#incorrect wild thornberrys
Debbie: *is mild-to-moderately inconvenienced* Debbie: Leaving the womb was a mistake.
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harveybwabbit92 · 7 months
Taro: We'll be gone until after the eclipse. Will you be all right with babysitting your cousin Alto?
Taiga, while holding Alto is who pulling on his horns: Are you kidding? This'll be the highlight of my young life!
Taro: That's the spirit, son!
Taiga: ...Dad, have you completely lost your ability to recognize sarcasm?
Taro:I'm not sure I ever had it, Taiga! (leaves)
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You've made it onto my 'Why I'm Miserable' collage!
Illusion Steve, probably
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incorrect101dalmatians · 11 months
Rolly: I've never gone so many days without eating. I must have lost six pounds. Lucky: We've only been gone for five hours. Rolly: That long!? I better go get some cookies.
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weirdkev27 · 2 years
General Yunan:*her left hand is covering her left eye. She moves a pen in front of her face*
Yunan: I don’t want to alarm you, Mi’Lady, but I’m afraid I lost the sight in my eye.
Lady Olivia: Move your hand, Yunan.
Yunan:*does so and can now see through both eyes again*
Yunan:*dreamily* What a woman.
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tf2-but-incorrect · 3 years
Medic: We'll be gone until after we get the intelligence back, are you sure you'll be all right here with Spy?
Scout: Sure Doc. It'll be the highlight of my life.
Medic: That's ze spirit!
Scout: Doc, have you seriously lost your ability to notice sarcasm?
Medic: Not sure I ever had it! Now you wait right here and protect ze base, if your lucky you might see a snake wriggling about!
Scout: Great, lemme go get a jar to hold my joy!
Medic: Alright, we'll wait right her- oh that was sarcasm wasn't it! .. you do that rather frequently don't you?
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Kirk: Bones, just how long is this sulking going to go on?
Bones: Hmm, another thirty-five, forty minutes. Then I'll start up again tomorrow.
Kirk: Well, get some rest. I know it must be draining.
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emmikay · 2 years
Munkustrap: Tugger, just how long is this sulking going to go on?
Rum Tum Tugger: Hmm, another thirty-five, forty minutes. Then I’ll start up again tomorrow.
Bombalurina: Well, get some rest. I know it must be draining.
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Augustus: I’fe nefer gone so many days vizout eating, I must have lost 10 pounds.
Veruca: We’ve only been gone for five hours.
Augustus: Zat long?! I better go get some cookies.
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incorrectnwsl · 5 years
Marta: If you need anything from me, reconsider.
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incorrectngequotes · 4 years
Shinji: [Gloomy] Another dinner, another day. Another meaningless moment in this pantomime we call...(sees burgers on the table and perks up) BURGERS!
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Oh. It's okay. I guess I wasn't meant to have a good life.
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First, a quick nap. Then, lunch. Followed by a longer nap.
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Galaxy Steve: First, a quick nap. Then, lunch. Followed by a longer nap.
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First, a quick nap. Then, lunch. Followed by a longer nap.
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weirdkev27 · 3 years
Phillianne:*her left hand is covering her left eye. She moves a pen in front of her face*
Philli: I don’t want to alarm you, Darling, but I’m afraid I lost the sight in my eye.
Owlson: Move your hand, Philli.
Philli:*does so and can now see through both eyes again*
Philli:*dreamily* What a women.
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