aspiring-author8 · 3 years
Querying With Big Manuscripts
Okay, so first I would like to preface this by saying that I'm not taking a jab at literary agents, I'm just trying to process why they do this.
So I have been querying for a few months shy of a year and have been reject numerous amounts of time just for word count. Like I don't know what to do. I have read my manuscript over 8 separate times. For reference, my manuscript is a 148k fantasy/adventure/romance ... of course is going to be long. But the industry standard for fantasy novels is anywheres from 98k to 150k?
I realize that it is difficult to represent manuscripts that are over a certain word count, but think about Samantha Shannon's "The Priory of the Orange Tree" that's over 300k easily. Then think about some of the more well-known authors and their books: Sarah J. Maas's smallest (full-length) book is 104k ("A Court of Thorns and Roses"), Casey Miquiston's smallest is 108k ("Red White & Royal Blue"), Chloe Gong's is 120k ("These Violent Delights"), Leigh Bardugo's is 81k ("Shadow and Bone") and her largest is 177k ("Rule of Wolves").
Casey debuted in 2019 in their late 20s (graduated with a degree in journalism). Sarah debuted in 2012, again, another author making their debut in their late 20s (graduated with a degree in creative writing). Chloe Gong debuted in 2020 as a 22 year-old (graduated with an English major). And Leigh Bardugo debuted in 2012 in their late 30s (graduated with an english degree).
Whether the word count rejection is just an excuse for the fact that I am an 18 year-old girl with no former writing credentials or a degree relating to the English arts (because I make sure that it is known in my query letter), or just because I know that representing a manuscript in the industry is a challenge in and of itself.
I just wish I knew what was going on in the heads of literary agents when reading my query and they see this line in my query letter:
Credentials wise, I don't need any to tell a story I believe needs to be told. I am an eighteen-year-old seeking to tell a story with no past experience or credentials. Currently, I am a second-semester freshman in the University of Maine at Fort Kent seeking a major in nursing and minor in English
I'm just a tad frustrated is all; that so much time and effort has been put into my manuscript, the eight times that I have trashed the whole thing to write it over just so it would be good, might go to waste for an industry that never even considered how it could change lives how it did mine.
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
“The Hunted” Becomes “The Hunter” (ACoTaR)
I love the fact that Sarah has this constant analogy of calling the fae “wolves”. 
In the first book (ACoTaR), as Tamlin is stealing Feyre away into the faerie lands, Feyre thinks of herself to be a lamb. “I’d be little more than a lamb in a kingdom of wolves. Wolves––wolf” (ACoTaR ch.5 pg.43). Not only does this quote fit really well – with the fact that Feyre is sacrificing herself so her family is safe (the sacrificial lamb), but the fact that Tamlin’s beast for is essentially a wolf with horns. 
Now, in the second book (ACoMaF) we see this analogy of wolves used at least once (because it is a different predator used in the end) – from what I know. The first is a brought up when Ianthe and Feyre are talking about the wedding after Tamlin didn’t let Feyre go out of the house for the first time. “’You and I are so alike––young, untested amongst these . . . wolves”’ (ACoMaF ch.2 pg.19). This couldn’t be further from the unbeknownst truth. All throughout the first part of ACoMaF (up until the wedding), Feyre looks to Ianthe for guidance in this cruel new world. And Feyre, being the fool-hearted girl that she is, takes that to be a genuine friendship. 
The way how it changes when she gets to know Rhysand, is astronomical. By no means am I saying that they are perfect, because they aren’t in any way/shape/or form. HER CONFIDENCE BOOST. 
I am sure that these puzzle pieces have already been put together. 
But here is the quote that literally stopped my heart and made me realize just how much Feyre had changed when she was around Rhysand. (It no, it’s not a wolf analogy... but still) “They had let a fox into a chicken coop” (The last page of ACoMaF). She sees herself as prey in the first book and all throughout the first part of ACoMaF. But then the inner circle takes her in. And all is changed. Feyre, for the first time in forever, has found a sort of inner peace with herself. 
And so, the hunted becomes the hunter.
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
First draft = Done ✅
Just thought that I should put it out there that I have, in fact, completed my first draft of my novel. 
And now I am onto the editing process, and it’s biting me in the ass. I haven’t even gotten through two chapters yet and I have already made 3,000 words worth of revisions. 
NOW, don’t get me wrong, catching all these mistakes is amazing. But I have really grown as a writer since writing down that first paragraph. 
For example, this was the first paragraph before editing: “Chaska sleeps soundly next to me, as she always does. Unstirring, unwaking, a statue feared by all. I was eleven when they first settled on the land, these creatures of extraordinary size and terrifying beauty. I was sixteen when I fled from the drafts. It was ironic really, a frail young girl such as myself would never think as the devrit sleeping besides me as family.”
If I were to count the numerous amount of mistakes made in that first paragraph, I would’ve run out of fingers within the first two sentences. 
I hadn’t liked the way it was worded, and ultimately was not good enough for my standards. So, I switched it up to this: “Chaska slept soundly next to me, as she always has. Unstirring, unwaking, a mountain of flesh and bone and scales. I was eleven when they settled on the land, these creatures of extraordinary size and terrifying beauty. Sixteen when I fled from the drafts, and seventeen when I first took up my current profession of knives and shadows.”
Editing is going to be the death of me, but in the end, it will all be worth the slow antagonizing slip into the darkness.
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
Wings and Embers (Nessian)
(Just me, over analyzing -- again)
So, when Bloomsbury announced that the deleted part from A Court of Mist and Furry was available as a PDF, I knew I had to jump on it. The deleted scene is between Nesta and Cassian. I squealed when reading it, excited that I was finally getting to see more of their horrifyingly beautiful relationship. 
A month or so after I read that, Sarah J. Maas posted the first teaser quote from A Court of Silver Flames on her instagram (@therealsjmaas). I almost died that morning as the puzzle pieces finally started to click together. 
In Wings and Embers, Cassian says the following to Nesta: ‘“Come play with me, Nesta, and I’ll teach you far more interesting ways to bring a male to his knees.”’ Which can be related back to the first ACoSF teaser quote she posted.
Now, here is where it gets interesting. ACoMaF happened before the Cauldron incident, so I found this interesting. The title of their book is “Silver Flames,” this was planned. Here is a quote from Wings and Embers from Cassian’s pov: “Fire—he reminded her of fire made flesh.” SJM SOOO PLANNED THATTTTT.
Also, I just find it AMAZING that Cassian literally knows. He just knows. Here is another quote from WaE: “’It’s easier, isn’t it,’ Cassian breathed ... ‘To wield the words and the coldness as armor to keep everyone from seeing where and who you failed and how you did not care until it was too late... ‘Well, I see it, Nesta Archeron.’” It’s just --- I would kill to have their relationship. To have someone see you as a whole and not just an object to be tossed around at will. He sees her for her, he doesn’t see her as just another body to add to his already long list of lovers. He wants her to be the last one. 
In ACoSF, I believe we are in for a doozy. That is practically guaranteed.
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
ACoTar Re-read + Positive Nesta Rant
*Post contains spoilers*
Today starts my “A Court of Thorns and Roses” series re-read by Sarah J. Maas in preparation for her new release in February. I am so excited to see how she will developed Nesta’s character. But I am also simultaneously terrified that she will make Nesta become the bad guy. I understand that in order for things to get better they will most likely get worst first, but the thought of Nesta not dealing with her trauma is terrifying to me. 
My reaction to when I first read in “A Court of Frost and Starlight” that Feyre was sending Nesta to the illryian camp was quite literally “NooooooOOO... wHy??? FEYRE WHY!! Just because you are the High Lady of the Night Court does not mean that you can boss whomever you want - especially your own sister - around.” 
Sure, Feyre didn’t want to see her sister wallow in her own self pity all the time. BUT MORE THAN HALF THE FANDOM MAKES FEYRE OUT TO BE A SAINT. Yes, Feyre is an okay character, but when you think about it, she isn’t who she is made out to be. Just like everyone, she has her faults. But she learned how to cope with her trauma, unlike Nesta who has had no such luxury. 
I have read the first book in the series around five times. Each time I try to see the events from a different character’s pov. When re-reading this time, I am attempting to see through Nesta’s eyes. In the past it was Tamlin, Rhys, Lucien, Alis, and of course the dearly beloved Feyre. I have attempted to see Nesta through other character’s actions towards her. And I believe the Rhysand is genuinely scared of Nesta. I believe he sees her to be an “Amren” type of character. And I believe that as well, but again, coping has gotten in the way of Nesta’s true potential. His terror is the same as the King of Hybern had felt when Nesta had pointed at him, a symbol for revenge. Rhysand is scared of what she can do to his precious city of dreams and to his mate Feyre. 
You see, the only thing wrong with ACoTar - strictly my opinion - is that we, as the fandom, are placed in a bias. Seeing things through a singular character’s eyes, we are never able to see the things as a whole. Though SJM has intended it this way, it truly sucks. Why make a whole book series based off Feysand and then go and write “spinoffs” through other characters eyes. For me it just doesn’t make sense. 
Nesta’s cruelty knows no boundaries in the first book, but at least she tried to see through the veil that Tamlin had put on the Archereon family. At least she tried to get her sister back. Nesta is cruel and unforgiving, but in ACoWaR, she saw past her cruelty and fought to keep Cassian alive. She uses her mean attitude as her shield, the “Maybe if I am mean, I won’t get attached” mindset, is how she deals with things. By pushing people away, she does not let her heart grow attached to anything, she doesn’t allow herself to feel things for others. That is how she was taught, that is all she knows. And I believe that Cassian, through tough love, will show her a different way to care and not be seen as meek, that love can make you strong without diminishing your heart’s values. 
Again, I would just like to reiterate that all of this is strictly my opinion. You may disagree all you would like (Though, I am told that I am very persuasive). 
Thank you for listening to this rant. :) 
To the chaos... and till next time.
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
     “When did you realise it was love?” “When I said hello and you shot me”
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
80,000 words down. 20,000 more to go until I reach my end goal.
There is dread with the knowledge that comes with knowing that it is almost over. I mean, I have it planned out to be either duology or trilogy, but it's the knowing. The knowing that I am almost done writing this story that has been trapped in my head for 17 years. It has only taken me 4 months to write and get this far, the rest of the 17 years was spent with my head in the clouds, desperately trying to figure out a way to share my world with Earth.
I almost don't want it to end, but I know that when I'm holding a physical copy of my book in my hands, will be the greatest day of my life. And when that second book comes, that will once again be the best day of my life. This writing has consumed every single piece of me, and I am grateful.
When writing, I am not myself, I get to step into thw shoes of the main character. I get to be them, in their gloriously wicked world. It's the best feeling. But the withdrawal from that world, is terrifying for me to think about. Sure, I could reread it a million times, but nothing will feel the same as writing it.
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
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Go check it out, my dudes :)
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
I reached my end of the year goal of 75,000 words in my book!!
The next goal to be set will be an almost finished book, with 100,000 words!!!
This is a reminder: If you want to start a book, do it. Don't focus on the outcome, focus on just writing one sentence at a time. Because that's really where is starts, one simple sentence in front of the other.
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
Woke up at 9:30 to attend a war meeting at 9:40
Or at least that's what I like to call my history course. It's not even an accurate word to use to describe the class. WWI and WWII are so boring for me to learn. Like yes I know it's our history and I need to learn it, but so are the ancient civilizations and medieval times.
It's all just so blah, you know?
I could go on for hours just talking about the ancient Egyptians and how the mummified their pharaohs and how they jarred up all the organs before mummification. The heart, stomach, and brain all go in separate jars. The embalming process itself starts as soon after death as possible yo try to preserve the natural color of the skin.
Now don't get me wrong, learning about war tactics and strategies is interesting but for me as soon as the machine guns and major trench warfare pop up, it dulls the edge for me. Nukes, gasses and etc. just aren't my thing.
But swords, knights, spears and string drawn bows. Sir please stop you had me swords. Learning about the social hierarchy that we call monarchy is absolutely amazing. So many things could go wrong, you could be left without an heir and then worry if your country will turn to dust after your rule. There are so many interesting variables to consider.
So yes, history classes are a one-sided war meeting. And I hate it and love it at the same time.
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
Off topic for my page but...
Marvel thought of the day!
Contains spoilers
In Endgame why don't they just place Thor's hammer on Thanos's chest, Thanos isn't worthy???
Like, at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron, they were debating whether and elevator, AN ELEVATOR, of all things is worthy...
Thor uses this fighting technique in the first Thor movie. On the Rainbow Bridge when Thor is fighting Loki, Thor puts the hammer on Loki's chest to see if he can fix the Bifrost. AND IT KEPT LOKI PUT.
Sure, Thanos can hold all the Infinity Stones at once, but that by no means he's worthy. It just means that he's strong-willed.
Now, moving on.
Between the two of them, Tony and Banner hold 2 doctorates and 7 Ph.Ds. You would think that that theory would have come up in a movie for comedic relief, but it doesn't.
So, did the brawns and brains think about this before trying tackle Thanos?
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
"It's unlocked."
-probably the most funny line in When Mountains Wake by Mercedes Martin
Click the link in my bio to read!
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
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Did I just receive my dust covers from @nerdyink ? Yes, yes I did. Did I decide to do a photoshoot right away? Yes. Why is Crown of Midnight and Heir of Fire by @therealsjmaas laid flat? Because those are the two that I am lending to my dear friend. Ever since I saw these - goodness I don't even know when - I have want these. I just recently bought my very own Throne of Glass series and I just had to have these! 📖📖📖📖📖 #bookrecommendations #book #photography #bookphotography #throneofglass #sarahjmaas #aelinashryvergalathynius #rowanwhitethorn #manonblackbeak #chaolwestfall #assassins #dustcovers #bookish #bookstagram #firebreathingbitchqueen #lysandra #theassassinsblade #queenofshadows #heiroffire #empireofstorms #kingdomofash #towerofdawn #crownofmidnight #fictional #fantasy #productphotography #sjm https://www.instagram.com/p/CHqwFfxppwj/?igshid=1hpyj1xaoi6sy
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
I absolutely adored everything about this world. I can't wait until the second book, to see Bryce grow into her power and heal from her trauma.
did anyone read crescent city? if you did, what did you think of it?
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
"The kind of peace and tranquility she was looking for, would only be achieved if the world was halfway to its grave."
- When Mountains Wake by Mercedes Martin
Click the link listed on my profile to read more!
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
I just finished The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic.
10/10 would recommend. 4.5/5 stars
It is apart of a trilogy
Character development was amazing
Little to no romance although I have heard that that changes in the second book
The story line follows a teenage boy who loves to play a game called Exy. However when he gets recruited by a shadow of his past, his wanting has no limits.
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aspiring-author8 · 4 years
This is what I imagine falling in love with myself would feel like
    I love it when you are reading a book. The way your hazel eyes skim over the pages, roaming for every piece of new information. Soaking it up like a dry sponge. Gasping when a new part of information is revealed. Crying when something tugs on your heartstrings. Laughing at something that was only ever ink on a page.
    It will never get old, that hunger in your eyes. That burning sensation that pulls at all your movements. The yearning for the information, the otherworldly effect of reading. It is something that will never leave you, something that will nag at you until the days where you take your last breath. For you are not a creature of just this world, but many. You belong to not just the physical beings of this earth, but to many different characters across many different universes. 
So no, you will never completely be mine. I will never be in your thoughts one hundred percent of the time. But you will always occupy my mind, my thoughts, my very being. I will never stop thinking of you. The way your fingers move on the pages, how your brow furrows when you are concentrating. Your silence so loud that it echoes in my mind day in and day out. Nothing will never not remind me of you. Of how your heart begins to gallop as you read about the battles in different lands. Of how you shed tears bundled in my arms. 
But believe me, when I say, I love you. 
Because even if you are not completely mine, I will forever be yours. I will always hold you when you cry. Always listen to you talk about what makes your heart skip beats and makes your stomach do summersaults. I will never tire of listening about what makes your heart rip apart while simultaneously sewing it back together. I will never get bored with you and your endless adventures. 
I love you. And I will never stop.
To read more of my writing go click on the link in my profile!
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