incorrectbellamort · 2 years
Voldemort: Why don't you take off all that battle armor and slip into something a little more... comfortable?
Bellatrix: I am most comfortable when I am impervious to most physical forms of attack.
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fugamalefica · 2 years
Can you rec to me the BEST Bellamort blog to follow? I'm new to the ship and I saw that the majority of the fandom just spins offensive/incorrect/studip stuff...
@metvmorqhoses @apottergeek @justaslytherclawgirl @sofoulandfairaday @star-named-riddle are a few off top of my head. @incorrectbellamort is a good Incorrect Quotes blog.
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muser0907 · 4 years
I found this idea on @camcam-the-grandpan blog and thought it is cool.
Rules: Google/Search your name + your favorite color + the word ‘aesthetic’. Take the first 4 (non collage) photos and viola you have your Aesthetic Mood Board! Then tag your friends and mutuals to join.
So this is mine :]
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To be honest, I have never tagged other people. So, do whatever you want with it, the tagged people!
@exo-gen-esis @incorrectbellamort @ritadym @menbendelson @norrington-hell
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