#incorrect bf5 quotes
🔥 Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes🔥
Genie: And your third wish?
Spinner, finishing his second pizza: Take a wild guess, buddy!
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Tezz: I like people like I like my tea
Vert: Lemme guess, you don’t like tea?
Tezz, making direct eye contact with him: In a bag, under water
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vert: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
agura: >:0 language
zoom: Yeah watch your fucking language
Stanford: 'The fuck word'.
sherman: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Zoom: Oh my god he censored it
Stanford: Say fuck, sherman.
zoom: Do it, sherman. Say fuck.
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irishpotato19 · 4 years
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Spinner: Hey! Think of instead, a girl worth fighting for.
Vert and Zoom: What?
Sherman: He’s singing Disney songs again...
Spinner: That’s what I said, a girl worth fighting for!
Sherman: Sometimes he’ll sing them for hours
I really loved the Incorrect BF5 Quotes, and I just thought this scene would be too perfect not to do.
But, Spinner is like Ling. They just want people to laugh at their jokes...
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incorrectbf5quotes · 5 years
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Zoom: I know I’m cute, but you can remind me.
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eaglefangz · 7 years
calling yourself an "alchemist” is so pretentious alfor just say you’re a fucking scientist aka alfor + his sweet altean lab hcs
alfor recruited his friends to help him stress test his inventions. only blaytz and gyrgan ever agreed, though.
“zarkon and trigel said no” “zarkon said no?” “well, he said something more along the lines of ‘i can see by that ridiculous smile on your face that you or alfor are about to do something mildly life threatening and i would prefer not to’” “trigel just saw us and said no. skipped the formalities”
“is it life threatening, though?” “no, i have a kill switch. it really is low risk” “take all the fun out of it, why dont you”
“uh, alfor, what does this do?” “honestly, it’s just a fancy paperweight” “why is it beeping, then?” “wait, what”
alfor: prepare to accelerate hypercompound ions blaytz: i’d prepare for it if i had any idea what any of those words meant trigel: it means he’s either going to create a really cool weapon, or a really big hole in the planet zarkon: alfor knows what he’s doing. [aside] you know what you’re doing, right? alfor: i’ve loaded an unstable, highly explosive element into an untested, experimental prototype zarkon: .........guys, keep your heads down
Anything and Everything Zarkon Touches Sets on Fire like with spencer from icarly. alfor ends up banning him from his lab after the fifth time something goes up in flames
alteans motherfucking invented fire extinguishers that never run out of Fire Suppressing Juice and it was partly zarkon’s fault
alfor sometimes lets his friends name his inventions bc he owes them since he got to name voltron
coran: [scientific mumbo jumbo he made up] alfor: no, that’ll never work alfor: alfor: wait alfor: that might work coran: 😎😎😎
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lyssitalennon · 7 years
that feel when you finally start getting a queue set up
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🔥Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes 🔥
Vert: Me and my girlfriend don't argue, she tells me to shut up and I do
–Vert, about Agura
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🔥 Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes🔥
Stanford: I'm thinking of doing a haunted house. Like as a test of courage or something!
Spinner: What's wrong with the one you live in?
Stanford: Wh-what?
Spinner: Goodnight, Stanford
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🔥 Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes🔥
Spinner: What if ducks threw bread back at you?
Zoom: I guess you'd have to...
Spinner and Zoom: DUCK!
Sherman *walking by rolling his eyes*: I hate you both so much
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🔥 Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes 🔥
Vert: So, what's it been like working with Spinner since you both were kids?
Sherman: Imagine working with someone completely civilized, mature, and responsible.
Sherman: Now throw all of that out a window...
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🔥Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes🔥
Krytus: I have one of your children
Sage: Which one I have eight.
Krytus: the loud, annoying, rowdy kid who never shuts up.
Sage: Which one I have eight.
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🔥Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes🔥
Spinner: It's really muggy out today, huh?
Vert: If I go outside and all our mugs are surrounding the garage, I'm going to kill you
Spinner: *sips his drink from a bowl*
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🔥 Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes🔥
Agura: Ugh, I'm gonna start my period soon
Vert: What? Again?!
Agura: You know what? You're right, Vert
*Vert just looks confused*
Agura: I'll just cancel my subscription
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🔥 Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes🔥
Spinner: Excercise is so important for a healthy lifestyle. That's why I do yoga daily.
Spinner: *is lying face down on the floor*
Zoom: *actually doing yoga*
Zoom: You can't just do the "corpse" pose for an hour.
Spinner: Watch me.
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🔥 Incorrect Hot Wheels Quotes 🔥
Stanford: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Agura: Stepping on a cat or dog's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry
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