#ingo works with like. higher up areas
raynavan · 4 months
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has this been done yet?
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leggerefiore · 4 months
cw: 18+ content, being horny for a few dudes, very short drabbles
characters: Cyrus, Ingo, Larry
Your boyfriend was always so distant when it came to sex. There was not an active avoidance, yet it was clear that he was not overly inclined to initiate. You felt like you were going mad, however. Your eyes scanned his body and felt a heat wave course through you. You felt your legs trap him to the couch. Lips meet his collarbone as you sucked in the exposed skin. A fought-back groan escaped him. Your hips pressed more into his. Hands grasped the bottom of his shirt. Your eyes met his own. A flush was across his cheeks.
You buried your face back into his nape, continuing to assault the skin. Cyrus seemed utterly frozen by your sudden, flagrant proclivity. There was no doubt in your intentions. He shuddered when your hands felt the muscle hidden underneath his baggy shirt. The feeling of fingers pressing into the rarely touched skin made a low groan leave him. Your body almost felt as if it had authority over him. He hated the very idea, but he could not deny his own physical reaction to your ministrations. Hands grasped your hips with a firm grip. Your movements halted as he lifted them from where they sat on his lap. Your gaze desperately tried to move to the area, yet you had your attention captured by him clearing his throat. The light hickie on his collarbone and colour on his cheek mixed strange with the stern expression.
“How pitiful,” he said simply, “… Perhaps I should show you who holds authority.”
You tried to fight back the smile that threatened to come on your face. That threat hit you in all the right places.
You further tugged up his t-shirt. Palms pressed to the warm skin that had been hidden by the fabric. Your lips moved upwards. A far too loud moan echoed out in the room. His silver eyes narrowed while his frown seemed to grow deeper. His hands imitated your own and pressed under your shirt. The feeling of his hands grasping your sides was maddening. You bit down on his collarbone again. His hips rutted up into your own. Hands only crept higher and higher up your body. Your shirt was eventually pulled off altogether and thrown onto the living room floor. The room was heavy and hot. Ingo almost seemed to attempt the brim of a hat that was not on his head. You gave a light laugh.
“… May I request that we move this to the bedroom?” his voice was husky and a rare kind of quiet, “I'd hate to be interrupted here.”
You could only give an eager nod in reply.
Larry's expression remained unmoved, however. You wanted to whine. Hands rushed to further unbutton the mostly undone shirt. He was driving you mad. How many overtime hours would he take before you completely snapped. His chest was exposed, and he only made a move to grasp your hand. Before you could shout for him to take the obvious hint, his other arm pulled you in closer for a deep kiss. His tongue found your own and moved with a familiarity. You moaned into the kiss. He released your hand while you moved to lay it on his chest. His hand travelled to rest on your hip while you both lost yourselves in the kiss. Finally, you parted, and he gazed at you with lidded eyes. There was a certain hunger in gaze – much unlike his usual kind.
“… More work,” he grumbled, “You can be as demanding as my boss.”
You gave a laugh at his words and continued to free him of his shirt.
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subwaytostardew · 7 months
I just remembered the best thing to exist, SPOUSE ROOMS. Do you guys have them drawn out yet? We've seen the patios, but what about their rooms?
I APOLOGIZE FOR TAKING SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS... We did have spouse rooms drafted up but... Interior design is not my forte! I hated them. These are my ugly first drafts from months ago when I had no idea what to do.
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I wanted to move away from the whole office/work room look and shift it more towards their hobbies. So of course they should have a model railroad somewhere. I put off actually attempting to sprite a model railroad until yesterday and I did nothing but work on them all the livelong day. I ended up with two different layouts because I hated the first one.
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I tried basing the first off of the actual Stardew map and wanted to sprite their respective sides of the tunnel so I put off spriting it until I was done with Emmet's 8 heart event. But... that ended up being too hard to sprite in such a tiny area! I can hardly draw a train on it!
The perfectionist in me did not like it not making sense so they wouldn't like it either. The point of their railroad layouts is escapism into their perfect little world so I scrapped the first and made a new layout.
Now their spouse rooms look like this!
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I played a bit with the floor layout to reference their Japanese names. With Ingo's/Nobori's you make your way upwards to a higher state! With Emmet's/Kudari's room, you descend into... wherever his mind's at.
I wanted both of their rooms to feel cozy (so even if the rest of the house is ugly at least they can stay in their room 🥲 I'm bad at furnishing and Stardew's options do not help). Ingo's was supposed to feel more secluded and well, tucked in... because he's ingoing. For Emmet's, I had the mental image of him running around, getting supplies for drawing/scrapbooking/etc. and leaving space to set up lighting/different angles when he takes pictures of his model railroad. Occasionally his back hurts and he has to lay down on the couch for a couple minutes. Or maybe you force him into a break there.
Ingo's room is more focused on being a quiet space for him to read or write. Emmet's is where he goes to keep his mind busy with his various occupations outside of work. The railroad layout is the same (I don't want to sprite a third...) but I imagine that Ingo's is around more for the ambiance while Emmet is more hands on and actively working on maintaining it.
The trains are animated, too! I made the layout with animation in mind.
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I did lose track of what I was doing despite that. It took so many frames to animate. I refuse to do that again.
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I hope you like their spouse rooms!
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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slimeywooper · 8 months
Labmas AU - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 15 - Friendship: Notes
It's best to read the story first before reading these as there's definitely going to be spoilers.
About the Labmas fic:
There will be 17 chapters. Just like the amount of Joltik counted in the kennels: 17. Now, I'm pretty sure I'm going to add another chapter discussing my initial ideas for Labmas, and going over the things that changed. These were my original notes posted on Tumblr and I haven't looked at the specific file since around late August, early September. So there's likely things from it that I forgot, or decided to throw out. It will be interesting to see. But, for the fic proper, only 17 chapters.
For the chapter:
Reader is being overly cautious when they enter the lab. No one but Colress knows, or cares, they are off.
Colress doesn't sleep in the lab, but he's there everyday. If not working on his own research, then he just drops in to check up on the different divisions. He's a workaholic in a similar manner to Ingo and Emmet. I'm pretty sure slamming someone against a wall is considered physical assault, Reader is just being dismissive and downplaying the action.
When Kudari tells Reader that they are aging at twice the speed, he doesn't mean that they are physically aging that quickly, but that their bodies will begin to degrade on the inside as if they are old. He's just attempting to be humorous with the line about his looks. They are currently 24, so they have estimated they will likely die around 44. Colress never told them about this, they found out themselves, and later approached him with questions. I'm not sure if clone degradation is actually real, but thought it would be a fascinating topic to touch upon.
Nobori had optimistically thought that Reader would, given enough time, eventually soften on the topic of his work. He hoped that, although they wouldn't like it, they would understand and accept what he has to do, but instead, is completely blindsided by Reader's reaction. From his perspective, it's been over a day, so he assumes Reader has had time to cool down, not realizing that it isn't something that time will make better. About Colress' area of study, I don't believe I've described what he's trying to do through his research yet. I've stated that he's a geneticist that wants to make the perfect Pokemon, but I don't think I've explained what the perfect Pokemon is. His goal is to create Pokemon that don't have a limit to the moves they can use. He has theorized that more intelligent Pokemon will be able to use more moves. The hybrids are capable of using all the moves of their respective species, but they have free will. During the visit with the Subway Bosses, Colress tells them the hybrids are a step in the right direction, but not exactly what he wanted to create. He wants to be able to control the Pokemon, without limitations. So he needs to find a way to make them smarter, but not smart enough that they are capable of their own independent thought.
Kudari's web is something I struggled with describing. He can't lay down like a normal person, so he made the web in a way that would let his upper half and head lean back. It's bunched up at the higher layers to simulate couch cushions and a pillow. His human half sleeps at a slight angle.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
You got anything for robot subway twins? I’m tryna get that robodick. Like you’re just their care taker or mechanic of Gear station and are tasked to upkeep the androids, but they love you 🥺
OH BOY DO I Sorry this took a while, Anon! I hope you enjoy! Word Count: 2918 - - -
Gear Station was a mess.
But it was your mess. Your favorite place to be.
The hustle and bustle of the crowd may have been chaotic to some, but it was a welcome, usual sight for you. You had to be here every other day, so you were fortunate it was a place you enjoyed seeing. Though you wished you were here for regular work. You bit your lip anxiously as you passed by different groups of people, heading for the back of the station. You had a specific job to do today, after all. Some depot agents had called you in early. Apparently there had been a near accident by the tracks. Everyone was okay, but it seems the station's androids were a little… Beaten up. You had been upset when you heard over the phone what had happened. Not so much for needing to come in to do repairs on your day off, but actually for the robots. Two robots, to be specific.
Ingo and Emmet were their names. Two identical twin robots the station had commissioned to have built.
They had been bought and brought in a little over a year ago. They were rather popular too.
The station had them made to be subway bosses. Gear Station had decided to branch out, and become a battle facility. However, the higher ups were having issues finding suitable battlers to run the subway.
So, the idea of a robot AI was tossed out, and lo and behold, the Subway Bosses were created.
They did their jobs well. Both were incredible battlers, and also amazing with people. Not to mention how real they looked. They were so human-like, it was almost unsettling.
The only giveaways were the occasional hidden seam under their clothes, their glowing eyes, and how they were a bit too… stiff. Stiff in a way that a human couldn’t naturally be.
Other than that, they were well loved by the community. They were respected in the station, both for their manners, and their battle prowess.
You adored them. You didn’t tell anyone this, but you genuinely liked the two of them. Probably more than you should. It was a secret you kept close to your heart. It was silly, you knew. Having a crush on the Gear Station androids, especially when they couldn’t feel emotions like humans. …But the way they looked and talked to you sometimes, it made you almost believe that they could.
It’s another reason you were willing to come into work so easily. You cared about your robot friends, and the idea that they could be hurt… It didn’t sit well with you. So when you entered the back area of maintenance designated for the robots, you expected the worst, but hoped for the best. You couldn’t help but gasp when you saw the two. Ingo was sitting on a chair, fiddling with his arm, which was sparking and squeaking, and moving oddly. Emmet was fretting over him, though he had a large dent on his back. Upon hearing you, both twins quickly looked over. Emmet’s face quickly turned into a relieved grin. “You’re here!” You quickly rush over to the two, worry clear on your face. “Oh Arceus, what happened!?” You asked, quickly setting down your tool bag, and looking over their ‘injuries’. Ingo happily showed you his arm, and you quickly got to work on the diagnostics. “Some kids were having a battle by the tracks. For safety reasons, they should not have done so, yet there were no depot agents on duty at the time.” Ingo began explaining, wincing a bit when you bent his arm. You gave him a slightly odd look. It was as if he had felt pain. How odd. “Ingo and I were in the area, and had seen them having a battle through the security system. We alerted the agents and security, but we were closest to the area in question.” You felt a sinking feeling in your stomach. “Emmet and I approached, asking them to please battle elsewhere, or to wait for the battle subway. They got upset, and attacked us instead.” Ingo spoke, and you had to hold back a flare of anger. Those rules exist for a reason. Emmet watched as you fiddled with Ingo’s arm, pulling out a tool to look at it closer. You didn’t notice the affectionate look he gave you. “Ingo and I attempted to pull out our pokemon to calm the situation, but one of the kids who was close to the yellow line lost their footing.” Your head shot up. Emmet held up his hands. “They are safe. Ingo and I ran and caught them, though we fell on the tracks in the process. There were no trains on the way, but the rail caused some damage.” You briefly looked at the damage done on Ingo’s arm, and Emmet’s body. The rail had done that much? Both twins shared a look. “...And one of the children may have attacked us with their pokemon the moment we tried to climb off the tracks.” Ingo finished. “They what!?” “I assure you, we are alright. The station is already taking steps to handle the situation. As of right now, all of them are temporarily banned from the station, and the higher ups are pressing charges to the parents for property damage.” Your lips formed a fine line. You were upset. You hated that this happened. A lot of people love the Subway Bosses. But a lot of people also didn’t take them seriously. They were just robots, they’d say. It’s not like they can feel, they’d say. It made your blood boil, even if what they said were technically true. Just because the Bosses didn’t ‘feel’ things, didn’t mean you shouldn’t respect them. Ingo hissed when you tugged a wire. Your eyes shot up, and his eyes were on you. “Apologies. That… is tender.” Tender…? You nodded. “Sorry. I’ll try to be more gentle then.” You responded, and Ingo gave you a nod, and a small ‘thank you’. You had never heard of them ‘feeling’ tender before. Then again, they had never gotten damaged as badly as they had, today. You rarely ever see their internal wiring. But it was a bit odd. A little bit of time passed without you all talking, but you couldn’t help but feel your mind buzzing with different thoughts. As you finished attaching some wires, and fixing a seam, you decided to speak. “I’m glad you both are okay. You two didn’t deserve what happened.” You mumbled, feeling your face heat up. You felt both their eyes snap to you, though you were surprised to see such a gentle look on their faces when you glanced up. Emmet gave you a soft smile, one that took your breath away. “Thank you, darling."
You felt your face heat up again, and had stuttered a moment, before looking away. “N-No problem!”
‘C’mon! Get a hold of yourself!’ You chided in your head. He had never called you ‘darling’ before, but that doesn’t mean you should lose focus!
….Even if you really wanted him to call you that again.
You were so flustered, it didn’t even occur to you that Emmet shouldn’t be able to call you that in the first place.
It took a little bit more time, but you were able to get Ingo’s arm functioning again, though it unfortunately wasn’t perfect. “That should do for now. I’ll need the station to contact the company for some spare parts. After that, anything that needs fixing is purely cosmetic. Sorry about that.” You explained as Ingo flexed his arm in awe. “Just be careful not to do anything strainious! Just because it’s working okay now doesn’t mean it’s 100% fine.” You pointed out, and Ingo gave you a brisk nod. “Bravo! I will take your word to heart.” He said, looking over his arm in wonder. He then looked back at you. His hand reached forward, much to your confusion, and landed on your cheek. You sharply inhaled at the action. His hand, despite wearing a glove, was warm against your cheek. Your eyes met his glowing silver ones, and you felt your mouth go dry when he gave you a loving smile. “Thank you, my dear.” You felt your heart pound in your chest. At that moment, it felt so real. They weren’t robots you were hired to take care of. They were real people. Real twins that you had feelings for. Swallowing back your feelings and thoughts, you gave him a shaky smile, but backed away out of Ingo’s grasp. Ingo frowned at the action, but simply pulled his back. “It’s no issue! I’m happy to help!” You were also eager to take a break and get away. You were getting too flustered. Damn your crush on these two. You were reading way more into this than necessary. There’s no way they would feel something for you. It was against their code. Mentally sighing, you turned to face Emmet, motioning for him to turn around. You still had to deal with that dent, after all. The sooner you finish this, the sooner you could leave, and avoid looking dumb over your silly feelings. “Your turn, Emmet. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about that large dent.” Emmet pouted. “I am Emmet! I will be fine.” You shook your head, and crossed your arms. “Emmet.”
He pouted once more, before facing away from you. You were thankful he didn’t put up a fight, and got a closer look. Upon inspection, it didn’t look too bad… But you didn’t want to just leave it. Years of experience has told you leaving something like this could cause problems down the line. …And you really didn’t want to see Emmet in pain, or to see him malfunction because of a stupid decision. You cared about him too much for that to happen. “Okay, I’ll need to buff out the dent, but I’ll need to take off your back plate.” You explained.  You also wanted to get a good look at his circuits, making sure none were damaged in that accident. Gently, you opened up Emmet’s back panel, and let out a sigh of relief. So far from a glance, it looked fine. You would just need to adjust where some wires were. Maybe tighten a few things, and tighten a few screws. You could feel your anxiety ease up. Emmet was fine. Both of them were fine. Nothing to worry about. It didn’t take long to buff out the dent in his back plating, after taking out a tool. It would need new paint, sure, but it’d be an easy fix. What was more on your mind were the wires and the circuits. You briefly looked over those in his back. You took one of his wires into your hand, examining it. However, Emmet’s back shot straight up, and he let out a gasp. The action startled you enough to let go, and you froze. Had you… hurt him? “Emmet…?” You asked carefully, hand hovering over the wire. Before you can ask if he’s alright, his head turns slightly to look at you from over his shoulder. “I am Emmet! That… tickled, is all.” You wanted to raise an eyebrow at him, but he simply looked at you with that same smile, and glowing eyes. You wanted to ask questions. Tickled? What did he mean? “What-” “Do not worry! I am fine! The wiring is just sensitive!” You gave him an odd look. You didn’t doubt the wiring was ‘sensitive,’ but… that was an odd reaction to have. You decided to be a bit more gentle. You softly gripped the wire, and noticed the younger bot had tensed. Carefully, you properly adjusted the wire, though Emmet seemed dead set on squirming. Odd noises were coming out of his voice box as well. If you didn’t know any better, you would have sworn they were moans. But that's not possible. Right? “Emmet, you need to sit still-” you begin, trying to avoid hurting him while moving the wires. Your hand brushed up against one closer to his core, and he let out a squeal. “S-Sorry, darling!” he whimpered. Your eyes were wide. Hesitantly, you brushed your hands against the wires once more, and Emmet gripped the table in front of him, letting out what definitely sounded like a low moan. You could feel your brain wanting to blue screen. Were you giving him pleasure? That sure as hell didn’t sound like pain. Feeling yourself grow hot, you quickly finish what you set out to do, trying to be as gentle as possible, and ignore the delicious noises that were coming from the bot in front of you. Thankfully, you didn’t have much left to adjust, so you were quick to close his back panel, and begin getting your things together. “That should do it for you two, for now. You’ll both need some minor replacements, but you both should be functional. I’ll have the station order in some parts, and I’ll finish the repairs when those are shipped in.” You explained as you put your stuff together. Emmet stretched a bit, and looked over at you. You didn’t want to leave, but those noises… and how gentle both had been treating you… You had to leave before you made a fool of yourself. “If that’s everything, I’ll be on my way-” You began, and headed for the door. However, you were cut off when someone grabbed your wrist, and pulled you into a metal chest. You take a moment to gather your bearings, and froze when you realized what had happened. Glancing up, you were in Emmet’s hold, who had a strange look on his face. You wanted to speak, but all the words you could say seemed to catch in your throat. “Thank you, darling. We appreciate everything you do for us. We are very fortunate to have you as our caretaker.” He spoke softly, and ran a hand through your hair. Before you could register the words in your head, Ingo stood next to you both, and took your free hand in his own. “You mean so much to us, dear. Please take care of yourself, and stay safe on your way home.” He then took your hand, and pressed your knuckles against his lips in a small bow. The entire time, he never took those glowing eyes off of you. You felt a shiver run down your spine, and licked your lips. You felt your mouth go incredibly dry. After a few more moments, Ingo let go of your hand, and Emmet let you free from his grasp. You stepped away from them, and struggled to find your words. “I-I will! Thank you!” You stammered, and backed away towards the door. As you began to open it, however, you turned around to face them. “And uh… You two mean a lot to me too. Please take care of yourselves as well.” You said softly, before quickly shuffling out the door. When you closed the door behind you, you ended up leaning against it, your hand over your chest. It was as if your heart was trying to leap out of your chest with how hard it was pounding. Your mind was racing, and you could barely think straight. “Oh Arceus. I’m in trouble.” You whispered, before grabbing your bag and heading home. Meanwhile, Ingo and Emmet shared a look, and let out a small noise of frustration. They were so close! Oh, how they wanted to confess to you! They had been working for months! They can’t tell you when exactly they somehow broke their code, and gained feelings for you. However, they knew one thing. They wanted you. They wanted you as a partner, not as an engineer. You worked so hard for them! You cared for them, more than just robots for the subway! The way you treated them was more than just objects, you treated them like they were people. Something not a lot of humans did. It wasn’t hard to fall for you. Both wanted to cherish you. Hold you close. Do all the things human partners did. But they weren’t human.
Not to mention, they were still getting used to the whole ‘having feelings’ thing. They had a lot of catching up to do in terms of affection and relationships.
But they were very observant. It wasn’t hard to pick up on things from couples on the subway, and learn a few things from some research.
It wasn’t hard to figure out you had some sort of feelings for them, either. They were designed to be observant, after all!.
But then there was the problem. How to confess to you, and properly court you. They were robots, after all.
They weren’t blind. They knew having a relationship with them would be met with some side eye, and they wouldn’t be able to give you everything a human partner could.
But they wanted to try, for you. They wanted to be happy with you.
All they needed to do was show you their affection, just like they had done today!
Now if only they could actually confess to you.
No matter. They both have time.
Maybe next time they’re alone together with you, they’ll finally have the courage to do so. Until then, well…
They don’t mind pining for you from a distance, for just a little bit longer.
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attllhak · 3 years
I 100% blame @kagrenacs entirely for this. This is your fault. You gave me Ideas.
Also, @tortilla-of-courage I promised I’d tag you in this. Here’s that crack fic I talked about where Mario is Malon’s step-father.
Behold, a crack fic.
Link had been dating Malon officially for about three months when the letter came.
Link had arrived at the ranch about the same time as the postman left, having just got back home from another adventure trying to help clear out a temple that had been invaded by monsters that the regular soldiers were struggling with. He went so Sheik wouldn’t, as apparently Zelda was needed at the castle for something else.
Malon was waving goodbye at the postman as Link and Epona trotted up, the boy leaning to the side of the saddle to blink at his girlfriend.
Epona snorted and nudged Malon’s head to get her attention.
“Oh what, Epona!” Malon laughed, reaching up to stroke her hand along the mare’s face. “And that means,”
Link waved at her with a smile.
“Link!” Malon grinned, coming around Epona’s side to meet him. “You’re home!”
Link nodded as he leaned down to kiss her hello, feeling much better now that he was back at the ranch, even if he was still bruised and achy and very possibly bleeding. Malon almost made him feel the way the forest did, like he was home.
He swung over and dismounted the horse, smiling as Malon pulled him into a hug.
Malon then pushed him away and spun him around. Link was confused for about one second before,
“Are you bleeding?”
Link shrugged, not entirely sure himself.
Malon made a strangled noise and then she was dragging him inside. “Honestly, Link. What part of ‘be careful’ do you not understand? You know, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t show up here bleeding sometimes,”
Link just smiled at the back of her head, not affected by her berating in the least. She’d lectured him on this before, and would do so again in the future, and he knew she wasn’t as mad as she pretended to be. At this point her yelling was as much standard fare as her patching him up was.
Link hopped up to sit on the kitchen table, watching as Malon dropped the letter on the table next to him before digging out the first aid kit she kept stocked in the room.
In lieu of anything else to look at, Link glanced down at the letter next to him. There was a red seal on the back, not dissimilar to the ones Zelda used when writing letters, though instead of the Hylian crest this seal had the image of a mushroom on it. Flipping it over saw words in neat curling letters in an alphabet Link didn’t recognize. This wasn’t surprising, as up until a year or so ago he still struggled with written Hylian. He set the letter down when he heard a door open in a different part of the house.
“Malon!” Talon shouted through the house. “Did you know Epona was out front? I thought Link had taken her,” he stopped when he turned into the kitchen and saw his daughter standing up with a first aid kit and the mentioned adventurer on his table. Link waved. “Link! You’re back!”
Link nodded, smiling at Talon as Malon opened the first aid kit on the table and started sorting through the contents.
“Link just got back a minute ago,” Malon informed her father as she had Link pull off his tunic. “He’s bleeding still, so I’m going to patch him up before he fills us in on his latest adventure,” she paused, then picked up the letter that she’d received when Link arrived. “Oh, and we got a letter from mom,”
She handed over the letter to her dad, Link watching the paper with curiosity. Malon’s mother? She’d never mentioned her mother to him before, and he’d never pried. He assumed her mother was dead, since she wasn’t around and no one talked about her, but he was also pretty sure dead people didn’t send letters. Pretty sure, not totally sure. Considering what he’d already seen on his adventures, he wasn’t ruling it out as a possibility.
Talon grumbled as he opened it, Malon pulling Link’s attention to her as she went about patching him up as best she could. A few minutes passed, Link occasionally hissing as Malon applied a disinfectant, and then Malon declared him patched up, wandering over to look at the letter over her father’s shoulder.
“What does it say?” She asked, crowding him as Link shrugged back into his tunic.
“It’s an invitation,” Talon handed it to her to read herself. “Some kind of Star Carnival or something, happens every couple of years. She’s invited us to come,” 
Link slowly raised his hand, then waved when he noticed no one was paying attention to him. Talon looked up, then nudged Malon to get her attention. Link waved his hands at the letter then at the two of them, then threw his hands up in confusion. True, he could have signed, but he only thought of that afterwards.
“Oh, right,” Malon bounced over to sit next to him to hold the letter where he could see it. He looked at it, then at her. Malon scoffed. “It’s an invitation from my mother to come to the Star Carnival in the Mushroom Kingdom,”
Link blinked, then sighed ‘Mushroom Kingdom’ back at her with his face twisted up in confusion.
Malon blinked at him, then snapped her fingers. “Oh right, I never told you about my mother, did I? She lives in a neighboring kingdom off to the west, and her and dad had a bit of a falling out a few years after I was born. Dad and Ingo moved to Hyrule, and mom remarried. I have a half sister over there now,”
Link nodded slowly, then waved at the letter again.
“Oh, mom will occasionally invite us back for festivals and stuff. It’s her way of keeping up with us, while respecting that dad moved away for a reason,” she paused, then her head snapped up and turned to him so quickly he had to lean back in order to not get hit. “You should come with us!”
Malon blinked at him, wide eyed and grinning. Link couldn’t possibly say no. He nodded.
Malon made a giddy sound and wrapped Link in a hug, then slid off the table to hand the letter to her father. She came back to grab his hands and pull him off the table too.
“Oh, you’ll love it, Link! The Star Carnival is great, there’s all sorts of games, and events, and everyone comes out for it,” Malon chatteled off, dragging Link with her so she could keep talking at him while she finished up her chores.
Link completely forgot he was supposed to tell Zelda about the temple.
About a week later Link found himself next to Malon in an oddly mushroom shaped carriage her mother sent to collect them for the carnival. Apparently this was normal for these trips, but the fact the carriage had nothing to pull it but still moved confused Link. According to Malon this was how most things worked, but he wasn’t convinced he liked that.
The trip was uneventful, except how Link kept jumping every time the carriage bumped. The little mushroom person (“He’s a Toad, they’re the race that makes up most of the Mushroom Kingdom’s people,” Malon told him) kept up a steady stream of talk, pointing out everything he saw. Link was very glad he’d managed to convince Malon to let him take one of his swords and the mirror shield with him, he felt much more comfortable armed.
His discomfort was overshadowed, however, when the site of the carnival came into view. A big red and white striped tent, with booths and stalls set up throughout the whole grounds. There were people streaming all through the area, humans, toads and some other things as well. Link found it incredible, and Malon had to pull him back into the carriage before he fell out the window.
Eventually, the carriage came to a stop at the entrance to the grounds and the three Hyruleans stepped out. There were a few long moments as Link looked around in awe, and confusion, at some of the things he was seeing. There were moving paintings positioned around the grounds showing some guy who was mostly hat and blaring his voice across the area. Malon called these moving paintings ‘video screens’, and that they were looking at something happening in a different part of the carnival. Link didn’t understand that, but they were moving along fast enough that he didn’t linger on it.
He was snapped out of looking at some star shaped pastries at a loud squeal, head snapping up and on alert. He relaxed when Malon laughed and waved in response.
“Malon!” A higher pitched voice called, belonging to a taller woman with bright blonde hair wearing a very big pink dress and long white gloves. She had a crown on her head. “You made it!”
“Of course I made it,” Malon laughed as she hugged the other woman. “Why would I miss this?”
Malon then switched to hugging and greeting another woman closer to her age, also wearing a crown but dressed in blue, her hair covering her right eye. A little chubby star creature floated next to her and waved.
Link blinked and watched the exchange, hovering off to the side.
“Oh!” Malon abruptly remembered him and turned to tug him up. “Link, I want you to meet my mother, Queen Peach, and my half sister Rosalina. Mom, Rosy, this is my boyfriend Link,”
Link managed to get himself out of his ‘Malon’s mom is queen???!?’ confusion loop long enough to bow, trying to be polite.
 “Oh no, please don’t. No one has bowed to me in a very long time, and it’s weird to see now,” Queen Peach giggled lightly as Link straightened up, the tips of his ears turning red. “You didn’t mention you had a boyfriend,”
“Uh, surprise!” Malon waved her hands as she gave her mother and sister a sheepish grin. “I have a boyfriend! His name is Link,” 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Rosalina extended her hand, and Link took it to shake. 
Link nodded and grinned, then signed back ‘it’s nice to meet you too’ at her when she dropped his hand. Both women blinked at him and for a second he thought he’d done something wrong. He slowly lowered his hands and blinked at them too. Maybe they didn’t speak Hylian sign? He’d never encountered someone who couldn’t understand him, but outside of Hyrule it wasn’t impossible.
“Oh,” Malon jumped in, waving at him. “Link is mute, so he uses sign to talk. I should have mentioned that,”
“Oh,” Queen Peach brightened up again. “Of course. Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Link. I hope you enjoy the carnival,” she signed as she spoke, and Link blinked at her, then matched her grin.
Link nodded happily, letting her know it wasn’t like anything he’d encountered before, but that he was enjoying things so far. 
Queen Peach offered to show them around, which Malon accepted for them, and they went about walking through the grounds while the queen pointed out different attractions. Most of these involved events she called minigames, though a few featured other attractions. Apparently minigames were part of a big event called a Party, which was a competition people could compete in for prizes. Malon had very quietly dissuaded him from participating, as apparently she was worried a few of the minigames might mess with his trauma if he were to play them. Also, apparently Hylians weren’t as durable as the people of the Mushroom Kingdom.
“Oh!” Queen Peach bounced over to one of the video screens and grinned. “It looks like a Party is starting!”
Wandering up to join the toadstool queen, Link blinked up at the moving paintings on the screen, still confused as to how that worked. The man who was mostly hat introduced a group of four, a stout man in red with blue overalls with a very big mustache named Mario, a brunette woman in a yellow dress named Daisy, a stal-like creature that resembled the creatures Malon told him were koopahs who was introduced as Dry Bones, and a tall lanky man in purple who introduced himself as Waluigi. Queen Peach was grinning, and Malon was laughing a little at this.
Link tapped Malon’s shoulder and asked her who those people were.
“Oh, well Mario is mom’s husband, and Daisy is his brother’s wife. Dry Bones is a friend, I think, and Waluigi just shows up for events like this,” Malon explained to him, pointing as she did. “It can be hard to keep track of who’s friendly and who isn’t all the time, things change so often,”
“They don’t change often,” Queen Peach giggled. “The only time anything changes is when Bowser kidnaps me, then we’re briefly enemies, but we go back to being friends when Mario comes to rescue me,”
Link blinked at her, face scrunched up. She talked like this was normal. Apparently, this was quickly explained to him, it was. It was just the relationship those three had. Link wasn’t sure he’d ever understand that concept, but was willing to push it aside for the moment.
They stood and watched the Party, and Link was glad Malon had encouraged him not to try any of the minigames. She was right about a few of them not meshing well with his trauma. He’d actually had to turn away during one because of how much it reminded him of fighting Volvagia in the Fire Temple. It was pretty easy for Malon to work him down again, and he was ever so grateful for her and her patience with him, but they didn’t turn back until after the minigame was over.
Once the Party was over, Queen Peach eagerly dragged them over to something called a warp pad in order to greet her husband when he got there. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one.
Already waiting at the pad was a very large individual. He looked vaguely like a koopah, but was much bigger, and his shell was studded with spikes. Helpfully, Link’s mind supplied him with the theory that the koopah might be like the Zora, with the ruler being much bigger than the rest of their people, and so this might be their king.
He was right, he’d soon learn.
What had him stopping dead was the man next to him. Almost eight feet tall, bright red hair, black armor. The man was distinctly Gerudo, and looked identical to Ganondorf. Link reached out and grabbed Malon’s arm, pointing out the man to her and signing as fast as she could keep up. Malon had his shoulders in her hands, and was trying to talk to him slowly, the same way she did when working him down from a panic attack or a spike in anxiety. Maybe he was freaking out, he certainly didn’t feel calm. But Ganondorf shouldn’t be here, Zelda’s father had him executed. He shouldn’t be alive, let alone here.
“Is something wrong?” Queen Peach popped up in Link’s peripheral vision, but he was too busy trying not to panic to respond to her.
Thankfully, he had Malon.
“Kind of, Link’s had some, uh, adventures that have messed with his head a little. Bowser’s friend over there happens to look like a man named Ganondorf who tried to kill him more than once, with quite a bit of effort,” Malon rubbed Link’s arms as she spoke, glancing back at him every once in a while. “He’s a little freaked out to see someone who looks so similar, even if this can’t be Ganondorf, since Queen Zelda’s father, the late king, had him executed for trying to kill the royal family and steal Hyrule’s crown about ten or so years ago.”
“Oh, I hadn’t realized,” Queen Peach paused, glancing back at Bowser and maybe-Ganondorf, then back to the two of them. “If you’ll give me a moment,”
She ducked out, and in the meantime Link managed to wrangle his breathing under control. Eventually, he felt confident enough in himself to not immediately try to stab maybe-Ganondorf, but he did pull the mirror shield onto his arm. He felt better when he had it out.
Link specifically kept his shield between himself and maybe-Ganondorf as they approached, Malon keeping a hand on his arm. The conversation petered out as they made it up.
Maybe-Ganondorf clapped his hands together, which had Link pulling up the shield and tensing. The maybe-Ganondorf paused, then spread his hands.
“I understand that someone who looked like me tried to hurt you in the past?” The man, who even sounded like Ganondorf, asked. Link was then hit again with the fact that in this timeline Ganondorf never actually tried to kill him, and even when he had it was both his past and future for a while. He nodded, not willing to dwell on the details of his seven year sleep and subsequent return to childhood. The man grimaced. “I am truly sorry then. My name is Greg, I am a good, friend, of Bowser’s, and I can assure you I am not the same man who wanted to see you come to harm,”
Link narrowed his eyes, but did peek a little further over his shield.
There was a long, tense moment where Link just looked over Greg, trying to decide how he felt about him. After several heartbeats where Link found nothing but honesty, he nodded and lowered the shield some. He didn’t put it away however.
Greg grinned, nodding back.
“You can probably put the shield away now,” Queen Peach offered gently.
Link just tightened his grip on the reflective defense and pulled it closer to himself.
“I don’t think that’s happening,” Malon said gently, squeezing his arm some. “It’s just, well, I’m sure it just makes him feel a little better, what with the situation and all. I wouldn’t be surprised if he never got better around male Gerudo,” she tried to laugh.
“What’s a Gerudo?” Greg asked.
Link dropped the shield to his side and made a face.
The rest of the day was spent being introduced to a few others of Queen Peach’s friends, and then later avoiding Greg as best he could, and even watching Malon play some of the minigames with her sister.
Link felt a little bad about avoiding Greg, but he looked so much like Ganondorf that he really didn’t trust himself not to hurt the man. Better to just avoid him.
They were invited to spend the night at Peach’s castle, after which they’d return to the carnival the next day.
Somehow, between meeting Mario and crashing for the night, the plumber convinced him to agree to a race.
Link didn’t know how to use any of the racing machines they had.
He spent a great deal of time, at length, bemoaning his impulsivity to Malon, who eventually got tired enough with him to track down her stepfather and get him to teach Link to use one of the machines. Mario, to his credit, was surprisingly understanding and more than helpful.
It didn’t take long to decide Link would do better on a bike than in a kart.
Link also needed to help repair a wall later.
These are related.
“Alright,” Mario rubbed his hands together as he coached Link through the basics. “This-a thing here? That’s-a the brakes. You pull on-a those to slow down. This-a piece you twist, and that makes-a you go! You see?”
Link nodded slowly, pulling on the lever for the brakes and twisting the handle.
“Okay, let’s-a do one lap around the track, and-a see how you do,” Mario nodded back waving at the track. “Let’s-a go!”
Link gave a sharp nod, taking a deep breath as he did. This would be his fifth try at this.
Malon gave him a pair of thumbs up from the sidelines, grinning at him. He was glad she was more confident in him than he was.
He slowly twisted the handle, the machine puttering to life (a phrase Link was distinctly uncomfortable with) and eased forward gently. After a few moments he was increasing speed around the oval track, getting more comfortable with using the bike. He avoided the jumps he could, but managed to not wipe out on the ones he couldn’t. Slowing to a stop in front of Malon and Mario, he felt distinctly proud of himself for not crashing.
Malon jumped up from where she was sitting, clapping happily as she bounced over to hug him.
“You didn’t crash that time!” She grinned. “You’re getting better!”
‘I am,’ Link grinned back, a group of bees set loose in his chest alongside the happiness.
“You’re-a doing so much better! Now, let’s-a maybe think about getting better with the jumps, hm?” Mario clapped as he approached.
Link nodded, signing his response slowly. Mario knew Mushroom Kingdom Sign, but not Hylian Sign, and the two had some differences. This meant communication was slow going, which was partly why Malon was there.
They spent a few more hours, and a lot more crashing, practicing the jumps. Apparently there were a lot of jumps in these races.
By the time they decided to take a break for lunch, Link was covered in bruises but could also reasonably be trusted to not crash every time he attempted a jump, which was much better than he was when they started.
“Oh my! What happened to you?” Peach gasped, looking over the group as they arrived to join the queen and the rest of the family for lunch.
‘Learned the jumps,’ Link signed at her, grinning maybe a bit wider than he needed to.
“The bruises were self-inflicted,” Malon told everyone, dragging Link over to sit between Talon and Rosalina with her. “He’s gotten very good at crashing. And at not crashing, but that skill’s taking longer,”
Rosalina started giggling. “Well, it seems we all have a type,”
Link looked at her in confusion while he let Malon set up plates for them.
“What do you mean?” Peach asked.
Rosalina pointed at her mother. “You married dad, who is prone to extreme spots. And turns sports that aren’t extreme sports into extreme sports. I have never seen someone make golf a full contact sport other than him,” she turned her finger to Malon. “Malon has brought home a boy who is firstly more than willing to participate in said extreme sports, and, Mal you said he works for your Queen, right?”
Malon nodded. “He’s technically part of the royal guard, but really he’s just sent out to go deal with monsters when Her Majesty can’t do it herself. He comes back bleeding a lot,” she sent him a halfhearted glare. He smiled innocently in response.
“Right,” Rosalina nodded. “He’s prone to come back bleeding. And the last time I saw Sammy, she was also bleeding and bruised because she got in a fight with a robot that nearly kicked her, erm, butt,” she cleared her throat and paused until she got a nod from her mother, then continued. “Right, so, my point is we have a type, and it’s the same one,”
“And that type is?” Malon asked.
“People who are prone to getting hurt,”
Link felt mildly like he should be offended by that, but Malon was just nodding along so he decided to drop it. It wasn’t like he could argue, after all.
“Oh, is your girlfriend coming?” Malon asked, handing Link a plate but focusing on her sister.
Link didn’t know what some of the things on his plate were, and lightly poked at one of the mushrooms. This is why he decided to let Malon grab food for him.
“She should be, she told me she’d try at least,” Rosalina nodded. “But, well, you know how busy she can be sometimes. Her job doesn’t allow her a lot of free time,”
Malon nodded. “I get that. It can be hard dating someone who spends so much time away getting in fights,”
She gave Link a side eye and he paused halfway into a bite. Was she mad at him? Or was this one of those joking jab things? He couldn’t quite tell the difference yet. She didn’t seem like she was mad at him. Maybe she was trying to relate to her sister? Wait, what did her sister’s girlfriend do that he’d be a comparison?
He figured he’d ask.
Apparently Sammy was a mercenary (“She fights things for money,” Malon told him. “Kind of like you do, but you work for the Queen and she works for herself,”), and that meant she spent a lot of time away and then coming back injured. Like Link did.
“You’d probably get along with her really well,” Malon offered, subtly adding more of the thing he’d already cleared off his plate to his portion. “You can bond over killing things and getting hurt and worrying your girlfriends about the fact that you’re out killing things and getting hurt all alone,”
Link frowned at her and narrowed his eyes. The worst part was that he couldn’t even argue, she was right. He did spend a lot of time killing things and getting hurt and worrying her, and he did do most of it alone.
That thought sort of made his chest ache. He wouldn’t be alone if he still had Navi, but he hadn’t been able to find her yet. He didn’t want to sour the atmosphere though, so he pushed that thought to the side and shoved Malon’s shoulder in retaliation.
Malon shoved him back, laughing, and Link didn’t bother fighting the grin on his face. It was moments like this that made the trauma and the longing easier to deal with.
They spent some more time practicing the jumps for the race Link had gotten himself roped into and introducing him to the ‘power ups’, and then wandered around the festival grounds until dinner, where they retired to the castle. Link found out quickly that the power ups were made with people way more durable than him in mind. A conversation started about finding an item or something that might help protect him a bit.
Malon had pulled out a health potion she insisted Link drink to heal up the bruises he’d acquired when they heard the, whirring? Link didn’t know what to make of that sound, but he did know he should figure it out.
Which is how Link ended up carefully crossing the entryway of the castle, eyes on the front door, Malon frustrated and following behind him.
Rosalina came barrelling down a stairwell just as Link got to the door, startling him.
“Don’t mind Link,” Malon rolled her eyes. “He’s just never heard the sound of a ship landing before,”
“So that was her ship I saw!” Rosalina pushed past Link, who made a strangled noise as she did, and ran out the door.
Link followed, hand on his sword, just in case, and froze.
Someone was standing on the bridge to the castle, wearing dark orange armor and standing easily as tall as a gerudo, maybe taller. Link couldn’t make out much more from that, since the armor covered them head to toe, and their helmet covered their entire head and face. It also looked shinier than any armor he’d ever seen before.
This person caught Rosalina when she threw herself at them, lifting her up and spinning them both around. A sort of mechanical laugh came from the armored person.
Link turned to Malon.
“That’s Samus, Rosy’s girlfriend,” Malon explained. “Come on, let’s go say hi!”
Malon headed down the bridge to where Samus had set Rosalina down. Link stayed where he was, the Luma that followed Rosalina around coming up to float next to him. Luma yawned, and Link offered it a small smile. They must have been getting ready for bed when Samus arrived.
“Link!” He turned at Malon’s shout, seeing her wave at him. “Come meet Samus!”
Samus had pulled off her helmet, revealing tied back blonde hair and pale skin. So, not gerudo, just tall.
He offered Luma a sympathetic shrug and wandered over.
“Link, this is Samus,” Malon waved between them as Link came up. “Samus, this is my boyfriend, Link. He’s mute, so he speaks using sign, but he can hear you just fine,”
“Hello, Link,” Samus offered him a smile, signing in very choppy Hylian Sign as she spoke, and then offered her hand to shake. “It’s nice to meet you,”
Link signed slowly as he replied, figuring Samus might appreciate it, and then accepted her handshake.
They didn’t stay standing there for long since it was already getting quite dark. Link offered to help Samus move in some of her things, since she was apparently staying for a few weeks between jobs, which is how he found himself pulling on his golden gauntlets to pick up a very heavy suitcase to carry inside. Samus had the other very heavy case, and Malon and Rosalina helped carry in the rest of it.
Once Samus was settled Malon resumed her crusade to get Link to drink the rest of the health potion.
The next time Link ran into Samus was right before his race. They hadn’t found something to help with the power ups yet, though he did receive a racing suit to wear in case he crashed.
He stopped mid-sign as something heavy dropped round his neck.
He turned to look down at the item, some kind of medallion on a chain. There was some kind of bird on it, and some kind of writing he couldn’t read, though he didn’t expect to be able to. It didn’t feel magical, but it did sort of, hum in his hands.
He turned around to blink up at the person who dropped in on him. Which turned out to be Samus.
She wasn’t wearing the armor, instead wearing just a skin-tight blue outfit that showed off her abs and the muscles in her arms. She had a lot of muscle. Link started doubting his conclusion that she wasn’t somehow part gerudo.
“I heard you were worried about being durable enough to compete,” Samus explained when Link made a confused motion at the medallion. “That should help,”
‘How?’ Link asked.
“It’s an old bit of tech I picked up but haven’t needed in a long while,” Samus explained.
Link spent a moment finger spelling out that word and trying to remember where he heard it before.
“It’s like magic, but not magic,” Rosalina appeared to lean behind Samus, who towered over her even when she was standing straight. “Sammy you need to remember they don’t even have video screens in Hyrule, you’re going to confuse him,”
“Oh,” Samus blinked, looking between them. “Uh, sorry,”
Link waved her off and assured her it was fine, and then asked for more clarification on the item she just gave him.
“I figured it would solve your durability issue,” Samus explained. “For the race,”
Link nodded, turning it over in his hands for a minute. He tucked it under the suit, the metal oddly warm despite having only just put it on, and thanked Samus for the help.
She promised to be cheering him on, which was met by a huff and light shove from Rosalina, who was also racing.
The medallion did help. It didn’t quite put him on par with the native residents of the Mushroom Kingdom, but it did keep him from getting seriously hurt by some of the more extreme power ups.
Seriously, some of them were just insane.
He didn’t win, but he did come about middle of the pack, which he was quite proud of.
Samus let him keep the medallion, since he could probably get more use out of it than she would, and then Rosalina dragged them all out to get some star pastries to celebrate the fact she won.
Samus ended up far more confident in her Hylian Sign by the end of the day, mostly due to her and Link being dragged about the faire by their girlfriends as they competed in a few minigames. Samus had asked for some help practicing when she noticed Link was a bit uncomfortable with some of the minigames.
Link decided he liked Samus.
He especially liked it when their girlfriends got back and Rosalina had fake-whispered to Malon “Oh no, they’re teaming up!” and all four of them started laughing.
They stayed for a week, the length of the carnival, but they did have to get back to Hyrule. It didn’t help that Sheik had likely tried dealing with everything himself, and as such the kingdom had to deal with the Queen slipping out to fight things.
Once they’d said goodbye, with promises to write between Malon and her family, they climbed back into the little carriage thing they’d arrived in and Link turned to Malon immediately.
‘You’ll bring me with you next time too, right?’
Malon laughed, and agreed to bring him with the next time they were invited.
Neither of them had fully expected Link to get a letter a few weeks after they got home, but sure enough, it was his name written in the alphabet used by the Mushroom Kingdom.
It was decided that they should probably teach him how to read that alphabet after that.
The small package he received from Rosalina a few years later with her and Malon’s grandmother’s engagement ring after he’d proposed with a little note that the ring he’d found was way too flashy was probably to be expected. Even he and Malon had agreed on that the day before. They did switch out the rings, and though the old Queen’s ring was still a bit fancy for a farm girl, it wasn’t going to accidentally blind someone.
He figured he’d pass off Queen Peach’s offer to plan their wedding to Zelda, who had also already decided she wanted to plan it.
Let people who actually knew what they were doing plan it, he’d focus on making sure he was mostly uninjured come the day of. He’d just help with the invitation list.
This, he learned later, was a very smart call.
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home-improvement123 · 3 years
Home Improvement Tools
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relaxtvs-blog · 5 years
Popcorn Time for Windows – Installation Setup Guide for Windows 10
Popcorn Time for Windows – Installation Setup Guide for Windows 10
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 1.            Launch any program and enter https://popcorn-time.to in the URL address bar.
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 1.            Kodi
 2.            Flixtor
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 4.            Stremio
 5.            popcorntime.sh
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torentialtribute · 5 years
How technology will change the way we watch sport in modern stadiums
Stadiums are no longer just a place to come and enjoy a sports spectacle.
They now demand more than the bells and whistles, and technology evolves and improves for those watching from In an effort to understand how teams and city owners embrace enormous technological developments, Sportsmail spoke to three organizations about three vital aspects of modern stadiums to see what the future match-day experience will look like.
<img id = "i-74ebda078a96085d" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WMWR8j image-a-1_1560417608386.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-74ebda078a96085d" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WgE5KP /13/10/14734132-7127553-image-a-1_1560417608386.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-74ebda078a96085d" src = "https: //i.dailymail. co.uk/1s/2019/06/13/10/14734132-7127553-image-a-1_1560417608386.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-74ebda078a96085d" src = "https://dailym.ai/2wZkhN9" height = "423" width = "634" alt = "<img id = "i-74ebda078a96085d" src = "https://dailym.ai/2wZkhN9" height = "423" width = "634" alt = "<img id =" i-74ebda078a96085d "src =" https://dailym.ai/2WKmFBH .jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-74ebda078a96085d" src = "https://dailym.ai/2wZkhN9" height = "423" width = "634" alt = "] Tottenham's £ 1 billion lush new stadium is the newest being built in the Premier League "
Tottenham's £ 1 billion lush new stadium is the newest being built in the Eredivisie
up the fan experience
EE was the first British airline to use 5G, sw itching it in six cities last month, and by now you've probably seen the ads with fans from Manchester City and Watford watching the FA Cup final last month of virtual reality
Vodafone will also launch 5G, while O2 and Three plan to use it rather than later.
Imagine this: you are in a football game and someone has just hit the ball from 30 meters into the top corner. Within seconds you can watch replays from different angles, browse player statistics in real time and even upload a video to Instagram without the bottomless connection usually offering.
This type of technology is already being embraced around the world. the Atlantic Ocean. The Golden 1 Center of Sacramento Kings is a sophisticated hub that takes the fan experience to the next level.
] <img id = "i-b5ee1ff29c1b3a99" src = "https://i.dailymail.co. uk / 1s / 2019/06/12/16 / 14699564-7127553-image-a-100_1560352634318.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-b5ee1ff29c1b3a99" src = "https : //i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/06/12/16/14699564-7127553-image-a-100_1560352634318.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt ="
EE was the first British airline to be used in the near future. launch 5G, but it will be widely available in the near future
<img id = "i-7a2f8f4af061fd20" src = "https://dailym.ai/2uS4u1n /1s/2019/06/12/16/14700900-7127553-image-a-102_1560353604420.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Sacramento Kings & # 39; Golden 1 Center lifts fan experience to a higher level level using technology "class =" blkBorder The Golden 1 center in Sacramento Kings takes the fan experience to a higher level with the help of technology
The Golden 1 Center in Sacramento Kings raises the fan experience to a higher level with the help of technology
024] Fans can order food and drink at the dealer stands to get their place "
<img id = "i-fbd724f161e2f304" src = "https://dailym.ai/2wZkrUL" height = "558" width = "306" alt = "Fans can order food and drinks from the dealer. are delivered to their seats "
<img id =" i-d9872f2ab9c91275 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2CYdfvj 2019/06/13/11 / 14737568-7127553-image-a-28_1560423453396.jpg "height =" 558 "width =" 306 "alt =" The app also gives them a map of the arena in order to find the fastest route finding from one point to another "
<img id =" i-d9872f2ab9c91275 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2WOcRGO -7127553-image-a-28_1560423453396.jpg "height =" 558 "width =" 306 "alt =" The app also gives them a map of the arena to find the fastest route from one point
The Sacramento Kings mobile app allows fans on their network to enable fans to find the shortest line in the hall, pay for parking and even vote for a change in the temperature of their seating areas. [194] 59003]
AT & T are trying out 5G at the Dallas Cowboys house while Verizon has a two-year partnership with the NFL to implement the technology on a larger scale. 360 degree cameras around the Nou Camp and Virtual Reality glasses, fans will be able to see what's happening in the world.
The club claims that this technology is fully operational, that people will be able to watch a match from the board box, behind a goal, through the dugout or from any point of view at any given time. watch and listen to the game as if they are on the field.
& # 39; We conducted a survey at the beginning of the year and 94 percent of European operators plan to test 5G in sport and e-sport locations by the end of 2020, & # 39 ; Yogen Patel, head of product and solutions marketing at Amdocs, told Sportsmail .
AT & T are trying out 5G at the Dallas Cowboys house and the concert halls will change massively "
<img id =" i-6abba168afc45b8f "src =" https : //i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/06/12/16/14702114-7127553-image-a-103_1560354807446.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" the Dallas Cowboys and congresses will change immensely "
AT & T are trying out the Dallas Cowboys home 5G and the congresses will change en masse
Using 360 degree cameras & # 39; s around it Well Camp, Barcelona will soon implement VR for fans "
] Using 360 degree cameras around the Nou Camp, Barcelona will soon implement VR for fans" class = "blkBorder img-share" />
With 360 degree cameras around the Nou Camp, Barcelona will soon implement VR for fans
<img id = "i-7096a947d05b1c51" src = "https://dailym.ai/2wVuSZx -22_1560423287529.jpg "height =" 422 "width =" 634 "alt =" Virtual reality headsets allow fans to p
<img id = "i-7096a947d05b1c51" src = "https://i.dailymail.co .uk / 1s / 2019/06/13/11 / 14737440-7127553-image-a-22_1560423287529.jpg "height =" 422 "width =" 634 "alt =" Virtual reality heads allow fans to participate in an immersive version of sports events "class =" blkBorder img-
& # 39; There are really two technical challenges that need to be solved.
One is to place the antennas at locations around the stadium that can supply the network and the second is to ensure that you have the right amount of fiber and backhaul, so that the data is then transmitted over the network can be sent and can deliver the services.
There will be reservations from traditional sports fans who are more satisfied with the current offer, but those doubts are set aside by industry insiders who see only the benefits of the progress being made.
Patel added: & # 39; I am a big fan of ice hockey and recently went to the San Jose Sharks on the cheap seats. I am a traditionalist sports fan. I go for the experience, the pleasure, the energy, but if I could view the game, see the data at the same time, and see a quick repetition of a goal that I didn't see at the time, it would make my experience much better.
& # 39; I don't think there is any concern about the recoil of traditional fans because you will still have your experiences.
Stadiums get connected [Get Adobe Flash player]
Although the possibilities with 5G seem endless, stadiums and clubs must be prepared for technology first in the arena and the environment. the Emirates Stadium and also the entire Olympic village in London 2012 and their work has become vital to keep stadiums in touch with technological trends.
& # 39; Stadiums need such a large capacity because people usually want to stay in touch with their families or generate over-proportional traffic when sharing photos & videos. The Inheritance, "says Ingo Flomer, vice president of technology at Cobham Wireless.
& # 39; That's why it's so hard to beat a stadium. The footprint of a stadium needs the same system as a city with 500,000 or 1,000,000 people to cope. & # 39;
Mobile traffic in stadiums continues to double year-on-year and equipment needs to be upgraded approximately every three years to cope.
The main reason for this is that, in the past, a stadium like Wembley needs the mobile network of a city with 500,000 or 1,000,000 people "
mobile network of a city with 500,000 or 1,000,000 people "
A stadium like Wembley needs the mobile network of a city with 500,000 or 1,000,000 people
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Enterprise Theme Review: It's The Best Business WordPress Theme
Enterprise Theme Review: It's The Best Business WordPress Theme
An interesting fact about the Enterprise WordPress theme:
When I switched to the Enterprise theme for my offline business website, my conversion rates doubled, while website traffic remained the same.
Naturally, I'm fond of this theme given it's such a positive impact on my business.
It was incredible what changed to this slick business theme did for my business. Mind you, the previous theme I was using was very dark – which I do not think some people like – at least they did not in my line of work.
StudioPress has taken a different road with their WordPress themes than most other theme designers. They take a theme framework and then layer on "child" themes that deliver a higher level of functionality and the perfect design for every site owner. They are especially the luxury line of WordPress themes for those who want the absolute best (iThemes is doing this as well).
The initial cost of StudioPress WordPress themes may seem a bit steep, but the ability to purchase child themes to completely change the look of your site without touching the basic functionality is a great luxury. You can purchase the Enterprise WP theme today and then change it out with something fresh in a month or two.
Overview of the Enterprise WP Theme
This is a very functional theme that allows easy incorporation of video, images, and other interactive, attention-grabbing features. It can be used for a wide variety of businesses as well as informational and e-commerce websites. For e-commerce you'll need a shopping cart plugin or service integrated.
Features of StudioPress' Enterprise WP Theme
1. Slide show on the home page
The first thing you notice when you click into a website designed with the Enterprise theme is the large-sized slide show that can be created on the top frame of the page. You can use this area to flash a series of images or to display words that really highlight and emphasize your business, products, or services.
This slide show is mind-blowingly easy to set up. Simply install the WP-Cycle plugin, upload your images in the WP-Cycle plugin dashboard, and you're done.
2. Multi-widget home page layout
Underneath the slide show are three side-by-side blocks to feature products or link to other areas of interest on the site. The bottom of the page is ready for whatever widgets you might wish to install.
3. Six Page / Post layout options
You are given a choice of six different layouts to ensure you pick the perfect for your style and your business. In fact, you can change layout options by post or page. For example, one page can be a three-column layout while another page a single column layout.
4. Static home page
Enterprise has a static home page and a fixed width no matter what layout you select. Business websites tend to have a static home page versus a page which features the latest blog post. Obviously you want to put your most important information on the home page or offer fantastic navigation from your home page to your website visitors.
Enterprise, which operates on the Genesis Framework, offers many menu navigation options. You can create unlimited custom menus and place them at the top and / or within sidebars on your site. Speaking of sidebars, with a free plugin from StudioPress called Simple Sidebars, you can create additional sidebars … as many as you like.
If you prefer a blog-format, you can easily turn the home page into a blog format.
StudioPress Support with Enterprise
All support for StudioPress WP themes is offered through an active forum on their site. You can register for a free account to access much of the forum while the additional member's only areas are accessible only after you purchase a theme from the site.
If you get the Enterprise theme, you'll gain access to the Enterprise theme dedicated forum.
The Enterprise Theme License
StudioPress WordPress themes operate a bit differently than other WordPress themes from other designers. Rather than just purchasing a theme and installing it you need to purchase the Genesis Theme Framework as a base and then add on a "child" theme package to get the exact look and additional features that you want.
You need only buy the Genesis Framework once. Then you can buy as many child themes as you like. You can also get an "all-theme" package which gives you unlimited access to all the existing and future themes (yes, future child themes as well with no ingoing payments).
The next point is important:
You can use a StudioPress theme on as many domains as you like. This is one of the features I prefer when buying a WordPress them. I do not like being restricted on the number of websites I can build with a particular theme.
Does StudioPress offer refunds?
Yes, but you must request it within 30 days.
In my view, the Enterprise theme is the best business WordPress theme for 2 reasons:
It converts website visitors into customers (at least it did for my business); and
It operates on the powerful Genesis Framework.
Ata Rehman
0 notes
leggerefiore · 1 year
Can.. Can I request ceo ingo and emmet hcs?? 🥹
sure lmao
i'm sorry if it's kinda sucky
cw: CEO au
▲CEO Train Twins▽
● The twins work at one of the biggest companies in Unova, known especially for their train manufacturing. They admittedly had their hands in countless areas, but the two obviously focused and cared for the manufacturing more than the others. Their positions had been something they received from their father after he moved into investing and retired.
○ They take to donating a good chunk of many to the Battle Subway, one of their favourite places in all of Unova. Their company makes many of the trains used by them, so it never seemed odd to also fund them in general. In fact, it's not odd to catch them riding the trains whenever they can. Their unwavering love of trains is apparent.
▲CEO Ingo▼
● Originally, he was the only one of the two twins to receive the job position, but Ingo simply refused to take it if Emmet was denied. It made him nervous to work away from his brother, and even if he was the older of the two, it made little difference in actual life experience. This ended up as a good call on his part, as Emmet ended up being an extremely helpful force with the workload and preventing him from overworking himself.
● He takes his job seriously and carries himself well, utterly afraid of tarnishing the company his father adored. Perfect business suits are common attire. Everything is worn as it should be. Even if it's hot, he's still seen wearing his suit jacket. Many people have remarked on how attractive he is and how dedicated he is to everything. This leads to numerous invitations for dates, which he never finds himself wanting to go on.
● Really, he has no interest in dating. While he would adore settling down and starting his own family, it just seemed impossible with his current level of work. Most of his socialising away from a few friends and his family was related to work. Parties, meals, meetings; everything was for work. It was impossible for him to just hold a normal conversation with most people. They saw him as a way to cement themselves in their wealth, or to use him as a way to climb even higher. He felt utterly lonely despite being almost in constant conversations.
● Well, that was until you came into his life. Hired originally as just an assistant, you quickly held his attention thanks to how you always treated him so kindly. It felt completely different from the faux politeness and air of tension from his peers in business. You spoke to him as a person, not even as an authority figured. Well, barring a few “sir 's” and “bosses” thrown around. But even then, you lightly teased him about things and made him feel less like he was drowning is business professionalism.
● You chatted with him about his genuine thoughts and feelings, making sure his schedule around the office was something manageable. It helped more than he realised. Many things you noticed about him helped him more than he would have realised. Forcing him to take his lunch breaks and actually eat, making sure he drank water as much as he drank his coffee, and trying to limit his long nights spent at the office. He felt at ease with you around.
● When you made the first romantic move towards him, he felt caught off-guard. You had started to pack him lunch, and when you had handed it off to him, you softly held his hand for a moment. Eyes avoided his, and you turned away quickly and left. His heart raced at the thought. Slowly, you became more and more daring. Hand brushes turned to cupping his face and eventually into hugs. Everything felt too real to him.
● A relationship did not follow long after a few dates, allowing him to feel more at ease around you. It was obvious to both coworkers and his brother that he felt more comfortable with you around than before you had arrived. Emmet's time nagging him to take time for himself and not work himself into an early grave slowed and ebbed out. Your concerns finally made him actually slow down.
● As a lover, he tries to dote on you with gifts and lavish dates, but he finds himself favouring evenings spent in with you more than them. He takes to cooking for you and chatting with you late in the nights spent at his apartment. Affection is common outside of work, too. He is deeply afraid his employees will see his tender kisses and long hand holds as something forced upon you, no matter how many times you initiate them yourself.
▽CEO Emmet△
○ He admits that working as a CEO wasn't truly his dream job, but Emmet would never leave his twin's side, especially when Ingo asked him specifically to work with him. While it might not be the conductor job he dreamed of, he deeply enjoys that he still gets to work with trains in a way and support his favourite Unovan battle facility, too. Not to mention, he has to make sure his older brother doesn't work himself to death.
○ Emmet dutifully does his job, helping lessen Ingo's workload and manage people around the company. He also decided to take up any disciplinary related meetings, as he knew that Ingo did not particularly enjoy them. His clothing imitates his brother, but he chooses to go with grey suits over his brother's favouritism towards black. People remark he has a certain level of attractiveness that his brother has and seems easier to approach, yet he always seems to scare them off with his manner of speaking.
○ The younger rarely goes on dates, but he does often find himself seeking out casual sex, as he finds that people are rarely interested in who he is as a person rather than his money and title. Emmet would love to have a romantic partner in his life, but it seemed most people either wanted him for the wrong reasons or just saw him as too innocent to be worth their time. He simply found it easier to calm is base desires and spend his time focused on helping his brother and hanging out with friends.
○ All that faded when you finally entered his life. An assistant hired on a whim to help better manage he and Ingo's meetings and paperwork, you caught his attention by playing with one of his Joltiks that had escaped his office. You treated him kindly and eagerly returned his conversation about his interests. It felt different from business talks and more like the ones he had with Elesa, instead. You even dared to joke and tease him, relaxing the tension heavily.
○ It was not long until you grew to notice little things about him. Chiding him about only eating desserts, making sure he actually finished his paperwork, and helping him with meetings that he obviously didn't want to hold. It made him feel closer to you, knowing that you clearly fretted over him. (It made his heart race, actually.)
○ Emmet accidentally made the first move. After a long night and bad morning, he came into work feeling awful. You, however, greeted him with a smile and surprised him with a piece of cake from a bakery that you had mentioned to him before. Naturally, his immediate response was to squeeze you into a hug, just as he did his brother and Elesa. You returned the affection without hesitation. It wasn't long until Emmet became more physically affectionate towards you. Hugs and hand kisses and holding became a common occurrence, much to your obvious pleasure.
○ A single date led to many more and a relationship. Emmet eagerly asked you out, and his joy radiated for days after. Ingo and your coworkers could only watch as he clung to you and hung around you throughout the day. It was fairly obvious how your relationship had changed. Despite Ingo scolding him so obviously showing his affection in front of their employees, Emmet openly showered you in affection.
○ He buys you many, many gifts, preferring to see you smiling. Though, a few were obviously things we wanted to catch you wearing both in and out of the office. Fancy and fun dates are common with the CEO, determined to enjoy his time with you to the fullest. Affection was doted on you everywhere and anywhere. Even moving into more intimate actions in places like the office, much to his brother's disdain.
74 notes · View notes
cyriljuan98-blog · 7 years
Picking a Net Web hosting
Picking a web hosting is an crucial action in creating a site. The entire operating of your web useful resource relies upon on this choice.
All internet hosting suppliers are divided into two big teams: cost-free net hosts and shared kinds.
In the very first area permit me say that several of the totally free net internet hosting suppliers are not just totally free, i.e. in exchange for their companies they could find their ads on your web site.
If your web site is a home webpage made up of your private details or a small internet useful resource exactly where you share details on a certain topic, totally free web internet hosting will most possibly be enough for you. In scenario your internet site is an details portal, services or a website of your business, you need to absolutely use solutions of shared internet web hosting.
Difference in between shared and cost-free web hosting
As described previously mentioned, extremely typically free web hosts insert their adverts in the type of banners or pop-ups. Website visitors of your website won't be pleased with it as it is broadly identified that ads are annoying, specially the pop-up types. For that reason, if your objective is to draw in the viewers who are inclined to go to your website routinely, coming back once again and once more in a working day, a 7 days, a thirty day period and not just shutting your useful resource in five seconds right after obtaining to your initial page, then decide on internet hosting with no advertisements.
What is much more, with totally free web hosts you can only count on this kind of area as your_internet site.host.com. Such domain will rarely affect the popularity of your website in a constructive way it will faster hurt its graphic, specifically if it truly is a company's internet site.
"Why aren't the pictures loading up?" -Assistance Services will give you with answers for these kinds of concerns. It is definitely needed to have 1 simply because very good services assistance really speeds up the issue-fixing procedure. ninety% of shared internet internet hosting companies have satisfactory service help and only ten% of totally free internet hosting companies have a single.
Not every single totally free hosting can boast this kind of companies as their own CGI-BIN directory, or the assist of Perl, PHP, MYSQL, Cron, SSH, Telnet and a lot of other folks. And even if correct now your world wide web source requirements none of these, this kind of a necessity could show up in the nearest future with the progress of your web site. With time you will also want far more and a lot more disc place. Free internet hosts generally give you one-a hundred Mb although shared net hosts give one-5000 Mb for your web site.
So, the bottom line is as follows.
If you have just a property web page or a little website about your passions, go for a cost-free internet web hosting with out uncertainties. But ahead of choosing a particular internet hosting you must:
establish the disc space quantity you are heading to need to have, using into thing to consider further growth of your resource
determine whether or not you need to have the assist of scripts, whether or not it truly is required to have a file manager or you will do just good employing ftp-accessibility, whether you need a site-generator
feel over the area name. It need to be short and easy to remember.
determine your mindset as to host's adverts: whether or not you are from it or not
When you are done with all these items, remove all the hosts that do not meet your specifications. I would advise you to check out out the loading speed of web sites positioned at hosting providers that suit your requirements. And then you just choose the host with the the very least crowded channels.
I individually recommend freehostia.com. They give:
250 MB Disk Space
six GB Bandwidth
five Domains Hosted
+ one MySQL Database
+ 1-click Application Installs
FTP obtain. Assistance of PHP, Perl, Python, SSI and a lot a lot more. There is also a catalogue of ready-made scripts with a probability to adapt the design and style to your web site - the optimum selection for a beginning webmaster.
Shared Web hosting
Some may say that shared web hosting is expensive, but it really is just a fantasy. Its prices fluctuate from one to 50 dollars a month depending on the established of services and methods provided. In a natural way shared internet hosting isn't going to have the disadvantages of the totally free one particular.
Even so, shared web web hosting vendors vary according to the selection and top quality of solutions. Here are some conditions that will information you in your decision of the shared web host:
A host need to not put hard restrictions on site visitors. At the very least there must be a probability to pay if you exceed the restrict, but the pay need to not be too higher.
If you want ASP, FrontPage Server, MSSQL, then you should be looking for a web internet hosting on NT-server and the host itself should give these companies. Normally, you'd much better choose UNIX-internet hosting.
It is attractive that a host should provide Perl, SSI, PHP, MYSQL...
Apart from disc space a host need to offer mail. Make confident it handles the solutions of ingoing and outgoing mail. Occasionally it occurs so that a host provides you with e-mail addresses and not with e-mail packing containers. In this circumstance all your mail will be redirected to the e-mail box you've indicated, which will hamper your work.
A hosting supplier ought to have its support services - working 24/seven by means of e-mail as effectively as by way of phone (fax). Inquire them some queries - a very good internet hosting service provider will answer you within 24 several hours. If they maintain ignoring you, or if there is no help service at all, hold absent from this kind of hosts.
Examine out what legal rights you are likely to exercising as to handling the server. As a least, you must have FTP-access to your catalogue - it will allow you to carry out required steps when forwarding, editing or deleting files. It would be recommended that a host had internet interface to work with your server and your account.
If you are an skilled consumer, then it is attractive that a host supplied telnet-access - you will be capable to work with the provider's personal computer practically on the very same degree as with your personal one.
Daily archiving (creating reserve copies) of your website is a massive gain as effectively.
Very good internet hosting is fast world wide web internet hosting. The considerably less crowded the provider's servers and channels are - the much better. Minimal bandwidth must be no considerably less than Pentium III-800 Mhz with 512 RAM
It is very good exercise for a net hosting provider to have their bodily address and some other information
Before last but not least distributing the payment, get acquainted with Net evaluations of other users about this host
Definitely, it really is by considerably not a comprehensive checklist of all the requirements according to which a single must decide on a net internet hosting company. But if a host satisfies all the specifications pointed out previously mentioned, you can commence functioning with them.
Watch for this great internet website hosting package - web hosting. You could also check here Web Hosting
0 notes
addcrazy-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Add Crazy
New Post has been published on https://addcrazy.com/the-upward-push-of-esports-in-better-education/
The upward push of eSports in better education
For the reason that first online game opposition became hosted at Stanford University in 1972, the sector of gaming has come to an extended manner, with eSports gaming championships now attracting millions of fans and expert game enthusiasts being capable of the tour at the same visas as seasoned athletes.
Nowadays, 28 US universities realize eSports varsity programs. The University of California, Irvine, has these days opened a three,500 square feet eSports location, and a growing quantity of establishments are imparting gaming scholarships.
Victor Xin started setting up eSports competitions even as a pupil at the College of Toronto (“I wasn’t the excellent player, but I loved it…”), and nearly 10 years later set up Canada’s first eSports scholarship at the College. He hopes that his scholarship will show to gamers that their sports are valued, despite the fact that he recognizes that there is likely to be a grievance that it’s far paying students to play video games.
“This isn’t always simply an athletics scholarship where you may flunk out of college and nonetheless receives a commission,” he insisted, emphasizing that the candidate would be required to illustrate leadership and get proper grades to hold their scholarship.
Josh Williams, founding father of the United Kingdom’s Countrywide College eSports League – which pulls competition from extra than a hundred and twenty universities – defined putting in place the league as the “herbal issue” to do: “University offers you this allegiance to a particular team and the society structure and pupil union help offer mechanisms that allow us to play.”
In the United kingdom, representatives from the Countrywide Union of students have lobbied British Universities and Faculties Game (BUCS) – the Countrywide governing frame for collegiate Game – to request that eSports are known as a respectable Game, and similar discussions are taking place in North The united states. but complications preserve over eSports’ loss of institutionalization and it being “dependent upon a product this is owned with the aid of product publishers”, consistent with Michael Brooks, director of strategic partnerships for the Countrywide Association of Intercollegiate Athletics.
Meanwhile, eSports is also rising as a subject of the educational hobby.
The Communique University of China, Beijing, has these days announced an undergraduate fundamental in eSports control starting this 12 months. Inside the US, the College of South Carolina is supplying lessons at the eSports industry, and the College of California, Berkeley and the University of Florida have based quick guides round method in the game StarCraft.
“It’s difficult to attend a sports activities control [academic] convention without seeing as a minimum one eSports presentation on the agenda,” stated Seth Jenny, assistant professor In the branch of bodily schooling, Recreation and human performance at Winthrop College, South Carolina. He stated that extra lecturers are taking eSports severely, but many magazine editors continue to be “hesitant” to submit papers at the difficulty.
Besides attracting hobby Within the fields of fitness and sports control, the hyperconnected eSports community can also be taken into consideration a sociological spectacle.
Lovers interact at once, however distantly, with players via live streaming and throughout “The Worldwide” 2016 – a championship for the game Dota 2 – a $20 million (£sixteen.06 million) prize pool become raised completely via crowdfunding.
“The complete idea of internet-born sports, the groups, the attitude, the sociological thing of what’s going on, this is the form of paradigm as a way to define the following couple of many years and our generation,” stated Mr. Williams. “It’s a fascinating phenomenon and there are masses of different thrilling components to it.”
Ingo Froböse, a professor on the Germany sports College Cologne, who has spent years analyzing the body structure of eSports athletes, said the reaction of different lecturers to his work has been advantageous.
“In my experience, medical research can help to overcome certain prejudices and gain social attractiveness,” Professor Froböse said. “If a University commits to a subject like eSports, it needs to be greater than a short-term phenomenon.”
higher education and Society
institutions of education, and the system of which they are a part face a host of unheard of challenges from forces in society that affect and are stimulated via those very establishments and their communities of newcomers and educators. Among these forces are sweeping demographic modifications, shrinking provincial budgets, revolutionary advances in facts and telecommunication technologies, globalization, competition from new academic providers, marketplace pressures to form instructional and scholarly practices towards earnings-driven ends, and increasing demands and pressures for essential modifications in public coverage and public accountability relative to the role of higher education in addressing urgent troubles of communities and the society at big. Each person of these challenges could be great on their very own, however, collectively they increase the complexity and issue for training to preserve or develop the essential work of serving the general public appropriately.
through a forum on education, we can agree to Strengthening the connection among better education and society will require a huge-based effort that encompasses all of the schooling, now not just individual institutions, departments, and institutions.
Piecemeal answers can most effective go thus far; techniques for trade must be knowledgeable with the aid of a shared vision and a set of not unusual objectives. A “movement” approach for change holds extra promise for transforming instructional subculture than the winning “organizational” approach.
A mobilizing alternate would require strategic alliances, networks, and partnerships with an extensive range of stakeholders within and past training.
The commonplace agenda is mainly designed to guide a “movement” technique to alternate via encouraging the emergence of strategic alliances Amongst individuals and companies who care about the position of higher schooling in advancing the ideals of a various democratic machine thru education practices, relationships, and provides to society.
A common time table
The common schedule is intended to be a “residing” file and an open method that guides collective action and getting to know Among committed companions within and outside of better training. As a dwelling report, the not unusual agenda is a group of focused pastime aimed toward advancing civic, social, and cultural roles in society. This collaboratively created, carried out, and centered common time table respects the range of pastime and programmatic foci of individuals, establishments, and networks, in addition to acknowledges the commonplace interests of the entire. As an open process, the common schedule is a structure for connecting work and relationships around commonplace interests that specialize in the academic function in serving society. Various modes of aligning and amplifying the commonplace paintings inside and beyond education may be provided inside the commonplace schedule method.
This approach is understandable formidable and precise in its motive and application. In the long run, the not unusual timetable challenges the device of higher training, and people who view training as essential to addressing society’s pressing troubles, to behave deliberately, collectively, and virtually on an evolving and huge set of commitments to society. Currently, four broad trouble areas are shaping the focus of the not unusual schedule: 1) Building public knowledge and guide for our civic assignment and moves; 2) Cultivating networks and partnerships; three) Infusing and reinforcing the fee of civic responsibility into the subculture of better training institutions; and 4) Embedding civic engagement and social duty Within the shape of the training machine
vision We have a vision of higher education that nurtures person prosperity, institutional responsiveness and inclusivity, and societal health by means of promoting and practising getting to know, scholarship, and engagement that respects public desires. Our universities are proactive and aware of urgent social, ethical, and financial problems going through our groups and extra society. Our students are humans of integrity who embody variety and are socially responsible and with politeness engaged during their lives.
assignment The purpose of the common schedule is to provide a framework for organizing, guiding and speaking the values and practices of training relative to its civic, social and economic commitments to a numerous democratic gadget.
I believe social justice, ethics, educational equity, and societal change for positive results are fundamental to the paintings of better education. We do not forget the relationship among groups and schooling establishments to be based on the values of equally, appreciate and reciprocity, and the work in training to be interdependent with the opposite institutions and people in society.
We are able to are searching for and depend on enormous partnerships with all sorts of establishments and committed individuals inside and outside of higher education.
We recognize the interconnection of politics, electricity, and privilege. The common schedule isn’t always for higher training to self-serve, however, to “stroll the talk” relative to espoused public dreams. We understand the commonplace timetable as a dynamic residing document and count on the activities it encompasses to change over the years.
THE commonplace schedule FRAMEWORK The general framework for the commonplace agenda is represented In the following diagram. it’s far clear that even as desires and motion gadgets are organized and aligned inside positive issues areas, there may be giant overlap and complementarity the various problems, dreams and movement gadgets. Additionally, following each action object are names of those who devoted to function “point people” for that unique object. A listing of “point humans,” with their organizational association(s) is blanketed with the commonplace agenda.
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