIFY you.
Trump and Vance want to take us to Handmaids Tale America where women are forced to stay home to serve a man, have his babies no matter what, and never leave.
but we have the power to stop it. women, we account for more than half of this country. these men want to steal your rights away from you. DO NOT STAND FOR IT. we can beat those fuckers if every single one of us gets out to vote and votes for our fucking human rights.
we have the power, women. we have the power, POC. we have the power, LGBTQ+ community. if we protect our rights, we can win
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yearningaces · 7 months
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Tw: vauge mentions of death, murder, abortion, semi-emotional neglect(none of these things towards the reader of course)
I've been calling them the Hallewell.
They're a timeless species with very few still living and long lifespans, not thousands of years but a heafty hundreds they can live up to
Hallewell have humanoid forms either during the day or when they choose to retain them, but it's easier to do so when the sun is out or when they're emotionally calm
When they don't appear humanoid though it's a creature of nightmares, each different from the last depending on when and where they're born but the kicker is this
The moment a Hallewell is born, it will take the traits that terrifies one individual closest to them with a 'foul heart'.
Hallewell are born as a sort of boogyman for adults. Those who have been warped and twisted by either greed or envy or lust or hatred. Kids have low level boogymen to scare them, the Hallewell is a creature of nightmare that will hunt those similar to the foul hearted human it first is imprinted on.
If the Hallewell is born nearest to a human with corporate greed that's taken over their heart, knowingly sending workers into dangerous conditions with hardly any pay so that human can profit? The Hallewell will first hunt and kill that human when they're old enough. From then on they will chase down similar hearted humans, those who have fallen to greed. It will be their entire life's mission they will never stop until killed(which is near impossible, think Dullahan levels of difficult to kill) or they pass away peacefully of old age.
And for a fun fact, a Hallewell cannot make another Hallewell. They just happen in a way that no one understands because they're so rare and really undocumented. They might care for their birth families but easily outlive them and move along
NOW, they do have one weakness, and it's their 'heart'. Their moral compass and reason for being more than a hunting dead hearted being.
This person is one individual chosen by fate, in a sort of soulmate way, that the Hallewell would drop its life's duty for. This one individual can never be harmed without their Hallewell loosing it's grip on any semblance of kindness and goin mad to either stop that harm, by blatant torture and murder, or to avenge them.
If it comes to avenging their 'heart' they will go mad. That's their heart, their guiding force on how to be humane and ethical and good beyond their life purpose of hunting foul hearted humans. A Hallewell's heart being killed will lead to the most horrific event of a fully transformed Hallewell tearing apart anything and everything in sight. Only when they reach their hearts body will they stop, carry them away somewhere isolated, lay with that corpse and not move until they eventually die as well. Only moving at this point to lash out and kill anything that has risked getting to close.
If they have no body to protect until death, they won't stop their rampage until killed. Either by another Hallewell who is the only true force that could stop another of its kind at this point, or by some natural miracle.
Before meeting their 'heart', a Hallewell does good by killing off humans that make others suffer, yes. But they're horrible individuals. Not outright malicious for no reason, and often having a soft spot for creatures of innocence, willing to lend a hand in passing. But that's about it. If you're not a Hallewell's heart, they couldn't care less what happens to you. They will be harsh and cold and rude and damn well cutthroat
The only exception and hardly by anything is their own children.
If a Hallewell has children outside of their heart (which could only happen by accident and only before meeting their heart cause they are loyal to the last breath mind you)
They'll care for the parent financially and physically but will have an emotional detachment. If the parent raises the kid, great. Go along have a nice life I'll send a heafty sum of money on the dot each month that should support both of you but never reach out if you don't have to. (Not a good thing, but as I said-)
If the parent refuses to raise a kid, fine. They will but again they'll be emotionally detached. In some ways they would care by keeping the kid safe and secure, but wouldn't form a bond with them. They'd defend them if they felt it necessary but it wouldn't be out of love, moreso just duty.
If it's a female Hallewell that gets pregnant there's almost no other option than an abortion. She won't go through with a child unless the father pleads for the child and swears to leave her in peace afterwards (will still offer financial support they're not deadbeats just so heavily detached from everyone that isn't their fated 'heart')
That's where my specific character comes in
Consider this medieval times, distant little town of Newhaven
Declan is a Hallewell who preys on humans across the lands who focus on greed of power, towns who's Lord overexerts his power over people to make himself feel good, husbands or wives who abuse their family to feel stronger, those sort. Power hungry. He's a few hundred years old, an older Hallewell, has some unspoken history he keeps tabs on but for the most part travels alone. Settling town by town in humanoid form and traveling by night in the form of a beastly creature as tall as the trees and walking on all four clawed paws.
Consider a griffin but instead of an eagle head and a body split between bird and lion it's a true blend.
Feline features yet instead of fur there's soft under feathers and a more coarse layer of dark brown feathers covering them. Heavy wings with a slightly lighter color under them as well as under his stomach and chest. His head looks more akin to a soft beaked hawk, but wider, more broad, covered entirely in those fur like feathers (trico from the last guardian sort of face, but more filled out and completely covered in feathers) elongated ears, sharp large fangs, horns that tip backwards slightly and a lion looking tail but instead of hair at the end it's feathers more dense and long like on his wings. He's a big fuckin monster that does great at appearing human.
Cause in his human form he's a big burly scruffy looking dude with dark brown hair that's slightly greying at the temple and some stubble on his face that could grow into a full beard if he'd stop trimming it. He's just a big fucking dude that looks like a powerhouse (not bodybuilder but heavyweight lifter sort of build. More fat covering that muscle.)but actually is a big fucking monster hidden in that form
And as these stories go, of course, you are his 'heart'
So you decide how he acts, you're his moral compass. If you don't care about something, he won't care. If you want someone dead and gone it's already done, if you want someone kept safe give him a moment to realize he has to aid someone OTHER than you but he will with gusto. He makes up for his hatred of everything else by absolute devotion to his heart
Would 100% kneel at your feet no matter your stature in the middle of town without giving a shit cause in his eyes you're all that matters, anyone else be damned and if they don't mind their business he'll simply be rid of them
So have fun with that
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Jess Piper at The View from Rural Missouri:
I am also the typical rural woman, with one exception…I am a progressive. And I’m loud. And I have a large platform. And I call out the GOP, which is why what I’m about to tell you might not shock you: my family was swatted. The swat unfolded in such an odd manner. I was gardening — no surprise — and I heard my dogs start barking. They do this when anyone pulls into the drive. I looked up to see a County Sheriff’s SUV parked down the drive. He didn’t pull up close to the house. My first instinct was panic. We have four adult children and my first thought was that something had happened to one of my kids.
The deputy was apprehensive which made me even more nervous. Then I saw he had a piece of paper in his hand. Whew! I thought maybe he was looking for someone or that I had a summons or something of the sort. He stood away from me and asked if my name was Jessica. He knew the answer, he lives down the highway, but I affirmed it. He then asked me how many kids I have. Again…panic. I asked him what this was about? He walked up to me and handed over the piece of paper he was holding. It was a printed email that had been sent to several law enforcement offices and several state offices in Missouri…it had even been mailed to my local water department. The email claimed to be from a close family relation. The letter stated that the family member had murdered me and my husband the night before. It went on to state that they intended to shoot and kill anyone who came on the property. [...]
This is going to be a long list. I can think of several state legislators who would like to see police storming my house with guns drawn. I get threats nearly every week online, but I brush them off as bots. And, then something came to mind that happened last week… I wrote a tweet last week that got the attention of an account called “The Libs of Tik Tok.”
I wrote about a doctor at the fatal Trump rally who gave medical attention to the fireman who later died at the rally. I talked about being so confused to see a doctor, an OBGYN, wearing a MAGA hat and shirt. In the tweet, I spoke about not wanting to think about the treatment an immigrant or a person of color or a woman in need of an abortion would receive from that doctor. I was horrified to know that a practicing physician could support Trump. There is an important distinction for me: The doctor wasn’t your ordinary, run-of-the-mill, conservative Republican. He attended a rally in which others had signs for mass deportation and concentration camps. That’s not okay. The tweet took off, but nothing too wild until that evening. I saw my phone blow up. I muted the tweet, but it was being quote-tweeted. A lot. So, I caved and looked at what was going on. It was the “Libs of Tik Tok.” Shit. Here we go. They were not only threatening me on Twitter, they found me on Facebook and started replying to my posts. They moved to my Tik Tok account and did the same thing. I spent a couple hours blocking and deleting comments and then really didn’t think much more about it. I thought it was over.
[...] Raichik uses her platform to harass teachers and LGBTQ folks especially, but anyone in general. I am a former teacher and a progressive activist…prime for the attack. Her minions often call in bomb threats and send police officers to the doors of progressives. Someone pulled my swatting off, but there is something they should know: I was rattled, but not terrorized. You didn’t win. I am a rural woman…most in my community know me and my politics. When an email came in claiming to be a close relation who shot and killed me, they thought better than to send a SWAT team out. They knew it sounded off because they know of me. They sent my neighbor, the Deputy Sheriff. They were right.
Read this Substack post from Jess Piper, and it’s very frightening. Piper and her family were swatted recently at their home, and anti-LGBTQ+ extremist account Libs of TikTok (run by domestic terrorist Chaya Raichik) incited the swatting.
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anonymouslylovesyou · 3 months
Ep 8 session finale @whoblewboobear
Inch resting that Lady Whistedown is talking about fastest engagements
Painter is the gay guy from earlier and he's so sick of straight people
Not her referring to the marriage at their ruse again
Ok Marina is alive, I really like Marina I hope she ends up ok. Maybe George can still come in clutch
"I had hoped you'd male an exception for me" fucking rich people, this tailor goes through so much
Eloise thinks the tailor is Lady Whistedown, she's also trying to give the shovel talk I think
This is physically a little painful
Yknow seeing Penelope and Eloise friendship makes me wonder if Daphne has any friends :(( that really is the saddest bit of Simon and her fighting, you fight with your lover and your best friend
Oh my god Simon, "you will be better off without me" I though you left that shit behind when you married her
Marina marry George's brother??
Not loving him is stopping you at the finish line?? I get it its bc she found out he loved her till the end. Still a bad decision for her <3
Daphne snooping in letters? What is this about hm
I have so much trouble telling Anthony and Benedict apart it's crazy I can barely pick out Colin
Sienna his dick simply cannot be that good
Lady Danbury caught Daphne snooping and apparently she was looking at the letter Simon wrote his dad as a boy
Get his ass Will, god Will would be such a good husband
Pay your debts first then new dresses
Daphne is trying to bridge this gap so much
Where has Francesca been..
Ooo Colin can sing incredible
Eloise: I'm not sharing my candy *shares with both brothers and Penelope*
Simon being good with kids
Uh oh Marina felt something in her stomach
Ye Olde Abortion Tea did not work
Sienna is so hot I'd love to put Jace in her little fit
Oh wow he wants to take her to the ball with him. But also sir she has a show tonight like she's got a whole job man
Oh they're acting like friends again.. I'm biting
Noo Rose we were reaching a breakthrough for a second
I want so do the little dances so bad I gotta ask my irl friends to get back to that
Oh jeez Penelope's dad may get murdered
Penelope was about to tell Colin she loved him and he's like I'm leaving to travel the world
No Eloise chase after Penelope not the Queen
Oo good flattery Eloise
I am once again pained by whatever Eloise is doing
Uh oh Siennas other boytoy answered the door
"I am looking out for myself" good for her I want to protect her
Now what is he going to do with these flowers. Oh just throw them out?? Someone has to pick those up you know
Only 1 dance?? Sweetheart you started the bargaining at 3
Oh shitt rain interrupting their first dance
Oh shit rain on the painting!! Shit I hope it's ok
"Just because something is not perfect sows not make it any less worthy of love" Damn Daphne what a line that fucks
They will be bed foe the next week either with a cold or fucking or know them possibly both
Oh shit he really was murdered
Why is Simon's shirt unbuttoned so far huh? Slut.
Maybe it's just practically it wasn't staying on very long
Marina and Lady Featherington had a strange bonding moment
Listen Simon and Daphne I'm glad you're not fighting anymore but you still do have to take care of your farmers back home
Anthony: I'm not going to marry for love
Me, who knows he does: sounds fake lol
Eloise was wrong about the tailor
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nottskyler · 2 years
I couldn’t sleep last night and part of the time I was upset about the Church’s press release related to the overturning of Roe v Wade and the abortion law that took effect in Utah (which has very secret combination vibes because the average person did not think it would be overturned and this law passed without my hearing about it two years before it took effect). I know it’s a very passé topic, but I’m going to try to put my feelings into coherent words.
1) President Nelson is a doctor and should know better than to speak on a field that is not his expertise. OBGYNs and people who have worked in fertility know very well that having a fertilized egg is not what makes a baby. Yes, it is an important ingredient, but number of fertilized eggs doesn’t not equal how many babies you get. It’s not when life starts or people with uteruses would have no hope of being exalted because of how many fertilized eggs our bodies reject. Saying fertilization is when life begins is an insult to everyone with a uterus who struggles with fertility. (And a flat out lie with our current medical knowledge)
2) Life begins at fertilization is not the official Church stance and speaking during a press release as the head of the Church is attempting to change doctrine without going through the proper process (unanimous vote by counsel of prophet and apostles which should include their wives). Abortion is banned because it is “like unto” murder, not because it actually is. Saying life starts at fertilization changes the crime of abortion to be more akin to murder.
3) Regardless of all of the above, the Church is supposed to support religious freedom. We live in an era where a lot of beliefs are not part of an organized religion, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to have the same rights as people belonging to an organized religion. Abortion is considered vital for women to be equal in society by the majority of Americans. The Church should not be rejoicing in restricting the agency of a large group to live according to their beliefs. It goes against religious freedom, but of course the institution of the Church only supports “religious freedom” which is actually forcing others to live according to my beliefs even if they believe differently.
4) One of the main reasons the Church is not terrible for expecting its members to not have abortions is because of the social safety net that the Church provides. If you can’t afford a doctor, your ward leadership will step in to pay for it and even drive you. If you can’t afford housing, the Church will help you get housing and gainful employment to pay for it. Ward members will help and give free childcare. Unless the Church plans on using its $100 billion to make sure no one lives in poverty, it has no room to expect people outside the Church to live its beliefs (if you ignore the whole religious freedom stuff we supposedly support).
5) Everyone takes for granted how dangerous and risky pregnancy and childbirth are. Yes, we all are because someone took that risk, but people should be allowed to opt out of that risk because medical knowledge has advanced to allow that. Pregnancy is rough. I know media loves cryptic pregnancy stories, but that is the exception instead of the rule. HG is the absolute worst and no one should be forced to go through 9 months of that. And no one should risk their life giving birth if they don’t want to, especially people who already have children to take care of (who also likely know the risks better than before having their first kid as they’ve already gone through it).
6) The whole multiply and replenish the earth stuff works a lot better by persuasion than by force and the scriptures literally say that forcing people to keep commandments means amen to your priesthood (sorry President Nelson, your power diminished by supporting someone forcing people to do something). Living wage, housing first homeless programs, accessible childcare and healthcare, better air quality and communities (ie not car dependent), etc will do so much more to convince people to keep surprise pregnancies than making it illegal to get an abortion. I think a lot of people would have more children if the world was better, but nobody wants to listen to that.
So yeah, the Church needs to do a lot of repenting, including President Nelson. It’s wrong to deny abortions because you think pregnancy is as easy as getting fat and ejaculating and are privileged enough to not see the extent of poverty and how it ruins families. Investing in artificial wombs will do more for birth rates than any abortion ban (as it won’t change the birth rate whereas abortion bans will cause women to opt to be sterilized rather than deal with an unwanted pregnancy). And by their fruits you shall know them, letting young girls die from pregnancy and childbirth is a pretty rotten fruit.
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earlywintermourning · 2 years
i’m a fuuta innocent truther, and here’s my essay on it! by me
Hi hello I love Fuuta Kajiyama very much and I have many thoughts about him, particularly on his innocence/forgiveness. TWs: basic Milgram stuff (murder, doxxing, etc) along with mentions of past abuse. Also, I hope this is obvious, but I’m not supporting any Milgram character’s actions or crimes (except for Yuno, abortion is a human right), this is just my perspective!
I have a few points I’d like to make, but first, I’d like to lay out my perception of Fuuta, along with a few theories I have about him that seriously influence how I vote on him. It’s important to remember that Fuuta is a college student, and it’s implied that he’s had his online platform for at least a few years. That’s... a lot of pressure for somebody who’s twenty years old, and has presumably had a large following since their late teens. The quick escalation of Fuuta’s actions, from simple insults to outright doxxing and death threats, seems to me like Fuuta was worried about losing the following that he probably relied on both financially and emotionally, and his actions became more and more drastic as he tried to keep their attention (a little like Haruka).
Another thing that I think important to mention about Fuuta is that it’s implied that he faced some sort of abuse from his father. It’s unclear whether this was verbal, physical, or both, but he calls his father a “pathetic fogey” in one of his interrogations, and doesn’t expand past that, which reads as an abusive situation. None of this is confirmed, so I don’t let it influence my vote for Fuuta too much, but I personally believe that many of his actions stem from the need to prove that he isn’t a coward because his father planted that idea in his head.
Next, I’d like to look at Fuuta’s reaction to both his crime and his 1st trial verdict, because I think that this is what truly makes him one of the most redeemable characters in Milgram. Some characters know that they committed murder but feel no remorse (Kotoko, Amane), and it’s easy to say that others feel guilt, but that guilt is often directed more towards who was affected by the crime than the actual act of killing. For example, Haruka is easily one of the most guilt-stricken characters in Milgram, but when you look closer, Haruka is actually guilty because he feels that his crime didn’t get him attention and care. Fuuta, on the other hand, feels genuine remorse for his victim, despite his reluctance to admit it. Just look at his face in his 1st trial music video: Fuuta is scared. As a character, it’s pretty easy to see who Fuuta is: a young adult who puts on a tough front because he is terrified of being perceived as a coward. While it seems like Fuuta isn’t truly remorseful because of this tough act, it’s easy to see that he feels extremely guilty about what he did, in a more genuine way than other characters.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly: Fuuta’s is the only crime that isn’t, like, a major felony in Japan. Admittedly, I don’t know the intricacies of the Japanese legal system, and while online insults can get you up to a year of jail time, it’s nowhere near the consequences that literally every other character would face. Seeing how Fuuta is also the only character to not actually make the conscious decision to kill someone (he made posts, yes, but arguably didn’t know the direction it would take), Fuuta is the only character who, in the eyes of the law, isn’t facing capital punishment.
To sum it up, Fuuta is different from other Milgram characters in many ways. He does see his crime in a bad light, and, while scared to admit it, Fuuta feels a true guilt for what he did - from a metavoting perspective, it’s highly unlikely that he would ever do something even close to doxxing again. Fuuta’s just a scared kid who made a very, very bad mistake, but who deserves the opportunity to make amends. TLDR: vote Fuuta Kajiyama innocent 2k22
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archivalofsins · 11 months
Wanna see the funniest thread of texts to wake up to ever-
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It's either go back to college and get the psych degree or do what you're doing but not like that. The average viewer would go,
"Does she know what you're doing?"
The answer to that is yes, kinda, I think she does. I told her that I already talk about Milgram online and plan to make videos about it. So, I have to assume she knows.
Oh then no problem-
She does not want it to be about Milgram and is basically asking me to do intermediate counseling similar to an advice column in a daily newspaper. Something that came about yesterday. Because we were having a conversation about media due to discussing Milgram. A work she has deemed inappropriate for kids and society.
After she explained why she believed that which I explained,
"The complaints you have aren't about the media but media literacy as a whole. A piece of media can only go as far as the person viewing it allows it to."
This led to a conversation about the younger generation, which again tied back to media literacy. Then I woke up to these after do not disturb cut off at seven in the morning. Just to think,
"Boy, do I have a surprise for you-"
Wait, hold on to stop admitting you were at the devil's sacrament to our mother each time you talk to her. She looked up the series last night and is baptist we are going to get it, bro. Literally shut up about Milgram for ten seconds, I'm begging- Yeah, well, beg harder- because this task keeps getting failed.
I fully plan to bring it up when I go to clean at my grandma's house Friday. Vacuuming my grandma's room,
"Grandma, do you think there's anything that can justify or excuse someone killing another person?"
Our sweet old grandma (80s), whose first love is religion, and did volunteer work at our family church up into her seventies probably would say,
"No, though I'd suppose it'd depend on the circumstances."
She would also probably laugh at the question. The family response to Milgram has consistently been well- I have to know why they did it first to judge it. Like elaborate. Or in my mom's case oh that's so dark the things your generation gets into I swear. I like to ask my family's opinion on this stuff because I just genuinely want to know, and it makes for good discussion.
Since my family members are all very opinionated people. Except for my older brother, he's very chill and just usually lets the characters get away with it because whatever it is simply is not his business. Talking to people with various different circumstances on what they think about milgram is very interesting. Because half the time I can just go ah I see why you see it that way. Like my mom was like,
"Well, how can you prove her murder wasn't the abortion?" In regards to Yuno because her first song doesn't show anyone else there. Then I said there are other people implied to be involved, though. She again said implied but not shown. This is without watching it, but listening to me discuss her case. Her whole thing is since we don't really see Yuno with any other people outside of the implication she is with others it could rightfully make it difficult for people to believe she's in here for killing anyone at all and it's not like abortion counts as murder so no crime has occurred here.
Then I brought up how it'd be nice if that's true but guilt by association is a thing. We know at least several people within Milgram have killed directly and one bluntly asks why someone would bring a bunch of acquitted murderers together. For any of them to be acquitted evidence of a crime or at least probable cause something that ultimately implies the death of a living person has transpired for one would be needed to take them to court at all.
Now this character could be lying but the character that the stand in for the audience is subordinate to says if this was just about the law then we wouldn't need to be here. Making it more like that Kazui is telling the truth about the acquitted part. Since if they were all legally acquitted of any wrong doing already then if we were just going by modern law we would not need to be here. Abortion is also still legal in Japan so they couldn't criminally charge Yuno for using one of her legal rights. That'd be odd.
At which point she went, yeah, given that information, it does become more questionable if abortion is her crime or not and I wouldn't really think it was myself but still this all so dark. It's like it's teaching people how to get away with murder. Circling into what we discussed at the beginning of this post.
Though it was a really fun conversation. Also, no- I haven't told my mom about Mikoto. I would like to tentatively know peace.
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bllsbailey · 2 months
This Is What They Wanted
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You might remember for the rest of your life where exactly you were this Saturday afternoon when the news came down that former President Donald Trump had just been shot. I was walking into the house, and my ashen-faced wife and mother-in-law both said, come in quickly. At first, like many of us, I thought the worst. There was blood, there was chaos, there was mayhem.
I thought he was dead.
But miraculously, through an act of God or fate or whatever you choose to believe—that and maybe an inch or two at most—are all that separate us from a terrible moment and a history-changing tragedy that would haunt our nation forever. Yes, this was bad, but it could have been so, so much worse.
How did we get here?
You could argue that it’s just a toxic political environment and that both sides are at fault for the ratcheting up of tensions in our nation. But it wouldn’t be true. In fact, one side has been using far more incendiary rhetoric than the other and overtly calling for violence, and it’s the left.
Remember this?
What do you call this, except for a call to violence?
"I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer roared Wednesday to a crowd of protesters angry over a Louisiana case before the court that threatens abortion rights. "You won't know what hit if you go forward with these awful decisions."
It wasn’t long after that a lone assassin showed up outside Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house with the intent to kill. Coincidence? No.
Remember Biden’s hateful 2022 State of the Union speech, in which he basically deemed half of the American public terrorists and enemies of the state?
Biden Delivers One of the Most Divisive, Hate-Filled Speeches in the History of Our Presidency
Here is some of the rhetoric the president used to “bring us together.”
Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic…. But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country. And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election. And they’re working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.
It was stunning stuff. He finally made a statement about the assassination attempt Saturday evening from his Rehoboth Beach vacation spot, where he seems to spend most of his time instead of at the White House:
“We cannot allow this to be happening,” Biden said. “The idea that there’s violence in America like this is just unheard of.”
The idea that “there’s violence in America like this is just unheard of?” Are you kidding me? This is an administration that has looked the other way as rabid antisemitic protests rocked campuses across the nation. They didn’t lift a finger. An administration that applauded the George Floyd-BLM protests that caused billions upon billions in damage to our cities. Instead of making any attempts to hold those who caused that deadly mayhem accountable, the Biden Department of Justice has gone after pro-life advocates, parents who want a say in what their kids are being taught, and anyone who was within a mile of the Capitol on January 6.
But the internet remembers where their real priorities were:
By the way, Biden’s 2024 SOTU was no more peaceful than his red-hued diatribe in 2022:
Joe Biden's State of the Union Was the Most Unhinged and Angry in History
The foiled assassination plot against Kavanaugh has not been forgotten. Although the attempted murder of Steve Scalise and other Republicans by a crazed Bernie Sanders supporter has been memory-holed by the mainstream media, it still happened. 
The list goes on. No, you can’t ascribe blame for the actions of crazy people to a single passing comment of a politician, like the despicable way they tried to blame Sarah Palin for the horrible Gabby Giffords shooting—but you can attribute a body of rhetoric calling for and accepting of political violence for what we saw Saturday. 
These are the kinds of people the modern left has created: 
It seems like it wasn’t a question of if—it was a question of when.
Normally, this "They Wanted This" VIP column would be behind the RedState paywall. This week, it’s not, in honor of our 20th Anniversary. To support our independent journalism amidst the efforts of government and Big Tech censors to silence us, we invite you to become a VIP member. By using the special discount code of “RS20” you'll get 60% off. Thank you for your ongoing readership and support of RedState.
Editor's Note: This article was updated post-publication for clarity. 
0 notes
Wow this article found a way to claim Newsome and Trump both made “misleading” statements.
Wow this article found a way to claim Newsome and Trump both made “misleading” statements. They spend a lot of time calling DeSantis’s words “half lies” and spend very little time on Newsome but if you read in-between the lines, this article uses less harsh language to call out Newsome on a lot of lies.
A “small group of parents” are worried about the age appropriateness of sexual related material? That is a hard sell! I have a lot of trouble believing it’s a minority, “fringe”, group of parents worried about content their kids are exposed too.
I’ll never comprehend how charging everyone LESS taxes, places more of a burden on the middle and lower class citizens. Of course Politifact’s “source” for this claim is from a radical left, progressive “Institute”. How does having a 0% statewide income rate mean a 12.7% income tax on lower class citizens?
In regards to crime we have an entire section where PolitiFact completely disregards California and spends paragraphs criticizing the way Florida reports their crime. In the violent crime portion Politifact goes out of their way to quote another radical left leaning “source” that claims Florida has a higher gun related murders then California. They mention nothing of smash and grabs, rape, the knock out game or DeSantis’s Claim about products behind glass in stores.
Of course California can’t put any limitations on abortion because they don’t value human life, which is apparent in the way they handle crime and homelessness. A very very misleading talking point from the left is that women would be “criminalized” for not following abortion laws. This is 100% inaccurate; all proposed pro-life bills would hold doctors accountable for the procedure. The Florida law also makes several exceptions INCLUDING the mother’s life.
Direct Quotes:
California’s population declined for the first time ever in 2020, according to the Public Policy Institute of California. It’s been declining since then. (Newsom became governor in 2019). After the 2020 Census, California lost a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time in its history.
In January 2022, U-Haul said that it ran out of one-way trucks and trailers in California at the start of 2021. This was a result of the large demand of people moving out of California in 2020, leaving fewer trucks, a U-Haul spokesperson told The Sacramento Bee.
A 2023 poll by the Public Policy Institute of California found that 45% of Californians who considered moving to another state cited housing costs as a factor.
Newsom borrowed a page from former President Donald Trump’s playbook by misleadingly portraying DeSantis as a lockdown leader. Newsom’s comments focused on DeSantis’ actions in the pandemic’s first few weeks, when nearly all governors operated in lockstep. Newsom omits that DeSantis reopen earlier than most governors in the spring of 2020.
Many local governments closed beaches for a limited time, but DeSantis did not close them statewide.
Newsom was on firmer ground in his claim about closing bars. DeSantis ordered all bars and nightclubs closed for 30 days. Restaurants did not close. His March 17 order said restaurants were limited to 50% customer capacity and had to separate seating by 6 feet.
This stems from one group’s count and does not represent 1,406 books banned statewide.
A September Florida Department of Education report shows 20 of Florida’s 67 school districts and the statewide public Florida Virtual School removed 298 books in the 2022-23 school year. Some of those books were banned in multiple districts. Overall, school district officials received 1,218 objections about books.
Newsom also said, "What’s wrong with Amanda Gorman’s poetry?" suggesting it was banned. A parent at a South Florida school challenged Gorman’s poem "The Hill We Climb," which Gorman performed at Biden’s January 2021 inauguration. After a review, the K-through-eighth grade school moved the book to the library’s middle school section. It was not banned at the school, much less by the district or the state. Many of the objections were for books containing sexual or LGBTQ+ content and came from a small group of parents, some affiliated with conservative groups, such as Moms for Liberty, a Tampa Bay Times analysis found.
Among the 50 states, Florida has the nation’s 11th-lowest overall tax burden, while California has the fifth-highest, according to annual rankings by the Tax Foundation, a think tank that advocates for lower taxes.
Comparing the tax burden for the lowest 20% of households in income, California also has lower taxes. In California, households in the bottom 20% paid 10.5% of their income in taxes, compared with Florida’s 12.7%.
Meanwhile, wealthy taxpayers came out ahead in Florida, where the tax burden for the top 1% was 2.3% of income. That’s far lower than the 12.4% rate for California millionaires.
DeSantis signed legislation in 2022 that outlawed abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. It does not make exceptions for cases of incest, rape or human trafficking but includes an exception for the mother’s life.
The law penalizes physicians, but whether it also criminalizes women is less clear, so we have rated a similar claim Half True. The law says that anyone who "actively participates in" an abortion commits a third-degree felony, which opens the door to prosecutors charging women, but we don’t yet know whether they will or how courts would respond to such charges. DeSantis has also said that he doesn’t want women prosecuted, only doctors.
This is accurate. Florida ranked third among states for fourth grade reading, after Massachusetts and Wyoming. California ranked 32nd.
DeSantis criticized California for having "one of the lowest literacy rates in the country." He is correct — but he ignored that Florida’s literacy rate is nearly as low.
Hannity said California’s levels of violent crime are "way higher than the national average." He showed a graphic with 2022 violent crime rates, based on FBI data. California had the highest rate, with 499.5 violent crimes per 100,000 people. The national average was 380.7 per 100,000, and Florida’s was 258.9 per 100,000. We checked the numbers in the graphic and found they were accurate.
Newsom is right, based on the voting patterns in the 2020 presidential election and 2020 state-by-state homicide rankings, according to an analysis of federal data by Third Way, a center-left policy group.
The map plotted public reports of human feces found in San Francisco from 2011 to 2019. (More than 118,000 people reported their findings to San Francisco’s nonemergency line.)
Newsom was San Francisco mayor from 2004 to 2011 and was California’s lieutenant governor from 2011 to 2019.
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i-appear-misssing · 1 year
Got woken up by my mom screaming for help, dog was scared too. I climbed the stairs two by two and the door was open upstairs so her screaming was loud and clear and it was the most horrible sound I've ever heard, probably worse than when I would hear her cry alone in the bathroom when I was a kid. I knew already that it was about her boyfriend with low blood sugar, but I'd never seen a hypoglycemic crisis that severe. He was still seizing a little and his lips and tongue were turning blue. I tried to stay calm like I used to when I would call the emergency number at work but my mom's screams just kept on coming and I could hear the panic in my voice as I talked to the operator. Later I felt so ashamed about that, I'm supposed to know how to stay calm in an emergency, I had so much practice. It was the first time I've ever called an ambulance for someone I know, I love. As soon as I got done with the call my mom sprinted out of the room to put the dog outside and make way for the incoming ambulance and I was alone with him. He'd gone stiff but he wasn't seizing anymore, he'd look at me when I talked to him but could hardly stay awake and the snoring breathing drilled into my head and he was so pale and sweaty and I kept looking at the little pool of tears that had gathered between his eye and the bridge of his nose. I kept wondering if he was scared, how terrifying it must be to feel yourself lose control and know what's happening knowing also that you cannot stop it. When he was still in the deep of it he grabbed my arm for a moment and squeezed and widened his eyes and I. I couldn't do anything except keep him on his side and talk and tell him to breathe I couldn't do anything except wait. Thank fuck my mom had managed to make him drink a smidge of sugar water before he collapsed, and it was kinda funny seeing him slowly get a little better just as the ambulance pulled into the driveway. I checked his blood sugar before the doctor got in and it was 65. Not even that low. Fear subsided fast and I immediately started feeling ashamed for how panicky I was on the phone, for being an actual medical doctor who couldn't do jack medical shit in a time of need and I was now in my pajamas with leftover makeup from last night and a girl I dated last year was in my mom's kitchen cause she's an EMT and I always tend to minimize what happened once the immediate danger is gone. He was fine in the end but he did smash his back into the radiator and was still confused as fuck after an hour. And I just keep thinking about my mom screaming bloody murder and his eyes rolling back and the hyperextension of his feet when I first got upstairs. My mom has had to deal with illness, hospitals, care facilities, death and grief for......nearly 15 years now. Before that was the gorey divorce, the abortion, mangling depression. I'm happy she found someone she loves, and I know she's an adult and should know how to take care of herself and so is he and so should he, but imagining her spending the rest of her life with the looming spectre of a chronic illness like diabetes, and having to deal with something like this alone in the future, maybe when they're both older and more fragile too.......god it shakes me to my core.
She asked me what would have happened if he was home alone. And I don't know, genuinely, cause I don't wanna be catastrophic abut something I'm not sure about, but I immediately thought he would have eventually gone into a hypoglycemic coma and.
I'm going away in a month, and he's gonna move in. Which is good I guess. But fuck if I didn't wish, sometimes, that she had found someone she doesn't have to worry about. And I know, that's shitty and ableist, I know, it's patronizing because this is a 50 yo man and he knows how to take care of himself but sometimes he really really doesn't, cause he's terrified of hyperglycemia and its long term effects so he sometimes is a little careless with his blood sugar, on the low side. I just want my mom to find some peace, but maybe I do take after her and I'm overreacting a little.
She's the least calm under pressure person I've ever known. And that also reminds me of someone else and maybe I understand stuff about myself and my choices a little better now. It's why I never talk to her about my worries, my problems. I wonder if she's the reason I'm always scared about almost every single thing, if this anxiety I'd hereditary or learned or......idk. the only thing I know is that I don't want that ancestral fear we share as a family consume me like that. It's on my dad's side too, it's in my sister as well, it contaminated every one of us, and it latches onto health stuff.
So this was fun
0 notes
nityarawal · 2 years
The Passport Song
Natives VS Aliens Abroad
Thanksgiving Song
Reading My Passport
Trying To Understand
My Rights
Why Didn't The Officers
Look At It
Instead Of Taking Bribes
It Says I was Born
In Chicago
Close To Abraham
Lincoln's Home
In Decatur
Should I Move Back
My Passport Says I
Have Rights
What Does It Take
To Get Lawyers To Obey
The Law
What Does It Take To 
Get Them To Read
Our Passports
Don't Need To Investigate
Kids Or Vagina
My Children Won't 
Be Your Sexy Gigolettes
For Court
I've Seen Gals Groomed
For Abortions
From Your Trafficking
Mexican Mafia
I've Been Silenced
Told No More "Aloha"
No More "Princesses"
This Is America
Says Spanish Officers
That Don't 
Understand What It 
Means To Serve
The United States Of
As A Leutenant General's 
From The Army
Professor Huntley 
Of Northwestern
And Harvard
I Ask Chi Town
To Protect Me
I Know Of A Neurosurgeon
Whose Jewish Persian
And Can Help Make Sure
My Brains Not Bleeding
Of Anyuresms
From Violent Gag
Orders By UK Nazis
Marine Beatings
No More Starter Wives
No More Children
Your War Defense
Team Is Immoral
Ignorant Of Planet
Shall We Call The
Lawyers Retarded
We Know Their Playbooks
Inside Out
Gag Orders
Marines Sterile
With Big Guns
Fancy Fettishes
Paid For By 911
My Tax Dollars
And Afghanistan 
Wars No One Understands
Except Witnessed Soldiers 
Raping Children
As Littles'
We Learned
What History Did
In War
Mental Incompetency 
Don't Speak Your Language
Lost Tribes
Art Demolished
Never To Be Replaced
Lots Of Lies
You Liquidated Our Assets
So Nazis Could Rape
The Planet
Roseline Ferrel Was
Meant To Defend Me
From Marines
As An Atty 
#PrinceOfPegging Terrorism
And Avert The Danger
In 2017
But She Took A Bribe
Married A Judge
Sold Out Her Persian People
Kids To Trafficking
Lied Lost Her Kids
And Has An Oath
Like Tulsi Now
To #Trumpleberry 
On Bribes
Which Federal Officer
Raped Your Kids
Who Transed Vivian
For SpaceX Kickbacks
"What In The Rewind Is This?"
I'd Like To Ask You
"What In The Space-X
Is This?"*
You said You'd Settle
My Estate
Haven't You Got A Clue
What We Expect
Your Promises
To Do
I'll Read You My Passport
I'll Read You Your Rights
Because No Attorney In
America Will Defend
You- Not The President
Lawyer Joe Biden
Not The VP DA
Kamala Harris
Read Your Passport
Know Your Rights
Don't Get Raped
With No Alibi
Get A New Bank
Get New Cellular
Get Planet Safe
Before Leaders
Nuke It With- Forgive Me- Retarded
I'm Going To Tell You
A Story About 
The Constitution
On the First Page 
Of Our Passport
It Says:
"O Say Does That Star Spangled Banner Get Wave O'er The Land Of The Free & The Home Of The Brave" - USA
And On The Next Page 2
Below The Patriotic Eagle 
"The Secretary of State Of The United States Of America Hereby Requests All Whom It May Concern To Permit The Citizen/National Of The United States Named Herein To Pass Without Delay Or Hindrance And In Case Of Need To Give All Lawful Aid And Protection."
It Says This 
In Several Languages
Why Doesn't Our
Government Understand
Why Have They Lost
The Constitution Of 
Our People 
In This Oathkeeper
On Page 3 
Of Our American
It Says
"We The People
Of The United States, 
In Order To Form a More Perfect Union, Establish Justice, Insure Domestic Tranquility, Provide For The Common Defense, Promote The General Welfare, And Secure The Blessings of Liberty To Ourselves And Our Posterity, Do Ordain And Establish This Constitution For The United States of America."
On Page 4
Of My USA Passport
It Says My Name
Nitya Azam 
Born September 16
The Lawyers Won't 
Remove Rawal 
From My ID's
And It's A Hindrance 
It Says I Am Female
And For My Surname
The Type
Is P
For Passport
It Used To Say Huntley
I Want It To Be Restored
But I can't Get An Attorney
To Represent Me
Not Even Our President
Is Doing 10% Pro-Bono 
And Our Vice President
And District Attorney
Has Forgotten Her Motto
And Promise 
To The Divorcees
Of California
At The Bottom 
Of Page 4
It Says See Page 27
And When You Go There
It's Still Blank
For "Endorsements 
"The cause of freedom is not the cause of a race or a sect, a party or a class - it is the cause of humankind, the very birthright of humanity." - Anna Julia Cooper
Doesn't Say The Year
Or Who She Was
Or What's Intended
For Pages 26
And 27 
Of My Passport
But Glad To Know
She's There
BLM Ahead Of Her Time 
Looked Her Up
Only Black Lady In My Passport
A Teacher
A Mother
A Freed Slave
Widowed by 22 Years Old
Lived to A 
Lots Of Charities
In Her Namesake 
Free Of Her Master
Once Owned by Politicians
Grandpa Owned Slaves
But Julia Anna Cooper
Is My Inspiration 
A Writer Freed
Almost Forgotten
In Thesilencing.org
A Genocide
Of Black Lives Matter
Regressing 75 Years
Back To Her
Of Foremothers
I'd Like Passport To 
Read Nitya
And Only
A Hyphenated Rawal
Tethering Me To My 
And Not 
The Rest Of 
Their Marine Spy
Suffering Parent Estrangement
"This Passport
Is Not Valid
Unless It's Signed
On Page 3"
Thank God Mine 
Is Legal
This Passport Is The Property
Of The United States
It Must Be Surrendered
Upon Demand
Made by an
Authorized Representative
Of The United States Government."
I Demand You Usurp Dr.
Sunil Christopher Rawal's Passport
And Export Him Back
To The #PrinceOfPegging 
"Parental Child Abduction"
Is Not Allowed 
In My Country
"Contact the Department
Of State's Office
Of Children's Issues at
202-736-7000, or consult
Our home page at
"Loss Of US Citizenship:
Under Certain Circumstances,
You May Lose your U.S. Citizenship
By performing; Voluntarily and With
The Intention to Relinquish
U.S. Citizenship,
Any of the following acts:
Being Naturalized in a Foreign state;
Taking an Oath or Making a Declaration to a Foreign State;"
We're not #PrinceOfPegging 
Servants; The Common Wealth
And Don't Belong to England
Loss of US Citizenship For:
"Serving in the Armed forces of a Foreign State;"
(Like England!)
"Accepting employment with a foreign government;"
(As a Spy!)
Formally Renouncing U.S. Citizenship Before a U.S. consular Officer Overseas."
(Force His hand!)
"Consult the nearest U.S. embassy or Consulate or Contact the Office of American Citizens Services And
Crisis Management, Department of
State, … Washington DC"
Does It Work
Or Is It A Data Collection
Like The White House
Rude and Desparaging 
Sounds Like A Toilette Monitor 
"Or call 1-202-647-5225."
Will The President Get
Our Assets And Children
And Stop The Attorney's Lies
On Expired Restraining Orders
"Toll free hot-line 1-888-407-4747,
Or if calling from outside the U.S.,
On Page 7 of Your Passport 
It Says:
# 14.
A Person Who Has The 
Citizenship Of More 
Than One Country"
Like Dr. Sunil Rawal 
"At The Same Time
Is Considered A Dual Citizen.
A Dual Citizen May Be 
Subject To Country's
Jurisdiction, Including Conscription
For Military Service.
Dual Nationality May Hamper
Effort To Provide
U.S. Consular Protection 
To Dual Citizens In The Foreign
Country Of Their Nationality.
Dual Citizens Who Encounter
Problems Abroad Should Contact
The Nearest U.S. Embassy
Or Consulate." 
And We Are Telling You Now
It's Time To Go Home
Militia Offer To Murder
My X Husband Daily
But That's Not What
The Children Or I Want
We Haven't Become Murderers
Mostly Vegetarian 
In Your Ugly War
With Hornets And Wasps
We Remain Bumblebees
Our Alegiance
To An Imaginary Queen
We Want Her Back From Iran
And Every Indigenious 
On Page 6 it says
"Avoid Violating Foreign Laws
Remember, While In A Foreign Country,
You Are Subject To its Laws. 
Penalties for Violating Local Laws,
Even Unknowingly,
Can Be More Severe
Than In The U.S.
For Similar Offenses.
Deal Only With Authorized Agents
When Exchanging Money,
Or Purchasing Souvenirs. 
If In Trouble,
Contact the Nearest U.S. Embassy
Or Consulate.
If You Are Arrested,
Demand To See
The U.S. Council."
I Demand You Sir
Mr. President
I Demand You
Dr. Biden
From My Own 
"Health Insurance
Does Not Cover
Healthcare Costs Outside
The U.S." Of A
Yet We Have Found 
Domestic Terrorism
With Our Health Care
Continental Remiss
"Does Your Insurance
Apply Overseas,
Including medical evacuation,
Payment To a hospital
Or Doctor Overseas,
Or reimbursement To
You Later?
See Our Brochure "Medical Information
For Americans Traveling Abroad,"
What About 
Americans Raped By Our Own Officers
In American Courthouses
With Domestic Terrorism
They Took My Blood
On An AI Bribe
They Broke The Law
You Gave Them Rope
To Hang Themselves
That's What They've done
Don't Bring A Woman Like
Ever Into Court Again
If You Don't Want
Full Disclosure
To Write Down 
Every Word Said
"The Principal Of Free Governments
Adheres To The American Soil.
It Is Bedded in it,
Immovable as It's
Says Daniel Webster
On Pages 6 and 7
"American Soil.
It is Bedded in it
Principle of Free Government
Adheres To The American Soil
Immovable As Its mountains."
0 notes
Cw: queerphobia, racism, all sorts of bigotry, suicidal ideation
This one isn't about abuse. Well, not family abuse.
I really just have something very dark to say and don't want to worry anyone close to me but I need to voice it.
I'm... Honestly having a really hard time starting. Really just a hard time in general but...
I've disclosed that I am queer, as well as Indigenous, and I think I mentioned that I'm in Canada. If I didn't before, I did now.
The last... Like 6 years have just been getting increasingly harder and harder to have hope. Like period. I can mostly handle my own stuff in my personal life, but everything in the world...
This last weekend was a shooting at a queer club in Colorado. Club Q. During the trans week of visibility as well as the day before trans day of remembrance. I literally woke up to that being the first piece I saw.
Every day. I look at the US and I see the cesspool that hatred has started. Not in the whole country, mind you, but there are a handful of states I will absolutely never feel safe visiting. Laws where rights are taken away from women, laws taking away the rights of queer and trans kids. My heart breaks.
And so much more terrifying is the violence. The shootings, the murder... I'm scared. Because all of this is being pushed by hateful people with absolutely no regard for someone's life. And I don't understand this disconnect. At all. I just... I don't understand what makes lawmakers and loud GOP voices say horrifying hateful things towards groups of people, turning around to offering thoughts and prayers when their words spurred on terrorism. Call it what it is.
Except... That's not the biggest thing that scares me. What terrifies me is that we have people in Canada looking up to the GOP that yeah this is totally right and good. They've already tried to limit abortion access here, and don't get me started on one party's complete f*cking lack of support for a bill that would ban conversion therapy.
I live hyper aware of queerphobia and MMIWG2S. Because that's me. I'm AFAB, I'm Indigenous, I'm queer. And I live in fear. Every day. Covid just gave me the excuse to almost never leave the house honestly, and while I was concerned about it, it wasn't specifically seeking out someone who looks like me. But the hatred...
And I know why it scares me. My own past, I have people that just simply don't respect me because I'm Indigenous, or queer, or AFAB. And I am so terrified that that line of where they stop with that hatred will blur and they will move to violence. And honestly, it doesn't exactly seem too far off when you look at some of the terrorist events in the last few years.
All of this also makes my relationship with my own su*cidal ideation really f*cking weird. Just... So weird.
For the most part, I have a handle on it. I'm not planning daily how to... You know. I'm just kind of wishing for some sort of freak accident that takes me out or I just don't wake up. I heard someone else recently describe this in a podcast, the wanting to die but not necessarily doing anything about it. I honestly don't think that's talked about enough.
Now, there's a million reasons I don't want to die. For one, spite. If you think I'm letting certain people outlive me by my choosing, f*ck no. For another, having lost multiple people to this... It has a very different impact on you. Yeah sure, everyone is sad when it happens, but there's also the survivor's guilt. I also have this weird jealousy and this anger, and also a kind of happiness for them. Especially that they weren't around for this sh*t show. And often times, all of these feelings and more all at once.
Which culminates in the feeling of I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
I honestly don't see a lot of hope. And one of the worst part is is that those who hate are never, and will never be willing to sit down and have a conversation with someone who they hate just because of the colour of their skin, or who they're attracted to, or their gender, or whatever the fuck else.
I actually got really mad at a podcast clip I saw yesterday, to the point I almost threw my phone across the room. It was two men talking, one was trying to read a study of toxic masculinity. I'm not going into the intracacies of that right now. The other man WOULD NOT LET HIM because a person in anti-depressants shouldn't be educating people about being happy. He said very close to those words.
I had another thing of terrible news as well on Sunday. A few people in Saskatoon had posted that their police service has still been continuing the practice of starlight tours. Look up Neil Stonechild or starlight tours yourself cuz I just... Don't have this one in me today. And I didn't even learn about these growing up. That's pretty f*cked up in hindsight but I guess, AFAB probably doesn't make that cut.
I keep trying really hard to hold out hope that we can teach hateful and insecure people empathy. It's... So f*cking hard though. There comes a point where you give up. That's how Black Lives Matter really grew, the reason Idle No More got started... So many hurt people trying to just be heard and trying to not hurt others along the way. And the other side just sticks their fingers in their ears, closes their eyes, and puts violence in the minds of their followers who in turn pull the trigger.
I don't have a lot of hope left. And I'm scared of what will happen when I run out completely, and so much more scared that that seems to be going so much faster than I thought it would. And a part of me is hoping that my current medical problems will result in taking that option away from me. I'm just... So tired.
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Chloe Atkins at NBC News:
CINCINNATI — The group of anti-abortion crusaders showed up outside Hughes STEM High School just before 3 p.m. As students streamed out of the building, the men and women walked after them carrying large cards emblazoned with a picture of a fetus. “Pre-born children are blessings to be received, not burdens to be destroyed,” read the other side of the literature.
One man took the lead in tracking down the predominantly Black students and handing out the cards. At one point, he spent three minutes talking to a small group of girls. “I feel inspired,” a 15-year-old said afterward. But the scene took a turn when the principal, Jennifer Williams, walked out and demanded they move off the main path to the school. “The pathway to the crosswalk is being blocked and that’s not okay,” Williams said. The group moved down the sidewalk but was confronted by Williams again. “Planned Parenthood is feeding propaganda to these kids,” the head activist, Jason Storms, told her. “We are trying to counter that message.” Storms, 45, is the leader of Operation Save America, a fundamentalist Christian group that operates on the extreme edge of the anti-abortion movement. They travel around the country — to churches, schools, statehouses and abortion clinics — calling for abortions to be banned and women to be locked up for terminating pregnancies.
Storms and his fellow activists are part of a growing network of lawyers, lawmakers and pastors who have labeled themselves “abortion abolitionists.” They oppose all abortions without exceptions and promote legislation that would pave the way for women to be investigated and prosecuted for ending pregnancies. The move to criminalize the choice to have an abortion has historically been rejected by the mainstream “pro-life” movement, but Storms sees it as a necessary deterrent.  “You are intentionally killing a human being,” he said in an interview. “That’s the definition of murder.” Operation Save America is certainly not the first group to push an extreme position on abortion and use in-your-face tactics. It’s a rebranded version of Operation Rescue, an organization that gained notoriety in the 1980s for blocking women and doctors from entering abortion clinics and holding sit-in protests.
[...] GOP state lawmakers around the country have introduced at least 26 so-called “abortion abolition” bills from 2022 to 2024, according to If/When/How, a national legal advocacy nonprofit group. The bills often repeal provisions that prevent women from being investigated and prosecuted over abortions or don’t include explicit language that exempts them from being charged. [...]
Storms’ group occupies a unique position in U.S. politics. Loathed by Democrats, it also represents a thorn in the side of former President Donald Trump, who has said the issue should be taken up at the state level. “They are a loud minority, but Donald Trump especially listens to the loudest voice in the room,” said Susan Del Percio, a Republican strategist and NBC News political analyst. “And that is an issue for Donald Trump running in 2024 — that they will have a voice.” Storms was a vocal Trump supporter. He attended the Jan. 6, 2021, rally and took a selfie video outside the U.S. Capitol as the mob laid siege. But he’s not planning to vote for Trump this November unless the former president takes a “strong stand in defense of preborn children.” “My hope is that we’re able to pull Donald Trump in our direction,��� Storms said. “And maybe I still will pull the lever for him if he comes our direction, but he’s not going to come our direction, clearly, unless we twist his arm a little bit.”
[...] Storms held various roles at Operation Save America before he took charge of the group in June 2021. The group is not just opposed to abortions. It preaches against homosexuality, vaccines, IVF and Islam. It also represents the extreme anti-abortion movement’s reverence for high-powered weaponry and its suspicion toward the federal government.
NBC News reports on the abortion abolition movement, a very militant and extreme subset of the anti-abortion movement. This movement-- led by the likes of Operation Save America-- seeks to criminalize those who obtain abortions and pressure lawmakers opposed to abortion access to move towards the abolitionist viewpoint.
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Not all feminists support abortion. Properly defined, feminism is a philosophy that embraces basic rights for all human beings without exception—without regard to race, religion, sex, size, age, location, disability or parentage. Feminism rejects the use of force to dominate, control or destroy anyone.
“Child murderers practice their profession without let or hindrance, and open infant butcheries unquestioned.... Perhaps there will come a day when...an unmarried mother will not be despised because of her motherhood...and when the right of the unborn to be born will not be denied or interfered with.” - Sarah Norton
“Guilty? Yes, no matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; but oh, thrice guilty is he who drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime!.” - Susan B. Anthony
Along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Anthony strongly editorialized against abortion. She referred to the bloody act as child murder and infanticide, and addressed its root causes in women's oppression and in the abdication of family planning. She argued that laws pertaining to abortion victimized women while absolving men of all responsibility.
“`If it is degrading to treat a woman as property, it is no better for a woman to treat her own child as property.''- Elizabeth Stanton
“Pregnancy is not a disease, but a beautiful office of nature.” -Victoria Woodhull (first woman to run for president.)
Alice Paul the author of the original Equal Rights Amendment called abortion “the ultimate exploitation of women.”
NARAL was founded by men. Planned parenthood by a racist eugenicist. Roe V Wade was decided, I kid you not, by a group of white men.
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“Above all, society must grasp the grim relationship between unwanted children and the violent rebellion of minority groups.”- Larry Lader (one of the founders of NARAL)
“It’s not that obvious to some black women that abortion is the right decision. It’s only later on that poor or black women realize they don’t want more children tying them down. They need more pressure to abort.” - Michael Bracken (a white, male, abortion advocate.)
“The 54% of Black children born to unwed mothers are not productive members of society. Teenagers never make good mothers….single mothers have bad children.” - Nancy White (also NARAL.) <- literally wtf.
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