soloyatra · 5 months
Kase Abusharkh And Amy Berry: The Artistic Journey In-Depth Analysis (2024)
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Explore the captivating artistic journey of Kase Abusharkh and Amy Berry, unveiling the unique perspectives, inspirations, and collaborative brilliance that define their creative paths. Immerse yourself in the world of these talented artists as we delve into their distinct styles, shared endeavors, and the profound impact of their artistic expressions.
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usnewsper-politics · 6 months
New Leader at Mother Jones: Clara Jeffery Takes Charge to Hold Power Accountable and Inform the Public #budgetcuts #ClaraJeffery #climatechange #decreasedresources #editorinchief #ExecutiveDirector #factbasedreporting #groundbreakingreporting. #holdingthoseinpoweraccountable #indepthanalysis #industry #inequality #investigations #investigativereporting #journalism #localnewspapers #longformreporting #mediaoutlets #MotherJones #multimediastorytelling #nonprofitinvestigativereporting #partnerships #socialjustice #Universities #wellinformedpublic
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insidebharatnews · 9 months
"Inside Bharat News: Your Source for Trending, Latest, Sports, and Political News!"
Welcome to Inside Bharat News, your one-stop destination for the most up-to-date and Latest news in India. Our dedicated team of journalists works tirelessly to bring you the latest happenings across the nation. From trending stories that capture the pulse of the nation to the freshest updates in sports and the intricate world of politics, we've got it all covered. Stay informed and engaged with our comprehensive coverage, exclusive interviews, and in-depth analysis. Inside Bharat News is your trusted source to stay ahead of the curve and stay informed about the issues that matter most to you.
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jjbizconsult · 9 months
iPhone 15 Unveiled: The Future of Smartphones
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khurshidtum-blog · 2 months
World Today: Unfiltered News
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usatoday1970 · 1 year
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dreamscapewanderer · 4 months
𝐃𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐄-𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲: 𝐀𝐧 𝐈𝐧-𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬
#DefenseMinistry #EGovernance #InDepthAnalysis #Analytics #CyberSecurity #NationalSecurity #DigitalTransformation #PolicyInsights #GovernmentTech #DataProtection #TechStrategy
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The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has been actively pursuing e-governance projects in current years, aiming to improve efficiency, transparency, and accountability inside its enormous and complicated enterprise. While development has been made, it is important to investigate the conclusions reached from this ongoing adventure. However, due to the touchy nature of some statistics and the evolving kingdom of implementations, a a thousand-phrase in-intensity evaluation can not be comprehensively supplied right here.
However, I can offer a high-degree review of key regions, conclusions, and challenges based on publicly to be had facts. Remember, this isn't an exhaustive evaluation, and particular information may additionally range relying on the initiative or factor considered.
**Areas of Focus:**
* **Internal Operations:**
* Streamlining procurement approaches through online portals like GeM and Raksha Anusandhan Portal (RAP).
* Implementing e-workplace solutions for paperless workflows and advanced verbal exchange.
* Automating economic control with systems like Defence Pension System (DPS) and New Defence Travel System (DTS).
* **Citizen Services:**
* Online portals for accessing pension information, filing grievances, and applying for numerous services.
* Digitization of navy information for easy retrieval and verification.
* Online recruitment platforms for civilian and defence employees.
* **Defence Procurement:**
* Initiatives like Single Window Online Clearance System (SWOCS) to simplify seller registration and application procedures.
* E-bidding structures for accelerated transparency and efficiency in procurement.
* **Improved Efficiency:** Automation and on line structures have reduced processing instances and manual attempt, main to faster approvals and selection-making.
* **Enhanced Transparency:** Online platforms offer improved visibility into methods, decreasing possibilities for corruption and improving duty.
* **Greater Accessibility:** Citizens and stakeholders can access offerings, records, and redressal mechanisms comfortably and remotely.
* **Data-driven Decision Making:** Digitization offers access to precious facts for evaluation and higher informed selection-making.
* **Security Concerns:** Protecting touchy information inside the digital realm stays a major difficulty, requiring strong cybersecurity measures.
* **Integration Issues:** Integrating numerous e-governance projects throughout one-of-a-kind departments and services may be complex and time-ingesting.
* **Infrastructure Gaps:** Unequal access to technology and net connectivity in far off areas offers an obstacle for wider adoption.
* **Resistance to Change:** Adapting to new systems and digital methods calls for continuous education and attention campaigns.
**Moving Forward:**
* **Focus on Interoperability:** Seamless integration and change of facts between extraordinary e-governance structures is vital for holistic enhancements.
* **Cybersecurity Strengthening:** Continuous investments in robust cybersecurity measures are vital to defend touchy facts and essential infrastructure.
* **Capacity Building:** Training initiatives and infrastructure improvement are had to bridge the digital divide and ensure wider adoption.
* **Continuous Improvement:** Regular evaluation, feedback mechanisms, and innovation are required to evolve and optimize e-governance projects.
While the MoD's e-governance adventure has yielded tremendous consequences, challenges stay. Sustained efforts in the direction of interoperability, robust cybersecurity, capacity building, and continuous improvement are necessary for accomplishing the full potential of e-governance and remodeling the defence surroundings.
**Disclaimer:** This analysis is based totally on publicly available facts and may not mirror the entire scope or contemporary tendencies in the MoD's e-governance tasks. For more unique and up to date data, please talk over with legitimate sources from the Ministry of Defence.
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bbnewsin125 · 6 months
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In-Depth Analyses Delve deeper into global issues with BB News International Corp. Our in-depth analyses provide comprehensive perspectives on critical matters. #BBNewsIn #InDepthAnalysis #GlobalPerspectives www.bbnewsin.com
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aspiring-author8 · 3 years
“The Hunted” Becomes “The Hunter” (ACoTaR)
I love the fact that Sarah has this constant analogy of calling the fae “wolves”. 
In the first book (ACoTaR), as Tamlin is stealing Feyre away into the faerie lands, Feyre thinks of herself to be a lamb. “I’d be little more than a lamb in a kingdom of wolves. Wolves––wolf” (ACoTaR ch.5 pg.43). Not only does this quote fit really well – with the fact that Feyre is sacrificing herself so her family is safe (the sacrificial lamb), but the fact that Tamlin’s beast for is essentially a wolf with horns. 
Now, in the second book (ACoMaF) we see this analogy of wolves used at least once (because it is a different predator used in the end) – from what I know. The first is a brought up when Ianthe and Feyre are talking about the wedding after Tamlin didn’t let Feyre go out of the house for the first time. “’You and I are so alike––young, untested amongst these . . . wolves”’ (ACoMaF ch.2 pg.19). This couldn’t be further from the unbeknownst truth. All throughout the first part of ACoMaF (up until the wedding), Feyre looks to Ianthe for guidance in this cruel new world. And Feyre, being the fool-hearted girl that she is, takes that to be a genuine friendship. 
The way how it changes when she gets to know Rhysand, is astronomical. By no means am I saying that they are perfect, because they aren’t in any way/shape/or form. HER CONFIDENCE BOOST. 
I am sure that these puzzle pieces have already been put together. 
But here is the quote that literally stopped my heart and made me realize just how much Feyre had changed when she was around Rhysand. (It no, it’s not a wolf analogy... but still) “They had let a fox into a chicken coop” (The last page of ACoMaF). She sees herself as prey in the first book and all throughout the first part of ACoMaF. But then the inner circle takes her in. And all is changed. Feyre, for the first time in forever, has found a sort of inner peace with herself. 
And so, the hunted becomes the hunter.
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juan-castro · 3 years
In-depth Analysis: PIZZA, JFC, MAXS | May 28, 2021 | Undisclosed Broker - #InDepthAnalysis #JFC #maxs #PIZZA - https://pinoydesk.com/?p=24758&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr
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usatoday1970 · 1 year
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elenagalbusera · 8 years
‘Szarkowski, John, The Photographer’s Eye, Secker & Warburg, 1964′
Personal deeper analysis on weekly essential reading ‘Szarkowski, John, The Photographer’s Eye, Secker & Warburg, 1964′ , addressed to have a better understanding of the theme I’m developing for my 2500 word essay.
The Photographer’s Eye provides a series of images which have in common photography itself. Photographers while practicing, investigating, all together worked on the problem of photography.
The passage discuss how five issues - not to be considerable autonomous but to be regarded along with each others- are considered through the analysis of photography.
1. The thing itself: the world itself is an artist and it takes shrewdness to include it intelligently in a photograph. However the factuality of a picture wasn’t reality itself because the subject and the photograph were two different things in contrary to what could seem. People believed photography couldn’t lie but there were such many ways of manipulating and the photographer had to be honest about his work. What a person sees is an illusion but what the camera sees is truth, so the lens is impartial as it documents what’s in front. 'In a sense Holgrave was right in giving more credence to the camera image than to his own eyes, for the image would survive the subject, and become the remembered reality’. by John Szarkowski, The Photographer’s Eye ‘There is a terrible truthfulness about photography. The ordinary academician gets hold of a pretty model, paints her as well as he can, calls her Juliet and puts a nice verse from shakespeare underneath, and the picture is admired beyond measure. The photographer finds the same pretty girl, he dresses her up and photographs her, and calls her Juliet but somehow it is no good- it is still Miss Wilkins, the model. It is too true to be Juliet.’ George Bernard Shaw, Wilson’s Photographic Magazine, LVI, 1909”― by John Szarkowski, The Photographer's Eye
2. The detail: the photographer couldn’t pose the truth but only record as he found it. The truth could be found in nature as a clue (not explicit) not as a story because narrative wasn’t feature of photography. The photographer could isolate, document and claim a meaning beyond description. The compelling clarity of photographic images was feature only of the photographic medium. 
Photographs could not be stories but could be read as symbols. So pictures can’t make stories clear but can make it real.
3. The frame: since photography isn’t a process of synthesis but selection -choosing and eliminating- the frame, in contrary to the impartiality of the lens is partial, selecting suggests decision have been taken. The definition of a good frame stays in it sense of proportion, creating a symmetry which is organized to make it rhythmic. Everything inside the picture is organized.      
4. Time: the camera transforms reality into a picture, each photograph describes a fraction of time, this time is always the present because images can only describe the present. The human eye isn’t capable of capturing the single frame of time of a moving object, Muybridge in 1878 with his studies of movement photographed a horse galloping and showed how photography is capable of capturing the single frame of time. Against the usual interpretation of Henri Cartier Bresson’s ‘decisive moment’, which was referring to the time of the external event, with John Szarkoski thinking the decisive moment is decisive because ‘The flux of changing forms and patterns was sensed to have achieved balance and clarity and order’ and the image for an instant became a picture. The decisive moment is a visual one.
5. Vantage point: from photography is possible to learn unusual vantage points, where from a photographer shoots is fundamental, subject cannot be moved but camera does in order to find the best angle. I see the vantage point easily to be confused for the frame, so I do see these issues linked together somehow.
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vstroganov · 8 years
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Finally here it is! My review of the new Blair Witch film for the Delfinen Magazine! The title of my review translated to English means: "Slow Witch Finds the Right Pace in the Last 20 Minutes". Im only this critical because my expectations for this film were extremely high! Despite my critical review its still a great horror movie that will actually scare you, especially in the last 20 minutes of the movie! So overall more positives than negatives! You can read my review/in depth horror film analysis right here in my 1.400 word review! #BlairWitch2016 #HorrorFilmReview #DelfinenMagazine #InDepthAnalysis #My16thArticleForTheDelfinenMagazine http://delfinen-magasin.dk/?p=8736 (at Aarhus Universitet)
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Okay, telegantmess.
One of the main problems with HAES is the way the studies are set up.
They are set up in a way that is meant to skew results [x].
Overweight people live longer due to vigorous treatment and more routine healthcare [x].
Having a healthy lifestyle should put your body weight in the ball park range of your BMI, give or take body type.
For example, I am a female. I am 5′6 and I weigh 175 lbs. This puts my BMI at 28.2. However, I am naturally muscular and I work out 5-6 days a week. My body fat percentage is 21%. Well in the fitness range for a woman. Body fat percentage is the real kicker here and is more important than BMI [x].
If you are eating healthy and exercising regularly and you are consistently overweight or underweight, this indicates serious health problems as it falls into the category of unexplained weight loss or weight gain.
Further more, a huge part of the HAES narrative is that diets don't work. This is very true and I’m sure you harp on yo-yo dieting being unhealthy. All of that is true, but it neglects the whole truth. Diets don't work for long term weight loss or weight management. This does not mean that someone is incapable of losing weight or living their life at a healthy weight and body fat percentage [x] [x]. Real weight loss solutions are not quite as easy as taking a pill or buying food in the mail. They require serious commitment and life style changes.
Overweight people tend to be malnourished due to poor quality of food choices [x].
Being overweight causes an imbalance of hormones that leads to grogginess, moodiness, and even depression.
Let’s talk about women.
In women, the main focus of HAES, PCOS and hypothyroidism are common conditions. PCOS causes weight gain and has to be treated with weight loss in many women. This was actually the case with me. Had I listened to people like you, I would be over 300 lbs, have type 2 diabetes, and probably be infertile. 
The kill shot here is that you only have a handful of biased studies whilst I have year and years of medical research and raw numbers on my side. 
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juan-castro · 3 years
In-depth Analysis: MM | May 28, 2021 | Undisclosed Broker - #InDepthAnalysis #MM - https://pinoydesk.com/?p=24751&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr
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