#income system binary
kristikinzel12 · 7 months
Super Charge with The Power of Binary System on Blockchain (AXM)
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As days pass by many investors and enthusiasts are taking an interest in the topic of blockchain, and its concept and trying to implement major formulated use cases to advocate in real life. While incorporating blockchain technology, experts and developers seem to leverage the power of the binary system to make possibilities become realities. As we all are aware the term ‘Blockchain’ refers to a type of ledger technology helping, storing, and recording abundant data sets in a decentralized and immutable manner.
Blockchain technology can be used for several applications to create or transfer value, issue, or tackle assets, and record countless transactions/events, along with advancement in smart contracts. Once you get to know the concept of blockchain, the core facet shows that it uses cryptography in order to safeguard and validate the data. Henceforth, cryptography is defined as the science of encoding/decoding information or data sets using mathematical techniques.
After digging into the common forms of cryptography you will find binary system is one among them which is termed as a system to represent information or data sets using only two initial symbols: 0 & 1. Considering the name ‘Binary system’, we all know about the basis of computer logic and programming which counts this term as the core knowledge of those who entered the virtual era.
Blockchain And Binary System
The concept of the terminology ‘Blockchain’ and ‘binary system’ are closely related and uses mathematical algorithms in order to process, maintain, and store data sets or sorts of information. One instance can be considered as a blockchain using hash functions that are the same as mathematical functions used to map any input to a fixed-length output. The process is called a hash or a digest.
Hash functions seem as a one-way which makes it easy to compute the output from the input, however complex to find the input from the output. Hence, experts use these hash functions to develop digital signatures and unique identifiers that are used to prove the authenticity and integrity of any kind of message/transaction. To chain blocks together you can use hash functions by including the hash address of the previous block in the current block. Therefore, it will place a chronological and tamper-proof record of information.
The second example can be considered as the way blockchain operates binary system is proof of work [consensus protocol] which is used to determine how new blocks get added to the blockchain. PoW needs a set of nodes/participants of the network in order to solve and sort a mathematical puzzle. Such a process includes finding a hash that suits a certain criterion.
Likewise, the complexity of the puzzle is periodically adjusted based on the computing power of the network and the expected block time. The first node that successfully solves the puzzle enters the game to add the new block to the blockchain and gets a particular reward. PoW will make sure that the blockchain is safe and resistant to hacks while using a lot of computational resources and a modification timeline for the data to create a longer chain.
Henceforth, blockchain and binary systems are powerful concepts that are essential in the innovation and transformation of countless domains and industries as they offer transparency, efficiency, reliability, security, and trust to the users along with stakeholders involved in the process. Here are a few benefits of implementing the binary system on blockchain technology:
It allows the development, creation, and transfer of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. Such assets utilize the binary system to represent the units of value/transactions by incorporating cryptography for validity and privacy purposes.
It enables the deployment and execution of smart contracts that seem self-enforcing agreements to be encoded and imposed on a blockchain. Further, smart contracts implement a binary system to render the logic & conditions of the contracts by implementing cryptography for verification and execution purposes.
It supports the establishment and operation of decentralized applications that run on a distributed network of collective nodes instead of a centralized server. Henceforth, such decentralized applications incorporate binary systems to picture the data and app functionality by using cryptography to safeguard and communicate with the network.
It encourages the provision and access of DeFi where sort of financial services are introduced and operated on a blockchain including lending, borrowing, investing, trading, etc. Henceforth, decentralized finance implements a binary system to render the assets and transactions while using cryptography to perform peer-to-peer and trust-less interactions.
Hence, we can many more use cases where blockchain technology and binary systems in industry initiate new opportunities and challenges for the people and society working within the economy. Here are some existing potential applications of blockchain and binary systems:
AXMachine- The Next-generation Crypto Project with scheduled minting and $AXM earning!
This platform is the world’s first Binary Machine on Blockchain that positively integrates the solutions with community learning in order to educate users about the AXMachine Blockchain Network. The team has also arranged options for you to make a choice from three crypto-mining virtual machines appearing different in power levels that will enable you to mine cryptocurrency smoothly picking on your preferences. In fact, all the machines give the same power returns however, each has limited user access.
25 million AXM tokens — At the power of the AXMachine ecosystem.
1 Program — Passive earning with a binary, pool, and royalty.
6 Products- Exchange, Blockchain, Wallet, Payments, Dex, DeFi.
1. AXChain [The Blockchain]: This is a public blockchain platform quite fast, safe, cheap, and scalable. Being an open-source platform, any sort of developer can build or initiate smart contracts and DeFi apps.
2. AXM Scan [The Explorer]: You can track and monitor every transaction and issuance performed on AXChain. It is designed with portfolio trackers and performance charts as well.
3. AX Machines Chain Labs: This is a smart contract development platform specifically for developers available with built-in tools and libraries.
4. AXM Coin: This is a native currency operating on the AXChain Network designed with multiple use cases to maintain the growing trade value.
5. AxTrade: This is a comprehensive crypto trading platform introduced with user-friendly access, additional super security, and advanced trading reports.
6. AXWallet: This is the all-in-one digital wallet to access all your assets on the AXChain network which is supported by other networks as well to be added soon.
7. Quantum Oasis [QOasis]: Using this platform you can explore the future of Metaverse where the Land NFTs and web3 infrastructure get you through the virtual reality. Hence, now is your time to unlock a new dimension of possibilities.
Binary System at AXMachine and AXMint
AXMint is an active earning program deployed on the AXMachine platform to allow you to operate the minting bots on a blockchain server, hence earning the bulk of AXM Tokens daily. This platform and program are loaded with extra income boosters including referrals, leadership, and binary incentive rewards.
· Binary Matching — 8% (Hence, earn 8% Binary matching bonus)
· 1 Left 1 Right active direct available for binary eligibility
Binary Income Description
The term “Binary income” defines a compensation structure that is implemented in several direct sales, network marketing, or multi-level marketing (MLM) programs. Such a compensation plan is referred to as a binary compensation plan. Here is a complete portrayal of the functioning of a binary income!
1. Binary Compensation Plan
It is a structure that is implemented by major MLM companies in order to reward distributors or affiliates for managed sales and recruiting efforts.
2. Two-Leg Structure
In a binary compensation plan, every single distributor is motivated to recruit and raise two “legs” or “teams” of distributors below them. The acquired two legs are usually cited as the “left leg” and the “right leg.”
3. Placement and Organization
Distributors are in charge of placing new recruits/distributors into one of the two legs. The decision of which leg to place a recruit might be strategic depending on factors like existing team dynamics or sales volume or say external criteria settled by the MLM firm.
4. Commissions and Binary Points
Commissions or binary points are earned depending on the sales volume or any recruitment activity in each leg. The MLM firm tends to calculate such points regularly, periodically on a weekly or monthly basis. However, in some binary plans, we will see the commissions are paid varying on the “weaker leg” defined as the lower sales volume or recruitment activity.
5. Matching Bonuses
The majority of the binary compensation plans provide matching bonuses to reward the distributors in order to assist their recruits in succeeding. In case of a person, you have individually recruited earns a commission, then you might also get a matching bonus depending on a percentage of the earnings.
6. Balancing the Legs
Maintaining the balance between the two legs seems to be one of the challenges in binary income systems, hence, some binary plans come with a rule/mechanism in action to encourage distributors to build up both legs equally.
7. Income Potential
In a binary compensation plan, this factor might vary widely based on the specific plan, the MLM firm, and the ability of the distributor to recruit or sell products/services. Success in binary income systems usually needs a combination of recruitment skills, leadership, along effective sales techniques.
8. Considerations
Before joining any MLM program available with a binary income structure, it is important to thoroughly research the organization, the products/services they offer, and most crucially the compensation plan.
Earn a Leadership Badge at AXMint
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Incentive Income
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* To be eligible for incentive reward, you must have 2 directs with the same packages
* Higher achievements will be applicable for the reward
Terms and Conditions for eligibility
1. Make sure you use one email ID and one mobile number or one node only
2. 24*7 Withdrawal with minimum $10 and maximum $2500
3. Minting income is directly termed to be credited daily to the address
4. The upgrade can be performed with a 100% USD wallet or 50% USD wallet + (50% All income wallet/50% worth AXM tokens)
Website: https://www.axmint.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AxmintDefi
Telegram: https://t.me/AxMintChat
Medium: https://medium.com/@Axmintdefi/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Axmint
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Things we have now:
free access to health care (including abortion)
a trustworthy organ donation system
free access to higher education
same gender marriage (+adoption)
a trustworthy adoption system
recognition of trans identities (including non binary)
a bunch of social welfare plans for lower income people
cheap transport
a trustworthy electoral system
people who committed crimes against humanity during the last dictatorship judged and in prison
our own currency
the bearing of arms is heavily regulated
we're not at war
and, of course what made the libertarians win
140% inflation (october '22 to october '23)
I'll schedule a repost to see how many of these we'll have in four years. maybe only the last one will be gone.
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gatheringbones · 2 months
[“Law enforcement officers arrest victims of violence to compel their participation in prosecution because they assume that prosecution is beneficial to victims and society. Arresting victims is acceptable when victims disagree with that assessment. Police officers justify arresting victims of intimate partner violence along with their partners because they believe that arrests make victims more likely to assist in prosecution. Similarly, police arrest people who are sold for sex to determine their value as witnesses and “persuade” them to testify. As law professor Sabrina Balgamwalla has written: “Detention, interrogation, and the possibility of pressing charges all serve to compel testimony.” Or, as one law enforcement officer explained: “They did [provide information] after they got arrested when we were like, ‘Do you want to be a witness, or do you want to be a suspect? Decide.’ . . . And they became cooperative witnesses. Which is what we wanted.”
Finally, police arrest victims because they do not see the people they arrest as victims—they see them as perpetrators. Victimization, gender studies professor Julietta Hua has observed, must be legible to state actors before victims are deemed worthy of belief and protection. Like others in the legal system, law enforcement officers have a binary view of the world: there are victims and there are offenders. Officers are conditioned to look for “true,” “deserving,” or “innocent” victims (the only people worthy of assistance) and rely on stereotypes to make judgments about victimization. To be seen as a victim, a person must conform to those stereotypes. For women, that means presenting in a manner consistent with feminine norms, being helpless and passive, afraid rather than angry, and cooperative with police. The further women stray from these norms, the less credibility they have, and the more likely they are to be arrested.
Victimization is also determined by identity. Again, the further a person is from hegemonic norms centered around race, gender identity, and social class, the less likely they are to have their victimization acknowledged. Women and TGNC people of color are seen as violent, angry, and threatening. When they use violence, that violence is characterized as aggressive rather than defensive. Law enforcement officers use the physical appearances of trans women to justify suspicions about their claims of victimization, questioning why someone they perceive as male wouldn’t be able to defend themself. The operation of these norms makes victims of color, low-income victims, and TGNC victims disproportionately likely to be arrested.
Victims of intimate partner violence are arrested when they affirmatively use force, when they defensively use force, when their partners persuade police that the victim is the aggressor, and when police are unable to determine what has occurred. Laws and policies designed to protect them have increased arrests of victims. The mandatory arrest laws enacted in many jurisdictions have created the same problems for adult victims as they have for young people. When first adopted, feminist scholars cautioned that mandatory arrest policies might increase arrest rates for women. They were correct.
As chapter 1 notes, arrest rates increased across the board after jurisdictions adopted such policies, but for women (and more specifically, Black women), more than any other group, without evidence that women had suddenly become more violent. In fact, as criminologist Susan Miller has found, no one in the criminal system believed that women had suddenly become more violent. Instead, they attributed the increases in women’s arrest rates to mandatory arrest policies and the training for law enforcement tasked with implementing these policies, which stressed the importance of making arrests rather than using discretion.
The reasons women are arrested vary: because police repeatedly respond to their homes when they fail to leave violent relationships; because they damage property in response to being assaulted; because they are “overly emotional” when they talk to police and are therefore considered not credible; because their partners call police first; and because officers don’t know the history of the relationship and therefore lack context for understanding the immediate incident. What is clear, though, is the importance of unambiguously asserting one’s status as a victim, staking a claim of victimization, to avoid arrest.”]
leigh goodmark, from imperfect victims: criminalized survivors and the promises of abolition feminism, 2023
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victoriadallonfan · 6 months
Hi, since I haven't seen anyone mention this on reddit or tumblr, I'd just like to say, as someone whose first language isn't english, Worm's cape names are fucking weird. Are all of them words? Who knows, i read Worm and Ward without knowing Eidolon and Brandish are real words and not made up words. Or they are words i know but idk wich meaning is? Is March like the month or like the organized walking verb? So do all cape names mean something, and say something about the one who chose them? I refuse to google them at this point, but Anelace? Cinereal? Myrrdin? Couldn't they pick more known 2 word combinations? Do parahumans get a discount on thesaurus? Thats all I wanted to say, thanks. PS. Wildbow, the fuck you doing using Califa de Perro as a name, couldn't you ask any Spanish speaker?, i'll kill you.
Eidolon = spectre, phantom, and idolized object/person
Brandish = to flourish and wave about an item, usually a weapon. Also an epitaph for Athena
March = to move in a uniform manner and derivative of the roman god of war, Mars
Anelace = double-sided dagger used by civilians
Cinereal = grey matter of the brain and nervous system
Myrrdin = Too many to count but generally tied to Myrddin Wylt, prophetic folklore bard and a facet of Merlin (genuinely more work than I can ever give on the topic of how insanely intertwined those myths are)
The thing about Wildbow's cape names are two-fold:
In the 80+ years of superhero genre, a LOT of cape names have been chosen and used already. Taylor mentions this to Armsmaster as a meta-joke in the first arc (ironically, DC also has a Skitter, who debuted in 2011.... the same year as Worm), so he has to be creative and sometimes creativity is simplicity.
He loves giving character names multiple meanings.
To go down the list:
Eidolon's name is ironic, because he notably not idolized (and pushed out of the spotlight compared to Legend), and he ends up becoming one of GU's spectres.
Brandish creates weapons, yes, but there's connection to Pallas (brandishing) and Athena accidentally killing him while distracted to Victoria accidentally caving her head in while distracted. (There are several story iterations, including one where they had a parental relationship).
March is about how she organizes her megacluster like an army or marching band, but also reference to her civilian name (May), the Mad March Hare from Alice in Wonderland (which her entire fight with Vista is a huge reference to), and the Ides of March (notorious for the stabby stab stab of Julius Caesar)
Anelace is a master of weapons, but he's notably reluctant about that fact, and is noted to have a healthy civilian life by other characters
Cinereal is the grey matter of the brain. She is the Atlanta Protectorate leader that turns things into grey matter (ash)
Myrddin = See the King Arthur and various clusterfuck of mythos
Even his main characters have this: Taylor tailor makes her outfits and is a silk Weaver, Khepri is an Egyptian god that bring a sunny morning... and she debuted on Gold Morning. Victoria is a Roman Goddess of Victory (Contessa uses her to find "the Path to Victory"), Antares means "Anti-Ares/Rival of Ares/Anti-War" and is the constellation "heart of the scorpion" which is Victoria inside of the wretched forcefield. We can even stretch this to Khepri and Antares: Khepri is a beetle that carries the sun on to a new day. Antares is a binary sun system (with one sun being invisible to the naked eye). In the slaughterhouse 9 fight, Taylor and her beetle (khepri) carry Victoria and the fragile one (antares) to safety (to live another day).
WE CAN EVEN GO FURTHER: Atlas is the man holding up the sky in Greek Mythology, which Taylor names her beetle. Victoria's PHO name is Point_Me_@_The_Sky (which is also a Pink Floyd reference). In Worm, Atlas holds Victoria up in the sky.
Its really fun to analyze.
Califa seems to be a simple goof. Or maybe Taylor just butchered his name.
They can't all be winners.
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
the issues of transness, poverty and homelessness cannot be separated. while many of us find gainful employment or stable income, have good social networks, and do not find themselves struggling with housing, the vast majority of us struggle with several, or all 3. it's not for lack of wanting or trying.
many of us try to find work, but are turned away due to our transness. either because we demand to be referred to by our correct names and pronouns, or because our hormones, voices, and bodies make certain people turn us away immediately because we are not "professional" in their eyes. binary trans men and women face this struggle just as much as nonbinary people- the issue hits us all- no matter what, they will find something "unprofessional' about us, or, if we are employed, refuse to respect our identities and grind us into paste and force us to quit.
many of us struggle with having stable social networks due to our identities- while a lot of people have family and friends to fall back on, it can be very easy for a trans person to lose most or all of their friends and/or family after coming out, and struggle to find a shoulder to lean on when hard times hit. sometimes we also struggle to gain access to therapy and mental health services as well, due to our identities, and if we are mentally ill or neurodivergent, suddenly our ability to tell if we are trans or not gets called into question, further damaging our mental well being.
housing is a nightmare or impossible when the other two fail. it is very hard to find a couch to sleep on when everyone you know has turned away. it is hard to make ends meet and pay rent when every place you try to find employment in will not accept you not matter how hard you try to pass either way. often times the only other people we know are also homeless, struggling with housing, or are living in overcrowded conditions themselves.
the issue is systemic- it is not the trans person's fault for not trying hard enough. the cards are stacked against us and these things wear you down. it's not your fault for not trying hard enough, these are just the lives we lead- not for lack of trying, but because this is where we're forced to be.
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via “Some disasters caused by numerical errors”:
On February 25, 1991, during the Gulf War, an American Patriot Missile battery in Dharan, Saudi Arabia, failed to track and intercept an incoming Iraqi Scud missile. The Scud struck an American Army barracks, killing 28 soldiers and injuring around 100 other people. A report of the General Accounting office, GAO/IMTEC-92-26, entitled Patriot Missile Defense: Software Problem Led to System Failure at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia reported on the cause of the failure. It turns out that the cause was an inaccurate calculation of the time since boot due to computer arithmetic errors. Specifically, the time in tenths of second as measured by the system's internal clock was multiplied by 1/10 to produce the time in seconds. This calculation was performed using a 24 bit fixed point register. In particular, the value 1/10, which has a non-terminating binary expansion, was chopped at 24 bits after the radix point. The small chopping error, when multiplied by the large number giving the time in tenths of a second, led to a significant error. Indeed, the Patriot battery had been up around 100 hours, and an easy calculation shows that the resulting time error due to the magnified chopping error was about 0.34 seconds.
(The number 1/10 equals
In other words, the binary expansion of 1/10 is
Now the 24 bit register in the Patriot stored instead 0.00011001100110011001100 introducing an error of 0.0000000000000000000000011001100... binary, or about 0.000000095 decimal. Multiplying by the number of tenths of a second in 100 hours gives 0.000000095×100×60×60×10=0.34.)
A Scud travels at about 1,676 meters per second, and so travels more than half a kilometer in this time. This was far enough that the incoming Scud was outside the “range gate” that the Patriot tracked. Ironically, the fact that the bad time calculation had been improved in some parts of the code, but not all, contributed to the problem, since it meant that the inaccuracies did not cancel, as discussed here.
The following paragraph is excerpted from the GAO report. The range gate's prediction of where the Scud will next appear is a function of the Scud's known velocity and the time of the last radar detection. Velocity is a real number that can be expressed as a whole number and a decimal (e.g., 3750.2563...miles per hour). Time is kept continuously by the system's internal clock in tenths of seconds but is expressed as an integer or whole number (e.g., 32, 33, 34...). The longer the system has been running, the larger the number representing time. To predict where the Scud will next appear, both time and velocity must be expressed as real numbers. Because of the way the Patriot computer performs its calculations and the fact that its registers are only 24 bits long, the conversion of time from an integer to a real number cannot be any more precise than 24 bits. This conversion results in a loss of precision causing a less accurate time calculation. The effect of this inaccuracy on the range gate's calculation is directly proportional to the target's velocity and the length of the the system has been running. Consequently, performing the conversion after the Patriot has been running continuously for extended periods causes the range gate to shift away from the center of the target, making it less likely that the target, in this case a Scud, will be successfully intercepted.
The March 13 issue of Science carried an article claiming, on the basis of a report from the General Accounting Office (GAO), that a “minute mathematical error … allowed an Iraqi Scud missile to slip through Patriot missile defenses a year ago and hit U.S. Army barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 28 servicemen.” The article continues with a readable account of what happened. The article says that the computer doing the tracking calculations had an internal clock whose values were slightly truncated when converted to floating-point arithmetic. The errors were proportional to the time on the clock: 0.0275 seconds after eight hours and 0.3433 seconds after 100 hours. A calculation shows each of these relative errors to be both very nearly 2⁻²⁰, which is approximately 0.0001%. The GAO report contains some additional information. The internal clock kept time as an integer value in units of tenths of a second, and the computer's registers were only 24 bits long. This and the consistency in the time lags suggested that the error was caused by a fixed-point 24-bit representation of 0.1 in base 2. The base 2 representation of 0.1 is nonterminating; for the first 23 binary digits after the binary point, the value is 0.1 × (1 - 2⁻²⁰). The use of 0.1 × (1 - 2⁻²⁰) in obtaining a floating-point value of time in seconds would cause all times to be reduced by 0.0001%. This does not really explain the tracking errors, however, because the tracking of a missile should depend not on the absolute clock-time but rather on the time that elapsed between two different radar pulses. And because of the consistency of the errors, this time difference should be in error by only 0.0001%, a truly insignificant amount. Further inquiries cleared up the mystery. It turns out that the hypothesis concerning the truncated binary representation of 0.1 was essentially correct. A 24-bit representation of 0.1 was used to multiply the clock-time, yielding a result in a pair of 24-bit registers. This was transformed into a 48-bit floating-point number. The software used had been written in assembly language 20 years ago. When Patriot systems were brought into the Gulf conflict, the software was modified (several times) to cope with the high speed of ballistic missiles, for which the system was not originally designed. At least one of these software modifications was the introduction of a subroutine for converting clock-time more accurately into floating-point. This calculation was needed in about half a dozen places in the program, but the call to the subroutine was not inserted at every point where it was needed. Hence, with a less accurate truncated time of one radar pulse being subtracted from a more accurate time of another radar pulse, the error no longer cancelled. In the case of the Dhahran Scud, the clock had run up a time of 100 hours, so the calculated elapsed time was too long by 2⁻²⁰ × 100 hours = 0.3433 seconds, during which time a Scud would be expected to travel more than half a kilometer. The roundoff error, of course, is not the only problem that has been identified: serious doubts have been expressed about the ability of Patriot missiles to hit Scuds.
Robert Skeel is a professor of computer science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. From SIAM News, July 1992, Volume 25, Number 4, page 11
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Hello. Our discussion the other day left me confused about what exactly you consider the term "Leftism" to mean. So as a clarifying example, would you describe the USA Democrats as a "Leftist" party? Thanks
Starting at the direct level, the democrats in the US contains leftists but is not wholly or primarily leftists. Its dumb US stuff, since its a harshly two-party system both republicans and democrats are actually a grab bag of coalitions. At different times the democrats are either cooperating with or opposing their own leftist faction, so its contextual.
I don't find this framing too useful in the modern era honestly. Like yes, Hegel was *sigh, ugggh* right, human preferences are diverse but aggregated social dynamics work such that a 'left-right' binary emerges in almost all socieites. However, its not what self-identified capital-L leftists tend to mean, they treat Leftism as a cohesive, cross-country faction distinct from conservatives, liberals, etc. This made sense at the end of the 19th century - opposition to imperialism, support for expanded franchise, legalizing unions, etc, made a unified political platform in Europe. But political faction aren't a constant, its downstream of the political, social, and economic forces of the day.
These days I don't see a strong "leftist" political party in the same way of much note. On some topics is because its too diffuse - oh leftists support queer rights? So do most liberals, so do a lot of conservatives even, progress on queer rights wasn't wholly or even primarily a leftist achievement depending on the country. On others its because its way too specific - are the german environmentalists shutting down nuclear power plants to prop up coal plants leftists? They think they are, to me they are fools. For an issue near and dear to me, left-NIMBYs think they are preserving their communities, I think they are gatekeeping low income housing and degrading our cities. Are the leftist for queer rights also NIMBYs? What do they think of open borders? There isn't a coherent platform of leftism even within countries, let alone across them.
(A lot of this is because the goals of 19th century leftism were achieved in many fronts, though certainly not all - expanded franchise, end of imperialism, large welfare states, etc. Those solutions ofc brought ther own problems and history marched on)
Instead I view modern capital-L leftism as primarily a cultural thing - lots of Against Capitalism energy, but when you are in office debating budget allocations between transport modalities or immigration regulations suddenly that energy provides contradictory answers. It does exist, im not saying its all vibes; instead when analysing the political party of country X, its not a simple question. The Democratic party in America has its left moments and it has its liberal moments and its straight-up right moments; the Socialist Party of France has had gone back and forth on what that actually means because it turns out governing is hard, and has done a ton of conservative stuff in its day.
I suppose it is worth mentioning that for some forms of leftism it *is* all vibes - no actual plan for obtaining and utilizing political power, just vague hand-waves at ~revolution~ that is never going to happen and would probably be a disaster if it did. This isn't the majority by any stretch, its often an insult hurled at actual leftists who absolutely are doing real work. But they do exist - they aren't political figures at all, and I don't consider them worthy of discussion; they can continue writing their mislabelled fiction. (The right, of course, has this faction too) So i don't factor these people into an analysis of capital-L Leftism any more than I have to.
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smaptain-smerica · 2 years
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Female Reader x Rooster
Time: Post-Top gun: Maverick
Y/n Blackwood - L/n, daughter of Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood. Y/n took a strong interest in planes from a young age. Knowing her father was an esteemed pilot drew her even further into the navy. Quickly, she became one of the best solo pilots and graduating at the top of her class at Top Gun.
Her next mission? Return to Top Gun, Face certain death, romantic interests, and finally, her thought-to-be-dead, father.
This book contains strong language and sexual content that may be sensitive readers under the age of 18
This story was originally posted on Wattpad, follow me on there for faster updates. I have published a non-binary version of this story published there for those who do not identify as female or use she/her pronouns. It will follow the exact same story line. Link to Wattpad Account Link to the Non-Binary version
Master list
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Team Building
My body's natural alarm clock went off, causing me to wake up a little after 5 am. The first thing I noticed was the pounding headache that I gained from being hung over.
My eyes opened now. I realized I was using a leg as a pillow. My eyes followed the person until I saw their face. Bradley had a yellow glow cast on his face from the incoming morning sun. His chest rose and fell slowly with his sleeping breaths.
I slowly sat up from the couch and rubbed my eyes, getting the sleep out of them. I noticed the mess on the table of different papers scattered around everywhere. Out of fear they might get ruined, I began putting them back into the binder.
I felt the couch shift beside me, followed by a groan. I smiled, looking over my right shoulder at Bradley who squinted his eyes in the sun.
"Good morning." His raspy voice croaked out of his throat.
I have had boyfriends before. I've spent the night and woke up with them, hearing the myth that is the morning voice. I didn't believe it was a real attractive thing until now. Hearing it now from Bradley was an entirely different feeling. It was a sensation in my ears that I hadn't experienced before.
"Good morning." I replied with a gentle hum as I finished closing up the binder. Bradley was now sitting up next to me, rubbing his eyes and groaning. "I don't remember falling asleep." He chuckled.
I hummed a laugh in agreement. "I don't either honestly."
Recalling the events of last night, I thought about the kiss. The kissing got more intense for a brief moment in time, I couldn't tell how long we had been going for. After that, we turned on a movie and I guess both fell asleep. I felt a pull at my heart a little bit. My head hurt from the hangover and thinking about the situation.
"Do you want some breakfast or something?" Bradley asked, rubbing his hands awkwardly on his knees.
"I'd love some, thank you." I responded to his nice gesture with a smile which he returned before standing and making his way to the kitchen. His smile was unlike any other I have seen. It was wide and bright and full of life. The kind of smile that you couldn't help but smile in response to.
I smelled the freshly brewed coffee that seemed to be prepared already. My guess is by a timer that's set to the same time every day. I stood up and followed my nose to the kitchen. "Do you mind if I-" I began asking while pointing to the coffee machine.
"Oh not at all. Here," he opened a cupboard, pulling out a glass for me. "There's some other stuff for it in the fridge. Sugar is on the counter. Help yourself."
"Thank you." I gratefully responded and began fixing the coffee to my liking while I noticed Bradley getting pans from the cabinets and wondered what he was going to make.
My feet allowed me to wander outside. The beautiful dark stone patio met the white sands of the ocean that was just a short jog away. I took a drink of the coffee as it entered my system. Caffeine was a bad thing to be reliant on. One day without it and it gives me a debilitating headache.
The sounds of the ocean were relaxing, causing me to close my eyes and just bask in echoing white noise. The last few days have been nothing but work. Hard work, studying, working, and sleeping whenever I get the chance. Having a morning to just listen to the ocean and feel the steadily warming sun on my face was refreshing. Bradley's company was a nice addition to the morning.
"I hope you like pancakes." Bradley's voice took me from my thoughts and I looked up as he approached with two plates in his hand. He handed one to me. Two perfectly golden brown pancakes with a small dish of butter and syrup on the side. I smiled gratefully up at him.
"I do, it looks fantastic." I complimented and began to fix the pancakes to my liking. Bradley sat down next to me, his pancakes already swimming in syrup.
The pancakes were delicious, exactly what I needed after a night of heavy drinking.
"Listen y/n, I'm sorry about everything before." Bradley spoke in between bites of pancake that he shoveled into his mouth.
"Yeah you were a jerk." I chuckled, remembering the times he was rude or snarky towards me. I don't know if I entirely believed that he was scared. I think he was jealous as well. I thought it might have been the threat of someone new, being protective of his territory.
"I know. And I'm sorry about the Mav- Pete thing." He looked down at his plate, avoiding my eye contact. He picked at the food before finally taking another bite.
I pursed my lips together, taking a heavy sigh while cutting my pancakes for another bite. "It's not how it was intended to happen. In all honesty I wish the whole 'finding out he's my dad' thing hadn't have happened."
"How are you feeling about that?" Bradley asked, finally looking over at me and preparing himself to listen.
"I honestly don't know. I mean, I haven't known a father figure my entire life so for this idol who I've looked up to my entire naval career to be my father? I am still waiting to wake up, like it's all a dream. A fucked up dream."
Bradley nodded while chewing his food. He had finished his pancakes, putting his plate down on the table in front of us.
"I've known Pete literally my entire life. He was best friends with my dad and was with him when he died. It took us a while once we reunited to get accustom to each other but I couldn't be happier being part of his life. That night of the dinner, he was beyond nervous. He really wanted you to like him and his family."
I smiled at Bradley's encouraging words as he spoke so highly of Pete. It made me laugh to hear that he was nervous about the dinner. I was glad to know we were in the same boat.
"It's a lot to process." I admitted, setting down my plate on the table and after I was done eating. I shuffled around to tuck my knees underneath me while facing him. I propped up my head with my elbow and smiled.
"I can imagine. I just hope you'll give him a chance." Bradley smiled at me before returning his attention to the beach in front of us. "Maybe after that you'll give me a chance to make it up to you."
I laid my head back on the bench and smiled. "Who knows? Maybe I will." This was a horrible time to try and figure out my feelings on my father. We were selected to go into a deadly mission and have to train every day until then. The focus and stress of that alone could be overwhelming. Now I was expected to create a relationship with my father who I thought was dead, and who is also my teacher for this mission? Life had a funny way of turning itself upside down to surprise me.
Bradley and I arrived together to Top Gun, about an hour before Pete had requested us to be there. I wanted to get a quick shower in before I changed into my clothes for the day. I was on my way to the bathroom when I was stopped by Phoenix in the hallway. She had on a pair of athletic shorts and a plain white T-shirt.
"Hey Wolf!" She chirped eagerly to me. "Hey Phoenix, what's up?" I reciprocated her greeting, stopping in the hallway to talk to her.
"Headed to the beach. Mav sent out a text saying to dress in comfortable clothes and meet him down there. Did you not get it?"
I pulled out my phone and turned it on, no messages. "Nope. I guess not."
"Weird. I'll make sure Mav gets your number so he can contact you." Phoenix offered. I smiled gently, almost passively at the mention of giving him my number. I thought it was weird, but he would have gotten it eventually, right?
Phoenix waited for me as I showered and changed. I put on a pair of comfortable running shorts and a loose tank top with a well fitting sports bra on underneath. I decided against tennis shoes considering we would be on the beach. I slipped on some sandals - that definitely clashed with the outfit - and headed out the door with Phoenix.
We made our way down to the beach where it appeared we were the last to arrive. Most of the boys were already there, shirts off and enjoying the warm sunshine. I noticed a volleyball net set up off to the right of the group. I felt my heartbeat quicken with excitement. We're we about to play sand volleyball? "Nice of you two to show up!" Hangman's voice taunted above all others. The smirk he had plastered on his face caused me to roll my eyes.
"Can it, bagman." Phoenix snapped.
Before anybody could retaliate, Maverick got our attention with an announcement. "Good evening Aviators. Welcome to your team building exercise."
I groaned a little, knowing that this was entirely my fault. "Due to recent events it has become clear to me that we need to connect a little more as a team. Because out there, a pilot needs to trust his wingman in order to succeed. Or her, wingman. Or wing woman!"
"We get it Mav, let's move on." Bradley used his hands in an encouraging manner. The group chuckled as Maverick got flustered.
"Today we will be playing - my personal favorite game - sand volleyball. I'll place you in random teams of two and you must work together to win."
My face turned up disappointed, I knew exactly who I was going to be paired up with first, and I was dreading it. "First we will have Fanboy and Coyote," The two looked at each other and shrugged, celebrating in a high five. "Going up against Wolf and Hangman."
I looked at Maverick with a clearly pissed off look. He pulled his sunglasses down, winking at me with a mischievous smile. Hangman was at my side, clapping me on the shoulder. "Well this should be fun!"
Fanboy and coyote won the Rock Paper Scissors so they would go first. They took the ball, waiting for us to be ready.
"I think you should be in the front." I suggested to hangman as we both stood towards the back of the court.
"I've got a bigger arm span than you, I can cover more ground." He argued with me.
"You're also taller, it's easier for you to block the net."
"Who's supposed to set the ball for me then?"
I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed in frustration. "Why is this so difficult." I mumbled.
I felt sand shift at my ankles. I opened my eyes and watched the white volleyball roll across the sand towards us. I looked up and saw the other boys with the biggest grins on their face. "Point, Us." Fanboy called out tauntingly.
Hangman and I had very few things in common. But one thing we did, was a competitive nature. I could tell that them scoring the first point itched at his skin. "I remember you saying you played volleyball." He commented to me.
"I did. For 6 years."
"Perfect. I'll set the ball to you."
I smirked a little to myself at the easy win.
The rest of the game, hangman and I worked together surprisingly well. We're both headstrong, stubborn, and confident. Finding that happy medium for us working together was difficult but we managed to succeed. Every serving set we rotated positions, we called our ball, and even tried to call out passes when we were able to prepare the other for their next move. In the end, we won 25-20. I slammed the winning spike and then threw my hands up in celebration. Hangman also celebrated by picking me up and spinning me around. We both yelled out in victory.
Maverick commented on our teamwork and how we managed to go from wanting to kill each other to working like a well oiled machine. It fueled our egos a little bit to be made the example for the others to follow. Deep down I knew it was only a matter of time before we pissed each other off again.
I played two more round after that game. Once with Bob, (who was surprisingly decent at volleyball) and once with coyote. I was a little disappointed that I hadn't gotten to play with Bradley. Although I found it odd how distant he had been to me ever since we arrived back at the school.
Our exercise had ended, and now some of the boys were wanting to play a game. Maverick was even eager to get in and play. I stood by my stuff, checking my phone and getting a quick drink before heading back over.
"Hey y/n! Take a picture of us looking cool before we get back out there." Hangman's voice sang out to me. I looked over and saw Payback on his left and Bradley on his right. I chuckled gently, switching to my camera and taking a few pictures.
I smiled as I swiped through them. "Oh I'm definitely posting that one." I chuckled, landing on a photo of Hangman looking like a total tool. He agreed, saying he didn't care as long as I tagged him so the ladies could find him. I went to ask Bradley if it was okay, but he was already gone, talking to Maverick on the sand court. I frowned gently, but shrugged whatever I was feeling away and posted the photo before heading back into the court.
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Next Chapter
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shizukateal · 2 months
Just curious about smth, what do you think of Madoka’s entry on the Feminist Fantasy trope page on TV Tropes?
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Well, the first thing to understand about me is that I find this kind of question -"Is This Piece of Fiction/Media Feminist™️?"- to be rather facetious.
Don't get me wrong. There are indeed pieces that engage centrally with the ideology, and that could be considered above most as proponents of it, but the thing is that capital f Feminism is very wide-spanning because it's supposed to be intersectional. It tackles every system of oppression, from economic to sociological: racism, ableism, class, labor, lookism, queerphobia, you know the drill. Which is to say that there's hardly, if ever, a "perfect" Feminist Fantasy piece of fiction/media. And this is because, and I want you to burn what I'm about to write into your soul:
Fiction cannot take into account every nuance of the subjects it talks about. If it could, it would be reality.
Or, to get to the point quicker: I don't think PMMM is The Most™️ feminist anime around, but I also don't think it should be dismissed from feminist discussion, since it certainly engages with the ideology at least a bit further than most of its peers in the genre, although this is not to say that we should dismiss those others instead.
To be honest, I think "feminism" as a theme is secondary in the story to Gen Urobuchi's usual fixation on utilitarianism, but that's a whole other issue that would require me to watch his entire filmography to talk about. So let's go first into the "Feminist Whoopsies™️" that I think the show commits and work our way from there.
In episode 9 Kyubey explains that the Incubators chose Magical Girls as their workforce because they noticed the biggest fluctuations of Hope and Despair in "females in their second stage of development", which is a fancy way of saying that Teenage Girls Are The Most Emotional. Now, there's a lot of space for us to question this assertion because of Kyubey's status as both a very unreliable narrator and a metaphor for systems of oppression. We don't know if the Incubators came to this conclusion because they groomed humanity into adopting gender roles or if the writing staff of PMMM thinks that this is unquestioningly true and Kyubey is supposed to be objectively correct here, or some in-between. The show doesn't go deep into this aspect of its mythology, it can't, it has only 12 episodes to work with and more pressing issues in the plot to resolve. However, regardless of intention or not, in the end PMMM leaves us with an understanding of the concept of "femininity" that is couched, on some level, in the biological, and which promotes an unfair stereotype of women as emotional. And this is antithetical to modern feminism at its core, which goes against biological determinism. There are also no explicitly trans characters around to defy this pov, ironically only Kyubey defies the constraints of the gender binary in their presentation, which opens another can of worms about the Nonbinary Alien archetype.
Then we have Madoka's parents, a girlboss and a malewife respectively. I have the feeling that their inversion of gender roles was on purpose, in line with making Junko (the mom) Madoka's most reliable voice of reason and close confidant and thus giving her a level of relevance and depth rarely seen in mother characters. Feminism win! However, for all its talk about systems of oppression the story doesn't question, say, if this model of nuclear family, where only one parent is allowed to have a life outside of their home and who possibly controls the bulk of the income is healthy in its own right, or if Junko's corporate girlbossing might be reproducing the same exploitation on her company's workers than that of Kyubey on magical girls. We could also have a lengthy debate about how much horny is involved in Mami's presentation. And if you want to go further into Magia Record and it's representation of women of color, well... it's not ideal.
But to leave it at that, tagging the whole show as Not Feminist Enough™️ and therefore not worthy of consideration on its ideas on the subject, would be reductive and dare I say anti-intellectual. I stand by what I say above, but I don't think that episode 9 dialogue had any bad intentions. I think it was simply a solution to a narrative question -why would the incubators use young girls exclusively?- that failed to consider all of the implications. And we can appreciate it as it is and what it brings to what PMMM has to say in the feminist conversation -"Young girls are vulnerable to getting targeted by systems that pity them against eachother so their suffering can propel the agenda of their oppressors"- without dismissing the other concerns as superfluous. Turns out, truths can coexist sometimes.
The magical girl genre as a whole is not clean of sin against the feminist movement, either. Magical girl shows are generally noninclusive to fat people if not outright fatphobic, same with poc and disabled people, or they crowbar their female leads into romantic het relationships with male leads that can go anywhere from bland to absolutely rancid, etc. HOWEVER, the genre is also a space that shows "femininity" (the concept beyond biological determinism) with respect, agency, power, as aspirational and heroic, and it has also allowed for a non-negligible amount of queer rep. But if we see an uptick in well-represented feminist themes in the genre it's both because people are demanding it and because it sells. Concerns about woke capitalism aside, this progress can't happen if we don't engage with imperfection. Don't forget that this genre was born largely from a shonen manga where the joke is that the girl loses her clothes during her transformation only to put on a heart-shaped boob window!
I could also go on a tirade on how Kill la Kill fits into this discussion, but to stay focused I will say this: sometimes media can't be shoved into the progressive vs regressive boxes. Sometimes a story contains a bit of both and it's no use to try and measure what it has more of. Sometimes we have to put on the adult pants and analyze shit to have conversations that can actually help us be better in the future, not just to check on who passes our mental Hayes Code! If a piece of media contains these multitudes it's much more useful to ask what we can get out of it instead of which box we can get it in. Because PMMM was never going to be The Last Show Involved With The Question of Feminism, nor was it gonna be Kill la Kill, nor Sailor Moon or anything else. Grab my hand and let's enjoy consuming media consciously.
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miasudare · 1 year
I gotta admit, this style is way easier. So I'll be remaking the old designs with this one.
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Name: Fresh
Age: 18
non-binary (he/they)
As a kid who lost his parents at a very young age, Fresh grew up in the foster care system with his brother Cray until he was 16 and started to live in an apartment. Since the owner of the apartment is an old lady, she didn't care about his age. When they're short on money usually Dream or Nightmare covers the rent for them. At the age of 12, he started to work at various places. Such as cafes, florists, hair salons (as cleaners) and currently at an electronics shop. His usually repairs broken headphones or chargers. He makes a good income from this at school.
Fresh is very judging towards new people he meets. But once you got his trust he would do anything for your sake. They are quite goofy and friendly towards their friends, especially Alphys. His notes are never below B+ and he is loved by the teachers. At school they usually hang with; Alphys, Fuku, Napstablook and secretly with Red, who he offers to pay them a good amount of money to learn up-coming exams for his friends from Deltahigh and Ebott-Uni. After school he directly goes to the shop and comes back home around 8pm. On the way back home and on the way to school, Fresh goes down a few blocks to a park for a little stray catto that he calls "Furbs". They feed him anytime possible. He is basically their cat. At weekends you might see them with Cray, on a skateboard going to the Pine St. to eat ice cream or just hang with his brother.
☆His skateboard is 8 years old. It was a present from the man who would visit the kids in his orphanage. No one knows what happened to him. Except for...
☆He has a reddit blog named "r/Studentmemes". More than half the students in the school follows it.
☆They have a rivalisim between them and PJ. He doesn't know why but PJ always had a problem with him since middle school. They usually try to ignore him at all times.
☆He is obsessed with 90's aesthetics and those tradeable pins. Only Alphys has the same obsession in the school, so they trade with each other.
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apexulansis · 10 months
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Kariio 15-R hangs on the outer fringes of its solar system — a binary star system that its denizens refer to primarily as Vkrhek Khrûr or simply Khrûr, which both mean Permanent Embrace and Embrace respectively.
The two stars are referred to as a single entity with most of its titles, some examples being Vasiir-Ûkyk-Oress (meaning Eyes-Above-Firmament), Vaxa Sakhûstovas (meaning The Twins), or Idisiroscion (which gets its meaning from the words Idisiro and Idiscion, which mean Scientist and Warrior) which is sometimes also called the longer name Idisiro Idiscion. There is also an even longer name which is its root meaning and the origin of the title for their suns, Wossakhæx Viorin Idisiro sa Idiscion which translates to Balance Between Scientist and Warrior (consequently, a common kariian saying is 'wossakhæx viorin issin sa vak' which means balance between mind and body).
As it's been implied, separately the stars are referred to as Idiscion, the Warrior, and Idisiro, the Scientist. The Warrior is also called the Fighter, the Champion, or the Guardian. The Scientist is also called the Scholar, the Hunter, or the Analyst. Naturally, Idiscion is the larger of the duo; a Wolf Rayet star orbited by a much smaller A-type Idisiro. Kariians do not associate the suns with any sort of historical or existing figure in their history, more that they personify the stars themselves.
The strong stellar winds render much of the solar system a dangerous place to navigate (which is fitting for its people), but also a wealth of heavy elements. The planetary nebulae of the Embrace makes it near impossible for incoming scanners to detect what's going on in the vicinity of the binary stars, as the perpetual spacial 'storm' also acts as a sort of barrier. Hence, the name of the 'Embrace' not only refers to the orbit of the two stars in itself, but also in the way their 'embrace' extends over the entire solar system, shielding them from prying eyes.
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
Earlier this week I unexpectedly lost a really good family friend that I had known for most of my life. It hurts. But there is now a special kind of hurt because over the two past years I’ve started a transition out of the high demand religion I was raised in. This is the first death in my circle that has happened since that transition started. I feel like I used to know all the answers to life’s unknown questions. Don’t get me wrong that religion sucked and I’m still dealing with trauma from it but there was a certain level of comfort knowing that I “knew the answers and reasons for trials.”
This might be too personal of a question so feel free to not answer it but. How did you deal with difficult moments of life outside of the religion you were raised in? You don’t have to tell me exactly what your beliefs are because I know they might be private.
For the first time in my life I feel lost with these type of things. This is really hard I don’t know how to deal with this.
It’s much more difficult when you can’t just turn something into a mini Sunday school lesson and explain it away with Jesus and God’s will. This is an area of life I didn’t even think about while transitioning out of this religion.
(cw: death, also long post incoming)
Well first I'm so so sorry for your loss ❤️second this is a really great question and I think for me this was the hardest part of transitioning out of religion. I had a few big losses in the years after I officially stopped considering myself Christian, it was a very strange and painful time and I felt super alone because I was the only non-Christian in my immediate circle at the time.
My best advice for starting is to not worry so much about the details right now and just sit with your feelings to try and see where they lead you. Whatever feels healing in the moment, try to do that.......maybe it's sharing memories with someone else who knew them, maybe it's writing a letter to the person you lost about your feelings, maybe it's even praying or going through familiar rituals, whatever it is focus on getting through the hard part right now and worry about the Big Questions later. You don't have to have all the answers right this second, it's ok to just focus on your grief and honoring your friend.
One thing I've learned from talking to other ex-religious folks from any type of belief system is that everyone learns to cope differently and it doesn't have to look any specific way. That for me has ultimately been a way more fulfilling way to grieve in the long run, because there are no rules.........some people find peace and even comfort within the uncertainty, some people adopt new belief systems or rituals that feel more genuine to them, it all just kind of depends on where your journey to finding your own authenticity leads you. For me the biggest thing that helped me do that early on was finding people in similar situations to talk to and I really recommend that, because there are a lot of them out there and they're just as eager to talk and commiserate, I promise lol.
I don't mind getting a little corny and talking about my world view tbh. I will say, dropping the Heaven or Hell binary was one of the most healing things for me in the long run. That was always such a psychological stressor for me and I now find it way more comforting to admit I don't know what happens after death than to wonder if my loved one might be suffering for all eternity for the rest of my life. With not knowing, the possibilities are endless when it comes to the Big Questions ya know.........it's become almost exciting?
Not saying I'm stoked to die or anything lol but giving up all my preconceived notions about life, death, and the *universe* has been transformative in a way I can't really articulate properly. I'm able to relate to everything and everyone in a way that feels so much deeper and more authentic than it did before, I don't feel separate from it but part of a larger, incredible thing that just.........is. I don't know how it got here or why but I do know that I'm an integral part of it all and so is every living or unliving thing it seems, and for me that brings me a lot of peace. It seems to me like something people have understood since there have been people and spent eons trying to name and personally, I'm ok with it not having a name and an agenda. I feel like when people are tapped into that connection they are able to be the best versions of themselves, and sometimes that can happen through religion, but it doesn't have to.
And when someone passes now I focus on the things I feel I know for certain: it mattered that they were here and it matters that they're gone, because we're part of the same whole. Whatever happens afterward is unknowable and could be amazing or could be an experience we can't even conceive of with our human brains or it could be nothing but we can't know until we get there and I think that's the way it's meant to be.
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olivando · 2 years
Errand Journal #1 : The Name Change
I just want to document every little step of the process, I guess for my archival-minded soul. Deeply dull bureaucratic stuff incoming.
I never thought I'd be grateful for being Chilean, but alas! When I had to appeal to our Gender Identity Law to change my name and gender marker, I could've kissed my passport. (To be fair, Chileans have it really good for a LaTam country when it comes to travel, too.)
Since 2018, for binary trans people the process is fairly straightforward: lawyer-up (or in my case, ask your own dad, who is blessedly on board), get two witnesses (preferably friends or family who can testify to you understanding the implications of changing name and sex legally), get the appointment, and boom! Your shiny new docs should be there in no more than 45 days.
The problem? I don't live in Chile, so I had to do this through my consulate. I can't complain about the experience. I emailed them, got same or next day replies, and was not misgendered once when I went to sign the documents.
A caveat: all of this you have to pay for. A lot. FedEx-ing the docs alone was £105. The name change is free, sure, but you have to pay for the new passport and ID card. This is fine for me; thankfully I can pay for it, and my dad can help me out to cover what I can't. Then there is the fact that YOU NEED A LAWYER. Again, I am plain lucky that my dad happens to be one, and would have been able to pay for one if not... but what about the rest of my trans siblings? There are some organizations that offer help, but it's nowhere near enough. State funding for those who need it should be standard practice by now.
The use of the non-binary gender marker in legal documents is currently being debated, and though I get excited just thinking about it, I also dread the possibility of this just being an empty gesture. It's no good if it doesn't come with an overhauling of structurally gendered systems—medical, legal, educational.
Option must be accompanied by reasonable opportunity, to guarantee access effectively. Only this is true progress.
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senzacaponecoda · 2 years
Had an urge to kind of build a world with someone based on some fantasy things I've built up for roleplays.
One of the things in the world I'd already established was basically beast vs hominid races, where the general idea is that by coincidence the beast race ancestor, a carnivore like animal, reached basically the same level of intelligence and a very similar body plan and intellect as the ape animal, and the two ended up reinforcing each other through social selective pressures to coevolve into human-like sapients. The roles each play kinda go like * Elves are "what if gracile neanderthals" and ended up living in the europe equivalent. But because of different histories ended up absorbing incoming humans into their contrareal agriculture than getting conquered or absorbed by them. They get the blunt of the European traits typically part of high fantasy. * Humans are just humans, but like average humans, so brown and swarthy and somewhat asiatic, from the africa equivalent. Average human traits, some west Asian/Mediterranean influences, some pan-Subsaharan African traits. * Bear like beast people gave rise to a cat like people in the south/hot and desert climates, a dog like people in the north/temperate climates, both having to live in somewhat more insular communities due to, despite facing certain sexual selective pressures to coevolve with humans, still following a heat/estrous cycle that causes a lot of fundamental cultural, psychological, and physiological differences. Bear people still exist, also, though the hominid MCA died out long ago. I tended to ascribe nordic-like cultural traits to the dogs, east asian and average human traits to the cats, west/north asian traits to the bears. The kicker to all of this I want them to have evolved language separately if strongly mutually selected for. And that kinda means I want them to have evolved along different pathways and have fundamentally different "universals". I toyed with Humans having Function-headed grammars (i.e. function words are syntactic heads, DPs, CPs) and Carnivores having Lexeme-headed grammars (actual NPs, actual VPs) but it turns out these make largely identical systems accounting for real human languages. It's just the Function-headed grammars are constituency grammars and the Lexeme headed grammars are dependency grammars and I couldn't really make significantly different grammars out of them.
I was thinking back to my first "real" conlang though. Like, it was based on what I thought the original language should be like coming out of highschool. So, no-vowels (PIE inspired basically), oligosynthetic, "gestural". No longer think that's what the original language was like because I don't think the idea of an original language is coherent anymore; too many features in gradual evolution. But I kind of wanted to revisit my idea.
Had like, a very rich phonology I developed out of the gesture/oligosynthetic system based on combining features. Too rich, too PIE-based, not really based on anything intelligent. But like, making binary featural distinctions seems like something that could really generate a phonologically oligosynthetic language. So I took the binary minimalism to syntax, thinking, "what if I just marked each featural level with a marked/unmarked pair?" thing. But that kind of causes questions like "what's more basal? past vs non-past or present vs non-present" etc. So I just scratched this out: Category - Human-Ø, Human-Marked | Beast-Ø, Beast-Marked
P - core/unaccusative adjunct | core/unergative adjunct (see: v) D - indef definite/deixic | topic focus n - unPOS'd POS'd | POS'd unPOS'd N - --- | ---
C - main adjunct | fragment main-clause T - PRES non-PRES | PAST non-PAST A - PERF imPERF | Stative Eventive/punctive? v - active -AGENT| active -PATIENT V - --- | ---
Their phonologies "should" be roughly identical though, having evolved with co-communication being a selective pressure.
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mlmscriptsoftware · 2 years
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Multi-Level Marketing is currently king when it comes to passive income. The heart of every successful MLM business is its MLM software. It can be challenging to choose the best MLM programmes for your investment portfolio that also meet the demands of your company. Choose MLM software not solely based on its usefulness. It is strongly encouraged to follow the most recent network marketing trend before purchasing MLM applications. Of course, choosing the top MLM applications for your investment portfolio that meet the requirements of your business is a challenging task. 
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3.Analyze the Software Performance in-depth
The majority of MLM technology companies offer free trials and demos before making a purchase. Make a list of trustworthy companies, then visit their websites. Make your final choice after giving the features a test run to determine whether they are sufficient to help you manage your business. Make sure the products function properly in real-time as well.
Searching online for customer reviews of the applications you want to buy is the most effective approach to achieve this. Examining former users' successes is a great approach to learn about some apps. A real user would be honest with you about the software's issues, especially regarding whether or not they were fixed. 
4. The Reputation of MLM Software Providers
select a reputable vendor wherever possible. You can do this by browsing the internet and getting feedback from former customers. When you start looking for MLM apps, you'll see that lots of software manufacturers boast about their offerings' incredible capabilities. If you select the wrong programme, you risk losing your career. Therefore, always choose a highly regarded, trustworthy dealer.
5. Watch for speed 
MLM software that takes a long time to launch is not something you want to utilise. Speed is a crucial component of MLM software. It will need to manage huge amounts of data and files quickly. Because of this, be sure to get MLM software that employs cutting edge technology. 
6. Invest daily time in your business.
Make an effort each day to establish healthy routines. Every day, it will interact with at least 1 or 2 users on your network. Call them, write them a letter, or leave a remark on their social media posts. Try to convey your caring or existence to them in some way. You may streamline your business's expansion efforts with the use of MLM software.
Presenting your business opportunity or products to at least one member of your network each day is an excellent practice. Continue improving yourself and your attitude of progress. You will achieve through educational webinars, training, and posts that will aid in your personal development and broaden your vision. 
One of these positive traits can help you succeed in MLM recruitment. Progress is perfection since it allows you to get better after you completely maintain these positive practices each day. Using a multi-level marketing platform, you can easily monitor your company's steady progress. 
7. Keep an eye out for Reliable Customer Service
Speaking and selling can be challenging, and the only way to take your prospect's needs and desires into account is to genuinely inquire about them. Many marketers fail to ask the right question and don't listen to it. You can assist your customers with their problems by using a multi level marketing software. Reliable merchants usually provide excellent assistance and after-sales service. Avoid choosing companies that provide a tonne of amenities at absurdly low prices. They can be trying to stay in the lead or bluffing, depending on the situation.
Instead of asking the correct questions about their future, they focus more on learning about their benefits, products and services, and how amazing their firm is. 
You can properly track consumer complaints by using an MLM programme. You will be able to better comprehend them and approach presenting and using your business opportunity once you start asking the right questions. 
8. Develop a business vision.
One of the key characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is their ability to develop big ideas, work tirelessly to nurture them each day, and remain committed despite the challenges they face. Consider crazy ideas and prioritise enormous accomplishments. Have a bigger objective and a bigger game's road map.
Make the decision to be simpler and more efficient, and decide to hire more people and grow exponentially. To put it another way, some people are unable to sponsor or obtain people because they are unable to manage or direct them. You must possess leadership skills. 
Although not everyone is born a leader, you should develop your leadership skills and begin to gain momentum if you want to be able to inspire and guide more people. An MLM software programme can assist you in expanding the scope of your MLM enterprise.
[INDIA] +91 - 9790033533
Skype: hemabalan2004
Phone: +91 9790033633
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heartfucksmouth · 2 years
can't sleep. I find it hard to get comfortable lately and I'm kind of dreading not being able to lay on my stomach or back bc my hips are so shitty. I'm so glad I already have a body pillow but dang.
moreso, I woke up to pee and then was wide awake because I was thinking of the painful and stressful overtone in the house when it comes to myles mom. I don't want my partner to be in distress like this. and my mom offered for us to go stay with her and maybe we could save to buy a house (i really do not want to get stuck in the housing system as well, esp bc myles wouldnt be able to live with me from what ive read), but that brings its own problems with boundaries and I'm not speaking to my dad (definitively and with no end in sight) but my mom talks to him every day and sees him weekly. so it would be a relief bc we wouldn't have daily beratement and feeling like we (but mainly myles) can't exist and take up space and that im put on a pedastal bc im ~female and all men are disappointments and fuck ups or something, but I'd be inviting other potential chaos and confrontation - unless my mom really truly gets that she needs to keep her relationship with my dad separate. and I'm not her daily sounding board... I need my space. it sucks so much to feel like im stuck in this again, but it's not surprising either.
I also briefly freaked out about how we would file taxes after the baby is born. I don't even file bc of my ssdi income, but having a child might change that. and then we can't get married or I lose my ssdi payments - to get the tax breaks of having a dependent/child... so I'm just like... what is going to happen with that?
the stigma and, essentially political position, of being disabled and pregnant is ever-present in my mind.
also myles mom was like "if it's a girl, ill try to soften" and I'm like lmao but if it's a boy?? you'll continue your legacy of emotional abuse and calling the men in your life retards and making them feel worthless and flawed?? no fucking thank you...
like, fuck parents like these. I can't wait to raise my kid conscientiously and intentionally so they turn out to be a compassionate human with emotional regulation skills.
also, the whole "mother" and gendered stuff isn't usually super present in my mind, but since I'm awake and ruminating, that came up too. I do feel more female and womanly being pregnant, its hard not to, and i dont think i should be ashamed of it bc any femininity i embody tends to be both soft and strong, and i think thats empowering? I chose nonbinary to describe myself bc I really don't care for the binary we have of gender, but I don't think that negates having a more fluid relationship with gender. everyone basically calls me she/her, but I feel very clear on defining myself as nonbinary. I don't usually care how people refer to me, I think it's just too tiresome for me to bother with personally. I know how i feel, and I get that it's confusing for people to understand . I still get caught up trying to explain it, but to me, it's simply an authentic feeling and allowing myself to .. accept where I'm at every day is very self-compassionate. idk if this makes sense, it's almost 2am lol
plus everyone's question is when we find out the gender of the baby lol. me and myles talked about having the main baby clothing color be green bc I hate how clothing colors are gendered. we talked about possibly a gender neutral name, but we'll see. small things like that feel really supportive to me!
I felt some weird guilt or something after sharing the news and ultrasound with more people. everyone is so so happy for us, but . idk I almost felt shame for being happy - or like it's gonna get taken from me etc. I think it's a very vulnerable position bc there is so much attention on me and judgements are always being passed. maybe it's trying to control people's expectations of me or something, and I'm sure it's internalized stuff I still have to work through.
I just want to sleep.
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