#informal pitch
ogradyfilm · 11 months
Random Thought Before Bed: My Informal Pitch for an A24 Drama
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Paul Schrader plays an aging alcoholic slowly drinking himself to death as penance for his former racism, so feeble that he can barely lift a glass of beer anymore.
Pete Davidson is a shiftless barfly who figures that Schrader is an easy mark to bum some free drinks off of.
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Their relationship will change both of their lives forever.
[This idea literally came to me in a dream, so vivid and fully-formed that I didn’t even think to question filmmaker Paul Schrader’s presence as a lead actor. It was such a profoundly moving experience, in fact, that I was compelled to jot down the basic premise of the imaginary movie as soon as I woke up. The preceding text was copied and pasted directly from my Notes app, with only minor edits for clarity.]
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alienssstufff · 7 months
Will the petitions against KOSA actually get sent to the governors and lawmakers? My roommate just went through a massive panic attack about it earlier today, and I tried to cheer them up with the example of years ago when Article 13 was rejected because of the worldwide public outcry against it, but I'm afraid they'll have a relapse and I won't have any good news to help them calm down
[ info here ]
From what I gathereddd yes it will get to them directly without outside interference - as all the letters are the same does this mean said lawmakers will read every single one? no - though doing it anyways matters in numbers in ways to tell them that we are aware and want a say in these actions. Like u said Article 13 was rejected because of worldwide outcry, and giant corporations are failing because of the boycott right now - proving banding together does work.
I also think what the bill proposes is a pretty big freaking ask, censorship on a scale as large as the US is a tall order and TBH if they couldn’t get control over guns (the real problem), they cannot get a hold over the internet.
I’m not aware of every censorship policy made ever, but we’re still here now and still have ability to do something about it.
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gl1tched-r4bb1t · 3 months
Is there anything significant to digital circus answered in glitch inn? I want to support the show and get peaks of special tadc content SOOO BAD BUT AM BROKEEE
So far the only things we get are typically BTS, funny glitches, and access to the community channels. We also get to ask questions to GLITCH members. Something close I would say was the original character concepts for the Pomni, Jax, and Ragatha during the show pitch.
Pomni was described to be “down-to-earth” and noted to not be trusting of ANYBODY. She relies on logic and reasoning, something the circus doesn’t accommodate.
Ragatha is constantly a victim of violence, b it remains optimistic. However, it’s implied she quote “too dependent on the companionship she gets from being positive...”
Jax was actually the most interesting to me. It mentions his chaotic and selfish behavior is what keeps him from being bothered by everything else in the circus. (So I assume a coping mechanism)
Those were the only 3 mentioned in the pitch.
And so far that’s the closest we’ve gotten to heavy details. I won’t share screenshots, but if I draw art related to something revealed in the Glitch Inn, I’ll still post it. I respect the TOS about keeping the stuff exclusive, but small details shouldn’t be too bad.
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i3utterflyeffect · 2 months
anyway. do y'all think he made chosen because victim stopped fighting back.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 17 days
gah. i wanna talk abt ruinacorp so bad its driving me crazy but i have nothing to offer + nothing to pitch... everything id want to talk abt requires me studying and taking notes on hours of cutscenes. this is a legally enforced requirement there are snipers trained on my location as we speak
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lostinthefrigginwoods · 11 months
I'm writing my bachelor's thesis on the Gerudo in BOTW and this means making a new save so I can get some of that juicy juicy plot first hand and not have to cite a bunch of sources for them. This also has the implication that Link woke up, met King Rhoam and promptly went "nah, Zelda will manage, I'm going to go be an anthropologist."
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I’ve doodled ideas for redesigns before, but I’ve never just sat down and done it. By god these designs are so cluttered that there’s so many strings to pull for a redesign!
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carfuckerlynch · 7 months
I don't remember a ton of the second party I went to last night but I do remember sitting on the couch outside talking to someone and being like look at me. go on estrogen. do it. you need to
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amplexadversary · 3 months
#If I was to do OC x Canon the only way I could do it would probably be vocal synth related #Because it's so broad it could be anything and characterization doesn't matter #Also because I want a little fansynth to run around with Meiko and Gumi and Miku and Yukari and FruityLoop
@spacedustpan I mean, if you aren't comfortable with doing center-stage OC romance, you can also start small and work your way up.
Usually people talking about OCxCanon are thinking of a prominent OC in a relationship with a main character that is the center focus of the story, but the term also applies to like, making up a love interest for a side character that doesn't have one.
In fact doing something as ... let's say "un-intrusive" as introducing a new character, who a main character would be affected by, through a relationship with a minor character could potentially be used to build some confidence in one's fictional matchmaking prowess.
For example, maybe I want to give Saette from G Gundam a love interest, but make the character interesting to people invested in the main characters.
I might introduce Anjali - a nanotechnology researcher from Neo India (I'm doing this off the cuff and matching a last name to a first name requires a little more care and research there).
Rain has an opportunity to catch up with Saette on the last day of an academic conference, and he introduces Anjali, who he met on the first day of the conference. Conversation reveals that Anjali has submitted a research paper on DG cell research very similar to the research Rain has been conducting, and in fact submitted her paper for publishing about a week before Rain did.
Now, Rain's father, Dr. Mikamura's issues with academic jealousy were key to the plot; we also see that Rain struggles (a LOT) with romantic jealousy (see: how she interacts with Allenby). It's not a huge reach to think that Rain's attitude about academics was influenced by her father, and the fact that she deals with similar feelings in another situation could become interesting.
So we introduce an ethical dilemma. Both research papers are currently in review. Rain knows that Anjali published her paper before meeting Saette. Rain also knows that Saette had been previously infected with DG cells, the subject of both womens' research. Finally, Rain is also aware that if Anjali's paper gets approved for publishing, Anjali will receive the credit for the findings of both papers.
Rain realizes that she could raise a concern about conflict of interest in Anjali's paper - a concern made in bad faith given the knowledge Rain possesses. If Rain claims that Saette and Anjali were together when Anjali was performing her research, and that Saette had input, she could invalidate Anjali's study - or at least force her to prove that her methods were unbiased, potentially buying the time for Rain's paper to pass review while Anjali makes clarifications.
Rain is, here, in a very similar position to her father at the beginning of G Gundam. She has the opportunity to utterly betray someone close to her (Seatte, through betraying his new paramour), in order to secure academic prestige. Doing so could backfire and bring increased scrutiny on Rain's own research, given that she was also infected with DG cells previously, but if Rain does nothing, in all likelihood Anjali's paper will pass review first. Rain not only has to wrestle with the temptation her father faced, but also her own personal conflict; another woman picking up her ex *and* her academic prestige would likely drive her up the wall.
While Rain wrestles with the above, Anjali has discovered evidence that someone has adulterated her data*. She begins investigating, and discovers that the state of the DG cells she has been studying had had additional malicious functions inserted into their code, replacing what had "evolved" naturally over the course of her study!
With her data compromised, Anjali turns to the questions of who, and why. Her side of the story is mainly investigative with a contrasting viewpoint on her now-almost-certain loss of the publishing race to Rain. Anjali is devastated, but avoidant; she compartmentalizes, and focuses on a problem she thinks she can solve, rather than mitigating the consequences of the one that is already a lost cause.
Anjali, with some help from Saette (who is very much the sidekick in this endeavor) eventually tracks down the saboteur, a former upperclassman of hers who meddled with her study at the behest of a large medical implant company; in exchange for generously funding a business run by the researcher's wife, he slipped strategically altered DG cells into Anjali's cultures, and then used a spoofed user account to falsify data collection timestamps and ensure that the code from the added cells believably overwrote the original cultures.
The implant company that paid the saboteur is multinational. Knowing this, Anjali gets Rain's contact information from Seatte to warn her of potential meddling in her research. At this point Rain has typed up her conflict of interest accusation, but not sent it. She has worked through some shit, however, and has resolutely decided to not harass Anjali. She is surprised to get an email from the other researcher though.
Anjali, having reached the end of her investigation, now faces the now pressing reality of having to retract her paper. She cannot think of an excuse that she wouldn't be mortified to give, and out of hope for an out, or even some sympathy, asks Rain if she intends to retract her paper, and if so, what reasoning she plans to use to save face. Rain has found evidence of tampering to her side of things as well, but hasn't had the time yet to consider her next steps. When she sees this email from Anjali, Rain realizes that the excuse she had thought up to invalidate Anjali's research could actually work to invalidate *both* of theirs, with a little bit of alteration.
Both women write to the publishers reviewing their paper saying that they had discovered a potential issue with their samples of DG cells; both had obtained a sample from an individual personally known to them, and claim that that knowledge could have influenced their findings. Though it hadn't been invented with the best of intentions, Rain's excuse allows both of them to gracefully bow out of the upcoming publication in a way that makes them look upstanding rather than incompetent. The two decide that they are likely to have better results if they begin again with a joint study under harsher security than either of their own.
*I did think through the "how" of her discovering this, I just want to keep things from getting longer than they need to be, so that's going under the cut.
And ^^^that is a new OCxCanon ship created in about three and a half hours, with a break for dinner. With a bonus friend!ship as well, hopefully. Rain *really* needs some female friends and I'm not sure the Neo America Gals and Nastasha are enough.
I uhhh... expected this to be a lot shorter and to the point. I intentionally made this to highlight my point, and it kind of spun into being a little long. I hope this proves its own point in that there's a lot that can be done here even if the initial idea is just "let's make some OCs to smooch a hot character."
Anjali's desktop computer in her lab experiences a failure that forces her to use system restore to get it back into a workable state; fortunately, she is careful enough to routinely back up her work to a server in the lab, so she should be able to simply copy her computer, in the state it was in a few days after she submitted her paper for review. Before that though, she has to get the desktop running in a stable state and figure out what went wrong, so that it doesn't simply break again.
Several of the most recent restore points on the desktop are unsuccessful in getting the computer working. Anjali scrolls all the way to the oldest restore point on the list, resolving to simply replace the computer if she can't get it working. The oldest restore point, made about four months before the present, works. Anjali goes through and one by one, opens, tests, and closes all of the programs she regularly uses, and notices an incongruity between the data and her memory when she opens the virtual machine she was using to examine her DG cell samples. She checks the backup on the lab server using a different computer, and discovers after several steps that someone has granted researcher privileges to an undergrad who had lost their bag (complete with their ID and un-sanitized login information), and modified the code of the DG samples themselves, passing it off as the cells own "self-evolution!"
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notasapleasure · 1 month
Recovering from Family with my notes app open, mind empty (ish), and this series of videos on:
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ogradyfilm · 11 months
For reasons I won’t delve into here, a lot of users on Twitter have been trashing The Beatles in general and “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” in particular for the past several days. Leaving my own thoughts on the matter aside (I’m an unapologetic fan of the band, but I understand this most recent wave of criticism), the discussion reminded me of an idea that I had for a superhero parody a few years back:
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I really should develop this basic premise into a proper story at some point…
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justsomebechloe · 1 month
What song do y’all think Chloe and Aubrey had to sing for their audition and what do you think that looked like for each of them?
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sigchimera · 2 months
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Era, one of my sonas (and the last one)
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wolfsplosion · 1 year
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my favorite baseball robot ⚾
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i3utterflyeffect · 6 months
Could you provide a summary of the Rain World lore, or point to any good videos that do that? I’m interested in the Creatures™️ and want to know more about what you’re basing them off of
I'm so sorry anon i tried to make this short. this is all copypasted from a document. the power of autism killed me
if my frothing is too much here's a video by daszombes that probably summarizes this all
IN MY DEFENSE THO this video is also like, 20 minutes long.
im like. going into game mechanics and going into it in a similar way to how a normal player might be introduced to the game. and doing a bunch of shit abt it.
ANYWAY!!!!!!!! Summary of Rain World. Let's go. For context purposes I will be telling the story of Survivor and then going into lore, other stories, and Downpour. Obviously spoilers for everything Rain World and Downpour.
Mentions of general death and animal death (duh)
child death (briefly)
fictional speciecide/genocide
potential existential crisis fuel
let's get started.
Your name is The Survivor. You live with a family of five. A little sibling, a baby sibling, and your two parents.
The reason the game is called Rain World is because of the heavy rains that buffet your land-- somewhat manageable from the place your home is at, but in many cases, lethal-- not only because of the flooding, but also because it rains hard enough to give you blunt force trauma that will kill you.
You escape these floods using shelters, hiding and hibernating at the end of each 'cycle'-- the time between each downpour.
During one rain, you fall down, plunging into the abyss as you are seperated from your family. Your mission is to go home.
You find yourself in a dilapidated urban sprawl-- it's something close to it, anyway. Not a city, but incredibly industrial. The world is overgrown. This little yellow thing shows up-- it's called an observer but we'll call it by the nickname Iggy for now-- and it directs you to food and then shelter during the barebones tutorial.
You'll go a few cycles, and discover some base mechanics.
KARMA: Karma is, essentially, a way to keep track of how you're doing. Every time you survive a cycle, your Karma goes up. Every time you die, it goes down. You start with 5 base symbols, each granting you one level. Karma is required to navigate the world, as each reigon requires a certain level for you to get in. We'll talk about this later: Karma is actually pretty important to the lore.
CYCLES: Mentioned previously.
DEATH: You are never truly dead in Rain World. Each time you die, you return to your last shelter, restarting the cycle-- but Rain World is special because it's not just you who knows. Creatures have a chance of coming back to life at the end of every cycle, and they will remember you. There's a system that coincides with this--
REPUTATION: Every species has its own perspective on you, and your actions will change their perception of you. Killing a lot of lizards of the same color might make them afraid of you. If you don't, and instead treat them well, they might ignore you. You are prey, so balancing reputation is important-- and I can only think of one creature that won't try to kill you if your reputation's bad. Even the fish will personally drown you.
One creature is incredibly dependent on reputation that it can make or break a run: Scavengers. If you're kind and often trade, offer pearls (they love pearls), save them from enemies, etc., they'll treat you well. Get a bad reputation, though, and you're dead within seconds. Some animals are just skittish though-- there's literally personality values determining how creatures will act. I love that so much.
I think that's all the important lore-based stuff.
After a few cycles, Iggy will direct you to where (at the time you assume) your family is, and you'll follow them through the areas, going through a large building, a garbage waste, and eventually reaching a unusual ocean lined with pipes and with a sunken building in the distance. As you get closer, you discover that Iggy was not directing you to your family, but instead asking you to go to this building.
After a lot of swimming (and running in terror as the giant leviathan worms try to crush you with their metal jaws), you'll meet HER. A blue humanoid with wires spilling out, attached to the room by a mechanical arm-- similar to the ones you might find on a train.
You cannot understand her at this time, but her name is Looks To The Moon; We'll come back later.
After assigning you a fetch quest, Iggy drags you all the way back, and I'm not entirely sure what the beginner's route is, but I'm pretty sure it's (unfortunately) Dark Level Spider Hell.
Eventually, you crawl through that pit, run away from the centipedes trying to kill you, encounter giant birds with mouths like scissors that really want to kill you that are very very fast, run from them, and eventually make your way up to the next area.
The Leg is an alarming change from the semi-natural formations of the ground. This place is industrial. It's a metal beam-column, reaching up into the endless sky. This place is infested with lizards, and a scarier enemy:
Daddy Long Legs, also known as The Rot. These are blind… Biological lumps of… something. They're black and blue, and completely blind. But they have great hearing, and the rot will find you if you're not careful. And it will consume you.
Keep the Rot in mind for later. It's important for the lore-- basically crucial.
If you can escape this hellscape and make your way to the top, you'll find yourself in a building larger than you can comprehend.
This area is simply labeled Five Pebbles. This will make sense later.
There's no gravity here, but there's lots of lights and strange things-- things that look like they'd belong inside of a creature, and little bite-sized rainbow things. These are called Neurons, and you actually need them for the fetch quest.
There's a lot of things going on, but you won't be able to admire it too long-- this place has Rot inside it too, and it's much harder to avoid when you can't control your path due to being weightless. It's pretty terrifying, but in a way, this place is kind of majestic.
You explore the sprawl of access shafts, and you begin to hear music-- the most acclaimed and chilling track in the game-- as you reach the General Systems Bus. The first time I arrived here, I was completely awestruck.
A large room, with a single chamber isolated in the middle. Projected lights surround you, and you have to climb your way towards the top to enter the unusual room.
Inside is another robot, similar to Looks to the Moon, except he's pink, he wears a cloak, and most of all, he seems shocked at your presence, because the gravity in the room returns, and everything falls to the ground-- including you.
He talks for a moment, before seizing you with the power of Gravity™️, and lifting you up. He implants The Mark Of Communication into your brain-- a mark allowing you to understand the language he speaks.
The following dialogue occurs:
. . . ...is this reaching you? A little animal, on the floor of my chamber. I think I know what you are looking for. You're stuck in a cycle, a repeating pattern. You want a way out. Know that this does not make you special - every living thing shares that same frustration. From the microbes in the processing strata to me, who am, if you excuse me, godlike in comparison. The good news first. In a way, I am what you are searching for. Me and my kind have as our purpose to solve that very oscillating claustrophobia in the chests of you and countless others. A strange charity - you the unknowing recipient, I the reluctant gift. The noble benefactors? Gone. The bad news is that no definitive solution has been found. And every moment the equipment erodes to a new state of decay. I can't help you collectively, or individually. I can't even help myself. For you though, there is another way. The old path. Go to the west past the Farm Arrays, and then down into the earth where the land fissures, as deep as you can reach, where the ancients built their temples and danced their silly rituals. The mark I gave you will let you through. Not that it solves anyone's problem but yours.
Turns out, this entire massive superstructure IS this guy; Five Pebbles is his name, and this puppet is merely a more interaction-friendly extension of his larger form. He's also not very happy with you climbing through his structure, and kicks you out onto the surface of the structure.
Now, let's go back to Moon and get some more information. We'll go to the west later.
Looks to The Moon greets you much more pleasantly than Five Pebbles:
Hello little creature. What are you? If I had my memories I would know… You must be very brave to have made it all the way here. But I'm sorry to say your journey here is in vain.B As you can see, I have nothing for you. Not even my memories. Or did I say that already? I see that someone has given you the gift of communication. Must have been Five Pebbles, as you don't look like you can travel very far… He's sick, you know. Being corrupted from the inside by his own experiments. Maybe they all are by now, who knows. We weren't designed to transcend and it drives us mad. It is good to have someone to talk to after all this time! The scavengers aren't exactly good listeners. They do bring me things though, occasionally…
After giving her a neuron, she will thank you.
These neurons are essentially their brains. She only has five left. She was previously a superstructure like Pebbles-- Who she calls her little brother-- but she has collapsed. Giving her these neurons can help her regain her memory.
You can also eat them! Don't do that. You will permanently kill her if you eat all of them. Also, she remembers if you've done that and won't talk to you.
Quick summary of the vanilla ending:
You go underground, find some religious stuff by an ancient culture before whatever culture created the upper world, you find a big golden ocean, you swim down, and… uh…
You get grabbed by a big worm that sends you to the ascension realm??
I don't fully know what the ending is. No one does. We call the big worm Jerry though, and he's a Void Worm.
Anyway, let's talk about the real basics. The juicy stuff:
Iterators and Ancients
Looks To The Moon and Five Pebbles are complex machines called Iterators, created by a dead race named the Ancients.
These Ancients have left the cycle by using something called Void Fluid, a corrosive material from the core of the world that cancels out your revival. This is called 'Ascension'. We'll talk about this more in a minute.
The Ancients way of life is structured around the idea of leaving the cycle of reincarnation, and they eventually succeed-- however, they decided that they should leave a gift to the 'lesser life' of this world, and allow them their own escape-- with less risk and an immediate payoff. Remember what Pebbles said?
A strange charity - you the unknowing recipient, I the reluctant gift. The noble benefactors? Gone.
Yep; The Ancients basically desired worldwide extinction, from what we can tell. And they didn't bother to create that solution themselves, instead tasking a bunch of sentient, functionally immortal beings, to throw themselves repeatedly at a proverbial wall trying to create this worldwide cleanse.
Iterators were made for this.
But let's talk some other things real quick before we dive into that mess.
Karma. These symbols are fun and also important.
You see, the base symbols Survivor starts with are representations of what the Ancient Monks call the 'five natural urges'. These don't change the gameplay at all, but karma is crazy important in lore.
Let's take a look at the base five.
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The lowest level of karma, this symbol generally represents anger, hate, and violent acts. The symbol is used in several others-- the ones for 'The Hunter' and 'The Outlaw', gotten by eating only meat for 3 cycles or committing needless bloodshed.
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Yeah. Lust. I've heard this can also be percieved as a desire for material objects (take that with a grain of salt), but other than that, I don't think I need to say more.
This symbol is used in the passage 'The Mother'.
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The desire to form connections with others in general, not just friendships. Frequently found scrawled in areas with scavengers, and also used in 'The Chieftain', 'The Friend', and 'The Mother'.
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food… hrng….. Anyway this one is the desire to eat good food I assume????? What else is there to say, really?
It's used in The Hunter passage, as well as the Marytr (starve for several cycles intermittently), and Iggy uses it to point you to food.
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The urge to survive. This is why people pretty frequently talk about the ancients having a suicide culture-- not to mention that the others represent signs of depression. It's used in 'The Saint' (survive without using weapons) and 'The Nomad' (pass through 4 regions successfully) and, most notably, it's own passage: 'The Survivor', in which you survive five cycles with this amount of karma. It is the highest karma most slugcats can ascend to without Echoes-- We'll talk about Echoes in a minute.
There's one oddball karma that breaks from the formula, so I'm just going to mention that briefly:
For some reason, this Karma is used in some other stuff, and only if it's your current highest Karma. Seen in 'The Monk' and 'The Saint' passages, it basically just means peace. That's all. This one's weird.
Let's get to arguably the most important topic:
oh god. where do i start. um.
Okay. So basically. Ascension is a separation from the cycle that keeps you from returning, or 'respawning'.
For ancients, this was simple-- they extract fluid from the core of the world named Void Fluid, and you just… Dive in, I guess?
There was a mass ascension at some point, leaving everything they created behind. But this is all lore for the ANCIENTS. Let's get to the slugcat method.
To ascend, you must reach true max karma (represented the symbol ⊗-- a crossed out circle) and go through the Depths and go into the Void Sea, but you can't get Max Karma yourself. There's two ways:
Visit Five Pebbles and gain the Mark Of Communication
You can visit Echoes.
If someone has many vices, such as being arrogant or egotistical, or other connections to the world, they leave something described as a stain of their ego trapped between reality and ascension.
Ghosts, essentially. That's what they're called in the code as well. They will speak to you if you have the Mark, and a few will reminisce and admit they never even wanted to ascend. Whatever these beings are, they give you extra Karma, elevating you to the next level.
Now that your crash course on that is over, let's talk about the iterators, for realsies.
Being made for a seemingly impossible task was not easy for them, especially after the ancients, well… 'dipped', I guess you would say.
No one could really get to the solution, despite having many cycles to do so, even before the Ancients left. Previously, the Ancient lived atop them in cities, so it was a very noticeable thing.
Some turned to other things: Art, companionship, creative projects, watching the world outside, talking with friends.
Others balanced between these things, finding something like a job and personal life balance.
And some went insane.
You see, the ancients created a 'Self-Destruction Taboo', which attempts to prevent the iterators from attempting to hurt themselves, only causing more damage as they try to work around it and find their own way out.
This wasn't common at first, but something happened that caused it to spiral out of control:
Sliver Of Straw and the Triple Affirmative.
The triple affirmative is a signal that informs all iterators that the Great Problem-- How to ascend all life-- Has been discovered. Three affirmatives:
Affirmative that a solution has been found.
Affirmative that the solution is portable.
Affirmative that a technical implementation is possible and generally applicable.
Here's the thing: The problem wasn't solved. Moon explains it best:
Do you know Sliver of Straw? She's quite legendary among us. Sliver of Straw is the only one to ever broadcast a specific signal: that the Big Problem we're all working on has been solved. The triple affirmative. […] She's also one of few that has ever been confirmed as exhaustively incapacitated, or dead. We do not die easily. Sliver of Straw sent [The Triple Affirmative] and the ensuing commotion was historically unparalleled, before or after. I still remember it. But… nothing happened - except that Sliver of Straw was apparently dead. When the dust settled we were all still there blinking at each other. Everyone had a theory. Some said that she did have a solution, but that the solution itself was somehow dangerous. These later became known as the Triangulators, who think that a solution should be inferred without being directly discovered. Some said she never had a solution, she just died. And when the systems broke down an erroneous signal was sent. One camp claimed that dying was the solution. Either way, after that these different factions developed, as well as a huge forensic effort to recreate and simulate Sliver of Straw's last moments. Some of the simulations were wrapped in a simulation wrapped in a simulation, in case something dangerous might happen. Nothing much has come from it.
Sliver of Straw also abbreviates to SOS, and their name is similar to needle in a haystack.
We're still not sure what happened: The one fan-theory that pretty much seemed canon due to a challenge level was debunked. SOS remains a mystery. I've got my own thoughts, but we're not talking about that here.
Anyway, after Sliver of Straw died, there soon became more and more self-destructing iterators, with one common method resulting in a term for it's failure: The Rot.
Remember that? Yeah. They slowly destroy an iterator, but it doesn't truly kill them. They're still alive in there, somewhere.
Let's talk about how the Rot works once we get to the point where it begins in the main storyline.
Looks to the Moon was constructed upon a shoreline, and there was originally no plans to create Five Pebbles.
Almost all Iterators are incredibly far apart, even in their local groups, so it would have seemed preposterous at the time of her creation.
However, her surface became inhospitable some time after her creation, and traversing the ground beneath her would have basically made any attempt at evacuation worthless.
So a solution was proposed-- Two iterators connected by a bridge. They could safely leave her to her own things, and meanwhile, the ancients could spend their remaining time NOT dying.
I'd love to talk about the politics surrounding Five Pebble's creation, but that's unnecessary and this doesn't need to get any longer.
After their creators passed on, Pebbles slowly became despondent and began talking in a private group, using the psuedonym 'Erratic Pulse' to obtain information on how he could circumvent the Self Destruction Taboo..
The local group has 3 others. Two are important, one isn't. (sorry Chasing Wind </3)
Seven Red Suns, or SRS, is our current topic.
They are someone Five Pebbles looks up to, and ended up giving him this info, which they regret.
There's also No Significant Harassment, who is mischievous and good friends with most of the group before everything falls apart.
Here's some in-game dialogue:
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment SRS: I can't stop dwelling over mistakes that I've made. I could just delete those memories of course, but that feels irresponsible. NSH: Oh? What kind of mistakes are we talking about here? SRS: I once gave someone some... sensitive information... the kind that could be dangerous if acted on. SRS: Yet I should have known they weren't in the right state to use that information responsibly. NSH: I take it you won't tell me the content, or to who. SRS: No, I will not, out of respect. NSH: Look, if you ever want to talk about it I can. We can share this little problem of yours. We were made to solve them after all! NSH: You're worried they're going to get themselves hurt by messing it up? SRS: They already have.
You can find the pearl containing this 'sensitive information' in other campaigns.
Here is Moon's comment on it:
This information is illegal. Someone probably tried to send it by a pearl somehow rather than risking being overheard on broadcast. It's an instruction on how to circumvent the self-destruction taboo. The problem with breaking taboos is that the barriers are encoded into every cell of our organic parts. And there are other taboos strictly regulating our ability to rewrite our own genome. Attempting to circumvent the issue using this process would be extremely risky. That's not to say that there exists any known methods that would avoid putting the user in harm's way. Those barriers are there for a reason. Where exactly did you find this pearl? I imagine you dug it up from somewhere within the surrounding facilities, in which case that wouldn't leave many options as to the recipient. That would explain a lot of things…
Pebbles used this pearl, and because of this, his water intake majorly increased, leaving Moon without any water at all: Iterators need water to function, though, as without it they can't flush out the massive amount of excess materials that is made by their operations. He didn't notice, not until Moon contacted him directly-- And he was angered by this, but not without reason.
Failing the pearl caused him to break the genome reprogramming, causing biological parts to be converted into Rot.
When Moon falls, he shuts out all the other iterators, and goes radio silent.
You're caught up on the backing lore. Now... Campaign time.
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A messenger made by Seven Red Suns who can make spears outta bone-- a little bit trypophobic but I forgive them it's not their fault. No mouth btw. those spears are how it eats. slurp
Delivered the pearl containing the Taboo bypass, but Seven Red Suns sends you back, with a message of worries regarding his physical and mental health, trying to tell him to open up and talk about his feelings. Pebbles gets mad. He kicks you out, as well as the pearl you were carrying. Did I mention that he rips it out of your chest? That pearl was embedded in you.
Anyway, you can take the pearl to Moon because she's still standing, and she encodes it with a goodbye, telling you about how she's about to collapse. You run to the communication arrays and broadcast that message for her, before returning home to Seven Red Suns.
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"God Forbid Women Do Anything", Genocidal Revenge edition. Artificer had two babies. Scavengers saw one take one of their precious Porls. Baby is dead. Artificer runs but the other baby gets dragged to hell by leeches and drowns.
Anyway, Artificer returns on a genocidal rampage, locked at Karma One: Violence. You use scavenger corpses to get through Karma gates. The only thing that can sate your hunger is blood and flesh. You are continuously aimbotted by Scavengers but you keep coming back to kill more and more.
You're also explosive, did I mention that? I don't think I mentioned that. She explodes. She's very angry. She can launch herself through the air and maul people.
You can get to Karma 10 through echoes, but you're still denied by the void. It's unclear if she becomes an Echo or not.
You also have another ending! If you go to Five Pebbles, he'll say 'hey, that drone you have is a citizenship drone for my city, scavengers are ripping the city apart, I see that you hate them, and if you kill their chieftain we both benefit'!
If you choose to go that route you can tear through the scavengers, have a boss fight, and get a cool mask. Who cares about being empty inside since you can no longer go on a genocidal murder spree and being forever chained to the mortal realm by your anger and bloodshed when you have a cool mask?
Moon is also dead, she's not there.
Blood and violence. Rip and tear.
Slugcat pup was killed so let their corpses rain from the heavens, etc.
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You are rot, rot is you!
Actually, you're a messenger slugcat made by No Significant Harrassment. For some reason this guy ended up giving you the rot for reasons still unclear to us. Unintentionally? Intentionally? Who knows. Your cycle count goes down instead of up.
You have limited cycles to speedrun to Moon and MAYBE ascend if you're lucky.
Go through Pebbles? He gives you extra cycles and wishes you the best of luck. Kind of depressing that you're both condemned to the same fate.
Get to Moon; Deliver a pearl that's a message of well wishes and cares from NSH. More importantly, deliver a slag reset key and restart her. She gets her neurons back. She's alive! And unable to help you.
Now? Run.
Your biological time bomb is ticking, and when you get into negatives, it shows. Not only does it turn permadeath, but you begin to experience collapsing into seizure-like spasms randomly, a growing hunger, and according to the wiki HALLUCINATIONS?
Ascend and you get a happy ending, but if you die you're gonna get a horrific surprise in the next campaign!
Fun fact: original hard mode campaign. Hunter is more skilled than the other vanilla slugs, but their world is harder too.
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Food. That's it. Just food. It's either going to be the easiest slugcat or the hardest one.
You eat your list of foods, maybe visit the iterators, and fuck off back home. You don't even have to complete the list. You can just Fucking Leave.
If you do complete the list tho you get slugpups. I like em. Cute slugs.
you can also CRAFT NUKES btw. did i mention that? Gourmand has crafting mechanics and also can craft nukes if you do it right. Not joking
You can also regurgitate an entire living squid. How? Gourmand.
Also by the way Hunter may or may not have popcorned into a mindless mass of rot if you failed to ascend them. Oopsie.
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See introduction.
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Survivor but babey mode (affectionate)
Remember Survivor's little siblings? Monk is one of them. They're a vanilla bannana boy and my favorite little guy.
You basically choose a route and if you've already completed it with Survivor there's a happy sibling reunion. Oh, there's two routes now, by the way. Once you complete Gourmand you can go home to the Outer Expanse. No one's there but you're both chilling.
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This is probably the one that gave Downpour its title. The rain happens every three minutes, maybe less if you get unlucky. The rain shelters are failing and the world's succumbing to Rot.
Go throw yourself into Moon, and you'll discover Monk has given her two neurons and a dress; thank you Monk :]
You also have the mark of communication from someone (who knows who) and you have a pearl for an iterator system that Moon doesn't have called the lymphatic system. Apparently the rain's bad because Pebbles isn't doing well, but how bad can it be?
…hey, why is the citadel covered in Rot? That's weird and annoying.
Was there always this much in the overhang? It's kind of obnoxious.
Finally, you're at Pebbles, so let's-
Pebbles is so sick he can't even maintain zero gravity, it's going on and off.
Dive into the water of the newly discovered path and RUN.
When you get to him, he asks you to disconnect his only life support-- a Rarefraction Cell-- and deliver it to Moon. A final apology. Leave him to listen to his music pearl in peace, it's the only thing he has left.
Take that cell, run to Moon. She knows exactly where it came from. She doesn't know where her core is anymore, though.
Time for the Submerged Superstructure.
Most of Moon's remains are underwater, now infested with kelp, water lizards, and scavengers. But you can swim down, down, down into the creaking metal, the shrieking waters. Let it swallow you whole.
Eventually, you will reach her Heart. Place the Rarefraction Cell inside, and you're washed away.
You are washed to the top, and descend down to find her where you left her-- but renewed with new life.
She'll contact Pebbles one last time. Happy ending, right?
Not yet.
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Saint may seem peaceful at first-- Fragile and unable to throw spears, fluffy to fight the cold seeping into the world-- but they are arguably the scariest one out there!
The world is ending: Iterators have gone silent, and the world's being blanketed in snow. You're up above it all-- so your first instinct is to go east. To Pebbles.
But he's gone.
Descend, and you'll only find a heap of scrap metal: The Silent Construct. His remains.
You're collecting Echoes.
On the way, you talk to Moon. She tells you about the state of the world. How it's dying. That she might be the only one left.
The world is passing into a new era: one that doesn't need them.
At maximum Karma, Saint becomes something unique.
You gain the ability to ascend anything.
You can go back.
You probably are going to ascend Moon. Only a mercy, right?
Return to the silent superstructure, and find that Pebbles remains. He's still holding that pearl. The music is scratchy. Distorted.
How long has he been here?
However long it was, it was enough to pick off all his neurons. And despite this, he's not even granted the mercy of an ending; he can barely even think or speak. It's cold out here, and you can't imagine it'd be kind to leave him here alone. He has to go, too.
And with that, you descend to the depths.
The Void Sea doesn't have anything for you. In fact, you will only discover yourself in a hellish world where it seems to be flipped upside down, and the remains of the old civilizations that are probably familiar by now are succumbing to the void.
You're burned if you touch the void fluid. You must fly to avoid it.
So you go. You ascend many things that are either trying to kill you or keeping you locked out of other paths.
And finally, at the end, you go up, and ascend.
You swim up. The slugcat tree is here, but it's not what you're looking for.
You drop by a chamber-- one containing the two ascended iterators.
They're free, and finally together. Once you ascend, you can see the future and the past in a cycle.
They look at you, and it's not a circle. It's an endless spiral into entropy. Your future goes on forever.
But you keep ascending.
It's not long before the Void Worm finds you. It offers you ascension, a reprieve.
And you kill it.
You're trapped in the cycle forever. An echo, ever recurring.
And it continues on.
you are now a rain world expert. consider yourself lore'd. feel free to look at the critters and beasts on the Miraheze Wiki. (thank you miraheze this is so much better than fandom wikis. we love you)
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I feel like the downplaying of John's melodies comes from a need to make a dichotomy between John and Paul's songwriting. John's the lyrics guy and Paul's the melody guy. Even early on in their career people were confused by their musical partnership bc they were used to songwriting pairs splitting along melody/lyrics roles.
John and Paul always did a mix of both. And as they started writing separately more they were fulfilling both roles by themselves by necessity. But they've always been able to do both and they have songwriting patterns that they share and that are unique to each of them.
The people who think the lyrics matter more and think John's great and Paul sucks can't put value on John's melodies because that would in turn be acknowledging that melodies (the only thing Paul is good at according to them) have value, and therefore Paul's contribution to their partnership is also valuable. And I've seen people defend Paul in a similar way by placing melody on a pedestal of importance.
I don't think this is universal or anything, but I've seen them pitted against each other this way many times before. I do think some of it also stems from John and Paul cause there are definitely examples of them being insecure about how their songwriting compares to the other too.
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