#including but not limited to not drawing overly romantic stuff at all what is this
cirkkaa · 1 year
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modern venlumi <3
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jvdyy · 6 years
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hey, hey, hey! it’s kylo here and if you don’t know me then it’s probably because it’s my first time in this group. you guys looked all cool and i’ve never had the guts to join till now because i had this idea for a muse that i’m honored i get to play here. she’s pretty cool and i am still fleshing her out so it’ll take a bit to get all the coolness set up, but i guarentee you i’ll add it here when i find out more information. speaking of info, there’s some bullets below this along with some wanted connections and IF YOU’D LIKE TO PLOT PLEASE LIKE THIS OR HIT ME UP IN THOSE PRIVATE/INSTANT MESSAGES!
(pregnancy, violence tw)
so let’s bring it all the way back to when she was born since that’s a good place to start. now she’s not a spin on valeria or franklin in any shape or form, but to honor the o.g. marvel family i decided to base the birth on the comics a bit (subject to change if sue or reed is brought in and they’d prefer not to). so in the comics, it was hard for sue to give birth because her “cosmic-irradiated physiology” but she still managed to give birth to her first child (judy’s older sibling) through an adventure to the negative zone to borrow some sort of control rod. when it turned out sue was pregnant again there was a growing fear in the parents. the first pregnancy had been really challenging and going through it again would be worse.
in a way it was because this pregnancy led to some issues to the baby and mother alike. judith had many scares while in the womb, but luckily none were permanent enough to truly bother judy once she was born in some underground facility with technology even she has yet to grasp.
once judy had finally gotten home, things were a bit odd. her uncle caught on fire, her mother went invisible, and her father could cook and keep an eye on her in her crib at the same time. not to mention her own sibling had been tested and would be on the way to join them. she, as it would turn out, would not ever get on her way there and that was what was so strange. her whole family could do these amazing things, but growing up all she could do was watch from the tv or the spaceship or wherever they were keeping her safe. even her sibling got to go with them.
when judy was nine and watching her parents fight somebody she knew was trouble on the news, an ad popped up on the screen for comics of her very own parents. her eyes flicked over those and she snuck out of the house to buy an issue, changing her life forever.
she started teaching herself how to draw in ink and make it look like the books she was reading and soon enough started writing random ones based off of what her family and their friends would tell her. they started off really rough (ask uncle ben), but when she got old enough to start really working on them, she would be able to publish them.
but that’s getting ahead of myself a bit. back to when she was still in her preteens. one day when she was supposed to be following the routine, she had decided to go with her family off earth. it wasn’t fair that her sibling got to go so she decided to stow away on board the ship. it was fairly easy, she had her pen and sketch pad to keep her busy along with various snacks, but when the ship stopped she started to hear cries from her family and decided to spring into action. she ran out from the supply closet and ran outside without thinking of grabbing anything. when she did it was chaos. different species of beings all fighting eachother, guns going off, civilians running away- she didn’t know where any “good” guys were. that was until one of them were waving for her to run before everything went dark.
the next thing she remembers from that chunk of days was being told she wouldn’t be able to walk again, but she’d be alive.
since then she’d still dream of fighting the badguys with the FF or somehow being a mutant to, but she realized that just wasn’t in the cards for her.
she lived a pretty normal life from there, minus her family traveling a lot and the constant business trips she couldn’t attend. she graduated highschool at sixteen and started traveling the world and learning more about heroes. she’d learn as much as she could and basically write biographies for the stories she’d find most significant for the world to know.
in the past few months, her job had been getting a lot harder. things are more tense than before and that was when her father called her and suggested she move to paragon in case something bad happens with the changes. she hesitated, but after learning of the school and who all lives there already, she rented herself a nice apartment and moved in on may 7, 2018.
now she’s kind of chilling in town and lowkey writing what she sees, there’s plenty of drafts in her apartment but nobody can see them.
now onto the stuff that isn’t backstory! so in the future she’s going to find out she can manipulate ink and if you don’t quite get what that’d be about, superhero wiki defines it as the power where the “user can create, shape and manipulate ink, including moving ink, change the color, consistency/viscosity between solid and liquid, etc., even if the ink is printed/written/tattooed. they can write/scribe/tattoo without tools by manipulating ink.” she’ll be limited to what’s around her, but as she comes into her powers she’ll find some ways to make it more than a gimick because i’m sure the moment she does something with it, she’s going to be trying to fight crime or something since that’d still be the first thing she’d like to do. i think maybe down the line it could lead to her more broadly figuring out how to control carbon black on things like wires (engineering made easier) and such and even go broader with things with carbon since carbon black is an ink made out of it. this could be things like plants, wood, plastics. it’d take her honing the skills but practically everything can come from things ink is from and i can make it all sciencey. also i’d like to say another issue is that she wouldn’t quite mess with tattoo ink from the start since it’s iron oxides/metal salts/plastics (though the later she'd try) and it’s not necessarily very ordinary ink. that could lead to sciency stuff too. maybe she’ll be able to delve into that and then also animal ink? i don’t think i’d go that far but like squids have ink made of melanin so can she lift non-inked mammals too? i’m not sure, i think i’ll stick to natural things and skip the biological ones unless i feel silly so we’ll see.
personality wise? judy is a very bright young lady with a longing to protect people. she wants to be the hero but she has been content just admiring them from afar. she’s probably overly hyped and incessantly talking, but she is an easily excitable person. she does things without thinking them through all the way and while she is book smart, she’ll eat out of your palm when it comes to lying to her or teasing her. she believes it all because, to be honest, she’s almost seen it all. she believes in the good of people and thinks villians aren’t just villians (she has arguments in defense for the wicked witch, scar, and at least half of the supervillians she’s attempted to learn about).
oh yeah, she identifies as lesbian (though has had feelings for men once in a blue moon, kind of biromantic but she doesn’t identify with it) both romantically and sexually. she hasn’t really come out yet, but she doesn’t hide it. she just hasn’t really dated more than a person or two to give herself a reason to.
more to be added
someone she tutors
maybe a superhero she’s highkey a fan of
a human who works with her
definitely a best friend/someone she’s known her whole life, this person would either be a kid of a family friend or someone who lived in new york and happened to go to the same elementary school
bad influence
more to be added
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georgevilliers · 6 years
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Tessa Virtue
Life Path: 22
Birth Day Number: 17
First Period Cycle: 5
First Pinnacle Cycle: 4
Challenges: 3, 1, 2, 4
Destiny/Expression: 7
Soul Urge/Heart Desire: 7
Personality: 9
Hidden Passion: 1
Karmic Lessons: 7 and 8
Balance: 2
Life Path 22: The Master Builder
Life Path 22 is what we call a Master Life Path. It is a powerful combination of life paths 4 and 11 and therefore can cause a lot of confusion but harness a lot of potential. They have an an uncanny spiritual connection and can apply metaphysical knowledge to daily life. Their intuitive nature can find the very best, or the very worst, in every person. They feel an innate connection to the stars and often find themselves getting lost while stargazing. We all know we come from star stuff, but they feel it more intensely than the rest of us. 22′s fear failure, as the burden of potential they bear is large, and they require a lot of support from the people in their life. They are not just the dreamers of dreams, they are facilitators of greatness. They have the intuitive insights of life path 11, combined with the practical nature of life path 4. Their thoughts hold incredible power, and likely always come true. Success of the 22′s can be delicate as it exists by the virtue of their dreams and visions. They can be romantic, but often times impersonal. They are often more focused on their dreams. 22 can be seen as the most promising number, they have great ambition, are a great supporter and steady partner in relationships, and offer sound advice and emotional support.  They are practical, do not suffer from flights of fancy, and while they can be unconventional in thoughts and actions they are good at translating that to appear traditional.  22′s are excellent leaders. They have the vision, the intuition, the business and political sense, and common sense, in order to accomplish their larger than life dreams and ambitions. In alignment, a 22 is dependable, stable, productive, loyal, trustworthy, and hardworking. Out of alignment, they can be rigid, bossy, blunt, fearful of taking risks, unorganized, careless, think too small, and overwhelmed.
Crystals: clear quartz, green tourmaline
Planet: Pluto
Zodiac: Scorpio
Tarot Card: The Fool
Key Meditation Words: attainment, integration, prosperity, completeness, peace, limitless potential
Birth Day: 17
17′s are highly ambitious, blessed with business and financial instincts. Their approach to business is creative and daring. They are highly independent, and an excellent manager and organizer. They are highly gifted in their ability to see the larger picture, and how small details come into play. This makes them highly effective at handling large projects.
First Period Cycle: 5
A 5′s first period cycle involves a lot of change, freedom, and travel. They have a flair for successfully promoting themselves. They will visit many foreign places and encounter many new ideas and people. Seek change and take ahold of new opportunities. 
First Pinnacle Cycle: 4
This pinnacle cycle consists of hard work and many rewards. They have the opportunity to build a strong foundation that will last. They are dependable and reliable. 
Challenges: 3, 1, 2, 4
First challenge 3: They are their own worst critic. They suppress their individuality and creativity because of self-doubt. They are far harder on themselves than anyone else in their life is, so they tend to play it safe by not expressing deep emotions and indulging in superficialities. They can feel lonely, and fear social interaction. They should seek out a creative output, like drawing, dance, singing etc. The crux of this challenge is to bring out the true self. They must learn to value their creative talents above judgement of others, and undergo a process of individuation. 
Second challenge 1: They must learn to be independent. They will be forced to stand up for themselves and their rights, and face situations in which they will have to choose between doing what is right, and doing something to please someone else. They will learn to be firm and trust their judgement, not to run with the crowd but be an individual. They will experience much trial and error, and can sometimes include bursts of anger, or suppressed anger and emotion until they are acting on their deepest instincts. They will learn their own set of values, and develop individual and original ideas. Because Tessa has a Hidden Passion of 1, this challenge will not be a difficult one for her.
Third, main, challenge 2: They are overly sensitive and too aware of others’ expectations. They can suppress themselves to avoid being too conspicuous,and too self-conscious. Hypersensitivity can cause fear, timidity, and lack of self-confidence. Little things can become disproportionately difficult to overcome and can be paralyzing, jealousy can cause pain and misunderstanding. These things stem from positive parts of their life path, such as awareness and intuition, but have become twisted into overwhelming negatives.
Fourth challenge 4: This challenge is all about learning to organize and prioritize, be persistent and persevere. Because Tessa has mainly odd numbers, this might be a hard lesson to learn (but perhaps she has already done so)
Destiny/Expression 7
Spiritual, intelligent, analytical, focused, introspective, studious, intuitive, knowledgeable, contemplative, serious, persevering, refined, gracious. They are driven by a desire for knowledge and truth, and possess a considerable amount of perspective. They need time to be by themselves, too much social interaction can cause stress and they need privacy. They tend to dislike mundane things, and can be judgemental towards others and their lack of depth of knowledge. This can lead to them being cut off from society. It would be better for them to spend their time in an educating role, by spreading their love of knowledge. They are perfectionists, and can be distant and aloof.  
Soul Urge/Heart Desire 7
They love knowledge and insight. They value the gifts of their mind, and abhor shallow opinions and judgements. They have a natural gift for analysis and research, and once they have grasped the basics of a topic, have no problem diving deep into the issue and thinking theoretically or philosophically about it. They can be introverted, and a life of a hermit or monk engaged in a life of study appeals. In relationships, they may prefer things impersonal. They prefer facts over feelings and may distrust their own and others’ emotions. The unpredictability of the heart can surprise or frighten them and their rationality. They do crave love, and it takes a lot of trust for them to be able to trust someone with their heart. Resisting the urge to become a hermit, and instead embracing society and sharing their gift of knowledge can be a much more fulfilling life.
Personality 9
9′s have an impressive and almost aristocratic bearing. They are very much in control of the image they send out. Many actors, dancers, and other performers have 9 personalities. They are much admired, but also can be hated as they may be perceived as arrogant. A great struggle of the 9 type personality is being able to bring themselves down to earth and relate to everyone on a personal basis. 9′s have great compassion and sympathy for others, but may be better at working on a grand scale rather than a one-on-one basis. They have excellent taste, a good deal of artistic talent that shows in their homes and clothing.
Hidden Passion 1
Their hidden passion is that they want to stand out! They have a great drive and desire to accomplish. They are highly competitive and want to be the best and the first in anything they do. Highly energetic, creative, capable of influencing and even dominating others. Can succumb to manipulation unless their ideals are high. May have struggled with a lack of confidence especially at a young age, but they have the strength to overcome this. They are survivors, warriors, leaders, and often times politicians or athletes (!!!!)
Karmic Lessons 7 and 8
7: Learn not to take things at face value. A superficial understanding of important matters will prevent them from experiencing the satisfaction of their true potential. The presence of other 7s in Tessa’s core numbers means this lesson will be easy to learn.
8: They are highly independent and do not want to be told how to do things. They might have a know-it-all attitude and can be stubborn therefore they can run into issues with authority figures. This can prevent them from knowing their limits, and while they likely will attract lots of money, they may spend too much of it as well. Learn limitations, and be efficient. 
Balance 2
Use tact and diplomacy over emotion. Be courageous in the search to a solution rather than backing away over fear of confrontation. Work hard to diffuse tension, and find a solution that satisfies everyone. Be willing to compromise. 
Scott Moir
Life Path: 9
Birth Day Number: 2
Second Period Cycle: 2
Second Pinnacle Cycle: 9
Challenge Numbers: 7, 4, 3, 1
Destiny/Expression: 3
Soul Urge/Heart Desire: 4
Personality: 8
Hidden Passion: 9
Karmic Lessons: 5 and 8
Balance Number: 3
Life Path 9: The Humanitarian
9′s are helpful, compassionate, charitable, generous, humanitarian, cooperative, creative, self-sufficient, proud, self-sacrificing. 9′s can often be open and honest to a fault. There is no doubting that a 9 will give you an honest opinion, and it may be a tough pill to swallow but the 9′s must be listened to. They usually speak from a place of experience. 9′s are determined to leave this earth better than they got it, and this can be confusing to a lot of other people, who might be searching for a deeper meaning behind it all. 9′s are coming from a place of love, and are hardly looking for whats in it for themselves. They wear everything on their sleeves. 9′s tend to see the big picture, rather than small details and attract people from all walks of life. They do not accept social biases or prejudices. 9′s are imaginative and creative and enjoy careers that involve some sort of self-sacrifice. They often do not want to accept the shortcomings of the world, of yourself, or others. This can lead to a perpetual dissatisfaction and a constant push towards something better that they often find they can never meet. 9′s often let go of material possessions and relationships as they’ve learned that holding on too tight to anything often causes them pain. If they seek money too fervently, they will come up disappointed and empty handed. The most success, for them, comes from caring and sharing. They can be romantic, but impersonal. They tend to focus more on their dreams. They must be open and accept their shortcomings as well as their strengths in order to establish an equilibrium. Out of alignment, 9′s can be resentful, lacking in integrity, hostile, arrogant, close minded, emotionally unavailable, submissive, or a liar.
Crystals: fire agate, aragonite, blue apatite, blue chalcedony, fluorite, hematite, malachite, pietersite, rhodonite, unakite
Planet: Sun
Zodiac: Virgo (also his sign!)
Tarot: The Hermit
Birth Day Number 2
They are sensitive, intuitive, and diplomatic. They are aware of their surroundings, and are easily influenced by it. They love beauty and attention, and can easily fall victim to depression or lack of confidence. Their talents lie in personal relations and diplomatic skills. They also usually possess talents in artistic and creative endeavours. They are warm, affectionate and like to hug and cuddle, and be made to feel safe and secure. They are cooperative and work well in partnerships. They are good at continuing projects and have great attention to detail. They require harmonious work environments, without it they may become too stressed and high strung. 
 Second Period Cycle 2
The middle part of their life is about learning to tune in to the sensitive and intuitive side. They are drawn to interact with people on a personal level, and are able to recognize how others are feeling and be more tactful. Emotions play a large part of period two. Devoting time to the performing arts is an especially good idea.
Second Pinnacle Cycle 9
This is a good time for financial growth and progress. They will also face a large challenge which they must give themselves to completely. They will find reward in drama and art, and have a heightened sense of aesthetic and any artistic abilities will be brought to the surface and enhanced. 
Challenges 7, 4, 3, 1
First challenge 7: They are highly skeptical of anything that can not be proven to them. Very doubtful of anything to do with spiritual matters. They must learn faith, and to find a community which provides interesting and fresh perspectives. They may have too much pride, and will experience a deep and humbling transformation.
Second challenge 4: This challenge is all about learning to organize and prioritize, be persistent and persevere. Because Scott has more even numbers this will be an easier lesson for him to learn.
Third, main, challenge 3:  They are their own worst critic. They suppress their individuality and creativity because of self-doubt. They are far harder on themselves than anyone else in their life is, so they tend to play it safe by not expressing deep emotions and indulging in superficialities. They can feel lonely, and fear social interaction. They should seek out a creative output, like drawing, dance, singing etc. The crux of this challenge is to bring out the true self. They must learn to value their creative talents above judgement of others, and undergo a process of individuation. 
Fourth challenge 1:  They must learn to be independent. They will be forced to stand up for themselves and their rights, and face situations in which they will have to choose between doing what is right, and doing something to please someone else. They will learn to be firm and trust their judgement, not to run with the crowd but be an individual. They will experience much trial and error, and can sometimes include bursts of anger, or suppressed anger and emotion until they are acting on their deepest instincts. They will learn their own set of values, and develop individual and original ideas.
(interesting they both have similar challenge numbers, especially number 3 which they’ve both extensively mentioned their self-critical nature)
Destiny/Expression Number 3
3 is the number of self-expression. They are rich in imagination and spirit, but must be careful to not scatter themselves. They can lack discipline, and hard work and focus will be the keys to their success. They possess great verbal skills, but tend to think in pictures rather than words. Love, romance, and money are definitely within reach. They are social, they need an audience and the support of others to fully realize their abilities. On the downside they can be superficial, moody, sensitive, and emotional. They can perceive criticism where there was none. These traits can suppress creativity and it’s better to be goal-oriented 
Soul Urge/Heart Desire 4
They like to live a stable and well-organized life. They can establish and maintain a routine, and they strive to be dependable and a rock of strength for others. Work is central to their life and they may have a tendency to go overboard, and they should avoid being a workaholic. They are great in family situations and make good parents, but must learn to be flexible. They need and want much love, and are honest and unpretentious. They hate liars and affectations. 
Personality 8
They appear strong and powerful, have impressive personalities, and can influence and even intimidate easily. They have natural authority and people are attracted to their competence and enthusiasm. They radiate confidence. Most 8′s have a strong constitution, but can suffer from indigestion, ulcers, and even heart disease due to reckless eating, drinking, and propensity to be workaholics. Their egocentric attitude can be a downfall, and this can cause loneliness and ruthlessness. They can be spontaneous, excited, warm, and jovial. Deep down, they want everyone to be as happy and as excited as they are. Those around them often sense it, and they are well liked by coworkers.
(This feels bizarrely accurate)
Hidden Passion 9
Warm, generous, and compassionate. 9′s are often creatively inclined but it may not come out until adulthood because it was repressed as a child. They have a strong desire for insight and knowledge. They are emotional even though their feelings are not always sensible. They can get caught up in dreams. Blessed with oratorical abilities. They are driven to do their own thing and are very independent. 
Karmic Lessons 5 and 8
5: They need to be more adventurous. Overcome fear of living. Take every opportunity that is presented especially to travel, to meet new people, to experience new things. Broaden horizons. Go with the flow, adapt to changes, and grow from them. 
8: They are highly independent and do not want to be told how to do things. They might have a know-it-all attitude and can be stubborn therefore they can run into issues with authority figures. This can prevent them from knowing their limits, and while they likely will attract lots of money, they may spend too much of it as well. Learn limitations, and be efficient. 
Balance Number 3
Be more lighthearted and optimistic in approaches to problems. Work with others to reach and mutually satisfactory solution. Use natural charm to influence a situation. Try to control tendency to be overly emotional. Be objective. 
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pkmnnovareset · 7 years
*cackles* ALL FOR TIFA!
Oh my god anon are you trying to kill me b/c it’s working (JK but oh my shits 50 questions)
SO SORRY FOR HOW LATE THIS WAS OH MY GOSH there were like, a butt ton of questions so uhm… And I had to legit like, google stuff b/c i’m like “what is this????”… It definitely got me thinking about Tifa though! So thank you anyways!! :D
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Meme
What does their bedroom look like?
Tifa’s bedroom is semi-messy with lots of hardware tools patterning on the walls, a hammer bed lamp, grey and white bedsheets with yellow lightning bolts on them. There’s a small little shelf with all her little PokeDolls lined up perfectly. And there’s another shelf with fairytale books: Peter Pan, The Jungle Book, and Treasure Island are the ones she reads the most.
On the other side of her room is a small side table with her iPod and speakers so she can play music. She tends to bring that into the workshop to listen when she works. 
The walls of her room are a slate blue and white. She also has little Electric pokemon wall stickers on the walls.
Do they have any daily rituals?
The only daily rituals Tifa does would probably be: waking up, going to the bathroom, brush her teeth, put her earrings on, getting dressed, eat breakfast and feed her/the Pokemon, and then check what she has to do. Depending on what she has planned, she’ll either be in the workshop doing some tinkering and inventing, or she’ll be out and about.
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
She does exercise! She does MMA and kickboxing! She will often go to the gym twice a week! She has also learned self-defence as an added bonus to her list of physical activities to do. She really does enjoy MMA and kickboxing tho, because it’s something else to keep her busy when she’s not in her father’s workshop tinkering and inventing stuff.
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
She’d probably ask Parsley or Cilan if there are any leftovers in the fridge. Except then Parsley or Cilan would be like “no no no you need to eat fresh food” and they’d have her sit down at the dinning table to wait until they’re finished preparing and making dinner.
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
It’s somewhat messy, but it’s not clean either. She can still be able to find what she needs without shuffling around wondering where a certain item went.
Eating habits and sample daily menu
Oh man. Okay so she’s meticulous with her food and how she chews it. She likes to divide her food in her mouth in order to chew with both sides (if that makes sense?). Her meals are pretty different depending on what Cilan or Parsley makes. But she will always, always, have MooMoo Milk.
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
The one thing she’d probably do when she wants to do nothing at all would just lay in her bed listening to music. Asides from inventing and MMA, she loves listening to music. It calms her down a lot, especially if she’s getting stressed.
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
She’d probably eat an entire lemon meringue pie, to be honest, ha ha
Nope, she doesn’t wear makeup!
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
She doesn’t have any, but she does recognize that people out there has mental illnesses. She’s not going to act as though she’s above them because she doesn’t experience what they experience.
Intellectual pursuits?
Probably one that gets her a job to invent stuff or restore old, broken down things and have them be brand spankin’ new again!
Favorite book genre?
Adventure and science-fiction!
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
Tifa is bisexual/romantic! She believes that love is love, regardless of gender. As long as the person makes them happy, that’s all that matters. And if they’re nice to them, their family, and friends because that is also important.
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
Nope, not that I can think of at the moment!
Biggest and smallest short term goal?
Her biggest short term goal is to start her own little side business/project in restoring old parts/machines/contraptions and such.
Her smallest short term goal is to just find spare parts to use in her next big project!
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
Her biggest long term goal is  to get a formal education on engineering in order to open up her own business!
Her smallest long term goal is probably to practice how to cook!
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
I’m confused about this one b/c i’m not sure if it’s like, an actual dress it’s asking, or the type of clothes she wears? So I’ll do both.
Tifa’s preferred outfits would be a plain t-shirt, overalls or jumpers, and her crop-top jacket. As long as she’s wearing anything comfortable and something she doesn’t mind getting dirty, then whatever.
Dresses on the other hand tho. She rarely wears dresses as she feels incredibly uncomfortable in them.
Favorite beverage?
She really loves Moo-Moo milk and orange juice
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Tifa thinks about what she can do inventing wise. Like if she’s currently working on a project, she’d be busy thinking about the parts, how to build the next bit, and so forth. It takes about an hour or two before she clonks out.
If she’s not working on anything, she’d just put on music in the background and fall asleep.
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
She once ate a really bad chicken pot pie and ended up crouching over the toilet for hours on end. There was an instance where it got so bad she had to go to the hospital. Food poisoning. Ever since then, Tifa refused to eat chicken pot pie.
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
I’ll stray away from the sexual turn ons/offs for now.
Tifa’s turn on would probably be her s/o expressing genuine interest in her hobbies and just engaging in conversation with her about said hobbies. She loves being able to share her work and her fondness about what she does to the people she cares about. Bonus if s/o catches on with the lingo and/or offers some semblance of help to Tifa in any upcoming projects.
Also lemon meringue pie. If her s/o bakes her lemon meringue pie, she’ll smooch you forever.
Her turn off would probably be if the person is acting snide, arrogant, and demeaning towards others. She hates it when people act as though they are better than others. She’s also not so keen on people being overly messy and expects her to clean up after them.
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
She would start drawing out plans and blueprints for her next project probably
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
She’s not extremely organized, nor is she extremely disorganized. She’s somewhere in between. And it doesn’t really affect a lot of her everyday life. She’ll occasionally misplace a few tools here and there (maybe accidentally putting her drink and oil can next to each other), but other than that, she’s managed to get by well enough.
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
She’s really good at engineering! She’s also great at physics but she prefers engineering a lot more. And funny enough, she’s sorta okay with computer science. But don’t tell anyone that!
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
Making lots of neat inventions, fixing a bunch of broken things and restoring them to their glory - or better.
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
If her whole business with inventing and restoring falls through the roof, she doesn’t mind working at a garage as a mechanic! It wouldn’t be something that she’d LOVE, but she does enjoy it to a degree!
What is their biggest regret?
She doesn’t have one at the moment!
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
She definitely seeks Parsley and Rose-Mary as her best friends. They’re her older siblings of course, but she loves how she can rely on them from time to time!
And if we’re bringing in other fankids into the mix, Tifa DEFINITELY sees @kataang36 / @pkmngame-fankids ‘ Hannah and @sydchan / @pkmnomegaverse‘s Colleen as her best friends!
Tifa currently doesn’t see or really HAS a worst enemy so to speak
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
She’d just stare, gather her belongings if possible, and just walk up to someone to ask for help. She’d be pretty calm in the situation.
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
Oh she’d be MORTIFIED! She hates thinking about the concept of death, so if one of her family members suddenly dies, she’d be cooped up in her room! She’ll definitely go through those how-many-number-idk stages of grief for sure.
Most prized possession?
Her pink ribbon that she wears in her hair! 
Thoughts on material possessions in general?
She appreciates them, a lot. She would be heavily heartbroken if she loses her belongings or even her tools she uses to work. But she knows that she can buy a new set of tools. Not unless they were limited editions or things that possessed sentimental values. Then that’s a WHOLE different story.
If the things she owned had sentimental value, she would just be crushed if something happened to it. Crushed.
Concept of home and family?
Home is where you feel comfortable and the most yourself. Family are people you surround yourself with.
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
She’s a pretty private person when it comes to the more intimate details. She’s shy and doesn’t really want to overshare things with people. But once you really get to know her, she’ll pour her heart out and would not be too scared to throw in some TMI things here and there!
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
Tifa enjoys knitting but she finds it a bit too much - especially since she would rather use her hands to make or fix things. But she knows that knitting is really good for dexterity so she can’t really complain.
What makes them feel guilty?
Realizing that she’s wrong in an argument, or accidentally endangering someone from one of her inventions.
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
It honestly depends on the situation! If it relates to her work, or if she’s being a mediator in something, she’d take the analytical route. If it personally affects her, she’d take the emotional route!
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
Probably Type B
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Music, MMA, and lemon meringue pie!
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
Neither! She’s modest in her abilities and she believes that everyone is great at something! Whether it’s one or two things!
How misanthropic are they?
Not very to be honest haha
Inventing, restoring/fixing, MMA, fixing cars
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
She got pretty far in formal education, but wishes to advance more! She thinks formal and self-education are both valid forms of education! When she was younger, she had to self-teach herself a few things (with help from Clemont and some of his engineering books as well!)
Superstitions or views on the occult?
Oh she’s pretty superstitious and thinks occult/witchcraft is pretty real. She wouldn’t mess with it though, especially since she knows nothing about it. But even if she DID, she would still not mess with it. It’s not her place to tangle herself up with something that could make or break.
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
She does it by words! She’ll tell you over and over again how much she appreciates you, or how much you need to back the fuck off.
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
Appearance wise, she leans more towards people with dark hair. For guys, she’d prefer if they were taller than her, but she’s fine if they were shorter. For girls, she’s okay with either. Best if the person takes care of themselves hygiene wise.
Personality wise, someone who’s fun, adventerous, and not afraid of the unknown! Someone who appreciates the bigger picture in life, and someone who can stand up for themselves.
How do they express love?
She’d be shy at first, but once she warms up, she’ll smile a lot when she’s around the people that she loves (platonically, romantically or familial, it’s all the same). She’ll also give them hugs!
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
Well, I mean, she does MMA and kickboxing so… Lol.
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
Yes. She’s afraid of death and what it brings to people around them. She hates the thought and concept of death and dying.
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