#infectionre au
polarspaz · 4 months
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WABAM! I give you.....InfectedRe Leon 2.0!
Now with an even more fucked up face! I'm Sorry Leon...
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A/n: So as I said before I did not think that my little rambles would do so well / that anyone would even want to read them. But here is the first one on this { linked above }; not sure how I like how this pen turned out.
Part 1
Leon’s looks / Inspo for the fic:
So I have three images I’m basing his looks off of. I linked the images and accounts below. They are amazing and were very helpful in me writing these fics.
@ryo-creampuff { Plagas! Leon } starting looks
@patchwork-tag { Project Scorpion! Leon }
@polarspaz { InfectionRE AU Leon } final transformation.
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You remember what Luis told you, that they weren’t able to remove the Plaga from his chest. The man promised you that he’d find a cure but that didn’t stop the BSAA from taking Leon and putting you under observation.
And then he started to change, it was the little things at first.
Dark veins forming in his arms, his hands forming into claws. You remember hearing his screams of pain as legs bursted from his back due to the plaga.
It was hard breaking him out, that was something you rather forget.
Slowly walking towards Leon, the man’s head snapped up to look at you. His once blue eyes now a deep shade of red. Fangs poking out from his lips as his head hung low.
A low grumble escaped his lips, the tail he had grown wrapped tightly around his waist. He was waiting for you to come closer, you knew that. The Plaga within him was effecting him more each day. Spikes forming on his back, though the physical transformations weren’t the only changes Leon went through.
The man started to see you as his mate, something that must be protected. You knew that he would never hurt you yet you couldn’t say the same to anyone that stepped close to you.
It was getting harder for him to speak but that never stopped him from showing his affection for you the best he could.
“I love you, you know that right.”
A small, satisfied grumble moved passed his lips though it sounded more of a purr as his carefully let his clawed hand pull you close to his chest. His nose nuzzled into your neck.
His fangs grazing your neck for a moment though soon you were thrown behind his back as the front door was thrown open gun drawn on Leon.
“Chris!! Stop” A cry escaped your lips as a snarl escaped Leon’s.
The former agent now on his hands and knees in a defensive position. His jaw becoming unhinged as the spikes on his back starter to flare up. You knew you had to stop this before they both killed each other.
Squeezing your eyes shut you stepped in front of Leon only to be faced with a barrel of a gun.
“Move out of the way Y/n.”
Shaking your head you took another step forward, your were terrified but you weren’t about to let him take Leon from you. “No…I’m not not gonna let you hurt him.”
“He needs to be terminated.”
“Terminated…Chris this is Leon…He’s not a monster…”
“He killed five agents!”
“Because they were trying to kill me! He was protecting me…Chris please…please just go…we’re not…he’s not hurting anyone.” You whispered as Leon crawled towards you, his head bumped your thigh. “Please.”
Glancing at you then towards Leon, Chris lowered his gun watching you both. His gaze now on Leon, his former friend still on his knees. Part of him hated to do this, to leave a unchecked B.O.W but seeing how protective he was of you.
He has to give you a chance, give Leon a chance. He couldn’t regret this. “Don’t make me regret this.”
“You won’t.” Still holding your breath, you only relax the moment Chris stepped out of the door with a small smile and goodbye.
Turning back to Leon you then dropped to your knees in-front of him. Your own smile forming on your lips as you cupped his cheeks. A purr escaping his lips as his tail wrapped around you, the tip caressing your back gently.
Keeping your head pressed against his, your thumb caressed his cheek. “We’re free Leon.”
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polarspaz · 4 months
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InfectionRE AU
Protect the baby!
(could have came out better but eh-)
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polarspaz · 1 year
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InfectionRE AU
Look out! It's a Feral Leon protecting Ashley! (ง •̀_•́)ง
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polarspaz · 1 year
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InfectionRE AU
Just a quick doodle of Leon.
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polarspaz · 1 year
Ever since I saw your first post for the InfectionRe Au I've fallen in love and my brains been thinking so much on one specific thing...
What do you think Luis would look infected as well? Him having to deal with "curing" both Leon and now himself. It's been lingering in my head for MONTHS
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polarspaz · 1 year
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InfectionRE AU
Luis wasn’t bullshitting when he promised Leon he would cure him after this cult nonsense was over. In the meantime though, Luis needs to takes notes on how his serum is working and make sure Leon isn’t experiencing any other negative side effects besides the obvious mutation.
During one quick physcial however, Luis learns that Leon now makes cute chuffing noises, similar to a tiger, when he’s pleased or content. (( Doesn’t help that Leon was touched starved before this shit.))
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polarspaz · 1 year
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One more month till Halloween! Let's dip our toes into some more intense body horror! (ᅌᴗᅌ✿)
Here's poor Leon mid-transformation and a headshot showing how his bottom jaw splits open.
BTW The Split jaw is inspired by @quasar-crew amazing, stupendous, fic called -la plaga de caparazón | the plague of carapace !! ((Go read it! ITS VERYGOOD))
((Oh and if you can't read the text on the upper right its says : Tissue beneath the jaw can grow and shrink when needed. When the jaw is not split, the tissue presses together to form a water tight seal.))
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polarspaz · 1 year
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InfectionRE AU
What's happening? Well Leon was having a really, really bad day. Just one of those shitty days were nothing is on track, work is frustrating, and you want nothing more than to just stop and scream like a petulant toddler.
The only thing Leon's had to look forward to all day were the Breakfast cupcakes Ashley sent him from Boston. So when he opens the communal fridge and see's his cupcake box empty, both he and the Plaga see red. ((Both of them REALLY liked these cupcakes))
It's crazy expensive to ship stuff to the base, so the government makes them pay for any frivolous items they want out of their own salary. There's also the fact that it takes weeks for stuff to come in, he's going have wait at least a month before he can get more!
Leon's already tracking the trail of cupcake crumbs into the next room, hissing curses under his breath. It's there he finds the culprit, Chris, merrily munching away on HIS LAST CUPCAKE DAMMIT!
((BONUS FACTS)) Leon can eat whatever he wants, but tends to learn towards more sugary and sweet food since he can taste them better. He also likes cooked meat or anything with maple syrup on it.
-Chris can only eat raw meat. If he eats anything else, he'll throw it back up. But eating raw meat all the time is pretty bland, so Chris will sometimes still eat other food despite the unfortunate consequences.
-As for what they spend their money on, Leon buys sweets and movies. He's a huge movie nerd and loves to spend his spare time watching new flicks with Luis.
-Chris buys weights for himself but also treats for his dog Bear. A Bernese mountain dog that Clair got for Chris after he arrived at the lab. Bear is very smart, gentle, and calm, but is also spoiled rotten by Chris.
-Bear helps Chris with keeping track of his medication as well as helping him stay calm and relaxed.
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polarspaz · 1 year
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InfectionRE AU
Luis did not succeed in his mission to stay up and greet Leon when he got back home from his latest mission, but Leon appreciates the sentiment anyway. ((Honestly he's just glad to see Luis getting some sleep for once.))
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polarspaz · 2 years
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After beating the RE4 Remake I bring you, InfectionRE AU!                            ((An infection AU remake))
Because of the constant stress from fighting, Leon’s Plaga is developing faster than normal. It doesn’t help that Luis cannot find the medicine needed to suppress it’s growth, so things look bleak. That is until Luis finds something he completely forgot about.
While Luis’s main research was on removing the Plaga, he also was looking for a way to change the Plaga’s relationship with the host from parasitic to symbiotic. Allowing one to retain their mind while the Plaga would keep the host safe by genetically healing or enhancing their body. 
Before he left Los Illuminados, Luis was able to make a prototype formula and offers it to Leon, who refuses. The last thing he wants is to become a monster, but time and luck are not on his side.
Soon, Leon’s arms and face are covered in black veins, and Saddler’s voice is getting louder. Luis offers him the formula one more time, promising Leon he will fix him after, and Leon with a grim nod, takes it.
Leon can only cry out as his body is then morphed by parasite, transforming his body into a more durable and deadlier form. When it’s done, Saddler’s voice is gone and Leon’s mind is crystal clear, his humanity retained.
Now he has to keep both Luis and Ashley safe and get out of this hellhole in Spain, all the while living his worst nightmare. 
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polarspaz · 1 year
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InfectionRE AU
After Chris's arrival at the lab, Leon spares no time in introducing Chris to Ashley, knowing the man will need some new clothes.
Chris is a bit surprised to see that the tailor Leon spoke so highly of is actually the president's daughter. He's even more stunned when he sees that she's unfazed in the slightest at his horrific mutation, simply pulling out her measuring tape and notebook with a determined glint in her eyes.
(( Leon is there because he has to watch Chris to make sure his medication is working and if it isn't, Leon can help subdue him.))
(( After Ashley takes her measurements and leaves the two alone for a second, Chris awkwardly clears his throat and turns to Leon. "I know it's because of the mutation, but-everyone seems so...so-!"
"Small?" Leon adds with a small chuckle. "I know what you mean. I still can't get used to it." ))
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polarspaz · 1 year
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InfectionRE AU
Baby Marco was so PUMPED to show Leon his Halloween costume. Little guy literally waddled his way through the entire base, sheer determination fuiling his tiny legs until he found Leon.
Marco's mother, Ophelia, was nice enough to take a few pictures of the two after and share them with Luis, who in turn shared them with Ashley.
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polarspaz · 1 year
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Leon's Plaga is already having a life crises.
Just a dumb little comic showing how Leon's Plaga feels about it's current situation.
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polarspaz · 1 year
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InfectionRE AU
While many would deny it, Leon knows he’s both disgusting, and terrifying looking. He tries his best to keep his head down, tries to take up less room, tries to keep conversations brief, anything to help ease the discomfort of the people who were willing to tolerate his presence and Luis can’t stand it.
After witnessing the behavior for a week, Luis had nearly chewed through a dozen pens in frustration. He was going to cure Leon sure, but that didn’t mean Leon himself was some sort of monster that needed to be avoided or afraid of. 
So Luis tries his best to casualy touch Leon whenever he can. He also drags the man from his room to socialize with the other soldiers and lab workers, showing the dumb blond that the people here weren’t bothered by his appearance.
After a while Luis hard work pays off when Leon casually grabs his hand to pull a cigarette from his fingers one day without hint of hesitation or shyness and Luis can’t stop grinning the rest of the day after it happens.
((The bottom part with Luis and Leon Sleeping is when the heater shits the bed. Leon is shit at generating heat on his own, so pilling up blankets doesn’t help much. Luis is more than happy to offer himself a subsite heater though.))
((The Pic of the right is Leon’s outdoor disguise. The backpack is actually sewed into back of the coat where there is a a hole that Leon can tuck his tail into, so it hide in the bag. Leon was pleasantly surprised when Ashley brought the outfit to him, noting immediately that the coat was a nice tan color and not jet black. The blue scarf and ski mask were Luis contribution. ))
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polarspaz · 1 year
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InfectionRE AU
The Plaga has made Leon stronger and faster than ever before, and he isn’t hesitant to use that to his advantage. He’s not shy about just picking up Ashley and Luis like a sack of potatoes before crawling up the side of a building or jumping over a twelve foot wall in a single leap.
After on particular jump. Luis complains about Leon’s rough handling, mostly just to tease him. Leon gives him a hearty scoff in return, but he stops and looks troubled. “Am I holding on too tight?” He akses as he looks down at his mismatched hands. “I don’t want to hurt someone..”
Luis blinks at the blatant worry on Leon’s face and feels both fondness and shame for making the other man worried. Luis smiles and waves his hand dismissively. “Nah, I jest. Relax, eh amigo?” He claps Leon’s back in assurance, who looks at him quietly for a moment before nodding.
However the next time Leon does pick up Luis, Luis notices his grip is a bit more gentle.
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