#they love astrology too much
stinkypeanutbutter · 2 months
I’d like to headcanon that some of the squad have shared playlists , and one giant one for them all . They check out each others Spotify or Amazon or YouTube idk what they use anyway they check it out and if it pairs similar to their own , they join together and create one to play when they are chilling or showing to the others . The BIG one is them all together , meaning lots and lots and lots of bickering over what song gets put in and what doesn’t . Usually , it’s just Aiden complaining about the songs he can’t add ( VERY mixed style , some songs are a little too goofy . But don’t worry , he’ll add them on when no one’s looking )
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duckzz · 1 year
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sunshine designs!! ☀️
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
Hello! I'd like to request "There's an 80% chance of this working out" from List 5 with Mahiru and Mikoto! Horoscope Girl and Tarot Boy...what will they do...
Ooh this one was so fun, thank you!! It was really neat learning about tarot :0 (It'll take a bit longer, but I got carried away with the idea and also started writing something of Mikoto doing a reading for Fuuta hehe). It always makes me sad that Mahiru doesn’t trust Mikoto at first, so it was really fun to picture them bonding over things like this during T1! I never thought of them having that in common and my mind has been opened to this duo asdfsdfds
“Alright, I’m going to need you to manifest your energy as hard as you can.”
Mahiru squeezed her eyes shut. Her face scrunched up in concentration. She let out a little hum of effort as she poured all her emotions into the card deck under her fingertips.
“Uh… maybe not that hard, Mappi.”
She looked up with a giggle. “Right, right! I’m just so curious!” Well, she was curious about how a tarot reading itself would go, not about what it would tell her. Mahiru was fairly confident of her upcoming verdict, and the cards would only confirm it. So far only one prisoner had been named guilty, and everyone could see he was just a bully. Mahiru was nothing like him. She would be forgiven. She just knew it. 
Mikoto started shuffling the cards. “Are you ready?”
“Oh, yes!”
To be honest, she’d had her suspicions about Mikoto for a while. His smile was too perfect at all hours of the day. (Even someone as cheery as her knew a smile like that couldn’t be consistently real.) She’d seen enough cheaters who chatted as easily as he could with everyone here. His nicknaming habit was a cute one, but she was keeping her eye on how informally he acted with little basis for friendship. She knew for sure he was a dangerous flirt when he’d grabbed her palm to read her fortune, launching into talk of life and love lines. However, none of that meant he was lying about his tarot expertise -- so who was she to refuse his offer to read her cards?
Her eyes glimmered as she watched Mikoto lay out three cards before her. Though he used the same theatrics he had for the others, she was just as entranced. It was just so magical, she thought.
Mikoto circled his palms over the cards. “We’re going to begin by looking at the past and present to get a bit of perspective before we move on to what your future will hold, alright?” He’d already explained that the cards couldn’t read one’s future as much as they offered self-awareness. He said it was all about being in tune with oneself, and the world. She was sure someone like him was already perfectly aligned within himself, but she could admit her heart carried her away at times…
Mahiru held her breath as he flipped the first card. She studied his face for any trace of negativity. Seeing her worry, he slipped back into his usual smile. “For the past, we have the Reversed Page of Cups,” he said. “This suit deals with emotions and intuition.”
Mahiru nodded, excited at the accuracy. Her past certainly had its share of intense feelings. 
“This card in particular may mean emotional insecurity, or immaturity. It could also point to an avoidance of reality, something that’s not being faced head-on.”
She nodded, with a little less excitement this time.
“It also represents a specific person who influences you.” His face lit up, recalling Mahiru’s favorite topic. “Pages can represent a companion! Is there a romantic someone in your life who may have been causing some emotional insecurity?”
Picking up on the way her face paled, he said quickly, “or maybe not! They could be a messenger, or a childlike figure, or…” He reached for the next card. “Moving on, uh, to the present. Ah! This is a really good sign.”
She perked up.
“Here’s Justice. It’s fairly self-explanatory, representing the consequences that follow your actions. It’s about cause and effect, and accountability. It means things are happening according to karma, which is natural.”
He turned over the last card. “And finally, when looking to the future, we’ve got the Two of Swords. Swords deal with the mind -- conflict and communication. That’s… interesting.”
Mahiru’s eyes grew round. “What’s interesting?” She slid the card closer to herself, studying the picture. A blindfolded woman with two swords. There was water, and the moon. Was that bad? Was the woman unhappy? She was all alone. What did that mean?
“Don’t worry,” Mikoto soothed. “It just means you’ll make a big choice. Well, actually, it means you’ll get stuck, so you need to make a choice. I just thought it was funny, we’re here wondering about Es’ decision, but it turns out you’re the one who needs to make a decision.”
“Ah,” she breathed a sigh of relief.
“Now we can look at the big picture. It seems like some of your past problems may have come from emotional issues, so you’ll want to keep an eye on your emotions going forward.” Mahiru shifted. “The fact that we pulled Justice should reassure you about being here. I’ve heard some of the others complain that they don’t belong here, or it’s all a mistake, but this card is showing you that it’s just cause and effect. The events of your life are running their natural course.”
It was true, even she had been unhappy that her actions were being labeled that of a murderer. After all, those were an entirely different breed of people, right? Someone like Fuuta, who was guilty. People like her and Mikoto could never raise a hand to another. It was good to know, then, that this was all meant to be.
“And going forward, you’re gonna want to make sure you’re being decisive. Face your problems head-on, and communicate. If you can do that, things will be alright.” He folded his hands on the table, finished his reading. 
Mahiru thought for a moment. A smile crept onto her face, growing larger and brighter by the second. She clasped her hands together. “That’s wonderful! Thank you so much for doing this. It’s told me everything I need to know.”
“Yeah?” He picked the cards up, shuffling them back into the deck. She pulled a slip of paper from her pocket, pointing to some lines scribbled down.
“Yes. I’ve been jotting down some birthdays, see? I’ve had to make a few guesses until I get more information, but if Es is either a Scorpio or a Virgo… as a Capricorn myself… we’re very compatible, look! Capricorns have excellent communication with both of those signs, and you said that’s what I’ll need to get through this tough decision.” She turned the paper over to reveal more notes. “On top of that, my extraction is scheduled right before my birthday, during Capricorn’s governing period. At that time, things will be aligned more in my favor.”
Mikoto’s eyebrows raised at her notes, impressed. “Wow! You have this all worked out, huh? If that’s the case, you seem very prepared to have a successful interrogation.”
She steepled her fingers. “I’d say there’s an 80% chance of this working out!”
He returned her beaming smile. Things would be perfect. Nothing to worry about.
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we-are-inevitable · 1 year
jack is the one who believes in zodiac signs and astrology. davey is the one who thinks it’s complete bullshit.
but davey is also the one who searches up taurus and cancer zodiac compatibility when he’s first developing his crush on jack, just on the off chance that the stars really do have something to do with his love life. and davey is also the one who is so much of a realist that he thinks jack’s ramblings about star, moon, and sun signs are stupid, but god if he doesn’t love listening. and davey is the one to secretly look through the astrology memes that jack posts to his instagram story, just to learn more insight on how jack sees himself, based on which memes he relates to.
and davey doesn’t believe in astrology. he doesn’t think that the stars can dictate who he loves, how he loves, what he loves- he doesn’t think that his life can be tied to something as lofty as space and birth.
but listening to jack ramble on about it, and realizing that jack believes in this because it helps him make sense out of the world- helps him make sense out of himself- makes davey realize that maybe he can make an exception to the belief.
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naranjapetrificada · 10 months
Consider this your opportunity to be an Astrology Bitch and go off about Leo Stede!
(signed, a Virgo sun, Cancer moon, Capricorn rising who simultaneously is and is not an Astrology Bitch, more of a Tarot Bitch tbh)
Okay! You asked for it lol.
I should start by saying that I'm an August Leo sun. Stede is a July Leo, as confirmed by the show:
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July Leos are...different somehow? It's not a bad thing and it's not their fault, and if anybody else comes for them we August Leo's will throw down for our siblings, but there's something about the vibes! Maybe it's the Cancer proximity, idk. If anything my anecdata suggests that they're more well adjusted than the rest of us. 🦁❤️🦁
Anyway, I immediately sat up and noticed when they cut to the gravestones because it's second nature for me as an Astrology Gay. Obviously I didn't know Stede at the time and I don't actually know what went down as the character was developed, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if I learned that at least one person in the writers room was a fellow Astrology Gay.
So I completely forgot about his birthdate because a) ADHD and b) swooniest romance I'd ever seen, but I started thinking about it again when I showed up like a year late to the fandom and saw people talk about whether they were Ed coded or Stede coded. I am heavily, heavily Stede coded for neurodivergent reasons, but he also exhibits certain Very Leo traits that I recognized immediately.
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Leo stereotypes:
Let's get the stereotypes out of the way because while they do apply sometimes (especially for Stede), there's no need to rehash them in detail.
Leadership, which he struggles with at first but a) takes up the mantle of it anyway and b) improves enough that by the end of the season the crew that wanted to mutiny saves his life.
Good hair. Nuff said.
The man has an auxiliary wardrobe for fucks sake.
His "theatrical instincts are finely honed" and while Izzy says it to encourage the fuckery, it's not a lie.
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The Revenge
If an 18th century Leo was going to custom build a pirate ship and money was no object, they would 1000% build the Revenge. I could see arguing that a Taurus might build something similar, but honestly I'm not sure a Taurus would become a pirate by choice. Maybe a Taurus might build like, a pleasure yacht or something. A Libra might build a ship that's as good-looking as the Revenge but sharing expensive tastes isn't enough to convince me either. Stede's money allowed him to build and decorate luxuriously, but plenty of rich people used to comfort didn't have ships like the Revenge. As Nigel says during his tour, it's just so incredibly him.
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Now for some feelings stuff:
Leos love it when other people are happy, and when we can be involved in fostering that at all for people we care about we are ON IT. Stede wants to create space for others to get what they need to make that happen. Literally in the first episode he talks about the Revenge as somewhere for his crew to work on their trauma and communicate their feelings.
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The above is also an extension of Stede's instinctive generosity. Canon doesn't tell us where Ed got his clothes for the French boat party in episode 5, but given that Stede has an auxiliary wardrobe (which he shared with Ed almost immediately) the most likely scenario seems like he loaned (or maybe even gave!) it to Ed. Another possibility is that it was on the ship where Frenchie found his and Oluwande's outfits, but the purple jacket in particular seems very extra in a way that says "Stede" to me.
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Speaking of episode 5, let's talk about the party game. Obviously the main takeaway is that Stede has enough of a handle on passive aggression to make the French assholes tear each other apart, but it's not just the passive aggression, it's in the delivery. With sufficient motivation (Ed's hurt feelings, if not his own) we see Stede command the room with confidence. He chooses his targets well. He knows just what to say to get them to agree to play the game at all. The fire wasn't part of the original plan but it shows just how powerful those hard-won skills are when he wants to apply them. (This doesn't feel like it merits its own bullet point but Leos are protective, ride-or-die friends, something else we see in this episode.)
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Stede's love language, imo, is quality time. There are arguments for others (there's also a really good meta about his love language causing miscommunication with our touchy-feely boy Ed, if I can find the link I'll edit) but quality time seems the most appropriate to me. Another part of the whole generosity of spirit thing is that he seems to enjoy what a friend of mine called "engineering experiences" for people i.e. crafting activities and jam sessions for the crew. The most obvious of these is the treasure hunt for Ed, which of course comes out of his fear of Ed leaving, but it's also a way for them to spend time together. I'm not at all surprised that a lonely, bullied kid would grow up to value quality time.
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I would also extend this to the clearly routine (but still extravagant) breakfast for two that we see Calico Jack crashing in episode 8. Not to mention the first breakfast he and Ed ever share up on the maintop in episode 4. It's not fancy, but he wakes Ed up to share in that moment because he's enjoying the sunrise and the marmalade, and I can't think of anything more Leo than enjoying something then immediately wanting to share it because someone else might enjoy it too.
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Stede's not perfect of course, despite all those seemingly positive things I just said. In the way of some Leos he is frequently thoughtless, up to and including when he didn't make to the dock. I can't speak for every Leo but I have definitely accidentally flirted with/been read as flirting with people before, whether I was attracted to them or not. And yeah his quarters are nice but he could have used some of that space for more crew quarters, right? And how could a Leo possibly misread "what makes Ed happy is you" as badly as he did?
Well I may be an Astrology Binch but I mostly like it (and anything else that puts personalities into discrete groups) as an analysis tool. It's just a fun lens to examine behaviors through, IRL and with fictional characters. Also, the show is clearly trying to examine things like trauma and self-loathing in ways that are gonna inform character behavior way more than a hypothetical astrology enthusiast in the (admittedly pretty queer) writers room. But the vibes? The vibes are so there.
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do you know what fascinates me? people who can guess other people’s star signs.
i’m not really an astrology girly, in all honesty I don’t really know anything about it all. but the fact that people can guess star signs?? that’s the coolest thing ever
if any of you here are into astrology… can you guess my star sign??
anyone who gets it right will receive a big kiss on the mouth from me 😌 <3
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insert-neologism · 4 months
spiracle by flower face
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eyelessdraws · 4 months
Being a cardinal sign I am always too ambitious and over complicate things for myself in the name of Progress. I spent all evening agonizing over how my figure drawing and fundemental skills have slipped, and I'm not comfortable with traditional art anymore bc of how often I've been doing digital art, etc etc. Like. My guy...just draw bunnies. It makes you happy. It makes other people happy. It's both easy and fun. You're good at it. BUT NOOO my cancer sun is like you have to CHALLENGE YOURSELF, GOKU!!!!!!!!! like omg fuck cardinal water
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bluupxels · 11 months
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she got a fear of being cheated on 😭
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astrolaurical · 1 year
Hi dear i wanted to ask alot of predictors are saying taehyung is on twinflame journey with his spouse and he's getting aware of this connection can you tell us about it? thank you dear 💖
I’ve answered stuff about Tae before. Looking at his chart, he is more on the new soul side because most of his planets are in his 1st and 2nd house. That means he thinks primarily about pleasing others. 1st is all about how you present to the world and how others perceive you, 2nd is how your assets present you to the world i.e. flaunting designer goods/house/car to others. You know those type of people, everybody had met one. Like these type of people:
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This was actually a good refresher since I don’t have his chart memorized and only remember certain things like what I mentioned above and that he is a fellow Aquarius Venus 🤘. BUT HOLY MOLY when I looked at his chart and saw his second house. Tae has what is called a Bowl Chart, meaning that all of his planets are in exactly one half of his chart, leaving the other half empty. This leaves the chart owner feeling incomplete. With that huge stellium in his 2nd house, he will then try to fill that void in himself by seeking or displaying characteristics of the planets in his 2nd house. These would be things like:
CapricornJuno 2nd house: craves traditional marriage. His ideal partner must be compatible in all ways (financial, psychological, material, comfort and humor, sexual)
Capricorn Mars 2nd house: earns money through hard work and is protective of what he has because of it. Hard worker in business and relationships. Never rushes into relationships.
Capricorn Neptune in 2nd House: Concerningly conservative. Will always follow leadership and doesn’t question it. Appreciates nice aesthetics.
Capricorn Uranus in 2nd House: He draws attention whether he means to or not. He stands out from the rest. He earns his money outside of the norm. He is level headed, resilient, and free spirited.
Aquarius Venus in 2nd House: appreciates aesthetic. While he craves a traditional marriage, he is comfortable being alone and not getting married because of how unique he is and how others tend to not understand his true self under his eccentricity.
Well, since I just gave a mini breakdown of his chart, I might as well do his full chart in detail. I had drafts of all of the BTS members astrological aspects written down but that’s as far as I’ve gotten because that’s a lot of work to do in my FREE time. I will decide on my own time if I want to continue with my drafts or not.
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Twins only meet ON THEIR LAST LIFETIME when all of their karmic debt has been paid off and they can then pay off the remaining bits of it in this lifetime. TF don’t want children because they subconsciously know it’s their last lifetime. Tae gushes on and on about how he wants to be a dad. I do believe he has found his soulmate and future spouse though, and if you believe in who he is dating right now I think it’s her!! Their charts align really well! 💞💘
And if I have any deniers or haters, let me just post this reminder when Tae even told y’all to go touch some grass and then took all these pics with his hot gf.
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everyday I miss miitomo .. aaa
#these screenshots are not even good or the most interesting/funny/cool ones from back then#they just so happen to be ones I found in a folder so am thinking about them solely for the memory of it all#WORST thing is I never even had friends (still don't have friends really that have many similar interests to me lol..epic hermit moment) who#played or were willing to do I didn't really use the social aspects much. if there were any?? maybe I'm just making up a better game in my#head lol.. I thought maybe you could visit your friends apartments at some point or something? I know you could have multiple mii characters#and put them in their own apartments too.#I could also be mixing it in my mind with tomodachi life. which is a superior game. but also I think mostly I just loved the dress up and#photo creation aspects of this. That you could spend like 30 minutes putting your little avatar person in different lttle poses with differe#nt backgrounds and import your own custom background and etc. etc. And the community questions & answers section was always ridiculous#WHY is it that all actually good and cool things end up shutting down and nobody cares about them but then some tv shows/games/etc. can keep#going for like 808989598590 years when they are actually very bad and stinky and pointless#I know probably something somehting profit motive. if something sucks but is hyped blindly and sells then that's all that matters.#things that are cool and innocative but have a small audience get poo poo pee pee Not Good Enough For Shareholders whatever#>:(#This is why I don't play apps or online games /anything live service or that is dependent on external things to function#Like every once in a while I do but for the most part if something is not it's own self contained experience then I dont care to even get#invested in the first place because it could just randomly be taken away from you at any time without warning or etc.#Also just charmed by anything that incorporates personality tests into part of the structure of an app even in a minor.comepletely trivial w#ay due to my preexisting obsession with anything in the realm of that topic (enneagram. mbti. etc. even astrology. just any way humans categ#orzie and analyze themselves. NOT because I think they're all scientifically valid methods and swear by them in practuce but like. the theor#y of it. I love personaliy testing from like.. a cultural perspective? like the fact that humans make this stuff up at all. and how they use#it and conceptualize it and apply it to their lives. the different frameworks within which the same traits can be categorized in different w#ays. one person looks at X trait and says its bc theyre a virgo. another explains the same exact trait by saying it's bc theyre an infj. etc#I mean some of them I do find actually personally fun to get into themselves (enneagram mostly) but mostly I just like the.. analysis#tfw you're such an analytical person you like to spend time analyzing analysis. Thinking abt the ways people think about thinking abt things#Actually Ive talked before about how I don't relate to/care about/get emotionally attached to media/dont exhibit Fan Behviors or join fandom#s or etc. BUT that is actually the one vaguely media related thing I WILL do. after watching something I like going to places like that#'personality database' site which is the public voting on character's personality types. and I do enjoy going to read the comments. not bec#ause I care about the character themselves. but I love seeing the paragraph long debates about like.. why Whoever is actually an intp NOT an#intj . or like 'OBVIOUSLY theyre 3w4 so/sp ILI are you FUCKING BLIND??!'. essays breaking down every cognitive function they ehibit and why
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maiteo · 5 months
Hey maia, you hold the universe's knowledge in your head soo what's the consensus on cancer men?🤭
stop itttt you flatter me🥰 mamas im about to start rambling, i got a lot on my mind
good god I wouldn’t even know where to begin when it comes to those mfs… (I’ll put my bias aside & answer neutrally…but a good 50% of my trauma comes from cancers so🧍🏽‍♀️ absjsks)
first thing that comes to mind is how slutty they are like…it’s truly ridiculous how no matter the situation, time or place they will find the opportunity to whore out! and they need everyone to see them do it! they are also silly n goofy & yk we love that!
I will say a lot of them have this…prince charming type aura to them…or at least that’s how they present themselves. the types to seem really cool & collected, romantic, gentlemanly.. wannabe savior at times. absurdly dramatic too like anything, no matter what it is, can be turned into some big charade or blown out of proportion.
by far thee most emotional ones out of the whole zodiac & i have enough experience to prove that!! scream idk how to explain it but i feel like they’re always looking for a mom or a maternal like figure for themselves that can provide for them
I could go on and on I fear. they may not be for ME! but…I can’t speak for everyone. you may have a lovely experience with one of those demons who knows🖤 but you have to watch out👁️
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moontrinemars · 2 years
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Looking at my D20 (chart of religion) is one of my favorite things! Take my mad scribbles for a good example of how natal asteroids and vedic divisionals can be used together to find your godly blessings ♡♡♡♡♡♡
There's also the fact that the moon is taken out of her comfort zone in the 4th and placed in the 11th...
... which is both the 8th house from the 4th, but also a house of fame and leadership and society...
... just as Persephone was ripped from her mother to the underworld to become a queen, in the most famous myth she was ever a part of ♡
And obviously the 5th house is 5th from the 1st, but it's also 4th from the 2nd and 11th from the 7th...
... indicating Apollo providing a home and a community in my own being ♡
The 3rd is also 8th from 8th, creating another double for my Aphrodite object conjunction...
... the 3rd is also 2nd from Venus-ruled 2nd and 9th from Venus-ruled 7th...
... and finally Saturn+Mars conjunction in the 3rd puts them in the 11th from my Venus+Jupiter conjunction in the 5th, further indicating a dream/blessing ♡
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slut4poets · 1 year
I know you still see me, but you don’t understand
I don’t think you ever really did
To you I was just a pretty face with high grades
Who liked astrology and gave you validation
The attention you craved
Digging up a hole in myself just to get you gold
A true gold digger you were
But you didn’t steal, it was my fault
I gave too much
Once again
The story repeats itself over and over,
until it ends
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Libras are very concerned with material things.
Libras are indecisive.
Libras care most about their outward appearance.
Libras are obsessed with being in relationships because they hate being alone.
Libras enjoy people pleasing.
Libras hate confrontation.
Libras are terrible at commitment.
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