#indian cows
bhagavanbhakthi · 5 months
Gau Mata (Mother Cow) in Hinduism
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kisanofindia · 1 year
जानिए भारत में गाय किस नस्ल की बढिया हैं और कौन सी कितना दूध देती हैं
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भारत में गाय पालन (Cow Farming/Dairy farming) एक बेहतरीन व्यवसाय है। देसी गाय के दूध की पौष्टिकता को देखते हुए इसकी मांग अधिक है। छोटे बच्चों को भी डॉक्टर माँ के दूध के बाद गाय का दूध देने की ही सलाह देते हैं।
आइये आज हम देसी गाय और उनकी नस्लों के बारे में जानते हैं…
देसी गाय की पहचान
भारत में देसी गाय (Desi Cow) की पहचान करना काफी आसान है। देसी गायों में कूबड़ पाया जाता है। इसी कारण इन्हें कूबड़ धारी भारतीय नस्ल की गाय भी कहा जाता है।
ज्यादा दूध का उत्पादन देने वाली देसी गाय
देसी गाय की नस्ल जिस क्षेत्र की है, अगर उसी क्षेत्र में पाली जाए, सही से दानापानी दिया जाए तो उत्पादन अच्छा होता है। आज हम आपको बताएंगे कि किस क्षेत्र में गाय की कौन सी नस्ल ज्यादा फायदा दे सकती है।
गिर नस्ल (Gyr cattle Breed)
गिर नस्ल की गाय मूलतः गुजरात के इलाकों से आती हैं। गिर के जंगलों में पाए जाने के कारण इनका नाम “गिर” पड़ा है। इन्हें भारत मे सबसे ज्यादा दूध उत्पादन देने वाली नस्ल माना जाता है। इस नस्ल की गाय एक दिन में 50-80 लीटर तक दूध दे सकती है। इस गाय के थन बड़े होते हैं। देश ही नहीं, विदेशों में भी इस गाय की काफी मांग है। इजराइल और ब्राजील के लोग गिर गाय को पालना पसंद करते हैं।
साहीवाल नस्ल (Sahiwal cattle Breed)
साहीवाल गायों को दूध व्यवसायी काफी पसंद करते हैं। यह गाय सालाना 2000 से 3000 लीटर तक दूध उत्पादन करती है। एक बार मां बनने पर लगभग 10 महीने तक ये दूध देती है। इन्हें भारत की सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रजाति माना जाता है। मूल रूप से ये नस्ल पंजाब, हरियाणा, उत्तर प्रदेश, मध्य प्रदेश और राजस्थान में पाई जाती है।
राठी नस्ल (Rathi Breed Cow)
राठी नस्ल राजस्थान की है। राठस जनजाति के नाम पर इनका नाम राठी पड़ा है। इन्हें ज्यादा दूध देने के लिए जाना जाता है। यह गाय राजस्थान के गंगानगर, बीकानेर और जैसलमेर इलाकों में पाई जाती हैं। यह गाय प्रतिदन 6-8 लीटर दूध देती है।
हल्लीकर नस्ल (Hallikar Breed)
हल्लीकर गाय कर्नाटक में पायी जाने वाली नस्ल है। मैसूर (कर्नाटक) में ये नस्ल सबसे ज्यादा पायी जाती है। इस नस्ल की गायों की दूध देने की क्षमता काफी ज्यादा होती है।
हरियाणवी नस्ल (Haryana Cow Breed)
नाम के मुताबिक ये नस्ल हरियाणा की है। मगर उत्तर प्रदेश और राजस्थान के क्षेत्रों में भी इसे पाया जाता है। ये गाय सफेद रंग की होती है। इनसे दूध उत्पादन भी अच्छा होता है। इस नस्ल के बैल खेती में भी अच्छा कार्य करते हैं।
और पढ़ें.....
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shotsyfeather · 3 months
They are the real pookies🎀 guys 😭❤️❤️
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smithsonianlibraries · 2 months
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A paper stencil of "Frisky cows" from Ananda K. Coomaraswamy's Indian drawings : 2d series, chiefly Rājput (1912).
Full text here.
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antiqueanimals · 6 months
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Manatees by Louis A. Sargent. From Wild Beasts of the World, Vol. Two. Written by Frank Finn, published in 1909.
Internet Archive
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arthistoryanimalia · 2 months
For #TextileTuesday + #CowAppreciationDay 🐮🐄:
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Pichhwai for the Festival of Cows [Gopashtami] India, Deccan, Aurangabad (?), late 18th c. Painted & printed gold & silver leaf & opaque watercolor on indigo-dyed cotton 97 5/8 x 103 1/8 in. (248 x 262 cm) Metropolitan Museum of Art New York 2003.177
"Large painted cloths (pichhwais) were made to hang behind the main image in a temple. This textile was produced for the Festival of Cows (Gopashtami), which occurs in the late autumn to celebrate Krishna’s elevation from a herder of calves to a cowherd. Note the range of cows and frolicking calves that populate the flower-strewn field. The indigo ground and extensive use of gold and silver are typical of pichhwais that were made for a community of Sri Nathji devotees who moved to the Deccan during this period."
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girlballs · 4 months
god i need to model the fictional furry band members for Tellurium. both because i need to rotate them and also to join salem on the frontlines of making more black-coded furry characters
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blkkizzat · 3 months
i just wanna say tysm for all the sweet comments, reblogs, likes and new followers. literally have been dealing with some bs from school where i have to file a bias report and contest my grade because my professor is a bitch (tea in the tags). But you all really cheered me up and kept me going over the past few days!!! 🩵🩵
im off from work today for summer fridays! so hope i can write more today.
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1ndivara · 2 months
ZEUS AND HERA, this is a redraw of the @namidew 's designs
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(they are so PRETTY look at them)
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spawksstuff · 11 months
The De Completionist Checklist Part 6
Note on the dates: I will mostly be going by when a show/movie was shot rather than its release date. Variety Magazine will be given first priority.
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My score: 9 / 14
Need To Find:  Lineup-Ringing Bells, Strange Stories-Such A Nice Little Girl, You Are There (The Fall of Fort Sumter, The Heroism of Clara Barton, The Berlin Airlift)
Favorite Movie: Gunfight at O.K. Corral
Favorite TV Show: O. Henry Playhouse – Fog In Santone
Favorite Scene: Fog In Santone when Rosa takes (De) Carter back to her room to take care of him.
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bhagavanbhakthi · 7 months
Beauty - GoMata (Mother Cow) Indian Original Cow Breed
#gomata #cow #india #cows #hindu #hindurashtra #gaumata #mahadev #hinduism #gaushala #goraksha #gau #gauraksha #krishna #holycow #calf #bhartishri #yogi #bharat #bhartishriji #bhfyp #serveculture #shribhartishriji #shri #prernamurtishriji #hindustan #rajasthan #shriji #jodhpur #bjp
Know more about #Hinduism from here: https://bhagavanbhakthi.com/
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random-xpressions · 5 months
I belong to a land where for centuries the communities of two religions had co-existed without any reported animosities. It was only when political interests crept into our societies that we've seen rancour spreading in the human hearts. Talking here about infamous Hindu/Muslim clashes that often end up with bloodshed which is sadly the most unfortunate thing to witness especially when the roots of these two religions originated from the single source of divine truth. The more I delve into any religion, the more I'm able to see the common thread that binds them all together in one unbreakable bonding, that it would be ignorant of anyone to have unholy assumptions of another's faith.
Let the subject be about the sacredness of the cow, which may be ridiculed by some, but every Indian knows how sensitive of a subject it is in these times. Don't we have greater global issues to speak about? Yes, but that doesn't underplay the relevance of this subject to every Indian for the sheer reason of how much spite & hatred has been injected into the human minds revolving around this subject.
It will be quite surprising to see that in the religion of Islam, the longest chapter in our holy scripture is named after this animal. If that isn't enough reason to imply the sacredness of this breed of cattle, then I don't know what is. It is also worth noticing how in the scripture the produce of milk from cattle within its bellies amidst the blood is depicted as a divine marvel. Scientifically speaking how the entire eco system shows a flow - the consumption of grass by the cattle, then the digestion of that food, then the formation of blood, then the transformation of the fluids amidst the digestive tracts into something so pure, so healthy and so white, as a blessed drink for human consumption.
And while the islamic scripture speaks so highly of the milk produced in the bellies, the Indian culture goes one step ahead and since times unknown has adopted the practise of even using the cow dung for enlivening the earth for agricultural purposes. Nothing that comes out of the cow is seen as a waste including its dung which has been scientifically proven as the most natural fertiliser for agricultural lands. It shows an entire ecosystem that's binding this sacred cow and its relation to human co-existence on earth in that even the food we eat comes from the soil where cow dung is used for enriching its nutrient content.
The whole point being that when there's such deep sense of sacredness connected to something, then it is common sense to honour it especially when that is tied and connected to a community's faith & belief. I even wonder why cow slaughter should be made such a hot topic when the religious texts of both communities have unanimously agreed to it. The goals are clear, to create political unrest and benefit out of it. I pray the common man wakes up and don't fall into such traps. The truth is as plain as daylight...
Random Xpressions
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bumblebeeappletree · 7 months
Crystal River has long been a safe haven for the Florida manatee, but when an invasive algae wiped out the eelgrass that manatees need for food, the community rallied to restore the river and save the animals that call it home.
After an unexpected storm forever changed Crystal River more than three decades ago, Lisa Moore founded Save Crystal River to rally the community to garner funding for a massive restoration project. Sea and Shoreline’s Jessica Mailliez demonstrates the dirty work they do to remove invasive algae and restore native eelgrass. This transformation has allowed Florida manatees to return to Crystal River, but for those living along the west coast of the state, the situation is much more dire.
There, manatees are declining fast — nearly two thousand have died from starvation since 2020 along the Indian River Lagoon. Zoo Tampa has been rescuing as many starving manatees as they can hold, saving them from death and prepping them for re-release into the wild. Fortunately for the manatees ready to return to the wild, they have a safe destination: Crystal River. The strides made in that small community hold promise for a path forward for manatees across the state.
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curatorsday · 5 months
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Friday, April 19, 2024 - Vacation Day 5
I took a drive out to Cooperstown today to have lunch with a friend. It was a very nice visit and I got to meet the Farmers’ Museum’s brand new three-day-old baby cow.
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paulpingminho · 8 months
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when shahrukh and kajol come together in 5 years and remind y'all what actual chemistry looks like what then huh?
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