#info and logistics
Word of the week rules and submissions!
What is this?
This is no longer a tournament as that takes too much time and admin. We have also already decided that многоꙮчитїй/ mnogoočitii from Old church slavonian is the best word, so no need to do that again. Instead, I will use this blog to highlight a word (or a couple of words) every week (or other time period if the queue runs out) from languages which aren't English. This will be based on reader submissions with me editing for clarity and adding a blurb about the language, much like in the tournament.
In short, tell me about your favourite words! Let's all learn something new! (My favourite phase of the tournament was definitely research/round one)
Who are you?
I'm a linguistics student and language nerd from Sweden who decided to run a tournament of non-English words because I wanted to highlight language diversity. My native language isn't English, so please be kind if my posts are worded weirdly sometimes (or my username is misspelled lol)
What makes a word good?
There are many ways that a word can be good, but here are some examples: it sounds good/feels good to say, the script looks nice, it denotes an interesting concept, it denotes a concept you like, it does something interesting grammarwise, usagewise or soundwise, it's funny, it's an interesting/fun compound, it has an interesting/fun etymology, it just has good vibes... The possibilities are endless
No words in English, but loanwords from English are allowed with good motivation
No conlangs (I love them but the focus is on natural language)
Words from signed languages are allowed and encouraged as long as you can provide an explanatory picture or film for the sign
Words from pidgins are allowed
Words from extinct languages are allowed
Usage should be widespread within a language community (if it isn't/wasn't used in the language it doesn't belong, neither does words only your family/friend group uses, but slang words are allowed)
No words that have appeared in the tournament or previously on word of the week (search for the word on my blog, all words are tagged)
How submissions and posting work (read these before submitting):
Each person is can make two submissions at a time. Please wait until yours have been posted before you submit more
The submission form is currently open. It will remain so until I have too many unposted submissions, then open again when those have been scheduled
If you're able to, please provide an IPA transcription for your word (the International Phonetic Alphabet has a sign for each sound used in any language, which makes transcription of exact pronounciation possible)
You will need to provide a translation/explanation of the word in English since that is the language used on the blog for ease of communication and reach. If the exact translation of a word is part of what makes the word good, please provide that too
It is possible to be credited for your submission if you want to
If more than 5-6 words in the same language are submitted, all of them might not be posted until some time has passed to avoid one language dominating
I reserve the right to pick which words I want to share if I have many submissions and don't want to do all of them. I do this in my very limited spare time because I think language is fun and if it doesn't spark joy I won't do it
Submissions will be fact-checked, edited for clarity and get a short text about the language. If I find something interesting while researching I might add a note about that as well
Have fun! I can't wait to see your submissions and learn something new!
Submit your word(s) through this form
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krakenshipwreck · 11 months
The NHL has asked me to do stuff for them, whether that be social media, or interviews, or little promo things here and there, and I've always been willing to do it. And I kinda have been like their flag-bearer a little bit, like the token gay that they're kind of using to show that hockey is for everyone even though they're doing stuff on the outside that's completely opposite. So it felt like a stab in the back, a little bit, from them.
--Luke Prokop on the NHL's pride tape ban (starting at ~27:00)
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skibasyndrome · 2 months
since I didn't really seriously get into the fanfic side of the yr fandom until later in October last year: is kinktober a thing in the fandom?
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oneknightstand-if · 8 months
About the new update, I’ve started a new playthrough but when choosing the club it still says that the fencing route is incomplete and redirects me to the polo route?
Yeah, if you already refreshed your browser on the game page (in addition to restarting from the very beginning) and it's still not showing up, then you'll have to empty your cache.
I was briefly trying to code a javascript automatic refresh for everyone having caching issues, but I give up, unfortunately affected people will have to clear their caches. I’ve just been making things worse and I think I might’ve accidentally jettisoned everyone’s previous save files in the attempt. 🤪
FYI to everyone, the updated version of the game has “Version 0.13” in the lower right corner. If you don’t see that, stop, do not pass go, and clear your browser’s cache until it appears. (I also found while messing around that it’s Chrome that refuses to show the new version until the cache is cleared, while Waterfox & Firefox showed it fine to me).
However, after I cleared Chrome's cache, it started showing up fine. You can test if Chrome etc needs to have have its cache cleared by opening the game in Incognito mode. If Version 0.13 shows up there but not in the normal mode then it's a caching issue.
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I’ll be crawling off now & won’t be back until I’m feeling a bit better, but stuff will still be automatically posting from the queue until then.
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ssspringroll · 2 months
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sure why not. i dont have enough things going on
watch this space 👀
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3416 · 11 months
mitch saying he switches gloves every couple minutes now because he saw other guys doing it and wanted to try it out... auston is turning this team into equipment divas one by one.. bless their equipment staff
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voidedjuice · 10 months
an important distinction about my ocs is that actually the one stuck in a groundhog's day loop is Cecily. Ilta is more of the personified mechanisms causing the loop
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
MEE is citing an unnamed "senior Arab" source informed "from a leak originating in the US" that Israel is planning on using nerve gas in tunnels used by Palestinian militants in Gaza. No source more substantial than that (OTOH how would you get one?) so I'm taking it w more than a grain of salt, but good to know A) that claim is out there & B) the sourcing on it
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anonymusbosch · 2 months
#it sure is difficult to make plans with my parents when both of them are in a habit of lying or withholding info to make people feel better#actually it's NOT helpful to book someone a different flight time than thay wanted because you think they'll be happier with a different one#and not tell them?#also not helpful to not tell me someone is coming and not tell them I don't know?#also not helpful to not say what you want and then try to force that to occur? particularly without knowledge of the logistics involved?#like if you tell me what you want and when you want to do it that's good. actively good.#“i didn't want to just put my foot down and say I want to (x)” actually saying you want to (x) would cause me to know that you want it.#which is useful.#instead of booking things before telling me to force the issue? that is definitely putting your foot down concretely?#BOTH of them.#they are flying out to visit and neither of them actually told/asked/confirmed me before booking tickets.#and they don't even have the same info as each other. because ????#also at least one of them is lying about when the tickets were actually purchased#blease#please. confer with me before booking flights to a city i do not live in to force plans to occur how you want????#or like inviting my semi estranged father without telling me?#'i just wanted us to all get along as a family and be happy and enjoy our time together' cool that was not how you achieve that end#blehhhhhhhh#you could also check whether I requested time off work! that would be good to do before booking flights#this is not the worst problem to have in the world. but i lost a lot of work and sleep to it last week and I'm still#getting blindsided by new updates
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 9 months
maybe i should make cliorenza a thing
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Welcome to the best non-english word tournament!
What is this?
This is another bracket tournament, in which we will decide the best word. However, this tournament is also dedicated to linguistic diversity and promoting languages that aren't English, since they are less visible on the internet at large. This means that words in English are banned from competing to make room for the other 6500-7500 known languages (depending on how you count). To avoid other large languages taking over the poll (both counting native speakers and languages the average tumblr user is likelier to know) there will be a limit of four words from every language. Join me and learn new cool words in many different languages as well as vote for your favourite!
Who are you?
I'm a linguistics student and language nerd from Sweden who took lots of inspiration from @ultimate-word-tournament but wanted to focus on language diversity in words. I'll also sneak in some posts about the language situation in the world because it's a fascinating topic. My native language isn't English, so please be kind if my posts are worded weirdly sometimes
What makes a word good?
There are many ways that a word can be good, but here are some examples: it sounds good/feels good to say, the script looks nice, it denotes an interesting concept, it denotes a concept you like, it does something interesting grammarwise or soundwise, it's funny, it's an interesting/fun compound, it has an interesting/fun etymology, it just has good vibes... The possibilities are endless and a judgement probably consists of some combinations of these or others
There will be 64 words and a maximum of four words per language
No words in English, but loanwords from English are allowed with good motivation
No conlangs (I love them but the focus is on natural language)
Words from signed languages are allowed and encouraged as long as you can provide an explanatory picture or film for the sign
Words from pidgins are allowed
Words from extinct languages are allowed
No made up words (if it isn't/wasn't used in the language it doesn't belong, neither does words only your family/friend group uses, but slang words are allowed)
Every submitter is allowed to submit a maximum of two words from the same language based on the honor system
Submissions were open until the bracket was filled and are now closed
I will need to do some selection if I recieve more than four submissions from a language and this selection will mostly be based on who submitted first, with exceptions for good motivations or difficulty finding information on a word (like IPA transcription). I will try my best to research all words and languages, but since I'm hoping for small languages it might be difficult to find. There might also be some selection based on including more languages and areal diversity if I get some really good ones between the 64th submission and closing the form, but we'll see.
Some guidelines:
If you're able, please provide an IPA transcription for your word (the International Phonetic Alphabet has a sign for each sound used in any language, which makes transcription of exact pronounciation possible)
Please provide a short motivation on what makes your word good
You will need to provide a translation/explanation of the word in English since that is the language this tournament is conducted in for ease of communication and reach. If the exact translation of a word is part of what makes the word good, please provide that too
Have fun! I can't wait to see your words. If you just want to vote, go ahead and follow me in the meantime
I will tag some other tournaments to hopefully make this reach people who know interesting languages and good words in them. Please consider doing the same if you want this tournament to be as good as possible.
@ultimate-word-tournament @ultimate-sentence-tournament @words-for-cat-bracket @ultimate-poll-tournament @titlesbracket @tournamentdirectory @eurovision-song-bracket @the-shape-showdown @fuckingstupidbracket
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lupismaris · 1 year
If anyone has a spare thought/fuck to give please toss it my way I'm treading the delicate path of sorting out the possible (absolutely likely) fuck ups of a former colleague and explaining to their supervisor that they allowed said fuck ups to continue for far longer than they needed to all for the sake of not wanting to ask questions
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caspersscareschool · 6 months
Hey I saw ur post about hrt in Wisconsin I also live there and have been on t for 6 years and got top surgery 3 years ago, I'm on badgercare which Mayo clinic accepts and because of that I was able to go to their specialty transgender clinic in Rochester MN by having my regular doctor in WI approve it and write that it was necessary care to badgercare, and then it's been fully covered. I just have to have my regular doctor renew the t prescription now after the gender clinic one initially prescribed it. Idk if any of that info is relevant to what you're looking for but hopefully it's at least semi helpful!
Hi i love you
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oneknightstand-if · 9 months
OKS has now officially become my absolute favourite IF now. The amount of customization and flavour text there is just... chef's kiss??? Also, A HUNDRED SAVE SLOTS?? HELLO?? AUTHOR?? (just a lil worried abt that one 'cause i've heard too many save slots could lead to the game breaking) I love how engaging your writing style is, like you're so good at setting up a creepy atmosphere. Was literally biting my nails while reading chap1 and the humour is too die for lmao 😭
Thanks for the compliments! Always great to see when people notice the hideously overcomplex flavor text.
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Regarding the Save Slots, that's the QuotaExceededError shown above which has nothing to do with the game (any game), but means that the person's browser has reached it's default quota limit (which is where the Save Plugin stores the Save Slots data for all Choicescript games that have it enabled).
This tends to happen mostly with Firefox browsers since its default storage is so tiny. Firefox people can increase their storage (and thus get rid of the chance of triggering the QuotaExceededError) by following the steps shown here.
I currently use Waterfox (a split off branch of Firefox) and I've never gotten that error since I increased my default_quota limit a long time ago. Anyone else getting the same QuotaExceededError on a different browser just needs to search for the steps on increasing their own quota/localStorage/etc limits.
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
chatted with bruce on zoom today!! apparently in addition to announcing the buddy cole doc at his rivoli show he also promoted it in a sirius xm interview he did about the new sketch show he's executive producing (the dessert)!! which is so freaking cool like he's using his platform for a bigger show he's working on to promote a doc i'm directing??? omg???
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un-pearable · 2 years
you’re complaining about the timeline contradicting itself every time you look away, i’m taking classes on prehistory, human evolution, and early archaeology all in one semester and am haunted by the implications of ninjago (and it’s multiverse)’s worldbuilding, we are not the same
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