#indigenous argyle
hazardworld · 2 years
Steve and the very party holidays
Just thinking about Steve having a really shitty holiday experience as a kid: his parents/extended family is Catholic (dad: Irish-American/mom: French), so he got first communion and they went to the big holiday services, but that was about it.
Just little ol’ baby Steve sitting in mass for an hour or two, then going home for presents, most of which were trendy “boy toys” he didn’t really care for. Also, he could easily tell they were easily things his dad’s assistant knew were the most popular, not things he was actually interested in.
Every few years or so, his parents would have a party: either Christmas or New Years, but it was always fancy, and Steve had to wear itchy uncomfortable clothing, and try not to get distracted, and there was always way too much wine.
(Apparently, you never went to a Christmas party without bringing wine)
When Steve started middle school, they’d leave on Christmas Eve, tell him to go to mass (by the time he had the means to, he’d lost the belief in a god anyway), and to have a good time. Also, Santa wasn’t real, apparently.
So he learned how to cook and how to take care of himself and the house, and it was fine. It wasn’t great, but it could be far worse, so it was fine. He was lucky: he had a house with paid bills, he’d eventually get a car, and he had the means of feeding himself without worries. It wasn’t ideal, but yeah, he could live with it.
So imagine senior Steve, (forcibly) invited to Machiavelli family Christmas by Dustin (I could make a whole post on why my cultural headcannons are what they are but I’m italian american and i DEF see more IA hendersons then IA harringtons) who shows up dressed in that same, stupidly itchy clothing with wine, only to be told by Claudia that he’s much too formal. The wine is taken, and he’s handed a pair of Claudia’s (clean) sweatpants and a very soft green sweater with a santa hat on it.
It’s only once he’s in the backseat with Dustin that he realizes all their sweaters match, and 30 minutes later at the “family house” that apparently every branch of their family has their own different sweaters. Not only that, but Steve gets introduced not as Dustin’s babysitter, but as his brother.
Steve is confused, because aren’t Christmas parties supposed to be all stuffy and boring but also nerve wracking because everything’s too overwhelming but if Steve shows it he’ll get punished? 
Christmas parties aren’t laughter and coziness and friends and family all together (as the party continued, Steve met people and realized who was introduced as wouldn’t’ve mattered: everyone here, blood or not were treated like family).
Steve thinks it’s a one time thing, but he’s expected every year from then out: Dustin reported the Aunts agreed he was the best child-wrangler they’d ever seen, and Claudia said it was refreshing to have help bringing in her offerings for the large buffet. The next year it’s all the same but different, and Steve loves it.
Then comes Christmas 1986.
No one can leave Hawkins quite yet: the final gates have yet to close, though it should happen before the end of the new school year. For now, everyone’s stranded with what they can ship in or make themselves.
After the earthquake, Steve moved into the guest room of the Henderson’s place. They still used the mansion for party gatherings, but his parents made it clear they were never returning, and Steve had more happy memories with Dustin and Claudia then in the too-large expanse.
Once Max woke up, she moved in too: the government hush money was plenty enough to make Dustin’s bed into a bunk. Claudia even started calling them “her twins” after they formed a platonic codependency rivaling Steve and Robin’s.
The four of them spend Christmas together: Max gets her own sweater knit, and they even get some extra tinsel to wrap up her arm crutches and wheelchair for the days she needs them. 
There’s no Machiavelli family that year, but Claudia teaches Steve the family lasagna recipe, and they open gifts to the sounds of “Charlie Brown Christmas” in the background.
Steve doesn’t think it can really get much better.
The evening of December 26 is a whirlwind.
The four get to the mansion early to set up. Plus, Steve has to make his Ratatouille, and Claudia has to heat up Dustin’s baked ziti, as well as the 10 different side dishes she did not sign up to make but insisted on, anyway.
The party’s at 6, but both the Munsons and the Byers-Hopper’s show up at 5:45, saying they were there in case anyone needed help. They both bring latkes, but since Eddie’s a terrible cook (other than sandwiches, eggs, or freezer meals) his are burnt. Luckily, Joyce is kind, and says theirs can count for both.
Argyle (who stayed just long enough to be included in the mandatory staying in Hawkins notice) made homemade flautas, while Hopper and El brought Eggos, since that’s all they could agree upon making.
The rest of the group arrives after that, though slightly later. Robin claims this is her fault, since apparently she got to the store way too late. She brought kringle (If you don’t know what kringle is go to trader joe’s or racine wisconsin it’s so worth it). 
She also brought Max’s haggis: Max didn’t want anyone else in the house knowing what she was making, and Robin was the only one who let her use her parent’s kitchen to make it.
Lucas and Erica brought self-decorate-able christmas sweater speculaas cookies (that Lucas baked himself, thank you) and keep fighting over who gets to carry what. Erica said the tupperware is too warm, but she also doesn’t want the sticky frostings.
Nancy made things non-negotiable: since Mike wasn’t driving, he got the heavy crockpot of Swedish meatballs, while she got the casserole pan of shepherds pie.
Somehow, Murray also slipped in with risotto and various boozes. How? Steve didn’t really care, but it was wonderful getting to see his extended family, per se, coming together for the beauty of it all, and sharing each other’s cultures and traditions.
After food, everyone watches as Will and Eddie light the first Hanukkah candle (in 1986 Hanukkah started on dec 26!) together, and after that they all open their gifts to each other.
It’s a bit of a free-for-all after that: Dustin and Erica hopped up on sugar together is a nightmare, Argyle, Johnathan, and Will (apparently) got high while starfishing on the living room floor, Nancy found the wine cellar and started “taste testing,” Max and Mike started a hate-fueled tournament on Max’s new video game which Mike keeps trying to double the rounds for so he can win, and Robin and Eddie hopped up on sugar together is another nightmare. Steve’s only peace are the adults, plus Lucas and El who are quietly chatting and painting each other’s nails in the corner.
By the end of the evening, everyone saunters off the rooms, and Steve can’t be happier at the aftermath: the house that once encapsulated stuffy, sad, even disheartening memories now became somewhere where Steve could actually say his family had all been in.
And shit: Steve realized he had a family.
Wasn’t that a thought.
He was so fucking happy.
(If any culture thing was wrong shout me out I wanna change it)
(also i wrote this at 4am sorry for typos and stuff)
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malewife-babygrrl · 2 years
Man i really do love being obsessed with any indigenous characters in shows. We are all siblings on turtle island. Peace and love.
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The Vancouver School Board (VSB) may be prepared to “welcome” police officers back into schools next week, but it’s not a sentiment that’s shared by all.
On Thursday, the VSB held a press conference to reiterate its commitment to creating “safe, welcoming and inclusive spaces” for its learners, and said the new “reimagined” school liaison officer (SLO) program will advance school safety.
It also presented a new look for the SLOs that includes casual polo shirts, unmarked police vehicles and more discreet firearms.
Even with the lighter visual touch, however, the decision to bring police back into schools has been vigorously opposed by members of the Vancouver Police Department’s African Descent Advisory Committee. Members Sadie Kuehn and Parker Johnson said they’re concerned about potential harm to Black, Indigenous, racialized, queer, and disabled students.
“The (new look) doesn’t address the core issues of having young people — all young people — feel safe,” Kuehn, a former school trustee, told Global News on Friday.
Full article
This is exactly the problem with the white centrist approach to dealing with the problems around police. Putting them in new clothes in new cars with "discreet firearms" doesn't do a damn thing to protect people from the violent, oppressive force that is the police.
None of these changes address racial profiling, police brutality, or the fact that marginalized people (rightfully) feel unsafe around cops.
These changes are useless. Abolish the police.
(Commentary from Samira, @politicsofcanada )
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tenantof221c · 3 months
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Ad Astra Per Aspera
Name and meanings: Sierra: saw or mountain range; Sonata: sounded or played
Nicknames: Tex/Texie (by everyone), Clover (by Jim).
Age in S1: 31
Pronouns -> preferred: xe/xem/xyr/xyrs. liked: they/them. tolerated and given to strangers/coworkers: she/her
Neurodivergency: autism spectrum, ADHD
Orientation: Agender, Asexual Aromantic
Nationality/Ethnicity/Race: American (Texan), Mexican-American, mixed race (Latinx, White).
Physical description: 5'0". Sonata is a POC; xe has caramel brown skin and indigenous Mexican features in the form of xyr strong nose. Xe has heavy lidded dark brown eyes, dark brown wavy hair that curls at the ends and reaches xyr lower back. Small scar on right side of jaw along xyr chin. Small cupid's bow lips. Dark brown freckles occasionally dot xyr skin in constellations along arms. Hourglass figure.
Outfits description for work: high waisted slacks, button down dress shirts, waistcoats, ties, brown trench coat (for cold months), argyle jumpers, sock garters, belt, colourful socks (hidden) Oxford shoes.
Outfits description for casual daily wear: high waisted slacks/denim jeans/capris/ shorts (for hotter seasons), tucked in Hawaiian shirts, baggy jumpers with designs, colourful socks (on display), dresses, skirts and blouses, open vests.
Home: 221C. Between the events depicted in Ep1 and Ep 3 of S1, Mrs. Hudson renovates 221C thanks to the combined income from Sherlock and John and Sonata moves in long before the events depicted in Ep3.
Occupation: D.I. working for Scotland Yard. Answers to D.I. Lestrade. Has some training as a profiler.
The Peacemaker. Sonata is often seen listening to others, offering interpersonal advice, acting as a mediator between arguing characters when xe is in the room, and often assists more prickly characters to express their emotions more concisely and tactfully.
The Cupid. Sonata is seen often playfully teasing and sincerely attempting to assist certain characters in confronting their feelings about another. In the series, Sonata nudges at least two couples together and helps a third in finalising their relationship.
Personality in five words: Cautious, Earnest, Macabre, Playful, Curious
Six positive traits: Observant, Cognitively & Emotionally Empathetic, Polite, Trustworthy, Tactful, Kind
Six negative traits: Judgemental, Quick to Annoy/Anger, Stubborn, Slow to Trust, Secretive, Quietly Delights in Xyr Own Violent Intrusive Thoughts (although xe doesn't act on them).
Hobbies: painting, letter writing with wax seals, photography, stargazing, drawing, reading, writing poetry, chess, exploring London museums and art galleries, feeding the local magpies, cooking/baking.
Idiosyncrasies: hums/sings when xe thinks xe is alone, bounces leg, bounces on balls of feet, fiddles/gesticulates with hands, plays with the curled ends of xyr hair, doesn't make much eye contact, is prone to staring, shies away from touch.
Character playlist:
Grimm!verse: Sonata is a Grimm (slightly superhuman, basically a natural born predator to creatures/beings/entities with an innate drive to protect humans from them and vice versa).
Dynamics With Other Characters
Note: below are Sonata's relationship dynamics spelled out with each character and includes reference to canon and canon divergent depictions of canon ONLY to give backstory to each relationship and offer insights into potential rp dynamics.
I am rather flexible and am happy to start from scratch with Sonata's relationships although the dynamics themselves are pretty fixed.
Sherlock Holmes
Found Family Adopted Siblings. Sonata and Sherlock have a sibling-esque relationship, with the former often pestering the latter to take better care of himself, be nicer to others, and enjoys helping him with his experiments no matter how grotesque and macabre they get. Xe also enjoys teasing Sherlock about John and acts as a soundboard of what Sherlock should and shouldn't say to John when Sherlock manages to swallow his pride and ask for xyr advice.
John Watson
Platonic Ride Or Die. Sonata is John's emotional safe harbour, someone he enjoys coming home to visit with and unwind with in front of the telly while they exchange banter, vent about work or Sherlock, take the piss out of what they're watching, and plan trips to just get out of the house. They often go out for ice cream regardless of the weather outside and bring some back for Mrs. Hudson and Sherlock.
Molly Hooper
Best friends for 9 lives. Sonata platonically falls head over heels for with Molly upon first meeting her and quickly becomes fiercely protective of her, going so far as to snap at Sherlock and chew him out for being rude or dismissive toward the doctor. Sonata spends every chance xe can hanging out with Molly, watching horror/romcom, going shopping, having sleepovers, and helping Molly boost her own self-confidence ♡
Mycroft Holmes
Found Family Adopted Siblings. Mycroft kidnaps Sonata just as he had kidnapped John. Being prepared for this by John, Sonata surprises him with being calm and collected, deeply moved by how far he is willing to go to ensure his brother's safety. Mycroft offers the same monetary deal as he had John and like John, Sonata rejects it before offering to give him updates via face-to-face meetings where xe can learn more about Mycroft too. Amused, he accepts and they begin meeting up at different places to talk and spend time together where Mycroft eventually begins to use xem as an emotional soundboard and xe uses him to reassure when xe is being rational about xyr feelings and when xe isn't.
Gregory Lestrade
Between Boss, Friend, and Parental. Sonata respects and admires Lestrade, enjoys practicing speaking French with him, trusts him as a leader and superior, and enjoys the way he speaks a little more gently to xem than everyone else. Lestrade appreciated and admires how well Sonata can keep up with Sherlock and work with the abrasive consulting detective-- the main reason why Sonata was hired was because xe showed promise in being able to handle Sherlock. Lestrade often checks in on xyr mental wellbeing and Sonata often does the same-- both struggle to open up but it's easier when they're at the local pub together and their eyes are focused on the fútbol match.
Jim Moriarty
Complicated (Sierra "I wish I could quit you" Sonata x Jim "shut up lol you know you love me ♡" Moriarty). Moriarty targets Sonata to emotionally manipulate instead of Molly months before the events depicted in The Great Game to get close to Sherlock and revel in the eventual emotional carnage that would follow betraying him and everyone else close to him. Unfortunately for him, Sonata is a hard target and his method acting in wooing and romancing the reclusive, cautious detective eventually gives way to real feelings, although the revelation doesn't come until the last minute and after he's revealed himself as the villain all along. When he fakes his death, Sonata secretly mourns him. When he returns, xe not-so-secretly wants to kill him and must prove why xe shouldn't.
Note: this pairing is macabre, twisted, dark in nature underneath layers of banter, fliration, and playfulness; it involves levels of unhealthy obsession, emotional manipulation, psychological manipulation, and subtle attempts at gaslighting from Moriarty's perspective. While there is love between them, it's a very vicious kind of love. Jim RP blogs must be 18+ and are encouraged to reach out to me to discuss the dynamics further.
Mrs. Hudson
Adopted Grandmother. Sonata sees her as a grandmother and often helps her around the house. When her hip is not bothering her, Mrs. Hudson likes to invite Sonata to go on strolls with her and teach xem baked recipes. Often, they enjoy sitting down with some tea and watching telly. Sonata thoroughly enjoys listening to Mrs. Hudson talk about her girlhood and likes writing down her stories. Sometimes, they secretly feed the squirrels in the nearby park when Sonata goes to feed the magpies.
How this blog works
I (call me Sunday) am an ADULT and will be posting blog entries that highlight key events that take place in my au and other aus from Sonata's POV. I'll also be RPing for xem in different AUs as I pick them up haha. They'll be tagged accordingly.
Sonata will sometimes RB posts tagged with #Sonata aesthetics for xyr own amusement and is a great way to get a better glimpse into xyr mind besides what's been listed already.
I will also be posting RP beginning prompts in 1st and 3rd person for anyone who sees my writing and after consulting this post, wants to rp with me :). Ask box will be open, and if someone wants to RP, I will happily answer in whatever POV you start the writing in whether it's 1st or 3rd person :)!
Always feel encouraged to tag me in your rp prompt posts ♡
Have any questions? Please drop an Ask or DM and I'll get back to you ASAP.
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1986hell · 2 years
Tidbits for the Secret Monsters au
To summarize:
Steve is a werewolf.
Nancy is a Banshee.
Robin is a siren.
Eddie is their token human.
Will and Johnathan are half-fae.
Mike is a banshee.
Dustin is a were-bear.
Lukas is a shapeshifter of some kind.
Eleven is a fae.
Hopper is a cyclops.
At first Joyce thinks Will’s disappearance might be fae-related but can’t exactly talk about it to anyone b/c even her sons don’t know about the magical world.
Nancy and Mike know vaguely when someone nearby is going to die. It was horrible when Barb, Chrissy, etc. died because they could feel it.
Dustin took care of Dart without caution thinking it was more of a normal monster rather than an Upside Down monster.
The whole love triangle bs with Steve, Nancy, and Johnathan has even higher tension than in canon because Steve’s territorial instincts are kicking in and Johnathan has a subconscious possessiveness from his fae side.  
I want to have Argyle be a indigenous mythical creature but I’m not indigenous so I don’t want to just randomly pick something.
All of the experiment kids were fae to some degree. Henry/Vecna/One is full blooded.
Hopper is very protective of his one eye after hearing nothing but negative things towards cyclopses in myths.
After everything is revealed:
Steve and Dustin go running around in the woods on the full moon. Eddie is jealous.
Eddie spends hours bugging everyone about the reality of certain myths. Steve gets it the worst because as a werewolf, he’s the most commonly talked about monster.
He definitely stays ten feet away from the Blyers after learning about their heritage because he’s written too many campaigns with tricky fae.
More than once, a kid asks Eddie something about being a “normal” human, offending him greatly.
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tcr55 · 9 months
Sydney’s Millers Point has buckets of history. Tens of thousands of years of Indigenous culture and life, then early days of white arrival and convict construction, then houses for the rich, then working class use for the wharves, gold rush wealth, then the plague hit, followed by wars and depression.
These grand houses are on Argyle Place.
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salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
‘there is no archaeological or linguistic evidence to suggest mass irish immigration to scotland and more to suggest a cultural flow across the north channel’
‘the spread of the gaelic language indicates that scots gaelic did not evolve indigenously indicating a movement of irish immigration to argyll’
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archivio-disattivato · 8 months
Guyana, Venezuela, and Colonialism
Dec 23. Written By Intersect. Blog post by Lucia E. Murray, Intersect Antigua
On December 14, 2023, presidents Ifraan Ali of Guyana and Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela met in Argyle, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, to sign a “Joint Declaration of Argyle for Peace and Dialogue.” This declaration was crafted as a direct response to the recent re-escalation of tensions between Guyana and Venezuela – engendered by Maduro’s continued invocation of the Guyana-Venezuela territorial dispute and his insistence that Venezuela has claim to the Essequibo region of Guyana. This issue first arose in the late 1800s due to the colonisation and subsequent partitioning of the region by European powers – namely, the Spanish, British, and Dutch. Since then, in spite of repeated efforts to arrive at a resolution, the dispute still persists and has been reignited several times throughout the years. In her article, “Guyana and Venezuela: The Currently Unfolding Crisis of Imperialism,” Dr. Tamanisha John underscores a key, inciting incident in this controversy:
“In 1899, the borders between an independent Venezuela and British Guiana were considered settled via an Arbitral Award – in which Venezuela, Great Britain, the United States, and (what is now) Guyana were all signatories . . . and both parties accepted those boundaries as ‘full, perfect, and final’ (Felix 2015, 6). It would not be until August 18, 1962, that Venezuelan President Romulo Betancourt – given the knowledge that Guyana would soon become independent from Great Britain – declared the Arbitral Award ‘null and void’ (Felix 2015, 10). This date marks the discursive controversy of Venezuela and Guyana border tensions – as legally, the border is considered settled.”
Following continued claims for Essequibo from Venezuela, it was agreed through the 1966 Geneva Agreement – signed by the “United Kingdom [as Guyana was still under British rule at this time], Venezuela and, upon attaining independence, Guyana” (Joseph) – that a peaceful settlement of the matter would be attained through legal means, which includes referring the dispute to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). However, the Venezuelan government has also refused to recognize the ICJ – leaving any further proceedings regarding Essequibo at an impasse. Ultimately, this conflict is one of colonial inheritance and, consequently, completely ignores the sovereignty of the indigenous people native to Essequibo. The potential for this region to be annexed persists beneath conditions created by capitalism, imperialism, and chauvinism – all of which are interlinked as vestiges of colonialism.
The Venezuelan government’s motivation for the annexation of Essequibo is manifold; however, two key factors are the discovery of oil and U.S. presence in the region. In 2015, ExxonMobil – an American oil company and one of the wealthiest in the world – confirmed the existence of massive oil reserves in Essequibo. Not only had Exxon been permitted to explore particular areas of Guyana prior to this, but they were also present in Venezuela until 2007 –  when the “last remaining oil production sites . . . under foreign company control” (Wilpert) were nationalised. In a capitalist world that rewards the exploitation of land and labour, as well as exponential resource extraction, whoever is in possession of the oil reserves in Essequibo would gain access to substantial wealth and power. This means that both Venezuela and Exxon – and the U.S., by extension – stand to gain a great deal from the region, far more than Guyana, whose government struck a notoriously unfavourable deal with Exxon in 2016 (Sanzillo). Hence, it is no surprise that following the company’s 2015 announcement regarding the discovery of oil in Essequibo, tensions surrounding the territorial dispute rose once again (John). Furthermore, Venezuela’s interest in the region’s oil is corroborated by recent orders from Maduro to “‘immediately’ explore and exploit the [area’s] oil, gas and mines” (“Venezuela orders state companies to exploit oil and gas mines in Guyana territory”). Whether done by the U.S. or Venezuela, the plundering of Essequibo is a colonial practice that is at odds with and infringes upon the indigenous peoples living in the area. 
Maduro’s push to annex Essequibo is also propelled by a desire to secure his position in Venezuela’s upcoming elections through appealing to longstanding, nationalistic sentiments. In an interview with Black Power Media, Dr. Tamanisha John underlines the connection between calls for annexation, (re-)elections, and nationalism. Asserting that Essequibo is a part of Venezuela is essentially equated as being pro-Venezuela – at least within the country’s political sphere. John also adds that part of what is fueling the continuation of this dispute is the persistence of an ideology that frames Spanish colonisation as more legitimate than British, French, or Dutch colonisation – despite the fact that colonisation, in all of its forms, is egregious and unjust. It is along these lines of thought that Maduro held a referendum on December 3, 2023, “to mobilise public support” regarding the dispute. However, “[t]he turnout appeared so underwhelming that the Venezuelan government has been widely accused by analysts of falsifying the results” (“Maduro vote to claim Guyana’s territory backfires as Venezuelans stay home”). The actions of the Venezuelan government to this end are authoritarian, and consequently, colonial in nature. Imposing the Venezuelan identity on the people of Essequibo ignores their right to self determination. In an interview with Agence France-Presse (AFP), Thomas Devroy, “a former village chief” in the village of Arau, Essequibo, says that “Essequibo was ‘the land of the Akawaio’ Indigenous people who live across Guyana, Venezuela, and Brazil.” He states, “This is our land. Before the Spaniards were here, since time immemorial. For us there are no borders, but with the politics now, there is one. And Essequibo belongs to Guyana.” Although the current lines dividing South America and the Caribbean were drawn by colonial powers and do not reflect the reality of the indigenous residents prior to colonisation, it is nevertheless important to recognise that the indigenous Caribbean people – in addition to the afro-Caribbean and indo-Caribbean people – living in the Essequibo region consider themselves Guyanese. This fact alone should warrant an end to the dispute. 
“This is our land. Before the Spaniards were here, since time immemorial. For us there are no borders, but with the politics now, there is one. And Essequibo belongs to Guyana.”
— Thomas Devroy via AFP
It is clear, through their threats of annexation, that Venezuela – while also a victim of colonialism – is engaging in colonial violence against Guyana, as this acquisition would entail exerting dominion over a smaller, less powerful territory to exploit its resources at the expense of those living there. Intersect stands in support of the people most affected by this dispute – this being the people of the Essequibo region, especially the indigenous people to whom this land truly belongs, and the people of wider Guyana. In the face of colonial and imperial interference, we call for their sovereignty to be respected.
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advocatedee · 11 months
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NOVEMBER 8, 2023
The Regina Police Service is asking for help from the public in locating a missing child.
Noah Smallchild, 10 years-of-age, was last seen on November 8, 2023 in the 1300 block of Argyle Street in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Noah is described as an indigenous male, approximately 4’0” tall, slim build, with straight black hair, and brown eyes.
He was last seen wearing a black jacket, black jeans, and a red hat.
There is no reason to believe Noah has come to harm, however he is vulnerable because of his age and police need to locate him to ensure his safety.
Anyone with any information please contact:
1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
#MissingAndMurderedUnityMovement & #MissingPersons & #MissingChild & #IndigenousMissing & #MMIP & #NoahSmallchild & #ReginaSaskatchewan & #ReginaSK & #SaskatchewanCanada & #SKCanada & #Canada & #Unity & #Nationwide & #Viral
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stellariumcircus · 1 year
Fuck you for excusing the Duffers for their racism/colorism/anti-Native/Latino writing honestly. Argyle is clearly poorly written because of the repeated racism of the ST team.
anon i would advise u to check out my bio and look at my pfp, which is a representation of me (an indigenous person)
i'm not saying white writers can't be racist, unintentionally or otherwise, but eddie was clearly given more attention as a side character than argyle because he was literally going to die in the same season he was introduced.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Halifax pep rally counts down to Canada Winter Games
In three weeks, almost 300 Nova Scotia athletes, coaches and managers will make their way to Prince Edward Island to compete at the 2023 Canada Winter Games.
To celebrate, Team Nova Scotia hosted a pep rally outside city hall in Halifax.
The group marched down Argyle St. to the Grand Parade in blue and white, representing the colours of Nova Scotia.
An African drumming performance led the way to the stage, followed by an Indigenous ceremony that included well wishes and a prayer.
The team is gearing up to compete against the best athletes from across the country.
“It’s really a culmination of the hard work of these athletes, coaches, and the support personnel in getting our athletes ready to attend this incredible national multi-sport event,” said Lori Lancaster, the chef-de-mission for Team Nova Scotia.
For some of the players, this is the first time their sport will be included in the Canada Games.
“It’s the first time that karate is going to be in it, so it was just a big thing for us and everyone is just super excited,” said Mikayale German, who will be competing in the sport.
From squash to wheelchair basketball, the Canada Winter Games will feature 20 different sports in total.
For the players, they’ve dedicated most of their years training for this moment.
“I am excited to be playing some players that are my age. There aren’t too many around here,” said Emmett Workman, who will be competing in squash.
The pep rally also marked the first time platers representing Nova Scotia met.
“Everyone seems pretty united. We come from different places and everything but come together as Nova Scotia,” said Carter Bryk.
After the pandemic cancelled all international and national tournaments, organizers and athletes are excited for the chance to get back out there and compete on a national level.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/DCfMbFP
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grouptoursworld · 2 years
An A To Z Guide Of The Kimberley Region
The Kimberley is one of the world's last wilderness frontiers, where you will find abundant wildlife, magnificent canyons and gorges, magical freshwater swimming holes and waterfalls, outback stations, and a great 4WD road trip. One of the amazing ways to make your Kimberley tour more special is to choose one of the great guided tours in Kimberley to lean on as you make travel happen.
Take a quick look at our A-Z Guide to the Kimberley Region to find out why this is a must-visit destination.
An important stop for any Western Australia adventure, Broome is one of the jewels of the Kimberley region. The town has a relaxed vibe and is the pearling capital of Australia. With the often humid and warm climate, locals often dine al fresco on wide verandahs and open decks to enjoy the tropical conditions.  
Cable Beach
Stay at the iconic Cable Beach Club Resort and Spa on your first night of the tour. Cable Beach is 22km of warm flat water and soft white sand. Enjoy the famous multicoloured sunset on the beach and a relaxed dinner at one of the resort's top restaurants.
Echidna Chasm
Go on a hike to Echidna Chasm, a natural rock that reaches a staggering 200 metres in peak while only being one metre wide at specific points. The chasm "glows" when the sunlight reaches overhead and shines on the chasm.  
Halls Creek
Halls Creek is the gateway to the breathtaking formation of the white quartz China Wall. Halls Creek has an authentic insight into the spectacular Australian outback, with something to entertain everyone, from magnificent natural attractions, wide open spaces and rich Indigenous and European history and culture.  
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Enjoy the sunset while cruising on Lake Kununurra. Keep an eye out for wildlife and absorb the stunning views as your boat goes through winding creeks and picturesque lagoons.  
Lake Argyle
Travel to Lake Argyle and join a wildlife sail on the mighty Ord River. From a modern shaded vessel, discover the area's ecological system that has grown from the damming of the Ord River.  
Mitchell Falls
Book your full day to explore the beauty of Mitchell Falls, with its Indigenous rock art and tiered waterfalls. Begin with guided tours and hike to Little Mertens Falls to view rarely-seen rock art. When available, local Indigenous guides will join the adventure.  
Purnululu National Park
Don't forget to explore stunning Purnululu National Park on a Kimberley tour. Gaze at Piccaninny Creek and walk along this winding gorge set deep within the Bungle Bungle Range, offering spectacular views of the beehive domes.  
Windjana Gorge
This geological wonder is home to ancient marine fossils embedded in the gorge walls. The gorge is over 3 kilometres long, and at the base of the gorge, freshwater pools are home to birdlife, fruit bats, and freshwater crocodiles.  
Zebedee Springs
Take a short walk through the series of inviting thermal pools and waterfalls. The springs are open from morning 7 to noon if you are self-driving. If you join one of our guided tours in Kimberley , you can easily explore most of the stunning places of Kimberley.
Kimberley is indeed full of so much wonder and beauty. The Kimberley is one of the most incredible places on earth and is frequented by those looking for adventure, unbelievable scenery, incredible wildlife, and natural beauty. Visit these stunning places and choose the best guided tours in Kimberley to suit you and your budget.
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discoscoob · 2 years
I’m seriously confused how steddie ended up becoming the popular ship out of s4 of Stranger Things, for example you’ve got Jonathan and Argyle who share many more scenes and have a much deeper relationship and I’ve hardly seen anyone considering them a ship. And honestly, this only strengthens my theory that a lot of mlm shipping is down to straight women being attracted to two male characters, especially white ones, bc it’s a bit suspicious that Jonathan and Argyle isn’t a popular ship and one of them is an indigenous poc. And you don’t see as many people thirsting over Jonathan and Argyle as you see people thirsting over Eddie and Steve.
So people can scream about how they were “queerbaited” and “robbed of representation” but do you really want representation if you’re only interested in it if you find the characters attractive and you benefit from the representation bc you can get off to it?
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e-munson666 · 2 years
Braiding Argyles hair when he's stoned 💚
{Argyle x F!Reader}
((a/n: Argyle ABSOLUTELY does not get enough love on here and I am determined to change that. He is so fucking silly, and I can just imagine the funny/stupid shit he would say/do.))
++Fluff blurb++
He takes a puff off the joint, looking down at you putting two thick braids into his long hair.
"Whacha doin my cute little brochacho?" He asks in a giggly voice.
"Just wait" you reply, tying rubber bands around the ends of the braids. You grab your compact mirror out of your bag to show him his hair. You trade it to him for the joint and he smiles widely.
"Whoa! I look like a fierce Indigenous warrior" he says scanning his reflection. "Righteous"
He takes he joint from you and inhales another long puff, you both roar with laughter until your sides hurt.
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ok as a latina this is really annoying me so listen to me for a second. argyle is mexican. eduardo franco is FULL mexican, as are both of his parents. stop saying "he's not mexican, he's native americ-" indigenous latinos exist, he is indigenous mexican. he's full mexican and therefore full latino. his name is literally eduardo, come on. don't erase his identity. i have had an ungodly amount of non latinos try and fight me on this on tiktok as if they're gonna know better than someone who is 100% latina. stop erasing latino representatio just because someone doesn't look like your stereotypical view of a latino. argyle is the ONLY latino rep we have on st, let us have him.
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m0nomercy · 2 years
just to throw my hat into the mix, i feel wood elf would suit argyle b/c i think he's supposed to be native?? at least i'm considering him to be representation as a fellow indigenous californian, and i've personally always felt a connection to wood elves (to the point where they're the native/indigenous peoples in my own homebrew world)
yes!! thats very good tbh circle of land druid wood elf argyle i think overall suits him very well
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