#industrial headhunters
vantedgesearch23 · 2 months
Diversity and Inclusion in Industrial Executive Recruitment 
Promoting diversity and inclusion in industrial executive recruitment is essential for companies aiming to stay innovative and competitive. A diverse executive team brings varied perspectives, creative problem-solving, and improved decision-making processes. Here's a comprehensive look at how to foster diversity and inclusion within industrial recruitment. 
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1. Commit to a Diverse Hiring Strategy 
Companies must start by making a firm commitment to diversity at the highest levels. This means setting clear diversity goals, allocating resources to achieve them, and holding leadership accountable. A public commitment to diversity signals to potential candidates that the company values varied backgrounds and perspectives. 
2. Broaden the Talent Pool 
Expanding the talent pool involves looking beyond traditional recruitment channels. Companies should actively seek candidates from underrepresented groups, utilizing platforms and networks that focus on diversity. Partnering with universities, professional organizations, and community groups can help reach a broader range of candidates. 
3. Implement Unbiased Recruitment Practices 
Eliminating bias in recruitment is crucial for fostering diversity. Blind recruitment practices, where identifying information is removed from applications, can help ensure candidates are judged solely on their qualifications and experience. Additionally, structured interviews and standardized evaluation criteria can reduce the impact of unconscious bias. 
4. Promote an Inclusive Company Culture 
A welcoming and inclusive company culture is vital for attracting and retaining diverse talent. This includes creating policies that support work-life balance, offering professional development opportunities, and encouraging open communication. Employee resource groups (ERGs) and diversity training programs can also play a significant role in fostering an inclusive environment. 
 5. Showcase Success Stories 
Highlighting stories of diverse leaders within the company can inspire potential candidates and demonstrate a genuine commitment to inclusion. These stories can be shared through company websites, social media, and recruitment materials. Showcasing diverse role models helps to attract candidates who value diversity and seek an inclusive workplace. 
 6. Engage with Diverse Recruitment Firms 
Partnering with recruitment firms that specialize in diversity can significantly enhance the hiring process. Firms like Vantedge Search have extensive networks and expertise in identifying and engaging diverse candidates. Their specialized approach ensures that the recruitment process is inclusive and aligned with the company’s diversity goals.  
Promoting diversity and inclusion in industrial recruitment is not only a moral imperative but also a business advantage. Companies that successfully integrate these practices into their recruitment strategies can expect to see improved innovation, enhanced problem-solving capabilities, and a stronger competitive edge. By focusing on diversity and inclusion, industrial firms can build a dynamic executive team that drives success and fosters a positive corporate culture. 
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spilladabalia · 2 years
Front 242 - Headhunter
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So, Timothée Chalamet's agent has apparently sparked debate online because he's revealed that Chalamet hasn't had to audition for a role in 7 years... Okay... And?
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ajeetsgroup · 3 months
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AJEETS: Oil and Gas Headhunter
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hshspersonalberatung · 8 months
Die professionelle Personalberatung
Haben Sie schon mal eine professionelle Personalberatung engagiert?
Die Eignung eines Kandidaten, seine Ziele und die Perspektive, die ihn antreibt, werden durch die oberflächliche Vermittlung nicht geprüft. Da Personaler die erfolgsbasierte Personalvermittlung bevorzugt einsetzen, ist das Ergebnis ein exponentiell steigender Prozentsatz an Fehlbesetzungen. Seit der Coronakrise sind diese Auswirkungen in Großunternehmen in Zahlen messbar. Insbesondere bei Führungskräften gehen Unternehmen mit diesem Risiko ein sehr großes Vabanquespiel ein. Unzeitgemäße Anführer oder häufige Wechsel im Management führen immer und unweigerlich zu hoher Fluktuation.
Der Sinn des Lebens – welchen haben Sie für sich definiert? Oder beruflich: welchen Sinn hat die Karriere? Letztere ist heute dem Wunsch nach „Balance“ gewichen. Und das betrifft nicht mehr nur junge Arbeitnehmer. Auch die Ebene Geschäftsleitung zieht heute nicht mehr automatisch „mit Sack und Pack“ um.
Die Lösung ist im Grunde ganz einfach: Wie entstand die Nachfrage in den 1950er Jahren an auf Headhunting spezialisierten Personalberatungen? Und warum profitieren letztlich alle beteiligten Parteien von einer professionell durchgeführten, gezielten, aufwändigen und seriösen Personalsuche - nämlich der Kunde, der Kandidat, der Headhunter und das ehemalige Unternehmen des Kandidaten!?
Die zunehmende Oberflächlichkeit im Recruiting ist vor allem 3 Entwicklungen zuzuschreiben. Dem Versuch seitens HR, sämtliche Stellen selbst besetzen zu können, dem Versuch, das Recruiting zu Digitalisieren und dem Fachkräftemangel. Letzterer ist heute der häufigste Auslöser für eine Beauftragung in der „Personalbeschaffung“. So mancher Arbeitgeber will eine Stelle einfach nur besetzen, weil das Unternehmen keine Mitarbeiter findet. Offensichtlich ein Teufelskreis.
Kommen wir also zurück zu einer Dienstleistung, die fast vergessenen Zielen folgt: dem professionellen Headhunter. Seine Aufgabe ist die gezielte, oft vertrauliche Suche nach der passenden Fach- und Führungskraft. Der Arbeitgeber will sich Expertenwissen „einkaufen“. Er benötigt einen Schnellstarter oder neue Impulse, er sucht einen Mitarbeiter mit guten Markt-, Kunden- oder Wettbewerbskenntnissen, mit Produktwissen oder Prozess-Knowhow. Im Executive-Search werden nachweisliche Erfolge und Führungs-, Organisations- und Motivationstalent gesucht. Hoch-kompetent, hoch-motiviert und: wechselbereit.
Beauftragen Sie also einen professionellen Headhunter, dann gewinnen Sie Mehrwert. Der Kandidat findet eine Aufgabe, die zu ihm passt. Das ehemalige Unternehmen des Kandidaten gewinnt Platz für einen zufriedenen Mitarbeiter. Eine WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN Situation 😊!
Mehr unter: www.hshs.net
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they-breasted-boobily · 11 months
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johnrnelson · 11 months
8 Reasons Why You Should Choose Talon Job Recruitment Agency to Help You Find Your Next Job
Talon Recruiting is a leading job recruitment agency in Canada with a proven track record of helping job seekers find their dream jobs. Here are 8 reasons why you should choose Talon Recruiting to help you find your next job:
We have a vast network of employers. We have relationships with employers of all sizes in a variety of industries. This means we can give you access to more job opportunities than you could find alone.
We can help you save time and hassle. Applying for jobs can take time and effort. We can help you streamline the process by screening job openings, submitting your resume on your behalf, and preparing you for interviews.
We can help you get the best possible salary. Our recruiters are experts in salary negotiation. We can help you research the market salary for your position and negotiate a competitive salary on your behalf.
We can provide you with expert career advice. Our recruiters can help you assess your skills and experience, identify your career goals, and develop a plan.
We are committed to providing excellent customer service. We support you every step of the way, from the initial consultation to the job offer acceptance.
We have a proven track record of success. We have helped thousands of job seekers find their dream jobs. We are confident that we can help you, too.
We are licensed and insured. We are a member of the Canadian Association of Professional Consultants (CAPC), and we are fully insured.
We have an excellent reputation. We are proud of our reputation for providing our clients with high-quality services.
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Here are some additional benefits of working with Talon Recruiting:
We are a boutique agency, which means that we can provide our clients with personalized attention.
We are committed to diversity and inclusion. We work with many clients and job seekers, regardless of their background or experience.
We are passionate about helping our clients achieve their career goals.
If you are looking for a job recruitment agency that can help you find your next job, contact Talon Recruiting today. We offer a free consultation, and we are confident that we can help you succeed.
The construction industry in Toronto is booming, offering numerous opportunities for professionals seeking a rewarding career. Whether you're a seasoned construction worker or just starting out, the path to finding the right job in this bustling metropolis can be challenging. That's where Talon Recruiting, a premier job recruitment agency in Canada, comes into play. With their expertise and dedication, they can help you secure a promising position in the construction industry, allowing you to build a successful career in Toronto. In this blog, we'll explore how Talon Recruiting can assist you in your job search and why they are the go-to choice for those seeking construction industry jobs in Toronto.
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aviationindeed · 2 years
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Aviation Indeed is a Recruitment agency, Providing workforce staffing solutions, Job Placement services & consultancy. We help companies outsource recruitment process and hire remote talent.
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prettiestboytoy2 · 7 months
I avoid posting personal stories but holy shit let me tell you how "nobody wants to work this days"
I got an call from a headhunter, he was looking for an consultant in specific type of enterprise-class management systems. Systems i happen to be experienced with. We spoke for roughly 40 minutes about my experience and skills. He was cleary very pleased and convinced he found an perfect candidate, and proceded to contact the company he was working for.
After 1 hour he gave me call back, disappointed. He said he contacted the client and the client was displeased with the fact that after i stooped working with those systems, i had AUDACITY of switching industry and became an project menager in company with completly different profile. Headhunter, being audibly baffled with the reasoning of the company said he tried to negotiate but everything simply bounced off them, so he had to wish me luck in the future.
It really doesn't take rocket scientist to recognize that there is simply no way for economy to improve when anyone remotely competent is being gatekept from getting a job by moronic HR "workers", lacking most basic understanding of the business they work in and who very often fail to create a single dolar of surplus value during thier entire "professional" carrer. Not to even mention functionally illiterate nepo-baby, that didn't had to work a single day of its life for many generations by now, who actually "runs" a company.
Often i get weird looks during recruitment when recruiters asked me about "switches" of the industry, in a tone that sounded like they were looking at prison sentence in my resume. Oh, how could i commit such a great crime of taking whatever job i could because retarded psychopaths responsible for recruitment usually were looking for an noblist with pay of an intern. How could i value not starving to death over being "focused" on the industry.
I was 24 fucking years old when i became project menager. I made for company more money that some people in my country make in an life time, because i was fucking good at it. And now i am getting judged and rejected by some basic bitch with bullshit degree, fucking ridiculous.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 6 months
say more about this casino situation…..
@supercollide jul girl ur up to bat, over to u lmaooo
my contribution to casino!gax au lore: max learned to count cards from a young age. grew up with his dad, dad was a deeply unscrupulous guy. put into scary situations too young etc. was not obviously good at school but smarter than most of the kids in his class. definitely ran some sort of trading cards cartel on the school yard by the time he was twelve. he has a surprising amount of knowledge about indycar strategy because, as strategist ruth buscombe says, race startegy usually shares the same fundamentals as poker. he is a millionaire but drives a beat up honda civic because he thinks it’s funny. his favourite drink is whatever the person next to him is buying because he gets a kick out of doing something out of pure chance and seeing what happens.
meanwhile george went to a state college for mathematics with a minor in security and defense. he got headhunted by several defense industry companies but decided to go into casino security cus he actually fancied being able to tell people what he does, and he likes the people side of it (read: dealing with weird personalities cus he is one too). george’s favourite game outside of casinos is monopoly because he likes to keep friendships but also come close to ruining them only in the confines of the game. the first time he sees max try to be shifty at one of his tables he experiences a huge rush because this is the one all his industry folks talk about. this is the guy. the legend of the circuits who doesn’t stay longer than two months at any known location. the guy who is known by a code name but is somehow never photographed or seen: the golden lion.
now, the lion is in his den. and george, despite the teasing he gets and the bullshit he puts up with, is a hunter.
that’s all i got chief.
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vantedgesearch23 · 3 months
The Unique Challenges of Industrial Executive Search 
Navigating the realm of industrial recruitment poses unique challenges for executive search firms. Vantedge Search, renowned for its expertise in this domain, understands these hurdles intimately. 
In the industrial sector, finding top-tier talent demands more than just traditional recruitment methods. The landscape is ever-evolving, requiring a tailored approach to match executives with the right expertise to the specific needs of companies. 
One of the key challenges in industrial recruitment is identifying candidates with the technical proficiency required for roles in manufacturing, engineering, and supply chain management. Vantedge Search excels in this aspect, leveraging a vast network and industry knowledge to pinpoint individuals with the precise skill set needed. 
Moreover, cultural fit is paramount in the industrial sector. Executives must seamlessly integrate into the operational framework of companies, understanding the nuances of their processes and values. Vantedge Search goes beyond resumes, delving deep into candidates' backgrounds to ensure alignment with organizational culture. 
Another hurdle in industrial executive search is the scarcity of talent with specialized expertise. Vantedge Search, with its reputation for uncovering hidden talent pools, thrives in this environment. Through meticulous research and targeted outreach, they unearth candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities but possess the potential to drive innovation and growth. 
Additionally, the industrial landscape is characterized by fierce competition among companies vying for top talent. Vantedge Search's strategic approach to executive recruitment gives clients a competitive edge, helping them secure executives who can lead them to success in this dynamic sector. 
In conclusion, industrial recruitment presents multifaceted challenges that demand a nuanced and strategic approach. Vantedge Search, with its unparalleled expertise and commitment to excellence, is uniquely poised to navigate these challenges and deliver top-tier executive talent to companies in the industrial sector. 
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arkiwii · 6 months
i spent 130 pulls on typhon banner and never got her so headhunting curse is real i see
good luck friend, rate up is a lie and gacha is an industry made to ruin your life
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sloshed-cinema · 2 months
Headhunters [Hodejegerne] (2011)
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Roger really went through the shit on this one. In some stories of relentless pursuit, one almost has to ask at which point does endless suffering become not worth it. After finding himself in an elaborate trap of his own making, corporate recruitment agent and sometime art thief Roger Brown becomes the target of a psychotic ex-mercenary who has grand designs for corporate domination of the GPS industry. He’s renowned for his micro-transmitter jelly, something which is a boon for militaries the world over and an absolute headache (or hair nightmare) for Roger. Each episode of the pursuit becomes a further exploration of misery for our mark: if taking a dip in a rural outhouse isn’t bad enough, sooner or later he’s blasted off a cliffside in a cop car by a truck and forced to fake his own death, and then attacked by his former affair. It’s a death by a thousand cuts, or a desperate but unwavering refusal to give in. If we start out the film viewing him as an egotistical and yet insecure wet blanket, we come to learn just how audacious he can be in his determination to cling to life for himself.
A baker’s dozen people staring blankly at a bank of screens showing a crime happening in real time and doing fuck all about it is exactly how I imagine all that SimpliSafe bullshit podcasters are constantly trying to shove down my throat actually paying off. While gleefully gruesome and violent at points, Headhunters is also an undeniable comedy. The ridiculousness of the situation, be it Roger trying to negotiate meeting times with the gun-happy fence Ove in between volleys of gunfire with Russian prostitute Natasha or just how effortlessly handsome and suave Clas is in comparison to this sweaty mouth-breather, the tongue is planted firmly into the cheek.
Someone names a sum of money.
A call is made on a public/pay phone.
Roger sustains an injury.
Someone mentions traveling to Gothenburg.
Roger is jealous over his wife.
A security alarm is disabled.
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ajeetsgroup · 3 months
How are the Indian construction workers placed strongly in Gulf? 
The glittering skylines and sprawling infrastructure of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries – Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Oman – are testaments to a period of phenomenal economic growth. Fuelled by oil wealth, these nations embarked on ambitious construction projects, transforming deserts into metropolises. But behind this architectural marvel lies the story of a skilled workforce that made it possible – Indian construction workers.
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A Perfect Match: Skills and Opportunity
The migration of Indian workers to the Gulf began in the early 1970s, driven by a confluence of factors. India's large, young population provided a ready pool of labor. Meanwhile, the oil boom in the Gulf created a surge in demand for construction workers across skill levels – from masons and welders to engineers and architects. Indian workers offered a competitive advantage:
Skill and Experience: India has a long tradition of construction expertise, honed through historical monuments and modern infrastructure projects. Indian workers brought a reputation for hard work, adaptability, and proficiency in various construction techniques.
Cost-Effectiveness: Indian wages were significantly lower compared to their Western counterparts, making them an attractive option for cost-conscious Gulf employers.
Cultural Compatibility: The geographical proximity and cultural similarities between India and the Gulf facilitated communication and adaptation.
Building the Dream: The Indian Contribution
Indian construction workers have played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of the GCC. Their contributions encompass a vast array of projects:
Landmark Buildings: From the iconic Burj Khalifa in Dubai to the futuristic King Abdullah Financial District in Riyadh, Indian workers have been instrumental in constructing some of the most recognizable structures in the region.
Infrastructure Development: The extensive network of highways, bridges, airports, and ports that connect the GCC nations are testaments to the tireless efforts of Indian construction crews.
Urbanization Projects: The rapid urbanization of the region, with the rise of megacities like Doha and Abu Dhabi, owes much to the dedication and skill of Indian workers.
Beyond their technical expertise, Indian workers have also brought a strong work ethic and a willingness to take on challenging projects. They have often worked under harsh climatic conditions, facing long hours and demanding schedules. Their contribution to the economic development of the Gulf is undeniable.
Challenges and Considerations
While the story of Indian construction workers in the Gulf is one of success, there are also challenges that need to be acknowledged:
Working Conditions: Concerns have been raised about the working conditions faced by some migrant workers, including long working hours, inadequate living conditions, and potential exploitation.
Skill Gaps: While India boasts a large workforce, skill gaps remain in specific areas of construction, particularly in advanced technologies and project management.
Labor Regulations: Evolving labor regulations in the Gulf can create uncertainty for migrant workers.
The Road Ahead: Building a Sustainable Future
Looking ahead, the relationship between India and the Gulf in the construction sector needs to evolve to address these challenges and create a more sustainable future for workers.
Here are some key considerations:
Skills Development: India can focus on enhancing the skills of its construction workforce through targeted training programs, ensuring they remain competitive and adaptable.
Improved Labor Standards: Collaboration between sending and receiving countries is crucial to ensure fair and safe working conditions for migrant workers.
Focus on Technology: Embracing advancements in construction technology will not only improve efficiency but also create new opportunities for skilled Indian workers.
Knowledge Transfer: Encouraging knowledge transfer from experienced Indian workers to their GCC counterparts can foster a more collaborative and sustainable partnership.
The story of Indian construction workers in the Gulf is one of mutual benefit. Indian workers have found opportunities to contribute to their families' well-being and national development. In turn, the Gulf nations have benefited from a skilled and dedicated workforce that has played a vital role in their economic transformation. As the construction sector continues to evolve, a focus on skills development, improved working standards, and knowledge transfer will pave the way for a more just and sustainable future for all stakeholders involved.
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hshspersonalberatung · 8 months
HSH+S Management und Personalberatung
Seit 1994 unterstützt die HSH+S Personalberatung den Mittelstand und die Industrie mit Fokus auf die professionelle Personalsuche. Im Executive-Search finden, prüfen und gewinnen die HSH+S Personalberater mittels der vertraulichen persönlichen Direktansprache (Headhunting) Talente und Leistungsträger. www.hshs.net
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literaticat · 5 months
I don't intend this question to be rude so I hope it doesn't come off this way. Why is it the culture that poaching a client from another agent is rude? The rest of the professional world doesn't seem to go that way (you apply for a new job while still working, for example). Is it just because publishing is a small industry?
POACHING would be if an agent set their sights on a certain author. They want to rep them. Yes, they are already repped -- but so what? They want them! So they approach the author and say hey, I want to rep you, I can do better than your agent is doing, you should leave your agent and come to me. (And then they do). That would be a successful poaching, and that agent who poached is now a villain to the previous agent, as well as anyone else they ever speak to about it, which will be LOTS of people, FOREVER.
(If the author were to say "I'm fine actually BYE" than that's an unsuccessful poaching I guess, and hopefully they will tell their beloved agent about the encounter, and that would-be poaching agent will be a figure of fun for years to come.)
So... that's different from an employee wanting a new job and applying for new jobs while they are still working at the old one. (Which isn't a problem really, but still, you probably wouldn't apply for jobs in full sight of your employer and take interviews while at work!) It's more like a company aggressively headhunting a top employee of their competitor -- of COURSE the competitor would be pissed if that happened. And since they couldn't really be pissed at the employee, they'd be pissed at that other company.
Adding to the drama is, yes, the publishing world is small, our reputations are all we have, we all know each other, and people gossip. Also, frankly, well, we work on commission. Basically, sometimes working for months or YEARS for free. That's fine, it's the nature of the beast, but also, once a client is finding lots of success, that's a major win for us. (Hey, I was there in the trenches! 15% of these successes are for ME, I earned them!) Not to mention, we are probably pretty tight with our long-standing clients, and hopefully have been good to them and feel a measure of loyalty, and vice-versa, so while I can't begrudge somebody wanting to move on if that's what's best for their career, I can absolutely begrudge some other agent swooping in and STEALING them!
To avoid any whiff of impropriety or potential accusation of poaching, again, a High Crime in the agent world, most agents will want to avoid talking to authors about representation if the authors are currently repped. If we are friends, I can talk to you / give advice as a friend, whatever -- but I can't offer representation if you are currently repped, you need to have left that relationship and have no outstanding contractual obligation to that agent.
That's why best practices is for you to leave your agent BEFORE you query other agents. After all -- if you know for a fact you want to leave, you should go, because not having an agent is better than having a bad agent. If you DON'T know if you want to leave, you just have some problems or are feeling restless, you should talk to your current first and see if the problems you have are solvable -- and if they aren't, then leave and query others.
I KNOW IT IS SCARY, but if the relationship is not working, and it's not fixable, just get out of it and start fresh.
(Also, not for nothing, but, again, since a lot of agents know one another, if it seems like you are still repped, you can assume that the agents you query WILL ask your current agent about that if you query them and they are interested. So... that'd be awkward if they don't even know you are looking to leave them! I guess that is one way to do it, it just doesn't seem like the BEST way.)
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